V E I BMA ma no 118 Wood Et., near corner of Fifth. Governmeni securities, ' Gold, Silver, , • A:nd Coupons MMUS and sold ea Ilbersl WWI& Drafts sold o all elm pthrslnal dsl o f JAS. T. BRADT, & Bankers, fieener feurih is Wood itereta, =IT AND ETES ALL WWII 07 30VERNMIST SECURITIES. I. =I AIM GOLD ISOND Ot 1M; • otber !mum tatlailas 3o's PC al . writs of t-a s, I /0. . SM o 6 npl o dur4t ,eoVso's TO . HOLDIMS OF 7-my& spidak arraitallatqUi FI LL coacalls.e eta C,co., asprwasep to cosTert IMirs 1210 SWP of 316 bowls ea Haab bre Dollvaiw. IBA 8., MAY & CO., 33.61,333mareg 00/1113 ?MTN AND IIiNITUDBLD 7.30 3310013303 00111111:11MD 1370 5-20 BONDS, 1865, wrizotri MUM. r flg=t i r s tlaid i r . eomaltdoz b Diewr ROBINSON BROS., = elf liittshr Gaytit EINANg#I AND TRADE Oorrom ow ram Prrrarrrook Mummy / WZDEIMIDAY, geptorabot 4, Ike i The Now York otook guotatlono today, sr tooolyod by fir. B. Matz. wen as fellows 11:1415, 113%; Zlghty-oos bond.. 11134; Ilya Twontles, - . IBM 1:1451,1 Niro Tworttlos, INK 1307(1 Pin' Twkotloo. 1/416. 1 Ilqr 620 Coasols,loeMrSoivoThlrOok,lol.,;(,ClsM Teo Nokias, Cog. Stooks— Erie Roalroa24 114,1, •Clarsuut a • intuburgh. 8610 Calosso and Nook Mood. /0454031d05ag0 awl Northwestern, AGM Ckloolto and Northwestern 36000614, 71: - /hat Nano Balltoad.10%; Ittollksa Swathe= aX; Now York Central; lOON(.; Nuolow. 100341 Wost,am tidos Tolowroph Co., Ohl sad iffloolulppl .oaNdeztet. NA; Moth; shuns-Corydon. 1,431 Orogory, 6,40; guarti 11114 1,00. Smith & Patfmalae, 8,60. 00141 opened at 111%, declined to IAS4, bu angienly nos up to ILIN. appareutlY, Trithool any plausible carom Cash gold ts sari IniantY, though./hit Goselltmant has raaneed the amount of /to dolly sales to the actual need for amstorri hamar puma.. The nod., tonnof the asarkat, homiest...ls In favor of higher rates, ' • and swim thirsts an Increasof damn:a for oar mane. from Europe, the prasalons mom • - anonsarlly. adirsnea. Clowagnmant assortUag ant bold drat tat tho gold bonds, bat love, quotaUem are timde for the FIT. Twenties. . The Mock market I. eery Inactive, though the leading Moeks hamlet! adv.aad under an tmpretidon that the meet dleldeads will to lerier on all the through route.. New Took Central, :Fort Wayne, Northwestern,. Ede, Rank Itland and Ohio and rilalsalpot are all 34 per Nati:higher thut yestardey. Maine shares to. Meade, The market In legal stock. cud bungle le not ray lively, but cult. e. to Wheat& at small ooneeraions.. Ai will be 'ie., by referent. to advertise melt, the Triumph OH Company announces ametter- monddy ntlrldend of fine per ener Without epeakuhr dlelmtaginglY of others, the •frinsiphoertatoy Mande at - the head of the net of this Omer of meruitimang we relators the emielden, willhant Gil Of eaatradethm, that eultribeded more =wry among ita *Lock. holders than any othm orgardzatlon or eorpo- ' , ration to this place dining th e gear If C. At , Ude Tate of dividends, the Ithimbeldste aril; . moon' have all ' ihoney bank. The greet mimit el _Ms compeers success Lb: ' Met tlist Its Incense le Lugs, antenses light,and ' It. agates aro manse* intelligently and tea (fleeing New York qietations feeetired by „Teams T. Brady L 00, V. S. Slge/4111fll .• • • 110 , • Ut ' • 1000 • 10.1011_ t.iltimede. rt ' in g :7 l4" . ... • i t elk 11.1 7.11 - 1311•82 • lees —The Now York Evening POI map: "The erecta of the sweat 'abeitiva attempt to put down goventment seenrUles w atW vielblit at tim Stook. Zed:Lanza. in chit asgantime OA DA -- Anal Waimea Implicated, M buy. tip whet bonds :Aber Santo.£oWl Mein outstanding engage- =I • Which brae boon 'made by the clique and by .• `rator peso of datum the part Cortaight there int Iraiial• rumor' agora, but the stemmata je probably several atilllOos, of which the greater prat halm no' doabt bran . bOaght In. Effotts Are malting, ma, to Induce Hr. IlloCut '. lough to laisraltice Mn. Mamas which well dlaturti the moray tionhat. Shoals* any Win vwf tat thra doeldOrad. tral Mocalators anti. • aerate they maj be able to IMPOrmo Mum amarttles,, and thus to ma themaelyes • part of thrar prospect/To • , ' —Trout Hone*, Ber.k Boyle'. semiannual , Statiatles of tn. Copper maize C0.P.d...1 La. we learn that the .hole amount pad In throueh arassaments la lit,. ftwitli, and that Oh. whole amount of stash Mr. moots Is ficeecuce. ttomparing this matement with that of 00. Telt age. It will be ram that Abe amount of assraomoots levied and pald dor. .• log lb. Tar amount to the raormons ram of wecooseo, addle tra ,esall Maldonado drains the same pettod, - o trims:WM:ly to the low pan of ~ragot cooper, moonlit only to 1110.000. - v —The Boston Ybst, of frasday. soya Hue. tun tracletho past week has been modoratesy settee, but lull hardly Gomel up to pmetrata anticlpatiras, Tito siry goods market Mum. • M W* ll t=ostia.. W,. cap= La be % tra y . more radaratlon Is rammed, as the OMNI ad. iranoes. Woolen goods Lamy no improvemaat to price, aithongh they are begioning to nova more Imody. Toe hoot and shoo trod. is ram. I=lmeorse q : l44 lb* hulk whstit2;er'atom er, bey! Jug quite fLery. • " • • --A week ar to ago notlood the fast that D. A. tloodrich, at Mirage., elesaltiatod by aha handsome reward at .as per head for rash lud aroused himself to the foot that too Meson of Trade there was daily violating tha taw 47 benne antra to be delivered at s rotate day the senors st, the One not owning the gmlo Shish they raised to dallrer, and .thas, scoop:has to the wording of a moat belneyerablerm”.how he hastesneed Bra ar rest on %Mame of shoot !dozen of the prowl nom diadem, sad bad them tomd ono us ap• Par at um Ilsmotdat's oourt Par trial. Tao - Hood at trade am.eratly welted. rad propos. to, try 0110 lawn the other tido also, mph what Malt. we shall probably In due time 't Chleseo Tim., haying accused Mr. CrooMigh of erattonosty In the mrarsethot ego. r -Boras bra anad the mu Jon memo. He to sold to hare wastrant7st oym • hundred Pula dealers, sad if mats his IWO toward . from each of Matra, thla tedmoi drawls, Bo Intl hare mute a good tams In tocoming the law's rrasoser. rzrzsecnsenimrsoLzoitm.asucss • Oeslcre fir ewe Yrrratuses Weal Mar. September., than i CRT:DS—The musket was wale eanalderabir negated 'Peden but like the 'day preseang, tUn was but httle done. OM buten and sellers mead tiot get tote ker. There were °Eon to . tell at MO for all Oa, sellers, option, aatrof. "ga.sa boy “ 114000 a al way be quoted at Iktio—wds, unn bbll 04 1 14$ Prise-4..• hold. as asking the area Irk The adyper from the art Wag naarotehlik wakened the market • Unlade thti aterusen—made holders anus sallous ter sallskked buyerslaw salve about taking hole. There you • Lilo of SO toble spot oil at tee, bat returned. but teak al toga not hare been purchased below 1234 e, and tui, we hew. afatede stared, maay Judders demanded 13e. We had no atlases from 011 City to-day. hot, we presume." 11. et knees there main about the same as on Tuesday. • 11EFIPTED—There wee comae:al:4 excite. rant la the market for bonded al to-ley, but the only sale matted ma INN blds for Sep terabw, buyer.. option, et kny tam was a We of Soo Obis each Oar Noseto. bee and Delember. at 113301 and we =demised that there was als9 a sae of loW bbl. for I* amber at the woe lignne. It Wu reported that. lesausber had beea mold la New York this Wawa at 164,MA In the atasoma, ruder the Inteerwe a • Mews, •, reports troth 'Europe, eke waist auleted down couldetably, and ft Ina itatathat ale war the best are, that could • obtalaed for opie. cal --Sire. the above war put in thpe, then weir sale, of lea able epee erode, et 1134 e, and a es. Ma tasted LOW inlhe avenlag latiotod Ant. warp u 0134 fc.elr. an eeeneee of I num. TM. *ll neubi.lithe put • different Wm on th. market to-atom!. • aim 02T1000011.01 . 14 A. V. N. Lookart t Fromm, Rota rellso4 to Worlag.. . Mo. POILIONPOIO . B BL Bo 00 6 =do da, to P. Wiltht Soto. Jos. B.nst yiDlsln. Jr. ZOO do do. to Y. 1)01000.h. Y Poe. Ya 01 . 0 It 00. Litt do, to. r.. 4. Ats. worth a 004 ftaiewlable. • on. IINIZPID LIT 71.0111 111:1411111 /MOT. Mitchinson Oil rot Co, 71 Mile ray to W. Ct. Warden Ptillatialphisi amen/ do,to L. Wiloon Oa. kM. Co o ZSB do do, to A. P. k• on a Bon, Philadelphia. • natal* • Ipirranonrarn, Itaptaniber natal ingrain was Mbar dull an. wink; sad prbes wan unstated .ad • /Owsr. - Abritit inn wityrd and son at In Anna Mont Vadat Awe Ivo* tor intro Penna. nod lrootarn tapas for far to nowt doa and MU f....ppot, as to quality. Tatt Maner sloiled uly ~aelthts Os non nags of stoop wen doll.) nal bead awned sad partly Wald nation lOW Palle f =1 , 117 " 0.111/0 it r tl2l7:gi Ikon Tord ssfrom olowkim ;et fop DiTadt, fan Latter for pries cora bd. • JANES MIZELL & SON, 69 and 10 Water tilUaat, LARD OIL IiANUFACTIIREIto, I.md dealers ta LONNICA.TiNG sad C6318 - 924 - , ?* . ts: No:1 1.411)11 b --,. mut to the lota Dropout roTonlcs tg.etalatt or Ch..... • eur Tto. • L. 4 011 IS • Lubriesior eaanot be Ottek tlctet La.... .4 ttan4.l... ot Car Don Ol tanuy.ork baud. Itcreb.t. and , taa. facttirres .114. It to ebetr Lard mravg..v.... • • fel. il= 0/1101.07 TlMPrresnrilteirCiikere., .WEDNISIDAT. September 4.144. Tke general market. =tinne dull and there Is but little prospect at , mama of any Imm. diets • improvement. _Their is no materiel change to note in salon, With the exception of Core. whisk L beading upward, In rnucipo. non of •short crop. We are In hopes, how ever, that the predictlorn In regard toe short crop are oat well founded, notwitheondmit there hos been • breath Inmany totalities to the Warn, and that time will develop the fact there will be • good ,If not • full overage sup. Or. GRAlN—There is a steady demand for prime Penni. and Ohio .Red at 110.20(12,21. Corn is demand somewhat excited. and price. are ten. ding upward; pole of I car Dame Yellow at $l4O. Rader is in good demand and prime Spring may be quote* at 111,1241,11. Oils utiles and, unhanded—city be quoted at .043510 on track, end 5541010 metort•—sale of I car to be delivered this month. seller's option. at 400. Rye Is quoted at e1,rne1,25. FLOUR—The market continues dull and weak, and while the demand is restricted manly. to .upplying the immediate wants of the retail trade, plice• ore without qUotable ehooso. We continue to quote at 110@10.10 for Spring Wheat; e10,75ihr1,25 for Winter ...Shear, and {13014 for fancy band.. The sup. althoosh light, is folly upiniha demand. Rye Flour I. quoted At 07.70438. PROVISIONS—Bacon Is Arm and • ohmic higher, with • continled fair jobbing demand. We antrquote 011.414 i for Shoulder.; la for Ribbed and lee for Clear Sides,ond 21.3,1(g220 for Sager Cured Hams. Laid and Alma Palk dull and unchanged. GREEN' APPLES—The market continues elec./tasty dull, with • aapply considerably In earns of the demand; email sales at V. to 1j.3 per bbl. PEACREg—SaIa today at 02422,60 per box forgo./ to choice. EGOS—Primo fresh pocked Ergs continue In good demand imminent at 1641170, and sup. tip light, IWITEE—Thero Is a contlnued good do mend for prime fresh pall and Orkta Sutter, and prices are malotain►d at Common packed 1 very doll. • SWEET POT/LACES—SaIes of Marietta at Ite Per bbl, and Jerseys it sG—euPnlY MAY—Is dull but unchanged—sales at scales et but' per ton. SEEDS—Timothy . Seed Is wiling in small lota at. $2,61432,11. klavveed is tv.ted, and while Wall le the nominal price, we have no doubt a round lot would tiring 52,15, or even 12.40. No nufentent Id Clover Seed. CHEME—Le unctunged a!t. 123443160, ac aordlog to quality. OIL-Lard 011 it stIU quoted Ifo. atm:llllAS for No. 1. ' New York Preens Markel. fßyTeJegreph to-the tittsbureh Batetle.7 New teak, September 4.—Cotton a shade antler; sales 800 bales middling uplands at y bu t Floor; remnants 11,642 Masi o re m lOU., but tomb an gad; superfine State and Western, 06.7507.75 t extra Wen t j,.ll.ll ) ..6 l ;l!arilttL i tw nu er; .74 LOUD bbla at 011.000.15,50. Eye Flour, 115.L1. Whiskey quiet and st.dy,• axles 405 bide Western at .77,0 bk, In bond. Wheat; receipts &Lai; sal. 2.1,003 M ic e mber Southern at 12„344,0.35; amber gan St li; amber State, 015114411 34; amber 013 . 1n,17.,51; white Ca1if0ra.,15 , 55: white Michigan. gl,si. Bye quiet; salve 2,000 b. ate 1,4101,45 for West. ern, and 11.51 for Stale. • Barley 111111. Malt in moderate demand; sates Oka bus at 01,10 411,53. Corn without' decided change; en ceinte Katt bus; males 113,10) b 1.1e4,0 1,17 , 4 for new mixed Western adoa t , 0141 004 for Inferior to good instore, and 01,13 01.15 for unsound do. Oats firmer; receipts Malt; sales Za.ooo km; old Western, Glarlitie.; moutheret. agleam 0010 and Chicago, Mame. Coal Mania; and unchanged. Wool, arm; 350,00 pounds; domestic fleeces, 400,17 c; nulled 103.5 c. Leather arm. engem quiet; 750 bb d.; Cuba, /1401214 a MOhl4l,P, Petroleum firm; Ma Mile, at 13t4tflic for crude; zNant for reined bond. Bons, on. changed. Pork, drown bbls; New mess, ir.3,4.5070, cicalae at CZ: St for regular; obi, do. Ith7s; mime, 435. and prime mess, t-' 74. Beef, arm; 103 bble et price. Beef hams Una. Bacon. needy; 10,11 0 Pa; /be cared short ribbed, 15 , 4 c in bulk., and 50.4.00 ale dry salted shoulder, at 10;0 In balk. • Cut meats.steady; 1,14 pacitege.; ehoulders, $111401155, and lame, ismit-)z. Lard, Kameda; Onlo, 110.8. Cheese, quI.I; TOM O- riAlelta to Lleerpma .1011 and lower. Engsgetcenth ; P,4th bush. Corn;2l, 11 per 5•, Seiclaßart per &C.c.s, Larsa7-Ilour closed steady for old, and heavy and oeollnlng for apse. Wheat dud end without any Mange. Bye quiet at 0140 01,45 for new western. Data dull. at 450 BM for new 437.i0ag0 and than. Corn quiet and steady, at 41,/1C1,15 for new talked western In store, awl 0,1101,17 afloat, and the demand chiefly for enethiettort and the eastern market. Pork &Clive, at 030 fur roeu; Mat/ for regal... Beef quiet and steady. CuL meats arm, with • fair de mand. Bacon Quiet andsteady. Lard Mall, at 15!4011370 for fair to prime steam. and 1.1740 ter /maths rendered. tlnelanall 31ary et. [By telegraph to the Vittsintret (Isaacs.] Cieriagavi. Sept. 4.—Flonr unchanged" add Bras, with a fair demand; family we 1e,50. Wheat was held more firmly bat no advance was established; No. 1 rod sold at SI 15, and No.a2 at at.lo. Corn very scarce Rid advanced to e 1,1001,12. and the eupply not near equal to the demand. Oats in ac tive demand, at COldelc. mooing rather quiet. Bye steady, itt 61.15C1.M. Donley unatimg. ed and steady, at e1,n1Q1,23. Cotton Ural, bus the prices are michanged: middling 14 C 51 4 ,40. Whisky firm, et M. 12 in bond. Mess pock active and all to be had at SM,SO was taken; holden at the close asked 1r.8.7519121 Balk meats active and higbar, and all offer. ed at 17414 c for :Moulders and tides taker. , holders at the clOeu asked Ulf gliß4c. and In some Cases even higher. Bacon le blither; etionlders att.% 01B , (c. and clear rin Wes at 113.. m Clear *ldea at. 1tg,,, , ,(M7e. The demand is cr eatin g and Is from use west and month; all the sales are for future delivery, that is to come mit of smoke, there being n one in market ready for delivery. Barns nneltangod. Lard firm aai salesai' WO 1.. at 8T... and net must: emitted. Mater unchanged, at r3fild fur fresh. Eggs steady, atualge. the latter, for selected. Ches.+ dull, at 101 , 4Bilic. Linseed oil firm; at t1,"4, though t h e market is quiet Tinder the decline In New York. Flax said arin, m,1002,15. Gold 111% buying: the Market is arm. The weather can unlace del and , hot; thermometer this afternoon aegreet, - Chicago Merkel. thr Telegraph to thp Intubergn Gazette Catosio, September S.—The flour market IS quiet, Dupers generally Insisted on • re. domino of. /D 0122; lothes aro meagre, . 1 120.01212,2 S for common to choice grades of mane aml whater extra; aften,so for pring eal2a. Wheat steady...m.l a shade firmer Weis at 551,7101,73 for :in 1 poring. and.al,o2 01.0514 tor No 2 do:SI:A(21,SO for Nod. clot. Mg gm at outside ngures. Corn firm end it o d ,' ,lF,t; f,,11"4, 6pocnlatlfo and and 510 for No 2; Coos' moss fairly amtvo .11 2341/1,t40. 0.fr....2 , 40 Manor; sale-S of 125. 000 husk at 451246t4c; closlng at tunable prices. Ilse Is In good request and 140 higher - mac. of No'l at IMI Earley steady aed fairly actin; at al,b;(21,10 for No 2 Pro. ,Istoas active, Oscan pork sold at ..M.2513 5Z1,60. Dry salted ehoulders,llm and clear entas,lsc. loose. Freigtts active at a as , cline of % t ongettements at 7%050 for vrbeLt.dtPit for corn CO Dollen, Ito actors-2.1W 0010 flour; 23,1130 Mull wheat; 03.200 bush corn; 42,00 bus oats. Shipments —4pa/IDb flour. 40,W, bush wheat; MAW host co:moi 1 :0X; boa oats. Toledoaarket. (By Trle{mpli to the Plttshurge Gazette} Tos.ano, September 4.—Floor; receipts of 1.174 barrels; th e market is dull and Moors tell. Wheat; receipts of 0,687 bushels; white js Ye lower, and amber opened le lower, but redcreeredlo. at the close, and Fr. l l4. l . 6 `,:extz,.`;;":kb:;"illtr:.l. Z. h ape 4.04; amber to arrive be tho lsth, $5,09'; No. 1 Spring, $1.04, and No . /Spring at $1,73;4 marketom 1 . 41r1011 elf 1,313 bushels; the for No is unchanged; No 11. le betters with eaten of No f Wabash at 01.0 et Not Wabash at CM; lilleNlitan yellow, eiRl4 and salsa or No I, for all September, at $1 01. Oates receipts of 16.00 bushels; the mutat 14 doll Sort /Ka lower, with sales of No 1 at Ma Bye; 'receipts et Sro bushels; the mar. belle held at ILIA for No I. Barley Is nom inal at 41,0$ for No 1. Lake frelghts are dull, at Shie on cora and 40 on wheat 07 at.= to Buffalo. ===l • MI Telegraph to tke Pittsburgh llacette.l Clatmeceen,o.. kept. 4.—Flour; the market. 1a Arm Doub l e nged rolle following Qum tattoos: aura winter Si 0,:.1.01 10,50;iloublecztra amber $11,25U11,30; cloutnn extra White k 12,250 I 2.W. Wheat: recelpte light and thernarket erm, at k.,15 for No. 1 red winter and 1i , 302,01 for Nu.: do. Corn eirtel sad in good demand on tha apot and tor future delivery; held at 11(.117 for No. le 1 Lzal. Oats etcadv and nominally uo oboe gdl and dm, at 47get5c for No. l ante. Nye Arta and gouty. No. 1 held at 61,2.1. barley steady and . u.haegted at locust for State and a1,01,1u for No. 1. par, Jam Rate 1;1 , 4 g prime Fight straw to ifitiltjallPtirtibonewilttaltt sellers ' : Met 110/dOll are demanding :km., New Tork Art lived. Haittet. r E , T 0.„,,,t, to the Pittsburgh derette.l New Yong, gootomber 4.—The Weather le delightful. Trades actMe and briceslirm, With fow exceptlium.- ilioexcept:eve being no guide tbu Market. For Instancy. kw cases Hamilton, W, Dilute were run °lye. terday at 144 c. They wer, blimmtlimblY stytub though pretty. SMOG /HAL mason old regular make. of prints are ec tlvo at lbe for standard makes, 154 C for Sprague. and Paellek and Ino for Comma. .Ttie rollowing good went blackboard.] today by leading bonsem Indian Orchard brown mullion, brand, lie; do F, 14%. do A, ibe, and 44 Lanham bleached muslin Mc. " • • 111111mialme Zarkot. . LBlTaltinDik b tele rifle:mush I.l.ettc.l Missal:ma& Sept. 4.—Yloor doll; double eatra Mt) , 12.:20/9.12p10 country 23,00e2,72. Wheat .sure 21,74174704 for No. I and SIP N 0...." Oats Armor at 42044 c for 1 awl 418454 for No. 2. Corn qUlet. at 94a for No. I. Yrolithts steady; Par steam to Itueato Soi pea sail to Dawes° Itonelpts-2Xo Wtrtels Coors 44,000 Gnat wheat; SAW bosh mut I,WO bosh eon, tiolotaxnts-4.70U bar rels goon 5205ga bosh Wheat; 3011 bum oats. • Banteelores /Market. (pi ralainepti to the rlttebrughtlesette. jur,Trmoan, September 4.—Cotrao le nom unahanged. r/Our le doll and un changed. Wboit II Merely AL tulow.i.r.o for prima to Chown. Corn; wont, ei,L6{/t,16, and yatlaw . „ 111.2.101;4 . Ora., 6066.50. Eye, 111PU1.33. Provision. are Tory arm. - Bacon tandoopeetrde and I. held at an advance of )oi. Bulk meat. are vary hrm. Skies are vary/Wm' Mem York le quiet...l un changed. Initekv , le unchanged. Market. Tat/graph to the Pittaborge eateepo Denser... September 4. — Floor le more be. 'llve maid Armor at SISMISUM for obelee semi:toe White vilest Pantie. - Wbeat awl awl PPM 01SW for NO. /. trilltiouta elcolap =UMW, et 3Qls lowa. Flnanebl Matters to Hew Turk, 0014 =see& 5t11.1%. [Br TehltrePh to the Plttelmrgh Ettwole.) ===lE Money is allay at percent. for all 'cans. Sterling steady at 934119 , ./. for fleet elses bills. Gold armor. oValleg at 111.1.1, declining to 111%, and cloning at 11. Y The eni)Ort of specie to-day was a 114400. GOTriti 'MT STOCKS Are actlve nod steady: Coup°. Ul5 ; do 11454: do '64. TY3X, do '63. 'nye do DOI" 'eau; co Na t ION: 7-ax, nest ierie. 10734, .; Pa and 3d sanbclo734.l MK= Ire:pram; today. but imbsequuttly the sd. Yence was lost and they CICOOdILINI4Y: 1144196:am x. press 7 . 2 Coluld !tats{ dl; We, et,nts , Won 17: Quicksilver do Yell 1443(4914414% antic:we , ;W. &i r e '' , 77, "Weliennlet,fiesnVl ing 104401 Ohio I:m4loost.* 2%099: Wobesti 41151, 49; St, Paul, 491:41 pmf. rre a gif ;4d794. 140 %; M. S. W.; Plttstaxl4 5, t04,1 0 4=11 , 34; Sack /Land teirea. MT Fort Wayne las+AP ugl i p r. " IMMO STOOL; Are steads: Corydon 1360140; Ma-mon 960: Bnatt I Parmelee 660; Adensenderler 10,75; Gregory 610. arß-mastra Amount to 63,910,993; i paymentSZCZIPTO s, AC31,497; balance. $111,9.13,919. • I===! , car Telegraph to the Ildshureh thwattel 1 •Wr. Loma Sept. 4.—Tobacco active and rin changed. Bemis quiet at 111,800140 for rbolte totdrewed. Cotton nommal. Floor low grades a shade lower; choice drat and unchanged; fall stmerdee $8,0007,m; extra $ 7,7308,40 i double extra $0,75010, 75; triple do and Saucy ellen. Wheat heavy and lower, ttl i ?oTrifin g e o lgl i fitZ g' ,.X.t ° 4 ' .llh. l l3l3 white. Corn unchanged. ranging no 5 1 . 0 30 lan. Oats firm at.hildeta Elm steady at 5i,1301,10. Barley nem at •14001,18 for spring and MX01,70 for fall. Hew Pork mead,. at 024,50. Bacon higher at I7!L0174o for clear aides and IngfelSlo for shoulders. So Cored Llama Me. Lard better, at LIG MO In tierce. and LVio In kegs. Whisky easier at 01,11 for free. Itendide—Plour 3,N01 barrel.; wheat 11.072 itake; corn 9.3.50 ; i.. eackstoats UPI busk; ry Wabash. weather clear and worm. New Orleasis Steckel. My Telegraph to the PAtts argil tiasette.l gm Oarmage,Septem l: viten dull; low middling 24.2114 as of bales; re ceipts 113 bales. . king and hisses one changed. Tobacco gu t and changed. Flour dulland depressed ; an trine $l3" choice extra 110011. Corn dull; Laectill:kli white and yellow SIX. Oats 4 at 61070 e. Pork in request and held firm; round tots vex.. Bacon active; ahoulders 4101 clear tildes 1730. 'Lard firm at 13X0140 tot Mania and 14;, , ,g1150 for keg aoid 14IX. Sterlin g l.l3l2l3l.. New York Bight Exchange 4 per Cant. premium.. . • . ; =l=Etfl (gly Telegraph tame Pittsburgh daretta.] fneptember 4.—ltemipts—wheat Sipco ou corn 108,000 bu, oats 147,000 bu t rye 9,000 6.10 t) Shipments—wheat . 3e,003 on. corn 101 3 0 p 00 Du, 0at599,000 bu. CIAO bu. Flour unchanged: tt rye aupply and nominal. Corn opened at 0404, declined to 1144 and closed nrm at $1,04 for lie. z wetter ; stales of MAO bo. Chttaget; 'llea of 31,000 flu western mums g at kb and 1 . 1,0 M Ori the spot at Me. Eye et na. tool. Barley—the.lnarket In Care. Mem Pork IMS,N) and the triarket.is heart. Lard la unchanged. Illehirlass—none Oared. 1=11=32 (Br Telegraph to We Pittsbarith dated.. Locovtits, September Zil Wide Tobacco; Inge, • Kl 2 oo6,oorleat, ettOQII.00; medium fine mad cutting, ttl,eoOffs.eu. berth. ,r $70.U.; new, VOA. Wheat, nriwe 1124002.14 Corn, ear In balk, We; sCelled, delivered, $1,06 Oats, new In bulk, 558510. Coffee active Q. Sugar, 1501334 a for prime and choice. Hen Pork, =OO. &I oh exalted 2.13.1 advanced; abouldere 1150; eLear ribbed Odes, I6%o; clam aid., fancy hares, 4.15i0, packed. Lardvili:l2/3u for lierocit. Whisky la bond, 3offes3. or.ieso [ UT Talerraph to igientrabnrah Gazette.] Cw... Sant: 4. Flour unchanged. Wheat quiet; aa710,000 ha amber Michigan agogli4; No. I Chicago spring 41 95, and inferior w bite Loads V.= Corn in do inandi sales leAaa ha No. I IlLia and . giteba No.l Ohio at $l.lO. Oats =wee and quint. Lake iraporte-70,500 ba 9,000 bit torn, 25,109 bu oats. (Anal enearte —ICAO ha corn. Slew TOet Mottle Market. thy Teitgraph to theriumarik Queue.] Now Took. September 4.—The receipts of saute at the Hodson City yard. for the week were SIM, an 4 pries. are allebtly bet ter ta n lam week, with ready sales. There were thiktri loads of cheep received thla week; tee hßlimp selling at an ad vance of tee ahead. PhlladOlphla market • CUT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh easettcl l i nshenahrele, beptetnner 4.—Petroleum Wendy end unetiesdied. Flour dull; gyring extras Kock Whiled declining; t o cUoleared 1ti,3412,17. Rye 11,0&Uri? ad. egneingimlxiel western 11,Yd. Ogle steady attic. Wbtaky nemineL Meoapsls Marines. • tnyTetertapts to the Pitlaburelt Chante.) blattrare, September 4.—Cotton Mawr. but not quotably higher. Cora bleter at $1,10e1.13. Othermaraets unchanged. 11.1. n., Crean:Waggly dull. Weather clear and 110% HLPOIIIIII fly MAILMOADm Firestrm's,. Cosies= a Ora °Dream &Hy September 6.-3 Obis whiskey. Senan A Thompeort; a do do, Rock a Ramos 1 do do, 0 W Mtn°. *do do, Genoa Wood.; 4do Ort. Ido raj' enSwilen: lettla whisky, Mookall & mearowl 3 bales Comp. Talton, Rol Immo & 0o; 1 bale hides, Popp, Matt a tiol 33 ban