The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 10, 1867, Image 1

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PUBLISH= =BUY Timuslifth
z.r-113COTOZI••••••••.». V. I , ZAP.
21[11112••• Masson.
• sO/. St ADD II SIDM.
lag Amiricee ' , spit et Tutees res*Tials.
MUM PAP= Or prmauzaa /ID
. -
titirriV7lff Card 1 3'1"
aubtaribals. A11 9,17 : 2, 45 .4 .
AAolrQw - ,
nrrastraceit. num..
t4jt plKOur.o Gaifttc
,1011...ESAMMUODitlow of PaaBomm leaf-
Ing'ike:OttY . Aertog the wentrear mouths
tbeft6l l have tbastia.serra =Pled to that:
ilddietlOT 47cdaing the same at, the elk"
*Paean Octet per week for ease week or
We give place this morning to a cor
respondent signed "Blear," % who op
podei thii consolidation of the cities and
intim viith great teal. 'Although we
dissent from most of the Positions of the
writer,- some of which are monstrously
estravagaut, we have no hesitation about
giving him a heating on this the molt
important loud citestion that has ever
'glutted this community. Lot it, be well
diseMsied; and we will only, say at pres
ent:to the opponents of the measure that
0414 there is quite- as much himesty
of otrixfse, virtue, trnth,. and perhaps
wisdom, on the past of thosewho favor
as those who-oppose the measure. It is
onistioit bpba ihiCh Webes2 imxtermy
bmidstlfind properly differ. "Shaler"
otto have forgotten this;
,and yet,
..g to our regard for the writer, we
give his article a place. •
GOOD ALMS GC/M-4f, Win seen'
from our Ordway, column that Ulcnann
BARD, a well known ind . bigidy esteemed
leather =orchard. of thin city, died yes.
terday morning. We publish elsewhere
a brief &ketch of his character, contribu
ted tiy; a Ilevercnd and venerable friend
who has known him from- childhood.
/if= Bann sae4istingulahcd cbioay, is
thiebtisineriebinaiunity, for his common
sense and his uncommon honesty. We
can express'no better wish for his sur
vivors than that they should. so emulate
his ;rirt,tu= while living that they can
possess his forth and hope when they
, Trot Genius of Lan" ty, of Uniontown,
PaJ; it/Organ supported by. the Democ
racy-of Fayette county, and one devoted
to the Came o( Slowswood,, against WU
comee td ni this weerwith a char
itable and nano:mut allusion to the mar
tyred President LINCOLN'. It says :
'_The contributors to the Lincoln mon
,umr.nt, us denaandlnk to know What has
become of their money. No matter what
hat become • it it cahoot be' put to a
mars ,disgrace II purpose Mao building a
tatiMtidnent zdt a 'man as Lincoln,
whose life was withering curse to ha
t .e pavements in
' Chtebins •d, not turn out astlefacto-
Jily, a • they have had an investigation
• • manner in
.which it was put
do**. Some of the witnesses • who as
sisted lit the work testified that come of
.'it 'woe pui down in Sued sad water, and
that it was linpossible to nail the strips
ea account of the water. We think
Irdija . arhat we read that that failure does
no discredit to that - intle of pairing if
iwoperly done. =
Tice. ancitusati Ga:ette. remarks:,
,!%ecretaxy Stanton renasina in undis
turbed possession of the Wax Depart
snag, and is inreceipt orgvat =one;
agement sad sipproval from the ioya
"men throughout the country: -It has now
come to light that the secret of the Pres
ident's munKy to him is bemuse _ha was
mainly instrumental in canning Conzress
to meet in summer session, and thus
thwarted some pet and dangerous schemes
Which be had information the, President
Intended to consummate m caw of* long
EimEffLs.i. NEWS
—Ono man boasts iu Indiana, that he
gets to new wife and ancwdtvorce every
• —Five school houses and two thousand
ggir hundred bar rooms are the latest
Chicago improvements.
—Reversesitt business and foar fort of
rope were tile muses of death in the rase
ofa Milwaukee merchant.
—The best definition of cholera is
Ileecher's last. He says that cholera is
opinion of =glom . I
—Orneider well before you take a gloss
of brandy and water, says r. Prentice,
the Subject Is a good water,, says
• I
''•:•—lictuserants have alighdy declined in
New York, and one of the papers o f ,
that city reports that many houses ar I
—Nine Chicago editors and nine print
ere not a man on either nide ever diving
played before, are to have a grand game
• at base ball this week at Dexter Park,
"for the belt"
--Only three wholesale firma La LfrulFi .
*villa-lase year did a business exceeding
*1,000,000. The heaviest house in the
, city toady sales amounting totlelln, o o o .
Nin t%een firma sold between airat,e/CO and ,
1)1,00000a •
—Fated botten, it is said, are coming i
y. 03 use onFrenc locomotives. Twels
spress engines, li
with steel boilers, ure
employed on one railway lending out of
Pans, fifteen . on another. and several on
other t l3 - _
—Dr. Raimben, a ' , rerun Doctor,
r practien a=new method-of lauoduong
=died° into the aninraLeconomy, sin
by the =Jails: ' Ile his demo so with
morphine, which, it darns, Introduced
in Mat way, will cure violent headaches.
-The little coanraof Jamey, 111., with
'.;an era of only nfty.throo square miles,
• fraised last season one million -bushels of
corn, and this year will doulalessexcead
'these figures. =lts yield of wheat gener
ally borders on the =m elous, both in
quality and quantity. '
—Charleston is recovering (corn tiro
'effects of this war. .The nowspapors of
that city _state that the "burnt district" la
Doing imprints:l with treat rapidity, and
in - other parts of the city old boners are
,belng tom down and - replaced by new
and more modern /structures.
lager a
, co inaanG , of the jail
at Valparaiso Ind., wrenches o ff iron
handcuffs, chains and manacles as if
they warn pack thread fetter/I. The
twantrhas expended V° on irons for
him but ho tuts twisted them all on' and
• ,is now clear of all clanking oddity:lents.
—The POWOr Swing. designed to Cons
him" amusement with usefulness, by
working washing machines or similar ,
light machinery,
at the sante time
• provide a pleasure awing, has been in
vented In Trenton, Now Jersey. *vend
of these swings am now in use id
—Driving tandem is doosibed to bo
the driving of two or more horses, one •
ahead of the other. It is a Latin word,
• which menus "cat leuelit," and has rather
'far-r."°d*Pnlicatkn. Now,the horse
foirahavennewterm,whlch is"triZeni "
an applleable to three horses. This tuna
• is evert mans furced than tire other.
—Anything mol itvrafrishing in this .
weather, and the fallowing luso/tote from.
New Orleans is about on moles could la
defiled: "A passenger got into ono of
thristreet can ow:Megan to smoke. The
driver objected. saying thta wamong
the forbidden things, and hinlng that if
bepermittod rates would bedatchartnsi. ' If
so, mid the smoker,' I'll engage you
Immediately: ,
— . Merced:Hu Amigos' far tic. Teeny
` nail's abandonment of his beautiful resi
t donee, at Ferrington, isle of Wight., and
'retreat to liaahmere in Surrey, to,
oat tormented bunt obtrusive
ageOions of the``liou" who
_gong on hispalinge, peeped through his
• - COO. and . TWAY crammed Freshwater
Church on rittuday in the hope of seeing
bow a poet laureate said his prayers.
Atmnomt them um eight benelion
tbo Irish Church; worth on an aver
age more than Pie° is year ends, and
• 'containing an ' average church nopulo,-
atom of more Ikon 'fire thousand molds,
' whose I=m/bents and 'Under the protec
tion of the Courtier Insolvent Debtors.,
puling the lost twenty years a largapro
maltose!' deans, archdeacons and other
dignitaries, holding large livings, have
been Insolvents.
—A company has been formed-in
Franco which proposes to suppiy the
lowastn the south atvl centre - of Yrtmee
_ with mo from the, skies of the Savoy
`;Ups.' Tho prlnelpal glaelers_frous which
the Supply is to be drawn ate those of
the Mer de'tilactr .and Besscuut. They de
scend to the level of the Valley of Chain
ounlx-,. ant{ are the most eastly nevem
• hie of IDLY In the-:•nitele Alpha chain.
The ke.kaumpuritt as crystal, 03 ay b o
loaded stile foot of thoglacler upon ve
hicles drawn by oxen,
and an cOnvcycd
_.zo.sbe Gino% riawarigtatim
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Judge Fisher Receives a Com
municationfrom the Jury.
CDT Telegraph to the witimergatiasettcl
: Wasimmws, august 3,15 c;.
There la no Indica:lee of thedurratt jury
coming down from than . room lino Court,
or of having agreed open it verdict. The
Prhanier wee visited at jell this raorreng by
hts brattier. lame &rural'. Ile 13 hopeful
and In good Write. Ile has not bean
brae/flair= Jall alum Wednesday.
At CM drama, Judge Judge;
received a
communication from the jnry end seat. a
agartea spills , . The sol33cct of correspond.
once has not transpired, but no the Judge
hggdod tin reply to the Data, he was beard
to remark tilm I will nee eibOut. Li be
tore eightfall.” 110 than got on • am and
started for Georgetown. During the eVert•
inggdlioa crowd &mumbled In - and about
the Court room and noon the eters of City
UM!, 10 full esoemamou of a verdict or
come oiler dm pantie/3 of the tam P./might.
Tee. wit , Mal theory now in that there Is
*maturity on one Mils and Mow refuse to
mdr to be ditichar^c., il,bothaVo male upthelr
mantle/, aini are dmertained to worry the
tutoorlty 011.... it le very certain it ritonecr
of the jurtiro are very unconcerned about
the matter, as this evening they •werti ter
aistocir cm/aced la alegthg a taverna taus.
It Deem& to bo 0 1.1oule. swan Imam." '
ilirth, OEIO of the jurur4. Lea
very .10k all day, but la 002.1•Lett, . better
this everuag.
At eit3 o'clock *deputy . marshal cleared
the court room and cicatal the doo . it ha
log undennood nothing definite rn will be
known to.olata It= the Jon,
IltyTeirtrayb to the Pitubergit Gthettal
Wel summon, August 9,11.7.
attsoco rte.". To ntschs stlnnaTT.
50910 of the Warbington detectives have
reported the . discovery of a plotto theme
the prieonerSurratt, width mop bete but
some foundation,: but It hat beenktyped in
the bud. It la certain that ttio hotel. in the
immediate vicinity of the toast Ileum
havebeerinnusuelly crowded,thil that. their
guests have unduly been liattimorlans, and
citizens from the robot counties of Story.
And .
adjoining the District, A mass who
haa bean arrested as ringleader Intim p
' posodplot, asserts that big things Might be
expected lastnight,thd Is presumed to have
referral to an attempt to take the prisoner
from the gnarl of four policemen who to.
commory Dim to and from the DD. sifter We
reception cd the ditherceing of the Airy,
which was expected tonight. The jail le
Ithated about lour hundred ',Matron the
Court. /Mose, and the avenue lesding to It
runa Throegh a park, and is lined on each.
stdo with rows of Imes. -
on. Gn a rl. inn cant. Stingthngi .
It hashoetteacertnined thud Llthend Grant
Las virtually been responsible. for the dally
..te the lithe of rho order rernoying Dermal
Sheridan, as he has objected to the trthsfer
of otlicers of the rank required by the re.
oonsimettert acts from the dntlea in which
they are now engiuted t on the ground that
the exigencies of the 'mink servlth de
mand that they shall be retained in their
.paduans. /t is certain th at trio President,
Jadendli advising him not to remora Sheri
' dan has had name effect, and 0 delay ed; be
that the order mop be further but
is Le essertat by MON% Otte alionol IMAM,
that It will lie issued before Um 15th Inst.
on arlingrahT Or wag Dornoomo. ~
- The intelligence ,. says the state-lout that
the President Wm orderedno further com
munication to be held with - Ur Stanton la
Lusiccurste. ISO long tie be to permitted to
remain in office, official relations must ex.
let. It does no t follew..bewever. that he
will attend Cabinet conthitstithk Tletrei
aro not held In virtue of lair, but are pure.
17 dterectionary wi th the Preeldeini. wan is
tether °bilged to confer
with his becretn
rtes In formal meetto,n, nor Is he restricted
to the, beads at the Departmthts in seek.
Mg advice upon. public affairs. We learn
from as unusually well Informed Source
that it is the purpOse of Dr. J Mouths to al.
low the whole:natter to remain to aterthre
tor a few days, giving Mon tot thileetionon
the part of Kr. !Denton and his friends who
adobe lunt as to tho theme he should nue
..uO. if in two or three dims he shall still
persist In his refoesl •to ledge, the Prwl
dent will suspend him by going him notice
lubstanDalty that 'be Is hereby suspended
Dom the further execution of Lim tonaloas
'Ol the Mike of Secretary of War.and that
the reason or this gespenston srdi be sub
mitted to the Senate at the next session ol
Coogresa , . . .
.. . tame= re 'Lltrtora. '
A private letter from AMC.= UM the
Indians the Vora° than ever. They are
, oanstantly engaged In killing settlers and
-0 eallng cattle. In all the depraistleue
thee have committal thus tar, but one In.
411u:rhea PAIL killed, and Lint woe 4i , 3131, by
Ley T l g . hto Sias Pltteb.igh duet:.:
, • Nino . YOXE, August 2 tEG%•
darenush 0.13110 vas irsecuted
• '. .11JLICIVEM.IX011 011310C1F4. •
The Memel:tip Moe Tranelsoo, from Greg
town, with Callan:km fesseengere, arrlv.6
to-Arr• . .
Tea Catholic eommstraty of New Tort are
Orectier a BeW male or - phau asylum, tor
ear of fatty-second street sad -111dIrem
area... Tee bundle¢ will be a' 0001
hanflaorae one, coatlue aeaatenkfte• -
Sixteen wines= Jaexerso t
Jobe Hoyt and The Odom Shultz ears
rested on sublet= of being concerned Its
tberrobbery,lis Jannari tif tr. -porter
at Slats •k. Co., of Cnitekl btates gold tort M
attes to Um...manna of over IlluAn. Iloyt
alleges be bongut ono of tbe bowls at
Schott. onion °tenon. J. en,qkcy, rebel.,
not yet bean itocored., ' •
. .• •
Alt the members of the Eatnent were
present at the meeting to-MO, with the
capitols of of Attorney General eitauteerry,
who is still absent - from Washington, and
Secretary nianton, Who remained 01, his Doe
parte:tent traremeting business.
-as Gummi eWISOLLO..
• McCaw - Land, of Dayton, 4.1:, wan-swindled
by an emigrant agent, Pstnek McDonald,
Yesterday, but through the Agency or the
pollee recovered his Money, 1101611
sneers or comissureir vas.
Adruin Dates , and Charles L. Ulitek, em.-
pert COSIOLOKOILUIP. iLat o camped from
Kings County Penitentiary. .
TUD,C11.11.1.1) 1010 100L04111.41 , .
Ch" 1,00 /S. Kellogg,' the opera' singer,
purchased her old homestead, at 'taw Mart
fore, last week, sad after her ratans from
Europe - th is fall will retire, tram the stage
to private Ill° there.
. wasenses wrieveret ash citenscsatOM
Thaddeus Etymons writes he writ oda a
blllat the anat session, provlding Yor the
coullseation of the estatee Of thoSeToteds
sod slaveholders who eisellarrel mercies
for volingme hoputeteau tteke . • •
Of Judge kobotutham, oe the Supreme Veva , .
this Mato, cued at Yonkers 1,04.9.
1101sa Affairs—Spotted Taira Band
inospelvea Libel bolt, WlLltrebe. l
. -
[By Tolcgoiph toils rittsinligh Oantte.)
OT. Loom, August e.—Art Omaha dispatch
says: General Bully uit:clone! !lather at
rtood from munteins lent Pia:
Insetted Tail's the
bande o r Indium were bro ken
up{ part olthein crossed the Platte ;mates.
day, and were reported to have Joined On
Cheyennes on the war path. Tao settlers
Pro fleeing to North Matto for pro
tection. Who ateemor Itountooo Iles elm.,
Sort Beaton corohletaly riddled by Indicts
fired by the Meas. • • .•
man rusted Map o.,lLobloson aMal the
Dcsmerat coty.tor libel, In mating
that he attempted to Ell his child with a
, hatchet while In a ros o
s Pt: tem ,
thousand dollars ,-c Tit witolto claims
or I:obi:loon
lays tha taatoroant Ixtua and that atm re.
calved a nevem wound in tba , arm while
WIN; to shield the child from assault..
ST. Lolly, August o.—Tbe 01050000 Gem
hot boiler-heade Tuesday evening, its
the Illinois river, near Naples, by idelt
Awoet.Plo9oes wars tratantly Ittllefarand
two others so badly scalded they probably
larch for the Droners Atlaintle 1.7-.1110
—Meg Irele[rOPO , LiSeL
LllrTeLxrepe t the rlttaorgb 0 witta.]
Yaw Toss, Anton 9.—ThW Itewold , 9
cilia from Henri!, COTattnt , no r /W U '
Mole Ilajtety'4 norveying &warner litilnare
aryl.di trona lit. Johns Min jornuoon,
twArtng on board puty Chartlnd the
duty to tnortuuthly examine and renders t.ho
un‘rlloge of and around 00 tbo
outdo ol IWt., wee broken. On tho 19th of.
.Tee New York, Newfoundland 9 9 90L0n.
400 Telex - mph Unmoor, y Is now ond In
telegrann Hues,between Able
plane wad Novo bcotbs. to bo iw coonnottork
with the Waste= UntOn'TOINTIPOLIine or
NoW York.-
Calriantle*of ra,ollleess7iitld
Mr Telegraph to the rlttabargh Gazette.)
Kivr Uwe, Atm o.—The Iteraid , c
mond opeau $101: A conventton of oci.
ofilcers and 'afters of the !Wince]. idznY
DOW rostdthg to Richmond, l O U no bold
barb as ostorday,tot• the !mooao of taking.
ptrillird.AOTY OLOS. UMUCIa oa.111., • gran
convantlcen of ail tho ellechargoa .ordu.
Or 1.110 union a tAo Malmo( Ylcolnle. • '
(Br Tacoma 10 tDe ruub.ral , uslettik)
PIU.A.DIELTIOA, A , Zrt 9.—no @choosier
two %1:U."4%
Terrible Railroad casualty.
Only One Passenger Escapee Alive.
British Troops for Canada
IflczrspUtatlus 1'111bl:ugh Uazolts
,COora Fox Ca.5....t.
Lonnon' D.—The Government wllt
ionnealatoly ilLmateh lerge body of troops
toCanalla W repel the threetorked t•Cratlll
Invasions from the rciteel !States.
•. • .
..11.714C1t ZI:ld.
tho llousa ot Lords last arming Um
Clll to ataxiall Church rites ' was . rojcata+ll/3"
a largo zaaJoilty. i •
DM. Or 04r.130LIAVA.D,runTZS. .
Lomms,Uft 7.-I.)lspatahos
here cancan., tho death or-Marie Sop 111•0
Amato. daughter of Ditalmilleia; - 000 Ob
.179.1m,0f ,Zavirts, and ex.4.2trou or Naples
- ClaoALiv—rnittirul.
L.% 0, Luz.
Loa Dos, !Wont terrible =Stroul
cuun►ity oecerred ikt..BreY lIoW, Wiekiew
cenety. / reload, too-clap. The expreza train
from Dublin. for c•Wloalolr..whon at the
above 114113041looabty,ran tartlto track gual
eight_ )paancruroy coaches non,
Into tho - Tito railroad at that point
rum along the aurrantt ora nigh WWI. - Ttio
loan of Ufo was frightful. Ortisona rwreson
on the whole' train, a roan pinned Morn*.
escaped alive.
portal. Tara: 7: swim Tull ratTZU STUTZ , .
Asizurt 2.—Rkining.—la the Hops.,
01. 1.." the Goienneent 3111.
natal rho new portil treaty with' the
VD Staten, for retitle-WS tbo PrwtnitWtw
tVcintr bar: twowountinet. ' ' • •
=an t 1 or ♦ aril= prrICKL IX T 01071710
In' the !loose of Counfloo,
ft, &osier to saw:op:Li:7,l.°rd Stool , For
Seoralory4 said Ole Trolerfr-k Brace.
itiAlitite/ 114 , Wootaagfoo. 11.4 been
empowered to 111,1e1T411113 the matter of the
recently UM us or cant. 5 1.qubr a "Ite d
Mies eoldLCr.' "
111tWri rresols EILLZD
itartr persons core kiliOd 'Oatrigiti by
the railroad accident at Drag Head to-day.
Eight Ilon. U. !llswthon> /Some
AeiVet•in fiVi 1165,110u5i of oaoiconoa tau
to . quistiae.eatil the
Penim prlsoaarl mere mated better than
nay of the otlacrs,
ias turoax nu.L.
TOO ilegOthi =tete.. ed
from the Homo of commooy a molt= echo
mode todtlght Itehee et Lords to ni•
consider Ite Makes tupon ditiliSteetttit to tho
emendmentir: liter tiOtO4 dhMlethOcon
oiderattonof itioeuldect tithe tized ter the
lath i
rune. ottarAmos it Carla.
Puna. mama Darpatobes teceSed
herewith:in the previous annotmeemant of
the occupation oithiso provinses of thwhia
0— •
Lousssr. .turnst 3.-.Jrrsolad,—.osuois
Maud at 51 Azle, 113 y illlep4 Central,
TPA: , Waw, 7 3 /si ilantla At Groat Wastaro
Lir taro..., .gurast 9.—Vrenisp.—tAton
Is firmer. thou ornstatmns arowneinsna. l ;
sales of lune ituebester mar.
set for Weds ant g alas is Amer with more
bus Wes.. Itreadstalis the market to gala
and steed,. Mtn Is OM,* ws , hd• rm o, "
sloes tin annerans gala. Lard, howiver•
hu • advanced to Ws per cwt.. - for
Fort. n/4. 141. 1101.1 , ts galas,
and Quotations withou material ULM-
AsTasar,,aut. 9.—Pstralinna has Advan
ced to 12 ;; frailty tor standard white. •
Indiana ta 4tizaaa—Cetural Paellas
Malloaft—atairlea lalamts. 4/or.
fay Tefrarspe io tee 11Usaaratt ouatta.)
titastmorti., August ...—The Independ
ent glort Gonunittoo nominated Caleb 1.
Fay. a martb sat' ol too Francuoo, for lion.
error, arid 11. %Melton. for tioomuay of
State. The regular Union ticket tegalalag
MOre troops ate bolos Kitt 'to Axiom.
Operation:l v4O-11/It the ladle= TM be more
vlanrrouly greased.
%he rocelpta ot
me Control
for slily, to wont 114,M0 la
go Ad ld.
rian from the bandirteb Islands to
My 1.11. h say the Mug had named Vrilltifs
C. oanauraat ancomaor lit rate of bla death.
The 10111111 Of okay Ira* eatbradastloally
oatalgatad at Ifortoltdo. '
Teem oat groat otallement at yalru•
raga and Urea en doly.ll and .1.17.b. , 05er
Um sego by tho Yronca oloUrtned
carload from Samoa Alutai that tte ,
boudalt neat eager llectles Mama bad Wit
Cuba to r ,000 boat-111U° , agalost &atilt and
Too Layiaxot an. abiallo recOM FierVan
to lawman Onnatoonend •• '
fgoo yologranbto Ofel'lttfburan ooo ;l/ .
brava..., Nag Vat no. mi Inane,
NINTEN,A.—The goal:net Navarre, aimed
In laying ttto Cable, lRs Arftrod. .9110 start.
ed from .10fY Weal. on batUidaY warning
and lalgaiwo and a half mlloa of tbroo stow.
buoyed 52 Ahoencl. The average ruin of
Panuil oaf th e cant. wino four miles per
Tne linktod biatal men Of; , Toboma
and 101/n Gan anT the Spanish b ut fol lfran.
ctsoo do coomn panted. uo 0010-
sue° ono faqtureol.• The Navarre Vail begin
operation, at nee reelect in the off.cmcno
and Moth tomorrow for goy West, • •
Wilda* or Illtesmets—Osse -
or them
ff.ak.-rlisse.sers Druirsetd:
[By Telegraph to tua 1•111tOttowIt (gutted
TOOtTiOon. August o.—Tbp steamer %01-
son Small, plyirtirbetviceir this part and
Chapt3tilr river, collided last night with
thriallltrear glary Augusta; of Poplar hp
land. the former tanking in.tbirty minute*.
gt , reported three of bar human
gore wcrig_ drowned. The gcmnixider
more aafely landed on ropl , tr lotnnd.
TUC 21str.A.Unitstta arrived tabe morning
tom Lot the cheer Louisan. hue iv
badly damaged draw wi s, compelled to throw
.0•000004 about - coven, tostaired boxer of
ouches to prevent elnklag. The pititeocO
gent of the 491180 n litnnll were brought by , .
Use Ica Nary. Angnstot • Crbo
OtatottfOnLit ado conn toting. The Captain of
0000 ccuuter history this o th er fOr oho at ,
°Want.' TOO llDS.ll:Nriut Taped at
. .
• • Naratosii Maces- • ''• I
Tetegratb to the Yitteberge °Petted
Ylkmslife. August 2.....Tbetrit moo, throe
year old.. one toile and • halt was won try
keDentoPeLexington Gott. Time. 2:414
the ktetest , time Su this country by .tbreo
year olds, with ono hundred and ten poem's
- bleat, and Boner Dam ware eameoll.
Lore: The Lexington Colt hod Sleety, ten
alotoet Lead and head throughout, but tee
Iona& OA tent iron by tour leetitlit.
The !fueling* stake', for two year old..
threolonettut of a 1011 e, were woe
by "ke Filly, plater toliathlem, Mier a
atfleadhl race. by • head, boating Northern.
linefeed and four Mbar.' timm /Mk
TOO third Moo, two and • bate mike, as*
won by Cant. Moms , bo rn e Deacon' hentJog
ter Ring: time, i 1010. and ol} gm,
- -
Cotton Crop Adrrea—lingrOgea or the.
Worna—HongsliOn• Abandoned.
tar Telegraph to me rlttsbersh Wrote I
//serum Aug. U.—gotten error , adeices
drum tea lower Meer parish°s of toulllana
woll - countles or nisei estner ern 4nt/o Holt.
vcomblo. In nil the lover Parish , . 0,
lane Um worms aro at work to on atartninie
aslant, /u Polut .Catipee the &Atm tine
woe sown:1010W add thorOugh that some ot
the plantnUons were abenarese.l. Another
flansmeetsainr that trout the Tiaras Aver
•glOOrrir nononms are - rooetvetl. - Not May
°very pl.tatkm Is sattering, but thoso to
sardartivvial..Whathing Our t h e visitation
to•ln=Our: .
140,041ai - OW . la gar. taal=arb.
siatliraal Iliamlitir !latch. •
laitiospbla rlusatit'rb (imatiaa
Boatel. Aultast 9 •-ttent7J.lturray,clatle .
lathe postoftiaa, mu bold for trial, In OA*
tihnegecl erltli stooling money from
~, , lette nom Sew Lloansrlek says it Is
nOt.' ttie , eLetoriomi Parts crew vlio are to
Tem moans the Word brOtbara, at liptlag-
Odd, but C are. Of at
pimp Wlio are now
batali COiloctod. for the pimp*. ,
nide Z
The Wotan, is Route,
Tokoono co too ytttotonb tlasatial
Lizarrs, Awedh Atha Zegutbud
and party arrived this evening by Ta o
blianplils arid Louisville Radeund, and are
stopping at tile Overton, handling a boat
[or Now Urlceae~
• Eltatt•otalie
caalasiank to la. rtiwastak eisau 4l
ric _
• urvizo. augusrossa stall lealtelNes
tratact with inn st okeyeaterda7 attcm o 4.
oae, GeTaiut =fed reaor gut, •
Singular Alleged Plot Ilevealed by
Sanford Conover. .
illy Telegraph to tam Pittsburgh Gnats.]
Iliaannvoion, Aegnet 9,1 F 7,
Assistant Attorney General Dlnekley. has
furnished the President with en opinion 111
relation to trio application for pardon
, of
Ches. A. i Dintham oho,. Sanford • Comer,
which is recommanded. by • A. G. Riddle
and ' Joseph Dolt,on account Or
nominee rendered to the prosecution
la the trial - of Surrutt, nail, which was eel.
4tly Warmed' by J. X. Ashley.. 3f.r.
nt eine? gives th e petition and also along
lc er • addressed, subsequontly to July
in ,to Lim President by Mr. Durham, In
w ch he reveals an alleged plot on
pa of Ashley, Bath:mond others to. Moli-
na thorn:44oot fn Plot for the Mani.
n lon of 'Mr; Lincoln; which tossaye Is ca
-1 pa to of proof hy oho most ineragiblo eel
de co. lie lays Mr. Ashby explandld the
Inn . of ovidenee. ' itu thought most
blo to ,
or, nov ena nam
occasions ely: that
pal familiar -.Visits to lir. Johnsoo at
3 / 4
xhe lint m od' /douse, that 'Johnson con.
res rided with Efmtli, that the placing of
A •rot nt t rio F.Arkwood tiousu was only a
allays, the -h Atatrot was not aware of It,
to make I t linear Mr. Johnson wet intended
fa victim and thus disumt alt Impleion
rom Mr. J hoson conniving at 'President
Lincoln's union th at. Booth stated on thu
ith of Muse 1, to an Intimate friend in New
York. whom ho.bail mu/encored to enlist
to the contiotreey, that Lu was acting with
the knowled go of the Vice :resident. and
that if ball been arranged to kill Lincoln, on
the day of trio inauguration. which would
ouccount for Me. JOhneatt'al coronet conduct
on that occoniou. end Ibex Mr. Johnson eX.
- voted the tragedy to tot oneettel then, and
had taken novend to compote and
nerve him for the trent. - Dun
ham soya Lo assured Ashley ho should
hove no OfflicultY , lit tialitig - Meson'
of good standing and moralcharacter to
prove th ese/ intOteraf mai that 11 sta., agreed
be should do to soon as released. 'Dlr.-Ash
ley and Mr. Butler pressed him to send for
too or three persons of Udell/genet, which
1 was done, but Mr. Dunham being
in Jail, It was found nootaaary for tome
Ono 0150 to act as their preceptor. whin)
wait, with slight hesitation, by aahleY. on
Durthsun's nsourimee that• the portico
wradlnas, aged in
trio - wool, and
n of honor. In whom ho could
safely raison, confidence. 'Vie etatemente
Mott were dOetred .tO lathe wore Moat tt
and corrected by Mr. Ashley, and they were
assured by him that In caself should no de.
terminal Wassail , . thembeforethe Com.
mine% they abonld be aplefolidly feenalled.
nobsequontly the Warne. WeroPresoinal to
Mr. Buttes, and IntrOduCed,try him and Mr:
Ashley to several runnktueumere of the
House. , ' ' '
Several papers accompanied the forego•
lig,' including some statomonts atom toe
vtalt of a Mr. Allen to Lichmand by John
san,thOsign as In cenisectlon with Booth,
and ammo personal Lenart from Ashley to
Dunham. ..
Foivizo Misisters t'sinsiested—Cor .
,respeudessee IhAVIVes Secretary
ilinsard mud Minister Mowers.
ISrTeleirrash le tbalquaba eh tieastob:
Nair Tana.. Augrat s.—Ntexteson mance*
.nate that tile torolgo alleinvers to the city
of /Lexiee ware still un weteettal,•mrst[lne
°edam flonateetr iteecet:re
the diplomatic corms pendrara _between
Secretary • Searard sea _Mlalater. /Semen , le
P.bllebed. In whieh Seward' atirtsowledrea
the reoelot al • letter caned by oant•
atuu, stating that be went sato., at Nut
Boller rxploelow In Ploladelplitlo
Lime at Etto.•
[By Taillinain the Pntonnan Galena:
ratt.anntra :a, Amreat 4.—Tho • bollet al
the nctata, lioneary, ,Nteth, veto.
Wharton ~:alyaMal tine intent:ma.
Satoh tilhaan,; - ktlied„ lea•ne a trilland three
children. Yohn Tellecir,and Matthew
MeKetattt Oeticre+ll; and 50.01 blame
sl orttly 1a Wand. tbe shave-weed per.
Boos 'lane Intnillere or' the
Arm, endeared.' and ran the eatebttatment,
!Inch they had recently etartect.
lan Polies to Mobil&
Cne Telegraph to the ilitaahttanisrato , )
Moat.,Aurtut .11...loanten
byappointen' tn., Innee famous -4.y
by the - Mayor. • One or team tra, , mule a
Llentogan4 tlukClake pelun.
Zacamanigusa . .ibenstibe Citis Cf.p.
ctif twoosoa. the. 1 .111.44.1101 Wmotta.
llntrurs, Anislgt u.—...tatinuata net be COO
crop InMtsolnalopt sort Ult.*** ant sort'
epeoulartnw. ' tElmtMt rUI maim own
eaocurtk tO lout Mr two 7e.r.
• Wiled try Llghtatoz.
By T. 141.4 bW tlerrtsewsh
.ErmuyA. 146. August o.—Tbo Ost-Insibt'
fogs asuebed to the Ephrula.Sprtng. hotel
wen. 'Wasik by lightelog 61e.y. Two d>l
ollod . dictirFatil *yr*
Ilona of no Astl-1114ratr7 ;tiro:este
fIIrT thartlistpourir kbwris.4.7 •
Augart• 9.-0.0b7 Folsom. for
many years coruPlcuo. antl•ltireri anal
actor pogrom Ivo utbellap,. tho 4 In Ito
ieattd.Y.; -. •
None Yang telleorentlos.
Telegosph ta the Irtstalmagh agorae 1
.42-terr, Alighst seta the CanititallOnal
Vaghomatoa ta-Cur. S ittattattto attend the
subereneerf el Umtata - 10no yawl FO.l 7n-
iected.. 27 agebset bO.
To *be Mut,lin otilLeilotre, st•-
lerwei asd Indiana T.U.a
Mess.- Parrroas tOssorrs i An associa
liott of gentian., styled the Board of
Trade of the City of Pittsburgh, managed_
last wtoter to effect 148 passage of a law
huge portlona of your respectlea
tOwnahtp• 10 that citrttei form part Of lit
and to he governed by Its Laws sad ordi
nance& Tour approval of tills prectodlmi
sax not asked or desiredi in truth, it was
not wanted, too attempt Mane made to
hurry the passers of the km through both
branches Of the Legislature before clreetlyo
objection could be raised at home. neemor
Lugano. who Introduced the bill, bring also
tootilber, Or th e lloard Trad•tamtmit.
tee sad very palm, In the matter, weak]
have succeeded in forcing lie Pasesice, as re.
Ported.. Dot ollght, If .Y.ontaninion es.
rfoulo 1,0 It, by 100 other reoresentatlv. of
alleginthy Ooonty. Pottlainely, however,
the vigilant. Of leo' Independent 010100 n•
ar aileghsay City wrung loom hir.
' and Um other manager. of this most had au
mos prcesodiug a reluctant consent to in
oert fo-the nets parnsion requiring a vote
of the Milne. within the Wands of the
- proposal City, to be taten at the calming
October elect hut, to detonate° the question,
so that unless acciaNtrity Of lboVOtof 01 Ulu
dtstrlet north ot• the flyers veto Agroloat
.00noolidatiOla true Pittaboreb,vouelu soon
/Ind yearn... harepered oily htwasuni
ordinance. entirely ...oiled to 7 000
Lion as homers and gableuers, mid country
You will soma to visited by the - Anse. or.
who wiil Ineresso the Yaloal km of year
' land by dividing !Unto Molding lots le
steal of estlusating requ i r e d h
tofore. You sell/ be to payyearly
chat of from live to fifteen dollars ler each,
warton,oart, boggy, or velatclo of say du
, satiation you happen to own
' Yon will be taxed 110.0119 for the purpose
building anew lay LEAN and Goal—a
coal tax of 000 half par beet, Is now being
collected by th e any, for that purpose—tuts
, 00 tnif, ' s abort way towards mann
' pliehing - -
Tou will alert he taxed heayllylor the - p.r.
ode Of erecting now water woke. /Actual
se you are ma - the bills and distant volleys,
they never elm be of any alreintsge to 9.0
whatever. Taal, howeVer, will Ind prevent
your being taxed allko with 'the Per...
must. Domaine& Tito City Councils hav
ing p0em.;1,117 ornind. open, grade or pave
otroOt Or Mad through Your land. and It
90110 0 04, too, eithout aaklag or,earlug for
Your approval or dissent. A. contractor In
want-of s good job will have morainal:mace
with the Councils or Its Committees, than
the dletant fanner or gardener posallily
You will kitow by your anneal oleo. to
tho COurity Trestrarerbi mbee, that your
of the odunty dold le sufficiently
burdensome.' Now. are 701 01111100 to bo
11111160 LO IL City losoloa omen with' a b can
railroad and mhos debit Can yua 00-04mle
to believe that yea will he sent free from ltd
would any mania mercantile 110.--however
' .koloollbe might -Im—ettougb. Indeed, to
ha a member of the Pittsburgh Board or
Trado—forna a partnership to business with
another who was oncumbered with on
enormous debit Tho answer is °Wont. '
Bat If all Shill smut:int of taxation -is not
genicient, and I have not enumerated all
ho ( *OOll
you will Be rondo Ilablo, you will
bo taxed for the purposcy.for it I. n
partof teo. 1aw...0f haying the at. bridges
evor the Monongahela and Allegheny rirers
mid Making theft free.
coold not be built at I..resent wives for 000
than 0100 million of dollars—their owners,
detentes., would not 6.11 theirtlor lats. Tan
yestly expellees tor wetchlng,
11 0 tateg, ropmeng, taxes and insane. ea ,
too bridges, is not leas than noose
thousand dollars, Under city ' control
IL would La doubled.. bloarce
tax p 0
001 your thstriet bet
would Wm his taxes IffOoflY 100fooS0M1 for
this pangs. atone, far beyond the am o unt
be Dow pays for occasionally grossing to
Pittsburgh; ani then, toti, he must
te. Make free bridges he may neverarose at
all. Nor Is tills all. 0000 otribarked in the
budge buelness, where will be the limit to '
mbar twenties along the 011100 ROI de.
' mend bridged—at Irwin atrOst.,. th e Point
t r ipgettte doubtioss Will be revived.
Vote yOurSfolf n Midge win become a party
, pry, sod as additional debt of one or two
hundred theresand dollars saddled on the
taxpayer. for • new bridge by a mOllOllOOl
ono vote la Mc Ormucils. If ou tillok
I bin While Vitt.City..MX=lll f 0 yO S OI . 111 laibl
the Way CIO tnilrosel debt of the city of
Pittsburgh was fastened on It by the Conn•
ells. Remember Until made puma Chat city
0001 Otero In Its government 0111 be Limb
o:4l.M ono. In fact fretnyotir distance
from the council chamber. you could rot I.
represented at half too meetingv,. they
oro always hold at eight. What ynasiblo
In mast min you Intro in the weal affairs of
Glal4. Pendes and other troinshiPt
across Um rivers, or In Ilumlughilut Tern.
I Mranottedle. or Last Liberty lor th eir *W
et in your local affair& The wholo bust
miss Is Melly wrong—tl will not WOO 11.1010.
bation. A large majerll7 - Of t oo"
'l,g,htlare.ll,TLlall Ant howthe .toe s ltr
name under Tstilch 5h:74041/017frgirtn' arttl
f s Mlrj, t i t:2: o lo 7 T Mawr d i ve s t i rel
nO.-g0 10 UM tpolla and 090 agalnst.l34
FOtHLTII YAGE,—Theiudest and most relia
ble Money, Oil and Produce Market Reports
Oren by any paper in due eay, Yid befound
on our /bud/. rape..
"The Ilentrl Side Iforongnn7
Under this condi= one of the "locals" . of
the Dispatch ..10eS.UP." most effectuatlY,
the boroughs on the south side, to widehke
glees oat he paid a visit on Thursday.
Heading his °bran/Woos one most eon•
dude "Birmingham. South Ptttsbirrgh, and
adjacent boroughs," afro .lathiOd uninvitmg
places, health and Comfort considered. Be
avers that much as bas Tors propdrly be=
sald coneerning the filthiness of Pittsburgh
end Llleltheny, the - boroughs referred to
are "Infinitely wont , " He first takes ex
ecution to the matter or grading, add says
"that In some phules the grades are lasso
and precipitous? that "there may be twn
streets parallel, with not more than five
hundred feet between them, and Yet, tas
muse of tbe steep grading, a 'lsom°. ha s
tO travel almost half a =ale la the
one before he can crms over to the other..
Ile does not seem to Include's:sat Riming
hstn, but, applying his remarks to litroslog
ham end:Bomb rittoburob, which ho :moos:
one remitter with the streets ot those bor
oughs will not give the 14.-nsne. man cr.lit
for accuracy lu his observations, in
mingham there are no.pre:ipirons" grades.
In '
stre e ts run
Carson and Hine
ham streets run parallel, and the few cross
streets Intersecting them mar. be "fath er
steep," bet not so meets se 02 2.2142 MO blue
tramp the .inspotch man speaks of. Tills
etretah Of Imes Minion outdoes ogreenhorn o
In the •Vnimaritta darkeesc , of a Goal pit.
Besidethoseitee e
he says, there are p
other tiLsadvsniaties gr ,!' ad... too
numerous to mention.!. but expressos the
Wind that. ogutiolls .nefOrei long have
to alter: the itredes.:! aad sake'Y advlaffi
"thenooner the bettor: ,
'2,lturallaw was tat; tt era not aLTettebie
for the "local". to otraerve whereof •be
wrote. Dot it was roil:need of him to "do
up" the boroughs, owl he set to hie tank.
It to a falling with come of the trait to
~ pitch !even all occesittea, aria the coal pit
relventurer, In writing uP lira South ilide
trip, at...tined thla induration with more
than usual reckleseness. tie sympathlae
with the smM:raiders in their—irratctiou,
particularly in reopen' to thole flattery
condition, to deptctedruir .. green horn."
it-ar blur
"Bat whet shell we say Cf the foul, dirty
Kate ot the atroOts In. 17teerell Gf dhe Dos
tliontialodors that arise from theheape of
putrefied vegetables.] caber metier ersed•
K h r
ull(' teft. eey eentre a
the mound.
ot dried earth and coal irabee, planted op•
poslto the doorways at the residenut
abort, of
the hundred and e oer nuts-
enrol alike disgusting to th o e eye a me
nd green•
else to the Nowa Can nothing be done to
remove those terrible Invitations to the
awful mount, which there is snob alarming
reasons to apprehend! Where are the toot ,
eugh out horities, or does there *mixt no or
dlmmee by whlch Lhu fearful nuisance can
be tolugeleal"
Soul holders! will toa Mt under this 0115.
S'leg castigation.. :acme of them,we wayno.
he streetd of litnningham may not be kept
to clean on thee ottonid be, and there may
• be some ill thy 040 e yards, bat we urautrairi
that in respect to cleanlinefl, Itirmingtram
will compere favorably 1.110 Pttlettete,
/Meg brae. As to "Veep and precipitous
grades," and hell mile tramps to get from
one twaltql street to Ittotber, the assertion
Is too ritlichlons for considesatton.
lllsatalsi ikrnated.
i;eoraii Printer, of 4an.llet4, Yeans..w..
arreetrs Ttursuay.llen) , lna. at We m01d...,
d..., la com, Sharye,on • cbsrBO at
bigamy, warrant bannff been 1.6,3.4 by
Alderman McMullen, before whom an In.
mformation wan mule by Iteae►tab Yo•
e brae slater ts on* of the seenseit's
victim. It la alleged or toc:
. elhooosot
that to November, la; thesconeed.after an
golnaintance of serails! months, married
~tater, - who te WO to be at worthy
and estlmsble young woman, molding In
the neighborhood of Wind's Hen, with her
parent. The marriage watt solemnised by
• Coati - AM clergymen in Cithearal of
tuts tity.. ettintlyeaflela the rearm..
the vile hlatiory of the Mahe. Oeveloptet
itself to **yet.n revolting to mention. 1
Is even alleged that be approached a physi
cist; wee attending the norastonath
rift, w wt.
ith ages of • highs, would
prim. her so that be might be rid of her.
The father and brothers of the wife,
hoarier ateisse Weis, Lodtgaant at
the toretchea conduct sad. drone btu/ trona
the promisee. loristedin h at te r' sai, the
wife remansing at her • house, se
whore owed.
D earl y the early put of tut *prier/
Punter mat the dew of the We Colossi
licLatal al the tome ova friend In Ail..
gLeny. Whelp be fent , . au acquaintance
• hull won reezdttel Mt • wedding. in Mandi
;eat. lie /atom e• /4/1 %lay that he .4 et/-
gaaela preacher to Afirpfteepvaes-
o pet rota.
he worriers ceremony. she wHh
him tO • boom scram late fleet et bete they
ftlend • men who prom/dig married thous.
Wzl the, e tat at oned to the ledy`e house
at Ilettateld,WWll th ey have 0000.1 054
since. .11 re. Metal Li, the Wet:eellnutile.
owes IL conebletente quontlty of p. 000 3,
mourned • Llgh reeiLlOs to liel
comusualt.y. .04 WA a Wally Of lerreral
The first wife an 4 her [item), hearing of
the see end warriors, the brother cane be .
fore Algeria. Nellestere and mad. Wor
ms/Pm as above staled. a. warrant was
Wetted WWI pissed Lll the Ganda of eflited
Uaualle arpe, ad and m pr _ he .:needed e
The Thursday to ,
erle thaccent.)
rite wee !retitle with eurprith and grief at
the Ansel:. and refused to believe her he,.
band's perfidy. abe changed her mind this
wetting The prisoner was lodged /a the
toristanutil yesterday morale got tieu be was
brought beMna the reagisUale for •
/scaring: At the oftlne helms 00etreeteIl by
both the women Wheal he has ao Welly
*rouged, sad both detailed their stories.
The Wife, on. bowl./ to. true slate
afel 00, ea put forward by the Int, thre w
Orr her allegiance end now express. oer.
sell *aglow that the prow:mathoa shall go
on. Tee prtmiter. throe/hoot the Uniting.
malstatued a 4e.11001, demeanor. At the
concloooo of the bearing, In delaaltof one
thoutettot dedlara b.. he wait committal
tot • further boating as Titeaday nett.
lie nye be will be able to clear himself Of
the charge agalmt tom. es the tear. mar.
One wee •seWA,Lho pence whO
lee eerel2ll3ey etither • clergyman,
teeELIWIWIe" woe . other person author
tord pstform sut Lett . ..thy.
Ho le ablleil thirty years of age; Is of
rather fine persestel appearanceottul to well
In eu haring latesi t
anur the Orto,amea loskeneseeil
easy addrua L 24 rilMaindAY
smooth lumens.
• I ***** t tiswws .(told.
Thursday afternoon, at Qe bouts cr
Joh. Stout, OA St. ritriCk'S allay. Eletth
ward. call/ Iliad suddratly and ands: clr
samstadras which rendered sou Inquest new
wary. Is Qs tlplal6l2 Of 11100. SO<ldtiUt.l
with the frets. Coroner ttlawien was so.
oordingly sum wetted zed held the red tared
incrangialon. Albert end Veroetce Ben
oit, married eighteen months, were the
Parents of the child. horn about two mouth.
afore. The lather. from leek of. or teragn
ler employment, Or mbar Wee. wee
ing Inn little mon ey.and toms throe weeks
tin the ante gave notate that ells would
is are 11110 and go to her pertinte. also leave
the Infant In Isla charge. es st° could nut
support. It, having one child by a former
marriage to maintain. entweeleeetts. how.
ever she took the child with her, and en
tered IMOL before Aldermen Athena against
rather, for the Child's support. It wee
agreed that the defrnilent reeled pay firs
dollars pair weak for the clrib.Pa mall:Mee
mince. This was not thought et:Monad. end
auother colt Co. entered before Alaim
o:ion Thomno. This snit resulted In
the father beteg required to pay three
dollare per week. The same evening
the mother of the MOM came to her hes.
tmodis homes and left the infant. gaging t
she would not keep It Anil he might do the
but he could with/t. flu took the child to
the house et.:dr. Rent, end lett It in
chary° of th nanny. Oa Monday orealag
the lather sod mother visited tile
child. and when she left, the babe *earned
M. Ithontloual to grow worse unto three
atlock TbalmieW alternOon, When It ex.
plrol. The wool., of the hen-e charged
the sickness and duals of Infenton the
e ago t'g LO he 4 - h e e th Ven t t " :! , l
proper cars en the pert Of than having
O,N, of R. At the Iroporot Dr. Cowley,
who attended the add. Matra that in btu
Opinion death rezeltrd from lateral Canoes
Lire. ordoch Ateldation corrohoratett
this opinion, and a verdict was tendered
La lion's original Carnival di hennas (ma
tinee to draw crowded, boom. The audi
ence last night wax unusually large and re
spectable. Ur, De line will close his en
gagement hese with a grand matinee this
afternoon, and an entertainment this Ore.
nine, when 'an entire change of programme
will he presented• lierriandez, who has a
world. wide reputation In his profeellon,
met with .i.n armidont while performing
with thts troupe at Cincnati, which die
ahltsibim for &short Uwe. in laving recover.
ou (cool bin injuries, he will make his first
and,only appearance in this city this ere
mug, The entertainmeets of thin troupe are
of a ditfarent character from %huge usually
given by travelling °ampullae, bolo g entire
iy free nom that stele, low, vulgar wit, no
cluirsultortstio .of the fraternity: Their
Jokes and witticisms, while of the moot
laughable chareeirr , are perfectly tree
from all obscenity, in fact we have seen
nothing In their entertainments caleulated
to .ortend the taste of the most fastUltous
or relined." The ninsio, both vocal and in
,,trumentel, is truly excellent, le all now,
bed rendered in a Manner Pat excelled by
sue .trenne now Go and hoar
he (sonnet the bast ,voeallsts In
the limpiners.e
atortaorp Report.
Bt. 7..(1. 11cBandlcre, Physician to the
Board of 11.1caBln teporte tho following in
cumbents from July to to Angrud 1,1861.
Burned 1, &caldera 1. larrhea 11,d1seiro of
s mumun typeold foyer:, tbolera morbus
1, disease of Mole a, pneumonia I, inanition
2 . u mmumetlou 1. fracture of rn 1, mans.
mu . 1. cholera lalentrun 1, 'canoeing
C7rthaalalrre to
were =der Me year
eight; from Ono to two, four; Irma two to
flvo.two, from ten to anew two; from
mow .to thirty, Sinn from tiny te misty,
one; froraUlaty to seventy, two{ from wry
' entyte
twy l l magdore rot:1
Itiporember the eide or lots aakes place
a s l me at e a r u a ctitoino t r on t
0 c
f o e ck ybayrd O s . m m
atorprwre, i.
on the alleyway Valley Hail.
road. • A Urdu Of ears will leers the depot
at one oiolock to conreyslt WOO 0 00 0.0 to
attend tea placard sale i rrae of charge. Such
Co opportunity for orocurlns honor On
eral Ulna , wIU 1114800 et &Mt gala ocm.
rank higher In the estimation of the col 4.
minify at large than tne old and time tried
'Vigilant Tire Engine Rini h oie Company
Its membership has ever comprised oar
moat worthy citizens, one leading tatalatia
men, euocessful mannisetrtrers, men of I[o.
nlns In the mechanical Walke of llfq tab.
ented and public spirited professional mesh
and respected clerks. !thee ever beiszl cited
as one of the few associations In which we
centered a largo share of local prldr, and
keeping , nace with the growth and lmpor•
tanco of the city, the company has steadily
Warmed in membership - and asefalneio,
till to-day It will rank with the first organi
sations of the character In the country. it.
name II synonomma here with all
that Is commendable, and sinned among
mem* hospitality..
or delegates .from
'Final:mom It
Ore company
company bare - ever come hither from
c.mtempontry cities, who have not been
made feel the courtesies and hospitalities or
tho "Vigilant toys.. They keep the latch
string always oat for the stranger and pos
sess the knack of making all Camaro feel at
home la our goodly old city, .d send them
away - with now born Ideas of the social and
elevated. Waracter of our Creme,. This
Mien In deserved prultio' to oar Vigilant
, tr.= Tit i{,, lot improvement,
t ado In their house since Mat Spring, and
high are Just debited.
nag la Tut couaTLIC.
The "tiny" boys have beveled corns
alias, and have had keen eyes for observe.
Lion. They iound abroad values. devoted
to the mooldn.v . which Mut no equal in
this section of the state, and returned
home resolved, at ono day to eclipse any
thing of the character , in the cotostrY.
Through voluntary subscriptions from Wu
members, attiva and honorary, 0 large BUM
was obtained, awl Wu work of transform
ing the olds übstantial houses iuto a mug+
1111Ituut OLIO, art at On.) commenced. As
war sound it yealtrelayittiorimuly excels any to W oCountry, and will IT-111ot
t Ito blgb est great spas the mote end liberal
ity of our city Crew.. Thu building is a
three Story Oriel:, ornamented haautlfcity
on the oribtide and presenting a neat and
thesto c.,•lptmranne. it is tituated un tae
southerr. - aldo of TlArd
/I.lmt and
Wood stream, one of the Most leopoetant
localities or Wu City. rid the hr. door Is
kept WO euglitu ouu tit the most beautiful
and substantial sour inautiluaLurod in
Anter,e, nod tlits neat hose carriage- This
main rer. is broad, airy and 'commodious,
possessing all the ugoolumaiei toes rind cud
voniedom which suggested' themselves to
' the Intelligent committee having 'We ro
e:iodation Of the noose In ChuXga. As you
enter, nu the loft ere the equipment sr ant
robes, a centindoonrow of engemud apart
ments with richly moulded and varnished
doe.. la the Centre °t each door Is nu oval
space. forming. it wore a /name. in *high
gzed We photographs of the Memnon;
Watling or OCcuoylua that. par , loular ward.
rot.. This room to ornamental with choice
works of art, m the way of Paintlugn and
engraving*, and contains Inarele wash
atatult, minors and other articles of use
tend solornusear, to the rear Is the stable,
where are kept the three superior horses
own.d by the company. This in
onsymly arranged, combining many new
Ideas,taut two dare say equal M any bent.
quarter, In One anywhere. The sooond
tme, whirl, in approached by a broad flight
setstai. carpetsi
with tbe richest
. of Wes
s, held down by alegerit brass reds, is oc.
copied as the Mink room. it is of splendid
proportions and is furnd in the highest
style of art. It containsish e
.1. /ergo deleble
bole of manatee*nt workmanship, highly
twnstnented. an eq with bed
ipsxt enough for d
the uip bolt ped = of Tn.., odingr
any otherroyal pirrsemsga The floor to
amen. with elegant brussels, tne walls
noah= rCasl h yn arsvn aa napand
awl the furniture tierongtiont of
the most approved and elegant character.
Here Ware is an attar-11mo. to We alarm
Teggrapti, on test the Mamba!s on duty
bunking Irt the maga are Promptly alermist
and awskenal 40ittin the night should
their servlees be iteedett at a are. This
apart... If the neatest, best furnished.
and mart coterortatle Are engine blank
von= in America, and we almost envy We
active members the posseuersa of such •
lusetions sleeping place.
windows In front, welch supply light by
day.while nig.brillianrs bolding
naiad by two massive chandeliers
six burners each.
' vuo 'oases noon.,
Yttls apartment adjolos lbe bunk room.
and In it Is kept a euppiy of fuel for the
tme•mw It la rontieMed with tha stable be.
'tenth by thin dnors through which the feet'
Is ate ppliall the .14 is weU adapted me
the ether... to .rbWb epplled. The drivers ,
tuna. ornisbed neat/Y. eeeDetcd, petaled
end paperedoidJotos the pa/Uncut,
We atrial. , to Ina puler ce the third floor
by another Light of orowl and well est - peed .
"ante and to tne entrant-et way tint a hat
rank. umbrella Stand and alt the courtninn
on. usnally found Ina well lanoline , ' hoc..
TEA pester. or mere tftroottotroiDottDr. the
eftftepooott - 'Dom; to really , tine:diem:a la
grand. It mash. the' Aeries, Of e*4.rt
tutultscre tntrroir,ooloa.uttaft•lctat , Dnatro
tahlt•ottuaktt the Arv , ..... 4 ...". 1,14 n rare
rod . these tenth: suokyst. A broad,
s melons room, well lightad and snottlialeil,
and wt elegantly ft:militated. It to rertalnly
i au aura/rely' feature attire
must astonish
the 11 roma abroad, the have never at
isimplest anythnskof Ike kind on so grand a
orate. A rnsgultornt odusre and Sten.
way plrooturthsted at •rost of tiearly Daft
umutand Dollar., I
cDctrateo lie place on one
side of tbs. roma. Thus Is • neriwary aril.
tie for the **truant of the Vtellatit meow
hem nanny of wheat ere skillfal players.
and All Of whom hare =Wayland UAW. and
ran enjoy evert ?motif and hellcat. It to be
proper illusory Oren
rite cr.tasit. ' . '
• The esilsr contain. a water closet, a bath
room, mochautatt department, awl hews
trough. It alighted by sou, and SICOTed
with whlteptne hard. The have trough
is used to wash the bps.: altar oaring seen
LIS WWI at agm HO soon as the ho Oarriaile
to Levi tee honor, lacer • Ore, the twee to
with h l a nd h obouu s g t hly washed
f etno the
thee tater, to the
outlet Towns.
This is built at the rent alba braildlng,
mul is twenty feet loss , by sixty feet hints.
The Impetrate sections are Mensal up by
mean. •of tackle ukd pcsrattted to dry at
Wane. The bowl la thee oreseered with
goal care, andttlll inneh longer than If
carelessly swat A Mtge Move heat. the
tower lo winter. We believe this Is the only
tower of the character In the country, and
the credit of Its construction la dee to Mr.
itobert allitott, cos of the nowt efacient and
never tines no MOOT', of Lim Company.
Upon the whole, the Vlgilaot,Fire Bogle.
Coot peer Is one of the most complete In
the coantry and reflects the highest credlt
em the entire city department, and the Co.
terprtsing members tile have defrayed the
expense of reattlog and garnishing M.
ralmetiory alwasamptlon
notata Mlepoiloa disease, but merely a I
manifestatton In the longs Of a general dile
eased condition of the linblicand at:mollies
°rammed the hotly. This trAsist hoetiming
daily more apparent to all close °banner.
Of the dlseases of the longs and Pulmonary
organ.. Dr. Swear sage that the tame
morbid tiondlUan of the body which ;fro
ntier. ulcers on the lump, 01U Produce
them on any other palliest es surely. If the
part Id ins weakened or datdlltated '
thus, weak limbs will have ulcerated legs.
11 the membranes of the throat are over
you will pare ale irated sore throat,
curb m gingers and thaws who bile the %Meal
cream much are predispnwati to.
- tonnetimes the disease will manifest it.
sell In the nom., producing usual catarrh
with a coronaoe of the. lining membrane of
toe note. and as Inerenced eirenalre dis
charge therefrom. This la nasal catarrh , -a
very dicagreeabte hot resnliy enrahlo
ease. Mt, liCYDEftte PEI:TOIL/IT, SYRUP
will cn - e most of there muss in the begin.
Map. 11 will al wav • C. 1.1 a recent Coeditor
cold. We have known Dr. IthYmeareetoml
:wrap to core a cold in the Mud to one
night. and It doe so by drawing off, by the
channels anpOinlen by Paler°. tholitOrtild
matter which Canine the rough or cold.
The public, will be greatly benefitted c re wy
ing attention to what we Rev: Thest
rente.iy it to take Dit. ligYekßta FEU fo.
Ulla, STROP early In the disease, below
the disease la allowed to wattle and fasten
itself on any' vital par, it can ho swept
out of the *velem with a few Mimi in the
Orcl i tithiug. but if allowed to seat itself It
wl lake weeks and month. to remove.
The core of • disease la remit more smelly
accompliahed Latta Wart than when it liu
got under way. Like an Invading army, a
few hard blame In the commencement will
atop Ito Progress; hat when once under way
It attacks awl Decoke down ovary barrier, •
ua ell fleetly the cOnailtullon 11.011 la made
to succumb to Ito ravuoee. Thu la platy
common sense '
and ought to strike evorY
ono at the ern glance What is twopond
with DU.. If PECTOIIit SYlilie 13
In cure all Inf. Maladies to the beldinnioi,
It will dolt With unerring cartalitty. When
they become el:Tonto and of linitt Mantling,
and when the powers of life are gradinalY
being burrowed into and worn away, then
It will take somethUlg more of a healing
end plmitio power Wroclaw and reritalled
the Maxi and eiltabllah thin standard of
health over that of disease. fir. WE TWO'S
YEUTQICIL nYitUP -now sold by most
reaneetahle drogglaci and at the proprle•
tor% 110 Wood street. Combluttion and ex.
amlaing rooms, Phi Penn attoct. •
Water. ties • e Mtwara 11111ok.
Among those who nave had long expo
floolueln the Plumidug, Use and Storm
Ling business In this city. le Yr. T. T. t wens,
whose well known establishment is located
at Ito. lee Wood street. gobs' load been
reoololzed In the front rank .00 those for
lowing the baldness, and tds work hid been
eutdocted to the savarest teats wnhout. la.
kLuz away anything from thriblah repo.- -
tion he enjoy.. Practical !limbed'. otivinN
personal booorvtaloo and sttentlou to all
work entrusted to PM care, and OlnPloYfull
non. -hut the Very beet tucehanios.. he has
Wade as enviable record as • mechaulc. 110
attends to all ductal/Pone of plumbing
wbf Ir. to (11. iutd steam Ott too, at ten woes
reasonable price'. tirdere trom the country
" are proadotly attended to, sou
oompew et tooohaleloe are &metalled tO ell
.parts 10,neonto -VOW work and repair the
old. ♦this stork in addition ton large and
carefully selected Mock of uso rale ge. Chan.
dollen, pendant/1;0U lamps, globes and op
naments, balontui .p very excellent low
sotto:lent of Iron and VOO4 %hy
dra:dm, Pith
I enclosed Wiwi:Mande.
bkeine, and everything pOrtabiltlig to
water imisg.,.far any 400 1 in this line we
cam safely command iir. keens to the pa.
ronago of our random. Itemember the
place. ISo.let Weed atteet,.ooltr
• •
by yakkaada&—Thlkart '
yeeo, of fluor% towaarlp, Imma outlay,
was faataway lalleal by/lightning Oa Thu r .
day allarooon lest. u i
Oat n tlakaeld
at work wr k en the akoWar clue Up, awl to
getEer wlaU swam, Went tower a tree
7 0 77theiter. The likbadnig MINNA down the
rue, ktUall Mr akiktipM, gad tiWined
Mr. Samuel Drake, a contractor on the
stone work of the Third Presbyterian
Chmell.Edath street, met with amnions ac
china about nine o'clock Thursday even .
tog. Mr. Drake trim coming deli's the stairs
of the building, which are In an unfinished
condition. wills bunket of water In his
band, and when within ten or fifteen feet of
the lower door, there being no band railing
to the stairs and no light in the building,
be stepped off and fell to the floor with
each force as to dudocate some of the small
bones in his right foot. lie was disoovered
by some of the workmen who courted him
to his house, and Dr. Donnelly being
mooed attended to his Injuries. AltliOngh,
hie intones are of a very, painful nature
they are not 1101 . 101114 and the Doctor thinks
he willbo able to be about in • few days with
the assistance of a crutch, to that, the pro•
green of the Work will not be interfered
Natural Law is defiled by Sir William
Illackstona to be "a rule of action, pre.
scribble What IS right,. and prohietting
what to wrong," a dufittitlon that him stood
for ages and la deistinad to stand for ago ,
to coma. Dishy of our readers aro more
inteted in matrs te which come under
Ulu hold of tdonatiml Law, which we will
not attempt to denim but would respect
fully refer all who need legal
Jouepn Bays. Bati at lit Filth stmt.. Mr.
Bay, legal tOnUCIpa 11,0 unquestionable,
.4 01 having made rite Bankrupt Law a
spacial atutly. Ls fully prepared to attend to.
that brooch of the business. Ile•also has
the reputation of baled a Praoli 4 ull 4 "M"
cleat coucctor, so that any kr.B." e n '
trnannt to tam wlB be promptlylnd satin.
factoril attended W.
A:lased a. Child
James Campbell made Information 6010 re
Alderman Malan, of Allegheny, charging
Andrew li Clan with evaaniting his child, a
Clue boy about Sit years old. Lie allegoe
that 11111150 struck the boy and then caught.
Lim by the care =donned them violently.
D e lilah Campbell. wife of the prosecutor
In the enure case. also made information
agulnat Andrew him
issault and battery. htie allegro that 'the
defendant streak her, knocking her down
and cutting her face In • friahtml manner.
lie was arrested end held in thy nom of eve
hundred alo/1.1101 10 each of the shove Mies
for u.licarbig.
The grain crops for the y.resent , year
throughout the county are sold to be lamer
than for malty years; the wheat crop in par
ticular, is exceeding the most sanguine ex
pectations of the farmers generally. Thera
will be a large Index In this ane!surromid.
Mg countless which will have lobo snipped
and snide field will be opened for specula,
tors. Persons having grain to sell will end it
to their advantage ho use, ign it to some re.
liable commission and weapon Ono
house to this city or elsewhere that enjoys
• higher reputation than the firm of 110-
Henry St Hood, grata commission mer
chants, tin Liberty street.
Yesterday everting, about seven O'clock,
little son of Mr. Andrew Gibson; residing
211 Lethock lame; Allegheny, met
with a very painful standard, which may be
attended wtra fatal resod. The little fel
kw was ..on behind . * a wagoit Pitaimg 10
front of his father's boas% and drollilthi off
to run to the pavement as a buggy was
coaling . rapidly the 'opposite dirention.
Ile knoak.nd down by the horse, and.the
wheels passed over his head, brulling It
very severely, sad t o
his face ter
, ribly. No blame Is attached to tiled/Iv= of
the boggy.
Med one acelderat.--Idr. Wm. llcOwen,
formerly restding at CTZ Liberty street. woo
•erionray Injured TdersdaY A by being.
thrown rom • wagon. Dlr. iscu•en Woo
moving b il boaoabold iroo4ll to ' MlT:mule
borougb, and s t ree t s the denier
and liarrison the hems right
at the cats which were yessingat the time,
and ran down noniron street et a fearful
pce, throwing Kr. 3lcOwen trout too Wag
(motoring WA tall. airy and disks:withal:
hi lett angle. The horse! ten into a feed
store on Ilarrieon street where they were
checked. The wagon was considerably
damaged and the delver slightly loJoroo , .
Dr. ELerroe to wand attended the
injured man, w ho r
ls ed
doing as well • air could
be orpucted under, etreurnstanoes of the
A Veld Robbni.—Bobbertheire almost
an every-day occurrence, In the city at tea
pros.nt timo, and the eticoess the thieves ,
are teethe with aPrithwh to embolden
them,. every attestant made Is more dar
ing than the ono that preceded It. Tile
buardlng house kept by kirs.llnuter; on
Third 'druid, between Suilthy.eld and
Wend. was entered by a "sneak thiePi
Thunder mortung, while the inmates were
at breakiasi. and ...end of the room. ph
; ingot. A lady member of the family had
Chown dollen and a pane on the Yen.Tiva
nts railroad taken. fr u nt the- pocket 01
anti:w :Ant silo hatliati tianaltr. In bar
Imem. Several of the roamer' 'attained:
slight lonics. As usual, there Is' no CMG to
1 Clio thief.
Ni. roaaterfelt.—A net and dsniper
ons aye dol national Curren-
cy nets moonilyconaterfeit Put I. O lar
sculation la tans
described. Oa the loft cod of the note the
1.14% of the loft arm of Voltimbus is scarce
ly •Islble itharts.lll th e genuine it la dis
tinct. Aette top tool .-This acacia around
II bonds." TIC lours "ii" and axe
too far apes!, and the “Olitrillboadali is Un
der the ionercas,tbo*o ll la the mom
word is lisamedlaVely ander the or. is toe
seeable. The senora! appearance of the
bill Is a eloanlmitaMon of in. gasoline.
ellegess Reps.—liderroan TaY/er Yee
terday, d..tault of ball to the sum of
teen liundrell dollars. oognialtted for a fur
ther, hewing William Seibert aged seven
teen yelirs, on &charge of having outraged.
on the Gilt Inez,. t lissectit Mellinger, a Little
daughter of Joseph Meninger, residing le
the Fifth Ward. itt. stem" that the little
girl sustelned severe injurtertroot the vio
lence towhich Ito nu subjected. The
hearing In the case is tired for Tuesday
llitrltal Unser essUlsoa.--John Burke
made taro tnturmatlons betere Alderman
Lynch, yesterday.. against John Mlrehell,
unaratug alm Etta aelllng liquor en Sun
day and with ardhug to minors. The
aocolo4l traps drinking booms to /It name
ham. Warrants were Issued m born VMS,
The funeral of Ile.Goe. Porter took
Plato at Harrisburg on Tee.ley atternoor4
ane was largely attended. Gov-Geary or
dered all Um public Malta* to let Memel, al a
Mime of respect to the memory of Um late
Bay Tong Bate marl glens %tiers you
have the lamest utlety to select how.
That place lebeiversally admitted to ho the
nue Ball ileulquarters, Pittock's O.P. P.O.
Zeeryth lug to the limo Ball line can be ob
tained there.
Threatened to ILIII Her.—Miry Eagan
appeared before Alderman Lynch yester
day, and made lotormallori against her hue-
hand, David Eagan, tor inuely of the peace,
alleging that he threatened to take her 111 e.
Warrant Laded.
Ilr.Jobn Moons IN Me., an uld and much
retpectott cilium of Guilford tosrnatilp.
Vruuklln ooanty, died very suddenly, of
apoplexy; at the residence of tile sun•m•
law, near Franklin, cm lionday.
Oa Tuesday Ebonies . a child of W. A-
OrWoo, of llontleidero, wu dreadfully
scalded about the taco, chest wad back by
the aceblental npsattlag of a tla a( boding
milk, It will recover.
• -
16estirastd.—Janna Barclay, Esq., has rO-
Stgaul hts postUon, as Cashier of the Firs
National Bask of Erantllst. LLe Is succoest
et* by B. L. Coohrut, Bxf., late Cubit= of
tho Iranian bank. .
Bite.—A Mrs. %larder, residing
below Newport. Perry county, was bitten by
s copperhead snake butk.. She lao.
covering from theelreeta of the bite.
norm—Asa Heelor, postmaster In a vll•
lleso of Wyoming COLILIty, recently deceits•
ed, was appointed by President 'Monroe.
lie was the oldest In the business.
A lbw bolbagtog to a Mr. Wasson, to
Crawford' county, On bad seven Wye.,
*taw INNS Oho garo birth to twins Staab
time. to 511CPC1161012. '
The Hasa. Hall clubs of tate city nu be
represented et the State Convention •of
gendste, to So held on Umlaut of October,
et UtlrrißbUrt. •
Then are conneeual with the . three
Bast Pennsylvania Baptist easoefatione,
A. - A...80ra , Or nearly , belt the Baptiste
le the State.
Maim te ofJ drama; Ohio, brat)
hot thigh boas by htlllog from a bridge tato
the crook, whilst emlnavertog to walk
Crimp . , a °bap who camped fro= the Watt
Maims kenttautlarY haa Nam alright la
and raturnect w Ilia
The Titer,llls Herald ism that a very
stanq per moo) of those elide wealthy
by oil specolsilows have retuned their
Black Snakes over aro foot loath aro
crowing gat In the Dukokborry patches of
hoLolobom, Pa eevor►t. have Won killed.
Peba.tlala Snares tall down • stairway
to Warr., sad was instantly Salad. • 11l
was ninety years Of age., .
Whortleberry panicr aro going out in
great woollens In sections where the doll
moue trait abounds. • •
Ar. Minna naIISOIROOLIIII, Of Juniata
°aunty, ofed ea years. mowed! With • hand
segaba, tab amon,al Wads of hay..
. T:Whe C a he rner stone of the We %ghee.
le ot
Scheel bo Saul lt
tnelhh test.
• 6lole and lithe! ypec;acles of American
manufacture, for ealo by J. Y. 24041 i ye..
ON Ylitsi Wept,.
The new well on SbiEfor nun. nom 0 1 1
Cite. IN iulutualitu about sonoutY-he
quite reapeetable niece nen Pow& no
et the Increlane of tho Allegheny VellnY
ran, iiembers ono of one toontlY
died et liovrinostio,loot week, ot.tbn Op.
Darla Tld►al[, - the hew peetheeetet
of New catrue, htia enteral epee ►L
Aew Mega, the miniature Pittsbargb,
ta rapidly maprovlair as a asaaatoattulaa
seolea hia wife.—Emily Whalen made
information before Alderman Taylor,
against her htishand. Michael Whalen,
chargmg him with ...atilt mid battery.
The parties , amide at lio. le Factory street,
and the prosecutor alleges that herausbann
has abusial her at divers times, and that on
Thursday last be beat ber In a shameful
maner. After a partial bearing the ease
was comPrombleil, the defendant Ming
the costa. '
Ttie O'Hara Wrand.—Micheal O'Hara.
Eng., who was committed on Mural ay,on a
charge of fraud, was' taken out yommuy
on a writ of habeas corpus. and after a hoar.
tag before tits Heuer. Judge Williams, was
hold 10 rall,ooo ball, 410,000 In each case. He
Droonred the ball and wad released.'
C.let itharallai Soda Water at J. T.
aemple's Ikea atom, No. r 2 Federal MT'
Glorious News.—kbanoriester is rapidly
improving. The operation of layg water
Mid get pipes le going on rapidly, nod clwel •
ling and business houses are going up very
fan In all partsof the city. All those having
houses erected, sod wanting hydrants or
their Mmeses fitted up with hot and cold
water, would do well by calling On N. &BM.
die d Bro, the well.known practical Plumb.
ere and Gls Fitters. While they do their
work' In a workmanlike manner,' their
charges are extremely . low. Their estab
lishment le on Rector street between Frank
lin and Chestnut.
lite Dealt Iftsowe tosale—Ctudrellafack
Coils Conablnatlon of Iron Phosphorus
and Caldera, known 00 rerro-Pleasphons
ted IClLfir of Cathay& Thee won, restores
color to the bloat; the Phosphorus rotates
waste of the nerve the Caddy&
gives a natural, healthful tone and
to the
tire orgaus.
One *Mt confides the virtue of one ounce
of Csilsaya and one teaspoonful n groin of
Iron and - Phosphorus. Manufactured by
essaraft. Manz co., Now Pork.
For sale by till druggists. a.
N. Pt. Biddle lb are., Practleal /lam.
ban, On and Stearn Fitters. heaver Street*
between Franklin and Chesnut, Mandate.
ter, l'a., have on band Chandeliers, Ten
. dente, Dnackets end all kinds of Gas Fin.
Ito.] ripe, Sheet Lead, Baz Lead.
Gum . hydrants, banner Oaths, Water
(Uremia', than Tabs, Lilt, Force and Al!
Vumps, ilydnaulle Vitrllled Drain
Piro for bones. AU Work warrant.] to
giro satisfaction. . nt•
We wag ney.tgooda both at wholerate
and retail, and are, us a conmgmenen, ea.
&bled to keep a larger and much better as
sorted etooa, to sell cheaper, and give the
goods to more amOmmodatlug qua/WU/al
Lbw emelnalre jobbing houses. natal mar.
MUUsto /unturned to examine our stook.
7 J. W. BAIMIIi t
• ge Market street.
Plnehmen - ft Blue IS 1I Ileadquartera,
witt,wia , a, 0. o.—“ The only Litießaw
Batt Heine in the West. City and Country
Clubs desiring Crania will find It to their
Interest to patronize the iilleadquarterai”
where they will have an opportunity to ise.
lect from the largeat .net meet varied ea
aortment of Bute Ball gootli In the West.
Hendersoo's Carminallsw—A certain
care for Diarrhea. Cramp in the Stomach
or Bowels, Cholera Mochas, do., contains
nothing irritating or injurious to the stom
ach. It Is Cheap and Infslltme. livery ram.
By that trim it once will keep it on hand
ready for Immediate use. bold by all drug
gists. • anddre.
• D. Erna. the enterprising mid
papule. book and news dealer, Sixth meet,
Wow a anti: field, advertises a collection of
onolco boons, Pi-day...bleb will be sold at
great bemoan. :Nowhere else In the city
can boot's be purenened to better adios:tag.
Des/fleas. Discharge. from the Ears,
Catarrh, id the EYO. Ica all Lebo.
Coos of a chronic and obstinate character
euccecatelly treated by Dr. Alma, 1111 street.' Oftice - boars Porn 9
o'clock A. N. till 4 o'clock T. z.
' fleet to the world, so no the rule
Pali 13. Weed sewing maehtne. is
received one of the Ingham medals. Tor
hat? bales so perfectly adapted to alt
kinds of work. Coil aad ezamlae It, at 112
lirsat street.
No Pines Moo to tiro city—Con 'bettor
or cheaper Boots, n hoes, Balmoral. and
eeerythlug else In thls lbw, be found than
at the Maui honored store of Jamas Robb,
No.SO Market street, •
A. Peeshiwit. req.. of linllskin township.
Fayette county. aged threescore and ten
veers, 'bnlit seventy-tour loads of hay this
harvest. The old man make. hay while the
sun aloes.
Go to Flemiss•B Moir Gt..% NO. 04
Xarket .tree; for the-best Potoshood Bodo
Ash to th e cl ty—at !twat prices. .• •
Go to - Iles.nes WOE Store. No. 81
Thirket Great, to get Viso -North Carollo.
Tor, at tho low• Oft Pam. •
, ,
Geed, cool and refreshing lacer beer on
draught, at .Prore popular hotel, No. 4 Dia.
along, Allegheny. . c a
Cold Apar■lioo boos Valor Rs
Simple's Drug blore, Au. Joloral street
Drovroo.L—L..ll,Krernan, or Elkeomity.
.a drowned Id a mill dam a Yew day
Meadville rill:11mi in thane...el= of a
steam Ere engine. It !satin top emaeheen.',
Wm. Carter, of Uniontown '
j tat racy
acing from a revere stroke of apOPIOXY•
A Hone R. for eICO ',lda took place
it Thumlay, et Brookville. •
The Firmer. about Cies:Said axe waif
.ring frore eheep tllllogdogs.
New tisane Dada halt storm of seine
ote on Wednesday evening.
Clearreld County bike not yet decided
to hold an agricultural talc
Blackberries sk.n3 cheap and plenty In
lellholo boasts of any quanUty of ratUo.
snakes ills season.
• 'Horse 'thieve* ara operating In Ciarion
Pewee* 1/..apaelda, of Now Castle.
dead. -
wpaN6nry denies that It rim the euinU
CV - Additional Local Mena on
Tnlnt, Page.
DlDimities Ia tee Collection of Taxes
la earn. tettolinuo .
C r Telearann to me Pittsburgh Gusto.)
Witatixerox, August 9 —The Sheriffs and.
Tax Volleetors report unexampled aleculty
in the erillecticm of State and comity taxes.
Some Duties still refuse to pay SUM taxes
On the ground that the State Gasernntent
has un practical existence, and bolters the
Sheriff will not be allotted to desire= for
non-pay - meet of taxes.
Heavy rain all as much *offering among
Destreetbre Tire.
By Beleoyahh to the rat doutto.
1:43001t. Mx., MIRUet 9.—Grover's attars
Works. Grills ft 'ternll.a furniture swum
fsetory4 11111's theatre, and • coualderable
Um=wan this ther property. was destroyed
firs morning . . Loss. 4.M. 0 00. Mo to.
serene". Several firemen were Warm; try
over work.
B Friday g it 9 :4
bis reln Ail. ihaty Ciy. after a ism-
d ento Et•i•• to th•
Fonerid from Ms laic residence. No. ISt North
avenue', ii , ettityy ettn al Nor o'clock
inittai./ittlitti •
liewtssestireor FrtritilecootiletPa. neies
the ion ef Capt:Thamas Has., who thmiantte. e
eoleitteee.otoiestif. hu4l7 enticed tit his In.
meettte r 01515117, ea.! search.. then to the den
om , o
t Daltlmoris 'against the threaten:RA . 4ln
task of, tie British. Tbe-Captals end hie wife
bolos etitaplare memben or the l i restryterlan
mercei of which tee RV. Dr. Mott o or *lb.
& beep, trot then the patter, Meier. was testy
m e tm e ie. L. the principles or the <billet's. re,
tse lost as _cordate 01 to the WovA of God and set
forth to the of robots of the Cborch of which hl.
Whin a Fong lath; Richard inclosed with his
parenth t Washington county. ht inland. Mkr
wont years no M 1.13% et to Medford canon. to,.
(now Yolion.) Dunne Ills resident , * then ha
ably natesentel that toasty two tams In the
butte tegllsiams. In le '4 he remand to PHI.
bursh,where be has been sanely missed In
Nathan no to the tine of 010 death.
Yew ':attt have left bealad them a pares or
more a ex ceptioneble clareettr than lir: Bard,
frank; neutron., affectionate 'Wheat disjoin,.
of neneettlened and unquestionable Integrity,
he twinned and muneea the confidence and re ,
epee% nf all who anew hint eufficiently to cont.
prebend Ida true character. aillsonghrodhighly
educated, ho ooneued mesh good emus. and
deer apprthensioue el what W. right end Prolate
to be done, and wee la in and onswerring In its
Me patriotism was wen karnem.
lie elmerlelly dare three of hie sous to the army,
tor the 'defense of the national 1115 argetati those
who sooght eta dean:snots, One of wheat died to
the pabildsmelm.' ' - •
Rot the', crowning exclileace of Mr. *era's '
character lwaa that . of 1010 to Christ and, all
tante.' Althoogh at an early 'paned( of hien*
to Ir. Indanger of beteg euraptedi 1n tdanrus.'
tad practlee, timeline the lefittence of
ray ammonia., Odd rear glutted to a.ntalltim
on the thrt Mold of danger,' and to lead bits to
Chritt. The coolltet, sa to ttid the writer, was
leen wed paieful. tat bp time grace allied, hi ins
brought team:opt of Christ, la whom he foetid
dellearanee from the guns and the dominion of
ati, You that time nattl he yielded op Ile
spirit to' Vim who gave . it; he °mooned it hie
.highut hone• laud greatest Oman to Aorta the
lo; • nomher or Teore he hem the
etereof Selina til er to tea Prost yeerimacharth.
sad me henoren sad remmeted 11" all Shale for
whose slsiritnal good be labored lad Peered. Me
'Mod ae he tired. trusting (litho WS/M. wham
he lured. lie Tins from his labara, sad his
works do follow him.. .
Ace l eeodese• la" Otalawk.n
Viredeteadayave.lal. al: Wale[. KG 21 . 10...°
1.132110.; sod wears:.• •
remora] Item Ala late realdeace. ore lilst:aluT.
the 10th teat., at 2 Weloca r. 11. Oarziaata , artll
leave trout the cornet orGraai and rum streets..
all elate& r Y. •
SAMSUN:Oa .ntear
itirrAla ZZ L . : * .rj • f iz t
sad Luter omen. yr
'Tiro suntan: i '
WSDamiiikat aist6 •ErtievAlt.
• lute oostaateg THIETY.4 , I:I COLA
WM of IsterietUUt madlng matter, toolodlog
uuaiurg Sittbrlale; LOAM News by •SelegraDt ,
and Mall. valued Meadlae Matter tor U.
ruut,„htliest .4 !sort reliable las an•
mar and Oarameietel . Market Reyorti Area it 9
aaF payer In the city. F16131111i. Meetaule or
Merok.t thonl4 tK aitboet
ratte •CIL trio flacr a.trtxr.
. . .....
copy 01 raper to the wile.
the elnn. Matto. to club. a n Os made 24
Wt s, at dab mt..
RCM= 14 Stlasclailti2.-1 4 ottiertor your
bo Nil .4 spootty Rhlt .111011 yet
Mast. so ma tsane s W.dnosday LIU:on (47 sat.
arlber•l4.l.. 071 ono snail • Ina.. --
SrAteasy by Drat. Irprem. llnae7
qr La 244 1 etero 4 Lo Lion, mat Do not at 000.11..
settess. asserts,
Wo. 166 nutria street, Pitteturen.
corriss of all kinds; MAXIS. GIAJNItit. We
every description et Vanessa laralehiree flood ,
hridehed. Room. opened a.1...1.htt5.
sad G•tvlases inveigled. • ,
Rantaltecaeyßev. David Kerr. D. D.. .Rev.
M. W. iseobal, D.D., Thomas Zvriaet Yei., Ja
a Mt H. Miller. tsp. •
JG. nooGras, itIifDERTA.
• KIR AND INFIALILEIS. threether to the
bilt , !Samuel X. llodson. No. ND ' Oblo Street.
three dam. Rom Beam. All. ben/ %Mr." '• •
acoewood. Itahocany. Walnut mad NO..
Wood leoltalion CoMns. at the love. reds acd
Dodu< oho. ht aU he." day sad if Dbl.
Near. anArarrbocas o.lsheel on ahOrt nolloo
and of moat reasonable term..
•••• DreTakr.s. <Novi. 944 Urno nvellut.
Allegnelay. ll.sand ,, , Rosewood sad ether Ca
llus. with • mandato stank of funeral lsralanlng
goods an nand, and•fainlabed at shortest notlee
at lowest gringo. Bale sad ..Lltery Stable., ear
ner Of /lan awl" RlDnlaPruarr.d. Csuulagea,
ityroooo.g. , Rogipes, noddle Harem de, Al..
for tire.
1 - 1 T. WRITE 6c C 0.,. E.NDErt
•""' Valfirto w •
IlarllS ►ND 11.1111.4013 M. 'Mathes
ter. Wood•s Ella and riatalty. Calla Zooms st.
Xuattmaser 7lvery.Mable4 comer lilacfluid ala
Chatters 'treat& Heal. Lag Cu!uxvs Mt.
- .
p, STEM/4117,' Ilndertakor
••-•• corner of MORTON aid PISICN serElt
ill Ward. OeSess• of all Wads. • HIM. sus
Carrtaaes haratshed oa the Owner: notice.
CHURCH, Farb arrart, abort, Emit!,
bald. .ta,Z.X. Cr..A6IL Paatcr.' arlllirraatr to
morrow. Augast/L. 4..1000 as 1.1 0 ,.
aubjetr for saarnlog: ”Chrfslirts Dartafr°
treataz: •...Uhrtatian , .Darap. , ` ar e .
cbralca aa.l rtranaels ara copettally Manta.'
mid flea *rata 1°,41. • • • • • •
Wine tem thoroughly , remodeled,
repainted and ltilOTlLto , l to erary dipartmeut.
the rum° , 0121.10L10 . LIIMARY AID
SCAM ritY RoOSLN, earner et World sad Liber
ty directs. mrlll re-open TIIII 01.1. Manz new
volumes hive bees sided to the eattlolue•
Seto d. Y.Me A Libraries:
Sa 07% SMITHILULD BTRELT, 70112011 S
se vzrrai firs/intr.
CSUOCIESOZ TO aoastrroxr scoiTd
saTo Lowry sr.. ririzeusau.
• /Er Partlenlar attendee • given to meddle
WeeaOes. Clocks ead Jewelry. •
" .• hive fur eats 111 irrauluble cotton
astl gra. plaetallott,; . Middle' Ltd:
POTS/arm lirordla. ecultalnlai Itaai OV to I,LCCI
acres earn; all ander • bush state or cultnattrn..
ine climate U n nattily as in Peunerlianla..
ant the water equal to an in neaten Pennsyl
vania. These tuns will be sold very . lotl.. Poi
nice and partlerdars ea , l it MMUS
Real Istale Mee. Bailer stivet.'Lawienctrrllls.
We afar for . tali the ISOVILTY' IRON
VOILE& Insets le Cass eosin." Cie•orils, to
',bleb Is alcathe4l.7oo acres of fine r.ellrg Isad;
lair:of which!, Food arming laud.. This PrODI
en. coltsfas ineznanstltge 'Wu of tbe
lon silk llase bad 'sod stone.: ll*
4.4%1 [roil Lhasa works la of the I , oll.q.Utitoi,
tounda7 parposes.. Labor V abundaet at [tom 79
3.02. Tlas preonds very ius Indium:teat to
Toe anis, If .611.90119thilks.
pries ud terws umuip. pirpEviazi . 61 / 4 .
- Wheeler War II Sift* Machine,
31111 ''' dfolit r e7pof l
og o 7
Oonoodttoe of 411.V11M 'Wog co =pond of the •
foo, t oompecoot oaolosoariaalladocs. • • •
No. AT YLIPTITIffIt2ET. ritUtrorst4
TUE PEOPLE'S • - n • , n •
Wilson UndeilvsO64.
one of u ti`grg Var 7° ° '7° l ° 'rt . ! " 1 "
tW~lo m South West DituriOnd.
Call awl ermalaa aux Ooc.t and prima..
F i taTy=2'4 l .ll,2'.=.7 ° ;
A Superior kitele of Flour,
not non nir swam VOA
Which 'in 'am tahlT xpeorarack.4 to the; trail,
and far famUi sue. _
B. T. 1103NNEEtt& 1111 Q.
pLun t entail
nutka Furniture MapAiiurers
utast win of ruin:m.6i «iii.sia3;iiir
Hoisrardts illiery Stable,
Ins,re 'azue. rust icoantutuds Holm
Kar C4 ' . aro %total' CU° to d ' gri 0 /112.!*
loj. 14 1.1 "‘- .1.13J;ht " =Nrcoattiv.l•l.'"
Sealer of Weights and Oleosnroe.
No. 5 101.31:11N grams%
rtetwoo• Llbyrry PPM rort7 Mtt%
n&r. promptly shoofly& to. - split 47
11 . 01131E5, *IEI6 rs co.,
Anchor CoMai Mills, rittsborgb,
11114ntacurres of 11111AVT, BIEDIUM A LIGHT
U. R. 311.0.1ECIalEt,
O...,MiIitiIARAAD TM* ,
LI4 IL a Cdrlldiftt TAM
Atd WA L U.
Warabnat, 114enrCile.
entudt• Kolloutahela have.
z.m• emoLcon„,
Bones Bander . 'az. Carp's — tex'"
e tiliravr r el /111.1111X1111 /I,llLTsad
J.blag 46 done t.
4 liesotlitagan
seat.sad b
etry•tes. •trlctin
Ifoarth Drool, cum door from Waal. PstroO•rr.
To••• 4 • L'on•ral ...Dormer or •••
U. iirea for DM
irsallerones ‘ ag ' tioL
0.• •oo•ort mos., . • . • mossrso
Melva - lend Retail Criieeri,'.
ihr.laar TA" t TAW WM*
Msbasit'ootscr at VIM •
Aliriebanir Citv. pa. • ' trorlitsid
Lt raiLAli.s Old ti:sad Stocklgirdlarh
LIPM72,"'"D "uP.,
At nucuuva OIG Stasd Blotting ott;i4
SILK !311111T8k AND, p*kpr4o),
At:TEILl4.2ilt Old Equd Itor3/4,541M
11, lARIOND SMUTS. best Mad*.
beo atthas .na
As Wis.:A-vs ON AlasaCtoat./154.1* , .
WI air= MN%
E=M l