PH. R.RTm, BARB BD BROM, /184WOOd St, near corner of Fifth. Goveraement 'Securities, Geld, Silver, And Coupons, See/ht Lad mold of Mira tau& Draft' bold ' on MI Um sirtaelDal clan orZluota. JAB. T. BRADY & CO., Bankers, • Corner Ponrt& & Wood Streets, ANDICLL ALL, IMADSOT GOMM:m MXIMMES, Ara Now eanyultall lab L6a NOW 640411 OOLD MOO OP 1167, YU, ana Note. TO HOLDXRB OF 7-80% antt s nude rmall'arma irftwats .itt, • wows , 40.:+cak e eft pp, , mit... l to e ft Beads as nand OW DILUTeI7. IRA - 11. !MAT & CO., Eami.lx.eres;', 00391.70,3112 101:MITIELD 13SB 7.30 BON-DOS I:MMomD In7o 5720 BONDS,IBOS, wrratnar OILILEGZ Tiatamzela s d i zr etz=anloa 17! ROBINSON EROS., No. 711 POElllrild STREET nitliffitnatr etayift nr4ANGIE AND TRADE • Una= OP Via Pxraistraaa•Marla./ WEDalaDay, Atignst fB, lan —An expectation prevails la scei• quart.. that the Secretary of the Treasury will become buyer of the Seven Thirties of June eiJuly, or bothi ler his balentel will well enable him -to do se, while It Is to be presumed that he is dmizotue of /oaths no opportunity for tarrying femme hle funding *penitent, but whether he will deem It Pendent to buy thme note. at the preened high pieta and whether be would not, at the mune time, be • seller of Fire a t tO lanimpoaalag .mount, stn mat. tire open to Vaal). • —Ralltalid returns, irblah for some Um put have shown a drier.. in earnings, compared with those of 1814 are now again on the in crease In every ease. The preened that the large semis will do • Urger freight business Vele Man= la western vela earning th. L raiurappails gun* meats. "The hermit Wort old s% and the increase of grabs ship. rb, though Lem axe nothing to what they will be 'later la the seam. The large.t re. ceipts el wham at Chicago for one week hare be.. w . lll bualtele, while last year, an ono bad mially spasm, they reached In • mingle week la ber 'upwards of 000.000 bullets. The Inagua from Jime begins slowly, bat _will loam., all the; time throtigh the —To the question whether the sales of drafts on foreign countries are to be considered as 'ealfe of eestaitiee. requiting • biller memo madam of the nose, upon which n stamp duty unposed by the ninetywinth wettest of the k Internal mignon taws. at - the rate of OM! rent. for erery•SlCO of such Wes, the OomuilaWoner replies that •a bill of exchange le not regarded sonuity within the meaning of sestina alsetpethe of the net requiring • demi' • tax: , • Gloster New Twit QU ' OlatiOul lenient be Jannis Y. Brady it Go. IL S. Sizes, 'MI. 11111. . 1 / 8 4 ....... ....... . Lin lent •11411. Oeuscos Amen 'ans. Jay file.... a. De.. Gemmed; Gold • filitse... ...... ........... ...... —.Rumen a other angles than the Serve. terror the Treasury were currant In tse street Cl moo toed.y. of which the ball speculators • la lb. fold loom availed to put up gold, wm, which - the bear operator. of the telock change sonstrued as against the raUway mar ket. Os inquiry we and that • were based exclusively upon something the on Iratorted hifettipeoseer bad said Uue morning Paden' reconstrucUon the solemn... PW r P ti l l b e& "I" in re to w t • tubetaratal tr4l4 If anytirtng tuP. lit tle mantely catelible that the Administration he. fallen no low as to ceder such people es /finch and Morena. elPenesylrania, and the Shure of no State In pantenar. to create or to at • tiondlo mean. a popular sentiment to jaally the removal (or • demand for the the reogns. tlos) of the Secretary or State and ids col. 'leagues of th ale Kali and Penalise Deperte meats, The mater of Abe Secre Treentry thine naprincipled whea t en . hoot ham fice probably abandient—lY. Y. noses. . 4 4Itemore t Secretary McCulloch to to be nuteeeded i t . .lotin J. Eliseo am being maned freely WaU Meet, probable to ma. alas met {Dubin opine. If any change 1. , made, ant non* cao be effected at them Juno . tun, without mien. flasetnial thinly. man. der of eminent ability is demanded, and not • inconderste bract. no Metter how Stoat the hf.r.Clieo urneratood to hold the politleal faith of it,,. Pendleton of Ohio, of which the most sanest featurejost now is a wheinale reptelnaoa albs Nations' debt.— , tr. Tribune. —.Theidenousit for currency teas exceedinely *Oise today, and it is ensnlatel that fully • the.. hundred thousand dollars were muntteu to t h e Angrier Una afternoon, to move the wheat and on, new. Th e receipts of Grain are largo—then ef today—turning flour Into •Whest—tidnit wen beans, and it Is ender- Stood that the receipt. for to-morrow will chow Glatc.a. then lignme. There Lemon de mand for dlmounts, and the market ie working earg i lmoth there an ao ImmedMte appear - flue paper, backed ' :with untioteolleterals..pmen at Pet men. the epee market tne rate. for out nide efinsturni ate ICU% per out. per month. 211inate. rarsousion arassurr . Mum or ms Perosomaz Omuta, / W 11011120014 £OlOOO Oa, 10117. I CRUDE—The elude market primate no new ebasaskumme worthy of medal notice, ne demang both nor present and future delivery, =hams Ught , and notwlinstandtag there Is ' • no Mtposillon nmallegbal an the put of hold = to maks umswitaus In order to en eot angst, tha tenigamg. ll aaythlM le downward. We east report • a= of LSO Mtn on spot, to go Met, at tali and bOl bhle alkolthh Perry,. (to Marlin et W. are . dalaltaot of as offer to 0.11 teethe last font menthe, seller*, option, • at blide erithoot &Atm takeu—ter might pout. bly hue Wu obtained. The boom coda:tagged tog ether day et an early bulk rlas, have per. May 'UMW, though it me reported raking at 011 City and above UM moan& YEITTED—IIms wee appuently • ltttle MauegaifeMig tha meket far bandad all tomy, bought about.= premmakby the more tevarable ehaeseter af the faimm egm e . e . , wemlaybog Menu= to mfr ancs mug., 133 as Tuesday. We am report sales w two goo Mead Into, fir famedlate delivery la Plague'. Oda. istlngel two= barged lot for depteso hor, at MIK sad 100/3 tot Met four mouth. bine* 00=4 at Olga, Th• lest named ule shows • Might megnamment over yesterday and Mader before, angle gamed to be about the best ileltre that *mkt have Wm rallied gratheM dark Th• Imprommunt Ist piece, turner, thuo tat, does; not amount to pub, though It win donbusaCwirreat nay runner to the magi. innoo mat sr n. a. s. lelghtman Andersos, tga Sole refined; to P. Wright a Ben i Pb/la4alphla. Pareyth, Bro it 00, le -40 do, to Muter. Ito%phua itar% r n hi e l ren i rlitdo, to W. G. Warden, Philuel OIL ?NADI OF FIFFSOLIOUTI VS rvi VVVVV ASS& ltAlLoma°. wor Ulm zusmotO willow... onolf. ONION lad auouhooo the ell trade o Plttobook lo slum 67 the folloodog tomb freights Prom Welty to nos. ria nu.. and Ede sag Pautt.'failroad... II 20 per bbl rerna Patiseamm to Phila. earl Belmate.. ..... I w par hbi The mime fa awe oil Is eallou in Philmlel. phis at lle—la Pittsburgh at itaflgirlag the sedan realer al per Dural advantage ewer the putehtmak new, marl, u • emmequease, eampelling the latter to aloe. their works. We e. elle renal 01l to Chimp for 111 per el, wells to Philadelphia, the Sheep@ being one fourth ear, we tom to Per 12,40 per Darryl. re Was so robust Thow • ienpire Line," pub thePhiladelphe f Etfe rload. which control, the earning of awe East, tticumon report imre. le owner sad emitrolle4 by the o cum 'awl diadem of es reensyhratila Central. and Meuse IIW the pellet of these .Usalpula. lOW or Whisks,. I* make the Hu pay the: betvistual prolta ao matter lf alba important falenste have to mem theater that of the paws/. stookluldere la the roe& Moot the all trade of Pittalough surer for the see of title hue matopoiy. " 4 father !'" "1444 Itilledwillarkare.. • • In Ibletribh to the Zittelnareh Gazette.) - • Totstaa Aagust bble; alai of. extra white wheat at sumo th - double extra red wheat $lO. Wheat . narelpte*llta bu;the market °sued j 05. 17 and Wales firmer aaa Irrha better' melee or whlte s gra at; hiaber ; No.l spriaslll,7o. Cc•ra re.; NUM Our the market fe without ma t.daz chasm No. I Wabub $1; No. ado ma. ] Oats-rearipte nate but Um matte 1$ ummi, sad MOSSO bestial ealea of bro.l at Mee, Mira Arab lautreel hitYare b u tat. Ai;, oft" Si for No.l. holders • - Lake rirritlittrth-to au wheat to. °swept. MS 83 trT , Mee* SO Dania • it *44'144 toithclittilwraig asutti4 swim Anvil 211;-Ocrt.ton , si 5240 26141. 4 Mosul ifii_uschanited. Cora; m Pe k. =.41§0 . ders, 183411461 Altes, /70/730; haw, 2kl LIM Unallaiga. JAS DALZELL & SON, 69 a nd 70 Water Serest, LARD OIL MANIIFACTURERs, And dealers to CRUDE LUENIOI.7I2IO and Iliaßum We warrens ear No.l ..7..A.FA nui tome or other wanes. and propose lo sel l as low as oineuuti 414. = Ott Nledo.2 Lard Oil as a Lubricator carutot be cel. Dock Creak Leteleatbse and standard brands etiecel=usTalr==shrrsa 0111 had it to i gm.f.. a “" ML te e eg riri PM,!IAM/MOt MARYSTO Ornate ale eras PrrrentastenG W esurtys i titortsatiare Sawed .d IS i M The gettetal markeu Continue dull and • • wittiest, and theft is but little Preen., mat of any lounedlate Improvement. Flour co • Unites to detains rapidly In the west, and the bottom his not yet been touched. Wheat, also, la going La the same direction, and it Le probabl . that man, other articles will . follow ala i " es as the day. of `lrish pHees” in this country are rapidly drop/Jag to • close, and the rooster the better, for the public/et large. GRAlN—Wheat Is quiet and %tooth...sell— but little offering; we continue to quote at 11 3 ,1061,t/I for pHdis Per., and Ohio Red. cots coming In patty freely, and the t.deecy Is downward; sale of least, on spot, at See. To airlre,lols the beet !Isere that Can be realised, and we bare heard of • sale of 2 ears, to be de. livered within ninety days, at option of seller, at 4.3 e. Sale of l ear Shelled Corn at 81,94. Rye Is quiet, and may be quoted at SIX, on spot. Prtme Spring Risley maybe quoted at 90e, and Fall at .101,10: FLOOR—There is no inunoreinement to note in the demand, and the market continue. week and drooping. We now quote at 110,00fp $10,50 for good to eholee Spring Wheat; Minter Wheat remains unchanged at SllfplLue. Finey brands may be quoted at 1113.00(01L00, and Eye flour at e 7,7528. PROVISIONS—RaeonIe quiet but •toady, with regular jobbing rale. la full prices—. 113.0 for Shoulders: 1434(e1530 for Ribbed sod Clear Sides, and 01340 for Sugar Cured name. Lard Le quoted Arm at uyielas In tierces, and 13 3:0/40 In kegs. Mess Pork le quoted at WA12:3,60. QIIEENAPPLES—Taste le no Improvement to note In the demand, nen no on In the arrivals, and, as a consequence, the market continues very dull, while prices lemur Malt 1p unehentec24l per bbIL . the bulk the Wes mope (rem *2.M13 GO . • BUTTER—Then Is • continued rood de. mend (Or prime fresh pmfand arida Butter, while common packed Is In good supply and very dull; small sales of the former it StsyWo. ECKlS—Ooatln¢e vary dn4 with a supply isnalYln eieep at the demand; we aontinue tagnoto at V.lke lkS OEIRES£ Is ipilet ►ndmehnoaed, with reg ular males reported 22.74Q16c, according to gg►llLp. HAY—Tbo arrivals by wagon ate folly op to the demand, and, as a consequent., then la llttla or none coming by roll. We continue to quote at $15819 per tan. SEEDS—There have been aome few smell conelgnmente of flaneeed, but thus far, there appears to be no ntabllthefl Quotation; 11. P. pears, however, that It un be shipped and sold to a better Mein:mace la Philadelphia tout it can here. No movement In Mover or Thhothy Seeds. 011 , —Lent OS Is emu but unchanged at Ma for No. and 11.05 fox No.l. New Turk Produce Market. [By Telegraph to the Plitsbarsh ;Warta] Now Toss, August N,—Cottori dull and a shade lower; sales We bales at 27e for Mid dling Uplands. Flour—receipt. 10,223 bbls— dull and 150230 lower; maim 7,800 Olds at 17127,10 for Superfine State sod Western; 19t60010,40 for Extra Western, $10,90012,9s for Choice 80 .1.2.3(g210.30 for b limp Ohio; ea.l.o®/1.30 for Trade Broads, and 4:11 for New St. Louis; California heavy; sales of 41,030 bale. at 1112.311113,73. Bye Flour quiet; Wes 130 Obis at se,racts.o. wntaky quiet and uneliange.l. Wheat—re eelpts. 31,We bash—a shade armee for White and steady for Red; sales of 24,010 bushels at t 2422,15 for lied and Amber Southern, M 112.12132.40 for White Soo titans, $3,40 for White ichigan and Genesee. V... 30 for Amber State and tor xtra White Miadatut. Eye quiet; 5 4333 E ales of 3300 bushels in lota at 41,43 for Western. 61,30421,52 for Mate. Barley and. Unit dull. • Corn—receipts. 27,030 bosh it ;made Dreier and more active; sales of 10,000 bushels tit. 41,f0X.M1,11;.:. for New mired western; .1,1201.121.; for very choice do,• 0,0301,02 for ound. Oats; recelPta 93,100 bust; the ma rket us Is a shale firmer; aisles of Vete bush, at 0.420, for old west ern; Theme for new Ohio; 0040040 for new southern, and .50g30e for Jersey now. Rico nominal. Coll". Arm. Suetty steady; sales Of COO lthds of Cuba at 111212!40. Molasses doll. Petroleum 0011 at 141140 for erode In bulk; 170 for do in barrels, and 270 for re fined in bond. Leather qulet. at Wool for Buenos Ayres tight weights. Wool loss active but without dealdod anal:me:sales of 19,0301133 Pork opened heavy but Mewed mOro firmly; Sales of 4,230 barrels at gAbip 21,37 for Row mesa, closing . at 1=1.0.1 0050; 0273 for old meal; 410,75M00,20 for prime, and .73 for e mess. B dram Calm of 14 bpirreM. prim Beef Rams dull. eef Itacouqtdet and steady. Cut Meats doll; sales 01 170 pkgs for aboulderst 1312160 for hams. Lard heavy; sales of 93 barrels at 12y,G146. Butter stetuly at naoz. for Ohio. Cheese steady: Freights to Liverpool heavy; 35,Cial bush corn at 31,1 per aall and 4,.‘d per steam. no. be 1 , 22 , 4 g;5. .... 107.4 ..... MT, Lararr, 5 r. g.-I , lour cloned very dull and 15(r-50 lower. iebrat dull forall kWh,. with a Clad downward tendency. nye outer at $1.4001,45 for Western. and stead nowUtrile. for old Westarn and 701385 c for now Onto. Corn gated ea 61,10(5412 for good to prime new mixed Weston:4.d 61,1461.09 for unnotuid do. Pork lower; nutlea ISM obi. moll at W.125(4=z, cloning at SAm bid txeh forregalar. with sellers at IMIO. Beef quiet and unchanged. Cote Meats a shade flower, with moderate demand. llitoon ban sellght upward tendency: Lard eery girm at L 31.051374 for fair to prime Bimini, and lie for prime kettle rendered. 4,lnatanatl Market. I CET Telterank to the Plttobnroll tseno•). .Clnottntemt. August U.—flour doll but not lower. Wheat Omer. bat no Important ruivance wasgetabitsbed. No. 1 Red at.lC4lO €1,12; balm, asked 'LIS; White vr. held at r.. 154:. r 2,30. Corn scarce and Wetter ; sales at Wargo for No. /. Oats doll, at Ng, ;and Rye at 1101. Cotton dull, .d prices nom'. nal, at Ma for Middling. %V li aal nnet.; sales at VAL but holders asked higher prices, in view of the prospect of being per. raffled to transport It to a market In bond. Ito-so York cloaca doll. at IaM,`ZOM,SO. Mesta close arm hot quie Cs 11Ne , for Shoulders, dad 193.4Q13)00 for t, bides. Bacon arm but gate; at Pot4o tor ROOntdors. 131(0 for Clear Mt% and Motor Clear Bides. Lard to demand, at 12%0, but not much offering below that. Better arm and scarce, atlte Igo. Chess.; dull, at 1014011 c. Groceries steady, and prices unchanged. Golf 141,4 buying. The Money Margate emy. ChlCSigs learket. LB/ Telegraph to the Plastaria Sissme.l Ustrosoo, August 29.—Weather clear and cool. Floor more satire and firmer; spring extras 1ff,e9V,09,22. Wheat In sow shinning deuieutd; spring 2030 higner at $1,Za2,00 for No. 1 red and 111,7101,74 for No.l spring sod 01.511.60 for No. 2 do, closing at 51,71 - . a1,74 for. o. and 11,590140 for No. 2, Corn fairly active 'at Icalchishery sales of No. I st 911,yrigo. sad 67a117% for No. 9. Osts Ir. regular at 23.ic higher; sales of No. 1 sal No. Bat 4101420 and closing steady at 430. Rye closed steady at .1.00 for No. 1. Barley ,ae. tire at. lOW higher at 21,9001,08 for Nd 2. Provisions quiet and unchanged. Receipts .-6,003 barrels of flour; wheatilo4ooo bushels. Corn; 142,200 busbels• oat.; 2.700 bushels; Shipments; 2.32o.barreils of our; 42.000 bush; of 'sliest; CA* busb. of Corr , 121,t02 bush , of oats. Freights quiet and st eady; oats; to Buffedo. be. Lewis 07 TelOfralgt to tba rittebenth Ussettal Sr. Lome, Augmt W.—Tobacco active, firm and unchanged. Nemo unchanged. Pim:wonlet end ouchumed. Wheat nreter for fall and Mc Maher for tOrinti prime and chola., red KIM white fall .3.15(31.A. No. spring $1,46040. No. I .1.63.5401.30. Ur= flar; t „prlme white $1,03. cholee_yellow SMOG 1,13 , Oata dull at 158003 c. Eye Mutter at $1,13,01,111. Prorlamna arm arlib an np... oept ward tendency but prices unchangeOroMludl6/ d At.eo - for clear em. b C Whisky arm at } MlO for l.lllt refused, to armre. /Receipts: flour, Y,211 hble• ' wheat 3,713 eankal corn, 2,300 but; oats, 11,800bna =r3=L! Ey Tel Ccar ==l - - • Aninet V.—Flour and Iced; double extra red winter, 51e,50 ouble extra am ber_,_•.lll2/1,50; dollUlde -re width, 014,40013. Wheat dull Aetive, No 1 red offered at 0,07, wittlimt boyervOio 2 do. V.0207X COrn egs=r galr.:%,"'.atf.°l.l.l.l,,r;gnd Pe lower, mooed lots offered at 520 and Me tad. 'lnlet andnominal, at 111,100115 for No 1 BMW, Carmda bald at CAW , W. Petroleum dull and a ebeule firmer, em4d aid wtute, In band, at Ziertne, I Wil't:' lalstraakee Market. City Toirsrsph to the ritttburgh Gazette.] Ilmoritrossa, August 2 4 .—r:our wall Lott =o lowan any XX o 3 ,0 0 _010,t0; country fly ati 09,000453,75439,U0. Wheat active at 41.71 for bro. 11 11401071,62 for ?to. 2; atm for Iti Outs blabor; Cto for Ito. I toil 4.51f,0 for Not Corn noollottl at Ma for No. I: Grain frclubts JIM at 7o to Buffalo and to °motto. Useo/pts-100 bbls floor , 23,0 , X1 bus tutitutt, 0,00 bus oats awl &XI bus corn. ahloututs JW bbla Boor, OW oats and 1,.r. yam Loulavilie Market. CO7 'telegraph tots Pittsburgh Gazette. Lot:ban:4k, August::B.—Tobaccou firm, with sales of -in phis at $3,6005,75 for hairs; C° W a k War, Manufacturing, flour; superthia sit luny SU. Wheat tt,os O.U. Corp, shelled. MOTO deliverh,L °. "to balk Sugar, New anew., mon*, uoiree. 1110, i1y,4023,4",c. Cotton, Moto Pork Cri,7s. Bacon, shoulairrh, /IM4es Mc. Rim /Lattimore Na Stet. 0377%cm:reek to um Pittsburgh liasetio.l Bat:micas.Floor '— acres dull Oad unchanged. —All gracles of Bab l anded declined Mc; high gradcs extra 111713, 12,50. Wheat—had "3,z end atoad7i EnedloYA lota doll and lower. .d quoted .1 * 2 12 2 „. 0 . Aye dddli.ed AW1. 03 01.07. oata !mewl/. Rye lower at $1.1501,45. Provisions drnter gad stdvaneod!t'c' on Jobbing into. aryl yery lime ed appearing. IVbiskynoinizial and nrutilanit• • PhllodhlpMa Merkel. Mg Telegraph to the Pltteberghllasette.7 • Urleisangerato. Augustl ;Ol d —Flour Via cr E ltao A l ter CIPCP2AIt 471:11r1P7,74. Cora steaelgt gl,te for Jinxed Went-aro. (JOU! don.f:oa'oe stems/ 11.10 17c. Petrolouto atoodyi Bennett :73.0. • . C llow* Cattle .11twitet. : My Telegraph tolls rittaburgh Uuetre.l Catiloo, dagnet Cathodal era e,e2% for (Mr •to good stlippuig. Loge noxleratelf attire at 13.Zae.76 for food to extra eboloo. Beam toederatfar =U7° qt o,oso4,37sifortalttoebolee. =Z=l LB, Manama to th. Mallard, Gantt.] Daum, "August 26—floar Clull • and hoary, at On. for White Wheat. Bu. Donor Wheal doll And beam at AN for No-1 Male, bat closed Minor, wild sales at . . New York Dry aloft Market. Tolorrooll to Do Dttobarga Omit& • Now Tozz,Attynot 28.—Dry Ciao& market Dirty KUM mg RIM Ann. Financial Matters In 11. w York !old Olosod .11 142. • pity Telefroptt to the Plttaborah (forme., Nur Sou, Attguat na, 1887. ZOTET AID GOLD. Moacp U =Calera:Amy settee at :105 per cent. for - loam. Sterling le doll at 10Z40 10OX. Gold to firmer, opening at MN, ad ranelne to 1a.% and olotlng at 112. otoelre are doll and a abed.. lower, closing Steady. Col:pone 'Bl, 11;N; do , 112, 113 , 4 ;de .10 , N; do `Si, 110%; do new, 107%; Sever, Thirties, 107 N. treri. Thei follow Leg were the et,O.INO QUOTATION. At 330 r. N., Ohio Certificates, alCillll It ; ns 'n te b ;_tnglo¢ j lti ll e! grel"prlo, 14 .3442110: Allentle reau,i1Z4)173!.4% New York Centri*/04011 Erte,Snliann 1./ndon. 1211.4j.11 jer, /04 01004; Blicnisan Central. nn4151, 1 ; Ventre!, 1.196110 X; Pittsburgh, www„; To. lade, 12734C11.213i; Rock Island, Us; North sretern.4o%fil4eli; liorthwevern preferred. R , SiniM: Fort w.yne, 1 0 4;iellotvi svaba,h 4e!ill4D; Tennessee Sire!, on-coopons, A4oam lexpreas, It; United Stool, 74!5(37 Welle, Fargo and company, 004; inerenente Colon, la. was offered and 11 asked. xtanto an•ats Dull; Harmon, D 35; El o, rado, and Par 100, WM CoryDdon, 133; GregonY MO; Quanta 111 G. MI 1M1L,11641.5981" ItICZIPTO. , The reeelpti at the Sett.Trensury to• Alas .M 7, were 0424.58; payments...T,s9BX7; balance, 69,1= 1116Melo Market. illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh casette. 3 DIITYLLO. August 26.—Flour unchanged and the demand light. Wheat—buyers are holding otr and the stock Is light; sales of 300 hash No. 2 Chicago Spring at S I ,FSN. Corn dull end Ilan; sales of 64,000 bush ho. 2 Mixed Went° at 11. Oath opened quiet, and dosed noel no and unsettled; eales el 13.170 bosh 0161 at 034600, Westorn 55 6: holders asking ,c ter Western to arrive at the close. nye arket bare. Berley—none here. Mess Po,dull at FM for heavy and 456 for llght. L 13(311c. Freights ad_ ;canoed. Wheat 6c, Corn 130-443 New York. 'lteeelpLs—Wheat 102,C00 hush; Corn, 2(1,100 bushit/ate. 61. bush; Flour, 12,00., biota . hash 004, burin Corn, 10,000 L bush. tro 3c I 'o the rltteb r • ,do I 50 1 . Janitgn dr rket.' :11r reirsrassh 10 Wie r Icsb rra Oasette.l Omen°, August .—FI In s Ls In goal de mand, 'etch a partial de Ina of 60e; sates of 1.060 barrels at 610010,60 for 'No 1 Bortog, iWheat Is quiet wall amiss of 10,000 bushels fo Cl o deag o _ 2 osl , g. at 0,10; a cargo of No ;eV fwntlt:."l,;6 Vi l t r O 6 eXt!. °' o l l7; l a b re ' held at 010 for ertunern, to stylus. Freight. aro better, at eric for wheat, and 8 0 2 4 c for cOrn to New Tort, lonsorte--antOo bushel. wheat, and 10,4 d) Monsls cora. Canal of bushels earn. Mew Orions. Market. ly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh liatette.l cEnmge d O w urana l e Au gu s 3 V.b—aC.t oR ecs iub Ot 193 bale. Exports at! ludas. Flour is us. wittiest; Superdne $.1,• laublo extra, swum. Corn Is scarce and dein and lase tuivanoesl Sc; white yellow mixed, 1i1a.% and white 41,30. Oats dull and cleollnlng at 070. Port I. dim at e 21,23. Gold, Itti-Z. Stoning, 1.533 015 d. Now York Excloixe, Ne.pretniunt. • New Tork tattle Market. (Ily Telegraph to the Pattsbersti Owens. Nate Your, August N.-I.tie receipts of Cutlets, far Gals week at the Hodson City Yard amouriteit to 3,t1a0 head. The market Is hears.. The receipts of Sheep aria lambs were 10.000 heed. Sheep, Mile per pound. Lambs, case, p. 111199X101 LIT MAIILSIOAXI. cameos...l AID Prrreutnow Buteour, Angola 25.-2011 bbsoca• Iron, lelcalc9 St Co; 200 do do, l'ark, Bret k Col I ear iron ore, Lewls, 011rer PO1111.; Ido do, /try. & Cough.; xl bee etarcb. 1. J 1 3 / a nottard; 130 do .1.3, 0 boon