The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 27, 1867, Image 1

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    THE , :rolau alarm
V ll oiiii o 'MIX **Etta.
,cm7DATs '
F. - mora. .
*nag, mincrrs rummack
rom Imarrx
lasi bpslgen hp if Wert riwir
0n1014,-, rim OF FIBRIZCOIWD
_CHICLY'S!! ear sort rittiT
*la coniug.r.saux. rArza tba State.
tinui or mix imam
t .
iiii ,
.rirrisitrauff. elontl.
;fs rash* Ga.*
That set of Republicans' Wirri hive
takerinpaigtheroselventhe task or
neering'the - 'nomination Of - General
GesoM fog" the Presideacy;, atill;inalst
that hhiririiiciiiies-and'eyinpathieilden
. tit} , him not whit'the - Piesident licit with
Congress, sad declares the; he *Rank. -
pubife avoWel M tide effect. If a serious -
intention exists, sivire opiate there
doo, to pre.a for the nomination of the
General, to exchange thitionbrable Po
sition he holds _ foi higher:no
Preeident, he n cannot :make 'the. avonral
too soon, or fr trirnianxieipliCitinVin.
mlstakenhle. note ,are
thowairant Itopiibllcans`whn have the
warmest , admiration- for Ms' Mllitery
pintas, and Abe hvelietgratitudefor
his emirsisit Stroke; In the iteld;-silici
do not mean in 'to it blinc"..iso :Sar as
they are concerned in filling the Proi:
dentildrofilO - {' That le' not a prialtion
which any Citizen has a claim to be en
forced or to be acknoirledged.. It is
purely representative. and no-man ought
to seek It, and 'none, aritalitedtherreto;
who leaves his fellow countrimet} in
doubt to to the leading -- principlO upon
w id e h b a Noll dl h rgelhe iintlis'of the
The Itepuldicane =a - Niceruthig :under
'eludes inflicted on, them' iys betrayal,
as many say ; perhaps, :rather,. byrefroo
' ing confidence proulaturely who
had differed front Mein Irintiparbint par
ticsdam... They are not to the humor
either to repeat that indlicretion, or le
all into that pit.. If Gen.. 'Gnaws de
sires remaining a soldier, instead of
becoo* oelitifOote the 'Wiest,
civil 'position in the gift of the people,
he has a perfect rightstO conceal his con.
unctions as to the grvatsuestions now, in
controitif4. In' many. respects, In this
aspect of theniseAt triahogither Prear
able he should abstain from proclaiming
his TIPIVE, so thit - he''Mailior inrerrinti
nide gracefelly to perfbrm ell the mill.
tar s d 'Oe.i. 11.° 4- loorto Mgt :Miami lie
&volved' no n him. , however,, he
has decidorto rittit hls ireiient isSsitiOn,
and trtait.eildo s pioniotion by the stit
'Meg of the,. Peoi4es-oolk.:C‘' l7 l lll ralia
right to demand an exposition , of, his
• senthnents se, far its they heir u pon pp :
litund:Aptesnoni, arid, - OPecially. tupelo
thou; which now deeplp,tatitate . the
public mhld
irei. are of Abe tuna:of -of those Wfiti
- do not' mean to take, as on trust.
We have a profound esteem for General
GRANT , Mr 7pattiqQanitlVlSolittiggi
but sie sib not 'awn ihat he represents
our political idliais,- our viarprien'
not tra vote for. any man for President
unless 'we tare • reasonable ' assurance
that he does. For us to do otherwise
would:tin to pour ornierriptlma the - fund,
mental him of representative Govern
On the 81st instant the, corner stone
of the bridge across the hilasehri at
Enna, City was laid amid great enihrtsl- .
'asm, Nime,presance -of 8,000 - Peep*.
The object. of this bridge is. give7.a
connection between the railroads cast of
the 341MOtiri with those west' of that
river, especially the Pacific Rail
way, Eastern Division, which rtutsvrest.
ward up tie. Kansas 'ever :throteli thi
Cadre of the State of. Kansas,
The *Mich — road from Cameron,..o •
the Rainlbal .and•St JosePlOftsillsied,
whiel Pins 4om Ruln o Y, on the IdliPia- -
aippl, to St. Joieph„ on the Missouri,
through the northern Part 'of - 116 State
of muclie, - wltyntin be completed,: se
the traik-layers are progressing„,st the
rate of a mile day. Cadieroi is 35
miles east of IR.. Joseph,. and 05 Mlles
northeast from:X=3as City. This bridge
is primarily - erected' ibr this" Caiherief
branch; but =other branch road-from
Allen; .on' the Harth Missouri road;
which runs from SC Ltrala4orthirsTrd
into lowa, will also does -the likrusismn
river upon it It is also to heire a car
riageway.'lt is to bo of 1,400
long, with a draw over' the channel' of
382 feet.
'This bridge, with the lithlge oyer the
lasissippl at cvfincy, wiffDntthitinioa•
Pacific Railway of the E. 10.131 Into"nn:
broken connection with Cejn:
tem et . ante," eeet'Pf
so that
cars may be inn from any of the
cities cut of that slut to Via 4mila:se'
extremity of that road; and -,until the •
bridge acnats the Mississippi sat 1:411111
le completed..Cbicago will liavertiur ad.
yardage of that city in the competition
for the trade of Sarisavand the country
beyond. „Bat the Bt. Lnmitaidge
be vigorously prosecuted, and•then the
grandest Brum Of internal -commerce
, in the world awilltwestoblleted.
. . .
pondetaie" between Genersl f (Mint and
President:Johnson respecting the • re.
moral pf Gallant Shablsn. It is' to be
selisnttpd that ale earnest protest of
Grant, entered against the action -Of the
President in manoying the 'faithful com
mander of the Fifth Military Marin,
war not moan. :given to the labile.
It would here satisfied - the public, in. .s
that Grant stood not mo 'much
witlitamit President is wit/Wen t : en Moi
thepeople, and that his patriotism Ind
not abated in' accepting ',the' poidtloit
Becretarj. of War. This reply - or Mf:
Johnson Is tart,. sitesstictungA defeat;
and clearly prong that. his only , object
in ranting Sheridan was to . taunt' Con
great end set aside the expressed will of
Lr ot stated that In view of the illwee
of. Ora. Thomas, Gem Hancocleilll !
assigned to the command of the Fin
NUitary District, to fill the vacancy
easimemi by the removal of- Sheridan.
Thla will be a direct chaage of place,
and doalgesSibmie offiectiwill gad thigh
put experience useful . ht the ,net's . , field
of operations to which airtgned:' Sheri;
dan.will know how to. deal with Indiana
from bin knowledge -..0f -rebels; !shill.
Hancock" can apply Ms accinalitance
with Indian micceisfelly
be dealing with SebrliT#P4llblghttao re
Gitit. , Rossrno ii opTin s card defend.,
lag /dmaelf against the ,charge , tbitt , be
Interfered with General Sheildii&ad
mlnlstraUon of afralrsnddle Lt Ntli Or.
leans, or that he advised the lisiatiUnt
to remove that 'officer.. Nlroras . mean
anything the ill/patch Sent aolinOn.
by Roman could be interprebtil in' no
other manner than wit request tore
moroGeneral libesidan- , ' It Is not pope
lar In the North to denounCe the soldier
statesman, and Generil Itoetiseu i nertia
to begin to realize. that - act - and - .would
place himself right before the people. .
Grx. GLINT has been arlsed by kid
Waabburne, of Bllnols, to get out of the
War Department as socinna postale. If
wise "tttaad iifeitot San:cursor Wax will
not be Wow to act on - the suggestion:
%very day be mambas id the OM:et
weakeua him more or leas in the hearts
of loyal citizens, and his friends see Ilia
perhaps belles than Grant Wmself.
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ic re rumored that the President's
fr midair's dtaischeg up specific cher&
against Sheridan; We might engsteet to
the trainerathat the fird artist ate itoo
bit t a i rd pzebsnianoo of duty:and es toe
eirnest desire on the parrot thetldati to
Mary.rn ti}e fteconstruction act in the
his Intended by Congress. This count
voifi the grave fault fauna with the
Commander, ;aml for no othrr vise be
Joaic .11ELS " 11:4 On Brett
.cy orthe re?:thra Brothel M.
ii . rettevice of. Tan cirotoll
'celeriac coit4,l •Lt ' the LOodonnatLl
• Mt..
Frnm a rePort - on „the cholera lately .
,paldishe'd We and that the cases from
Jenttervlblnly this year ha's° been Is
tdiay e5,76,.-ibuoweti by 12,074
aiattls.-- me sicilisu provinces have
been-the moat idavollY affected b y tbl '
malady. In. . tilrgentt 11,014 can are
roported and 7 910 deaths; in Bart -(N ea .
polltan provinces), 11,116 came and
0,412 desths• at Caltardeette 161cillen
provinces), 7:191 aces and 4,110 deaths.
I n a word, we find that death followed
the, attack in above half the nttother of
ca e& Not one f the forty-ntno ploy
limes of Italy has been spared, though In
Boma tines ,. seek as Fierce e, only a
couple' ot ilea - . era rapirted. • But an;
otter alarming symptom—a symptom of
mond. disease quite as aittlancho=
physical- malady, has been o
throughout Italy, especially in the Cal—
abrissiusd Sicily, though awn the north-
ern provinces are not - free from its con
tagioni 'Title symptom is • the dread of
poison," tar belief ' in its pretonce
thrOenhveribus malevolent agents and
noxious influences. In Sicily, this dread
greatly excites the mind of the refforing
population and adds to their calamitous
state. A. thirst for vengeance upon the
soldiers, who are supposed tckbe in some
mysteriou manner connected with the
cholera, is felt by the people. The un
remitting Seal and - kindness of the ofil- 7
ars and Men In the care of the sufferleg
and luck hase . done nothing to calm the
popular feeling. Even when they are
misting the Sufferers they are regarded
with bathed and suspicion; nay, &tenni . -
ly subjected to violence.
The continued influi of gold bail resin.
ed a topic whiclimas elsgerV discussed at
the. tima of the great discoveries in Gal
'Worn% and Australia. lioie far would
the multiplication of the preelous metals
affect vices? There was, of course, the
tumid amnia of opinion. Some held,
that We Pioduction of each ounce of gold
"Would necesearily - diminlsh the purdaha
tog power of the amount 'already in cir
culation.. • Others, that this result could
not happen for a great lapse of time,
'nwing,tothe steady demand- for gold for
many. purposes of. Ina and ornament.
Both Aides were, as in.most cues of con-
Pro, versy,...pattlally ' Speculative
almomists (=A thatafthey wenelstong,
in detail, they were tolerably correct in
the long ran.' The practical' mat who-
Alum/rod thatinices would 'rise in exact
'ratioto the production of mild were also
It Lai:Manly within daily experience
that nearly all alleles. in ordinary use,
'labor, rent,LW., are much dearer thin
fifteen years ago, bait is not altogether
just to say that tldsadrance is due solely
to the gold dlaccrreilea- For °sample,
The enhanced cost of labordependa mate-
ea/ 1 Y upon. emigration. On the other
band it may be argued that the gold dis.
coveries lave stimulated;: emigration.
Another tothrt to be taken Into account
is the advancing prosperity of thd nation
and the increase of the wealthy or inde
pendent classee. ' Many-other cause*
might also be enumerated, but It is ref.
ficiimt to dal with thosclical foot,+tbstw
gold. sovereign has, for purposes of ex
chnnge with other commodities, unclear,
edly lost a portion of its previous value.
The alteration has taken place somewhat
Irregularly, but is, notadtbst.” , ileg,
"clearly evident. The question is wheth.. l
er we are about to ice another change.
The accsruntation - .of gold in France ,
and England. gives reason to suppose
that we are about to repeat the expert
imam of 1852. At that time the amount
'of bullion here was unusually large, and
the first effect was a reduction in the
rate - of discount to two per cent., as
now; the second was a rip' in the price
of goods; the third'wan the commence-.
ment of an era of speculation that col
imitated in the great crieta of 18.51. This
last consideration we may safely disre
gard. 'ADM events of 1860 are too neatly
remembered for the public to embark in
any fresh - mania: They haire not bad,
as in 1852, five years to forget the Lessons
of 1817. On the contrary, the• great
fault that may be found is that of India.
criminate distrust. As regards the two
first results of the present plethora of
money, one Is already in operation and
the second appears almost certain to Col
-low .=Lomion Tieui..•
TEM manuravrolux. co-oranarryn con.
Ls Llierte. auvitxn.i
The International Co-operative Con
grem will meet in Pads on the 16th,
12th,esta.16th of huguist: The objects
for &uneaten, in which foreign members
tithe part halfwit several languages, will
be. 1. On the distribution of benefits
in co-otersilye societies, comprising the
opportnnity'of. conferring benefits—to
snalliaries; to clients; to moral institu.
Lions (libraries, education, ac.). 2. On
the means of creating' and establiskung
Tele/lofts between the various co-opera
tive societies of France, as also between
French end foreign societies. 3. On
the.utility and means of propagating the
co operative movement in other coun
tries.' 4: On co-operatiOn applied to in.
etrudion (libraries, lectures for adults,'
teaching, mittestion, ,tcy 2. On the
responsibility of members of co-opens.
live societies beyond.
.their contribution.
The meetings will be public; every one
may assiet them on raiment of fifty
centimes each meeting. - • i -
Wail Gauge *aye:
aitiona story la laid in Fade of en
Interview betweenthe Marquis del/out
tier and (leant Gilts, which is said to
have taken place last week, just before
the departure of the latter from France.
The Count having called on the Marquis
to take leave was shown into room
and kept wa itinga considelibleAlme.
The Foreign Minister usually treats his
visitors, it appears, in this unceremoni
ous wry, and great complaints herobson
made in consequence. Count Oohs,
whitey sogunthatirritable, was
! just preparing to go, when the Marquis
'.appeared, "end bluntlyaddressed IW
-.these words': "Well, M. Ia Comte, the
?Medan papers are as violent against vs
se ever." The (Bunt upon this repeat.'
ed that his gowsninent. could not be held
rastaon,idblo for .11to, tone. of the. Berlin
press; and the-conversation woe contin
ued with
. gmet-wartrith on both tidal,-
the interlocutors not observing that in:
the hest of t he discus - Dion thort fwned
into an adjoining garden, where every
word they said could be heard by the
Foreign Office clerks In the eurManding,
The Trieste - Gazette says thaterrange
ideatahave been made forlmportingarti-,
ties front India to Russia, try way of Boca
and Trieste, Instead of by the Cape of,
Good Hope: as hitherto: .Thie new route
will enable India goods to be sent to
Russia in (Mtn two to three monthe less
time thim at present, and will therefore
probibry Muse a large increase idthete
imports. tin 1866 the total weight of the
articles dent from foals by the pld route
was 1,00*,000 cwt.., and from Italy 10,-,
000 cwt. As these articles winnow pass
through - Austria., it may. be anticipated
that that wintry 'will, equally with.;
Betedgc behenefitted `largely by the new
yrofessor.Thaford, of Melbourne. has
Oubliehed a paper in the Brilith Idediear
Joursal upon, the subject of the poison
,of the cobra “thcapello, and indicates
some important points In regard to the
action of the polaon. - He has fond that
the immediate result of the poison is to
• evelop in the bloods number of corpus ,
cies of flying germinal matter." which,
iltaellati in great mtmbera, till at length
they conittituni,the bath of 'the blood.
- Thaw cells appear to 'be a vegetable
g co r m wh ly d a b ybh e he o xygen
'he yt h
blood that the person pelsened may be
said to die of asphyrls.
vrioph tolholnt.tabargb. GOltto.l
P. 13, Ausait . 26.-3'. Valve...a; an,emineat
pbsllolon. is des.O. • a
Tito Abolition
_ . Conittob, touttogya of
leading- anttAettvary mon of the IrOthh
coeinanneAttli sesalock hero co-ehy. A.large
*stoner of America:wand many repress*.
Unites of the dirk-alio base are present.
One 'of the enjoins or she oorkgrlr is topre.
Piro nisd, radon; sp,skeznonal to all the
}sore* *bleb tolerstelineman slavery,' erg.
nag the total abstinence of etch bondage.
AZ01434 71aar ItltscSAst *wilt
, htdietudne. dtetrert 03,...A.n arrival nom
the/eland of . ibindla brings the following
bttentsenee Whits s . klieg= War-Mark
ar takintron beerdennothera rentable
on the Cretan coy" the commander of a
.Tarklab man-of -war, tying near by, forbade
any further' embarkation. The Russian
commander refused to deabst, and no% ve4
sets ran ant trona and prepared ?or a tight
but polar Puha, who•wu to the TV -tatty.
Intoilered and prevented annnipthinnent,
• l....ilrmet; August 26.—The report* of the
- troubles Et Spatz ere eandieleng and . nnre.
liable. °Mobil dlspatebes • roblished at
Madrid rep alftlei :lathes Mere' been tea
down eltd the ireenimeatlon ended. "deices
from the Insurgents themselves maintain,
UM the moveinintegalnat the goverzenent
li:gang on 'tett, secoess and gatemen"
strength dilly.
sours otamaikirkrze CON:11.31"I
• ltsarta, August 28.—The prellsilnarles for
nteetleff between Slag William Ana the
'earerelgas of the South German States have
been arranged. Baden is agreed upon as
the Mace of Contereaca which will he held
atattent/gjlq . • •
I 3=3
O.IE TOP 111 01 1111.9. •
• pr. rrtIMIIIVIKI. Angina WI.Li-The ItusaLan
Gnenmmerit his mint =order to the United
States for one hundred thousand Serdan
,Lesnols. August I.ll—Eeening.-- Consuls,
041-16 i 6-91hweek, at ns, illtnot• Centll.l,
T. 34; hrle, axit Atlantan and Went West.
• Lmagroot, August hl Etc Cotton
cinema dull at , a dentine or Ka on middling
uplands, at 11:11; Orleans 1030 wino! SAGO
bale. 13readstude cicaont. Unchanged.
Wheat 13a 91, for' aeutharn and 13s al for.
Califon:Oa sehlbe. Cara'. 151,9 d. 11.306 31.
Beet gm et as 110. rash want al 3341 ed. Loon
dem ars.f. Petroleum unchanged.
London markets unchanged.
.7a.croltS, Anna 'a—United Stain
• bands, W.
My Telegraph to th. Pittsburgh CI antle.l
Wasxmoralr, Augna
' - It Is not trueithere has been any fOffna
INisitnnttfon by the Cabinet.. The Inirlltpea•
cces statement Is evidently founded on the
fact that the eavatal Meraba% of the Gehl-
riot have repeatedly latlmated to the Prea•
Ideal, that they were ready to rattro at any
Urme if he ahoeld deed.. them to don."
' atrtaaos 11:6C =SART tIWAan.
Seteratary Seward and the Itrenon and
snarnett litntstiteorho - Went 'alp to
Yorhtosta and Portia-Is elottrce,pn
returned to Wastaagton thll. Monane. F.
W. Seward, ..A.saletnat Iletret.ary of State
wlilarrivo to•alight. .
It is probable the Dominican republic
hes sent a messonger to Wallington to
treat tor the sale of Samatona but he 'ham
not arrived hero yet....
- lemmur yams on.. nossaarl.
' General liessran, La a letter to General
Grant. Bays: ' , AO.malt of General. ?Merl
den', charges no alleges I visited his cOm
mand and intarrered with hie duties, is
engnesUng DU removal. 1 did
say, in.answer to a telegram from
W Masails, concerning tioW things leotard
I.oobnans, that the state of straits was
gloomy ttbst people lure mush nepreseed,
d any change wordd almost ...enmity be
en accepted. Tr:males.= referred to matters
and things in general, .6 was intended
sasuch, Including lienerel nhertdan lu the
scope.. U this wee- ...nestles the removal
of that onleer, all right; but his name was
lof mentioned. Whilst / Claim the right,
n corn.on with ell When, to criticise so
much of General Sheridan's administration
a L riot Purely military, and which solely
taccerns the civil poi lay Of the counts, let
on my late visit
fromem Orlea a d d,semen.
lonely retrained doing So, eon far
est know and' remember, I expressed no
opinion fur or against his' policy to any.
motive his district. I- had no perame or
mto do so, and my recollection think
is su distinct stmt. this Ylt is ustiellY. Or
as It eon be about anything:.
The New Tort • rose r SIM al says: The
Preside. has I.ned an order ass:Paler
d.eral lls.oek to G.. Slieridases War.
to ITAOIIIOI 1331111110T101,.C0114 TO as
07 - IZOLD ry rns v2lllO Dray=
The Express special states the DOM . !,
went has raelved Intelligence through an
agent of General Print, the Bpealsb rev on
%lottery 'enter, that If successful he nl/ 1
offer the Island of tote. Goverainent,
at a peke lobe hien or •salted eon:min
gle*. To keep England epaulet. Spectator.
Cates le beteg pllglg.d. =D.7 DntaSh
The Banta' Baseball bleb. at bets York.
t-day alaotsal Prodlean Johnson o honor
ary member. In a pleasant laterelow the'
Prealdent accepted, and spoke , of base ball
moral, assillatel mho national ram.:
bee pruhlant, MerfILAS7 Beiru9i =bother
liovetament °facers were among the lons
or Ore U.:mann spectates, who wltitessed.
the content In the afternOon, with the Nu
Ennuis, which resulted; alutnals, to 11 Nu
beanie, 17.
• • . •
Areal:daft= bra rata' Weed from the
War paladin:tent that n6ol:finer of the Bog.
Mat Army will be ordeladY eddreared by
nay other then the tale, attaebed to his
lineal or brevet rank 1n t OO liegniar Array,
or wear any Other thaw Ohs nniforat far•
niardet for his lineal or brevet grade.
• larfaximaiapir,-•coehrtrima. , -
-The Congreilleohld ..Chmmittee on
rinnegrosal meth, at etch , 4an, leonine
their Investigation of the affairs of tee
Treasury Department - Arne Committee.
lierstofore appointed Orfila geerautry have ,
oompleted tbeir .report ea to, printing and
trionractione widen he -Sambaed
to the Congressional Committee.
. . ,
, in COAT.T.SUOV WILILY. the Soczeitrary saki'
be bud no reason to snow .° there ban been
an Over Issue of soonriLloo.of say anacrto.
Wm, or of currency' and that true time
bas tholpainiant of the semi sauna- later.
sot bean equal to lbw attire amount &Loon'
tbo ontstandiagaiseurlLlss•
The raturna manna at if,. Statistical
Boman show that 657,15T,570 vounds Of not,
ton, including Sea /Woad, mere exportvd
for tbo Year ending J ono 30th, the Tattle of
:mulch amonntaa to $202,807,910. •
Ifirsdrvi.vo Mama. - -
' Two hundred and litey-elSkt
be Weed foram week uldkic kePtembwr
Bearlptiv , or Orfila al IA X 0 r Fort
Man stardarcd.
fly Telegraph to the Plusinugh Garette.l
.13errato, N. T.. August h3.—The receipt.
nt tho lake ports of Chicago, ihlilwalikft.
Talton /Saran and Clevabuia, far tho Drat
four ans. of last week were othharrele Of
'hour: Inn 2,041A5S baskets of . wrath of 1.11
dose, The receipts of grain ror , the week
at these rssrtlrwill be between yZO,Wa end
h.keike bushels, atid About loo,Ocb barrels Of
Yeatergii a canationt sicerstrwa kUtoa a,
stecniMan with . capstan bar. The
murclared nuto.l name la tinknown. i- •
, •
'Steamers Arrival sad
tAithifltubumh Gszett.l
Aliglaßt u.—The steamer Cubs;
from Liverpool on the nth, eh' Qtloollll.
UM% arrived the morning.
grow.. Andeas 20.—The steamer Nova
ionsjon, from Ltrerpool on the 1:41, paned
inutile. Point this roomed.
Th.:lateen:ler et. Der td, ended on rrldny .
for LlTerpoolorent Witco Mater, Bate
order. but out COT wtinoca. (know datnsge,
arm proceeded on Ler wax.
Tho liconon Catholic Arch /hemp of Quo.
bee aIeiITIMMAY. • • •
Tensalle—iiilaagbe ula Great Iteatern
lifiT Telegraph to the Mahwah 4.1•101.3
--Cisionoraw, August . 20. A govern tarns
de visited Itellenewi Ji7l Just Slane New.
sort, on twug,reg, IaIOVIDe down several
hones and doing Other damage.
Thu Atlantin and' (Reap Western I:attiresd
comulan two assener
trains CO ne
NederTOr grunrung
tOrdar. Warinp g
g si• six
irelock in the morning niL4 seven O'dueit lit
the ,evaning. " .
Trial of ik Pelhulter.
(By 11elegraph to the pitutlap mito•J •• .
Alienst2l6l:l2lloo trial cdJulinall:,
11040111, Into • clot/L.ln the /Mee of the M.
slathut Trassorou of the Unitn• iSt%tag, her
enulmotfood. Ibritwell thae4ril with
inrilfht unlawfully loaned rants of
money, to leciward Carurri aaANIUOT:WaxO
. .
Ser 1,61 or' • esnian' SOLO.'
'MY Teletesphlo FlthOntil
Mho. 01,—;•The Oarmm Welt;
ye, MAW, otty are holding two t
41v1t105,11119 proweedo to be davota4 to the
bone& of the tierman poet /Frelligilltl4 l : l 9W
Ja OOAOla JaZioa,
- 14'110.13RGE, TuESpAY , AUGUST 27, 1867. \
General , Grant's Protest igainst
- • filterldares Removal,
. .
y Telegraph to the Pittiburgh clasette.)
Adghst le,
Vas follOwlay, genie correspondence be-
Mtn , ten . . timodand President Johnson:
Haat eVas Aaatae or rat Virtu, 8 . 1 . + Te1. /
, Walineworos, August IT, DOT.
112.PruMaiimy Love. Jthta,67l, Pr minis
ottke fished gager • -
Stic—fam la receipt of Tone outer of tote
asts. direceing mo to appoint General D.
Us Thomas to the command . of the 1111111
Mil Dlstriot, elenerid Meriden to the
Ds anAnt of Illtsdnirli end General Dan.
COO to the Departmental the Cumberland'
and *Loot your AMA Of thu date, enclos
ing the - instruothparl to . awry Into el
tent -ktre , maimed Order. I. would •bo
pleseed Ad hear Imy seggettlons yon
may - define neeseuty respeoung the as
sigurtienlk tO *high ebb order refer*. I am
plessodlo avail myself of tills imitation to
earneetly urge, he the mule of a patriot-in
Poralle. -who halve bbtAreds of
thousands of lives, and thoneands of mil
liard trege to preserve- the • integrity
and Colson of We muntry, that Ms order
be not insisted - upon.' It tromMtlikenbly
the. expreverd wish •Of the - country Mat
General Eineridan 1101., Si removed
from his prtlacnt commend. TIM I.
kehtiblic, where the will vita the
pemle is the law of the land. 1 beg that
their volto maybe' heart 'General Oherl•
dale hu performal• bb dada Mlth•
end totelligenttly.: Moll M
rercloval will
only be rewarded as -axe eZirt to defeat the
laws of congress. • Is will oe Interpreted by
IneUnrecoutrustedo element in the booth,
Chug who did all- they could to break up
thin government by arms. and tea wirdi to
bo the only element consolted as - to the
method .of - restoring Orden • us •
triumph. IP will embolden- them to
renewal opposition - the of
the; lora! mums, believing that Diet
have the gxecintive with Menm. The mu.
eel of (imaral Moats in battling for the
Union entitle him to sordenonelderation.
He has . repeatedly natetal sls PrOteet
agsbrat being assignedto the fifth Military
District, especially IC lodge sallgned to to.
,Dove General BeeriOan. dermal Hancock
Mahe not to be removed from where be fa
Um de rte sootoplionted onea which
will Leta as new commander tome lima to
becogie acottainted with: There ars Mil
eery reasons, pecuniary reagent, and above
all, nstriotio reasons. why Ms order devoid
not be insisted on.. Ibeg to refer to a letter,
marked private, which I wrote to the Presi
dent, when first consulted on the subject Of
• change In the War Department. It beam
upon the IM O ect of this removal, and I had
hoped would have Pmwmeed
1 halm the honor tote, w grenereaPeet,
Pont obedient e x t r !Tnt... T.
((extend U. S. A. Ind Seel' Id Woo, ad (
Spa raworxree &arty. -
• Execovivr Miasma,
Wasateerox, /Lopata 1u,1.%1.f
Glaasai,,,l have received your C 013211312
eication of the Mb Wet and thank you fo.
the inconstant, aritllthlch you have cub
=dial youth views townies the wawa
meets directed In tay order of th at date
•Whea 1 elated In my °Meta note of the 1100
that I would be oilseed to hear any sumer
sons you Wight Omni necessary upon the
stbject, It was not mylutentian to use trees
you albratal report, bet tattier Melte a ver-
WI statement of any' rungs allectieg the
public • Interests which, In your -opiti.
toe, would render the ones leen.
aleet. Inanatieli, however, es it is • writ
ten monmenication, • It is proper %het
I should make some reply - .. Toe earnestly
urge that the order be not lesistal on, re.
marina that It is eximisteltahly • tho es•
pressed sash of the wintry that Oeiters
Eternise should not be removed from his
omelet command.: MUM. I set coaniunt
hf the efforts that have been mato to eo
ths General theridui of command of um
lUIn Military District, I am 50100 that 110
question has never Won atibmatted to the
people themeelvea for- enmesh - intim it
would certainly he Unjust to the army
to assume. that in the opinion cd the
tuition he alone Is capsnle of our .
mending the States of I.selstaria and
were 'LE thy goe4se
other Gen lo the natter,
ilervice of the United woad , e lecht. -
istent to hit his place. General Thomas,
whom I have designated as tossuocesser. is
mac known to the contain , . bung woe
• high sad horable distlection itt the
hae since the executical of th e respontlsible elOl
dellea. of. a. Departmeat Communes, ex
Melted great nhllity, mend diacrettomi lea
Sexing pateletarm. BC has pot felled, ria
der the most trying circemethoilem, to em
forte the laws, to unser., pears and order.
to eadOluzipt the restertatioa of crellatrthor.
Cy, and to promote, as ear u poseale.
a spirit Of rectiacillation. 1110 eanalnlana
tioa ot tae Department °tem Cumberland
will certainly compare meet thicorably with
that of {lateral .Sheridan In the hail..
tary Marla: There Shan • ithplate So be
le a dutarbed itotiClitlon anti al bitter
t t ereV=7:rar r i fit4 " Ver e tle k g;
rendered himself uthalthaty obnori as by
the manner In which he has excreta...en
the powers confetzedby (Smarms, and SIC
more 00 by • retort to alitheritT Irmkt•
ea tr nor necessary to the
faith! al and enchant - execution Cie
role tuts, in fact, been one 01
absolute • tyrunY. without Mures.
Lathe prutcloloOt aer.lithvemment or ea.
tore of which res Institutions. t h eta of
affaim hail resulted tromtheme
he ha. pursued ha. 'enmity interfered
with a hareson tau, anti stactory and speedy
execution of the acts of DMltentra mad la
alone Magician% to Imlay • cosage. ID.
removal, tberefOre..mmlot be regarded for an eff ort to defeat the laws of Conan's., for
the oldest Is to liestlitele them execution
throngb an officer who his *ever felled to
obey the law, and to exact without his
lerholietion a - like Obedteacece from any
and all ohms. It eannot•be laterpreteri
by the 'rercennatXtieted element of the
south those who did all they amid o break
up this ci'ovettiment by anus, and now w ish
to be the only elmoural eastralted as to th e
method of restoring order, as a triumph.
for, *a Intelligent men, they mast know
that the mere change of military comman- •
den cannot altar the law, and th at General
Thomalrwill he se much Mined. by ha re
quiramenta as General Sheridan-It eanno
.embolden them to renewed opposition to
th h e will of the PITS mum, believing that
tey e hav the with for
Ahoy are perfectly Executive
familiar wit/title them,
ideate callierrevidant, sad Immo Mathis has
net otharected the faithful a:moth= of
any art of Oceans*. lio one. as you are
aware. hassihigher appreciation then MY.
mit of th e aervUm of.(icamal Thomassand
no one wiindil be lees looltath to soda Lilin
to a commend not entirely *to hie witheac
Knowing him, ea I ea I cahoot think he
0111 heeltate VS &Monte& to obey my or.
der, baying to Thew a complete and speedy
reateration of the Enloe, In the preset ,
ration -of . welch -0e tom rendered
south importanteedvaluable sendee.• (ion.
Ituusek, known to the whole sentry ea a
_gallant. able and patnotax soldier, trill, I
Mier• no doubt, sustain his
!many poeitlea to width he Ma! be =dire
na you °W deartment
which he will have b a scom plicat e d one, I
feed confident that nailer the guidance zed
Inetractlen• of General Sherman, General
Sheridan will soon become familiar with It.
necessitles, m 3 4 ,1,111 avail nun( .at the
opportunity afforded by the Indian troubles
tor the dleplay of the energy, enterprise
and daring which gave film eo enviable a
reputation during the receettini straggle.
is liallamlng that It Y. the exorcised wish
of the peoplethat Gan. ghat - Man ebOolg not
be removed trout his present
tatnarg tbetibra tea republic, bused, bow.
ever,• Open , a Written conatittglon that
tionatitution he the conititted and expressed
will of the people, and their voice in law.
When redacted la the manes width that
Instrument presertbee. While one ol ita
provisions makes U. President Commatid
eate-Calef of the army and nary, another
requires that he shill take sere that tho
laws lastalthltillyelecuted. • . • • - ,
Believing that a change In 'commud. In
the YIP& Military Matelot is absolutely
necessary. tor faithful execution of the
law, I Miro Maned the order "which la the
soldaet of Ilia .thonnenea In thus
exercising... power 0 . 4 inheres in the 00.
endive Under. the Gailidatution. nt COM.
manderan4Clitet Or the ether • and rolvy,.-I
am &Shaming it ditty 'Molted -Of me try
the will of the Nation, at formaily declared
In the guvreme• law . of the land.. By his
oath the Executive lagelenthly Wendt.° the
.oat of his ability to preserve, protect and
defend tbit - thnstitatiOn, sods although in
titers of great excitoineettt be loot to pub.
Ile Slew. If. la• hit ditty, without...regard to
...emteettemais to himse lf, to hold It .aloud
aid enforce amend all - Of lis 'oroeLmona
Any other'coolie Weld' lead to the des.
treattho of . the. iltron bile; for the eon-
Stratton . one &habitual r jtoire would
be no 10071000 for the exercise
of lealelativw powert no Executive
'to Bea that the lutaere o faithful- •
01ly executed; no :culinary affrd to the
0 00 00 protections Arc We, t l h
imb and Moth
arty; usurpation mullet Inevitably follow,
Wadi • deeptelem be Sled-On the be01)10 lit'
violatiOn of their edtableted•• and =p rem.
I¢ , con,pll to perceive any mill.
Lary peotudaty Or he r e
this other shouleltuth he carried into stance.
Ton will remember USA la the erre instance •
1 did inch nonsidorliteliertl , ith mma erid the
Moat meltable man far the Oortal of the'
Fifth lltlitary Mistreat, Tine lane atrengthe.
cried my convictions 'liens tiara!, and
hu led to the cfnlithisionthat rlotio con.
algeratlOne deglang %battle' a ould 00 00-
pervaded lit algerleer who,' vehtle he will
tillthfollyexectite the IWO/rill at the same
time area mere general eatterection to the
whole peoploiathlte and ' North and
fan, Gen ilrelObrY MeMCIOI/Yj 70000..
To General Grant, Secretary ad interim.
• eleitelei se teeteatalia• •
1112atetr. h toile rituburahliesetput
Saaaveea. AugUst; %.—Thoa. Jona/41.10p.
uty jailer of Hudson. City, l
New Jersey, enta
greeds, morning idiot dead a/ Onion utsil,
• •
noglairo Iu Bileitlaillaxellos.
ray TthlfraDlllo tee riturourin Oasette.3
• ClUirlarcett. , AagTUlt SEL—The tntal. Oil/
reallamtloa White 2.111, llolore4
Total ..La , the Iltatet 9,743, CWOrad
• To*estrum. -
' enrrelosreett to Ma Plitsboraa esiella
Lamer AMMat 2a.—UMar rlttott, o It It
three feet three Mabee by muml mark.
hlettritil, Amen 203.7%tier =pg.
Proposed atomise • ' irmiooblres3._ To
iced to the Celled Steles se • Settle
ment of heAtabent• Clatmee—Ettorte
to 1 / 00 hoe tmlitallett to Almelta. £O.
thy Taierratie tithe Pittatneuhtlaistie. l
Bur Ituichlco,'Utgolit 20.—8 y the nearm•
or dilute, Victoria dates to Augurs Wth
hero boils received. The getu from that
Whet , lays, on the euthornY of a /atm .. '
nelved et V totorle by the teeth
the opium!, of the Colerairmier,fianeouved ,l
Wand, - British entomb's.. to the 11e tOO
I., htor liquidation mt :me Alabama:
01.1 ms, mot the rubjeet afoot Otforprifbn at
the vetioes plebe In the fhltlett . metrelsoW ,
The general teeithg among theEnirliat poll-
Udine is favorable to the
i PrO WOI,O4 " N
Zilorstr4tr.: , : " :
01.101. e tnaletetde
for 1041084 sos
telned thrOotat, the Iteprtaotioto or the
Couredaralo cruisers.. The ImperlM
ernment, haldr wedid , 04, "Mt.'" to
clout the bur dim - were Meet rot tOmpooolo
01 the Dommion or commis, Who desire to
omordl Lilo confederation to sho she. s of
the Peelle. It is believed, however, that
VancotiverM Leland mold be err Or paled of
Its rout= to the (Jolted rdatee would
re cite eatie th e. nee- Domtelon from the
re eestroard.
Thu Victoria adonis! learnt/ that a COW.
paay of 1./arms/as ls organising atSan Fran-
Mew to indribe enligratton atom toe Old
World to/tans. AzeuetawiltbeeepptahlUh.
ed In the principal tierthati tdticl. Th.
principal object is the defeldpmeat Of the ,
floe dehmg resources at 8111 a.
The news 1r out tliecarris t lp mines ton.
thauell favorable.
The ships at San /Francisco have anal
dlnandits In analog treW 0 . 10 ete the ox
tortionato coaddnaUOus of Wkr haardiolt
ttonee trepan . .•
Moat of the Cargo Or the
disbbargeg 1.0 a damaged ccuiditlemi The
ship was insured at Iloeton for MOM.
A great movement u ln pwaress for the
hoe distribution of six 'Or eight thousand
scrim of outalde lands to closer. of San
Franclsca The question affe4ts long poll.
,• •
MS Kromer. - •
By Tetempt) to the Pitubstrilktheette.l
kx+ Yonc. a.tligust: DI, 1907
• ham. , ramt paiuliuma.
• Tho otemer Nevada, troll. 1(10.14T , ..
rth Califon:us passenger, arrived to-day.
, The libel snit of the rateVoMear Com
its', &Faust tIM ;um boeri
missed. . ,
Arotthl, the other detaolum Teller of the,
Tree estrck.s Bank, hem heed waited. ;The'
CIAO of both detataltert wai'tifOYbO to the
Cuitel States Court.
. . .
7101A.1( stArrina , - • . • •
John havese has accepted the position of
chief of tho ormilliedierdast Brotherhood.
Ile expects to prig shout, union a the
diodWary, rind, ...alma and
'scaly strait. was damaxed.n7 gin* on Snn
day morning. Los. p 5,000.
The trbOlosale Amory of Tallman,
d:Co., Front straniorsa Darned tWri
morning. Loa. am,cco, fully /attired.
Intel Mimes russ be recoiled at the Hay
tien Consulate that ex-Emperor bolOcue
men of apoplexy.
firo occorryt tills evening •at Nos. 19
ane 214 Cedar street. Loss MUM The sof
lezer. wore Frank Allier A Co.. lon:aka
Co.. lloackerhulte A Woodford, Head Co.
ltollotrog No. OS, Wvat 1itT10a......P1.1 h.
J-0. Bowiliara. *ctlct ebssullar, Peterson 10
McCarthy and others , was alio damaged by
frei to -night. 1.0.. ell.aloilaartretl.
piirit 1 c MOlTh.
Pauper Whiles sea Babets—Debbilon
by den. bobobeld, &a.
(by Telerrayb to the Ylltsbatiti tiosettt3
Btcavo:n, August , X.—Fseneeal Schofield
it., decided that the Staters= laws have
been Parsed with reference to the paapers,
to whom the Freedmen', annex ceased
giving retina. By MU dezialan all the
black ragman who crowded into the cities
of Virginia after the clam or the war will
be returned to their respective annum
wheretheyarecitivess. The pauper whii Ca
will be treated in the mime we) ,
The City ticanclin shout opening a new
alms Wince for colored Poeta.
The ease of a colored Canadian s who
plied for redress became Mammon of the
steamed:do .Llatteres related him a lint
cPass pansire, was dscided• this wormed bl
United States Commisalotket Cehorrn,to the
effect that the Civil Itiglits ILLI OnlY applied
to American Mischa: Mad itereisnerl coped
on , obusin redress under its
Major Dohnuers Chia-4 the Stedfcal
...Massa dr *Ls ,D31itX0. out
WK. ay. - lei UM Illfiarnelslrei tate D•bpart
epent won tered ant ender the ?resi
syneto at reakoval. voinnteen. dent's
Tellow raver at Galveateis.
ley Tales - rata to Ma rttunarit
GALTUSOIf 6rig. VC—The Internments o
Saturday were twentywls, fourths weak one
noreared, and II tiy•threa There ware
twentysalse fluttmoa .batnnley axl4 Bun.
day from yellow freer.
11),ITIFORI). Anrllsl;3se—A. U. Ileftmer
eotrasrly President of the Sterelftrlis Trutt
Corepanr. Chicago. Iliad of cholera mart=
At CS rat Brook to-they. Ills was Insured
far {'.'TWO.
'Eatelnieve Illehottaesefeit.
Telegreoh to no Plitabersa emus. -
• Betvorais Auras; %.—The bebetitreo. ,
teat Cole.' trolley. — Eighteen to t.renri•
eve thousand pares" belted the Park anti
the festival eras • greed semen.
aassackitsets. nemecratte cony •
By Talesraalt to tee Pittabargi Gaudy.,
Dorm, Logan 26--Tbo Demoeists will
Lola alf tate ConTasitiOn yottegter,
—Nothing has yet been invented to se
cure aallity from firedamp mince.
The Brice of the miners are ne.rly as
much dependent upon accident as to the
early period of coal mininp During
some experiments lately in England
lest the respecticecnintorsarleaskinds
ol'infety lamps, IL was found flat when
a stream of gas was allowed to flew Into
a Ica In which the lamps wore placed
suMeieut to surround them with , an ex
plosive atmosphere, the Davy lamp ex
ploded the gee in nine seconds, the . Bel
gian temple ten, the Siocard in tan, the
Cirinny In norm and ten, and the Steven
son in seventy-live secondm The caper
iments proved that none or the so-called
.saiety lamps mu bedependeil upon when
coming in contact with a strong current
of the-damp.
—lnsurance frauds are . : punished se
verely hi -the zliast lodise. "A.ezeo has
recently been trim at Singapore, in
which the owte,,r ~' master and mate of
ship Erin werecharged with sinking the
'ousel on a voyage trout Hong Kong to
Bangkok. 'Do -vessel had been. very
heavily meet' 4 in the Mail and
carried but a mall cargo, and the evi
dence showed that oho could not have
stowed the goods named in the manifest,
After tire days'. trial the Jury onnieted
all three, prisoners. - The and
owner were suntenoed to penal servitude
for life, and the chief ollltor to live years'
iniprbionment. The severity Of the sun.
Waco Is mid to hove created a deep sen
—While two yonng boys, eons of Mrs.
Adolphus Taft, of Norfolk, N. Y., were
engeged in haying, a week ago, the old
est boy, a Ind of some fourteen or fifteen
years of ego, suddonly quit lila labors,
remarking nt tho time to his brother that
t_e had parftumed his lust days' 'work,
and left the Soon afterward. the
eounger boy went in march of his broth
er, and upon entering the barn beheld
him ultermided from a boom by a hither,
lifeless corpse. The ladwas - bright, in
telSgentond Industrionit, and loved - by
ell who-knew him.
-.Tao guano Is being exhausted inlnq
ebincha Islands.
alte:A.lo,l4lrtare Occurred this mornlsig,
.I.*o.o'olOck, In an old shed, on the
bent or the Allegheny nver. at the toot of
•IS orrse street. Tee alarm was mounded freer
max .ms-three. but when urpeatret on the
muse bellat the. tower It was thlrty•thole.
Teem Wing no box of that roserberthe Fire
Department were thrown Into a Mete of
00a111110C4 No damage beyond the 'burn
= the aired Orme rcrorrato wee sear
It TOO raternsfse-Large
are under the impression that you Can
buy things elleXpar,ll you call at No. 112
Federal street. 8. 0 0 000 .2 ally, perhaps you
lowing different, as you ow get the fol.
Wales as cheap as at 4my Bowe in
oity, ,BiG,2 , MilMimcra. Oysters, Lob.
sta, 'Biggins,. Mustards, games, Jellies
Catsupa, Candelas.] hillk,Chocolates, imnot
Gal and Torkey rsunta,_ fresh Pine Apples,
plivo 011, Exsract of Beef, Flavoring Ex.
fruits, Oyes flparkling Gelatine, Cfmos. and
Egg°. .abois,. proms, Arrow Ewe. Tama
rinds, Proservcs, Jams, Cream Bonham...
all kluds of choice Candles - and Tent.,
Num, dt, Sc. - Orono. BtAVIIII..
.'deeds at Iteisemsetble Prfoes.—Mr.
Jams Itobloo. OS Market Erect, one , of
the pioneers ul the bout noel shoo trade of
this ca eflvOts.stiooe sad gaiters Llty, ontleml &large load abium.
ble lon sadell/le
offers WOG publloalery.remounbleptiees.
It will Do
Is thst the ItssOlmt
found here Is • ueS Seoul Eastern ;1101511011
houses but has been • selected (Meat 'Velm
manufacturers lsllo deal Bncat union. ea
Will prove serrleeable .ena durable. Cell
In endue , for ouraol 10.
To All4stionflino,—extkinc• K 1214. nnole-
Sao nut totall,Grocer, Noe . 172 and 174 Fed •
etal street: DN sofolud Ono of flu but
'stocks of gfccorios over OfoolCOt Wino olty,
that bo 2014 lower th an at tray noose in
the atty.
Excelsior Soulttote—FOrb3Seind
Seventeenth session, .wOl .commeace on
rdonday,Septomber 2n. Booms WI fourth
Meet. for eoalt
or addreal ' W. B. Our, rrincipal. •
We ere Milting Marrslopes tit lau thin
lenetoru paean
Enzrn, Asvzstaos d Co
M nab inset.
FOURTH PAG?I,-27tsfaate,d and most ret
bre Abney, Oft and Product Market Iteye
pans by any paper an U. city, luta be I d
on our Flora PcYo,
Pittsburgh Connell..
A tsittilar monthly meeting of 'the' Pitts.
burgh City Councils visa nett Mendslitirsitr
Angust %Lb.
.11Lembers preitent. • !dews. Armationai
Drown, Coffin, Crawford, Dickson. Delia
lier,Leow, McCarthy. illerwen,
norravxm,74l:fizr,Th, waggon M
The minutes n( the previona meeting were
read and approved.
Mr. ale Ewen, presented a petition from
I Thames Mettle, of the Seventh Ward, ult.
'dog for seldom:motion for trolled taken
Dam his /ot for the pertitose of widening
Bedford swoon Referred to the Street
Committee. • •
Mr. Morrow presented a bill of rands,
flaloin A CO., for gni fitting at the AJleabo
ny Engine Dense, emanating to 4117, 3 7, ae
, companted by a resolution authorities .ita
payment. heel three times and passed.
Also, a petition of Captain vedideffrift.'ef
the steamer Amelia, asking for romunera.
Lion lor goods damaged on the wharf by the
overflow of water from Wood etreot. Re
, forted to the City Solicitor.
Also, %petition from the Itescue llook
- hod /adder Compare, asking permission to
erect it teethotery frame building in which
to keep the noontattlf, accompanied by a
ft:solution granting the privilege. Petition .
terrified and resOlOtion adopted.
' The following reaoluttea, adorMed in MC.
, arthelast meeting. was then taken np and
concurred Mt
Reseltest, That the Controller be author
ized to transfer six thousand dollars from
apprordifition Ao.• tit .eppropnation
The eaten in C. C. atpros/lode Meeting,
petition from the animas of the Sixth
ward fora sewer en federal street, was
Concurred In.
A petition for a Sewer on. Washington
street., stiesrevirms meeting of C. andefer
red to Committee. was read con. I
mitred In.-• •
A petition for the grading and paving of
Allegheny street wan referred to the [Anton I
I The petition of 'lush Si. Bole in relation
to nuisance on Wharf, acted on in C. (Lett h
previous meeting, was termed to • the
StreetComtafttte.' • •
♦ contratinikation front the Beata of
health, asking for 0-additional approves.
Ma of one thousand five hertflted
Which. in C.C. at a premise meeting, wee
referred to the Finance Committee with
power to act, WIN then taken up and a mo.
Lion to notboonctir
Mr. • Leew was oldmied td ety, farther
appropriation, and thought the manor non
Use:Oasis expended in some. Cal..
Mr. Tanner favored• the appropriation,
and thought it should to referred to the
committee. Too President of the Board of
tlealth, be said, would not rukanore time
was necessary ter ilia reneiteMente Of UM
city. ' •
liorross favored the trethfor of the
"Loco apprclerloSlOn for tuts of the Sanitary
for the Board of heath, es that
Committee bad done notelet. and there
'wee Co p peat of there doing anything. •
Mr. Leow moved the Wool:Int be made
Shfo, and. as So amended. the reference to
finance entronittee wlta power to Act
was concerted in.
The comtnumthtlen from the managers
of the Mato, Fair. asking for a 'thpply of
wrater, and the action of C. C. to toter to
ier CoMmittoe with. power to grant
privilege, was concerted tn. , ' '• •
The action of C. C. on petition asking
Councils to take action to prevent the Pine-
Ina of dirt and rubbtatt on Bluff street, re.
leered to Street Committee, wen concoct.
el tn. I
A omelution authorizing the Tiatment of
VAX to Edward Allen• for the Market etreet
Sewer woe text taken op, and the action of
=W ' revf ' ettrt= t°
The reportOr tin: Street' Committee on
the Nicole:at pavement was received, and
the action Of the C. C. concurred in.
The omelette's from the C. C., granting
property holders the privilege to lay the
Nicole= pavement, en. their own expense,
and prookling that the city venal, when
two cosmos:dive blocks' were laid, ley the
tame between thoughtwas then taken up.
Mr. Yarrow,that the Conned.
should not be hasty in the matter of uteri-
Ing the t h ou ght talent. tie was op.
posed to It andh oolibleutone
pavement preferable.
Several motions, welch were all out of
order: wens voted on and hat. ' -
The matter was then referred to the
Street Committee.
•An or tinaoto authorising Crontranal
Chey. Esq.. to coostrnct tztrn-out or
swlte rr ntrom the Pau 'Dandle Beilroal to ,
. .
ernes Fourth street to Wstaon street.
Objections were nasal to the third . read
Ina .1 anathemas° of the ordinance.
Air. Phials.. and Mr. !tellMien were in fa
vor of the ordirstace,and sink.o al MOD Orl
the al:Meet.
Mr. Morrow asked that the matter be laid,
ever unripe brelsrisc *alba% nil Itsi mesa
kers might Imre an uoportoultrto layout
tigato and tuarougniy uaerstand - the
r. tiallaher sad air. lieCartby thought
reran right ebould be irraittedao the pa.
Utioner that Cad already been given to
On modus ft tweed to • mound rending.
On third readmit and dual passage,_ the
yeas and hays were called with the follow,
ins mulct •
Ayes—Unser , Brown, e Coffin Crawfbrd,
I/lesson. tlallaher, McCarthy, licliwen.
Moffitt., Phillips, Tanner, Thompson,
McAuley, L eo
Yaps—)scam. w, liorreer, Mite, •
The ordinance therefore passed.
Mr. Mauer offered the following re-gela
tion was adopted: •
• Fasoined, That • Committee of Three be
appointed to inveetigam 'entailer otte. the
entreat for the grading end reviewed Bed
font street has been properly awarded.
Ur. Tanner offered *resolution
ing the r levet Committee to take into con
sideration the propriety of constructing
lort s
sewer on Prdtreet from Bedford to
'Pennsylvania "Areana, lo Place of rho one
prayed for on Federal street. Ile:erred to
the !Meet CaMaOttea•
• An orninandeprovidlng for the charism of
twee grade of the liononeahela Wharf be.
n Ernithneld and Grant insect.. add
attending the wharf levee twelve feet Into
the river at the east mid of Grant atom'. end
! that the levee be rate.] three feet above lL
prment pOsiGon: dlwnaslon
earned on the Damage or Om ordie..or ,
on the questiOo of a third restelOg and
final passage. the sew moaners were called,
when the Vete reed as follows: • : •
Aver,— Dieters. .1:0010, • Crawford. Isme r
afouattaiy, Iffierene:
Phillips. Tanner, Thompson and White.
Noss.—lleeera. Brown, Dickson andr:llo..
Anley. •
The roles ware then suspended one the
ontmanee paned anoll7. • '
The Milo( Danlui Stalely. for the building
of armlet. cosh-boitedn wharf beat for the
use of night soften. woo presertsod.• and a
resolution Authorising tie payment was
...Adjourned. • •
cosmos covnax..
Members premed: Mews. Barnhill,
Beene Brush, Ceuta.. Ford,, flare. Hemp
hill, um., Mconewev, - MoChillostd..Mo
(mean, system, flora, /Meals. Lehman,
ltoberte,hiebert, Slum Tetley, Tomah:mon.
- Verner, Welsh and President Eitecl.
The .misiutas of. the preceding Weeding
were reed end approved. , •
kW. idaluwan .prarented a oornialunleto
Mon from the City Controller, embracing
the follOwlogreadation:
Besotted, That the City Controller be and
ho le hereby authorised to Ostia Ole oerthis
onto on the Mayor tot warrants, 7a favor of
to. Doily Ito for 17171 and PigrOurgh CUM
inerarrher IMO al, for publishing uptick of
Nicholson ParousentCOmeijilmand on
the came to Approprietim 1; If. J.
Moore for $319 So, elackl4 DicCabp , fdr
5339 V . flutings and O'Neal for 4169 S 3, and
Joseph Hastings for 5344 40, and charge the
wee to Appropriatiu No. 10.
The communication waswecepted, and
the nisei talon referred to the PlisanceDOM.
Mr. Tetley presented petition. for the
erectiou of public gas lamp. on tile north
west corner of 0000010 Strait and Cherry
alley and on the corner of Chatham street
and cloy alley. Read and. referred Wthe
Committee on G.. •
Kr.presentee a petition signed
• byto W ater propelden, ot Wood street, be.
,twee h n Finn and streets, asking that
the N Wilson pavement be placed on said .
street. between the poling designated, the
dalitrooce In expense between the Nicole=
end cobble stone; evivmettit to he Todd ay
• the Property 001dere Head end teferrodto.
Sweet Committee with power toln.
Mr. Hate presented • el potation f rom prop-•
hrty holders, anklet that' Dbmnue
frees the west bide of the Diamond to Lib.
nay street., be opened too width of thirty
(cm. • Tee 'petition was read and refer red
- to the Committee on Streets. „
sir. Curran presented an ordlearsoe , rep
elating the 'erten= and construction of
uvulas', Tlit, rules were auspended, when
the .ordinanee was road three times and.
onesed4 , , ,
Mr. Be.mhill presented a petition asking
for the placing of water pips on Bantu alley.
Itesdend referred to Witter Committee.
Mr. 'lord offered arosolution Met:mann
the Otiminitice on Water to lay sn
inch water mpo on Weal street, In place of
the ripeness in use. Referred to the Water
Committee, with power to ant.
kir. Courtin pretented a remonetrance
from.citizens melding en Diamond alle.Y,
Nelnet Butting the curb and roving said
alle at romet.
Mr. y
We p ldon presented • Pet/
aunty Maned. eating (Venetia to proceed
with the work at once, as the ImProverdent
wee greauy needed. •
colderablo diseuselon ensued, when the
matter u was finally referred to the Coramit
tee On Straits. ' • •
Ma , lifueb pieeented a petition for the
grading and paving of Cherry elley. to
twetn Clarke and Decatur streets. Bead
end referred to Conomlace on streets.
• •lIIr. Ford *dared ordinattee granting
Vertnita and regniatint tile opening end re.
Mating of etreets, which V 14.15 road throe
atom and Entity InceolL ••
- Mr; Hoeg presented vt• petitton from Mr. -
J. J. Gillespie, President the Port Pitt
Coal Comtionnesking pearileslon Lachance
the fricative or n !miter, on Try !Omit.. Be.
tarred to Committee on glrliote. with Payer
to art.
Mr. lisle iresinted Petition from Mr.
Markle Rays, eating that a water Pine be
laid on Dinuaond slty, from Perri to DOM
twi:ot, in order to supply the buildings
now In course of erection wllh water. • Bead
and referred to Commuteeon Water.
Mr. lioClellitud, rceolntion authoriamg
the erection of a lire phi g Dann lama, In
front of the Independence Pogo= Musa..
Referred to Committee on Water, :
Mr. Babette. it petition from eltLtene et
the Highth Ward, asking that en al:Treacle,
lion be nude for the erection Of It suitable
La dder tbling for the use of theltrecuallukand
Company. Bud end re! the
Committee on City ropertg. -• • • • ..
offered • to/elation direct. ,
leg that a warrant be drawn on the Treas
urer In tenor or Welder! a Kelly, for $24813,
In payment tor the retearection of La water •
0101110 t In city bulb:U.og, andrillarge COntin
gent rued. The reignatide Yea read three
Limn and finally palled. -
Mr. Hare desired to call ettention to the
feet that a quantity of garbage had ammo.
total' around the market houses, 'which
Omitted a Tory draogroodido odor, - Mil
not desire to cast m ratlectioMon .the Mar.
kat CoMMlttee. but hoped measure" wo old
he takari Connate the nuisance at once.
On motion, adjourned.
The Tables Tarned—J. Charles Dick
ea Again In Trouble.
Anthony Weldenal, Eel., apt neat
Oerman lawyer, &needy rd this Mir, but
now of Mew York, was yostordaY before
HO= McCarthy. 16 answer a charge Of ler.
may . by bailee' preferred against hltn by
Ludwig Schmidt, of ?Melons!). It ap
peared at the bearing held in the ease y. le.
terday afternoon, that Mr. Weidman, In
stead of sinning had been sinned against,
and was entirely innocent of any fraud
whatever. It appears that on Mr. W. , s re.
tirement from the profession - here ho had.
In his keeping one hundred dollars due
Smith, se a oolleetlen on a promismrl note
placed in his hands. Velars the money with
f. Chisel. Dickey, lawy who paw-
Mee In t the e Ilndtlat Cou rt, er with in
etractions to pay 'it 0 6 er to 110.
fielmeldt when he caned for It. It ripteare
that Mr. Schmidt al d . ctn. bet wee told by
Mr. Dicken tbablia and no monm. in B e
paseelleiOn from Mr. Wenn:rum, mad conse
quently bad none to pay hint. After wait ,
log for some time for a remittance from
tgMr. Wd
veld into r nian, a
dnld In
2 mon ey
m V ant ;t do
information as stated
. before Mayor Mo-
Cartby. Mr. Weidman explained' tils rt
of he transaction, and was promptly die.
charged. no, tf there was any diahonesty or
fraud In the matter, he was Innocent and
Mr. Melton responsible. An information
obaraing .I. studios Diken with eMbezzle
meat was made by Mr. c Schmidt and a hear
ing will tie held this afternoon before/layer
Blceartlor. Through bid negial to pay over
the money, Mr. Weidman was seriously in
convenienced* lar baying to come all the
way to Pittabursti from Mew Tort to stoat.
catd his cbaradter, and besides bad Ins rep-
Watt= Injured bribe Cast by the prablica
[lon or
justlyhis *nest in the newspeprrs. Ile
feels diant er th conduct of
Dloken, and in m any
his many friends e
with him and are anxious that the guilty
ono be punished. . .
The laelt-O,Coaskor AlLair,Artion of
the Plitabuturn mud Philadelpnia
Petroleum /Mardi.
At a' large meeting of the Pittsburgh
trolotun Association, held at their rooms
yesterday , . the Tock-VCormor transaction
was rails discussed, after which the follow
ing preamble and reaolutions were adopted:
Ws okasa_ltessre. Theodore E. Tack and
Augustus Tack. of the flrm of Tack
a r o: 4 members of this A. 8.100110.1 0 11, hay*
b o y, lo the city of New York, at
the in.tanee ►
of James O'Connor, of thin
Cltyi lI ' S we ark the nfOoodoo of
orinien , 1. regard TO . .
as we ll=lwayefonnd them our
business and relations honorable au:'
highmluded gentlemen, nod believe the
abuses brought by (nonuser IC to without
komdatson In feet.
(alifned,) E.- W. 817/1.101, Prealdolll.
11. IL Lose, Secretary.
We received yesswday afternam the fol
lowing telegram front Philadelp regard
ing use tuition of the trade there on the
At a meeting of the Petroleum trade of
Phdadelphia, neld at 11l
followingree, at•
a p. m. August kith, the Dream-.
ble and resoloticms were adopted:
1.71111211211, The aeronaut as ponlithed in
the papers or toe day, of the recent arrest
of Messrs. A. Mond T. E. Tank of the hems
Tack Bros.,' rufladelphiailltka Tack tiros a
Co., Pittrunrah, are calculated to do ml., b t . ••• • .
Basolred, That friar:fa fong seimaintance
with these gentlemen, and tronsonr many
Modem; transactions with 50=1 we deem
it Improbable .that they could be ratty of
any dishonoraldo or dishOnellt tranimettOnS;
that believing them to be gentlemen or
worth and of high cemmnrrrax standing,
we ask a susnerSion of.poblio t O P l,lO n
their cons Until they snail' haye act Oppor
tunity of answering tor:charge preferred
against them.
Hsairr 011Ml/11.11/1116 Cbl..lXl llll .l'
klasar li. Kum, Secretary..
. Matelde—Coroner i s Saone..
Barbara Bung, • Warman woman about. years of age, wife of Umbers
Bang, residing at 140. 71 Webster street,
committed suicide yesterday by taking art
Wain The done.od had lot •onzettmepaat
been subject tolls of partial Insanity and
onto last winter attempted to mama sui
cide by drowning. She got up yeetertlay
morning no well es usual, and prepared
breakfast, for herself, husband and et. ,
eon, of which abeam heartily.. After bre..•
fast she requested herbusband; who Is em
loyed at toe Novelty Works, Adams filigee
son., not to go to work, but
no rea
r s why she destred him to roman at
home. lie did not note work, and remained
about the hone until nine o'clock, when
he went down street, and returning Abe.
sick.m he found Ws ile quite
s Aberequeoted Mtn to ge ther emse
milk, -widen .AS. did, and after warm
ing It she drank at ft. she lre
mediataly commenced vomiting, which
continued up to twelve o'nlock, when
she admitted to bar husband that she had.
taken arsenic. Dn. Better and McCann
were then waled in and did all In their
power, but to no effect. She lingered In
great pale until four o'clock r. g , When she
al.. Coroner Clawson was notated ot tee
fact and held an inquest on the body. tee
jury rendering a verdict of death from aul
cldet. The deceased, has maiden In the city
tor twenty.two years, and at onetime nos
-0..1 • considerable sum of money, which
she squandered tn different ways, and it no
thought by her friends the loss of it was the
clan. of the derangeMent.of her mind.
James Curtin, a boo:ideas
Paid ft vine to the South side yesterday and
behaved himself in a Tory disorderly mea
ner. He tent Into Buteslss It:metes saloon
and called for wtdsiry, which seas refused
him,and he eel himself to work to .clean
00%" the house, sa undertaking in which be
had well nigh succeeded, when Jostles
Barker, whores called - upon, attempted to
stop him by remonstrating wan him; Mit It
we. or , to, =thing short Or PtiTtleel force
would prevent biro from doing just as be
pleased. .1 ustioe Barker arrested him, when
a midis ensued. resulting hi the de.
lExaction of theollicers command ehirt.and
asing Curtin in a state of nudity, Lie was
Millatired,' however; taken AO the- Jun
tlee's oMee and fined eIS, and in default of
payment committed tor thirty days.' Sheri,
alter the commitment was made out,
Must= Bauch appeared and made tutor
=Won against Curtin for assault and bet.
tem and alter a. hearing be Ira. oommltted
for Court. The (Mem started with 01M,
and had proceeded but a short distance
from toe orrice, when he gave them the ado
nden =tanchase earned. lie was, bow.
e li ver, recaptur e d, end finally lodged is 3.1 1 1 1
whore he will be -likely" to' remain no
We wore shown yeaterdaY s are xst and
belt • made by J. X. Iligeod a Son Ito.
9:1113 Eighth street, Phtladelphia, and pre.
vented by them to W. IL Bowman, of
the Sunday Leader, he 'being a member
of the Humane lire company of that
city'. The hat to of the New York style,
"and da painted black; the frontispiece
contains the name of the •Company and
Oo the tack of the omen are
yangetters s., denoting that the Coro.
belong to t he Vire Asstfolatieu. Tim
cape or the hat boa It the of -
leation.ll,l, undern ea th whichdate
Is a org alive an :
plata besting the following lascrlotlonf
"Presented 1.0. W. IL Bowman, Esq., by J.
it. Illgeod a Son, Philadelphia." The belt
Is of bleat patent leather, containing the
name and num her of the company; In all,
It Is the 'handsomest hat of the kind we
have teen. Er. Bowman 'ls well pleased
with bin present.
Joebsui Lee •amde information before Al ,
derma. Jack!Asters yesterday against Ber
ney, Farrell, etiarguwe •blm larceny. a colored barber at tie at. Nicholas
Octal. corner Grant end fourth attests,
end Farkell Ascot a tobacco and cigar store
On Great sitteet near the OL Nicholas, to
whom, It *hyaena Uttle ..11111"." Lee's part
oar, waii• indebted to 'the amount of sixty..
cent.. entord&l evening a gentleman Wore
Ike • dollerfroot wham to take Ps7 for
ouortniblal.arld not haring the the
Ohango, be
went to Farrell for It. Farrell took the
dollar and gave him forty aeon& warm& hie
partner awed him slaty Cent* and be 1e•
landed to keep ft. ime mated Nan for It
wrong times but moraineetied to pay
over, and yederday he Inforrnae
thm was made. Farrell Wee arrested and
settled the affair by paYhtir Gin VIM oaets
and Coate of snit.
Died from leiones.
Friday afternoon of last week an elderly
man named tichelaman, reildlng near the
corner of East and First Weeks, Allegheny,
while crossing East Common s teamed near
where • mane of base hall was beteg played,
Ono of the players, m running for the Nil,
nonagon wills the 011n:tan with
each forme. to knock Islet down, and the
while l
t=od llesyily on the SD.
domes of t h e prostrate man, 1101lOtIng, as
It 1155 tamest not, fatal internal ;Merles-
Mr B. was conveyed t 0 Ids residence and .
Matt on Sunday emoting; the . beat medical
s aw proving erne avail.: The name or the
man wise Indletol the Wastes (M.
eidentlly as we hams. stated) Is not known,
kir.A.D. aroma, 4x goods clerk on
Mutat street. was attacked on the 11Smacus
kabala Belipsatakinarldge Ottenustarnlidat
by a mart*lto attotasitael to lmon. hi..
"Lr.B. had been to Illrmlnallain, and was
retinae,' shout ten o'clock. Ile assi gone
about half sw , across the bridge, when the
fellow stepped out of ems Place Of roe .
mialment and , attacked htm. Fortunately
Kr..ll.lmel %bps cane with hiniOshich
be owed with a ff ect, dtallag Ms blows
to the follows heed so fast and !wavy that
l i he Dog istuulty retreat:
14iongelnly —A number of din.
_mainly conduct essos era triml before
,Jantlee Barker. yoncrd" , " d d "d cddd
Is follows, John lacifeen, omented on View,
.viss relieves:l on psysnent of costs.
"John Milroy, residing in the vicinity of
liarlyW coal works, against whom John Me:
Gowan mad° IntormatiOn charging him
Linb innusymghlussolf to a dlionlerly men.
OPT, +Ls doe s two dollars end antis
wa w s e c er
o,e a
dr r
t e wo d g
th o l v and
b yo ofs cer DUQR
o f Winds he wan ..cOminltton fOr
• __ • .
Ireleallark—Bobert Baldwin.. committed
•fow• days some by Justice Barker on a
charge of abilialSOlMlOnir Preferred by his
aLo yesterday precured the revllre Caul
10r I s,
ds lIIIMOMMO tiff was natured. a
a. Beaker!, esq..
Deeming fhife-the claims of the tOldrws,
when coupled wita ; Integrity Of chuacter
and indieputed abilitY, ahoolo be rectogni.
zed ins '
eelecting Ilepreseatatives tO the
State Legislature, we deeire to briar for.
ward Mr. A. Itebtrert, of Reserve teazel/11p,
a candidate worthy of the undivided
support of Repablicane In this county. , Mr.
Becher , . poesesena a liberal edneation and.
folly gemmed to repreeent and trotect
the interests of Ide conetinients. In addi
tion to Dela he served in the army as a pn
rate and in the floreely conteebed tnatUe of
eecond Bull Dna lost his leg, thee dizabling
nun for litc. His 'homation• would be
othing more than r m - co t
and a
feeble one, too. of hie sacrifice for tile Wan.
try, while at the e time hie eriPPorion
would fool assured that to blot they wetaa
be represented by an able, honest and ener
getic men. We shall urge hie claims to the
extent of our ability and derereend them to
the c.arsfril consideration of the Viten 01
the County.
Donlan, Luker ft C 0. ,,
Hahn 0 Madly,
G. Wousch d sou,
11. flerwig A Co., •
Park d Drill,
IL M 0 J M inchlgrami
Edward Fenderich,
L. Ehrhart, M. D..
J. P. Alcorn, M. D.,
F, Hard tm e'er, M. D.
Victor Bertha,
C. L. - to&
John Mtinden,
He ny Egg ht
Martin Rechelmnn,
Ananet Arent,
C. 1/elter,
Ang, Hartle,
John Bembach,
Coition - , Media,
Jacob Motels,
Phillip Genet,
Menlo l,appl,
Joseph Fisher,
tH. S. Banoon,
F. Heckert,
A. Danner,
u. Emenbers,
Samuel C. Stewart,
.J. W. Bmmon,
;John N. Slemon,
A Holston,
F. Homier
Cherlos Herman.
John Eirker,
H. Holtzman, .
A. Krebs.
E F. L renlbaber,
Theo. W. Bersab,
Wm. 11. Miner,
d tu
. 5
. n r/gITo ? l e i "'
A. H. Itergemtl,
Henry Demote,
C. C. • -
J. Sehernice.
Received the 1111diest Reda.
Bar whet? Being so perfectly adapted to
all kinds of work. 80 says the Y►ilaYsir of
The Weed lowing Machine makes a stitch
slikr en bOth sides of the fabric, and win
not pucker nor draw in washing, and in no
trouble In Ironing.
It will do a range end anxiety of work
note ,- before attempted on a machine; sew
from thellatitest tissue paper to the heavi
est moth. Each machine is also arranged
to stitch, hem, fell, bind. oord, tuck
without measnring, built, hem-stitch,
gather and sew et the same time. It pa
seueaeelf•adjuotleg tension, that any per
son can understand it end operate Without
any trouble. Call and eximuse It at 1f0.112
t4rant street.
Superior to all others.
Yin,' Fall Der :Goods.
The cheapest seen for years. Fine Mink
Mohair Lusters, from 31 cents to al Pesrard.
p &r k . Fall Chintzes, new styles beat goods,
3714 ea ate; Sack-WEI , and the water,
Proofs, at al :43; Dark Fall Poplin Dress
Gcods from oeZ,n to 73 runts; Black and
Colored Trench Den.. M,
Empress Cloths and 8e47. 31 S 011 . 3 8,1", I.
love $1 CZ; W bias, Sad it:d Yal_i o tr 0_11.•
n els, 31, 37;4 and St , Dents, Ent,. Good 0013 1
Front'. 23 cents; Best French - Good
for IL
Kid Gloves oneap; • Balmoral akar:
73; c.d., Spreads and Qullut, Otintiel
ticanultil Dark Prints,l4l4 cents; 81ew....)
and Unbleached Mnellna, antra 900 d.
9-4 and 104 &inting 3754 and, on e
West corner of Swans and Fourth Weer*,
Gal/pans a Fritssurr.
Political.—A number of our influential
niticens have Joined M a call on Mr. A.
Denten., of Reserve township, Re , resentative. to become •
candidate the House of
Mr.Heckert for
IS • gentleman of leartilagend
xperlence and Is else a @rippled ' soldier
Should the nomination be conferred upon
him, be will prove *strong candid:4. He
Ls eminently worthy the MffrUge of a Pa"
trice'. citizen.
Emb...tex...s.—aobert E. Ilstriter wan
Ootoro.oluarzong Thomas on a attor - 46 of
emoezziement preferred against M try
Andrew F. Donn, who alleges that the th.•
fondant made an agreement with him to
carry a route on the Evening Advocate. he
(Barker) to receive two of the littera
cents charged per week, and thei prosecutor
to receive the romelnder. rho amount em. .
tweeted la somewhere neer $l3O. lle was
11old to ball.
herloss /Lee Went —.lobn Sennody. •
little boy about three anti a half years old,'
eon of a widower, fell from the railroad
bridge where it rosses Leeson street, In
tooth Pittsburati, to the Street below.
Maumee of twenty font, severer fraettirMg
line of his lege. Dr. lioirertit attended the
totlitle au rarer.
T who, it ls sald. la la &Isar way
recover. heiteddeat centered em
Held far a Hearfaa , - 4013 . )(Wowsn
se arrested yesterday and bald the sum
of 010 on a clause of assault and battery.
C w lerred by /blares 'Matey betoro Jultlee
Cold aparkllog Soda Water at T. T.
samples Drug Blom he. ZS redarsl street,
To Oißutty" Ilercosiass.—Your atten
tion Is called to the wholesale emd retail
grocery store of Arthur Kirk Nos-iii sod
lit federal street, Allegheny, but the Disuse
to buy your groceries. Mr.Ml . ll l lms facili
ties for buying thet enables him to sell to
retail merobwita at slower Agora than toll
other house hi n ds two olden. lie keep! at
all limes all of grOCetiesi wilt be
pleased to bare parties call earl exataLue
his price list and quallty of goods kept by
him. Re bermem his nuber. lia mud •lit
Federal street. m
RAT, • •
- -
We sell Dry Goods both atWholesale
and retail, and are, as a eamseCtnanee. en•
&Cad to keep a larger and mach better as.
sorted stock. to soil cheaper, and give the
goods in more accommodating gWintlUes
ttlan exclusive jobbing boosts. Bdtal IDs'
chants are invited to examine= stank.
4. W. Rama d 0,4
• Oa Market Street.
To Foralltea.—Go to Arthur Elrkei Gro.
eery utore, Nos. 171 and 174 Federal Street.
Allegheny. and buy your eager for putting
up fruit. Fie has thalaruest,beet and ohmp
eat stock to the env. 'Call and sea for your
selves. • •
jeerneableg Para—Tee Teas. COGeee,
engem, pplees, ga, sold at Ilrk , a Grocery
Store. Nos. 174 anti 174 Federal street. Alle
gheny. are Int/Tented getbe the very beat In
the market. Call and ynce
Wanted.--tElee advertleamcmtln to-dars
paper for a attention as gook-keeper run
ed, Tee applies= to an Apnea young man
and nedereutnas 000k-kping utorousali•
Re are laveloires at UM than
Eastern prima
taxers, dazosser Co..
Clomp tireeerloo.—gor cheap Grooartes
sag somottang good . , go to Artnox MA's
urooory store , 1,2 and 1:4 Federal, mon,
Allegbony otty. •
Eye, W. Tb7,it; Imo& allege W.
01.00, and Cesareb, Bbessestelly
by Dr. Abors, ISt Smithfield street. =
by mail MO cents. :se •
we an Selling Envelopes at Mu than
rnau prices.'
E sla nn w
, AVIDZILISUN Cll.. Si tUßDattaot..
GO to neselora Drag SIAM lro.Bl
Market street, for goof! Sponges, at los
Go to Plemlora Drok Moro, No. el
Market street, for liostotter's and Drake's
linters, cheaper than any other plaCe. •
tiol4 Wilitcheo.—Ladaeo awe. Watobeii
and Chalon, good as.kortment tor by
.7.R. aut.& Co., 69 Filth street.,
Co/0 Inborallow boas 'taunt at 3. T.
Sample's lic/ff nor% NO. 38 7 . 4 . 1,41
rir Add i clonal Local. News an .
Third Page.
11 , 11n1SON -411 .‘"rday aftentoonalta
IVILKIka 13•011,nim....N.
Thcflllloll.llll take . Once ts , at Os issidssicsii
of his slates, 31•17 A nu Eosins.: conerote:e
Av. sae and IX:ism onset s CUT.
as ix VIDAL yoamitti. rah that.. U. tsh o'el?ck.
I.NDrtitILLL.-At Nat , Ilttatitoa c
:Ith Lott, Hrs. Llt DI • T. lair.zuzzaulz,s.
the ettla yam. at her . - -
to fanatai wID tats plan TrISDAT
100, at 19.0 Clock. -•
~C~~~l'lr~l~ 7`~+4iTi,~~:i~~~
P. MI6 north street, ttasintralt. 61.
W ma 01 all %Wm 011.1. M. 'ways& sae
every fleottlyttoi of !mural torobtitox floods
forritogy papas operked ds.7 aid oittbt. Hearse
and Carew. funtunerl.
Itereastrcza—Bee. David Kerr, D. D.; Do
M. W. Jacobus. MD.. norm Itsrlox, roe., Jr
eabli. Mlller. Eaa.. ' • '
J. G. 110EIGEG:g. lINDERTA..
• NEB AND 9119ALIZZ9, meaner to the
Isla Ismael S. Radon. No. 99 Ohio Zalse,
tarot, door. Qom Elmer. Annennif City. M.
Itosewood, Itslogany. Waist and Enwn•
wood Imitation Oadlns. at 00 Invest MUM.=
penal. Rama open at of Dann. day and alstat.
liaarse and Carstam fandantdt on anon indict
and on most reasonable 14,170. •
Anniteny. limmood sad cart Oet.
000, with a annulate neck OffanaralllmMlExt
goods cm hand. and tonallus4 at sher Ult 000/10
at lowest yEees. lisle Gad Livery lEableh
Dar of Pam Am, !Emma Stun& Esniag.s.
E.Eites. OULU, Eons".
ter, Wood's Mut lad inanity. Cain ➢aotn, al
Stanalusater Livery Maids. earner abefeela cad
Ghanian streets. Cram nail Carriages far
•s. STESTABT, Undertaker,
E •
earner et MORTON sad MIN EMMET&
Math Ward. Cora/ or all kW.. Ream sad
Carrier. forriabed ort the shorted eerrea
a. 84.118•1711, lbw Cattetsl7:o4ll,
, Lawrence•llle, ra. OGISAVENIALVAILBLE
TWO zurrivas, '
.WMDMIIMPALY /Me gamin/or.
& wro Oast. aromatabia THIOTI4IN
MINN of latorestlai roidloir matter, laclsita.
loatuAg 441lootabt, alet Nebo try Wham.
and MAN. - valuable Moutlao Matter tor Lb
Parally. sad fullest sad moat rallable Mao.
.001 .0 Ofeaoorlao Market Saporta OM or
flypaperl Oa city. No ranter. /deobLute
Marebant abould be .11boot It.
iltotri MI tat waxisi atsrem.
Itre 001 tit
—Asa oltoeovy a poor to tho pasta gettlas
ay the dela iddlUeua to dubs eau b mad. et
MU Mb, at dab rate. •
NM= VO 540•CaL.5.•.-1a 70,18
paper. be Me mael mateify what ofillel YOU
‘1,910.11.011 lace. We.. 1.2.1 Mitloolyr maw
weber. Davila bit Memo!' a ...b.
if• None) by Draft. Itsaresa. *may Order...
or L. Nogaterod Iwtfdn. WWII Mt
at ear 0000.'
Ka 93 VIRIIIIIEiD 8111.111. NOR tOUX
19•P270'P AOLI7
• - k A'/11 11
Heratfoetatred to order, au, tetrtleilor ettOotlati
veld to the zettloi et. ot
FIFTH 15nir.ii, oppoaltlL Muonle nail.
asucomaisoalomumar swum)
3:12311. 1 .2.311111. xez
Lrazirri re.. rrrrlstatea
..lairrarticolar 4ttootton glum to roodrks
Wstebes. Clocks lod Jovolzr.
FOR ..9411.41E-12 HANDSOME
BIIILDLNG ittlefg elteatsetedreAmetele,
lurriptie, seJolsillee the kanelneene :Weems a
CoL H. Dieeellougb. .Ibeve an iteoostdeelr
ihlelote egmary residences In Lawns/Millet
fee One view& eee., ee , ...e .2C3U.
lest Efftate and linyinter A ital.
Noes of ittet Neikanie Esvlno Dint. comer at
Lloetty ntntet end 43trzleen silo,. well beta;
and Mailed otT to nit tbe pantos nmttemtheis.
cell at ADDII . II ISIOM 1101111114
80. 89 Ilartet . meet.. OM io
&ate); sad' Ilalsbed intb - the baltape of tbs.
A Wise, assortulent to select
from, st:t less than Ininsice
cos, to cloeo comignment, nt
& 00.'8
niutop WORM,
'O6O. MU
N. 11.—Noiniture and Howe-
hold 61oedvat'Ami"on ever/
.2 :I. 11;1, 1%11E31 tic 00.,
Nos. 65 IL Wl' rum otreet.
HIGREsT purAuvirk,
COLD .efirmAL.
Wheelers WilSdll &Whig Machine,
as Um GENET radix =POSITION. .11uke U,
Inllqbat sat Wmoass
ao.towitest OusairthO judos.
No. sir =ITU irracwr. rttuvii.
e. 197 Lanett Street, Allistuay:C3ty; •
of arm anirlonts gg' ososl / 1
011.00N0043.111G and WATOR
atiLTATOII/1 ball% oft obo ml 4 • . ood
tem. DoLoN TANS BOTTOMS sad ovllkaad
1/1 kinds or work ot otar Glow &me tot Herten
=mast roasoasOlo torn. sacra 4 the Bh_teteet •
Howard's Livery Stable,
nitim ErpLEICT. aearltaumrabods Sousa.'
ON BUBO. viri mu* 5o dit•st gr
~ s i ♦ n so
r.;l: 4 =rBVU:l - .F.**a l k__MT l .... l 6 E leStt
Ww.- bOUSUI au/moult:lM
Practical Fuirnitme manufacturers
/Wait atTINI af 71:7101/TI7I2L
ISL. 'l3. I..VCON,
Sealer • et Weleds jiad Dleaeirs&
ao.a istirrir frragrt, ,
Jeetweira LLborty sad Far,. mISMSI6
Owlets vromotly allmided to: vats".
. ,
m........virarra .vvw sum
Anther Cbttg SMS, 11118bilrgt,
inimmotas ANl*llArrrilta. ,
Xo. 154 TEDZILLI. ST. ltiaclalNY.
Weis. Coffee, Sugars, SO* Se"
WILL& in oil. to Mr Wale ai Wrist Wm.
A. G. ERTAIRT. , `
.r 511,5111
TOR.-[w Mite BIOS tot annuati •
I;o:dyne:ea Issacattur. of a ' '
'nutria. Istradutili
mut mum. will D.1.54.1,_. TrarpufoN77
, ,
Roses, aeration, Verbenas, 'Re.,
In bloom, as the ontlasel Greaslionsan
lola Or • 01414"Mik 167031