El AND BROKE, 118 Wood St, near oorner of Fifth. tiloverauseut Securities, Gold, Silver, • ' T And Coupons, sitiotau wadi o 6 Liberal toms. Draft.: .old .61611 W prtadval et 11es of Itreoc. NA' T. BRADT & CO., Bankers, Corner Fourth & Wood Streets, 1101' AND SELL ALL HINDS OY , CIOMMENT SEOITEITLES, Are aem coavertle g to to the NEW 6E019 GOLD BOND or We; An Mbar Imet,'lnclueliar all 10,11. Ire SOL Fir. of um: ..:11'•of 1. 1...au ."' ; MI, sad Oftspoillailableest 80te..". ' of TO HOLDERS OP 7-301 L wecial arratisementa siboo. rsOy . tsjs sr. ars moues ts maven slug. s licamet fir D•llvtl7 L McVAY & CO., 134 : 4 31.1r..er5.. ONEWOURTH IIID BETIIIIRLD 7-30 13C1b10T3DS CKINVZHTAD INTO. 5;20 80ND5,1865, wratocrr CHAIIUS. Tr.r. ROBINSON BROS., Nlii. 71 rOUNIEU STREET littgintrgt etaytti FINANCE AND TRADE OM= art era Pyrrearlon Ot.asrrn, • atoning, August 12, t6O g no New York nook quotathme Wasp, ea leselYed by Nr. P.N./Nem, were as fellows: Goid.• 10%i Elghty.oae bonds, MX; Fire rowan% INgt; nee Twenties. Ifet tIM fly. Trnati., 100, 110 M Commie •NM amen Thirtieth IITSGION; Ten Patna 10X. - 6tecke--Erie Belkoad. TO; OM/Wed t Pitfall:math. Ohleago and 24, * DILA 1/Vii Mingo and Northwestern, 41 INICIUM4M lad Northwestern preferred. Catfo .Nora Warns Rallrotid,lo6l4; Michigan Southern ibtlened...ll; ,New York llentral, 106,i; Saab& IOW; Western iledoti Telegraph ONapterit. 417.6; Ohio nod klisalalpph 27!4: Itlada shwa —taridon, taoM,is; Gregory., 0,3 1 / 4 Qwto Rh , 1,00; Smith & Paramalce, ;ON quicksilver, 3'34. Oen higher sad the Market bulled. In con tinuum of the proposed change. to the Cab!- . oat Dada are -lower sad Ealrastl shares Ina, mahout lure decided tom In the market. allsesilawarui abases are . dull. Oesermeent lellt•tiontingboads are linnet for Isle . 6-hre of fIM sad as; tn. balance of the het Is lower. asaanuy Daiwa and 190's of Z 3 and &I Issue. Mahe abases remade with • better felting. TlisrfoUtawitig stalemate exhibit. the bust. nee of the Pittsburgh Clearing" Howe, for the rtek lading SleutdaY, August loth -•- A 1911199 9 Exchanges. 1451ance6. A. 1191119 a 179.a0 40 6 1 4.11.7 00 1 . 2,0150 83 71;499 es Allan 7. v 9.3,441 11 OAKS 49 Allem% I. —...... 263,1.19 13 • COOS 69 Avarua 9 -- 231014 11 42.174 Al6rllllo 19 4011.194 ir , KM e 317 --- WWI. tt,921,3a6 Vr 1,338.7.73 19 4:119919( New Tort 96 6 1at10211 received by Zama T. Brady AL Om L .......... "aft% left ..... • 1 / 1 64...." ....... N et 114. 70 0gr.ls. = J r tar Hee yea. Cloapmada, taw Pee &beat two yaws 'this a been ram thumbs beet earthing sate about MI etothe or all eon. eswthealge, and our peeple4enerally, and with goidgemen, too, bare come to the consluaton . thet . hereaflar they Will them!ne a little Mare aleselly Wore pathos their mean/Into. or "ipelsatlon of this kind. Daring the great es, ethement width: prevailed some years glace, Wileit etoria and oil companies were the Meth centre of atteutlni and amoral theme weavereatioa, and when torten. were Ingsgailase made In • day, people were reek - ham Intaght ahem'. earthing In.the there era prerieng there was some hint, mallogag name printed on Itr and It has Mere tarots oat. that ashy of them loot almost eserythhig they had In the world. That there Seen see* mmitoriou oil companies I. ion egad; trot theme; saarmity of them were al most worthless and, intsiaslearly. had the thigh bean knows. theotock wee ant worth the Apr 1t was printed on. Many of these cam 'peals@ hate been swept out of eststenth—the prepporty of • asstpumber of them haring -- been seised and 0071 by the Clear( fora mere HIM r ife uTeivirrir Orr.Ooitraav'i, Jilin now %Maass eanelderabl♦ attention, and it is .hefty Instilled to all the consideration it 1. re setting. Of the reliability end prorperity of this . o •Pein.T.theat per neat. in dividend. with• Segheinet thnes inentru give ample evidence be. Vadeelteetsat money enough int he. Treasury to . Mae another dieldenel of nye per cent., and a omodionuth, ...ascot of 01l unsold. The "TA- U/WV an are had occasion to note the other. day. fa reeelsing about flea httadred barrels of of/ yer day, ylabling • vary handsome Income; AMU looks nem as though the old etochhold ors swill mention all their atone, back to di, Ur/A read - tbey vrtll then 'have the stook for The °Mears and manage. of title Company ore gentlemen of integrity and Co. - • • perlosen—inen who see that the affairs of the nattansay an eonduate4 honestly and natal gintly.ae melt aa with t view to economy; and {he eiedi la Inottly to the Lade of parties In. beligitt WI a& billitlitept 100 t to clamp. let& —The woven rude lo funding the National debt thirtieth. past cur" rashes it certain that la Aland MS nothing win be *emending, waft for gold, but the United States notes .eg frestiaaal ourrant7. Thei clamor of the I. lailsedate, that the costowiend the internal INTILIIIO win fall under *out:action of truisur. sway t. potent where the tatemt on the debt sad 'Cheery enemata cannot be not, 1. with wet substantial foundation, on thch remering debt detesent show., end th future return. will alum la • more marked degree, if thy fate ,batownt of mar attends the collection of the wwkl ton: sow Stolen by dishonest Treasury *Salida Nth Cathie:. The Treasury has now • at ne socaaad ace the. toontha expenses of W Wades and the people hare thawed to tkesea bountami harrart,, which Ores theta the maths of aommesing largely of imported geed* sad demeatie innordsetute It is with!. the elated of the Secretary to restore the ne• Canal e...... to order, end at the same thne reliCts iltalidni end tepidly to • specie cur. Maly. zaditals gimlets allude to the 4aletlisa bade lo Brltteh textile fabrics in • *my aispoadint tone, and It Is endear that tilts agesedye akfylaaats of toot year out eat INS YINWWO4I.kti season. This ought to give an Oppoliona7 for wan prole In Ws bruub of austsism, bat Ms the Now Tort Jot/root xf Oneaseres, lilt year Wei a very trying one to Itlielayerters of British dry good., and the en. ' the masa of tabrles thus landed averaged to the Mara tar less thee Invoked east. Even with a large zurplas of capital, the shippers os the cob.. side are not Illtely to meat Lids expert imamate the same extent; and this mast be ease favorable to the trade. The sane paper • yl. the badness of Heir York In tale ireloal NOM about the middle or August, end tbslatlestleno an that it willnos be much loom deisred this season. There 1.111, of efarorle_Oon.fb presence to eelt, ow ing UP the (alas of la receipts end diminished Peek; battles kiltnante area or this trade be as 41.6 seotheu la the ennead, so that the tilde meld to be equally brisk, the nest ad renal. la this ease entente down from the hut. er loathed of the tanaater.o Then la (tonally e more movemmt In Vim alrelem • little more disposition on tha pin of the sentry trade to operate. She Minutes/ hamints all over the country cannot fell to impart . . nen energy to Janine,. and presports Of • goal fall and winter trade elidannable. Parhato, gays the Philadelphia illtegh.(nontofrat In this connection, the able Mind' to a needy return of activity conelsto peavorand usaczated Maas relative he It MOM Ls prises. Column everywhar• bensten make gamboge* In conetqueum of tin copeetatteet of a crash In the market. We de Mk, nowersr, for a reduction of prima tr. • several brawn of trade, but not to Ray very esedderabie sagest. The men Mond tor fold la mended as 010014, GOO the anon wants of tha market are oiNtilood to warehasee of about half amlillo n • tley km anon doll's. The able ham the ere oiPPootol to be about am much. fer the month at all the porta of theMolloy_ loOmOso to each Armen to sixteen willnes, wma, at - the moos powwow 0.111 Tide from endow* to 5z000,070 currency mimeos to_the Venom I. the abeam of tentire l"W ge T e l i i r d ellitildnollb t ig be egehellating. g01d 4 914 old on moo. of tee Ulan litotes of due on the 3let of Znesebn, " sod of at mot, enenenalf to C e OMM (ro A% at a talr diVe=."'• Wty f Dar met.. from urn less. =to the Clornameat to tlo tela new mmo r eq.! to eight month. , gold • tart _Ml Os labile abt. I . m i tt • MUM! redoetlost of Mum /ninon In the anneal ,the pram-I monk. brat' anal thin sod wells In tomtit , nausea ate sest. Delon the gold monad r g nimem of Ms sanity to employ Mann bal. Moss Is In !few Yon money mast, he will 2 4= 4 a 7 11 . 2tt . ft ri i t Y ht%rb i l i reVut Tee Mines to e. Vienne . another affam, done mune to semmodota this tba feURISSIS One fen/Pti, JAS D4I,ZELL & SON, - 69 and TO Water Street, LARD OIL IdAIitrEAOTURERB, And dealers In CAUDie LOMUCanffla gad UtelttlON OILS. We warrant ow No.l Lewd OU mutat eac heet Cloottotatl. or other brand; .4 to .11 .11 low as ClnclaaaU nepate.. ratan Oar No. d Lard VII as • Lunettes anuses be excelled. Ilack croet Lubricating and mad., brut et carbon oil ussswnely ea bead. ytrecanti and Waal faclatfere WIU Sad It thew Interest to rte na stall Were ordmi Lard Of 1 from the west fetlang _ rirranrituu • O►Plo* 00 rate Ferrenanne Gszarns, illornar...huguet Uri. The general market.; present no new chaise,. teriaties worthy of epeclal nett.. Then le a slight improvement to note to the demand for gone few artlela, but, genefa 4 f 070011101, Prices have undergone net Important changes. ORd.llofhent Is steady, with a fair local demand, end continued light arrivals: wo continue to quote prime Penn. and Ohio Red at £2,108;15. Oste note. but eteadyi Mine old may be quoted at 75(1,02c, In store- Thereis :au Improved demand for Corn, and pricei are a abode higher; We of e care at *1,02, and 5 ear* on private term.. Bye bt quiet, and may be quoted, In the abeence of Wes, at fl,lO 41,15. No movement to Barley, as yet. FLOUR—The market la a shade armor, and there Pe a steady locaf , ,dentand 01 prevloue prices-114311,50 for goejal so oholee brands of old Spring Wheat, andlikim Winter. Fancy brands are grill quoted 100 elf, to the Gado, and 111, 1p a retail Way. Rye Flour, hy,25 for . old. PRONISIONiii—Baeon in .steady but un than gm"; one holm report...dee of 000 pound. shoulders at tilic; :Ono do Ribbed Stdos at tat c, and 'sae do Sugar Cured flame at 2li4e. Lard Is dull but firm at, Illealst4c for Prime kettle rendered 111 tierces, nod tm in . kcal. Alen Perk is quoted et 114. Dried Reef, BUTTER—Crime fresh pall and firkin Butter Ls In good demand, and - Bella readily at To, and the stock ls light. endromon peeked Butter Is versd,dl. • • EGOS—Clontinue very dull, with . supply considerably in caccec of the demand: we quote froth packul nominal at 16‘ , . INLEEN APPLES--(lontlrlue to come In slowly, and with a continued good demand, the market is steady, and price are well main tained, ranging from i4,0e.a.6,00 per bbl, accord ing To quality. - • PI...TATUM—ConIin. dull and rtnebanreal at 12 per bbl—ttke arrival. by rail and Lipman are fallin; • SALT—Is dull cud unchanged; Allegheny ricer brands are quoted at $2.,a) per bbl, on te.nn, and g2,ta, delivered. OlL—Lard 011.—eltp brand.-1. quoted at sae for No; 2, and ILO for No.l. .11..C37—1. quiet and nactisaged—aale. reported at rank. at 1116,523 i.OO. PI TIMIIIattiIiPETIZOLEEPIJIALARET Orrin or en. Prrrszonon Osiers; f Eourter, Austria 12, 1.9 E. CRUDE—The market continues dull and weak, though prices remain unchanged. For 'pot oil, In round lots of 3030 or 6003 bbls, there are no genera below Lk, And some holders are sating 111%. Darreled ‘ oll can be had at rol‘c, on wharf, bbl. robe returned, but there Items to be no demand_ for oil In this shape. For the last four month. of Ode year, buyer's option, there are buyers at ltalvlie, and seller'. , at 12';c. Sale of Zoe bbl. for all 16eli, buyer's op. thin, at Ile, at 011 Clty, or' ls3sc. delivered here, And II bbl. Smith's Ferry, on spot, at olio. Private Advises from Oil City report the market dull, and 645 vu even Ai therms:al. nal pile, • REFIRED—The market wan unto my quiet today. and apparently a little weak, though smpared with Saturday, prim have under. cone no quotable tb.ge. Spot oil may be quoted at 27Xe; all Okla month, buyer% opting, et ne37.6.5ine September at aeSio, and for the last four montlis, acme option. at .133.:e. Sole of three .1 barrel lots for September. at 20 5.4 , for . d The demand, bothpresent 4 future r livery emu to be aomewhat reatrleted, but the oßetingesan tide market at least, are ltgbf, es our refiner, are pretty .11 sold up, and they do not Reim hulloed to enter into new eonte.t• at premed prism —The numerous effort., made with apparent encores, to render Petroleum available ua fuel on Bteam vessels and locomotives, teem to foreabadow s tdebly Inaportmit extension of the sphere of taefulnees ti that great staple. We have not seen any detailed eoust of the measure, propoeed to secure the bu t ty of Yes .els which are to use Petroleum,t pre.ume the objections which, to view of the numerous accident. might he urged on diffi c ulty, can be be overcome without mud, As to the future .apply of Petroleum opinions differs though some *dentine men think that in Penn et:lran's It is inexteustable. The Philadel ;Ada A orfA American seems to think that the 'inking ergo many hells to the oil region. of that State, ha. nut been bexelliciel, inumuieh as it reduced the price of Petroleum to ruin nualy low rates. glutted the markets and ex. handed the supply too tag. It argue. that where ten wells draw upon the same More of petroleum, one well would answer the purpose better than the ten. SOIL bag Imppened• that 10 consequence of the erent number of wells all of then produce'a dbitinished mock of oil. The aggregate yield, which wag at one time 18,oco barrels daily, has been teduce4 to hlOo barrels. Thatpaper does not fear the exhaustion of the oil. for though !misdeeds of well. have stopped lowing. and abandoned derricks are MOM everywhere. the natural accumulation tie the .11 pies on just the Pam. What the trade now need. Is the development of. • broader eves. Doubtless Petroleum will be dlscowenol In pay. tug quantllles In other localities than where the tn.. of it Is now obialned.end this mutt be dune ge•dually, and by prattles! men inetud of .peculators.--Trio TorkiShipping Ltd. ••1114 , .. II 1 2 .. 110. .. ICS): •• /04. , 1.00; 1 8r ~ 0 ,„ 1 1112?,: 011. s orrroo VIUST 11T a. V. N. Wightniao A A ode 'son. 60 hbte malted to P. Wright d Soria, Philadelphia. Lockart re Frew, 657 do do, Philadelphia. Porrylb. Bra. Co. WI do do, to Waring, KIAS Co. Philadelphia. U. W. Worm, WI do do, to Waning. King & Co. Philadelphia. • Dilworth t Bin, WO do do, to F. D. Dilworth ilo. Philadelphia. Bra. re Wanner; WO do do, to Waring, King it Co. Philadelphia. E. Sagest. k Co, 107 do do, to Waring, hug, A Co, Philadelphia. eladdu 015 0,360 do do, to-F. A. Dilworth CO. Philadelphia_ ou. enter., LOT MON DOPOOOOIIIDIVOT. rendre 011 Works, lin bbla radian% to U. W. Mem, 111114.1elphl, T. FL FlLtl, 4.9 do do, to W. 0. Warden, Philadelphia. th o kil°4 27 do dot to Ruing, Kin " Maw York Prods.. Markel. EDT Telegraph to the Pittsburg!, Gs/mei Now Yong, Aegust IS—Cotton firm and culet; sides blarbalea nt. 2i.4e for middllng upland.. Flour; receipts 13,109 bbls 0.41147 bogs: Market. opened 100 better for Old, sad henry for new, Waring Quiet for old, and rather easy for new; safes 10,100 bbl. at WM (27.75 tor superfine bate and w extern. SS.M 0111,50 for extraw.stern, a 10,31412,33 for choler, do, 111,80Q10,65 for snippier Ohio, 111e70Q12,50 for trade brands, and elOOl5 for new fit. Louis. California dull; sales 300 at a19.30(111.75. Rye, Floor steady; sales Lai nide at 117410,25. Whisky quiet and 'menage.. cd. Wheat; receipts 20,036 bash; market Ord/ xed droopier , : sales 31,900 bush Inc 1. 0 3 tor No 3, $2,15 for No 1 MN kirYlk Inc new red and amber Southern, 5.V.,15419.47% for ember State, and ii2,e54:24, for white Call. fern!. Aye firm; Wes 4300 0000 Camadaat $1,001,50. Barley and Owtles , Malt quiet. Corn, receipts 311,007 bulb; market leiM tower, and active at the deellnei sales . 940:00 bash et $1:10e01,00 for new mixed western, eialeXo l ,o o for revs choice do, and 52,td422,05 for unsound. Bats; reeetpu =AV tomb; scarce and firm; sales 04,030 both at nose for western, and 016073 for new Ohio. ftark in warehouse wheat,' 5 0 .171 barb; corn, re 3.134 bush; can , . 300,310 bosh; ryi,, M 33,785 bosh; barley, 11.3713 bush; Barley alt 13,032 bush; peas, n 1.571 bush; Ogee nomleal. Coreesteadr. Sugar steady; sales 73 Ithrle 2... V boxes fair to Rood itil,oll%c. Molasses quiet; Porto Imo Ther,r.c. Bops quiet. Petra/CUM quiet, at 11 , 4014 c for eradiate bulk; 71,401700 for reaped In bond. Pork steady but less ao. tire; melee lAoo Ohio at IlA3oe9t.to for new CIOSIZIR at 103A3 cash: fxralli for old do{ 1110,7341:93 for prima, sod eXarafra for Prime mese. Beef dull and unchanged, Bosom quiet. Cut meats unchanged;sales =pkgs. Lard quiet; Wes bbls at 124121.31.0 for new. Butter steady, choice dull. Freights art Lirerpool decidedly firmer; engagements 7f 50,1:00 bra corn per steam at 0, 4 '004, and 533 bo wheat per steam at Ciid. Larrar...3 r. Y.—Flour eloscd quiet and steady for Old and dell and declining for New. Wheat dull and Ups lower for Newt Old quiet and unchanged. Rye atal.4o 311.41 for Western. Oats steady, at O 2 !oo for W.terrt and 01C102o 'for Onto. Corn .t..aroast:osei,m4 for prime new Mined Wern, and el,tdelf/7 far Unsound do. Pork scarce and not sn firm, but sell. at Mao east,. loiters at sell berms at sales of 500 bhis Mena, sellers option, bep. teintelr. eal,ra Beet quiet and randy. Meats dull to unchanged. Bacon nOtni nal. Lard 'quiet at jamtl.3% for fair to mime Steam, and izmall.3% for Rattle liens dered. - - Cincinnati Markt*. :or Telt - Frain to the Pluttnin Uticitit•l Cincinliara, August •° Flour firmer and tue.pply is Light, but prir,es ate higher; famtly at $l4/1040. Wheat la light supply and L~l6 mallet L firmer; prices are be er for rod, closing at $240 for No. 1; wen.. unchanged. Corn (lull ann prices lower; closing at etc (or No.l m lind. Opts at .131aSbc. aye - unchanged with light re:: cairns; No.l held at but barer. ' any over V.. Cotton firmer; middling no all4c, Whisky gaudy at $l4O. Provision. armor with • atrong and buoyant market. Mont Pork mold at ig23,73, but it wen goner. ally held at $24. Bulk meats ! , :o Tor, at II %c for eboantere, and able. at lir Bacon udvmmnd IVaallit:c for and ens and tildes, and 1:,4015,1e laminar ri sides, toe latter are now generally held at 16c. There Ls a good consumptive, demand, not only from the Routh, but many order. nre I being . filled from the interior of this and the at/Joining Mates. HAW, are steady; Lard tr,(lllnc, w i tar cured at Lard In armor,. Wes at 12W, holders flaking In4c. Pilate fresh Satter le scares and In demand at 100220, hilt all oth er kande are dull not wanted. Chem,. Is tinehanited and dol l at 1112/20. Eggs are verrdnil and tat ialcabla man. Ibe, Bann pars Mint, and Ina for staeCtatl. Flan seed Is ln demand at K. flecalpte continue large. Coffee la firm at 22020 c. /lunar at 120150 for raw. Potatoes are very dull and the market le overstocked, and prim. pro Ir regular. Gold is having at Exchange la dull, selling at par. 'rho weather Is very hot; thertilOmetor,tedeg• Cattle Solos at London. Ohio. The Union, of Thursday, reports: Exew sire heat and eloude seemed, on Turd y, only to stimulate the traders on Otir streets, while the exceanve drouttband poor prospect for • good corn crop brought Into market a larger number of cattle thas we Usually have at Au. goat Pales. Ornisiderable activity, however, wee manifested among buyers at well as eellere so the Dirge pubila sates of four hundred and mseety.nre head will show. Prices mere • shade tower then laid month. About two head sI the were In market, CS of which were eed, vim 20 Lead of three year olds. MO head of two year olds, In head of yearlinge, 37 dry nowt and 6 cows with calve, stde; 30a bead withdrawn; and the remunder either not offer. ad or were sold "private sale and not report. ed. The sale. footed 110,Ct. ===2l (h• Trirgniph to khorltuibilrgn Ussetto.l Ccsyss.Airo, 0. August IL—Wheat dull and drooping tor,No. I.st inacialmi Woo of m so. lis x ut y. sB,(e. Corn dW.a. al 1110. (Mo aXI. Flaandal Natters L New York. I Gala Claapd at lila?, EBY Teietteph to the Plttfigergh Gazette. Nam Tor... A.M.*. 1 % /db.; Amalfi AIM . co.. Money easy and quiet at 3133. per cent_ for call loan.. Stedllng dull at 93.409,4 far Int bills. Gold &gaud., firmer, opeafolif at / 40 5:, odvartaing to nom, and alaelng at 1474. • or - ssrmsars. ! Uovernment stocks Oast- Couponsao 11.3%1 do .64, finlis do %Alloy, do LIOW. laft sus, first miss; 107%. second scrtos, 1M1'; third series,lo?;,. W.., P.M 111,11TILIMY. Loans. $233,471,24(0,decreare, 41,312773; Mo. 03.311.977; 1 1.03111040s 41,142,9024 eiroulalo3o, 433.301,378;1uerea5e, $0,101; depoelts, 0100.408, 7 0 3; 0 04110004 01,743,549; tender., $76,. 017,431; locreaSe, r 908,669. Dad anCI heavy, though do aiming ',Han [hove mu. the 'owenog uto day. stostSo grOTSIIO33. Ohio 'certificates. Vii Ceram mv,o P• 131; Cumberland. r , e3e%; quicksilver, LW) Du; Western Velma -graph, 434411453,;: Peel fie, 14.1.4014 , 614; Ache. Ill,s101125:; New Took_ Can09ra1,.104%16 105.0 Er1e.70;4; Iled . eort 121 , 491—: r:a SOL th (t. e AZIIVA73,O eetatt, Plitahvgh, 03419354; Toledo, IMeal3j; Reek Island, /0‘010.2%; North weatero, 47,314 P-, ; Preferred, ISITionl; Fort Wayne. /00.1a010441 Wallaeb, at, 8c Paul Preferred.e.; Adam. Express, 7 . 33.4; Welle Fargo, 663(; American, 72M; Mercbaute , Un10n,144,217, =SING !MAIMS. t c Mining ' !hares dull; Eldora o 14412.13; 21012115.; Boston ICd; smith & P.melee .7360:Lt3; Lt y 110... [Ala 154 Corydon Orego fr-Z; QuLrtz Hill 00lip; La Croue ry i Duvldßou ' 11170- SIIAIWItY EIICLIPTS. Receipts st the Seb-Tressern $10.317122; Payments, SlO,W9,ll);LalanCe. 1111.077.6 - BuAkio Iltarstet. ;sr Tel to the Pittsburgh Oxtails. Berrato August It—drain In store— wheat, MAO bush; ooru, 467.500 bush; oats, 50 . 0 00 bnah rye. 2,3Xl bash. Receipts—flour. 10,000 bbleg wheat, 35,000 bush; corn. 345,c00 bush; oats, Irleee bush; rye2,7P3o Mud , Shlnmente—oorn. bush. Float - quiet: 460; new whlte Kentucky ll,,3oOs2e wnew Its Weida. $2,208;31, Corn dull, un settled and 20 lower; early sales or 15,1103 bush per sample at 240950, and later sales of 24,000 bush No 2 mixed 'wecens at 98e, closing erns. Oats; small sales at about 75c for western and Ohm. Barley nominal. Itsuplales COCO at 01.15. Mess Perk 70 nearY. andllght. Lard 13.4.5. 111 - wines nominal and unchanged. Frets ts dull at tie on cora to New York.. L. Leah, liarlseg. • thy Telegraph to the Pittsbursh Gaastte.) Br. touts. August 191.--Tobacco steady. Cotton; nothing doing. :Hemp nem and buoyant but unchain, ed. Flour quiet and Elm; double extra pmenoonx., choke 5110 11,50, fancy 412,,72. Wheat. under light re. ocipui, opened higher but °lotted nt Satur day.e quotations; red $1. 9 P4 0 t,07, white V,o2Cra.lo. Corn dim at .1.0501.18 for white, Yeliow a1c0.1,00, mixed Mc. thits opened Atm and higher out closed doll and heavy 01.510781. Eye arm at 94050. Provision. firmer. Mess Pork held at Vt.t.t. Bacon unchanged. Whisky held at 11.04111.06 free. Receipts—flour 4.053 bus; wheat 10.700 eackst cora 10.1 10 sacks; oats 4.110 sacks; rye ICI bus; barley 70 bus. wauber dry nod very hot. Sew York Cattle Merkel. By Teligrahli to the Pittsburgh (;azette.) flaw Yong, August l2.—ltecelpts for the week: WI helves, iff,66l sheep and lambs, 13,32) hogs. Prices: Beef declined 34010 on the week, closing a abed e firmer and steady, the offerings to.day being local and the demand quick; the avenge quality of poor extra sold at 164 e, prime 1601640, grst Quality 1301314 e, fair to good 141401., oral. nary to lit tetter walk. s hum arid Lsmbs. under large receipts, deeldodly heavy and tic lower; several lots of unsold Sheep held good d: 47 lac 7"41c-oeulTre firm 1.01111 all disposed of at $7,217tiff7,73, with a low extra at $7,0107,M. A. low grass Hogs were offered but sot wanted at any price. =I 107 Te lern.Dh to the elttebargh duetted :Caw 0W...3111. August 12.—Cotton quiet: receipts 313. sales 430 Wes low middling at "Ac. Louisiana dewar quiet and arm 'sun a Halt stock; aced fair at /4011; Cuba re tailing at 13%011 for fully tam lloleugsea , dull at adylle. Flour dull and unsettled aneerdne nominally 1te.5 0 09r50: cad. , al 103011. Corn dee/lned Se; yellow and mix ed at 41,1311,30; white at 4 1 , 13 0 1 ,30. Oat. declined; quoted at 7.1690 c. York la quiet; boldere dating $23,300.5,73 for rotted lota. 'Moon shoulder. at 13%013141 clear astee 1 61 10 14 0 1 Mon at CI tf;yl . :4o. Lard In tierces taT. relte l telfigieft p="g reledelLerket. Ztly Telegraph to the Putmarch Gesell.) Tomo)°, August 12.—Flonn quiet. Wheat 3 , fhao lower cul white 111kblean, and ithe. on Amber; sales of the former at sl,..YhyLli and I the latter at t 2,1001.1034. Cern dull; No. 1 Wahash 1a held actla wan the 014.• 9Wle for No. Y. ralk, and 97c for No. wtute. Oats azure n odn 93 better, At Oho to No. 1. and Me for No. Z. .12 ye unehankd. Lake yrelante-..r. on Wheat to °mimeo aml 40 by WIWI to nodal. ILeoelete forum past week —14,000 bole bn wheat, sq,ooo en corn, 'MAO ba osta.3.mo be rye. ohlpmenta —13.W0 bble dour, h olid,M On wheat. 3S". Dv corn, LUX/ bu W. 4,0.10 n rye. • Mem. svariges. By 're'womb to the rlttettoreh tissetto.l Carcaao, August In—Weather cloudy , and arm. Flour' .1,24114,50 for opting extra. Wheat steadiq no. l reel. winter *2.0511 . 2.07; No- 1 aPrloll fl,anall,M; No. - 9 $1,1 , 101.84. Corn groat and 540 lower, at 3111Mc for No. I and 1.01 for No. and ar125V40 tor N 0.2. y, 91 e 9. , 0 for N o onset And stead 2. Nus% at 4 44:1 . - lay golet. at 73(17.10 for \o. ignore. Moo Para Lard doll at - 11!40. Iteoelpta -140 barrels boar; GAM bushwin:AU 111. 310 Cosh Dorn; 00.401 bosh' oat.. nialinneow,— 4,500 Carron; dorm 10,0:0 bean wawa; 100.100 1 , 00/1 on.; r.7to boubrosta. atattiatera market. ay Toleirraylk to Me Illtistargb Cla.totto..l • Estatsman August. 12.—Cotree quiet. /lour—one stook is Mostly composed of lon grades; fluor Ls RonVali for sbloment, but corers ore bolding rock for for phew; City UMWIf Rola* 114.6 0 6 MM, Rmtorn Spring Wbost thaperftne4 k 4 A 'RUat favors boy. Ors; White. 12.1149401 god, dt.N o dlr4SO for mood. Corn runorUed; Rblte, YoUo'r Osts—larig sato,. at 7041, 77e. Rllsslty roe sad in bond Snit WS. Provisions unchanged. ==i3=ll Lill Palsgruph lo the Pittsburgh Ossetto.) Loctsvaus, August U.—balks of e 7 bbd tobacco at PAO for tett logs and 1113,13 for selection. Superta. Floor $ll No. 1 new 110,91. Wheat nigher at .1,84 p/.. Comfit:M. OA tl for shelled clellocced..oate—nom tk, In bulk, and tic for old. Mose Pork 01,7 i. ltaorsa—shoul.ors ltiet clear skies 1.33 , 40 :or . packed. Lard.la tierce. Mc. !law NUL- E7'g,3o In bond. Cotton tstizo. Oswego nark By Telegraph La the tittsburgilsotte.l • quiets Llswzoo,!lon Awls 12.—Floof Meanly. Montt a( mate dln fair deonwal; No. 2 Milwaukee Club an MUM. Corn awed gale% and easlertealee early of MMO bus :(o. I IllfoMe Meal AS. Other Rmlw stwroe and quiet. Lake imports-41Am One wheat. Can oxywou,-BMal use wneet sad :LAO be - llatelpagla Mawawl. (By 'telegraph to the Mubarak Barottc..l )(maul, .I.ut. 11.—Cou.os, firm; up Isuada 27t/Z3a. 1001 ft whole maga 5601@a. Hay, Ma 2. /lour newly; poDosa,oa. Pork, 11.157310 A• dawMle. cuithartgaa; etal. avlea,l4%e, Lard, LI rhnmeeiptua narigot. iB7 Telegraph to the Pliteberga lieretle.3 Pattailetrili, August 11.-710er la very dull. Wheat eteuly at 11. Lit for new red. Co. , weal , et $4lll for [taxed ereeten.. Oats steady at •7107.5 for hew. Yrovlaums evader. Mesa York at 424,50. Wh teß7 changed. Philadelphia ORM* Market. MT Telegraph to the Pltubarge dasetta.l Peu.aostrerut, Atag2ll.—Tha Cattla market la active sod tumettled.• Beeves; gales of TAO at Well. &twerp arm; SAGO at 113,600 Ur!. hogs In lair cleatand; sales of 3,.00 at eifeelo,So. Vlllame Cattle Illarkeil. (By Telegraph mum Pluatrargh Gazette.) CaJoaeo, August 12.—Heef CatUe dull at 0540.6,73 for Arm elan mere. Hoge fatrly schwa sad 134rg0 higher. at 0gP06,40; re oe Iptged., 1,1511 head. Sheep .031 e; and us chan mow York Dry 6e.Oa ao fkel. Chi Tolooraph to tie Illtsbonth otootk ; —.Now Toxic, August 12.—ThO demand tot dry row. hoProyl.g. and she market tirto. So change La poke.. Ull4B/12111 DI &Aisne/in. tArrumarro urn Prensatotan Bersioan, Arra 12-7 oars plg Iron, Moorhead talk., lag s, A A Barker; axe feet tutube A r Clark Metagle;l334 Moor. Iron, IStager,Nualeit a Ceti bolt bbleiepeo.• 11 MUIR; ao tots starch Arbuskles 00;10 /um 10 blare tobacco, 01,0. maker a Lug; Bt ses cheese, J h coeds/di sip Vr=ll"c.arr(bttk,6l7:4!lre .k, To . r bob 1011, Oppenheimer; SO bale oil, Chase; lido do, 8B nor d; ear moue, J Hastlate; do Man 011, W Witeou; 3 tate pears, Jltertert; a bbl. apple.. 11 .1 ?bum= 26 Mole vinegar, A Halloo; a lAA pure, Culp shapard; 6do do. do eggs, owner; 4do peen, Lit Valet a Co; 6 do do. it do egga, Fits. a Aroutroug; 7 bbl. ova., I do potatoet..ll Bea Jr; ib bele apples. Yangonler • Hhepardtlal oil able, W J rt,eel 8r0;29 ske ails, I keg tobacco. do butter. I Buk reg• 2 bble eggs.' keg beans, kegs rue, ead a Detrieri 20 tou Pig iron, Lsomm • tlallard ;20 Mils dour, Sehnelo44l4 & Sehotti 60 bbl. all McKenna a Boger.; 110 *smart, de. dug a LothroP. Prrtrnoe.row9 (bmotao Augus u t I s 2-1 ear willEfeWaTwg edybiall DOshart; 609 ppls. lead, C E richer. UN 1119 bble Dour, 3 B is. 1 14 kg. nuts. Lune, Oliver a Philp pp= 11V13 7 491.1 3 1 13 1 gfic7b 4 act1. t 2 1:671 . 1%t1e% le do 4oar,SD ler; bb; sums, A N II Wailou;, bbl..ppkabdo To alto; 001.16440 P.m , .6621, Kee • /Bo; :co Wee 01 Itehten; 0 barrels hwhleks, ricodw aw ie rule.., do p4114,11C104 hell Memo i t e m era J Stott Is 888 2 Nits videga i t E Smith d Verr:;*indt7l:: riot :tn. W ik id= I Boollised. Brlcker I. Co; 64 nest. beakete. J. Prirssrult, Commune 1 1 3 : 47.11C1NN/111 LEL. Atm= 12—lou hble dour, lieglunger • Vow I,pup; 6 kge lard, Miller • Fusee; 14 see oMerleie, Lichees • Co; 40 eke osta, Jae 01=31 bb W Beakel 12 do du. Meador et garperUgtßoy 114 do wbut, M annre • Eloodo bid Traumata; I ear p&I1; & j 11,7444 ICU 'atop tn.. I) Whitcomb; If Dales hemp, P Iteekurt Co; to eke feathers (.6 A le art/h 20 do do, x.nkpauu k , lb.. u g, Db 0/1, BE Sellem • UN IM MB tour, ribo. maker • Long; 2 earn Mae., Muhl. retlot do do, Malaga & ()mu° bus due. Dao war . laceti oar corndlltsbuck.tdcOnsea 7 a ea, g; do, Duos: a. or, ALltrogionr Biasing. Auguet 12.-I4 tots eon., Munroe • Col it do cheue, Moon a. Bubo.; lot mks wheat, 33 do dour, ti O me. Mesterei MO 000 dour, Stewart. & Loam. helm; 172 bury Joe C 4411,147 WI Oat, 47 414; 070, 47 do berley, P Gent; 118 bills uper Pitts Paper Coil ears Steen, Mara .041 VW wheat, 0113noni,8traub Ss phi 053 eke ott Jealous; Score wheat, W McKee A Loll oar lumber, 0 0 Boyht; ado wheat, Eermaig au; II bus 11.0..,, 115110 a 01041.7 . AtimensaT VaLLlTHAtheoall A omit 10— bbla 011, 0 B Jon= PI do do, AVRD Cott g l iegre o rt r oL 3 2l B 67bl e tt l e i r, d n t b lll a tch e M i l do do. MOW; t dodo; PIP Barna car me. tal, Maack • Co; 1 do day, 8 111 Kier • Co; 26 oate. Edi llehlut; Mb egg% Volgt a Co; I can Mdirosd li iron. DoEse; S care met lhott eml. o l` ai rta m on! Dais PITTSBURGH DAILY . GAZETTE AtTGUST 13, 1867 rynsinuten BOER WORN& • FULTON, 110117 MAIN 4 CO., ==== CORDAGE, OAKUM, ii= Ii I=2 RIVER NEWS The engineer of the Tom Sever came tent w eer ,. t h e pantry up just before ahe left Neer Albany one eventng lait week. Re turned the steam on to the steam - table, and me it too tee th. A big lot of dishes and provender were spotted. The St. Loot. Democrat says : Jahn Astevy find meta of the Weloome, died on that boat,of intermittent billion. fryer, coming ttp,betteesal Helena nod Memphis, on Sunday OI.IIODID Is body yea placed in • metalla