THE DAILY - Oasm. 117314110 ED zyzzr komarre. ann.n Ittwerrixo rvininpior, wiz!) & co., s. IL =IN T. OvnCs, GAZITTI sigThraara. 1 ea. Si i , l7Nrib 16 =mu insszr. . . 16 E4 1 14Bila riper d Uteri tozejtid& organ PAPER or rmosuzon ALLEGE:ZIT CM =;2S!IMEi Mx, .aen- Mall 04 pry eumarrs, •- _ . . . 'orsVttsbu* Gaiettt A ,IlttoltlllY CANDIDATE. TiM tor" totem CifttiCottilimiwealth ask noltigher tribute • to the worth and character of. ;edge Williams than the folloWing neat comptinieniPsid Lim by the only daily Democratic paper ol Western Pennsylvania the day following his nomination. It said: ' • The nomiastien of the Hon. Ratty W. Williams as a candidate for. Judge of the Supreme Cott ..ta .8 good one. . He was the best Min tamed berms The 'Re publican Convention, and legal and moral qualifications for die respon sible position to wilt& he has - been tomm bate& Both parties have now present ed their candidates. An important duty has been: falthildly discharged ..the respective conventions, The campaign may newlecottducted.'osithotapersonat aspersions, and deeldtd.tiponthe ,princi- Elea of the two t pries. • This is as 1= 1 ", b .. e. a trin:ta. w r i° .con us ./1 1 0, 1 1 ' s f are equally fortunate in the selection of ligialative candidates, there will be a stop ptd. to the deplorable corruption at the test of government under • new rep of honest - men and conscientious leellators.—Pdriburgh Post, Tune 282 h, Tan,Associated Frets dispatches con tinue te furnish its with rumors °reheated; about, to take place in the Cabinet. It initiated this morning that every mem ber haa, ; placed . his zeilignation in the hands of the President, and are awaiting acceptance. The removal oC Mequilorl seems to lave been deter mined, and that oticer's resignation will bi 'acientedio soon as trade circles are •properlY educated in the belief that a change is to be made. The delay is m& so Mania the end the Government credit will not suffer by a widden change in the Taoist:try Department. In the event of oUltr. Bewardis withdrawrd Jennzilsb, 13;'Blick,Johnson's Chief Engineer otliaticeisi Affairs, will probably 'ammo! Strizwemps.iithe order Of the ?red ideittjaidieng Sidcles 'froseom- Maid Of the Second Military Distnct, eopinielsking Gin. Canby, to ,tho_ poet. HicMpeiraiftare -as Sheridan !leered. BOittliporic 100 seems in carrying out tlfoO of reconitructioritirtmdevi Lotlieo by. be bengiess,'lLAd dine dhspleased arreeddent, who revenged himself ,in the onix.ray,he pomibly could, by re -1311703 g-131011.. " Mr. Johnoun's term of ciitce removals, do not signify grace, but, ,on the contrary, are inter, tireted by _the' pktriotid• masses as recog nitions to public 'eremite that they hale wen ioui l fuitlifully performed -their duties. ' - • TO ACCOUNT . for the appearance of the cliolerl as an epidemic on the wide and open plains of the West, 'where there is nothing but pure air, and plenty of it, punaer the eminent - phyihans bfilia country. The'dresd disease plays mys terious fradof, and sets at defiance all theories ad:ranced to explain its origin aind where and hew it:progresses. It is no better understood today than et the limo of its first aPpearance, ; _ although it has been made a -study by the wisest of Phruditti fir. taw rein!, Gas= lum taken decided stand in opposition •to the Preaident, lie rumor which reaches us can be relied upon. mt'Terasiii to intekere With any of the reilltiry commander', and will not issue the orders'; rumoring , Sheridan and Males, keliering that the authority for their removal rests alone with him and tbiti the President has no Might to inter ' fen. This difference will probably lead ' *to the decapitatiOn of Grant as Secretary of War ad interim. ; Am XONSTria ,;be ,A 2 . l .! Dithite o very considenttely int rani the lovas of the =JOT art that all the artangemints for the fortheoMing mlli betwedi Mo- Cool sad Jones, at Cincinnati, have been completed: and gived the terms to' be charged for seeing the great exhibition of hardened muscle. Thieves, burglars, pickpocket', gamblers and. sporting men Oneja4' .. , will make a :4 0 te . Idabel' aids terms eethe'matcn. • Mn. limns= Sits H;. of .the Ctlncln nat.! Gasetie, has bein noinlitsted, for Con gress,by the Republicans of the &toad Ohio District. The Commercial, of that cllyi was wobellexe, the fint to suggest ids name 'for thO position. will make an excellent representatise, 11 Mn Maisnnori Lis irenanted his ere- I dentials Ms the King of Pstuolia, au Min ister of this United States to the Court of Berlin. , Illmuunk Modeled thihistorian oomplimentary ;no's' mark of honor. Exatarro tiro make in ettot to rescue her subjects ha Atridtda: ' , Troops are about to depart Irmo luthafor' the land of the lore-strock Truodorup, to force a jdellyers of thoprisoners. MR BAUVEL F21.110R,, Of Btenbea• an iged, and Alghly respected ca1.203,-,dled .203,-,dled on await Fle WU a =time' Cumberland county, Pa. TI2 name of. Semis 9; Bright ta prouttnently menitoned.for the Speaker ship of the Ser?.tacky.. gif.nitt of .Iteprs.e. . Bittern's-A5n.tra.4,4191 Palace of Tern:iron, where Carlottalaat present residing, belong!' to. the:Belgian domain and and was placed by law at the disposal of the royal family. - Before the revolution of VICO. It wu.oocuplei for a . Wt. of theyear by the FOAMS of the Hosea of Orange, and has been preset . . tedin -the same state. The fault* has not been changed, and visitors are still shown the splendid ball room and 'the apartments of the Welly of Bollsnd. The palace is by no meant of considera ble extent, and appears .to, Lave been originally built ate shoaling lodge, be ing =rounded within immense park, .eaelosed.within walls, and well stocked with game. —A terrible case of wholesale poison- ingiareporled fitros :Vicksburg. Miss. it gay patty of young people passed a day and *evening In plantains . at the residence' of Ma. A- it. Tidwell, near • Rome. At-the midnight repast, it 4 be. llesed. the 'whole Tarty were poison by Anna= of some deadly substance admin. istsred In the food. Steven of the guests had dle.l at last accounts emd twelve other. Wore seriously 111. Lai4 'week, dee servants whosecompaniedthe guests died, while the servants of the hostess were infected with symptoms acts:dere, but it was pronounood by phyricians to be the result of poison. • The Hon...f. S. Wilson, Commissioner of the General land (Woe, has revolved a letter from the Hon. A. A. Denny, of Washington Torritory, re-Wire to these am• 'cant diery of a coa l mine About three wheel from the eastern xhare of _ixdur De warntsh, a few miles *eat of the town of g o alie, in that Territory. The letter was octompsnied. with a tine apeolmen of the ' (o at, the supply of whirl:4li is stated, is ineihattstible. The dlarovery will be of anat. importance to the North Nettle itallrOad Company, as the mine to num octant the line of route of that road in its . . to - Pa gees pound. -11ev:A.htanaldn, pasto hurchr' of Cal mry wid b a dia pispopal c ot Jab Vila, has returnod twine from the Con oord amp-meeting, bol d In Caroline county. lid.; mince his 'watch, a ouantl tY ord.:alas and some 00 he ten from hie teat by soma adroit thief. Wt101:1 Hill Coal MlflOl, of , 11 _ poi,to.„. T. arolt.NlMrt.l4l:4:- . , . . , t . , •• • .4k In k SSTABILIS '1:1) ^ ....- 3111 0E : IC. , 'Alig , V 111 , 4 -0. 178‘ --- ' - - N ,,,,',)1 ' ; 7,, , • I f.F.`. , 4,-, . . I : '1 - " -.6e:4' .1.811--"--t%441111.1-"\r"-----Cfit9o,7li 1 ,v :4 . ( : 7 :""f0- ' ,o‘ 7:41 ' 711.1 !,,,.. , , 7 2 ,....„,,,,k m ...,: , . , :),"„sip 51. 't • . 0 . 4 ( I I 1..i..,_,„.....,...w.tar....,,....,..-4.,,', 1 mss , . - , , ritriai' •"". - Trz. - ^ ' ' " _ , ... .... ~... . _ i r- jx.;:'''' -' ''' -4 . ''-•._-_. - ----- :: — . T.,..—.L — : . - T . : -- - —....... I ... _., 1 _ I , . VOLUME LXXXII.-NO. 197 FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. FROM EUROPE. tßy Till et, 03 to the rittabargh matte,] ZIIULMID. mitrUlli TIMM* 111 ABRIXIIII.. Losacm, Anna r.—Aatlve preparations are being made for the speedy departure of trams from India to rosette the British prisoners in Abyssinia. Mr Milian Napier has hems appointed to command the exist. Milan. The Lit reports state the primmers were no longer in the power -et Bing Tneedores.and strong hopes are entertain. al that Napier will succeed in releasing them in time to save their lives one anw ammo mum .I.lll`. Lornoir. August fr.—The new cable trom Brest to New Turk Is to be MIA In May next. The Northern route has bees el ea the safest and most praaticable. The Great Eastern has peen chartered to per form the work., TX .A.IIII4IATIMT colossus. Mnermitsuss. August 17.-22malog,The Autialsyery Comas convened In .this city iGmtg. Witham Lloyd Garrison made a /Pesch. °Gm &languished persons, hsclading several nevem% also made speeches. Eames were paced on the Governments of the grated State. and Steads for the Mena Manion of slavery. Lorms,Angust 27.—Roffdap—Parody. an amlawt• won and olootrtolon, 41ott to C2O ' Pius. Auipist 73.—Braday.—Napeleon, Ilds speech at Arras, said I have faith in the tutors. 1/1 governments often seek to divert Dublin attention from domestic troa bleu by fomenting foreign quarrels. On the other hand, those governments which rest an national will, have atrenieth, end need only resort to whatever shall tend to pro mote the permanent interests of the country end be the means of upholding the honor of the nation. 1111.A.111. • TIL11:111117111.1122110111 50001211,11 L. Loewe, Luzon V.—Amounts from Spain o=l= the reports that the besurreedon Anton, yea successful. The General who led the Mal troops against the Insurgents eras baled.. He was nephew of Narraee, Chief of the hpattlah Oahlnet. . IPMVSIIIIII. Damn To 1111111TXX i•scsare BIZLIN. August ri— items ng—Hon. Geo. Banerottbad an andienoi with the King or Prussic this morning. Go 'Prssortot DL eredenttals an Minister et the Vatted States to the • Court of Bunn. Mr. Bancroft r eared an invitation to a dinner In his honor by BLICLIZCX. Lorzocnr t.l August 'la.—Denmark nu :11 nOrthas. prOirtnen 01 ruwicim. A3D you locciAir. Loanox. Aug. 47.--Etraino.—Conson 943;Minot, Catrana, WA; Erie, 4ririAtlantic rant Crest. Western,nr BOW WA. /suosnroon Afar. 17. Zrentog PITO . • ' Plrention 744. Lxvsnron, Ans. 27. Esenlso.—Cottou closed Damp 90109 MO NUM middling 0¢ lands staOhn Orleans MO. Advloso from Itanctostar 'Arra uafsnrninle. WOO. /Is OCI for new scathons, and Us Ad for csworots. Man Us for orUn wasters. Corn Ins 9d. Oats Bs Oct. Inner 61. Foss MOO. Chemin On. Beef 110 s Lard 6U9d. Pork Zs. 12t. = l l3:ft i. Brame pannier= OA =U LM-Mg, Aug..l7.2 , lsnlng.—Bogsr 11l ei Inwood ottns. Armrszr, Aug. I.—Eing.—PatrOlanra UK francs far Madan, whlta. tity Mai.] ew . Tosz, Auguste:iv—Tile eieamer.lf de Taste. Zuropton dates to the lathe Tarrived. he Apogee believed thatthe dispute be. tweed Prussia and Denmark to 'reference so North behleswie, would se mom;ettled. There to a orobebalty of anw be tween the Ring of Freesia and Napoleon, ou the return of the letter from tislamire. telaatrain bas been reoeived from M. DIMS. Trench Illainer m blesior. 'Wing be would soon return to bream • A mlssiuderetaudisie bale arum between Austria and Italy, concern Lug the ratan Of Veustianszelitess and work:sof art.takess to Aestria when Venice was ersottated, and also. to boundary line. Nsw Your. August 17.—The steamer Yille do Part bring. Paris papers of the 17th. The drelpillsitop of tductinnaU was a pas tenser. • TOO BuinerOr's fee was osiebrated oaths 10th by amusements, fireworks sad Muni. • Pasha had sailed from Constant". apple for Egypt. Priam Humbert. of Italy, visited the Em. peror far three daybed. Melons Csam. Reports of a marriage arcijeut between the royal Mmes. of Sired= and Prussia are unfounded. In his remarks the Tiller, on his reruns to Constantbsople, said his reCepUrin by the pp nod him a it errire "' to jure 11 - . partial protection to all his subjects. This sentiment. he mid, tubas of sacred debt. • Stargaze letter up. the South German States wilL next awing. hare at the dispo sal of the nag et _Primal., Mr the war par epos of the Oonfederation of the North. e hdred and twtuety thouaand men, on armed un end equipped awarding to the Prim. dui pion. THE LAST YORDER: hostsnassot of Glossolaoet to thoolhoOOld • 117 - leki . llty Tearrapie so ON Pittabumn Guam.) Now Voir, August 27.—The order Lav ing General Hancock to Geneva Sheridan t s place was aa follows . Preenline Mondoe, Waskfectort, August SS, lita t In consequenoe of us unfavar• able condition of the Leah of Martj eraleil. FL Thomas, ea reported to yen in aurae°. Weilson's dispatch of the tilt my order dated Amen 17, ISM, is her al eto mod., scam M atm Maj Om. Wintoki S. Hanowk to the command of the Filth YliltarP District, created by set of Con ru,=oMarch left. sod of Ike MIA out comprising tee Sham of =Mum 'mad TIM. 09 beaus relieved from the conananal of the Dopartmemt of LbeMlasourl try Major General P. H. Shen dan. Major General Itanooek pnxeed directly to New Orleans. he., and sesame the command to which be is beretry am ed. Ha will, when necomary to the faithful. /mecca/an of the laws, exercise soy and all District powers ocaram lartomande al byrs mats of any Con met 511 aeress upou n thority Dertaliang to. and odlears to command of Military Del 7•1136 811 1. Major General P. Mahe:Man will at once tore. OTOS ell presoak command to the office In rant nest to himself, sod mowed tug without delay to Tort Lerma), man. au, will relieve Maar Garnered Waxen of the aj command of the Department of Mts. smart Mor General George 11. WU, mall further orders, remain inCom m and of the Department of the Cumberland. Very respectfully yours J if., ttilimed) ANDSJII emmy. To u. 5. Want, aleoratary ♦ of War. ad. fe wer. Powder MID lagjelealos—'tapes Mew 11 Led. IBy Telemark to ins Pittsbursk dareate.3 ms I th o eNu V n A.L to g n . Po — wd Cobmabp:mna exploded. Instantly laMing tame man 1111,1. ad Abraham /dom-,Edwaerd Comansham and Wm. Downs. Tbe latter was blown into fragments. The damage la not heavy. Tile came of UM explosion unknown. DesSrbeelve llrr as Greensburg, LW. .1117 larberrsak N we ?Menorah assert.] Corothoravi, /thay. TOZ7 destreetthe Ire Le-eight areenebtun, Ind.. sourer, ecotheethe I.lth itholen beton of Bondltun a sr% Um Timm= of Ceske, a Mart, the Net Omits Union T he Oalee .a d several other boildlep. The telegraph 'llees Were alma burned. Loa estbnatott as $1000:00. liiiiiiimester Distilled* Spirits: • My Tole/mak to the l'Utabarils Uautt.“) yaw Toll. Augrairt 27.-1 Washington @Deena molt is reportedttist an order will 80012 be 12.11 Cd by the holeausCommioslou . et • persuittlag the &topmost of 41111144 spirits from sgeneral bonded warehouse to soother at a dLaerent port, • Leddentat • Bridge—Vi=a Killed. Env Tear. ph to slailtudnwin Quetta.) fl N es tisswinlotewd es t 4°7.-Beeven workmen t " h bk P g h trutle loewtbeew orAge. One was Wed, and the °there IhiflAhr AimeelaiSer AOJ•Premi. . llllSsissfssa isinsinttsbarin dawtte.l' BIOILIIPSO,. August 2f. , —The Robin• tifin•. - nfnL , ton adjostrasdatter a session of H su day& T h e wan st..lng mill be bel4 in Chicago on In AM Wo4=6day of CoarrosoLoval Dotnfaautm. (111legraph to tae !Islamic:l (hum 3 Crscurium ♦aioet r.—Tbo ;Won Con• 'anti= of the booonO Ohio Dlstrtot this otoirOlog ootalaalo4 )3101t0r6 floaltb. of tho MoIAnAU gotrits, to Gong - rem 07 so- Tbadassm iliesene litseeverlft, . Ow Weals* to nu Plsislnfla 0 LAMM/USA PA. /WAWA V.—Thaddeus Stevens nu so far ;soarer." big health that be expeets to loses Or the Northers Lake. In a fear days. • • Dail& at as imasstlae. CV Trlempa to th• rtttsbarsa Gantt.] Sr. rasa. Aagnst s 7. non. Ira O. XIX'. bead, tormarly /oda* Of the' pgrama Wart ot Xs!, # apish pad at X tetra SAL =rata& PROM WASHINGTON CHv Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Owned Wassueormr, Atiguth 21,1i 1 Rf. - Want= .3thirsith-Rxelaathielte le Yin Wallin or Tea panto. , A special says: It is well known that for some time past the President has Virtually been In possession of the reldgnatlons set Ms Cabinet ofileme,whick had bees Offered verbally ;bat recant events have induced them to repeat the offer, wed I am able to 'state on geed authority that be now has In his Dothession formal written reeignatione Memory member of the Cabinet. In this connecticret the fact that Jerry,. Black, who has been absent from the city for several dam his been telegraphed to, advising him of the *nears in the affairs of the Cabi net and requesting nim to return imme.h. thalY. signinerint. The ffire/cPs special says: In the case of lecennordi, though probably fromgn Win ve il be the last accepted fear of damage to the public credit. still I am pretty curtain that he will be permitted to withdraw after some time, and a better men appointed to his steed. The idea prob. ably is to familiarize the publei mind to the proposed change In tho Treasury Depart ment management by degree., mid not make tee sudden ...Mange. Among the Cu. more afloat Is one to too three; that /thereto. ry McCulloch has accepted an offer from Jay Cooke it Co. to manage the new bath: mg booze they are about to open in London. if this be tree, it. wonld ocriathly bear out the probability of Mr. McCulloch's probe- ble retirement. Toe Tribthe's special says, It is intimated that event will ask lobe relieved from duty at the War Omen soon, ea Indicated In the ' correspondenth of yesterday. This le but the beginning of a plan to carry the next Prealtithtal election by the Democrthy. Changes In the cabinet will certainly take ' place. Seward's friends Ith be will sorely go. The o olcs Menu hu been keeping very quiet lately. and has very ilttle to say at the W 1111.0110056. Randall exertion, to his friends a willingness to resign. lie had a I .l72sgre r ig:t . r.O t i ' ll t e Wl P fitrit e o " % %alga hts friends that On the interriew would de- Dead whetner or, not he would mien- Should It not have been a thtlstectory night. Randall will em in his resigna tion to-morrow. Ward 11. Leman, a law othther of Jerry BMOC, once appointed Manes' for the District of Columbia by 1 President Lincoln. im being pushed for the ' 1005 by the Democracy. The presser, on McCelloch his been conziderably cheeks& The lecling is so strong strait= his reldg. hatkai that bin opmmenta haves begun to give him up as a boneless case. Jerry Black Is spoken of as Mr. S'ward's imesessaor. 07.11 , 1 M ILLMOVIAO an. The following Ls the order reddmag Gen. Sickles: • • • • • Exectrwro Manatcrs, Anita. S 3 .—Dwrret Mid or G 096111 S. S. Canby •is hereby as signed to the corns.nd of the Second Ili* Mary District, created by the act of Con gress of Mar. 24. 1E67. and of the Military Department of the South, embracing the :States of North Carolma and South Caro lina, ifs will, as soon as practicable, relieve General D.E. Sickles. and the, commandto which he is hereby assigned. Into, when necessary. sesta* faithful ex. onion of the laws, exercise any and 11l the powers conferral by &Ingot Colter.; upon District Commencers. and any and all the authority Dertairdng to odioersm command of Military Departments. Major General Daniel Z. Sickles is hereby rrlieved tram the command of the Second Milltagy Di* [riot. The Secretary et W. ad Interim will gire en instruct.. J t carry this order into effect. Jurotsw onesos. IZZEI. A2C.E72IIISITSZAIT The President has ordered toe bureau of rebel archiver, of which pr. Prawns Lieber was chief, to be closed; Th is bertan tram organieed by Secretary Stanton, and eon. Laryall the motored remote of the civil and military edroinistratitm of the defunct Confederacy. It has teen of great service to the government in its various investiga tons. = •Private letter. dated near Fort Hays, Kansas. August 201. b. says the cholera Lea bean the scourge of the Plains this summer. and It seems strange that it should ever be. come epidemic here—the sir being so very pure, nod so many thousand square miles of One compel* , of c oy itimirY et the. Fold lost twenty-one men and tus fir eighty•tiro men to ell bycholera. thst disease h at therein.. lon Ii Tie TiZASICILT. The amount of gold in the Treasury to. day le Bett,BlllX3; gold certificates. 1119,10eJX 0 ; currency, $34114.033. The receipts for six day re v enu e. s Setta Of Attunes, ware: Inter nale la. 879.000: custom.. 03,415 Cod. total receipts from the let of July, VIA -030,000. CIIICAOO POSSIIIAZZ.BEIT • The. Proaidnat today &boob:moil F. T. Sharma rostsiaMor Cttio Ntoo.o Tammy n occuloned by the don= of Colonel 011zooro. InDartTION Or tor/MILLA. RAWL NOT.. The Comptroller of Carmine National gtheive. notice that tbe cirlatin of Catania Ban k of Y ew Tortantes will be paid in lawful tomer lowa peseenteuen of the at the Treasury of the United BMWS. =I Miring the year ending JOOO there were at tote} Imports of written merchanClthe and specie •114:13. 1 . 14 , Ims foreign merthandire. and the specie eg.. 19 ported •0 , 1111.434 to gife,S4l,42 l . get 11116POrta sse,sshese, of wttlota amount SI2. .u 7 re. mated la warehouses on the Mth of Jana. Domestic ramie tor the same period amounted to COLSOI. Ail these valuta ars le gold. 1101111.262 D OUT. Maj. Gan. E, ti Itaboook, of Ma finned litotes volunteers. has been mastered out to data October let. • • LETTER FROM WARRINGTON Mpectal Conespeadeace ringbolt , Gaols, WASOI.O,OII. Sagest 2.1, ISM Mears. Editors :—You and your readers alike are shreds thoroughly acquainted with all facto of sigedicanee and Import toes transpiring to this capital. Bat It NW= to your correspondent that no one not a dweller in this city can fully onus elate all the movements which will make the present month quite memorable in pa. Mutat senate. The removal (as far as hill EZCOUSOC7 can effect It) of Kr.. Stanton. marks an era in the history of the present administration. Hitherto the Meads of freedom—the men who rustathed the Goo ernment and the Secretary inputting down the rebellion—torte looked upon Um/ grest &admire man as the sole connecting link between present hope and the grommet that terrible, het, no we belleeed. glorious pox There On lathe Cabinet, chili he was there, one strong hand eltoelit to Mariam traditions; one - knee than nee not bowed to Beall one tongue which had not and would never pronounce the accursed Bhioboleth. The time la Pot. The 'Crone pillar 0 , removed. The writer hereof hae nothing loomed the present Gumboot. He is not Kr. 0111IIWW4 01.041 1 I he may be his friend. Glee the General et, oar armies all the praise for Ms deeds of 1 noble daring, but after all, Gnat. ObOtTOILW, Sheridan, Howard—ell th e brave cam I who fought and achieved. were made too Able by that master mind winch directed, controlled, brosucht together end bed rel.', at command the forme which at lot placed Under fact , and trampled out the font drag. cootie° alaveholders , rebellion. The prem. , eat generation win not probably give his ' due, or any good part of it, to that noble map, who to the quiet of ht. °Mee or home, tolitd ono other man could have done through the CUTS anal:debt. of thrt dread. ' fol war—toiled without ILDSOILO-100VO WIthOIII the Incitement of ory which' mouth the conqueror mi the stri gl ctest dell. Wiltell.l2ollllVer. with her on herlm as prep.:um for him .01 place on page. and Posterity Will crown him with his U s ' •leest 'i featere of it all is, that not conten the t with boring pushed title good man out of doors and iiito good company, among the people, the vreamit incumbent of executive - ofilee, or his too sebservicint tools. appear to be pureeing s systemetto urse slander. which it behooves ail t co rsus friends ot of on boniest and injured plibllO .'arrant to meet. 1 sin glad that the Uon of the Genes IA hot coubtful in suer, times, as It never hae been.. Bat • rubel disod or diabolical prose, In many pal ts of the land. is etriving, by open Merges or base ineinuaticm to undermine the char acter of Mr. Stanton as s public officer. amend other things, • paper of this any, 'arena of whose editors or writers were in the rebel army, (where they have cloubbeas learned to bate Mr. tlthn ton and Required that literary cohort which enables toem now to write with soca eloquent maim) emir as • proof that-the Prealdent's 'Mimi in removing bit. Stanton is approved by toe people, they 0100 in no public, meeting _or assembly condemned tbst action or endorsed the deopitated retary. have nodoubt what Pittsburh , Sec will enterer to SW= Oa statemeas wheneve g r her stalwart sone get reedy to steak. In the community where De is beat known he 'is meet highly esteemed. They-win be mindful of the Monte/ion of their own alit tea and will doubtless In their own gOod time give an answer that even in Prosidemt I may OW. Or WWI ProllidOOl understand, though it were his awn inauguration day and he not over quick of comprehenalmx Meantime other acts similar to that of ranter ir.gMr. Stanton and General Sheri dan, are believed to be contempleted. The onoarmed hero, General Howard, whore pore life, upright walk and Godly conver sation Is known to all men, has of course rendered himeelf On object of executive atones. In proportion as he has been bon. ra t t , r i elti%Tt Virt u d ot (1 -tfoo N tirrti he, and the Preliminary effort to undermine Ell an sh ed It behooves, therefore, the good and true of all classes to stand by these faithful public servants{ todletedieve &Humeri* touching them and to prepare for the President each punishment for his Misdemeanors las are dtting. What that 'le, ten there be any s olom &onto t la he faitkftlile Seeping oath of MEMO Is he ecrecatitm the top to Um beat of the The answers to these ve r y are pressiult =war:land getting very clear. Parts. WlLMl—lrlromaa KIN N& • [Bt Telegraplk tO ttut PllUblligh liars 44 2 Now Om ni% Tl.'ding No. 108 Broad street. olympiad by Thomas IC Ben ham sad Robbins It Oroolgs, Downtown and prodoM• meroboora, bunted to. titEn,b,„.=7.},:,j47..x0tt.,, an Irm , - . Detest Iletu fatale. fly 'Magma to the Plpstoirah tiasetts4 BatliSoop. Angola . I . 7 . — The blo. ball matetr to.ay. batsmen the Kinsale sod Pastimes of thbi ctq, SrMi by Pastimes, - • mmwmu.4309 , 0 601 ,m • (By Tdermh,u , rittieurit ilaucte.l•airestet.-14Xmlite irtee the meaboaril planters ladlont,s damage W the crop, from co:MUM:4 PITTSBURGH. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 28; MOM MON, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. GRIM' AND THE PREUDENT. Their Differences Irreconcilable. General Grant Deolines to Faded° the Order Removing °anorak; Sheridan and Sickles. GRANT CURDS CONTROL OF THE MILITARY DEPARTMENTS. (Hy Telegrsph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Wasamoron, Augast.M, MM. It Is believed by prominent gentlemen that the difference/ between the President and Gen. Grant, In relation to the removal of Generals Sheridan and Sickles, are irre concilable. The orders Issued yesterdaY, directing Generalllareock to relieve Gin. Sheridan and Gen. Canby to relieve Gen- Oral Singles, have not been exeoutod. It is said Gen. Grant, in aletter to the Pond, dent, declines to direct the orders to be en. mated, and states his refusal in strong terms, virtually denying the right of the President to interfere la any one of the five Military Districts created by congress, and essertbur that the entire control of thels. Partutenee meta, by the supplemental re. COnStrUatkal act,` In the General of the Culled States, and that,, therefore, be ls not at liberty and ho will tot transfer it to another. . The letter ham not been mad. public. but the above statement libellered to be rein.- ble, as It Is derived from a usually not in. t==l Various Cabinet rumor. prevailed to-day; entoug thaw One that sacral of the mem bers had formally tendered their resigna tion, but it has been esoestabled to be un true. There ere ruiner,. derelOptuebia the Inibielt. GEN. POPE'S DISTRICT Disleyalty la the Georgia Vat veralty --Colored People Clelvelary She night to Hold Oiltee—gary Order My Telegraph to the rituberiti assotte.l - Arai:era, August is misted that General Pope hal ordered the closing of the Georgia University, in consequence of Impact& by s student, at the .commence meat, and the building .fa to be converted into hernias; but General Pope /tlioired, the exercises to continue, on condition that the newspapers would not shade to the speech. It is Also • stated that Gen. Pope ordered the legislative appropriation of $3,033 to the Univerrity to be withheld. The Moire. in the Ist and OM die. DIVA have lathed addresses - on courted• zonal candidates, Maiming the right to vote carries the right to hold ollice, and thry, m having the majority, 1111 not vote for Bo uch of the Jury order .e Interferes with t h e present term Of the court. Or been revoked. iiiriales have serlorody damaged the cotton =no in middle arid southern Geor gia sad Ylorida. Marna , Anrast 17.-6 Colored Mess Meer. leg was heldere to-day. - Irma six tho, wad to eight .thousarsd pergolas were pre. elm ma 'radical platform was adopted. Good order prevailed. FROM THE PACIFIC. DlMoony Coatroomlog Nolloro—aosl can lloso—Estroo of Janes tot Me Clay of Ye:tae•. *o. My Telegraph to Ms Inttsbotilt esittte.3 5... TRAlrotsco, dog. :17.—Tligrlanosober of Commerce have called SlDoOttait to couetd• or • memorial Of ship masters relative to the cuillatilty with sailor landlords. Five Males are waiting tat mews. A correspondent Si the Bud/.nn writes from the city ot Yextco. July MM, dmcrlo lo* theentry ofJuarea which elicited much enthusiasm. At a grand banquet Jean,s hoped the nation would Write the moderate clentenay of the United States In victory. The Maalcati prase were cleasiorlug for a *mistral amnesty. The people are tall tube Wok of bloodshed. Consul Goday, 01 Ban Francisco. received mit noritailse denial of the reported untsmere of Imperially:lA et 9110ZetSTO. Ortega VAS clonely confined at Monterey. James announced his determination to pot down all armed Motions. but tonurene a Peoria Of clemency and conciliation to. wards the mifordeetve and do all In his power to heal distractleine, derelope mementos and elevate the character of the &Omuta''. The army will be zed u0....1 10,0 Y. and mans pmeoners Will be relembod. Thadamaged wheat of the Illachwall was -meld at atioUw for glAtfaklb. galled,—fititp Cormorant. for Liverpool. FROM TENNESSEE. Disbanding. or the Male 1111111* 00111: H erriatt•••• ral-1111ennobf and Male ;afire:or (IT to Um lettonsmit timenta.l linviTinns, &mut 17.—Gen. cooper M emel awarder tilts morning VOPoina !the &abandonment of the give gbard. gives v arms.. tile bad conduct at oat- li.s ad d e Orat e tiz l n sr e n o mma. p, myal moo who have been threatened to broils snits, andpromisee to dispose of the State gnarl for their protection. Joe "'Williams and Bim. littignot, oolOred, loft here today to speak to behalf of the Conservative. to Goose* on lovitattom Gov. Brosnalowl majority OW be over sago. lb. IS Rinses enaneol m PreParles Ills menage and inaugural. Dr. B. Gila, of Franklin, was commis sioned wet. by Gov.Brownlow receiver of the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, and Mr. Richards, of "lierriphis, Superintendent. The roast tailed to pay Its inierest on the mime, missto the BMW.. A onmmission will be Shea to Col. L.IL anAuorney Iletteral for the Car.. age ilistriet. FROM ST. LOUIS. • MsMslea Madge Itatlway Mar alaga—lril • gstelde•—l'ialentterns. Myisgraph battle ihitrearga gush.) ' &r. Loins, August 87,--Ths earnings of the. Union Pantile Bal/road, Manus branch, In July, were $190,1:00. The estimated earning* In August Is 1110 VMS• A gum named Jos e ph Anderson, or T&Mal Armatong, committed suields on Sunday nignt at the St. Nicholas Motel by Wang clorotorm. A Watcher angled Murphy, living in'ittrk. wood, near the city, Slew his Stems out with a gun last nlallt. A WY heavy rain stoina, accompanied by • high wlnd,thtmder and 'lightning, passed over the city this evening.doing moon good to vegetation— This is the [Mgt ram we here had fOr Oyer &month, FROM RICELMONT) nisesoery of an /lasted Metre Oriole tsatioo—liallroad . lionseiptlens— Soldiers snd tailors. Convention... 11, Palarrath to Its Pittsburgh 9auttsl • ILocirstown, August 27.—Otholal inform. thin dslah3l34 the existence of an armed secret warn? Organisation througheirt , the . Mats, and much alarm la fait In eons.. quence by the whites. North Carolina has nearly one mil lion of bonds to railroad corporate:nu. In the put few days over half a million dollars has been subsorlbed by Virginia auntie. to the Chesapeake sod Ohio Rail road.• GreentirLor eountY lutordaY voted • quarter of a million. . . The hailers' and Bottlers' Convention, called for the 9th of hoptembarila to be held la Richmond. . Prelloal•arters for Um Prise Blight 8. limas IlloCool sod (By Teeirrinli to the IltUblvell Ossette4 Cnociassil, August 47..-The barkers of Jona. and McCord have Kneen need that all perilous desalting of w Itemising the fight mast positively be In Cinch:matt by Erlday ning, .kasast Mtn. The °reunion will _emade by railroad, ma spetnal Mains, that ill 'savant • very early hour el SaturdeY moraine. The dilit 'rill [ t ake place ow - eitt. usday, *ego.; Slat. 'Notate $0; badges to Inside of the anted° Moir. two dollars extra. Ail arriving badges d ep ote pm atmeed beam at the St 'ith Lawrence, or at the Saloon ef John Cleve land, or Wm. Gansser. yemehypas Znitsla and Machina fitheis Harated.- Locomotives Destro; en, fay Taurean to the YttleeeesaGatette.) SIIIOIIIOIIII OTT, //111,abe Umblues =obi and alglns bonne of the Lafayette and In dlanabolls Slabroad , at Lafyewere de. strayed by bra =Saturday H as h. Year ha cornetts= were destroyed. The Ices la es- Umatad u COOS= • Tba Growing Crops. Teteprepet to Ma Pinsbergb weirdo.] CINCINNATI. August 21.—The weather into. tleues soon:lane hot, end their:CO=lA COD. tog in from the growing mops are very dht. couregtog. Thegrim sU drlod no; oorn and potatoes ditto. Water le ammo tar etook, and the ground le so herd that It cwt. nob be plowed OW fall seeding. • ILLUMW& hitlhoulty Matted. tßt 'shags➢ to the Mutant , duetted Ouzo, ht., Aurae , Ide-Shir dithohlthia with the men as Ntsaipble and phis road bars boon tattled, dud troths Will oomsnalios runoluirregolarlytaday. • . Mw glugapd. • • tug Tel - spOlk to OS MOWSIe IOSPO•1 • You Dtt Lao, Ms., August SA-4ort__,..,busr'S law wait was b=oo TeSOITIST; WM WO". )slyer Ley Tabirriph M la. Plittbarib 6mastte.3 , LOVIZTILLS. 41/111[01143,—Iltver Wan IN WWI Ihreelptot lticties 1a eene}. CITY AND 8011111BAII. rounza;AGE.—Tila /falai and mod rega- Dp Od and Produce Market Rerierta !Arco by any paper in the etlyodit befound on our PburLA Au* • gruir. Biers g. U. !Spa faint.. Ot the many maisdhoturing establish ments to and around the city.; none Is more perfoat In the completeness Of Its arrango. meets, or more thorollol7. adapted to the purposes for which It tsintendod,lhan the establishment of Graff. Hifore & Co., manna factures, of Iron gas. pipe, sad railroad axles. The Annie 00CopoSed Of young men, the 3.1 sfOlSSlLldefemied,',.taat ever =Serm re on the ansireMent of =Arius ea tablishment; yet the Lewdness of the firm. to an Its visions ramllleitlons, le. Oondeeted hi 6 manner that wont do credit to many older and more expeifaueed headt. The enterprfas end untiring energy of the members are without a parallal, and they richly deserve 1110 stesira 'her have Ob tained, • THIC DALLIgIi The establishment, as before remarked, is complete In all Its detalis, for the mane. factor. of the amines& Mead gag pipe from the trop In its erode state. The metal. of watch one hundred end eighty tons or week is used, Is weighed and delivered at the rolling mill, in which Oro ten puddling, .1.412 boiling, and dee heating fornatomotati complete seri. of ro ll s through which the metal p.m proomstory to being formed Into gee pipe. These rolls, of which thorn are a great number, and a measly° hammer, for the masinfaMture of rail. reed ules, a r el other articles of ham mered Iron, run. by an engine of immense oropmtions,•r located la the building, the cylinder of whieh is twenty. six inches -in diameter, having • stroke of flee Sect. and s a fly wheal twenty.five feet In diameter, 'Minn weighs thirty tone. Thls engine runs tho large rolls,those used for making heavy bar iron alone, while two others of Items gigantic , proportions aroused far smaller are The metal of which the gas pima are made Is Ilret put Into the puddling I malice( when. after going through the usual proms of puddling, it is transferred to the Unit set of rolls, which form it into Immense bars; it Is again hutod and passed through a roll of a entailer sire, and so on through the first series of rolls. The bars are then not into short pieces and "plied," when they are again heate uniti n g n through another net of rolls, thebeing done by •Mir of shears, which are also situated In tails pert of the estabitshment, and run by cue of the mailer engines. After going through the different rolls, and heving boon formed into eireandehaPe. bete, worked litlo eli the veriton Mires of gas pipe, from three eighths to five inches in diameter, It Is passel Into the - - - = This establishment la r legated directly cast of (and adning the rolling mill. It is large and animations, containing_ 000 heating er welding Mamas, with all the other necessary arrangements for ale 191111- uteettirecif see pipe. The iron having been rolled to the proper width and thickness, and cut to the mulled length In the rolling m her e Le t r e d n r sfer ed rtloed "h or d fo ep me ment o shape for welding. It is then transferred to the welding Damao., of which there are gm and after undergoing the welding Dns eetul, is turned over to another department in' the .•same establhdienent, where it is atraightened. It Le then allowed to cool, when It passed through [nether sot of hands whose buttnest it la to cat them/a off, fan. ten a socket or collar to one end and test hT means of a hydraullo arrangement, to See that there are no learn. After it has been so far completed It is passed into the next establishment where Itln Jointer sad Cued up, ready for use. Hen, a sense le cut on the end of alai Joint and a antra vend(4.ll oin screw in the motet, at the fo oth er el:1 g f Which are s.eoSiiititiliay tested the plea Is shipped to tee WlLSeeetielt vas sailsitiee Mier. !This building Issituated WWI of the weld. Inn easel:lll=mnd, and • =pining it, but there is no commtaticatiOntinnween the two except an opening of =Mane toot square through 'whit= the pipe lapses= tram one =the other. The reason for this, li May be proper to eay. on Women of the =anew maintained In connection w the mmulacture Of ft. Ole. .kret7 mo o ton played to the establishment 'where the pipe us welded is required to take an _oath of Oto , cr., regarding ate prates etwelfling. de. We, through the ooartesy of Kr. J. W:10.10-. the gentlemanly . clerk of the enabliahment went shown Would:tate =tire department, and were informed that Independent otitis employe. In a...particular department, and the members of th y firm, we ware the second person only wild had teen admitted In that departmentfor the past ten ream. sir. J. W. hramer, the tonne= and mann ' ger of tho wall, sad star A= John 3=l, tureenan or =it gaslope department, • aentlemanly • and secommodating roma, eacti andur thank• lot coml. les en tea:ldea information ISLI(1.1 1111 dn. nng o. slut. 711.6 IVORIES. • - Vas works occupy nn entire square In the borough of lllrigitneriam, end are altna ol between Gregg and Oliver streets, and gingham streegand the ilonop.elml• river. COTefing AVM Of aver three term of ground. They are not using them to their trill capacity*. present, only working ono handfed no fifty hwads, using one bnintred tons or WOW per 'seek, andmanorsetaring tr ?o==se i i r iTtaih r e d sgi - ks ares. black: smith shop and machine ehop. both =ter ;Le charge oferporteneed workmen, who down the repairing needed shoot the es vabitsweseet, Ne regret Shot oUr wax tided or to prevent a more therough.amitmuon of th e establishment, but were nighty gro tided with whatwe t rinotwithstanding oar rather limited Lou, which pro vents us from entering to a more detailed descriptionof th e prenitses. A. more thorough and cot:inlet. •catablishment In snits dela/JA. and one more creditably manegol,b not to round to the city.- Impe44lqua Jst Our readers are aware tbst the Inspector of Jana Ythlon jL Dickinson. Esq.. .P -pointed 'by Iloweinor Geary. has entered into the discharge of his humane nalulen. In Lb. Philadelphia Piro we and a partial report o't his work Inns fur, whinb is quite latereeting. At One et the PrbsOns Sidled by .gr. Osekisson; be found a Pont lady playiegion a melodeon. and Inquired of her Ina whereaboula Of the Sheds. She replied that ho was Sbaelikt, but she transacted his business. Yr. Diskinson then stated his business. end the young lady drew forth a formidable key - nod' condneted him to • door. hot she was usable to nalocir It. the one then imawl boY Prisoners there were in the jell: 00 4 her reply au, "Only one." "Do you go Into the cell where he 10," queried 11r. Dickinson. "Oh yes." woo reply, "he is hobbled:" "And why do yen iron a , maa wed is innocent until proven gulltY dernanded the Inspector. "tib." sa i d the immune young damsel, ant p rov e hos might tin S.a.yi L 41,11 he should pe to be Innoeent. 0.0 youo know we can easily remove Metro... After leaving this piece the Inspector rib. Wrind follagrini written quern. to the. snert4. "Do poll consider your lad Th e "Who ettends toll In your absence" The 1 . .. my. J. quer7 Ires,"Thei all P. end I tae ,second', •'I "1 Muscat." ' another Alf Mr. Dickinson found that three cells had been built 19 an ordinall sired Seem of IV dwelling house, and they reminded him More of fireproof safes than •orlitess else he could think of. Into these places, wit hout other light or ,oatalatlon than that eceived through te ',ono of the door, haman beings we h re'kept. The jailor was liked If men were kept in them during the warm weather. sad he said no . , that he had emit the Judge, and obtained permission to Irtep them In &room outside. Upon benne asked where the women were kept, he reeled; that they were 'edged in ton aelvewey, between the wall of the room and do of Um 00110., Some of the plans of escape were ingenl ougyeffeaed, mid In one jail there was a large hole, of ltio :shape of • semi...ll . ole, through which a prisoner had escaped. I 1.10 took the Sinn bar which held ankh/se:tam, of the 10010, SAS burped holes gradually, until the semi-circle wan completes), and, erhatittes had iinoceeded 1n completing the last bole, all he had to do was to shove out the lath and planter Lemmas the holes and he was in the orerldor. Thera was nothing -to prevent tits Weiss to the yard, and onoe there he visaed atm gs In the crushes where ' ALMlad been waded out frowthe wall, and siker!, away. mother moll had burnikl around the nes Of h thee, and Ovally swung ope hi nt he door is on the cell bolt aldildrently to force his wad through. —not few ot the jails aro bitted fur the per, pose of eosins:dog 110MLINinioge, and In two of the most miserable of these women have been the keenersln the absence of the Sher. gr. Wherever:these dllaphlitted ooneerns were found, however, the Lospootor was in formed that the county intended to eroot now nnfidiers, Just like out county with new buildings and • Empty of water. Pieeoeteas tooth. Twoyouthfel brothers, aged respectively eleven and nee yearn, whose parents for reerly residal Booter, bet subsequently removed ,to Dovanpart, /OWa,, and from Menet , tO gt. Louts, !almond, a few nays . 1 . 0 m o o /hew appearance in New Castle, re , ma ilyenta, baring traveled Oa whole alone and without money. They left home *One el{weelo mime, under the o f going Rae leg, but not returning in the evening, as they were expected to do, search was thetttated, end on falling to qlgriggfi l tragt , ggtergii2 ,l l: l aurertasemente sollelting Informettee'een. • eernlng them lasortaa m the dally r Vera of that,' city. After retictung New 'mile, with whtab Clef altheared to be well pleas ed, they a t In the boot Merging enemas', at which they summated within, uy might, yet bare been &lying a thr i v ing trade at It had not It been for a little outside Interferenee by which their bright career se 'Moot blacklate" was bast. Ily tersolneted. The older brother, It on . near', was • tallutme little fellow, and /odepoaly for Me career 511 "humid of the brush'' , TsTomll4 ampslnuuMa of the way In which po hen left boMe, gag that Ma grendfather resided: In Mama". [Win hie pease. to. The grandfsther was silo- graphed to as once, end yery nnexpectodly topp the boys mado aearance in the town end encoeeded In eaptarlbg them The older One was indignant at am being Interfered with and managed tepee", but we, recaptured and seemed, white tho ntl aPhearthi well eatletted mid w z - walla ma his venerable ancestor. The were taken tO Beaver. and their ~oroots Informed of their wsoreaboota. k hoy .111• mi forwarded to at. Dual in o few am% • •• • Nemo% Iheehle&—Alloe little girl, rehdeLharetgreerlearrAde. werstellelhe street,l3l front of the palettes of M. Duff, when flower Pet fell from% thll4 seer, window." htehlai her on the head end shoulder,. IllAleDell I . heePT% oat %we the The 11Ickes Embesslanolif Ca e. The case of J. Otale. fibicksti, charged • • - - • • .on oath of Ludwig Schmidt, with the em battlement of one hundred dollen belong lag to Miahsal Bariterwas heard before his [Sonar M.akor 1110CA.ravh7asterlap, at three o'clock r. z. The Commonwealth . ..rail rep ..'eaeotad by Aasistaat District Atttorae7 Riddell, astulled by Xr. Koethen, cad NW. Brown appeared as °Mosel for the awned. The oaw wee opened b 7 lar. Riddell, 'who tweed that the inbx - enstlena was based on the 114th section of the Tenet • Code, and charged the defendant,..l. Char'. Metes, with appropriating them= of one hundred dollars belenglng to Mr:Berger. • Ludwig SkAmidi, th e prosecutingwltnesa; am caned and _ eramexamtried by 3.t010r Drown. Restated that he bad milled:at the office of the accused on Thursday or Fri. day of week before Last and told him that Mr. Berger had sent bin downpe get wadi money which he held in his kande for bun (Mr. 111 He merely said to :the amused that be tame to get that inoney; be did not namo any amount; he called twice that day by himself, and a thud time Mr....ltholf smith accompanied him. He was in AMY. en% Arent ollice. Dick= said Waldman had gone allay, lad that' he had left no , money with him tor Schmidt or Berger. He said he would write to Mr. Waldman, and would inquire into the matter, but 110 If n ot time then. Whiten asked - him If he n reaollected if Mr. Weidman had left any money with 81131 to be paid over to Berger or hinutelf (nctintlilti) Diatom sold that no We idm an w aboon oeufgh t w ibth k theie • r M M fr r. I !Met= ecknowledged that some money Dad been left wall, baby Mr. Weidman. I By Mr.Biddell—Wan I went to ea Dick- en, and tried to get my money, ho Moaned at me, and snid he had no money 10 610 ands. planed tare by Mr. Waldman. 1 wati resporalbie that Mr. Berger should get hie money, and th at II why / went to Mr.. Matra. Bin Dickea talked wo solOoth that he made in* believe Weidman had the money, and that is :why I Want for Weld. man. Dieten did not admit that he 1014 any money until after I End Weidman ' mated and brought back from ice. York. if It had not been that 'Beaten denied hay. leg the Terme, I would not bare caused the amen of Mr. Weidman. ' • Jacob &MM. sworn-1 went. with Ludwig I Belanidt to Malian% oldizet heard Schmidt ask. Dielten for money; Ma k.. deiithl that any meaty' had bean /aft with him. Mr. Weidman told me, before be lent]6o city, to tell Mr. eareldt to go to Dlcken% odioe and Wk for money me bad left there. I did nut go with John Schmidt to-where the oMee; I dhl not say so in my' testimony yes terday. 1 told b ack= ;bat Mr. Weidman told iambs had left that money there. He denied Mr. Weidman was sworn, made • statement embracing • complete history of the ease, of whie.h the following is a synop. all: Mr. Schmidt was a client of mine for some time past. Some time ego he =me into my ofibe with siudgment note for IMO, width 1 snowed to collect for him. I wrote to the defendants to come and pay the note and stave costa. They Ant paid me 11175, and -in a few days paid the balthca I first paid the Sheriff % oaths. w hien amounted to ailt, end retained SIM for feawhioni were Justly due me from Mr. licninids; the remainder 'I gave to Mr. Dicken,scomo panted by a ter addressed to Mr. SclimidtAogether with a receipt In foil for all dementia whiall 1 held agsinat lam: Wheel I planed the mo. ney in the hands of Mr: Dictum, I told ham to pay It over to Ludwig bentradt. 1 did /Mt know pay; as in theta:mm . oon: I told Dick. t e money over am moon ra ging my Modems, I went to New York. I had not tan longtiu th eta, sou fir. • rested by °Meer mbatt, on . • warrant I sworn out by Mr. Schratat. I sou Moneta. bank to rimsborgh.confronted Me 1 defendant nem 18014 to Mao' Blekem I I come book to you rather unexpectedly; come on unpleasant business.° I thee up braided Lim for a-Ming-In the mariner to which he 110. Ile denial that be told Lud wig Schmidt that I had left no money mho. hands. et this Ludwig gamidt got aultrr_ and wanted to knock fileten down. Tnis occurred balite aloe. • At the police station . 10 New York. I told Ludwig acnidt that ID ic k e *e money with Dinte tu n. said had 'said one word to let him know bow the matter. stood, be 'Meld not have calmed the amens of Mr. Waldman. ties paint Mr. Riddell mmounced that the case on the part of the prosecution had been made out. Tim first violets called on the part of the defence ems in the cane o Mr. Kahan. a H es tated that On Monday af ternoon he heard some talk in Mr. D lea anis ontee, about some money lathed been lon by Mr. Weide:tans heard *ohm words; Vet did not pay aer attthtion to what wee Sold. Ina witaras thenuld—iratead of yesterday I nufarit some days 'ago, that I 'heard the telt. Oa crossezawanation.. by Mr. Ridded. the n aaid—ln my oponthe it wss on Sat.. rdo y that I hrdea lola obout the money. Mr. Schmidt showed me order for tee armed of Mr. Weidman; I Lela 1 told Mr. Hoethen about It. Dottie .weyetorreis ewor4-1 reside in Lawrenceville, and know 11r. Dick.: also know Ladin' lientulat; on last Friday a week ago 1 wee In Mr. Woken% culllce, and Ludwig hamlet mote le and Mated fur money left them by Mr. Weltlinan. I was in the hack office. waiting to see Mr. Dick en, who was to the front calm; he was full and Muhl notaalk to me pat-then, 1 heard licittoidt ut for two hundred and Ofty del. rare, wtach be sold was Ca amount Mr. Weidman had left. *Mr. Dicke* maid it was enly 4100 that ad been left by Mr. Weld ' man. Croat examination be Mr. Paddle — Mr name is Daniel McPherson, 0011 am • am , minter; 1 work in Lawrenceralm worked in tutmiforg, lie., for UM or eleven years, Was , lying on the lounge in the back room want-. log tor Mr. Dieten Huth - warn three or 00 e 1 h w mo ew sln w a mth f e ro nrenat < e M ; i w r o e w . It/he not ene newt when he mum rook alone; think he , had a light linen Mat On. th ink be bad a 1 Straw . hat; eould not be eerie-In as rei the hat or; oet. /Cortaro woe called and Rom—Mr:a DWI= was talking to me on last Friday or net:tray a week &goy 1 wee buy at the I time and dld aot pay much stunt= to 1 what 110 'old; there from something eald shoot a handfed dollars. sr. Dicken asked . use to get authority from Mr. achteult to get one handmd altar* welch be hold. • Gelder Jerry 0...1NM swora—Marted to Nee York in company with lanais Mahn, I on Monday. the 18th MM. Use • warrant for the armed of Mr. Wield man t the warrant . sou dated 17th el Angled. • Mr. Meagre testified that he was in Mr. t D o i c K ke r n . %WniodmMonday L la a t w lvya s E ta h l n ki d es I there heard tinirry talk heard Mr. /Molten ay th at be but ono hundred dollar. widen i.d. beau left 40418 him by Mr. Waldman. ANdschr echeridt. remlled—When 1 ea. in Mr. Dicta , . office that:teatime the door be. totem the front and back clan was closed debt error-examined by , Arnim Brows—The Me eon •hy I examined trie door when 1 want ' tote boSII / was looking for HMI , . 1 wanted to roe him very much tried the door haunt% 1 wanted. to. Me lf Mardi wee to the toot room, tho door wattfav , tened. The testimony: here cloud, and Midor Drown asked that the Lammed be disehorg ed.. Ile said the defendant was A:lleum:Cy I charged bathe informed-ton with atiProlfel• sting one hmdred dollars with intent to riefraorl 110. Merger. lie contended that , the defence hid proved .by metimiable w noises that Mr. Dirkan bad veld In the pres. tooth of Mr. Schmidt that be had tiM which had been left telth him by Mr. Weidman. Tim prosecu•lon had felled to make out • moo, and the amused sue entitled to his Me cham. Mr. Modell, r for the Commonwealth, said Met. thy clue 21011 already consented mucti time; tint the remarks of comma tor the defence vicild be miry appropriate before et than and Juryi Hut slthough this had sem blance of • court, it was but the provinee of lita Honer to try the of bet that the question for him to decide was: Ls there iialiwoheble canes for holdtng the aconeed for as there a probsbilits of guilt tamer% by the evidence. .The testimony of three of the witnesses, tf relieved by • pry, Yea suMciont to Coe whit bite. The evidence glowed clearly that he Was guilty Of a groat Mud. Ifs bed perpetrated • lirdee Imposition on Mr. Wiedmen. Mr. Schmidt that he would riot. have go dec ept i o n Wiedmen had it not been for the practioed by Moto.. He therefore Wald Lhat. the amused be held for trial. The accused WU held In tee *ram of five hundred dollars for his eppearance AI court. Amusements. . • Tea Orima Mouse, nottntlistauding the not weather, le doing a good business, and the now company are rendering general eatistmotion, "Lost la London. was vented last night to a wall tilled house. Miss Iloward and Mark Mato. took the lead.. lug parts and were well entuilned. , Tho piece was rendered le a vary creditable Warms:, and was IssOrably rseasTad by the • audience , • • • • Till VAnarrlas, se nanal,ia doing t it Ulric . . lug Melees.. Night after elate hence In crowded with teem, In leareh °ldea, and left come er titcappoltded. 'deg le left undone hi rho managere a theeatab• Itetonent to make It what II la repeeeroted to be—a variance theatre—sad their ettort* to please here DOM rewarded with e Inc. coo beyond their Wait sengulno ed-penta. = . lty referring to onr new advertisements oa the Woad page of to•darl paper, You will find that W. W. Wallace, No. 119 Lib• erty street, nim received a' splendid lot of Graln Drills, Tanning . 111111 s, Pertable gaw ine alaeblnes, Straw Cutters, French - Barr Mill litotes, gleam . Jinglers and Bellows. He is also prepared to tarnish from tee Mammoth Stone Marble Works every sari. ety of Slate and Marble Dimities, and. all kinds of rouble wars. We believe this the .I:rely bowie that manefaeturea slate ware ini.he city. Monuments and Grave. 4umm of all kinds on hand. !lee card for partieulars. =IG=I Henri W. Oliver - made information yes terday against Michael Eopert, - James kne.. Nell, John henry Smith, Ed Dont- Can. Salm 14cilee and John Entehinue, dwells them with larceny. lib ..alleges that the defendants, who ere boy* be. "'sea the act? of end • fourteen years, bolts the ago off hie orchard fence, and were In If set of stealing his peaches. The boys were arrested and brought before Alderman Meliesters, before venom the in. fotteation WAY made. After being teen. mended, the scolded wore discharged with. A wire DeaS47.—narY o,looWdY.slinde intortnation buture'Alabrthan Taylor yes tesesu s t ream; her husband; Michael O.Cowdy, charging him with assault and battery. The parties rosidkin the Ninth Ward, and It U said previous to this strait. dwelt to peace and glietness. bat- In an evil hour lelehael, belay wider the Inge. enee of strong drink. erktelted his alto VlM:int cups or ygovetation, beat, kicked and qtherw Ise abused her. a warrant was GEM' !CM OS aforseeld llllchael. wiry vas Wrrested and hold in the nro of WOO for and Sparkling 1104$ 111V•Am&t, X. T. Ipppla's Drug Store, 210. a TiKetsl street, 44010k0z11. • • * PRICE THREE CENTS. Allegheny Temperas*. lialwatle• The regular meeting of the. Allegheny City Temperance League was held last evening. In the Sandusky Street 'llelP . KAM Church. Pay. Colonel Clarke in the' Chair and IL B. Sloan Seer, tory. The meeting opened with prayer by RM. W uhltigtoa. of Pittaburgh. The min- Mes of the ISM/meeting were read and op. Ptolessor Si. P. Eaton. of Philadelphia, read with fine erections of John PlerPonils meta entitled "The two Incendlarles." ft.idant Clark announced that as there were no chosen Speakers for the meeting, they would be entertained with short stotebbeafrom those present In regard to tmeMILITIg 1:01111(113/01111. Mr; L.. Eaton spoke of the mimes* attending the meeting* of this Pongee, and the hope of mill farther cocoons theatakimuse. Kr. Malley urged upon young and old to give their tuflureice' to the temperance came by becoming members of the Lee/WILES, Temples_ of Honor. SOW of Temperance. and Good Temphtra, to mall the ranks of thin mune nil labeller the good of On 'l.W.tlncliratie urged attendance at third ,- Mary meetangsconventions, to secure the election of good men to further the in terests of this amis.. '- - Rey. Pr. 801 l make of the wnis of intem perance, and urged upon all to boldly atand for ttl. Cratu.a, sad: not be led mtray by In. dulling in any intemperate' , drinks. - end timing that the 'blessing or Orel was with Mate who do right. d Tots of thanks to the Leanne Chine for tholr moat excellent memo was passed ananimomly. The next meeting will be held in the Fifth U. P. Church. corner of East and First streets. Third ward, Alle. ghony, on Tuesday evening, at r. w. ==2l The Philadelphia Gardic says that Ms understoodthat arowing match will take plane on the Delaware, some time in the month of September, between the new champion of the stream, William lifyerr, or ',this city,' and the champion of Pennsylva nia, Jame Hamill Ihe rumor originated thus. Myers after contesting with William Glenn, come threliweeks ego, and coming out vietenous, challenged Liemill to a fivo mile race, Mr the sum of 11.000 Kahle. The .bosts to be used must be fifteen feet skiffs, and - rowed from the gunwale, allowing Hamill to choose the time and place of the contest. • , This style of craft is something new to Hamill; bet alter visiting this city and ox. emitting the beets and rigor, be has accept ed the challenge, and the race will come Mr on the 12th of September, on the Delaware, the Martina point to be f rom Bridesburg, to proceed. two .d a half miles down the Delaware and bask. It is expected by the Myers community this city that as Myers nu had each long exPerismee in thin style of boat, sad Hamill none, Myers will have an easy victory. The Brown and Hamill race will take plane ori the Hod.n, on tteGth a< Septerm• ber, after which Hamill wilt leave for Piths delphis and prepare filmset' for the con test with flyers. - Phrlitielptus Crolverslpr sad rledl. WIG SOZZOII. • The frustaes and faculty of the above Medical College have booed ' , scholarships" at setvniy-fln dollars, each, .which entitle the holder to attend lectures until gradua tion, or as many minions sa he Idaho,. This renders a medical education cheaper than ever proposed by any University or Denies°, in this country or Eamon, pewees. ing the same extenalve facilities, • . There are sixteen Profeason, ann every branch of Medicine and Surgery is thor oughly taught • The student holding .'scholarship" can • enter the college at any time during the Lecture and attend ea long as he wishes and remter the truititutibis .3 frequent s o. desired. Persons wishing to obtain nein:dm - Maps can apply to L.Otoseux, M. D., Professor of Urlno Pathology in 'the above.mentioned College: • __•-• • file office and residence Is :go. 1 31. Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pa. - oftw. I =1 The well known jewelu firm of Durdiratb d ha. end ha optical bons* of Hazlett. &Co. hare been consolidated into one Arm ender the ewe of Densoath d lieslett, end continue both branches of the trade at the old eatabliabedjewelry Stand, No. 56 Fifth street. The store room . has been greatly enlarged and improved, had Wlll now com pare favorable . ..nth any other in the city. We shall take mouton to speak more par. Masterly of the improvements made at some foto. time. Mr. William Domes., the sealer partner of the leave I tor 'the Eastern cltles next Monday, to make purchase of as flee a stock of jewelry, watches, clocks. ellverware _goods sewn aver brought to this eity.• We wish the consolidated firms • • oontarmartee of the patronage hitherto separately ex. tended them. . .lieweeted —Anthony Weidman, Esq., who was .wafted Stew Yore and brought to this city On a charge ot embezzlement, prh temat by Ludwig Schmidt, has in MI to. ted proceedings In the District court against Ludwut Schmtdt and Jerry Gem bort, the officer who %metal him, for false imprisonment, The defendant.were in Cu. nettle last night and held in the sum at 0,040 special ball fora hearing. - Nanward 000x04.—alr.lieradden,Super• Intendant of the Pealtenuary nt Mounds rilie, has offered n :award of 111.0 O) for the apprehension of the twenty-.sea conelete 11 . who escaped fro that institution of, Thursday lest, the fild Inst. The following have slrea.lo been ptured Aunt returned to condnentent: A bopeland, flurry law eon, James Elondlu, Wllllagt Jetter, T. lictAftley and JOlaa 6regorY. - .Steep Rates.—the Erie Dispoica, in its report of C 01.11201/ proceedings, y was: the Secretary read a report. stating that the terms of advertising the city bonds In the New York .Ikrrad fbr one month had been promired, and th , ,amount asked zor two squares waste' t.OO, cash In advance. Atter a grim *dance or two minutes, the connotl onanlmOnsly resolved that °this establish ment does not advertise in the New York atra4cl.. Election ot resettero at litutepaltrg. —At o meeting of the Board of school Di rectors of tho borough of Sharpsburge, held on Monday evening last, the tollo wing named teachers were elected tor the Onto- Lure.: Principal, hr. A. M. liandltoo; Atintents, Mines Mottle Crawford, Kerr Gner al E. Unwell. The schools w a ill rd be open m ed on the third Monday Of Sep ta:omi next. Rarely of stsereeee.—JohnbleEsehran Mastersorma before Alderman Ide. yesterday against Ins son John, for enroll , of the feace. lle allege the% the ungrateful son threstened to walls M. • A anent was (Mod for the defendant, and If on • Anil hearing ha should be toand tho fault, he should be soveraiy punished. H• 4 Thmir for LlOSCh.2.—Take ten cents worth ofpuleorited Prnulau blue, mix it with *little flour and sugar, put the mixture on a plena of pa 'W per , and then lay the peter on th e floor here , the roaches. generally run. Try It for • week, and they will disappear. pruselan blue contain. the poison that ends their depredations. • Officers Peoseerstal.—James Lam', yesterday, made reformattOn before alder man riterlastere easiest erre:era John SLCIII• ler end Patrerir Daffy, of Smith Plttsenrgia. charging them with aggrsynted assault end battery. The defendant' were arrested and held In the sum of flee hundred 4ollars each for their Anne...con% Court. • MtimJUNI• Bo—Jobn Went made In form atAon before a lderman Thomeiyester , day. nialnet4elm,Alken, for &emelt and better"..lle ellexes tnet the defendant as saulted And rut Ms son Henry Cherie. West with knit. The parties reelde In Elm street, Club e'er& A warrant was Wined Takeo Cleer.—Cline and. Pottle, the Irwin Station burglar., were tairca lathe rentltentlarY Yo.terdav• Cline DiOnd guilty and um sentenced to live yowl., and Pottle was tratd, convicted and sentenced teeth Teachers Elected.—On Monday the Moonier Directors et the Third and Tenth Wards *lacteal Misses M.J. JgoGialet, M. Ma Elroy and A. Montgomery, teachers to the Primary Departmant of Mc er.hool of said wards. Cold el±ariaing Saila Water at J. T eatapla , a Wng atom r.o. 33 Federal street • • allerbear. • Desirable nosegays*. In Allegheny city at, Auction, on Monday, Septemoer I. at three o'clock r. on the prelate., corner of Hamilton and Bodg-lok streets. 800 ad. yortleementt of Budtheon, relines A Co.. Auctlonocrs. ' , • Something, Pars—The Tess, Coftes, Sugars, PplooB, &a, mold at Ktrk.e Grocery Store. No. na and 174 Federal street, warn teto - the marke t a r lland geton h, flit. betla To ***** IssiA—Arthur lark. whole sale and nisi( Grocer No.. 119 11,4 Nt Foe. etal atom has rece ived one of the beet mote of groceries ever brought to the cite. that will be sold lower Lb= at any nu= In the city. Execll.l DDDDD and BelTllol.lnPal .42/o.t Will commence on Monday, septembor na. booms N 0.7 Yourth ntreot. For .0010ISUIPM cßll IMMedifttely, or "alarms W. 8. Uwe, rrtnoine). e • Go to Illopplorie Drag Moro, No. 04 31.10: attee mr Burnett'. Standard rre stollm..o! kjode 4 ctospfr Van AnY taB City. =i;Vi=l Tann', Altimasoar at Co.. • 94 .11ftkv itzeet.. litroeewlee.—rotebtrari Grooortes 11113 eauseutlntr good, go to ortour Kirk's tirocery Store,Kas. ond 174Yedortil street, Allegheny , my. • • • • • ale ale Melltai Lavelopes at love thvai . Ulnae" ;Islam Enuredaravais !groCo., •• I " vi 4, filth at. Anslgnee,n •. Plain or Bono , . Boggles, flarneas and Saddiev, on Haturday. num; aled.nt, 10 A. 0.. at /taro t & Weal. . r .kt, Pa.) 000 nduallsomcnt n. P. Co. Zia, Ear. T> /. Lang, Chest Dis. eases, and Catarrh, Bbeccufbily treumett by Dr. Abbr., 15,1 tivalthabbl street. A brook beat. ' Sea .1 be to blemishes Pros. Stem No. tb, Market theset, rat BrOwn'S • VOrMIII4OS Comets. et Warm liOdielhe 010. , • . We me Menthe Zairelajpe• at less than Eamtern im% SAW% ALVINHOux ACCO.Birlfthettnet, e. Iron Patronise Large arena under thelmpression that you get thing, cheaper. Tat la a Mlitake,ns you will dud at No. Federal Street,: the 'following articles as cbsap es at any 00000 to either city. Spired Salmoo, Pickled Oysters and Orange rear. mglo4o, LObeterS, Spiced Oysters, Fresh Cove Oysters, Olive Oil, Cross and Black. well's famous Pickles and Mustard, Mush- Coon and WsinutCatsup, Fresh Pine Apple., Chinese Ginger, Tamarinds, Sardines, French famiard, Finest Bordeaux Prunes, Sauces, Condensed 14110, Extract of Beef, gbowiatas, very fine, Cream Bonham, Cream Candles. Mixed •Canitl G. ea,Nuts, au. IC. Heaves, No.ll° Federal street, Allegheny. The perfumed ❑ght Stella through {be teat withuter And every iorl2l heavy the breath Of orange flowers that bloom 1' the midst of roses.. Bach was the dowry land tined with heal. Mg airs and life preserving mamma. where Dr. Drake discovered the chief ingredients of Ids wonderful Tonle Medmine—Plassa- TION lurch/mud tropical ha land of fit. Croix.. The Ptaarramos Err mom cowbird! , g all the medicinal and tome virtues of the healing cad' life annalubig producta of that favored clime, are, with out p d e ou s b i t a , . .t.Low W s e p r ir P it a a G nd a ao m the d r !t o o- myskpilliculties. idaosocia Wacaa—A delightfol toilet an. ticle-anperiar to Colonge and. at .0.14 the price. xyrraws Prowllasi sad Worthy ifeeltuales.— Headers desirous of procaring the aervitce of Skillful and experienced this and Steam Fitters, can do no better Cum try favoring Sifters. H.S. Diddle &Bro., Beaver street, be. tween Franklin and chasm= streets, his. chaster. They have liad large and liberal experience' In their trueness, are practleal, earefuland Ithished meohcl, and devote especial attention to the proper execution of all orders entrusted to them. Their terms aro very reasonable and ell work Is guaranteed to prove durable and eatillfao tory. .We take much pleasure to commend ing them to our readers, knowing them to be fair dealing, honoraMe, and in every re* Peet worthy of • large share of public par, renege. MOM. • .To Country Illenelmolle.—Yonr atten tion is cellist to the wholesale and retail grocery store of Arthur l es t. 172 and 174 Federal street, Allegheny, he place to buy your groceries. Ur. Kirk has facili ties for buying that enable. him to sell to rated. merchants at a lower figure them any other house In the two WINs. He keeps at all times all /dad. of groceries; and will he p linte partles call and examine priceand quality of goods kept by him. Remember tits number, 112 and 174 Federal Street, Allegheny City. INS Hai Not Least.—The last improve. meat for the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, hilfuller b Barnum'. Tuck CMSn er and Self Sewer combined, for measuring. and creasing any destral width of a tuck or plait. Those who have seen them say they are the ..nicest thing out," no they work like s..thing of Wen on all kinds of fabrics. These, and a lot of new and very handsomelyAntsbed Sewing Ideoldnes, can be seen at the salesroom of W. BILIZIIIIr Co., 27 Filth street, Pittsburgh. Goods at BASSOSabiII. James Robb, No. 89 Market street, one of the pioneer, m the boot ma shoe trade of this city; h. on hand a large and fashiona ble stock of boots. shoes and gaiters which he offers to the public at very reasonable prices. It will be remembered that the assortment found here is not from Eastern arletiC6l houses bullies been selected direct Irma manufacturers who deal to snob articles as mid prove serviceable and durable. Call In and see for yourselves. Secure &Mee slbotthest—Pletel, Watch or Album, at the Auction Bele this evening at 7'% detect, at Sarno Hall Auction 800m5.55 sad 57 Filth street. A large as sortment to select from. Sale will be can. I.lnue4 tble 7 dal (Wed...dela at 10 a. It., and end ,4 C. st., when the hebteee of the stock will be disposed Of. Bee advertise. meat of Smithson, Palmer A Co. We sell airy good. both at wholesale and remit, and are, as a oonsegnence, ea. soled to keep a larger and much better as. aortad to sell cheaper, and give the goods In more accommodating guantltlea than excloslve Jobbing homma.. Retail men. chants cre Invited to examine our stock. J. W. Bum A Co., ire Bantreopt Wale of Clothing, Cloths, Csastmeres, Hsu, Caps and Notions, wlll be resumed on Thursday, August Vila, at 10 a. N.,tand mmtinued at 3 and 714 it. X. when the remainder nt the stock will be disposed of by Smithson. Palmer ft CO., Auction Rooms, 53 and 57 Filth street, Dr. Wilson's ,Pllls ere rapidly sneer ceding all other lamlly.medmlnes, because they are applicable to maar common CUM Tney never fall to tallest DYSPEPSIA and diseases ~of ,tee stomsott and.barals. All druggists sell them. To Faresltes...-Cio to Arthur Metes Gra eery wore, N 05.172 and 1T& federal Street. Allegheny. and buy your Sugar for putting up (nat. Ilq bus the largest, beat .d cheap est stock 'Atha city. Call end lee for your selves. • • uoing I Golnnt I Gene I It—Paater than the anetlaneeroe hammer knock, down hid. neglect dup.:rem of th e teeth. hid. therefore, for that mite of 1110 t • Pets fact eel by breaking these regularly with Elcannorr. I KW,* Ladle., we have • good saaostment. at doe Gold Watabos and Chains. J.E. Ramo & Co., 68 ?UM stmt. Additiona/ Local New• on Third Page. DIED; MQNTOOTH-0n Towdey, the 77th Inst., at 7 o'clock A. N.. Mrs. MART KUM Tagfell, Her funeral will take Owe from the reed.. of her mother. Mr.. haes7 Montootb, on Wets. 1/211340. at I o'clock. The friends of the Wally es. re Mealltll7 Invited to attnud. PI:kV/VI krii ai :9 4 izi ALEX. AIKEN. EINDEETAIREB, N. • 166 iroorth Meet, rltutreiralt. Pa. 00171218 of all kind.: OBJXES. OLOVIS, and .eery deacrlyllon of Ponersl Tarnishing floodo rwalabal.ltoosasoixted elAc; and alibt., Hesro Lad Carrlagas tomalsbed. Scrmexceti—nea. David Herr, D. D.. fie M. W. Jseolm, D.D.; Thomas ivrlzz, Z W., J eat , U. Mier. no. . J. G. RODGERS. ACTIDEBTA. • mai AND ZILBALICER, sooeossor W th. We Samuel EL 'Rodgers. N. 519 Otdo IRreet, three doors tom Bsaver. Allssbeas Cdt7. •K. Wile. Rosewood. %W oozy. Walesa .6 BOW wood ImILRoa COMIS. th• loweit redsto:.o Woes, Rooms OSMIUat all hours. dal Reuse and terrtarce furnished on short aotke sod oa most reuanable terms. EDWARD CZABEHLECIiI, UN. DERTMIXIL Moo, SIM 01110 ISTIonnT.. /Mogi:tem, 11at.184 Sommood and othot Oa. mb wllit • ladonote stook of tanaVal roonteldn• iraols oa luad. widturnlshod al 0kn0t.,,,,,,k,• at lowest 001001. Bal. sad Lloo.ol dull., oar. Bt of /mar non Janata Bunion. °avian& .000.0••. 000110.. nOgldlo - 11000e4. £m. ad.. 03r 0100. R T. WHITE lc co. GNIDER • TASZIta AND 1011 1 / 1 1.M731.1, Manchu. la. Wood... Elia and 'Malty. Coin go.. Yamloatotr tarty llama% oomt ab.gled aad Chadian MOW. Roal. as Canisim fa r• abed. E. B. erEWABT, Undertakei, consot of MOUTON sad PIMP STRZETS. NUM, Ward. Coglon of W 01.00. Mum awl Carriages tarnished on the .borterl Lotto, CEMETERY MARBLE WORKS, —A. J. thlath. l 3H. et the Cetatterl Lawn heeetne, F. On tiihritlTAL S.A.RBLZ .111 D BTUIti WOHEA; OA A= ST& WAHltltinD WATY.II PHOOP. A . EL ENGUL.II3II & CO, W. as Posarth Strid e robllshors Of osooraPgazimtes. DIAN'S ARITLDISTIO, BUSTDE USAKIIut AND COMALV"ti VCS SJONN. Also, suoefsatzi• root of BLANC SOUKS. NOON BINDING oz• tooted to All to hum. A Nolo otock of STA, SIUNILDI DODEILDUY OD bsad. "DS NEW FIRST CLASS GBOCERTN 80.164 7811ZZ►f. ST.. ALUMS:DM Fresh stork of Motes Teas, Cone, Sugar*, Wllett ara otter to the °Otte at lowest Vim. A. 0. BRYANT. earful THE QUEEN OF THE WASH. fligte 11413 for nutt►bd, Drlvilear. ed numfutur. or • - PATENT WASHING FLUID, W lob, mbereser Intsodynl. nist hitt. ant versal assess.. lOU iss sad on ressonslde term. 4.2a-TAIT,L.- 11!= GEOILGE eravrav, CANDY MANUFACTURER, Lxd aagerife e laVA4Amig . ..." /HUM ROLEUES, BELL dr. CO., Anchor Cana tints, Pittsbur6o, Kuulk.tttesrs of HILLPIr. =DI M& L.ltUrr JUSIUIIOII AND 1.1.410210..1.1.4 11TUR14171114364 A xi* RATPIIIa• WAIITED—Inen In .Salessen r „FIT:=I,:t liLtlousl Amu E. 11. CIIIIJIAL. rztuklea% Of isoorAMJOS. IteDlamond strait. ricubush• CM pi? OPOSAL.S.—The resins/Iva - MA butte A grloolULCll DOCely will w0.,4v0 PINPOSALS klaWin? ?gni llll ' witto mw TWO*. DAT, the 34 day of 9eplMwtt• LOC, ASlbm Cleo. No. 11/ 80. CDC Crest; La.1317a CHOICE FARMS' FLOC/4 Itado frrm X.tarlyWl3.l4 (U' P. c.) for gala at SAMS rat. at riumws wzA itaarr,' lla Il pumopa, rittibFigt. - TOM* Cf.a. ea's. artna.. U* THE WEEKLY NOITIOari, • _ AND 8/12TINDAY. - n Largo float, Containing TIIIIIMY.4I/2 ONTO of Moroni= reading lostter, taeladlar naadtag laddiartals. Won Tool by telegraro and TAIL. Tanzania neadlos Matte roman rout Moat sod stoat WAN* r to, to gizmo. eta and Ornanaratal YLartat Itoparia Wen oar myr m Lim eq. No farmer. Yeanante or • Yernhant shoald!o.ittanit tt. Tint/ ran 0111rlaI.T netarrol. ' • raolnta -Siam Mae of 1.1. a. —And coo cool at On& to the Wont [Calor on trio Wan. Addlilose to Glob. ezza no made at uly Ma, at elan ratio. r : . MOM= TO arroacarliann—ln ordering goer paper. be min and welt? 'What edition rag 'rant, am tea lona oWodinadar Sad= OW eau.- .0011 r 5 Milos bat ono nail a worst. ny Itrorant, Mosier Order.. or in gagistaredLerters, malts went at ontriati MILIIIIII, • cumerne, . . P1T11151311011, Canna. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED: HAVING V.T4ll.l37ll=fira: `47,!,..:soN;tilinf24.l°A.Vir 4.h.• l'agElVia - - DIINSEITIE & lIISLETT, Jewelers and Opticians, HO. 58 FIFTH STREET. • ♦ continuance or 6e public palm.*** htth• artot+`{eemoYOl *wanted thS 6F5115 of Len- KW g. Co.:AA6llaalett 1,'C0.. to resp*ctr*Ut **Vetted. • •u:6•eto JAMES SCOTT, 10:107.560R TO JO aNirrozi i socyrrx T:1231.4T XT FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY, NEVER-PLATED WARE, ETC. ST* aarzrr az. prrsznunea. Air ruUcalsr ottootton given to repstru. Wotaturs. Cloaks god Zavelry. A slew riimerrriomr.- -LER L NAftwti . r tiCIC 011E01. ZS AND extr4EWE v. for Wticeler r Secng - facbl . ns • All otl• frilgeMCDU sadconca - atire ly lthles. Loon oat Arman tepee tea , - o[blnted as our • gent a isalirg an len , riot article. Noce are gentile bid Ilitrusan.s.•• • 'WM SOWS= s CO., Aj