The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 22, 1867, Image 1

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PE, REED ft CO.)
ammo, culzrivi =IMMO.
MOS. it 4211 se nrru inner.
leWal ?tr . Ten buena.
orriow.ram OP pirnionea AHD
turosarr arm
taItOIte7,I47I3ICAPZOT and stirr skin:
F ix= inisum.
itelt&t. ' CTFU.
Bitheabe 211. ,
Agignes. rhesarrz,
112T11181180H, lEWA.
,CEgittgbitt etaiEttc
Juer,-1111 en. Least Testere.—
Eunce them' Yla Opthten la the Can
9f Padova. Trott:
9thilhe :whOe, ,thart,:Pttel of the
opinion that the proitelost of the act of
Canvas of Februnry 26th, 1862, declar
ing the motes issued to petulance of that
aeltUbelaerittlhooney, ana a Legal cert;
"Thisiendersit neeesmey that I shotild
coneder.the other question which has
been made, as t 6 the effect of the special
a o l ire ir Attlttoera!it'esi.‘l lawfu l
W in e r fa m vo on r e lf
entering judgment for the plaintiff. but
as a majority of thercourtire of $ ffer.•
ant oplaionjudgment for the defendant!!
espied' from thi—Phikutsiphio Age of
February. 1%4 where the opinion is
lLtkreq. f.lsp be /bland , in the Lege/ in.
Aimee of itireb:lB,iB44, liege 92.
the sane copy of the - ips is a care.
fully prepared eulogy of the Judge and
Ids oriole*, in. wideti is the followhigt
"Judgallharswood reasons upon and
'decides tiet use self-he were Knee lofty
'spirit sitting fir above and out of the
contentions and strifes of the world."
WV - tot the holders-'Of greenbMke
and Glotaximent bandy . consider the
Judnatekuitit tooplevated and ethereal
fob suciearildi honors M a Mat ott the
Bureciabmitehi' ••
tthe' eintereitled Minority,: the liosiM
eratim party or Allegheny county, year
alcz,year go through the farce of nand
st ticket to present at the polls hi
opposition to the *publicans, who have
ulAiters.their own way an MN District.
INtigirelay' a isuranntlon".of AMmocratie
deleitSes t assembled, and succeeded_ in
.ilritunienoligh . men Willing to le Saari
itad,'nt tin Ibitlieiomhif election, in or
der thatthe orgardzsition -maybe
Zlerletked in; thee county.
The . iittlkdinc6 at the C6ntintion was
quite respectable, -and, to a certain de
grog harrooolons. The inevitable reso
lutitioliii; Harr,,„Hsq.; was on
band with a modest string of wheremes
and resolves to preittit to the: "loyal.'
assemblage. He was not ‘ to be frowned
down, Whoosh sunny, , of. the delegates
telt that the party,has enough to bear,
withont cariyin# the has,
bounding but
meaningleM words . 'of ir. -Heir as a
platformn# principles: ".The :venerable!
father of• many tisohttions tri—
.thaphed, and thus again demonstrated
cthathe had the patty in, hth- capacious
litiehit: A modtst representative or the
edged Demm6mUc and National
UstiMl organ of Western Pennsylvania,
'ihdhne'of an evertroublesome faction,
was deeply . concerned for . the "old
man" itt - Wishnigton, and with
eleSrtelice •• endeavored to show how
puels in:sped• was- due Mr. John
s SKIM-. by '-ths tustenitaed; , . The Me
gates had some knowledge of the
,putt .taapurience of the , party in
tying • A:the skirts of the aforesaid
, "old man" and repudiated him. .Inet
think of itandrew Jolownt Bet elide
bl,gutPemocrata of Allegheny county,
and - the' influence of the respeMable
Journal which is devoted to Ids intern*
i6dtagidtao, as thonghnot worth court.
J ug: After this exhibition of feeling an
the part,ot the great .minority towards
the President,we
,are constrained to ask
may be lowed his friends
and- admirent The Convention ad.
Joe Med after making nominations, and
doubtless the patty will make noble of
'Witte towards hirisenhig the overwhelm.
lag majoritYpromised our favorite
Ws Frtro,the frkllowlng letter. In the
Pldladeiplda Press, which glens the lie to
'the statement made by the mythical ils
,l,leMJourealthat the State • Superintend
ent of Cipial3loff
..„.411.11;: - 'l4likirshatn, is a . . New Eng
binder While :the — tuelounthment was
ta injure that 'gentleman,
• atillltb proitr to expose , the tricks Mk.
slotted to by the leadersof the Democrat
tepaity to see= . Totes through forgery
and falsehood. - Here is the letter:
Ilannunune, August 12, 1867.
thefirditers of The Press:
Sint In the Salem ,Thurnar article,
iehleh you so propertgeall a "stupid for
gery," it is stated that "the State Super
sintandent of Common Schools is by birth
- and education a Reir Englander, and it
.15 fair Io presume that the next crop of
•Dutch voters cal bs as • ccrelptolely • Yaw it is,
possthle So effect out of
sea. I:apron:tang .:,!.41t.
ter'" -
Although it is =mooing myself (rem
thebest of compirty, it is proper to say
that I belong to one of the ol de st . Penn
syltania families,My ancestors having
ormairtenEnglaid about the year 1664,
and that I hare SWIM: . been out of the
State meie than els weeks •nt a time in
,blame people are arraiiVoi intelligent
voters it is not my fault:
_ 3.-E. Wren/Moult
thipethstandent Common School*.
' Tarr wiry important body, the Fenian
Conknets, Is in minion In New York and
doubtless the freedom of Ireland hae again
an/I mein been &dend en . piperand by
infindiento Wield= orator, since its
commencement It ta announced that
John Savage has been rum d Eiead.Cen•
tge awl President of the organization.
hinillaherta done, that hoehould be
, triaged' Suet titer his return from the
'• Courts .of France. Austria, Italy and his bosom - Sill of mysteti.
- 41z' nectida, anilplots for the dellyerance
12 of old jtilandt It la ton bad to 'helve
and Stephen', for
0, ;':fie &Wired better,
• - Tice RegnabilCalts of Dauphin county
Lave nominated tlie following ticket:
Herr, P. B.
Rergeiresser...Prethouothri—Joseph IL
L' Xiserey. ReglideAlleorge 3L 3Lerk.
'''Vresstuer--Albert, Rummell: Commis
sioner-7nm Rath= Poor Director
PWlfpßoyer. Coroner—Jathes for.
ter.' .Authior—d.. IL _Black. Jury Com.
honer -Copt. Rutherford.
firitier's Lattice mey be s commend-.
ablnyrtue, but #l4 PCOrle /TO 11011 ,
_ tiring foi an opinkin •Of tome kind tram
,?..,;bli,47l47;tiut important, questions of the
Lour. the . Soldiers' U 111011; of Wash.
legion, D. C., refused to peas a resolu-
ClioititoMplimentary to bury inasmuch
one Arrows where be stands, and it
be unsafe to endorse a man rut
zince4tain around,
'Axil:Opulent legal decision from our
candidate for_.Bulireme• Judge, son. H.
.W. Wir4sairs, delivered yesterday in
:::tie District Court, pill be found in our
lOcal columns to -dpi..- It, will repay
weld perusal, ae it le the first of the
Chiatitr made since the panne of the
Benkrupt sq., and as a legal document is
:worthy of prescrvetion.
• -
TattnegrOes of tho.flooth are begin
4ns totally appreciate the great
leye et . tmirrage, and aro anxious to. be.
come thintrogtay educated fn the politics
rot the country, so that they may prove
. aCceidibie and worthy citizens. •
S: la now. rumored from Washington
that Gen. %crane' removal ts content
' plated:by the Piesiderit: Like Puma
sisst, Gen: &clans" has:been using his
104 eftrbi.7toriarde eneceuthl mon
.- • sttnOlen. snd meet suffer. • -
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1:0A:!E LIOM[.-NO. 192
BY Tilgtroh tp the Pittsbnio guette.)
.terograge arritoaireagura OAS& -
I.avezeted. August 11,-The Important
salt of the West India and Patine Steam- .
ship Company vs. A. 13. Williams A Guirm,
ant tried to the livilipool Court of AltiMe.
has resulted
in . a Judgment for the plain •
tiffs, with damages mussed idom room
sterling. The .11121 C grew out of an explo-
Mon of nitroglycerine at Aspinwall. April ..
ed. M. by width the steamship Beeline.,
beretorthe to plaintlille,'lrse totally destroy.
Se- while With at the above named Port. -
ne '
e explosion - also remitted In the
lam of sixty lives, including those of
the captain and severs] other cram.
of the steamer. The Caribbean, - of
the same IWO,. also sustained serious
damage. The ship was valued at thirty-Mx
to forty thousand pounds. The cargo woe
Bleared for about sight, thousand pounds.
,The damages to the Caribbean were escorts.
/ad at nearly ten thousand pounds. The
oweari of savarsl Willing. on the shore,
which we demolished, put in their Math.
for Menages to a considerable amounted.
ditlaus4 bet the 'lllld e nfilterli dieilaodta
make good thiir loesei and thrall the
-irpOsittglie7 upon the owners of the - Both
passolpou the ground that they were eel.
table carrying extdotive Materials on
their slap and below deck. The plahatithi
In tam 'brought snit arable: Williams &
claim, as shippers of nitro glycerine,
claiming that they wore gut* of
dorentioo In shipping 'an article
under the name of Mori= 011,4 substante
unknown to chanibta or commerce,' and
tido Involved.the plaintiffs in their groat
loose and liabilities. Defendants replied
they had sated to the matter only ,ufor.
warding that the explosive material came
to them from a Hamburg ' with in
atimetkins to forward to Bondman, Neal &
Boa Mel plaintiffs , Mom that they were
themaalvm dembrad by 'the description
title of Glorlan 011 In the manifest, and bad
no knowledge. nor rimplaion of the
dangerous chiractor of the freight.
width thus passed throlab. th eir hinds fa
the usual coarse 'of .their truthulto. The
lodgment rendered la understood to Win.
Moly wattle the fact that, the plaint/Ware
entitled to damages and cannot recover
their imam from the 11.1111.11 , Miterf I but the
question sthether the defendiuda are Md.
mately liable, or whether the plaintiffs
must look to the originarallippers at Main
-burg, goes to &higher tribuzull for arm: ma
and decialoa.
rsettartarr aosoofron-pssars, erns¢•
LONDON, August 11.-Egersing.-Parllarnant
Iris prorogued today. The Queenarss sot
present. Her speech was read to the Com
minim:Ler. The - Queen declares that there
la no longer any groursis for apprehension
of war So EZrOPG. The treasonable eons,*
racy Hare/runt bad proved fatile,sed the at
tempt at revolt vas suppressed almost ebb.
ontbloodshed by thornier of the troops. via.
Mince exul activltyof the miles and general
loyalty of the people. /awl ha been vindi
cated without sabrillas of human bib Thu
speech refers with satisfaction to the new •
postal treaty with . the United grates; and
In eonalturion oongrstulatee Puller:neat and
the country on the oampletlon of the Cana
dian Union. the ;Image of the Reform Hill.
and the adoption of other
Adel to the United Kingdom.
.1112 VOZZ LC/11. •
Loinor, August, It—Eunsinge-The ram.
at 'fork to4oy. were wen attetided.
grille:Via ram, far the Ebor Oaten
was 'rem b7 . "sofia.” -
..71;stitAintrt ra.onocirm—Tai irfrr =err
oZ sou
houses, enured 21.—The prier:Wilk" Or
the /Milan Parliament tont plats today.
Garibaldi eras again obliged to dolor the
nueyeineut on Rene and the preparations
which were bolus made by the party of
action throughout Italy. under orders of
the. G'eastal, have been suspended.
as oorricurcs or or.ovnrso ROADS
Pomo Anima, 11.—Ennang.—The semi
ofhelal pram of this city deellire the Confer
ence of the Emma= at Belzberg • entrees
lour term of pears for Europe. Another
getherine of European Sovereigns II expo" -
unite take place here. It Is reported- that
Qneen Vlatorta and Emperor Trances .10-,
mph will meet Nepotism at Pads In oat*:
uses cork= To ss rouszo.
August 91—.Consfrob—k dispatch
from Constantinople stater that the Sultan
has resolved to form • new Coooell, cam.
posed to equal numbers of Greeks and
rah Ware 11 aerzhaziA.
• Learree,.krignet lh—it re repartee irera
Madrid that the revolt In CataLOnla hem
fatted sad the authority at the Gorernment
Is rpNdl7 being rweetabllahea in the teems
rectory districts.
Loan= *Sinai 21—.Parniae —Consols 544,
ppg; 1111[o, Central . - 04; Ens 4314;
Atlantic and Great Western 11.
lermaroos, August 21—Easnlafb—Cottow
closed quiet and alowl3l ml ding uplands
OAP= ltd sa les today. ID,Ons tales.
wheat. um. Bar ea: . Oats .>d lid. Peas
Ms. Plow , W.Chub It.. East 13/'
lard 11. Id. Pork Us rd.. *anon 433 14.'
Petroleum unchanead. •
Los - noe, August 11..—Ilarkets unchanged.
Patrols= at Antwerp 43 (MC.
Y/LADITOITi 'An L' 11.—UnIted State.
bonds quoted at .
By ieleirsek to Oa ritt.bugh OiDett..)
Nr Ton:, August
snort 1003.12. T.
Bidesoo 4 Bons store, Chambers street, WOO
adroitly roldoal of $15,,090 71 bonds rutin ,
day, it Is Immo:owl by • Pot= nßfase.ff
tag blattell as • 'Tomas tritaor.
• zotitse .haws.
Too boatman bora =de a patch to row
from Elysian fowl, Babel= to .roesh•
keeled., fOr OM , cm the 6th of 6irptaftber.
&meter Havre, of Wlsoanalv, end niellol3
Itwoot, of rittaburge, are among the pie
ileums by the steeazaar Rusts, 'react Ball.
ratan corezeTs. ,
A Fallon Convention, of the (Mahon
ovum% 161014110 D t 0447. and Pnaoldlda'
to orgam,te. It Ix quite largely attended.-
It is stated that Itiestatemesre rehttlve to
the tart sett at Albany egalstrt the Mar.
chants Ireton Erma. Company, Is the only.
infOrlaStloll r a nd by the °Mean of too
company on the inhlect.
Forty thousand Dins ptPlitzton coal wars
sold at =Won today it $4.4561,70.
wows . ogye Cairn mut Barney Aaron
aro moroba4 for another vris• nght.
Divinum nwt.4Lixo
The nada Ittll Company have declared
a quartarly alarld,aa of three per cent.
Bass sari..
• • •
The' Mae !lel lame - to-day regatta,:
Athletics 23, EakfOras 19.
Gen. Maras ging and focally. tote Maisie .
st Howe, retained to thU city yesterday.
Stallremd DlDkDity gn Court-And
nullAflotker illineder. •
My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh insette.l
Nagirrirle, August 21.—E. W. Cole, vatio
Cairn to be Prosodist! of the llaahyllle and
Chattanooga Hallroad, mm121E1;0401 aliened
by the secluded' attOokliolders and flume
•otnig sigebtat the Duna directory, has o¢
plied to Judge Brien, of the Clrcult Court of
Devldean county, for a mandamus to give
him polowaslon of the road
Brims will hear the cue at the regular
of court nest month. Whatever hL deta
in= may be In the matter. It will SO WON.
the Supreme Court next December.
roe cable of a negro. named Frealclln,
near Gellstbs, wan mitered Ws morning .
ll:before del. and Franklin mu-rder..
with abe dwoun wee alsod. in shot, bat made ing=
the thigh.
CnnUire driver . for lir. Franklin, of
Gallatin. Toe murderers ere unknown. out
!!" "PP 096 4 to be unrolls. . . • ,
Ties Cable ew Cabe successful',
eiamed and leorttte= - Well.
Egglurraph to the Illtsbargh easette:/„
PONTA Itoht, rz....„ August n.—The gab.
i i n to a g r IHvo aw Pable between Key West
anocauflally sylfood on
etuldaY. nth Wm. and worked well. The
....m.ota of tba telegraph party between
pines Nal Key West /ire unknown.
,r,„ enterprising Cianoams of Tames.
See here formed essorladoei for the en
couragemeut of troodsriMon 6t . lbOrtl3
froth %um W thit.Btl.o.
The O'Hare Bench Warrant Case—.
The Bankrupt Law 1113312 Penat)twa.
wt. Duolvens Law—lmportant Opln.
ton. by Judge PriMem..
JlNteeisloa wet. rendered by Judge Wll.
hares, of the District Court, yesterday, en
toe ...thou, ralted• In the Ogler& bench
warrant cue. argued on Friday Of last
week, on a motion to quash the warrant.
A. the opinion la of more than ordinary
importance, we publish It in fulL • •
The Cosonenaulth at the instance of laws
.11glinyares. Michael OilkimAo.7.l,2fotres.'
Der 7tret,lSW. -Bench Warrant.
Ortriost Or,
.Wittusts. A. J:
This is a Pi0M.3 ,1 1.4 b 7 BelieliWarroxit,
under the act of July Lill, S'S, at the M-
I mance of Talneer, . judgment
creditor of Wilma t "Robinson, sureinst
Thetonere, a member of the said fi rm.
The efadevat of complairmt, upon welch
'the warrant of arrest 11y.1111.1 cue was is
sued este forth the recovery of kludirment,
In this Court. by the MUac against the firm
of Wilms A-Rob/Peon, upon e bond in the
penal snm Of MAP, conditioned to indem
nify him from hit Ilibility entiorser• of
certain pronnesoryssoms drawn. by the said
nr mto the amount of. fl 2 d, Of retied
nice, It is averred, had become due and had
been nroumted for non-Payment, and which
ho hod become liable to Amy, &mime of
which, amounting to $llOO, he had actually
The eMdavit charges that the defendant
, bargained audeold alarm, quantity of tools
and otherpperty of the firm. of the valuta
of 41,501, for aur hundred doll tra, end that
hem, disposed of the sant property with In
tent to defraud his creditors:
That lib - " Cate tO Dle wl fa; or to a crma per
aohla trust for hal , . about the monies
of tlosllrox with Infant to defraud Dia trod'.
That be removed out or the county cer
tain property,. to wit batik net., United
Rates Treasury notee, drafts end Vale of
exelmose.aatoontang In the whole to about
1120,000, with Intent to defraud la:a
tors :
- .
:That be hat property and money-whioh.
he fratedidently convials, unjustly-re.
Asses to apply to the Darnel. xnafgant'a
' has disposed of a portion of his
Property and is about to dispose of other
Wong of .bts property with Intuit to do.
bin cm4ltota..
- Upoatheprosentatfon of tho .afftdavit, •
warrant for site street of the defendant was.
ti med aceardance wlththereorgetneents
the act, and. he seta thereupon ' arrested
and brought before roe for hearth g; but; at
nts the lima:lgor the case was ad•
boomed to • sabsequent (Inv. upon hu cla
ttr bond, wltn•unity, for hie
at thin ttme.. At the adjourned beartog Ids
counsel moved Lewis. [die wraranton two
First, Because the Bankrupt act of the pi
hfarch,lB , s7, supercedes all proceedings eh.
der theist:l of:l2th July . . - 1812. whet% ae in
this mum, the oomplananlia debt' Is :prova
ble under the Bankrupt act, and the defen
dant Is amenable Wits
an p w r a o s v i l s r i r o e n g s u .
aimed,a d d eatmot w be ti t fOrced under
l athrypro
visions of the act of 12th July, Ist.l, because
at the time the said warrant was issued
there was *pending levy on the oarlock]
property of the partnership. consiatlng of
the materials...Kett. manufactured ware
. .
and merchandise 011ie said &el, and upon
the Indlelduar pm: wetly of ins defedant,
embracing his stock in the Pittsburgh and
Connellsvala railroad Company; imdin the
Allegheny Valley Railroad Company, by
virtue Of a IL fa. Limed on .complatnants
Judgment: and because all the monies and
agssita of the defendant In the possession of
the liscnimge National If= k have been at
taehed, by virtue of an attachment In exe..
maim. Issued - on said Judgment and served
span the garnlalree. as appears by the said
writs. and the Inducement of the Sheriff
The motion was thereupon argued by the
Counsel on both sides and held under ad.
viseinent, std the farther hearing of the
case adjourned =III the present time upon
the defendant's entering Into a new bond,
with suretT, for Ids appearance. •
In nentsidermg and deterallqlng the ones.
ties raised by the defendant , . motion, I
have availed myself of the learning and
adamant of me brethren—the Prescient
Judge of this Conn, and the President and
Associate Judges of the Court of Common
Pies. At my , request, and with the view
of recurum uniformity of decision and prac
tice under the act auttionrAng thut proceed-
Mg, they bate Investigated wad considered
the et:cations Vita me, and the result, Ls
that are have unanimously came to Um fol
lowing coachmen,:
Strat—Tbat the n.ankrtipt Act, as seems
It went into Op eratlon, Ipsofteler,stitrpeeddi
all action tipon Intern CMG ,
arising mid.'
the Insolvent last ot this State, where the
alMolvent laws act. apon the 11•11111 'object
,matter and the coma persons as the Dank-
mut Act. '
tircend—That the Du:krau n e t ct inspentis
all proenedlnffs under tee tof 12th of
July, lac% where the latter act operate. on
the throe subject Matter utd upon the wee
peraons as the former.
Tird—Tbatthe Bankrupt Act overate.
1390n.tbeerthirot , matter of the complaint
le true case and upon th e persons affected
thereby, nod therefore, I tempted. Me op.
oration of the act of July 12th. lal2. under
y whichthe warrant for the defendant's ar.
fhwrie—That even if tide were not eo. the
Warrant in this case Was not regularly Is.
•sued, and cannot be enforced, under the
provisions of the net of July lltb. lei'
pending a levy on the yerernat property of
the partugmhip' sou We Inutridost prep
ert7Pl the defendant, by . virtue of the. 11- to.
in the .bathe hands,. 1510424 oomplain,
ant's Judgment; and pendin the attath
mnat of defendant , * effects, I n the pawns.
ion of the garashee, by virtue or toe ene
mata:o attactimenfaultted On sell Judgment.
Yl)le.-.l"bat the warrant Ismael in thin ease,
most, therefore, be crashed.
Dot before proceeding to' make the order
It may be proper to glee briefly the reasons
In et:wort of the coach:alma to which we
have cease—
Creunitutdon or the United
State. gives to Concrete the txrerer to es.
tallish =Worm laws on the subject of
lbuthreptcles throughoutthe United states.
How far this power supereedea State losis.
lethal wee at one time a matter et numb
discussion, upon which Judges differed in
opinion. Some behtlhat the po In Con.
Crthe is exclusive of that of the nta wer
whether exerted or net; at upersedee Mate
legislation.. Golden U. prince y gun.
Circ. Rep: N. 'Others maintained that
the power Sr. Conenits Is not ex
elualve, and that, when unexerte.l. the
Btates am at liberty to exercise
tti and thth opinion la now . nrridy
tabllabed by) defeat decialons. L,Stfargis vs.
Crownlnaldeld, a Wheat, IX% Ogden st.
Saunders. IX id, CM The welt settled don
trine on the subject la that the powers
granted tre Congress are not excluive
similar powers existing in the elates, un
less where the Constitution hu expresairl
In terms given an mations* power to Coo.
meas. or the exercise of a like power in pre.
Welted to the State., or thereto n direct re-' '
puignaneyertscompatibillbr m littoexerclu
of It by the btates. in all other Lame the
State. retain enactment - authority
with Congress, except when the laws
of the istetu and of the Union are
direct and Manifest.. collision On
the' saute subject, and then' those of the
Union. being' the supreme law of the land,
are of paramount anttiority, and the nude
laws so far, and solar only, ts eneh intent-
patibnity exists. must necenanly yield.
Dot In the case of concurrent powers, when.
once the Leghdature of the Union hos exer
cised its; powers -an a glVen Cabinet, the.
State power over that same senject 'mien
was before concurrent, 10 by that exercise
prohibited. j. dent's Com. 004. This doc
trine ban been applied by the Courts to the
power of Congress on the Subject of bank.
mottle*, and It nu been held that though
the power In emigres* in not nyeluls° of
the States, and wtentunexerted, the States
lie at liberty to exercise the lamer In its
foil extent, embus so far a• they are con
trolled by other constitutional provisions,
yet when Cowes* has acted upon the eta,-
ject, to the extent Of the national leglale-
Ma. the power of the Statee Is limped end
onntroLled... 4 Whant.licly lit
Let us that applythos principles to the
question before net If the Bankrupt Let
conflicts- Watt the Insolvent law. of this
State, th e Operation of • the latter Ls !sus
pended so long as the Bankrupt law con-
Unties In force. /t Is true that there le •
wide diderenee between the Bankrupt Act
reefur Infoinnt la de b to r, t respect.. the
afforded to the for, while the
bankrupt may be discharged from his
debut. Atm insolvent . debtor onl di.
Charged It= y
And there
are marked differences it other respect..
But these differences intim mope an 4 pun
pose of the tom, sodas It remelts the reg.
shalom contained therein. 100 not nearera
ray prevent h e froin cOldbming with
each other. .00 the contrary they may co.
elision the conflict. Tho line of partition
between bankrupt and insolVent law. Is not
Be dhainetly marked, as to emote any her
eon to say with prattles precision, what be
longs enchisprely to the ono and nob to the
other +fleas of laws. It is difficult to els-
Criminate with accuracy between bankrupt
San le.ol9etit leant and therefore • bank.
rept law • may contain them regulations
which am generally Toned fa Inialrentlaws,
and ith Insolvent law may. contain MOW
which are common to a Mink:opt laws
Kent. Coro 310. A 3 it respect. tho
question they both Oeerate open the lame
sellout matter. and lame the limo PereoW ,
gnu they pros - Melo some rorpecta a Mien
entrale for the distribution of • debtor , .
effects among his creditors. They stetter.
fore, in direct and manifest collision with
each other, end the laws of the State must
Yield to te paramount authority of the
Maimed legislature.nd • lc , the question
was decied In ex pe el. Lucius Fame! II
Story Rem. =, sited by detendmVs coun
sel. It was there held that the Bank.
rapt law of 1611, time Colon into
operation in t °Unger!, BOX. Spec .r 4510
impended all action upon future cases awe
lon Midge the State insolvent laws, where
the Irmedrent pereone Were within the per
view of the Bankrupt law. In detiVerlog
the °pluton :edge awry said It appears
to Me that both of tems cannot be it °for
ma ion or steely at the lame time to the flame
porton.; and where the State and National
legislation noon the same subject, end She
same petWnla, to conflict, the National
laws most prevail '
and minieed the opera
tion Of th e State lace. This, Las far us I
know, has beet) the Uniform doctrine main.
tattled , in all the Courts of the United
States. And, after referring to the differ
ent Crpinwrie expressed by the J edges In the
cue of Stores 111. Crowninableld, 6 Wheat.
141. Is re the question of the exclude.
power Tested In Centres. by the Con
fattthon of the United Staters to pass
Bankrupt • law, . toys i" But all
the olf,i n gwere anew that when .
Congress OM psis a Bankrupt Act, it wee
sours:My and that the stet) laws must yield
wit anal could no 1505?? Oporgto note per.
.00 0000 within the purview of suet
oat.• • • • • it Seem tome, them.
fore, tut .L 0.5 remains upon
which an argument can be rounded, that
the ineolvent limed Massachtheits are not
as to parse= sod cafes frith , . the Damien
of oho Bankrupt ACtothapistelystisperided.
Each system is to act upon the same antdeef
Inatter. Spun the fame .property, um. L b o
emcee rights, and. Sport tnecalitne
creditors se well as debtor,. Benne:mot
go on together withoutdistot sod; mane
collisioninad .the Int7Ment that the Lank.
rout let does, or may °Pend* talon the
Person or the case.that moment Itirathally
supersedes all State leirahlthark:
~d f a thecareof thisold sa rralAn Mat.
emli 16, it Wee subeedurettlyhedd by the an.
PM? , COWS Of Manselauldtts, Shit wl4l.
thethilted states Bankruptact of ISti was in
force. proeuedlegs 'gained a debtor, under
the insolvent laws of the State, were , un
authorised and void, If the debtor and his
property were subject to the operation of
the BM:ft. - apt act, although no prowedings
under it were had against lA= 'lt was con.
ceded in ease, as it has .been by the
complidusathi Owned In this, that the ef
fect of 'the Bankrupt law was nweeirarily to
impend all State laws with which It came
In conflicts but It was contended there, as lt
has been in this caw, And as was. redid in
Zeilienhaaa'S =Se, 9 Iredell,4l2, that a State
Insolvent law mai exist and operate with
PM vigor, until the Bankrupt law at
taehes , Itself . own the person or
property Of the - debtor: by pro.
medlars Instituted in bankruptcy;, and
and that no case of condlot can arise until
after the proceedings In bankruptcy have
reached that statism which the debtor has
'been judicially declared a bahkrtipt. - But
this position, however plausible it may an
at Ilretview,eannot,as the-Um:lM say,
be sustained. The right to proceed ender
the insolvent law of the State. the bankrupt
law being in inn force, most be tilaced on a
firmer heats than that of the failure of the
Insolvent to apply to the District CAtirt of
the United Steles for the instituttbn of pro
ceedings la Bankruptcy.. II the proceed
ings coder the Insolvent law are Valid at .
all, they mast be valid to the extent of car.
rying out and perfecting such 'prweedings
after they have owe been' instituted. Such
affect ruts alWayi been admitted to attachto
'proceedings legally commenced7tafore - the
Bankrupt law *writ into operation, but
thou pending. • Sound priaMple would-re
quire that, in all C/Le. where proceedings
could be legally lestitinal, they should
have the legal capability of being perfected
and closed, under the Slate law. Ltit under
the view liken of this queation on ell shies,
end as ocumeded on the part of the plaintiff,
the proceedings weer the State Insolvent
law, by virtue of which he chains the pro
perty in controversy. might he wholly m•
personal and rendered void, at the will of
the insolvent debtor, bynling his petition
In bankruptcy, during wye tag° of ins pre
ceedings under the , Insolvent law.' before
his assets should he divided among his
There can be no doubt, as it mins to me,
both upon mason "and authority, that the
present hiankrupt Art superseder, all local
aw. acting open the same rights and affect.
tog the smile' pumas and' the name mt.
emed—And for the reasons the Bank.
rapt Act susnends•all proceedings tinder
the act of 1842, by virtue of whietatte *er
rant in thin case was tuned. The verylnat,
tern, charged in the &ASSAM of oomplain
ant ea • ground or canon for the arrest of
the defendant, constitut e and are declared
to be aria of benkreptcy under the preen,-
lone of,tha .WIT, section of the not and for
which an =pie remedy is prOVlded by the
loth eection. By orirtne at the erosive,.
of this latter section the creditor, upon
aline his petition, may obtain an order on
she debtor to appear in Ave days from the
service thereof end &tow ear..why , he
55=14 net bn wiludged bankruptc and
the Mart may also. by Ira intheetton, re/.
trait, the debtor and any omen, in the
Ineantlteo, from making any transfer or
dispoeluou of the debtor'. property, and
front any ieterfereace therewith; and if
there m probable cause for believing that
the debtor Is anent to leave the district, or.
to remove or conceal his goods and chattels,
or isisevidence of property, or make
any fraudulent conveyance or OlepOeltiOn
thereof, the Court may lung a Warrant to
the Marshal of the District commthiing
him to amen the alleged Maki - Mot, and
him safely keep. unless he shall give bail
to the satisfaction of the Court for Ms sp.
pearatioe, from time to time, until the de.
Melon of the Court sport the petition, or
the Mirther order of the. COOrt41121.10r1••
with to take poem:salon provisionally of all
the property and effects -of the debtor. and
safely keep the same mail Übe further on
der of the Court. The act, will be seen,
provides an matte Mid effectual Menhir
for all the matters • emnplattrad of end
charged against the defendant Inthis ease.
Bet ten proMalons of the act of ISlZare In
dtreet COodlet with the ermine:or of the
Bankrupt am. The act Of UM proVidet for
the- discharge of the deleteithan upon
Ms paying the debt or demand with
coats of suit; or upon his giving
twenty to pay the same with to•
tercet within the lime specified in the set;
or town his giants bond, with sureties, that
he will not remove or meg. his property
with latent to defraud his creditors, or with
view to give &preference to &creditor for
an ante.ft.dent debt want the demand of the
complainant with met* shall be satisfied:
Yo:=e t iff dieTnior th t =llt r' rnti k it ' .
rapt Act terbids ala prefarencts, and set,
them snide where they are made tor the
purpose of giving one creditor an advert.
Mae ever thotheri and, as we have seen, It
thepends the
refore operation of the insolvent
larva It
is the Grayly conlitet with
the Act of 1842,, which recognises and makes
prarlattnt for each preferences, and le in
some reepectsammylement to Um Insolvent
laws of tee State.
Third—Dot, able from the provisbnis of
the Bankrupt Act, the 'warrant Is Wender
and cannot be legally entombed. It waui not
the intention of tne Legislature, in shoptinc
the Act of P 42, to authorise the street and
Imprisonment Cl • debtor. as • Civil
remedy In any cam to which he could ,
not be arrested and Imprisoned before
the passage of the act. Oct pending
•thvg en personal venally by virtue of a
fife, the creation. before the psesageorthe
net, road not 'Minot Ins debtor to treed.
raiment on • on. wa And II he mold n o t,
bow can it be add that, by the provisions of
the act of 1542,11 th defendant in tine ease
thanes be 'arrested, If the sot or IsLI bed'
not been passed be could not he aerostat
banding the levy on the JI. frt., and It Is
only In a case where, br the prorlshms of
thamt be cannot be untated„ that a war.
rant oan Immo. But It is unneeessaty to
spend time in the discuseloa of the
sublent. The question farther
was decided by the
District Court or Philadelphia, In the caws
of Peaty,. Perry, 4 gem; L. J., 410. it was
there heid, in an able opinion de
livered by the riesiblent Judge, [hat
pending a levy on real estate, by vir
tue of aft. fa., • warrant of arrest, under
the art of We loth of July, IN'{ cannot tune
against the &deadens. If tale te eo, there
w greater reason for holding that such
entrant cannot Inn.. Pending • im'Y on
,property, by Tinge of a 11/.. In
the hands of the eheritr, whine is regarded
as fatlefection, for some pupal s, by the
law as long as It anbelste. • • •
•The Motion Of_ ilisiatulant'a counsel Is,
therefore, emtalleid on bOth grounds ; sad
It Ls aboonilogly - Ordered thee the warrant
tented In his emit be,and Use Seine Is hereby
Pulling tip Sweet Cons
The time is near at hand when.arreet
corn wilt be ready to put up for winter
use; and a few po tats In reirani to curing
the article will not be out of place:
Get the corn wherrtbe grains are In
prime order for the table—phon the corn
is tenderestiand thOiutoes .rc evreetest.
Boil the eats a few mluntca, (not over
tlUe;) three Is better thanAvo. Then cut
and lay away to' dry. A fruit dryer in
boat; even.moderately warm will do
very well; orltake wry method that will
„wonted dry your corn, beteg liwayx
careful not to burn It; and do not Inv in
lumps or too thick together when drying,
Or It vrlll soon =Mid. Around a itove,
or where there is a fire, is a good place.
alwave avoiding dampness, steam, ete.;
put in sacks and bang away m a dry
place, runt yonr corn to it .for next win
ter'it use. lit using, you are to restore as
near as ble to Its original state. This
t, best one hydro. washing It to get out
duet and husk; and then thoroughly
soaking in wider, the water being re.
, kilned to boll It In: ".- •
I die a wreteliod sinner, and I leave to
the world n worthiest r muctation, a wick
ed exacupie, and n memory only fit to
perish. ' •
I leave to -my parents Borrow and bil
. torment of soul all the clay. of their
I leave to my brothers end 'Mattis
ammo and grief, and reproach of their .
acquaintances. • • •
I leave to my wife a widawed awl bro
ken heart, and a life of lonely struggling
and auguring. '
leave to my children a tainted amine,
a ruined position, a pitiful ignorance,
and the mortifying recollection ofa father
Who by his. life dingraced humanity, and
at Ida -premature death Joined the great
company of thaw who are never to enter
41e. kingdom of Gal.
Model Comtrua
The Prieox ,Maireinan says n boy in
South Danvers wrote the I--Bowing tom
position upon his native town, which It
thinks is very good for 11, schoolboy :
• South Danvers is in the United kates.
It •Is bounded by Salem and _roaches to
Middleton. Its principal riser is Gni&
thwalte's brook, which eptice Into So.
lcm . Harbor. Its principallake is tha
mill pond - which is dry n the summer..
Its principal productions 'are leather;
onions, Me South Church and ,George
Peabody. 'South Danvere has Many re
ligiOnl sects, among which are the Or
thodox, who worship their mitihiter, the
Spiritualists who worship overyttilmr,
and the Unitarians, who worship nett,-
BL'IGULAB DHATII.—A washerwoman
known as "Old hate," living au the
South Side, tiled recently of a disease
which bellied the skill of cvetyphyslcian
In the country -Her sterna& armed to
bo'affected In a slogger matinee. No
medicine that was administered had ady
effect upon her, and her malady Increas
ed with time. ...At last she -died a mos;
horrible death. In order to satisfy their
marlogity,,it was resolved among the
medical men who had attended her to
hold spest mortem examination or hex
body, Dr. Haase opened the body when
a number of large crabs, alive end active,
were found disporting themselves. They
were doubtless the cause of ..her death.
She hadprobably drunk the eggs In we.
I ter, which devoloplug, had become crabs.
1 llfwattkec Sentinel.
tho Virttid, in the lioutbumpartof the de
partMent of Choluteca, Honduras, then
la a natural curibslty, called tho;"Foun
tain of Blood.' This fountain consists of
a 'tramp of fluid resembling blood, which
drops steadily from tho roof Of the care
upon the floor boricath.. it forret pools of
ammtlalcd matter upon the law, mud
imparts its color to a small brook which
flows from the cave. Tho liquid Mai not
only the color, but tho taste and smell of
blcsxl, and when exposed to the air fora
short time emits a very offensive odor.
No satiafactory analysis has beon made
of it, and TIMOLOS theories have been ad.
'ranted concluning-. "
FOUR 0' • LOCiC,. A. M.
Citzsum tigon it — lTtimerbsa Bridge
Lid with dramaliths—The
chineron Prewre.low Rap
z faiy,
131 Telegraph to On ,Plitabargb Ossetia)
Kangas 'Cray. t.W.An6tist.2l..;-The corner
stone of the Cameron Railroad bridge
zeros! the Missoarl.river at thin point was
laid this aftertione . with finnohlo
riles, under the immediate direction of 400.
Li. PlO,ll , Granegialiter, amid great ma
thosinam.OVer OliTthoulandAseople, In
eluding' endears* - Irma 'LeareawOrth.
Wyandotte. lnd i e4itidenCe ' and • 'other
town]. in the vie , were essembled on
the banks of the river to - vs/Mime the cere
mony. esauramarill Wen by Mr. Chanute,
the chief engineer, that the atm:lure will
ho completed lii•Orie Year. The Bridge
will he , iron. MOO feet long, with a
draw in the - • ebitenel of the river of
Sid feet; six stone piers, with smut
of 2.10 feet, .and sill have a carriage
'way no well BA railroad track. • This bridge.
- with the me nowAnulding soros' the Mis
sissippi at Quincy, will give no through
connection: lirsthent bre:eking bulk with
New York and Rotted, Making' Ranee. billy
a distributing poltiVot considerable tom
= erciel important...!
tine hundred. Leak . layers comumeced
work On the Cameros road on Monday , and
the tree ta being la dot the rate of one mile
daily. Arrangements relative to the work
on the Halms City and Fort Boom road have
boom brought tea final eettlement,thanring
the early completion of that road.
(By Tolegralgt to as, rttutnt . rgh thuetto.)
• Wisitzraroo, August 21,1E47.
• 7/11p1V11115K1312CraD OCT. '
Ucnersl Grata 1.44. 1 7. as Acting Beeretax7
of War. lasoodwzi Arelar mortaring oat tho
wad !Clout ili,Fhjarete. to totem:feet Octo
ber test. 'The programme gems to be to
dtspowee with all alheers not In th• 111g11114r
lye cliatantala
The Co am: at Ilein [tan reports
cholera on the apexes.. The Conant at
Palermo writes, July alst. thatover one
hand red Wives and villages In Syria. are In.
footed ' , with &Mere. sad the average eases
were out thonemtd per day. For a fortnight
there had bees bet few caseenomparatlvely
In Palermo, and those decreasing.
Rectetirjr•Ortanit Is -improving to
health, and Eli blends expect• ha too
able to resume his duties this track. •
stalta. coitva.
Col. U.S. Xjoi, Chief Sign i Ot!loam of the
tlnxT. hoe been .otdortki to. Witabutgtoa to
take ctuutto of the Signal Corp..
Mat; AZ•list. , iltellmoser—Sladwtels
. I.l•Dits--1 1 / I heas Esperumos.
Trientoolt to the rislabarre Ossetia]
Star riusemo. Adicart 11.—Unitad 81.;1.1is
District Attorney Late has corntrince4 a
" at'ii ka . lOit tail Q. Of the schooner
Sarah. to racer= 440" the lament of the
11;13001 .1Ten 0
1 re P. 0 1
Ml ' WI L o t t I s % glti :TN ire If . 11Q.-
17' and • fraud's lenUy retained within the
Waits of the atate.
The lark Comet Oringe San d wich Wand
news to .1.10 2.11. 11,O0=re of choice
Set .1011nd cotton, had ' received at
lioneletti. The et4Uvation Of the awe
was profitable and extendirinr , . ..
The great volcano IC quite [lye again.
Exports of Cal iforals wheal 0111 MOM..
to In CtVlllO. Thirty-four vessels are load
ing fee foreign Tarte, mostly f r r Usti.
arriv, elite nannuese. l y re ValparaJao.
,Denastaire bf Igespewal Thema. 'for
[ Neer Orteime—Arrest et an Escaped
.illy Trassfraph to the Pittsburgh t melts.]
I.oortrimm, nugget tl..—Major General
George IL shows, having received official
notification Of - his iittilignment to the oom•
mend of Use Fifth Nilitary District, left for
New One*ns by the three Wciock traiLl tOL
inflanlOonoust.ompalLl64 by him staff..
Peter Carom, the murderer..ho escaped
some daSsi ago from the New Albany ail.
1.1 , 1 was arrested et Nashville yeste eV.
arrived at New Albany this evening under
[nerd. List rain recommitted to prison.
II ere oLoarrealimentse—Tlialr Ifeteneent
gaged ger,Tellow revue.
Cur Teceraph to tea gltrantrile flasette./
Nate Oatzeae, August fl.—Reaclutione
worn adopted by both goatee or Aldermen
last night, declaring their opinion that the
farther ssiettionlo OM. Of the preterit
Comptroller, dempor, City. Attorney and
Coroner will be to disregard of the' men
etructlon am, tad ceiling open the the.
mending um:Drell° remove these
Tao deaths from Oct low fever occurred
The voratherls rooter and pleasant.
Itortotrattott to Loath Caro Una.,
INT Tektgrapb to tito rltubarglt tlatetto.4
COLVI.II. 13.—Tbo 10411 r
rerutored tlxlay ras arty-mon, or am
tritrtpers wart whit.,
CoAntAreow Aaiun. 'lL—The a umtier
reglstemd to !day was two Londroll and
ttarepave; of 1.1.t0m ono hundred and forty
were white..
The Weather sad Otters.
Hy Telegraph se Ike rtstabeish livette.l
• liatmesan, Ma.; August 7.l.—Refehat
herd et held:o4oU.
erscata. lla.;Sugust li.—lleerr tale ell
. • . _
• Orheiertos, S. C.. Aternlt.ll.-.Ther• ere
renewed reports of the appeerehoe of the
eels:Aline 00 the Bea islands. 1151 tittle
damage le let Ogee.
.„. /Wort.' n Defrawger.
(fly )htlegraell to the Mubarak iliasen.
IPo MINI Nowlin% Anglia C. Flint,
iormerly;Cork of the (import Navy Yard.
Nht proprietor of the “Old Domtnion,^ at
orfolk, who abeenceol a Peat effn.and
went to inglarid, having committee frauds
to the amount of ISOM, arrived at. Norfolk
to-IS 7 for troll, having been united in
New thleami.
Irasal Carr's*. Arcades'.
Telesiapb la Mil muLarie Gailett.l
Vonore. N. /L.- dedut ^l.—Near mere.
filth el axe today a pale of borate with a
wallas* eantatrung J. 4,lleme. and (am dy.
of Beaton. ram away. eir. - 114 was and Me
wife Jumped out, reeelnne sited bruises.
The mother of Hewer, -and ono Wald
wore bully hurt, and the none, Annie Con
nerry.lellled. •
Three rrno i r u lt i tri ci la . .ll . ♦Wl:apt
T4Arrapb,u. th riklAbetrith 4)1411tta.1
BsisanO,Ardt ' est tt,—A Mr. Beadle*, bat
Irde and sister, and a child of the latter.
Were dnlsened itl r•CATIIIIi“..IIvitr, near
nnaaford, on Saturday last. It appears that
the calld want lop. tee wort and got be
yond Lta deptti, and thli Others
their efforts to s . a.e., It.
Plustrtiret Uuew.)
•- PLarrearaw. Angnet 11.—Last bight the
Lawn of Plattabiarg was vialtenby a teem*
eonflogration. One church, caw tang, two
printing omens, twenty-tire midmost. and
twenty-gee awes were burned. We. ani
mated et .700,000. ,
Order Cadreeristair Jameara. •
Car Tekarata to We rittrearah MOW.] -
A 1701761,, Or, Anna, 11.—Omtend Order
No. ea, from Gilalialla Tope% headquarter*,
direct, that errand sad Path ermel tat the .
trial of all cum la Ods ligr o Meat 00011
i llifilgt:lltgarm= l , , althogtarAgl!
- khlol of itoarolinf
car Tileitraph to the Phtstrunn ()same.,
Woarlasa /lassos, Ang.2o.-6otittOko riv
er hu risen two feet, submerging. the low
[Mande um! Oiltroyinir mama erupt. It is
thOrightl.tie Dee mut 'Staunton rivers aro
also overnOwen which will cause ben%
OWASSO tri.OrODS? . •
011Te!titroOh to the rlttstAtreek Usietto.7
Dittotrols, Attost 31.—fltver
. .
" Geode et Iteaseeable Pollee.—Mr.
James Robb, No. ee Market street, one of
the pioneers In the boot Ana 'shoo trade et
this oily, has on band • luge and &oblong..
1)4 stook ofbootsomoot and gaitervottloh luf
offers tothepotdio at veto reasonable prises.
It will 04 remembered that the astortment
found here • Is not from Eastern auction
houses hnt has been saluted •ttlreet from
manufaotnters who deal So =oh articles 141
win prove eerrlecable and duratdo.
bas oleo talcum:avail. . •
Witte some aftiramene wore engaged
In levelling off • plc. of ground nevem!
1 ,1 g: grit o n 4 L r i tt al=l " gfir o o r w th ...l n g;
lodge of the boroogli of Lebanon, Pc, they
threw out eight Indian skeleton.. The
bodies but boon Interred 'rah their blade
"to the griaL Large unmf o ,, , , o fnon ..
=Mir ed=rfitannro:t maaldormg
,tlta' miseries Iron and 'steel furnace
upon the Bacsamer principle, le to be comb ,
limed -Pear. Bellefonte, requiring for its
constractimi and management a capital of
ono railllon of dollars. firgicreetnor burnn,
it ia understand, will be aha leading spirit
in too entorprnm. lie la now In Murano,
Audisent• expected to BM= early in neptem
Bash anxiety is telt in Balletonte. PL.
reeneding the health of the em-tiovermint
11n.Curtin bet been extremely ill
119 M the Meta oftemitirmt rater. And to
polYotOOOOldOred eat at danger. E m s.
pgmle attannina h lmn room Bellarcatta and Phila.
aro er.
vni are NoWns ravollopea atlas' than
Lairrr, Aiosasor ft Co.
1:11Ch streZt.
The beet Tees In the nay at ithe cheap.
.0, Tolees, wlli he sound at the' old wan.
bow tes nut at Jamb A. itch Won, No.
Al Ptah Meet,
FOURTH PAGE,—TM fulled andmostrNla
Jamey, 00 and Produce, Afterkd Reports
Man by any paper in the city, udll befound
on our .MnalPs ,Pays. .
County Convention—Ticket Nom!.
nated—Resointleits Adopted.
Tho delegates elneted ):7,tho Democracy
of the 'mewl districts of the county on
llattirday lest, met in Convention yesterday
at the Court. Rama, for the purpose of
placing in nomination emendates for An
iambic and various county often. Having
alisembled, Thomas J. Emma, Esq., Chair
man of the County Sizeentive Committee,
read a letter from General George W. Cass,
Chairman of the County Committee of Cor
wspondenoe, (absent from the oily) deal&
listing 11r. Keenan.. the proper persica to
call the Convention to order: :
Er. Keenan, In the performance of the
detY laslgned tam. made n few remarks,
Congratulating the Dernoomey on the ans.
ploloos circumstances 'under which they
assembled. The appearances, to said, null.
cased their speedytrhimpli. lie coleslaw!
Sedge Sharewood, their candidate for the
supreme Bench, obareetartabas him as one
of the moat experts/ImA and upright judi
cial °Mears to the State. lleforriog to the
Prlmaryobject of the Convention, .Idr. K.
urged the selection of good men as , candi
dates for Anaembly as the only moans by
which they could hope to moaned at the
October election.
J..C. Barr, Esq., and M. Oran Stewart
haring been chosen temporary Secretaries,
the credentials of delegates were called for.
The cities and boroughs were folio repro.
seated and thirty.alz of the townahlps.
The credentials having been pasied coon,
on motion of B. 11. Kerr, 7'. Z. Keenan, Esq.
was chosen permanent President of the
Convention, and the ',Mowing additional
officers were elected:l
Vine Preoldants—irnary
Franc.l.ll. IEI ,oln Valantino. anon, 14 11..
Karr, Jannb Unalculy. J. C. Itatula.. and
Barnes rprd.
doeretar fitowc,..l and John C. Rare.
Mr. gem moved that a committee of Ave
be appointed on itmolutiors. Agreed to,
and Memos. it. U. raerr, Joseph 8. Lace, It.
I'. Flenniken, D. 11. Wl3llsme and John U.
kidney, wereapnolnted mud committee.
Mr. JUDOS Lrvln firibmitted. the ordinary
miles for the government of the Conven
tion, which were Wonted.
The following resolution wee submitted
by 11. 11. Kerr, (Ito irresistible,) and
Resolved, That the members 'of this Con
vention are hereby cone-hated the Com
mittee of Correstsondenoe for theensuing.
YO. t. ; and that the Presiden of toe Cony.-
lion be chairman of said Committee; that
the delegate. he requested to =Ore mit a
tin of two Democrats from each district
Ited preeent the Immo at the first meeting,
to act es committee of vigilante for their
respective places. with postellice address of
e arn
member. The activity or the Pronto le
requited at this election to defsat an inso
lent sod pc
rat. foe. The triumph of
the Democrats ln Pennsylvania wDI be
hailed all over the Union as the death knell
of destructive*.
•Irinanero. lltestenr.
Yr. Kerr, ar instructed brill,' Committee,
submitted the following:
The Democracy In Convention assembled
feel deeply mulcts for the prosperity of all
parts of oar common country, which !should
be milted hi fraternal affection. We would
rejoice to us the day . when the people
would no longer be nursed with stein: mid
strife try • sectional party, which prevents
the Southern States from representation
trader the °mutilation. The trade of all
parts merchants and manufacturers, which would
enable them to reap that rich reward by
sending. es of yore. their waxes and mer
chandise trout the North to all parts of the
South. At present business men find trade
languishing, money scarce, and our people
crippled lathe. energies, owing to the
',lnbred and senselmsplans adopt.' by Coo.
gress. The South; if left tin themallves.
would be found hand In hano with the
North In restoring She Onion end the omm
try to proeperlty and the masses of the peo
pie to .useful and lecratttos employment.
But owin to the interference of meddle
some mitt who nave kept the nation
In turmoil, by wandering mounts banks
engendering hostile fealty, and who are
alike destitute of principle and integrity.
and determined on making the white pope.
lationsubserrient to the negrees by dewed.
Ina the former by theelevationot the latter,
this la Impcesibie. •
The notional debt is large and pronto
hard on the people, which In wood faith
must he met and pall. National honor de
monde our national credit Lobemointain.
ed. We Can overcome all, providing the
people am left undisturbed by those mum..
nal with power in our ...National Congress,
nod who unforfenstety nee their position to
latrpae country In perpetual trouble by
rlntaop Tire present state of at.
rs, Can ele•ekatesaveyes tr ton
ennUnne In tb• present destructive cont.
MIA flown by to dominant part. .
The only halm ten. is in the nod common
gen. of the voters, whore Tight are grow•
tog restive under the bunt.. tbey ham to
be., and very properly theatre what berm.
et {bey may dative Meath* lavish expen
diture of money, to support In the
depraved and vicious in the work 01 des- ;
Unction of tistional faith, lter.banics and :
laborers 010 01 eMplOyment, workshops
and forget armed, where the smoke and
din of fectorleeare no /outer seen or heard:
toll and enterprise are lulled into
erectile. lad Inert-nee on account of them.-
' pension or business:tom Mende°. pulley
of tau/dont holding Power. Nurow mind .
ad blookhdiduretio are In piece by dere:.
' than and fraud, thould De made - to feel the
indignation of math wronged people.
The policy which prevents the merchant
and taanntacnnr selling Ids Voris, and the
cepitalists from Investing fonds, and the
mechanic , end laborer from earning allying
for himself and family. should be• crushed
out by the power of the Atuerican people.
Let Ole be accomplished - and the nation
oill rise and prosper as in the days co the
ld hero Joritenn, who was • terror iota.
*enrolee of our country. Under tits wise
administration, when patriots and slates
man held power, the National Debt woo
In the people made secure under
The Itepnbliratt• In Convention at Wil.
Ilarreport. mad*
astounding declaration
o Ma:the Supreme Court of the State should
be placed in
volt, thie
OPIIIIWe" they bold. PM the people sub
mit their liberties to a court so constituted t
A more inferno. resolution was never
penned, such ,, Um lawyer who, will take his
steed cm should be repudiated by all
who regard the safety of the Otis.. Judge
Williams case U to Ms reputation to Mutt'
ouch a platform to Tampa Lot oho people
remember this when they cores to vote tor
Supremo Judas. Thereon . .
Wee! red, That In Judge Shonwood we
have a candidate honored for, his au tegrity,
legal ability, and undo and unblemished
reputation. Per twenty years he he. s.lorn ,
en the beach mum District Court of Phila.
delphia. The Dat of that city unantmonall
testifies to Me ability. Tun tionddence of
an parties. where he Is known, stamp him
Y a mood Jurist, sod "ya magistrate, •
suspicion of unfairness or IntetbaltY his
never been raised apsont lam" itomoctom
will rodect Miner On the intelligeuceill the
moon of his own state,
• . -
Jteregred, That in • country, when pre..
perous, the people Ocala be protected. We
look upon the refection of the tariff by Con
gress es dry - Ing up the (ountaitt. of our
wealth, paralysing the Inaustry ot our ch.
bideettlnguis e Secant our forger I
and w orks h op* , oriviestbe people of '
geoid employment. The Totem, who ere
the power In our OnYernment. should Mel
and know by this time that Clara:madame
Con Wen miaplaced. It le the first duty of
Congress tri adbol proper pratection to
Anterlmo enterprise against foreign corn.
t r ad e Gee s etalia by
law to keep the trade et woul d m In favor of
our own coontrr.' This woul hob eneficial
to all elsorei now deeded by the party in
Renard, That the 'wealth a a nation
Pa ll e the labor and prosperity of the
mamma. W•extend•welcome toner a nd
ad who may nee from oppreseloe. and be
ounteraialla the stars under lienron,
or the sends of the wean, the
will great you all. Wo treat t
he hacorn ant
contempt the Instill armed by t Republi
can Convention to tax foreigners, which Is
et war With tint spirit of the Declaration of
Independence. We air, ecio. WU. Wig. ,
wh o
forme be Marmon..
I n the men
who formed the, Constitution In WC, did it
In o p i o yfgeoc ur L=Aw4,4= by , Fr it r ‘ ri t o y .
owine tranquility. The men of that ay die
not reeOglitto negro shin - age, nor will we
sanction such an innovation on long cash.
1 :Isbell and well foutuled principles. The
damareer (only) reetigatze echo
right of the
white man to govern in Mato awl hathmal
affilm. Thomism bad nb power under the
Laminate of the wise _men of
th ei r n and T 7.
The Detnaarmy will omelets el prudent
polley. We bar the doer. •
Resolved. That WlS.Connal recognise any
Pear as Democratic which dam not piece
the name of , Our - _
We for Suprema
at Its head. look to the pest as
their:to exponent of bemooratle principles
our °contr. - and recommend It aa wor
thy of eonlidence and aspoort from all true
Domande who do bottle thiatnat negro re.
eonstruatioutsts. '
Resolved, Thet tho Cennellevllle Railroad
'tad umberland le Important to our people
sa should ba. eneouramsd by the Letlat..
tore. • It will devlop. the resources of ad•
Secant Wen/lee the western portico of
the Mate, and we unman those tiinntented
to use their beat eat:Mono, In oime of their
election, to radon the orifiloa oh krt. , .
Retetvedi Thelma are In favor of Free
RellrOild lai, prov tales euch Is made by 10.
dirk! ell entorprire, without to.ation on
the people of our minty.
Resolved, Tait the victory imhteved over
the common Ro
unick. r Poinecrotle taloa.
plea In
t h e the our heart. with
antidote for the wade snitbreof tree ino
trlots. The land of Clay spu he tyrautai
.mlll. riantooky .tondo reammed from the
disgrace of negro equality. hell to her
,Demoasey I Fennsylvalle rends
Sreethig and their thenks: God speed the
People in their deliverance from Centres-
Monet dealiot•
Tito:apart, of the ComMlttee. was scoop.
/dr. Williams t o that he had a.
minority report to psesent, welch waa
strikeaut all after the preamble and the
resolution endorsing Judge Sheremocid. •
/tr.J. rderral moved the tylOPllO. Of
tbe report as submitted. John Bowyer, of Callus, In the midst
of vary eoanderable conluslcm, made a
speech 1p support of the manatees which
he offered, underaind President Johnson,
but without avail, the Convention Murat.
upon • TOM OD the .Miert 01 the Idoniugg.
fa., which being taken tho report ado;a.
Ur. Barrer Mould not be choked. off, ens
submitted lilt amitotic:ta, lanai were its
follows : -
, promos, Andrew Johnron hiiperli
eat resistance to the eincroachtnenta of the
undiesi Republican Ptolemy to Canteen.
Dad by las uniform sustertanemol riemeentt
giveessures. stating
o vr the Coustitladon,
the taws end Um will the peep% tuts en
titled aimsat teas warmed of . the patriots
et the eeeet li th tli dn t=n — c;itheitDoo
_T t •
riertawliogaraymbasetr are Maltby t en . -
tiered to him for Ma firmness and ability fo
sustaining tho Union against eta greatest
foes, the Radical Republican.
mired. wha= m the removal of Edwin
ecogn the brealting of
the drat link in the chart which Prevent.
a union of the elements opposed to the or
ganized encroachments upon .onr liberties
and the Constitution of our
old, Tt w b c l o un g t e r y.
Jo ßu so ve th Pre e ident ypfdthe A
dr ed w
States, our united and hearty support
hitt patriotic struggles to preserve Seim.
paired the institutions handed down to ma
bY entnne ancestry, oar glorious Conant..
tion. and the freedom, independence and
happiness which we had attained during
its observance.
Mr. Kerr oleapprcrred of thn resolution.
and urged the pursuance of the policy of l
tbeState Convention, rrhichdecided that it
ems jmpolitto for the Democracy to endorse
President Johnson. The reeolutlone were
spnelehed—ludefinitely .POrtponed.
Nombatlone having been made for State
Senator, two ballots Were taken, resulting
Freak Sellers - 43
James P. Barr 47 so
James IL Elopkbm 97 le
Mr. Barr was then on motion declared
the Imanlmons choke of the Convention.
The balloting for. Assembly resulted as
follows: •
W. 11. Murray 50 Alfred Kerr .23
Peter lverY ^C.7 F. 81a0ard3 3
sarenel Idoßee 321 A. W. Sorter 10
Col. Jae. A. 13158011. S3.W. McCormick.-- 41
SWIMS 811.11.1 bury.... 40iAmr. Hart1e........ 6i
C brier. Feld 33 Mlehael Kirk. 2
U. 6 tewart • 60 Gee. ldotheralL.... 12
wm. T. Farley-- Z Jae. H. Llopldne.... 63
Francis boilers 63 • .
blesers.llOptine. Sellers Bartle Magee,
Murray and Stewart, having received the
highest number of vote., were declared the
nomlneee or the Convention. 1 motion
was then adopted declaring their nomina
tion unanimom.
For County Commissioner Allred. An
saute was nomlhateci, resolving fifty -live
votes, against forty-nine for Joseph Laatik.
for Jury Commiseloner (the only oft , . the
Democracy bare any show of electing, the
law providing for the selection of one Com
miselomer from each political party,) then:3
was quite o contest. The iliet ballot result..
e 4 m 110 choice, as Menu: .
Chas: P. Whlaton..le I !rm. Gr 11710... ... .....
.1. C. idainley
2ilcholm Cerr.
Wm. Bryant 94
John C. Davltt—.. 8
Jo=iCreigw3." — i
Audro I:isriss
Chas. Bryson..
The second ballot reentted:
Wm. Grlßle 93Clue. Bryson..
Wm. Bryant 27 J. C. McAuley.
Mr. Galan ems declared nominated.
. . . ......
The other nominations were as follows: •
Prothouotary—John A. Sider, of Mts.
Tromso:sr—A. J. Baker of Pittsburgh.
Coroner.-Ifichael Lipp:of Birmloghssa.
Director of thePoor—Hemdexsou Wight-
The Convention then adJotaned
Alleglheap Tamper..., Lasalle;
A large ind enthusisatio meeting of thls
Association was held on Tuesday erening,
in the Presbyterian Church, Merkel Weft.
Firth ward. •
'ter. 1. B. Clark, 1). D., branded, and W.
P. Warren, Pal., acted as Secretary. Pray
or was offered by the Rev. A. E.Bell, D.D.
The preamble and resolutions offered at
the tut meeting, together with the ssibstl
tote. were thee read.
Mr. Gallaher moved the adoption of the
utbstitnte, which Is as follows: •
Hero{bed, That anal action cm the forego,
lok resolutions be lief erred until alter the
nononatlonof *Mears for the coming elec
tion. to the hope that men of the right
stamp will be taken op NM put m nomina
tion for oar support; when, If loch men be
not nominated, then the full intent of the
foregoing resointions shall be immeOlately
carried out.
Bev. 4.0. CLark,who had been announced
as n speaker. mild that he would make his
speech On the resolutions. lie IMlllOllllOOd
111.101 T a reddcal temperance man. The
election of good men to office was a matter.
of the first importance. lie would vote for
no others, but was in favor of deferring
nalon until after the meeting of the County
Convention, to see 11 worthy and reliable
men ere nominated. II weld Convention
.fails to do so, then we are free to act Mao
pdenftlitV.7 the
public good.
mportanue a o "E ito: h
tried men for the Legialature. lie etrOngly
urged all utmost to attend the primary
meetings and make their votes 0011.
g..BelL D. D., spoke in Savor of
now adopting the original resolution.
with tne addition of a couple of Plank..
one Of which wu equal tights and privi
lege. to all the citizens of the elate, he was
Prepared to Join the temperance party and
wage war againn rum et the ballot box. lie
severely censured toe members of the DA
Legislature from this comity, for the enact.
at of the present 'license taw, the bane
ful effects of which ore distinctly seen In a
• great Increase of rowdylee and. dr12.11k4121-
M.I I ion nig' e, advocated the origl•
nal resoluttone. !le 'ranted action. We
had talked and emmlved Jong_anongh. It
ari ga.. - . 1=4.12 , P:=
thole men.
.r S. Cochniu. 8141.. UM Ghat he %ma
• trieu of temperance and would under
no circumstances rote for an intempentta
man for any oflioe. out thought It too late
to call a convention and nominate a ticket
intim hopes of wasocsa Ile urged the eleo
tient of • capable and upright man to the
Legislature Instead of the miserable trash
M.. 10 frequently sent. lie also depleted.
In forcible hatiguace. the evils remit/Me to
ludlvtdvale and to the entire comettadly
from the use of Intoxicating drink's.
Rev. •. G. Kirk said that every Moral
tueen• should ho used to stay this mighty
evil; but the most • powerful engine for its
eorreetion was the telloWbox. U. preferred
to wait until the amen:Mime of the Canyon.
tiara previously named, *ma if they failed to
nowthutte imitable men, he would favor the
nomination of • full anel strifghtTemper
ante ticket.
_ - -
Further remarke were made by Mr. Gal
lagber, Dr. Campbell and James Reno, Esq.
The eobetltute wee adopted by a decided
majority.- ' •
, The dlectuntion isar unusually earnest and
the deepest. Interest maniteeted Dittos large
audience. The ratio. addresses indicated
the Coed determination or We Mattes to
rote for none;but'temperate and eelmbla
men for office. Tee Insole Chair traa.pre
neat and sang In-an admirable manner sev
eral stirring Temperance odes.
The next meeting 01 the Lengee trill be
held next Tuesday seeming in the Sandealer
street Baptist Ceuron.
French auttlevity ea the Wiest Award
at the Expoeltlea.
The Paris paper La Hark lam
"The result or this grand international
rivalry, Opened by the [Harem! Exhibi
tion of 1547, to, that only on two Arms of
plane muinfacture hes been conferred the
s /prams rewitol of the Cron' of the Leper
of Honor, tit: How* Emil and Make,
tog—Prance and the United States. The
great popularity of Um Emil DLL= allollll
ma to pan them- without commentary.
Since the opening Of the Exhibition—before
it was opened—we had beard animas:Hens
about the tone of t h e Islam of the firm of
Chicitering d Bons, of Heston. The orep
almost unnelmoutiy occupied themselves
on the •uttlenti eta great Wealth , . such as
Honrl Hers, Thelberg. ens, on their return
from America, spoke about them with en
thusiasm As soon as the pianos were ex
hibited, Co wished to retort by ...leg and
heap of this Inenntaetera; we were
corn eft to aelonowledge that they bold
the rat piece In piano manufacture. Young
as yet In the way of art, America ha
h M ufa a u nt,
a pned e l rep e re n n on ve MH fh an difbrun
countries have had the good taste tb act
knowledge la I 4 was necessary to give this
nrot a reward which would elm It above
the others in the distrlbution of prim,
' from the font that their Instrathinta 104
themselves pieced them above all other, in
the superiority of their matinfacture. The
Jury uoderstoal th is. Xs could asp grim Me
goal medal, but 1r nostOesisO them 14110
woos lime for the Cross. The Emperor was
pleased to award It. It was the only mean.
to establish a noteblo distinction between
Mr. Cmckering and his rivals, It maidenly
be given to the bead of the eminent erre,
bet the prestige will also steel on the le.
Latinism mechanics who hare eooporated
with the chief to bring these oilmen to sloth
lUtrfection. All America will and
that there le IL long' dlattnollon b etween the
dal anti
thategion of Honor and the
dal, anti that a n ent has a high
Haddon Death of • reriner Pitts
The It, Lords Democrat says;-Yesterdey
Morning Mt. Wm. Aiken, of the Armine
stables, on Weahlrigtoit avenue, died in an
apoplectic lit, sir. Aiken, an boor before
DV death. had been out walking with
Intimate friend, and stated that he cwt.=
felt bettor in his life. Ms friend. in e.
Jocular way, replied !hot he would Do
'a dead men before night. The remark
only elicited ••laugh, but. proved 'after.
wards a prophetic announcement. The
sorrow which atm unexpected and end en
death will produce amongst tile family and
•o large cirri° of friend. wUI be Vete re! and
pignant& for Ida extreme good nature
liberality and kind hearted dispoolim,A
friend in need never went &Way from la.
throshhold empty handed. Last deptemtur
be opened the Avenue stables in fine style,
with solenoid stook and premium' Tablet**.
Tho b u ilding was erected with special on.
formica to tile convenience and sanitary
ioelfare of the horsey and was aoknowledited
b e complete Its all Ha appointments.
$lOOO that time the business Of she natal>.
Ilshment has been flattering and lucrative.
Aiken awned rho and Walt= tarn', on
the Olive street rend, sad hie father resided
on •• farm addoirdriff it. lie leaves one
brother In this city, : who 111141 prominently
engaged doting the war In supplying the
government with Deaf, abbe another
'brother at present reudea m gittelmrgb.
Ile leaves► wife, but no Miliaria. We con
' dole with the widow in We great ices
which her little family circle bu enstalned,
and trust the eMictlon which this sodden
death has occasioned her may not De found
The Spruill !turd.,.—On the trial of
Thomm Whittaker, for the murder of Coh
ort Suroull, whleh was taken up onTuteday
the Court of Oyer and Terminer, for
Washington county. plea Semen, slater of
deceased. Identsfled Whittaker as one Of
the murderera. she Mater la her eramt.
nation In chief that no roan rat not
blacked but on ereetrsamination earl
that their teem were partly hhkokedi Met
the parties who committed the deed had
their farm blacked. so that her Mentificarr
Oen of Whittaker undar the circumstance.
would be oonaiderabir weakened. The
prosecution Mired Yeaterder morning.
The attention of the pollee of the Fourth
Ward, elleglicur, to 'Rectally directed to
the corner of Incock and ltor¢go stream,'
share 10001 America, both male sod
male. emanate On tae - Melnik and keep
up as Isiosisunt noise ream early Mutiny •
late et night, to - the treat annoyance of
those lu the welebborbood who retire !Or
rut. hint to tbe rise le =Wept.
The Troy EMI Beer
, It Is a nOtOriane fact that the Troy NM
beer Patna hare entirely disregarded the
Sunday liquor law, and that their Wee on
ggodgy generally exceed Lose of say other
day in the week. And as a natural masa
quenee of such a gross violation of law, diel.
linnwiniraws are a remilar Sunday occur
mime. The citizens of the locality are be
ginning to tire of these propaganda. mid a
step has been taken in the right eirection
to put a stop to it. John Barrett appear..'
before Alderman Irwin, of the Ninth ward,
Yesterday. and made information apinst
eight Of these law. breakers, Eben.
bard, Wm. Einstein, Peter Dm:Menem
M r oph ck B. Bald, Peteyr
and J lie e rstel L ° n arging them P ith
fag liquor on Banagy. ' Warrant, hitVelbeen
Issued for the arrest of the parties, annills
confidently hoped by the law abiding por.
Mon of the offizensoltheneighbOrtioOn that
the practice will he broken up.
Opera Howse Oenameneement.
The improvements and repairs which
Dave for some time put Dean under way
at the Onera Holm 'will be canntleted tts,
day, and the opening entertainment of the
season will be given Ilatnrday evening.
Mr. IC W. Canning, the acting manager,
under whose personal enlierVialOk the
razigements for the coming Season here
been made, is a gentleman of rare. Lute
and marked ability tar the position be oio•
envies, and ass shown a spirit of Liberality
and enterprise in hie preparations to en
tertain the public. watch Gaunt fail to be
rewarded. The stock company is in excel
lent one, and muniments have been erect
ed -with a number of the leading stars in
the proteenion, among whom are Soiree;
Booth. sad others of equal note. With sun
liberality as this on the part of the mans.
ger, and Barry 0 verington In the box, the
Opera House Is sure of sticeses.•
John Meluin mode inlormation before Al
demean Monfasters, Tenants'', charging
Edward Lynch, Alderman of the Third
ward, with larceny by bailee Ife sisttes
that a firm In the city, with which he wan
employed, gave him a check or, one of the
city banks for miles. tho amount due him
for labor, and that cm presentlng the check
as the bank he wu Informed that the firm
bad no money in bank. lie then went to
Lynch's office aid Stated the. case to the
Alderman, who told him to leave the check
with him and le would get the money for
him in twenty-four hours. The check wee
loft andesired, end. ae he alleges, Simmons,
was collected by Lynch, the firm holding
hui receipt in foil for the amount of the
checkered costa of collection, end that be
(Lynch) refused to pay over the amount. A
warrant was issued for his arrest.
CatharbasCartersoade Informationbeibre
Alderman Yellaitera yesterday, salient
Alderman Zdtiard Lynch. of the Third
ward,charallur him with extorttog money
under calm of °Moe. The prosaMactr Aran
some time since prosecuted for PethuT. and
the blllignared by the Gramm Zan. She al.
Mires that ebb went to Alders= Lynch to
mate tniormatlon against the pasties who
had charged her with perjury, and that he
(Lynch) required her to pay him the sum of
ten dollars, elyint that he Weald attend to
the matter. finding that no Warrant had
tuned tor the patties, she returned and de
manded the ten dollars Which was refused,
and be also refused to Issue ...warrant aa
ems mutated, or se the eMPreeltld . 2t. he
bent her money and would not ere her any
law. A Warrant Intl tuned for his arrest.
Among the most experienced, careful
and skillful mechanics engaged In the
hone carpentry - and building Matthaei an
Messrs. Total Brothers, 159 Liberty
street, Pittsburgh, and 15 Pearl street,
Bloomfield. These gentlemen, four broth
eery deman d s: a ss?: ofd folly
trade. They devote care and attention to
ell lons nod 0011416 U .entrastod-to them
and guarantee ail work to prose satisfac
tory. Prom personal acqualatanee arab,
the Imo and full Ithowledgs of thair leper
for Maim; as first-clan meebardell. we are
prepared to earnest's commend these gm
Ulan= to the patronage of our
See their card In another cothein.
Betasso • 1 MO Alleglseniana.
The members of the Allegheny Bus Ball
Club, who have been ec, creditably repos
Santiago= Rate at the World tournament
in Detroit, returned home yesterday and
have been receiving thecongratulatlonsof
their friends. The members express them
selves highly delighted with the kind treat.
=era and generous hospitality extended
them by the citizens of Detroit. They are
Justly proud of their victories and Only
regret that they /at one "Seth Main through
ssa• tat= or - s - sonsmosollsg bet.Asxpe
trams* =pas than War ems bus sow
The ban 1,111 ever Onarlah their visit- to
Detroit sa a bright epoch in the history of
their Club, and in their behalf we acknowl
edge the courtesies they received during
. . •
• John Campbell, who has for some time
pant been employed es a laborer .f 0 Use
“wer on Wood street, mu =charged ice
Tnesday, and yesterdarhe came to Where
the men ware at work, constderably intort.
mod. In attempting to mom the sewer on
ODD of the timbers he Met his n
ance and
fall to the bottom of the GILIITIMOD. a dus
Lance of fate= feet. . Hie faro • and body
was aomiderably be - cased, and It la thought
be scunalned coma internal Injo des. Ze
was conveyed to hie boarding =me, neat
the Point, mid medleal aid immmoned.
Cross hits.-Samuel Tamer Le prowls
tor of IL drinking ostablimenent in the Ninth
wagi, and John Gannon la one of Ida gnaw
mem. They got into • dtblenlty andCannea
behaving himself in a disorderly =nom
was tarcibly put out of the bar room by
Tumor. Gennonmada information before
Ahlemnaa Irwin, of the Ninth ward, dun
lug Tamer with auanit and batters . . and
the latter returned the ernapllment by
making infbrinatlon against Cannon for
disorderly conduct -Warrants were Lerma
both cases.
Randal , . ea.—Th. Wen.
Mon of out readete rdtzentod to the ad.
vertasernent In another commit of Becker,
Sam t Ca. Miniature and mannfacentera
of Band°Ps improved patent can, adapted
C ' llirolrtne e r, Irltti y a all
ze d gre .. 1 4 113 . 14 3 ,r40 any cat i t:4lknatnt e ,
. firm enamel In ha mannfactute ma fair
MAU:Ig and clever gentlemen, and ma he.
speak for theme large chars of the public
Street ass DlMatitty. Themak P.
Weights/lens that hawse ancerememionaly
ejected from a street car in Lawrenceville,
TscisH7 Main, by the conductor and
driver: triton names he did not know. Be
made Information want them beton
Alderman Taylor. for esuatilt and batten.
and the nines. entrusted with the warrant
will find them out. it Is moot, probable.
however, that there la another side to the
story as civet car conducton are not
likely to int men off the ears who Maiden
themselves Ins gentlsiniudy manta, ,
• Comintited.—Joeentt Stewart, charged
'with burglarre . on oath of J 0.. ., U°di re_l 7
bud • bearing berme Mayor ladrilson,
Allegheny city, rester.] ey. and in default of
chIMO nail
cou was committed to answer the
arge at rt.
Joseph SoWier, charged before 'Justice
noise. Of nut /14=Ingtiam. on oath of fail
vile, with disorder /1 comlust and reseal(
th suPphal and sbandosang ble family, wail
ocatunitteo, yesterday. to answer u uurt.
Woman (*Well
was before Alderman Thorium yesterday Oa
a °barge of aarattlL and barmy, oraferred
by atary wbo alleges mat tab : fie.
fondant Meted her Beyond aflame er , Va r.
Cu; parts of tier body, sad alio Oaaaat 'her
by ebe throat, choked and ottterwise abased •
bee. • A hearths was had whoa the Me WWI
withal . the parties settaleff it between
thomulves. They reek% ar Laegbu.
Station on the Coanellevllle ftallroe.d. •
Irlemidargedi..—Cells Uura7 ,
tet i errt i r,
we noticed_ yeeteeax, Ws,
.Alderman Ineldfintere \ yesterday smarming,
before whom the bad been thought ter •
retternthn, the eneetenor,
Wen to
e, where
She wila.teksa to Tem.
perthearthe, where It Kleiman there ere
other auger untrue. her.
Who Were They ?.-Two .tnen, names
unknown.. Met John Illtetue In the rillll
were, a few days ago, and beat lam shame
fully. Ile made Information yesterday be
fore Alderman Taylor against Me unknown
lolltleS.Mtd the Memo smaller them.wlll.
a fall pram:at of eaptsuing the scamps.
Return Ifteteft.LTogoerrow afternoon.
at two otsock, the ittlantle Base Ball Club
utli playa raters snatch with the Lincoln
Club/at Liston. Park. Afteghany. As both .
slobs •embrace ek lltelCld - experiehgee
Players, a rood time maybe expeeteft
all who attend. • -
!Moe Thief a "vested-oEsoer IteCrearly
last evening arrest...l a boy rourialJOhnbas,
about =ova yeua E /9 pa,
came boroaah. char ou oath Of
Lana of Cho Om e 4 Carter, with
stealing shoo . lie was logke4 toa fog •
hearing to4Lik y.
Pure Ate And Java cetb►;et dellakras
.roma, das superior as any im p a d.
this ot ADW ratan at
eh.s.p prkle I t the DIA estattllsllDA tsa
mart of JODD9I., A. noblzuwa. 220. 2D SUM
teropleted.—The 'sewn ea Strawbarr7
alley bU been comlnetelle across Grant
street, lug presser vessalnes, and the 6•31.1.
are engaged Gutting in the One) AS that
melee Tiseltatt Talalitaall
pare as au, be royal 1a the elly aMut a nt
rates, at the. old utaallahal tea mart. at
Joseph A. Robb:mon, No. 20 rum street.
Pura and Unadulterated IBlACONfeir
ranted to equal say In she toarkesAstailed At
Jos A. Robinson , * old oat,talattea Tim
Mut, No. 2D dltth
Ws are RelLai Envelopes at teas than
Eastern edema.
EILIZTT. Anznotaoa St Co.;
fifth street.
Comm=lam 'Ware of_,lhe best 111031rr
mid finish, for solo kr J. Moeda Gaw N 0 . 6%
81111 t stroot.
+o-od Sods Wide, 1*.2:11'.
rui.o2_. 88 t0r0,50.43 &Wen& otroot,
. .
arellenluirtaval ij Zama= Woes.. 434 , ! Mul . ". 611
/ 4 3121 1 AZDIZIKINA Cikkei ,
0 large slate assialatas 11111111311 COL.
Vila eftatetattsg asstiLtat miter, larlottlus
i„drmi r 1411011010. Wen Nem by Tau . .. Mick
.4 1a.% nimble lisedbm lustier for .
lazily. sad Masai sad mat reliable lileas•
alal sad•Osmaaardal Market Sum. "
way Meth la the city. No Amur, blerathima
/dabble. Weld be of It.
ouumT Wlllasam warm;
And Ou 001.11 oi pivot to the Pothoe maths
bathe glob. Additiosa to clubs ma be rude ea
Smlrthme.,at dab rates. • .
RCM= Yo Sasicsicult.—la cm:larlag your
pipe; be 61111 aad gploa# Whit Odltioll Yos
loom soaws lime lairedmisdlirthitthth the * I 0
scritsre Imlay but outman a meta.
Sr Now by Draft. lama, Nosey Cirdera,
ee ilatharthbludLotten. may basset at outlet.
Yams. suZJITIS, •
mutat:maw 311thre.
To gresistatoire nod Parties Wentlog
a Home; We would direct your attention
to the Oakland properly for rale In to-day.s
ttrai6a 7 2=l=ll , 4=lLlVlLT.
We know of no place more desirable for
any one 'ranting a Woe home, or for parties
"Flatting to Invesi In real estate that glee.
the edrantages This doe*. See advent's;
menu On mimed page.
We sell OTT Goodi'lx,th at Whoteazle
and rotall , sae' ate . as iceonsoquenos, en.
abidl to keep a terser and mach better as
sorted Mock. to utli cheaper, and tire the'
scoas In more accommodating dnalltitleS,
than anclusive Jobbing benne& notall mer*
chants Uninvited to examinee= stook.
• d W. llama a Co.,
Stab*, liorfost, or this Dlooesomuloni
for Europe yooterdoy, irt` the stavanor'
Vela aparlataar lads Watt, at
Mange/ Drag store, ha. se Sadazil itztat
Th larAdditlonal News on
ird Page. '
PVIZEINGILL.—pa Turid ay toetalnt..A.
gait Stit, ll= A. X., 9 .. /1.1,11. Infant son of
tftUtam sad Ygru 1191999011, ages 9 lama.
The funeral will tete place fro= the hishie9oe
eras careate. tie.lil Conn Menai. en Three.
aaT milmixo, at 10 Wel irk LN. The blends
01 the furaly etw reel:melt:illy !netted to 1a14.211,
CAlTiejf • will Ill?. babseasi A o.m•oh•e r cor.
Pertleverath sad Salthield navels; at belthbeet.
rsirr.-m Weelnaado H i. Amami.
Mt. IP; as IS **clack, Mrs. MmEiimw
t .11YEN
71tbi, relics a ar t/Unix Brum, deraased. la
he year of b sae. •
. Flato Y wl2l take plata time the m 9199998
of X. ar.. Lawsecoaville, oa fax
via iioal9l3tO. Sget isst.t. at 9 o'clock. ' . Tao
friaadeOf dm tautly an nyttod Lo
I . ?, *art 9# :11,11:4,
Ao. 166 rearth Atmet; Pitutruity,
001111 EB At ill kinds; OBAP*S. GLIMI3,, ; ar"
every dagerlptlan of Mara lienliblmeebinbe
tarnished. ISoosu °vexed
and shalt. Rama
EirilllWCZl—Eel. DM NenD. D... Rev,
L. W. Jacobus, D.D., 'Manua Eing, EN.. J.-
cot, R. IC6a. , •
azzx lUD INBALLILKR, MareeeicrMkras
leis 13samel N. Bedsore. N 0.119 Ohlo Smoot,
three dean from Beaver. Allegtmar City. Me.
Wile. Hemmed, Nstatsaf. Pelmet...2 Me.
wood ladtstkre CMS.. se the kromet iodae.:l
salmi. Booms opork st elbows, Oa, sad alitai.
Rearm sad Osmium teralebod ea *Dort WIGS
sedan mostressonelde term*. • , • .'
DMIT.AkI3II. Moe. SR& 4.1m0.152ure.
Allagb.u. 31staltle, 80um.% =I other Col.
us,. with•comnlateimek of Omani farraglallig
0.43 on !mad. aull'andsted al aortas% notice
at lowa/. Visas. Sae. Mut Wren Illabled, ear.
an of hAVVASDNIIMI.3 Muni. Curtavea,
Hazonzhat, Stales, Wale Horns. /La, M.,
tar 011.. - . •
2.11131.1.1131121, : Mautta.
ter. Wood's Bun agd Vogin Rooms at
Manama= Liven hate. con= Mated uza
Cbsztlers etteet4 Egan* .41 Curtin . tat.
s. STEWART, Undertaker,
011022 . 01/ sad PLaF MUM.
Blaldi Ward. .oe6lsa et all kinds. Mane sad
Clarrlares !nabbed on the sbortnot neuea
G° 7°
=Witt sr,,,..eirrestracst.
17/ - ParMolar *Unica sinici t repalrir
Vaults. clocks sad 7aircry.
to the eft, la sada sad midi at •
64 70IINTII STUD= imaz laatkat.
Dai s .t mu. aide Whtts
Wk Fla.;
u nzanwr minty/icier;
.No. 841roulli utnet.
Hoss-msda atyldh FRI= piux..t 1
'mussy ORDECIAY. ireurat at.
llllittirr l ,4•2Ab ■
SEVEIIAL i lIPLEttil itoosis
AND 8411121LEST:' tb• bevvl
House et ihs liTstose livtagn Milk, *unmet
7.11471411 atmt•ud flinlatet barforlll ent Itt
.abd taltbed of to .01. tbs paklebe. l . l .l
Call es meg, el. irlipm nous*.
1.. ga mitut nr.e,“ they fl 4 be let bum
. 41.147, 11 . 1 , 4 lbalsbed ebb eo. betume or tbe
SLIME= coorrox AND OB.=
FAIDLS.—We lava tar ulaillathatala ntlaaa
aa6 rata alaatatlana, smut& to alltaale WV;
Notthaza Coorraa' aaatalalis float USW 1.2.1al
atm oath& a,li sada.. alatk *Ws of atatiastlan:
Tao ganat• la as ataith7LPaaatalaaalk .
Ala tba watar eqaal to say to
arena= Padarya.
last. Vass tarots 1111 Oa madaary sae
pica Lad partleatata call at MUSA tuitos
that raeau omen, maw
Rs On. tor Ws IDs' HVIZI;TS
31tbid1 la ottoebsdl4o)aonis Olt** fulltotlazta.
, PoftOf .14 , 111. gad fuming land. y _Tlals pop
',Ttobbllatu toozbsootltco Wei of 'Ls flare
trot ontOltato nod M os:Into Mot pro
donti. from Quo works Is of tb..tritvuuuy tor
Mondry itrpOomi. Labor to abondott a foil
to ItO. This presents • vary we todosoilitat to
tapltaWw. NOV asps. =mar dekalottook
Pries sad. brut WW2* of DICVALS 11 BILL.
£ -mom
filers WI a Sewilig Wargida e ,
. -
MUNI 61.11•21.1141101,.. 'JIM IS.
u rgja w anel thomesh
lan at werll3—tn.
OomastUas .rard balm 6 : , ..tp050cl of 1414
mot lo.Pettn awl tovanali)24o4,
mi. smug& &
216. /Mg IRItIZT. ittiftrP4ol
. 00Wrairdhl Livery Stable,'
Anne sum. nealltesonnhelatiolua.
Oaaa/irtn .
~ct r Aeri a r
M ia' ft" tra WO3tolllle.
MEM, CLUB &10.,
i &i . h.t twos at nrwarusimutuUly
1115.1 . &31E11, BELL &
Aneber Cotten pth,
ANCHOR AID X 1.0110.1441, ; ;
New Rearaz
so. vs 4 =may ii.„-Aussingsr.
Cipreft4 'tamp% le. le.,
W01,:41 i•lnst p;lorna.
t'' • :•:111CAYEN,. . .
~.- .. - t illlrll / 4 1 111FACTURER,
futlitirtmaltrgig”. morn.
i i reiiquA , arum InCCIPI LOY Dam Um
"4 " lo o47=4=trAtta
.7, -.!!!!!4Pi.*PArgralak.