TBT I)4Gl' GM;MTE rour.nunth irstsur atoimiNe; McIIDAT 6 ISICISTXD.) PENNERAN, REED & X.x . c.l33riegtcorri, r. n. T. r.UI), ru,.._~:" Lu4otL. - • ..... JOIMIII IKIO• 125MI!IIIM 3135. A.-1 riC FIV U STREET. tisk; ..r - pAlin2 taer et Tefterti OFFICTIZ PAPER* OF PrI"MUGS Aj • • ALLEGHENY , LAIIOIXT,OPIELVAPT utd SEPT FAMILY mad tp.f.111.11E.5011.1. PAPLIS Use Pcsie. • TVsla or rutrat s: ''tner e nt . •••••• • • ,•-•••-• 3 - crate , lo Itrored or ....... rrf Mitt a obacrircril, ref 7r. .”-T•••• Add MIN, rlrTlitlllie H, rx.mwri.. • • e.irt 6a;itte - - Yon Tale.ACcOpiOrr/110h or Vanaorra leav ing the city during the etrdaner months they can have the Caaanns mailed to their PAldrem cen t . drin the acme at the tor fifteen oa r-wick for one Irtxdc or WALIIVEZIS.—There is some danger that this slang term will become parrs ier,illy fixed to the country our Govern ment lately Purchased front Russia in the northwest corner or this contineoL It used to be known as RuesMn America; but as it Is no longeritussima, that deals nation will not do now. As the great peninsula which forms the most valua ble Pirt of fit has lean borne the name of Alaska, why may LP*. that ha the same lof the entire new territory? Walrussia, ' as a term, hai Its origin iria low witti cism, wherein the words Walrus and Minn are played upoii and compound 7 ed. Such a term, simply because i low and degrading sense adhereato it, and will adhere as long as the-English-lan -ger= -is spoken. ought lobe rejected. Let the right name be thod by law. . - CONSOLIDATION —,_ Siessus. P. mons: I was informed a few days ago, in reply to the suggestion that the whole newspaper mess of Pitts burgh, with the exceptionor the "Ai ork• ingnien'&Adretafe,' had taken ground in favor of consolidation, that this en a mistake so far, as regarded the Pittsburgh GA7.ETXL. - '1 Your zetnri - e, hoc/over, upon an arti cle signed "dialer," published by you this morning, seem to Intimate that It who not much of a mistake utter all. You say that you "diesent from most of the positionsof the writer, some of which are monstrously extrevaea t, " sad that there 1,, possibly us much :eta - dam on the part at those who favor as of thosp,whoMppose the tonsure, and that t Itemareable Exhibit: It is a question on which the Last I. men. The wealth of Connecticut in proper may properly differ, Wiliont stating your lion to population was, in 1800, .$966, maims tor tuis opinion, and therebY Cast . while that of no other State lathe Union your weight in fever of the consolnletion ista • 1 exceeded 5550. That of Massachusetts The writer of this is an owner of won SOUP- of Pennsylvania, *487; of property in both cities, as well as out- New York, teed, The number of im side, who entertains the Opinion that the proved acres ot• land to each square mile measure is a very foo ith and will ho a in Connecticut was 253, while in no oth very dLeistreus one, as well to Pittsburgh er State did it exceed 321 acres. In ten itself, as to all the other districts involv- years, from 1820 to 1860, the manufac ed,andtbat the objections made by "Sha. turing capital increased from $25,000,000 ler," although not the half probably of , to e 42,000,000, or SO per cent., while the what may be sou cm the some side, are 1 capital employed la farming increased du very sensible and reasonable ones, I ring the same period 27 per cent., or from Ando dissent from them, however, and I e•Q,000,000 to (104,000,000. She stands pronounce them "monstrously extra,- i also among the foremost in the variety gent," will you do the public and my- and value of her manufactured products, self the throrof stating the reasons why and her manufacturing establishments you think so! to order that the opponents are rapidly increasing. (Rep. of See. of of this. measure may have an oppertuni- State Board of Ed.) The increase of ty of weighing and answering them, if 1 the amount of the Grand List of taxable they can do it, as 1 humbly think, they property, exclusive of Polls, was, during can, unless von have something more the last year (21.621,273, and during the rational to offer in support of your views last two years, 03,e40,622. The total than any thing it has been my fortune , Weenie of the Stem for public purposes Yetvct-Re- : last year was (2.207,42 G IS, and the out- The opponents of this :visionary and 1 gods, Including interest on State debt, and dangerous scheme are desirorts to see all 1 4615,675 50 paid on the principal, was Umtata he raid in favor of it presented I e1,e06,094 00, leaving a clear balance in inns distinct and pelpablo a shape as I the treasury of e1C0,4:3310. The Comp possible, and will then be prepared to troller says that if the levy shored be re • - Vine suchen answer, as they think will 1 deiced to three mills on. the list, it will dissipate the illusions and rustier the •, leave a considerable baleen tube applied fog in whin it has been -enveloped. 11l towards paying the State debt, the whole they should fail, it will only be became I of which will probably be extinguished there is something in reserve which they l in 20 years The balance, which will be have not anticipated. They 'to not pr in the treasury March:Lt. Ib.IS, 13 estima grant it, hdwever, as exactly fair that , tell at 1E:57,200, or (327.186 alesTTrePri you should condemn any portion of theirstud after paying ( 560,000 of State in argument MBAs mammary way. If eon I debtedness, at which rate the whole will • dissent, they watt your reasons:Bleep's I be liquidated in about 15 veers. ere "extravagant" and "monstrously" , so, they would like you to show which ' Cruelty to a Dsughter. of the ra are of this character, a _ ‘ nd h o w i A man may be over cautious in regard and wh y theY ate re uenera ` net '''' ' to his children's reputation, and Ire' ALIZGLIENV. I quently do them injustice by Lis harsh fermaues eV TEM EDITOR- 1 I noes in judgment. A case of this kind ' IVO rather like the tone of .i* in Detroit, in "All, he- ; occurred the other --y angered by soma stip ny,",although he does complain that we i which a railer, : pased Misdemeanor of his daughter, a characterized some of the positions of ' girl nineteen years of . are, punished her "Slater" as "monstrously extravanaus e II so sev e r e ly band a that th nd e necaus ed i g hbors to ok t e e - De eats no to specify.. Well, to be b Clarke brief, I a his arrezek we think his estimate of the brulges, and I tt r e les Taylor took his daughter into a room and whipped her with a horse' his effort to frighten himself Or others whip untitit was entirely used up, over with visions of paved streets running I her shonldera land breast, raising great' through farm' ' &-u " Warranted Wes 7 ells and otherwise injuring her severe-- Plai. I cation of the phrase. The GAZY:TTE has : ..} no After that he locked hemp in the house and left her to brood over her not been, and is not now, a palliate in some. A little boy released her during this important controversy, whatever the , the afternoon, and she sought protection private opinions of the editors may be t I at the house of tier aunt . . Even if the eirideserved pm:mimeoi for an offense So far from closing their colorant agtun' st 1 against her father's prelates, suth Yr-1m kW. Valero -sears. those who oppose consdlidatimi, they or , ineuteteiveitter :smug tee court roma pueishment as that is Teat v /.. inhu man- 1 Judim Slater prneeeded to the street, and ' vita a good-tosnpered, sensible discus-1 At . that age she. is a woman, and not a entered , s e 41 , , lie o sras Je i lle t z . V . clean I y elan of the question. We cannot, how- : child, and should be treated , as suds. A 1 be - 11 -r. , rt ,d i S'..l‘ mita ever, permit correspondents to impugn I father may be angry and in anger do 1 pie- up to Jethro a Miser and eamiefi hue a wrong to his children, but his wrath he- Jeer. easier took the not., m.o. °mime the motives of et t a t i sess s, w ho are Ina. vented as rashly , and inhumanly end brae. to read it. sir. medley tamed anfl left rte ear. amend le en tent,' probably quite as honest as themselves , ; has nothing to palliate it, sod cannot he ere.' bad gathered. Withollt a protest defended. 'Spare the rod and spoil the , i t ... der .,,„,4 the „ Qte . s . . , b , i „,,, I child," the Wl9O. man says, but lie never into th e ear, aile ' 1 rillgrareTair4=Sto th a•I it of Nei: ----a-- , Verily to Ehaler. ' said anything about availing We rod and Bradley and kept in that position Cline be Messes. rmiTonB: - A. correspondent' child too. A warrant , Las been taken rem ained te teams ogniewmg, mr, mad. 1/111.1 If the allegations , ley wowed through tbe crowd and cowed under the head of easter in the Gezerre 1 out for his arrest, hie eel.. muowea by several friends be: of Saturday addresses the "Citizens of I arc Prete° - lionmag to the bar. Alma e orondlmutadl against him Le will get his ' Moly gathered on tne corner In front of hit McClure, Ross, Reserve and Indiana 1 1 deserts -_______.. s ..._________ , Mike. Alter remaining in his office a fan toienthips," in opposition to consolida- T e e Ti m e oertav -An intereWeg E:Xperl• I m . rneata. Mr. Bradley came out arm la an tiOn. 'Stealer's" exordium, consistiog I men% th hie Verner, and proceeded down Lou. of the weakest kind Of clap - trap about 1 Seat teems Memos, followed by a crowd of yourself at a table. Attach a friends and earlous persons who exalloll the Board of Trade, Senate' B i g hein t 64, I piece of metal (say a shilling) to &thread. ei i ,',,'arl,'`t i ,' - ? - 2.Tir: rltt,r`flfl,i will be plead w`thout remark, i as it ileving placed your elbow on a table, I tits swat In the ear, and continued the p a rs. will not street the question, and shown , hold the thread between those/inlets(' the 1 sal of the note while the ear Veered off. "Studer" in a bed humor. s "Shaler" says: "You willmon be via- I thumb and forefinger , and • allow the 1 ~.buoiocorher,eLtiols.Prtntatf.iiienote_s ist p, Je b, tez . •shilling to hang In the centre of a glass ' one runirestert or a perso4r enboontor bed by the L525210r 3 , VOW will enthuse tumbler ; the pulse will immediately between the Judge online dcwandianyor. the valuation of your land by dividing cause the shilling to vibrate like a pen- Illtanl.ST so ocean Main. • it Into building lots, instead of estinist- , , eteum, and the V ihratione will increase i it Is said by gentlemen wholisve seen the idg by tee acre, as heretofore." "Slitter" evidently intends to lead Lis glass ; - until tile shilling strikes the side of the I yr,. eioeteLeoste,erseee eeafr...maitiey to , and suppose the time et the ex- I nary In ;hi; ern& Wri.ie:7lZrl37lnrltg., the readers astray, so that they will suppose , 1 =anent be the hour of seven or half- rtinnim the erpresslOn sttnbatut la radge - the city appellate the A 555115012. NOW ' • ouchl Is not the feet, for the people l , ;part seven, the pendulum will strike the I X,,,,,v4lZgethrofreje.cocgb,eithlteeo.csi,fallyalmllteg-,.) of mess seven times, and then lose its mot I latter 'would reeelve a eemnannteatlon loom Stotler Reserve, and all other Marius, I mentum-and return to the centre. If 1 hose at see TN . ; ~,1 1., tb IA aisles , tbatt...rt elect ;heir , own Aesessors, who return you hold the !bread n sufficieut 'length , "dteVe ° Ins iremglon by . 11 ' ledge, referring - to the valuation to the minty, and the city l of tame the cent will be repeated-bet 1 thuudrundtratatultngLetneen 'Lima:. uses. under the law is bound to Lake the euunty 1 vathation 25 their basis of tax-1 Lot until a sufficient space of time Loa ten Mid that the Judge stoma appehit u a, ation. "Shsler" mast thiuk the citizens 1 elapsed to convince_ Jou that the experi- 1 =L a o qn • . }:,,T,,V7g T:1,1,,,,,,,,,, Pi ' met is complete. Pt c need not add that 1 .ittlee their dlinculty. Yr. /insoles , fur. of (haler, Reserve sad the others he ad , . ' the thread must be held M a steady hand; i thee seggetd,e,te.hg.emtritiTtiear .iii3t, dresses ere very stil l' hl 1! he "p pe '''' : otherwise the vibrating motion would 1 I Wgtertti c red with. Thu letter wee dated for 0 moment that they will elect Assts• be counteracted. At whatever hour of July sal. but was mart, ea oath toe conclu• rots-who will operas them too the way , the Jay n ight th or e experiment is noule, heluateat ' ". Con " be possible "Shu. I . the coincidence will be the MM. wHAT TIM age TIIIIIM__ stela or the Vial. jer" Is SO ign o rant a s not id know that _ ____„,..„____-._ , 1 Jryrorellotc.f.e.eirde keei.lie.r.4.lam..trLagor.ri the voters of each eisnict elect their Death of a I.ltrle Girt leen tenallOWing ~,,,,,,,,,,nonnosee The pollee are prlnete. own Assessors? If so badly posted" a N.rfac Cent. Ina order. The members of the liar are "Shake is not fit to address the people ' I Am intcreetin l'W I I 1 about three ea° ^ " . "" Wt. ' la thog, ~....0:11.,,,•:,, , g i ogre on the aubject of Consolidation; but if, the bulge and nave e i , aro e on the contrary, he understands. the tat,,' yenta of age, daughter of L. L Ellie, re. stoney moralism heraldeem to Mis e , siding in Trey, died on Tuesday then the object Is to humbug the people, .ng. morn mammon cause salties ge Wan they nly deelare ha. disgrac himself by i The child was n great favorite in and therefore he La seaworthy of coin ' the neighberhocel, and It was the custom as sault. ' erns his Menial power to want a personal dence.'' ' of some of the neighbors to present her 1 Agana, "Simla" says : .You will be , 1 with pennies while passing the door. required to p a y a yearly tax of from " ve : About a weeks:so she swallowed a nickel , so Wan dollars for each wagon, cart, , ~.,. A physician was immediately I • buggy, or vehicle of any esetib d . Lim you' called, and all the known remedies were FROM VIRGINIA. happen to own." ~. s „, I applied without Macs' Very MUM She I - - Cha p ter ' lt. ' eet ' M Vll ° ' the ' "1; I commenced to vomit, and it was found' ai r. .., i n 'a r- o re al=t i . ot a i rg:t . ',,, P e fitr t Code completely overthrows " blister, , 0 .,„ impossible to keep anything on her I of a.,:fufgere and tesinsters. and ahc'tca that he is Per vertle g ' - 's ' stomach. The 5yt111201133 were all those Coy Telegraph to Om Pistol...eh (Mutts.] law. Farmers and wagons bringing ,of virulent poison, nutunlike those whin- insane elosome, Moroi 0.-The mar produce to the market arc e v pressly , inmate the presence of arsenic and dei yesterday of a eolpred boy by a white exempted. - ' strychnine. The little sufferer died in , toy tumuli Tyeon, M. POrtsMoUtbp In a . Yoe will be taxed heavily for the i convulsions a t hen o'clock Tuesday 1 eieter . ei l oseeiw4litiml__Tia.elt e;:i t erd o e c e c c.V.4c o li purpose of building a new City / t a ll and , morning. She was the favorite of the' 1 , 1,1.1,„ ..a t ;,, a7,„,..r.,Typn. ~ho Goal.' , s t, I household and the idol of a hirce circle emapee, wittt vegeta, delOgns, but Ills Is Partially true as to City 11011 , bet `"" lof family acquaintances . The Mrellal- a1it:gt r :g1 it t d. ,,,,,,,,,,, ,„„„ a .,,,,„ is a special tax and will be elf In three or four years, and the people will have i stances oilier deathehould be a warning compieseu and exhibit. • majority of only to parents to keep ,pennies nit of the I tlftr-four oolored vote.. . value for their money in the ground and bands of children . BIeII.OSO,AUSUSL II -.2 meeting at es building. Under consolidation the tax 1 , Mime. and soldiers of the tinned btates army nue held t o- night at the Ballard wouldbe ilt mills. - lieu,. An address ass read by a member. As to the" Jail, "Staler" should know 1 eertrely re fitraing so the action of the re. that rho city has nothing MO with tax-1 rent ItepubllcsalOWrentlelp. The neteltell - thou adjourned to meet ou.lueeday to for. Mg the people. It iv county business, I a Termer °reanimate.. and all the citizens , of the county will be - There is no aerious talk taxed alike.. s acre » .-- ' about a newlail; it is only a suare•crow holdup by "Sinter" to alarm the timid. Ilis statement' is molly disposed of as to .a tax for the now water works, be " 'cense water tax is special, and those ro fortunately situated as not to need the Water, pay no water rent. 'rho - water works am, only pay all expenses ha sup .plying water, but area source of consid erable revenue to t, o city. As to greets, "Mader" is again wrong. The law is ouch that streets are graded Tend paved only when the 'property hold. era abutting en the street request the same to be • done. ''Stater" objects to uniting. with a "city loaded down with a heavy railroad and otherdebt." "Sim. ler" evideutly thinks this is a crusher. a. debt of a few, humircd dollars may be very heavy to a party having but a few hundred to meet it, while &debt of mag nitude may be readily lame by a city whose resources are counted by millions, and whose revenue not only pays the In tzrest upon. her indebtedness, but will, in dine, extinguish the 'debt and carry on the wheels of- government. The north side, which"Shater" is pro- • , purred to represent, is assessed or valued .. . . . . . . , , • , ' . .c . CA Irl .1 n - -... L. -..”.1-1.■: . ? :r•:-. _ •. , .. 11161 1 1:3 , , •11111 4.4 • ' . '.•'-- \'‘Vvi.l4/1/i/4;7 , - D.17E0 ... . .—. . . . . . . , .. , . ! ; • . „ .. , . • , . t , ......-...,......:- .,...z . : , . 4.- - : z„,..':' , 4t . ,, , , , .,.•-.'1:„- - ....-!"..-_,.,- -., a1....t-.=,...i-,. • A _... _ , - , :: —i . : : ..... . 10. -- 1 -zw4 ,( 9--- , , , •011 , v, ~e i ., ..„ •••••,- .. 6 , • -,- '.•,i.: 7 . -- : , :-;ii...--- 1 tt ,I`, • . • . ,-; . • ~ aiiii 6. 4 -..t.%.,...,fki - ,t - ,. , 1 , . , .'N C%'.., . - ei , ...tt - i •,, . .. , ....- ' .. 1 I ''' -:-.' - -- .') ' ' \ * N' l ' ' ---''-''; " ~,,, - =' - T, . ...' '',:. , -4•' 4 - L . - 4. • • . . , ! 1 1114*X...e.i "} ..' . '1.. " •• .4',1....„. 0cac t,)2, ,, ,,,,,. - - - ". ' ---: - --- - - - - - t -:: • ''- z 4f' - - - =- 7 ,7 - --- -, - =7. ~ -..--- ~ , , ----` = '-.;-,,-- - - --, . 2 ::---..-:..-- ._ .._. . _ . __- ~ .-, „ _,_, ,_.-___ . z „ _ .. _ . . .. . .... „ . . . H• at .$4,955,ffi1 7 , and the Middle District, towards which he exhibits such hostill •ty, at $15,5 , 30,Ptt1. The Southern district is not embraced in these figures.. Suppose, for a moment, that the indebtedness of Pittsbuigh is two millions of dollars, and she pays it off, will "Shsler" be 60 kind as to tell Which' is the poor and which is the rich disttieit Where the North side paid one mill, the Middle district would pay two. "Shaler" is wonderfully inflited on. the bridge question, blows away, and wants his readers to believe that to buy the bridges , will require fro millions of dollar*. • It is only, necessary to inform the in. telligent reader, that the value of the capital stocks in the six bridges amounts in all but to 5GG6,950. He says f•you could. not attend the Council Chambers at half the meetings, as they arc always held at night." Alasial as I for the accuracy oi "Shales." Even at the rick of appearing rude I , must, in the most gentle and kind man-1 ner, refer "Shaper" to the proposed Ad of Consolidation, Section 2:4 where the law says the meeting; "shall be held in daylight." Having effectually disposed of "Slut- 1 ler," I now propose to furnish Lim a copy of the code of laws of the city of Pdtsbarzb, with all , ordinances passed rinse its pUbitt.:ll3ol.l, also copy of the act in ;elation to con solidation,'together with a statement of the taxes and the number of mills assessed in cache district proposed to be consolidated, with other items of interest to those flailing folic thoroughly posted on the subject; and I hereby challenge the opponents of consolidation to a pub lic discussion on the question of consoli dation in either city, or any of the boroughs, and I promise that each per son attending the meeting will be furn ished; free of charge, a 'pamphlet con taining the act of consolidation and the facts and figures set forthabove. In case this challenge is accepted the patties will please confer will; Mr. l'entuman or Mt. Houston, of the daily GAZUTT.E. . //LON Ccxx. -- Idle leaughters. It is a most lutiafnl spectacle in Groff- lies, where the mother is the drudge, to NO the daughters elegantly dressed, re k 3. dining at their case, w ith their drawing their music, their fancy work, and their reading; lieguilding themselves of the / lapse of bourn, days end weeks, and never dreaming of their responsibilities, hut as a.necessury, consequence of neg— lect of duty, growingweary of Useless , lives, laying hold of 'every newly in vented stimulant to-amuse their droop- hag energies, and blaming their fate ; when they dare ntit blame their God for I having placed them where they rue. These individuals will often tellyou with an air of affected compassion—for who can believe ;It malt—that poor,. dear mamma is working herself to ueath. Yet nu sooner do you suppose that they should assist her than they declare she is quite in lier element—in short, that ebo would never be happy if she bad only halt the work to do. . —lt to anklet tienmei Wilacm, of 2.lreis. that "honesty, poverty and polnks have agreed with him. tie oeght, to is, the shownian of the temperance at - My, to let people smiled Comireastntui tsm sore wine, keep a clean' palm, hold hia 51akerl in remembrance, be kindly affec tionate towards htmainity, and yet wear rovunclondell _ FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. THE SURRATT CASE. The Jury Fail lo Agree. ASS TO BE DIBOBAROMD. Their Request Granted r FOUR FOR CONVICTION—EI fit FOR ACQUITTAL. Judge Fisher Dismisses Countellor Bradley from the Bar. i BRADLEY CHALLEHOCS THE JUDGE TO FIGHT A DUEL. E=eitement in Washington. [By Telegraph to the Pit:Ansel ileac lte•1 ASIIINCITON CM'', August IC, liil7. our o'clOck the prisoner. Surrult, wru brought into the Court room. 110 teemed lu good spirits. Judge Fisher resiir-od his Beat, the. cracr culled the Court to order. and Mareaul Phillips was directed .t 0 the Jury down. 1.3 . this time the Courtroom was 0000017 . crowded. The Jur; area brought lu at It minutes 00010110. Lad the torecnan stated they bad tern on:_blo to agree. The Judge then Tond the following letter, 2b tea /kn. George B. 11. die e, Jeslo e the (*renew/ Marc-81r The jury in tole case of the United lintel. vs. John U. Curratt moat reepecltolly states that they atom! pre. cgvely now as when they first bailowel upon ,enternitt the room. They are nearly equal le divided. and they aro firmly 0013:13.04 they antrincit tx.sallily make it verdict. We deem it oar duty to the Goon, to the coon. try, and ha clew ot the condition at oar pri vate &intim, nun the situation of our tarni— Ilea, and to clew of the Mot , Umt the health of several of mar number le hecoming seri ! misty impaired under the prolonged con finement, to make this anternent, and to oak your armor to dismiss las et once. Most toepeettbdOr Sat:Matted, ISlgnott by all the jury.] After some Conversation, Judge Fisher ordered the dlscharite of the tort. During the entire retirement of the jury they remained na follows ea the vmdlet: Ear oanvictioni Todd, Darr, beholder and licLeau-4. jar acquittal: Davies. Berry, 110hever, Alexander, Lnrußß, Gittielf and nirth,h. Thera Is tr y nutboTity for of that the Jury disagreed en the question of the abeenee of Surratt. from. Washington at thia time of the rosaSsine64on cor the Into Presidont, • and that they , were entirely agreed upon the pole% that. had he been In dicte,l for cordenracy he shawl have been convicted immedhately upon their rething to their room. It. BRADLEY MAYISSiII 10021 TOO halt. Judge natter then roserind read the fol lowing, ' "1 hare now a very . . nr,plearant outy.to perform, but one which t cannot forego. On the second day of John during the pro. gross of the trial 01 IL Starrett for the murder et Abraham Lincoln, immediately er rim Court bid tutees & reoepg until Lao tollOw morning, as the Preal.ling .1 iodic , was deseenoing from the 13e0ela, Joseph H. Wadley accosted him in crude end Insult the manner, charging the .1 ridge with har ing offered 11101 filrauteyt st series of insults Pow the bench. Breathe comedeneement of the trial. nod the Judge duselaimed any in, tention punlng any Insult, and Mr. Bradley thou he had entertain ed for him no other •fuelLoga bat those of respect. Mr:Bradley, So far from , thaePtinit this explanation or dirmlaimer.lthereupon threatened the Judo with personal ; risen:ism., as lie u udsrstood him. No Court can adnitniatt , justice or lire. if Its Judges I are to be threatened with personal rimer.. ou all acVssl ole. whenever the irnee.bility st tottneM new bo exulted by an totapowry Insult. Tile cilbraco of Mr. Crudity is one which orals his years will Wit palliate. 1 1. Icannot be orreries:W.l or go unpunished ae e crd, Mpg of court. Is is assentor° order , ell that name he stricken from the roll of attorneys pr.lsolaw Sn thiatlOUrt." • rtrorrtrio Mr. Bradley ramcduttely arose and risked II Court had edjourned. Judge Daher—M. has not, M a r. Bradley—Then. OW. la tae prasence or the Court end fl46.lllbir• 1 hereby . Pronounce tho stptement just amble by t he Judge as utterly haws in. crerY Pnrtirldn , Judge Putherduterrapting (.1 . 1e.r, adjourn' the Court. Tile Crier—This Coact 1s now adjourned. Mr. Bradley—Well, then, I will saynow— Judge Fisher, rising to lento the Couch— Son cue Yon tay what you please,sir, and make I a speech to the crowd If you iike. Bradley—Ton hare - no autherritY to dismiss metro's the Jud ge st must he the net of • three of the ofthe Supreme Court. , Judge Fisher said: "Very well, Mr. Brad t ley, you can make the proper appeal." lie then lett the room followed by rbrowd of people.. strlduerr setsrASD.D. Serrntt erne remanded to ttetody Of the td4rehel and re. urned to jut!.t FROM MOBILE ural • aar."o". o f tub 3it•JOr for Vtolatieritho Moist, ge!errana to the l'lttron rah tlarette. I Atianst.lo —Mayor guitornaltor• 1.00•orna arrented 10407 by United 0(0100 GOltitninaloOor leaner, for violation Of the Civil Wear, gal, in tho hid lost Of he next° Solin otrvl don, who had. lost a leg to the 31/s7Ol . 11011011 novo ball ln On the soul or 41,010 for his. appearanco . • Onfinise - mad Robbery. nr TrJrireatt:to the Fltuburin uuottt. I. C,entsien,'.folgant. 'lo.—The resident./ of Mr. t berecne. on the bent calla Oh lo elver, near the month of. tte '. Little fd load, Meter men, : l ig eolde,then robbed them of *lien In money lend bowie and ill of 11111.'.EbeithOle'a • jevrui ry. NO further eldh tu. the Wl)bers het yet been obtained. . • The lesie4.oll* Sac". • Err Telegrseh to the Mut:arse 'swans.) OAIINTOOA. Attalla 10.—The Bret race, dash of is nt Ile and a halt; was WOO by,Wat• DOW. 1301311111, Loon. The second ram abraa miles, was a walk over for Ilsotedelr• The third: race, sale end threaqaartara, .ar ell ages, MY won by_rennock's Vandal Cent Connolly. Time 3de. FROM WASHINGTON Telogroph to t➢e rittatntrgh Gozetto.) WASIIIIIIOTOS, Aopitt 10, Al Am. Admiral Palmer • reporta to the Nary De. rartmeut teat the flag ship Samuel:maim ahoul.l leave Vera Crag July 27th for.Aspea wall. All quan in Mexico. The health of the equadron good. TOP 8161210 Ft. - The ministers of the Rashid at Uldifeinid have hell a meeting to adopt an address In reply to Governor Plerpoln Va charge of dis loyalty. Thy say that since the restoratlOn ol the Government of the United Status :gfcn.glgtdrdtStrit7 e ln:t la p=Ts or Used theta as political agencies I.o.llleSt sold Government; tied we nave In no In stants prop from them uhaturaterm. ea rebel minaments; that least or all have we, In the di-charge of our duties, esSress ed, directly or indlteetiy, a hope of the musblishment of any 011.mr than a rePabli• can term of government 111 this country. The titate DepartMent, is aren , er to a re quest of the /louse Committee of resign Affairs, des reported that on investigation no ease has been found where an American CMS.. has been tried wad convicted In I/6- Jana for uttering Fenian bantlments to the United elates. ' _ .Tritnotes special sass, The Cabinet hare deckled that the President nee power to suspend Stanton. Thu PretatleAt th3l/C3 that Grant has op posed the removal of Sheridan. Returns received from the Commissioner General or the Isotd °Mao show the egg. , gate disposal of acres of public lend during July, at lonia, Stiehl:run; St. Peters, eLUVC.LIS POWS. an. Brownsville, Nebraska—the greater portion for actual settiumeet. 1152== J. tor govern! yoare p. t. a ear reepoodontot tha Boot., .i'vsf, thud t.o.alay cater n long ll!alms from Typhoid hero,. IYri mol.l lSfl It L. The fl ele es from intomat revenue fo the emee Wore 0.74i.460. WAsomirro.N.4.l4,ll, 187. TALLOW STV.LC SEACA AT "TIT °ALTA'S. On Amount Of the apprehensions of yellow fever becoming an ephlerelont New Orleans, It hen been ordered hem General Grano headquarter. that the olllerre un duty In Loutetannand Texne, but who are now ab- Sent (rein LAOir poste en lenve,may, upon aoplicetlea retire AdJutwat General of the Artny,hase their lease extended nntll the oth of October. WITSGIIIL 07 • TOISIIESSONDUST. of .1. W. Fitch. late Wewhing ndent of the &awn Rot and took piitco clue eltionoon, nded by , the Vast:dm:tort Cot- Club. The funeral toll COrITSP. other Pepe and arm alien respondenVa FROM NEW YORK. ❑h Tvleg - mph to .10 ri3.111 . 41 tissett..l Nltev Toll, August 10, URA'. relent. in SOW SZElir. troshet In the northern part of Newark, N. J ~ on Friday afteraoon,destroYed itheut bun4red thousand dollars worth of pro. petty. The recant rains have emetic.' the streams emetylng into the 'Morris mull, which broke, and the water pouted into the aqueduct reservoir. which also burst, goodb ins large 1101,1003 e1 the Seventh and Eighth wards. The stnua bridge at the upper end of lircw.detwat yr. •51,001. away. The principal private losses wore Palmeri en, printing Ink makers, egi,taet Havenliiro straw hat lector:, yi,alre; tenets S Tongs kb:m..4dt° cloth trustory, M. ins Nt....ol:ll}lii. Martine., E.-President of Ntearagun who recently UM for Maitland to re preeeni hie eonntry. IsempecialLY charged with the delivery of the MOwlnno territory to Mien. range. The Nbcantuglan papers !MCP] to have no donbt the Matter win he ad joltalatnlcahly.andClahlltheit the tailed States will denzen,l the restoration of the territory U Mirtinex falls to obtain It. I= It IS stated Ilea. Dr. etubbs haarecerred a numuor of anCulyrnOull lettere thrra.enlng hlm with serlone COuses. Lamers It be suc ceeded Insecuring the croolemusglon or Mo. Tyng. The latter will doubtless is the fast to condemn such an unwarrantable proccedlug Luis WS el Me friends. IW!t 1111 brevet trivuller Gc nem' Fit& Tlll4lllmoall and Dan Utyant, thy netor, acre •mong twavluthgers for California from llnw lurk, Saturday. I= There weer. two more dent ha from choler mooned le New lurk Newtordor. rater:slow TOR ocroc•nno. Tbo Sow tort Comusiosioner. or Public Charities aro about to ereet_comicodious buildings 00 Ward's Island fed Cho evelantio. ;tom otstrooltardo. CORTI...LTC° ,TRITIT 11,1234. It is rumored that moot of the proceeds of tbo recent lodes of contoesded 00.1000 hav e been swallowed in wet, /01,3.1.1 6EII TIIICILL• The TiDuee glued detail* showing Quit the 'tun proved u hulure thu bah experiment. Darcy It, to isixteil. h. bean thriwituped with smiwwination titi a Ms mwromid ton.tralag We Fenian orgatilmttoti ltt Ciiiihota. INDIAN AFFAIRS Depredations of Ina Osages—Arnsa and AnMiontrterin gold to the Plararreal try Agents ond . grodent—Tise tirsevencee of "ILAstro Destv , a" Teibe—itenova or Indian agent Ltheenweette , ..tennet , walla Chlefe—tireet Man Fur ream , LW reseed. iLlly l lterrarti to the Fittidnlrsh Ciassite.) CT. LOCIA: August 10,—Toe Denteeroes TO poke, ILarisasonetual soya Governor than-. ford foot has Just returned MOM the Otago I dian RelervatiOn and corroborates General Kellyqt statement tint the Osage Indiana bad germ onthe Plains, stealing and arm it:titling other depredation. Throe weeks' ago thews Ludlam, ratan:ma Led all the' tribe eammt thirty Immealately matted back. They stole oth hundred and tweet r tour Metal from the withers and tattoo One men, home of the Indian 'gents and traders have been aellitig teens area and lantrierit• Ow, It is known off ammunition wer e end Terre amount were taken out in the lest six day., and that hag. inwintltien were taken by 10diltt. Ott both trips. These arum and stolen bor ... are traded Os wild lodises fur Govern ment bore...nil mules prandial "V, h." "Little Bear" le still ha the Ituserration and nays he knows the Indiana err on ttoi war path. nut their agent had not been with too tribe slime last MIPS Payment, that but bell their, regular . the tidy west paid, and', IMAM geode at fabulous prices, not In money,. their treaty stipuMtes. Ile thle he cannot control Ms young men uncouth they eth they ran make more snottily by all. Mau and Miring prisoners who will be ran-' mined by the GeV:mount. Sr. Lents, August • lo.—Two telegraph else Gnat nee' of Port Laramie, were bunted try the Indiana It le mad that the Indithe arnhavinn evelyttilpit their own way on that route.. A tort ,Iterker 11thateh ways, great Indignation eriete &Meng the peepie here In consequence of the Indifference manifested by tie military auttioritith In the matter of .auppressing Judith raid, It la reported there urn many whites mut hall breeds among the Indiana, Inching them to the committal of ell manner of outrages, el •Pionrerirout of which they ea pent to pet rich. A Leavenworth dienateti aim Colonel Leavenworth, Ladish Agent, hue inst trill , ed herr. four day* from the, Ind len camps of the lilowas, Centanches, AperibeS, Ant. oboe. and the Arkansth. and report that all ere peaceable, quiet and arab. to re.. ream so if t poselbin Black lietlets band of Cheyennes are di. vided, tome for peace thrl Mime for war, but the war party is smell and will be held In chock by all the other Jeanne. Colonel LnaveawOrtb has berm on the border Oyer two months obtalelng correct Inform Won of the Timwa of the wild , Mans: Ile mot to council four , day* ago the following chiefs: "Pink liettle.o head chief "Of the Cheyennes; Tun," Beare," need chief of the Came:mhos, " Poor near," head chief of the Annerieli " BircPing Fietri" head chief of the Kluwer , "Grinning Eagle," bend chief of Um Ito cowl nand of Comanches. "editor Mooch," hood chief of the Penetakee band or (lemon. different many other Mlles and Weida 01 bands, and all express/4i a great with for peace with the whites. Throe who are engaged in the present war are Ilion minor and kiltms, whom. Unmoral Augur reported no friendly on the Iteptib, Ile. and lie tributatim. . The roper that the Kaman took the stock from Pont Dodge In Jane is false. The Cliethanmi themaolers admit to have takeout, and afro the report that Charlie Bent bad taken tanr 1101 t eLlatnigteiTlVll=lFer.ltelintVet-: rirCeaslet at the Council with Colonel L., four days Once, lie think. he eau Odeon ee n Coun il of the trite. at some point noised upon,. but it can eat be done through rho matter'', for the Indiana do net trust them. . 'large Farr at Mufti°. • [fly Telegraph to tee Ylttabergh ussette.] Boyra by with eisitts4Auguet ll.—The city le rapidly ors to the horse fair, which. la to be opened at Tuesday: The trottlog Is expected to be the needs soar altneesed In Use c e n tered:Unite fifty-lour. flret•olare bottles are n. Fourteen horses are entered teethe ripening trot on Tuesday. Dexter trots against. Ilia best time, Ible In beauties, fora puree of g2,reo On Wednesday:. - • - Defrauding the (internment. 1 (BY Telegram , to the rittitnirre tisssine.Y, Bowes. Abirnet 10.—U. Crane, of DOstan, and J. W. Moor, of lioneston, were Wore the Coiled Rates Comm lunonar Hallett, to day charstad with obtaining intmey. from various pallier by falsely presenting tbere• retires to theUelted finder Berens efboarif. They were held to bail tor tr. Dan. teD, of liollestoo, nws also placer •nn ban on • ebarge et trying to bribe Revenue cancers. • Ilanuma to Welland Canal. [By Tultgrabit to Mu Pittsburgh Ussette.) ST. °ATM g SZIP SC OirristiO, A wont, to—Pee bark Niaara carried away gat. of lock N 0.15, Welland Canal, .ttdetour morning. The damage will probable ba repaired by Ttlesday. National Wean. Academy. • • (II Yea/ma to the Pittsharsit assents 7. • Ilsterrona -AuntUlt 10,—Tho Ancient/ or /clean. meets In this city on Tuesday next. A large number of Profes sors and scientific mon from di bads Cl the eisuntry mill be present. Baer tits Teturspb to the Pittsburgh Oesette•l LOVllvittat, August N.—River tellUtgi 94 feet>n toe mutat us tbo guulr. • SHOD EDITION, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. FROM EUROPE Teieereell to lie Pltiettereh Oseette.! ENGLAND. TOO accerm xi-H.IIOOD CLTASTrwritt. Loppox, Ana. Id—later dispatches from * the scone of t he resent ragway socldent, at Bray Bead, indleutes that the Bret isonexam wan greatly exaggerated.. Only a portion of the train left the track. Three eeeetlee were prect Mud"! Into the its, end fear persona killed outright, though' there were many dmnetoesly Injured. Nearly every body on the train was tilled or Injured, -COLOIIM IMOD. LONDON,. Auau•t 10.-Ira Aldridge, the celebrated afrlcan tragedian, is dead. Ilia death occurred while ho Was en a profee slonal tour la Poland. ' ADDLOAi FAIIIMOUT 1.110 Maroon, August 'll.=The United Statue Squadron, under command of Admiral Far. veva, has been at the Pitasian naval port of Stettin during th.e past peek. The Ad. miral wag received with groathonors by the Pt - 1133%111 MOOR!. Thi Toot subsequeut ly sailed for it. Petersburg, where It IS 62• Peat, I lidtillta lIIIXTIMItt receive warts welcome. TVRILET. nenant D 11.17111110 11T rip AILLT.IOIII Mt PARTS, logusklo.—The • Tarklah Admiral recently forcibly took • dispatch from • servant of the United States Minister reed. dent,l:thrard Joy More. It to reported Morrie kas lance laid the cue bofore tee Turkish tioveroment and demanded redress for the outrage. Tho reply of tbo—Gublimo POrLd has not transpired. OROZ.D 3 Cflrri. tosnon, Sagan. .10.—Tbe tutted State. War steamer Swatara, bag been ordered to Crete. rn !P*g t(.s Lennox, August 10—.Erenfnp.—The Turk ish government has sent a °healer note to regard - to Cretan affairs to its dmic. mettle representatives at Ewen... Coons. Thenote emphatically . denies that there to any. troth In the various reports of the eraeltim perpetrated by the Torkish force. In Candle, ind eareplatnattmt reseals o[ the great powers continue to romoverefugees from the - ITALY. CNULLS• ♦T I,LILLYO nuns:cc& August 10.—Disesionee 'We that the choler* is ruing with considers , bin violence at Pslermo. • • - onever.. Angusi 11.—Tba negattahona h tors tong Mad ,have been Pending can Austria and Stall, tor a oetdement of the bonedexics between the two eon. trim, ond in raged to the dlepoattlon ttoroteh ITes of the former Lombardo ten tlith ktniden3, hero been impended., IRELAND. TEIAL or Orr. rauOLL roscrosran. Dontra. August 10.—By consent of the I.4overnment, the trial or General Todiola. who was reported to have tuned mg's evidence. Las been postponed. RtllllllA. 111/Clll WIVE iOIOIAZA. r. Ycrcaeareio,:Au~uet Ia.—TES Wiz be. tWrelt U133111111111.10011MM111. has termixatea in a Lrooty of PCIOO, conciodoll yesterday FILLNCE. OAILAT WAS AT ACIILAAAO2 • nicekt 11—Pc.lng.. — Thorn t... 13 ► wrest dre et Wnle►rl2, daring which eighty poreone ►re reported to have been tilled or irdured,.. =l3 • Cr.a.oow, Aagutt. 11.— The - steamship Unjust Kingdom, from lane York . PSI the nth talehed arldosille,.Lreland, PS' lord ay..arel today arrived in the Clyde. Souse airrras, August 11.—The steamship Dentschiand, from Neer York on the :41 of August, has arrived at title port, on her soy to Bremen. The steamship Atlantic, from Nor York on the 17th or .1017, arrived at thle port today. and, after landlog pas sengers sod freight, sailed for Bremen. Qcorsrress. A.IIVIII. 11.—The stelmihip Minnesota, from Sete York ort the 1111 arrived en.t at . this port today. and sailed for uy =2 , rassarotr, anoint 10.—Erentrw.-1 3 . !lends closed at :11i for the Issue o 1 Ifo2. le A ncr= 41nrri Petro- for standard widte.! , • r0.121M)0111T. de. 11—Ere —Milted SUM'S Bonds quotal On the 113arse to-day at TIN. -0 - (By • New Tone, Aug. 10.—The steamer Weiler. from Southampton on the 30th. ha* arrived. In the Loewe of Lords, on the Rah nit., Veseount Halifax moved a resolution that the rechatributioo ot Parliamentary c ede In the repent bill we. Madequate,and more representation should be given tothe large CODALItII6I2O.II. leseluthan was sup. ported try Earl Russell and others, but re. lacted by ito against ht. The name night nill prohibiting • public by iettna• in the Royal P.SIC was debated tie rs. Glad tone, MUM, Disraeli and others. A tot. thin to multi ire bill won lost. The Parts Perms •sys Garibaldi had trawl ranted 'orders to the chiefs of bands loft movement on Rome, and disturbasees have already brogan 06116 V 11.164 16 the Pitmen Senate. on the rah nit.. Baron Duple mid Protein bad formed • mftwieration In Germarly offenalve to France. 11e did not tbiug. after the sue. ...ran she had gained, PLUBSRL would stop, but hoped thelesge Mate. would unite and limit hrr mutant; Wee alone woad Praia. and .the Other nations reduce their asma. manta, and be more happy and more nth to their peaceful risattr.noni • Cambial antonelli hag larterardod rackets. Inn dispatch to the t hat Nn atti t u d e the Catholic court., Mating the et. the Italian Government 1. greatly raven• wine with ton engagements which hats hems made with the Popo. The dispatch shualleters to the preparations being made by Italian volunteers to deprive the PoPeof his temporal sovereignty. The thumb. bill In the Italian - Parliatuent passed by e dote of •M 4 to AS .Ttlit Erna of Portugal received deputa tions Rom the rrtnati and English wietetles for the almiltion of the slave trunk, on Use •intli nil. FROIA ST. LOUIS. Extensive Prowls to !pored Relaters Islecharge Papers—meveral Arreets J Plade—rre• Walden Stone* to be . Opmeed—Awetker Stemma of Voter Fertile Railroad Completed.' till Teiesr.ph mine Pitisteogn tiarette.) Sr. Loom, Almost 11.—It Ise come to light here within a few days that extensive Mandl have been perpetrated on the United &atm Pay Department through forged sol- Ale& illseherste papers. The assent paid in Ws Department Is mid to he very.large. ' There eproare . to .be an organized System for the collection of money on forged pie pms.not only bore but ill Washington Dal. timers, New York and other cistern titles. A ' man named Franklin .. W. I Howard was . asserted here in whose ti•nae • Wile quarditT of forged Ills. charge papers a transportation v anchors were m e n 1i r oemen homed Bernard and \lionedlot were arrested at Leavenworth, • tow days since, while attempting to collect • ey on eitnilar papers. D istr ict,oger., mited Stale. Maranal for this and Deptity.klaratml Yremh of en left for New York and Weablzigton Friday to ferret the matter out. It Is believed that immense toms of money have beenpabl by 4U:threat United Mates disbureing officers On • forma papers. Opened ry large free bathing house vela he ' hero on ifflocineilday. ' A ntiontha dispatch lays the United Stater Malmo] lkillimleideners Ind arrived there en route went, to examine another section of the Union Paella Itallmeg , extending forty miles west of Job:ohmic. FROM NORTH CAROLINA • OrdOr Cooforsilsoc litovlstola of Jo.? Into booposffo. • ley Toeing& to the Yttlthersh tissette.l Nutmeg, N. C., Areinst I.o.—At the nth gestton of governor Worth, General glekles bag, by tolegraelne order. suspended the second paragraph of general order lin reuniting the revision of Jury nets before the trod of soy reuses by Courts of the mote, in Its applleutton to the present of of the Supreme and County Courts tor 'North Carolina, end Juries fvr that term are to be ltapsnuelled as heretofore. Trite It demon governor Worth's representational the reepotudtdltty of miens jury llsts. as titruted ler use at thin term, and the neces sity whlett would arise of diNDW , Bb'E with settings of courts entlrelY for ...mil months, to the greet detriment ortho state and all concerned. The Atlantic Cable or 1646—The Led. • lien of the areal/. fotTelserspig to the lumbers/I tissetta 3 • .tlasars Coarser, Ig. F., Aot.• Uninare has returned -to at. N., youndia.d. capi...Kerr reports . rhat ho examined the positron of the cable break and picked two buoys on the beak where the break occurred. This bank la term: miles ln dtameter and from forty to I t fathoms beneath the Surface of toe nes: I t jeweled at lat. lege, 1005. 61:72. The bed of 00000/1112 rises gradnallY to It from the depth of one hundred fathoms,. of urges north and east, end from, depth o f Washy daIIOTAI at the was dlStanee 1.0 the .001. Ito, .105bms had been seen. The thytherli waves siy for the harbor of 'Ds Gall. AU on board wersle/1. • THE PRUDENT4IID THE SECnTART OF Wkii. Latest Phase of the Imbroglio. PRESIDENT ADVISED TO RESIGN. Senator Harris and Reoonstinction. CBI Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ossette.] ' New Yoga. August 11,1E07. • The Herald , / Washington says It testate.] that on Tuesday next the President will peremptihrify, dismiss Secretary Stanton, unless in the interim his resignation is tendered. It also reporti a rem= that. the President had expressed-a determination to resign the Presidency and leave . -the radicals to fight out the reoonstinetion be- *mess amonf;iliemselves. and contradicts It en White ouse authority. Too Man` Washington special says: The latest minor growing out of tan Stanton imbroglio Is that the President has been advised to resign, the friends of the admin. Wrath. artsting that such is step would load to the disruption of the ltepublWan partY. Ex-Senator ilarris publishes a cord, slat leg that the loiter repudiating the Con gressional pall.' of reconstruction, pub. Ilshed n New York paper of Satunlay, which by pewees supposed' to Italie hoot .written by him. is a forgery, And fully au. eorsing the ,cconstructlon policy of COU ;tress. THE CABLE TO CUBA. The leerlt krone...mg Parting of the Pubis—tinsppling fon the Lest End. Ms Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) liar Warr, .euguaL o—rut Lake city, Fla.. Aughatll.—The shcirit cod of the cable was lauded at Loy West on the hi, and on the fib twenty miles were paid octovlitatit. was cut and buoyed in One hundrol and thirty fathoms of water. The Nerve (cable Steam. or), the United Stated steamer Tahoma, and the Spanish man-of-war Francisco lie dela then proceeded to Ulterior.. en the Cuba mut. laid the alters mid. atld enEntoeoood paying outat p. m., august e a t m or nveoth . worker/ well until the ng. ing when the Nerva'rell in with the Engllodt steamer, who told-them they were a loop distanotito the eastward of their course. The true course wsa given them and they reached the buoy at b p. m., after rising tee Cuban cables and nineteen miles of the Smarta go. cable. On preparing to splice the two ends they (allot. The cable parted shelf mi:e from the ship at seven o'clock r. x. on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday were spent In grappling for the lost end without serous.. They were still grap pling when the TetkOratt sailed for New Yort on Thursdny afternoon, having been mitered by the United Buttes steamer Sena., per who will 'oder the Naive all e.eatat-` • • From Almlowan. [By Telegraph w the Pittsburgh Ilaretta.3 Now Toni, August 10.—The steamship Rising Star, from Aspinwall,'August Pra S has nce, passenger - arrived. Ides. Met Alirnrismmar. tta Roote at rs M , alof - NU, a seaman, kill overboard and was drowned,.Ausotst , 6th. The United States steamer haw was at Aselnwall, and IMeO. lab at Panama. Tberovrms no fever on the Isthmus. The steamer brings ono million sine hundred and msrenttotwo thousand dollars in speele. bhe u -dotainect at quarantine, and her ma ll s and advises have Otyrt been reeelved. • = . • file Teleirrwda to the Pittsbatitt Gesette.l boorroa, !Lewitt lard, number of German vieltors are now In the city to par. tielpate in the third Amsted Festival of the Turoverein. which con:mein* , to-morrow. The societies repreeented are Mire of lime ton, Providence Sorb:1010Z Woreester , atleLaerrencd. with delegations from other cities. Th e visliOre are diitributed by bll - on their 1).111:1•11 . fellow citizens bete. told are being entertained with pliant} This afternoon they were treated to a steamboat eictirsion down the harbor Cl2Kola Poetaster ..1111sellell—War posed to be Unto . Lae Telegraph to the rlttebebh uaatte.l CsteunO, AuwattlL—Col. 11. lislutOreh Yotuntuater of Oafs citTT went out In the lake in • row Cost on rridsy evening nod h. cot ...en lance. 114 le eupposed to have been - drowned. Ills L one 101.0 on the bosun below the city tot night.. goatee CairoWm: Crop, (111 Telegraph to the Illtabarrb tiaactle.l Caelwarres: - C.,,Azgaat crow acounnue from nearlY ere , / district In 0 0 and upper necUon. of the Stale rep. resent corn tend collat. ea In tog conillticat- Ttreadamage by the catertdUar. along tan West la loconaldemble. , ..• GENEE4L . - - . —ln London there are ,11,1e0 persons cm:Misled with Me press .! , • —Tim little dap. knowm Ls sold to be now in. Partial; —Seven of the Unittuily t I ibutches of Boston ar e closed thin inp —ln Inland deers to ;14airrackraecota madatluo toe 2,o;te Meer; snd • ; cave greater than . dal Kentucky mantinoth CaVe repot' rtouthena Illinois. - ! , ; —Bev. \V.: Davis. fi-;ll'ePtisterion clergyman, died in Itsqlsburg, pa., a few di:tyska,: ; • j-j I Lavery, of NYijimitit/in, Dol., was accidentally drolkd while bathing. .. : I ! ; --Public spirited—Afit ' pg ladles who. allow them father's: hotkefl t.f be used for ; a main house. 4 i ; —Thomas Peck. Esq.4erlnutny years a prominent merchant ati-11/4ripton, Vito MO last. week. . • 11 I I —The Tycoon of JapoliONl said to be opposed to the openinCeif iho port of (Walt ImTurelgnens,_ • 4.1 I . • —Jr woman lu New )'ark; who drank fifteen bottlesofsode oOlirrlday, died the next day of dialer a. • , --Uoveruor Pierpoin r;'lrginia, was' assaulted by a woman, use lie par tloneal the murderer a i l sun. —There is I's vase at e 'Paris - Expo/II- Lion made of a single itinjoise; and !add to be valued at'2,2400,000 items • .; London Oft,U! suggests that a peer's political majority be put at the age I of 31 instead of 21, as at pr,..weut. —During the month of July there were., forty-tour deaths in Norfolk, Va. show- • lug the health of the city to lee go od. '-Rev. John Cromlish, rector of St, Paul's Episcopal Church, at Columbia, Pa ,hi ,essipted a call to New York. .• Tim Itusstku Government has Issued orders to its agents it China to. Paistain . the city of Ilan Row to, u tea markot. —The Belgians and company 'drank live thousand bonitos of • champagne at Miss resin's sparkling entertainment. I —One of the most hoMrlous bandits in Italy Is said to be ti uiseppe 31011.11 e% nt We .1 me s h Morrow, formerly a New York row y. —Paris IN becoming rapidly deserted. An ,unusual numbor of the ° fashlonte Ides" have departed for the seashore and • • - —Elmay watches are thn Infest novelty reported Man Parti. They am quite large and ornamented wills ellver or ars- Marmot. - - . —Dog oil is administered to conspinp lives in Germany. Et..—p. lady physi cian of this city cams the disease by the same dose.) • —There is this season an extraordina ry abundance of cereal crops ,iu Egypt. Primes of grain has fallen nearly two thirds since harvest coinruencod. . - -Mr. Robbins, who sells chickens in Felten. Itiarket.„ - Brooklyn, tending his stall himself, is mane two millions. lie is remits among 13rookilniaus. —The pollee force of Paris consists of a,700 men, and the cost 'of maintaining the department Is P2,NXIOOO, or one twelfth of the revenue of tint capital. —A reseal' courtehirsof forty-live years standing in reported at East Lynn, htiess &misusers. 'The gentleman has paid his visite on each alternate Sunday evening. —queen Victoria's book' Is making-n great sensation abroad. We believe no copy has yet reached this country. The papers have made their clippings from English exchanges.. Nona —None of the eight brindred Paris Ex hibition hymns sing in fur competition has been deemed worthy of the prize, and it will not be awarded. A few of the best will receive honorable mention only. - Funds thinks the industry : cif the ladles in Paris surpasses belief. They dye—their hair; they enamel—their faces; they gild—their lucks; they paint—their climsks; and now they bronze—their com plexional ' ' • Aa impreselon exists In London that the Viceroy of Egypt. leR England in a "hull;" , owing. to his not receiving the Garter. Ile is- now hi - Paris, but silent and unimportant, as ono who has expe rienced reverses. • procinmatlon hasbeen parted up 'throughout Canton forbidding the print of Chinese newspapers by foreign ers. It has put a atopto the existence of a little broad sheet publlsihed under 'for- eign editorship there. —IL :in not generally known that the late Emperor hfaximillanwas an author, but ha , wrote not thaw than seven vol. , meson different sinithsets. Fourof them µre in print, and, ny order of the Eng*. I tor of Austria, shortly to publish ed. One of the i t entitled '..113s Life," another "Sketellee of Travel," ths third 1 "Aphorisms," and the fourth consists of CITY AND FOUR= PAOR. - TAeI land inoei ble Money. Ott and Produce Market ATM.. picen *by any paper in the city, Pitt be./o un On OUT Fburfh Ave. • • A Rals•Dellovr to AbAtai IS. The continue/ rattle of wagoes and other vehicles that may be heard during the bust. news hours of the. day, and; Indeed. up to • late hour of the eight. en Fifth street, has long been comildered • nuivance. net 0011 by business men, bOt by all others on the street, and feine here been annoyed by It to greater extent, or more heartily wished for US abatement, than the , L0t0 ,,,,,ent, going portlOn of our community. It is tree less to /yeah .of thd nuisance at 'engin. as every One who has attended the Opera House has had a taste of It, and know how unpleasant It is When listening to eon.. thing Interesting, to be Interrupted by the endless clattering of three or four vehiclea which, in pacing over the presitht cobble. atone pavements, may be heard from the time they coma Smithfield street Until they reach Wood, rendering everything that is transpiring tne house perfectly ruin:del ligible. lip till within a few menthe there has been no apparent remedy for the evil, end the proprieuns of the establishment, whose duty it la to melte the place as com fortable us poesinle, have not been censurable On - that account. But the time has at last arrived when it WI be remedied, and there is' no reason by it ihouid not be done. The paving of Filth street with the Nioolson pavement nandwould prove an crectual remedy, it ould be done at once. It is not expected of the proprietor of the Opera Ileum to bear the expense of paving the whole etreet, but only that portion inantedlately in front Of the building. The City Councils, by a ...- lotion at the last Meeting, not only granted the privilege to those desiring it, el laYien the Sheds , . pavement,but presiding that when two Catarina. blocks wore bud the city would bear the expense of paving the intersoction. The .brand Jury In attendance at the United Statel District Court. I=re felt the wCOneenineno of tbe noise and rattle of agons overthe cobble stoner. and in their presentment recommend the substitution of the noolson pavement for the one now In use as the only mean, of remedying the era. The Fort Wayne and Claltrago Belt roan Coututh - rid of the nut. Banco by obtaining permthemselveslssion from the city for nd substituting the Mechem. for the cobblestone pavement opposite their business offices on Perm and Wayne streets, and so well are they pleased with the Improvement that they would not be annoyed with the cobble stone nuisance for leer times the met of tee I,llcolson pave. meat. Such In our opinion would be the experience of all whe would try it. ' sc far as the adoption of tins pavement by the city authorities is concerned, we have nothing to say as there may be some disadvantages ettnched to it that would un fit it fo g r thyme portions of the city, and not aviniven the ect t of ttention g requielte eu t bJ o become t amount horoughlY acquainted with It, we leave It to wiser and more experienced heads tor settlement; but recommend it mthis instanCe as a matter of 00neenience, rather than economy, and feelconfident that in so doing, we are ex pressing the ',mamma. et a Mtne number of etrltene.llLClettlng all who attend the Opera lion. or any other tithep o amuse ment on Fifth street. Witat thins. Of riftabUrge Care for the expenditure of a •few thousand dollars. If their comfort and convenience are thereby Incr./wilt A little unanimity of salon on the' part of Mose Intererted, would speedily effect the much needed change, and we hope the Inatter will be attended to immediately. • " Hearing end .D. I L " . _ The diseases of the ear, until recentlY, have been but little kettles, and have been usually regarded as without core, no one caring to go to the necessary trouble or the labor of the necessary ,Investigatione. to find out whether herd bearing... or Omit. newt was amenable to• treatment. The human ear. doubtless.; was intendei ,for me.. it is one of the five misses, Or. as iltudtxpeare has It. `•one of the five wile," and therefore capable of conveying knowl• , edge to th e mind no truly and accurately as any of the otlaer four. Its lothelruent or diseased condition ts • privation of no common character, as It chute out oneefilth f the avenues to usefulness and know[. edge. Men who have lost their heating suffer great tresinvenieece. They all know Wile better than we have ability to portray It. They all feel the want of that useful organ, th e humane ar, when demands are o made nit for its employment. Tony know it is on their head. line that of othero that there Is an &talkie to catch. and a bole to convey the sound.: tout as haulm powers are eoneerned it might as weli be on the bead of • coal.boat.or attached to a corn- Malt. We are speaking. of meanie, ot mr. totally deaf, sad them are name ...deaf as en .addere'-serer of, them past cure-many ' or thing not. The oar or the eye has as ' much 'reason to gee out of order as the stomach.or the liver. or the lungs. for they He a. Marl awe,. ;although not npunlY important to life. , : t • • ' What we' am aiming •at• la that "the - Per , capable °tieing cured am dieeased. Item, er seas Intended tha t' dace out of order, they should !Meyer Immein so. We speak of coarse of ouch as bare no leas of struc ture-no incurable leafbn. for where these exist to any extent the cue may he hope. less. and often is no. ,NY item they do not exist, the siettfnete bearable Ule any other disease or • inerrant.. Win have often pub ilsbedeuelt oases, libt only of deafness but also of blindrims. Gr oo msMe DR. KEYSER: ohms conseltatton are at No. • VM, Penn street, of thin city. Two cases are remarkable ones and • within the reach of all who dealre Wend ord. their truthfulnem. They are of welt lumen peewit:wand ran beameted by hundreds of persons eoged of their veresisy. •Dert r Ste :-I take pleasure in aiding my teetrber,'imony to that of other. In favor of Dr. Ke treatment of deafness. My son had been afflicted for Ave years with deaf.. nese pro by omelet fever. At. Dam he could not heart 'tali and could only an. derstan had d as we Would molten to him. 131. peech also :betome affected. Dating tried other remedies, without receiving any benefit, I applied to Dr. Keyser, no under las treatment he has entirely recov ered. end can now near as well as be ever did. . . ..lone B. Oszaesr. No. -ill Deaver street, Pittaburgh, Allegheny. 111.1111, 01IIL CCM, • One Of the moat astounding cures that has come to our notice recently, le that of a Woe Fisher, of Bearer county, who ...ma blind of both eyes and was entirely cured by Da- KEYBLR, of 103 Peon street. This young bamides, made use or medi cal within an area of fifty mitre to no purpose. Her brother, who related thee-Lee E. us, regarded it as a 'moot won derfokOure. Dr. k.erser'sLonsoltation !looms No. 15:1 Penn weer, corner Even'a elle7. from 9 s. - until Ir. 11. ' E==== • Mr. William' Cotton, acting Lieutenant Of the night. watch in place of Daniel Mullen, whc sraa lately injured in a row in the Filth ward, 'ores assaulted Saturday night be. tweets twelve and one o'clock, by John W ll son, a braliesm.. in the Pen nsy lvaida Hail road Company's car yard. Cotton wee on Only and there being a row on Lioesty street, near Fahriestock's White Lead Itio• tory, reported to tots place of conflai.na and endeavored to paint the illsturosnce, and to doing got Into, d acuity with W hum, who draw a toile and atruck him tempo in the breaat, the knife entering between the rite, just above the heart, and penetra. tine to a depth of three inches. Wiliest was arrested on the spot by no oftleer and conveyed scathe loch-an. where he will re• main awaiting the result of Cotton's Inju ries, which ate such be .of a very serious character and of such a nature that death might ensile bid they are not steeewerllY fatal. aid was summoned and the Injuries attended to, and this phyalotati has strong hope. of Ids npendly reoovery. Sight oa Womblostos Strew:. About Ore Valor.: tan evening ft gale row took plece on 'Yu:an:ton meet, o . Webster, In which Pete stud Jimmy hictto7 were engaged, along with a number of others. It crested Quite= excitement for a time, and was the means of congregating • crowd of from/ three to are hundred peo. pie. The °Main. Interfered and arrested one of the pestles, but failed to get him to tee lock-uo. We old not bearwheiher they released Mtn volunternyer wet e compelled to dO so, but we are Inclined to think be wan follow by We (deeds, as number of them ed Metalloid . .. who Lunde the onset, down' Webster etreet. and It enema the prisoner left thee, et the heal of etseenth =a= . . John Redman appeared before Alderman Taylor, Saturday, and made information against Thom•s'Aillion. etuirging him wi th ameult and battery. The parties, It ap- . peer!, were sta r house of 111 fame, on Lite. eity tired. liiday night. ts hem they bet into • quarrel: Thu . prosecutor alleges that he went out of the house and wig fol lowed by the. defendant, and that when they got on - tbs• side walk the quarrel woo renewed. -and the defendant drew • knife. with which be made a number of cum et him, nutting the breast of his coat in • nuuther ot places. and. Indicting • se verewooedon.his lett non. A warrant was tweed for the arrest of Allison. • • Walt Dement tlitaeo Dead. We are called Wpm to annoonee the death °fair. Wm. T. Doetgoinery, a weli•known and prominent ODD= WI the Third ward of MD city. Ike died &thin residence , on See . anth street, flimidaY morning, after ...ere werkie severe!lloeee. Mr. Mont gomat em a member et the City AU:midis fora num -Mr of Lamm, was closely identified RIM the Me. departinent fore Img thmeand anemia actively conn mtml with My enjoyed the mime= and cond. donee of a large (Mole or Wands, by whom his death will be regretted. Sadden Death—Jame. Cunningham, • rolling.mlll band In 'the Fifth Ward. was taken Stall while at work on tiattudar piling nig iron, and was turn to his boarding corner of Walnutunit Etna 'traria, about to,clook r. Dra.McDonald and Klntrna wont seat for and'vhited him, hut ware Unable tO o' clo ck any ...tet anal, and he died a; Are Th e phy , Shiites imp that Ms death teas mused try nyhrheating himself, an prinking too Much Wide!. ' i C. 111.160 •• the Peasay =1: ro Vot i rr i eY %TX: Pu tt k et „ Li u.... beyond Altoona. , A frolabt trolO .into ti co nod oot.min bet g • gamma M asleupand time when smock trate ran ea, .11.0.• unmoor of citttl. NO pompous ware wastottilTl4l9.lllo,' „ I , e* The OnsablltlT Cues. In•ccordance with ennointment Hobert McCutcheon, "rid" !deg., sateuei eta,.. had shearing before Alderman Yoe. row, on Saturday, on the Charge Of gam. iiiing,brought by • 111.rs.Coz , under ahead. si.eses which we have heretofore dettuled. The InformatiOn made in the bane arrearlil charged in the shape of gambling, setting forth that the defendants are "common gamblers," keep gambling houses, to. We were present during • Portion of the hearing, and feel entirely satisfied with what wetiave said already concerning this cum, The husbmd of the proseentrix was not present. Of course not. It eernOnven• tent for him to be "1n the country. if the motet or incentive to the prosecution was proper one—the Information made with a view of vindicating the law and of having the offenders punished—he would have been present, aiding in the Ponieoution. and If west Is alleged be true. (sad It is the basis of the prosecution.) his testimony alone would be sufficient to warrant the Alderman in sending the Cabe to Court. One of the parties lit the interest et the alleged gamblers Inutdred of hire. Cog where her hushes.' was. nin the country" wan her reply. The person interrogating her then said. "tient find bleb and indict him. sure as Prior to the beeline, in the considerable Mining that she Indtllged In, Ilea. O. mud that an offer of "settlement" bad been mode to her. She said three hun dred dollars had been offered. Sateen hundred dollar,. We believe, In the amount - District ititerney Deft was present, re prenenting the Commonwealth, and Major Brown appeared ou bebell Of the defence Alderman Strata was summoned as a its nese for the ptosectution, and anpeared be fore the arrival. of Colonel Dug. who was sou:fewest tardy. The Antennae represent. ed that he Intended leaving on the Sour &clock p. In. train for Washington, and desired to be examined at once, although tie did no t know why ne had been summon. Od. lie was sworn and add: "All 1 know to that these (defendants) 'are gentle• men; bare , always known them faience; and as for this ease 1 know nothing about It." baying Which no departed. Boon after Sirs. Cos, who, it appeared, did not know the Alderman at the time be was presort, but learning upon inquiry that he wee the oetwou who appeared le be In such great haste to get away, became somewhat protesting exer cised, that tie ( Alderman) Knew about. a certain tran the ssetion which talk Waco some time about Christmas last, and threeteued to prosecute him for per. iury, Col. Duarte. made hie appearance, nnd a number of witnesses were examined, after which the heating was Anther poet. potted. We !il t with eoneldetsble Interest the jhudeot this ease. 4 11ersh'e Tonne. Kate.. A number of the wood penitent Washing ton street were aroused from their peace. fel all:ambers at a late hoar Saterday night, by the eryot “Watch,o which•was repeated in a loud voice several times. The alarm was caused by the finding of a man in a yard on the aforesaid street, who, It was eupposed, had entered with burglarious In tenth:lna. The "man of the house" bearing the tellow in the yard, went Out with inn . torn and revolver ln nand, and nutting the drew hie revolver and command . imbue did [henna and moon. to stele Aldermen Bader was sent for, ate: • ,show to the spot found the par ties m the position described. lie arrested the Intruder, and committed him for a hearing, which won had yesterday morning, when it appeared [net the young man had not enterer the yard with any criminal in• tentiOna whatever. bit that he had made an engagement with "Sarah" who lives in the home as "help." to call on her, and be. fore calling bed taken a few drinks, lust a few, in consequence of which he was behind time. .Sarams young man" waft eosordiug ly discharged, and wo have no doubt re ceived a c vets lecture from Sarah for his conduct. • • Another Enrage from th.Peniteottas7 Two men weaned in the penitentiary ef fected their escape an Saturday evening, add:deli/ht. o'cloce. They were =mantels, and as such were allowed to 'mirk in the Mein shop. and taking advantavnf this they coontracted a ladder with which they coded - the wail while the guard was being changed. We did not learn the names of the regaled". One of them was the ann. OLCLUrfr of the etteAt on ezhibiticm m at the late Monumental fair, which for beauty and Ingenuity In, its conitruction was co g3=lll.trit. not o°' • • - Wastrel Iheirievr, for Jcily.-1 . a boding articles of this numberare—ldim irry, wtd other Protective Itmemblances among Animals—D.lAM Annie , . Seneca— The tart Great Monopoly—Lyric Feuds— The Future of Reform—lanasaca'• Gordo. Noticesof Contemporary .Litemthra Close the number, which is an able one, and in accord with the welt known prinriPlesof this ParflOW. A. Uhdrminey, Fe'th tired. • Willed ere S. litallewad.—The fast line east on the Pl#111•1 , 1•11a1iS Railroad ran Oyer • man, whose name we were unable to learn, a hew miles w eat of Crosson, killing him in stantly. We are not informed as to how the soeinnt commed. The train was mopped, no and some one w lives near the plan tlded of the feet ho and requested to toots the bony from thetrack, to preyeatit from being ran over by other train.. The nanny °centred on Friday. Appel.:linens 0. Commlealewer.—ln the District thfurt, on Solurday. John Mo. Clasen. Esq., was appOlot“1 Commissioner, under the ofrovions of the Act ?Sub May,l9o, to p take is depositions to he read In evidence upon the heating of causes, and apse motions, rules. potations and other matters which rosy be brought hetet, that Court, and with power to administer oaths. • TlBO Camp Meeting . now holding near Tarentrim, b id to re the ever held there. - The tents number ostween ...ant, and emirs,. The attendance yea Wide'," a quite large; the Church Uldosen the Watt Pennsylvania and Allegheny Vol ley Railroads were crowded. • Again ellsebarged,—Debold FleckUs sheir and Mark thsordable, the parties encased of causing the recent are in the Seventh ward. Allegheny city, which result. ed Co diesstroingr, were discharged after a bearing before J ustice Arent. nothing peering to *arrant their being held for Vold Sparkling. bode Meter at J. T. Soaple's Drag M..% N 0.38 lredetzl street, Allegheny. .1111 tat Voter Simulate allositilealleas •no may be pretty sore of earthly ene• cesa The. are Um° in his poetet. tittssa in his trauma Ilsuss in his tine, a n Los in his heart.". • • But as a tonic appetizer. and as a gentle stimulant, t ntha is reliable virtue In PLAN TATION narnw. No article has ever tech half so newsier or done halt so mach' good. Lush Who have hot sAreadytried this great stomachic. at. Orme test Ito qual ity. We understand that the Druggists and Grocers of tbis,ection nee selling vast Quantities, and :that scarcely in Wally is withant Mangum& tiaTta.—a , delightful Collet article—unoerlor to Cologne, and at half Mention. xtrefiler Glorious News—Manchester Is rapidly improving. • Tl.oporation at laying water mil gad pipes is going on rapidly, and newel. Hug and huskies. Lames ere going up very fast In all parts of the oily. All those having houses erected, and wanting hydrants or their house. fittedup with hot and cold water, would do well by caWn enK S.Did dln.itßro..thewell-knownpractical Plume• wortand O•M w F or te k r m s. a nl W k h e m a n n e r, l5 elr charges are extremely low. Their eaten llanmentis on Beaver Meet between Frank.. lin and ttheatriut, Valuable Properly ter !Wu—Parties desiring to invest in red estate ate reques. tad tossed the advertisement on the second Pete of to-dsra paper, of a valuable farm t two hundred acres, el misted on both shies of tb• Allegheny . Valley Italiroad, eigbteen lodes front tbe city, and underlidd with ft possesses all the adnumages required in • good investment. Yee card Co second - . • • ILosard t IrsoirelVo Cod laver OIL— The Purest and Sweettot.Cod Lvor Oil In UM world. ilattoloetured from fresh healthy liver.. upon Abe wwoahore. 11 ts perfectly pore sod swoet. ,Ast for .11orard & cod laver OIL^ markulutnral pp Cupiro.t., Kum & 130.. Now York. Sold by all tiro e elsta: • L. me . lea sell ars goods both at erbelesala end retell, arid are, as a consequence. we skied to keep a larger and much better as. sorted stake, to sell ebeaper,. sod give the Reeds more acoommodathag quantities then excloslreJobblua homen. Retell mess chanty arelnyluel to irrimitue our stock. J. W. Basase M., - Mark • et street. If Ten Want to buy Rostetier's Bitten. Draliel Bitters. Rohm's , . hltuda annoy kind of bitten., go to Fleming,. Drug Store, No. St !larked street, sr here yen will get ttor genuine rresti article; for • then et say other place in the oily.. Remember Ma and the place to get them—et Market street. Illendoraosea ('.s Inrau.e a certain mire for Diarrhea.. Cramp lta the Stomach or Dosels.Cholora Shaba% do., contains nothtmt irritating or Interim@ to the stom ach. It Is cheap and fallible. &Very tam. tly thatthies Donee 1e Di keen It On hand ready for icamodlate use. Soittrby all drag sta. Goble 6oliagll "Gone !21-Irasterrtlian the auctioneer's ha hoooks down merchandise', neglect d m is mer poses of the teeth. Bid, therefore. for that prize of life, k per. fret set by brushing lilt= regularly R uth aOZODWIT. regular ly I . ElealStem: Mates reom ths Ears, Catarrh, Diseases Erb and 9 31 km.> Mused %chronic sad °bottoms chcter successfully treated by Dr. - Abwa 13‘ 13Mttbeeld *Mat. Omen Stow 9 o'clock a. a. till 4 o'clock r. C. „ Seat Is lb* Wm , IS, ••0 t. B Plea Fair IBo7—the Weed sowing mac /I m 6 . received one of the • highest medals. For what befog eo perfeetir adapted to all kinds of work. Gail arid eXaMtoff lt, .at /IF lirallt Meet. • • • • - MO 'Woe Mee IN IYe lity-'4YD better. or cheaper 'thou, lOboes, Ithimornbi and emery thing else 10 this lino. be found than st the time honored *Lore of Jamesßolth. No.SO Market SUMS. • Gold and attell a,protaelft of Amerl. l2 mann facture, for dale by J.IL. EMI- a C 0.4 0. 4 Flan strcat. • • Good. oho' and refreshing laser bear on draught, at rrey'ss popcslar betel, AO, Mae mond, Allegheny. Igy . , Cold aparinsiaa *ed. Water at .1. T Sample's Drag Mph DO.' W federal Street 1.4•11,4•147. • . . • • - THE .WEEKLiGATET.IE TWO IDRIOXIL 11:111111171114.1' ass siennuna. r L Wye bLOML toonsishid lirarmsl:l • L 1 yawn of inbionottostrsoding An W. Ineliditny , • —S. *Om Lltotlal4 latost.nhot by T•indtinh and • NAIL valuable Memnon Muter toe Um ynsnoL, mid hatent taa am relining Rims , • end dad -Oolong/told blistAnt Itsports nlynn !by ty. olty. Na TILITNIIP. NOTOTILIC OT idsiobsal shoed to witboot tt. . ; YASUO was Till IrAbilILT OlinbrA. T.........»............ -silt • lad MIT copy Of rapes to tha wow. ; up WA blob. Additions to clean. bo Ins& at' ' nay time. at blab rats& • • • • -•- FOS= TO ItassCAIIIW—IA otderlag your. pspsi, be son ala amity ntitAi MOP , . • Ina% so yrs lions • Wed... Say id:Mot by yob* - =lbws Wing bat oos Asti • orimlL • Ilirlevaorylrr Math Tavel" ,NOINIT Oniony la Logintllondislltom may Pineal. at otyrisib • • Address, giAZETTE, ITIIISETILGE4 emu. A Darholf—lt tarns ord, we believe. that the alleged robbery of tile S.:menet count', men et the a. Maass Hotel, last. week,. wee no robbery, the vrould•be victim giving • ont the story to older •to enable am • to . ',Mae the wind." An old dodge, and. . ...lir a very ancreashal one. • ....eater?t.—J.go W. 10. ci tize noftize Ve *a county ßo , had a - hearing_ on Saturday, befqrel U- S. Occlude , . Stoner lloory Bprookoon &Marge Of palpenif cOonterf•it national I eurrenay. ae , rerd," • - months dace. lie wall required tO . for hht•Olnarrome (Or trial. Ita geryloo.—Tho Itesene Hook and L., der Geed... 7, • new Ore orgsfilsatlea. d".• Roue into asset... um will wore, Pineleir atoutsttlott tO the de pirtment. The eppatztus is !loused 0D ... tilblion street. Brevet Appointment...l. C. DoinjertT,' lime First Llentehant Pennsylvania ohm teem t. been appointed Brevet captatit by the President foe faithful Led Mete. rictus serstees during the Rai.— Wachingrton Chronicle. • ...• , will glee/ To-Twiy.—Tbe Union Ezcc tin Cemmittee will meet ibis mewling, at. ten 4:enlace. at their Committee it.m. A fell atteml.es to requeeted, on bushier" Ot `: importance will be brought Won, the meeting. • The Courle—The District end Cointeen' Pleas Courts were In Neaten on Bsiurdsly OM. 'mite* being Present except Judge DIOR% but no bnquess of general - The Alleged Illgarntel.—GeoriO ter, the alleged btgembst, whom cambia been pretty well veutlinted, but been ly committed for Ulna by Aide.-men- Addiiii.ozial Local News On Third Page. MI! VOITTEIOI6IIT.—reeIerd•I (Sandty.}toons , ,. , .-; leg, at I o•e'ock, eVer • OroteeetV i llialk 7°1'Ni:1;78111i eee.rnkc.uea.WL •W wlt `„i /literal from his late resUlenee, No, 41 far:. . O ft, ett, tot.prTocaredlt'ut,:e'letellj.7•77l‘Ceme'ti7.7":.- NEW ADVERTIBEZ:ENTS. ALEX. AIKEO . UNDERTAKER. , mo. rouii- Mott. corrisn of au than (awn, OLOVKS. lary dualvtlos .r fours' turalsbed, Ilanalcomera Masud Night. HealW sad Cirrisigal tursliasel, —...asixcest—Hen. David Item D. w. 'novas, D.D., raw. Ilwbis; I .G. RODGER:I; .11:INGERTN.. , " • SIB AND ICYBALICEN. moimasor Vita Eamoal E. RAM.. No. SIN DAto OMmat. three doors from Deivir. Allagtmay elt7. Itw. • tallla Rommmad, Ilabommy. Wsbatm mad Rode..• • wood Initiation Veins, at tho lommt rodaa.M. prim*. 204p1.11 ODOM at all hoe.. day and oiibt. Hearse and Carrtamm tarnished on &Mt:wilco' and on moat rrommatdo terms. ' • EDWARD CZAIRNIEICKI, lIF DEFITAICZIL Oface, 914 Unto Bunn. illegbeds).. H.Wlla. tanuood and otaar in., with • eatanteta stack of tanaral farm good. on bud, and tumid. d at abort.; notk at 4;nnest prim, Bala ud Livery . oases ' nen or MSTaDDXIDDLL fYaura. 0.114 , 1. A B.r.thes. BaLslaa, 4441. DoraeL at.. " • Mr hire. , I 1 T. ViTUTE & CO., UNDEIp. , TALLBB IMBALIILICU ll S, eaCtise ter, Wood's BIM else viebelty. Cams Semi et • Manelsesta-UOlO7 earear.firmsield sad . Cheerers emu. . Hearse end Canino.' tee, 8. STEWART, Undertaker , ."" coma of MORTON mut PSI(le eraarns Ninth Was 4. Ceiba of all Math. Ilentse an Cartiairee ftnatehed on the amnion itotlce. Go To HAIILETT & 93.4 8111111/11XLD isnuusr,iros tout eneancrr.emos_ossies. WEDDING RB.GS, 8 KT. SOLID GOLD, =I DUNSEATH - grorvirealors, `as Firma. sTainn JAMES SCOTT, . arocauunkro zoiorm.us a so??2t) 328141•MaZIFIL - *Dir FINE ;WAIMEA' GLOM .TEWELIIri-• 11111MCII-PLATED WABE; 114 Wisirrz sr., err7ssip . .. d. ,.. , PanlceLl Le atteatlaa i0r9942. Watch.. Clocki and Jewelry . . • p,,IXTEEN COTTON At!111,G1 . 4114 FA:Um:IL—We lava for aala la raj/3144 cotton and grain plantations. inmate - In and Notthern Onorgla, containing ft= wo tut ratti acres each: all ander a We elate of cultivation. Taw climate Is a 1 hentiby slit Pc1U140111111" and the water equal to sty ln . We stern Panatryl 'ants. 'nese WIZ, will Da mold very tote: Tor mlonaad partleralara cal at DITLTIgatitILLMS gut Satan. (Tim. Hagar street. Lawienos•llla TO IRON 11IALN1EfrAILITILIRElter; , • We oder for the NOVILTY. MON WOBILIS. situate la Cm county,. Goorels, to waleb tir attached VW •eros of fine ralltaglasr . d. lon of elect la awe farming land.: Ttars9- arty certain, reexamine:a WO of the rMea ; iron ore. Itors and ,and ,tone,, Tee iron pro I Mateo from tees. works Is of the best itasltq rer,- PorelrOm lotion to abundant atflera9 to an. 'Thle prostate • very , me 'seemlier% to ll , PllaftM; For ~,,, • mon and Aeries Wears of DICYLI3 ' }F ollow Pi TRUCE' COLD'AREDAL Wheeler &Wilson Sewiug At the , 61112/LT 13:POSITION. Stmer2l. tat aware./ sad 16010U11111.101011144.7 , 1 of .11 the ptiselpal whines of tem world--tna Oaarsltlee Award being composclU of tie moat motopetent. aaa Impartta Pulps. • WBL 111311INESI CO, So. WV Firm qTarare:riusingew. JTCO I HAVE THIS DAV . ASSQ_CIAr SID with his in bwilneweelth ti LIE it. 11APt LEY. 6. .I=X lat t IDOL JOHN A BARLEY & ORO, „ STOCK AU REAL ESTATE IRREERS imp imenolims: . . Are prepared to sal at Aarttoo.„ litOaft: fkrri and an Mad. of SacoWoo. Noia gits.m.tlear.' bold Voraitare.,,lll... either wt th• ptop.. or at Use tkoant oITI2Os Zooms. - Partlcalar .11,entio0 pool. M hmudi f... 14 Isle of Zeal Notate at at* oalo. • 4 _ realterViall the mantrl DMA MIR HORSES FOR IiALEi ALT 6 ' Howard's, Liveryy Starkl . e, TIROT miss. lupce Yitcimmicaltiam• Ono BOUM yen mil* to iitivot OftZt oot owe at looomotiva Ono moot Attotßg W, Om to Mt. OIM cheep .WIL low. Roma bout,' sad aeieb commlulls. JOSEPH wmatars, , i , Collecting Agent; Mao at Um Oaatd et T{d• Amato. YIT MIL. of in Moth sollottod prOlopity ot. • toodod co. Dm of raforosees . " W E atire*llllEFitaltl ELP:II' •• • • gifOrgitif Rs. . • . • ; HAT -ILLY SIUSHO. it MAWS Wroll WOlEcto 1101 tha PULL. 'Vag . #llll.ZlN:.rigisterza. CHOKE BEDDOW PLANT'S: . Bose* . Gerialtimi; -Verbenisol.4, Ia bloom, LL Mt maklaad thasabodoes. • JOIE. L a ./..11:1711MCH. •••• for • ' • . MTN, • H. It sealer of Weight!' and *mare% 11..5 rimirentwretexce sown 10..11...d run "r" 2. % • (Won. pMeIAIT titendfd to. Wm. IpLILEat 11W14.A. 1.11C11•1 MOB NU% rimitaibt SwanstEmsotHIZAVY;IRDICIIi WONT, * OWS£7F. XMIKIIMC , ..= 4 • eaugausesawspiiia.