Ett littstnr* ■•IIMD*Z,. AI:MOST 17. na7. A )UTTER OF Ecomonr. Measures for saving money are gen orally approved If they are at the same ' time productive of happiness and good to ourselves or others. That there is very great want of economy, in the In thyldual, family sad state, no one will ' for a moment question. Persons are Laving in •017114 respects and wasted in 'others, or " economical in spot'," as we have heard It expressed. Children sometimes will by hard toil, accumulate ; a little fond, saris` all they can get In all•honest ways, and spend it all foolishly In an hour. And children of a larger growth do the same thing. A State may, by its officers, denounce the wrong of a House of Refuge in an extra expen , suture of ten ante per week In the corn. • fort of the unfortunate bola and girls oomenitted to its care, and by its Legit. Ware recklessly squander millions for the bertaff t of tome wealthy Individual or corporation. In some cases, people seem to think the value of an article de pends Solely on the cost. Easy a man who has rushed Into oil speculations has been convinced of the fallacy of this ih Some respects, and yet they act on it in others. Let us apply this o the matter ••of education. I hue a son t whom I wish to educate. If I retain him at home I can watch over hii health, his habits, and his associates, and know from day to day what he is doing and what progress he is , 1 making at an average cost of less than one r _ear. Betore_his- 1 health or his morals shall be belly / 0 ' ; 'wired I can know_At. shall not be Compelled to rely o Interested reports of &dant teacher* who may not know the lactated may conceal a part of what they do know. The statements of sore eyes caused* hard study bye night I that not . be 'compelled -to rely on. If I ,elo my duty I shall ki;olo' the truth. I I • shall not, it Is true, be able to say my pun ii being educated abroad in a popu lar Institution whose reputation is made. The ability to say this is not what I de ' tire; it is the thing itself, the education which Will make a useful and noble man of him which I desire. Intelligent and sensible people know well it is the arti de Itself that Is wanted, not the name ' of the place where It is manufactured. What do I are whether a silk dress is bought at Stewart's or Smith's, if it is the thing. Yet there are silly people who tell these things. If I send my son to a fashionable place, his morals may be' , ruined, his time Warted, and his money squandered, and it will coat mei at least on an average, eight hundred dollars a year, and I shall hays this ad vantage, that I shall not for years 'know his errors. He can conceal them frtim,me, on his short visits to his home. Very many spend more than the sum named, say $1,200 or $1,500. It Ikea I educate hhit at home r 441 save in money, the smallest Item that shall - enter Into the calculation, s7ooper year. If 1., have three sons to and I shall save $B,lOO per year, and la four years this will be 48,400. Suppose, then, that there are two hundred to be so educated in Our cities who would be sent abroad if they could not have the proper ad vantages at home, the saving in one year would be to our cities $140,000, and in twenty-tve years 43,500,000. But • this Is not all. Our cities are, not to last only twenty-Ore years but, as we hope, for =dirties, and with an eveoincreas ing • population demanding education. Besides, •if the supply is furnished at our doors, while the expenses and risk of going are not incurred, many will be able to avail themselves of these advan tages who, otherwise, would . be unable to do so. A large class of then:lost de serving, who will make the most useful and energetic men, will be educated. It Is a well known principle of political economy that the cheaper the article the greater is the demand. One hundred times as many may purchase an article for $lOO as would for $BOO. And in education u In manntactunng, . 'Mere are otheekreat adyantaires besides . the simple One of mounting the article when it la made. There are many con nectid with a large institution who will and , an cluating lanenee on a com munity. If well endowed there will be able Professors In their several depart ments whose Influence wln be felt In .very walk of life, awakening an'inter- eat la edruratien and siTeetlng eTery de partment of learning. The buildings, the cabinets, the libraries, the apparatus and the sectors will speak. Pittsburgh takes lts character from Its manursetureu Plow Haven from its eduestionarinstita• I:===VM wholly medal the other? Al'theses In a .community And .11 I:celestine will be elevated by A well conducted and well endowed Institution of learning. . Then as a plain matter of economy and an eri den matter of improvement to our cities 3n all respects, we should furnish these advantages of higher educitlon to all =Th inty hi ,49 lo long neglected to our shame and our detriment. Duty to our sons, the interests of our ==== demand it. • Bet who shall dolt! Shall we point to one lean of lame wealth, and aaj It la Ids ditty, and then meanly same hint of acting 'aelhehly to so do ing? The Men of lam wealth are not ==l ==tMl!M unitedly join in the tall for $500,000 for this most worthy enterprise. As citizen, we sbaU all be benedtted. As , pinata we can better educate our sons, or Uwe Late none, we can thus aid others and j.111(21:410 the intelligence and honor of our cities. We may sow for other@ to reap, as we onnelres may har e r eape d what others have sown before us. We are not to look at this matter ahnply as a matter of debt and ciedit. Had others done an we should have been dented sway of the ;civilises we have enjoyed ; and we should have too much city pride, and too winch self respect to bs willing that ill the advantages of higher odic*, fJon enjoyed by our youth abonkt be In =====! o .ffl •ndowed by the generosity of others. Ist on Lan mutt we ft-published from the Phßadelphis Pm, a letter written from thin city to the editor of that Journal, in which the writer showed that our candidate,, Judge %mums, near had any connection with the gay county "repudiation moral:teat," as charged by some of the Eastern Dem ocratic pitunals. "R. P 1 N.," feeling Justly Kirland that hie language should be misconstrued into idispatagetuent of B. MMUS . WILLIAM; sends as the Ibilowing communication on the sob- Jett: • Xsaina. Emions Ed ito r brief aide of mine to the Editor of the Phila. delphie Prat, in reply to a letter recelv• ad making inquiry as to Judge Williams' recordOn the Repudiation question, sp irit:l4,year paper of yesterday morn , accompanied by certain conunents, thai a dleparagement is in tended "of the high moral character and Wading of our excellent Representative is Coagreas," • The Press now qua li fies repudiation u a T he movement." .Hon. Thwa. clue the hbuself knows ty that a large of communi alys reed the mo menus in that light, wa but hegazd also knows that, ao far as the writer of this article is concerned, his conviction el the while through the exciting time of that collitmSTV. wu that his (Ittr. W's) cowrie wu ikon' beginning to mg— viewed item his own nand Int. 7 con idasentotaseltish and I ass, Wulf. bear tkilittlon, to the fct that Hr. Williams opposed very reei ot a m , and on repeated a:outlaw th e g m sips taken in this direction. Its est 'LAM suggestion enectudered his strong must, at a time when everybody ei ee, 21412 was madly in favor of it—b.ror e as attar the meeting was nag upon the strength of . whoat action th; p ige• .Bonds wu dully dentinal*. ed upon. The ruling proportion of the party which seconded his action, how ever, are not entitled to the same respect because many of the most active among them had been equally energetic on the ether side in the mass-movement which brought the trouble about. Mr. Wil liams, I believe, erred, brit be erred with a conscience true to itself, and therefore lige not within compass of the opprobri um which attaches to leading oth ers, whofotuad no Wield . in the matter mi. til the bonds were so ld, the roads built (or the funds exhanated on them) and they called upon to face the responsibili ty of a costly and unprofitable Invest mow. This course of action was the one which made the Ugly featuins in the ease,chs and which certainty may be fairly ctcrized as a "disreputable move ment." , EMI Unforttinately and unfairly for 3lr. Thomas Williams, he came to be known publicly as the leader of the Repudiation movement. Re was saddled with all of its unpleasant - respomiibilities—made the subject of reproaches applicable to the operatives under him only—mad so ref felted the esteem of many, especially be yond the mountains, who, had ' they understood his tory better, hive reckoned th e me less harshly of him it was only because of this popular idea. ttfication of him with Repudiation, that reference in the Press note was made to "an unfortunate coincidence of names." I appreciate too highly the talents, the services, the incorruptible honesty, and the unswerving truthfulness of Mr. Williams to his political faith, the faith of the people whom be represents, to say anything which could be interpreted to his disparagement ; at home or abroad. R. P. N. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE, It is well and truthfully said that, "facts are . stubborn things." Facts of the most convincing character are at our command to shaw that salaried men are - th - ET — nost. poorly paid of any other class of parsons; especially ministers, teachers and clerki, and never more so than since the inflation of the currency, during -the pant few years. Almost every person In the Various branches of manufacture, and mercantile life, of late years, have had unprecedented prosperity, and on a scale of magnitude, witnessed in no ' other country: Artisans, and even la borers have epjoyed high wages,. double andtrite what they had received pre clone to the war. By this means too, those engaged in the mechanical arts, and inferior departments of labor have been lifted up to a higher and more com manding level in social life: This is all well enough and as It should be, to en able tradesmen and. other employees to deist° themselves in culture and social position. But the tact should not be I overlooked that the class of persons we have named have expended a large amount of time, money, and mental labor to prepare them for the positions they occupy. Not so, strictly speaking; with the mechanic or laborer. While toe former is acquiring . the mastery in some branch of the mechanical arts, he is also receiving compensation, and the latter, without any preliminary training, Is enabled to acquire immediate advant age from his labor. Then, too, the minis ter or teacher, by his vocation, closes the door to the success which attends pro, [castanet life, by his work being re: stricted to a limited field of , duty. Pro fee/Lionel men, however, usually reap a rich fruitage from the time, money and labor they have spent in fitting them for professional life. But we purpose to speak more particularly of ministers, whose duty also involves teaching of the highest 'type, as well as preaching. Clergymen have generally received small salaries; and when the rebellion broke out and prices went up, while the compenaa don of others was gradually rising with the advance of everything, their dams were overlooked, until et- ay other class of persons had re ceived an equivalent for their ser vices. Losing eight of the outlay inci dent to the pieparation for the ministry, clergymen receive compensation;meagre as it has heretofore been, only for actual service, and without reference to the past or the future.. hare inetattcas have trans pired within brief period, of ministers being presented with a sum of money, or gift of property, for use in old age. But Low very few ministers of the many are remembered by their cOngregationi. We hope hereafter to chronicle more instan ces of this kind. • Six months ago a call was made through the Ihdependent, by Dr. Walk er, of Massachusetts. for clergymen of different denominations to Savor him with a statement of their salaries in 1865 and 1865, in order to ascertain the ad- vance made la consequence of the de-1 predation in the currency. - Lastweek's issue of the Independent contains the re sults of the call, from - which it appears that one thousand ministers of eight dif- ferent denominations, residing in etch- 1 teen States, responded, showing their I incomes ranged nom $2OO to 63,000 per • annum. Of this number four hundred and fifty tarnished such explicit details which show the following results: Aver, age salaries In 1860 11768.68; average salar ies in 1865, ;907.82; average gratuities per year, $37.77; average advance in sale rite from 1860 to 1865, 17.9 per cent.; average advance in salaries and gratnl• ties, 21.7 per cent. From some portions of the country, the average of the re maining five hundred and fifty ministers was only 15 per cent., and on the whole about 20 per cent extra, gratuities in cluded. After a careful examination of all the facts, the following are the con. elusions: 1. That salaries of clergymen have not been Increased in proportion to the greater cost of commodities, the hit ter having advaneed at least 100 per cent. 2. That salaries have not been - increased umnchalthewagesof hibor in general, because the latter advanced fifty per cent. between 1860 and 1865,- as ascer tained from various eonrces. 3. That salaries were not .enhanced so much as _ - All should• • • the profits' of trade and manufactures, which, tartWenn 1860 and 1805, are (mown to have increased some ono lam- Bred per cent.--thet ht, they were *thou doubled in amount. 4. As a conclusion, that the clergy, as a body, must have made a greater sacrifice 01 pocuniarY 1 Interest than any other principal class of the community. Many other Inter ' listing facts might be drawn from tide able article. " I spend the Sabbath day," said a godless man, "In casting up my accounts." " Yes," said a min. later of Christ, who heard the sneering nttterance, "and the day of judgment will be spent in the same way." ' The Presbyter's, after quoting the above remark and answer, says we venture to add that on that day we believe many accounts, entirely settled In this world, duly receipted, and finally forgotten, will be re-opened, and woe unto the man, or group of men, who will then be found to have ground the faces of poor minister . ' of the Lord /arm Christ, or thought not of their straits in the time of their prosperity. The dismissal of Ray. 'Rowland Conner, Junior putor.of the School street Unl. Teraina Church In Boston, for preach• tug heretical doctrines end advocating ritualistic views, is 'likely to breed trouble In that denomination.'. The Springfield iteptielicon thinks the result will the organization of a Ikea 'Culver. unit Church i niloaton;..possibly also a sharp division of the denomination Into orthodox and liberal Universalists: • Twenty-three camp meetings - are an. nonnced in the Now York ddrotate, Varying from the 10th of tide month until the same date in September. Taientum Camp meeting near this city closed on last Thursday, and Immedl• Italy thereafter the Albright Methodists, u they are sometimes called, composes! of Germans, :commenced a mooting, which will close sometime neat week. Meetings of this character commenced on Thursday near .MeSeespon and Enon . Valley. Rey. Herrick Johnston, P.D., pastor of, the Third Presbyterian Churchoflida city, Li an. address at the New York State Teachers Association, took the ground that greeter prominence should be given to the classics than to maths. mattes u a proper course of study, ond better adoptediodevelop attention, vats, t judgment-,instru.ments most :neccsauY to complete success in any department of active life. He thought childien should commence the study of languages early in life. Boys should read L:itin intelligenUy at twelve and Greek at fdur teen. By these means the potrtr of giiin ing kriowlodge is best acquired.. A Unitarian minister in the New Erg land States thinks doubtful whether without our modern society, !God (tan send upon society a greater cotinuation of curse, than a very eloquent preachOr, a ten thousand dollar organ, and a rt derb opera choir. It is probable the Centenary of Um versalism in this country will be celebra ted in 1870, being one hundred years; since John Iduarray, the father of the denomination, landed in this country. This body sow comprises about seven hundred ministers and about five hun dred organized societies. Of these con siderably more than two-thirds are found in New England and New York. In New Jersey, which claims the honor of the "landing,!' there are but four socie ties and three minister& It is said more 1 than a million of dollars was raised by them last year for educational and mis sionary purposes, and for the, erection of church edifices. The Board of Managers of the Tract Society of the M. E. Church offer a pre mlum.oi two hundred and fifty dollars for the best approved tract, not to exceed thirty.two pages, on the evils, physical, mental, moral and social, resulting from the use of tobacco. The new Episcopal Divinity School at Cambridge, Massachusetts is to open its course of instruction the coming au- tumn, and some of the appointed Pro fessors are preparing to more upon the ground. Sep Zion's Herald, of Boston, a few active, fluent, healthy,. middle-aged fe males (especially if well meaning) are enough to worry any young clergyman of rather weakly constitution into an early grave. Progress of the Peeler Railway. Disnatelies from San Francisco give encouraging accounts of the progress and prospects of the western end of the Great Pacific Railroad. It will be re membered that Congress granted to the two principal companies—the Union Pa cific and Central Pacific—the right to build their respective lines from oppo aite ends until they meet and connect. The former have nearly crossed the plain, of Nebraska, is rapidly ap proaching the outlying hills of the Rocky Mountain range; while the latter, It ap pears, is making equally gratifying head way. During this month is expected the last and greatest of the tunnels on the western link will be opened, and the crossing of the dreaded Sierra Nevada Mountains be regularly made by the lo comotive, into the Great Salt Lake Basin. This achievement of hewing and blast ing a pathway through primeval granite barriers, although all included within 150 miles, is. equivalent to more than 600 miles of ordinary railroad, in cost and resistance overcome. Up wards of $20,000,000 have been ex pended in the enterprise which includes. however, the equipment and materials for 150 miles additional. East ward of the graded portion the line bee been surveyed and located for 000 miles, developing an easy and favorable route, and it is believed that fully half of •the distance between the Pacific coast and the Missouri river will be built by the Central Pacific Company, as' they are favored by having their hardest work done, and by the presence of large num bers ot cheap and serviceable Chinese laborers. It is assuring to be informed. also, that the business of the road is very , large, the earnings for July being $175,• 000 in gold; while the operating ex penses were less than $25,000. The Company receives a large subsidy from the Government, and in order to push on the work with even greater en ergy, are offering their First Mortgage Bonds for sale, through Fisk tt their financial agents in New York, and our leading bankers, at rates very tempt ing to capitalist.. The merits and ad vantages of the Central Pacific Railroad bonds are fully set forth in. our adver• thing colums. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE I',grzt. Z. °l„.th .:Y , l?: - . 1 :. ‘ e1tir.?.Y.11 , . e . ^ 4; g;l7a;o4trtit:Vail_::roll'.V. 44.5'7,°.e.z at 4 ha:aleraya born nalaf e over • evert disease It has beet eertl a 4 labe l d WM I PO& 7ll.sea%"lf:Pit'aZ=ed,rerag.a. gtsg::: tystatery an teteral deht4ty or the whole en tear. try 4 ,4 tat , tie bottle I 'We 4 411teler erre Y e 0 g V l'l o ° te lt yle " s i g. ' IV ittiltlf. g17.1%17,P0r.ii L.:L,,,plii,ver pe n ned Mt elrainars , :t tirg C all trtVe ' ledclft h l tegilt aFeertS, jean hine. all teettlY. derelstell large v. la try 1r "It:rs'lltUt::"l,_neiti'lys"4::=ll:: • toes we 001 Woad to It, UpMl tea to tot stY Itat be ot eratlon at the medicate Is Instattate. O ug and vrtnidertahase 1 eel...* tar prof.. I In. .. esthetes to the pabta bealth, 0,4 wittre :: ° ol ' tT. L ' oll ' ill l'llteirst e4,13-_...4,:gi.ic: rm- Wendt heel:MIN to your cateev. Pgtb:hg7lgta tl l nstrah.Vl42:t!fa Market street. . stlfirlya Duras:A ITCH, • MCIVER, ALL SKEW palt Tammy Scala 'Mad. Eruption. 'BWAYNE'B OINTMENT.' c.ttrair enamel Unto troobleume ma- Plolot, **** ..All..Hsa/lair Ointment." "Cu.. Itch!. frown Is; 41111\ awa i rs p ixtly by Dr./warns i ten, _Sold by .111,0LARBAN_ ILIIIINAN, 3 AT1YMP:41 . 147.".T;47,1°10x. lllVALTurlert'd 1`1,1V."- "4'"gh: Jai: THE POISONS OF THE DAT. The late tanpeture layestliatlons is Mum, thumbs tome thrown a lead of tight an the hom rthie Moires practiced In the liquor trade. ”d have at the tame Urns 4 nuonartrateril the abet lute neorellty for neadniteratml MAWR. stimu lants for medlolnal yttrposes. Were - mut of the Witten martalli. men Of t heldihm* rank In emenee. and philanaMolll.M. 'the Me Mi.* the /mob or prejudice. hare Lollard sot only to the punkt.. erects of the adulterated Lotion or eommarer, but also the Idlest? of Uneoutalaine- Led alooholle tonic*. foximidlal and reetoratlre Plat onthe Mt of dos flu. 'of bseliaratlmm. best knows and tout exleutvely eyed of all the atomatelea of the ea, * stands hOnTXTrillin a rultAvli KT, bRn. • This specific iv the only .71171:7=r:t oil I:n t :V=4 P Iftlytre 1 . d. 0 t aitu .pet al econeretistvitt.New Ree.. have tam urearel not to be . beeper subject tor problbt. 1 , zuciAllav; , .a....,gatr.mtizt:ai griltYLlllTLlL'grnligaltrlf..- t!',14,..14;:.'Z'i11,t.1.r:V.72111%11471: f ro m toe ;T:'.2: , =;:tirrilldl,9r,; 5 1'2.1,447 . 4:: among thv best so og e e and restoratlvee that • t a:I.V: A l tilgie. i It i lia 17 Iliting . 67:::111 ' i mime constltetloat and habil, of body demand stimulation. and for all tomb a nimotant %quoi t combine. mill bilious and anibtlyspinleng Rup ert!. with itil Untie virtues ta manifestly dam. CORE OF FIEITIJLAL. 0.. smogs s I write to 'thank you for your kindness and Solantlik' amaamment of my dlo omo, for whirl/ coiled to comolt you scone Ume In January last. You will remember Mot I had o complication of dlomars, which gnarly ended In a torriblo datula, which /hag been adr/M4 to 'get alone' , oti 0000001 of • harassing sough. which /Smu feared might fasten on mY Imos. I know that Um potiaLar anode of 'ratting dia. R ases like min. was by a. outing opegatlma, hich,. If suceesonsi at all, would naturally throw the disease upon the longs or some oiler vital argon, on account of the suddemesa of the coie and the Immediate chmk to • discharge *Wahl was constrained to Mdleve was a onlm tarn Premialon of Ratan toset rid of some UM. Ltd 5004101 m In Oh. system. 1 foal perfectly whaled that Tony method of treatment, pool. fring to the system, and local OPPilmtlona to Ma estaloue part, must Cum. if anything maid, without coiling, widob I find It did. and I am happy to report myself well in 1.17 particular. will sounder and cotter health fboo 1 b.'. had for yams. rwohld alp add that the ouches [lona you mule worm ahoma Pithdo ff. 04 bay left me a now Mn,,, with W thu ormilleo 50 rigor of 10/11011.4 health. Yount. gratehtllT, • J Dr. Neymes consultation . MOW on Po. MO Pam street, Rem 0 A. )4 grafi OP. rh NEW JitoVT—Eit—TISEIiENTS , - . 11.127084114 Jr., Adam* rvisi Of. /tos, Yrithand, t. antifort.eA_ gna reaelMidwirramlsowfortlie GIAZETSH, d all Otherpayril thrtnighOld ghi Mlle Cain and Me W,.,ada,r, ROBINSON BRPThMEI, X 0.711 ZOIMT/I STlLlClLT,Pletabarrirb. . Convert 7-711.. free or charge. npon Govern mentO tem& Molten noututty on nand nil of ES. EICONMEI, tonoyaki veil Sitellroad Bonds' or Mass Sant, Ono Snit xrlort Monks; Non. OlTißß,ltgratlrngr Itt 4 :1 Do t• 1 ?° ,48E n num, , • LUKE L DAVIDSON pt 14111,.. taWnsbl tra etadtdste for .eetetobly, subject to the deel.loO Of the Union LAVINICItiI °Mitt, Coemition. 5a171411.1.2aT . FOR SA-. LEDEIL/Gi STORE ! A FIRST CLAES DRUG EITODEr In a cont.,' lowa, lb. mutt of MO. It ‘ba' Migte4I724:IIPMEATOVII/Malret ba,l,t)flata• aoaaty, . • PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE SATURDAY. AUGUST 17. 1867: MINTY CHUM% Shah r ' 3 7 .. :TICZET.-CHANGE Or HOGS FOE THE CHOBJ.I. BEEVICE.—During tar amemer the Eon flay aftermron lEEE SIIRVIGE trio cow:lnce at: crake! p. m. " C farPRIBACIIING EVERY SAD. x j ,M i ri livgtv c r k t ' AitV& p ;:;: Tig 1 2.7 Vilalt.TVl:;!' 1111 4 ",.a. Cited Sul, leer. Ifabbata Ethos: at; e.mfta a. ea. aml p. aytTIBST BAPTIST _CIIIIIIPII. flz 4 rlT; t th DT ( VOHNT/V. ; rs VA; Chatham street. _1: FIRST CONGREGATION OP DISCIPLES. Neville /WI. corner of Four% and Liberty rte.. entrance on Posing Nev. LW. li8•T. Parton Service eve . IFe7.ll.;e2itrT'antringoi"dr.'"l. gibbet w„n„,„ gyeginZo!' ntreng r :rieln;Netall'drenT: got identided roan ,. any Pore/1114dg g00g0,.., 911= audit 101 l 0.2 RELIGIOUS.—JOS. --RING, tut the teat Cnrlatlae Church. In 11:::ear'ele31 !fi : e 10 .: 15 . 3.- .... k rti u' iiilS. r. Tr. Yr evening reprice at 7ri cel2 2- . Concapecloori at 9a. beets free /and cordial welcome to ail. ar.T6 C . A *-- Men, ofelenEY cbrlnuen As.V Sermo n twee. a v d .. A.u7 ( 4 f 4 `: tiLve:lo„S--. air -PETROLEUM ASSOCIA , TIVIT.—A Special Meatier will be held It the Anteetation Roome, THIS (talurdaT Ar- TaLLNUON, Augaat Itth. at pi o'cleek. Pull ahead knee rens.led. Ay order. N. K. LONG. Secretary. Pittaburata Auxuat IV:. aullideo IGV-EUIIIIT INSTITUTE. Th. next Term win open on the First Monday of September For puplls wl.➢lp[ to talt • NORMAL, COMMERCIAL, SCIENTIFIC Or Classical Course 1112.8 . • AND DRS. SMART'S Classical and Commercial -A. 4M. 3CI ALE "V", tfor . Mitr,, Jonas Ladle. •nd Monday, the 26th of August 61441,11 T ata ann.:eyed during seventeen ~s irs, Bret se a pstnia inst•nictor, and tsubse :l.,nallt;•,%',l-.°A.L';r.i":l7=rt,,W.,te,l°,; fltrettt, nails. In Zeeland, has bad large experinare. rOmmlt hUr t. l :ir."o, l :ral?.. o .f,UAT." "'ay " thatr Oar benonl Reims corers the entire third story ernes rimildenee, and ac we are oat under any ex pels.* tor hall seat, and erope.y ao assistant ...awe, oar tonna are very haw, els: TEN DOLLARS PER SESSION LESS Than thane anther Readrboola. 511.7a1e by an areonrintshan Teacher. sorrnla THE ..DIAMONE” Ti. bon made, moil yesfect tiling 104 must ChhotelCat offered for We. T Those who tmy it, DO eon ray rOn ITS herr- Ms. It le the "Their SHIRT made, and ambler. the noon goelltles of all the GILD • ate. rar sale AT PHELAN'S Old Stand Stocking Store, 042. 21 FITTu STREE2 WAISOINGTON CO. FARM FOR SALZ-111 Ira. of Oa arse, of which JOS la *leased, sad Oat sr wislodrs eusored with to, white oat timberbitnated y esit rind iatti 111 " :; 1 1:4. • , ii.eltowa. °wede.. tte rc o , . :;7; Illitt: la A: 0 s Iln*o tot Plr:L=ArA;l77:rt". MEM B. B. 313.1E1LY.A.24T, 8r0t..31...4 /.. Zs LA.., .17 Apollo 1114141!In Poor. street. WHITE, OEM a co—., 25 Fifth Street, csira•sort FOR mg.a...T..351 BLACK AND COLORED - Dream 6111.75.0, .17 AT LOW 1'870.,.im. ORPELANS• COURT SALE. or of aslardy; of the Onions' Coon tortitelgt NM LW I.=.l.Variiillfg'i I,:n.rlltAtez i :UtIZISCCIr .. ... ,. not entaoi r to d of r ul 141d0Un ato ettn rourth Wt rio r taa f Alitgbny;froansg on ale ent . sloe book cle:tm I Ta4l higirfotef7l.%•"l3:MlTtit! &Denton handrail Mot, mon or tem ott "'Mon ”Crrgel • three-Mori belch totem Toth. eon. For Veneer roullonlors onqulro of St ttflAilie.,loreriliefrtg; HE PITTsHITHeII Steam Brick 1 111114Ciniing Co Till US? PUS3II Bala 117.07. Work• 41.aphoosn to ibe ass Ftro. • r an, a . a . lb:. NAT•33Votlylf Wimp holm LIVID 11 , . to A. ie. DICALPHiN. Piresidirut, M. K. DURCIIIyIXLI), Vie. Prettelent tad Tnmsoner. Ornez CONTAOLIAR OJ A14.2011.17' Ca.. rnissvaOu. Avin“ Ital. no?. TO COAL NIEJHCOANTIL .!Lritt 2 = l 43. l l l .e.t,!.'Wir.i.g,"klAl7, nlablog to allegbeny County Um LIMIT TO TEN THOUSILND 1113111 ILLS OP GOOD NIX dirtA Tree Dam black and To be &Drama as Ike entrance or the Coo rt earl Jet,. on Winn cod ...Ss...D. In nounlCce or ell hundred busk tortg."3:4lgs_tMlltttlght,PV,V.Lt drawn on De County haunter. when the oil tract le mnspleged. UI clrectton tat County Combulasloaena LAMOILgw. aorret7o Biwa I BRICK I THE CHARTIERS VALUE! BRICK COMPANY Ar. venturd W rumub SRI C) MM. , Io mall or lama asatillea. at a DEDUCED t.lnV..t,ort!:TTlA';katt..l'/":.L.' Dorn hoot " their and hear David ateen's 1,0 al ' ant." '1.812.71. M. T. YESNADT, Agent • • OrrION Or CON TAOLI.Int Or ALI a 0 lIILSIT CO '• PA.. PrITIID.OO. •ogillt UV. NOTICE TO COITEACTOUL eh-m.l Pr.P.V..111 be reeelvon at Ibis [Met anw the Mbro I flOTinTi . f. for 111.-"""" .11°147earriliklair" L (MLA, (to the road tendlog from Allegbeby (Jltt to Humor. bewlebley tomosblp. Moo for Hip. de Yapping to be also tooeb per porch, and for um. rpin wed so moob tar the Job. 1:17 Crock, of Um Cmc.or.:l2gantar: ntrol le r. ItMETI GRADING AND PAYING REALM) PROPOSAL! sOO bs recslyedltu aggina t"Plotr . I'MOr =X V% yard., .1 , 1 ft oo ' Ws MONONCANELA. -WHARF, for:l:il::+oE:iii`:.l7l:,l'llplS7o7Statia pIIOPOSALL--The Penns,lva. nb Mate Ahr'cultural Society will receive PUPOBIIB 103 118 / 6 1111 PAITILIGIK Within Its enelosere, at Pittsburgh. until 33441. DAT. tlie 30 day of hepteraber. 14.17. IN the °Mee, No. le Et. Cletr street. sotratre WA QM I.SOLISTIEVG LEUOXTN. AND JEFFIER. P NEXT TEEN OPENS WEDNESDAY, BEPT.IB. Apply to the PRIMIIIXT, 0 • 1 0112 burg, or ip Me Wa n lt PFIXPIDIENTs Ws.hlagtop, pp. _smitte_ • IMILIONG TO LET.— L Teat notorY. formerly isfares •ed lately comoled noisier • Loy Owen t''l'netalte',,r.7.l . l :. ° VettliPeTl l"l " * "' OLIYLH MeOLIXTOOK a co., „tofjew Alfll.ll!..2freel. Imo° GALLONS 15500 9: 47101 ;441.11333 6 ri t 'A.lwittgaraotara t ' e pilau, at No. 388 L. J. LILAAOIIaiIIJJ. ROUSE BUILDERS AND CARPENTORAI. ellittTlLD/9UANDI/IPA7itl promptly aux.!. WIIIMIZSON MOE, 17 Inal.t.isincl!l. $15,000 TO LOAN, ON BOND AND MONTGA.O2. G. M. N 0.410 Stulthtlald Eltivet. B• 11 Utile bought and nag. Int 3 , 4 ;itt qv al :VIM - - CHOICE FANELLI' FLOUR, • from Kentucky. Whlte - Wbest, (n r eels at lowest market rates, It " r TRANCE'S TEA KART, tub. IS Diamond, ritairetigt. A_________lloods delivered fie. ant: FIiESEI SALMON. in h and Z ?per. I . lrd e. aniee Coulleesed sink, dere,.=%?:Tiehgtt ,o:2l4 6 B r i: r d.r.E .A . hardline. Oil. Wery to., ler mile ail:Wear raCeb,hit'' A"b"le.: TRANCE'S TEAL /ART, Ir Illarnand, Pitts/arth. 'Tenn =b. Undo delivered fret. .17 CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS, No. aeco Pcm,:23. 11911traet. BOLLMIN, BOYD & BIG&LEY. L OI,Lj Ac MOLLS, MILL CASTINGS. MOLL JAE. Y . ER .............. D. SUM. JARED M. DIIIIBH & IsON, MA.MMTACTUUtESOF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks, Sheet Iron World, ac, 61 Perm St., Pittsburgh, Pa au17734 M 23 :a Or CITY Inman= it 2Clivartni, Pirrunoantl. itugart /7, BC. ( THE ANISIERAINIENTB for tile Ural/Ina, Patina and Carblair or Washingtou Street, From Franklin litre. to and rrfcrvo-xLemoixcl astx-45,0t, From theater to Clerk street, •re orl.mrcrMel:f. tletrViaanlnd. U . OgIVITVPA I P, b i,eguaI rr Infi7, When they will be blued In the llltYfriesa urer'ettee for eateetlon. 11. J. NOOSE, City Ewan.< TUMMY, 011 a Y r. AAKATIONG GRAY & ARMSTRONG, Wholesalesak. and Itchll And Dealers in CHOICE TEAS, Flour, Pam, Fish, lard, and ?reduce purity. .ro. 22, Routh Ride Diamond (One door west of Poland Street.) ALILEGUEBIT CITY, PA. .17:T 5 ,000 VOLUMES OF BOOKS AT HALF PRIOR Iblulksortre't Dratottle Worts. trge n r s :. kt 9 n ."l """ rr. x rots. metlosuary. coustr , ral MN, arou . Uliorto. Brown, Dhalootrz of the. Mole. Uolcod States throonamory. troll's Poet Leal 110723, " I c"on - i . • _k , o , 4trort Miners:l4S. Ao thaw.; torlish and fgtio I.oentot o rg o a o o . rUtrot an 4 rltto.. t . sL o r foonnps Life or Ch OILS arIGW. 51 , aorral n tholory. LroVolltie UnitedtVa N ':.. .T .l) tin!. Troulna Iron, DMIG7't rracilto.% rum. kt.LlcPale Ike 11,11.. is to oolect Pros. realniTet te,l tot. • Made, wholesale and retail. ALL TUE LATE Magazines and Illustrated Papers. •:ALL AND "ET • SUPPLY. AT THE BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT Milt. Street, below SmithSold:- JOHN D, EGA N. LEGAL BLANKS, AND STATIONERY. Warranty Dorda—Daubs and elver. I ,ltrrranty Deed,. - Printed au Parehowl AortgaQee—Common c Exemption Yana. dealmistrators. J. fix ee raters , Deed. gull Chant. Deed. O=2El P0w..., Attorney. Dactarstions: Artlelee of Atreemea•t Attaelimeeta. Common &ad Jodgment. fonds. LEGAL STATIONERY 311 N 1 C 7 131LCIII.M1//1. Cap, Brier and Record PaPen. I:=M CZ=TIE3 KAY & CONIPANYI , GS Wood Street EIGHTH LIST OF A.PPLICIu TIoNe roll ues tto to MILL LIQHOIIA , Olut 10 the Clerk . . for th e mesa of Atu nu t. INC: tame. . flue. r Molar Mien.. iva. let .ad, IcvetVe eata h. •• •• ejCrettrilbottl,tP"'lt `l.". rub.. Hotelman.' K. C. HIM, otLergowlN Das. taftairr. tavern. Y 1 w ord, ratetualrh• ••10.. Webrong. •• W. W eat's •• .-I,:Lrgereltela:r.tfevers. g •a4 ' 4llt . v;ard, PitH:bergO. Wet ftur • C.. 0. .• IL Meet - 161M a ca. • mortlit Collins. a. aoule. Oh ward, Tlttsbertrh• Mean' Koran, turrn. Soh wrard, Hltuporeb.. - 12 ' 11 " . DreTk b e . r. •• • •• tau. J. ChAmtvele. cat•- b, •• t. has. Abet it Co.. o. nods. • • Hoothrltt, •• •• • • • Joe. T. Atothl, o. anode, 711 ward. l'ill.boNth. L. Berkowtte, •• eth ward. Pittabergb. eth ward. PlLW:sugh. 2. n . ' PeV ,.., 417 ward : h°l7.ll"'Y': Ju. IITOY. ard. Aliybeo 1 Chu. rueblnder, •• •• tau. Holahan,. tal'a b. •• Nice.Atm.. Invent, Alward, Alleabrity. Conrad Met, ••.• • 414 . 71“17. AllteFbeef• W. Alucttentaatte. John •• Ado.ritib..brauh, fillt?•c4, AllcAbehy. Ado. •• •• • .. lobo Mottabbercer. •• John [lthaca. •• 7th ward. •Ileabettf. Thee. A. Juts., tali h. • •- Joh o Wltuteteln. tatern, taro. of filtlatHahatil. (wletatt a Wood.o. Sootle. Jobb D. Muer, mum h ero. or N. rota Dont. Meer , .ltoto. of Lawrenceville Thoo. Horton. •• •• •• • • 81111 e, • Jamb aOll. of Mt. Weeblattloh. J w Men. •• • .• 11: Vganl ur y " .,;tv ' ent l. B . lll3.7l . oloT•To tti r t! '" n'ht:a...71:.114;"?.`r.g.',.°:4114 • aaaaaa habituate, tavern. Litterl7.weehtD. Jetua Unleedart. ultra hum. lAbect) tlt• Peter lluestmotta. aaaaa turnable Henry tavern. Malay I Imolai:1. • . I g " ti 2 : r ieirgjicl'r„ Patrick Duller. tavern • tiobloson liciWnebtp. aPele II 'ogle. tavern I-moral.. (Hu t Cato. (inrr!tr, •• •• •t r .104, llertmq, ot. kleTtenten, •• •• Aan •• itfgelirey W o k.. tfte snow " The Lima. mum sw I. ;loom too WHIM aNDAW, the Atlll day or Aaiun. 1111 C, all o'clock A. M., fur hearing the above span. Carlon. JOHN attl7 K. 3O W l " B' PATENT STEAM PITAIP GIFFAUU'S INJECTOR, 'ATER, GAS AND FsTEAM 000D8 Sheet Lead & Lead Pipe, UN BENT TEUMB BAILEY, F A RRELL co., No. 107 Smithfield Street, ot7ipo.was 1.1711711U11GH ESTABLISHED 1838. HUUBEIi YITTID or WITH Rot and Cold Water, &c., By eirt:ierleacerl and practical workman. JOHN IL TATE, /lumber and Gm LNUer , . 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh; aid MI Federal Street, Allegheny. jrIVVBO:2I.IIIAS ~IGIILY 1 OUTANT! T+.411 who lore • GOOD CU OF TEA OR COFFEE, And do nos 'nail., mink adulterated article. The American Tea Co., No. A BT. CLAIA STUART • rn.ra h . ran th. at those same Teas and Caffee;, a'iriSlliaillihTtO th"."" dally,. rin MACY, 611111 JAPLI Tli!,sl,ts 131/1311 110.1313.11 COFREIL, 3 pg. for $l. .71$ I rlor Roocls sold 14 any3ss 3. 11 1111 I.l3lzraltrlarn y13°1..136 at.,. IaILTING 1 UELTING T-Lealtb• Zillinti:rafrthii= ntige l .74. ll tP7 rarthvxdl...pttx. lad Late STP " 'r sus r.L1170 maze th o 4 glair unit.. NOTICE TO THE ELDERS 01 IrIII 1 01. TH 1 ' f. COMMONWEALTII OF ,PENN SYLVAIt A, 1 I DUE AFTER. ,T 1 ,Y 2, 1860 . . 0 7 Holder. of the , followlii4LUANB OP Tax COMMONWEALTH Or PIONATLV/1111/A are requested to preunt thorn @l' payment. (Prin cipal and Intrreat.) 01 thO I zil Farmers' and Meal cs' National Bank of Phil elphia. Loan or March 2. 1301, dui. pal 10. /363. Loan of April 0. ISM, tine lly 1.1561. Loan of April 13, 1143, duet/city I. ISC:. Loart of February% 1/23, ate July I. Mb • Loan' et Marsh li, 1112, .loj July I, 1564. Loan of Juana?. IP% dna an H. Istl. Loan or January di, lit% don January I. 1000. All or the ' ab ore LOANS will cease to .lraw to coat art.. b.9l4=toel JOHN W. GEARY, JOHN F. RtHrililiFT AUDITOR GENERAL WILLIAM IL ITEMBLE, =I MEE ST OPENED! BY BR 1111010EIAL & CO.. N 0.178 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, A Very Large Stock of New Prints, Oinghams, Bleached do Unbleached Muslins, Drillings, Cambric Muslims, Ticking', Checks, Table Linens, Crash, Kentucky Jeans, Oassimeres, Bed, White and Yellow Flannels, Scarlet Opera Flannels, Barred Country Flannels, , Hoop Skirts, Corsets, GOOD GOODS Ai VERY LOW PRICES. Black Silks, Wool Delaines, all colors; French Merinos, all colors; Black. Alpaca Lustres, • Colored Alpacas, Shirt Fronts, Irish Linens, &c, Qr. WHOL ESAU:. PIITLP3 r as Invited t tau and ensralne mit stu ro u ndull anm, Piste. •ot our priest will be al low s w an,. 111'COINNELL & CO., No. 178 Federal Street, al:nocto ' ALLEGHENY ALLEGRENT GROCERY IM) 'PROVISION COMPANY. JOHN A. McGRAW, President J t P. ISRAEL, Secretary. Tile Sleek Of Ws Company Is alreedf Wed/ boagtm 09. Thera erlstiles to .fall themsetree of In %cleats, Mel better • 41 .1 . 1 . -Talr ALT OroirClM7 Al 26 Federal fit., A11e66611Y. mug TDE OLD, ORIGINAL TEA STORE! FRESH ARRIVAL OF Young Dyson, Old Hi... • 0 11oposvder,_ Congos. Lug.Hreeklaid igoodionr, Old Countri JUack • And Japan 9E• 33 13 EEO, • ALL Or THE BUT ( 401.4117. No. 20 Fifth Street. N O TICIC. — THE..UNDERSIGN. waste:l: "IlttgA4rg•id W ebatl:ariow74l Meade info ther p I ireo.4 COW Z* A•" "" JErrieznr, etc., 4.1' cosr: ASl l : r ic e r " ;:%Fi r ci v r.f7A ° 4 7 "..".ii f LT=, • l girgootliZt7t pnri="4: "fatifirMTLVg7Ll::::ergh rerWrion otir po w store with UIPPUITiIow =id arab Moot ILTZY`4I%!g4aVAT: a ""'" """ NEIIIMMAN, MEYRAN a SENILE, 119 Turret MEET, N. It to Hook hook SECURITY LIFE .INSURANCE 1 AND ANNUITY COMPANY, cos• NI7W stoics.. Pil§burgb Cake, 20 Fifth Street. FLORENCE KRAII!EIL FREEPORT BARRED FLOINEI,S. TS* hhSereined axe the Sot,: Aetran ter the We or Were I.IELENHASIED FLANNELS. WCANDLESS, JILMISON 411. Co., e'lltel3o 103 Wood Street. ALEx. PATTIEIII3OI94 LUMBER 'YARD, Corner Chestnut and Preble Reg Math Ward, £ l lefhaar•, fbreaarly Manchester . . • • large atnek DRY FINIS BOARDB, /loom". abl.ll ea. Hanel and Dra odd aldlng,ll and n) Not duarda. 60.000 h.{ Dry van '411.1 11:ttot4fit.l.' ,1 4liaNitkla • Alio, /De Drift . , of BIM Olayon IlLria or moll quantal!". to rolc pandhuars. - la9Ulll • .(111. CLUTIIB:-Wor . noon* cantata, ra. 'Madam.. Sol; Mall andlba mb potions, mat or boat gnat , . for mla wboluale sad tau It, at iho Uli titoM sad Labia Rabbet DPot, RO4, Ni * 41 ann. palmy • . • H. Cebtrai. Pacific RAII►ROAD L • THE HALF Or TIM QreaLNationat . Trunk Line &eras. the Ontinent, I • • • bluing constructed la the Al[) &ND SUSIE VISION UV THE U/kITED STAT USW E'io, 11E1ST, Is destined. id ICS be one of the moss' t *dense £OO VALthCHLIt 0.11.1L80.4 rout 1 , , as Ills the lots link of cow munlcetto • bet Nero the rade° Shiest and the tireat,thlerle basin, and the I • - erloolpst Port;on of the Italia Stem Mao netwiren the two °ethos; . the Proe.t we.terA tem:annuli at Sacramento, • .. • lm the., navigable Irks,. tbe Patina, but I[ til ultimately exteentfrom San rranelsconeross the richest and mom populous parts of Califon. Dia, Nevada and Stall. contlguona to all , the great lltnlng licglons of the Tar-West. line Company ate autboinzed to ..ontloue tbelr line outward notll 11 shall meet and connect wltti the roods now building east of the porky Mountain ranges. Ann mine that they will bath! and control Pia the entire distance between San Branch., and the Mliacerl Hirer, as now seen.. probable, the Malted boatels will bare Invested In the comple tion of 1 563 miles 9 2 / 3 .392.000, orat the avers Igo rate of 433.000 (Cr tile, Oct Ineludhsg a hhsololslarriiit of 10.000.000 acre• of the Poldlo Land+. By brootnlng a Jointinvealor in tvr magnificent enterprise., and by "'orbit Ito drat lien In favor of tbe Fleet Mortgage Bond holders, Sam Gonna \I. Govanwslarrr, • - T. INVITER TIES CO - OTZPAPION UP • . . . . CArITALIMTV., end has carefully guarded their Interest., es aluat ordinary eouttageneles. The Central Patin.: Hennaed enjoin ell the fitly(lege', print., and eubeldlet tonfured by th.. 4 eta of Conroe., %ton the oilier parts of the through line. and bee,. in addition several special. exclusive advaist•ties spritna- Me only to the Wenteen Wit. 1:17=13 I. Tao nOtopany boa reeelred from the State and chlaf eine. of Calla/vow. 04,1 stance in »mew, credit, and manned.: property, worth over aw In mold. In addition to trie Down of We Uneven wen sub/tidy. 11. ne Adedeet and re..tliest part q 4. am reietion y emereo.l with lie the nest ire nil le. b. • few wants the triaelt,•lll be completed entirely across toe nlerra Nevada.. altar 50,00 progress to ran Lade bo ciwy and rapid. IL Tar local buttons slonerif MIR road este.: I ines :la complete Onanwil iinee... Inde pendently of te vthroughtrain. Which must paw over h It. n through The grow venting. for the month. or June and July. .0. the wiles then open for Wittman were npion ,111.;,0 o yold; of width Jon ne-Artna we re D et e5.11,11g,. V. IL can Late no nompetltlon, bat will carni. neolde_ Ita owa Inerattim local tragic, the .noteco/olas of throng/I anotaese arnlch Is Andraanthrax dn . Saatern cdantatlon• and Weir branch.. . The road Ilea wholly in territory yleldlna the precious metals. owl U. rem... novena - Y u i.F ln ad' !‘ " .21" . time,e. an tdree +nom or Itioe lying eat or It; and The roil° ql oerating? A1 . .m.• le los lean s p•r cent. of lee gm. carnings. • VI. to consequence or the old Itreedy. from the General Uortromont. from the !bats of tlelfortda...l from munielnalcorporanote. the Almost Interest oftllattlon• "and, the ftNt '3 lbl/71:VMV=It; ra ' n ' Moat :Imam, In nod, yr era nembr M roe Umae • at, amount of cannot - Were/it Wallin. tok weaned In building 11. and were $115.0 more 11.40 M. annual tnormt t.te entire aroma. of Are Bbnuo 101(.118e Company can forma amat t An , / no miter. =t)Ml First Idertgage Thirty Year, Six. per cent, Coupon Bonds ; Paloelpal sand York rte tat (abut coin. In New York thy. They are In sums of 4.,M0 earn. with seml.annual gold an yogi. ateactied, and are uelUng fur the urrsent at ri , d ,:z cent. aa4 accrued Interest from July Ist earreemy. at 'valets [l l / 4 they Veld yearly Nine percent. upon the Inreetment. These Bonds, antborlved by Pet of Connen, are Isidien only at the work progrevne , nil to the mime amount only la the howl, granted by .P;;fl;747to'nefi."ol:p_at:tgaVih hgtcatTpibe! raoroao. c In whim . bare teen lactated Government subsldlee. stock nolerntlons, OD nittlon. earpliaa earning*, en. and Which la worth wore than thrn timeline/Innen'. of Snot Mnvtgaae Ponla which can he Isined upon It. i n iv Vr= " ff. ' O7 XV/ C )% i trh: o e p oti, P t l etif l ; .denm nder the Pottle eontran Limo( an con log and en toren g cool net. 1.0 PnY " "r !loot u retl ' lgt i lf ' W V; "fni "P tTrl,l Merl the Securlttes d 'Pal VIVC L o t, g's" Grill ElVirrlnPrte Mane, maracta of tal e cluntry and Eartpe. aCel'l conlrlCtinbv=.l: rate. la h" ter o7, la94 Si...trance or the .prtee lot yenta they an now offered. Having enrefuliy Investigated as prograu en de r ,:•penta of , the road. And abeam,- e:g7=lll . ( ii ' i ' stftt ' aloTVlatiTes, w ; °°"l.V.7 In a[l clan., and otter, al an eminently bound, and ma 'wallet/oast Fir penman! h. entolint. fOITLIZEJOSS Of cevienitst FICFRIIIIS Into Central Pacific FIRST MORTJAGE BONDS Now neat/re far the tioldars about TWELVE PER CENT, ADVANTAGE, WITH THE SAME HATE OH INTEHEBT. ler sale by an Babas and Rankers generally of whose dental pits, Pamphlet. and Maps can b obtained. and by FISK Ft• HATCH, kits aid Ptalers in Cciairtmest Pettritita . m. filaarial Isaias et the B. Ca. • • No. 5 Nassa u Street, N. Y. 11.-1.11 kinds of Cliternmept Elecnrillt• dank.. awl sold. nriel Accouni• or dunks. Baker., and other. nenteral f* von, Me terms. • iMnfal.Ws • pOIiTRAIT =I LION. TifiDOELIS STEVENS, Now BOady. The sub.erltor tat.* pleautre In anuOnzelsi Mgt ItSv 'mat ' PORTRAIT OF HON. TAM STEVENS, EICURAVED UN ISTXEL, BY tal COLIBIItID ARM, JOBB BRUIN, • le at length completed, and the Portrait ts now ready for deleery. • /bath as a aprelmen It the perfection of mod era art, and at a am reel Pheoese of the dietite guinea Mau swan who.. features It pentralt. this Is andoomodly a alma 'Mho.. merits Ape &dam been equalled ; and one of which all the macrons adadmrs of 31 r. h i iilLV2l;l4 will dealt, to obtain a copy. ' • • heretofore mated, the price of the Portrait 1.11 be ih , ; °eta ao eleiracit b?aolt Walnut, Rose. aid or Gilt Frame. Ohl At2L-1116 ARE In all parts of the Uo!tat Lltatas, eaavan foe aubeerlhert. to wham a libera l . earatelsolon will ha allorre.l. • 3341.1MX1., so. n EAST X IN Ei IZEMI HEAT EMOWEIii. EDEMA AMMONIATED DONE uper-Phosphate of Lime. EANUYACTINIED BY THE ALLEGHENY FERTILIZER CO., SEWARD do CAMPBELL rlid,ariwcruns. OCOce, 356 Peng St., Flitsburgh, . • The best Peril'leor Ing t e ht ri r r i o nm i t 1 4% tiTcr Otu. Cora. Pf*"e'u'rffil.ti;t ponfottle e. t contalitplf itpare-fr`434°*numdlyvoah.e stateos.qta 'of tble ) et tlii.or!toopls of 'dtch be.vat frfe ILO f. 7 mending their tadreu. • E=! TEAS S . TEAS! TEAS • or ALL nuoia A. 1.1.1) Qt*lTy, AT jeL • 3Mart. . . 34c.. GRPM ' !Prin., Young k1 y 50 u. , ............112.110 par pound.: nun geOd ................ •• ..... .. ............. llood .. " Bert Oolong.ltLAC44l4. ZEAS—OolOcaga. ....... ..... ...$l,lO per pound. antra ..... .. % ... " IILACK YEAll—Poltettenughl ilocuol4dullt aced Vcrlogolla..4 • X'?th"rirrllnrd tg • • ••» 1.40 SAII , A2g TEArl.r 1 1 Uncolored divan, gerg plesacot, ggeor.." Japan. ran.. nrczo TEAM% If:. M 1734 1:i". 3/ trial4l. from the abnrecolr mend , co Jun whatV14,1v.%•,;.V.12?...4111„,teg:t.! FAT'ALVZ. 9 11%;•10717.1.7...t.174 1 137t st:= reTl a ntleltrirltrz .cabgtrr cgr i tUrr &Tn. " . gius. 10173:.11172 CI 174 ve.berater.., canon). FINE ILICNT /FAlLlgn n°4*/ FOR one or Wigrialgi. d r ul l;,a4 rl ! couotatss compiet:. Zia 1 7 411' 441 " "4 . . , B. O. 1108W4111111.11, toi:dn:rre aotwsG , I,yrhozesvill4. 'XIELE ntrALLE6HENT Councnr Republican Faecutive Committee Att adioneted meeting of the Committee will NI field at the °Mee of Alderman J. L. SLITH SUL AntD. cart er of Dlarkond street and Cherry alley. on MONDAY, Aaron 18th. 1511:. at 10 o'clock a. ra. 111 a envoced that every tamper 8111 be prtaint. by order. J. L. BUTHERLAND, Au't StOT avi7.d6o:diT air'UNION REPIIEILICAN • COUNTY CONVENTION. The lIN - 108 REPUBLICAN VOTERS of Elle lathy .09t. , 7 tie requened to meet at the usual PLCet for holding election/11n the several Mode. Boroughs and Townships, on Saturday. August 31s And ele c t Tiro 11EVECIATES bona each elec rOtEgaißlt rrtt p_otlieue. or notninallne candidate* ter benate t i r zez t g th liei ■ gnAcragees of Ponnapleanda. Pr 41:77 b.f., ot her "" " may bb ,bo.l44=egtitT"gt' the "`" !I ' 4 ll ock r• ID•4 ei^eon the and In the Bore ' n hsla n' ClCled booed of deo and g serean 4 o•oloct tt l b e b ;tetZ t :orit I=elatert tj cU T J ACOB Ii if • •.r° Chairman, N. P. Roan. ' ff. liaCtnnu., iniceetarlea. r:O.'THE ENTEREST, EP GOLD, oe the Tin. DORTVABE BONDS of the 13101 PACIFIC ILLILIRT COPAN!, futent the Atrousa 100. I7C. , 1•111 be paid on proem• tattou of the Coupons therefor, et the Boat. lot!. of DABZEr; BIORBAR dk co • No. 53 EX0111.1133 PLACE, Ns.. Tort, on and alter ILat date. mu.%) JULT ill, IBC. Jy25:01,1,11"8 011101 01 TOR 2gurtu OIL C0...A1m rrrssotat b° 4ll!.• ' 7At i v.• ", , t hm . IgrDIVIDEND NO. 2. Tb• Board of Dlrectoro of Ohio CoOtosay ho Ohio day deolanot • DAVIDEED OF FIVE PER GEE?. • Parable., and after the kith but., at this °Mee. The Transfer Books arill be 110.54 from the 10th 10 the 16th lnst.. Inclustre. IgirIItOTICE • TO SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM. . The Allegheny Valley Railroad Company nu . tll tulle; notice, triton prompt r, from let rtritt:MVPiftl i grgl " , an . " " " o r tr . trix '. of Petroleum [het may be offer., at xs q uast.o r i it. C 4A./214: 4 111:gojt a rls Ilrrele from Toe traerof theero 7 .o I:ed tug L A along the waters end, at Brady ' sßra' Beod. so'. to afford at necessary faellltles ror the ronyeatent and speedy transfer or I 11l ham beam to ears. IY=tOn IL 1 1 1 , 6larsTUNE, /dupl. OKY RILL ROUTE 11101 PACIFIC RAILWAY EASTERN DIVISION THE SHORTEST AND MOST RELIAIILY. ROUTS from the East to an points la • COLOSAVO, ZKVAIM. 0.1[1.1,011114, Usait, AIILIONA, MICR MEXICO, IDAHO, Two trains leave State Line and Leavenworth dally, (Sundays exerptedo on tho 'arrival of trains. of Pastas Railroad frOto CU Loots. and Manalbal adel 9L. Jo Railroad from Quinn, ma nacling as Warmer. Tenons Mr WADI eau with Mares for all points la Hamm. At end of track wen of Ellsworth :with the MOVED STATES XXPRESS COMPINY•S DAILY LINE or OVERLAND MLIL AND EXPRESS COACH. 'ES POR DENVER; waT LAKE MAD ALL POINT ! IN THE TIMM/ORD& sad with SANDAEROMIdTIMWMAGT LISZ or COMMIS for Fort Mao,. - Iltrwe Fort, /um, Albiquerque, Buds Pe, sod W points IA At - Irons sad Myrifoxico. . • ; - • . . With Om recent addlUons of raffia: Neck and equipment, arid the arrangement. EMU With 11110134b10 OVC4II9d Transporrarion Liner drum it. neaten terminus:, this road now. odors tine.. quailed tantiltleaifor.lbe tratigalcalon of Insight tO the Far Weat.• Ticket. for sea at all the principal °Macs In the halted States and Canada. • ti sera aarl Alsx POO TICkII7II VIA TBZ SHOAT HILL ; BOOTH. 'UNION recinc lathway, KASTNAN DIVISION. • 2,000 NICE Union P 1 3 1i174. L I : WA : AIong tla Lio of tatitr rout, at $1.1)0 to •.f."1" 00: h er • Acre, Ana o. a plak.DIT 071 , 111 E TEAI49. for tarllccilars,as Pa, as., a+lresa agar! P. orpciararx, Land Connissloair, rareks.l4l... Or. MAL B. *.ALBBOII2f. aaic~• cepa wAuF.Eliou-si MUM BM & . CO., xaapcsm.wzmL•ig. No. 100 Wood Street. FLOC ?RAU .4 C D UT ' Luerol , r i ns 7 on nand. . • 4111111114ULTAL711. 1 • Cape TOILET META • &Wit ar/g1.11.18. tilablottifoardnittplisrary deaddistlote • • La 111GLISL A V A t 1 EI STONY Wale oflda tO • salt trtudecede and retail trade. agar th.. ,t! Larastauvirat e e=lete deo. of entn7 ..i ff s. o r es .4 term Lb. eameu In Um tutus SHEPHARD'S CRACIMRS • ==lsl Liberty Street, PITTSBIJRGH. PA. ANTHRACITE COAL. 611 • • parties desiring c supply et ANTHRACITE COAL, F ol Lb. thr iv :: with I.llli product Of lora MO WILHILSBALIME. , PI TT tIoN • 811•11p3.111. SILVIS BROOK. Or LYKIL4 , B VILELY. By leaving their ord•rs with WM; PINCHAM. 1444 31143?7.N71 BT.. Pittaborn. FZOVR IFROM NEW Noma- ESN WaILT.-14:13 are 1101( manutactuthe A z uperlor Article of Flour, coon slams inn, WtMb we am' Nadi Reommend ta the trade md rm. tarallr eel. R. T. KEiNEDY @ ORO,, . 17:.&14; errs 31111.. I"- ALLsinceors. IMM FURST CLASS 001111[116*LASEI AND PICTURE FRAME NAN u FACTO RY. J. 1.4Y,0N5 . i • No. 110 Wood St., PlttsbnrSh tier rge al l , Lo s 14.1 • vy tfoi,TuAri• riervaaitZz , rc. Ertr t largicturtqmtvimrrm.°C lbsxo io tn.iAiianutikos. ikoalnuann pmrar PUMP MAKER,. And n3;.nntlintyy od nn Ott , 00pIN 11781.1.4 •d 3 bALLT. AddAa7 Pn. eitimaurxiuor given tothe vvvv.A Goon N 0 'r cz.--ranies Ikuowin ,ttorneelyee ladebtert to g CHEAP .BREAD IN DEAR yid.. ss...ironz avrananoit. • . tell sod fettle thelretooneti before the hrat xognn waoo. o lox"; 4t i lle i gettb.on wet tare eons, as all as Nue .4601. Tn• ue. B. W... on ey,,,,,74! cone.p.V."' "re! trit Wale's, Nose else • i otheentrz gAle tie Cot let vy. Jell tegr,_ kt . . J. a. mcraza, chairmam ME:I w.ll. J. PAILIMICE; Tanana.. WILLIAM 1111,7146LEU. • tleeretarr. tad Ticanret In Tim of buying our PALIi tkum, offer our nook at prim to tolt , the 01,11.65 T BUYERS, Thew toallog ;00ds 4. op, not tom. oo hr. • BOVARD, tOSE'& • CO., WASHUIGION C EM 4.1 , 14700/. EItaRAINS. . 1 ' , Forms 95. r TittiO.• BRUSSELS.. C PETS, =EDUCED 20a. PER YARD. ; • • Good ilitate and Red tea CHINA . NEAT ING, 'REDUCED TO 95a. P TAllre. ileavy*edaction has tura* • And mut other i. Mc.F.IIII,LAND, 4 OLLINS, No.. 71 wad Ta F Street, Boot to U. S. Custom HOl2. end t , told Mon, Over Honey IllatlM /I 3tletittllt BOWL , ~..._ AlDRna"' ' I HAVE REM( , . Genera irarrintenaett.. I ' ' • RTMUIR BR I HERS njta, 3174 I,.!.!_r_y±, smiled No. 51 Fifth street, • • atm anent WI new and tiMir bl• patterns; MEDALLION ir L vE7:B. • Vara*, Ilrassels, T4P.Ed*gEtr A larma and choir assortment of Piano and Table Conra, llama aria, Ira Ni? cop. Tllll4 PLY AND o mat Ingrains And evorrineten7 of km Inked Ctrpeam,.. ocALAula tritompals,. 1111111tro at. rattni ~w-ffia u. a_____ ~c_Va~ta~r DON'T BE DECILITED itYBft.ratabo'll`Ter IttaatTlLZs°' does.rauy ter.. 4:7111.1. tree len %%F. " %l i mped Mrs*. 1043 Nsittly eitregoto annal • roves klntledeld. EUSTIC STITCH ANI LOCK MICH Sewing -7 .Slaohines • An ISM BIM Tworly ans Itaeatutertsr . purposes. OIL wed see Lb= at Jeo. 105 AVM Street. GET EIDE,E .EET A WICOVER, & BAKint ro: • MU., TILO. It Is NOW., .Ta Q....lbee Um boo. Don't tall WWI and Teo It at NO. 106 FIFTH ST,. above Sl M ,}l 2MV. a lV" iat iktiE nun a mum la 1 6HQ1ft 'ran Solbrthoylor attowboro. 1,113 tho At prams " NO. 108 nrrit itazET. sty7:nit THE Gamma & SEWING WlActiflpoE taiantinirmu•or YeeA .44 oxasolno ot , . 1 10 /04 .rtrrn STIMET. oho.. Bum tes rIZZI poisorrous AAD FILTHY • An tana , 44lona Inv und Iliairien IKIMIABOI BIM Sun LEAD, VOILKY aktwita. MBA at.BA. Tulaixo. ar. nine Adattanaganta VMS. THE MIS SPICI MILLS, Innatantara inns bat perfaCUT PUEZ aricurs. $400.00 /BEWAILS) .• • ! for anyNoggalon taan4 !moan loon. Dan flitairea of SOUL= Cllioenstifly ar9xx osarme 17311.2115 rjejlED ARBUCKLES & CC / 4 ifiksala imam sai Propriden if P. 014-9pjea 222 asd Wit Wert: gr pet , • • PITTIB' dgent, PA. lu r iPMl4, " nr Alr! 4 NUM CND Vforromo4 to !Atter lon ,Ifili=tot nominal *lmo my Loral le Jr, 1673 BAGS 6Q°D TCUrr COFFEE AICITLY,caozos. In non and are& 4 0 04 . 00 , 0 .0 °•Tratir,Es wROCERMA k izar t ztatruxLowlarr • ABITUCHLIS tli met and, Pak*, Afomrp _ II 0 WAFTED; Good, Steady Girl, To do genera behomork. Mutt be able to IT. reference. Inquire it the tomer 'et Jerrut holS 016 4ND YMIJ/01411. AllebbenV. 5 • WANTED, 1rC013247404. ACE.l4.2\r• Acquainted writhe/lel/rug Bunltem Only thous wDo Ann Come We ll noturunemieu need apply. Salary moderate. Addints r. V. LUX Ind. Wiz,Reg. W.Va. • aulXl4.l6 TO FAIMEIIS.-WAILIITED, liff esacftns. By • mbar and' Industrious, married man. as Vifa".?l,4l2' atr o gfiri:r."l2 . 7 : :.iftio rd.. at Tills OfSIOZ.' for one W A IV I' . E D-CABBINER, YLPI3, RIVOILII4. for arbleb Intl' bay In nun If &Leered to good ord.. kW far k Uear's Mira c !grgans, (tear sire s o,MVX stiMe: or 43 :rginei.lteuraten abootsreo fbr Colt's or Remington's annals... (* ore Moeller.) Pair rodnortork reads on broken arms. Parsons hadn't any of oboe. nrwr main can address...pair en J. 11. JolibbeTON Gr . ew .Western lien la orks. corner Penn and Wayne St... Plttabureb. • Jyl23bloo WANTED, JULY COLD COUPONS, And compound Interest Notes. JAM E'S T. BRADY k CO, Corner Yourt6 and Wood as I=l WANTED—Men 1 WANTED—Men •pyW.Luouaa galennae4 • W.LO OOO . to A.t AstoctsUon. ■. 114CIISIZAB, President of Alma'slon, Ite Diumid &mt. Plztaboxib CZ! OLIVER M'CLINTOCK & COMPANY Axe daily reoalYlas a In< assartmeat NEW G-cooros, ;,213,r1,,,0jz••••• dlitoval from last 0131tia BAlttiaEitl Ingrain. and Common CIA LIR.P.EITJ9I. Nattinge at New York Pricer, Special lads tem ma to dote malt buyers. OLIVER. M'CLINTOCK & CO.. tali 23 Fifth Street. PRICES REDUCED! CARPETS ! Oil Cloths, ➢lattingy Window Shades, Table Covers, Piano Covers, Hugs and Mats, Stair Rods, &c, 21 Fifth Street, ta7m714111;? Over Bates lt Ball • ARGAINB it CARPETS, 41.7 V XlLZrz.lll.3:la. SEEM VED.