SI El MDR AND BROKER, =wood St, near earner of Fifth. Government dec,urides, gold, Silver, And Coupon*, Dela! MI 0•141 as liberal U. Draft abl4 ea all the priaalval cities of Marne. • JAS. T. RIMY & CO., Bankers,' Corner Fourth & Wood Streets, • act ♦FD WS .L ALL zone or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES W nN aninlitlag tats Um , 1" -- NSW 5-2041 GOLD DO ND Or MD ill other Imes, lulu.llot, oll ar ' S. 14 of nal of UM o . o ' o 0 000 . o .ore Or 11th, aa4 Coothorto4 Inman Hoe. • TO HOLDERS. OF 7-80'8. suma c awls 0.41. arnagetaist. in* 471.1.7 Cocas,* db Co-. . VALTrargria. Pellitll.l tf. CUM/ 10..111 ON ZONA tO. DIIIIVeiya IRA B. MeTAY & CO., 23 .Eiros..era.° 001BEZ POMMI AID mann= as. 7.30 BONDS CIONVZSTXD 12110 5-2.0 80ND5,1865, WITHOUT CRA24171. ROBINSON BROS, 111. TI 1013111711 4117 s EittsbutO Gaytti IVIa•VI[4 3 iEWIPii I I:4'4IO4 Ohne. or Tan Prrineneen Gemmel • Igaeweenay. Await .1, 1897 - The New Tork - Week Tiotatlese today, u receded by dlr. P. B. Matt& were as femme: - 0 0 4 14 341 Eighre 4 one bond., 111 i Me TWaritlea. Bira. NOB yin Twenties. lalt Pkre Twenties. 1996 818 . , SON lOl4i Bann Thirties. 1074 Ten natal. 1993. Maas— Eli* Balltald, C 40,4; Clayalmi i Plttabceg 9. Beleago and Beak Brend, 1034401410.10 and Northweetara, felit ekleage end Northwestern preferred, 034: Pat Wayne Ballread.lol744 Machin seethe= • Banes& Wit'WM Toth Omni, logo: Barclay 9943(1 Weetani Union Telegraph Co. 4791. Mlalag @harm—Corydon, I,loloregory, Mk (BUM 11111, 1,10; Smith & Parmelee, 4813Clegekellrer, 2734. 401ainng New Tort quetatitina, Neelred 93 MUMS Brady &Ce t O. " Fite. leat. .. . .... .. . a a MIL BB 1011,4 '•'leas 1e24.4 107,1 g • lkerwels... Angnat WC& . Sone 8.1100 307 July Yale No& Ownlawriale, test.—'"" _ imK —Bat twelve intlliOns of the home 0(140 Witham Ist mules of 7410 Triumviri note. now moan to be converted Or paw eft at par Is currency. Tho id min of them scree which wll.l mature on the lath of lane, rel, amoont to about 215 . 0 011111011 , sad the id eerier atattalog JOl7 Mb, MS, la hiss than ISt mil lions. The Triunity offers tart two options lo reseed to th. Ant urles,ll. payment In cosh at par. (width laralrat • lose to holders of the 7Npar omit. premium) or conversion Into gold- I bearaVioll bonds. Alter Ms 15th of Aeptem beta". option will cease, If any of the let so 20.8 maga en . tarsodino. which Is not at ell -protablo now. semeiderias Oh. present rate of eaarontaa. The mums for parties to plume who de not wish to entorert thlrt.4o.lst sates Into 5405, sad who yet wish to malls. the meal= thaw.. Is to sell their notes to the beams. 'lids will mold the lois ernatled by presentattoa for payment at the Trump. —TM following cirso/st from Qs Pessident of lb. Tradasmen l s National Bank of New York expiable ltagf e- ' . Mans in reference to a darn. slat ig e r t " l i ds bank beim MM. to relieve the aunty sad noprebtasloa al Qs ateekholdere and nuns, Id.. It my tnt=tate t hat ow- Melir t irte ° ll%=7 " 2l.ha c . ' . 1 t h o . 77b: *Mem had direstore lea a period of thirty =they amount enabled to ap p th to an equal to the annt Or 00 . Tkts has been Wean to • manna that no or -waled.toreagh al the einem amid have pt. /tad It la • amucs 44 &Imam . tu their naldwica abould Env* Imes eo awl Onsed.t The =rpm of the bath upwards of eon; animal he ailllnisd to the Wm% °tea^ °my, the Man nth. defaultiag narks naming the dedelsesy to this nammt. itscaalsz. Barr. /tandem. ' .4:torentatent neuslUee are loudly ao se tts se they wane • fortnight into, though, Wan are pretty 0.11 Znalataisatgars stlll W O *Mick to put to the Mu th they* seraarho ham weer nose it.... neuritis, ho gaa to flaw men the market. prophnied their earl yund sure demise. hansom an holding beak, non Mutant to purchase Our gold. Inane' boon at the present high 'premium, end Mtn is dolng JoAnne In the way el spa. ralation Latham senottles.. 81111 Ma a tart Mud at the present pries of fold than codas. bla IM of MI and Sin are as profitable as any & th e l lthel===kert "'"=R g ated at %Y. M.o.'', low rats of interest to the Ea mom coustrtes, and the unemdleled ern. natation of eantal Share are causes Icahn' se haprorament In the ledger. bongs market for Mu ted beals..-11420. She New' York Trams& one TL on'y ands by width melt parentall tan reachen 1 . 1=6 1 1 4 s ths =tail As ple ' r anlyanest hy matottartort or, hand rep; of .elegiam eintlete tokens tailed by las am" awidited thetratrysto volute of the eurneney, and dernralog ti rah. a. toespand with 11 "="2 . ...egemeseit enl7 be rettanut to • use thepaptr token. honed safer the peanuts of the Mathias. A. ' the fiat Ueda papar to wooled market val. • tea till recede, and ay so other moan ca. Mb &arable molt be attained. Com tido ,flold amatal authoettlee wits and the only point •et alle of reato aa the that what Ude shit. &s legal tenders ens to made non safe. ly. Mandow XoCulloch le of spied= that epode peptututa tan be starbed In July, Thu, tad In has belief tee Sally r In rounnon It=aoknat titian of tag country. Mr. /puley la impend by nil Ito debt ors rod to In tat We Statue, the dant apes the ifroond that they Oahe be id ' • Hared he - shoe up their business In the lam 4aomaaf felfroney with sma they gemomased Si. 554 thaligter far the Imo. that under pa. pot aosey open Wore NSW than seen the earretey 25.1 the standard required fee tit PeePOSai of ordloary business. • E 711740/ZUN - lihnora Or me Prrrerwrzow Crearowea WKOINSDAT. August 21, Mr. 0211Dr,—Theis wee but • "toile operettro Walnuts to-dir. two thouaua lons% to be 4.llreeed ea Ott water, at 103.0. 5%. demand beta ter present sod future dellverpeostlnues Owl WOW. HWY keirlaw tethered that bor we expert, moo the loiloesee of ea expected bait Wee "Malls .short time, to boy . 1 • Otto MUM ardwileas and it Is We more than stortalog the, that outride !ludo's" Rod ro sesta operations. Spot' on, la the stonier of pkg. Amy bo quoted at. 100110; tai far the last feu soothe, einem coold ptabeblpae basil ealelfo. taste option, or Ile, :11.1171Nte—The market-tor ti.... oatL study at yeetertare quotations. miort two POIII lot., Maio light Anne to wilt*. for Migust % at WO; too stns. lord while, ter September, bairn optl oa, . ek. and Oiall at lOW. no 1.4 tour SiihiLtel, Inane opUise, may bs quoted and Os last: dome stooths at 31*. There la but very • little oil offirtnib and our, retinae dammally,sses'yrattydatermlaed to Mild their oil =tit tho autiltet improve, Sad - hotter prim eat lo* maned. Ia Paths arias of piece &abaft" mutt mom we wiped to see a pinny atm* epee 1. domaind spring op, arid thee, SO Wu. the este before. an itaportant and ma. Mita admit* win as doubt be establtabod, mad that, too, within a very short Mae.. . ' . 06 MM . to us? 0T A. V. I. I. If•L De. a St. Cki, sue bbl.raised, to P. Alrottb, Pbliallelplila. 0. 4 .11 1 1)..10 00 to B. A. DLlworth ix ON j , • 6 1 : 1 0,201 do de so pm. Dn.., Barb i5.....9K0 do sedum. Wallace 410i6b6 Pkiladelph6. _ Puna OU Word.. v 0 do do to Walla.* k 11:102Uai, Phibidatplds. iIIra.IIIIInSAITII,OX omassoms Imes. JIL=III Ws Mood to Wail's& sun Atka, Jo& BMW, flan do to Wiring Klos & Oa 71dlodidpIds. etnebousti MOurked. • ims , Seismal to the tuMberst emote., Grosorson, August rd.-. Flour lirmar but riplarrt r u “ stratcW=drloll • dollal Ms lots; erhlto et,sommo. • Guru • . win /Ight suPEI7. et MGM. Gats dull at far nye Mint Ito. et close at Auto unebernred. Cotton doll and Floes nosnlnal at Mg for middling. Whisky smody at Ma in bmW. Mese Fmk dull but not nnimmorly Mimed, end there Is Mule or no 6masnl said it le held me:ally at /AM ; but oonl4 base bean bmght to some extent sh IMAM Balk Mesta arm; miss of Immo lto at no for sbauldersl 17Mo tar aldio, end =or Wad . slam, tad 51 tbo close Mo te nem was 'large 4.. . mead tor ales: bacon sldes at LW. bug nu the L o i de asked allbouy eXarotlan, and e sold as this rele. Joni dna, at Mo. muss unedisamt. Growler stogr and a 11= " 1 4 ....11 i t rull eM ar twat?: . 41/0 iv Maros wain demand at itch Can 'Ales laxative demand 01 Go for Maim Flax IMO &Sint ' rseelptu eitoo bble• a bole tn. orOme row MK week. Gold 'bMg in Mid dull. Mrobauge doll at tor Tim las teal no rain slum itoaday emus. tug tom Ma Tomboy to cloudy 104 !MEM Nog Yarn bet Goias - ltaskoe; - • Teleieelpi to Ow Pitseberst cheoce.l • -NsurTbile, Amine IL—Drieoode Edon - ammo end UM marl= for all szeplogebrice arm. Med mare letnek tag drm. • Moe& Hi debases le good reerort.• Ceerm aa nd WWang black sod colored awa gemdialy /OW tat isidlom Ilea AMOY vecderloareoctlaraialce sal•Jiadeli to •novellJore wowed al WOO/ WWI & Old 'Wee are mod by cod laws ente dltieoalty at aklal. JAMBS WILZILL & SON, 69 and TO water 'Kraal, . LARD OIL KABRIFAOTIIRM, Ltd &paw"fa CEWDZ. LIIIMIOLTING sad . • • We warms. oar lea 1 Lard 011 equal to the ben eia rinse{!. or other Cranes. sad brews, lo WI u low its Cincinnati or , uscaira rate. Oar No. 2 Lard 011 aa • Lubricator =mot be iirmitiled. • Duet Creek Lubricating and staxdard Ada of cars. oil oonstsatly a n d ltereltsusta sad mann facturer. wilt Ind tt tO that smarms to give lag • call bear* 4.M0...5e Lard Oil tram sae West.. • , mire rirrensussum asicusvi. Omni OP Tam Prereattwou Gamma, Wironesnag, August 11, 1007. The general Markets present no new char.. Meiotic. worthy of epeeist notice. As the de. emod for an of the leading commodities to be restricted entirely to supplying !emanate wants, we lave bat, few round lot operations to report, while ao far ea prices are concerned. then are no important changes. GRAIN-Wheat is quiet and tmelmegedt there was • sale of tgo bush prime lied effected m Tuesday at 12,10. Oats Ines he quoted steady, with a demand fully up to the eupplyi. we continue to quote at 0.9650 e, on spot, and 60855 e. to arrive—sale Io aka on spot, at CM Corn is firm but [exchanged; sales at 111070,103; Sales oft cats Rye at 111,10. No movement In Barley,.,as yet: FLOUR—The demmid is fair, and with • very light eupply,,the market ds arm,-and prices are well =stained. We Centime to quote, tn Mora at itio,7oaill,oo for Spring and Winter Wheat, and Garrey broods 1113,00014. nye Flour Is selling In More at 1 1 8 01, 1 3. • PROVISIONS—There is an Improved de mand for Daeon,wid while the market le steady prizes are without quotable change. We eon- Cum to quote at IlYoggill4c for Should ere; 100100 for Bibbed and Clear Sides, and SigigNe for Sugar Cured Rams. Lard Is qulat but steady at ISOlatio for prime kettle rendered, in tierce., and 1.134c014e, to kegs. We can report. rumtalonal email e ate of Mem Pork at filra2l,llo. BUTTER—Thai, lin saullnued fair demand for prime froth firkin and pall Butter at =au, and 204;M0 for keg. Common puked to dull and 'neglected. EGGS—DeII but usichanged—fresb packed step be quoti4 .t—u quiet but steady with regular jobbing sales at 123021dc, according to quality. Gltr.= APPLES—Are comics la pretty freely, but -with a demaci pretty well up to the supply, the market may be ,quoted steady at SIGS per bbl, according to quality. POTATO ').S.--Co ;continue dull but tsabsage'd sake In .to at r1,11(10 per bb for prime. Sweet Potatoes maze; last ult. re. SEEDS Several small lots of Saxseed bane arrived within tile past few days, but a. yet there la not enough dolma to establlah quota tlaas. Nothing doles la ()lover or .Tlato,thy Seed& • New York Produce:Market. (Sy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh daaette•l New Soar, Baguet Xl.—Cotton a Maeda /ewer; gales Ma tales at for matinting upland. nionrecelpts 1.1.014 bbls end 10, 0311 bags newTrregular; tuisettled and 10€1203 lower; old mere. and firm; sales /MOO o:diet 17.3063,315 for superfine State and Western; commix' P. extra Western: .11,n1011,3.5 for eholoo dot; 10,6%11M for shipping Ohio; $11.10019,50 for trade brands, and 110,00014,50 ,for new St. Louis; California dull; sales 300 Drbl.mir at 11:,001{,30; retail Into at $14,110. ILye er:i m a t 4 7 A n tif t i reipts =AI bus: opened dull, but closed more active and a shade firmer for red and ember; ewes 3400 bus at 17.6001,0 for un eattud spring; $1.90 for inferior new red amithern; 111.40 for White Southern; Azsa IX for amber State: r.,:102,39 for choice anther kflobbran; We I. new whim Genes_ ace; r 0302,3714 for runner Southern; 42,34 for red Oho; Ars for cableCaliforn is. Rye ammo and nominal; sales 000 bus new In emall lots at 41,11:01,5734. Barley and Malt dal/. Corn; receipts 11X317 bunactive. bet ..may eo dr.; prices, bowerer, are with. oat deckled change . ..lea LK= bus; 11:12 , 4 1.13 for new mired . Western &fleet:ll.l3 for do ht adore; $l,l 04,91,16 for high mixed near. ly yellow; e 1.15 for poor white weetermil,io dillfor white southern; no recetota testa dull and lower; eales2 l „en Mt at for old western; 05e29ee for Jersey new; 00000 for new Ohio; SIGS. for new eoutbern. esal quiet. Leather—houdeek and sole lower. etra N irintio for Boni. Ayres light Weights. Woo 71 -- more acute at previous prices; 470,00 Coffee steady. Seg. Ono; onlos forINC ht.!, el for Cut. 11141:1Ne Porto Rico. Molasses quiet and arm. Petroleum dull, at 12c for exude; 270 for re fined In bond. flops 3014U0. Park rimier; Wes SAO bide at txtleT3,37 for new meas, closing at 1=1,35 matt; MiS for old m055Ad0,73Q19,33 'or prie. And for mime mesa Beef steady; eel. SIO Beef bani• doll. Cot .ents quiet and Eta dr; sales 1711 pkgeat 10 ;811!5c (Or/boulders; Mane for unnas. Baron uiet; sal. !CO bids et WO or I.g clear; 12 0 for long nbbed. Lard is eltade firmer; sales 1340 f o rt 11140 1X1r.40. Batter etexay, at 1141Ze :Ado. Cheese unchanged. Freight. to Liverpool qLsradSs ...w— ag F d oo r doll with a alight decline on ell grades. Wheat quiet with holders rather :nor. inclined to sell; are, be:were; with Ont change.. Eye source end firm; retail sales for Corn dull and caner at 11,11111114 ood to mine new InlXed weStarn. and 61,0501,11 g for un sound do. Clete doll and hdavy, at /Male for new Oblo. Port grater; mks Of LOCO [Mime:seat ra,4ocnett.a=olareenlarollosing et these quotation. Beef qulet and steady, Cat Meats DI tar ennutry. Bacon quiet and Wendy. Lard arm it 1 for fair to prime .000.0wati3 . , , ,e for kettle rendered. 2114 Pf, Louts Marne:. tar Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) fir.Loms, August 31.—TaliacCo la not no active but Initus are unchanged. Cotton; nothing doing. }lamp is unchanged, with receipts of f,COR hale. Whs.:soma of the millers tieing out the market prices have declined 5010 c, with saloe of eine. end Ones at do red, ft 542.3); sprtog, fi1.3361.12i, receipts of WV/ sacks. Corn la higher.. ii. 0501,12,4 for white:Bl.o2W m for mixed and yellow, with receipts of EMS sacks. Oats . are firm at C4(1080, with re ceipts of 1.11 i: narks. Eye ht better , a f t m Z, nth recelpta or L: sacks. Barley isle ealand at for epilog, and We gill for. fall. ?ravish". are Linn. Moss Pork," .S.MOLLta. Bacon is unchanged. .Lard Is unhnged. Whisky, StiMifor ,Thud weath c er a 111 clear and wanner. free. • ladango ]dames. Br YelegraDa to the Putsbarraliastne.l Cznatoo; August 91.—Walther clear. and warm. non? • cloned • qalet; at egxcno.z for Swing Extra. Wheat active, Spring being "t and a Maher, at a1. 12 0/A6 Bar No. 1 sprhm and 111.9101.96 for N 0.2. Corn closed over, at 97c for No. 1, and 93tAfragc far N 0.2. Oats satire. at 03tabon tar Na 1 and N 0.2, Bye 1 and Sr higher. at 61,1801.21 for No. 1, and 11.1801,11 for N 0.2. Barley Cu for No. 2. bless Rork Lud firmer, at mirtiNc. Receipts—a - POO barrels Flour; 90,000 bash Wheat. 830.0 'bash Corn, MAX) bosh (fats. 3,0)0 flogs. Shipments-IAV Ws Flour, SO" bosh Wheat. 90 .000 huh Corr.. 131,090 bush. Oats. Cleveland ltlarket,. Xelcirspb to thipittslarsh limette.l Crarmsiti, August 11...P10ur steady with • rood demand In jobbing Iota; XX Red W inter.lllo.soel/140; IX Amber, 3O®11,60; XI Mute. •12.60015. • Wheat ginner but mt. Mumps], wittl • ralr demand for No.l Red Winter at e2.1(11 N 0.2 do. held at $l,lO. Corn more active and butter; miles of No.l ltived at triet Prink. 1 - ellav gum. Oats unebmige4 and neady,witit • fair eaquiry. Rye quiet; Rem ales at. 31,13 for No. 1. Barley 13019 i. le SUMO, 1 1.000rdll2g to quality. Petroa le= doll and nominal; fitmadard White in baud held at 2.4*Ma. Buffalo .Blnirket. LBy TeltsraDh Muse Pltuborth etzette.) Ilmrsaae, August 21.—Reealpts Wheat, lel,ooo bash Oats, 19,000' tads I Floor, 00,0 W barrels. • Snlpmante—Wbent, SsAcco ' brultl Cma t rXl bosh Oats, /19, bosh. Floor 1n• demand, at .10,40W10, Now Amber Otuo. Wheat nomloaL Corn very dull, generally. held at SUL Bake 40,003 Matteis No.f Mixed Western at 81,01 (has —New Western antral at We, buyer. *wan. Lug a further destine. Nye nominal. Barley —market • here.. Men Park; 861,5001.4,00. Lard OCL. moistge. - 11Ighwinele aamtnally CAISS Now Orleans /gasket. . Mr Telagnon to Ma gitialeargh natant!. -Now Oimasits, Aug. 21.—Cotton dull and law; middling WWI atlas WO balm; receipts, rit balm exports,l,727. tingar and molasses nominal ated nnettimged. Plenr—holden drm;soperdne ge,15069, treble extra ar2,5N choice $l4.- Corn glipl,Y3. Oats quiet and arm. Men pork quiet awl firm, at r.s. Da, eon—holders ask 140 for 'boulders; Do clear tats. Lard Itt(alit4o tor tierces. Goustaugns, training 15V155.. Now Took Ex. O bougo 34 premium. Baltimore Market • car Tektrob temoolk daMite.l /5A24110104 All van 21.—C6rteo debit and primr.7....ZVell, but steady. Wheat; eideol w hite VMS. t 1 .1201.1e1 Turm.e. i lcorer and temple maad ter 04 %tazumgIM de. dladtalde !Mar teitto k: wbu n1,7•4.702,41.....r...y bond, 3101 e, • Loulvtllis Market. mi. T.l.(upti to die Plluburab Gazette.) mv.aarza., August U.—aides of 1M laid.. leaf tobacco at $3,241:13....7. Flour aaralerra centa. Mies& 11 12 A122.10. Cora rboned ei (karma. Oats In bulk Moak, hy. 44 , sima Dart =Pk katoni imooldarn 121 to for clear alder; leXc for tutor' hams WAG flaDiackexl. - Lard 12e. Cotton quiet at std 26 Mit& . plilladolpltlrsArne*. My Trlegzsphte toe entsburgb gazette./ Pstg./nig/A, August 21.—Petrolawn re. lined 17%. Flour unchanged. Wiles; red Southern 440. lLyo stlyszeloggl,co. Corn flanand acmes; nisi 4401)) bo yellow $1,26; /lazed western AIM. (414'M:di at 7/. • ' Memphis Market. • Uti Teltalph to Um rittaburiti Ogre lal litrxruir, Namur. 26—Cotton riat ZO Ylottr superfine P. 000.23.. Corn a 1,0401,10. Oats wow. Hay 5t7021. :L 1 T:142 4 11‘ , ..4 . 20. 1. 12 1 01t1trs 13. Olt' • .. . .. • thfeaso Cot no Markel. (By Telegraph to tea Putaborgh uuette. I 1.71.10i60, Anima n.—beer Cattle Inodr rattly sal,. ac aa,Cofjo,Bo for fair to good. COO B tdECtr m ila t rLca t lorate 7 . actlyo, and 10 to common to good. Saloon' iitito ; P otht so o fi uncbwa'ad; •- • Detroit Itaikog. • rgligukvaph to the Pltuborrb tiatottg.) Dimon. &ognit 21—Flour actIVO &WI itiggog at .1103611,60 for white. Wilco& 4 , ==ot pm to OrtironeXt. weak; ortra wblte t l A& 1111.11eillakee Narks*. city Telegrroh [orbs Mamma Oaralla./ Mt.twArntart Arurnst IL—Nloor n s a d oder, • Wheat satine. but lower sales at =Nile for No. 1. . Iletelpls—NO barrels OAP trash Wheat, ablomeata-1,400 banal Flour 110 Moat. —• . „ usr TsistraNi tODo Pittsburgh Gooettoo OrW:orSa: G o, • Mutt= 2L—Flour attire and UAoldin wane awl ;Met. - otsom of Fthinciat - Natters In New Tin' . • gold awe at 141 X. • • CBI Telegotili tO the Mehra% essetin.i New Yong, August Si, len. • MONT( AND QOM Money is steady at 4410 per cent. Sterling dull at ./Ml54OlOeX. Gold • slig,de caster. opening at 141, declining toI4OX, and aiming at 141%. Governments are vrithmit decided change. Coupon. of n e w . " 3 2. 113 54 do. ' 64 . WO: do. Id, 110 , 4% do. 107%. sarm-Thlr- Stocks are heavy and declining. atik.3o Crices were—Ohio Certificate.; aty,ese anton. WSW . Cumberland.3ol233k nick giz,.girog;;Zira:le=ollV: Western 11214. New fork Central ° 1045 6Atf . , 0, ttie, Hudson, 144,414.294. lutsi; klickdrSontherp, ON(IdOXs pV Central, .11 rittam.mb, 91 . 4.0 m, Toledo, 10510.0.3 ea NOrtligeatern, - WA 4414; trreferrwps Fors Warne, law 00 n ait6b..42ltennessee ex.ootwone. sew, W tlairgtM.74l. Wells.. Perko Co.. SSI2S9ACt Mercado:it s Uhlon, =l:l=2 Mtalny Shoe. an Gregoryry 07t. treg; !Mtn Parmelee, 650;•La 're Crosse, 83 C 11821; Qua= 11111,19). • • Stra SZSASIINT=P Pa M ne..ll7th I. the SWAMI $11 5 01.0= BlLlsmia —la.l4" 479,01. ILEPOWIIII.IIB ainsoeuo. • 4,LargegairD• lal2 Pl77barragm 114.22x0.1.0, August 21-10 big pr. 206214 eag,4144, J D Tliompein; I bid• x ets, McKee A Bro, II pee marble, Andersen, Boyd A Go; Itto het luta. bet. W W Melon k Co ;I b. :larch, S Cooper & 0042 ambit I ron, Malin& & Go; 1 ear iren Phillips;ry & Clabber; Ido do. Lewis, er & 1 do do. AleSolikt,Portor& Go; SS i biz flare& Arbuckle. k tlo; 6, d do, J Camera IS do 410,2 oat. do, Knox Ott; 10 b. 3 crataa do, Kirkpatriak, Book i2O his do 1 crate do. Shlyton & Wallace; all b. do. 8001. rer, Spate. ar. Co; 12/1 bloom! ` Goof, Boa. nett ro Go; 103 eke even, 63 do o II Bloghain 132 do oat., Hitchcock, McCrea 0 Co;; oo key, .7 3 Bender; ZS sirs rye, 3 lam; 1 . to t. d o asso, K Hiller; 7 firkins totter 11 bblg , 2 apples, WH. ltitkpalrbikl& ;44 a oat% Bricker a, Co; a Obis applsa,li 3r; do do, H Biddle:. do do, BI; Themsg;s7 do ti ' W J Stool h Bro.m do do Vol.!: C. 14 do o, 42 Vice oats, 2deßane A An.r; 1210 do do; % J hiesk; 2 bbis ...Stu... k .Pri4 00 km. /.. dour, J Gardiner; 10 tons Den 4.221 e & Co/- lrd; 10 Obis apples, Owes . k ' Ksonedy; 117 aka oate, .2 a vr Yalrley; 10 to. pig iron. Maack k Co; Go bosh oats, A J Has.. Prrrammon,roar Warns& (lemteo MIL, August 21-0 cm metal, 011calck & Cot a do do, Bryan a. Caughey: 12 ears iron ore Blumber g. a Blair; 102 01212 tour. Skom. 6o A Lang; Z 27 doCo:owner; BO do do, Hawortly ltroDort. dos a Co: 206 galls atoneware, A 0 Cabbage; 20 dos polls, hlaan• d Coals; 10 bbla apples, AO boo thaws. Veldt 8 Co; 2 pkgs bacon. 1 bids DPI., 3 02 M...2 kg. lard It Itesjr; a dor. brooms, J A Ite.haw; a. ski; mgr.. I S BB worth St Co:10 bas tobacco, Jaa Murphy; 1 bbl bTk nota.gic ta Vg 0 Boo; 1 car ; : s useed, J IV II 0 Clamenorblni les e rl=yce b t;:lk. d Co; i 44 r ie&ber. Slack & Sholes, t . ear barrel headings, Bair a & Robertgon; 2 b bl apples. T 311tobeil; 100 do lonr, Don Wallace; I barrels vinegar, Arbucklea k Co; 60 los lard, r Sellers k Co. PITTalbllOB4OOOOOlOOll4 CMCI34I3ATI febt:V,l;Lho 9 A: re ' o ' l k ' plea,plea,E M Jenkins 20 caddies lob , Way 11,m, & Hro 77 eke oats as do coml. Melredlir /food; 001. apples, Volgt a Co; a.O. . I ced 001 ewes 30 aka rebut, Bleanork Ha do I oat.. F Bhlaldet 1 ear atarea,,Cl Smlthrper; Ido do, F Robes; I do eon. 1/ Wallace; 15 halm cotton, Eagle Cotton 2121 a; 25 do do. A II Child.; 3 ewes.tobseml, Wm 11salsge; 3 boxes &or% 21 A Amu; 20 boodles Oroorm, Health, UJohneten 1,0017 m; 3 0 vr u .72 2 . t ypirolt k leeeVeo, 1,11,pr.,-1f1u... u-4.17'.., McHenry & Hood; 1 ear ottllreed, Stewart. a Lugs ethairia: IGO Md. dourd)an Wal/ace; 5 aka 001141 ued. Mole. e apples. M W 0 do , no. ' ALLEOrmorr inr.t.ssßanwosl/ A4'20.2/- 177 bbla ell. Fisher Bro; 1 ear mat& I, Nlnakle a Co; 1 ear ells H M 21100 a Cosa aka awarbton H Woodablem 17 aka rye, Hell A Hite/tart; rd ido do, JS Finch; SI do do. W Meek; I barrel Head & Meter ar; aka oats bble ens, plr.gra butter, .2 LI Graham; 2 burets eggs, 1 mwh me; Vamps Mere & Co. Pry/sedum Awn CoormaavlLLA R. teMlt 21 ;4 0 : Viri[l: o l/1111 !t i t ; Ca;r .td, A DI Chamber ' s; 2 dada, .ilcCulty " ll. Co; 100021. ;Meet Iron, F rm•teong; BS eke wheat, Haryana a Stoneman; at do oath, Eleh patriot Herroo;2 Us door, He/roomer, Gee ALtdramsaw iessrox, Asyut 71-2 bbl. MN Had. a Rook/ s 1 dO do. I tab butter E Haarlem./ g 5 dos palls Mytre; lIM aka ll ' arb deed, Ewer a Hamill.; oil hdle paves PIMP Paper Co;t ear star as, Raw& a Ilobertani. 1 do do, J ter Myers; It by oats, Stewart &Lan. - NEW ADVERTISEKENI43. BOOTS AND SHOES, 3 : 1 C>11d30111TICO DIRT GOODS, C:JAPLIPMPI.€I, AND NOTIONS, ' - A large assortment to select from, at less than Invoice Pr!. ces, to close cotalcantest, at SMITHSON, PALMER it CO, M4MMOTII EMPORIUM, 55&57 FIFTH STREET, 111111.1111oL MD. N. H.—Furniture and Howe- hold Gored" At Auction...we/7 Thursday._ RMITRBON, PALER & 00 .iSlacritlaxLeebras, 'firoa. 55 & 67 Filth titreet. S . N. BRYAN, Bawd= rk BONDS, STOOKS, AIM REM ESTATE, Apollo BollAtag;FonrUi Street • Railr.,lllaar Koalaoads. sad all u r n: ex Clocks 'ca s h, and s old., tocualaa/Oa. Matleasea bevels sod WO. v2I „Tonna wwGIIc9, Collecting Agent, moot th. • re. Of all o f aphelia( lia( promptly it ended, to. Beet of netereacas elven. WON . OF IBLINDI6—JOHN • ...., nitoirti t Co. ~.O0 estrntimo DrarT d,or no ppporlte WO ~.3.ll3o,jfZgast venetian pgiterilfe Udi ' .. 1 ... M -1 441 earthrl. k _Ma I mans. Bitud sad caviar, Corda aau . el: rele th loc "'''.l, ot= " asattio a ihlsts. A. 6.. .. , Kaatlamewa west... ' . MU 111 • 1 (011111 J. 8t 8 . SB AIiCI~7Br CAIIPErrERS esb Brltandie. • te Con trattriateu for Illuildi o rs. pt.,.rz:t ol Jo?oint ratilculur d .gri. u. Tvol for /outwit.* sad OP lu. 1.66 ui Ebt-loliuuos 617, 17..1 LYON, Seger. of Weights and Melanin Between ma. a mamma ailaarr. LOAM UM rem rt thters promptly b. • creu,ustom THE QUEEN Or TIIE WASH- TartzT,==uuelf airuu.s. .Ith PATENT WASHING FLUID, itrptcb. trbenoyeirjatrafiteadt bas mot ' , lib mul. Yount Nototts. M mold on reasonablt, team J. K. ti&MILTUti, UMW aunt. MUM cnoicE BEDDING PLANTS. • iris tarp mock or II Rose* ilerauluts, • Verbenas, blany ••tho °Walla ateillguntass. JOHN s • A. XIIKDOCR. lad !bit malenta. . ontirot • wm contmoy auemirx Narilki,l 'raw in ~ rptb.:lr:4Valtl* 90. • allarfrainsitrOWN3Mir i ejos - MvPO i jimismontnwatiou • naa . NOM: PITTSBMIGH DAILY GAZETTE i THIMSI-)A PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. FULTON, sodium a co., M..ndUears the ban CORDAGE ) OALECITM, TWINES, in mg 'viol. Ill'arekoass.lll c U Watenll4., call or goad Du Olsonlar. RIVER NEWS The river rose about twelve inch.. during Tumidly eight mid yesterday forenoon, the Metal mats indicattng thirty-ire Liebe. About noon, however e ithesan to recede again, and we fear that the rise trill not amount to mu...unless then is • good deal more ran. This trethet, It , appears, en:meted in the Ble henna!as snd other streams at the lower end of the Alleghmy, an the river ha. been falling at 011 City for • couple of days past. The weather last ermine was cloudy- and warm, with every appearance of more no. The Lent Leon eland for Parkersburg yem mrdey. the tint departure down the Ohio for some time. The Linton. a new boat, Is an nounced for ClinelmiaU and Loolcalle. The Ida Stackdele was expected to arrive at St. Loon (rum Pon Heaton intraday. The Indians, It seem/ are getting very noublesome on the Upper 11 1116.1—they "Onto seeeral shore at 'Mattson Sheath Ina., but (oilman. ly, inflicted no ury to either property or person. She ho, been on the Minoan -River for over tout months—made one round nip froth Cal St. Louis to Port Benton, mid two .par. tripe. While Dashing down the Alltalimippl last et min week, General Sherman was terribly bothered . ; by a head arets who, were on the steamer - , and who pendsted o tinging all the Shama& songs that were aver mlUen. Some Unto the took from Lo. villa a lot of one ago hundredEmare and fifty. barrel. ut of hour, destine] tor New °neuta, with the pr. a oe* t Cail r ef reatippin. The hour win reshipped ao on she barge The to New Orlmns. A 'few days ago word was received by the Under our claiming dam vi ages f on m the th whole n lot. of The bugs line swamped the barge that contained the dour. Barge Unet ere prodtable institu tions. The mate of the neuter John .Bilgour came Involved to • diMmety, at New One.. on Wednesday, with • nutter of colored stave. dares belonging to the boat. The mate struck one of thmi with a broom hazels, and was snuck to name. The mate afterward tired three shots from • revolver without effect, and was immediately accented, Pour of the steve dores were also arrested, ad locked up on • charge of attempting to incite argot. The muse of the array gems to be oat the Stem. dorm clamed supper on the boat, to which they we,, not entitled. A.D.:mime ma Commas Oats—The keel inspectors of St Lords, Vandervert and Moe Edonare models. They have decided the col cam af th e Veaverly and G.A. Thomism, near Port Berthold, trismun rover, June tab, ma. In the trot pines they god *that J. T. Dorm, pilot of the ascending beet 0, A. Thom. son, mold curtly have avoided the , and erred • not atiming te the ban* SI.. that *lns, Batley, pilot of the emending boat erred in not et:Toler hie boat,* and they wisely ems eluded to mopend each alvty days. The only troptorement we can lowa team above Is that gab pilot be lined two month& wages, though this rain of making both lll ble for toe Mate may be equitable, and pat , bly ma lbi. y result In t maim ali giblets good a or rat,. miler, all equal. orAellPeti%lykrog*lllikV* rules they presume it, and by the Inmeetara' By their rudnathenemiume U.—Laminate Courier. OW. Ds listen /a la Memphic The Bali, h a says be appears much elated orar the prom mete for the mermaid acompitahment of his grand steamboakmterprise. sv..Locria, August 10.—The water hu hardly got tow =Hugh to compel en incres.of freight rate. . Millo through lie enure Meath, te etill hang bum four to sit =Ma per day, but heavy rate have fallen 'above St. Joseph. The depth of Inter &Melte the Remise Of Wet. drawing en tea two Incite., from Att end to St. Loot. The eta rmwheeler Ida Put tee. late:: rumbas to the mountaltis Asa been sold for 1110,M0 o re the Upper Minbrdppl. A large number of lumber rens an on the way • here teem the. Upper lelseissippt The Gray Eagle senuttly towed hen & raft of nearly two . monad feet The ntrer Lake retently from the monntole. , is loading for Otheineati. The Uincianati Comintrani of 1: T e . go: 11 ?• he:: t i 1 . 1 1 . 27 , 11:t ., f1e St Louts. gone to POBSIIMOreek &ad thle*Ploje.yliktal'osf the-Sozhai on • hunting meanie. Ileej. Crawford, Esq., of the Tarmay Departatent, and Captain h. Devinney, Supermaing city for for this Marla, have been la the city for men! day. Capt.. Jas. W. Batchelor, John Hater ad Andrew Bobleson,Jr. yesterday lap. praised the Lawns.% betherhig to the ante Mite late Wirt John Bradley, at ila.poo.. The Leonidas wen towed up to ais boneyard yet. terday where abs will remain ml4l there le more eater. All the iota metal eomP•eles net erdAy adopted the newayle of millof IM dtat4 o p.WIhW engtomr of the Igomnr. aged lainentth e. gem, was anon. tie the 11 t h last. near Plmalslamt by the *loam of the boot. Vie body we. reeommulpeeued at Plaquemine on the same day. • leaves • wife mid thm cataract A Memphis telegram to the Cthannall tere mental..under date of itio*d•V, mem Pre. Morel.. • weiternarn river clerk, Mot and killed • man named Williammn. in se alterca tion Prises Pont, AtuttlaslppL on Saturday. Several Mon we. enthuse. Morrison was wow's). to the neck. The tit Patrick broke her Mat below hare on Sunday. Caps. Hicks has parchesed an tammit le the neer, Amts. She were the kthemble and New Grimm trate. Capt. Jean Dull of the dooketetie, Barry Ilanity, etka,...drel, and Proud. of the White Com leave...n the Press patty tit Mammoth Cavtee. to attend The at. Louis Reptatimmoit Seeder. soy., The opening of the ball between, the. rival Quincy paints wen the mead. yeaterder ef quite on tacitatient o o the wharf, and the boar of departure spproalted, numerous squads .0.4 bee. been sees weadlsrg their way toward the upper penion of m ig htat where • good view of th e steamer, be Punctml to the minute, at 4 p. m. the Toss Jasper east off her fasteniugs, decked out kaolin, stream, and stated on ha velem After she had fairly cleared the wherf-boat, Use listry not. oa the Cam pis. Mr, Vtt * t= trth is timemimed n some two or three handfed yard. At the the moor the Johnribn was *mealy inland ea her drat, but, owes to 0. itthe confusion which mamma at that point In peeving the Sumer Steno, lost • few moments, which gave the Simper • frees Eart, and toe loot we saw of the oppathig inseam both wen gang ateadlly on then way. Beth boat& ha their gam g fear 71.1'1**&*ott= kr!tet bo , .. a nd that ehe would have nil mane ;s*l re ohlog Atone a =am o j f the it before 1 t might etas thst ahand of the Sucker o the matter, state WI OTarbtlant; nogention further them to throw him &plain VIM taken of the matter. A skiff, hi width a maple of boy. wan ...tor tes themselves elan the wore. picked the nun up, nom the worm - for his involuntary bath, The St. Louts Dmnoerof„ of Tunaday. Lay Soma of the mountain boat. fiat. bfea no un fortunat• thin year as net to mall. • profit on lb. round trip eze•edhad ILS or night thousand while the moat summazfur Is r t Page only. 11 ersayt Um Ida Stoll •=, which Is talking bar fourth or Otto return to Banton. or • point below. /far profits from the imoron4 buthiesaa will foot up ite.MXl 10171,000. Wm. Alksio. pipyriator of th• flay livery sta. kW on Washington avenue, appetite Rua nth's Jaweby Mom, dled imfidaely of spoyfray yes. mrday. /la wza well known to ' bosons; and • more postotia hearted man It would be hard to find. Ile was front Pltraburah. • BOOTS. SHOES, &c. ~►~~H.r~:k+~iasa.)~ emirs•, BOTH% rorrivs. BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, 'rut varliatr. rad' setlizi at - mummies Plea. at • 31 FIFTH : STREET. W. E. SCUMERTZ & CO niamacw7 V l 9l 5 4:4 A,f9 If" 'OYU!' CONGREM GAITERS, AND BALMORAL% worn♦ $3, selling at $1.50, at 31 1 FIFTH STREET, W. E. ISCIIIMWI'Z dt COI Ezzan • BUSINESS MIPS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Nos. sand 8 itt.Clair Street. -. Ku • Tom Wall 01uulon Book•Sooptog, Peamoisllp Ana a.ttamrtie Arlthmotio and Pooloautap po4DIFLof of ShiesMO 00 ronasolashlo. Po, omth..- I 00 lot Cl:salon or OPoshoooa. oddron SHASPiIt, or a. I. NoCLATMOIi DPI =MI BOTTLED ALES: Kkaifit.Tr, WINTERTON. And all ben as of AIMS AND sum wAmmus, both.' by J. C. OUIFFUNI k C. 0., Jail.ll.llsa brava= wraxrr. rtehrearitr. .bl4.Wr parrs= DISEASES. o*a-1103i MN ITIMIT, Lit nu, Tor efis can of all Mame. of •sant. liaiar. rsra= " l:llne bT slt a la% 'll l7,l , 4 all Mu Wm ' s. Was MALI orM pramilom. Owe .T.ww.t.l. mot./ . l Unded. %." 14 : 192 . 1„ int . .114`01 1 4. 1 °,"" p 41.- FLUE SCREENS UP • XXI! ETTLI• Oa moss, ori W oil poleitlogl add gold gad Oil at gmalro, • • 107 it.asarr wrier r. Jna. R. 14M1H1t1 • RIHI, • DRIED MIMS. bbls oboloo 0011 Yesabos: 10 .do • qutton dos dt, attod do: to tai de% otFodloostaolimu.:,:l4oErnPAPlo.7iiifOr nlI Icro b . / 80111 1AISIVICTAD 311/1.10411,44. 400 betp4. 40 re Pan etwoht Pot ooislow to gramatallilma. VV. oor.Zo nhoit. m I Eg„ 0 au Ltales, Worm sad dm dal Hol dup!. mansas.t. fil ream 0110094 or alaSts sad IS SSW prim. Inbar vd ret Sat • " 11111314141W1Q5, looli411,r614:GIT; 7 :0.1, 7 1 SECON+ CC= GRAND PRESENTATION .ENTERTA NT ! • WILL POISITIVaLT TA I SATURDAY, Augu,ll 21, 1867, IRVINE HALL, NEW YORK. This Grand Distribution of Prizes will be Conducted on thealutual Benoit Principle. APR RATA DISTIDEUTIOiI OF PRO FITS TO TICKET•IiOLDERS C4pltal, -: $1,287,148. TICKETS, OPIE DOLLAR ME, AMR I led WM Omni illllles Two llms area sad Llality.iseves iliousamd Oae lixnedirodi i Forer.irba. The Fairest and Most Impartial Plan of Presentation yet Offer ed to the Public. PRIZE WITH EVERY TICKET ?ROI3PEC A' noutber of the loadieg Beakers tad Ker• cheat. of New York. to .eoandlirailoo of be Vent see.. which hao etteaded moat of tbe Cbaritable riee.talleA ltelettattueents of the llt7i ante oetealeto %beam..s Into a company asith the view of lectiptralleg no eaterprise • veldt, while 115.11 votary them ether Call Offer treater ...Waa to tieleleoase A 1... Lb. Soy 751 Prue.. ; and vitleb. mg cosidatt.d apot. • pericotly legitheate .d beet.. beets, shall bad., Cola Woe objet. . Unable feateseewld. bare elasseterised teeny of thew eatelvrt.A To elle eaet tie. bow g al the eels of tiVitk.*?r%trtier aa % =l4l°. ears. No. C Broadway, it•w tort. Who will beep the vv.. ut Male atetody tie day t. reebeettetkra iliterushmaabl. vbey they will be handed ow. to •commitlee aeleatod be the oodles. to seeks'. totpartlal dLtrlbw Una of totter • A esfebbseela the .W.ber of Wis. and the werearal plat mr distribellottlelree below. will matinee hen the most seepttesi or the 'great pa te to width will been. to all who panto- pate the eatarpaisa: and Me fah abe • Insablas 2100410 g of the aotapaby, bad the Placiware sad Bask.. thereof. aril!. me, , an pe. We eta. friSTaM,...lrersllll iseVelt.tu'gab.-.orrusiaTd:sftstrogiso4. lbe thwarts of ticket .hoidere will be most atrlcUy Watebed over Lad 5.0,504. 10 lac; .11 Se the dealt, of th e Maw.. to toad.; every trannallost for the sat.; benefit of whoever Shed poem.. a coat, ald nrepolonly to gold way and ...MI. I.leh teals In the ahem. deer. ate to tow whet latest. • LIST OF PRIZES CA II . . . . . Os& casa sass at.. -... Ida= 07040. 4.). usla sass sm..- .........., ..... 10,011 So col Vas task miss ss... ......... ...'....... ISA° MOTO 'Ll= grolgefts ''....."" tra ' . tro: Tsar swirls. as.. ........ .... ••.. &WO 1.1. CM Piss sun rises al —....... 200 10.M4 [Hat oU lansoS 5t................. 1.000 ate) T wenty sub Pr a 6.»........».. 55............. im 7,000 Twenty sulk DMus at MI &MO Twenty-ass sash pates 5t.... MO lin, A :::