TEE • DAILY 'GAZETTE. Amain:ED zvrax Imamate. ' Omni PEZlNjunwir, REED & CO., . . . -"Z.,CI T O XIATItCTIVI• 7.a. SOITANIT/111. T. . , aczo. uno , e• isiumus kaaaren. Orn94,SLIZIITL BUILM2IO. • nee. S( AII4 as rtrrn gnawer. Into; Lvdditaa tepee d Intern Pousilmia ornim tura Or ritramoit AID iLLEOHENT taattinSElAllNZTurti nEnr PA L! wrwu ..noung cry not Itnin Mate: V37;;rni..i.eroe4' kk". lak bal.. Put afittraith wirerns, pitsbicr fr Girrifs El MEI Loewe Charewoot as Legal Tenders.... Extract from lii. ()Mutat In the Case orßorlses. TrotO • 'On the whole, then, I am of the Opinion that the 'prevision of the act of Cowen of February 20th. 1862, declar ing the notes tuned in pursuance of that act to bet lawful money, anon feta- ten der, UP IIRC0118711:1110.NA.L. "This renders it necessary that I shollid consider the other question . wlidielt has been made, as to the e ff ect of the special agreement to pay in lawYttl sliver money of the United States. I ern In favor of entering Judgment for the plaintiff but as a malority Of the couttnre of a differ ent OplZlOU,fudgment for the defendant." —Copied from the Philadelphia Age ej FeLruary,, 1864 who the opinion is published in fell. • • It may also be (nun in the Legal in . telligencer of March 1 , 1864, page 62. In the same copy of the Age is a care fully prepared eulogy [Abe Judge and , his Opinion, in' which theloilewing: "Judge Shannvood sons - upon and decides the case as if he were 80111 e lofty spirit sitting far above and oat of the contentions and strifes of the - world."' Will not the holders of greenbacks and Government bonds . consider the Judge as Anita too elcivated end etheteil, for mica earthly honors sacseat on the Supreme Bench? E Mil IT .1s now definitely anninested that the President will order the removal of General Shmidan from cornmeml of . the Fifth =nay District, and rdesilf4te General George EL Thomas as his suc cessor. The country I= been Italy pre pared for the removal of General den, whole only knit:was an permed de termination to carry ont tbo Congres sional idea of reconsthiedon. The loyal Masses of the country spoke mit arena any interference with' him by the-Prosi ;dent, but the influence of rebel cliques and sympathizers , proved more potent with' Hr. .Tohanoo, - and we have Gni-in -auk. General Sheridan is assigned to the Department of_ lironsouri; in place of General llandoek, who succeeds General - Thomas in the Departinent of ttie Cu - Tug. International. Tellers' Union brought their 'Convention toe close on' Saturday last.' having been in see*on for 'a fill week in`Ciacinaati . They hinted a formal protest against the extension of the Howe Sewing Machine patent, which lute been ayiplied for. The pririclide of co•operatiot was urged &stile best means of amelioration. Local unions were dlieeted to use every- honorable Means to avoid strikes; bat failing in these, to use all power to secure their demands, and when a strike is ordered therabab require every Meniber of tile . 'Union - or cardzation, who. is then working for a . propriOtor against whom such . a stole is ordered, to discontinue work_ • •N6iLIGELIIIL COFIIESTAILYOII the Chili acter Rua record of Judge Williams is needed than.. that tend in the 'fact that the opposition hey° abandoned trothand taken to forgerY and fabiehoiidto weaken his chances of election. Few men pass through life Without staining their rec ord at some time by an injudicious act, an d 2 Cr;~WilGuhi',ls • oneof,.thal: lbw. The tioniocrata are,driien in to creepers limit for a polar on which to *lnk him, andlinding none they aro forced into disgraceful slanders, and disreputable trickery, by which 'they only site mod in injuring their cause. II I THE news from ILusachusetts this morning is of motellazi ordinary . at' The anti-temperance Men have gell=ed at Chicopee into a formidable. opposition to the authorities who are en deavoring to. enforce the Prohibitory law. A. riot is' imminent, and from meant appearstaces. there. ; ma.v.i. trouble experieneea - throuihout the en. tire ~ Stat . e froth the lame cause... The Unitas are thoroughly ormuilzed aid doorozdhog,tainkdo r th law or if it le ixdribtei flP'dcf &VI'S iarrf • tbik cause against the prohibitionists at the telle - thos in koveilibet.best. .83x. Pore has lost all patience' vrith rebel:. impediments , etwaMiered in remonstructing his district. lle believes that while it was, wise in Q 0420101 to titti it would havehier lb- have Washed them from the cavalry. Depriving men 'or "their votes does not materially limit their limier to WOTI64IChf4 7 . Thoollo*. 'L . ClLilea=t COLTS them . to reven g e. and 'Ahoy will use.their influence to thwart thaipla4of the Govermeatodiceraerld ~ rxe a in' the` "wilte =5 ; 1 4 . r& ~ DZI6.I4IITiCOFUM. 115. Or ellars oatiiii2nei;longer.*ites much 'Wallis, sis'expocues Oithat 231- tem . af 4lsh9lesty bap been quite • isseeniii* hite. Mut le! zlpllYfi~olmr~a ' 6 otAtiVtl)ip Adlem cf,:,.1,1us Trade meet :8a34 of h aw y or ki,,., ins(•biititdlecoveted • • futitaktalikat of m cool busked tho bath 4 P' ° Y* l / .JAr nim h,l lAltiono in thelliuMpi. scopie_thlrwjegut' II WU is ;.'':~ / 1161.2i,;**(044...itealiofail Mi t ; mouui: -de:Wiz- . • for brl,k tim;, 0 SIM:West are ready piuriiiiiiiincuk. our n:amtGet ,em, and,* uor 4MpulaoMl alnao :94 buttnewrifrelei. ' Pittibiugh 'lmi' . toyed dell clmectori much MO log for her gootkremtirreturn of Mirk five. mill 'be': liaTtit fah Joy bi-alk climes ortl4l 3 ooi imifilty. r .. ' ... . . • GIiOEOIO . W. STAUB, Esq., of ble, Pa.; has bean lagoon:led try alargei nunaber of leading Republican citizens of that dig to %tome a ell:duble tor Represen tative In lII° Geniralnanetoklyi Ito Igo goaded (notably to the call and is an ncnmoest as a, clundldate,:sul:itct to the party oomlnation., ' Maraca..l flospji t zt y thqt re . fusee to' dellyei up . stain to Austria. bate In retaining" : : Ostersutne, savell se . F powers or the ,reffuls*.,. 1444 ~ , , ,ZikpiTer co the Europium . Aviteltii Aim Wasbinhvi "Walla; politicians Eli :truly 1 . 4 worlri ihd It i naldent, cativo:lpr to re. Ilk- .-- -411111/0/r- ini con. ' ligam , of the - stiiit*Acat.!lo the ricaplifirof ... . ''staiteit..'3. 1. . • , • ... ttt 'S . 4 " ' .. ' • • Aittiemtni t i . 91 6 .;• ~ .--- ' . i intid ~,,,A . . J ~.. -. . . . . 1444, .. O r r ABI LLS ./) i -.... '''' '''. s' • , . . 1...j....44... >! (,, 1 : ~.',41,--'kr_ ... 74._:.,.. 7z..., \ ._ . . _ 1. ‘ 1 E,lt.,_ .:' __;_' : , :it: 2(..._7, , .11 , 1 , ,:} . 1 j&,_,,,.._ fr_ , 4 : . - . r ....;',... - _: .e . .... i . , • ~, T- 1 , : :'-' - ' - , - 60011 f .:. -',: . • : r-',--;- ---. .. , • . . . --, - N .... i'1. ' .. • '.- ' ..,`—:!'r , --- - • -Art,-- .-, . 4:4 ' - ' ? ' - '—''- -------'--'--- Z.„_ : I - • '.4",. ..-...________z_. - 7./_---- _,-...--,;_-_—=.7,•/ I T z .__ _„.,..,_ 0,44,,_ , ...4 i :, i c w t-tes. -An exchange most 'I:AVM', like armies ;generally get along until they me ertgaged„" lady,praole.iiing more inani ty than pereonal charms, remarked In a .jistingtone, but with au earneet glance that aheqmveled on her good looks'. A rejected toter Wing present, remarked, be "could now neconiat for tbe ,young lady never htring been far fronl home.' —Chaplain Ives Mated at the Animre (N. Y.) prison, the other day,' that he had been • CtmplMtralf the prison for ten ,yearAe.nd that hell:fitly believed that If the sale of intoxicating liquors could be stopped, Auburn and, Clinton Prisons maid be moth - in Jive years from now for agrieultural pungens. —A young lady mined Smart Chan dler, of Bevil n, haying apparently died, ninutittitt Saturday u. her isillin, ready for burial on danCay. Dr. illtronski made en itecridental visa to the !ammo, saw tho Corpse, and ennouneed that Saran was in a fit and not dead. He proved his staterneet hc, bringinither to Me, nod else Li now well. --tiderman licel, of ,New York, of atrect-cleaulen lame, Is it hopeless 'ma tte at eituvistm in tent city. Ear - years he had strained ids nerrons staters to its utmost tensing; he heeded not the advice "of tile physicians; end 'neer reason has !gone Limier. It Is dtte to him to state that ho dfd not Make a. fortune front the publiemoneys Witch heilispersed. ...Marco, Paella; physicianitnehlef to .lopes mid director general of the inedicaldiartment of the Turkish arm_ y, IC Greek, educated 'ln Prance. He speaks the language With the purest Pa r accent, and lecherously acquainted frith the details of military Irredleal ad . ministration. Re bolds the high rank of general of 'division, and it Is understood la touch in the omilidence of the Sultah. —Tfra Lexington iteritneky Statement Care We have heard the following cu rious story flora a gentleman who was cognisant of the ficts:-. In UM tit...Riot:l Win. Adams, planted a peach atone fro m ! a black or Georgia peach.. Promit mine I up two sprouts, gnaw to be the. and 1 singular to nay one of - the. trees bore' treestonelttil II; other Clingstone peach- es of _the sante vrriety. and both kinds loot =nail exactly alike— W. Patterson, the Duffel° corn merchatitt,' Who 'was arrested un a ebruge of being about to engem:id, publishes a letter declaringthat "'he was guilty of no offense except that of owing a few thous- : and donate, which he had not the means:! on that'day to pay, an offense not entre- fluent- on Cen Wharf, and which Amity of those who no* so bitterly per .secnte him fume been notorieualy guilty ! 'of themselves in limes past. • ' —ln Borneo a new r minerai his been dlstsivered. It is mixed with the plat& ! num found In that region. It forms 1 email grains cons lobulee of a dark gray J .color, and oriderable luster. Many of these grains exhibit crystallise facets, which are the !Sees of a - regulapnetohes dron. The ram mineral Is vary bard and brittle. It does not fuse before the Molt-pipe, but diffuses a strong odor of sulphurous acid. It. Is to be. called sal- pharie of rutheneum. —On Wednesday; the Mutual and Union clubs, of New York, In a match played, It .la stated, the, bast game. of base ball upon record.' The score at the end of the eighth arid ninth. innings was eight against eight, the tenth Inning being ne eessary. Union Mule one run, the Mu- turd none. The game ended with. the' Union nine, Mutual eight. Thirty-three bails 'were taken on tho Ily• only one missed. The game occupied two" ours and live minutes. —fine of ' thermion/ current in Paris is that the Emperor Is desirous of having, another Congress assembled • in London to regulate tee North Schlesivig question I like that of I.uxembourg,,. In the mean. time military preparations axe not net glutted. The Minister of War has Dined a cluster directing commanders of dis-, tries to pay strict attention to bait 'pear Lice. dpmnber of ambulauises left Paris' to-dny for the north eastern frontier, and the government is said to bepm chasing oxen in /Min, .--One of the greatest walking matches ! against time on record- has just been made by Gomm. X. Goodwin, of New York, who backs the noted pedestrian, Edward Payson Wooten, to walk front Portland, at,, to Chicago, Illinois, a Lance of twelve hundred rubes In thirty cooneculve daya. , The start is in be mode from Pprtland on a stated day, be tween 'the bit and 11th of October next, Weston agreeing not to wall on Sunday, thin leavin him twentysix da to do the work In. g The, match la saki t ys o be for e/0,000. —The Boston Cbmatontreafth has the following: “The rail:cad conductor with a flower to his mouth is well.known tottarelettron a certain line into Iloaton. Summer and winter one always sees a flower between his teeth, as it lt grew there. It Is sold that laimy years. ago the lady he was to marry died; that soon alter he receired a oraumunimtlon front her aphit that as long as he kept a flow er !Wider:Mud:she would be hovering near him, and that, with a constancyaud fidelity. almost unparalleled. for Meetly tlrcity years ho has adhered to this - pc, - etig custom' —Doctor Cumming low Several times predicted the end of the world and fixed the day for itto come off, but hs predic tions have always been fals i fied—the world would, in spite of him, roll nit in IU uccustotrext ciourr.e.- The .docter now, however, la 'determined to mono for the pant, and acknowledges that In his pre 'dialects he Was mistaken. Ile whichat In revising the cnlsulitions on he based the annonnoementet the woridis ending in 1067, he discovered that he had overlooked (Stores which add some thing likes quintillion of• yesra to, ,the race which Wise:il:dune sphere has to ran. To we the real day of the end of the world,itheretbre, we , must wait —llthsestimated Knoxville Irhie that'one hundred an by d twenty • theorist/NI votes were polici at the Into election in that ante, of Whirl not more than 2.1,000 were colored, and 9.1.000 white. As Brirwnlowis majority is 47,000, he must haysretelved *majority of 212,000 whine: so that though the colored men have in creased the majority, they did not wet the controlling vote. Bad the Warren eldeedwhitas been elbowed to vote the case would have been dllTerenn but this believed ttuittbe triumph of theßepub lleunkwould atilt have Ism certainby a large - majority. IV:must - be bonito- in mind that 13,000 loyal voters In middle and west Tennessee were kept from the Min byrebel throats of violence,. and Of those who did vow, It appears that twiny colored men were. defrauded Into voting the Consecrative tleketjn conseqnence ofbeing tumble to read,: ' -"••• A Jewish Golden Wedding. .., , .t Lure COUCOUno of people smro efeled at Wei Jewish Synagogue, yesterday af ternoon, to legroom the 'miming cere monies' of the celebration o the golden Wadding of Mr. Joseph and. Mrs. Betty Meyer- The t egroorn •Is 77 rind the bride 72 Lenol cid, and they. have been married Itonitiollet and •• is doing Incas Metal.% and ( formerly nodded in SSE oily. • rive soils, live daughters and over forty grend-children were present.' 'Onto of the sons maidea Brazil, • one In Chicane, nod another in Omaha, and all met here for the purpooS of altOnding the nodding. i nnor h omeny was performed ..byDr.' e f F ho delivered* shorts and cow o scours° on oho oconslon. TIW ride was dromcd In 11 tasteful tnuffm*,l ored sills robe, and More a golden Imported fronirtri!f.e.e th e °Tells' a cad of roe°. • Mier, the ceremony at. the eynagoga e wee concluded, the happy' 'couple and their guests went to UmottPark, where the felon to to be kept up utgill this morn ing. There was mode dieting and an abundance of the Sean were prepercrl at the tables forlbnr hundred persons. This . was the grandest .golden nodding that. aver took place in thho city, end wo with the worthy couple h4PPY Yeant . .:of44llfried 11 re• ..cwitie Democrat... i ttlieldleat Is tXtitillj 'me .ctnebiaall. A clergyman ol IL Ittglum=srbell, haa preached ,A. ..=f,,,,,........„..„0....7..: • bliobserreci as the Sabbath, n o gad, end teat there Ss no tail suirtitallonat Ibbllll4 too }Mt illoaday). e11,M.r,17, • • • • 'A i tu wa iTt.7.l it Is Impossible tor teniamerigliaktlat or • I :to set • Mn•Wisr- Oat T'''' I" alto ribil i =ll --". Mt Of i l t i l l‘ e ll ~ ........ —The Wench_ . . les of bitentlneas opal • . ". ~.„„.„ petroleumworked by 41, 41141M 4 041. recently In arderbe, welch se , scribed by- , N. 7,.. 4 "" ... . gy. motion . to the tertiary la mons strlctlYOlthe 113 41.0. , _ at Ina bituminous sbabs dense 11.4 coif= ... I' f )attar and emu PM • 4: I ' ___,,, Is etill Miter an . • • . . of • somber of veksteltki i r ". SOSY be seen plin th * naked Okla ' woo from tb Jusake r isso thou . r Ms , sersio, t ea ytebis ..... nr . mut, of thi pure MI and, sham ) 411629141/7 PrildbYLl. - -;,. ~--, • -1717 MEEI MT EDITION. MIDNIGHT. FROM ET ROPE tike Seletespb to the plitibvigb (loth/L.3 • . Elgaialtll. nAIN 8.81101 COATINtrt. LONDON, ALIAMIt /7,41.14.111/otoll 1,011UM11:1 throsgeout RegLord.' It ts thought the crops here antlered extensively la souls dla. trletx Parilamsat wlll be prorogued on :let lust. . . TILOOPI NOR 01?1,....151. POIST2IIIOI7TR. 17.—The ittittsh ship of war Swelter. left 9etterda.9 for lee. land. front trhenee the Inn take mensal:mum of IC:dinned troops loVneetet. rainuttA: MAIILIAN IZTAIV , II2.ItO2IO... SißLtlf, Anglin Mineral eleetWna tor members DI the new Parliament of ortil Germany will tato plane on the Mat arnognet. ' . latlsAuL. • arame•. scan AT 011ONATADT. Br Peraaalsrao, August 17.—The belted States Wes of war Franklin. Tireßderoire, avid firdt, the Etwooram equadreo tiuder Admiral Parraget, arrival at Oronstadt on hum greeter; .The wam minus were Bred from the fOrtlieationa :arl I.l23tered hf the lmerfeset. Intent/ewe. 13). the CU, of Perla - 11 Ely Tordifreph totes Musters!, Ossetia] New Took, AngestlB.—The Meader, City Of Paris brings Liverpool dates to the 7th I and Queennown to the 3th. The Abyelnian carols., tt appears. are fat OZfrom the Etimerar..ltoth nattlesare enrreitindedby the rebels, - and there •is no • 4. l %Tallicir felll.ng Into his hands again. pert comment that now cape/Idea will be cent to Abyelnia. no I The limperor Napoleon would receive the great bodies of Mate on the 11th, and leave for Saltsburg io onthe Mb or 17th,-,to visit Francis Jolted:l.. The Gomm /PGal stales that the Gail. beßllan petty propewe movement to Vi. tether°. Some contagious distase had broken oat le Candle. The French Map. took over nine handred 'families thence to Greece. The Sultan reached Constnntinople on the 711, inst. • - The election for the French bouncils General terminated , with the following remits Of six hi:indeed elections, four tinn. tired end elaty-four were secured by the Government candidates, and twenty.one only by the oPtsailtion. In- the remainder the administration remained neutral. The expemsal . I fenothtiohs to be opened for a treaty hare oommenced between linula and Prussia, _There were tin . ..thousand three hundred and thirtydrtree deaths from cholera In Sicily for the week ending July 14th. The memoe le abating at Palermo. The health at Messina and Syracuse was good. A water sport beret in the village of Pa r !tea* thirty lgta,ilisgeteij.risengp, s la w eases ere k ar . • and ' tweet...eight tojered by falling I bundings.7 Of fifteen hundred Inhabitants , four hundred were homeless. The Illehop ot Orleans, Ina letter, or. presses appretienalen for the security of tte Papal States. Ile doe. not fear Internal revointion. - but thleks some Insidious plot against cer, the holy Father Is being mainmast Fier . ! The Ilon(teur repeats the statement that the September Convection will be executed la good-faith by the Governments of France and Ugly. • Frenchc papers have learned that the Minister in Mexico Is In no danger. The Cnitlan Finances will be under the control of the Hungarian Finance Minister : from September hit Toe Empress Carlotta was In bettor spirits, and her men tat tend Mon has ly improved. She knows /lammillan dead, hat fancies bin died from fever. AsistrLl. la prepared tojoin the Interne- Uonal monetary anion. The cholera bad somewhat decreased and ' Nome, hut wag ylrxilent nt Presumes, and at several villages - in the rnomitaln, *frightful accident occurred en Great Indian Railway. Thirteen were killed and teneritylnitinsd. • , The English settlement at Nagnaki was damaged by severe storms. ein *theta, letter says the Turks declare they are supplying foal to over ten thou. and Christians In. Crete. There are four teen int:remand - Cretan renigees In Greece, nearly all supported by charity. • - ram! {Orr. attics. ELM Janerio &title. to July otb, and Mi. 0.3. Ayres to ill. Mb, nate I that the Bra zilian garriton at Curare were "drivenbut by • bond in the river. There were no to uts mot - mean meet, but um general idea ma. that • Limo portion Of the allied army would Join the corps or General Ozark!s mid attempt the Mob talked of tank move. meat higher no on • the . Pamina. A large Dart or the goverment buildinmi et Be. peall Ayerell more devtroped hydro.. Preps. rations tor • mine which would bate blown up the idararauleat lraot, axlliardavideo had Emma Madonna:l;lnd vadona person mom. Tazu sotair. Weather i ro t tCrope—tkinveirolow of the Prom Cu Relating., to trosroroil Pope's Decent larder-.iesrlatiratna Tsirorspb to the gitudursh essette.l SILTAANIX, On., August l7.—The weather is bet. limey rains continn. The crop reports Sr. good. exceptiag to the section where the'caterpillar has appeared. Acenrs, Os., August 17.—The .7trearripli and Messenger, or Mason. requests the Con servative editors of the Press In the Third Military District to moot in Damn on the Md Instant, fortriking action in reference to General POWS order So. la. The /needs. veneer, of Atinuts; and the Virankto and &wine. of Augusta, tinirore of the pro. meal meeting. ' . • Cotrasts, August 17.—Thero Were me hrmared and roventy.tworerostered today, of whom day were whites. Costumes, S.C.. August 17.—The re were six hundred and sevenipsevm registered to - day, of whom two hundred and twentt, two were whites. • • . CiAELLITO., S. p ast gust I.B.—ltegistra. Um returns for the week from all the districts heard from foot up, white. gaidi colored r tin. Protest Aanlaek S oPpereDier aggro Propers-glente Tarty rolsoarol. Iticazoro, August City Canned this evening adopted a 'protest Co General 0011013014, against the city having to support the proper negroes who - have emigrated to the eny since the war. Tne order suspend ing the Freedmen's Bureau ration* throws this dais of ncgroes upon all tho cities South where they chance to reside. Km leg. Davin arrived here this evening from Tow Orleans. At it ple hic near Vicksburg, on Thurs. , I=sein was poi l a y the refroshmente by les. o whites and th ree Weeks d six or eight Piro.. are notropected tortes:leer. W WlLothasson. WittrnieToa, N. Q. Aug. 17.—Registration closed in the First ward to-day. The aggre gate regult ta one hannred and n in etptire whites sad Mr hundred and fo rt y-aim blacks. TWlthitsedld net register more than half Melt Strength. ' koililltentiotsln Flortda. • August 17.—The AVirethist returns from milleen of the MOM nillOus °emetics of Yloside. haSe been recived. The whole number 'registered Magna' is 8.140, at which 6,073 are colored. I.een vene er, one of the most thickly settled in the SW.. reinstate 1,63: ealored and 407 vitae.. WHISKY INSURRECTION Oper*Qresle Chicopee. Xmas, Mete& 741:IAimless sbe Prohibiter, Lbs.** I/ Wea"lbel sera she seal st, OggledlPig Am no paled.- - • • • ly Telegraph to the Mubarak Ossette.l ...tloaros, Angina 17... 'he dill itles art. lag from the enforcement . of the prohlt!- .. Itgri7.llonaoP lite in the town of Chloopoo sun =wane: . Deriuiy Mame, oder Stable of namtnlen county, got out war rant"; to make seizures In the Ware, and the w•atlvesa hearing of It sowed the estrum abtild not mad Tri expected the O - ocionablas on re. itley g, night. hot Were dlaappehlted. A number of itin!!!Pia, treed to be . Identaled with woe um crowd. wor n , been near pug Dna, who itAldol In the Ftr had tile bage set on Me trythern, and t oraakitth thlisiontents, totally conimm ed. Denstlftinaldis amt to Baton for reinforce , manna aim twenty-llre men were Immeill idele bzm. This morning he Melted the glib a strong forte, and made • Oo more seizures at a very early hotre,•umw outwitting the operat.r.sm rinsaleed In the place. and when the news I w asgrealatel among • the Inhatutente the nement, woe intense. no many ri alb/adonloostrattone worn manifest that 00 te legraphed for more reinforcements, and teesigilve more men, some from Bre. ton, wait won to Ms relief. All the °Moan were well arined,4 capable of ezercudill rigellogarassounen to. restore posse. Al • Q Deur this evening the operative" mule e a b loo tlWnertneo Terfirta bs an g d to. a rloh•JA,Vitinlnated to-night or tomorrow • IRO* TENNESSEE. 1/la4leal Soaklpai cemreattem.—splis QAtinffiest ballast& - 1 - • - tlrfOßiftbal.44llthtmsh Gums.) • Naitallatae.4l.l4,lL—The lledleal Cola venue. wet ttklay,sial,notolaatect Eiger Alden for lilear; a * RX ernallcalOterreV . tin menu the (.19Vise, en aacolaa tea ,librace Myna" is extol 4 elpaa, le a Dew tau • eflacaaln. The conyquithqothCOMMuniCalth thq CI% readthilthe. A..._neirro rainy ait, M .joestlnt add ^mak and ols por.lll th eir Werthir. pm... Oa a carpet Luz /1 tta7 bed eta; they leanest In Neabrllle. Berertheleth, the insl4o iraol4 any will amp, . . •..•,..-: b Pttp.l., .., -?". ileallni of gm aged 111/deter. Ger Tel=to thetutelanau wesette.3 late Pa. Aural: V.-4W. Wm. BM.. Ir.. di aptattier al sae Allalstraat of the Latham Synod or Peanariveale, died tblearratell In hb PR YOU • • -.. 111 t 0 th e Pittsburgh bluetit.; ..1. .r.fitigilit, 17.-111st:is statioasty wit* tut taatgehos in the canals .1.,:: , , "4 1 0 11 AracgrillWagi . -‘ t ' 'thar - .. ,, ,r , • ...., • .• . ' ' ' 3 • FROM WASHINGTON ha important Itepere froal Gee. Pope —llle glow. ae ea *Mien la Georgia 'and Aleinsuna—The nalkieblinentof lian tttttttt Kebabs atecognmeneled— Catdelee r Pfeetleste and Itamers--Vast. oaa Alma.; 1 GIT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh fissette.l - W.aen metier; Aug G, Ida. ... ; Glee. Teen's trews on asocearricerma. General Great hat rieete•ot a !aim troth 1 General Pope. dated July .gith, enclosing a newstiatier :containing anyasech by 11. 11. IIUI, and saying Mat ho was only . a hew weekkiins ' Oxides:l6d lip the Pritalic:G.' 'Tou can: , General' Pope gam eread from the speech imellthe characteiol the man VWhole the repreeentathe of a class, and the lunielestenem of nay satisfactory Mon infection of the douthern fitatonwlilleatich men retain Mau ce.o In . General Pope's . . . ben , , opinion norecom =lon soul ttlisfacto. ry, or gt all numb hi Its flatten amine, it those men are lie Mod to ductile openly, fr.rterftrut!'&. n ature ttaltglbMi knots the truth on thiesli q. eaL now titan run the reek or learn g h tor that an Ira. 'parable vintage I. a been midi le t..e plan annition of he strpcuon tuna. need l eosmely twit t ter.Onettnetiun meat be in the A I.lt um acts of Con nives., and to be thi man remit be the acts of the petiole the selves eller the fullest and Peen. dame on. gram , has done wisely In enabling herb mike this tight by diatranthiling the lea log rebel., and it -'at lean mentos it Impos hie for them to nold odic. IL would Pave en still better to enforce their penuanent,absenbe from the country.. The personal influence they might enng to bear if they ere candidates I. Una greatly weakened w , and they are personal damns Issues, and not Gen- feeling to their faybr. The era' give. his Views at length, concluding 113 =Mei : "I am confident ttlat reconstruction will he tratbiactorily t reempeitur t in this Ms :gilt I :f s g t l C y d a I 417 fe li eta. A rern . P `' ..;?4 , my that Alabama will give 10,M0 maim - 11.y of the •white votes for. reconatructlet, I think tt may be said with. almost certainty that Georgia will give a White majority In , the •same direction; hot lees than three. faith. of the °Morin vote Meech of these Stains will be mat for reconstruction. The same remark's are sebstaqUally. tree of elands. If "I have so- earnestly invites' Your attention to the danger of oppoalui mulls, it has only been to furnish data to meet cues—to justify the room I have thought It Sedition. to .Pereee All the facts Mat can bearneon them !Menlo. / shall continue target:4las they come to my knowledge, It le waver, my ditt y i to state thsiOn ley j merit, I.he condition of affairs In the Southern States, even shbeid reconstruction be satlefecto- rily . aocomptladed, ' will of necemity ' be ' a 'reprodhottret, In a more or . Ismlsm modified degree, •of what . now in Tennessee, Imlay some measure! are adopted to free the country of the ter. bulent and...disloyal Gilder& of the reaction. , ary party. While these persona remain in the country to exerene - the; baneful ludo enc. they muloutecoly poems., there can be no mace. I believe that In Florida and Alabama the daimor from litigants° is less Ulna in Georgia, lint in all these States there is so tench danger of the disorder and violence whiohmarks the daily histo ry of Tonne.ee that It wockleeem wise to adopt what mean:tree ire practicable to remove from the State. in procem of re construction the canoe which now endan. sere the loyal government In Townes sea Ido not venture to migleat the ' rem, fly for cell. that may he developed. Stich matters merit, and no doubt will command eincnination and' invenm action, and having laid botore you fact., and my general views on them, I consider my duty portermed. Tour Obedient servant, Joss meraisio• or etsouest re... • By order of ti Etuci Met.ralloett etxty W erke Fete to-day. eashreAtrat llama from nearly al the bureaus. About rather thee° draturased were of A reduction will be made In •• few days. At bust fifty of these Vacancies will not be ailed, as they are made an account of the scarcity of Fork. • AITIMXTIMIT .ADR. • Joe Sammemey, formerly Chief Of the Leah Breordi at the rnmeory Demrimeet, it teen appolmod ChM the.Melelort of Aeentutte, to an Um vacancy possed by the If death of . mature at amass. . The raealpts of Internal rereaue lea the act ware 13,X4.410. FROM NEW' ORLEANS. Election Order Issued by General gliseslitaie—Two &towhee Days bre- En, salesmen to ibe Pltt.bandi dikerhal - New Oitssais..August 17.—b00. Sheri. delta election Order was issued t.o.day.• It provides two &eys for election, toplember t7tb and nittt. The Convention will b core posed of nitosty-elglit members. /30.411 Of Itealstration aru ordered nee tee revhiliti Of the (rely and final regittra than fourteen days before the election. Th. noinber O . Topriteentatives in each Parise Is' designated. Other provisions of the order nre‘ttnifhibd to the meal details or general elections, except the following; Bemires .7. Should violence or Imod be perpetrated at soy of the voting precincts on the day ol election lhr offender will be pnel.hed in the severest manner, and tee electoon will be held over agate. under the protection of the Milted States troops. ,ntoFd 47iiIU!L,DELPHLi gliollon of notatere and Ilatiora— Stallion of tad reecsident to gleans , - tag itoeseinazAdatotoo • mood. My Teleran!. tutee Pittasurgb (Waite-I Pcgaveortua, /Caput I7.—A meeting of soldiers and sallita one held here tele afternenn, ' In front of thn.Union Leanne hones, to condemn the President to remov ing Secretary Stanton. It Wan largely at. tended, and mach enthusiasm munteated SpeecSpeeches Were tnarleopte d .by otonitnent *Mears. hes resolutions- adndemning th ILCIIO9 of tno Presitient, a nd heartily en dorsing the official actions of lir. Stanton, and fa cont m enting' the hone 100111 e President e before Sheridan Unstinting With General eridan and other department command. 'follow Faroe al Ileireatoo, Texec (ET Ts/suave albs Pittsburgh ttlette.] Cnrotsx...n. August IT.—The Masten.kers Of/vestal, Tmee, dwatch rem:lnv that the Tallow fewer la beeeteleif more to al Thins were twardous Intareseets mile 36th and thlrtrfoug ea the lath. .Ibe re ls a stiff northern wind blowing to;eaT, wbleb/s wombed for the Sky.. 1111111lh[sm Cosset Sonoma, liesmenilow my imemsph to the Mishnah Gault.] Perms. Aug, thip tionstitational aweCOntrimilon en Bstorday It wee decided of Jitty-11Ve to twentigive Mu the prohibitory clause and the clause provld. eMr an annual semi= of the tore be submitted ton seperme vote Of the atewases ow the Weeks. Teertnph to rittsbersh Casts.) • blegragsg, , shan —The nte Gaspe wan round 'An bard cot l / 1 . th e rooks r o ee d . n Y r SW. eSelstOtt Island. by the steamer U 47 HOWL she was towed air and Intl be ear ned tO lbee. She la understood to be only slightly Irdtttna. ,• • Iteartitiory, '.llllsram ~,- . 711.• Yacht ' . tar ?airy-Ara total rlttabuilt °mitt 3 leria . eg g , usi 17,-Bftre ttlth uu7 . 8 1trmVI lipogiarAb irpentni 41471.,t earlde. lt LS 1111)Orted SOU Nests lute bow sold to the dorortuttent for MOW. rgihnioii as . art • Arsenal. EBY Wang,lk so the Plttaborgb Clagette. 7 - ' . . .. , . , . 7 .L 1111 X1PC11*...111111/1 17s—By an sail dental enplane. at the Brideebuor Alyea. 01. this alien:moo. two' operatives were killed and one badly wounded. • ........ GENERAL NEWS —.-0— —ll }pair of horses at Long Branca are valued at WA°. .11.6 SIVA Department Wu ebolUtted *I old worst cypher system, and Is about to adopt a now one. -The President has Invited General Dentate an Interslaw, and rumor says that he will be appointed Secretary of War. —Governor Brownlow telegraphs that he ilkeethetranebtse law In Tenneaeoe better than 07.11%144"pin nevliwor Its mew. —Prealaent Johnson Is expeelod to be present at the opening of the German alh , aiting gestiral In Baltimore to-day Delegation will be present from all parts of the Union. —General liosecan takes with him to Wet• lanes i, only two , r,.. 1 ,4 7.1 , 1 %,. 7 from he fr om the rankle. had sr . o 4 noel with the President this • • —elpeetei erect will shortly enter the latuttsrolli Of A onnaletr of onleers In the vcduntier • seeelee Deetoldoyal or igettlng doable pay.' Others] !lowan! names under thelatter Class. Ile Is setting A missy as Boperintedlent of the Freedmen's Bureau sad Major ifieaaral of VolentaerS. • 11*IrObill Rat Aealee. the /Willi latan ...11rownlow.• 'lauding army ,, oon, tselllue. the elect omtl ways Um whole number Of etat4 ions troClin nilsoa and visaed on army on Ittp' , day 'of ...leentra.' Ira; Jou seventeen noodled moo, all told. The adult dlsfranohlsed rebels keptln awe by these amssifeen - hundred men, numbered —Ai:tether of the endless serial of Chltago stands] came has lately come 10 light, gad the husband anon Ms injured wife ALUM U alto will may let him alone sod go Away golenly,Mlfebe does," the Chicago TS- Susi galli,"theitcallve of this city and portals:lof illthlgaii will miss ono of the mOetecantbdium gleam of scandal. Mabee been afforded lh innicycars.” lives n ea F w /o o ec C e h , r 3 i l s w toph ., w m n il te d w d h ry for gavel:al nights in succession recently, and although be kept yawn, he wag unable ittocatchthetidet 8a „ at hut dli:otZteebf eni:fecwortt dapusirt i ol s . " The reptile f to m eeth io e i r . wttli six of Ito Otionng , we/ at cum t milepata a li tz ed mud measured over seven —At the Cabinet meeting, on Friday, the lio question was considered of relieving Judge lt.No• conclualon was retched, bet it m ornagrrobehle ht his will be trensferrod, which can be do t ns a as Well without canto as i mh. o ir. la prOool CO add th at .1 ridge Holt Olirleago. WOO:4MM of the publi cation Of the SF - ood- Mlldavitel that they never fanned senormt archives of 'Bureau of aguer ou sted;;Jo thee Judge Wolf had So control over them, and Xloamid not. have prevented their pubileatlOU filltOit to • mow. S.Ulll[ll3lllNe. nd and, Produce .11nrkeVRepo!t. Ulll ; 'e a "' cm orz: , ..3 , , , b 7 r r a fa j t; e 7 . 07 - ir, unit belound FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. Gil - tiffERTDAW3 REIIO-VAi Gen. Thomas Hie Sueeetisor. GEN. HANCOOK TO TAKE all. THOMAS' DEPARTMENT. Gen, Sheridan kaigned to the De• partment of Missouri. thy Telegraph to the Ilttaborgb t✓trette *snow:nos, Angthit It Is understood that the Preeldent has uslgned Biel. Gen. George if. Thomas to the commend tithe rmb nttwrp Marie; In place of Ma). Gen. Sheridan, gnu has been assigned to the oommana of the tie- Partment of the annoy!, from whleh Nab Gen. Mumma boa teem traaalaffett to that of the Department of the Cumberland in place or General Therad. It Is expected that the Order Carrying those medicaments Into stoat *Mlle Maned from the War Depariumbiearli tole Week. There is nodoubt that Miemultletarts new, as they , Itrte heretofore; moor slob the • ae. cesaion of Mr.:rotate= to the krisideno9. Donn urging upon him to make chances In the Cabinet, on the ground that their ml. ministration Would be strengthened. It le equally well tracers that the present mem bers, of the Cabinet have More then once abated to the Prealdent that they will not for a moment embarrass him lit making any changes la the Executive' epartment that he may deans proper; bat at present there le no prospeot of any onelt change, tan rotations of the Ptealdent and members of thp Cabinet being of the most courteous and friendly character. MOM NEW •9ORK Illy Telegraph so the Pltsseargh Mash.] • :saw Yoh*, August 170.67. 2BE bony 0/1113 000. IrItIOAT. The body of Ex-Governor Wright left to, day for bulldog: The toners! Is appointed for TlLTusday next.- cretdfle aghsTris. Th. receipts of ougtouts Dar lb. drat tee days of the week were two dud Abell all- Ilose. =MT James GorJon Bennett, Jr.. sold b 1 yacht ”tienrletta" for nay ;bowman, dollars. • rams.. aria tom.. John .C..litanati'' toy Vitali bandi to hp. Poet :when called upon to answer a Charge of aoaplug a gambit mg house. stga. - scuse's BODY. Adylees from :Neme announce that the Mexican tioreramont has refusal Le delayer .the body of Maximilian to the Austrian tier. .roman[. It 13 buried in the Cathedral at Queretaro. • Smut nett aye Yea raatungst. Jußre nett has been September., of at,- enee until the 3th of t Is re the Presldent's order, transferring pro n to other duty, will he issued In the meantime. linlyeraltir reran,. I The 'lentils for the 'reek are six hub. deed and Jam, a decrease of sixty-eight of last weAs. A death In reParted at of yellow fever, of a man who had been at work on one of the ship. In the harbor. r int DelyArt.TlSO tats TILLIaI "told, one or the defaulting Teller.; of ito Traders flank, has plaec.l all bis stooks. !ttCltelsittl:Min'rtig goniteail,re."";ge. The will rebels e 0,000 from Mr. Arnold's sure ties, and ho 1.111 also place 11(0 Inset cite policlee ituountlng o f In the poss.. shin or the bank. Mr. Arnold sayrtbe bank' wilt not Insu more than MAIO through tie Openstin., and na intenUa to ti imams or. Barker'. dellcieney mum. To” manner in "Mien hls book. Werli - .ltem Panty justify tee aurertlon or Arnold mai hnitidn't know of Ilaker.s defalcation. sto hag Ga ble sallo wed up inock operatic. It brl the bank will m not lows more than sixty or seventy I.llointand The enrol., Is one hundred and an, then. lend find the premium on United States bonds held amount, to ninety thou. sand dollma more.. The ofilosm of the hank feel their moiddenee groesly abased, but It is not probnble tent either of Um, defimltem will be prosecuted: New Tenn. August le, 1 rb7. 114110.111{218 MOSE DIII•LCATION, stated on gaol authority that no ar -mate or prosecutions of the defaulting tel. lore or the Tradesmen's National Bang win be made. The Mined deratiltera anue to the car and at the Bank yeautolay.ll.l36 efforts aro being made to effect some settle. . = • A spechtl Washington dispatch to the /Jerald states that there Is little doitht the milldams published rierportlns to retreat a lot, hich blackened , the repetatlee or Judge w ßoit, leers a huge hoax. It appear: that the documents are on Ate In the law elilles of etnwart, A Biddle. in etas city, and Were left there *lmply to remain au hie. Rs Itidetle states, try a_ptirson clone name he declines to rive. Re thriller emus be ens unaware of the nature of the papers until they were Oven to the peospspers which pistillshed them. FROM ST. LOUIS Owens of fortiori gonicebmgcmem— A Pilely Cl tee Plaregeo for Pewee— -11 vowed, the rmfallag. Grew. a Mee of no Alleged terfaw ter—lgartlel Law for Wenchlora and Deopernowne Toiegrave to thelittsburch Clastte.l Sr. Loris, August Indian who slooary, her. Father ilormet, who %remit- Paled Geoeral Sully and Gel. Parker to the Indian tribes Oaths Missouri river, has returned to this city. lie reports the Coo. tolselonere met with a cordial reception. from the tribes no far north as Yellowstone river, the various etilanc orpreuing a willingness to seoept, the propositions of the Government to go on racorrations, anti maintain • strict neutrality, About one hundred repreeentatives of the Loathe tribes waited ten flays to Ohtani an Inter. Clew with General holly and Cot. Parker, but their provisions being weltaue tea, and . were compelled to mown. Father Dermot baptised about nine hundred Indian coll. area and quite a. number of witilts Minns his absence with the tionitatemoners. • The ietet7 eePoleted ewe commisaioners ware rem -amnion, that Fattier Dermot should accompany them, but his physielso_ lute telagmplied them ale health will not Permit on long a Journey. Mike IdeGool, the millet, received • comPlimoutery benefit at De ItarreOpen. House, last night, at which there was a treat arowiL During the evening he was presented with a new stand of colors, under which he will fight Aaron Jones, at ' ter .n 11011.116 had • !Mildly seldo with J Chew. He her reClatted himself from two bemired and thirtembie to One burning and ninetymight Peerider. and cfnwte to enter shoring at one hun d red and eighty pods. Ise Cc In dna orindittou and will leave the city In *fat/days. His °Wonsaru red, white and blue .ho a green ground. . John Edwards, Cha.Mirith defraud , Ingthe Union footage arrived pec toral., tie {alert •Ma innocence sad threatens cult Ow deansgen *anima the olliceroot the bank. The aesthete th• Mir last week were two hundred midair, more than half of which were small oltildren.. . An, Omaha illapatotinaye Governor Baler and seven men were recently attacked on lllit 1111 la. Alter •by ltdriy•llve Indiana. .t severe nett Gained, In whlon the Indiana were defeated. Martlslip been established to Jules. burg los the rule of gamblore and atlrrlid Tao Ileinalo Race*. toy 'Filattliebb to tne ritiaborgh Omens.]]itn►ato, llturvato, Ana ust 18.—For tee drat regular ran. yesterday, tors purse of four huluired dollars. best Inroo to live. upon to all beaten horses, eselpt ltatlnr &MI Fearless, they Eagle May Queen and Craze Jane :Carted. Nay Queen, a California . o•24irbrentalia over by J. It, (Whir. took Ulu purse ma M% /mask straight hums. Time: eisr, ragtag/ no MODAL Me wail for n premium Of horsest to five, to barn...l4Mo tcl all axeopt, Dexter and Caw, Allim. George M. Aachen. Billy Lewis and Noon toln Maid worn COMOlltarita. ASOUInSirk Staid took the bum to Siff, 22.1% and t 3:IX. , Dexter. Melton and several tutor Anat olian noise will extant u2air „speed , at thuniltan, Canada, oil Friday next. . Eace ball rental°Men& Cpy , ..l4;fitMabb Ittlitik Plttaturea (learns.) DiernotY, °gnat 12..-10 the base ball tom. asesaanon altaladai t We [lnhuman /hub of Jeff/moa,wou. the ant prise, and the idle ebony. of AllelthenY Cltyoumin clonal Maple kutarnuy Canada, thud. Ali of the dlitt - clasa Inintchca yet come elf are to deehle the prises la the amend mill thind chow.. The attendance °militate& Very large, and every thlua puses off pleasantly. The tournament Wlll probably close on Tuesday." ' lather Drowned to 'Prying to neeene llla hers—ibe non nerwen. tab Telecasts to the Pittsburgh hargog,) HanyreaD, Conn., Annan lit—Daring an oiaarsioa yesterday of the employees of Charlestfrd and New Haven llallroed to Island, °omens, Milford, a little son of nouns /tartan, while bathing, got beyond Ws depth and ' began to sink. dins father, In trying to redone him, was drowned. The boy, however, wan loved, Base sail Batch. Weltersee to the Plusbofah Ussette.) Lawareca;Mao, August 37.—A highly In tereedng and exeltlart . game of Mow ban was played at the hit ground. between the Aaron ChM and the Lawrimeebarg Woolen' Mills ChM, la whtetithe latter wens soessale fel. The aeon/ at the draft of the eight In. slings stood—Autors. 53; Woolen Ulla me, There were =ay bus/dream of weals on the grounds to wanes./ the game. , Nteamer Arrived,' tar Telemark to the ritterrgta dizetts.) NeviYeaz, Mutest It.—Tbe stemma , New York, trom.Serahstopten we the OM, has UNTO, leer mere It mittolzAtod. The German Renege'lntl Lutheran Charm—laying or the atone. Yesterday afternOon was laid with np preprint° religious eerentratles the Corner atone of the new German Evangelical L. tha r a . ..2 church,now In the course of erection on nigh street, Z,..7t.ercen Wylie .d.Pennsyl- * vault Avenue. Thin antr: . 'indion embraL ues tritt,y of oar lending and in4.estUll, ()Orman fellow chi:tens and it Is now In a floorlahleg condition. is 4111. be remem bered that their former church, on tad Cor ner of Iligh and Wyllostreete,was rendered tinnily unlit for occupancy by.-the cenglync• tine Of a Wheel beneath It by the Ponesyl. ' ante Railroad Gempany. The site selected for the new ono la all that could be desired, being In the heart:of a quiet neighborhood and of clay access then all aria of the city. It is the 'Meatier( of the 'congregation to erect an edified width will ensnare favor ably in - point of elegance and beauty With any other in lhq clt3 - . The funds for the purpose are already In the Church Treasury and the work will he pushed forward to completlen as repldly . paslble. Adjoin. Lug thu church Mete will be erected a bmidmme residence for ' not • past I charge of the conaretratlon, - end a Co mma. I I dims& school house for the education of the children, There assembled at l the .hour appointed for the laying of the corneratone a largo audience of men, women and children, inetnepra of the congregation and Christ- I Maser o th er denomination.. large plat' I pima had bait A elected for the aecornmoda non of the clergymen who anducted the religions exerbiset. Rev. .1. .d. F. W. I nailer, the Minions pastor of the church, opened the exercises Cita a fervent appeal m the Throne of Grace, infoldne Invine blessing on the luiportaut Ceremony to be performed, after which a beautiful hymn ns chanted by the vain audience in at tendahe A At toe hancluslot of the hymn, Rev. Sir. Muller addressed the nedlenee German, and wits listened to with marked Another hymn was snag at the close of the addre, after 'which REV. IL W. Roth, Rev. Feel. &Weld and other etergYMen addreseel the audience. The ceremony of apositlng the box oontainint the articles neatly placed In the. corner I stone of Church etructures wan performed by Rev. Mr Muller. A dietary of the con agregation, written on Parehment, eta mong the contents depoolfed. wa6 written In Gorman, and th at a .matted gat in termit to Oki readers of that congregation we publish herewith et Iranian/lOnof the [ document. It was In sulistalitil repOws: .. Chrodiric of Mr First German Esr it•sl4Sol Zuth.sh , Chht ,,, Ostton, (sons the etas of no I beginning to Led 10000 of this cornerstone, [Ogrutig',." ItTr?"l=4: [ Church of rittsuurgi ' l w. organized Lazne Lealtarlng Of the year ISZ:, tbSentint the en. ertions of ling. Frederick never, who still living. The services latirs first held in I.lnlveissflst churerr alterwanie Ina Pah lie Peael Monde: andettli inter la the old ' Allegheny tdatty Cart non.. in the sear le4o the congregation be_ilt a ran church on the molter of 611th and Grua ' streets, which now belongs and is ooeupled ' by the Second Lutheran eongregation. Soon after olfaction the OreeoligkMl Meg. Mr. Serer catered his etuancetion with it and ' wan succeeded bY Ray. FralericixSebmitit. Goring the term of this pas7.7r he roergan- Ice,l the congregation and be.: the entlrch leguhy Ineorporated. At the neatening 'of Lan Rey. tie. actinaltit left Pittscurah and Wet up 'la labors In our sister city Allegheny. and therronpregation eRII rhea temporeelly left without a pitzior. [ Accordingly cervices went onl v ooetudonld- I y held cent itetober Zt.l4, 10f1, c al led ...ended Jehßeti ituiw FLt.,./.R1(1) eras and anceptudaberge tt. lie etaxtevsty la bored for the welfare of the church and eonaregation wit] men as exeplary and lettere' pastor- Ito Wad In 1 517., Rev. J. 3 cavibacti was rent called a 6 Pastorand manning, tank charge of the contriegation In OototA.r,lB.le. AL this time the uttediber ! chip ot the chUrth eotunteneed tolacrtana very tepidly, *Omelt to as to netemiltate the erection of a new and latgar earth.. which In IBM Was Commenced. A fill, was I Porchwool nu the artier Of Willa aed High Streets. The chervil was erected I and dedicated en the drat Seeley In Ad- ' vent to la* Pastor Meyer, of rlinAielreln. ; of the atla,onrt Synod...hued in the b core- I many of dedication, Tito etturett uilding etc tat? fret by etielity..ll. test in elan. In taw Pastor tovelaca tarot oced •some 1 nersay 1010 therein:reit. Chinn prbmpv. ly °mowed, and Olsartc.ement and garret , ing unload. A. a VOuyeileeltea the pastor ep.p.12..] to reties.. After ha loft a portion of the couotogatlon wttatirew and' I formed the second Lutheran congregation. I Oa the hith day of November, In Me, the oungretomioti called as pastor Rev. Frans liotfrled Attester. On focutelog his charge he aid teach dlfllculty, es he fonnd ate congregation dlsorganixed and many tilseatbdtd and t o obey Lidos Valor. noweYer. by good enamel.. the Preleeworthy seal and energy, he reclaimed congreventin, cleansing It of L eer ,eett hled and turtnilent tameness. the pastor ho dillicuity with his dock as Le In troduced d objects Into his sermons which were not in ecoordance with the views fled bullet of the members. MLA sertari. wars tubmittsed to the natal° Synod, which res tated, him. but he was soon tarter called to leather field. At this time the one woo. canon concluded to Join, the higal of 311 . *oat, Ohio and other . Western States, AS they eenthhOt and the right Lutheran doe, trine in tics Synod to which Mame attached. , Urine theeoneregation tea, preparing SO , enter IntOstritithsrSynod,di.Terent pastors enttnateal to the puha. Finally Ray. ,6. A. Brauer, from Addtson, Illinois, was scented. While arrangement. were needle etWee him and the congregation, Rev. g I U. -A. occupied the pulpit of the church. .P.tor Crean; entered into the diseberge ot his dunes In :death, 1107: This /altar ut,trun and goal man labored Leal nutty and admlrauly enceseeded till the year I.642.'when he sr anaDPOlnied dionstsnt Professor of licolegy in t.O St Lonls Uni versity. During his adminlatration ha , proasmi a new charter for the chimer!, and I aided all authority in • isommitten select. ed (tom the reation, th dimetillno and cons ooln fl pletwor..e a r. Inmainu April, der..l. A. P. W. Dialler, present putter. we t called. Up to that' period he had been pa Chicago . he Lutiter.ltrautinnere Church, of (nem the (..hroulcie explains at length the tifiliculty with the Penneylva nits Itaineed, means° to tee damages ens tented by the church property by the tunnel, Keyes (real. to Oa Minds. all our molars./ Alter the sal o e f the aylvanla chttrth I...sr "T C f o o lnitTlZE par chased four Mtn or ground nub .(rent at st of mActel, upon which to erect church, school house and personage. The purees.. mousy w. mostly. subscribed by ututritablo and generous members of the cthone e we o n n d , in Th a a Mes ecs s G e r l eecsteed 'a fnod Weil°, of Cleveland, Ohio .The Dane of the new church mill ba...TritaltY." The congregation at present numbers three hundred famdlm. Its present pastor Isl. A. F. W. Muller. Its achools are attended by lour hundred children. Touchers, Prof. 140, J. C. tillt Tl A. Silicones. he coot of the new hulldluES in entiluge tad at allele. . Toe meord Concludes: • We hopo that the Great God will, from this day henceforward and until the end of time, bless anti prosper the Church that It may live In Ills glory. (algal.) J. A. r. W. Maraa. Ai:meth. stone was /ald prayer was deity trod, ehort addresses made, .d a can.. Lon realising* handsome amount taken up, after which the anllo2oo adjourn.- Among thn clergymen in attandiuta we no. Lica neva. IL W. Roth, G. 11. Waged. Fred erick nchteld, A. F. Glen. and F. A. lletke. homer. • . , DMlng Daßlarle•: Two bold and Miring robberies 'were per. patented In Allegheny city on trll•y. night and •thin! oust nttempted. The neat opera ation performed by the thieves was the en femme of Blackstoek's carpenter shop, on Webster street, near Ohio, by foreleg open • beet door. hero they supplied them selves with a number of tools sash as braces, bite and saws. Thole nosi place of _ _ . . operation was the grocery more of J. nix. Lusk.= Federal street, where an attempt was made toe:dor the building by cutting • panel out of the front door, After boring a number of notes tnroudp the panel. Shia job Won attandotied soli a more ..eoeeefel ono undertakenat the hardware at m. of .1. Godfrey, litt. 7 Ohio street. Hero the burglars. who •ppeered to be experts, worked with Moro Catania thso In the for. mer Instance. They area succeeded In for cing open the door of a blacksmith shop In the rear of the building. and then operated On a neer leading from the store room Into the short, Thy door was fastened on the inside by a hasp and padlock. and judging from the manner In which the fastskungs wore remored, the thieves had mode • previous Inspection of the prem ises. - Itolmt vent cut to the door at the point where the , staple bolding the chum bed been driven, nod the Piece, after. Ward. Out Out with a saw. Once inside, the thieves modes. judicious seleotion of ant eles, and escaped with goods to the amount. of two hundred dollars. Among the goods stolen ware a nue.bur of line packet kalvek, silver plated spoor,. and forks. and soma table knives, e operatic. of the boltr- Iglare mus young Goan carried on very room mmediately above the Stare w[4.6.16 total Ignorance of the robbery until he openesl out In tho morning. The tools stolen from the carpenter shop were fennel secreted to a M a ttel I ' 1:17. , rprr of VglittY.,Utftckt likely tO lent their tietecuou. = John Lyn: h, a resident at tiay atroet, Oakland township, It appears, not .I.tayina a rear of. the law, hal, at divers times and in various ways, violated it by selApir liquor without, /Manse. and It Is alleged sells It on Sunday, oontrary to the act of Amenably 10 sorb eases made and provided. For these offenses six Informations have been made against the aforesaid John before Alderman Thomas, three on each oharm A warrant was honed, the defendant ar rested, and held for a hearing to.daY. Thu informations wore made on Saturday by Doltrlch Worn - Mall, hobo also reside. Oh pay street, Oakland township. • . A 'watery M.o.—aflame Kauffman made laformatlon before alderman Taylor, oe naturdey, saalast railomena Oabelln, for assault and battery. lie anegea teat the defendant thrown bucket of water on him, arm that she is In the habit of throwing water on his children. Toe parties reside in the Filth ward. warrant Was issued for the defendant. The Sproul laturaer.—The Washington 0000ty Loottromnierwashothy, ono smog otb or Gasman the Woad* la that of John 11114 end T 11015144 Whittaker, loft:tad tor lbs ratudne.gl Riga% In lan. • IbietematAßLaa p z i e n to ry tte ... U . n .. ird ... ll . l.ates 1 • • The eonnterfelting me. now on trial In the limited States State" Court Is °setting •- Inere than ordinal? Interest, teem the no.. ture of the defense. The main witness for the Government, Captain S. D. Franklin, of fehlladelnhia, late "operative" In the "Secret Service Division of the Treasury Department," testified to quite eudiclent to ceevlat the defendant of selling counter feit money, but the defense set up Is that Captain F. Is unworthy of belief, and wit nesses have been produced the have con tradicted him In material pointa. These witnesses, four in number, were el/month ione exception, In the ' , seeret eervlce," and -"cuing the trial the modes Operand( of "de, tectiva" hae been exposed to a coneidern. Ste extent, a u " -- Walent donbtlees to induce a condemnatiOn Mai -.Mtn . dn.... As the cage etandi. eltheF , eneato Track. lin, or Mnotta _nosy, .litchise.:7 amt..lM A hoe., have sworn wholy, eiV." thej Jury will be called Open to eisc:"a. oetween them. In this rtaped the • case is mmewhat Maniac to that of Myers, tried during last week, In the same Court. In that ease the side, or seemingly collat. eral Matte, was as'us reliability for truth- Adams of' the opposing couneel, or rath er of the grdit or Innocence of Mr. Pierce. of Corned for the defense, of hat. Ins attempted to bribe De Raven, one of the Government witnesses, Mr. Forme, as sisting eonnael for the Government., testify ing to a circumerance cortoboretive of the deetarntlene of De Haven that Mr. Fierce had attempted to bribe him, while Mr. Fierce, In turn, macro that iota Mr. Per rino sad De * Haven had ewer, falsely. Whatever the Jury may nave thought con oerntner this aide lame, they convicted the , defendant Myers. 10 thee of Wilson, now on trial, the lame raised oy the defense Is not directly as to the state of feet" testi fled to by Captain Franklin. but no to Mat ters ha connection therewith bearing open his character :or truth and veracity, audio the endeavor to War Si. sitruthfultiess,of course It element to convey the Idea that his statements about buying counterfeit money from Wilson, the defendant—a "de "afire oraratlon"—are false, and that the case, In eeoniacter" phrase, has hem:Coma , up" - The dermal. have not yet concluded their evidence, and we endenstand the Gov. ernment counsel will have something im portant In tho way of rebutting. Fortner comment may be out of place, and we for. , bear Until the end Is reached. Uor "email- 1 anise," however, at the preactit term of the I Dotted States Court, forces the belief that , the number of persons who dieregant the j sanctity of an Oath are on the Increase. I Fotjet7 end eatinterielling. Datriet Attor ney Carnahan well sayt. go hand in hand, =4:==!l V The Pittsburgh Petroleum . .Assomattoti held a regular reeettoreon Saturday; August 17111, at room No. I Dalsellts building, comer of tit detente Way sod Amnia street, Pros t. dent Burke t! , e theft', The minutes of VW, yrwrfone =fatale were itild iced Adopted; "" ' .air. Klima. chsitrirtaii sof the committee - AR: menthe to canterwith !unread compared - In Canon to a reduction 01 freights,. ported that the committee had been sum. to make any dentine arrangements, and fend the following revolutions, which war adopted i solved, Twit the recent reduction 'of freights In the northern railroad lines ron- , der it Impossible for the refiners of Pater burgh to continuo thou taistams unless a tett esponding reduction is made on the P7f o e O. e l e ' d,"k ßailroad at Railroad Committee he amirmired to proceed to Philadelphia to oonfet llq the °Meteor the Pennsylvania .ftalirechd COMPiaM sad aoMelt them to nither,rednce theta freights to correspond log rates or Ulsit• with the northern !Mesh) fi.llllgl.o. freights at mon rates IMP WO , trot the eel letertete of Plusbereh'. • Oa motion of Mr. Kirk,fliefoltowing were appointed • cotetnlntee to ascertain the hem in oonneetion with the proposed , of bunt ears to De the nu the Alia - ghee, tailor Rallfited , Messrs. Slrk , Mitchinson, Lockhart, Brooks she flatter. On motion, the Association' adMorned. • • District yearn. An Winkle le the case of Davie vs. Me. I Call Wei delivered by Judge Hampton, on Saturday, on • question enema purchase The case. *biota watitried sometime since; Mid a verdict Rived for plaintiff, sr., aslol lows, The plaintitl being the owner of a tract of fend in East Liberty bad laid out a number building lota. which pe 'rp.c:itsfl from the plan to irons on a atreat, nod defendant was purchaser of one of mid lout Alter the au e beeltriesated and part of the purchase money pa.t: thy !qui was ca sled br oraer of the Olurr. ha: the dslendant ref useAto pay the, balance of the Verdun.° money, cOateedinn that the vacation f.rf the aLrent wan • ViolatiOn of the contract. hd.' maenad nod VeStnol (Iron for plaintiff, Jon to tbedeClSlon piths (Karryleto watt!. the Vacation of the street be an order of Court luvaildatee the contract. The Coon held in the negative, and ordered Jedgmeo t to be entered In favor. of plaintiff for the full amount of the ocmcmet with Interest - om no h inin e o n th e e motion fora new trial le use case of A. D. Miller vs. &mitten Kelly, was delivered by Judge Williams. Motion overrated. iber es . of blies nru silmildstered by Judge Hampton to John libildates, mostly sprinted Goan Compalarlondr. About twelve o'clock. do Saturday au sJar of ere was Included from boo \o. 0, wh ch wee oceaeloned by Light en, In the ma of a belittle* at the comer of Liberty cad Third streets, <Templed by Yr. Otto harmer as a tin and Japanning shoo. The Ore was exttognished before day enamors; WI dens. •- . Inc r. x. Saturday. box 25 sounded an I alarm moused by the burning of a chimney on ;diamond Alley near the T t tdrd U. Y. Chnirch. lie damage. A; alight lire occurred at a millloery es tablishment, No. 21 Diamond street`, Satin , day eventnif, but was extinguished before alarm was sounded by the profirkdors Of the establishment Th• only dmitage demi was the burning of • window curtain which naught Sr° from the ollpetteer • Diamond Pig. William 11. Springer was the possessor ot • diamond pla, but on account of the deple , tea condakka Midi pocket book, was nixes- Minted to "spout" it. lie ertinequenDy got employment and saved money enortabb re deem It lie gave the money along with gpawnbrokm's ticket, as he alleges, to J tairanetz. was hint Weeder= the put which was valued at Mo. Ile lumber silence that Steinmetz redeemed the pin but refmem to turn it over to him. Lie ap peared before Alderman Illetiasters, yes terday, ,And mans Information against Steinmetz. charging him with larceny by bailee. A warrant woo Issued and be de fendant arreetod, and after a hearing was discharged, the prosecutor failing to make out • case. anew kolUsitttesde. Chen Xelly wu charged before Alderman Atcaleaters yesterday on *nth or And Kelly . with the larceny of &pocket book contain og MAL Friday evening Ann alleges that She invited Ellen to tea—rye codee.Petbens —and that attar tiled had partaken of her hospitality the detailed for borne. Immit emir arterware Ann mlased her pocket book and suspicion wOa at nee directed to: wards Eden. ',bleb Walt strookly confirmed be fut of her having been sndi money eery • freely, an ununal . pe Minato. ng lassos, as Ellen was never known to hare m sued. . any . ..tamps': &taut her. A warrant was is James, of a Coot. Jame; Male* mane Information before Alderman Mellastors, on Saturday. against William Clark, charging him with the tar. cony of mat, valued it twenty dollars. niche,. Is &tavern keeper In-Brownstown; and Clark. who Is S bricklayer; was am- PloYed by the former to build a bakeoyen. lle completed the fhb on Friday eyenirof and lett the premises, and notpears the cost left with him, ea It has been seen In that locality deco. It is alleged that Clark attempted to trado the coat for whim: kg et (Pilch% tavern, o t hunt street, bat urday. A warrant was lanai for hi. arrest. , lkaftental Labor Conwresa.—The ing named gentlemen, delegates to the tional Labor ttontrrets, which convenes to day at Chicatro, left for that plena last even ing: John W. I:repos. Trod. Ana. nibly; „Neon!, haundors, Window Ulnas Gail:wren Union; James kicbards, Window Glans Blowers Union; Atoxsoder Knott, Uoited eons of Yuktan, iron Boller*' Unton, No- 23; Philip Zell, Holloware thew Blower. Union; Georgo O. Cook, of the DrlcklAyore Union, of ,Wastilogton D.C. • . .111aorlfg Smith, of Washington room's. arrived in the city yestarlaW. and departed Ma morning with the WataittogtOtt oosalilt pthamarta 111011 arid WillStatism, Charged with that murder of gobs*: aPrOal, nail 'Mathews, the Canonsburg balm robber, who tto bo tiled during ah, heof Waahlnaum county coons `able con all litarlly Ironed. venes this morning. The prisons!" Recce gageeoy by Hallow,.ThoOdOre Bina, charged on oath or W. B. Springer before Able:1o. Olefluters with larceny by bailee 14eu arrested and after a hearing, commit ted In default of the required ball for his eppeerenee 'et Court. Springer alleges for • dlettri that be gone the defendantat • twenty • pawn mee d t ol lar,. and money toed reem the ring, and that he reChatlipiit refuses to given • Meer Asmara ed.—Ofiloor John_ gather w...ulted, by Heny . 1410110 DAL resident .0( Fulton meet, while attempting to Otago a levy on some of Bierman'. property, tztforreation was wade before alder new htotaastera • yesterday against liter men, charging hint With assault and bat. tort', and interforlej With an otilcor whbo to who dleonarge or bin duty. 4. %errata. Was /1116164 Inc his moat. • Terrible Threat—Alm Ada William. 113/140 information before did oemaia Thomas on Saturday against Mn.e J'rica for sanity or the peace. , alio allege. that the defend. ant threat-vied to tear her heart out. war:wawa. Issued for her arrest. - bo reicarrm a1it9114.11 eu 'm erect =M'trr "Ur d 4 WC Do fors.wejs.,..Y ov et ba Tet t unatl4, fr .. Held lee elleartar —Yrs. Drawdy, charged with keeping a disonlerly house on Liberty rtreet, in on ward, was ee, rested on satarday, on a warrant leaned by Mayor Am - artily, and Laid toball fora hear. -- '------.,----_---- - -1---,--.--__ ~1 Pre/Meal end . wotrtfy ha,a1......_ Readers desirous of nrocarktk he servic . e s of skillful and experienoed C end steam fitters, can do no better than . favoring ?dews. N.S . Biddle k Bro.. Seer r street. be . tweet, Frank l in and Chestnut reets,aran. chester. — Triliv have had large and liberal experience In . :heir business, prat - Steal, careful and finishedmechanlcs,, , and aerate especial attention to the ' proper execution of ail enters entrusted to them. Their germs ere very reasonable and •all work te guaranteed to prove dame's CI eatisfao tory. We take much pleasure COmrnerid. log them to our readera, kno g them to Ine fair dealing, honorable, and every rm. ' Peel worthy of a Large share of nblio pat renege. awe:. , ' , The perfuoled light steals through the mist of el er lamps, And every - air is heavy with the breath Or orange flowers that bloom I • P the midst of roses." • Such was the flown , land fillreljwith heal. leg airs andllfe preserving products, where Dr. Orals° discover.] Dm chief igrediente ld of his wonderful Tonic edtcin PL.A.Wra mow Bursas—the enchanted plcal in land of ht. Croix. The PLANTILTION nt, Tess, combining all the medicinal and touts ' virtues of the healing end lifelitaining poZucte of that favored clime re, with. out dc..,.! , t, !h., World'. Great edy for Dyspepsia.. 1% , 0 , 11/Pirlt4l, nod all other Sto machic dithcult:!.'s. at4oaotr Warsa.—d delightful toilet an tielo..-eoperior to Colon,ge llad at half the price. . .1111,7a1T7 GOWN at Reasonable Jame. Itobb, No. ft Market street, one of the pioneers in the boot sod shoe trade or this alt). hse on hand a large and Lothians. ble stock of boots, shoes and gaiters which he offers panne at very reasonable prices. It trill be remembered that the assortment foetid here is not from Testers auction m bet has been selected direc from anufacturers WOO deal t o nt h articles as old pears serticeable alta durable. Call le madmen for yottrselves. • Ne sell fieeetl bath et wholesale and retail, and are, al a consequent.% en. &Clod to keep a hager and area better as. sorted Moot. to sell abeam, and Alva the anode In more accoamodeting quart-nice then exeloslVe jobbing houses. Retell men , chants are Invited to amain.: one nal, J. W. Bealea I Co. • ce Market stieet. Ward IS Caswell's, Cod Liver OIL— The Purest and sweetest Cod Lver Oil to tee world. Manufactured from .fresh healthy' liver, upon the sea-shore. It to perfectly pure luul sweet. ask for "Hazard & Caswell's Cod Ltver Ott," manufactured by old by all Csawar. druttelsta.L, Mace 0 Co., /few York. g sm. Henderson , i Camesteatlye.—A certain cure for Diarrhea. Cramp to the Stomach Or BoweLs, Cholera klorbrie, Po, ©potable nothing Irritating or Injurious to the stom ach. It le Cheap and infallible. Seery tam. fly thattrlm It once .111 keep It on hand r nee. Bold forimmedlate ne Sold by all drug.ist&'au3.lw. Gofer! Melee!! moue !!!—Yeeter Liap the auctioneeez hammer knock. down B neglect diepoem of the tee th . 131.1. therefore. for that prize of life, a per. feet wet hy brushing them regularly • with Pooooo/11. 311R7. We ere Molnar Envelopes at leas than lastern price.. ' •• • i?W' Nod. Ash, Fat daft end Concentrated Lye, for Ws at Mercer'. Drag State, Onto avenue, illterhany, re. • . Good, cool and refreshing timer beer an draught, at grey's popular hotel, N 0.4 Dia mond, Allegheny. Cold Nporkllng Boas Water It T ti pi•gbenr. e% Drug btore, ho. 311 Toderaetrtet • IVie are' Neiii laavelepesott lea tlia Eastarn price, Ezarrr, AND.ZBON & $A Filth street. Hot .Oelther.—lluy a double walled lee Zte.er of the afloat Quality. from • J. R.lHou t Co.. 68 1 / 1 14 Hien. Cold Speritibm Aloda WASOF AL 3. T. Som liesheapte's Drug Store, :To: SS Federal street, er. Pore Brandies, Whiskey nod Winos for medical purpovee, at Mercer's Drug Store, Ohio Avenue. Allegheny Pa. tin to Fleming , . urog Mier., No. ED Market etreer.forthe best Blaokberiy Wine ever brought Co Pittsburgh: " fk. 64 - Iflen.fears Drug Stove. Ea: 20 biezkot lama, for Con's Dyspepela Cosa awl Co•agla.Balearci. Sold cheap. Go to nemesia/ea Druz More, No. (0 Market street, ior bands of GsLibra. Wines and Brandy. noz.etaeles. hplietaeles. of AMierican mannisc....7reaar sale by • • J. B llar a Co.. 2io, OS rush Street. We are delllns Ens: /OP.. It tees than Eastern prices. .Easurrr. Asesese. d i PftbStree C 0.,. t. GENERAL. NEWS —Jean Ingelow is %Wm:di-eight, unhur ried and homely. • • —O. Urge Me bathing house has been openeWin 81. Lents. --General. meads Is =attesting with his tangly at Long Branch. _ —Trichinosis Is again showing itself In Ilalberstadt, lower aszonY. . horses 'mined st KO= wore Sent by the llrlstolllnis recently. —Union prayer meeting ars now Intld on Sunday evenings In Staunton, T., —lt Is said that Kr. Beeolisris .. 11pirwood" la to be ursmatised for the stage. . . -The Mayor of Newport keg to P. 7 lo,ro , for arresting the keeper of • bone of in terne. —The real name of *dm Aldridge," the negro tragedian recently decease d, wee —The solid men or at. Louts nre sesta reeving In the matter Of rebulldhig the .Lindell lintel. • —Four hundred newly arrived Swedes haver reinforced the Swedish eettlement st Berlin, Illinois. —A hundred donate ta Offered for plot 01 water In New South Wales, where they ere drlng of %hint. —a London laamtress found a large taw of fold in am old mattress bonalst for a lets rmeeeat Beetled. —A Democratic wird meetin In Kenosha, W151X31.121. 11. nominated GenerM hltdael. lan for President. —The Gel:4k tioeernment beheaderi throe thousand brigands within the last quarter of a century. —The Prussian pollee - ere ruthlessly de• strormg all the maps on 'which Eltutover Sane. as a kingdom. —The Board ot ECIUCIItIOI3 of Dtlea hare challenged the Common Connell to ylay match game of base ball. —Campbell's Measures of Hope have lately been renamed Into Wogslose by one lleDoo ~p ormulmes Mookecibt. • —Of the ten principal Iron MAtlllfiLettUilig :gates of the Unto.. Michigan Manes mend, the that befog Pconsylveola. " --John Heneedyhonvicted of the -Mar der of Thowns lined b a nge d been etmeenceel Oadcrieharg to be on the SUL —Buffalo With are obliged to stamp loaecsof bread With their Initial& In mime other places they stamp them. With their foes. —A ticket of the Cumborlano Mountain Mood Lottem anted ma. entl OM./ be George Washington, la said to hare been found. - —lkon. Sidon , meiober of Cangreae (mire Samosa, boo arrengal to deliver over !My sperottes to that butte IA favor Of fro male suffrage. their at Pembina, Mass., last week removed from the stomach of a young lady a frog which had erased her great Darer. leg donna tee you.. The elate constables bay. metalled the proprietor of ono of the principal Innen in Yenned. Me, that he mut take the wine Ilst rfr lin bins of fare: -At Hanna city, lowa, a bride named lietnoley, horses' Mensal his wile one dee last week until her back and arms were a quivertha =Ma of flesh.. W -The weather Chronkhont Gaines. It.. ported floe *mann cotton crop n t. 1y 000. The caterptdar b as aPeanfedrb4 the plant. Is beyond danger. -The hotel keepers at harettoes received 1750 linens per day nut week. Toe Mg and 1111,10 hotels are. OVar1101•Ing ' and the Mr s . tent otrcolontslngttis fulloperation, 1 -A Chicago paper calling for toucher, for ' the schools or that ally attys, tamale teach ers receive PM per year, and newd maw tots el,eoo. not are not all teachers heed assletents I t-The books at a ! greenhote elbyvllle, carelessly Donal some corn La an old topper kettle on the Gth, causing the death' of six persons, and the /Ives bf eight more wme Di.ood in great danger, .-Morrissey and Heenan. the rival broil. ers, - Indvamon and smoke clears Weather at. bandeau. Inman is represented as a “modaret beauty._ and Is worth eIGGAM." Morrissey loots /Ike an old man beside —Fifteen privates of Batter:Y . l4' ourtb United Mate. artalel7, have been tried by a c ou rt martial nt Fort Porter, and mum. ced to eighteen mouths, imprilooment to the. Albany penitentiary, for parading with Fenian!, at s regent pie Ina • ••.• —While the faintly Oi William Dewey, of Guildhall, Vermont, were mated aidlsinex the other day, a stroke of lightning struck tbe table, and knocked crockery, riots:ma and all into one promlacnons heap, and ooze aloe into Injured the diem. —A marble bust of Lincoln, executed in /toy at • eon of live hundred dollars, ts 1 , 0004 to pm le new at Cincinnati. and will ehrino at Lfnooln Park . Dented d . IV:=?elt et work of great merit. —it le assorted that at least two Irishmen who were soot to UM, country by the Er ,- alish government to act as spies'over the Fenian movements have recently • ' ispen murdered. in New York; and another barely escaped with las life trona the tulle of an Irish American. . - far Additional Local Arm= Third Pate. sats. J. A. Millet, •of Ls:rental BOYD lora Mire MONA BALLA DOYI4, the Borough or ittradogbaso. • nacicry• - 4uevA.t..-81 5.... S. O. Tiller, it too yeridonoo In Or:buoy MT. W. C. C. ..11LOKEY &ad Mira DESIRE J. DRYAD, both . of YIDIO¢Orh. THE WEEKLY GAzieriE. Two znirzuNs, WEDII2/DAT man BATIIIIDAY.. • large sheet. Coalarntete illITITT."1.1. Cr ItIMMS of latereektit reselo" mature, rmeretrerri leeme, model; Wert Melee by Telerreom as! Mall. 'minable Readl. bigot, tor t , Yammly. and Malt ad most 'timbre Steam. 4 Mgt and Coamieretal Market Report. ravea mr, page La Um atty. No termer. Menne.'" Or llareh.t ebony/ be without TIRES ) 1211WALIWLT L OAZWIlit.. Kuala - 1 .50. Mob. or Use. —And tom cony of payer to tea payecia getslest ay tbe 0105. Add Mona $ O daba sante made at time, stela!, roam. Hann TO Inniacinsans,—se ordernag Soar Sam to min and Weary teAll Wham) les want, as ws Issas • Wednesday Metlhal Ine amt. y‘ayeaya baolag bat oat mall a lowa. QYnaq try Draft. Exprei.: Yoke; *dal. tn BaglAtelll d Lotto., my b. coy risk.' adkicirriS . PITIED Wig.ll6. I'. ',A. ED= AV DYILT4II6.-13.1 16.6161 1 610 1 Taorrlvg Avvust 1/te, 1667. at Mr r66111666ge 16 6 7 666.11.1•11 r, sitt. Ta•lor smeslll6. )1116.613env ci vv, ,:ar:41:1dt,0,N,1:16;1ty0N,166.01.11014-66.2.t7.711- ADN - ' - E - RTISE,III:I3NTEf, LEI. AIKEN. USIDEIITA AlEit s ter. led tovita slteet. Tlttlatntl6, M. comers a an kleds: mums. acuvra. :awl> every deaerlynes, of haeral Furalsbing Goals Yeralsbe.L . Koolas Rm.e day mid =be. Hawk and Carriages larnbthed. • ItericsisCgs—Rev. David Karr, D. D.. Dd.. K. W. JACO.. D.D., 2110asa Ewing, llae.. Jam .13t. H. Miller. Zan. • I. G. RODGER. FINDERTI.., • amt. Airp ENNALIOCI2, enoombor to Mrle late lianas] It. }Wpm. No. mg Obte tone aeon from Baaror . I .lltlittieny Boetrwood, Mahogany, Viladny.,, w a wood inffmtion CoMne. et the lowyet rechmdM prime, Nuomdeysaafaa nom, del and ohm.. Beane 1,11.1 Carrigasa !washed on Mon nowe and on most mason able terms. EDWARD MAIM/ECK'. UN. DEBTAX.Y.S. Ogee: 790 o=o VIMIWI, Allegheny. Metall; floserecal sal ortlicel,tel• fins, with • complete Meg Of goners) minlettl•llt geode me bend, sod furnished at Menem Pork. et !wrest prices. Sale AAA Llver7N4a4lty. ear ner of PIES! ANDMIDDLISTaIIarTe. learrtsiika,. BoyAles . Barktla Horses.' Au.. Am. for hire. R T. WHITE & CO, ENDER, TAlalsB AIID EXBALIIZUS, ltanctee— ter, Wood'. Raw aid vicinity. Wein Room. a. hlumehestar ittcr7 Stable. corner. eSaeCleld Lad Mullen Omits. Heafinalia Carrages tuft Vodertalor, ''"'" , corsiu of kO oa.adPzNNurluun. Ninth PO.rd. WWI of all Mails:. Ileone•Wl. Oarilases foralshad cm the shorten ...Se, • GO TO . HASLETT & No. g 3 nerrrirstaso enizar, TOUR ISIPIOCPX".II.O.LIUS. `DING RINGS'.% 18 BT. SOLID GOLD, Cam DUNSEATH & CO., trevuealems, Ise Irters wrvivrrr JAMES SCOTT, O3UCCITI2IO3 TO.IOHNOTON.I SCOTT.) 731 1 / 1 14LICaill.Ft 2N FINE IiATOII:II3,'CLOCIth' MILITkR.IPLATE# WARE, ETC. 974:148E1TT PITTISBUBEILE Pasticalas• atterattca stsen to repaint . Watches. Clicks sad4enrelrr. PNTEEN COTTON AND ID 111 A ITS hatifoisalatlatitualda cow , * and grain glaatattocts, manta . to .1110dia gated Noittiorn Googgla, containing Mori citita 2.ein • 'scree ease: all ander a high state of enlllratna., Tins 'ellatals Is aibeisltby as In Peonsylrasta,. sod ibe water equal to aaf In Western readmits. Tnese luau sold very low.. For prleenad Darllcslorseall at DX TLLN •OILL`II Seal toots Mlles. Butler street. LawrotteeWlls.. To IRON 1 1 Isivursicrunen9.- 7 - . We offerAhr gale the NOVELTY . 1111 W WORKS, Wes. In Cass county. tlerrom. to which.!. Attached L 1 sm. of O. edifice. land. PSIS of which Is good forming 1.1. hie grub elle Mseligna Inexhsoatlo.e beds of tbe riche► iron ore. Ilmensad sand Mona.' The 10. Pro dlr. from teems Irdr. b Of Ile hem on eati ton - rdnintsir PonmeeS. lapOnnd►.f at Dom tib • to 100., Thlebreeente Tery [malt:dec.:l4S othltslets. for mope. general emorletions r prep nod lenge Inquire of ULVLIS .It. !SILL. Lowrimmeellle. BOOTS . iiND HOES,' aaiamazatovxma DRY GOODS, CS.A.PL:IPEPTIS, AND . NOTIONS; A large astorlinent to select "t", fr o - al , at less than bilis,lee Pet? cog, to eiriNp consignment, at. SEMSON, PLUM A' CO.'S MEN, MOWN, 55 57 FIFTH STREET, cumin ore Inn. N. 1 3..4Vriathars and Bo . *. c . • • hold Good! at:'/11011!r" .,: wf Tkuratay.,;.- . smrabw' reLittsadi do' • • dh.ixolli.=Lectras Btic'ss & 57 SIMI 111 HIGMEST pumutni • COLD LWARDIrD TN/ Whet:Etta Wilson Sewing Machine, ep , tle : OREL? num Joie A. or ex V:Mr3TrnagiVillnerZgenal OsOwm'“'"`";.11.("Xlra=1117111V 14* . WM. 11117DINEB & CO, smal airra orairr. ruub..4l4. Roam, re.. 14144 - • - .6 - Howard l . ll 4UVOiatlep nz "dl• ol l o "iil 44l6,, M. on. nom. owe at lodmotim iPait .11.1 W.l°H=MirZ DINA UM Practical hrattitre Cat Galati stalm FUlplaßingl2l H.B 0 1 ' Sealer et We ute ffieeeeree. xo. a Pow Edwin Liberty. Orlin, • nacelle eh. f 1 .. :laws. 81101,16 Mi llB l l l l ok ll .oi Itaanfictititir itIEUVI: =DIM Ai wear - MIGNON AND MAGNOLIA iminivtaran mew INAITIIich CANDY,IIIANUFACTUREk Ana }unity S i irajirrig A Z l LVA r lif • IBS 13 UM FIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers