THE DAILY GAZEITE PUBLISH= =BUY Timuslifth !DirsZicznin.) PENNIMAN; REED A; CO., .IPrcriprieitarish z.r-113COTOZI••••••••.». V. I , ZAP. 21[11112••• Masson. RIZZTTZ 1112ILDIlie • sO/. St ADD II SIDM. lag Amiricee ' , spit et Tutees res*Tials. MUM PAP= Or prmauzaa /ID aUramorr.otTY. MEMIMU OW TIC AULT: . - titirriV7lff Card 1 3'1" aubtaribals. A11 9,17 : 2, 45 .4 . AAolrQw - , SAX TTZ. nrrastraceit. num.. t4jt plKOur.o Gaifttc ,1011...ESAMMUODitlow of PaaBomm leaf- Ing'ike:OttY . Aertog the wentrear mouths tbeft6l l have tbastia.serra =Pled to that: ilddietlOT 47cdaing the same at, the elk" *Paean Octet per week for ease week or CON OLIDATIOW We give place this morning to a cor respondent signed "Blear," % who op podei thii consolidation of the cities and intim viith great teal. 'Although we dissent from most of the Positions of the writer,- some of which are monstrously estravagaut, we have no hesitation about giving him a heating on this the molt important loud citestion that has ever 'glutted this community. Lot it, be well diseMsied; and we will only, say at pres ent:to the opponents of the measure that 0414 there is quite- as much himesty of otrixfse, virtue, trnth,. and perhaps wisdom, on the past of thosewho favor as those who-oppose the measure. It is onistioit bpba ihiCh Webes2 imxtermy bmidstlfind properly differ. "Shaler" otto have forgotten this; ,and yet, ..g to our regard for the writer, we give his article a place. • GOOD ALMS GC/M-4f, Win seen' from our Ordway, column that Ulcnann BARD, a well known ind . bigidy esteemed leather =orchard. of thin city, died yes. terday morning. We publish elsewhere a brief &ketch of his character, contribu ted tiy; a Ilevercnd and venerable friend who has known him from- childhood. /if= Bann sae4istingulahcd cbioay, is thiebtisineriebinaiunity, for his common sense and his uncommon honesty. We can express'no better wish for his sur vivors than that they should. so emulate his ;rirt,tu= while living that they can possess his forth and hope when they , Trot Genius of Lan" ty, of Uniontown, PaJ; it/Organ supported by. the Democ racy-of Fayette county, and one devoted to the Came o( Slowswood,, against WU comee td ni this weerwith a char itable and nano:mut allusion to the mar tyred President LINCOLN'. It says : '_The contributors to the Lincoln mon ,umr.nt, us denaandlnk to know What has become of their money. No matter what hat become • it it cahoot be' put to a mars ,disgrace II purpose Mao building a tatiMtidnent zdt a 'man as Lincoln, whose life was withering curse to ha etixtry.', t .e pavements in ' Chtebins •d, not turn out astlefacto- Jily, a • they have had an investigation • • manner in .which it was put do**. Some of the witnesses • who as sisted lit the work testified that come of .'it 'woe pui down in Sued sad water, and that it was linpossible to nail the strips ea account of the water. We think Irdija . arhat we read that that failure does no discredit to that - intle of pairing if iwoperly done. = Tice. ancitusati Ga:ette. remarks:, ,!%ecretaxy Stanton renasina in undis turbed possession of the Wax Depart snag, and is inreceipt orgvat =one; agement sad sipproval from the ioya "men throughout the country: -It has now come to light that the secret of the Pres ident's munKy to him is bemuse _ha was mainly instrumental in canning Conzress to meet in summer session, and thus thwarted some pet and dangerous schemes Which be had information the, President Intended to consummate m caw of* long adjournment. EimEffLs.i. NEWS —Ono man boasts iu Indiana, that he gets to new wife and ancwdtvorce every • —Five school houses and two thousand ggir hundred bar rooms are the latest Chicago improvements. —Reversesitt business and foar fort of rope were tile muses of death in the rase ofa Milwaukee merchant. —The best definition of cholera is Ileecher's last. He says that cholera is opinion of =glom . I —Orneider well before you take a gloss of brandy and water, says r. Prentice, the Subject Is a good water,, says • I ''•:•—lictuserants have alighdy declined in New York, and one of the papers o f , that city reports that many houses ar I —Nine Chicago editors and nine print ere not a man on either nide ever diving played before, are to have a grand game • at base ball this week at Dexter Park, "for the belt" --Only three wholesale firma La LfrulFi . *villa-lase year did a business exceeding *1,000,000. The heaviest house in the , city toady sales amounting totlelln, o o o . Nin t%een firma sold between airat,e/CO and , 1)1,00000a • —Fated botten, it is said, are coming i y. 03 use onFrenc locomotives. Twels spress engines, li with steel boilers, ure employed on one railway lending out of Pans, fifteen . on another. and several on other t l3 - _ —Dr. Raimben, a ' , rerun Doctor, r practien a=new method-of lauoduong =died° into the aninraLeconomy, sin by the =Jails: ' Ile his demo so with morphine, which, it darns, Introduced in Mat way, will cure violent headaches. -The little coanraof Jamey, 111., with '.;an era of only nfty.throo square miles, • fraised last season one million -bushels of corn, and this year will doulalessexcead 'these figures. =lts yield of wheat gener ally borders on the =m elous, both in quality and quantity. ' —Charleston is recovering (corn tiro 'effects of this war. .The nowspapors of that city _state that the "burnt district" la Doing imprints:l with treat rapidity, and in - other parts of the city old boners are ,belng tom down and - replaced by new and more modern /structures. lager a , co inaanG , of the jail at Valparaiso Ind., wrenches o ff iron handcuffs, chains and manacles as if they warn pack thread fetter/I. The twantrhas expended V° on irons for him but ho tuts twisted them all on' and • ,is now clear of all clanking oddity:lents. —The POWOr Swing. designed to Cons him" amusement with usefulness, by working washing machines or similar , light machinery, provide at the sante time • provide a pleasure awing, has been in vented In Trenton, Now Jersey. *vend of these swings am now in use id - —Driving tandem is doosibed to bo the driving of two or more horses, one • ahead of the other. It is a Latin word, • which menus "cat leuelit," and has rather 'far-r."°d*Pnlicatkn. Now,the horse foirahavennewterm,whlch is"triZeni " an applleable to three horses. This tuna • is evert mans furced than tire other. —Anything mol itvrafrishing in this . weather, and the fallowing luso/tote from. New Orleans is about on moles could la defiled: "A passenger got into ono of thristreet can ow:Megan to smoke. The driver objected. saying thta wamong the forbidden things, and hinlng that if bepermittod rates would bedatchartnsi. ' If so, mid the smoker,' I'll engage you Immediately: , — . Merced:Hu Amigos' far tic. Teeny ` nail's abandonment of his beautiful resi t donee, at Ferrington, isle of Wight., and 'retreat to liaahmere in Surrey, to, oat tormented bunt obtrusive ageOions of the``liou" who _gong on hispalinge, peeped through his • - COO. and . TWAY crammed Freshwater Church on rittuday in the hope of seeing bow a poet laureate said his prayers. Atmnomt them um eight benelion tbo Irish Church; worth on an aver age more than Pie° is year ends, and • 'containing an ' average church nopulo,- . atom of more Ikon 'fire thousand molds, ' whose I=m/bents and 'Under the protec tion of the Courtier Insolvent Debtors., puling the lost twenty years a largapro maltose!' deans, archdeacons and other dignitaries, holding large livings, have been Insolvents. —A company has been formed-in Franco which proposes to suppiy the lowastn the south atvl centre - of Yrtmee _ with mo from the, skies of the Savoy `;Ups.' Tho prlnelpal glaelers_frous which the Supply is to be drawn ate those of the Mer de'tilactr .and Besscuut. They de scend to the level of the Valley of Chain ounlx-,. ant{ are the most eastly nevem • hie of IDLY In the-:•nitele Alpha chain. The ke.kaumpuritt as crystal, 03 ay b o loaded stile foot of thoglacler upon ve hicles drawn by oxen, and an cOnvcycd _.zo.sbe Gino% riawarigtatim _------- irAßus --- 11,40 __ A I, \ , .. -4- - , '' 7 ' . .__ 0 • - ... , .., , ..5.,,;1 A" ,, . •:'l',-,_. • • """ , - -,.-- . •i ''''',.. '' AL. - .‘• --. 1 i • I I -,- 4- ...*„.„,„ ... .-- - = -,- .-Ve : ....,, - ,„.......1 - ..... ' --,. • zi :v. ; „.,.....„ .....-- , ' ( r a 4 ;3 ttt e„,)---L" t,.. ; • - t'i.A . :V.•..., '% • 7.71_ 1 ; .:,, : ',",..F. : .1 i 1 .p.: i ifo i fr i ii . Z 4' , , 1 --_ ,,- . - --- -- =f-',. - 7 - -----' , •;_ -' ' ,_, . '''''''_;'" -,-:—;,;"--• - ---,------ ----,-...,;.----_,----- • i r ., ~,, , , \ _., ' . \ ~ ) ~,---7.:_---= ~ --::::: -- --- - - - -- -- "..._1_—_f - L.- ,-....,=...--' -- - SL-?',...' - ',..----=-- -, -- -.--2—.- - .-- ---__=_— ,' —----:- - -.----.__ , ,--._W__..,'=-, -- - -------- . •. /--- _____ , • —_, v . si- s i VOLUME, LXXYTT.-NO. 183 VIIIST MEDI MIDNIGHT. THE SMUT CASE. Judge Fisher Receives a Com municationfrom the Jury. ONE'OF THg JIHIORS THU ILL. NO VERDICT LAST NIGHT• • CDT Telegraph to the witimergatiasettcl : Wasimmws, august 3,15 c;. There la no Indica:lee of thedurratt jury coming down from than . room lino Court, or of having agreed open it verdict. The Prhanier wee visited at jell this raorreng by hts brattier. lame &rural'. Ile 13 hopeful and In good Write. Ile has not bean brae/flair= Jall alum Wednesday. At CM drama, Judge Judge; received a communication from the jnry end seat. a agartea spills , . The sol33cct of correspond. once has not transpired, but no the Judge hggdod tin reply to the Data, he was beard to remark tilm I will nee eibOut. Li be tore eightfall.” 110 than got on • am and started for Georgetown. During the eVert• inggdlioa crowd &mumbled In - and about the Court room and noon the eters of City UM!, 10 full esoemamou of a verdict or come oiler dm pantie/3 of the tam P./might. Tee. wit , Mal theory now in that there Is *maturity on one Mils and Mow refuse to mdr to be ditichar^c., il,bothaVo male upthelr mantle/, aini are dmertained to worry the tutoorlty 011.... it le very certain it ritonecr of the jurtiro are very unconcerned about the matter, as this evening they •werti ter aistocir cm/aced la alegthg a taverna taus. It Deem& to bo 0 1.1oule. swan Imam." ' ilirth, OEIO of the jurur4. Lea very .10k all day, but la 002.1•Lett, . better this everuag. At eit3 o'clock *deputy . marshal cleared the court room and cicatal the doo . it ha log undennood nothing definite rn will be known to.olata It= the Jon, FROM' WASHINGTON IltyTeirtrayb to the Pitubergit Gthettal Wel summon, August 9,11.7. attsoco rte.". To ntschs stlnnaTT. 50910 of the Warbington detectives have reported the . discovery of a plotto theme the prieonerSurratt, width mop bete but some foundation,: but It hat beenktyped in the bud. It la certain that ttio hotel. in the immediate vicinity of the toast Ileum havebeerinnusuelly crowded,thil that. their guests have unduly been liattimorlans, and citizens from the robot counties of Story. And . so adjoining the District, A mass who haa bean arrested as ringleader Intim p ' posodplot, asserts that big things Might be expected lastnight,thd Is presumed to have referral to an attempt to take the prisoner from the gnarl of four policemen who to. commory Dim to and from the DD. sifter We reception cd the ditherceing of the Airy, which was expected tonight. The jail le Ithated about lour hundred ',Matron the Court. /Mose, and the avenue lesding to It runa Throegh a park, and is lined on each. stdo with rows of Imes. - on. Gn a rl. inn cant. Stingthngi . • It hashoetteacertnined thud Llthend Grant Las virtually been responsible. for the dally ..te the lithe of rho order rernoying Dermal Sheridan, as he has objected to the trthsfer of otlicers of the rank required by the re. oonsimettert acts from the dntlea in which they are now engiuted t on the ground that the exigencies of the 'mink servlth de mand that they shall be retained in their .paduans. /t is certain th at trio President, Jadendli advising him not to remora Sheri ' dan has had name effect, and 0 delay ed; be that the order mop be further but is Le essertat by MON% Otte alionol IMAM, that It will lie issued before Um 15th Inst. on arlingrahT Or wag Dornoomo. ~ - The intelligence ,. says the state-lout that the President Wm orderedno further com munication to be held with - Ur Stanton la Lusiccurste. ISO long tie be to permitted to remain in office, official relations must ex. let. It does no t follew..bewever. that he will attend Cabinet conthitstithk Tletrei aro not held In virtue of lair, but are pure. 17 dterectionary wi th the Preeldeini. wan is tether °bilged to confer with his becretn rtes In formal meetto,n, nor Is he restricted to the, beads at the Departmthts in seek. Mg advice upon. public affairs. We learn from as unusually well Informed Source that it is the purpOse of Dr. J Mouths to al. low the whole:natter to remain to aterthre tor a few days, giving Mon tot thileetionon the part of Kr. !Denton and his friends who adobe lunt as to tho theme he should nue ..uO. if in two or three dims he shall still persist In his refoesl •to ledge, the Prwl dent will suspend him by going him notice lubstanDalty that 'be Is hereby suspended Dom the further execution of Lim tonaloas 'Ol the Mike of Secretary of War.and that the reason or this gespenston srdi be sub mitted to the Senate at the next session ol Coogresa , . . . .. . tame= re 'Lltrtora. ' . A private letter from AMC.= UM the Indians the Vora° than ever. They are , oanstantly engaged In killing settlers and -0 eallng cattle. In all the depraistleue thee have committal thus tar, but one In. 411u:rhea PAIL killed, and Lint woe 4i , 3131, by FROM NEW YORK • Ley T l g . hto Sias Pltteb.igh duet:.: , • Nino . YOXE, August 2 tEG%• darenush 0.13110 vas irsecuted • '. .11JLICIVEM.IX011 011310C1F4. • The Memel:tip Moe Tranelsoo, from Greg town, with Callan:km fesseengere, arrlv.6 to-Arr• . . I=l Tea Catholic eommstraty of New Tort are Orectier a BeW male or - phau asylum, tor ear of fatty-second street sad -111dIrem area... Tee bundle¢ will be a' 0001 hanflaorae one, coatlue aeaatenkfte• - Sixteen wines= Jaexerso t - Jobe Hoyt and The Odom Shultz ears rested on sublet= of being concerned Its tberrobbery,lis Jannari tif tr. -porter at Slats •k. Co., of Cnitekl btates gold tort M attes to Um...manna of over IlluAn. Iloyt alleges be bongut ono of tbe bowls at Schott. onion °tenon. J. en,qkcy, rebel., not yet bean itocored., ' • =I . .• • Alt the members of the Eatnent were present at the meeting to-MO, with the capitols of of Attorney General eitauteerry, who is still absent - from Washington, and Secretary nianton, Who remained 01, his Doe parte:tent traremeting business. -as Gummi eWISOLLO.. • McCaw - Land, of Dayton, 4.1:, wan-swindled by an emigrant agent, Pstnek McDonald, Yesterday, but through the Agency or the pollee recovered his Money, 1101611 1100. sneers or comissureir vas. Adruin Dates , and Charles L. Ulitek, em.- pert COSIOLOKOILUIP. iLat o camped from Kings County Penitentiary. . TUD,C11.11.1.1) 1010 100L04111.41 , . Ch" 1,00 /S. Kellogg,' the opera' singer, purchased her old homestead, at 'taw Mart fore, last week, sad after her ratans from Europe - th is fall will retire, tram the stage to private Ill° there. . wasenses wrieveret ash citenscsatOM Thaddeus Etymons writes he writ oda a blllat the anat session, provlding Yor the coullseation of the estatee Of thoSeToteds sod slaveholders who eisellarrel mercies for volingme hoputeteau tteke . • • D.TB Or I. ISCrtiSZ JUDGE. _ Of Judge kobotutham, oe the Supreme Veva , . this Mato, cued at Yonkers 1,04.9. FROM SX'. LOUIS 1101sa Affairs—Spotted Taira Band inospelvea Libel bolt, WlLltrebe. l ilsplosl . - [By Tolcgoiph toils rittsinligh Oantte.) OT. Loom, August e.—Art Omaha dispatch says: General Bully uit:clone! !lather at . rtood from munteins lent Pia: Insetted Tail's the bande o r Indium were bro ken up{ part olthein crossed the Platte ;mates. day, and were reported to have Joined On Cheyennes on the war path. Tao settlers Pro fleeing to North Matto for pro tection. Who ateemor Itountooo Iles elm., Sort Beaton corohletaly riddled by Indicts fired by the Meas. • • .• man rusted Map o.,lLobloson aMal the Dcsmerat coty.tor libel, In mating that he attempted to Ell his child with a , hatchet while In a ros o s Pt: tem , thousand dollars ,-c Tit witolto claims or I:obi:loon lays tha taatoroant Ixtua and that atm re. calved a nevem wound in tba , arm while WIN; to shield the child from assault.. ST. Lolly, August o.—Tbe 01050000 Gem hot boiler-heade Tuesday evening, its the Illinois river, near Naples, by idelt Awoet.Plo9oes wars tratantly Ittllefarand two others so badly scalded they probably larch for the Droners Atlaintle 1.7-.1110 —Meg Irele[rOPO , LiSeL LllrTeLxrepe t the rlttaorgb 0 witta.] Yaw Toss, Anton 9.—ThW Itewold , 9 cilia from Henri!, COTattnt , no r /W U ' Mole Ilajtety'4 norveying &warner litilnare aryl.di trona lit. Johns Min jornuoon, twArtng on board puty Chartlnd the duty to tnortuuthly examine and renders t.ho un‘rlloge of and around 00 tbo outdo ol IWt., wee broken. On tho 19th of. jJY. .Tee New York, Newfoundland 9 9 90L0n. 400 Telex - mph Unmoor, y Is now ond In telegrann Hues,between Able plane wad Novo bcotbs. to bo iw coonnottork with the Waste= UntOn'TOINTIPOLIine or NoW York.- Calriantle*of ra,ollleess7iitld Mr Telegraph to the rlttabargh Gazette.) • Kivr Uwe, Atm o.—The Iteraid , c mond opeau $101: A conventton of oci. ofilcers and 'afters of the !Wince]. idznY DOW rostdthg to Richmond, l O U no bold barb as ostorday,tot• the !mooao of taking. ptrillird.AOTY OLOS. UMUCIa oa.111., • gran convantlcen of ail tho ellechargoa .ordu. Or 1.110 union a tAo Malmo( Ylcolnle. • ' = (Br Tacoma 10 tDe ruub.ral , uslettik) PIU.A.DIELTIOA, A , Zrt 9.—no @choosier &Mitfird two %1:U."4% SECOND EDITION, FOUR O'CLOCK J A. M. RTINT PROM MOIL Terrible Railroad casualty. EIGHT PASSENGER COACHES PRE CIPITATED INTO THE BEA. Only One Passenger Escapee Alive. HIRTT PERSON; KILLED OUTRIGHT FUENCU FORCES IN CIIECS British Troops for Canada IflczrspUtatlus 1'111bl:ugh Uazolts ZSULLSD. ,COora Fox Ca.5....t. Lonnon' D.—The Government wllt ionnealatoly ilLmateh lerge body of troops toCanalla W repel the threetorked t•Cratlll Invasions from the rciteel !States. • •. • . ..11.714C1t ZI:ld. tho llousa ot Lords last arming Um Clll to ataxiall Church rites ' was . rojcata+ll/3" a largo zaaJoilty. i • DM. Or 04r.130LIAVA.D,runTZS. . Lomms,Uft 7.-I.)lspatahos here cancan., tho death or-Marie Sop 111•0 Amato. daughter of Ditalmilleia; - 000 Ob .179.1m,0f ,Zavirts, and ex.4.2trou or Naples - ClaoALiv—rnittirul. L.% 0, Luz. Loa Dos, !Wont terrible =Stroul cuun►ity oecerred ikt..BreY lIoW, Wiekiew cenety. / reload, too-clap. The expreza train from Dublin. for c•Wloalolr..whon at the above 114113041looabty,ran tartlto track gual eight_ )paancruroy coaches non, .prooloitatoil Into tho - Tito railroad at that point rum along the aurrantt ora nigh WWI. - Ttio loan of Ufo was frightful. Ortisona rwreson on the whole' train, a roan pinned Morn*. escaped alive. portal. Tara: 7: swim Tull ratTZU STUTZ , . Asizurt 2.—Rkining.—la the Hops., 01. 1.." the Goienneent 3111. natal rho new portil treaty with' the VD Staten, for retitle-WS tbo PrwtnitWtw tVcintr bar: twowountinet. ' ' • • =an t 1 or ♦ aril= prrICKL IX T 01071710 In' the !loose of Counfloo, ft, &osier to saw:op:Li:7,l.°rd Stool , For Seoralory4 said Ole Trolerfr-k Brace. itiAlitite/ 114 , Wootaagfoo. 11.4 been empowered to 111,1e1T411113 the matter of the recently UM us or cant. 5 1.qubr a "Ite d Mies eoldLCr.' " 111tWri rresols EILLZD itartr persons core kiliOd 'Oatrigiti by the railroad accident at Drag Head to-day. = Eight Ilon. U. !llswthon> /Some AeiVet•in fiVi 1165,110u5i of oaoiconoa tau to . quistiae.eatil the Penim prlsoaarl mere mated better than nay of the otlacrs, ias turoax nu.L. TOO ilegOthi =tete.. ed from the Homo of commooy a molt= echo mode todtlght Itehee et Lords to ni• consider Ite Makes tupon ditiliSteetttit to tho emendmentir: liter tiOtO4 dhMlethOcon oiderattonof itioeuldect tithe tized ter the lath i MANCE. rune. ottarAmos it Carla. Puna. mama Darpatobes teceSed herewith:in the previous annotmeemant of the occupation oithiso provinses of thwhia 0— • riSatitiLaL Lousssr. .turnst 3.-.Jrrsolad,—.osuois Maud at 51 Azle, 113 y illlep4 Central, TPA: , Waw, 7 3 /si ilantla At Groat Wastaro bonds, Lir taro..., .gurast 9.—Vrenisp.—tAton Is firmer. thou ornstatmns arowneinsna. l ; sales of lune ituebester mar. set for Weds ant g alas is Amer with more bus Wes.. Itreadstalis the market to gala and steed,. Mtn Is OM,* ws , hd• rm o, " sloes tin annerans gala. Lard, howiver• hu • advanced to Ws per cwt.. - for Fort. n/4. 141. 1101.1 , ts galas, and Quotations withou material ULM- AsTasar,,aut. 9.—Pstralinna has Advan ced to 12 ;; frailty tor standard white. • FROM 'PALLFORNLt. • Indiana ta 4tizaaa—Cetural Paellas as Malloaft—atairlea lalamts. 4/or. fay Tefrarspe io tee 11Usaaratt ouatta.) titastmorti., August ...—The Independ ent glort Gonunittoo nominated Caleb 1. Fay. a martb sat' ol too Francuoo, for lion. error, arid 11. %Melton. for tioomuay of State. The regular Union ticket tegalalag atraeOlt. MOre troops ate bolos Kitt 'to Axiom. Operation:l v4O-11/It the ladle= TM be more vlanrrouly greased. %he rocelpta ot me Control for slily, to wont 114,M0 la go Ad ld. rian from the bandirteb Islands to My 1.11. h say the Mug had named Vrilltifs C. oanauraat ancomaor lit rate of bla death. The 10111111 Of okay Ira* eatbradastloally oatalgatad at Ifortoltdo. ' Teem oat groat otallement at yalru• raga and Urea en doly.ll and .1.17.b. , 05er Um sego by tho Yronca oloUrtned carload from Samoa Alutai that tte , boudalt neat eager llectles Mama bad Wit Cuba to r ,000 boat-111U° , agalost &atilt and FROM ' HAVANA. Too Layiaxot an. abiallo recOM FierVan to lawman Onnatoonend •• ' fgoo yologranbto Ofel'lttfburan ooo ;l/ . brava..., Nag Vat no. mi Inane, NINTEN,A.—The goal:net Navarre, aimed In laying ttto Cable, lRs Arftrod. .9110 start. ed from .10fY Weal. on batUidaY warning and lalgaiwo and a half mlloa of tbroo stow. buoyed 52 Ahoencl. The average ruin of Panuil oaf th e cant. wino four miles per nour. Tne linktod biatal men Of; , Toboma and 101/n Gan anT the Spanish b ut fol lfran. ctsoo do coomn panted. uo 0010- sue° ono faqtureol.• The Navarre Vail begin operation, at nee reelect in the off.cmcno and Moth tomorrow for goy West, • • Wilda* or Illtesmets—Osse - or them ff.ak.-rlisse.sers Druirsetd: [By Telegraph to tua 1•111tOttowIt (gutted TOOtTiOon. August o.—Tbp steamer %01- son Small, plyirtirbetviceir this part and Chapt3tilr river, collided last night with thriallltrear glary Augusta; of Poplar hp land. the former tanking in.tbirty minute*. gt , reported three of bar human gore wcrig_ drowned. The gcmnixider more aafely landed on ropl , tr lotnnd. TUC 21str.A.Unitstta arrived tabe morning tom Lot the cheer Louisan. hue iv badly damaged draw wi s, compelled to throw .0•000004 about - coven, tostaired boxer of ouches to prevent elnklag. The pititeocO gent of the 491180 n litnnll were brought by , . Use Ica Nary. Angnstot • Crbo OtatottfOnLit ado conn toting. The Captain of 0000 ccuuter history this o th er fOr oho at , °Want.' TOO llDS.ll:Nriut Taped at wand, . . • • Naratosii Maces- • ''• I Tetegratb to the Yitteberge °Petted Ylkmslife. August 2.....Tbetrit moo, throe year old.. one toile and • halt was won try keDentoPeLexington Gott. Time. 2:414 the ktetest , time Su this country by .tbreo year olds, with ono hundred and ten poem's - bleat, and Boner Dam ware eameoll. Lore: The Lexington Colt hod Sleety, ten alotoet Lead and head throughout, but tee Iona& OA tent iron by tour leetitlit. The !fueling* stake', for two year old.. threolonettut of a 1011 e, were woe by "ke Filly, plater toliathlem, Mier a atfleadhl race. by • head, boating Northern. linefeed and four Mbar.' timm /Mk TOO third Moo, two and • bate mike, as* won by Cant. Moms , bo rn e Deacon' hentJog ter Ring: time, i 1010. and ol} gm, - - Cotton Crop Adrrea—lingrOgea or the. Worna—HongsliOn• Abandoned. tar Telegraph to me rlttsbersh Wrote I //serum Aug. U.—gotten error , adeices drum tea lower Meer parish°s of toulllana woll - countles or nisei estner ern 4nt/o Holt. vcomblo. In nil the lover Parish , . 0, lane Um worms aro at work to on atartninie aslant, /u Polut .Catipee the &Atm tine woe sown:1010W add thorOugh that some ot the plantnUons were abenarese.l. Another flansmeetsainr that trout the Tiaras Aver •glOOrrir nononms are - rooetvetl. - Not May °very pl.tatkm Is sattering, but thoso to sardartivvial..Whathing Our t h e visitation to•ln=Our: . 140,041ai - OW . la gar. taal=arb. siatliraal Iliamlitir !latch. • laitiospbla rlusatit'rb (imatiaa Boatel. Aultast 9 •-ttent7J.lturray,clatle . lathe postoftiaa, mu bold for trial, In OA* tihnegecl erltli stooling money from ~, , lette nom Sew Lloansrlek says it Is nOt.' ttie , eLetoriomi Parts crew vlio are to Tem moans the Word brOtbara, at liptlag- Odd, but C are. Of at pimp Wlio are now batali COiloctod. for the pimp*. , nide Z The Wotan, is Route, Tokoono co too ytttotonb tlasatial Lizarrs, Awedh Atha Zegutbud and party arrived this evening by Ta o blianplils arid Louisville Radeund, and are stopping at tile Overton, handling a boat [or Now Urlceae~ • Eltatt•otalie caalasiank to la. rtiwastak eisau 4l ric _ • urvizo. augusrossa stall lealtelNes tratact with inn st okeyeaterda7 attcm o 4. oae, GeTaiut =fed reaor gut, • PITTSBURGH. - SATURDAY, AUGUST 10; 1867. PRESIDENT JODNSON AND LIN COLN'S Ab'SAEISINATION, Singular Alleged Plot Ilevealed by Sanford Conover. . illy Telegraph to tam Pittsburgh Gnats.] Iliaannvoion, Aegnet 9,1 F 7, Assistant Attorney General Dlnekley. has furnished the President with en opinion 111 relation to trio application for pardon , of Ches. A. i Dintham oho,. Sanford • Comer, , which is recommanded. by • A. G. Riddle and ' Joseph Dolt,on account Or nominee rendered to the prosecution la the trial - of Surrutt, nail, which was eel. 4tly Warmed' by J. X. Ashley.. 3f.r. t nt eine? gives th e petition and also along lc er • addressed, subsequontly to July in ,to Lim President by Mr. Durham, In w ch he reveals an alleged plot on pa of Ashley, Bath:mond others to. Moli- na thorn:44oot fn Plot for the Mani. n lon of 'Mr; Lincoln; which tossaye Is ca -1 pa to of proof hy oho most ineragiblo eel de co. lie lays Mr. Ashby explandld the Inn . of ovidenee. ' itu thought most II Dia a:,. blo to , 1014 or, nov ena nam occasions ely: that r pal familiar -.Visits to lir. Johnsoo at 3 / 4 xhe lint m od' /douse, that 'Johnson con. res rided with Efmtli, that the placing of A •rot nt t rio F.Arkwood tiousu was only a allays, the -h Atatrot was not aware of It, to make I t linear Mr. Johnson wet intended fa victim and thus disumt alt Impleion rom Mr. J hoson conniving at 'President Lincoln's union th at. Booth stated on thu ith of Muse 1, to an Intimate friend in New York. whom ho.bail mu/encored to enlist to the contiotreey, that Lu was acting with the knowled go of the Vice :resident. and that if ball been arranged to kill Lincoln, on the day of trio inauguration. which would ouccount for Me. JOhneatt'al coronet conduct on that occoniou. end Ibex Mr. Johnson eX. - voted the tragedy to tot oneettel then, and had taken novend to compote and nerve him for the trent. - Dun ham soya Lo assured Ashley ho should hove no OfflicultY , lit tialitig - Meson' of good standing and moralcharacter to prove th ese/ intOteraf mai that 11 sta., agreed be should do to soon as released. 'Dlr.-Ash ley and Mr. Butler pressed him to send for too or three persons of Udell/genet, which 1 was done, but Mr. Dunham being in Jail, It was found nootaaary for tome Ono 0150 to act as their preceptor. whin) wait, with slight hesitation, by aahleY. on Durthsun's nsourimee that• the portico wradlnas, aged in trio - wool, and n of honor. In whom ho could safely raison, confidence. 'Vie etatemente Mott were dOetred .tO lathe wore Moat tt and corrected by Mr. Ashley, and they were assured by him that In caself should no de. terminal Wassail , . thembeforethe Com. mine% they abonld be aplefolidly feenalled. nobsequontly the Warne. WeroPresoinal to Mr. Buttes, and IntrOduCed,try him and Mr: Ashley to several runnktueumere of the House. , ' ' ' Several papers accompanied the forego• lig,' including some statomonts atom toe vtalt of a Mr. Allen to Lichmand by John san,thOsign as In cenisectlon with Booth, and ammo personal Lenart from Ashley to Dunham. .. FROM MEXICO Foivizo Misisters t'sinsiested—Cor . ,respeudessee IhAVIVes Secretary ilinsard mud Minister Mowers. ISrTeleirrash le tbalquaba eh tieastob: Nair Tana.. Augrat s.—Ntexteson mance* .nate that tile torolgo alleinvers to the city of /Lexiee ware still un weteettal,•mrst[lne °edam flonateetr iteecet:re the diplomatic corms pendrara _between Secretary • Searard sea _Mlalater. /Semen , le P.bllebed. In whieh Seward' atirtsowledrea the reoelot al • letter caned by oant• atuu, stating that be went sato., at Nut vaatstarliy.g • Boller rxploelow In Ploladelplitlo Lime at Etto.• [By Taillinain the Pntonnan Galena: ratt.anntra :a, Amreat 4.—Tho • bollet al the nctata, lioneary, ,Nteth, veto. Wharton ~:alyaMal tine intent:ma. Satoh tilhaan,; - ktlied„ lea•ne a trilland three children. Yohn Tellecir,and Matthew MeKetattt Oeticre+ll; and 50.01 blame sl orttly 1a Wand. tbe shave-weed per. Boos 'lane Intnillere or' the Arm, endeared.' and ran the eatebttatment, !Inch they had recently etartect. lan Polies to Mobil& Cne Telegraph to the ilitaahttanisrato , ) Moat.,Aurtut .11...loanten byappointen' tn., Innee famous -4.y by the - Mayor. • One or team tra, , mule a Llentogan4 tlukClake pelun. Zacamanigusa . .ibenstibe Citis Cf.p. ctif twoosoa. the. 1 .111.44.1101 Wmotta. llntrurs, Anislgt u.—...tatinuata net be COO crop InMtsolnalopt sort Ult.*** ant sort' epeoulartnw. ' tElmtMt rUI maim own eaocurtk tO lout Mr two 7e.r. • Wiled try Llghtatoz. By T. 141.4 bW tlerrtsewsh .ErmuyA. 146. August o.—Tbo Ost-Insibt' fogs asuebed to the Ephrula.Sprtng. hotel wen. 'Wasik by lightelog 61e.y. Two d>l ollod . dictirFatil *yr* Ilona of no Astl-1114ratr7 ;tiro:este fIIrT thartlistpourir kbwris.4.7 • Augart• 9.-0.0b7 Folsom. for many years coruPlcuo. antl•ltireri anal actor pogrom Ivo utbellap,. tho 4 In Ito ieattd.Y.; -. • None Yang telleorentlos. Telegosph ta the Irtstalmagh agorae 1 .42-terr, Alighst seta the CanititallOnal Vaghomatoa ta-Cur. S ittattattto attend the subereneerf el Umtata - 10no yawl FO.l 7n- iected.. 27 agebset bO. • To *be Mut,lin otilLeilotre, st•- lerwei asd Indiana T.U.a Mess.- Parrroas tOssorrs i An associa . liott of gentian., styled the Board of Trade of the City of Pittsburgh, managed_ last wtoter to effect 148 passage of a law huge portlona of your respectlea tOwnahtp• 10 that citrttei form part Of lit and to he governed by Its Laws sad ordi nance& Tour approval of tills prectodlmi sax not asked or desiredi in truth, it was not wanted, too attempt Mane made to hurry the passers of the km through both branches Of the Legislature before clreetlyo objection could be raised at home. neemor Lugano. who Introduced the bill, bring also tootilber, Or th e lloard Trad•tamtmit. tee sad very palm, In the matter, weak] have succeeded in forcing lie Pasesice, as re. Ported.. Dot ollght, If .Y.ontaninion es. rfoulo 1,0 It, by 100 other reoresentatlv. of alleginthy Ooonty. Pottlainely, however, the vigilant. Of leo' Independent 010100 n• ar aileghsay City wrung loom hir. ' and Um other manager. of this most had au mos prcesodiug a reluctant consent to in oert fo-the nets parnsion requiring a vote of the Milne. within the Wands of the - proposal City, to be taten at the calming October elect hut, to detonate° the question, so that unless acciaNtrity Of lboVOtof 01 Ulu dtstrlet north ot• the flyers veto Agroloat .00noolidatiOla true Pittaboreb,vouelu soon /Ind yearn... harepered oily htwasuni ordinance. entirely ...oiled to 7 000 Lion as homers and gableuers, mid country reetdcata, You will soma to visited by the - Anse. or. who wiil Ineresso the Yaloal km of year ' land by dividing !Unto Molding lots le steal of estlusating requ i r e d h to tofore. You sell/ be to payyearly chat of from live to fifteen dollars ler each, warton,oart, boggy, or velatclo of say du , satiation you happen to own ' Yon will be taxed 110.0119 for the purpose building anew lay LEAN and Goal—a coal tax of 000 half par beet, Is now being collected by th e any, for that purpose—tuts , 00 tnif, ' s abort way towards mann ' pliehing - - Tou will alert he taxed heayllylor the - p.r. ode Of erecting now water woke. /Actual se you are ma - the bills and distant volleys, they never elm be of any alreintsge to 9.0 whatever. Taal, howeVer, will Ind prevent your being taxed allko with 'the Per... , must. Domaine& Tito City Councils hav ing p0em.;1,117 ornind. open, grade or pave otroOt Or Mad through Your land. and It 90110 0 04, too, eithout aaklag or,earlug for Your approval or dissent. A. contractor In want-of s good job will have morainal:mace with the Councils or Its Committees, than the dletant fanner or gardener posallily hove. You will kitow by your anneal oleo. to tho COurity Trestrarerbi mbee, that your of the odunty dold le sufficiently burdensome.' Now. are 701 01111100 to bo 11111160 LO IL City losoloa omen with' a b can railroad and mhos debit Can yua 00-04mle to believe that yea will he sent free from ltd would any mania mercantile 110.--however ' .koloollbe might -Im—ettougb. Indeed, to ha a member of the Pittsburgh Board or Trado—forna a partnership to business with another who was oncumbered with on enormous debit Tho answer is °Wont. ' Bat If all Shill smut:int of taxation -is not genicient, and I have not enumerated all la ho ( *OOll you will Be rondo Ilablo, you will bo taxed for the purposcy.for it I. n partof teo. 1aw...0f haying the at. bridges evor the Monongahela and Allegheny rirers mid Making theft free. pr Midges coold not be built at I..resent wives for 000 than 0100 million of dollars—their owners, detentes., would not 6.11 theirtlor lats. Tan yestly expellees tor wetchlng, 11 0 tateg, ropmeng, taxes and insane. ea , too bridges, is not leas than noose thousand dollars, Under city ' control IL would La doubled.. bloarce tax p 0 001 your thstriet bet would Wm his taxes IffOoflY 100fooS0M1 for this pangs. atone, far beyond the am o unt be Dow pays for occasionally grossing to Pittsburgh; ani then, toti, he must te. Make free bridges he may neverarose at all. Nor Is tills all. 0000 otribarked in the budge buelness, where will be the limit to ' mbar twenties along the 011100 ROI de. ' mend bridged—at Irwin atrOst.,. th e Point t r ipgettte doubtioss Will be revived. Vote yOurSfolf n Midge win become a party , pry, sod as additional debt of one or two hundred theresand dollars saddled on the taxpayer. for • new bridge by a mOllOllOOl ono vote la Mc Ormucils. If ou tillok I bin While Vitt.City..MX=lll f 0 yO S OI . 111 laibl the Way CIO tnilrosel debt of the city of Pittsburgh was fastened on It by the Conn• ells. Remember Until made puma Chat city 0001 Otero In Its government 0111 be Limb o:4l.M ono. In fact fretnyotir distance from the council chamber. you could rot I. represented at half too meetingv,. they oro always hold at eight. What ynasiblo In mast min you Intro in the weal affairs of Glal4. Pendes and other troinshiPt across Um rivers, or In Ilumlughilut Tern. I Mranottedle. or Last Liberty lor th eir *W et in your local affair& The wholo bust miss Is Melly wrong—tl will not WOO 11.1010. bation. A large majerll7 - Of t oo" 'l,g,htlare.ll,TLlall Ant howthe .toe s ltr name under Tstilch 5h:74041/017frgirtn' arttl f s Mlrj, t i t:2: o lo 7 T Mawr d i ve s t i rel nO.-g0 10 UM tpolla and 090 agalnst.l34 04,044, • CITY AND SUBURBAN. . FOtHLTII YAGE,—Theiudest and most relia ble Money, Oil and Produce Market Reports Oren by any paper in due eay, Yid befound on our /bud/. rape.. "The Ilentrl Side Iforongnn7 Under this condi= one of the "locals" . of the Dispatch ..10eS.UP." most effectuatlY, the boroughs on the south side, to widehke glees oat he paid a visit on Thursday. Heading his °bran/Woos one most eon• dude "Birmingham. South Ptttsbirrgh, and adjacent boroughs," afro .lathiOd uninvitmg places, health and Comfort considered. Be avers that much as bas Tors propdrly be= sald coneerning the filthiness of Pittsburgh end Llleltheny, the - boroughs referred to are "Infinitely wont , " He first takes ex ecution to the matter or grading, add says "that In some phules the grades are lasso and precipitous? that "there may be twn streets parallel, with not more than five hundred feet between them, and Yet, tas muse of tbe steep grading, a 'lsom°. ha s tO travel almost half a =ale la the one before he can crms over to the other.. Ile does not seem to Include's:sat Riming hstn, but, applying his remarks to litroslog ham end:Bomb rittoburob, which ho :moos: one remitter with the streets ot those bor oughs will not give the 14.-nsne. man cr.lit for accuracy lu his observations, in mingham there are no.pre:ipirons" grades. In ' stre e ts run Carson and Hine ham streets run parallel, and the few cross streets Intersecting them mar. be "fath er steep," bet not so meets se 02 2.2142 MO blue tramp the .inspotch man speaks of. Tills etretah Of Imes Minion outdoes ogreenhorn o In the •Vnimaritta darkeesc , of a Goal pit. rect/ince:al" Besidethoseitee e he says, there are p other tiLsadvsniaties gr ,!' ad... too numerous to mention.!. but expressos the Wind that. ogutiolls .nefOrei long have to alter: the itredes.:! aad sake'Y advlaffi "thenooner the bettor: , '2,lturallaw was tat; tt era not aLTettebie for the "local". to otraerve whereof •be wrote. Dot it was roil:need of him to "do up" the boroughs, owl he set to hie tank. It to a falling with come of the trait to ~ pitch !even all occesittea, aria the coal pit relventurer, In writing uP lira South ilide trip, at...tined thla induration with more than usual reckleseness. tie sympathlae with the smM:raiders in their—irratctiou, particularly in reopen' to thole flattery condition, to deptctedruir .. green horn." it-ar blur "Bat whet shell we say Cf the foul, dirty Kate ot the atroOts In. 17teerell Gf dhe Dos tliontialodors that arise from theheape of putrefied vegetables.] caber metier ersed• K h r ull(' teft. eey eentre a mber, the mound. ot dried earth and coal irabee, planted op• poslto the doorways at the residenut abort, of the hundred and e oer nuts- enrol alike disgusting to th o e eye a me nd green• else to the Nowa Can nothing be done to remove those terrible Invitations to the awful mount, which there is snob alarming reasons to apprehend! Where are the toot , eugh out horities, or does there *mixt no or dlmmee by whlch Lhu fearful nuisance can be tolugeleal" Soul holders! will toa Mt under this 0115. S'leg castigation.. :acme of them,we wayno. he streetd of litnningham may not be kept to clean on thee ottonid be, and there may • be some ill thy 040 e yards, bat we urautrairi that in respect to cleanlinefl, Itirmingtram will compere favorably 1.110 Pttlettete, /Meg brae. As to "Veep and precipitous grades," and hell mile tramps to get from one twaltql street to Ittotber, the assertion Is too ritlichlons for considesatton. lllsatalsi ikrnated. i;eoraii Printer, of 4an.llet4, Yeans..w.. arreetrs Ttursuay.llen) , lna. at We m01d..., d..., la com, Sharye,on • cbsrBO at bigamy, warrant bannff been 1.6,3.4 by Alderman McMullen, before whom an In. mformation wan mule by Iteae►tab Yo• e brae slater ts on* of the seenseit's • victim. It la alleged or toc: . elhooosot that to November, la; thesconeed.after an golnaintance of serails! months, married ~tater, - who te WO to be at worthy and estlmsble young woman, molding In the neighborhood of Wind's Hen, with her parent. The marriage watt solemnised by • Coati - AM clergymen in Cithearal of tuts tity.. ettintlyeaflela the rearm.. the vile hlatiory of the Mahe. Oeveloptet itself to **yet.n revolting to mention. 1 Is even alleged that be approached a physi cist; wee attending the norastonath rift, w wt. ith ages of • highs, would prim. her so that be might be rid of her. The father and brothers of the wife, hoarier ateisse Weis, Lodtgaant at the toretchea conduct sad. drone btu/ trona the promisee. loristedin h at te r' sai, the wife remansing at her • house, se whore owed. D earl y the early put of tut *prier/ Punter mat the dew of the We Colossi licLatal al the tome ova friend In Ail.. gLeny. Whelp be fent , . au acquaintance • hull won reezdttel Mt • wedding. in Mandi ;eat. lie /atom e• /4/1 %lay that he .4 et/- gaaela preacher to Afirpfteepvaes- o pet rota. he worriers ceremony. she wHh him tO • boom scram late fleet et bete they ftlend • men who prom/dig married thous. Wzl the, e tat at oned to the ledy`e house at Ilettateld,WWll th ey have 0000.1 054 since. .11 re. Metal Li, the Wet:eellnutile. owes IL conebletente quontlty of p. 000 3, mourned • Llgh reeiLlOs to liel comusualt.y. .04 WA a Wally Of lerreral cnll.ltos. The first wife an 4 her [item), hearing of the see end warriors, the brother cane be . fore Algeria. Nellestere and mad. Wor ms/Pm as above staled. a. warrant was Wetted WWI pissed Lll the Ganda of eflited Uaualle arpe, ad and m pr _ he .:needed e arrest. The Thursday to , erle thaccent.) rite wee !retitle with eurprith and grief at the Ansel:. and refused to believe her he,. band's perfidy. abe changed her mind this wetting The prisoner was lodged /a the toristanutil yesterday morale got tieu be was brought beMna the reagisUale for • part iel /scaring: At the oftlne helms 00etreeteIl by both the women Wheal he has ao Welly *rouged, sad both detailed their stories. The Wife, on. bowl./ to. true slate afel 00, ea put forward by the Int, thre w Orr her allegiance end now express. oer. sell *aglow that the prow:mathoa shall go on. Tee prtmiter. throe/hoot the Uniting. malstatued a 4e.11001, demeanor. At the concloooo of the bearing, In delaaltof one thoutettot dedlara b.. he wait committal tot • further boating as Titeaday nett. lie nye be will be able to clear himself Of the charge agalmt tom. es the tear. mar. One wee •seWA,Lho pence whO lee eerel2ll3ey etither • clergyman, teeELIWIWIe" woe . other person author tord pstform sut Lett . ..thy. Ho le ablleil thirty years of age; Is of rather fine persestel appearanceottul to well In eu haring latesi t anur the Orto,amea loskeneseeil easy addrua L 24 rilMaindAY smooth lumens. • I ***** t tiswws .(told. Thursday afternoon, at Qe bouts cr Joh. Stout, OA St. ritriCk'S allay. Eletth ward. call/ Iliad suddratly and ands: clr samstadras which rendered sou Inquest new wary. Is Qs tlplal6l2 Of 11100. SO