THE -DAILY G . r.AithE. TUBLIBEUCD EVEIn YORNIN% 03raDAII ZzacRT.D PENNLIII&N, REEDS CO., w'rcritorletcrss, F. I. c. NE22E2M 112321 = 116.. &ND 66 7117.11 RTRLET. 1 114 43 getintu ?stet, of Testers 41171naia. OPPIOILL PIM OP rrnazti . Roa AND . • ALLEGE:ENT COT. - LLRBGIT carArtsr sad BEET WALE ml CoMslasulLL PA14111131 IDa nut.. EM=II=EME Infirl• Isom NliveredgGillen.per ,gct.k 73 e~aw *dareS, 1 GAZICITE, rrersomion. rrmarA. ~, I ,Tt_Eiti. s :filir,gly Ciiii:its Jae Shah:awn an Leant Tenders= Extract from lii. opinion lu Iha Coon of Male vs.-Trott; 'On the :whole, then, I ant of the opinion that the provistort of the let of • Congress of February 11th, 1862, dechtf. tag the notes tamed in pursuance of that act to he lawful money; ana a legal fen der, is UiCCONAT/TUTIONAL. "This Toni/craft netesseey tint Tehould consider the other. question which has been made, its to the effect of the special agreement to pay in lawful silver money or the - United States. lam in favor of entering judgment for the pltdntlic but as a majority of the court are of a differ ent ontaion judgment for the defendant." --Copied_ fro the Philadelphia Age of libruatil, IBli where the opinion is published in t ai . . 1 . . It may also found in the Legal la• telligeacer of 3 I h 18, 1861, page U 2. In the mmycopy of the Age is a care fully prepared`culogy of the Judge and his opinion, in which is the following: ~ "Judge Sherwood reasons upon anti deeides..the case as if he were some lofty spirit sitting far above and out of the contentions and strifes of theworld." Will not ..the holders of greenbacke .. and Government bonds consider the Judge as quite too elevated and ethereal for seen earthly honors as a seat on the Supreme Bench . 1' A NICOLSON PAVEMENT coarnacro in? Cincinnati has Succeeded is getting Mound( into a peck of trouble by perform insr his work Ina loose and careless man na." He doubtless made a low hid fbr the ,yob and endeavored to pull up by half per forming the work, using barely enough gravel, sand and tar. to hide a woeful .deficiency of blocks; strips, boards and nano. Complaint having 'been made to the authorities of the poor: character of the work, Councils appointed a special • Cotholittee to investigate the manner of laying the pavement, the members of which had entire sections turned up to bear unmistakeable evidence against the oVersharp contractor. Considerable pub lic work 13 going on in our own city at the present time, and perhaps examina tion bib its character taight repay the trouble, ai contractors sometimes will take slight advantages to tura en hon est (t) penny. . Dail:wear Bonn has Itiretshed the Democratic press with a studied t:siay, In which he endeavors to More that ithe whites and blacks are separate .and dis tinct creations of the same Almighty rawer—th at they arc not of the same blood, as the blood of one differs from the blood of the other as much is the hair of the white man's head from the wool that covers the negro's head—and that - these differnees are not the result of Climate, but the qutlone of "the all 7 wise and benevolent Father for some great purpose of his own. Since the .Penseerats hive discovered that the "greepurpose" for which the negro has been created is not to assist rebels into office, they have returned to their. old ahimosities, and - Instead of courting the blacks, as heretofore, turn to.proscriblng and damning ; thorn with a will and zest itulle amusing and refreshing. Tee conductor. of the -street railway cue of Cincinnati Who liens riceatly ar rested on a charge of embezzling the funds of their employers ; have each been held to anawafthe.eharge Masud. The companies witi learn that the best way to promote heneety is to nay their employees living wages, so that stealing will not have to be resorted to through necessity. Tun yellow fever it raging with Tear. tel violence at Galveston, Taxa& The mortality lists are large, the deaths aver aging over twenty-eight per day. On Thursday it was computed that there were over one thousand cases in the city. Tar, office of the Treasurer of Hamil- ton county, Ohio, is computed by the CI noinneti Commercial to be worth for thnierm of . two years the snug snm "of seventy thousand Collars, St is worth running for. Zug National Union of Journeymen Tailors is now In session at Cincinnati. Hon. rignir Bartacanc., the chief of the new National Departmeat ot Educe- Lion,. delivered an address at Boston a few oaya ago explanatory of the work of his department. The power given to it is very small. The law does not rec ognise any intention on the part of the Government to create a system of nit: Venal education; nothing of the kind waa contemplated. -Bo far es the Com- Atilasioner is called upon to administer the law, his aim Intl be to carry out lit. evilly its provisions to collect and die seminal& information: so as to show the condition and progress of education in the States and Territories, no as to aid the : people of the United States In estab lishing school systems. To show what he had already begun to, doll° the way - of work, ho menthe:Led that he head re ceived applications for information from gentlemen in the constitutional Convene [loosnow being held' in New York, Michigan and Maryland. He had re. • ixived en application from Texas for in formation, so that they may act in the light of the experience of the old States, so as to 'enable them to establish their University on the right ground. Ho had received from the State of Georgia a re quest to frame a code • of instruction for that State. He bad received a letter from West Virginia asking for the best plan for school houses for rural districts. He had received en invitation from Ten. - nastier: to be present at a Convention at Knoxville, which Is intended to take up the subject of education for the .Stale. He had rteelved a request front .Nevada for documents by which they rot organ. lee a normal school for that State,. BO that thisy may know what la done on • that subject In the Atlantic Statcs.—.N. A comons fact about the Berndt jury boniest come to light. It is stated by One of them that from .the first moment they were locked up fogether between the adjournments each day, they we're divided in their sentiments about the misdner, eight favoring him and four condemning. While the arguments of the . defeese were going on. them eight continually sneered at Judge Pierrepout and Attorney Carrington in their rooms, and when they were locked zap. to find a verdict, they balloted, the result being eight votes .for acquittal and font - lox convicttond Each aide tried to convince the other, but without success to either. Then'one of the inroramode three prop. °silicate, and naked that a vote he taken 'on them separately. Teesc were, fast, that Lincoln was assassinated; second, that the usassinatlon was the result of a conspiracy; and third, that Starrett was in that conspiracy. Upon the first two propositions the vote was unanimous, Lot upon the latter the eight favoring ac quittal refined under any , circumstances to - vote. These mine men, however, tried. to Induce the four to pledge their word that nothing which took place in the ittry-roolle should he divulged, es pecially the voles. The other :tour, however, would not agree to this. • • —About forty thonsmat pounds of foam' I vory,lhat ft to say, tne tusks of at lent onanmatred mouitoot'w. are battered for. every year In New Elbert...that 'ln pe riod of two hendrea yearn of trade with that country, the tasks of twenty thee... -mammoths must have been - Aura:sad or, rerhaps even [seize that number, elute 0011 two hundred mble.yen t p w u ngdhs t o pr r i o v d oy e dh e y a A ndated hair of teaks. —An ...elation has been Winked In At. Ga. , for - the , nernmes of erecting Montiment to President Lincoln. .71. re. Nine for the erection of themonument at this place are file.. fanciest Atlanta Is the centre of theXmat railroad system of the South; It Is 11.elimiblo from all pens of the United States. and It I. nearer the Cen tre of the tenth Mau any ether city. . ..-..., 24 111: 1 1 4 8 -qva, i . . , . _ . 0 - 1- . , . I • ...., ' ''' ~,-7 . . .178 . . . ..,...,:„ .. . _. . ~ i ~.1,...,...,...,,..,. ----.--,-...,:‘"' .f----,•----- . 1 1 . % -7 s , ,--. ..1,? , . - ..1 , .: ..,..-. - • ..,....;,.z..',-- i „ . „ . ~ ___,....--4 . u . , . ~ ~....-:. , ~, ...---- i .1 . ~.',4 . ,' - ,r - ..4'....1.1._ •••_- •. 7 . , " .!--!--"1-it 'i 7' ''''''.4llolllP / 1 • •• '..-.. , .: - Allte .'• Is - ----' i' , . • :.' . „.,--- f - r•-_,. - ' • .I`A; •'-- ''. .- . : ...;• Ar - d - ,,: • ('' ~ '''' ( . 1 . 1 ,_ ... _ 77 -7 -- „z•- : ..- ..t - ~ /, , , , , ,: . •,- 5 ..,,,.....! ;, ,i . -.7 .. ' , ." -- 7. :; •, , i 7 ;1i t rmi15.1.:•• ~ .,1,: :. .., , ,.. •, ,,. .. ,;;x, ~.,_.::::,,,,i,,,, , jl , *. . - •• , i ~,_ . --_ , ,Z . : - . ....:;,,,,,:,- ,- - 1 :'- ..!• 1 ." -I ' 4 " ; ' - '72."' 4 -4. , ' _ rri.". • \ ' I , l-- \•' ' 4 _ __ , _•-- - - - _ - -- - -- -,,-, _;1.- P- ~, .. - -7-,"'".. --,--',..,---.....---_,-,..- - --L-, -.-:= I ' I . . . . I . / 7.----- ; . ----/ ..,..• . • • VOLUME LXXXIL—No. iss. PIBST EMTION. MIDNIC3I3T. FROM WASHINGTON MT Telegraph to the ilttabtesti Osseo, WAssubavolt, August 1 , 1,1 . 0:7. .DAYAOI IS ,lIAIN. The. recent beady rtes have. deco much domago to properf.y to too neighborhood of trashlngtOu. The ltAltimore morning vain of can foiled to arrive. owing l 0 the Ira-slang away of D. culvert. TA. sum' )(ATTE.: The Treaaury Department have prepared Instructions relative to the collection of el:Lemma for the Govern men Wm. h. Dalge, who has been appointed Special agent of theTreaantl and Collector at 61Lka r .wG7 *all on the an from New Terk. Tbo Commissioner General of Lb° Land Office boa returns showing the disposition of 1.5,7i0 acres of p W ublic lauds durlit Jaly last. at liasllidd, Lseon eh, ueeeeei heifer, Muletor rttm the Repub. Ili, et Colpmbbl, dtilieria his letter of re call to the P.rendeut to-day. Speeches of the uses! nature were made, I,teUteitant Colonel lislaton Keating bee Ikon relieved from the command of the marines at Mare bland, California, and or dered to the command of the martnen at the Philadelphia Navy:Yard. eniaaeni ocTe.sea TO an_ Avaarkui vzseet. Admiral Bolt has transinitted to the:f Amy Department the report of Commander Fab. toyer, of the Ashelot, of Ms investigation at the Island or Form.. The Admiral la satisfied all the crew of the Bark Rover, ex. dept one Chinaman, were murdered,and that the barberitlea of the tillages cannot be permanently slopped entil the govern ment at Pekin be induced, by the action of the American and Other mrelgn minister. at that Court, to occupy all the Village. On the Bays on the east coast and thus drive the aboriginals hack to the Interior 01 the bland. The Admiral adds, °As there 1. no Government t 0 deli/ within thle matter, I shall proceed at once with this ship anti onoor two others to the South end is! the Fa:MUM and land smell arms to. soodr the Talekerta WM Omsk op whatever OW% the stretch. may Mira there The Depart ment will perceive the dillieulty of a force landed from the ship, getting at a foe that live more like monkeys then moo." Commander Fettger give. arilntereetink amount or his trip. Be asked of the Orin- Waal Chin se author/Oes of the island an investigation of the rase, and an armed force bad burn sent to canter° the murder. are. This was promised. . • • vas ntormi trews - Cane.' great damage to new buildings, calverts, railway tracks. , bridges, Ao. Sev eral families living in shanties along Tiber ereek were saved Iron, drowning by the pa. /the. Fire of these building. were entirely Submerged and others tilled to the second Mary. One friently was trundle a haseinent. Where the water was three feet deep. Alto gether dye males, seven females. and a number of children were saved from death .in their own !meths. girth Street wee In one portion en improvised /leer and bee en• street, between mid the eltylinslts, is Impassable for vehicles. The dam at the intemection of Seventeetta street and the canal; suffered damage to the extent of Amy end thousand' Much damage was one to the peach crop and cornfield, In the may. . The storm wits terrine In Montgomery and trine., George eounties, hisryl”a. The roads have been Inundated, and travel II suspended. The Astute Crean Jiallroad was Completely submerged last watt, but the read Is all tight now to Frsderielueurg and itiehrlontL The Now Tort tans of last night, doe here this morning, arrived late to-night. 'Mt FLISIOVAL or .ICDOS DOLT • It is not tree, Ise reported here Me after noon, that the CAblnet tr.:lay bad under consideration the subject of rel loving Judge 11010, Chief of the Bureau of „tindery dns• Lice, alLliongti an Executive enter to tide erect Intl kin a few days le riot improbable. Mr, Mary Walbridge, the mottihr of Gab. Hiram Walbridge, of lielv York, Mixt ye. rerday, alter a lour end painful Ulnae., at Euglealde.Dietrict or Columbia. Brevet Major General Williams nes been assigned to tlety on 'the •ot&U at General FROM NEW. YORK.:. (Iry Telegrshb to the Pittsburgh tissette.l . . i1e1.11.21 inSf.ll,ls/1.. New Yeas. Jinaust 19.—M lean wildcat MIA that ,C,astello made hit escape dip adesel as alsemao: . ' railan ECAO.S. A Fcnlan vAt.ra .is 'to.cvnlog prevalent again in Bin!itye.s.l. The Bropgilgo..l, 1t Is ' eTe P o r aus as s:allvtralll ' in la n or 07 - the Dae g . 1111 part Y.. • xiSmaxrolace arsionmg. The Ir bite rrollee trtAtotylle oro resigrOne. ,11.4 Cy b., unwilling to setve under negrou. ' At a Itutlleal meeting In Forsyth county, North Caroana, recently, a resolution was passed praylize Canerese to adopt meunres to indemnity the poor Unionists tor loam, durhle the war oat of tho property of rebels. RILL NOT V.ETIIIC. NUTliogg will not retire front the stage. 0110 sails for Europe 60 the Vet of .Annust, to be absent during the winter, but has not decided whether to accept engene meats welch have bean offered her at Lon don and Paris. oa 'cation Generale Beauregard and Magruder were letrodneed to the Stack EZertartga Lo4lly, and were tamed as they lett the room. eaten naratcarißw. A disfaleatlon In the Tradesmen's Bank bee teen ducoverea. Two Tellers are In volved. nee ter WACO and the ether for 5.15,010. They were absent from the Bank to day. It Is expected some of the money will be recovered. The Bank has ew ample enr olee. • Abner U. Newcomb. Deputy U. S. hiarehal, wee arrested today..charse4 with remit . . log money from counterfeiters and connlv. inguthelr escape from) :on:no-The muxut was leaned on thearadavit of the wife of the convicted. counterfeiter Drolrway and W. W. Dond. Newcomb wu held to bail for examination on tne Znh. Cot. Wood. of the 110000; 8.1,100 Department. sued some time ainee for elleoe4 defamation Of character, after Newcomb , .. arrest. enrrendered hie 1411, for which the latter. become impanel. ble, - and procured new DLit. FROM GEORGIA . , . —..---; ]orate. to Telco the Test Ostb—lettb* arseral'otratrosume treat Cetsersa . Sive Papers. • . . . [ll7 Totofraytt to the Plttsbatib Etatetta 'Allot . ..A, Ga., August . We—The Athos% ppltatentalnka General Pope may mbortly tome an order requiring Jurors to 'take the teat oath. t=ellizip= b l logs order, Vaned Lo reooristrUOtion under We milltar p ; bill of tee withdtuwal or patronage from them Of thirteen dallies in the State only font endorse .the. Congressional. pro , . The Celan Martial of General Thomas gi .' Sweeney, on charges by Misers of his regi ment, has adjourned. It is believed he will be honorably acquitted.- Fellow Fever In esslyeston, Teta*. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (linen.) 'enceistrarr. August 11.—The Commerefors Galveston distiatchi reports yellow tover raging terribly hi that place. Twenty deaths occurred on tho Mb, thlrtY-one on the 13th. twenty-nine on the 14th, and over one thousand caeca are reported In town on the lath. The hothltala e overflowing and the managers are calltortfor extra nolo. The internal Reveinto otfte In closed, the employee* being etch. Gstrxerme, Aug. 11.—Tte yellow fever continues its ravage. There were twenty one burials yeanerdiy.. Registration In Merin • Carolina. (Ily Telegraph to the flttabersh Gareite.i Mier/terror. Amp= I.l.—ltegletration commenced to-rinT to the first ware. Twenty-one "Wigs and three hundred and twenty...els blacks were registered. The total °wader ot persona registered for Lbelirst two days wore, white. one hon. died end twenty.three, Mae he doe hundred end " ' ,Jtapsuese Delejr•lMl 'l.4l4Prinint4o, AlLaos. [By Telegraph_ la the rlttebergb tiseette.l Sr sisomax , , )Lase., depot 16.—An onl• eW deleastion Rom Jay., wall an 161cr. prates.. her arrived 1n tale city sad win In spect the Culled tutees Armory hero: the Ames Work, et Chicopee, and other m".* h.tonlas eataldlehmenta. Over three hnit o 11.1 f inches of rain hea tellen here. Tarr-Wight ' , Procession of Wroederieti Cgy Telegragh to the rittsbergh Usgette.) ensittgaxor. August 113.... A, torah light Procenalmi a:members of the Union Dengue, numbering About too Freedmen, With tanners and tranewenciee, marched through the streets - for the- purpose of fintsring outial Freedman not yot regis• tend. =! CHI Tdegriph to thollttainzrab Gantt.) ilinn , tue. August 14-11.1v.t . fallunt. with ulna trlon. to_ Cure. Imports or Cotton, 10i Wel ; Zanetto, 12 hales; titock,l:l3n. ' L 0171,1•1 1.1. i. AuguntlG.--ftiver Unchanged; two font ton Inches In ennaL Election In Canaan, - • - MI Telegraph to the Yittsbargh tiasette.l Orrows, August I(l.—The Capitol is now affiliated by election meetings and the atrife is general. lir.Currier. the present mem ber for °lbws.. soft an American, will prop• ably be elected for the federal legislature. Altman Tug" Darned. = &mono tr., U.. Anituet ton Mama, Or Detroit. was horned to the eraterla tette at two O'ClOck this anteing, at the Soon In tills city. Loss 111.C10. Inst. ranee $12..111. • They o r "suasive In Ittaliskond. tar Telegraph to the rlttsbussti ' Sttcarano. August N—To-gag woe o 4 surrea as a ea y of futlrokand prayer In the htetbottltt /Spleoopol m arch. • - _ UNITLT) STATES COURT The MoirCounty ropol*Tfeitlng•Cons —roollmony of oilleforttst' Ilotonttle ot o t td—T ld he e P o e r< r 2 3 th o—" lo Db .orn v o” Botta Toot'nor. The case of the linked M.tktes V. William Johnston, of itlalr county, li♦,llct,d for , o „ tv , r i c tocg, woo reentyncut oq Friday at ten o•clocl.-. Mr. Howard meet: nod stilt the gross-ex ; emit:lotion of Cain. Stephen D. Franklin, of ITllatlelphLst Dot ono hundred and nloott'oulrie Clones of the counterfeit money Item Johnston. Dont know that they are all nem. I retain. Ott one or two pleeee, as a sample; It was a new kin of counterfeit moneyi octet had men any of It betel,. What McAteer and melf marked at Dunn' hol lu Altna was ys mocked by both of tot, s cur te marks b o ei o ng duplonh ea cI masked t h he n rema v nd d r n Ph fore floating op the . package tor* out perhaps a doom plates. .11110 k attar sealing it / opened the Dockage to atibw to my haslet, setts. Said yesterday toot rtild not open It alter sealing It until I sit to Washing ton in J One. b correct Toy • ( now. Have not corrected toyeelf now, Cause I have ascertained Vast Butte Is ' hare; know ho here Only by. hearsay• have not seen him. A man by . tho name of I.sebok IS also bore. Believe the Money Is now ta the envelope In which 1 drat placed It. I done. inlet I !showed the pentane In Ildladalintbs to ant Dorado extern Butts nod Leconk, allowed samples to different frartlasi on: Dratrtet Attorney of rhilattelphia has tome t o ( It. Thu pack. ego itself of Show how te ny piece, were taken ont•of IThero a, one nundred and sixty eight motes, the clerk Coauthor them]•• Whet I took out was for the nor. pose to In ibrmte g Urn pub. le shatt.klnd cerantarfelt money sus In I:lncitation. No one had access to the drawer in which the DeCkaca was leeked,unlertitiny would pick wou tho ld lee not hatek. I slid n sent theot tell ccorhtnaon to Wash . m mean If It wee not to raise money to pay him. The government peel me, for the money I sent to Washington the ,price t' represented to have bald per 11, forty dol lar.. Forwarded to Wnahthmen the coons terfelt marry secured h 3 my aSelstants. Remota for money fore ervices were for ward.] to Waehlnemp teloce money was paid. Seth was the orderl of the. Depart ment. All voucher, were. Irwarded before money was paid. I thin et toucher to the cue t.f Hotta was furor ed, toe order for the money received Is abscence, and I appropriated tt to swath purpose. For. warned receipts for Hutchinson and gave him his Money. Betty wasesever In any cm. Ploy. / Mr. Carnahan nt this pon . ra stated that so far he bad not` Interpaledry otgeetton to the cress exanaltintlon. w Ca had baton a mole rang. It .0°304 there wasnethine la the private character oe Captain Frank- Int that was to Ins kit ntonchett The croosraxaminatlon was en rely Irrelevant to the examination In chi . Yr. Purview. said %keylmposed WI show to the entlsfact lob of the Cdatt and the Jury that the with.. war steeped in crime, and to do this they most taka the testimony link by link in the chain. If the witness wouldnot acknowbolge ybat was asked him, the 'tenuous proposed to contradict him, and had the eVideneW La dolt. IL was the custom • to forward vouchers to Washington beforotha receipt of money, Dat they would show that Instead of paving over the money received to 11101., the wh o.. bed given Mel corinterfnit money. Mr. Carmen—What ban this to do with the examination in cltlef The Court—The offer I, overreied. 3lr.Howerrl—pid you tall Butts In l'lslla. delphia,ln February last, [Mayon werncoo. hotted with al bettaylklll kaugern, and addition th at In to your other basinms you were connected, with tale.. and burglars, calling them okuneks" snit t•cracitemen,t• and It the saint, time shoat him tool, and oTar tolnetruct him in theft . nee I Wltetwo—l mop have' Instructed him to form such aavoclatlens tor! detective Dort Dome. / have In my house n set of skein. toe, key., which have never been out ot -my posaceslon. There 1 may hOve theirtain or der to deceive persons for idoteetive per. pos.. I was instructed to use all honors. 110 moue to detect connterteltent. I have hod fortiori/eat from Weehington to mo Mel eremite for cone terfeit tn g, which have never been returned. ! Mr. IlOwlsul—Doyon moan to ssy that you represented you were a thief sad tar. glar, anti told falscleand, to detect counter. Waxman—l do ,s. That Pt part of a do , tectiveds busdness—to associate with thieves and nurglare, to get evidence against them. Not amen would be Men the trnth. gained by telling snob The wither* wan further cromoczamlned AR to hit c.v.:ono at Aileen*. lie Bale he had kept oht or Richt . notch at pol.lolo sa there were nem.. in Altoona who [new he wn.e car. Ile had employed McAteer to operate loebtrn. Ile dem Cu the italn, learing McAteer, and had hot *eon tam .1hro; totalattaa4-o. aft/ from trounce. Mr, iforrargt—Uhf you ray ,olythlng to hurts about having hicAtour here as a wltruteo Nittneme-Whon Delta came to see me at Philadelphia, nil told me that it McAteer wes found in Pittsburgh as a witncav would ectut him to the Penitentiary. hetet rereember emmtly what cep reply wit.e. The salmi-num, of it was Mat 1 was the important m the case and it might be prOaxio Led In tbo ebsenee of McAteer. It waS ran i-es...Med to me Ilea McAteer was connected with the peens, !vane. lialtroad. all baggage Master or brakemen; never knew eiirtainly what his teminem use. Knew him by repu tation for over* year through Lfamblson, end wee working with Wen in this case since last.nantricr. Don't know that bewail a man who dealt in counterfett money, hat he . ..represented to mans a reliable men. On UAL tepreeCntatlon I made appilestdni to hare hint employed as an amistant under me., no:sneered. ' The exunlnetiOn as to the coaling of the counterfeit money Dockage was remmal, and question. previously sepr.tedly asked again put to p reviously Tee Coors said It had a greet deal of patience, bat protested w against the repcti tire of question.. The was permitted to Bit down, haring been on Ills fret far over an hoer. Direct. examination rem:mid—l was rt.. moved as cooperative or the secret service departotaar with the remainder of the force lit the canons district. Hero to the order or my removal. 31r. Lamellae rend the pap.r. it bore data Jane di , • Gi, uutleed P. lb Franklin, Eau., of riallsoleiphia, that his services a. an operaUve of the Secret Service Dieleion were no longer required, and alreCted him to forward Ms account for settlement Ac companying the order, which was signed by o W. P. Wood, Chief of a. S. Div.," was other paper (similar/y addromed and elms. cal) netting forth that "want of harniony of action by operatives in year district canned the removal of WI employees in said dis trict." The paper concludes as follow.: "1 have ever entortaLned a very favorable opinion of yourself a. R anntleanam Thu RCA ARM taken...not frOM lackortsmfidence in yOn, but becansett was believed enchoourse was hest maculated to be beneficial to the tritereats of Wel/Irish:in in the Jodichal Dia teat in which you operated." 31r. Cerriehan proposed and commenced to reed an °festal letter from the Treasury Department at Washington coucerning the case on trial, and commendatory of the wit ness Franklin. Mr. Purslane° obJeCIACI—Tbe letter could not properly be given In evident., as toe party writing It conld have been produced, bed It was moreover but en. -expression Of opinion, widen a withal& would not be al lowed torive on Um etlUd. . . Mr. Carnahan raid the doled.° had travel• ed far from the proper rooter In their creme auttelnatlon; hod asked witness the most mieultLnir questions. Ile proposed to mutate the character of the witness by the reading Of theletter. . The Court sustained tlso otoJeetlon rased and the letter was not read. Direct resonant—Efforts have been made to memo the attendaoct) of the man fde- Ateer. Toe man Wm. Hutchinson Was the drat who governs Information concerning the defendant Johnson. and was id:rectally employed Inn:Serene° to this cam. It was on the renemmendation fa letter) of (lever nor Curtin that 'recommended tneemploy. meat of Butts in the *end.% and scouted hie appointment. Betts afterwards told me that Governer Curtin did not know anything about him: that he had "beat the Governor.. Hats acknowledged to me that he was a fegitive from Justice. and that a charge toes pending against. Min for soiling counterfeit monoyin Malladel phis. I am one of Ms sureties. Hutchinson ban approaches me no many as twenty Limos about this cave of Johneton. Hu proposed that 1 should give litre a package of OM to counterfeit money, placing a fewof the pieces that I had obtained from Johneton on the outstde; then he would proceed to Altoona, show Jebel tau the money, destroy the package hibis Vienne°. Unto leading hint to believe that the case mold not ho tried, and by tide means obtain from him two or three th emend dollars. its made tide proposition since the errett of .7ohosten and mince both of ciliate ceased to be mo nocled with the secret service division; flail no particular desire to prosecute J ohnston. having ceased to ho an officer. 1015110 a report of the base, and returned the coon tertelt money to Washington. Mr. fen dricki. an Micas of the Government, came Utley home In Phillulelphut, Willi nu order directing Me to prosecute Johneten, and! Considered It my duty to do an. The witness tow alstnistatt leer! the r [nod at twelve o'clock. . . . Rfrhard . M. A. Ithinfrkkr, worn—l am ne officer of the secret aerate department. It tie at Wash'salon City. D. C. I arrested the defendant, Whits= Johnston. On the leek of July 1 wax ordered by the chief of the division at Wwohlugton to poaceed to Western l'eoesylyanln and use my liest en deavors to secure the. arrest of Johnston, the defendant, and bring hint before the proper authorities i wee also Instructed to visit Mr. Franklin, and confer with him on the ambient. Called upon Mr. Franklin, In Philanelnlits, at his residence. tie made the Information upon which the warrant was issued, at my instance Ls an operative, actAngeleacrordere from the Department. 1 brought with mei front the Department st Watnington, a package of counterfeit meaty, and gave It Into yonr (District At tamers) .POsselotiOn. (Identifies the en velope and the owner, t ne lame as testified to by Captaht /rank/1[1.) 1 obudited Rh= the coandential clerk of the Department at o yy , antliff x r , : a. sehe Pea acting le theabeetige • Mr. (barren, (ashler of the if. 0. MaMud .tory, testified that the money which bad. been orlbred in evidence was counterfeit, the best Of the kind yet manufactured. 11 bad been ID camilation about sin months; every day it wen brought to the DepostuOY. J. M. !Andras sworn—lteside at lid eolith isth street, Philadelphia; hare lived , there fifteen months; Jertnerly lived in Blair county; was born and resided there until lied; have known defend ant since 106; have not seen coun terfeit money m bps poasemiOn. in ldfo. on Any return from a trip to Baltimore. / went to see Johnson at Altoona, to get • conveyance, baring relayed the branch train to llelltdayeburg. Went to ids niom; he was net in; saw some green rimy cent Pieces attached to It new Beeper; they were wet. Went out and mot Mr. Johnson On• the stairs; ho askal rue ii I had been to his room, and whether the door one locked; told bins / bscl, and that the door was en locked; be said •'o—dam it. 1 thought / lend locked the doer." The room woo oo the fourth story of the bonding; KA an canoe and aleeperia - roore by Johnston. The papers, with the money stinting to them, were tacked against the wail; ;Minot examine the fitly coat plea.. (Shown One of PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY. AUGUST 17, 1867 the drat lonne, DOI, with the "Washington head.") This looks like anent them. John• ,ton went to his room, came down again. and gave mu a conveyance to go to 110111. devanurg. The evidence for the Unit el States here closed. tel Ron. S. A. Purl/lance opened the tll.lO for the defense. After.alloding to the ago of the defendant, liftpaseren years, and the probabilities of his guilt as viewed In con neaten therewith, lir. I'. stalsat the defense would ormolu, in showing that tho '`detec• tine," Franklin, was unworthy of ballet. They would produce the portion named in the course of the cro,s-extfroileatetn. by Whom they ellk.etal to show the untruth fulnem ot ' , detective'. Fmnitlin's testi mony. James Dunn, sworn—Did not see Franklin, to my knowledge, et My lir/Wein Altootte, On the:loth of April tut_ know McAteer; he was never at my haulm wan Franklin. Bic. Ateer was at my boom on the Mil 'Aaron: , 0111 not pay his bill; he got six mania. Never saw Franklin to my knowledge nntlL I taw him here In Pittsburgh. S'o the Court—f?nq say tohdlur loos rtt home on the 10th of April. McAteer was not at my place on that day. Creteexiditined—blv house is about two rode from the railroad--on the same side Of tho street, and about n sena., from the logart Stones. Have no recollection of a railroad contractor, droved m cerduroy puttaloona being at my to on the 10th of Aprii last; n ot meals to railroad pas. scorers; dri not remember every person who take. a meal at. my house; McAteer carte tO house in April; agree me for as meals and a drink, two dollars and fifty cents. 1 or. absent Broadtop in the la yter pert of Moth; came home on the da before Easter. Miunithite stout the Brat of April. .In myabsents bon fifteen or moventeen yeah of etre. named Brown, attends for me: he is still in my employ; have been keepiug tavern for meant two yurs. McAteer Wu abtd at My, panto- on the Brit of ApriL. ' Mee !Mamma waa referred to and No flat aecertaimed that, Easter Day was the list of April.] F. !hats, sworn—li nen toe the trot C ha s in Fit4adelphia. linen S.l). Franklin; have knpsin Idinfrom t with is Morita mai year ago. Mut bai lees.whies and others with 11150. Know Pat. McAteer. Was not in Court when Franklin testified that he had not seen McAteer mom, the 10th of April, last. That is not true. lone Mc- Ateer la the Gibbons House, 1420 Market street, Fhilatlelpirbs, on the 20th of April; he remained there some tourer five lays. .Walked do-len town with Idol. to. lotto-lend eines Sena* to the 'Detective Office. Wu riOuireenced talking about SD. Franklin. On that day we did not see Mr. Franklin. Matter showed Intl some "Spinner head" counterfeit.. Saw Franklin .and McAteer together on the next day, the Midi of April, at Fifth sod Chestnut, and afterwards, on the let of May, at the Gibbons House. McAteer, Franklin, Lacook, Hutchinson &MI some others were there; trete winking and talking together. Do not know whether Franklin now him after that. On the 2YI or =dot July teat Franklin fired mentioned Johnston's name, although he had spoken of the ease before, Went to Franklin's boom; .ited me where 1 bad been; I eald Pittsburgh ; mad ho had been there, looked all arouttd. but-could not And ma l said I law by the Damns that he had made an ar rest up there; laid he bad. I asked him bhat lie was going to do with the ea.. ald he did not care about prosecutleg Johnston, owlng to the way tbellepartment at Washington had treated him, and chatter would like to sue Johnston coming around with tome of his motley Asked hits, if he knew where McAteer was; Will he not: that they 111 toot 'net himsit all; that he (Fraoklini was eufecient to pint-let John. ton. Before this he said he had r, ease up the country, and sald he would make more money mit of it t hana we ever made MIL of a ' nitre: did net know be referred to the John. eon ease , or of his baying any other; do net know whether Franklin had any hotel edge that bl'Ateer was In the imenterfelt beldam. M'Ateer snowed Inc counterfeit money. Know ot the Schuylkill Ran kers De reputation; Franklin told me he was • "king boy" among them. lie told me he wae among Utley,u and burglars, with them in their bale*, when they Made up their plots, and there when they brougnl In their plunder. • Alter I had been up the country, and whilst was were quarnlag about our money being kept hack. Franklin asked me why I had nor "snored" the counterfeit which he ha,t lose me. To the Coutt—llocelved the counterfeit money from Yr.kll,l as an officer of the Government, Nothing was saki about Ishoving" nntll I came sr. Howard—ln what conneetlim did he use the word est:ovine." Witness—When I mmtplalned about net goitres my money, he asked why I had not shoved the coonterfelt he gave me. Ito-member the .se of Stewart end Cooper in Philadelphia. Worked it up myself Alter it was over, Franklin swore at us and mild we did not swear as we °eget to have sworn. Told Min I would not senor to any. [ibis 1 UM not know for the whole gepwr Department; Nat I hod sworn m alone to• trlarOf they ease. las tohr be had • wthless wise Would sw.r eh,- thine. (The wan., exhibited a "willing. efts" that, C 112.4.1 the Court to caution the counsel for the Solemn, to put their Inter. l. &Woo-HY. and observe more el.ely those which had been put to Frank lm with • mew to contradict In.) Frees my knowledge of the reputatlon ns ot Frank lin. I wed not behave bun order oath. • Creel exaselned-ll am twentysts years of It went Into Mtn army notrli. bah went as eighteen, hut I w that obi; did not swear that I was' eighteen; had the eon ' rent of my parenta Was In Co. A. leo-Hi ' Itegheent. Col. E.• A. McKnight. recruited w Prinelpalbr from Western leenesylvenia. • 1 ant from Stroudsburg, Monroe county. to New York to enlist; from there went to Newport Newn hadnot then emit/Wed; an oftl.r rut me through. Wassemiterol In at Tattoos°, Va. lwasa printer in Stroud. burg,bero. wentlntothe army. I to-cello ' tell en yeoman: received tinned S tate* and county bounty; sty on myosin that I did not terdlyt, three or four bounties , . Anew la toe loarmy a mennamed David W. Golteen; be nged to the same company; he was tried here for amnterreiting. Went to Governor Marlin, told him 1 knees of persona in the comiterfeittugb.inessothd thoutiht I COlllll .do the Government 1.1710 miod. This idea struck tun from otnersing_opporteoltos to hey ClMllterf•li money. Went to tioreruor and asked him to friVe m whichtter ot duction to some eft.r, the Governor ea , . me. At tbe time I • was working up the case against Stewart and Cooper, I made report. to Colonel Wood of my error atiolan Unified on the trial to the same facia substantially as I had reported them. I answered all the questions that were put• to me., The District Attorney told me to make no statements, but simply answer om.tions. Witness was tamely geeitioned as to his statemmt (in contradiction of Mr. Frank lin) that he saw Franklin and MeAmer to getter la Ptilladelptda. He was positive be mw them there on the =Hi of 4101111 bad not fire; Said ;t wee the pith of April; wield not tell the day of the week, might have been Tbriniday or Miley, but would nut pretend to be eerteln; PAW them together again co the fleet of MST did not know that Mr. Franklin was In Washington City of .theit day (May let.) On the Id of May witness went to Harestuirlf. . The ortmentaruinetton was continued at Butte, length. It appeared that Butte, Hutchinson, looock and. Hoye were advised not to show themselves, in order that Captain Franklin might not know of their attendance an witnemes pre clone to hie examinstion. They are board log at the Ueioo Exchange Hotel. at East Liberty. Butte stated that he brut been for mum time In communication with 'officer Hague, and said he had followed here from Philadelphia, a gang of thieves. lie pet himself In colamtinleation by loiter with of ficer Hague, after hearing of the rob bery of Bimonton'sjewelry store, thinking he might be of. some ...nice fn "turning re up" the parties who c tech mitted H that Mr.sod his Silo visited him in Philadelphia. The cum already presents Some interest ing features, imtt prombsm to become et.lll more intereeting. , The Coon at three o'clock adjourned till ten o'clock today. seggistratuqi is cesarlestou. Cny Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasetto•l enAamotiOn. Atigullt 13.—The number re. Metered to day were seven hundred and twenty-four, of whom one. handred itad thirty-two were whites. Cotorets, Aug. IC.—One hundred and slew-two persons were registered to-day. of ahem sixty-nine were. whites. Cgs %travois, Aug.l6.—The number teals, fared today was mere= hundred and slaty two. of whom two hundred and twelve wore whites. • Damage to Virginia I!Miranda—keel dent two resign& Train. • Telemoh to the Yittabang liseette.) Ittuaxemn, August It—The rain through ,' at tne State ceased to-day. The 'Central. Danville and Weviderialtebarg liaLlroade all anetained daniage. Thu washing away of a portion or the Danville road, , near row. Itattaii statiOn, mood freight train to. break thrOugh, killing tbe UMW and badly wounding two others. Mk=Wail Gap nallieed. • CUT Selcgrapb. 10 Ms Plttaborgh Ciasette..) ALlcrAerinTA. Augulit PL—A oaritraet Ilan heed mug% for rebuilding the Maniumee trap —lra Aldridge, the negro tragedian m , du. ring the pest thirty. years. was made uch of to morone. grew rice, married a awedieb lady of rank;and was claimed an an actor of merit. Mr. Aldridge went to Europe soma thirty years since as body serrmet to the elder Wallach, and, as it were, by that hum• ble usociatlon with that greet actor, im bibed suelelent spirit and ekill to come out a performer himself. playing Othello in England and Ireland. Mr. Aldridge strug gled with great pertinacity agiust early ad versity, and died In the enjoyment of eon- Womble Wealth. " 7 , —Three men were arreetal live 'Fears eve for committing a murder in Coventry. /Li., but were discharged for want of evidence. They UV* been again arrastal, and a women named Wood testifies that the se emed lied the murdered man in her cellar for a fortnight end then throw him into the river, where be was: found. Ithe bad teen intimidated by thorn until now. The en. amination bob rhea on naturday, and the Unto mon oommitted. The murderedman , a name W. Andrew; the crime was commit ted for VG —Cooper:drys snipbuilding his boon for .. manta= ot;yeara In successful operation In Novi[ Soolu and New Brunswick. A number of Indtditinais tom to build a yes sod, in Isay maly.four shares, distributed LI any be found • conv.mlent, - the payment. Wog •Prewl over as lova a time as will probably be - rognired to build the vessel: Bodes Mb, system there to &bras.. a could. oraide number of portions whose Interest lt Is to secure freights. eta., for the vassal. —American paltilaherS, It is complained by the Paris oorreepondent of the American Publishers' Circular, have almost entirety Aeglected the I(..vpositUm. lie atstes that merican newspapers and periodicals are enttrely unrepresented there, and thinks the is quite lamentable, as It tends Witmer the mtimatlen held of the United awes in the minds of foreisment who have • strong conaletlon that the-Utittod States publtsll few books and have no literature. —Caps Kew is losing Its leponalOn an, nshionablo resort, EUtl\i EDITION; FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. FROM EUROPE =1 vacitovettemmT ntercrelan. FL° n elm C, Aug met 16,—E,..M.g.—The I mi. tan Government la illsallased with the visit to home of the Franlh General Dumont end will soon look /or ahluttufe mthe treaty of lastneptember. •• FlLeletlE, ArTIOI4IM tnt impute. realty, August 113.—At the eleettoes to. eently held tnrooltbOnt'ibe P.mPiro for members or Commie the seneml opposl tionl2lMl,lo very heartzthit. or a cnX .wscant.. Ltscarobb, August 111:E-41:o Steamnr . 01ty of Boston; from Novi rot*. brOnbla nom tbo crew of tau ochooninitpira, from BootOni bound for knyrd, which• rnn down and conk on tbo oth 1111 IL. ARMIN'S!) OUT. GLAtoow, AugOM 16.--'t i e otosmoMp (.!0- lumbla. from Novi . York, lage ordred. FINANCIAL AND VOVIIIERt'IAL. israaroot. • Aug. 16.—ErenIng.—Cotton arm; sails 11,000 balsa middling uplands at lOW Orleans 11%. Athl 21 ets from 'sorb°. for favorable. Broadataffa—wheat 133 Al for node hew Delaware. Core 3s, ad for new. Barley Is Oats it ld:"Piela Ln Cd. Flour— sutra. wmacrn state and no Smith°"in In the market hero. Provisions—Cheese Sam Dd. Beef lam. lard 30a. Pork :Bs al. Bacon 440. Produce—Tallow 441 94. Petroleum, aralts turgl, refined, la id. London markets un clanged. Lon tar., Angont Itt—gldraing—Consola 91%. Five-Taanttes 73%1 Erie isy 4 ; 1111001, Cent tral :WA; Aileen, .4 Or Wester° r. 1%. niriotrogt. August l&-.Stwifiur.—FlVe• twenty bonds 77.1 i. Am . r.onr, Aunudt 111.—Erentng.—Petro• teem la quiet. at 43 franca, F ROM BALTIMORE Plosore Rola N103.11-011.11il DsmK• to rooperty—ltottrood Trovol lotto rooted—Occident's to Troths—loom of Lite, £o ,*o. in, 'reluirspb to the llitsbeezis Gamette.3 BALTISIO., August 16.-jhus of the sever est rain storm. for. vend bus taken place, e y s lasting front Wettntoda clung MI this morning• ninny of the were flooded. the water running •fr ni- eto two feat on the fleet doors preteens ant dsrellings, cans. tog abosiderablo Ices.. The Douses of the tsctOry people et the Clipper factory were All deeded. end toe oo mounts had tube removed In boats, • All the factories and floutitig mlll6 In and Wto the Mt; aro-mach Managed. trued.' Steam eager refinery mutable heavy Ime. Tritrel on the Itelttotore and Ohio, West. ern Merytmd,Northern Central. and I'hila• delphla Itatlensde, u lotetrooted by the . • . ebbing away of culvert.. at, tin the Northern Central the downtratn J./darner:t ine was enable to reach the city to eon.. queer.° of the engine breaking Into a cut ler,. near Woorlberry ' where It now Iles buried to the stream. . In falling the =gine crushed the groat water main which witp- Wien 0 71101.1111. Royal reservoir, redering tt ecceraeiry to abet elf the surely. • Tee Philadelphia road. near the city. Its teeny platen ureteral feet under water, tnd owing to tho uncertain condition of he road the usual morning trains did not go out Tun through train from New York Wet algid. fell Into a culvert fonrtcen miles from the city. breaking the exorree. beg- ReSe Mid mail cars aid Injuring Mr. Fitrd. cattiest agent, flavidren, of Sow York. and Eamon, of Plinallelputs midi agent.. and barglims manor Ramon; wag also alightly hurt. No one was • . . . • . Tho dams. to She Battlmam and SP. Itaipsyssi ti czpsirted to be repaired re that trains will be runuto Fr regularly to-morrow. There cry many rumors Or ter, of tire in the city; only two seem authentic. A white man and a boy of emu: fourteen years wore carried MY by the of the Ileporta from the surrouni Viscount. In dicate tuft the ion to lumen.. the whole rmintry Doing Inundated. The Pallsturri pito was th da mage lanes fira to t. fass nedor water. Thy to crop. cannot now be sualmatet It Is still ...cry. FROM TENNESSEE A Railroad Dignealty—liadleal Munic ipal Tiekoi—laiimpain and Mae Railroad rioirod. CRT Teiterates to the Putibargb Ussettal Nage vista, August le.—The anti Burns , randlilate• for Directors of the Ruh,'Us A Chattanooga Eallrer.d, defeated by the exclusion of the votes of the:Charleston and Gworgla • Railroad and liwuldigCom. rimy:hareems:deed and elected E. W.W Cole President. They demand of Burns pa. dseaman of the road. The demand was dee ined and the Question goes to ttis Courts. A full ticket for Aldermen and Coutiniletun, embracing one colored man, w so nominated last night. - Governor Bagwell:e baa taken pOssegaion at the Memphis and Onto Railroad, and ap. deleted P. W. :spurting Bernelver. The road failed [ante's. Its obligations to the State. . . The Conventlem to nominate a frouttoal es/Aland° tor Mayor lllOPLellYttlorrOW. Alden wUI b a nominated, bat Uldapandeut candldatra KIII l/a run. • " Col. lanes, Nuperhitandant of the Nut:l - .and Chattanooga Rallnoad, be drOPrel, and RM. Ening, Jr., Gloated to his P lace. Col. lanes nal be Auperinten• dont of the Nashville and liorthwestern Railroad. FROM.ST. LOUIS. Derestedleg gisuk Teller_ Arrest/44 Alleged Brlgge ddrgers *eta fee LElTTelerrap■ la the rittstonsh er,. Lome, Angola young man named John J. Edwards was arrested In 1101011. Wiacol.lll, to-day, charged with lefrandiug the Union Savings assootatlon, of this cite, some months ago, of 115,100 to CLOW. Edwards non teller of the beak at the time, and allowed a gold broker here to overdraw his account for immolating per / which It in suppooed Edwards was Uaroetcd. The bank w W lee n ot hing, as Idwer ee are alble men. The part at ies emoted In at. Joseph, for rorrepheity In the burning or Platte Ulcer bridge, waived an examination yeeteroay and were bound over to app at the next term of the Criminal CouiL FROM HAYTI. Revolution In YAW./ .f tirffrard rally - —Poore nod Tranquility Supremo— Unpreeedeialen tailree Crop, by Trlegraph to UM Pittsburgh omit.] Shw yoltu, • August le—Advleas from Hayti to the nth ult. mate that a small revolution In favor Of fiffirrard had fallen One of the le mien 00mMitted mold. on being defeated. Another was captured. Pznaldent 6010 ave had submitted his re• port on the oundltlon Of the country to the Constituent Ainembly.. Peace and order reigned eyerswhere, ex cept. in one district, where the brigands are In force. • , The prernment has taken Steps to estab. Ilsh a chamber of Commerce In oath onto port In the republic. • The entice orop willprobably be the lark. cot ever known to Hayti. MuMilo Horse Pate Bates. 18 7 imegeeph bite Allusburgh Garen.) Bppr/A.O. Minn the race tosiny, mile bents, heat three In dye, Drown George Look the nest beet In Vali; Honest Allen the emend. blerreqi, the third m end fourth ter2ls:. Ethan Allen .was mneed In the second bent. • Dexter woo announced to trot a half 00110 under saddle, hue not baying been under saddle for about - a year he telt rank, and the rider, Who was not In good condition, wile unable to hold tam. Ile trotted a I itdde, 0000000. and at the eDeed ho was mating would have niadellio Limo In I n 7. The trot. for (nor year °lda and under, In MUMS., wan won by Bionic hold boat, In throe m eteght heats, In 2:1214. Lan an d 21714. E=l:==l Ci===::! rhy Telegraph to tea Plitsbarsh Uszette.l N cw. Oatuas, August IL—A telegraph from temered tirlMa mutes that the ladl au atUckaa Buffalo apnoea, Term!, bat were repulsed. . The Austrian mamof-war Elisabeth bas arrived hare with a largo num m e r e m i n t s They Admiral 0 to e York bhant steamer, as Together wdl proba bly noe4l the war vessel. iIIIOSLAI ACIIIII.IIy of 60101.0. E n, Touveet. to UM Plustursh ttateste , l liaarrose. August M.—sever.' tog peoers were read this .morning at the National Academy of Science. The election of President to MI the vacancy try the death of Prof. Bache, and three Members to sill the oomph:Mont of nfty, was for te.,...111811“1013 ot the annual meeting at wmetogton January. Contd.:Vole:or a llardonne,—chertee Gibson bur been conytetal In the Perry county court or murder In the second tls- RM. (be basing killed demob 11. Shaffer,) and senteneed to jour years , Imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary._ Ills brother , won% Gibson, who waisted in the albur, p „.4 o h ty or assauit and battery, and , Deed ten dollars and :oats. A clap In Fate :.110'erm. Fs, earn'OtelLzurrAri 'w ith Ms oat piety of tbat he v 'mmn" elle by cutting Lie nitcd Cliert Itandroad.—A corps of aun room have been on Mis road fOr some „yke. We undernond toot they reach.' Canonsburg some dap:alma,. • oco of the murderer. of Join, Evens st Cookstou, ban surrendered Wm .:at op us the authorities. Two large black bents were meet tly seen in the eleinity L ot West Illekory, Venango pore Brandies, Whiskey and Miley for modlaal purposes, at lierseris tints atom, Ohio Arnow, Allegheny 11. CITY AND SUBURBAN. FOURTII !idled and ',tool relict bfr Mow'l4 Oil rank Produce Markel Reyarts atm% by any paper vs the ruy, will be found on our Antra Ave: The tiniest Obligation's or Parhenth add Children fur Support. • Some '!me ago we published the proceed lege In the case of The Allegheny County Heine nchuluet curtain hurtles, to compel teem to refund to the HOMO certam nuns expended In support of on Indigent party for whose maintenance the respondents were held to be liable. Tho respondents rained the question that the Court had no power to compel pollen to refund sums al ready expended—the low making provieion only for deter° supPoit . of Indigent per eons. The point was übly argued by Itobt. Woods, Esq., for coMPlitinnul4Mid by Thos. M. Marshall . and D. Heed, Eshis., for res. pondhnts. Judge Stowe recently. Pled an opLniou in the mum, which we append be. low, and which will be found worthy of ge'n end peruesl: Allegheny County Home hot. Itlarlatt, et al. Thin ton proceeding by the Allegheny County flume ageileet Mrn. Jana Marlette, Percianent, wife of 401111 PorOlarent, Of Wilkine ra; Mrs. Kincaid. wlfe of Philip Ellemint. of Pittsburgh, children, and Dr. .Intni• Perch:tient and Mr. A. Perch's:hot, graturchildn UT a Certain Joseph Hurt son, wherein re it is alleged that said Mani. m son, I, 'Ore of an order Of relief Issued by two entices of the Pence, on MO OLII day of June, Pet, became a charge on the oem. iilalnant. and remained so till the 7th day of .February, ISM, when ho died; that the sum :of thirty-eight dollars and fitly-Mx trouts hall been paid and incurred for the' matntettance, Cc., Of said Harrison bysaid complainant. and tills Cour requeste to. o w let that the respondents 'pay to it the mill gum ef y, with costs, de. Mrs. Klarald was denum one i long before thls premed. Ina wee instituted, and Indeed long before the prOneedlngladorottta two Justice., uld therefore in no party tulles proceeding, al though her latinbeted hue appeared nod pot in tiny...ter. The reeponstenteserved have severally appeared and patio answers. They do not deny the facts alleged by complainants, but silage, among other thing., that this Court has no power todo esrequested, the act of Assembly ;thing ua Juradiction In such Maid being loaned entirely to future support and notextend. log to what Iles Peen expended presto. to the Inetitution of the ptheeedtelts In Wort- Tina is the only hpl.tion worthy of cumstd• eration raise, by th e answers. and which we feel called upon tontitiost all other mat , . tore taudlog to etiONT , how much nee did, and how little another di, Moe kind one was, and bow cruel smother who, before Harrison became a charge , . phaourr..... of no nepormooc ill the shheision of the fate slid only serve as another Illustration of how throne ninny are to neglect to their poverty the who gave them birth. Ceder Mho aco of Assembly of lath of June. IMS, and 15th of Apni. ter,. It is clear. that the court may order a Nom for the ro il., end fitters maintenanue of a wor per. eon; but thereln en ITOCCITIC provision con ferring power to txhipel payment to the Overseers of the Poor of some of Mono) , ex minded or liabilities Inenrred for relief sad maintenomo efferd.i prior to the 'proceed lugs in court. aud• a construction of the *homes, seen as . ordinarily • obtains. would seem to decide this cane against the plaiutiff. Out not ease of vs. the °wormers or the loon of the City of Pittsburgh, decided by the Supreme Court, at 110.• 41 September and October term. taid, in exactly therense In hand, so far tie this Tenet is teocerned, and rules It In favor of the complainant. There the Court of Common Ploodecreed the detendent to pay for putt amino."' far nt.theil TOT (toll/Veneers, as well aanCOrtalft true for future *UptkOrt. And while it true that the manuscript decree of Judge McClure shows that after It was written., tieing ns It dui a nprallic Stan for the past support, so much as illse , l the amount to be for that porno. WAS slkn b 1 the Court. 'the hiteree Wa o de e an o dentertal of record, as sweet,' by the docket entries In thee:we, and by toe original order as flied, we that the plaintlff in error, the defend ant In the Court of Common , boolo pay to the overseers the ant tat at •experided by Munn for the past hinpuort of the pauper. The second exception tied by Mee coun.+l for defendant below Is, that the Court had made a decree for past support, gnu we most sum.. Mint II wile Pronent clearly to the notloe of the supremo Court. and duly mon othlored. At all events the Judge deciding the case in that Coo rt mere to the fact that Inch an seder but been made. and *ay. that It was improper. Rod &Mona the decree of PTO Common Thie authority it amok:etre upon U and enders it unneceewary to enter •Into S, any onekleration of the art of AsthanblY boar to open the gesture tweed to hale pot,- GMd UM it le that seek thiauld he the law, and It-lesudelent kW us Tollwit it as decided hy olusupertnra without undertaking to find a eufeciont reason for their emelt. Ae tOStbleb of the respondents hare here tofore done tturmolt toward supportihw their father and . gramilather.e. 0..47 stated.ll.lllllltatCrlat bars; not IS it of any mportant. as this ease stands that there ee ethane not made parties who Might Wu , been. It la enough that there- are parties to a nd if who ore responsible to plaintlC, and if they sbouLl herein he coutpellyd to Par what chalet e were liable tor. It blonde pow Mille that they intty haver remedy agarast enelt others for their ehareebut whether or not, Sorb rennet bit art up bertha • anten.. • The amount to be paid to nornialkinuit in this ease melt be divided equally between are. Jane Elarlatt wad Mrs.. Perchment, wife of Jelin Perehment. We do not think the children of the latter slat Melon John and A. Perehment liable to contrinuta while their mother to living wad of gni:heir= obit- Itr to pay. And now, July 27. Li:, title ease having been duly iiettehlered, It it maretalered ead t i r . reszn . d .. t i • i n ‘ t r olli t t a h n e . i.ab k o . ros . PSYCllttletlt, wife of said • John Perehment, forthwith pay to wild rdlegheey County home the *um of, with Interest greet the twilight. of title Ann, together with the mete of hula proceeding. Ut wheel proportion. I rl,Jlr" L= .erttlle qua la proroloro loadallla au or pour In plan. America:us a lo.t donate a 1•un:du:110 L 11r. Stelowpr. Par 10 . 1 .7 , 2 a l'Expoaltlou lularnatlouplc. Una ID, pro. mitre tor la 11a10. .. .. Le President: - • 31E1.11111T. - iniwil;lLS FAST:Mt, Manse's.; TROMP , 1. E LL CtiLE i i.MA S:I F. • 'V tiAsdtdi P 6 i'SAIt •• tiAL T ' T• TILAINSIATION. . 1 certify that the Ilrat bold Medal for Amerman Plano 3 has been unanimously awarded. to Masers. Steinway by tbs. J ury of the International Ext..ttlun. . Ylret on the Ilst In Class 1. '2IIELINET. priteigent or linornatioal Jury • Aso .0211 onta T KA . DD..,SSMItIh) Dl : amber% ED. H .0111LICIL. the !int. - uitional J ory 1. Scaimmarsa, J • • The original certificate, together with “the original wagtails or awardCw in which the name or STEMY..II7 d 80NS is recorded Jirst on the list, can be seen at the' eteinwaya , ware rebel., New Telt.. anal . . - .Imile copies of the same at M. iileber d the sole agents, ware room. IN Wood street. The noose document settles the question dually soul concluntrely as to wittett are the beat pianos of the world, and welch, as such, received thefirst prfte over all others at the Peels Expaution. in Ylewof %Made melon, winch is a fatal blow to the moire alone and pretensions of the' oontendliig Boston house (Chirkering S Bons) the ato tempt of the latter to cover up their defeat and divert piddle attention trom the only recognised authorities by ostentatiously Paradinga monerehical toy conferred out ride of the Exposition, appears as puerile as it IS ineffeMual. Although the great pop. Monty and fame of the tifirmutuys Is not the result Of medals, (Or honorable or dishonor able -crosses") but of the neknowledged au perk/nip of their Plano-Fortes, yeti it Is gratifying to know that the highest turisical authorities of Europe unite with us In ac cording to them the first and highest' place on the list of the plane reituttfacturcrs- of the world. • Fatal Aeentent—rato Men Killed We gather from the evening Papers of yes terday the particulars of a fatal accident which occurred at Lock No. 4, on the Mo. nonitaliela river, on Wednemlay, which re. milted In the death of two men, nod the se. clone Injury of a third. A number of men were engaged in repairing the lock, which has born onto( working order for sometime put, and had erected n temporary eraffold• tut near the top, en which was placed a quantity Of sand and cement. A rain came up. and the mon took shelter under- the scaffold. Shortly etterwards,, the rain hav ing • Increased the weight of the sand and cement, the platform gunway, crushing those who hod taken shelter under it. An Old bean named John Wilcox wee so bruised and crushed Clint he died In a short time. Henry blotch had his spinal column broken about the centre, and died from the effects of his Injuries yesterday. lie was en nn murled man, about thirty yews Of age and had but lately arrived thle country f rom UnrimmyA German named 'Godfrey Ro the', bad his back crubcd, causing him In tense pain, hot he is not dmigeronsl7 in. Jared. There wen:tethers under the corer .mg, but they escaped unhurt. E=C=3 The Venango Spectator le rmponsible for the following: oftir. Samuel linetet, while In the woods near Tionesta, Forma oonist.T. One day Inet week, lonia himself In the midst of a den of snakes, busing and writhing at his feet. Escape being Mr. Ilcuelet went at the serpents with o club. The battle ragml tor three tie.ters of an hour, when - the surviving snakes sought their holes, leaving nineteen dead rattlesnakm, eleven copperheads end one monstrocity er an unknown spordea, torn to pieces on the ground. The stench was hor rible, and Mr. Resist orthis return to town, Woe covered with Ideal and other eviden ces of the contest. It weee not it vra good day for seek Ingore suppose.or lifr. L ILWOnId have done haw:, 'Wanleo Furniture .1.11. shelter, of the firm of Karnertin Shelter, who keep a house 'fund/awe es tabilshment on Penn etreet, made infernal,. ilon Mules! , J. It. Morgan for obtaining geode undenfalse pretence. Morgan keep. a hotel on Wood street, and ims Ds...tor a11..s that he cou gh[ of the Orb four hen. d e IT= Ah,Pilfity gUIrII7A c netookpossennonof andearrledaway,alleg hie that he owned the property in which he resided and had money in the Gerenui Ns tionel Bank, all of which renresentationa were false and fraudulent. Re was snout ed and held In the hnudrea dollar% for a hearing. PRICE . THREE CENTS. = Air. The extraordinary carts performed by DR. KEYSER% BLOOD SEARCHER entitl. It to a more than common notice. For the past year It has effected cures of diseases which had battled the Skill soul science of the most learnedand scientific Inedlealmen, and it has done ao In pursuance of a won flailed virtue which DR. KEYSER'S 111.0013 SEARCHER ALONE POSSESSES! It is one of that class of medicines known as altemtive or entrophlo, and by a slow hat sore process, IL gradually brines up the etrength of the human system, to the health staedard, and ton condition strong enough to throw off disease.. and eatablish the healthy standard- It will, after the use of a few bottle., place the stomach In a oondltlon_ to muter and digest toe food, and prepare It Into chyle. which is at once carrie Into the circulation 01 the blood, and that d good hood, of • fit quality to rebuild the con. staidly changing human body. r. Keyser, In the introducing of his Bleed Searcher seem• to have comprehended the groat plan of waste end repair, In the carrying on of the Innetionsof health and life,the rebuild ing of the tissues, the supply of membran es, Muscle, lope and nerve Matter, where the proper quantityof Iron or notalea, or phos phorus, or Btllpher 10 IleediM in the human organism.DR.IiEYSER'BBLOODSEARCH- Eli gives ta the system the power to Select these elementary pnecilde• from the food that is taken into the stom ach. It place.. the stomach itacir in the highest state of health. It strengthens the liver, and enables It to altar the bile or gall from the blood, gad therery places the iiver In • hewithy and proper working conditina It. heats all the armee In the bowels and Inside the Daly, as readily as !tler's ulcers on the legs, or canner or ecrofilla, or mind on the skin. It heals sore or times/wit kid neys, and stimulates them to n faithful Cul. fitment of their proper lunar:um ha the Imo.. system, and through that channel eliminate. all poisonous and morbid matter, which, It allowed to remain 'ln the system, would be productive of rheumatism, neu ralgia, and hundreds 'of aches tel pains which afflict more than ono-tddt of the human family. Dr. Keyser'. Blood Searcher cleanses out the glands, acts on the skin, and restores Its proper action when ob structed by colds and exposure. • There Is no chronic 111110.110 that will not be bawd:Med by taking half a dozen tomes Or DR. KEYSER'S 11.1.0110 SEARCHER. Witness the wane 'cure. it has made In the vicinity of Pittsburgh alone, some of them after years of pain and suffering, and of a character to compare favorably with the most astonishing mires ever recorded In, edical annals. .All the cures that we have published time nod again, have been made by It. and • any else sold miner the ream., of Mood hearcher, upon the merits of the. mires, is a fraud and cheat. Hundreds of pets°. Are deceived is this way by spurious trash, that has no more aMnity far the blood of men than the acrid poisons It proposes to MOOT. A lady whoelt child we are curing. told ,us recently that she had sent to as many as half a dozen plane* to obtain DE. KEYSER% BLOW) SEAS,I;I3Eit. and was met with the answer, "this Other "Meilen. good." Another lady, who wets neeired by lour bottles of Dr.-Ksyser's, told she had spent variants.= dollars for as many bottles of spurious. which had done no good. No one who will reflect fora moment can help but detect the motives which lead to such imposition. One ruan told US hOhtly that he what merits were contained In It, he would sell that on which he could make the most money; as If human health and life were to be weighed in the scales with dollars and oents. Reader, lain you want Blood Searcher, cue this out. and tut for Dr. Keyser's, and take no ! . Prepared and sold at the. Doctor's grunt Ilediclne Depot, ISO Wood Street, or Kay sers.2dedlcal Department tor. Chronic - Die. eases, No. DX Perin street, corner of Evans alley, from I a. K., until l r. x. Triumph 011 Company., The affairs of this Company litivilJ Pown so important, that notwithstanding its • wells are one .hundred and eighty miles distant by the route traveled from the city, (re quent visits are made by the ftesidmt and occasional •111,114 by commltteei of the Directors. Four members of the DIX ettion Teti:anal last night from "Triumph City." where they spent • couple ordays in • care ful Investigation of the extensive' opera tions of the Company. We learn from them that the numerous lesseca are active ly at work. hot leas than hay "rigs" are k upon the eotopenrs lands,all, sr' two or three tmeeptions, busily st wet . either pumping or drilling, no one am nit that 'll,ltritraTt'grylf.'=. wall o o,r, to and. rontermino. territory. Altogether the "Tuleutite,” or "Denies IIon" district of which the Triumph Co's. P.isct is the cen tral figure, is the richest and most remar kable oil district on the globe. The com mittee before mentioned. we understand, WittrecOmmentel the directors to entwne. the period Of the neptemberAilvtdmoli ny main It en the let instead of the lath. It appears that the October dividend is also in hand, but as the Company very wisely prefers distributing they roem nt uniform intervals, in about equal sums, and se the reoelets are liablo to variations, and to in. corruptions in the winter months, a fund will be atonumisted, to cover euth contintingeneles. But for this prodem tial Pslier. • •41vidend of ten per cent might have been deMared and paid In Sep. tember. It gins tut much pleasure to re cord the successor the Triumph Company. We would be glad to chronicle a ILko , fthe .time" for numerous other oil eornoaules we trot of. • . . Before toe lilayer—lotporteot Am da•lu. I have been deakin my right ear for some 5.12112 years. for five years entirely deprived of lie nee. accompsnied by a discharge. Dr. Atom commenced treating me on Monday. the fith of August. I can now briar a mote , tick diatinCtly. the dieeharite Is cured. and I consider topsail in s fair way of recovery.. ' • G. E. NORTS. Proof Seeder Conimenclot, 76 Fifth street,Pittaburgh. In Del, 1 wee mused with a violent attack of deafness, while engaged as an °diner in the Union army, which Increased to such an extent Qualms. incapacitated for tarydaties. Had tried treatment without effect, until last Friday, when I. placed,Myelf under the treatment of Dr. acorn No. Ira Smithfield street, whose treatment gave me immediate relief, and there been im proving ever since. W2lOll commenting hie treatment l could not bear a watch tick, of ',lath I more deprived• which le ibe remit of his scientific and skillful treat. 'meat. Tireless Waxiest., • - - - - Steubenville, Ohio. '• For three yaws 1 base been painfully aillicted with • deafness In my Mint ear no. companied by singing and roaring sounds; which way exceedingly disagreeable. By one °PerStioo,he the spaced three mieuteei time. Dr. Aborn, Ude morning,.restored my bearing and removedalt use unpleasant sensations. MATT MW Walrus:a.. tierorn and subeerlbed .to. before me, this 14th day or August, 1147 f. We. C. M • , Mayor. Wheel 134 Brulthdeld street. . Pittsburgh Inseam Erlea Manufactur • lug tiompasis. ' , Titan baa of lato been irette a revolution worleW In the manufactureof brick. Tho old atielaborloris syetern'of moulding by hand. inui tefflu•srptilanteSl by machinery, and the great bnlblxriroOmmOdity is tar nished at much cheaper pilots than of yore. The quality of brick mennfactured Is much superior too, being more gond. 0T. 3 . and CM.. With an extensive impital, the Pitts. burgh Steam Brink Marinfacturing Com pany hu been orgardeed.and le now in ado , amend operation. The works are adjacent to the City Farm. on the 'Monongahela river where every superior eoll Is obtained, end the bricks humid out by machinery in fabELlOue qUantitles per day are very supe rior. The best pressed bricks extant are furnished in Icy quantity at the. ellguteet notice by the Company. wham office Ia 10.' rated Orer tho 'Willem' National Bank, car. nor or First end Wood etreote. The office is open for [purloiner from halt pest eight to nlno o'clock every morning. Wo trivilz the attention of builders, contractors and others to the Inducements for their patro na Manufac tuge offered by eke Pltteburgh Bram lunch ring Company. = That the Continental Saloon is eltuated on Fifth street, next door to the Poetodios, le a_ fact apparent to all who travel the street. and that lioltsheimer, the worthy proprietor, IS a gentlemanly, agreeable and acmoirimodating fellow, Is • feet well known to all hie friends. hot the meet apparent, well known, and self evident facts within nor knowledge are that the Continental Sa loon has noenperlor, ae • restaurant, in the olty, and that as a caterer no man under. stands his business bettor tr. lloltshel• mer. lip tables are always' eupplled with the best the market affords. which le served up in • style unsurpassed In the city. TO bo mitlefled that all we hart:amid of the Con. tlnental and Its proprietor le strictly true, it Isonly necessary to call In and take din ner. === }lotwrthstandlnif the high prioe of labor and banding material. there are a greater number of now building. in course of erec 11c,n1. the city at present than at nay pr. Vie. time for a number of years. There la esercely a Meet in the city that is not more or lam obstracted by building materiel. and It nepears they will never be free-from the obstrnotions, for aa soon aeons building le ...Deleted another to begun. We cannot aocount for uttri building manta. unless It Is to be ...Muted to the extremely low rates at which brick is being sold by the Char t/ere Valley &Ude Company t at the corner of Tl 7 and gamin street.., for erblel 0 . Y. Kennedy la agent. gee adyerthsement to attotheroolnran. Wle•beanie frost 11•1,11 Greeerien. Elsewhere we publish the Mishima card of litusn. limy 6 Armstrong, wholesale and retail grocers and dollen in choice tau, floor, bacon, lard,. flattened produce generally, No; si eolith lode; Diamond, one door` west of Federal street; Allegheny. Dealers who buy to eon chose will 00410 store a very superior and fresh stock of goods at pricee as suirantageons sad' in. diming ea can be obtained at any Other ple ol n ett 1,„,,,0, :.Tberetatitlepertment i..q.nuy ;not supported, and housekeepers wlll consult Mom Interests by favoring this Arta with a worettlatalf ville. , ;See earnestly commend this eetaltiMnMetitto our readers for their patronage. New notel to Btrmlaithg . ww. Mr. Martin Benet.? Is 'baying erected on the corner of Desipam and Wathington streets, In the botonyof ittnrangbem, =UM= =Opted far beta psalmists. It Is fairly =ides war. Its brickwork =view been comnammed mitten a. day or two, and the =MIMI toe pushed forward rapidly with a Me* td the completion and ootrapeacry of She Meng dazing the oom. led ' . - r7 , • Affirraytn Allegheny. I ' An affray encoded on allegheity'areesa. „ First ward, Ape beep, i between Thomas - Hughes end Lewl i., ;Foquett, In WM.% Fo rmate received a and threshing, and from rebid. we can lei of the cons, he justly de served it. ,Footf;trit appears, was on n 11 drank amines .ding , 'for a fight. He met Hearties and rsted on Lalrtieg him. Midnotwithstand g the efforts of the lat ter to pot him off, Yequntt struck him knocking him down. llngbot got up and Yoquett came at him a second time but not, with the enecess or the former effort, as ne was himself knoolted down and completely pummelled by Hughes. Foquett, we me informed. wns not mobbed as stated in the morning papers, nor did he receive any in.. Juries except such its were infl toted on him by Hughes. We are informed by an eye witness of the affair that Hughes did ail to his power to keep put of the fight, and that be was °reusable in whipping Reinert. --. '_ .nfly,!nrrrn, A distresaing and fatal accldeitt occurred In Duquesne borough, yesterday, resulting Ie tho death of Martin Bell, a laborer, real• ding to the Third ward, Allegheny. The deceased was engaged in dlggling a cellar In Duquesne borough, In which be was blest. log recta Yesterday about eleven o'clock, be put lee blast which did net go elf, end west to wont to pot In another beside It. An.tut three o'cloon he had the second blast node and put It OW, after which It is su¢ pone& be went Into the - cellar to see what eTect It bad, when, by some means, the are ame In contact with the Lit charge he pot in, which expiated, blowing the whdlo ton of his head otr. Coroner Clawson was nett fled end held an Inquest, thejnrY rendering verdict Inaccordance with the facts. The deceased leaven a wife and three children lu doetlfute circumstances. N. Brunt do rw.restselller Works. The card of Jared Id. Brush k Son. menu facturenof steam boilers, oil stills, tanks, and sheet Iron. works, &a., appears In soother column. Thie establishment has been long and favorably known In the busi ness community, and m their line enjoy a higirreputation. Their boilers are every. where regarded as among the best In the market and the same may be Bald of all their manufactures. They use nothing bat the very best quality of Iron, and - employ the most careful skilled workmen, so that everything t rued from their anal, Batmen boars the Bunsen of superiority„ The Welke and oflicasof the firm are at No el Penn street. Ammolited o Woman Catherine tauter, of West Pittsburgh, made Information 'before Alderman Don. aid ma yesterday, against Thomas and John Kelly, of that place for assault, and bat tery. the alleges that the defendants came into her house and abased bar, and that one of them .truck her over the bead with • shoveL The parties were arrested and held for a hearing. Forcible Arammerse—Marla A. John son and Mrs. Shahan are residents of Gib. boo street. in the Eighth ward. where they hare for come time pest occupied the same house, living peaceably and quietly to gether until ymiterdaY•when at...thing 00. erred out of the usual routine, unfelt re. suited In a naturel between• the two. lire. Johnson harm: sours business. left the house, and on her return found Mrs. Shelton at the door with a loaded revolver threat, Shsuing to shoot her if she attempted io enter. e made Information against airs. Shahan for surety of the pesos. atm was arrested and gave ball tor a hearing. Piereeade.—We ate Indebted to the Met ropolitan Band, of Allegheny City, for a delightful serenade Thursday evening. The band, which Is composed of a an, her of excellent performers, Is led by Mr. Ship man, one'of the ben sloth:tuna IA the elly. Their terisla is well arranged, end was per formed In a manner that, would do credit to a gra-class orchestra.. The gentlemen have our thanks for the favor, and we hope to hear from them frequently. • Call again, gentlemen. we will be pleased to see you at anytime. Verily, charms.' All Work Warrataieft— T. T. Ewalt& No. ias.lyood street, practural plumber, gas • and steam fitter, warrants all work per formed by him to prove durable and satis factory. He ban had largo and liberal ex perience In the hualn.a. ample only Amt. 11l class and akediworkmen, an gives per sonal pervlatou to all eon la and Jobs awarde au d Mtn. We know whereof we event m recommending him to the patronage of our readers as a 'lntelsat', worthy) and at. tenant mechanic: • . Central Foondry.—Tbe attention ore= readers to directed to the advertisement to another column of the Central Foundry and gall Works. No. BM Penn street, Bolt man, Boyd S Bugaley proprietors. Chill' rollsmill...lnge and roll lathes &recast at the shortest notice on thanniet reasonable terms. •• The members.wortrarishie the Arai are well lrlioish [mance. geltttedien Le every way worthy th e confider., and pat mange of the COMMUllity. Mandy or the rewee.—Thomas Dwyer made Information betora Alderman Morrow yesterday against Mary Murphy and Ann White. for surety of the peace. He states that he boards in the same house with de [rod sots; on Tunnel street, and that he has been informed they have been Nettles together to give him a dose ot pols On. That his informant heard them arranging • plot 'to pot the pelmet. to his tea: Warrants were Water Pipe gsteseten.—Within a few days considemble exteeelona of water pipe have been oommenced in the borough of ltlrmlnshate, causing some Interruption In the supply to consumers. Workmen are now:ngaged In putlingdown pipepallagee street, leading to the bridge, ang It Is de- Mimed to carry 11 on the bridge, with con verdant arrangement for we in mule,Of fire, Navieties.—This popular .4 now only place of putlle amusement in the city, Is Ursula.: crowded hoc.. The en tertainment offered Is of Int class style; anti these.on has beeri very acapielons_ly • InempiratoSby the clever m.asece H. W. Williams & Co. T 0.11( itt• mammoth. pro ,amme Is offer.. including for the last time the "shadow Pantomime:, glireoteood to Scald Hoe.—Tanny Culls alleges that Jahn Leaky and wife, reedaeuts of the Third 'ward. Allegheny, threatened to maid her, nod to prevent them from to doing mad,* information be. fore Alderman Mallen, yesterday, against them for surety at the peace. They were arrested and held In 000 each for a tear. License Applleatiows.—..7no. G. Brown, E.g.. Clerk of courts, publishes in issue the eighth list of applications for 11- Wanw to sell Miners. Pled to his oillee for the month at Anglin. The list contains wme silty-eight applicants. The Lieenss Board will set at the Court House on W ed. nesday, the 'kith inst., for hearing the applications. Pllttabergh Base Nall iteadquarten. P.tteele, 0. P. r, lik—..The only ises Erme Ball Ilonse in the inst. City and Country Clubs desiring Outfite, will find it to their Interest -to 'narctise the 'diced oraters," whore they will have an oPPer• tunny to seleet,from the hugest and most varied assortment of Ease Bail goods in the West. Ilearlem—A hearing was had before Jas. tic,, Lipp, yesterday, in th e ease Ot Mica Alper, J. Holtman, Peter Engeter and Jobe Dettloff, Charged with an atteteptio ideyout rape. to Baldwin townetup,oo. battl ...not of which wee pubAsbed to: Reduce dev'e G.tharre. The peaks were held for further hearing. CommMed.—Alderman Thomas corn• mated (Rome °rant on a charge of obtato -Inq board for himseit , and fondly nder faith preteneee, on oath of Elizabeth Lloyd. Jeremiah Dam eras men Mated byJnatlee haullabary, for awake of the peace. era Oath of Rachel Reed. . The Camp Mae (tsp.—Oar readers will remember that • spemal Iran of ears will leave toe Commulevllle Railroad Depot at eight o'clock to-morrow morales or the camp mewing et McKeesport. sad refer,. log will Mare McKeesport at seven o'clock From Gildenfenny..—We have received from W. A. filidemfenny,No. 43 Fifth man. the July number of tbe Ealnborgh Harlow. It oornaine eeveral very valuable Intilere. and upon the whole le a vary intereeting number. Pumps, embracing all the. madam Im u, styles add deagoor, m wood and Iron, for Oslo and pot up at 1110 lowe►t prices by T. T. &woos, prsCUoul Ploutbor ages end swam inter, No. 153 Wood 1. .1107 Toile Bata aae'salle Whims 'you have the largest variety to select from. That place is universally admitted to be the Base EMI Headquarters, Pitt Oral. P. O. Everything In the Base Ball line Can ba obtained. For. nto sea Java Ceffee,OrdellaiOne aroma, sad as auperlor ea any soar import. 'art to Oita el 01. te now befog Mailed at cheep paces at the Old established tele mart of Joseph A. /tobLoson. No. 20 Fifth street. • • - Cornerstone Leo ing.—With enpropri. ate nallgtons ansmoalea, the aorilar stone bf the new German Lutheran Church wa ll e I.ld 10407 od High street, near the nth street extension. Petroleum Aimeelatdos.—.A. meeting of too Potrolcum Association Mu l be held their rooms, this afternoon, at hat Pmt two o'clock. Pontius! atterulance is requested. • Parlor liars of exquisite Pat terns and stylol and - le. t aw Eastern rat. at T. T. Swans , plomblog and gas At- Sing lusadquartara N. 183 Wood street.' • - Country Work Nol telted and toompUy attended to by T. T. Ewen.. proudest plumber. steam and gaa titter:No.l63 Wood moat. Glee him & call. AL gay and festive fellow named /M. 11!pewee eloped last week from Ifeactvitte with the wife of mon named AMU. Shawls for $1.75. sold at $t Balance of our Summer Shawls eary chest.. • Bass 8 Bann. Chola, Znigllsh Areaatast Tea., se Pdro ae caa be found la the city at .Es.vtom rotes, at the old osta..llshed Lea mart at . 10 *.P11 A, Itobloson, No. "-0 street. Fuss Toilet !loops. to irTma and at low prism at FLEM.LNGIS DRUG STORE. No. M ltirket. sweet.. Remember the p 1.015-44 Market stmt. . Chad Sparanag swab w ?adz j. T. eamplis's Drug Ma rs, Ha. IS 7 ONmugs—Extra wide and Ins qualztzrfor OaralmoroMemds, THE MMUY TWO. ID/TIONB. WiDIZSIIMIT LID B•II7RDAY' 1 large aloe, owsueslng THIRTY-OM COL. II KAN .f tatereati/or reeding ammo. !meadow 3.4= 'lento/OW. Wort Nora by Telegraoh sod. Nall, esloobLo Hoeft It Matter tor the rwolly., nod Wiest and racer reliable roan. cle pad' llootiestelal Neetet Depoto siren by uo Differ to the UST.. NO Rattler. lieebaulo or Xeruhant aboal4 be without It. Towel ICa MI 111IXCLY GU-WM: Mole Globe of Teu........ ........ 1-10. —Ara one wiry of raper to the PoroOO ratu.c aD the club. Addlilooa to elate Goa 122 =ode et • eay,tltoe. it club rates. NOTIoI 10 BoIIaCIMMILL—In orderiog: topaz,. be =MI 2A4 neatly what edition 100 woos, es we Woe a Wedneeday Immo. for Mb . =other, havtof hot one matt a week. al - limey by Dogs. Ibtoress, Hong Urdare. Or In Beeister,l tale., 222722 seat at Calorie: *derma. eszarra, rf Noe. • I ProrHeal and LWairtlay neettrbotes.—. Readers desirous of procuring the set:fleet of skillful and experienced Gas and ',learn Titters, can no no better than by favoring m.....P.S.l3tddie tltrO.:Bnavrntre"'.l". . b een Fran kilo and Cimino&, el:meter. They have .had large and Mural experience Inlbelr buena., an , win...dal attention to the careful Rod Potshot' mechatilCe.aim . "...7 -- of all orders entrusted. to .- praP"- ID. Their terms arevery reasonable and all work IS guaranteed to mem dams]. and • sattenie- • tory. We take much pleasure In commend. log them to our mutant, knowing' them to I be fair detain g, honorable, and to every roe. peel worthy of a lame share of yoblie Ymt• - ranage , • • awe:. The hest Hatton Tinto—cesueii, meek & Co.'s Combination of ' how Phosphorus sod Cathay., known 0 erre...Phosphor. tea Elixir of (Whey. The Iron restores color to the blood; the ?hombre, renews waste of the nerve Os aite, and the Censera gives a natural, healthlbt tone to the Wires. ilea organs. One mot contains the virtue of ono muse of Callsays and one teaspoonful e grain of Iron and Phosphorus. llannfactured Cams., &Laos & Co., Nfrvl Tort. For sale by .ainfhillfl.m. Goods nt • Reasonable James R ob N aatet arata, one of the pioneers in the boot arm shoo trade M . We ally. has on hand a. large and fashion.. hie mock of bootmahone and gaiters which no °gen to the penile at•ery reasonable prim. It will be remembered that the assortment found here Is not from Eastern merlon homes bat ham been selected direst ,Rom mum:enterers who deal in shah 'artip as will prove serviceable . eau. duralda 'all in and see for yourselves. lieferettes to out aeliertlsantent another deportment of to-day's Ifern:d. It oUI be seed that o r old - friend Dr. Eryaer, f Pittsburgh, hall Opened an Mem for the cure of Ldng and other did:Walt Chronic &meas., bat more especially. chose of the skin, and such as bays their origin in a mor bid state of the blood. Wa have knOwn,Dr.. H. long and wall as an honorable moo, and a well educated physician, who has shrunk from no labor or spared no expense,* at Lathing the emlnenoo ha tuts so justly earn ed.—Steneemrille Iforrdd. ; . Sad Flannels Tor NS cents. sold recently for 80 cents. • Dams. a Bus. MlLiti=l Par Eneellenea.—The mason why this enowe'l Sewing elaehme Va. awards.: tag only liold Medal 'at the- late World's Paris, was Its. great gimpliettre dalloasY stud power, bens. adapted equally to beni . or beery sewing. Its nerfee , son arall nese of etleb., Its small and straight needle, Its Ilpbt, rapid and quiet running clealisleg - and Its durable and ixrestmet bona: The • cheapest-11a best. XO.l et Clair street. • WO OM Dry GOO4lll both at wholesale and retell, and are, as a conseqtence; en abled to keep a larger and much better es, Sorted stock. to sell cheaper, and glvo the goods In more accommodating quantlldes than excluslveyobbing houses. Zatall map . shame are Invited to examine our stock. './..W:lisanatt a Co.. - • OS Market street. • Tim Text Term of the favorably amonn. Washington and Jefferson Cojtage,' Can nonabsing, Px"opens'Wedna. Septera. bar 70th, nut particulars an to terms, !Mediae Or., maybe obtained by Addrealng the President, Cumonshorg,or ,toe Flee President, liVaellingtoo, Pa. Basorr, Axontsoor Co., • t 24 Ein4 street: Irorthew—Warranted perfect at 113 i canto; Ifaellm. 7ird wide, for 12A man. • BAT= of 21..n1. Hendereen.a Carettaaglve.—A certain., cure for Diarrhea, Oraempin .the 5t020.4h or Bowels, Cbolera Morena, £O. contain/ nothing trrltattns Cr lujurteue to the mom. , ash. 101 e cheer, and lulaUlble. Every MM. - Ity that trier it once will keep It on. hand ready tar lmmedlate use. Pouldby 011 acct • anT3o.- • . Re are Selllas Envelopes; at leis nen . EA at"; ANDIABOW h CO,. 04 Fifth street Pura and readalsersted apices, war. ranted 10 equal say to tba utarkat.rnt.ahra '-* Joe. A. Roblaboa.• old ostabtlabod !Taw Marl, No. 5)/Ifi6 street. • The Best Tees bt Ilie arty et the ebeep. , eat prime, vlt be toted at the old Web , tished tee men et Joseph ..e..ltoblason, N 0...? Mk Flab etreet. . . . Sods Ash, Pot Ash and Concentrated Lre. formate at Mercer'. Drug'ittore; Otan' • avenue, Allectlenr. P.. '' • Good. cool and refreshing Inner Deer on drought. et bay's poplins hotel, lie. 4 mann, rilingheng. . Veld Illoarallatt soot Water at .T. Sample's - Drug Btore.lo: MB - T•BABSUBBIrt Hat rinisitbersiny a dorible walled kie. Pitcher or Ow driest rici . aLty. from • J. E. RIND Co.. street., Nee adyertlsement of first Mein drug store offered for WO. In another Dolman. Soiled JOlsaltets for - #1,11=gyg1,,:r..., ' lirAddltlonal Local Bievs'e.o . Third Page. MARRIED: EICCIOW/N—LOBG,On Xenidee, Aieettst ITh. ' at the reeldeace of the tildes mother. tiles. , tree. W. 11. Locke. of the Ltberty Slttet Kt L . Much, I ltkY If t.lll aeebwtsl aed 3fr.q4.11 ULIAIL LONEF, on of this No c.d." • • • WILSON 2 -YeELllKEit6 , s—ths ihe'nth by the B. V. Limas, C. FL. ot Centerville, Chester o row, te., to *lra ILL- I.LNDA hieIIIZILREILLS. of Atiriihez:. Eli! WcPllllllO.lOlO --10,Thorrrisy moroloo, - .601r. 13 h. MARTHA IlectlEaoSuri, In rot rash' Tear of her rimy , The Droaral .04 take, plaza from ner Late refii dosee.„lvalsnatooraahlo,futortain•dro).olllf, Li 6, at 10 o'cloak; Cordage.; wlll.lraro aorrose llotexth sod 11111111.001 d ~.•trottr.. striakt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALES. AMEN. DRIPERTA NEB,' 170. 166 Youth moot, IltsolOorgh, PL , • 00711E3 of .n SUMAS. AM every /lemlotlon .f nom! h6OlOBlOl Voods_ forolithed. Rooms 00..4 .16: ea 6 MU.. 6060600 .86 C5rr161ee . f600v866... Airiosorcso—Rov. Doold Xorr. D. rot. =ma 038111. JG. RODGERS, ANDERTA. , • 'SIM ►BD ZKRALII7-11, mentor t 4 tire late Bun. L Baig.s, Zia 99 OtOothied,, lb,. do°. Ova Bea♦R. AiNghtla !Att. !UM 44110, liod.rood, rood .4.140 n tMe loyen redat:i .49a *pest Hearne and Ctrtfaltu turailhed oa aurt no9hd and on moat mao.blis IRDWARD eZARNIECTiI. ESN; DEITAIOER. UmCi, -. 944 Onto grain% An.gbany. Zoismood u 4 osnar.Cor- Ins, with a eosinata stocg of Naomi fordsitdag goods on nand. and turalshid at shortest moth* . at lowest Trim. gala , and Idysrl SWAM no. nor of Fran AND XioDs3EVanXlll. Ratosches, Boggles, Boddie 4orson, ad... do.. R. T. WHITE b... 100.; UNDER. TAX AND . LNEILICEM, telasete. ter, Wood.' Bee at elelslty. coma Booms et Manelteeter LAW) Stable, wear Sherleld and Chart Ant Areas. RUSH anhiegie • fer 4 0. STEWART, Viidertalcet; comer of XUHI midi MAN WISILTI. Bluth Wards Callas of ell ktrels. Hearse sad Clarrisses furnished int the shortest matins. GO TO HASLETT. &VO."8: ao. 93g ILUIT,II/12LD BTRY-LT, roitipti WEDDING' RINGS. 18 ST. SOLID GOLD, DIINSEATH a'emcrealorill, JUIES SCOTT, . altromessos To Joitzgrx)ist a acarr,t TAIIIIALiaIIEINt. 3:D2' FINE NATCIEIES, OE MS' WEER:3Z', SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC 414 Lurarry 01.. mmtritue.• • • • If7...cartlcular aticattolt tO repaitte. Watches. Cloaks sad Ismatri. sixTEEN.COTTONAAID GRAIN YallYlt.—Wetiate tar Ws five:table canon Asa ants. plastattalm, must* i /t144.1a. mut .2(o:thatn Georgia, colitalathit ftto 4to t• 2..0) acres each; MI awls? • WO mats of enlthattca. Tae annals la a* btalth7 ale to reanot•aula. awl the 'Mar taut to inky to Waits's Panatil vials. 'Time tairola vat basold Tau Ter plea ludas:lkea, cal at DXIFLIBI a W1.V . 11 Zeal Snits 01114.: Balleratteet. Lalrrenteavina. T9v.woat BlLANorAcTunEris.;,- . . OMle An • ths XOVALT7 pitgr .wdapk.ati.t. In C 0... eSanty, L tieforids;.ts which Is attached MOO sera of las 2,lltst !sad. Mt at shish Is 044 fansharisad. This prop arts eastshaslneshsustltra irou of the news Leos ors, .11mS :met stoma. Ms I mei V.* Oast from these spats Is stilts last qssulf tot totadt7 psrposu.. labor Is Mind.. t u [mall to ItO. This presents at.r7 rue Isdatsment to eshltal sta. • Par maps, assent dstariptloha. Ines .4 toms Jana n. of & SILL. Lasmakessills.