Ell Efre Ga ESE savcsami. Avis viz , 114 117. MARTIAL LAW Beanlly, when the case of - Eyrie, Governor of Jamalcs, charged,with fell'. ny, committed in suppressing awinin - r reetirM - or tutnaltuary outbreak with greater rigor, as was alleged, than the oecadon railed for, was tip for final hearing before the English Hum of Lords, the Lord Chief Justice delivered an elaborate and nunarkaole opinion, to the effect that the use of martial law was the violation of all law, and that an officer using It did so at his peril, and could be excused only on proving that what be did was. indispensable, and that be ruled not `a fraction more force in repelling force than via absolutely essential_ to *stain an preserve the supremacy ' of • civil law. The whole argument was re. plate -with both the mental . sub -tidy and, the contradiction of Mu nson seem in which the higher type of lawisca -delight. It was analogoui In its llortrine and tendency to that opthion of Attorney General Btacw, in which he haticued to ahavinea Presidentltu. =Uwe, the two Houses of Congress, the .......,. of the United States gen redly,. that no power existed in oar . Team:trent to . coerce a State. Great as the delight wi th which our Conser ves and Democrats read this opinion. rding t o ' its logic., every military . der In the United States, from President * downward, was liable to indictment for felony, and could escape, haftlflut only by proving that in each tattle, and on all other oecuiens, he bad cued no more force than, upon hostile scrutiny, would he Justified as only adequate to the particular emergency. • 'ln his recent wonderful essay on the : Beforialloyement, Hr. 'Pumas Can- . Ll= speaks thus on this opinion of [ th e Lord Chief Justice: "In the same direction we have also our remarkable "Jamaica' Committee:" and s Lord Chief Justice "speaking six hours" (with such "eloquence, such kr., kr.., as takes with ravishment the general Editorial ear, Penny and Three. Penny) to, prove that there is no such Wag, nor ever was, as Martial Law; and that any governor, commanded sob die, or official person, putting down the frighthillem Hob.insnrrection, Black or 'White, shall do it with the rope round his neck by way of eziocouragement to him. , Nobody answers this remarkable Lord Chief Justice. "Lohiship, if you were So speak for six hundred years In stead of etc hones, you would only ' prose the more to us that, unwritten ir „ you will, but real and fundamental, a n • tutor to all written laws, and first mak ing written laws pouffe, there must Lave been, and is, and will be, coeval with Human Society , . from its first be =to Its ultimate end, an actual Law of more validity than any other law whatever.: -Lordship, if there is no written laW that three, and three shall be six, do you wonder at the Stat ute Book for that omission? Ton may shut those eloquent lips, and go home to dinner.'May your shadow newer balms; Q atar it perhaps has little chance of be. .„: I thisis U m doctrine we hare steadily maintsdied on this point, thoughwelaie lacked the ability , to give it the grand and sententious embodiment Mr. Csin ma hat imparted thereto. All politi cal Reidy rests upon a foundation - of tfenne....-lt can have no other adequate bails *kittriii. Unanimous consent, foll Owed "by. the steady maintenance —thereof is all, would, indeed, render Jailitary Interrention useless, In the same way as perfect knowledge and virtue in : cock citizen would supers4de the neces. city of all goverinximat whatever. But such conceptions of Mann society are palpably utopian. As the world goes . government exists by force, and can be made to Rand by no other means. Each particular government has 110 • mach force as results from its • munbere, courage, tenacity, ac- Onundattd :wealth and advancement in industrial and warlike arta. The our_ - 1:1a - f6i'c --- e, upon "nit'd--fi:,":" primary, aboriginal and Indefeasible right: It is anterior to Constitutions, vitala in national extremities than all codes, and cannot be' limited by them. Behind the sheriff mad the constable, In 'the streets;. is the sullititry power, net seen, it may be, by eniinary vialon, but James conspicuous to the intellectual pirceptions. Behind the judges on the beach, the cultivated mind constantly discerns 'a • lies of bayonets. Be hind Cangress„ the august nrpresen tatireof the States and the people; and behild the President, as the Executive bald of the national will, stand in array the totainailitary strength of the Repair It is this military power, held in 11SPITTO and displayed unfregoently, that ccuuttitatei the final sanction of the civil lewa This wan sublimely ilitistrated datiaq the rebellion. It received a dif ferent but sigulficent exemplification at the time of the Diznocnnlc molt In the . . city of Hewl'ort.. Henceforth it will ' be held comnitutional to do whatever is stecinisszy to preserve the . life of the as non, and that insubordination can ran ' to no excess in the nse of force that may not rightfully be =talked and over matched by the rudional authorities. When -shall the exercise of military M2t=== mine when It has done its work. That must be judged of by the attending cir cumstances. Under . mourchlce l role, the peonies:lst aid the people are Xs tlect from each other. In cue of s re- hellion and its suppreadan, the civil ad ministration. can be speedily restored, because it lux no connection with the insurgents. It Is not of them, but over them. Under repnblicen formrtko case stamlis differently. Under our complex ' system to have restored the civil admin. istnnics at once. would have been to surrender the political power Of edam States almolntely tato the bends of 'rebels; but far the enfraitchimment of the blacks, Military - power, yid& -.bola properly to garnering its just ati " vitalises, could Do guilty of nolo& Oongress, the grest civil authority of tho patio:, has made no such lolun ' der: hu continued xxulitary Tula in tkusleniolted districts until such : thne ne - the Mai of, Prodigious sacrifices otblood sad treasure shall =dare and be gath ered in. To :do otherwise, Would be equivalent to using the military to coin bat a mob, and as soon as success was zelihned to withdraw the troops, and let . the note= proceed unrestnilned. The . . lord people of the United Slates, who 'eavedrthe cerement; do not mean to - AD Into thatabsardlty. • -Tan Mayor of 8R Louts, notwitatand. log ble unkind may of allowing respect for colored people, by kicking wenches, • hes withal& generous licart—ao generous and forgiving sato ammo complaint from the order loving tax-papas of that city. • . -DMus the month of Jtily„ as is shown by a, cordially prepared table in the Peosoerut, he be has pardoned one hula: - dyed lad fortpeight °Minders ont of the wxf boa' sad remitted Weir' fines, which ispegatad am : twin thousand • dollars. GIN. Gnaw? hu developed an mono mining tan of mind since taking his seat in the Cabinet. Be him curtailed thi Ingram. of .the ecrrarnmadd coned erably, by lessening the number of 'dui handi about the Departments, and la low endeavoring to decrease the force of maw:tars. - A nor uterus of the new fillet% cent place hare been circulated, but it la rptlte probable that no more will be . sued. There Is no earthly nee for them. The country has enough frutlonal 'cur reitzr and meal] coins for tradepurpos* and no more Is warded. wllllant, Ftlctutrison, of Peuldlog ocnuicy, Ohloy_ls one hundred and four Irian Htt bribe survivor of Ave - wives and A now-living with the atzth. the Balmy tvreutplivn d t en owo .I , llto swirls twentpone ere BKLIGIOIN INTELLIGENCE. Crime perpetrated by any elan of per sons, not only Injure the gtillty party, but effects the public in Tanana ways. When a minister of the Gospel - falls, by criminal acts, the effect is Maestro= in the highest.dcgreal carrying 1414 h of the sharpest kind Isi?-snany't Clerical crime is usually planted ht glow ing colors by the populist press. f.carce. iy sn inattuce 'Maus, but What the full est details are givut to the public. The sin.of a clergyman may be said now to I have become a nathittal offense, as - the] fact is speedily reported through the{ whole- hulks of the press. ?low and then instimces of clerical crime are to be found in thepapers, while other Classes of =brans], are_ nu : morons and mostly massed promiscuously together, and make tip a chapter of every tiers news. Hardly any discrimination, however, is made, except clerical instances. Much fault is frequently found with the secular press for the severe manner with which it deals with instances of clerical crime, but it should be borne in mind that even its avidity to report prurient,. or scandal ous facts, in the case of clergymen, is a virtual though involuntary tribute to piety and the ministenal office. Conduc- tors of the Bead= press, by their course In the publications of such offenses, thereby acknowledge that the Church and its ministerial- thnctlontuies bear a character which renders the offence ex ceptionally notable. Aleading religious paper to the East, in an article on "cler- ical crime" contains liberal views ou 'this subject, in which, while it does not complain that the crimes oe clergymen are tliscrimlimively and emphatically reported, affirms in the moat positive manner, that no other class of citizens, no other pro feision in the land, presents so few cases of delinquency. And further, that it is not only true that the Church of no other country, and no other age has excelled bi these respects American bodies, but it is equally true that cases of crime among American clergymen are comnarstively and surprisingly rare. This able paper to a certainextent sanctions the severity em ploYedby The organs of public opinion, in presenting clerical vice, though it tldnks the publication of such cases, inflicts universal anguish on good men, cape-' dally those of their own denominational brethren, and affords matter for the coin ' meats of libertines and infidels through out the land. It also argues that vice on , the psrt of a clergyman is, inestimably more criminal than the same offence by ordinary men. Be sins against greater' light, against better protections, and challenges more fearful consequences Re stands incomparably more respozusi- Me, and, therefore, more guilty before God and man. All the environments I and consequences of the clerical func tions render its moral responsibility fm preme. The remedy suggested and urged upon Church authorities ts, strict diampllne, scruPnlons guardianship in its ministry, and more care in the ad mission of ministerial . candidates. Avoid receiving men into the ministry of unstable character and eccentric and unreliable habits. Character, well tried and well ascertained; should be the prig mazy conditions of its confidence. Without this nothing else should be ac cepted. Wesleyan Grove, ' better known as Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting, not far from Boston, is represented by the correspondent of a New Tort . paper as having seven to eight hundred cottages and tents on the ground, some of the Gothic cottages costing three to eight hundred dollars, nicely furnished with carpets, beds, sofas, lounges, glasses, and many other conveniences. Many families spend lour to ISLX. -weeks on the ground, though the meeting for special religions services rarely lasts much over a week. The collie regulations are so perfect, that while the place- is all alive, it is as quiet and orderly as a New Eng. lan4l.stillago. other denominations have also cottages, Baptists, Congregational ists, and even a Unitarian family, mingle in the services. The oil' fever mania left in its train disastrous results. Few persons of the many who were carried away by the tide of feeling, so rife a year or two ago, received substantial pecuniary benefit.' At the recent Session of the General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church, Rev. N. B. Smith was released from hfs bond. to'pay forty thousand dollars to wards the endoWment of professorships in the Seminary at New Brunswick, as allfila property bad been sunk ins worth less oil well. The remarkable fact hi stated by the Independent that last month fourteen Jews became members of Christian churches in New York city, and next month it is expectedly. Jews will be baptized. . The statistics of the Baptists show that during the space of twenty-tive years, there his been a gain of 5,167 churches, 3,650 ministers, and 512,156 members. The contributions for foreign minim also show an increase of V33,- 032.64, and aad for homemlnions ;158,553.- 10. We presume these figures embrace all the regular Baptists, - North and South. The Morel Union. affirms that that deler*chle sheet, the independent, con tinues to "seek religion," and mourns because it Midi it not. In answer to the Independent's "soliloquy" on "Religious Articles," it shows very clearly that the first thing necessary is, the writer must be a religious man. A little while ago the Latrator and the .disti.B/arery Stan dart were, scinuffing to the Independent, the only religtons papers of this age; a paper which tees no need for faith in Christ alone, and the consequent new birth to save the pout from an eternal hell hereafter, but prefers the creed and fellowship of Higginson to the work in Fulton Street Pram Meeting, will look a ling while fora religlo us article. The Western Tract and Book Society, located in Cincinnati, which has been in existence for about sixteen *yore, bad just concludeds contract for the erection of a six-story. brick Depository, to be completed by Oitober, ate cost of forty thousand dollars.. The Presidency of the Soeietyla filled by a 'United Presby terian, Rev. A.. Ritchie. The directors embrace representatives from seven dif. ferrent denominations. Amordlng to Zienes /hyoid, of Boston, an eilliftallt Unitarian. clergyman, who h i d w en converted and Joined the Epis a,* mirth; se.pt in his reeignation as Professor In Harvard College. becalm the feeling was such that he could not pleasantly hold his chair. Professors in semett the adjunct schools may be of orthodox faith, Ina not, it says, in the College proper. - It is 'unfortunate for the Episcopal Church that Rev. Mr. Stibbs preferred charges against Rey. B. D. Tyng, Jr., le the breach between the two parties In that Church will be widened very ma terially, irrespective of the decision In that nee. The Protestant Churchman and amnion Union, two mere evi denty in sympathy with Mr. Tyng, ar gue that the question is—Doet tha Pro patent Episcopal Church assert her jur isdiction over those who repudiate liter authority, and does she intend to fortid her =Miners preaching to them, except ing tinder almost prohibitory restric tions, lest she may be arntenninkted ihsxeby Aoorrespondent of the Chnitian figencer (organ , of Dutch Reformed Church) argues that the' word "Dutch" Is not.f3crjptural, and that it would be difficult to prove that the Apostles were Mires. 'Re thinks the claim made by the ptesbyterdsult Baptists and Epuico pellans, that the . Apostles were the orig. Luton of their respective bodies. "that their nislit .would be more Valid, by calling theirs the Redbrmed Church, as the • Apostles.' Were "retormers," and when they drip the '2lltch". and come _PITTSBURGH DAILY GAnTTE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 24. 186'7 , . back to the name Reformed, they come to the real .apoitolle Church, and Call cit4inpastolic aneceision which no High Churchman can dispute. Money; Is being raised' throughout the American Wesleyan COnnection for the propose of testing the legality of the transfer of Adrian College, at Adrian, Michigan, to the Metluxiist• Protestants, An editorial in the AnieriCan lresfeyan requests all interested in haying the question of title tested to send their con tributions to that eilloe at once. Bathing Ccstumes. The style o t battling dresses for la dies, says the Boston Post, is at the present time under discussion, and op pests to be as lively a topic no the dog day weather will tolerate. The eerie pondents at the coast describe with all unction of their own the. beautiful bey. cominguess of one lady batherin such. a rig, of another in a bag of a garments that "models itself divinely •on her form" as she emerges . like Aphrodite from the envious sea, of a • third that is "revealing yet concealing" in its cut and chmacteriat I . ce--and to on through a rellshful list. Now it is as natural that a lady should deal re to look like a per fect charm as ehe comes up out of the brine, as that she should cherish a wick ed wish to frighten horses with tho shocking %litanies of her disguise; and the knows-4or what is there • that she does not knoivf—that arrows are shot as I straight to their mark whenwet drapery clings to a faultless form, and snowy I feetpatter like little birds across th e sands of the beach,, as when streamers of tantalizing lace ad bewildering folds of gauzy muslin float dreamily about her in • the cool.recesses of the - deep piazza and the secluded window.' Hence these things are better - left to deelsion t ; e and adjustment of the sex. The n ws. , papers will have no influence in. sir settlement than they have had in' illy. lug shape or circumference to the h ps that had. their despotic run and cl d the sidewalk more effectually the so many eq.mds of policonien. The sex will be found to have as'quick an eye fcir the Pluturesque and the striking In a bathing costume as my of us who have just no business at all to say a 'syllable about it except in an .unsuspected wins _ _ ___ Important to - Tea Drinker,. Cheaper tea I How. the little China cups wM rattlnand clatter in their sau cers, at tidings of such pleasant import. Russia is not going to get all the choicest "drawings" may from the rest of the world, after this. The China teamatket, report says, has Jut opened at prices one-third lower than tie prices at the opening of last year; and that means that the valuable tongues of professed tea drinkers are henceforth to run with one third more volubility. The , liews has had its effect In London, .whirls is the great tea market of the modern world, since the tea merchants there, who have been holding on for a rise, like our own butter men and Grain 'peculators, have received advice!' from their principals in China to "unload" as quick as they pos sibly can. Now let the tea pots all get up their tempests together. The spoons should make merry music in cup and saucer. Such a stir ought to be started as never arose at tea tables belore. Have all the old ladles in the land been promptly apprised of this falling off in the price of tea. It is of more tumor , tance to them than-their rations of lilac , caboy, 'Vanilla bean and all together. We may have tea parties now thirty thrie per cent. cheaper than the, have cost us in the pleasant paeL—BAtso Post. COM DISPEPtUbt CURE ge . slates .4 tones the Stomach. Co.'.' Dyspepsia Cyr. Is a sorersign remedy fot W Moe.ea of the stomarli and bowels. , Con's Dyspepsia Can eases Wes and arse. Lot those amtcted wits this malady tsylt. Con's Dyspepsia Care mires lostantaseonsir. sad you do not have to, Walt • week to see Its &set. CoesTiPer.la Cure la the greaten appelter ever teem It •ot oat,. mates the sopetste, bet enables you to esaliT dire. kyOur Cools Drape:Yea Care I reco m mended by all the lading attract.. Ge•a /4.1/eada Core Is we lavelaablit friend to all who are weak. debilitated and In a low alai* at tumult Salon. sr Sok* • Ras tar PtUaturgh and vicinity JOSEVH FUMING, Dnantst, f 4 Market bullet.. DULLES ITCEL TETTEIL ALL SKIS T& lalllllistuns !bald Ilsad. Eruption* 'SWATHE'S OINTMENT.' Enti s taly -aradleates these irosblevon• plain &myna*. . ...111.1.11enalsrg 01.1atimmitt.“ 'Vitus Itak In from 191 to 411 Phl/a.141,611 pared only lry Dr. Birayor .r. • Sold X S . Yoriortig.. OEO A ALL; 37 WO JO6. PI WO. 14 Morten moth A. TOY IIMICt. ear. riA sad Mutat sio.. Elttobargri; /LANZ DIM= Alissuss. Rustskyrs LADIES, TT T. sue artlctod with isititada s it s csa Manse la the morning; roe reel tinzerseolsed, with e Dad tote I¢ the mouth; • dined rOr itoPit • commit desire to root, it is time Wt. thi et should be done to atop the oweing soil. We /now ores preparation more liehlT edeptad to 111 Wilettons of this description than IfUITZTTLEVIS STOMACH III1218:11. - Igor ntelhaVa nursing Ma great tonic abauld awan to taken. espeeleflr ease. the =ear'. aouriabtasut Is inadequate to tee blamed. of the coasequeniii der stremstb must gield. and beta It la where • good War, midi .. itutrrri , TEA% ETON/LOU BITTERS. to needed to be. Dart tempot 51111N82R AND VIGOR to the orbolo system. Ladles ahottAby all means try this remedy, and before a* dotes sat roar physician...who, If be L acquainted with its Tic. tact, will neoontssethi ita use to an saw. As a ECCIIMME2 It has ao equal, while It? plating awor aa6 Ittalthealtrada hare made II a antaraltaterlsa. lab free Rom all propertla catealatedtalm palrta• gawa, Yd Ip A' A aratloa • are al ones sand, soothing aad ellteLent. All wha have naed the EITTLIttI attest Its virtual, and commend It CUBE! OF.FISTULA. Linger t I write to thane los for I our Madness sad minutiae nthagetnent of aty din ease. Mr which I called to oonseltyou some tame la January lot. You will remember that 1004 • complication of dleaae• which Mostly ended In s terrible Wall, which had been adlithd to "let alone , . on eoconao o e Inzaseing cough. Width IS IVY 3..4 might fYLra 00.5710ait. I bum that the popular reds of Vetting dis: mses like =toe Ires by a cutting operation, width, If successful xi all, weld naturally throw the dimes. Mean the longs or some other :Ma Men, on account of the raddenams of the cam and the immediate chest to a discharge which I was conetrabeed to believe was aWu- MST prOVb6lll of lestare to get rid of MOM mor bid etriontion In the erste. I feel perfectly eatisdrA that poor Method of treats:mat, Pori. (flog to the 111M22. sad local soplloallem to the Steles pert, must cure. if thythleg mold. without cutting. which I Had It did. sad I sin happy to Mportneyself wall is every particuler. with sounder and better health than I hem had for proms. I would alto MS that the eyebolt Mom Pon mole um almost palule sol bar lathes • new men, with 011 the energies an tiger of metered health. ' • • • • Yeetra..gimarUl", • Dr. Liners gonsultition wins are be. 190 Peon Meet. trent • N. until 4p. m. F ArirA , llso:vio tz):4,r, a,A:I AIL 64 WM 8121081.1 f, Jr., n /Anna .11:mnass I. ttornt, ts a authortood Ansi to Mood Aclots tor tha 13.4.1t6777/. ant . . . a and Oho other = ..Ihrosopitood Cho Undtod Naos ROBINSON BROTHERS, =I 10.78 ;roux= orrszminitsbzusa. IMCOI%III2OEI Sad ars prevarad tObajoad Pall Itallread Epsda st mosC. • soak., (Issaso - sriya a ,,, eke3 *XV avy , oariS r .g . ata, Lase Nrserasta. swab of Ma mantles of But lerfißesser. Last - tam Mercer and Washingtoa allowse as Ttssa Dowell.. IMPROVED PATENT CAN, *Asyut! to WRITE LEAD, 213•17 Y, 111.10/3. ta, Ma. No. fill Ohio St., Allegheny City, Pa. sunteg TALLOW -50,000 Mg. Wanted* I rionErne ••• for trof oh a tolo mettniloaNtr&T TALI TENNESSEE FLOURP for ..7ar" 11.1091EUV t HOSIEBY: of every deseriptlea, At raxt.►N•a Old Inuid Siockt at Btere. watt - st* rum stmt. THEATRICAL GOODE. - WM . 4 IiESII. IND sitniti . . corti4 =WITS AND BELL= AII'HIMAN 9 S Otct !Lad noeklng MOM ==l TIU A TRUOAL.GOODs. Isitorm, num - • WIBIIIO WOMTZD TIOILTO. MIXIVIS Ole etand !!toelausFir!. Nxyaner.—The csiyibb PI b. under' the mme end KM of 11LIMS191 MP/111M b nn Oda day Meeoleed by woad 00.11.411 n. An but. . out of 4.14 tra .111 be settled by w. OLZDIZEIS. tbelabilbles partner. Acacia 'A _ M STEELE & SON, : 'Tishissa 22, rzoI7II...FEED.'6II4IJr, 4_ War IrMnll7. Ho. $3 Otllo URI ICT near "''''"'" A uxoturarr CITY. Gtigl 1r.4,111i11 meet_ .1 Rs i m maivad sad rkalvll 421 r. dairy.) ItleCtio4 usarav irorrrit _us mbarty lt., teas t.f Imam. EW ADVER IarTRENITY CHURCH, Stith WritZET.—CILINGI OF 11017 E YOB THE CHORAL SERVICE.—Driling zee ensaer tee Studs, afternoon raxICIIILETIp2 commence at to'cli et r. o. • • tarneir:ALEXAVIDER YOUNG. tho I,..gp74..=th„vars".u.h.r.dr nitiolit% ...!!lo TOu clocks. m aritELIGIOIIS.- , Flist. ChM tlan Chunk. AllasheaT. earner Beaver street and Korai...err avenue , jot. 3 . , tb Com tams.) Ereanalal DT tint OOMPH Et3rd• TtaatOttnoW, at teN De, and at 73 In the liar UNIVERSALIST CHURCH; WISNER UP GRANT ANDTUIRD — E P AP r SUN s D A A T . atß MOASaE aV.A L m N a n P 7 ac r Aog tlaudar Set me at at 9A. M. Art the people areln- Mull to co bear. arrntAcrino - EVERY NAB ). NoWiT li hfail`trkyt..thltltA . PCYg ner North Avenge and Beaver stmt. A ntihen, BAPTIST cmucu. —Service. at the YEW CR ePEL, Fourth street, shove Oran., kteMoRILOW, at lON A. . ov Rev. J. NEWTON DXA. nataistb reboot et :o'clock. r. r. titrangers are cordially Invited. The residence of Om Pallor. !Inv. JARED DICKERSON, I. No. 43 Chattiest street. tar FIRST CONGREGATION OT-M1 Novlll* tuner or i'aarth and Liberty .la. entrancS onic, urth.— tier. W. S. OKAY. 'Pastor. every LOBTMI DIY. min,. Inn and evening. Sabbat no h eabaot @awns Si ...i p.m. rsaiss massly Wedtdr, muses nod reit oil. not M Sr. alndl etalled Wi la n ay worn:dying congren. vd. arcvnili NORMAL INSTITUTE. The nest Tenn wIU open on ',b. First Monday of September. olaPsylls l h ashing to enter reviles .old advanced sses sould ENTER THE LAI4T WEEK OT AIIGTUIT A eOUg f Vergl7jl7°:,,metlr! t a r o r i v iziu. Olt BEIRPILZ 111,10 Plirsur ann. Arunst Iar"TILE UNDERSIGNED, YlEfu TlOBB dining this and other masons pi Payette high's. sad swam of IU deslnddlity • plied of manner resort, considering tA eery 114011 effer •ndretr ale - Inlat in donate the site sui buildinen ton bons fide A.130e14/1013 for reetoelne It suitably for the smple"secommo. dation of the public, hereby ad% a Meeting of parties who may feel an interest In thls matter, to be held It the 1100.1101•13.81.1. 110181, PUisburgh, en Thursday, the 29th hut; AT 11 O'CLOCii, W Inaugurate manures for soaking fife. Stew propultlou .reliable. .bonld be glad to mut putties team Al foliate reached try Able nottee. 11r. Howarth slenlfie4 We intention of bens yeeteal, She ha SW mutate and coedit mho prop...aloe t • themeolug by an agreement with such Tllittfl comay be seletted to bold the pretolsesuutll lb odlllotte of the eft are fulfilled. Wt. C. Donut, Idwud Gregg. ME= E=! ==!2 1213== I= 1:2211313 = Wm. 0. Job onS C. Ran. Caogitty .t Cn Gm. 1. Dal V' r. naltsa. Mot. D. HuiA•rt. J. s. BMA Geo. H. Holtzman. Hobe. D. It oz.Dzon. atteetan BOOKS AT HALF PRICE!, Putr.sta's Seeord of in Baballlou. Moore. 8 eanat's Poetical Works. • 21141 .1122011.11111 Coalllet. Greet.), tot l. WillatTral Gleba 11 vols. (jean. • • • Brown's DietIOUSU of the Plot.. United 13tatet Dlrioantator7. Alm ironies iugUalt and 1.410 Olattatiat-y. A 13 to oa.• 214115 mat LAU. 1..e11e00. Talreater'• nautical Geology Lad Illaeralogy: itentaegaaft GM ea and lafish Lash"... MliieleocaPa Life or 00,01. 1. Gut 04124. W u a s r Oe w t iDedlo ntloan te..y. Datilap. lhota's Manual of Grolory. Tieubat e La n., •oo flalarbi Prseticu. Tel.. HUbrl of The Latrals. • Um World. loot.. ' 5,000 TOLIIMES TO SELECT FROIL Latin, Otark. Raba... Preset. ruisu. 81.11. • lab aad Arable Works; Taloal Boololt Oobool Llbran Balm 51111001.17. of all [lads, whalesslat and retail. at taster, balm. Tor Boobs, la ureat TariatT. at Publishers' Prima. Haat ambers of all tbe Poss. Formulae., tats. Macias v. 1/11•Im2 DIMAS. Cneciaer Nards,-ac call and el =Me Um litoeh. rotund Pap the blostaly IKaosalea sad Intimated rs, assn Prleee. ALL TILE L►TE Magazines and Illustrated Papers. C. alb., Do feued at tba BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT, 111.:bb Street. lbalam SimaintfiaLd. JOHN D. EGAN. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS. ♦ fall assort/neat or all the ♦atlone works wed la the SCHOOLS 'AHD COLLEGES - • If Mb** illegiery sill Way.. SCHOOL lITATIpIriaT of al kind., Irboie E=i9 KAY & COMPANY, 65 Wood St , Lafayette Building, wait. ESTABLISHED HISS. HUMP //TTZLI ITT WITH Hot and Cott • Water, &c., Bl expericecod sat practical workiac. JOHN . X. TATE, Pissiaber and Gas F urey, 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburg; ; and N Federal Stria, Allegkeny. ILIGIILT IMPORTANT I I=l GOOD COP OF TEA OR COFFEE, i Aid do a I c .tab to mink odatterated snicks, The. intim • Tea : .Co., = Nave a toll lino of thous moo Thu sod Coffet whl , ll eve sub sulsfutfon 10146 thousohas of families who now ono them doily.' 111“ lIICI, till ID /1111 ill 1.Z5 V lb; 781 SH NOLSTICA COT/ZZ, 3 Ebs: for $l. NMo C 'Ma l . o rawh s a ld ßalanwt.ric& We +mi santdarrra THE IdERICAN HALL AND FOUNTAIN GARDENS, Coma Cina ui lan Etude; tut Emir:4mm F. BOSWORTH IS; CO., Prop'z a. Teta betetl , tl and pleatent revert bailee re. neatly s Iraj h r:hirr 4 =?l r Oee. let tine eloolr the W. end coatof whueh are r ir!)s . l —.ball be tale for the mall% etw•r the e aMQurea that will mate the difference of anporUcoment between th e emit of conetruetton of their own lotarala and this main sewer. • • nubrigilited. 1.11114 16(4".- CHAS, 1)1 a VI e S. stilVi ALLEGHENY GROCERY AND. PBOVISII COMPANY. JOHN A. MGM, President. ISII&EL, Secretary. Sao !took of this Company Is already ooally bought op. moo. wishing to ayall thenumlYll or Its Ocaoata. had totter, , 4a.wmxor ALT. care 1126 Federal St., Alleeway. fIUINALIVABEHOIJOE. RICHARD BRE & CO., pR No. .100 wo9dStiTet.• BEE_WAIMAZA Tal 431 1 4 ' .4=213tt: Lwe'sram+.6. . CHINA, ILIBEItAlall ! Vi tu, g ai Et. "1 4 0 44'''' kfr i %War ry olasorlstioll RN° BTO SF& or all varlello to -"----trnzauula. Moot ot oVon , tatoiA► n' lnWs "' tiffolgir " • • rrhooo luta toms Om lain II is , tlo easioni THE Central Pacific RAILROAD, VIE WESTERN HALF or THE Great National Trunk Line Across the Continent, Manx constructed with the /LID £111) 'WEB. VISION OF VII, DEISTIC' ISTATLEGOIEUN MT-MT,, la deettne/ to lia One of the trOgr IB roltras• Ann VAlLl.thilt BSSIBOehi ix en Wotan, as It It tea sole link of nemmuntratton between the Paella Coallind tbefiteat Snarler Basin, and the • • Principal Portion Sr the Naha Stens Line lietwows the i.e OCettne. Thu preaentwestem sermlnualil ntllliecameato, on the uavirahle - trateni of the Paden, Oat It will ultimately extend front Ban Francisco worm the richest and most Week.* Perth er Cern. "' alto tiered& and trait, eontlmsode to the Mat Mining Penton. or the lan West. no Company are authorised to tenth.e their line eastward natil It snail meet and eonneetwiththe roads new building L now elersa Pro. taw., !tad affards the best advantages la the Latham.. Idtaratttro and 00lease• : , etadebta eau aster the Preparatory Weddle or Mt. gals course. inforsoitlon Wdnu tha PALVIIUSITT 07 911717727.17 traryzasmr. sc:11 our strext. salaSZI • _ BUIEWP BOWMAN INSTITEITiI A COLLEGIATE School for Young Ladles. Jib. 62 Grant Street. The rtrer Term of the next Benito*f Me &hoot alit netts an ltuoletor,. Sent. Ot t. Keever, can to ob sized. at J. 1/.. WELDIN A CO,S,Zio. 111 Wood Urea, and at DAII3, CLARKE A CO.'S, No. IA Wood Moat. FOr Information or itc.ndsalon address nEY. E. J. COBlll5l, • Excron. 1721EMEZI CIIFIL AND 2111:0114Na ENCINEERINC, At the AZNERELAXII PULTTECFUNIO =ATI TUTS, TEUIC, N. Y. lestructien very Uwe , out Graduates obtals meet dulzabre pod trees. 11Aopeas ASYY.IIth. Vol. the ANNUAL lbtilllTEß., womb:Lint ALI tAforreation. apply MOM. CkIAULY.3 DOOWN bey /ark. bey /ark. 15731111 THE FALL TERRI OF THE iLIICHST Lill IB BLILI CUBIT, T. E. WaSeite. 31, PM.MaI, will ememeace cm MMODAT, Beet. fed; ILIOELSIuIt RAJA. toner or Federal of Laceek Streets. Allegany. CM=Jan to be MA at Me pthselpal Boot heir tames secure plates by reamtertne their tames at Me Book Mora et M. BritaTT Federal W / E2MT . O . N . AND JEFITEt. BELT TERN OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18. • • Apply to El. PEW/MEWL Zazoosbarg, pito Um PIPE P . /AZ.III.IMM, WaatAngtott, aullholli • INI 4D'I`II:DE TO THE HOLDERS I= LOANS GEM COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA, , Dl= AFEEZ JULY 2, 1860 Beldlers of the following LOONS. Of • TEM COOLMONWELLTII. OP fUISTLIFAXIA are mutated to present them ror Perolott. Mea toil nut latamt.) .1 the • • ' Farmers' and Iffeehanle' Nations Bank of Philadelphia. 'Dealt of Muth 2. ILTI, due April 10: lOC. Loon of Apfll a 1 UM. doe July 1, 1431 Pails of 04411111, 1341, dito Jody!, Ma. Lusa of reloruery MeV; due July 1, Itl4. Lou. of Muth M.lllO. due July 1, 1344. DMZ of Joao 21, 1111te,dlue '3ooe 17, ISK. POue of 1000527 114.1. doe January 1. 1103. an of Moab ore LOA.NS .111 cease to draw la ,tiroft allot E eine:ober . m, Mi. JOHN W. GEARY, aovramov, JOHN F. EIARTE&AFT, AuD os CiILSZTIII4 TFILLII3I sEmBLE, =I an2Wit7l men poisofirous AND FILTH , / I AthilterAiking are iice4 a tit ILMICIIMUEUTLIMEna BLACK LEAD, wonry imam= 'MBA AIZA, • TWI2IIO, Ai* Amnia the Ailialteratleas Vied. THE PUS SPICE MILLS, Itsenteatere sane net tesrlbeUT !FIZZ !PIPS& 8600.00 REWARD Tor ite7 edalttehtl oh ten.," fa her Bpi...a. One Dnekage or rt. dolma "tin go as far three Peeltaltel at-edettatetect Spiess WnaLL7 sold. NOME GENI7ENE UNLESS- . ammo ARBUCKLES & CO., 1111bskede Ctocen ni Proprietan dhrs Spica ELb 222 and 22I'Llberty Street, .'rrivancutsu. - fly a1.a.4 of eurprtate routed I:llttittOUND Wirrie lF t4l .Z tl am ' : tirrer/Viiid l ie= lonOnal tn. an/ Cotreolla oho market— . Jill 1673 BAGS COFFEE, 000 D TO lITBICTLT CEOICrE. ha nor* mil waiving. Alio, •fa stook at OTHER onocEREEE. . rziva rola? titAxatliv•°w l " ARBUCTELES & CO., au Nl' Strut Mit* D' GOOD DRAT& . CHEAP' BREAD IN DEAR TIMER. ;maim fat WARD.* BREAD. Th• Unt'd eae beat. The Ihttleta oi nen` lea. Ward's.- N... .h.. - mme•ave• --...; STORE BOOM On steam IN WiLE153191160. tor ono or mon years. IWO do if desired. Moro SI fat irintr. 11 tout uilare. n on m.• shelved sad countered rosples. Dois low.' 'oda. of a. o.aoswoirrivs, ' - . Natl.r et-. L.:4.month'. r==l CHOICE EAUL imam, • /[5.11, from irmstacky 7 15 , 111te iftlest, Mow aro9.)F.e aslcit are. martin rues. at O. 15 Ellaziond. P 1115155,115. Tana. cub. Goole; tenure( - WANTS, NIT A N T .E.D.ICARB/NIXV V V - 7PLIO.:IIIIVOLVZIS, 10 , 1111013 yin par la tault, If flellrorod to ...A order. 410 tor 15024- tor. CarOatoo, (Wen abooolloir rf lioarpoqßlllo or Cubl4o: sis to tor Moo ra:es or eartgeopo. (Ibovoits Osootoron 11.1 to tor Volt.. or Ilemlnouom • R0r010t...• aril ) lalr rodarticna mule os bevatell *Mr. rorsOof burins any of abov• .1140/4/ ta tt. 401124 Wren, Groot vissu. Out .) arts.