THE DAILY ilizErrE "roman= zrzzy immure. .otrinrsisscarnam IrEllifiini&N, GEED & CO., EMEZMM , • Buiumwe. 1141:14 *XD is Firm imucar. ' 411krxia hp/ of T dm hirsytrxa, OPIUM PAYEE OF PITIEZIIIIGH AND ALLEGHENY MEL ' .ItratiMlZTaillferl' l juLl SAD OT TMII DAM!: PrirEk Garr- " Deily CdrEittzbur,gij Gaytte A *tannic ic:ANDIDATE. The loyal voters of the Commonwealth ask no higlori. tributo• to thn worth and character- of Sadie Willtaina- than the following neat compliment paid him by . Ile only daily Democratic paper of , Western Pennsylvania the day following his nomination. It acid_': • . •••• . . The nomination of the. Hon. Henry W. Williams as a candidate for Jody of the Supreme Court is a good one. He was the best man named . before the Re publican Convention, and possesieslegal and moral qualificationsfor the reopen. dine position to which he has been nom. bated? ,Both peaks have now mama ed their candidates.. An Important duty bas been faithftlly discharged by the respective conventions. The campaign may now be conducted without perernal aopmio me ' and decided upon the princi ples of the two great pattiea This is as it should. be. It is an auspicious stun of tluattrurs, and if the caunty conventions lie 'equally Ibrtunate in the selection of legislative , mindidates, there wll.l be a stop put td the 'deplorable corruption at the, seat .ef. government ,under a new Min of honest men and conScientious legislators.—Pittsburgh Pod, June ?.Nth, Ws ttart e4flinting rumors regard -14%14 relation.: axial:tug between Grant and the Pri.4ident. • Prom one selvage , iditileice'is received that the moat ft - is:T.4ly feelings are entertained for inset other,-while other authorities posi tively avert the contrary Is the fact, and. that the President will displace Grant as soon aspossible." We incline to be- liars the latter statement. Kr. Johnson cannot brook any • opposition to his tin- I piiriens WllOlO as Grant luis taken a stand againit him and with the people, a." spirit..of cordiality and friendship hardly exists betieen them. _ Plativasavou has been . eompleted in Ushami. Thi . retiree show a total of one, hundred and sixty ihormand nine bindmd and iiinetY•five . :lPitai6 The bitch'hive fifteen thousand five hundred and 011111majcnity over the whites. The Vial vote of ihe . State in the Presidential :electlen„ of .1860, was ninety thousand • three •hundred and fifty:seven, which compare d with. the resiatration returns shows • falling off in the whites of seven " Gel ihpuannd lx bundied and ten, and ineretuse - Of- Seventeen thousand six !intgdzedataitidity-eight voters.. Tax summit-- MAMA continues throughout: the- Country. and .in some the - niniker - of Calla of ecif destruction is absolutely appalling. In reporting two fresh-dues which took place yesterday at St.. Louis, the tele graph Ofprnts Jig, that thirty sniddes hare Occurred in that City, since the be ginning at.lhe Diet claim:me!. As no law can prevent the ditie, - preachers of the Gospel! mfitit .well .&tote a portion of their Pertaonit.toWard! °donating the people properly as to the enormity.of the Ofirense of,self-deldraction: = with a Wonanunication from '! Collins to be made next week by the Republicans. The =dim Is one of 'oar best and his wards are entitled to attention and respect. He omits, howeier, In his list of good materiallnim widchno helm nasal:My. sandblates, wrieral worthy gentlemen 'whose names-have already lseaa prwientad . fon . nomination. We 4peii our colum ns to ' , any or our - readers Who may have. other names to - urge - 11mi the Convention. - s Tax 3LUSAGI X 0 LOUT of the Grand " * Hisonlc Gift Coniert Lottery of. New York has bean arrested on a charge of keeping a lottery otnee. _ The order, in eta Nallenat Connell recently held, de l • nomenetthe mu of any such measures to pectiniarGy aid any LOdge; and the breaking up Of the scheme.val glri ma— lefaction to the Masons throughout the Country. Tire rilinac will be pained to leant of the estate Of , Dtmesii,; ,- the COMIDISBII4 . t 0 the Droste? W ire, of Andersoneille tints* 4ectoded.„meting hL way-out of Fort e-anatki; where he was serving a term of fifteen years imprison. ib !nropS. , •Jestiee TslOrelicluated - of its does in this in- . . inn new, ratns of tpostage to Enginnd On newspareniand circulars wtlk go into eifect on the lira of October.. The re , dull= of letter postage. will not. take glace till thibeginititor of nett' year. . . . CILLIMILS will,lease England tali:soda nest for Boston, where be is announced to , denser readings In Tee intuit Temple during the first two weeks of Dec.:ember: Rwuriiimos Is proceedliig quieui and favorably InAlsoreta: Thu far two blacks have boon enrolled to Otte 'roar. dcaih of the irerratableind thignintied 'Sautes - Jacksop, of Boa ,ton; is mum:mord this morning. Ms 1314.1rima Mur refused to recelve sup public- reception 'from 'the patriotic cilia= of Boston: • Roc ZUNDELED TEOVILLND Cle/11111011dar tho addlilmudistmity set will be mad& Kentucky Boy and Girl. cOn‘.AMOrtdant' Of the Ca1i0,4111.,) Deraaerat, ,- writing from Crittenden • ''kerma year old lad came in 'from a g firm erolla day to sell a Dulcet Topple & I M jocularly appealed to him fa a chew of tobacco. Much to my renew and disgust he whipped out Mitts pochet great twist' of natural leaf, sadtaidered It to me.., L supplied "mymif and handed bock the twist, when shWeldliValintst 'a baby, emptied has mouth of ft well masticatod cud; and re placed it With a fresh one twice as large as that upon which my own molars had ~COmmenced Another and a' more disgusting case is that of a little girl, whowYmOther doeswashing for the patrons oI the springs and to whom I ' yesterday paid a small amount .of frac tional currency. This child, only eight years old, actually cried for ten cents of the money to bny chowing tobacco, and finally obtained tt. Fier mother inform ed ms tbittlbaehlid had been a chewer nearly tour 'Sim and had now become SAS condrnbgin the habit that she • could not whip It'eut of her! These form two ,ontot a number, of e outlay revolting in atinoei of 'youthtill depravity to which „, Isaight refer you as peculiar to this lo cality. They excite little of Ito Mum ., Goo among realdentsi, and, the young Victims of the habit, themselves, Indulge their natural appetite in any presence with the sang froid and freedom of old otthe tiimum n o ss,T e lldt i i c s in the .h ri. ti amo • fine grained, altityntructed rock, The oil is excellent as a burning fluid, and when a good oil virodublug shale is discovered there Le money in it. One of them racks • was long ego found In Ban Joaquin corm •-ty• in .01alifcrrnia, and. experiments have " beeimsde which show that this rock • . near the surface yielded twenty. ire gel. of oil, to the ..ton,: and at the depth of one hundred feet it yielded fifty lona to the ton, .11. hlnery - 4/ now b c . Mg erected on the . premises to work this mine.ntiftif the enterprise succeeds ita it prOmises to; 46, another important ~`bninth wet bier° been added to the man ' ufactiiiing interests of that Eitatc. ... . • SSTABLIS.%" '' •, ' - . • - . . . . • 111',• \ ‘‘1‘ .. 'k'•'.1111 , , .-, - ;.„ ,,, - "Ln 17a' • ---- : .,iesird ,„,;:;,:•‘_... . : . - . . ‘,1)1'"-Ik' t.•. 4.--- - — 1 : _ •t . T.'', ,{','.:,. • t i t ...,, w 4." -.,, , i c _1 1 1 1/ '. 1 ' s 1)' i - ,_ . _ 7 -7-: 1 - ' ..,. .,('' 4 .,.'i"*I-1::7R,:" .141 ,(:),F. , ,; , ...,..., ~ . ••• , . ~.4 - 1 •, ' \ •\ ~ 124 oasl tit . . .., ~ VOLUME LXXXIL7--NO, 19S TIIE COMING CO*MnION Ebrrons Gazirrrm—On Tuesdayttent there will assemble at tile Court Howie the Republican bounty. Velmentlest,. to nominate candidates for the General As: scmbly. As ita nominatioit of any al ms is equivalent to his election, it will be observed how much importance should be ittaclied to the Meeting. feel that the loyal voters of the county tie thoroughly aroused to the necessity of sending' none but pure and honest men to reptesent theist in' that bod,/ delegates who will see to the Interests of the people and protect them against the machinations of political tricksters, who will make an effort to secure nami ' nations for members of certain rings and cliques, and thus rule out men of better order and higher standing. The reams in the county demand better-rapreMnta. lives than have hitherto been sent from Allegheny county to Harrisburg. They camera longer ecotone themselves with . one or two good men on a ticket wit h double the number of bad ones, and are pressing fora reform. The coming eel- , elan of the Legislature promises to Prove an important one, and it is very omen. titi to western Interests that reliable, in telligent and honest members should be sent from Allegheny county. A Free Railroad law is wanted. It will be ask. ed for, and Allegheny wants men to de. mend the measure', who - mill be head and respected. Ido not wish to mum proaeh on our late member'', but be. Revs a better selection might be made out of the material found in Allegheny County. Such men, for instance, as the following might be prevailed on to ac cept a pleas in the Legislature, if the Convention place them in nomination: lixze idAsusAzz, lows tin, /Axes Mcßaum. J. Foamy SARrost. PALIENts, Josare Mum:. 010.0. Wrrsoar, 111011.1011.D EATS. " VII AD. MOLIZX Ili. W. 0. AoaezweAro. Motonagr, JAI= Ps.., Js. CamCWoon. • J. 42.11, M. 11.91114 P. E. Barlsox. - W.. Platrars, • Gso. R. Warta, -•• There are a host of other names of evilly respectable . and high•rainded citizens which. I might suggest, from which good selections 'could be made, but, the above list will suffice to their that we have plenty of good material from which to select our representatives. The people, those who form the =laity of the voters, ask unusual care and dis crimination in making up the ticket, on the part of - the delegates, and, as an humble citizen, I earnestly trust a strong and good set of candidates may, be put forivard by the COnvention. CoLtioss Townemr. Moe ue IllUtrugh eszecte.} INVESTIGATION.--NO. 5. =I It la admitted . by . the faculty that nothing entersthrough the skin to pro duce disease until lib* excoriated, hence the healing powers ofof all the plasters evenapplied, consisted in excluding the atmosphere, and promoting &rendition and absorption tinder the cmilllaries beneath the skin,. where wounds and bruises hafe been received.' Wherefore, I no cause of disease passes through that I.triple-enembraned covering, inwardly, for the pores are so constructed - as to emit and not to receive. The perspire able matter may be eliminated, but no admission through the epidermis of any thing that could be taken up In the dr =dation. It is just AB clear that disease cannot gain admission through the Inns*, for no air can pass through the lungs but that which is constituted (or health. If any portion of atmospheric air is not up to the standard in purity, and so Intuited any impurities or extraneous matter It contained; would be thrown out at every expiration with the carbonic acid gas. Pure oxygen only can be conveyed, from the lungs to the heart In combination with the Tenon. blood, for it is its cats factory power that keeps up a constant radiation of animal heat throughout the whole animal system, and confers the propelling power on the heart, which is the origin of circulation and life. 2 , ic, other than the constituents of the atmos phere, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen,. and these in due proportion can be In haled,-and none of the constituents but oxygen can pass farther than the lungs. The case of as eminent chemist, Mr. Bristol, In London, Is an illustration of thti doctrine. He inhaled hydrogen gas to ascertain whether or.not it would sus tain life, and having inflated his lungs all the medical skill employed failed to enable the lungs to expel their contents. He died a few boars afterwards, in the presence of his famil with whose knowledge he adventur ed the dread ex periment.. Persons in a locality where the constituents of the atmosphere does not existin due proportion, and whose health is affected, if removed to where it does so exist the breathing for a short period the best tonic known to the sys tem, the oxygen of the atmosphere, debillty will soon be removed,and vig orous health restored.' The carbonic acid gas that la evolved by the breathing of man and animal ie imbibed by all vegetables and water, and when taken in food will not prove loin'- clone, but mixed with the atmosphere in however email proportion, is unfavora ble to health. Where there Is note due proportion of oxygen to sustain combustion there le not to mitten life, and that proportion is en exact and fixed law, and where that law la violated, even in limited lo calities, and of momentary duration ambling respiration'can not be - enjo y e d nalik an equilibrium is restored. ; Below the lurface of the earth only.= a non. lons air have duration; where the laws of inetereology do not apply. Where combustion distance, tinge's, and cam. as; life also dwiedles, lingers arid Vitality, ceases. How often is thirverided In the , noxious air that bangs over the water in wells, which is surcharged with it, and no more can be imbibed until by the moving of the water fresh surfaces are brought Into contact. Bometlines . one bas ventured into swell and expires, to be followed by another, and he, too, is 'prostrated never to recover. This could not take place on the - surface of the eartlL When a fire is lowered sufficient to adage the bulk of the air by heat sad create a ,arrant upward, the meph tic air Is exhausted and a pare armos4 pane descends. Bement:nes the came end is attained by fresh water being cut down, which absorbs the mephtic air. When charcoal Is burned by the in mates of a close room, either to keep up a comfortable temperature of the air, o; to commit imicide, death is the cones. quence from the carbonic mid' gu en closed by the combustirm of the coal, not from Its mhalation, but bemuse the throat closed against the reception of air charged with carbonic acid gas, end no air being admitted to thelungs lire be came extinct. The same tenth follows from the air in wells, and it is plainly. seen how soon life . truce when the throat and lungs, from; their - Inherent sensibility as a !swot Instinct, refuse to receive the air unfit for respiration. None of the animal creation inhale en Mr unfavorable to vigorous health and life, but if the carbonic acid gas were not absorbed by vegetables and water the circulation of the atmosphere by the diurnal motion of the earth and other concurrent agencies would dissipate all noxious vapor, and e pure atmosphere would always be present. The evapora tion from the ma, the Inland waters and the entire surface of the globe and the melting of snows on the mountain tops so act and react on each other In accord ance with meteorological laws in tutor leg an equilibrium through the vast apace occupied by would miles of at mosphere that it would be Impossible for one cubic yard of it to remain stationary above the surtax of the earth. ' The ma mentum of Its currents frequently be-. come terrific on the surface by the beat, redacted from the globe, and what most .11 b e between inferior and superior strata running In opposite directions. Tlur oontraction and expansion of the region' where congelatlon takes place increases also its radian Owe.' .—Tke Ottawa 'lndia tut. retxdred their ken ennuny week ,before.hist. ileum Cloy drew poo and Martin Luther flee CM , American Central Hallway. We have been favored with a pamph let recently issued in London 1 y Messrs. gelled des klinieres Brothers. in welch the': tollgect .nr,,Ametrican Thilhosde trtefen Of id general iertfis, While more particular reference is had to the silvan- . tages to be possessed by the American Central Railway, •as affording a more , direct ours : eastward of the lJnion Pa ' ciao, than either Of We lines aspiring to a e wneetion with it at Omaha. The work contains a variety of valuable eta ' tiedeal information, and a map showing the lind of the - road, tind 'its cotruscilon. at Omaha With thelfalon Pacifity Wad at Fort Wayne, Ind., with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railkay. The line will be 585 miles in length, and by its directness will shorten . the route now traversed between Omaha and New 'York by 136 miles. It will he constructed upon nearly the same parallel, ot lati tude, cud its its course will cross the State of lowa, Illinois,: Indians and Ohio—).he richest; most productive most populous and industrious part of the United States. .15unaing in an air line direction, the Union Pacific and the American CeniraL,Railwaye will be but an extrusion of each other—the traffic of the one has the line of the other for outlet. It will traverse Inexhaustible beds of coal in Illinow and lowa, and in its whole course outward meets but one river, andlhat of inconsiderable width. The absence of bridges and culverts, added to its freedom from cot i and em bankments will certainty begreat adven test's both In the construction and opera. Sono( the road, while by the avoidance of curves; the oscillation and. vibrations of the machinery 'and ears will also be avoided, thus materially lessening the cost for repairs of way and the renewal of equipment. It would be needless to speak of the traffic which;trsuld pour over the liais of a road solavorably situated. The pro ducts of the States named, which pow contribute so largely to swell the earn ings and dieldendsof our Western roads, would find an equally sure avenue to market through this; while the contribu tions from more ttan a . dozen roads which Would-coenect with and be tribu ry to it *Mild greatly Increase its traffic. The local business alone of these four States would suffice to support it handsomely, to say nothing of the contributions from California, Utah, Colorado , Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Montana Washington, Ne braska, ;etc, :_together:with the preffions metals and products of China, Japan, India, Australis, ete.,.the United States, European, North end. South America, trans Atlantic and trans-Pa dden:wile, troops, provisions and mill tali Mores., In short, tits_ traffic of the American Central Railway wid be lim ited only by its capacity to carry it. It is doubtful whether investments can be more securely made than in the con at:netters of 1111C11 a work. It will form one of the main connections of what will shortly be one of the greatest highways in the world—the Onion 'Paeltio RaLl way.—Amerfeon Railroad Journal. How It was 'Obtaleed—ls tee president Drlnkleigt The special correspondent of the Phil• adelphla Press wriva thusly to that The publication of the correspondence between.: (letters' Grant and President Johnson, regarding the removal of Sher idan, has occasioned the greateit excite ment here, both in political and com mercial circles, and numerous telegrams from politicians and business men in every section of the country, making In quiries regarding it, have been reserved. It is conceded in all loyal circles that General Grant is master of the situation, and has centered Johnson in tree Appo mattox Court-house style;, as circum stances fortunately transpired which de volved upon the latter the responsibility of making the matter public_lt is far ther ooncoded, by men whoe connec tions entitle them to be considered sup porters of the President's. policy,. that cosulitinn. yesterday .wat similes to that iai *lilac he disgraced the Coaelly when inaugurated as Vice President; • It seems that the. President sent' for the correspondents of the Boston Post and New York herald, and gave them copies of the • letters In question, after . Which he refused to give them to the agent of the Arscadated Press and to other jonniallats `who asked for them, and told them point blank that he had not given them out for,publica tion. 'Among the newspaper men who made the demand on him were cams= pendent/ who have favored him beyond measure in publishing his views to the country, and who were his polltical.l friends; even his newspaporisi fidt4B AL . /leads of the Ledger was refused,. and in such a manner as to lead to the con viction that he was not sober or that he told a deliberate falsehood.. It is hardly worth while telegraphing these-things to you, except that they furnish confirms tory . evidence of his habitual disregard of the common 'dictates of decency.. In this .conitherlon itis not' improper to state that the first intimation, given to the public of the existerem of Grant's protest was through these dispatches in The Press. In conclusion, lam able to state that Mr. Jphioson refused to-night to give any- news under his control to the representatives of the loyal press of the country, giving se an excuse there• for the fact that "The Radicals abuse" him. Bay of Sunana. The need Ora foothold In the West In dian archtpelago, for commercial and na tional purposes, has fir some time im- Owned itself on the minds of the Ameri can statesmen, and it la cause of generid congratulation that. It Laa finally . been metki full by the.oesslon of the . Somalia to the United States by the Pres ident of St. Domingo, the cession invoic ing the coat of five millharus of dollars to the public . treasury, and including a Spacious bay, capable of riding all- the navies we should ever have OiXaSiOn to concentrate in those waters, and n our , rounding crane five . miles In circuit. The proposal of St. Domingo, It appears, Is in fact but the acceptance of an , offer made for this station -by tho United States tome time ago. The Day of Sam aria has an entrance three mile. wide, is math. South aide of the peninsula of the same name, and stretches eight miles in width. It la thus perfectly land-locked, and capable of being defended with ease by.- batteries on the shores. Thle navaistation; lylegaCtosa our track to Central America and the lethums, and furnishing us, too, with OM entrenchment against Spain and the otner foreign ownere cif-the Went India !shads; will 'be •of ineencelvablo -value for all future time.. Our coast ought to be defended off shore as much an possible, and if we are to bold the onrmaetrial. mastery In the Gulf sn arotl no on the Dahl:nos and In the Puente. wo must needs buttress our °hams solidly brjast such inejedsliions as tlila, rThe Islands allpfdperly.go wide the Continent, and we hope to see the day.wheu they will comp into our yes, sesaloln. St. Thomas Will* no doubt Is. venal oUr orePortYnext,when the United States will be prepared to awn itself in the West Indies and the Gulf wateriito Some. definite 'purpose, which corn- Mend rotpect for Itaeltr-Doston foal. —Parts hos been greatly excited of late over the appearaneo, of a ,marked lady who rides daily to the hole do Boulogne, with a sword and Jogger dangling by her side, No one knows her; no miles seen - her facts .she is only spoken of as "the mashed AMMO/3." She appears to to young, end is an admirable horeetvo. man.A. Awry in current that ehe Is the datighter of a :Wavle printions -who' wan ruined by n Parisian guntlemsua; and died broken-hearted. The daughter in ,said to be watching for her mother's be trayer, whom she expects to recognize by Ids portrait, which iho Piineess always ware. Within a week or two a second Masked Amami' made her appearance, but Instead of carrying pistols and a dog ' gerin her girdle, she has hung en im mortelle, with a withered rose entwined in It, tO tier saltdloatcm. Prenchingenu. ity has not yet solved this second tnys -tory. ' —At ,New Florence, Mo., on Ulu 20th lint., where some twenty workmen en gaged In erecting an amphitheater. for the County Fair had token refuge from en approaching thunder-storm under the half completed structure, st tremendous tornado struck the building, And on ono aide, and then ithlrllng round, with ono terrific blast leveled the whole structure on the ,torixtri. Two men were instantly. killed Ono II Mr. Juntas West, living near the place; the other a colored man named Wiley Grabsin; NearlY • tntery man in the balding. was more or. less bruised by the tailing timbers.: but only tour were badly wounded. • • ' leatthebietio .mgagelphiatt tsaya ° Wee isetwitilierg la not much of 'a beauty after all conipered with o Miss Tilton, of eighteen NUMMOIN. PITTSBUItGIt TIEURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1867, RIR EDITION. MIDNIGHT. CABINET MATTERS. Between the Presidelit - and the Cabinet. 4,RANT STILL PROTESTS AGAINST ERERIDAN'S REMOVAL. InsTe?...yrannto the PhtsbarcliGasanso kris kens.; August 20, last A special from Washington say. there Is no.foundittion for the reports of a breach between the 'President and General Grant. The reconstruction eats will be enforced with Streit impartiality, and mlittclaus will rot be permitted to use the United State. military force to carry out ends, and work reconstruction in those objects. There ts perfect agreement be- Careen the Prestdimt, Gotland Grant, and all the members of tae Cabinet. A special pi the Post says General Grant bestowal an order directing Gemara' Sickles to gei to Harr York and report to the Adju tant General. - General Grant has ahni seat to the President another written protest a.golast the removal of &heeds's, suit, cs pecisgiP Urine that the public' service. re. entree the presence of lien. Hancock on the Mains.. FROM TENNESSEE The NewbyMe Mayoralty usovenUon—A Split A Peke etch= Pound AI ordered. far Xelscraph to the Pittsburgh buena 1 X AIIrETILLI. Almost ZS —A Medical Con vention wan held at the eardtol this after noon to nominate 11 mmdidato for Mayor. Those who called it exPeoted the nemlu tArm of H. G. EreaVel, an old, loyal eittsen, ands large property holder, and the deolen. don of Alden and Meyers; hat, the Meyer.' men were present in form ad nomlnat. co hfm. Tule /eaves matters nnerAnged, and Colonel Alden will probably continue a oandhlate: regarding himself u the party 00111106. The present Mayor. Brown, It Cenurratige. 111.0 a eandloate. The eleCtloo promises much excitement.— Murals, August Se.-The body of Dr. Matteis It. liamsel, • well know. Phion elan. Was foond secreted in assramp ear rho Tinto/Ott road, sts mile. from • ell. , thls morning, perforated ,with hails , th head mashes, and pockets rifted. 'lt 11, an • powed.the murder was committed for =b ooty. John Zthay has beset arrested on suspicion of the =order, but there is no positive proof against him. The doc tor had soon to the country tn. visit j patient. HIS hone' was Maud shot in th shoulder. Accounts horn Arkansas and 11Isatsalp represent the cotton crop sonertnor sere from drought and worm. The corn crop. excellent. FROM. NEW YORK: CST ToIeMOS to tOS ottt.boriak Oaseito.) bralr Ton., Aug oat IS, atlas= .011{.1111., L W. Winter, 6eric In the Army Paymen ters Othen, wee held to WI. ehwited with forgukt •drip 11r.53,090 on the Treasury Department.. L COW/ torroar Owes W.lfolmea &sooting 'direcurr of the alleged • Gould Masonic Getteart to 04 of the Ilall and Asylum Food, tiaa baanarreated oo a charge of keocong a lot tary omoe. , Tannin . rtiOnrettonn- nirilinnonOT. AV:serlous disturbance oenarred !aviest tbe.roarnbers Of a Tall,OS: Company 1 . 210 went on an esearmon at east New York. Sereral ware stabbed and beaten. , COLL JULIA. Irlerat7.lllo.ti tnotekand :robs of Soilinton Coal were add et 43.758143 per ton. 1 111122.1111151 The ateannthip Northern LJght, from Bre ixwa,tis arrlTeit; . . casixeasce MAN AM/TIM. Chummy iorkia, the notorious •stone• detest man. was arrested today Ter rarer. FROM ST. LOUIS.' iipi4ae.2l;c ri rat i r tre. la • ado Week Projected. ==lM== Bs. loom. August 'th.—The Sammy DM. poke pretend& that qutto a number of southern men •bave brought thole famlllee 40 ULU ally to "escape the Met of a negro uprising., w bleb they Maim le meditated In many quarters. . They say . th e negrom are well waled sad exhibit their weapon. den. T u wo more =emblem rime occurred here slime yesterday. Nearly. or quite thirty self murders have been conualtted bars tele summer. • aisirentleetthroer of mill:11e hoot stones Is to be tweeted on the ens in' the Linden Hotel, at a ant of 111.300,41:0. • The weather 13 cooler Coca the Mhz of Last Wen.. FROM THE PACIFIC. The *parlous Faeottede Lester—Gold Mm lgrlUeb thstamada. dert, (By islepasb to the Falstrersh timitte..l - San Faurcri,.. August 2A-21te Mexican Conaid, t/Oden writes to the Bataan pro• duclng the smartens savage.lettor ascribed Esoobodo, _declaring that Elsoobedo to . gentler:Wm amll a friend of foreigners. Shipments of gold from Britten Columbia so tar 101. year exceed those of last year bythree hundred thousand dollars. The general . - 111,1 e of Ban Franclaco la moderately active and retells' mittsfactory. Stoney active; demands chiefly for move meets of crops. Legal 1 0 00 0 0, 711507 L Wheat, St,w, outside 'dolt for shifting. Sailed, the ship David Crockett. for Neer York. }tore( ALABAMA, Volt iroglotrolloo Itatttrito--N.. Cot tea • Itooolrod—Thii 001111- Crop Iliat and Largo—Cotton Dontogod. E P Telegraph to the glttabargh elametle.l • NegroOlpear, Artgriat..l3.—Rawn return la Ircul from all the •oottattes glre the whites .7W, mid the bleak. edam. Thera are only lei esodtdater. el:mem:ea d In th e Butte, so far only our. colored. Sixty-Mx bales Cl now cotton were tamely. ad to XeatirOmor7.op to date. ' - The eons maple eats and to •• • - The cotton crop wmt greatly damaged during the /net few weeks frees tho . lack of Chief Justine Chase In New Lamp , .hire—gloat glattering Seeeptlon. fly Telagrape to Um Pittitrarga oasetta.j blancitrivgn, N. 11, 28.—Chief Justice Chaim arrived - /an evening. Ex tiovernor Smythe end a delegation of citi zene walcomed.blnt. lie wan taken . Lo the reeidenee of Mr. Innythe, where the generallyOuring the 6.6[1113$ gave hint the 000 nattering reception ever extended to an eminent miter to New flampshlre. The Chief Justice made a brief addling. but did not allude to polities. • Wade rlantiotan on Iteconstraellon th, Ululate. to the Pittalsoseh Haaatta I AINIErSTA. AIMILL 78.—Wade tlampteu. be • lona letter, argues nether. the injustice and unconatltatlonahty of the Colter*. Monet plan or Reconetructlon. While ani line for reatenttion, he prefers tellluti7 rule to tho proffered tonna lie donne; the right or Congress to interfere with inffrrans In the elates, but favors Impartial en triage, sad advises the peculate [relater and vote against the Convention. The Elections in Canada. ; ibyTelegraph to the lettstorgh hustle.; Toamero. Miguel M.—Great excitement Pthvalla throughout Canada over the oleo. tics. in booth lining. Ontario, for Member Of the Liman of COOMOI2II the °Cutest, waa between (Morse Ben.. leader of the op. Deettlen led Teandta /d. Gibbs, local malt. date. Thu grst dere troll lag wns a t ie cote, Ise gave CMOs 4 majority of 10 out of 2,5t0 votes.' • Grape Growers' *mesetattoo. Telegreat, to the Pittsburgh Ussetteo• titivates°, AvingtOD.—The Lake Shore Grape Growere. Aaimelation held their an nual meeting at North East, Pennsylvania, yesterday. Three' hundred members were present.. The rep One ow a better thin arerege c rop Or fleec ethle year, thoogb there is soma rot and mildew. They /ears here todslibt tor strip to the Wands. • Dtetlawalelied Phyaiehee fur Telegraph to tbeirritsbargh glaziqta BONTOr. Angus& TV.—Dr. Junin Jacksoll; • elute kn it .phyllidall, died last evealnly, _ed fa ar.. _ The steamer. zeta wailed fOr Liven/00i. ate took no Specie. WHe s. ConstmeBvillo. rib. Iffy Telecrapto the Pitueoeth tfuettal ' ffro.brozo Lout ot..floononneffillo, this morning 'about Mao o'clock; on- tbo comer of M.l.n and Centre streets, doetroylng intent band ing directly In the Duncan contra of 1.110 store Utpuftle ifbleki Friesian. ' Mr Telegraph to the glltaDergh limn. I - New Toler, Au net 11.—n merles of glean- tin whisky fronds on the neeenue• have re coot', been fnecoeeree, onion 11 nealo 10 tin- , pllente COPlChanta of Olen etanding In tele city , ena funnon. Melee. not glean. at. 0410 aPa ' .pr Telenapb 0•11•11 Ma rittabangilll k flasett.] AugUst Is.—Tbs Aim Erwin =At on 41•11211 nun bar. • Eark• was mien raised and repaired, wed te now running as rrorininlar packet between Endiarill° saa Cairo. •• ' - Ramie Chew,' • Illy Telescope to Ito Plllsbargh °Lunn I • flrentortenc hLtsseommerts. Aug. R". itte . fffth national none show commenced yenterday, Under the mutt hoornble act. OCION • FROM WASHINGTON. • [By Telegraph to th 6 Pirtabergh Plante.) Wasareirrox, August BS. TII6 Preaaexer sib Peadaara. .poem[ nays: The Pre/lidera gave out to hn private joareal#ßht the full teat of his order traneferring almond lied 'cock to the Fifth Military District. The or der Dealt has IsCd..Yet . rn, P, mMul t'"A b y I General Grant, and h theretordnet tamed effect. , General Grant regards the tut order of the President ea entirely Berne -Wing Gen eral Order N 0.77, Including hisinstramions to General Thomas, and thorn Is ItWedoubt that it merlons dliferenee, not tole ,. 0,,,, th" of +newly has ocetu.ral between the Preel dent, and General Grant, regarding the rowan attic latter under the reoonstruo. Lion net, and the Demme of Ma letter to the President Is bellerml to have Area. to present to hicicertela further stigneltlons and tombs for hisconsideratlon—not touch ing toe propriety of eheridan% removal, on whlari argument has ceased; hot the more Important question as to whether the Or. dor of the President is not se framed as to contact directly with the powers granted to the Gannet In-Chief by the ant of Cow arm. There le also good grounds for the belief that the order when Issued , will be accompanied by hiVrectlene to those w bleb acoompanied the first osier. . The situation of matters between the Ex ecutive Mansten and the War Department is exceedingly delicate. Prediailaits are made that General Grant will 'refuse to Issue the order unless modified or accom panied by inetroctions at hie own, end that das a ClOrliWg moon he will relievefrom uty. to Um War Departm en t by the n Presi dent. Should this Odour seethe Latter un dertake to tranemlt orders throtigh myy now Secretary of War, the Issue Is the di 'natant' neevoldahle, for cameral Grant In acting under the following timely law of Gong:mine: [Motion two of the Army apprOgrlatlon not., approved Blogel qd, 101 i, la M follOWS• . And be it further en•Otod, that the Geed Quartes or the General of the Army of the United Mates MuUl bo at ---. 1,1311 all orders and Instructions relaUng to military operations leaned by the Prealdent or necrulary of War, dealt be lamed through UM General of the armY. ...firth... or Ids Inability, through the nom in rank. The General of the artopshall not di removed. suspended. or relieved from command, or aratnted to duty olsewhere from slid head qua;terv, except at bla own request, with. out the previous approval of the Sonata, sad app Orders or tuaumllons relating to military operators oontrat7 to the require. menL of thls section, shall henna and void, and any °dicer who nail 1,1 no Orders or to t commas Contrary to the provisions of this sectionothall be deemed guilty Of a 'misde meanor In ogice.'and any Manor of the army who MIMI transmit, convey or obey any Or den, or instructions so tuned cOntrary TO the provudoes of this section, knowing that suet orders rote so Issued, stall be liable to Imprison .Lent for not leas than two not more than uwenty years, upon tho 000110. lion thereof Many court of competent . Im rladtetlert. I= The now postal treaty with Bligland goes into operation on theist of October, The rates tothe United Kingdom for :Wrens pers arelenagaled circulars arm two- cents each for no wapapers or other printed mutt ter, exoeptbooks weighing ovm two wines: foss cents for four ounces, or a fraction thereof; books six cents per tone ommis, or a traction thereof; patterns or samples of merchandise. eight mote per tour ounces or fraction thereof. ?Walt% most be prepaid. The wrappers of newspapers, pamphlets. Cooks, an., 'most be open at the sides or ends. Beek or sample packets must not ex ceed two feet lh length or one footle width. Patterns or temples mist not hoof intrinsic valor. which role °minden' from the melts all articles of a saleable nature, or timing a market value of their own. The re doted price of twelve MIN per half ounce on letters don't go into effect until Jmueirs Ist. The offices of ercbmge oh the tide of the United btatee me New York. limtan. Praladelphia, Baltimore, Portland, Detroit, Chicago and San FrancLico. rms. 11.01 PAID scores X1...W. 00..17. - The President an Saturday Mot for Sohn it. Langston, a colored 'castor of Ohio, to .thonlre regarding the views of the colored 'People in relation to the - trOildm eel es Bu rem. Langston told the Trealdent be thought the interest* of the Meeks demand. .1 the menu= of General Howard. The President spoke In very mover* theme of amoral dowsed, and intimated very clear ly that he moat ratter. him: and put in mine true friend of the Mimed race, and 11 the colored men hero ' , Mold agree upon on a of their number, he would unruly appoint Mai. 'MI sated Langston to mkt this under rombleratroo till the clement the week. Langston and Ids frlentlajpeem wholly averse to the pronmitlon soar, caaormrs. risourramion. It appears from North Carolina pattern that registration tins far in that Biala shows two Waage registered to one white. Und to some districts in larger preportion. se. hes ceased. a circular to be addressed to the Boards of Reglatratlnn, tolerating them that the °Meer, of the nitride, ppm warms devOlved the execution of the patrol laws, or other general law. retain:4lo the doceestio order of toe Mate arid Rosenthal:lTM slimes thereto. haling thereby assumed and pertormed olvti form. lions, are deemed civil Mamie within the meaning Of the acts of Congress, and any coot °Met having afterwards taken part Or the rebellion or aide:tor abetted perm= engaged in rebellion, is excluded from reg. Istration m asoter. • • ONVOGIII.C. CABlrer 11110131. The Intellipencer /um are hive high au thority for savour that the loose and sense. goner moors circulated last evening about troubles in the Cabinet. yesterday: are un funded. stew ser IlioVlll.l Atteocled the Cebinet .bleetleg yeetersisy, but this prernstare atoetion to bustneos Ns again eomoollel him to keep Ida bed. - 1ne.1.1.2 or a scan. JAMCS Daman, Commissary to the robot R Irtz, at Amiersonrigs. escaped from Tort Polasal last week. Ile' was sentenced for tineen years. 110 hat gone to France. 0/11118.6.1. SIMLA AND TIM rIITSCD . There Id undesstionable 'authority •Yor Mating that General !Reties had not -re ceived any executive oraer_ revoking or modilyingbis General Order No.lo, nor bas be requested the reservation or suspension at any Executive Order, or MAY other order .10 the premises. neither bee be asked to be relieved. The only ESOCOthre order known to bare been addreesed to Ueneral Sickics, concertuntt tile relations with the Canna of the United Staten labia District, was sent here when one of tholes eosins, in an attempt to constraln his action, ordered tin arrest, whereupon General Sickles WAS Inetrueted to take Into onetody all Pentane witkirtaideg to arrest hire. No - occasion, nowever, bets arisen for compliance 01111 the Instructions. • 3•II.ITLAT MATIIIIB. The Free!dent Ima directed that the pen insula Minna be Ban Fraucisco Bay be re eereed tor military Denote i Wm. that • million reservation be made at Camp Goodwin. *Axone. embracing thirty-six KOMI. Mlles. • TVIOIIIIO OTIM TI! raoraayr. It appears from edictal srmormeernent that General tiltchoock, on the 22d, turned over the property of th e oMee of lOommts eery Dimerel of Prisoner. to Breeet Brice uler titmeral Book. of the Adjutant Gen eralhioalco:. In pursuance of all order from the Adjutant General. data' the Mth. aasrsse AIANT .0 01 , 11011114 da order frOM headquerter. Of the Army revoke. (ioOefft Order No. s, of 1.67, Live to the pontehmeta, of soldiers for de sertion, And-restores paragraph mhof tn. steed army rsgunitlo... [USD 1/Ott TALLOW .1.21. Lieut.. Wallace... Adjutant of the Tenth le. Aunty, died at new Orleans, ytetorday, of 'Yellow fairer.. .O.O2IICULTIMAL commie actor. The Commissioner General of the Land OMee gives notice that agricultural college , scrip may be located in Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, het not in lilehlgan, which has received the quantity allowed by taw. FROM HAVANA; einapenston of Yaps lllnaoLetorlee— AACrna la Me Queen or Spain. for To•nrsch to the rittaborsh thinned New You, nnanat 20.—The Steamer Mow Cattle brings Ilarana advloos to the 24th. About eighty euear manufactories but closed, being unable to pay the new contri butions. This throw. tamdrode out or am. tiloyment. The Captain gears; and recs. [ten; of the Oommen Connell bate drawn up an address to the Queen of Opals, Fun nesting tho immediate enaponalon of the nsw syetom, or they would - despair of the ocntsequencee. huger actitro and demur; N 0.12191 reale. FROM RICHMOND Jorledtellon DORIIOOI in s lle►eom Wee—fiegr. SatoSelo 111 of rater. thy Telegraph to the fltisburgO•o atone.] • ItHattiaND, *talon 28 —The plea of want ofjarladlotlon was made ooanaal of the Party Charged with violation of, the rove nnelaws, on the ITOtald that the law pro• vutad for the ammo number of inapectoni as the stars ban Itoprthentatlvon b e tConesn, and sa Virginia had none; there ootild no legal Inaprototh to her limits, - uea.Otholleld Is quite 'of lover near 'tampion. • - River.rbinrams. (of Toleirrson to th. eatubur(ta nasal.) • Murals. Ansust.23.—lnver AUCHIL atindonary. wan three teat lama Inches la canal. 87 . . Loma, Anallat Yo.—The rivet le Millar/ cowls, man aU tno upper StSeame are dcolla• =QUM cs i lreppaph to ate Plttabongh Guette,l Torinigas Auffiat 513.—The rams. trztion return. from four precinct+ of ranuille county, Forth Carolina, show agarepati of 007 whites awl 1,017 Maces. • Basil 11.11—The Athletics Beaten. (B y To.mph to the Pittsburgh tissetis.3 PeOLADILTIOA., AUKtlllt OEl.—ln the bue bW psalm to-asp, LUG UMW,. of New Yorx, beat tho Athletics. Sacra—twenty- Miro agairat irronty-buo. Yellow Payer at Galveston,' .. ,ny Teletn➢h. to the rtnnarth tiasette.l tlatvarroe.ttogo:t 28—There trer:toen. Yorgal l , Loren /Wu, collector If too f ever. . . mem Tork flopeabllaut toilNdeotfikpbio'illelltubatb M. OCIAVILIVI Da t•ld ` it . 1 4/rnowna on tleptomber =Q. • . HMO 91110 N, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. THE DISTRICT COMNIANDERS. Order Removing Gem Sickles Promulgated. THAT CONCERNING GEN, SHERIDAN TO HE IiSUED TO-DAT. No More. Cabinet !tumors. SECRETARY M'CULLOCH TO REMAIN FOR - FINANCIAL REASONS. • The Differences Between the Presi dent and Ceneral Grant. THEY HAVE AN INTERVIEW AND CORE TO AN UNDERSTANDINI. (Hy Telegraph tO the PllLebargh tielette.) ll•anerertealt UNITS° Bi..e . reit Attu A.D.lpTelte Oveteete,e 01,101, WAIntlaSh•et. , Ang.ZI, Il Geoterol Orders No. W.—Prot. The leg (lettere bare been reeelrett from the Prtseleat 1 EISCCTIrs Mseetoa, Artgost W.—Brevet Major General It: S. CanbY is hereby eta Manna to the command of the Second 11111. tan' Dilithot , created by the act of Congress of March 11, 1807, and of the Military Depart-. moot Of the Month, embracing the Stritsl Of North Carolina and: South Carolina lie will.. soon as practicable. rulleve (ioneral D. E. Sickles, and on • ISSSIMIIIig the com mand to which he Li hereby assigned, will, when necessary, see to a faithful execution of the laws, exercise any and all the POwors conferred by acte of Coneross upon DLit:let Commanders, hoe any and all the authority pertaining to °Mears In command of Mili tary Departments. Major tionerol Daniel E. Sickles is hereby relieved 1 rom the corn. mend of the Second Military Distriet. The Secretary of War ed interim will :SW. too necessary instructions to carry this order Into effect. AVOltSiir 40E1800. &coed.. In purinance of the foregoing or. aer or the President of the United Stain, Brevet Major General Canby wlll,on reoelpt of this order, turn over his preseot eon. mend to the cheer mat in rook tO and proceed to Charleston, S. C.. to relieve Major lienersi Sickles of the command of the Seated Military District . . Third, Major General Sickles, on belng relieved, will replan to New-York City and report by letter to the Adjutant General. By C0923111.11d0f General Grant. . [Signed] . E. D. Towismin Avalestant Adjutant Gen enil. It was expected that, the order directing General Hancock to proceed Immediately to New Oiinans and relieve General !then us commander of the Fifth Military District, would be blued this afternoon. bat n p to Sorel°. it bad not been promaigated. The order will be issued to-morrow. and It will direct General Hancock to proceed im mediately and. relieve General Sheridan and take command of District, during the Illness of General Thomas. Upon the en. covert' of that oMcer,the original order, No. 71,1,seirrnIng him to'the command of the Fifth Military Diallict, ben:m.lml. There are 00 Cabinet rumors do-day, and no proeptets of the Immediate retirement of any members. The relations or all of them with the rresident continuo agree able. It seems willed • that Secretary Yo- Calloch el ill continuant offlce,for financial if for no other reason. aS It has twen repro *anted by gentlemen of 'different walla.. that his resignation would' disastrously af fect oar Diddle seenritles both athome and abroad. , CorroboratWe evidence le fern/shed to. day .net General Grant yesterday sent to the Prealdeotedecldedlyhrm letter azalnet the removal of Generals S.M. and Slekles. Tao dtQaroonho were known to he eo were between the President end General Grant thot prominent gentlemen eoppoatel tnem irreconctleble, .d that the retire. moat or General Giant from the War IN, parts... was Inevitable. Ant this after noon General Grant and the Prorddent bad an interview at tho Esenetire Mauston. which resulted in the adjustment of the tronbie. FROM EUROPE. Talexarth to the Plttitrargh Gazet4.3 • • t. I:win - erne AND TAN ADANA, Cossrairrntorts—Aue..tit —The American Minister, Edwerd Jo , Morris, had In and fence with the erritan, at which he Ptment• al the resolutions of the United ntates Congwess m relation to the war in the .Is, Lod of Omar,. 11111 . 8017M111.31 LOSI/.16,21UN. MfrßlCH,Alirl2ll2s—A,,,,jcwomi.eut Jonreal, whit, 1 the enure organ of South ern thumw 3 i, assorts that nay.le wid. other State. of South. Germany, will not unite with Austria' or Freesia, and riimaist, inn in Mdependenee of either, will bold the balinace of rower between the Northern Confederation sad the Austrian Empire. 701 entsecee'compurnmms. Lonnon, August LP.—Eccelny.—The creasing bitterness . ippamet - the nth thrluls of the Prussian' jouritals, on the Sobbing conference, amens much anxiety ttroughont Europe. =I Brer/11.1 Or TOO nrvsaecnol—raiauwsa OAT'SCIA” MID 'rame, August 21L—Eveninp.—fteporta COAL than from robot source, of the tureen or the Insurrection In Spain, and cepeclany 10 the province of drragon. The lateet adslosa report that the. insurgent, captured and held the city of :Wagons. . EXCLAIM. PASSIIMIOLILS h r YES BOOTILASIrT9S, August 1.,-Amang the passengers by the steamship Hermann which sailed yesterday for New York, are Rey. Charles Kingsley, the well known an. thw. and James K. Mammy, late . Minister or the United Slates atListeen. •; I ANTROCZNIDON OP scram. AND ALBAN. Paints. August —Airenftig.—Austria awl Prance unito in dissuading Denmark from Insisting On the retrocession of Duping and Alien by Prussia. To-day the drat truth of ears pissed over the railroad !WWI, Mount Cents. • FINVICIAL AND COMIEEICLLE. Louver,, Anguet 24—Renting.— Consuls, 04?!1 5-33 a, mg, Illinois Central. nyf; Erle, 45. Atlantic and Ureat Welter°, Yl%. Lir ”roor., Atianat . .1. , -Zrerang.--Cottau eloeed dull. and beaVy4 mica Of $.OOO hula middling Uplancll, at 10%.1; Orleans Wheat; white California. lie 441. and 13.81 for now Southern. Flour, at. for western extra. 'Earley, Ox Corn. 30441. 0ata.34 04. Peae, Ale ed. Cheeve. 495. Beef, 1374 Go. Lard, ale 9d. Pork, 75e ed. Bacon, 494 Petroloomi *paha, ed. refLued, to 141. London - marketa unchanged. Altrovltar, August IM—Berning.—Potro taunt oloeed at 14 francs. THE FIE TH , EwitTo T • Sebool appolarnioots by the Noir urlosoto Vonsoll—neater from Tel lew of 11:41e. Pre.Mont Hamlin tbroll—Dopooort Otactero 800 tor I.lbel-.lBomorat of Galveston OM. eer* tor DloloyaltY.. (Br Tele/rash to the Pittsbergn ussatte.l New OILLAza, Augoatp.—Tte city Conn. 'ell Wiwi appointed new fiehool Directors and other miner on:totals of the twenty fourth school district. There is one colored The number of deaths-from yellow fever on Horsley were fourteen, and yesterday fifteen. Cyrus Ilamitn, eon of the Bx-V/co Preni dent, died this inornink of fever. It is reported that the late:City Attorney and the late City Bersoyer have Unitituted snits against twenty 'members wir the new City Council - tor Iliad, in denouncing them es Incompetent for their positions. • • GALVLSTON Augyht Sd.—The following re. Meseta ter disloyalty will be ordered 8. iitimbY,Commtsaloner of Land °Mao; W. 1.. Hobert., Comptroller; M. 11. Boyston, Treas. siren William Jame s orny General; and In their gigot' C. liamilton and John. T. Alexander were ap. Pointed. INDIAN AFFAIRS Expedition to Chimilee the navvies_ Ceomerned In the Recent Meath (Be Ttkereoh to the Tlllebulgh &matte.) • Yore Hare, Rex., duvet Tla tame weeny Keg.. Aegnst 21.—Tbreo hundred exclaim under command • • of haler Ellbot, of the Eleventh' United States, and Major koore, of the • Eighteenth Faunae, lett here to-day on an . expedition to chew Use the Indium thet 'attacked Idelor Antes seeeraldaya ego on the Benne. • • The health of the troops le excellent. menhany of the Tenth Cavalry egylvm to -day and for. ordered. forty-nee 'miles loather rest tor the proteetkm of latxnare and mutineers on the reilroad; • Ilbsinrall Gone. (17 Tdeitrialli to tAlk rituinuo Guano. nyTillll Mollsosc August 06-The son & wall 5e4114 te , !edar foe Haillsilastios.ll4 Atloobi: . ply Tell:m . o to lAA ifithilta Mina& Beoenty persons ragistered te.h.Y. of Whom Zwoalpils Wore 'flutes. PRICE THREE CENTS CITY AND SUBURBAN. FOURTIt .PAOE.-2he fullest sad most retia bre Atrr.l4 OR and Prodato Harker ' , reports given by any paper. Or the dry, tottt be/aund on our Po OA lacie. Men Stabbed with a Pair Cr iiief sssss =Probably Petal Result. • • At s late hour 'Tuesday night an alfraY Occurred beiween Louie gdholierel Mashie Randall.lbtirneyMen pitintere, at tiwnsid and West streets, in the Third Ward of All. ghoul,' city, in which the former was etab bed In the neck with a pair of paper tunic. ersieplesare, inflicting what is thought to be, Bt did Writing, -a fatal wound. Early - In the winning Mull', whilst. In company With his employer, William Ehrhardt, met Sandell; bet Ween *bond end Ehrhardt there wee some thltddifiafte fooling about a loan mai matter. They got laid a eOntroversy about their affairs, which bectime excited. and culminated iti blows; tut owing to In. terferenee the mulles were prevented from serlowily damaging ear-bother, and the Tx.. lice were not elated on. Meeting again be twee!, twelve and one o'clock, the quarrel woe renewed, and a 5 Randall- was ragout to nee advantage 41e boa obtained over Ihrbardt, Schulz interfered. Ran dall then turned his attention to &Mots, and drawing from his pocket a pair of acts eon, wrack this instrument Into the right aide of the neck of Beholz, the region of the jugular vein indicting a desperate wound. Vary notin after this occurred the night pollee appears, arid cinder. Jacob Barber succeeded in arresting Randall, Conveying hire at. once to the tombs. Beldilc.' the Injured man, was tdken to Volts'. tattoo, cre, Onto street, where he boarded, and Dre. Alcorn CA mittimoned to attend him. fie wits well nlittatiansted from loss of blood, b the phymicians came. and considerane forethee time elapsed before the hemorrhage was chocked. Brit little hope was enter tained °lbis reooVery. Bennis Is about twenty-three yearn of ago and enmarriod. Randall is a married man and his family reside on Jitinell street, in the Third ward, Allegheny city. Wednesday morning Mayor Morrison took the deposition of hauls charging Rm dell with the !stabbing. upon which Randall was committed to await the real; of the wound Inliteied. We understand that the second admits furring stabbed Schutt, but claims to have acted fn self defense. Young Wentaa ladecently Aswanlbia at Iron City Park. Monday evening last Mary Dougherty, young girl, in attendance at a plc tile to Iron City Perk, was, as is alleged, assaulted by Jess. Price, • young Mein who had been . In her company during the atteriloOnoutd others, with intent to outrage her. Accord leg to heir statement she and Price walked Weather to • a secluded portion of the ground., sat down, and convened for some minute.: Presently ahe observed a party of rough , character. approaching, and be came convinced they designed violence neon her, from their familiarity an, seem- Ma understanding with- Price... Taking alarm, she roe. from her seat and was about to flee, when Price caught hold of her. Site war , then assailed by him and his coated. enact, and a desperate effort made by them Jointly to accomplish their holdall purpose. The rumens, however, could not prevent her ticreamtug, and making the best use she could of ibis her only me ins of de fense, the assailants at to bt"Came frightened end tied, testing their Intended slot= very ranch estimated. in the Strug gle she lost her shoes and came to Um city in her stockinet, - - luformatlou was lodged before Mayor Mc ()artily by Miss Dougherty, on Tuesday, against Prims, and also his confederates, none of whose names, however, appear to NI known, and the description elien of them was too indistinct TO .1:mblo the poliee to come to any certain conclusion no to their identity. Prise was arrested at his place at residence,. in the Meth ward, on Tuesday, and locked op for a bearing. When the odious eameepon him, ha showed Indications of violent resistance, hut ono combed ender the subduing =Donne of the ~nippers:, A OW ristie. ft was not exactly a dog light, either, the .Morals engaged In It were puppies:: but rather alight about a dog, widen was the property of Joseph Mallory, but recently transferred to the possession of Henry' Green, and Vent, too, without the knowledge and consent of the former owner. Green Is a bat-keeper in the tavern of grant Gallagher, In iii mlagham,l and Mallory is a occident of that borough. Bear- Melltt Green bed hie doe, be repaired to the aforesaid tavern, Monday, and demand ed his property, for which piece of imper tinence he recelrodn culllng at the Lands of the gentlemanly barkeeper, trite per haps felt indignant at bring emceed of dog stealing. Notwithstanding the manner In which Omen bad treated him, Mallory suc ceeded In capturing a stem gun that was standing in the house which he carried away with him, in lien of the dog. Feeling a little chagrined at the treatment be had reserved at the hands of Green,ho went ho- Moe Jiatice Snyder, of Lower St- Clatr, and made information nentrist Green, charging him with assault and battery. Ills [manna did not antihero; for It appears that the gun which be had carried off was not the property of Green, but belonged to (fella chez, the proprietor of the establisteniont, who made information before Justice Soy. der arminet hire for larceny. Warrants were Issued, the parties arrested and held for a bearing today. Whet the "dog fight° Will terminate in we are unable to say, but presume a compromise will be eff canal, as that would be the better way for all Don carried. The Fire Alarms Telegraph. A number of complaints harbig been mule by member. of the Fire Department to the Ohm/ of the _Department, Mr. lien, on account of the frequent mistakes which bare OW-WOW of late in the lire alarm Telegraph, the apparatus was thoroughly Meted yesterday and /Mind to be in perfect working Order, and Mr. Palley, the Super intendent. nave that the fault is not to the apparatus. The bell on the tower was nal, and the mashinery there sou all right. it is doubtless very provoking to the Arc- - men, and also to the citizens, to have these mistakes occurring, yet It is ranreuonable to expect a' mote perfect workbag of the line under the cfreumstallees. The op. pantos Is doubtless • mid one and has bath kept In good order, and like any other piece of machinery.~ when kept to perfect order. makes no mistakes.- Bet is requires • man to work It, and all men are Ludo to make mistakes. Perfection Is onlyattained by long practice, and we should remember that the Fire Alarm Telegraph le compare. lively a new thing In Pittsburgh. Ilarglary. The following taken from the norm. ty Pros of August 28th, would indicate that some of the burglars are rnstleallurp,l On Thunder night last, the dwelling of Isaac Lefevro, or Jefferson townebio, this county. was entered by two Men with felonious Intent. They took out a mine of OW loon it window, inserted a hand and drew a nail from above these/Ih, hoisted it, mall thee gained Ingress. • They entered the bedroom of Mr * Ledevre and wife and, notwithetending, they Mid taken the precaution to muffle their feet ' sheepskins with toe I wool outside to prevent oohs° the tight of their candle waked lir.Lat.'vre,who sprang op so suddenly that It frightened the bur wars. They deceived their - candle and to. treated instantly, leaving behind them a hatchet,• brace and bit, and two chisels. They ran have the articles by calling on Sir. Leferre. They carried sways butcher knife which had been left on the kitchen table When the family retired for the night. Off the Track Engine No. 200, and the tender attached to it, were nut off the track near the Eleva tor. last (mentor emit, six o'clock. Tho engine wits on the track running Into the Emigrant Depot on Grant street,. where It was attached to some oars loaded with bull= stone, which were to Do taken tt p the e ttie f oot end in irain g g o t:n th s e trre t, it ole ! ruck was thrown off and turned steam =IOU the street, leasing Jut sufficient rmm for cars topsail along the tractr.on Liberty street. The wheels of the hind trnekof the tender remained on the track. Yen were at work t7r,ll,74'PfiVall. l l.l..°V,T,°i:ert nine otlock lit Melt, while the lucerne- Lire remained to the poeltlon above describ. 03,1 n • truly helpleas state, rent/mil one very much of a iigsh oat of water ."Zio person was initintd.nor was the engine, damaged to any extent. • • • Morisse* Astor nalena. Largequentlties of this fruit have been brougntto tele pity from the East. In for mer. soars the quaint of the eastern inel lolls was unexceptional, but thereto." berm general complaint of the ftsvar—or want of flavor of the crop this year. On romper. Uaa the western melons of the present Jen son, are much superior in flavor. We op tima a large arrival from Marlette, )ester. terday, of this lumens fmlt, awl that the whole consignment. in to Mr. Thomas Me. Coy . who has them citspleyed In tempting orofnelort at Sin. . Corner of Market En - mare, where they are far sale, or all alses, at moderate Prices and Tangelo,. ripe and fresh. We *arise oar readers to not lake torword for the quality, bat test. It for hemselves. Mr./get:ore enterprise should not go unrewarded. . • Platilans • A setiotis aceldeilt occurred on the 114 inst. to one of a party .of young /idles and gentlemen who bad congregated near the residenee of John Moyle. Esq.,lo the viola Byer roplipectilthtler county, for the pro; Pao of amusing themselves on • ening. While m the midst of ftolkwome enjoyment, • young lady named kmery was - precipi tates:l from the swing, falling • Waseca of fifteen feet. She fell on knees with su force so to fracture both her thigh bones. t ch e. sides eustatning other teinjlee. Dr. Rich. bodice, of prospect, and Dr. Bredbi, of But ler. Pa, were summoned. and the homes were skillfully real) wited. 10 is thought she will recover. About a week previous, a young man fell from the name - IWO tinning injuries of • serious character. Altered Sterile Thief Arrealled,—he last Wednesday, Constable Cowen or New Briebton, &treated man named ' Morton, who It Is alleged beltuurs to a wane of horse thieves, operattrur In western Pronsylva ma and eastern 0610. On tbe . following ,hre toe libariff of Parlays county, 01110, by dep. sty, bad Morton taken to that uotuuy. Where be will be hied on a charge or.bone stealtrig,OOmmlttedthere Kline time. erre, Morton, We 00/211rilland1 Wag wand near ,the Bmwerand /41.When00 County llne, In 'tau Mate. • • e. I= It Is not at all strange that lea city lake Pittsburgh, a vast. number of ,citizen! should Do continually arNirlyed, some by one tidos and others by something different for it is a natural consequence, in a/lefties, hot it is certainly remarkable that a nut trance should exist In the very heart of the city, even within the sound of the Velma of the "City Irttb,l3llo when aesembled for the purpose Of framing laws (or the protection of the citizens than nuisances. ft Is “no mote strange than truir,.. Del/ever, and It is a lemon:able fact, that a nuisance,' agues on Market street, lee has existed fat years, without oven an effort flelfing been male to elude it. The street, it is won known, is • a very narrow ono, not of entgolent width to accomodate the ordinary trade of that locality, yet hucksters an, allowed to erect MA LW, on the sidewalks extending mte the street from one en! of the market Dome to the other leaving scarcely room' for a wagon to pass through, and never &retools raised In COOLICII against it. Whys this allowed, when persons are daily teetod and lined for placing ob- . etructiorig id the streets In other portions of the city. whets there Is twice the 'room antl,not one half the travel t is it for the miserable pittance these tiockstore pay al to the city treasury that the birebseas men of Market street • are to be thug annoyed year after year. end not Only annoyed, hot oeorlved of a trsde of thensands of dol lars yearly, which I. driven to other parts of the city on account of this ettleance Councils should remember that their daty Is to protect the whole people, and not sub lea one portion of the oily to an annoy ance of this kind for the sake of putting a few dollars In the general trenury. We have frequently heard this matter tennplained of, and are surprised at Its tol oration for so long a Unto. Peanut stand.. occupying half thealdewalk, are. a, great nuisance, but the blocking nr. Of bath tido weld and street is Inc wont.. Cr= On our first page today Will ho faded a very interesting article from. Dr, ge7Ser on pulmonary diseases, accompanied try testi. monism from carbide parties woo have been snatched, as it were, /Min the 'grave try his treatment. Thg Doctor, some time ago, owing to the great demand for his ser. vice*, relinquished the active maimgement of his fine establishment on Weed street to his son, and has aloe, devoted himself closely to the legitiMate duties of his pro. Session, in which he bas acquired a repulse tine of which ne has eve* reason to feel prone. The Doctor in one of the oldest in too profession we have In the city, and we sneak from personal knowledge of the fact, when we say there is not, among the entire„ medical fraternity, a closer or more active student ills thirst for knoteledge in his profession is such that ids mind Is the At work perfecting those theories foe the care of diseases, lathe application of whietrhe is so successful, and hence it Is that Incases even where the patients have almost given up all hope, he Limon always succeeds in affording permanent relief. In diseases of the lungs and ailments arising from an im. curerte of the blood, ouras a very large ienee, and much or resders as are afflicted in this way, would do well to read late comitoinication.-I.Pin6urch Dtspatch. = For whet Beingeo perfoctly adaptor!, to all kinds of work. At the Paris Eposltlon the New Weed Sesslog. Machine sm. bestowed the first Prlsoewarded for Yamtly Bowing. Machine, Jai y let, I&1. Each machine is stressed to stiteb, hem, fell; Bind, cord, =Min, Wit, gather, han,atitob, - 'r ark without rnemormg. IG omegaea coital:lJ eating tension( that any person cm operate Without any Mu. ble. An styles, from Walnut up to Mahogany lnlaid with weal and silver mOnntiid. Beat of references, and one thread from No. 19 up to MO, and linen and silk. Cull and examine tt at N 0.112 igrantatreet. Beat in the world. ' E = The cheapest alien for • years. Fine Black Kollalr Lusters, from 31 emits to al per yard. perk Fall Chintzes, new style. bestogoods, FN cents; Ladles haeltings, tad the water. -proof*, at OM; Dark- dell Poplin Dress Goods. from ill cents to 77 eantay Black and Colored krona; licrinoi, splendid, qUallty, -Empress Clothe and Repos, Black Blau, as low as al hi; IYIIIIB. and Yellow Flan. eels, SI, 37% and Bo cents, Brix* Good Start ' , roots. all cents; Best PrenclfCorseta and Rid Gloves comp; Balmoral Skirts for. $l. 75; Fell Goode,rereads and clOlll3l. Cbtfp; beautiful Dark Prints,l234 cents; Bleached and Unbleached Bashful, extra , good, 1.1% a-4 and 10 , 4 Sheeting 1774 and Seeents, on the West corner of Market and Fourth atroeta, No. GO. GAXIMIM L ST24,)M. You Patronise Large Stores under the impress., that you set thing. °bean. , 2MIs is a mistake,. yoa will lad at. No. 112 Federal street, the following articles m cheap as at any hawse Ln either city. Spiced Saimaa, Pickled Oyster. and Orange .Ear- Lobsters, Bplo.l Oysters, Pre. Cove Oysters, Olive Oil, Cross and Bleak. well's Malone Pickles and Eastern, Math coon .8 Walnut Catsup, Fre EL Pineapples, Chinese Ginger, Mireatinds, Sardines, French kuatard, /West 'Bordeaux Pram., Sauces, Condensed Milk, Extract Of Beef, Chocolates, very Mae, Cream Bonin:me, Cream Candles, Mixed Candies, Nuts, an., he. G. Beam, No. 11l Federal street, Allegheny. John iticheleow, Esq.. an old resident of Plttsbrirgn, testifies so follows: )'or thirty years t have been afflicted with deaf. newt aecompanled by an unpleasant bus sing sound In my ears. Dr. Abom has re moved all the enplassant sensations, and improved my hearing, by a coarse of treat ment of ono month's rharatioe, and I can oonselentionsly recommend Dr: Above as a gentlemen In his business LWOW:Dona and a physician and surgeon Of the highest scientide attainments. Joss N National ,ri mm tte °l4' Coarl . Z. • To Countesr Illerchants.—Your atten tion to called to the wholesale and retail grocery More of Arthur Kirk, Noe. 172 end 171 Federal street, Allegheny, lust the place to buy your groceries. kir. Kirk has faclll - for buying that enables him to sell to retell merchants at a lower figure than nut other house In the two Mies. Ete keep. at all times nil kinds of groceries. cad 0111 be his 10 have parties call and examine his price list sod quality of goods kept by him. Remember his number. 172 and I.t Federal street, .allecheity City. A cue. ia Terse Xl•uteror three yea have rs I boon palatally afflicted With a deafness In my right ear, swamps:LW by singing and roaring sounds, watch were or. evadingly disagreeable. By one operation, In the space of three ralardes. Uwe,' Dr. Abaco. Mts morning, restored my bearing and removed all the unphomant sensations. Manes. Galavant. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 14th day at August. Wm. C. MoCanrirr, Mayor. We sell Dry Clouds both at wholesale Intl TOtAll, and arty Y it eel:meow:cm en. shied to keep a larger and mash better as sorted steers. to p.ll cheaper and give the goons la more aesommodadng quantities than exclasleejobbing houses. Retail mer. elissits a...lnvited to examine our stock. r. W. Rawl a Co., • . SO Market street. ?be IlaekrupS •ale of Clothing, Cloths, Cassia:texas, Hats, Caps and Notions, will be resumed on TM:trades, Anglin 29tb,.at 10a. x.dand continued atil and 73.4 r. n., when. the remainder of the amok will be dlspreed of by Smithson, Palmer a Co., auction Rooms, 53 and 37 Filth street. Bearable Beeittenee in Allegheny city at'Anctiom on Dionne,- eoptemoer at three o'clock r. on premises, amber of Slanaltotrand &Worrier streets. See ad sertieement. of :Smithson, Palmer 6 Co., Auctioneer.' , Nomething Pare.—The Tess, Cornea, Sugars, pplern, aa, sold at iirk , s Grocery Store. bas.l72 wal 111 Federal street, All a sheaY. are warranted to be the Very best In the market. Call and get pnce LeG -- To tellegbentana—extbur Kirk, whole. 'sale and reutll Gonne?, Nos. Maud 174 r e tu al street. has received one of the beat stocks of groceries ever brought to the city, that will be sold lower than 'at anY hour* la ttne LaceMee lanaiPingo—For bore and on Seventeenth session, •wiil commence on Monday, September la. Booms Fonxth Street. For scholorehine call Immediately, Or Midrets W. 8. GIIIIi, Principal. • To Pawllleo.-430 to Artbur /11r1t.s Gro. eery :store, Nos. 174. and 174 godersl Street. Allegheny. sag buy your Sugar for putting up fruit. Ile has the _largest, beet sad elleap. est stock ba th e Qty. Coll and eon for your solves. • • 1411ver Tee Met, Ice rltabars, Walters, G0bh5t,,,,, Cops , NVOOMI. Cake Beak:its, Pickle stenda,Ba tbbr Dishes of the beet quality, ler eeja by . RIM)) & CO, GS ylßh street. • Lutheran ay natl.—The twenty-sixth annual conventson.uf the Allegheny Evan- Retinal Lutheran Bynoa, vat oonunance In Jonnstown, Cambria county, on Wednes day next. Dr.Dwast treats &Bailsman of tho Throat, Lunn, Rout, Liver, Kidney and Blood, sad all e4rosto disown with grost Buxom. • • Rs are nelltna Zairelopesat leas than Eastern prices. EalTrr, Alarrinasax a Co.. N ram subet. Cheap Greeeriea.—Vor cheap Grownies and sornethin R. to Hirai titeoeryStore , tirontryBtoro,%ftnandliaredwalstmet, Allegheny any. • • We are Selling tatelopea at leap than .Rastern prices. Laircr, a.110111.40A a • • 134 Filth street Eye, Ear, Throat, Lahr, Cheat in a" oaee►, mut Catarrh, Sueetosthlly tre►ced' by Dr. Aborn. 13J Stoithileld .treat. A bOOl by tattl 69 route, - . • TPI • Gold Medal Rime. sOla at the 101ralt,ratis. rlinalllles Drug Stara No. ft Market wee. • Still Cala:wait Wine—a■Pleltdi t " . " 464 tat law rata., at. Flaming% Drpr !Stara, No. al Market atseat. ' • Dr. Dram reenter premature grey hair WWI orloloal color uditious sAr ono/ a de The Buz .rmalico see the leant Malty, at Tlelathe , s Dttyr . atom, No. ea market street. • THE MUMIY Ch=n". TWO itmnosis, WEDISSIDAY ATM WITIIILDAIr, • large sheet. eassatallas THE3VI-81.1. CO!. MOM or thlerettlas readle• muter. tarlsetry Wallas idltorts/s. West Wore by Tektriwr, sod 1411. valuta. Beret. ::siter for nosily. and tooeet and mat rellihte Tlese• del and Oommeretro Mettet Ileports :Ivry ry sir re Par the ell?. Po "snail.. Iteerwas or Xereltsat should be WlLbtortt. WWI TCIII MI MILT 016121 V, Knee Clinb• 1.515. 0/übs of Ten..... —And one Cap) of paper tb tel bb".a satttae no the GAO. .1.1 , 111.:e5e to grebe can be asitt ai say time, et dub raw, ROMs TO ethfIICITIZOIS owdettnt year KOK. be ears end .1.0.11 T Wil/111 edition 1.1 want. an We Istne • Wodneeday =mos tbs onibeK Mitts Kit Kw malt • wool. • Air *may by Draft, asonete. WWI Oetlenot or in B4Resiareilastars. tasy Ducat at onextali A/drew, , 41.1=M14, ITZTBBI3IIIIII. reerVi, • FataY.toeldent at Brady . . Bead.—.lno. Ronan, formerly - of DonogaL toimehip , Butler oonuty, OM mowed to digging ore in One of the mimes Of the Groat 'Western I,7.2iLPM'r'4l'l.zr.dg, =le t=tri It - flied by itnn'en 'egg in g in of about myna tong of tea alatnif.ef of the entry. Every effort , Oat made to a 1 to biro, bet without agalL Ile Was an bonen. Ladna.riags man, about tbirty-ilro years of to and leaven a Info and font ctaldren to mourn Ms rintlineiY death. c, ilosio, Order the fo wig 4ll 1...—1nT h e e e m p i o r s T t / o m e o c i e li e a are been l 1 0 111 moneyrder officer: Alle gheny City, Blairsville, Bloomsburg, BlNe ourlr, Bristol, Emporium, Freeport, GRIM- Clldtle, !Iraklion. LIU:, hlcHeraport, Mercer Monongahela City,' Mountloy, N•VPOrt: Parolll7B,o Centre, Pottstown, Shamokin. Sharon, Tarr Farm, Tidloute and Tyrone. The arrengenient Will not go Into enhct until Monday, E.Piemt= oth• The Huth salt Little thish—TlM• case of linth and Little, who were Togler , s at torneys In the Lrtronnortr murder case In Washington county, end who were arm Wt. odby the nourt and bar or 1,1101 manly for misconduct In the trial, Wee heard by Ilia of inner, netteflOn. yesterdaY. hay e not hoard the result; bet versants II will end in their being strnek Irmo the Ilan of practicing attorneys In that conatY. Goods as lima le Prleta—Slr. James llobb, No. El Market err.; Ono of tbe plerreere na the boot ana shoe trade of this atty. leas on hand a large 11.1111 fashiona ble stock ofhotrts. sheet and gaiters which he offers totals rob/tope very reasonable prick's. It will be rercerchered that the aseortincrit found here is twas from Eastern anotlen houses but bas been eoleeteddirect" Irom manufacturers who Cent In eneh artlelee . win prove serviceable can durable. Call. In widget, for yourselve.r. • Asnigneoht Nate of Horses, Dania.. Harness and Saddle...on Satyrlay, August llst, at 10 A. sr., at Hare's Hotel. (Market rard.) eee advertisement of—Seal:llion, kapner & Co.• ' D;. Dean cures Dal deems and all dolmens of Use Scalp, and clothes e bean with a healthy growth or flair. O th ffice. •:4 Grant street, lint door south of the Court House. Calif Sipa . ...Wing Soda Water at T. B.mple , a brag Store, hex 3S Talonsletre:3l, Allegheny. We at,a Piellll.4 Ettlr•loptit at Dn. than Datern price. Eitatrr, .b.anzuta , et si rime% re.k- CnlA Plpurallns 00d Weiss , at's.' 2. 88.11200 . 15 DMZ Btore, N 0.13 Tedszal stint. Allsatterky. or Additional Local Ness on Third Page. = SHAVER—tin Toeudey treadle. Audid.l7o, HA wife of Allso. r, aged .1.1 runs. renerel dorm the redolence of Dr. J. P. Hunt bee. Highland avenue, tadldeerty, rut Incael mar arraiddron , ., at o'clock. Carr 'gra will leave lalnnan /1- Bannon% errata of never:Mb and ilsoltheeld awe o'clock, Friends or the funny are cordl3o7 Invited to attar.. _ . . tiFL 85-01% Wednesday 01,r`tha , "end at 4.43 Nre /Mi.. ••Golador. enicat dm:rioter or Leonard Walter, 1n the Hindirer ber nes. Toe funeral will tkatuelace front the realer:leo of her naivete. Ha 100 /War evertor, en TIMES- • • • - - nATA•lncl.oOrt, August bth. at a' Tts. Mends of the family we revectfally triNgted to 103ViirA,!1•Az-I:9oK,tztaLi - - - ALEX. AlikEN.ZNEPElarsiiEri, N. 160 north attest. nf. 0071 . 1na of on 'dada; Cflarl/3. ewrBB. and every dererlpDon of Amend ramleldni Doedi tarnished. Booms opened an; and alebt. iHessa• and Carriage. tarnished. Bzrearress-qterv. D slid Herr, D. D. rev. N. W. /manna, /HD.. Thomas North/. Zen., Jo ezt,H. JDllc. Ina, I G. RODGERS, UNDEGTA, •• • =R. AND XXBALMILS. 00rderer:7 to tn. tats Brunel 8. Itodgen, No. 29 t?bkl , three doors from Bearer, Allegheny our. Me tallic, Ironwood, ltnrtogany. Warn= 1644 M.* good Inaltatlon Coßnl. at thll Wiest 'rndenot d pllO4O. Boons open at as Wink day oaf/Winn. Hemel end Conlogati famished on short =DM end on aunt reasonable term. o EDWARD CZABNIECKI; 17211 DlHTAlilett. Office. 914 Onlo bias[. Allegheny. Melanie. Rose.ood and other Cot- Ina, with • emulate stock at feneral tnialazdaul geode oa 6W..nd tarnished at aborteit notice at lowest [Mena. gale and Llverr I:4tileg. ear ner et Frage A.I9EIDDLI 81.71.1 . 11 N Carriages, Baronehea. Bagebas, While Iloraea. (or blot. 14 T. WHITE COMB *worm /OW .r”. 4 tereWood , s Ben and vloledeT. Oat. 11 Keanlroner Livery Stable, abedlsl4 and Chant= meets. /demo and tatrrlaittd abated. • E. S. STEWART, llndestitkei, corna or muirroir sad FINN 51 . .. W. Insittt Wad. CweLus of s/1 Mad. 11eaT1,..4 Cluriates flarntsbed on Ufa aborti.t. emler.. CERCETERY IPIARBLE WOIRK S. —A. J. nissaint. it tie 'C'easeterr site. LAlrreseeTilli, P. ORNAMENTAL MARBLE AND MUNE WUEIt; : MORE BERNAL aisre. wasai.irrrai WATER PUOO7. Atci NC> . TICDM. • THE ITNDEBSIGNED. HAVING . co:menders& their respective ermwsellt ° eer- Ora. conduce tree norlsers or Jewelers •rid AV. tides, St No 8-9 TIRO etTeeti, nectar Wu name and style Of DUMAN= ,t HAW. as 0 . , & no, /11SCILSTT •& ce. DUNSEITII BUTT, Jewelers and Opticians, N 0.56 FIFTH STREET. A eauelnonee of. Ike paella Pa=kale filth• . arta an geaeroualr awarded tha Cram of Don sesta a Co., and Hulett a Co., la awsweerolli aollelLed. • .warre44 JANES SCOTT, omocrzseos TO JOHNIMII sarrr, X 2 FINE WATOKES, CLOCKS JEWELRY,. SILVER-METED WARE, ETC. Aia ram= sr., rriTurcrstm. air Partleniar attanitoa given to rewtn• Watelles. Clocks and Javrelrx. A NEW mirrxrrox.-.-FUle 20.if.glig4.1 1 ,TU11`41 - ig Mollie goring Martilnes! AU nib. f. are Infringements and entegaietively Wordless. /Am nettle amen remain , Ing so one :tor ariteJe. Noce are Iterialne bat •if ter! Elarnoters., • • , • • um. atlases a 60., .Assta fav the Wheeler Wilson Belting *saint, HT lath ttreei, Plttabi4o; Pa. FOR SALE .12 HANDSOME . • : - • . BUILDINULCTktOttigh altneteottareeatbers *straight. adJellang the bindsome residence et Col. 11.11oCialloittb,: - Theo ate km molt deal , &bleats for catiettyreslthomisla pklrtenostllle ior One Time, *Oh Control b. excelled.' Enquiry of Divs.= en.c; lleal Estate mid lantriice Astnta QM! dtT! ROOMS , TO LET. SEVERAL - SPLE2IIDIII) BOOMS AND ASENINT, ow Banking Noun at Dm Sudo@ Liberty Meal, and Gamins allay.' will to lat. lalabeo of to idle the pull!, renting Cap at mma, at NODS'S SHOW. No. 89 Market meat. m. 4.7V111 be let t mss dtatuy, and dabbed Vita Um Wane* at Um nalian . 'urn:8100 HoHim iron sALF.E, er 1/01111/24111 Livery Stable, 110.113.1 a. vet* mettle to &Was vo masa as leaosoatlva.. !ma .411vlas canto trot. eta s elleap Iwprt YAK, all 100. Roma ballatt. liaaaM4 ask cantastastaa. Dili & CLOSH itactical Furniture ittannfaetzna CDR. POW AND WAYNE SW ..gort 0r7041 of MiL2ll=lll coansatts, JEL. IA fiesie.r of Weights, asid.. Nomine e . •asrouarourrozear. Row..a_Liborly .14 Sur/ arm{ omen lormat muted so.