TOLIDAY• US% EUROPEAN COMPLICATIONS, Meet European nations are perturbed. A feeling of deep disquietude pervades ' them. This does not proceed from alarming - circumstances In the Immedi ate situation, but from settled appro . hetudons for the (Store. Dynasties have palpable sunbitions to MAU which con. Stet with the repose of the continent, and contingently involve the lives of hun dreds of thousands of men in the Sewer of their days. Magi and Emperors give assurances of gad& intentions, and protest that their relati Ins With all other crowned heads are altogether. amicable. But the people are Incredulous. They - have learned by sore experience that, monarchs will not only puyarbnate, but, when preued, resort to absolute false ' . hood. Indeed, Instances of Imperild lying have recently been exposed. which Ceske would bays answered much better, and the simple truth best of all. Royalty is honored, (Sr Its rubel and state; not for its sincerity and truth. =Mem ' Nor ere the European peoples without causes et unrest in themselvem. For', ' many centuries they have been denied natural development. Forced In one direction or-another; constrained to ac cept distasteful connections; hindered from normal egglomerations; sacrificed Punctually to the promotion of dynamic objects; they 'have constantly yearned for liberty to seek their own true Inter eats and to effect congenial combinations. This is the meaning of that drawing to gether of province' and states arbitrari ly surrendered for ages, which has - within the last few years presented striking phenosiiena, and Is destined yet farther to disrupt and remold Eurecou" political organizations. • • It is worth while to observe, more . over, that in proportion as the instinct of nationality becomu stronger, re ligious intolerance gets weaker, and gradually Lades out. There was a time, and that not far back in the past, when repulsions and hatreds of the most vim- lent type afforded the chief manifesta tion of the religious element in ail the - nations of Europe. ' These .shockira ex hibitions were chilly confined for many ages to abuse of the Jews. In ratio as Christian devotion gamed the condition of the , Ismiehtes was nude • more Intel arable ; and those seasons in the calen dar, rendered illustrious by Imposing ceremonial', were sure to excite the wrath' of Christians against the He brews toe cinauming fire. Thus Easter was regularly a period of agony and • outage for the children of Abraham. The Christian who failed, while it was Passing, to break the head of a Jaw, fiat that he had neglected a most essen tial part of worship. Still farther down in the flew of the conturies, after the Church had divided into Catholic and Protestant, the feed between those branches of the mystical body developed info continuland name. less atrocities, which even yet sit like appalling nightmares on the pips of : history. Whit banishments, conlisca lions, proscription', ear.croppings, dls embowallngs, mad other tortures were inflicted in pretended honor of Christ and for the salvation of souls Let no one imagine there was not downright earnestness of conviction and thorough intention of well doing under these as at 'which the world now elands nghast. Neither philosophersnor world ling" persecute; the latter, because they "care for none of these thitigs;" the Ra nter because they rise toe „Inner adapta tion of means to ends. These two sorts or people are more numerous rela: lively than they formerly were; land hence liberty of .conscience is cont . lug to be not only tolerated but affirmed. Nor 11 this liberty con ceded or demanded simply In the narrow Tense In which the ancient inquisitors viewed. Template& defined liberty of conscience to be the right to think as one pleased; a right, the nee of Which no one could detect, and consequently could not Interfere with. It rested between the individual end the Creator. The right to ezpiress Wog/as, by speech, writing, or in any other way, he held to be a very dilatant =tun to be regulated, prohib ited orpunishe d as temporal or spiritual ruler* should see It. Gradually Europe is emerging from this eondition of bigotry, Inspired there. 1 to mainly by longing alter political freedom. There, u elsewhere, states men and politicians, following the in. culeations of philosophers, take. the lead In the disenthrallment of minds as well „se bodies. It could not be otherwise. As men coma to comprehend civil. lib erty, to desire it, to struggle for It, and to attain It, in any degree, they soon permits that subjection and bondage are equally mischievous In other domains as in politica. Hay; that civil freedom cannot be maintained in conjunction with spiritual thraldom. • flee how the Italians have been Wince. ted la this way! Of a stock !Dustmen, for many ages, In arms, In arts, in liter stun; dwelling in a land instinct with memories el all kinds of human great ness; yet oppressed, despoiled, divided; the augment of nationality worked in them as a sesurrectionary force. After centuries of dulness the Sun of Italy at length rose again resplendently over the field of Elolferino. A large measure of the ancient spirit once mare reanimated the PePtlitlon. The new impulse comes not so mach from the tomb of Conies-Ir wren as from the 'sepulchre of JCILLUC. It does not indeed, decree liberty of con• science, but ordains eaten:Won in matters I of religious faith. The word toleration, In such connection, is an offence, be-' cause liberty is the undoubted right of ill, and to tolerate implies a right to prohibit. But, as the word goes, tolera don:ia step, and an Important one, in the sight direction. Ruler* tolerate a+ eld that they cannot exercise the former despotism. Bat It man be remembered that the real leader of Italy is not vox Zwkaawn, but titztruAint. Few captains of the world's progress hare been crowned; except with thorns. Austria; the cable announced, a few days ago, is seriously thinking of grant• lag religious toleration.• lint let no one atappola that Faurcts Joant his bur come ecuunored of liberty. He only ••stoops to conqui." Prturtimes yens at Sadowa tore away ikom him th e proc laims that made Intolerance Mager prac ticable. The hostile soldier was the real apostle that proclaimed the gospel of ligions freedom. The Emperor grants what he can no longer withhold. COM- pelied to restore to Hungary Its indent polltial Occuttitutlon, he cannot ranee any . of his subjects, without danger to hds throne, the tight to worship u they Will. 'The uses df adversity are thine:. adlently illustrated. The Bohan, too, It Is stated, meditates reform. •Ho has accomplished a flying inapection of Waken nations. and re. tweed tr.. his Capital professing to hare gained stew light Eyes moslengsm Melds to the predossiruint Influences of the nineteenth centary. Bat theitheltan is wildroned with difficulties. Be is in caned' to recede, not before ideencieg opinion within bin own domlroone bet weteide thereof/ His Ifshometan sub• Juts, through atoll& ignorance, are. aa 'imperious and pnnatriptiro u their an- Castors were when by superior physcal vigor, freabneu of filth, and mental power, they dominated Aida and threat ened to sweep Christianity oat of Europa Nor haye Ida Christian subjects Felted the school of humiliation in which they hays been tutored for six handrei a. They are u Implacable ha theft head of the Jews as Wear forefathers =I Aid *hi'ws_qtr , would ndouble the ._ Ito& lam severities upon that venerable race. They demand' rights for themselves which they have no thought of conced- Leg to others. Bo circumstanced, it may be doubted whether the Sultan will do firt more than promise Improvements. If he can Prevent the different classes of his "'abject. from tearing each other in pieces, and avoid being driven mat Europe himself by the Czar, he will do much. Only when . the Turks, Greeks and Jews over whom hb exerciges thorttp mutually arrive at is just under standing of the nature and deairableness of political freedom, and 11,113 prepared to maintain it, will they appreciate the value and be ready to uphold religions liberty. While these movements are slowly progressing there are reports that France and Austria have entered into an alliance against Prussia and Resale. There may be doubts asto the veinal consummation of this arrangement; but, If not already made, it cannot le long deferred.. Its., euggeste* by the very nature of the case. The national movement in Germany compels it. In negotiating concerning it Hsrotson and FRANCIS Joann] may trust each other implicitly, for. their ne. ceaalties constrain them to frankness and co-operation. The unification of Ger many can be accomplished only by re clamatione alike from Austria and France. If Austria should be allowed to stand alone the Grand Duchy would certainly be wrested from her in the course of a few years, thus leaving her s non-German or rather a Slavonic ag glomeration: Such a result would make Prussia an over match for France, and the - German provinces along the Rhine would be demanded, and taker upon the drat opportunity, which would not be slow incoming, for when powerful na tions want pretexts they find them-with out painful searching. But Prussia and - Russia are at least a full match for France -and Austria, and with them Italy would be pretty sure to side. However, therefore, European mon archs nay proles, that the skies are se rene; that no indications of approach ing stored are discernable on the hori zon; and that their intentions are pa cific; It will not der to trust their neva armee. The European population, de tect the smell of sulphur in the.political atmosphere, and the popular indications are not without inundation. FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD seeming Um Sell. The cultivator will derive many ad vantages from a careful Investigation of the support yielded by the vapor of the atmosphere to his planta. Re will per ceive that its unvaried presence affords an additional reason why the air should be allowed to circulate freely through . Me well pulverized and • loosened soil, to the roots of all snowing crops; and let him:above all, avoid the very common erroneous opinion, that the atmosphere is very dry; the fact Is the very opposite. I The chemist's laborious investigations have clearly demonstrated that, though I the watery vapor varies in amount, yet it is never absent from the atmosphere, but that it happily always the more abounds whore the cultivator's crops need its assistance most; it is then the most able to furnish the roots of Ida grain crops with all the moisture they , require; and if it unable •to penetrate to there, the fault is not in the wise economy of nature, but in the careless ness of the cultivator, who is either too Inattentive to sea the advantages which he might thus freely derive, - or too Inds. lent to loosen the case-hardened soil, which prevents the entrance of the requi site supply of moisture. One of the causes of the unproductive :seas of cold, clayey, adhesive soils, at; Davy well remarked, is, that tho seed is coated with matter Impermeable to air. The farmer can convince himself of these facts by the simplest of all experi ments. Let him .mere/y.use hie rake or , his hoe on a portion of a bed of wheat er turnips, or any other kind of crop, millet him, in the driest weather, mere ly keep this portion of soil loose by this gentle stirring, and he 'will find dint, instead of prejudicing his crop by letting out the moisture, as is often ignorantly supposed, something Is evidently let into the so il ; for the portion thus tilled will be won visibly Increased In luxuriance by the mere manual labor thus bestowed; aqd in this experiment, which 1 have often tried, I am supposing that both portions of the ground are equally free from weeds ; that in every other respell the treatment of both the tilled and un *disturbed portions of the experimental plot is exactly the same. To a very -rent extent aline ul the beat of the Engliatt farmers have long found. out I I thew facts, and have noted upon the dis covery. The horse-hoe of the east and south of England, in the driest days of summer, may be seen at work In the large sandy turnip fields of Norfolk and Suffolk, with unveiled regularity ; not for the mere destruction of weeds, but for the chief and highly beneficial pm pose of increasing the circulation of the I gases and vapor of the air. "fhe longer I keep 'timing the soil between my tut , . nip drills," said Lord Leicester to roe some years since, "in dry weather, th e better the turnips grow." - I The abet:ante necessity for all Crops, remising a regular supply of carbonic I acid gas will explain to the farmer why his crops always yield an inferior pro. duce when they are surrounded by thick plantations of timber trees; and why the portion of ell kinds of plsntations grow- Mg on the aide of the field the moat ex posed to the winds is almost always of the -most Invariant growth] it will e x . plain to him the reason why many skill. NI -farmers drill their corn scrniat nia I most prevalent winds may, with more', facility, circulate stony the rows, instead of across them; and why all farmers find that their crops proeper better in mode rately windy weather than in calms; since in all these triteness, and in many I other well known popular observations I of the same kind, the copious supply of 1 , the esrbonle acid and oxygen gases of the atmosphere is naturally impeded by thick plantations of other vegetable sub 'stances, and promoted by the winds. The consumption of Oxygen gas by the roots,of plan Wand their increase. of 'growth and vigor, when their usually impeded Supply is increased, is equally fraught with instruction to the cultiva. tor; for It serves to explain the reason why stirring the soil amend the roots of trees, according to the 'fashion of the early vine and olive cultivations of Italy, or mere disturbing the rows of cabWigeiand turnips, as practiced by the best English farmers, is attended with decided advantage, since it suffers the air to have more tree access to their root'. It renders apparent, too, • ono of the chief masons why mere subsoil plowing adds so materially to the Inger ' tut produce Of even the poormt collies. ted lands, since, as the toil is deepened and pulverized, the atmosphere more freely and more copiously penetrates to the roots of the vegetation it supports. The same facts explain the advantages of deep plowing, of rrub.turf plowing, and of trenching ; Irby the indolent fir. mar in vain tries to reader productive Iris ehallowed plowed lands; and why, I when the Industrious cottager tummies I his garden from the barren waste, too poor to sufficiently manure it, he yet renders It productive of excellent crops by merely. trenching it to the depth of eighteen or twenty isrebes.—oh,d,„. c Inguirer. AsTionigang covisia. - • What in the hands of the farmer con stitutes capital? With the merchant, cash Is capital; with the land speculator, land is capital,• with the farmer, cash, land and stock &r ca e pital. Nor do theft toonatitute-all' a farmer's capital— ' many other items, too often overlooked, I also form capital, --such as implements, manure; and, most of all, labor. Capital is either productive or non productive; a million of dollars In fold or silver, or one thousand acres of un productive land may be capital, bet winks it remains In this state It produces noth ing, and the owner may be actually growi poo-er. Increa ng se in wealth does not depend 50 much upon the amount of capital toupee the use made of it; and in nothing is this more plainly 'flown than in farming. There is many a farmer who cam minced on fifty acres; on this ho annu ally expanded twenty per cent. in ma store, labor, .to., &0., and the produce was perhaps forty per cent. Encouraged by this success, be adds fifty acres more, but he does not proportionally increase his actin capital, and the profits are lea /cued In proportion. Still he has not land enough, and buys more, still adding very little or nothing to his active capi. cal. The consegnence la that while on fifty uvula made forty per cent., on eve hundred be would realize nothing. I Baku converted bla prod uctivb intonons productive capital, • • There la nothing more true than that the inordinate deahe for large farms has I been the lulu of thousand& - It la true theta luge farm pay be made u PrOdllctiVO 111 6 shall One - Ind to do tbi. thane must be expended on itan ardount of active capital in the shapeot manure, labor, rkc„ in proportion—a thing rarely done. Let no orie undertake to Imre or hold mdre land than he has capital to manage well. We'll hear a certain class of farmers (so called) say they are "too poor to buy lime," "too poor to buy cattle," to make manure. These are the kind who have tool, much land.. Stich a farmer, holding one hundred acres, would find it more profitable to dispose of fifty, and expend the proceeds si active capital on the re maining half. • What is the Use of capital if it is not to expend It so that it may increase? If a farmer • has surplus capital, the beet manner in which he can infest it In limo or manure for his farm. If be cannot get six - per cent. from it in this way he does not deserve the name of farmer. If a farmer has fifts, with I soli only alx or eight Inch y es deep, instead of buying more let him double what he has, by doubling the depth of the soil. Draining makes a good, permanent and safe investment for surplus capitsd. Such investments not only pay an inter est as they go along, but also Increase he capital by Increasing the value of the farm. A wetitern writer has laid that "large farms are the curse of the west;" nor does thia apply to the west alone, but also to 'the east. By increasing the depth of his'soil, the farmer increases his crops, without Increasing his number of acres, and with little or no entry expense in labor. In this way a farm of fifty acres may produce more than many of one hun dred now yield, such at least Is the opinion and experience of the German town Tel , It • Csilliermla Wtme o at. The California Ishii regi n, It la esti mated, now produces about ree million flue hundred thou:and gallons of wine worth on an averagethirtplive cents per gallon, or one million two hundred and tiny thousand dollars on the aggregate. This is the estimate of the vintage of 1867, which, in spite of the late frosts and cold, and backward spring, curtail ing the yield, will, It is reported, be in exceas of the crop of 1888. In addition to this California expects, this year, to produce about one• hundred thousand gallons of pure brandy, worth two dol lars and filly cents per gallon, or an ag gregate of two kindred and fitly thous and 'dollars. So rapid le the Increase of vineyards that increase of the' annual I vintage, it is said, may be estimated at twtnty or fifty per cant. on that Of 'each preceding year. The Alta California say,: "The child is born who shill yet see California producing. one hundred million gallons of wino annually. A ' single wine house of this city (San Francisco) shipped last year one him 'ired thousand dollars worth of wino to the Atlantic States, and has exported since April, 1887, thirty-five thousand dollars worth. The quality is Improv• lug in a greater ratio than the product Is increasing, and California now tarnishes several varieties of wine which Euro. peen connoisseurs acknowledge to be equal to anything produced by any vine yard outside of the Golden Staid' _ _ Lawns.—lt is impossible to have handsome Lawns =dem proper attention la paid to them. In the first plata the ground must be well prepared for the seed by deep plowing, careful Dalverisa. time and heavy manuring. Bow plenti fully of the following seeds mixed in equal proportions; rye-gram, blue-grue and white clover, then roll with a light roller, and har rowing will be maces eery. Commence mowing the young grass when six inches high, not too closely, and continue to do so, if with a scythe, every three wed", bat if with a machine cutter, every eight er ten days. Every other year top-dress in autumn with a good coat of manure evenly spread. Thu Is the only way to seam a smooth, velvety, dark-green lawn , _ one of the most' chinning objects about a well kept rrezaises.—Germaritemi Tele graph. • CUenCnati von Ttnurrra.—We notice that a California paper highly: recom mends charcoal for fattening turkeys, and recommends that -it abottld • be pul verized and mixed with numbed potatoes and cornmeal, as well as fed to them in small lumps. It mentions, that in two lots of turkeys of four each, treated alike, and ono lot given this mixture and the other not, there was an average gain in the weight of the,lirst of one pound and a half each. While we condemn the practice of mixing the pulverized charcoal with the oth food of the tur key, compelling them to cat whether they wanted it or not, we have no doubt of the excellent effects of supplying fat tening turkeys with charcoal broken into small pieces. We have bad Ce dence of what we say, and for a number of years have recommended charcoal lbr this purpose. • • COE'S DISPEPEILIi CLIME rep I abbe and tones the Otobseh. - Owe Deepeoet• Can Is • a:menial remedy toe al, 1ai1111.04.. !the asotuab and boweta Coo.. Dyypeysta Curs etuse freer tad am. Let those adbeleg with tole *Wade by IL cove Dbeyepe7a Con guava bteselbaSeculy, and you do no. bate tel waft. • week to ye,,, e/bet. • Co.'. Dyepeyela Care lobe* yresdeniopella, an: haw.: It eat eel; er-me. tee ...beim, but euablu you to taste bte t Year W. Coe 's Dyspoptla Clue la reaose , e , ead...4 by all the leading peyeidaae, C•W'e DYelibeelli Owe l• ad bevalasela &lead to ell who are weak, tebllltalod and In • low nate of normal &elbow . •&k gent for Eltraborgh uC tletalt7, JOSZPII FIJUSILNO, DroIITIOI4 No. 14 Morin ritreoi. ITCH. TETTER,, ALL OWN DIAZ-tab. Malt Mummy Seal& Head. raptisar `SWATHE'. OINTMENT.' uttrely ara4sitas thu• tnntblemeam mt. iwarnWs ••41.11.11e31ag Olattiavat.“ "Cvres 144 144134 1 to 411 Swam* Preit.d only lir Dv. Vvrsyme 414 , a, PhllavelpVia. Bold ror 314,CLATIRLN IVIVx7fAII, V 3 Irs.I7I=OUZIN ta%l 4 4 4 :lltiti l wArlat trawati4-, TORTUIar.. Who would ludo» the tincture ertalst trim Cldlls•ud /ever, When Is can be r eaelly land? Who truald endure aleeplatt • ylla, Darning fevers, and ler chlrla aliartddary: .han 'area ad,. can be oblatned for acme? .' - Who would 'ruder lite an [upturn ahadmr, never k warn 'Chat mount Char kly be Dna• tratedl Who vroeld be a harden to Wassail' sad a bar. den to DU Mende. Who are WOrif OM 11 allelinlM te,lol to Ate create? Who would Hee of axone when llot meat alteratlea .4 toole t • IitroTETTLIP.4 lITUX4.OB DlTTilat ' caa be obtain.d at the acorns .Ills/e..7 Tab bog ettabllebe4 and putty renowned atodietaa hoe never begot town to fall la a slitta .4 .one Dot tale Aron. end weal would hesi tate to procure It at *ace, sod sore tatnet.wee from tate... Ilfe4ong tartar.. Prepared an.r .lour expert rare ott4 deep shly, tt Us received the encomia,m, of the most falai:rat plwatelou t welt malt eta.. front *eery other part of tDI. , rotate,. To laou who doubt It. taartf all we toy 1., SET IT and Judea for pommeled*, greryr day letters poor la •POtt teettrYloi to Its great Morley La cartag Per. sad yptpeetta,'Lugoor, Naas., coo eloallar • - CURE OF SIBTOILIL' Da. I I write to thank you fot 1 Clor Unloose and aeleetleo mauntermat of my di• eme. for Which I called to saran you *owe Mao la /annoy lint. Too Wlll remember that 1 had • compllcatlon Of diatom. "DMA tingly wed Ina UMW* Amin, which lad bees adolood to "let &lona" on mamma o • haraellanwroln,' whirl Ulm leered mien /Mon oa are I knew that tho ponater tede of Mutt." dls. uses like Woo wai hy a catUng operand., lamb, 1/ momandu at :WI. wand .aatually throw Ma dimes upon thS laaaaotnome othOf mnen. on ragout of the sudeleasess or the cure and tho Immediate . dlack to a dlscharee nhloh / was ocoutrahted to Donor.' was suit,: Mr! ororteloa of Motors to 011.1111 of 1111:m bid totilltlala la the ayetain.. Poefoctlf 2114 / 4 the/ your method of trMtmant, Don -1.1,°1t0 the entem, and lama appllailleal to the aumoue out, moat ton, llaafthlnif whJa, .." b out . 111 1 M. which I and it did. and I ant le report myeelf fell In marl Yosilenler. wlih monde: *Rd NOW health then I hay, bid for you.. 1 woald also' add that the anninn clone you made Yin mason 'patine el. ad haT I ri 11gor 11 me new man, with an the exercise aa of , new health. Dr.. 11 Iyeer's Ton.. kmltentllr. " C—. ecnuoliatloa. dlO Pent, otreet. /rola oe.. —l.• ^ N_EMADVER T._ lnd. INGEdy, Ir., Adam axiom Oh flea, 54 Ata Berea, Won otohortoott Ajorts to maw Ago/Mumma forth/ Odarl2xll4= au affia =iarainland trnigad and ma • BOBINON 131 - htiB, - 2Bazas.erior, Xs, 1013121/ MUM, IPIt tabuzab. Cowart 1 , 30 , e. hp! eharfe r ,!_rtrr Bonn. t i llroa. ;Bee aim oosatum., 1.1114 tr. SI T 330.1\11013, A...a are mowed aLlnte argatliV= Vedl lerr U ata. Law( Warranw lia,• wawa - tn.—fhb Soule oi the eeeritlea Bat. 1714=1 lit=ra n it A a t tre=ti. "bi" pENISIBILVALPIA. STATE REPORTS, Novi Vol. 3, put rotalrod 33,1 103 SAY & mariarY. I' 00 Woof IltreeMLihno,Batilag. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 27. 186' FOR AstirainLT. J. J. ALBIEM • of Borough of 1 aneeneetville. teili to • condi date for •ssentbly, subject to the ilee , aton of the untou County Bepobltean Convention. pium JAB r.mpowitrai. TWELVE DIFFERENT NIMES, elal-Meetsand the Comma., best ra the market. nap s. alm. 7ralt Wax Asa Meals , ea jailrTu, /ar J. r. a 0., LICIT - Ltber II UV! t kat of 711th. FOR SAILE.--A BAKERY•AND reasoneg,er on.extrzottloary 2 =rang= l47 =nurargggi complete, and betutesveeta_bliehe4.. Wid D. triliV/Ittrtglx=lo%le• anVe7o" FOR KENT. FOUR ROOMS, Or tae whale of the thlrdntory over the Weetern to Fourth .t reat. Ewalt an newly fitted Om end ha ranted too l bar or eeparately. , • • angn at UNION ENTERPRISE, FOUNDRY, Br: JOHNSTON, Mem rearm egIOCIILIN G STOVE& /11101130 L l a h A nltig Y ELLUV'Vrticsit ~`Yeau D ititt: and OA kind. of MAOHINEnI'untiTIN US , eor. :r 7r Ag' l . ll : l ?!.. n itlfuTillOWlgt`,l7,!' Oh" WANTED. A SITUATION, by a competent ' ►ad .xpelleste4 7 3001t-ILIMPZIL Ad dross . 1361 )K.1LIPEE, Bei 4g, Eltiabargh ••• 1617:1135 T.E•rrtns or. ADMINISTR4k. J.. MM. Uinta" bean psateetate liagar d thertkietymmeamor.a.....: tes rrHt2;:otPtowaddP. couqty. all oer7 tMligiOtallaVehoTT:l4 leggiapint: the ame inn irter. rawrmTott amt.=ll67. EECI7TOWB ?Joiner— Let s tra ... aertit t ratrga..:ll.-IMr. ra.4l3zoAt77.7,:iv„ke , Tra 13:7, rzwe,..- art - hVorLWAVM::tat u n''""Zl4.l , llTi"- AG.ErOI p.Trif f r a ,f;T,„•hT TIESI3.BIFIa AND PRODUCE.-- DUE—MUM. I. a lalrrer doctor; boat —LaTorre Weal: mker s No. 1 Lard: ,reb mend. So barrels choke Att Igira taS ber. street. MZMI 500 LOTS Ayr. AIICTION.—The nmb rth- rertl.ud thst.l " '' , 01411. 41/1 Dri1,• 1 417, at; tn ) I ertltt! 171 : 1 :o , firti s of:AoLitrol• t g 12411% or both city .0 pnatty. aid .0.1 mei. sae :I VATIVI:! 1 • 11 ::' , 11011 1 ,ifrIt=" 0 11 /00•001 Tersas-4 0.• .00 i . LOA. plum iff=2 Dissolution of Partnership, THE PiJITHE ItS HIP HERE- Mile att u oi ri eZtr 5 4"' • 4....vfor.vOg.tßSYHiN g r t.wva or ;IM r P"' `i lUite 41' Ws Ina !be " _ _OLSW Meg. K /W.L asel7sat CHICHEILING PIANO Nearly New—For Sale Cheap. ltagianc...ll., Caruid Resoweed caseaullsi flame. . Myth - MI orairatroag bat. .4 all modern In ralTrayi;tecTlrdtnta toe glAtTo=rz sJ rest "- . may tar "U'. C. C. MELLOWS PLANO 3100/11i. ' o 1 ROOD STIMET. THIS It TO GIVE NOTICE that W.: ll rei. l . 74 ;ity'vg . t. - .14%115 e i 11 zarame or ILILL.WEIL X110111P11074 1 Or Qat:l4ot Plttsbatalt, 1a the onaty,f Alla ; id area lattri l or grtronartfl o bii: v. f,.1 a ra„,114,...g.,1•44.11;praivz1 t t , t.f. : VE4:7 1 eza.°,11.4, 4 U WIZ; ebta mad to elioote one or mots Auto.. t hia mato. 50 Oa yelp Si a Ottart or O.U. .3 0 7. 13 bt et en at So. U 3 blataoad moot. It 4 11 7 . kl l i 4 f., V.l Va:. 1' raer B O A PSW: 22 . 11 / 1 241.A. Y. 110. at la o'clock a. la. .. 21103. A. 11 . 0 KLET, saMow ' _____ WRITE, 0811 a CO., ZPlX"rite 11111TWLignwIN Offer tarn is.orto oo r or WHITE GOODS, Embroideries, REAL LACES, Etc., tam tbiy Invlto the attantioe otlntru. TA. ItOILTICPC lALCEMS Or PIANO AND ORGAN, • Sete m. too pet Ola that OM In years' ottot tuottsaftl taltetifoo at .is fletnalt Ott S•111•NED S.. ptattloo then, It or!. to Ot to*. lie alguni to tds loon mo U..; Use or privet* tiooll. Ma waft. Larralt tkoreftre. to o , -04010 aotOtOlOadat• Inn tootoos LL.. *Po tot? ire_ IT %Ll '. "vtd Nt trodltlPMVll'l ZVI! Sea titlia.N, ottl ' ttro loons ayo tot tOlOrt ttot lo•ottt nod UNA D oom plat le PI e trn rt 11; col erotiontlittellOtattilltto4mo&ber ot tapll. t0.tir0044.. a t //SMUT eTes{T, two 1N " ?AP= HANGINGS sow .VASLICIT, AT No. 107 Market StreeL JO& R. 111134111 ES t BRO. THE MOAN HILL •'• AND F'OIINTAIR GABDENE44 • Cann Cann an Inn Melt but Fusintjaa I • ira BOSWORTH & 00., Prop': a. 91;:74V0' to, tbelr frau. wun Mogalrniza. Ala"t■et. Bt. Inn, LIQUWiII. CidAsS. 14.TAVIL ON, La. d Baleoag ilmirraa• n7 , 14= `"` IRON . CITY lIITLEIIT CO., Mo. a SL Clair Street. Hann parehuod of •RMIZIP BUM $O, •*U slack of Etardware. Onflerr •ad Vati•ti U 0041411 tag Oro-re eand, U Molt lateallaa Itoi• ea LW • AM dm atoo• of HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Baps, ldifea. Reoeugs, Pistols% 0141•1• Tackle igitry_wpai'm=") d7:lllTatinbit4ltg firla•mg Univ. Ilairsera. ettltillif Stearin istlavotraliatraganey aad Cane... Wag IC 11. DOWN, listmamr. ESTABLIIIIIED 111938. 110IIIMI r/ITZD QP WWII 4136411.13, Hot and Cold Water, 4tei, 87 Marleased sad prsetissl vrorkmas OZEN N. TATE, Plumber and Gas & ttler 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh; and 29 Federal Street, Allegheny. mime:4.-7.a. • WORMY IMPORTANT Tow Imo um • GOOD COP OF TRIL OR COFFEE; And do act wish to cult* We Itatatid anlelq. aterican Tea Co„ MN X Wr. CLAIR BTRXILT. wiltresiiiggraigitirs Tertrtrot°ll7:l I.llllto whozow 111.32 ELIOT* . " VD *LICE, OM 'ID JOU nap, sl,2i v 5, /UM BOAST= C071Z7, 3 lbs. for SI; No LOOnior town ogd at oarorloos wa noon at tbe Paw fort whollosle rows. .0711Oirron' Far.en 11ALS1011. in land 2116 eau r hob Lobstar, 121 and 211,.22241,Nr1l Aspany2s, II 2 lb. " t , ci = vo 7 „ or , 174 . .t,yagtrzguodrg.,...oko. 0e 2 tert1r•1520224 Livened Shrimps. Analiinlei, a., for 101 at lowed rater, at .• I FRAX , C i f% MAW:. GOWN 10111:120/Z4 STBAw,Enur iszr.wrs. 77. aper ~:g 4 l '" ititferVirca, 4algt,Atidt i .t..rzi n ro and nth. b 7./. 11 ./ Orstries Pawe lELDS •x:.777 T. L. TIL 1./tistmlb BELTING; I lIELTENG I—Leattl. s. L tr " ritT gluten. fie., wurAmit y mlzattid lout d ortem Lae* „,,, I ' 4 THAT TENNEM--------! FEE LOUIROt ft: ma bbIL " tiliWbiariatit i. , " ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAFF, BYERS & CO., KAAvr4u3Friumo or MEI GAS PIET, I=l OIL WELL TM Office, Tio. 08 Water Street PITTEIBIMGH, PA. avx:em. 1 PER. CCM OFF UN it. BEMEMBER Ist, DENNISON B DECKEST, NO. 2.0 FIFTH STREET Will puke • Special Discount OF TEN TES CM On all Cash Sales, an= 10 PER CENT. OFF. CAUTION! OMB. OF.: IMPOSTERS ! Haring beck trammed tbs:. pattlsiltti 'Wag ons and calpet .sets are peddling. In mu around lb. Ott. Tobaccos of an biferior Quality; lad that they repremutt to same LB of ant su‘.. Lf.Lture, ate hereby am.. 11, to palette that all oath pantos ate sealat .althout, aatharttr. aail tat thefobaoao aleratllll 210 T Oir Tllll 11/AOTl.llli 0/ R. & W. JENR.INSON, ihihl Doltraa ile liypaciu 11610. .4;o, ALLEGILENY CUT. QUELL PEN INAILEIIB. Gold Pens, Foley's make, waran'd. Bill Books, Pass Books; Check Books en all the &mks; Time Books and Memorandum; Adams Express Receipt Honks; Ledgers, Day Books, dm., on hand and made to order; Writing Fluids and Oopying Inks; Books and Presses; stationeiy, of every description, myns, SCHOYER CO.. Post Building, 39 Fifth Street. authrs3 r NCIF/CE.--Tlll6 UNDERSIGN. It; I , 7 l '"l'lrt'an:, ' l =7 g. 1: eel eettly their taamtaa• trek .2 WAW JE FINZLit r, etc dr COST • C Pi onoisthig of Watelloo, Into. Fare. ltrooroo. rata.. Vat•o7. ttatos.7, bells af rrooloag leoulatoro. tooseb Choate. alb. kW Mei WWI at, Pam Itstwoo, eolottotIo• of • 1arg..1.3 , 414 of aulver mulatto: pl•••81••••OO. AbtattlorikenVitret soa. otor t v:47 . 0.2r te. ; to fo-ofo. oar ....taro IMO la oaate••omaa.ll Real .sact at court, tog emulsive to a Intt-gasas dowtorT Boom, - Tory rospoothalli !HINDMAN. MEDAN & SEIDLE. /%ITlt 6) it 1.151, ' to RIM Mr k. COMPUESSED BUNG& ARIDITB.O2IO, EEO. & CO., Ilmtastarer. aad WhoWM* 1/Wen to . MACHINE CUT CORKS, Plugs, Taps, lilsb Mass, Pitch, 310SLX, 1119431 LAM. Nes. L 93 .3 I Mulva St.. Pletsbarch. AIMEHICAN Fenee Manufacturing Co. •XNCIBru tor sol . i1f.:91%7 1 '1, 1 71" oe l or ull or Its. 4, raysYAL oircirttilitru r "" sr style of WWI Wares no be L gar: i i r t ... k yr' sumo, Call add. satlatr radr• r carves; mad moot besektatal dirt . k.s l rlrqlootorrsont Of tOMITtIa .14 a i ri.uxicaisinitZgrAT T l, :o:en, riV ITIUMMIL THE PIT SWIM Brick Nonutattorlag Co ilEt ruin 111aII1/17. • weogs'Aapiemins se' sheeny Tana, A1t.,„,;., iii went Bault VOttE " t°. , 1%.1 , 17.t . " """""i7s. DiIC.IIJIIOX, Prea I W. X. BORCHPICLD lhaa Ylmrrtildem and Treannr - Bwcs 2 MUCKS THE METIER& TALLEY BRICK COMPANY .I? , •pired tatora — tar • 33 XI. CI 32r. p In snag or tar■p quentitlea. at • ItADVOND c atortn! W orttr••l l , - , • 30,1 • 4=1: Led David leteep's COLL T•r4. a. Y. lIEENNEDY. Agent. TUE CHEAP MIT AND SHOE MEL- GTINDEREAN. 11'11272 fITI,L'Igki 811114" X 4#: t h attol7.4:ll74l=ll zu r Sta l• egae tent wih rimmua . " "b i t^ri 4 :::mr.mgbrob M -t, . GOVRLAX SHIRT BIANIIPACTIMI 21 Barclay St., near Chtureti lam:rev 7rokitic. N. IL—Psloe Lists Hat oa itsrpllasits. igZZOL worti. n o talk•ap ..4 u. 4 te 9 ..h4.n tbo awe' aTaa lolarl : lttittlrit "6"r L Ari ,nd ISbati forPl4ll2k4 • 6 rillus wound!) atialidea to. ?at • josiarn Collecting. Agent, Wele• settle itoord g ot Trial 8 0 03.01. rtTTISBPBGB, rA:. .11.12 lettnAgg°,ll:,l.:4l.raDlalt- pap_POSALEL—The Poulos,nit nla ataa A illoultarat lorlety will nteatae riotous 101 ral natiowt timucp. Wlthin Ha natOsatro, at filtsbnllo. man 117/0 " Dir, the 4 4+s _ 01 eeptautbar, th Ware. No.lo lt.nlalr atratt. t A. n. ENGILISIE & ". 911 iburile street. RaVo cl • a giPA: I 4 . ° 2 I AW rag ißLlAnotaiotiraillilra: ,„....,All Its form. A Isnr. ma of 1 ' 'Oll. CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR. , 'ma. from /Colston, India Msg. 01 1.Atior saw at lowest market rotes. at THABICE'S TEA SAVE; s r‘o.llltlassond,.R.!tlaborii.thil“ 810,000 To ()X BOND A.)11) 110.142 . 0•62, ea.: 31a. 13.41 Snits IfotisAt itad sow. ' In! nEw ADVERTISE 140-rf:1111 z-V6:11 Of alt Prices and Quality, at 8. g'=R'* GREEN TS . • -. • Priam Ynnit B yssa.--4.—.4.10 par posit. tits. rood ..—.—.—.. Lao IM •- )) 61.4 ess4 LS) " Lol ;)) BLACK TEAS—Oolongs. Best' Good VA& pee tnse, rat. ........... Lai ...... BLACK TRAI3--Polvolkong, Bottohoug and Congoes. Si. Tina nownara sag. Br.adlurt—•—•4l.2° nigh `• Old Comt.7. do I.= " Comm ..... • JAPAN' TEAS. • Uncolored Japan. Tory pleasant datC1......p.70 Jay.. loon, 1b... Lea • MIXED TEAS. No, 1 Ittoo4 Tow% tout Block, X do. T. it.SLIO No: " id ben " Oa" 1.14 Yront the above nay one can select Jut what klod of Tea they want, and have them cot op in anyquintity, and forwarded by the En - Press Companles, who pow cum goods at very tow rates, and by elobatio BUG twenty cents per nound In the price, besides gettlag • pure and ekes wade which exactly Salta their taate.s3 A. KIRK, 172 and 174 Federal Street) ALLEGHENY CITY. LEY'S WEEKLY LI ILIMILLID Jll3lll rot YU PRILL • . • . 'We will . emerneum Saturday, ISM the nobltratlon of our handsaw* winkle, a Taper ofilbtoon Tomes of ;be mime On and form of klenTeris Weekly 100 extvnie warmi In soaking It the beet Literary paper publined to Ow world. Oar Illoistratfoas 'MI. be orlglnal. and will glow with the eblll of oor tett ambits. Sommer the most dlailogalsbed writers of Amer ica end germ:mbar. beea ensued to contrition. TO On deTtl Ito ooltrto iM o., AY. B epteyboi 7. 1861. we will dlstr/tmto belt a million dollars of Ow prof! te enema to our Met a enbeettpttoli ettiesellog $1.073,000. lIn• state reified tO entry litildernien. One share owl (We Omni uila *OM Ore Were rub .tOO 3,07 share. own. Onto f t to tis,ooo 14,1X0 Other Warm amounting .... rs 440.ft0 log Oosou et the .oseribp at Hal. low I orm Sep be T. IMT. will Mewl/mooch., &ben named thane, and th eir re• ert " p tool DOOLlnhatt Le Yolleyla Weakly and " ttii b mny, on th., 1 m with ne it nteer ofWere IL SI coin. • m01.b....101 f numbers of shares.. toll ;1,4 ATIV:114%11: tro AV pal*. saboulbi.g forvar paper. and ow& lex ne money foe tbe same. will receive by re turn mall a reempt tor Le fam• eubemlbea tor. with number of Ware, 7be COatialttees appointed SO dletylbota !be Wt. In Kellere Hotta Anierican kilft coourt. will .oblistt.taolr report la PM I. lialleVe Weekle. • read mum dra t. addrew of °W tubterlber. /Maw, by drat. most-onlee °WT, *swam, pr Ate. A.A . SYLLLtt rztt NIX' AA. erej aoMietb No. Mi liniedwsmal we rot% e 1.,. • T BE °la TEA 01U671!ifAl. STORE FRESH ARRIVAL OF Young Ilyso Old His Im Powder, I Eng. nreakiest, Congos. Sonchou 0010 Country Black, And Japan T AL ALL OF Nó. 20 it 'ism daraLni. iith Street. ALLEGHENY i - • . GROCERY 11- PROVISION COMPANY JOBS, A k Me RAW, President. ... 7.a1.1] J. r.ts , ° tertiary. , The Stay or :Ws Fempaar I. alreactr onal7 bonen ay. Th0“.4411+4 to Riad 11...m0m or Its basalt., had better .A.spapniesr I .awr . came:ran. . n At 26 Faders, St., Allegheny. s - r - 0 , - - 4000 1 0Q0 ACRES WOMB.LANDS FOR SILL DT Tat Union Pacific Railway Co., ZADZIIIIIMVIZIOX, li mo Dylak eons the! aor [Mir road. at $l,OO to 03 Per Acre, And en a 01113)aUlt PM. YLLI34. ter pArtlenlatn, nos AO, addensa JOlll r. Drraussv.x, Us/ Coastialaer,Vorrts,lculAss. Or, 4 0 8 / 1 /1. B. LA.111101121, Mcy • • it. Loa% sumeetri: TO WHEAT;GROWniS. URDU ANBIONIITED BOSS Sari -Phosphate ofLhae kuuirsacrunzt we'. 1 THE ALLEGHENY FERTILIZER CO, ' An 813* & CA.IIPIIELL, .I , t ornirrozs. . ' Ottlee, SSG Poo Bt„ Fittstitulb, Pa . ... . . , . . rantersFortMaar In ose It heaogalaa• bl al who have alma It • trial, to be tea FuSaVaTataa'bril64l:74.l tilljts7l•4lrlr'lilliti late/asttag mod Imo able statelnonta of Waxer. Whoa., tortes ot width Witt When ems la ...7 s•odlot us teal, bildl.4ll. ! . - -- ,--.' FREEpouT 4iNSELs-; • • Th• naaerslsped are , the 60LII /MINTS AU th..k, or %twig O LLf63ATZU NOANDLESS aoliasex 4,CL simmao 103 Wood Streeg • JOLIN ORNAI iz Er oWf AL rough ea ,' ZOnfl 0 n o•r2 tilo% gv g ll l . th ' il tfli r antre I,llplig,_°" 6 lll titor4 (lamy mod. h PriC,ls. u.n Irw.aore, r . f• • tb Lulea' anit ion • • ErVabiLtiottill.llSoll •• ' • THE PERE APPLE' PARER. I . lZA P 4"l4t=iiurto w b: ,or pow In ts... 1 Moo bets unic.•Aseqt. °Wen Le lowest whole.saa rates. . MULES 241111/11';' • Llgbtulni &re..r: R p• 1- 4 , P .111441 at antif ". AUPPUed at =PM tan a aia drat.. 1 - 3 1116 ECII.LOADING • nowaLis D 411SCELIsHOT 1.11:48.iwt a f ar Ass assortment et Ile Wovelllllf, 117.r.1x:P.V.m, 1= ft: au: SmtliT• !ggitrl , ag,TiVll l .7.Vr 14,1=1;ra . • -Jaatts BOWS, •;- 190 Wood atom. • =IEI GOOD NEWS. CHEAP BREAD Hi DEAR TIMES. Mawr. Sag WARD'S HaZA.D. The Wafts sad best. The WO , Oa limy loaf, Word , a, yJna• al. . intatOore A. FINE 'STOLE itioozE l -ut mn, 8 7* 5. .4 ? t M'iILlNl 2 4 o'e f d es , o X Ul m t l r IWI tout, Li t feet mi s 's, Just new • shelved asst uottuters4 complete. bat /us, aututt• nt • •- • n. o. noawonzali t .• • - • /ttlerllt., Latssuu,nllie.', 'MEWS CAPS. • -Aran 7101 .0•011 1 / 1 11t of ri 11+W, thondris .na asumilues. :or J CO-BOWL • - 776 wood anew =3J , OR, TgE I ;iii EQAIPSE" ;! 1 rtmoLgul REFINING CO., • dr YITTORIMGH, " CAPITAL, - - ssocimoo. 5,000 SHARES, 'sloo EACH. Thl.Compaur Is to b. organized to lannUMS. tuts Petrolam 011,,mder IMiesas Ranted to Dr. EEPUIYHT W.O. TWIDDLI. no ratan.. Works, kliound. Sc. btu.* tpe etelurivo Droyertl of the MEOW: ' ' Thu Pro Perry on whteb the "Eclipse" Oil Re fitting Woe., are eosetrueted MOW. th• Mere,- burg BrUlm end oansista of eve or @LS scree. It present. a frotnage on the Antenna, riser or about line hundred feets nett is always eauP water at Ude polet teen at At /owed stage of the river. lane there laAllel hertanu t fuldu daring the winter. Theegheny bosh at tetWg.l.Trrtlftfilh'rl.r.:Zikl; Ballwey has its tertainy. at i ns worts. 'tee Pn ' tTeti:Tge tg Trin:4l4, l 7lrg= Penuerlteela hallway ompany ette erects/ a " Vt ' t: IiOTS, WI :4I I 7e gjr . et " alt: a 74 geed to feline one Mm:a, t0...a...c1ad per dine. The toLiz3l4 . are 27 . 1 ., :er tee adyant•get ro• I pp " Au r eetirely ' d7 u.c =l4 et all it e ins the Only ayent en plot e. he use of melte *not elk %des are entirely din- Peesedl with. ad without ll produced Um Wein, ter and purer them. Evades, tbe test is made higher by this preens and the oil a The Illuminator, •oe almost odorless. The whole avparatos Is under the control or one ooerator , whether one bundled-or *. thou wed bat - role or 01l per Gay are mutt:metered. o he Carol this operator rottetets In the open- Ins and closing of slew valve,. There la no tar or coke to be cleaned out, at d the apparatus can started and ...Peed Ina row menende, then by entirely dotes away with the a...UT of work• her on the nabbaatt day. There is no bad oder. generatnl In the manu facture 01011 by Ibis mate., atl'an destruo• yn.a. , ;g7,..:. , :ttr,;;;:t„..rd°: '11 1 1, 4. 1z: e n; ee ls al In all respects to trutr, from ' West • ...- ee it'd Mao. Dr this pr. ell eta be produced at stoat of one parbarrel len than by any nee. and at the setae thoe a greater per n ea t .. is obtained. leas amount of the rativi.d, to entry on tee Ms Men, for that the avid. mated.' 111 00 raDidly ens entirely trans. tonned Into the marketable predate. Teem ate many and venous Lou tablet, the operation of tnentermeta olltky Ude r4eass will no t to a le, her uni whiz% an not enu merated b The ••gclipthi• to the thirteenth Rennet, COU• strutted by Dr. Twed4lo In this ettlnity..T . tedi: :1 I ' ELT Fifa rlb z O as u %. 1 1OZ e llkilLe a T.f tandsrd. SC. lit deems this one worthy at the tiame it Dew". and will bring the best eTor of le 127.plait/1.1 a:intake It ethrplelle and sultan. tory 10 the stockholders. Only One'llandthil and lift Thousand Dan i w eZ r r t e h li%2aCgi . p l ar :111 r er riis"`"Pirer?."'" The Boots are now open at Ina ingthe of S. fl KIER & CO. No. 359 Liberty Street, • FM THE UNION RAILWAY DEPOT. rd7r=stk at a. I a n d unite. r cards t• the Works earths obtain . - ed ofnr. Ur. TinthrULT, when sunbathers eau hees the rational, of the , process explained. anition WoTldii I= TO THE HOLDERS OEII L,0.4,.NS Or rux 1 COILMONWEALTif OF PEII SYLVANIA, DUE AFTER MT 2, 1860. Holders of the following 'LfJaNS Of TEX OMMUNWEALLTH OS PICB99TLVANII. ara reqamted n Tome.% the j la7aaata. (P7ln• clpin and lomat.) at Fanners' and Mechaniel' National Bank or Philadelphia. • Lean Lean Lax Lean Lean Loan Lean of Muth 2'. /J3l, dna h3mlllo, of Aprtl 0,1,34, doe .1.41. of •pill I klMiosteto jtuy letil . Of rebros/711, UU , die July 1,1131. of March lf, IMO, due July 1, 1M0... of Joao V, 1111, do. .1.• t, 1314. of January a 1612 00 1 J. 01011,19 of the Above LOA.le 'welt ot to to detr in Wrest atter hOPt.ohet . ISM JOUR W. lilllllT, uoviararoa. JoeN Hialmvirr, AUDITOR fi11.722111.. WILLI 44 H. AEEMBLE, rrATZ Cta;ti wAnEIIOIIBE. 1111`0 & CO., , ate;smetz.cazannzc, • . •. t. N 0..: 100 Wood 'Stree ZEITTASITAL AND 'MOM MATZO TA ELI WAHL 11 4 / 1 11T3 and TAB= OUT LIMY, &Ivan on band. HIST) -Fit , teu IlLkvaLlsatlmns 1 4M ccs sail tams Uut mu as Lt tits WWI 49k.1.40C11UC0e 04- DEALXII /21 Nati Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, atextawircn. Wit-13z% • French Clocks, &a, ftedm mums,. ifyen to tW /1XPA111334 OP YINZ WATOILZA .em0.,.. 11 : (/ ' 23 Pitt& Sired. r. vvvre vvvvutzeit.....wv. v. INTAarDLtaI. GENERAL. INSURANCE . AGENCY. SWEARINGEN 3 M'CANDLESS, octal igloo= erh rivtabnallb, Omerai Arcata tor Western rannrylvaila of Continental Life Insurance Coq or zrzw num. f • ittle.' L11 , 7.62'01= and a ll dlaetlollena of prnutcletftediett la , faaponalble Commutes, at • Alt rate& IZi.a7serts. EPHARD'S CR.A.CECERS I- Stre 017-Libe PITISI3I7IIOII, P/1. CITY copLEcTrso A6111E11014 L. D. DUT011....6. Q. IIIiADOD. SMITIES $B1TOIV& SHITON Local Collecting;Agents, sa a err. maul Mertz era nook, P.. 7 . BOX, ISIL rilollllFef d u nsi b io . L. , 10n u tat471:88I1 net0o14: "1" ' tted. P. 10788 N aro striosi tninicess zeinnal and Chathaes straits, tinsmith' and Dealer In Hardwire. eLnrd"4,ll / tVill ttrA u "" ihgl.l*.rall• O VAtAkIltlllO. a". i0n..., PEciltY Beztuni PUMP MAKER. 1 1, Mtnr'31`1 , 11111 iTag, r- 17 CA 1.4 Arirl.tilgt u°' g'"' DIRGE BUILDING TO LET.— That large radios,. rorraarld yon , s 41sslidIng. And Weir oornpled kr lark Over Irwn. on Virldn Wore. n Wood .4 Liberty Grans. 'Vert ortrable for storage. L. ware of 11OCLINTOoS • CO., aoldrdert Si Arid am.", pUTIE SPICES. of Intni quilll.• ty, warr.ted pert. iclmad -and vrphy that., Clreutzeo, Cais. ) 11 /.l4latokinuy hi Alt. ra i jasnrktaakt 84 4 4 4 •• • ash. i , son, • . 00n1iii14011411511141'44.44•4 NOTICES. grW'ffir >irt:itr9t, '/REE RAILROAD CONVENTION, Called at the BOARD Or SHADE 800113. pitte harth. Avgnat 2 , th, at 'OS o'eloca, HAS BEEN. POSTPONED, Until Saturday, September 25, At the tans Utile Iliad plata. Iv older of LOS COMMITTEE. ackraci ISTOCILUOLDEIIS OF tO elugur 6gOCIYI 1111101E0N CC And ell others Interested In pnasldlng Ouz►P GOUDA for the people, will meet at the Independence Engine Nome, = TEENDAT 'EVENING. AIM. 27th , At 7}; o'clotly By °Mee Of the. Presidemi.. , • P. IBRAIL, Beett4SYY, VirIYIVION REPUBLICAN COUNTY. CONVENTION . - Tim II RION' ' II IPITELI.CII7 V,017118 or Alla• th.ta , 7 tAaaty ara requeated to meet at Wm and placer Ibr boldlagalettlinta la tae manual Wards, saatatitta tad Tewatallps. a. ' ' SATURDAY. August Slit, 1887, And elect TWO DELZGATH2I from melt elec t/ex elstrlct, toe County CiltMlltloll, to De held es SIM/1186A 344 at 10 welook a. se, flu the purpose of comteetloe candidate for a...t0 sad Emma of lepreseetetrrel of holm Mune. sod groomottog ench other bonnets as sow be' premerlyltiought before .. • . . • The PrlataryEleetleas m Ike Toobehlpe fez. eeptlng the Toonshlpe prow And. Pitt. Pee. melt Rot Wilt.tee,.mee edit be , betweini the leintre off and 7 .3 , 010ek, mud the VidlOg to be by ballet,/ 0111 be bell be. tyre= the hears of Wee sod Cs o'clock v. he n sad to the Sereighi and pities be. twee. the loan of les sad trees wow% D. m. Mao ettiee nod *n ought! the eleetieee .1011 be by tollot;ald la the , tOwnehtto by hark. JAMS It. 7111WER., bztaki. H. O. Nact.r.s., s.ertiu/co. lrreasseas..A.S.P4,ls67. IarTIEE UNDERSIGIVEDi ITOI2II deigns tbla etyoni t. refine Syria ra, and aware of Ile desirability-an apiece of...tamer retort, conelderlas the ecy liberal °there( lion. 'Andrew Stewart to downer the alts and but idle et to a boon ode .61eoelitlen for restorlne It to I tably for the ample itneotemo: dation of the pablth, hereby eall a mettivecif an parties who may feel in intent' to this matter, to be held ar the • 1 11Nt3.151e/LUELA. HOUSE., , . Thursday, the 29th AT n O'CLOCK, to insogarates masseurs for soaking Mr. Stew , art's propos/Hens available. Ws shoal& be glad to most Do /Her tr.. at rai.ts reached by . Dila rsotles. Kr. flt , mati ba• -Odaidedhla latentlon of Delos present, Irben be vlll re-stati and tollfil DU proposillon the toesttno than urns:tent altb rusk TTnstees an tiny be seleoted to bold the pretntsesnntll lb* rondlttores of es (mow_ Man.& ww. 0; Donesn, inward Gres*. 3. J. 611111.0144 . J. P. Tanner. Z. W. Bnowden. -Janes .Ina HOD. C0.,.,,,e . . Jobe/ T. Plosne, John Ylemini. H. W. lasekett. 6eo. I. Dud, Wm,-0. Johnson t Co.. Pr. !Wm, • Hart, Caogbry d Co.. .Wm. Hoilltset,• J. F. Eltsik &Co., Geo. H.-Holtrinan, 11001, D. Tbompson - ," - goiter! TO SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM. -• _ • Thg• All.thool Whir tgootitany mut. until :onkel. oath*. trx.pert promptly. from tretrajLeteizav I. 4 1=4 wemart,fr-11.177k/3 Virig Yttleomplt rm./hairs Bowl si .......202.MACH. Toe truce( the ro.a ts extended dark.., .D 4 . To Yrt =21:: 111 al I tt ' s Vtligo d riti: ars "UV ItntirOVATll,4l.,"'k NOVIrTh----ie nele.E.--T (War All tir . Ilona Maalox. of the etockltolduo of the JalifEl6 CO 4,L CUlleA.2y Ell tis held at lts sake. Comer 111.asket uld Wator, ottroota, Pitts harsh. rn.,) on lIONDAY, BoOtember ad, un, at 10Eork D. la JAILEI 9OLLOED. anfl tog • Zeirotatio EDIIONZIONAL STCIOn3 . B 801004 .. • Lk 7 1 11EXCEVILiX. Will Open Monday, September 161 h, • . • . ET THE scuooL Hours or ST. JOHN'S (EPISCOPAL) "CHURCH. Circulars and. Nl tkulnid lOromastloi as to terms. at.. may Da hail upon sPIMOMOCI Sav, WM. P., TEN BROECE. Butler stn.. Lar.encerllls, H. J. I4MCII, 96 Mark. Mast. Plitsbursh. • araludi . WI. AND MRS. 811111.112.8 Classical'and Commercial C:i AL TA NE . 727, tr.i,lll.4.4lrfalitiativ:l344intletunly AA . 8nag...111 re.opet • Illondayi the Rttth of Alnput. H. AMC Vig ellared. during seveateeth 71Veitiar * .t "'"" e ''' ' 'a d iirr 1.4 lux.--4-....g.,„vrezari.....vtx, wrest. Mrs. MAST, epochal/ oda* eated forttrehreft Mon ha oneot the g rst garleale Zaglemd, hag large experiarm. Rhlidrre e rll 71 %!% 770 '41:117 JP:ag co s re h arge lel4l:thearc oa nargpeag es Ca l i geloal loam leßn the' entire totill story otoer neglecters. AMA a• vet an not anderehr =- Peen far hall reef,d =play to asalawt tesollera, 0111.1411. tad ?VV./. TEN DOLLARS PER SESSION. LESS Vr:422:Arllttr a " h ** 4 ' '9l°7Z; WEST= UNIVELTEr y. pre m NEXT ,TERN Wi l cans,. . • .• ZOIDAY, 1igma11.131233. • All mato dear& to mar &lisald leo prays& oh that dry.. Ti. Isulastlya bat wow slush Pro• tenon. sad &lard& the but &foully's& is lam Lcomfty,.l.ltorators art Wpm. Stoutest& eua asta Anorhumb Potraullo or cone, for laforaualou address thi nurawinirr Or wzrneres 1 3EIVIISITY, Bat( our itna; aziala BISHOP 80W21141.21.28T/TIITE, coaseurs School for; Young . tidies; ora. 62 Grant Ortreti , , • _ c yb. Innt Term :Lniz i r a er r re . saloa t gt flat trjr":l/7th't:ob .I.*J 114,,§43041..vq.r00t....:,....4.4W1.1 47Ui. For Inforamlos or adaLltaloailddrui HEY. R. J. 00 3 / 7 2i, Micros. _I AXD AMMO ENCINiERINC, At the anngsmur a rota-non-Rio =fn. R. pen HEIR. Itti, TOP OS ANAWAL enn,FirjroVATarDr)Welte9" MM I., T&LEALL TE6ai OF. TILE ALIIGIMY HALE iND.III.I.44.ICANIT, T. YUN z i ly.eX pH p eThe titsl.lettleolenteebe oa Pie'dlgi ei'aufaixtiiugral threnlare ta be tad at We by Beet Mgt. etottents eat teeare Plat. by rerietertnelbele name. at , Iba peek Mere 02 lie&lerT,llV.lV MVO* THE SCHOOL. OF DEUGN, 3 r 4 =krt 3217 , COMMOD:r r kfILLAIVII IikILDI2III. 104 FLI7III3TIIiZT. 117101rojnairontli 32,1:144" d " . k HAI .o ai. WASHINGTON AND JESTER. 1! ErZ ?EMI Only{ WEDSAFDAY, .hepty to the P$ SAT eaoonibtag.eitt: the VTOL' Weehhhlthh. possopirmus AB LI " - lunar - ‘• mete" ia • ni 1 1312/0116 Of /imago lnag. BLUX LEAD, WOINY csainpuol 7 . 1 ,11/td ALBA., Ari Amazing the Adaltiragtoili Vied. THEILIE SPICE XArtuttcrare , aata but perfe . cur rFut arnize. e 500.00 REWARD ?or any itdelierattpn telplainVlll6 012111 M1L:t....4172/r4l7MlCeiltlaiLli at. ZION* ezninuono tumuli . 111113IIIMI ARDUCKLES,& Menlo irocen (IP Prolaiitin of hri 1 4 1 41116 222 and 224 Liberty Sim . . - . rrnsnuson, rA„ NAWlP t irelrel u lg umg3 uußn n.Pwr flavOtreatidtl,94". song nal ut na say COal. hi Ma suited. .1711 167,3 BAGS - COF.rEB, GOOD TO STRICTLY CH010.1; In eloie and . Al W,y fall eieek of orizra ait'ociestzes. Watch wilt tie cord td the trade at tbLi.l?A.3= -f)uu3trct:ix,s & co; . &ale NA 211 likeity &IA rd 61 1 31 1, - 7 , :bactrevi . OIL CLOTHS—For Floors, To. .4 4 : 3,1112 Ala n A 8 grikriegfitteAittili LtZtiappt4 IroNAullgi'“gave au, J. 1.11.11i1144.8;' WANTED-Tegium_ As trosir Pram. !iax foiwork In lb* home. 'Nom noel sp ; MAW Irtillog to mooptoiodor. oto trots. call M STILIZT. comer at Tart7;ttaa 10 t 10 o•tiock TIM DAT. mr:ml Nu - A N IC 10 -oAftervics, g ive , tz , , as ittari j earemult ;AV- ViVir 4.9. dUttW0.914.■.11•04,1 my. relvoss• tllvv, if :Do, loalt ass aildreall irp . JURY* Orval Wo.l. .1111 an •zis. sonar rud Wayne dul.. =lamb. WANTED; • JULY COLD OODPONS, And Compound interest Notes. J4X T. IZAIIT E CO.. Oenor Youth auel:lroot Sta. 1E:1 WANTED—ken In Salesmen • anion:man st notional Art Amnions*, Apply ot oats, t. -,„ Prendinit et AssintWoo, Pinib l.lllDiamoad stre.R pimpuity 1. 1 1 ,1 :4 Li , 4 , X1) all :4 OLIVER " DI'CLINTOCK & COMPANY' Are W l 7-muilag • 4us saaorlautal ot . ..V4TMW rbi.h,m.gred Witt Alloopitat lut ezzAr DO Ingnaan and Common fp.a.rijEmMll3l... Zdintings* Niw Writ. hiCal, 15 melalladusessat, Is dwell:1;A holm ompiltrolawromuseo., 211Fift4 Street. • 1=12:1 PRICES REDUCED CARPETS ! , ClOths, .Itlattitigs, Window Shades, • Table Covers, Piano Covers, • • Rugs and Wats, • Stair Hods, Jk.T. , L. sicr of blots, was TALL 110008. Plat oar stock at . prlas to scat the armsaarr 817171111. Skase asall.uiriteo4l is our Una sm. Rot sttsbt avant a• by. BOUND, ROSE & CO., 21 Fifth Street, avf77NM Onr I►tu 11, RCIIIWIS. CAIIWZTiI, itar*.a..x3L. ALL•WOOL 'llll3RAMEL ipunioEn wus VBB7ELS CARPET/4 lizovitni naa rica Tama Good Wlllta Cad lied 6Leeke4 • . . = TINA • MATTING% .... vani To aua rya mom. . .k Reductica fa Lace CtirtaLis s - All 4 may orna 10•41 B. ' VOLlffigay bra pith, Sties!. iNtstea How ctil rest Oftioe, aft. , ova: 13 .2;t111.1aars Book Stare. LIWT. Ifext eadPl• hurt Fin REMOVED, Übl *RolllEltbi. 02 L.pir alma attgal.r irezieleralat Eirwassgotais, Zan a awwQ■ Nq °: . slFifth Street s , 1. 5at.1a,.114 ttarepints. I= 0111 VELVEM _ VeiTetE l / 2 Brim% t ES2'lllr BRIISHEILIS, ur5....4- awe. moria!,,,cl k .. and Xabla r r ";oieri.- COY• Vela 111 1M cmalitadaseme. I: PLY A)SID TWO PLY Veins, - 11 '481if at law mica Cut.thar .13110iiteg8, • 31 ftetakielltreseit. FE G MAOHDOIB. E; 4 ......6. VX .IM -------- is 1 ii. mut nip' st:erit. t tato. ..FAttas mu ...M4= 1 14 1 • lia ' ' slam 7 3.. ~11, maw ( I afflticAre e. . . •' - Mt. ..: . . . : . Nr 311.1.1tajk ustrupasc anon SWUM ma. ~~~ • & auszam I ISTffell'AlD LOCK r' Mieh,lB,, Fain Az. Tait !Or lUP:I7 SU ilia' iNittaisi ios AT(frl► ter sot - GET N arm now A 'VARBzB4I3IIn t u" CHIL. "401% itiut 1)010 46va to reilaad.e4 au Irlrilil ab o , , NES 4 aL.C4-iGiil Ell M;; EM mut t .1 d 0 1 • Wale lrU •'"•ibink..nistubi4t or taatr • .-• ma« a as • tirrtsaas j". I°s 3.11 " i witsrr. •-' • v.v.:taw/de; • .TuE isuutovEn & RARER, GEWINC'IIitACHINE is a ltalloat i ale of koctoolo at Moan no o Ira 7XZT ars= r, atone .eatittlatil = •v 4 z TOM TOZAT a. a. t.srr ..... Toast.. /L 74lxesua. "trOEST RELOTHEMS, House Carpeuters sad I:milder,. etillof .77=017.. :ti".11,. utldrm i. 4411dran' • r • A (UM. nyip,;.7 6 -.. ,u & nuureirsa,. - - • Nal:rods ultia Ilit arllatais. et; ore iroilt.. ' ' ", CARPMERB AND DITILI)Ems. . MU J 01422• 1-srumgar amino . . 0 {.., I tra=t!"'""'" ab* P4 :4 9 .. • • Fa NA ui NA Illeibmi St, /homy City, h, , .17=44 . Z ..- .....8.. •P . A .. T 4 Hoise . B . ander wo .carpente n• • mai DII. .4iiiltraki.nalatrftedoió ill Wa d s. . .1111041. , 1300ssv8tu.DER8 AND • CARPENTERS.- - inaLnia-saarD 41 . 8:3 DPI:4U/ UM al. l'en9XBo2l h Dipq iT exrdtheinia stnrAi. 4De ta • • smuts,: A. ' Oltscommi to 4:01:6 P.ll aisapbx.,,, .4 99.4 PRACTICAL AMlORRApr i tal, , .r aire' -iy z aft, *r° b:n. tr v, se. Ifttliii2Wiimi - . cuAAA„B ulaxp LITHOGP.AITRER , No. so poi rm i a „ Ti 6 - •••Ps "POW Thladtagl• ftiUMAITIk NOZES *h. admir 1.11. mirj6"24l42'; - Unriciissz mor n " , ...211.1.11-11,. bat: sad oxy—w r , " 1113 111.' sw. - 70.1.1=7::=VWstsetufer.2,94 Ye