II 0 GOO 3 13 WHOLBSUEIMJ ROBE DRY GOODS! .56v. WM. SEMPLE'S, NoB.lBo di 182 Federal 81., ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. Brown Sheeting', Bleachitd Shirt tnp; Bleached thee lingo; Table Diaper; Tlekinpr; Furniture Cheeks; Plain Flannel*; Heavy Barred Flannels; Jeanx and Ca 'lnterns; Coverlet.; Honey Comb and Marseilles quint; 101411 Fronts. Handkerchiefs; Hod/4y. Gloves; And NoHons, of all kinds; IMI WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Mt., ..izLzenrxr cirr. EDUCED PRICES! WHITE GOODS. LIANDHEIICHIZPO: • - Leuze, mu ...a thowlon: . LUIZ COLLARS AND IiTTS; HOOP SKIRTS; lIALVOHAL sicrars AED lIUSTLSo; 01.01113, 80513,IIIC: 4iENT,s LADICS,UND6IWEAU: OMITS' PURNISHING 000041: PECCTLP,III) ens wia. sc. SOWAD GOODSO AT UILF ramp. REMOVAL. JOHN F. CLCILEY. Nouse and Sian ',Painter, removed to j No. 134 emirAtnaLto OT. , Pittaborglf, 1%, artrOnll lloooello the old dadud.. ILITDIO, Ft= ad filfusery Cods at less than Cost M' cCOWAN do.B3YDER, , I Bohm deitroo• to run our SINCE 110irli W knir ""I'Vr."=,:,`,l:lArraN; DECIDED n.in ad.urs =I Riff DECEIVED, 6000 numis Limns 1511 lIUTI Ti • C t mpriolog oil oltatrable .Dale. and mixtures. FLANNELD, boa or IiII'AUFAM=RIIIPRICX:I. JOUPII 110011 & CO., 77 and-79 Market Street. agrilrllOl:lCIALE MOMS UL IiTAUIP 5 , 00 0 POUNDS KNITTING YARN! JUST RECEIVED. Brj o w ilf tat i e sT eldattentlcreg of DLL- LA F. vtuuctr. BLUE DX LTDX AMrUkPMUDI L.c. MAROON. aLIT. CLOUDED, BLUM YIXJ9i BRV AL. ih ia n All 3 l) 300 LBB. AMERICA! REPUTE, MULC 41.17Q11UV1 am , m 0.% • ef colors, for SPLAWLB. filK/DB. DOSIERY AND GLOVE% GM'S FIIHADTRING GOOD& WlOl7 , 01131 AMU BANDKILISCHISJI. CU= _ I.I.O4=iICLOCC:iI lE'iraioess 2 1 oar WHOLESALIG DEPART/V=l' 1.111 !dead a t Ilse otertAllM uOOI74I,ZOTIONs sad FANCY 61000 S, se .blea we Masa. gnat XeretustAk Yedd.ees sad • teaser sUr. AVLOWEST ZEICFS. ' ELILCIWZI, OXIDE - z 1; a so was= mums JCraT °ME!, URN & Enna .IN►. 19 Plll9 arid, BICH AND suraucr ern= or . BEAD 6111115 AND TIMM. Er= MALT= LANZ CULLA= AND HEN STITCH:ID HA:NDNINDLDEI7A surzu "wawa =muse =MONS. ' HANDLING ALDIDAGIA,Fater "RANCH COI We-wag.. NBADLILVIA DM= ALMS, new shelve We Mee put ...need ampule:lot of Lilies' Promenade Bakke% and Geau! ?crayons's Irate, _ . Of tee tea ' eealtvese seetogypelas etTles. We Invite meets& aticetan. oar en , Jot or IlesYsi Ca* Beiurj usi h3lnYol ?nisi Lb Cii•W`Grilli: • The "Star" Slair mr ..pat tl a ! , irtrzap!lmu al tenlath ui lalet oapplid bitai. noun' a cutitst,si, 311 ,1 1.1tti: liitex4sot. .4_4 ENGLISH VIELNTZ, . FOR 16 OWN, AT is M. BRICIEFIRDSLCO'S, No. 87 !Market Street. wwl DA= (mum.; t W...wk sc 144111 T Cll/17Z, Or lit. worth 570. Wan/. If LILtiNZLW, NI prlots utd widths Ltars LAwss. Ustiut am saw. HIED HIS UNIX. - I==l N.1112150a1t AND JA.OOIII.S IMMIX& amiss munton = Tore. 07 3364ftiqtart. 1/I§treet. WHOLICSALE DRY GOODS. . . . inIYMNOT, IMMO CO., Hoi 116 Wood Street, . . . Nwn 3usapisibislargiwr Noce et ssasolable DRIGOODUCOYOO4, Witdch they OCtf it 111ANn1g TEM& Nor elliats mortise lip lenovid esll =P0.116 WlTTcpcmel 11111.1troart. . warnxcre.w.T. sturamo,Le. ennuixecat 14,0 OMB, DIrcCAtiDLESSI & Claw Wllsoa. Carr C 0..) WHULICSALX. D7.AIJILS lb FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DUNGEN& No. *4 WOOD 11111ZICT. Third house INsauktul Wry. • prrreuiraiati. r.. RILLIDALE cratETERY. rrla lli t4ll 7 / 4 . " .1 "' [ onKt•IM 111 to &Manned to at my odme. 0 V K oad door, • gmx OrArla: . . wiLLlAßisowl DINING ROOMS, _ Jib. 36 Market St., (Between Snood sad Third Oweeke) • rErviornum, PA. The home Ls amen . fontmhe with ererethhht Om constitute& a Met elms dattne Room. The doneeet of everything toe market stromn will be wrowO Me at an hoer" of the der Or Watt. le/klnlnk DINDU /100115. weermd floor: J, U. WILLUNSON, Proprietor. tashen match men hold (or on Ibide of mamma. neon ' IeIMMI • • IDES B. YOUNGSON, IC). 200 Wylie Street, 8"P"U l "T l In tl - if.1 1 ,1111.7 ° ,1 ' ..r4g,r1 11.1'4" ' 11,11iEltY AND CONFECTIONERY; At the above somber. Idresh &MELD & CIASEZt, of .11 otentiption., nann. Also, I . lllnTs, SOT& tiplenthd ICE CREAK HOWL. re fitted lip to etre. Sheets' ....UM and"ed& terablungrtivate fwd.. Dlnser. Plonk. tette Mr. 03.6A11, &Alien and PROM. BILEAD moraine and eeentin: - • NEW ICE car Ant SALOON. • P. H. tYPCUIRE • No. fro Firm STEER; atiKiv, nditidteld, !It poOYL'sU.Etc Ile irLitr;cu .u.pplled .bon notice and restonabla term. • NEW STORE. Ir. W. reCITIIEAvim. Confectioner, ram gun & ilakry, Ica outAY: IiALUKZAS, 0upb.1...., r zoo - tlararizEm linuarr. astb !ad I.lbette. I N. M. U.lllO. ROWLAND SIC 1L1R17.19, • .HQUIE AND SIGH PAINTERS, *}lttaltrdtd AND G1...5.1MM No. G 4 DIAXOND, ALLS6BNN Y. CALClMllinitt done Iv the best wanner. J K. HAMILTON, Jr:, Entine' and Sign Painter, No. 183 TIMID STREET. Pitratmegb, Graining, Glazing and. Gilding . • zaEorrza. • - • NIXED rAMTS. vASNIsu PUTTY. wads. !MUSLIM TURXESTLNE. warrz LEAD. ZINC.. de. _L r. ltdrcinottolt_ s. 111.1110111. HUTCHINSON k HEPBURN, DOER DO AND ORNAIITAL PAIETnE, GELAINEIIB AND at,4*, • No. US PZNIPA AVFAID,E, Pittabonli.• AllOOOlll by .**ll DO O OtOtIT *flooded to. • EOM SIGH An OILLUEENTAL PUNT . MI. AND GUM= LBAfiIdILEAL P SS north side of Diamond. allmm be. Dana:tidal and Dam altos oink to mom-. Orden impentoDY WARM and ended, Wm. ratitts, w LoCLow alma md ratty mommtlfmibmii. Imumn r:•c , STRAW GOODS YOB SIMMER SALES. ALL. THE NEW STYLE HATS PUS SAL* miter. LT _ McCORD' er Ca'S, • rtrcr..lBll2l7c.cact EL&TE3 'RATS! r. ' owur mar.. -GRATILIM Bz* BYla At N 0.62 St. Clair Street, anvil est at the ash east tetall dock& of HATS, UPS AND STEAD! GOODS iln the ely . , and =orth In ze_4 . of slog =etteeMetti . vin % T o reLnlng, exclechea. ail:rea PIANOS. OTIGAIiIi, IX•IIO...Ir.L.MMTr=i IWMI. EASE„ & (woman to wititomair. a BAKU. No. 12 St.; Chili St., Pittsburgh. =0 Pianos, Organs, I.r.dlntelcal Goode generally. ' • 4141P701e. istntg bribe Webnied BIiDDS) BT, N. , York.' sod SCISOILLCILtI PllDadefthls, .I'll.BoB. - - • 131•EY & oomi .00121.61 Z,. D. 1 E. W. BULT/111 • ...11.1111101.714. , OR. GLIB. andllialJNll PATENT GEITI . III.. Tke beet IYIYs sad Qumaa molt& awl. OW. earltelare allftry as haws.. Wri UNIIIVALLED PI. eiligirrgs'ecieragi to.e longer ass way other. New stock Just re• advert. ..tor sale a: las thin Itclary 011A1/LuTTE .81.1331 E. da ram area., Bile A/ant ear Enabios risncet, Values Senn Planes. ad relate, Automatic ors., sus- .:::}.411:9 *xi VI ft :AIM I . EILIuItANTti , LIVERY AND 8/LE STABLE, • J. W. NICHOLION. PROPRIETOR. MON. 111 ANDI 43. 2111BD STREET, (Oppohlta /14exclotats. Hotel.) , . HOUK& CABOIAOI% P.T. Heal.. stun hat t 0,14 purrhooo 044 solo of llorseh. .1.14 raox•siconctaxo MORELAND & •MI.TORIILk Livery and Sale Stables, 423 man= snineir, Oppodt• Po...urns/11a 2stirosa Depot.: PITTSBURGH. PaiNemv attention ~.14 to 2113/Ablog Hu t s Lod Caning:a for =onus. _tioroes trot at lirtn, • uslik,* Ir-1 B. MILLER. Bazaar, Livery AA.* and HAUL BTAYILES. Ala , ,TorMahlai Clodartaker. tin. of Coding no., at the lowest rum. toot doted. Ur en 5004. (11141.90 N A BI VV ISZ for ET. h h r :7y ß s e remit.. for Tunands. • Honey tent at Livery : a the day. month or you, and attended i to to bm the raTtnio rri .rmid n"" t! ea t = t h g t•= i atahles kept open all Mon I.l.l4Viry •c - toriek . :49 . s4:ll IIIII . OIITANT NO-TICE. TO OWDOCUS OF HORSE& Da. WEST begs to Inform hle friends and it:4 6 g I_4_lll7er Vs gar.% .T.,...a.marporatte rear end orthe . St. (Merle. rakr/141nrilld 5k171711.11/6=l"..r:Llzt: 'ion.. a, are Intectlam disemes not seraltted. but every stientiou pald so them at the men eve stable. INX.ltiplt WEST'S eelebrs • 7 1:,..,1 1, 1 6/ 4 4 . 4 1 A 1.1 Ns 1t.,4 st n nea r tg ,.. ..,;:he i ens. Muss, Wrnrl ' esSl i d e tl e e l ,Pell,, Sore deoui ,,y,Aspfale. or Cuts, and WILL not !Mum the 3air. It mar be had In bottles. at Malang. /Sight Sad Mantrleases Inslootly attended Is. Remember the address, st cbtri es Btabies. Is um bTatET. oppoete M. (Mules itotel. leTtabl puede. N. DUFFEY, vEIERINARY SURGEON AND HORSE TRAINER, Tiiided foe thipaiionart.bettbfare Dieelved, metteetrally "neon. w that bilila•ovened nn HOnriTAL bTA I at the earner or WaIItIVO Z M Ter etn*t.'llretTreell Ohl* sane •nd Coat lter intone. 017100 at the latter and realdenee a. tea tomer plate. "peel. atu...00 Airen to bay .", telacting utd Inciceeting horses; Stialo.lll anal ssaleattme oi AO. id. A. htIiLDS. flea Lltsg.tr:Aft h t. '. 2g:lttri,) 7 alirelg Vers%it a ridUUr g . ll, ' ltiletl f AtirAtta : maul ...Mhz, Wish ot OII. Jettnlitt t. D., D.ll. Zeslvr. • 111:7AtAT9 TOBACCO, CTGABS. &o. JOHN MEGRAW, Xnaldertszaan=l: t aatt Eatal Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 4AIS M====Ml Exclusion woiang. R. & JENKINSON. =E!=l Tobacco, Banc, ar,ars, Pipes, Ite. 0 rIDEJUL lt.E.oolon, 13T33.03H1PE5. CTEADITO AND FROM.. LIVED. ,uor, ANDQITZLI.,STOW. TIVICS A. V. XIX. The thSIA.N LIEN. .. ,2 1.1 EVERT. SATURDAY. EVERY WEINESEAT tAILIATLY O U. AIA.II.A. Volum prod ro And from trolaad. KArts.p ierAland,tie.rmAYAAdytAa2u. the rTsVii; . rs,klPru NOAM. 05df IAsMAIA 14. urth. pittsintrglj Gaitttc • Cheerkel Weed from the Ctietabry. Zausetat Ctsverpendence Pittsburgh seam.. ) tinarrarsneset helms, Thursday, August f, 1017, thank yen sincerely for the deg, Diu.. era yae valuable paper &Sarnia me While enjoying a fear haita 'recreatkcaiik 'from the ballots of busirmaa and ;the dust ! and smoke and soot Of Our goMilly bid city. j gest imagine, treat' an, am 'Pittiehrgh Oats". for hreakfailt, feed Itibitable far the body and mind of fitly epicure. This delight, it gloxinia • Vitiate; • indeed 1 lea feel that it would Tate aaillah in me to he enjoying all alone 'cOmforts uud plrts tires without writing mi . rriende to coma and share In the enjoyment. A trip bore it certainly the best investrtiont or time ono tan make, riot even excepting Oliver r4l - ° lel:Milan Whirl you .eiti.lemat of the Dr " . appeal L. eu largely enjoy. This country_ r.mrt la on the mountains, mid 'ray between Cluttnimosburg and (tour burg. The Plttaburglior can take the "ten twenty , ' night train (fare SP.,m) and arrloo at Chamborshurg tit eleven o'clock next Morning where bud; (fare ji.ool will be. welting nest Wonting to carry him hither. , During his stay of half el'Y In Chambersburg the visitor wilt pnalltably fri his %Imo by zair_lnnift the b urn ed aleCausland, when It o so Valiantly the homes of several thousand Mee, We. man and oblldren, and left a thriting town a mass of smouldering antes and tottering ruins. The relies Or : , .,cCaushuid's vandal ism will ever...aim as a monument to his militarypower end valor. Marble tablets 4. 7 - el,e'en placed on ninny of the rhumb structures, nub il e bblldinge and Private !dinned erected shire the amtlagration which beer an itincrlidibn commemorative follows • "horned Tidy I. 2 l. r ir,‘Z. 47A1 - rebel tien;/11cCautland." I If the visitor on his wa hither dealrei j not to remain In Chambers y burg, ho will ra i j par to the Waahington House and call for esahead brand% who keeps the "Fly Leg /Avery." and he will bring him out In good style and in time for dinner. For the latter Lat't t TT° !ZVI= 7: 1 "gimitina all year fashionable Caps hay, Saratoga,' and other high heeled, bugle trimming places of summer resort, if Daniel Miller, our worthy and email:nal landlord, don't rahow to keep a hotel after forty persenoa than nractleo don't makeyears per fect. Ito has never learned tho alarming. ' brooms of "little to eat and plenty to pay" to much in vogue in those days of snarp emetic°, but follow, the Mellow for tho Ante of It and not to ranks money. His charges are from eaten to nine dollars per week, children limited in.- lila day rates are flay cents per meal. The large bathing house contains two largo pools of water as cold as !mend while you are 10 your bones fairly ache, botalion out you have the de lightful effects moulting from a beneficial and healthy bath. Tho pure mountain air and cold crystal water works wonders. A lady from Pittsburgh who bll.B not been able to walk for ten mouths, and who had to be carried from the carriage into the , house, alter but a foruaglal star MM., Is able to walk Mina the grounds, and is in' Cinch unproved health. Na have the pleasantest and most aeoem modnUngyouoir lady for postmletrem that A. .1. basin all askedmaind oi tile depart meet. When for a letter she don't shake nor head and say In a rode voice without looking either at you or for the letter "knaw—m none." We receive - tyre :nails a day, The trout fishing is splendid • hereabouts, in the streams towing trona the different mountain ridges which all unite at Caledonia rtyrunco, forming creek., To give Yon an idea of the spot 1 would briefly Mention that two of us caught ninety no pretty nab as mer -"best& rod" or "wont for a bait!' Thin mimosa In angling was at a stream belonging to the old Commoner Thad. Ualranl, whoowaa fourteen tboaaind acres of ground or rake surrounding hie Catalonia furnace. I _have taped In many mountain streams but never In any where the trout are so largo and beautiful as here. More anon. I). tatted HMIs. Court. Before Wm. tillson AWL:sadism This Court met at tea o'clock' on Saturday morulau. On motion of Hon. r. o:Shannon, IV. W. Marshall, EN.. of Vcoango county. . ass ad. ated to practice to the Courts of the Crated Statvs. fiIVAN A VIIIIAMT. District Attorney Carnahan toot op tw \ o eird of ars,Calted &MU vs. George Utt, of •Scmeriat totlly. Defendant was sued tor penalties incurred far norooorapjl ance With the Internal re,ellllo 16, Tile suite were loatitated MN. Cordials were entered WV det312.110/It. NO Other ease was lAtOtftlrli the Court ad. Jo..:bia tin ten cOcloct Monday. OLEO • , CAY r nas The GrUaJ. , T concluded their lssinese, came Into Court abllnt noon, eau atter making a specialpresentment, (In writing) were discharged. The following is a copy of their presentment, which was endorsed by /edge McCandless tuns: Ao-. preyed by the Court, ordered to be publish ed, and coulee forwarded to the Secretary of the interior "and the Acintarl of the Treasury toftheLr action:, 'GassaJrer Roes Plttsburgh, August IC. IST". I o concluding a somewhat protracted and laborious session, the Brand Inquest desire to Ming before the court. that they maY be brought thereby to the notice of UM proper authorities, some matters eatable of the or dinary routine of their duty. Pied, It on. been tented almost impoeslble to attend to out Unties during the present nation, la eooeegmoco of the nab* and to In the vicinity of the (Saurt House. No remedy altogether adequate to there. tuovel of the Moonvenlence. Ina place so public., and constantly crowded with Tess. ins vehicles, can be sugmetalt tent the evil could be greatly lessened If the proptr an. thorn'. would entetitoto the Nicolson pavement for the one now Muse: et lean In the vicinity , of the Custom (louse. Second, The Grand Jury hes laterd.with surprise that there is to room to Mend en* for the use or the Jury to SUAnnefnnen mean the Coml. During the present session of the Grand Jury they Imes used the °Mee Of the District Attorney, and °nen RI:O.M. necessary to surrender the mom to the Tra verse Jury. There IS no necessity for such. baconverelence and discomfort; there Is abundant MOM In the budding neenpled by omelet. tuna way connected with the Court, and the grand Jury recommend that the room occupied by the District Attorney, the Grand Jury and the Traverse Jury, the or th e orimeloo e ease - may demand, be permanent. 19 devoted to the um of the Teavero Jerry, and that the m at present map'. td by the Inspemor of hollers las the Grand Jury it informed) be perroanently devoted to toe nee of the unmet Jury, ander the Die trict Attorney, and that the proper an thrirltins of the United States be requested to fit up and furnish 1, In a sultatle men. per for that porpoise, All of 'which Is to. epectfully submittal. Gamies TAYLOR, Foreman If. Derrsamato,l3ecretary. O'Mara Reach Warrant Cane. In the hearing of the O'llara bench war rant ease, before Ju dge Williams, of the District Conn., Ol Indarlast, some rodeo. Lion was cast upon Sheriff Cluley, for eettmleff neglect of duty, and without en planation the ° papers" Justified the cen trate of tbat oiliest . . The report of ' the bear , Ing does injustice to the Sheriff, and we deem it bet jest to give the expLumilo width 'trite entirely- itatishtetery• to the Court. After being released, on Wednesday al , terneen, by Alderman Humbert, On giViog bail in the sum- of $30,C00, to answer the crowns brought. by Mr. noble's:in, Mr. o'. tiara was arrested on a bench warrant I. atted by Judge Williams at. the Instance of another party. .The arrest wu c Wanted late In the atoning, too late for Judge Williams to be tentfor,.thOrdertbat a hearing en tem be hid. and thtlarairds.lodged .10 .orison. Thursday morning the parties concerned, 011ara himself aosenung, requested the Sheriff not to nottryJudge Williams of the arrest on his warrant; as they were nego tiating for an adjustment of the matters, or Darn!mufti/v..1. Teuraday passed without a on the heath warrant, mid. during 1 that day s ball piece was lodged against W- IllararhO Maen whO baCame his bail before Alder Men numbert surrenderbittbim. On yridey,nesollationa having felled. a writ ol habeas