The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 21, 1867, Image 1

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\ ram.stamo - .rviar .Noicitme.
7. I. —.swum m.o.
v. P. r. =PD.
. Milan. •
9Pncri• Olsacrri EuU.DI2IO.
Jley:11111 ANDN PIFTII Imam.
Jag 415gn hvt- If Tato hurilltia.
.ornaiatailni' or Trrraimaaa Alp
LUIS_ UT crtimixierr ced Eriff WEIL!
tza uvanisCLat. rarza tn. mt.
eoo• TIMMS Or mil
1:1 Carden, Dot kult ••
aaaffel. - OASETTE;
CljeEirtAurgt CtaifttE
Zultel on Legal - Tenders—
Eztoset from - Ma Opinion in the Case
Of Booboos. Trott:
'On the whole, then, I em of the
eplulors.thatthe provision of the act of
Cumin's of February 26th, 1862 , declar
ing tho.notat issued to pursuance of that
act to be lawful Money, and a fried ten
"This renders it nccessacythst I should
trairaddit the other qttegion which has
been made, the effect of the special
agrockuint to pay' in lawful silver money
of the United litates. lam in favor of
entering judgment for the plaintiff, but
u rmaJority of the to ere of a differ
ent opinion, judgment for the defendant."
—Copied from the Philadelphia Age of
February, 1881, where - the opinion Is
published in full.
It may also be found In the Legal In.
tsiligintvr,of March 18, 1864, page ESL
lOU rime copy of the Aye is a care=
!ally prepared eulogy of the Judge and
his opinion, in which is the following:
"Judge Shur:food reasons upon and
decides Goiania as if he were some lofty
spirit sitting far above and out of the
contentions and strifes of the world."
GM holders of giienbecks
and Government bonds consider the
Judge as quite too elevated end ethereal
tbr men earthly honors as a eeaton the
Supreme Bacit?'
PrlltihtlittlinVEMALE CoLLEGE..
In thii day of advanced ideas
and so.
:dial infthement, woman is called upon to
play*.ri nitimportaire. part In society.
Rex influence enters, and Is more or leas
felt, iiirollgion, politics, Literature, art,
ancl,.aelence Upon her devolves the
. impinionitriuti of shaping and moulding
the mind of the rising generation—those
who are to follow us, - as we followed
others, and into whose keeping, one
day, wlthe repoeed the altars of State,
and of Christianity. The mother is the
greatest educator of .lhe land. She
guides the footitePs of her child through
life with eve and caution; teaches the
youthltdides the' pleasures and happi
ness of- virtue, mid the misery and
wretcheduels , of vice.- On woman the
nation .deuends for the quality of its
clausal:, Her responsibility Is great; her
minion eien higher than mates.. Deeds
of daring which render famous their
author ciriaot be' attribited to the mere
flathead blood of man, but to that im.
mortal spirit which Is within him, and
whkh: controls his every act. • Row
often through this spirit speaks , the soul
• of the mother, who photographed on ,
the mind ot the child her own emotions,
her, fatthi, her discrimination and her
every thought! She is content to re
main in the background 'while the world
marvel and admire the son grappling
with faMll, and each hoar clutching new
he cab 44/Int hie STABIL .07
Penang the day Is not - far distant
when females will be called , to act the
Mt part of chimes in our. country.
Movements are already under way which
now seem to point out in the near future,
a political change which will place the
b 41104,
.the great gift of a free - nation, into
the lands of women.' How Import-
ant is It then In e view 'of., woman's
don sii an educator now, find of the not
uncertain elevation to- tlie righter suf
frage ha the future, that .she , should be
*forded all the opportunities offered by
the country to improve 'her mind and
develop°. the talents end - genius With
which she has been gifted by an All Wise
Providence! Parents to-day arc =r
ico:Ended with educational establishments
whereat their. daughters may receive
tuition which; while storing then:find
, with valuable practical knowledge, will
blurrier, tone the mites, subdue the pm
. alone, aid elevate
the ideas to a proper
- conpeptionof the all importint Mission
sylitehltherj will hare to perform in after
Of =e' ■ character is oar Titus
burgh Female , College, an institution
which hoz contributed as largely, per-1
1140, as any shill= one In the country,
' imirroportiorito ite :time of operation,
to the elevation of female character. 'lt
has kept apace with the times, and under
• the management of Rev. L C„Pensince,
accomplished President, him
, been elevated toe first position amongst
the colleges of the land. As an hustatu
, don of Pittsburgh our citizens are Justly
mid of this College;and We trust that
its merits -will be' fully appreciated
idaoa4as well as at-home, and .that,it
will continue to receive the encourage.
merit and support of parents and gaard
humhering girls to educate.
From the report of the CoMmittee ap
pointed by the Method st. Conference to
visit the College, we make the following
'ln regard to the financial 'condition of
the College, wears pleased to say that
upwards of. *lll,OOO have been secured
towards an endowment; conditioned on
the payment of the existing debt of
$2O 000.. . Nearly one -half of this has al
been secured, and one hundred
' ireW. friends could not doe better set
vice to the cause -of education than to
gitre $lOO each to make sure this $76,000'
to the,Oollege. We most sincerely hope
.that there are enough, lovers of the road. tidies., and who have dui' interest of fe
male education =Offend,' at heart, to at
"once come op to the accomplishment of
this work. and then when this Is done,
. Mambo a determined effort to so en,
&r the several chairs, as to place the
Institution citf, a firm and easy financial
The Faculty, as we have seen, Is large
,t-rlarger Indeed an
than y Institution un
der the care of the IL 11; Church in the
'United States=of unquestioned ability,
and devoted tithe work In which they
&reengage& ...They have evidently =-
=a commanding' influence over
nab, and the evidence of a good
- and 'wholesome, though strict discipline,
ireettarly discernible in the various de
portment& of the College. cense
queued of the large number of pupils in
- ' wrath department, it has been found
beet to make .:a change in dm artinge"
onite, mid the , tmstets are now negotia.
deg With One of the finest musicians and
.;composers. In the country - to come and
';;Note his entire time and attention to
the music department..
- -
College is doing a noble work
'for the' church - and the world; and: we
most heartily commend it to the liberal
' w r::and Mthronage of the community.
miler theme and management of Dr.
• ~ - Ppritting; tz has succeeded to a surpris
- let, - degreacand has steadily increased
patrmage, drawing its pnpila
from. distant sections of the
• - country as well as being sustained by a
. =pew= home attendance.
Ofti Cain. Mc'efty hes J cat bcen made
Day. he penalty of Ilia too close diacrim
t-tnattominaba character of first clua lats.
seinnein tin. on his Teasel: Ho re
-a ibiledVia
„Fannie Rollin a first class
,Possajte toopti,, Beaufort to Charleston be
, emit alePtiatturfortturnte enough to be
bbla2'ACourtanartial found hlm guilty
of an *trepan sod Cued blot $2OO, for his
tiat . l emit*'a' urnerice confirmed by
A xxxvino of many of the prominent
Members of the legal fraternity of Wash
ington virtually sustained Judge Fisher
in his recent notion in the Bradley cue.
Axarszu'dlstressing bpatlng accident
Is reported this morning from Dover.
N. H., by wblch taTen persons were
• • . ,
Gstostats. is preparing for racoastaac.
ticaCt•llepnbhesia.. .oiganizationi ban:
boa established La emery city, townsuld
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Too • document removing Octane
Sheridan from the command of the Fifth
Military District is published in another
column. The hero la required to report
in person at headquarters of the See.
rotary of War at Washington, before
accepting _the Missouri Department.
Thus an opportunity will be afforded
the people for paying some token of
their esteem and admiration to the gal-
lant officer, patriot and• statesman.
States District Court of New York that
a married woman may be declared bank
rupt under the involuntary clause of the
bankrupt act..
—lt is stated that Postmaster Wilson,
et 'New Albany, has fallen heir to a
million of dollars In England.
—A Webster, Mass., woman found
another woman too familiar with her
husband and horsewhipped bar. .
—Mies Enilly Schonberg, the Philade
phla beauty, said to be the handsomest
women in America, Is "only" about
—On Sunder, the lith ultimo., Brig
ham Young, In a Hermon • preached at
Willow Creek, accused his Bishops of
—lt b mad that Beecher in writing n
live net drama fcr Edwin Booth. The
hero is old John Brown, the ghostly
spiritual pedestrian.
• --Ladies rho have a disposition to
punish their husbands, Should recollect
that n little tvarm sun will melt an icicle
much sooner than a regular Northeaster.
—Frederick William K2130=11 of
Sgamokin township, Northumberland
county. died on Thursday last at the ad
vanced age of 107 years, 1 month end '22
days. • .
-I , 4lnund About says there are two
thingithi this world which a man does
not oft& find awayfrom home; the first
it good soup, the secontl Is disinterested
level" ' . . •
—Tho most interesting political ques
tion at Montreal Just now is whether
Thomas D'Arcv McOee, who is trying to
got plotted to Parliament, is sometimes
sober or always drunk.
—A Chicago paper makes this frank
acknowledgment : "Things seem to be
rapidly approaching &condition when no
man in Chicago will know whether he is
a married man or not."
—llni.Blood, who caught the pick
pocket. while rifling hor pockets, at Bail•
Mon, N. Y., the other day, and held him
until he was takenintocistody, is eighty
years old. She's& full blood.
—The Canaille= are going to erect a
monument to Malcolm McKenzie, one
of the volunteers who fell at the Fenian
battle of Ridgeway, and with character
istic economy, have let out the job to
the lowed bidder. -
A. New York evening paper says It
takes l!3:41 In cents every day on en
'lverage from Its sales which would be
o,ooo.pennles a weak, or 63,000,00E1 a
year, enough to fill a room 121 by 11l
feet in size, andel:net high.
—The new society for the suppression
of gambling nt l.krew York is already in
trouble on account of sharpers who pre
tend to ho its agents and go around beg
ging funds in its behalf, which are ex
pended for their own benefit.
—An undoataker in Quincy;
named Krlergei ' was fatally poisoned
last-week wink , ' handling the trolly of
Henry Moth, who had hung himsCif; a
scratch on the hand having come, In con
tect with froth front the mouth of the
—A disease with symptoms almilar
o, and which believed. .to he
rinderpest, the great cootie ecourge eo
lately prevailing in Europe. has 'made
its appearance in Rocha county, Penn
eylvanla. So far it has only affected the
cows of two nehthborhoods in Soleebury
—A Beet= colored - letter-carrler. na
med J. C. Hogan, has been detected is a
series of heavy robberies from the Post
Office, and bound over In the sum of
three thousand , dollars for tidal. lie
supported a wife and children in tine
style, and kept a white mistress at a faah
lonable house of 111 repute.
—A lawyer. addressed the Court as
"gentlemen," instead of your Honors.
After he had concluded, a brother of the
bar reminded hbtaof his error. Ho Im
mediately arose to apologi IC thus, May
it please theCoarf—in the heat of the de
bate I called your Honors gentlemen. I
made a mistake, and beg your pardon.-
—Tho exhibition of Tan Amburglea
menagerie rankle - mid, lowa, on the 11t.b.
drew such *crowd that several women
fatnted, and two children were crashed
to death In their mother's arms. A far
mer named overhoffor was thrown from
aeragon while retiring from the exhibi
tion and run over and almost instantly
—Why hair • turns suddenly white
under excitement: "During the preva
lence of the nervous shock the normal
fluids of the ludr are suddenly drawn
inward towanl the body, la unison with
the generally contracted and collapsed
_Mate of the sarfonia, and the, vacuities
thus loft present the appearance of glob
ules gilled with air." ties It?
Williams ran away from
wealthy parents in Georgia, laxxcusethey
tdotated on her marrying a man obnox
ious to her; and came to New York ; to,
earn hex own living. When she found
what earning her own' living in New
York meant, she wentlnto the Dust riv
er from a ferry boat, 'on Friday , and
settled all the vexing questions of this
—A Utile girl, daughter of Dr. F. W. I
Wall, of Hampshire county. Vs. ten
years old, was bitten by a rattlesnake In I
her father's garden. While reaching for
*stone with which to strike the snake,
the poisonous reptile sprang at her from
a distance of five feet, inserting its fangs
In the band of the child between the
thumb and fore finger. By timely
plimtion of proper remedies, the life of
TIM - child was saved.
—The distance from Philadelphia to
San Francisco, by war of Chicago, • is
three thousand three hundred miles. If
a train should run at the rate of twenty
miles per hour, including stoppages,
which is perhaps the average rate on
railroads in this country, it would re
quire ninths leas than seven days to =-
compile& the distance. As for grades,
the traveller will ascend from the level
of tidewater at Baltimore or San Frands
en to a height of eight thousand two hun
dred and forty-two feet, or over a mile
and a half, at Evan's Pass.
—Speaking of the bail to the Sultan, 'at
Leaden, a correspondent lama "When
the preparath oasfor the dance were corn
pitfall the Prixthe spoke to an eguerry,
the equerry walked across the room to
a lady and said, 'Madame, the Prince of
Wales will be most happy if you will
commence the dancing ! mad Awning to
see what lady was thus honored, I found
that the royal Invitation had been ad
dressed to Mrs. John Wood, of . New
York, who constr.:Fully declined U. Mrs,
Wood was regally dressed in a robe of
satin, trimmed with pearls, wi th orna
ments of pearls and diamond."
• —Of the reported Alm mine In Cedar
county, Missouri, "t Sou/forret Tribune
of the Id Met. nays: e have been slow
to believe in the actual trzlistenco of large
quantities of silver in our county, but
seeing it and. handling it has at length
overcome all doubts, and we are now
thoroughly satisfied. We have seen n
large amount of ore, and our opinion,
vered by that of those re experi
enced lima ourself Le that Itwill yield
about, twenty - per cent. of silver. Nor
are the mines confined to a small terri
tory; already have excellent indications
been found through n dietetic° of nearly
twenty miles." -
• — . People who •bave visited Cleveland
will' remember the bluff up which they
must climb to- Tench the city from the
gays: “Whlie the
railroad companln , the city, or-some
body else, are trying to decide who shall
wall this up, the bank is giving away,
the property above is depredating in
value, and the residents are In danger of
going-over, bag and baggage, Almost
every day there is a land slide which ear
' ries away some nix or eight feet of earth,
and at this rate, which, with the fall and
winter rain :twill be increased, thehouses
half way to Lake street are in danger of
going over before next spring."
—A mrreepondent at Sweetwater,
wrltes: In this village, yesterday, in
front of a drinking saloon, occurred a
riot which resulted in the death of an ex
rebel officer whose name is Warner for
merly of the Sixth Georgia Infantry; and
who had been In the habit of abusing
Union soldiers. A few day. since a
young Man • named S. it. Green came
here on s vLslt to company with a sol
dier friend Green drank a health to the
did nag . Warner heard It, and immedi
ately ordered Green to take it back say
ing if be did not he would "send aim to
h—L" . Green replied that he "couldn't
see it," at the same time putting Ida hand
behind him. Warnerthen raised aehair
whereupon Green 'drew u revolver anti
tired, the ball taking effeet, in Warner's
hand. Warnerllvedlen minutes. Green
his left for parts unknown,but he would
be enGsrlY mato to ninatt here, •
Order for general Sheri-
don's Removal,
as Telegraph to tba littabeash Cieseite.l
ITLawieraTos, Ang.lo, 1%7.
The following ordoi was lamed to.dayi •
Grorsaah Oarien, Meathiamler. 41
tha Arms,. Adjufenti Ornerts44 Wee, Wash.
tuguu. Austell 191 A. •
Firet—Tho following orders hate been re.
(wired front tae Erseldent:
lixecommr illaamosr,
• Hamm/arms, Arta's= nib. On. !
bisjor General George If. Themes la here
by %maned to the command of the Fifth
Military District, mated by color Confirms
paned on the ad day of March. Het.
/War General P. H. Sheridan is hereby
Lowed to the command of the Depart
ment of the !almond. ' •
Haim General Winfd command ancoc
hereby assigned 10 the of thDie. partment, el thetiomberitud.
The Secretary of War ad interim mill ere
the nommen' inattentiona to carry the or.
der Leto effect.
tftecnuf—ln pursuance of tee foregoing or
der of the President of the United States,
Maier General U. if. Thomas will, on re
ceipt of the order, turn over his command
CO the Oflleat next in rank to himself, and
proceed to Sew Orleans, 1.6., to relieve
Major General P. It. etteridan of the com
mand of the fifth Military District.
21Urd—hlaor General P. 11. eberlde, on
Fatah vellered Loom the command of the
Ftfth Military Ilistrlct bp Major General U.
Thomas, will mowed to Fort Leaven
worth. lianas', and relieve Malmo General
W. 8. nateeek. In command 01 lite Depart^
meat of the hltasourl.
berth—Ltsjor iienerid W. S. Hancock, on
being =hayed from the command of the
Department of the Ildsmouri by Helm Gen.
era! r. ti. sneriann, vat proceed to L 01212-
.1110, Ky., and assume command of the De
partment of ths Cumberland.
ftfle.—Ms)or Demirel G. 11. Thomas will
continue toe:emu:rail orders he may flod in
force In the Fifth Mallory District at the
time of his assuming command of Monies.
authorized ,by the 41012111111 of the Army to
an1,6 ,. .±111,: r m= 5 ,=;,,,... b.f0re
Having Halos General Ltanoock, wrill report
inteenion at these headquarters:
By command ol lien. Grant. .
Intoned ) E. D. Tonkin..
[Othclitl.) A. A. U.
rßy Telegraph to the ritt.hursh Gazette.]
W as n leorOs , Aug. 9, 1567.
TOO ISatreat. or littrainal.
The New York Times' special, after stat
ing that the Prmident bad tuned a positive
order tor the removal of Gen. Sheridan,
Inc "The President's order was received
by 'General Grant and *es paint. la SL
terma Imvingno alternative but !compli
ance. Nevertheless, it is known tbet Grant
visited the President and enteral his earn
est protest egalnat the Movement& but the
President was immovable. and the order
will be transmitted • with lostructkms
through the Adjutant General's °Moe. The
order directing the change his not been
mode public, neither hare the steel of Gem.
eral Grant upon the sublet; which are un
dermood DOS to have been etpreesal in any
writing. Timm Is the best of auutority for
Stating that he regards the movement a.
Toat onfottanate, though the change of
hom. for Sheridan will not change the
character of the exeunt= of the laws, en
len the latter should be hampered by the
new lastructicoe.”
Although thine Is no res., to belle.
that any further Cabinet changes wUI be
made, it Is an undeniable fact that the vie-
OrWent attach/ upon iterretary Nicenlloeh,
emanating Iron certain quartet*. an*
In stele of erecting his removal. Stinterous
names are mentioned Lu connection with
the odim, but none more prominently then
that of lieu. Jena d. Clam. Them Is no
honorer, that the OppOsltlon
to liof.'mloch WM effect anything. although
II prbeeals from quarters generally trims&
ly or. the administration- -
The story that. Judge Advocate General
Unit has been granted leave of al,eence un
til the 6th or September. preparatory to his
removal. has no foundation other than that
on the 6th berms granted a month's leave
by Secretary Stanton, which he wits enjoy
ing when the late usault. en him was
Secretary Itrownlne who wit* taken 11l
with a congestive chill In at , his office
usday. •
TheActlng Attorney General is said to be
preparing windier statement. the Ashley.
Butler-Coisaver matter. Another ona
probably bring Mr. etanbery botch.
General remit., of the War Department.
ITO!. CO the Department of Dakertah on
special duty, and will return here on It.
•RADIST-Fttliil otsricctrr.
A meeting of about thirty members of the
bar, held today. P.P. 34111.00. presiding.
adopuel reeolnuons disapproving of the ir
regular methods of reviewing orders of the
Court, assmUng that It was grave error to
suppose the. rights of attorneys wild be
maintained by persmal vituperation or
physical violence. and 0100 amercing the
propriety of Courts punishing for contempt
Tuts motion refers to the tiredly-Fisher
Clltpcolty. _
rOOOT nawrist skirrimmi arenas=
General/tickles, on the 1710. approved
the seatenee of court almond t= O f f
Captain McNulty. of the steamer PllOl Bay,
for refusing to grant a first cialg leesnmett le
alms Francis 1101110, from Charleston to
!Wort, on his steamer. because of mute or
geldr. The sentence was • dna of Yak •
.stalmr "most arr. sumrall es roitestasks
An order of General Sickles, reMevers here
to-day, details the trial, moviction and men
' tepee of certain parties for taking • colored
girl nouse to the woods, and
Inflicting one hundred and forty Mabee ohm
her. became she resisted being whipped by
• daughter of one of the parties, the nemm
gut enecessfollY whipping the white- •
*brain Jenkins. • Justice at the Peace,
was sentenood to be removed from aloe,
fined F.., mid Imprisoued at hard labor one
month. IS In other parties ectocerned were
likewise fined end imprisoned.
One Saunders. for whipping • nacre boy
and gtrl, wax fined twenty do ll ars and Im
prisoned one month.
The abort. occurredat Plymouth, N. C.
and thsoommanaing ofteer there ls order
ed to see that the sentences besmecuted.
1(11.1,13iT ItCLLIMX. -
Colonel Ludington Ms been :ordered to
New Mexico. 11. Mood has
been ordered tOColonel
Ulna= Cl 'Am ay
erica, with
Fiecretstrp Drowning ts better today, but
Is enable to leave his bed. •
?MMS ennstna.
The Turkish ellnisier had an Mortise
with Secretary Bassaol today. and will be.
presented to the President to-morrow.
Anent* Political Canisallittpptnic
Tort—AnUglon• netTlety lY IL
thy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 0 sseite.l
Saw Pathotsco, August 11.—The mall
steamship Sacramento, for Panama, to.dny,
took only 9701.4:1 to trauma. nearly ID
for New York, the smallest shipment Intim
The political census throughout the
State Is the most settee for many years.
Kr fresh arrivals lately. cThere are sixty
four vessels now in port,excimlve of mesm
erised domestic cosaters. Ehtlity per cent.
of the tonnage le under engagement for
&r Wheat Is still coming forward
Bev. Dr. Stebbins yesterday Mauro, rated
religious services' In the theatres, having
an Immense audienoe, and funnelled a
broad °Muth sermon. .
Animid,steamer Continental, from Ore
gon. The general crops of tint Mete are
Vr t s! h l hat , ivs de
ery gent. f atm expertment
General Crook hut two engagements with
the indium last week - at Pachth Dimintales,
Idaho, Meting them. .
BAT •Yeasersco, Angus& th,—Tho Conti.
mental. from Portland, brought one hen.
drael and ten thousand dollars in tremors..
The steamer Active sailed from Victoria
for lase port last evening with two hundred
stet the thousand dollars in goldtroM the
Korth mines.
The ship Dar West brought from tong
Kon old d silver of the value of three
hundr g ed and an eiglity•dve thousand dollars,
partly on account of a shipment by
Panam The Mexicans of California e xec leaned a
manifest approving of the execution of
The Marne. Jatledlellos-Riersball
Goodie* Receive. Urger from
rfoolarkotoef. • . - •
filyTelegreph to the Pittsburgh Umette.l
Wtheirirros; Augost2o.-.-The Journal of
3atriedar We: We learn that United Stabile
Marshal COodloe, acting under an order
from Wialangtent City, to. ordered Deputy
United States llarehal No?, of this place,
to execute the her et of o re t rctutCourt
or the United Bisbee mopped by
military order, mita inetrualons to fob ,
ward the name of any Milner tnterfering
to order that beauty ho
, promented under
the craning law of the United Mates.
Colonel Frank, - Poet Commander,
orders from Dletriat uarten,
had again interfermi to prevent lica th dq e arena
' lion of the process; es being in Violation of
Omani Order No. U.
Tallow eeeee e on labiltNlowd.
Mr Telegraph to tee Plttsbargb daaette.l
Borrow, August 20,—Tbe brig b e
armed to-day from Ilarana ,
romatns of Contain Tturraton, who died
board of yellow facer. TWO of the craw
Waft on the passage and two OYU are now
ea Ward. Too vessel woo sent le Stolnds -
Uuarroo, dugout 90.-1. W. cagy and
Mrs. tapt. W. Talgert, of New YOTIS, ware
among the interments to-day. Theta WOW
sinefolatiti 00 Madan , .
Gold Mine. at Ilarbadoes—Chilt-Para
Allairs—Terrible Calamity at 870.
eee—fly. Day Eel as lied riga Days ,
Gale.— Dostrootlea et Propertg.
Lou of Life, Xaeli ue►rlag, 6e., de.
Raw Toss, Aug. 4D.—TII. steamer All.
gm, from ginilairall, brings 0144,000
The conatructlon of the Costa Rica Inter.
Oceanic Railroad will be eommenced at an
early day.
General Gutierrez, President of ColombLet.
reached Panama from England en route to
The United Mated steamer Paegnehanzaa
bad antral at Arpinwall, bringing flatter
log Seerninta from the Barbadoes mines.
One nndred and thirty-two tonnes or
gold . re taken . oat In three weeks and
fo ed to Europe. The American min.
log 0 pear In the Interior of Cones had
been cry ancoessfal.
A UM occurred at Rio Bache, between
the menu , of Itrequera and those of the
Col Man thyrarnment, without result,
erne the dentrnation of the town. neither
woke wledged beingtosten, and each held
their Irian. About two hundred were
kill • and wounded.
Ono from etiiii are unimportant. The
relations between Porn and Brasil
rrurneil. Tile Brazilian Enaoy left
consequence of a =launch:lreland
atlas to oriental alliance.
,• Ad •
oil/ •
Gen oven?. American Minister at Peru,
had ••o to Chill; it to believed with th e
otpleo faciliteting negotiation. for pesos
with opale. The Chillers &Mitten re•
turned to Peru. showing that the best rel.
Lions exist between the governments.
The .Peruvian Congress bad annulled
the law allowing a Minister to be sent to
Mexico, because the person anPolitted was
not considered a proper one.
The port of Rico. near Chibchas, bad been
declared open.
reliZilthint . s tuned on the 2id of July
twd i Al ru ting the entrance of any Spaniard
Sydney, Australis, envie.. to July let,
state that the most devastating calamity
had visited that colony. Ilya days rains
flooded the country and lee daye gale.
dashed helpless wrecks on the mute. The
highest deed marks were Bitty thdeirethil•
dye foot above the ordinarylevel. litin
dtads of holing were swept away, thou.
sande of live stock killed, tee mope ruined,
and many lives lean. One fatuity of nth.
were drowned, and in another MAO twelve
persons. The famines of two brothers loth
their llyes. Hundreds were rescued from
the tope of troth, hey Kauko and coot. of
hose. Numbers were almost starve°,
homeless and naked. Suboariptioth for
their relief were flowing tn, and would do
moth to alleviate the! distress. Your
wheezers were wreaked and eeeeral see,
men drowned.
The Italian wax theareerliagenta left Sid
nay fir Valpatratio.
geromme, bearing a thane of geed onallth,
heel been discovered in the western part of
the Colony of Victoria.
A WU in South Australia eras buret with
one thousand tome!' flour and teatimes:id
bushels of wheat.
ihdproents of wheel to England Isere re•
The general election going on In Queens.
Load thus fax favors the government.
Tae cotton crap there wu large Oyer
two handrail bales were alnedu enigma.
New Tonnelsod sdv Ices to the lith of Jag
state that a hoary gals caused austral
wrecks of coasters. No loss of lila
. _ . .
This tut Mitt= soldier will soon line left
Advsee* from Venezuela to the lth nit
state that the resoluta= had felled at all
A Dunes Ayres letter of June 19th, says
that General =both was Very tit, and mt.
erns approbwealons were entertained of a
fatal result
Ululatet . Washburn% frees Paraerdy, asnt
to Gen. =both fora amply of provisions.
as beef and ordure. be foend lobe rather
slender diet. A. good supply was sent, bet
the amanitas lieneral stopped and Wesel
them saying that. • reasonable supply
m lard pas., bet here vas =murk to stock •
whotesale grocery.
Selmalow am ritsehls•—lqsaltivill•
Posse as Loingerboads 1.10. W. 1/..
earder—Reeeeragn•K 4N•P rr«.-
pects—assmst fee flazdor.
CB, Yattryrayik to tem rttsbmtro onsittto.3
• .It4santi.a. Anson . .A.—Gor. Bravo icm
to out m anothor hater responsive, to Um
onrearattiont of the Byttlagtold Repair
mot roopootlog his opposltton to any too&
Iticattom of Mot Toommum Int:Milan taw.
•Ideu and Myers. Itsdicaly, continue in
au mud for Mayor. The Press and Vows,
• Radical organ, supports neither. but !a
tom tins wttladrawal of both In Mos - of
another candidate. Tbl glee* °Crams to
some of .144•Wasoopersera who regard
bls Y the MIT senttnea and they tltreah
to.atart al new natant roper; Lot they
bare no. money and their threat* ara
b bo ef m orebed.Um at. TO, dlttarente will be adjusted
Mr. W. Wetmore,ection
formerly a prominent
ottttt e. we* anal/Mot Wars
roster' to..lay for leardnwm. Meary 0.
rur art M a tt i :42 ' llre= re:
ter, telm had lined him several times for
Contempt. and finally ordered blm to be
sent to Mdt for thirty days.. The matter was
arrogantly settoo4 by the flaws being re.
mimed, and the order resokod.
Tb• Mary ran. to-day were tort in Um*
to NMI the Ist* more. Tao rota erol of
Middle Tenasseee wan b• intanntsei prima
ili rule low. The demon orospect u 0007
ttnetb. 0 mem milli* larger than Mat pears.
rater Kant was arrested bens today.
rimmed wlin the murder of a barber named
Kirby. at New Albany, Ludlum, on the lltb
of daly.
By Tele(npkto the litienuzlt unette.)
Nay Vcaz,Atypsit
.11101IZTOT 11.Mrit.
• It le reported the rlederpast has cawed
the death of coma animals to Buda lk
Camay. Wog Mead, ■od Dear rattersoh.
Sew Jersey.
&rrantry McCulloch, In a letter to Trees
ere: Van Dick, eaya there have been no
MOT lanes 01 00V1T010416% seattrltten or
Goren:men' , OblliflttiOne of aey land. end
War, reports of trends In the 'frowsty Leh
partntent aro without Itreadatlon.
*Lis 'ALL
Ina base beg gala.yesterday the Athlet
ics of Ytdisdhlghle. best the Unions, of
Morrlshost . Soore.lll against 10. To-del
the Athletics hest the Mutual* of New
lark, the some Whig 1 0 Itrilfut 14.
CILXIMT NA.2cit. '
The erteket matahbetweet the gret Caren
of - the et. George Club, sod the &et aleven
of the Boston Glob, wee Ablated Ohio attar.
noon. The latter Gab graved victorious by
Mont= IMAM
Contensudar Namelin Cerruti, Kinlater
Plenipoterdisr7 teem Italy. Strived In tbe
The Mediterranean Mem,.tonna
Taken ler iisrlealdians.
(hr Taktrildi to m. rlttabargh Oatatta.i
N. , Your. Azimut XL—Naples tome*.
Doudenee of Gate August Ist, says: During
the whole of butt week.whfiw the Awed:
can excerston steamer. esker (MY. MY
at Leghorn. a lierrentment minimal. was
anchore4 close by, and • vigilant watch was
kept up= bet . Victor Emanuel% Doable
refused - to believe that the munraWnists
were other than Garibaldi= emurolrators.
When any of the pletwureeeekera had axe-
Mon to return to the Chip after night-fall.
they were followe4 by the pollee bosh and
on one occasion the executive snorer of the
chic. CeDMM /Molten and several Omen.
get*., nerrowly esespol arrest. The ester.
slonlata will Do attentively watched when
New York and Brooklyn Itesny.
Of Trhurreph to the Pittsburgh damns.'
• New Tong, August S4—dliteell nundnal
and thirty-nine new building. have been
erected In Brooklyn during the year ending
on the grit of the present mentd • -
The Oanualssioners for the building of the
new Ilatiem bridge promise that it shall be
'completed and thrown open for public No
within thirty days. '
One thonsen4 ought hundred and eleven
emigrant. arrived - nem yesterday. • .
There were two hundred and ninety
deals. In Brooklyn last weak..
Llinrideersre t the Cicala:se Eissetie.).
Cosesirs, g. C., Anima. 20.—One hundred
and two person. were registered laden Of
welch fnril•two wore .07100.
WirenairroS, N.U. , Augast a).—The rests.
tration le the beeend ward was e➢ntln➢
tacitly. The melt via eighty-five whites
sad sisti.eiglit Weeks..
Clisar.ssros, b. C., .11egust . XL—Three bun
died a➢d Sixty one Were registered to-day.
of which two 111411. red add twerirreeveri
were white's: .
DiaSteelton se le Osier - by Ra-tirontla
tor bidden.
My Talcum* to the rittsbereb ossette.l
Gales:Brox, burnt V.--An order bu
beenn issued forbidding ails/Amnion by uai .
roads and other cluttered companirembleh
are cornroon earners, in relation to pesson
gars On account of color, race or previous
A. B. B on. all. of IlanU aunty, has been ap
pointed eheolf,- vice Proodtoot, WOO ab
ray Temereph le the rithassigh Gazette.]
Aural 23.—Itiver telling, with
9 fees water in ebo channel to Cairo.
Locisynal, Annual 20.—/tiver
with 2 feet 10 inches in the canal. we
gliatrOad Oonsolleatlais Probibliog.
I or Telegraph to the Pittslarga Ossette.l
iIiDANY. August 4.—The Ccoatitutional
Convention Iwo prohibited the consolida
tion of railroad oarportionl, where toe ag
gregate. capitate:coeds twenty million.
A listlitiunt Meteor Moen.
Lily Telegraph to to Yltuburcu tueona
flaw 'num, August meteor of groat
beauty. form and magnitude, mu °burred
In the heavens at about ten o'ciliaA last
- - -
strike ofirhitens in Detroit has
ended in a com pl ete failure. all the
offices have supp led themselves with the
full number ortuinds; some have refined
to employ any who were members of
unionei,• others have made agreements
with Hat printers by which the latter
recede from all that theynlaimed at the
beginning of the difficulty. Sena of the
former employees are again at work, but
a majority have applied for places which
have been filled by other printers during
their sdeence. • .
By Tolograph to tto. klttsbaryti Quetta.)
I ,C0311.1112C1t.
astern:ma, August SO.—The Emperor Na
poleon held yong conference to-day with
Baron Von Bonet, Prime Minister of
The private interviews which have taken
place between theft Msjostlei the Emperors
of Franco and Austria; and between Napo-
loon istid Baron VorLilsalt, have resulted in
a goof understanding, but no treaty has
been made.
reeee OF tutaxMlNT 1130IIILID.
.vicmc.4 August 90.—A1l the °Metal Jour.
nalecteclare that tho peace of Germany
IIt.Cri.4ICTION war Tar QUILL!.
Loroxix, August 'A—Though It to =cult
to obtain any reliable information from
Spain, it to known that •Gen. Prim to ethi
at thenead 01 the biarirrection, which has
oot been quellod. It to reported Geri. Prim
eupplied with hinds by prominent bank
ers fo Pule.
losooi, August 20,Lord Mont* does
not return to Eng Lusa, but will remain ono
yearlowter in Canada at the head of the
Allgeot 90.—The Misslori of the
United States at the holy Bee laming been
ollioontionea, the Analoictin Lciei-Iffb Ia
1510 city IS closed. -
COY lITAITiAOP,L;Iet.% 70.-Fuld ?Mee.
the Moister olio socompeuted the Belton
term:l,ooot !Us 'restore tour, fmil norm
to Crimes to meet Me Emperor Illemisdar,
of Itimsle. •
Troops for Cos- " '•O for Illusallt.
Srortmprtws.a Slab Poleloto—eb.
tars to Italy—frosela Troop* for
lioss•-111•1lolesms Mat tan is Asstr.,
[By lizerawer.l
Nue Toss. Augur/. M.—The stesmshlpe
Sad. and Felton. from Europe, arrived to.
dal. The farther brines dates to the 11th.
The Instyoloth restment received orders
to embark from iteD.Un for Cicada on the
Seth of August. Tent Other restroest*
England have been enteral to Itold them
selves in rustiness,
I retie' ipoiglatt . ed to the Dublin Natl.
from Wm. IL Roberta. enclosing -fa lie 21
fox the rebate( the families of imprteoned
trim potriok, which. with amoards previ
ously sad, magas lell francs IS estotamee,
*Contributed by the Fealan Urrdberhood of
&mem. The letter Is dated Pane, ad.
The Trench minister Is &beet to leave
Florence for Perla •
It epic.* thetbet weenJannary .d July
of the ream re % year, the ware Mow at•
MU Melo. In Judy, followed by 11,00
deaths. The deaths at referred. at the
bated dates. eery eversaing lee daily.
The ce-timeenot maples died of cholera.
It fa. renamed In Paris that 10,0.0 Men wLII
be ordered to Home, teat It is probably Me
The Uneaten litlveltlettultit has ordered the
oonstraction. Kaneko. of important Writ•
destlons, the eerrliworke of which alone
will cost 1, Am trance.
Rome, Anguel IL—tlurtnit Sheeted of the
lth test., two hundred hemoults leftlreletta,
otoily. cad proceo4e4 to•place called Cams
pews. with the object of trains posses..
of soma land belosoring tO othar periCesa,
and crattratlng It for their own bmselilt.
The government LOME energetic measurta.
by which the assembly was 41.persed awl
the loaders arrest..
Madrid, Amp!. 11.—Barimy Brothers. of
Condon, .u 4 Rope. of Amsterdam hare
...acted for the conwersionof that:amt.
Liston, August —The halt. States pop
boat tierataria has sailed for Canals by
order of the Armee. Uovernment. The
*reamer Mmes.. lise sailed for Iladarle.
Tue eropil at wit deft mulillas aro than
thrOustiont Poritiyal.
August f.—An Ortimatioe Of the
litlaister of Public Worship It published.
organisms the Bawler Prot.mat Char.
Emmett On • new butt. Thu Emperor has
Increased theanneal enctownient of the
Protastaut Church to fifty thousand Borth*.
The commarniant of the Austrian war ves
sel, now autiltesol In Candian waters, was
Instructed to athrd certain fugitives an
asylum on board his iruietif asked tor. and
mercy to • pia. or Wets any Cretan mak•
tog his protean..
Lemnos. Aturnat ffi-Elentng.-Conw4la
stronger at 04 346. Iflre.tweutue• TSM. 1117.
oats Vautral Lee OA. Lana U. W.
Yaswcroer. Alum& 2).-Ennung.-Inglect
:woos :3.
I,varoor... August . 9—gerefog.—Cotton
heavy and delisted 1.1415442; mAddling up.
Mean tri,:di Orleans 11 1.1d4: seize of 11,000
bales. Msecheltrer market , for goods and
Byarns dolt with a declining tendence.
resdaturre—Timu and Ornm closed *msg.
but mines were nominally unchanged. Corn
re.. Barley U. Oats Ild. Peas es. float
LL. Whut el for oe• southern.
ions—Lard Pro Mu rds. Bear LIM. Pork
We al par barrel. V 60400 and Baca un
anngrAL Produce—Petralcurs; fq+l for
Write and 1.4 d for radioed.
Loewe, August M—Borefog.;-Ilogar nom
tat at Bo ed. iron stasdy. Other quota
tion. unaltered.
Sonoma Dire flessioo—Alpelatmenit
of Various tkommoiltsees.
:Br'Tdairr)nl to Sao Mow Mt Waal.] •
Cidesno,Anenst 10.—The National Labor
Coneres. met at nine o'clock Ude morning.
A number of delegates, arrived since ie.
tents.% were admitted. •
Committees were appointed on national
ore., right hoar movement and co-opers-
Lion. The Committee on Constitution re
port.] ► draft. which was dtmussed during
the morning and gfta rums analons and xs
tarred hack to the Committee.
.• . .
On motion, commitmea were directed to
be appointed (composed of one delegate
from .sob State' rtpresentedl on National
latex organisation. On eowslot labor, on
qualification. of apprentices. on the subject
of tazatoon of United State* bond. an
monopoly and rumor?, and on the matter
of sending delegate. to Europe to effect ark
enderatandlog between the laborers Of
Europe and Amnion.
n_. Ball 'Tournament.
Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Banat.]
Dersiorr, August m.—The Tournament
closed to-day with a friendly motet. be
tween the Allegheny and Detroit Clues. The
former won with a magnificent 41.0157 of
eklll. Their fielding was particularly One,
and at the close of the game tasY were
greeted with loud and prolonged cheers
Iron the immense crowd present. The
se-ore Mood: Detroit IS.Alleghony SL Prizes,
other than for resnalar Classes. ware award
ed to the following t Beet C•lPtnin. Sneer.
of Tpalantl; bent catcher, Lynoh,of All.
re=tt ° o7. ` ll, l =ke,T t grt . rUe h i/gtl
but runners, Tonne and Burlingame, or
liattle Creek; beet thrower; Doter, of Willi
most home runs, Marker. of Wayne.
Met Cap.Lum4-Noven Perswas
fir Telegraphs* the Pittsburgh Clang./ '
Doren, N. H., Aug. 'at—Yesterday morn.
ins • party Of eleven tremens started In a
boat for an - 146nd In Dow Lake, In Stratford.
N. It. The boat was capsized and the fol.
lowing drowned: SUL Jeremiah Dart. lad
daughter, two daughters of Mr. John Day,
a daughter of 11r. Alfred 'Ponder, and •
daughter of Idr. Thoe. Gray. The bodies
were recovered.
Physician Ilesa—A ESAU Robb...
BY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Omens.]
flogron, Anoint 40.—let. J. IdascntWakren,
a well known surgeon and physician. Mee
yeaterdaY ,
A. man eying his tamp as Wm. Allen,
was arrested On the steamer New England.
from et, Johns. Mlle afternoon for Patting
s s hag and attempting to stoat
Prosecution for rotlat7 Tlrreateinial.
TN•Brayh to th• Pittsburgh nominal
Anotora, Evlye•t 11XMIIVIII9
. t .wi th a t 11. L gitob, United States Dna
flu, Attorney . , WW, at the next tom of the
United Stater; Goias for Georgia, pereeente
fi r itglii=etTigt e rterOatrt7tr
to the leveed Ina MU. arY
iiimafter And Crop.
ter Telegraph to the rlttahargh thaette4
c oLu i tt ,A, g. 0.. darns M.—The weather
la clear arid warm. Crop aceounts from
thsettorlor are favorable.
wwwwTOS, August le—The weather to
clear and wane. Two plantations were
ov ecoo t ecd. greatly damaging the maps.
Yellow /ewer anal (belong.
Ns• oyilags, August SO.—Twelve deaths
from yellow lever occurred to this city or
nnudey eyemmir .atul yesterday. also Um
cameo( dollars. The daily average et Now
-yborm I . a . Mime the • appearance of We
fe.yer,baabeen four Untus out of a popula
tion of tour MOOsand.
Bieck el Balletlenc4 Borne&
tUy 01,,ijaph to the PitUhargh Galena:l
cyicuoo, Ann. M.—The block of dwelling,
irme etch; hundred and eight to Might boo.
dred and twelve, Mlehlitan avenue exclo..•
r a , aloe.°w w e . e .ft d a y y . W
LanMDO . wo
vreerded y oyed
Hartland House Tsai.
ray vaunans se Qs lfluseerse Gasetta.3
IL,..rtesn, dusted. °A.—The eawntb .a.
noel esnlbltion oi the Hanford Horse Asst.
elation °Mud today under eery favor* ,
tne guipure.. There were one hundred and
tturtptlwee entries. .
cot T otiaph to tits Men roll liOtti.)
Iltomnomosr, VT., August Nark
seprosentattee to the teenersl
Assembly from Woroottar, =omitted GM
elele=sosrlay, bt4tlelmond, Verammt,On
FOURTH PAGE.—TMfnUed and most reit..
Ns Money, CU and Produce.Markel Report.
given by any paper in the city, telt befound
on our Fburth Pura,
I 7=
d freight train bound west on the Pitts.
burgh, Columbus end Cincinnati ilailrond.
Monday evening, ran off toe track near the
entrance to the turmoil-at Try street, and
one of the ears WOO smashed. A brakes.
man, named Matarky, in attempting to
clamber on the top Of a car, was thrown off
and sustained a severe injury to his ankle
and foot. The track sum promptly cleared
of obstructidDl. - -
Tuesday_morning &Ant ohiloCk, at
the Union Depot. the fast train Jostl.:Tired
from the east, In approaching the depot,
owing to the improper adjustment of a
switch, went upon the wrong track and
came in collision with a coal car, Willett was
pretty wall demolished, together with two
cars of the train. and soma' posts of the
shed next Liberty street broken off. For-
Innately no person won seriously injured.
Remarkable Cara
Mr. Meal!, a young gentleman reeldlng
In Allegheny city, called at our °Moe yes•
tinder, and personally assured us that the .
statement of his CMG and his thorough'
core by Dr. Baynes Blood floarcher, which
appears elsewhere to today's Giaierre, la
strictly correct. That he has been sorely.
aflllatdi with Scrotum for several yeari, re.
suiting In eeriee or rottenness of his log
bone. We have ha our own - family bed as
porience of the great eflicaey of Sayserai
Blood bean:her, an diseases of the bowel'.
stomach and o f the skin. bet this case or
Mr. Titael proves that the medicine is also
alrons acarcher, and atiould aid in extend
ing Its repotatioo among the adllcted, as a
valuable and remarkable medicine.
Donbifill Compliment
In the United State. Court, yesterday, in
addressing the Jury for the defense in the
Johnston counterfeiting cum, lir. Iloward
grew quite eloquent in his allusion to the
♦cry excellent character which ids client
had been proven to sustain. lie was as old
Mail; those who had known him all his life
bad sworn that his character was good, 01
the very best; ha wee the lather of children
who were grotto np and married, and res.
peotable members of society, and, added
the counsel, (roneding off the period,) "Mu
fl,,,faiawr of grand children." The gentle
man, donbtle., did not mean what Vi and ,
but h is “eagle” w. Pally “sPresd., so
correct himself would have spoiled the
One Celia Burns, aged sixteen years, the
subject of several pollen . ACM, recently,
VILA arrested on Monday evening. in the
Ninth ward, on a charge of larceny,' and.
committed by - Alderman McMaster. for •
hearing to-morrow. She has been hiring
Mt as a servant. urd It le alleged against
her that she remains at • promo no longer
into a good opportunity wren for her to
decamp with such nropmty as Abe can con
veniently carry WI. jlec last operation was
departing from FOlrliCe. In the I amity of N.
P. letterman, Esq., on /Sunday morning,
taking with her clothing and jewelry riot
her own.
1111ebfgan Peweaylvaele.-7T-a Al
legheny Wee 1341 Club has covered Malt
with glory in Michigan. and will return
home laden with prise*. Tae telegraph•
MILIOLVICVS that the bore have won the
rplayed with the pleiretialne of Mich•
ar. for a prise of $ and a gold Incanted
bat worth 175. The report. says they made
ercelleat display of arleacs. It will be
remembered that the Club defeated the
champion one of Camden, and this new In.
toriph folly develops its soperlortty. Wa
are prood of the record made by oar war.
thy young athletes. •
'Bricklayer isan.—Tnewlky. meriting
Patrick 0 , 1;tole, a bricklayer, at were on a
hi:althea at the corner oft erre and tabartr
streets, was struck bya brick on the head,
framerine hi. olrull. Ile ..e on thekroond
at th e time, awl the brick foil from th e
thank story. • Surgkal aid summoned,
.141 the man, baring beers' rereored to as
AdJolnlng Louse, It VMS found mccestary to
trophthe the swalL This operation was
ek perfOrmed by Ur. Eanktn.of
Ebony, awl hopes are mitartalned task the
snag will recover.
Len. Lille <l.—Tueetty morning ei
tears driven by Thos. Nrwly, and att.tukt
to a wagon la•iened nu betake, took fright
on tbe Mount lesabington rood. near the
mak °erns, and ran down the rather ether,
grade at full *peed, the delver being unable
to cheek the borers. .her tannins a Ms.
tnnee of about two hundred yards the lead
bane fell.ane the muted over hien.
also themetren,•ble meek waa brraten. The
delver escaped Maury.
The *pros., Illurder—lhrpassas trials
—We tech themes of the Commonwealth vi
?homes Whittaker sad Jetta Btrd. Indicted
for the murder of aprocu, came up in the
Wallah:atop County Court yeeterday morn
ing, sad 'a ee•munce hselne been allowed,
the Dtstrlot att...amoy elected to try Whlle
taker flee, with the vlsw. It is stated, Of
using ford go C witness.
lb* Market • are well sal:Tiled With aL
toe seasouabletrults and vegetables. Conc.
try producers aro just beginning to realise
that the war is over, and that Pante Prior.
sbould not be held. rho 'COnelaqUellee 111
that • basites elan he ailed at • cast a tridieg
shade lower than heretofore, hut there must
be a further datilne batore things roach •
more PI aaaaa Pen Wd.—The Allegheby
pollee, yeelenlsy morning.ln eearehtng •
stable In rump alley. In the Seto.' Ward.
dleeoeered more or the articles stolen from
Godfrey , . hardware store on Sunday night:
They are esppomed to have been left Mere
by one Thomas &Donnell. who sleytle the
stable on the night previous.
The Vottitterfeltlate t'...—Tt.itl the
case of William Johnston. (Indictment
tog counterfeit money,) on Wall slam Thur..
day last in. the Vatted Oddest:out% will be
.(used. 11 bee ...eared a great Cleat of int.-
Olt ilt the neighborhood tellers the defend
ant reaides, (in Blair county,) and the 00.
MIL Is moat anxiously awaited. •
The damage done by the storm on Yon
city night wae more serious than at first he
Tn"•Pi irgl ritdran.expo>edTytt t%toOfe
new sewers were whthed away.
offilled, and la lamie caseatho first door.
of buildings were deluged with water.
Pre lessterial rimier. hero, of We'
taken possession of onr streets, and
their TOCILUOLI with swill media in. way which
la quite refreshing. The charitable should
use the utmost caution in pecuniarily ale
mg the snwelicurite who &chest these, as the
chances are they will he aeoelved.
Death of an Louvre
ae Qui on of w Convl e wh — o T h es o ..
oared fr om th e
e We t er o Pa o tnt n lary
time ago, It is Stated died at Julesburg, on
.the Plains. on Tlmrsday of Inst. week. A
Manatee to this effect tem been received in
the otty t no offence for which ho was sea.
tanned Was mayhem. '
Itaralartons.— Dories Monday night,
some vinous attempted to force an Am.
amce to the restdonen of Dr. 6.8. Button,
on Fourth street, neer•Grant. doubtless
with torglextous intent. They were ob
served and left bet= the pollee summoned
arrived to take them In custody. '
Mann riall.—Tne Dawdles. and Pioneer
bane ball clubs played for the ohamplcm•hip
of the city.= West Commoh. •Alleah=
en Monday Mat. The bezel nth= at
ended the Ramo on the fifth inning,. alien
the soma mod id for the Dauntless
that number for the Pioneer.
The Rathbone• of {Cat Virginia are
not .0 wealthy a people KR prosumed I year
or so ago. They only derlyed a haudsome
compatence out of the sale of their valuable
01l tracts, other men making the fortunes
from them.
Corner Lowness Is as fashionable - as
ever. The police should try their band on
breaking tip s few of the mart prominent
crowds which assemble oath evening at the
more prominent corner. of important
ttronghlareg .
No more escapes ere reported irom , the
penitentiary. We presume the remaining
ore eatialed with their lot in tile.
and do not care about liberty. Ilad they
soy desire to escape, not much obetenie to
In.ttkeir naY.
The Timep the Central Alarm
bell is lach I mp r oved of tate, and the own
ers of watches are mnoh better satUled slue.
they hare no terraria forward or backward
to off to tally with the eccentric Unmet that
A Narita*street merchant reeentiv te
calved ►one hundred dollar greenback In a
anomymoua note Offlnd “reatitutlon."
Ile ban no Idea Irma trbenco the letter
came, but to duly thankful to the repentant
Our Friend 3. W. risterle. oPeraire th
Post 0111oe, wends us !lamer. llodey, an ,
Frank Leslie's Mailerlees. Piro th e 'ill .
hey Comer; Literary Album and Waverly
For all the latest papers go to rittoek'S.
Eton, Wllltsm istesrart. -of Fayette
county, offers to douute two hundred acres
roll of lan d
thp Fayette d to .atlybaly. o O r cww4wod who The
chugsv hobo.
land is the( olio or the old buildings.
Godes , and Peterson's macs
sines tame been received. together with
WhvetiY. Minna Censer. Saturday Night.
Cud othor.laselespers by our hirudS Bogie
b Chambers, 7i Firth street.
Tee body . of • a gowned loan lately dl.
earerad fn tho Onto river, has not yet No=
removed. It la drolly flsod, and degas tho
efforts of the Coroner to get It out of the
bolo fa valet All lodged.
The ola German Lutheran ehnrobOn the
corner of Wylie and MO tweets MI about
Lobe torn clown. The es:Win:kr Is In en ex.
ceedingly dangerout aandltlon. Liable to
tall at any moment.
•Meritted.-Ira X. Grier. Eve, member
of Um cam of DanvilbeCelemebt mealy, on
motum of B. A. Parrlatioe. Eoq., wee. 'Ym.
terday. admitted to prat:U=ln the .Unitad
=at= Cetera
P. GlasseLe, a prine of the Itallangee.
out business, died no Monday lan. Hewes
worth a large arm or uener it end
"Itteui— Bu.
..raZ. ,
• Gold Nerve Burros 4 basing the Ist.
tar .2," was lost 0. Jinn or Omni:khaki
Greet., Testordey. The ander will metre
..„,„a by wiring ltattlleGAMITIZ Vont-
In detailing a history of, the following
cure, we feel warranted in doing so from
the fact that It la out of the common run of
such cases, and therefore warrants us In
making special allusion to It. It Is that of
n young Man in ILllogheny (lay, named
Son. Iltzell, who, for more than six years,
had been afflicted with a disease which
threatened not only one of hie Ithilre but
scan bin life.
In the cave of young Thrall no pains had
been spared to eradicate from his body the
dismal which seamed to have taken fast
hold of his vital.. The Whole Byrom had
snot under the fatal throes of a amuse
which, until DLL KEYSER'S BLOOD
SEARCHER was need, was entirely un
controlled and unmanageable. THE LEG
bone hwa . ecrapcid, bored , and partly
Cut away,
new to tracheate from
the system the cause o. so much...tau
disturhanoe.which lee ~o=y n hope
of recoverN Six years had Com t a
the application ... Of fruitlees remedies, oh,
when Doctor helmet *Nestled to see hi,.
In January last be was barely fible.4o walk,
Toer and complete wee the prosiratioe.
riends and neighbors of John Titacll,
of No. 4 Chestnut street, Allegheny CRY,
know well enough that we have not over
stated the caw lie was there confined en
tirely to his rOom, With nO prospect before
him brit to await the fatal lame of his die.
cue. Yale and • ernaciatol, with every
day adding to the power of the disealle.
with Del hope of recovery, no wonder that
the cure of young Titeell in regarded as one
of eltriforelinnry mark, and worthy to be
weelally noted for the benefit of other..
' Alter this extreme PrOettletion. Shoo/ Th.
sell Is agate able to walk about every
where, a d.Oll dIoU of O:1
I z oae rMg the LTS
Many of these nonce can be seen at Dr.
Keyser , s office. We hove heretofore had
°erasion tared:nth stroller cases to the one
now under consideration, made by Dr.
Keyser and Lila great BLOO Sr SEARCHER,
and the only medlar of comprise to es he,
that It is not used In all cases where the
blood is disordered, or where the ordinal,
outlets of Nature are obstructed, ix . in a
torpid condltiori.
The core of toe young man above rsferi" -
ed to was effected almost exclusively by
though the Doctor visited the case every
two wks until the ptient, through the
action oa th mediums, .
was able to visit Ids
1 would also take occasion to state that
friend, FROF. OLDisHUL;4I. D.,
it my ed this case of Titsell with me, and Made
some Important auggestions towards ef
fecting. once.
Dr. Keyser.. consultation teems, No.
Penn Street, from Ds. a. until 4 r. a.
~ The perfumed light
Stags =mash the mist of alabaster lamps.
And every au la beery sith the breath
Of orange flowers that bloom
P the midst of roses."
Such sae the Soars , land filed with heal.
Ins airsandille preserving produota,ahere
Dr. Drake discovered the chill Ingredients
of his wonderful Tonto Yedtelne—Ptawra
rte. Harms—the enchanted Unlaced ba.
land of Itt.' Croix. The Ptaarravtoe
ryas. combbaleg all the medicinal and ton=
virtues of the bowing and life etultelelnif
products of that favored clime are,- with
out doubt, the World.. Groat itemody for
Dyspepsia. Lon Spirits, and all other Sto
machic Ml:Scuttles.
ALLOYOLIA WATZIL—A dellithtittl toilet ar
ttelo—ooporior to Colonic." 'sod as bolt the
price. locraor
Practical and Worthy Meehanles.—
deaden desirona of procuring the Berries.
of skillful and experienced (las and Stearn
litters, ran do no better than by itlrOithg
Messrs. N.S. Biddle &Bro., Beaverarset ‘ be.
tween Frenklin and Cheausui street. Man
chester. They have had large and liberal
experienee in Ulnar bosinew are practical,
careful and finished tneabes, and devote
especial attendees to the proper attention
of ail orders unrested to them. Their
terms me very reasonable and all work is
guaranteed to prove durable and sadder,-
tory. We take much pleasure in commend.
inn them to our residers, knowing them to
be fair dealing, honorable, and mevel7 ree•
Poet worthy or a LUSO share of Dublin Pet ,
mange stwe:.
Goods at 110•01M1111110
James ItObb, Ito. PO ILarket street, one of
the pioneers in the boot area shoe trade of
cdty, has on Imed *large and fashiona
ble stock of boots, shoes awl gaiters ' , Airline
iMom Wine oublioalveryteasocableprices.
t will be remembered that the assortment
found here Is not from ELM.. 11.11Ctl.
'boost* bet has been selected direct from
manufacturers who deal In such articles as
will prove serviceable and durable. Call
to ant see for yourselves.
W men Dry Goode both et wholosole
and retail. sell are, ea coroolneboo. en.
WOW to keep a Larger and mock better es.
sortectetock. to sell cheaper, arid give the
cools in more sopenanaolstlag quantftlee
than ear.lnelve lobbing homes. Retell meb
chants are Invited to examine Cear stock.
.1. W. Beam CO.,
• es .11szket WOO.
Going! Golual Ocomieftl—nuitar than
the auefloneor , * hammer knocks down
merchandise. neglect diSr.o•os of the teeth.
Bid. theratOre, for that prise of Ilfe, a per.
foot sot by brushing them roiriditti7 with
bOLODOWS. Milt •
Cleorodasel couldn't keep Plttaborgh
street clean all chanted luo name to
Broadway. If one Pinata:lab stria wor.
nod Cleveland, abe can olympiad= witto
this city wnere we bawa naming but Pala.
Muth ammo..
Illeadaam—Dr. Wilson , ' ?lila Dave be
came quits molar as • moody for Iles&
ache or over/ deScription. They hare inva
riably afforded Irom•dlate =IW, eves when
other romodlei have Wed. All the drug
glotA la the United Slate. km, them • •
Pas. Rio ad Java UM», of dellolous
STOMA, and u SUpaliOr as any ever =Dort.
ea to this oar, Is now being recalled at
eiltaP Prises at the old established tea
mart of Joseph A. Rablzeors. No. 93 Fifth
lines Bnitenetween
Ws office and Fourth street. by way Of
Smithfield. Any
finding Wien[sme,
wilt be liberally rewarded by lea it im
the counting room.
Alta:Aso, a Ca...
Chola, Estenob .ftriummi 'rum, as
pure as can be round In
shedty at Eutern
rates, at the aid establi us man of
leeepit L Robinson. Na SO Elfth street.
!messed Osseasltereted entree, irai:
ranted to:rev:Wimp In the markatwitalled
3os. .1. .11.btnion , s old estabpshod Tea
Man, Nam rut steel_
Ma Met Team In the - orty at the cheap.
eat pr
of ices, will tound ad the old estab
lished tea mart Joseph itoblnemi, Aa
Re we lielMaglWrilepes M
%extern price.
Exww, Airrawsoz 6 Co "
M rush su-eoh
' Pere Drlnfiles, Whiskey sad Winos for
medical purposes. at Yeresea Drug btof%
Ohio Amine. A.llosbeny Ps. 7t•
We are aeillag rakeelepea et lea than
raateta prima
E1tarrr....31121.101 1 a 00.. la filth stmt.
dale FlewMips Dees letore, No. 84
Market. street. for the teat Potash and Soda
Ash to the City—at lowest prin.. •
Be to rienslars Drat Stares for a.
reliable remedy for the cholera. Si Market,
soda Ash, Pot Ash and Concentrated
Ly., for slide at Yoroar's Drug IS tore, Unto
avenue, Allegheny, P.. •
0014 Sparkltag lloaa Water at 3. T
Etamallas atom, /to. /8 Zederal street
Spectacles. Spectacles. of American
manufacture, for We by
• J.S..asso i90..2t0. GS Fifth 'tract..
Cola sparkling soda Water at J. T.
Sample's Drag Store. No. l Yedenil street,
Metall liellthasts are gliddeatelr rm.
der the impetus Wen trade by the =Dena
reauxoptlon of the rolling =the,
• — 7 -- , . .
Guests at the mountain retreats • this
log co a da rt oop i lnega hm e t , h ehre. weather be
Geis. Obersgas is expp.ected to Teas
tbroh Pittsburgh eborti
Ins welcome be extended him Let • gager.
'The Temperance men are determined
to force Mom estion loto
at th e fortheoulteg eleetima load politics
The money Merest U hee IMO euy, On
good paper loans tO Soy amOtutt May with
mum be obtained.
• The ramose Miami raid accomplished
some socia—cleacildil the streetsandallass
of the ott7• .
Tao lelabile Reboot. of the city will =s
ame iamb at the beginning of host
Copt, Lewis. Slot•11-43:ketombs—was co.
copied by only a tow.lnlsonado Togo Wt.
The Street Otierataelestere are as et.
tentiVe and eraosnt as ever to their dunes.
Tim ell wetle of Restaitritola ars pro-
Likrie quantltles ct petroleum..
The Mali Well. on the Totereeeltheni
tleer are Tore preductiee thV moon.
The CPSetll sad divorce eases came
up .t the September term or Court.
Thome Imo been but one cue Of &Olen
In Pittsburgh Museums:ma/sot tn.
Be.. Elesz7 D. Boors la the fevOrtte
pulpit orator of Cleefor.att. •
wthep, D0411.1M00 LI expected Lamm=
Ares Is the UFA to lay to your erintex
supply at coal.
Tho rabus Mossolos 1120 Xlllargely a
Tim NINON oamplaln of & . lack of i 2 T-
Trod* to =Mai betty no =Ma ♦ery
Blackberries hare near been Itturez
te be to plenty as this Imo= e n ter
porebeeesi on t he MOtottaMS.
tity, at from nye to toren mete per quart.
o Inttr ow w t T
; l
h a r p d
deP f r
l es
o u b p y t o t ro h r
s i o an b C c u oo h,
W nnoylv wl uLawh U m ioLehed.hedifcep
Letrer Bier saloon keepers oomplete
that out little of rho non-Intoslcactep ber
crag° Is consumed 111%. yyear• The sales
hare been comperstlrery light. •
• •
One Hundred T Mara in
greenback , were realized reesetly out of
the rale of twodhi rd. of patent held py a
°alter, of Pittsburgh.
C001.011451i.111 the all Important guns
than of the hour. It Is discussed emu ,
where. • In Allegheny the measure Das few
friends, and advocates.
The Perrysville read in Wittily the
scene of a runaway. City bucks who know
not how to drive, but are anxious to.elperi.
meat. gonerrally suffer. ' -
The New Sign Itessirda designating the
different thorns gbfare.s of the city, are now
pot op. 'They present grate aband
mime !sPoearanos.
B.tbris. daylight In the Monongahela
river le no nnoCiatoon thing. The authori
ties vroold ao vial; tO arrest a few Of IWO*.
vonne offenders.
Moonllgnot PM Al. gce an the mge
hereabouts. Almost every cigar alight the
young folks Melo the woo. fOrPielkataro
and enjoyment.
The leavel over the railroads leading td
end from the city le very small, and =leg*
th 1166 brighten the J 6110117 61T1d0.141111111
be emelL
Wood Street. from Water to With. Is to
be To-paved with the Nleoloon payment,
and the work le shortly to to antomoneed.
Pernoirstonrgi Wart Virifinini ban some
for tile ereetion within 3315 bean.
Sett'llnel , or On Ortonlira rolling MM.
The Moose of Solace band Mu tam
greatly strengthened, sod
now com
pare favorably Irltb aril It the State.
PaWield meetings ere few gad far be-.
twee. The present campaign bi condric•
tad more by =ought than epee=
• Lerma Number of persona were In at.
tend:mom at the McKeesport Curio hgeetirg
yesterday. It will close taalght.
The AILIMINI of the High School ace
the late l g to ° ama :root
Med P monfof. Dument tons ickson. MOMOM,
Wood street Is to be 31;colsen paved.
larAdditional Local News on
Third Pale.
L1R1LE11.5011.4.0. Toestley_tiortaeg.
Ill O bilt " te ' Lelentitsarletta :
end S
The Metal will tale place fioll tie rfeldeeCe
of Its parent. No. 112 Centre Leman% C9 TIIpI2•,
OAT mossrxe, at II A. Y. The Meads
of the 1015117 are reocettall7lo7lled so Lam&
ANDKILSON.—On ostards7 more feN. fluff
171 n. 1167, at the nm 14.10 of bar ton-111 atr.
cllja Ta• !or avenue. Aileen.. Cttf.e.les
sl 1.15 All DI MON, late of Meissen 7t drt&lT
I;Oci',./1.11ki:4:y4 1 :10.. 4 3;y2 . 1
Na 166 froarts Med. PltUbooss, Po.
CUPPING of aft kinds; CHAPS& 611.017112, oad
aver/ deS6ol6tloll 01 tostorsi 10001061a5 Good.
Malabo& Boomoopeiod 467554 61411. Haw
and Connote. f... 66 " 4
llorzwiroa-60.. 0.614 11604 D. D.. Vow
11. W. .1 sea Isu, //X.. =Loam Solar. 1.014 16
eat, H. 11.1110 r.
• ES AND ENBALL/SER, macular Loth
low Soomol K. Sadiron. Na 951 Oblo lir e ;
three Won tram &KM. A/U0.7 OW. Yo
1411 W itotwoo4. Itabooool. Walnut wol Bow
wapd Iml tI.L Calm. at ths lowest todueol
BMW, Booms oyes sl arbours. day WI RIO&
Hearse salt Carstasss Porolsetsil oe sbort. sotla
sad on most mason able terms.
DLBTASEB. 0121.:' 5144 Unto Biafra.
ItidaWn. itetewoett and tabu Cat
ans., with a oomoleta lilar2 of thaeral itualsidat
goods on hand. and tetra... shattati stall.
at 1..0 prin.. aide .4 Livar Mablas, ear
ites at ?jun? afro M.D. Drawl. Cattitagna
Baron... 8M... 1510410 11.0.4
for elm
TANESI3 AND 'axe mama, Ileatheis
ter, Wood , . Ban sad %Uttar. Coala BesralSl
.11sashsslisr Uses, ISabl/I. pars. abated alai
Clutters streets. Elam and Ourtmee tan
STEWAUT, llndertsdier,
oarnar of MORTON and 25278 MULCT&
Ninth Wad. CA¢Las of klnds. Hearn and
Canis.. famished ea the stimuli% notto,
N 1) MLIIBILINT, la the ant Smalls
Howie of the Ragusa Winks Bank. career tl
Liberty etrett and Garrison alien tern he let
sad. tratahed off to salt the wiles satin[ them.
Call at mate, at IsO - 1111 . 1 BMWS 11011111.
No. 55 Market street. as theretli hetet lleae..
diztele..enct toliked telth the bailacel of the
• ludeodlo3
VARWS.—We bane for sale Ilvslastas cotton
and grain plantations, emerge In Middle and
Northern Georgia. nonfat:Wu Nom em in UN
acres mitt all ander • high .ate of caltiestion.
•1‘... , e Is es healthy ma In Penneelettrdn ,
and the water corral to Gaya Weida= Perensf
vents. =me tams will Donald very low. - Tor
holm and particulars 0101 at DiVLDI Mtn
But Mate Una. Entlei street. Zwereneeval.
W.- offer As rile. Um 'l4owil.rr was
TOSS.% oltinto la Can *Gouty. (lora% t
',Mob is smelted 1,7011 woe of lo.a.
Dorf or watan t, good rondos 1.4. TU. PM.
'ens ooatalos lossottaostlis:o boas at tlso Milos
Iron ore, limo and ma lion% Sa. trove pro
ducal from those Is oaks bestowals" ror
Mondry Dollioges. Leor aboottnot at truss 111
10100. Tot, Preseols • very me Inallooesmat to
c•oltsitatr. Tor tam roma 4ioortooloas,
pole. WWI , . of DEVISX • PILL,
Fence Manufacturing Co.
A new and am desirable WANCING for Dr!.
eats real deht. orpubde grounds. mastery lota.
ie.. la now offered to tba palolln at price, tar be
low th e tot. of Iron nalAg. and about as dam
hi.. IV/tell:tens of the. tenets ran ha leen at
Alt:d a rt ' th tga f ztratl fen;
es that It Is
ade. .be Ch. Pt.% and - Matt
In soy m
Alto. • general attortmeat at COllllTillant
FLATFUnaI BO &LES, aro kain for talth at NO.
AIL /AMWAY NT.. AllethattY etfr• •
. • -
lm Tka,l DLO vas eD berda.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware
House Furnishing Store,
za - cwee, 7PeellerraliFtroest,
i f erfati l Zroa r PA's. 4 • ll.6l ` .4l critistiAg
an the 1111.11 isy , o[-lawns. A. D. inSr„ a
%Tama& In Bankruptcy Asm +man alaßutt.
• if/TATE OP JOHN P. sirrns",
tX Lbe I.llty r Pltloberib. - ta the Moonty of /41.
"."4.1° O tto. r....71 , .1..ir00 hutment
&dimmed a beatropt me his Wan PerlUe3 I that
. 100 . Penton% of soy debts and dolly., Or any
Ef= 7 .Z l ° o lrlLl :=l ° llll1 0 1:"'
blea, ere gerbille= by law; tbat•amelleßtao
Emanate of tee mid tontrops. to pro.. ete
debt* sod to <home ono or more Aeolgliees
of Me eltata. add be hold at a Coal% or hook
”Dtcy, to bo bobles at mo. 03 blaattnal
tha ultr or tuttorgh, before ISAMU Mb
li A 6P3R, Witmer, on tbe 4na DC! OF BZ.P.
TEPIOLP..t. or. 1134 m 100 0 .10.£
, 3/40.1.1. ROWLIT. —
.21),W U. S. ilareat.
TUB.—Tla ante 11.101 for illarnsad, with privilegs =W.:UW.I Of .
Mbarernsr Introduce:4 ha. amt .nUt
will be Wei onnammtajae was.
J. PL.
• /Cry large gtoek of
Hoses, Geraniums, Verbenas, nm.,
Is bloom. at m. Ostasnd Grosabouet.
Jona = a a,. surzoalt.
Mad fbr tataloin.B. .• • Uvlleel
1611 7E D ILU.OT.. Lumaussr.
slab 'luck of exot.
Tsai,. Coffte, Sugars, Sc., Se.;
anus, We afar la tba Raba* at Wean seam
NgiTICE.--Porties knowing
thanseltrea Indebted to • - •
••' 410111N.111CITC111:1160211,
mid all Ltd lettle their seconaU bens Um kind
of inintinniberstid nano costs, on all unpaid Win
mill CD= be lettw tee nand. of an Astaincy_nar
collection. D/S. n 81:111:1211■Oltni..
Lllidala 0bi1.4.7. Jul) tn. . _
- „ trilteoular
Fugie , B "ENS
or • xzw arrLz.
Oa 12 la on painitav tad gold sad
• IwuKrz aos..s. zip
TWO zonaoxi,
IY .°.
acs . , Guam AXD ALM,
.0 74 bolt, tobbittobbt TIMIST•ttfI•
storoollos rof4loo moor, luta
idttooloth talon Wolff by Soleottoo
Itabillsoi Yawn! to, it, 1
AO fallen as 4 tuba. rtliablk /taan. I
OoloatiolOof ltarkot Rawl.
-la law atty. No /armor, Yocum. "!
toold twollbortit
.4 nit Tni Gomm', • •
VI Of NV. le ;:
w porton Wits.
All4ltooot to el Dowd. se -
; ung into&
°Omsk" Pow
and eyealf, tees
woa • Wednesday ZOOM Potialv
sedbananniartotooomail alma.
dirMasey by Drat,. Wanteas, MOUT Prdalk.
C. la Regtdasa Milan; maybe tint stand Flab.
141Tdildnee H. rem;
GO 70
240. 93X BMW. Ton 101:12
Is icr.Bol, - ID GOLD',
ir;elX7oll.perna,, . •
'OS Firma 'massy
J* E 8 scorr, • •
astroczaros TO ap emernT a Econ..%
Sir Pattlenlar attention (Ivan to repaint,
Vaunt. enoinat•O Jeoeirs.
A large assortosent,te select
from, at less Man Invoice Pri
ces, to close consignment, at
:it CO3
65 & 67
11111111111 , OLD 811111:
N. 14—FaraRare and Haasei
hold iaeodio at, Atictiiait even'
Nos. 55 is aT Pittb litreet.
10116114138 T PREEM3III
gyp] - ita ass
Wheeler Wi Sewing liseldse;
"6' the ttax7pilat tbutct
tues et ll=
=ties et 'A.1.14
e Fig.• of MS
...g...weterd sad 1.10.1=1 Fig.•
ao. P 7 nrTa ovum. •
110 Woe& St, Pittsburgh*
Rag li b l l t a GILT. RuSrWOOTINM
Coralde, Baas dad' lantaal, Commis. r
dad Reacket TORds of =TOM* deal=
OILDINo ad AND RZOILDI3O cedost la the
0171C3 an' iIIO =II A PISATIROX.
r/713/10..61/3, API¢St I; 'UV. 9'
Wing and Ch.blZe '
, ,
Washington Street,
Prni trastlia strews to Ymna7l►ants
Tcrogrxisexidi. 11111treet,'
ihen Dlowatz Clan OMNI. WW4,tild
exasoluclos. sad•riii illmilo la WWI otllo.. wen
rm.% Dunning. until MOM .Y. Awliwtt
ev wt...
es Vila, It
ALT aly will Oilictloa. to the UILTATI•IO
1110011 r,
City isaineu.
0111C10.00.111,01;Lia ALLICIIENT t
Pealed frrotlsatil ton noslridst CPIS adios
00 t H Inclairs, far taro
Watling Inghtsy Oorts.yl ors •• - •
XIIMT TO TEN TH01:18•Pll Itntort,d 07
eOOO llillOtt/417ABLLOtrAL,
Mow icon alma nod Stit• To be drl.
the stdxstioset On Court .OJalrors ding .•d
pats atria. Ls ostattdon or *is basdrod boolk-
II par. . sun to to ...Lobed oaths City Net
nes/en: 'stamps . rrld Ss nada wry warrants
drawn as Um Monty ;restorer, wham UPI
tract Is onstpinied
By olnctlon co Coant7 Chnnsilidass-S.
anloll7o . - • Contrail,.
01110107 Corrstoxamt or AL' MOUT CO,
PA, PUTtioran, Anita IWk.
N" ICE 711) co writ4cTons. •
Ended Provaht re eatvo4 02100
coal tho Sara INSTAT, for ,
HU •ILLr PIRO *TM IThrulnrrllllflWG Tax
minim °VIM Ll:Teta raZWIC/CIAT -
on Os road touting from Illrgbroy (Ito to
Soarer. is Serslek , rt - townslatp. to. for 1110.
orPtrog Sobs orr amok ocr posoS, mot tar On
derpto otsg at, MUD flir 011:100, ' -
By dloarlois of Ids rpmt w o...nstrrtmrse.,
• atm:art.
Howard's Livery Stable,
7120 EITNRIT. aut YOnckulatd•
att.la7 Calttagr44
Iow. W EI th' otirosr4naart•Z"
KM, CLOSE & 00.
Pruticalrarsitare Ilszadacturos
try , * at ruvarmsz =maws
no. au... MX% I.ltati,
a• So raiNCIESS
. clitrEsTges AND Mal%
T' l rn u k V,Z,L.'" u4 ftriaii.V.V d t.
immt. Sad COOPS. Of 'U
aw 96 xi Xi Wl* 411 ati,h.
H.' 13. .141L'CO141
• • - • •
Sealer of iVelghte aid clleasures.
16•Prinui 41norct rah 7tn7 Ares% -
Orden orosnotly ittftdod to. - *ammo
Li 01111110, WEILL 10. (XI., ".
iii. . .
Anchor Cotton Mills, Pl!lsberstif
Mazirtbetertasofil7.ll.9T. IMMIX& =BHT
" . AZOILOR AND? ie11 0144, .. ,
11111EVILTINCIII APIs , euvrinnoria.
icsuins=tair frosts
• - •
S 7