13 PEE. XL. DiCEIELTZ, -MYR IND BRO ; , Wooillt., near corner of Fifth. Government Securities, Gold, Silver, And Coupons, • iteastit mad sold es Cbershivesta. Drafts sold en the Driven:nal apes of JAS. T. BRADY & CO., - 13ankers, Corner Manilla & Win) Moen, BUY AND ELTA ALL YIIIDS or GOVERNMENT SEOIiIiTHES: - Lhe new etervtritsg lois the arzw 6.2011 GOLD DOD or Isom, .All other late., Including In root list. 8-20 s of IlleA row 4 ..73 • 510 Ma. sad COropoood TO ,HOLDERS 7•30'8. Saving as4o .P•tha . ....aitn.ata with Jaw C7c.carAs Oa., an yrroared aawrirt 1 , 44 , • Ist* Fla . • of UAL Asead• es 11/44 ter Delivery. IBA B. - MAY & CO., • 331611a.13..eret. - mum romda AND ANIVIMELD ere. 7.30 ESCONDIS • 001TVZIMILD 5.2011 N - 138,1366, OUT =LIMN. irm.,ki=r. Yd 1 o.t . fi New ROBIN ON BROS., N.. voraTs Imam. tijs pittsbuio etairtie 41‘1...k0 .1 , kii-I3 Oman of tie Prrresawas Germ 4n, W NANICBDAT, Auvut 7, 1887 j • The New York stook quotations today. as r teseltred by Mr. P. H. Mertz, were es fellows: 0.141, 1101‘g lilghty.one bonds, Ill; Five T 1 .oUea, 1,0 . 0 4 1119:i Flys Twenties. 1864 11014; rive Twenties. 1140, 111%; Consok, 101%; 8.080 Thirties. 1071(,1 Ten Fet tles, 1112%. Sleeks— Erie kallroad, njj; Cleveland m Pi tlskanch. WU; Masao and Book Island, 108y,tChlea8o and Northwestern, 47%; Chiesdo and Northwestern preferred, 11%1 Fort Wayne Rallread,lo6}“ Mlehlpn Southern bllls/4 New York Central, 103%; Seedlag, UM; Winters. Vol.. Tehwraph Company, 463 j. Mining shares —Corydon, 1,10; Quarts Hlll. 1,90; Gregtory, 6,401/Smith k Pus. melee, 2:lo;Qclekeliver, 37X. Closing NstrYerk quotsUone reeeirsal :Imes T. Brady k V. S. Mx* • '' 1609. 11164 /11166 "Como'. AUg9e.l4os • Janet4loa w . 31 1 110 N, ••• Yn 107 .1111 y Deo. Oompousuls, 00 ki • =2 —The New York Dally Bulletin ties the fol lowing excellent remarks on the Goons of the meant bask Wares. ..The can of the thusalls Dank failure el , forte Soother example of the erect. of the aye tem now coming Into vogue of paying Interest depoetts. This teed. almost Invariably to led rt i os " ibld ral 6 . .1=11 ' 41N hir f titfr " ltitt e . •••1131 per cent., am in tile el. Of the Urradllla Book. Ore-Our., no letiUmate banking bud. nem ean_pay this amount of interest in the or =voisdltlon of the money market. and It mkt fir extend much sympathy to the Unadilla depositors, who tell victims to their own cupldity, Tbe late failures illuattate the ehlef defect In the irretem of National Dank.,, whlth offers faellillea for the estabLtaliment of benks In dl.. trtete where they are not esaentlel to the bus- Wass Interests of the almmunity. Den. es tablished wan ewe circumstanoes are Always weak; In the absence of local buineaa they are Insensibly led Into .peculation; this, however, Is by no means a neceseary sccompanlment al our system of National banks. 7n due time the concern, that erenot required for local trade will disappear. The soperlimus banks an being ellmLnated. and perhaps the proceso Woutd.be . accelerated by an increased stn. ...you the part of the Banking Deportment Weshtngtoe comblued with •closer scru, Uny sod watchful.. on the part of the pub. Da. The majority of our banks are mound con cerns, and ere shove suspicion to all their ft- Isms to their hug.. and management,• hot the great evil to that there Is Occasionally • bask Chet newer ought to. bare bad may eats- Jac., which lloolly brinp discredit cm the owhle system. The sooner the sepertisoreln oas go Into liquidation the better for the sounauttlty at Larsen -The New York Stockholder, of last week. • the fohowlug to retard to Express stocks. - The transactions for the week hare been large, on a rising market for all, even Wells rm.. Of last some 700 e tousle fo. some time held by the trustees were thrown upon the market end sold at 07 to 01. The melt. which stood thts euPP/T. end toes thereat.; fell somewhat immediately alter. • W.V.te ..'as yestesday: edema, tateirs%; Dotted SW. 6,105 Wellerargo, erts'are. Dea.- togs are still active Of bierchants , Del.n hot trifling =oasts an offered, and the whole hullo! It ...ems Armly held, This indlestee the hoe of the recent rail great confidence on tho peat of the ekarehoulers. This company mew to be steadily gelatin In public favor Triaesruloge of inne and duly, much beyond the estimates, ere in exams of Dime of any previa. month.. The added Income, soon to be mallsed from the People'. Dispatch I.lne, the tlemp.yis feat fretght anent ur et, will add largely to the rewterces. Arrangements for rigid economy in all particulars of expandi , tore are sow perfected, the extrthrdinary es. pelmet incident to the starting et K. Tan an =attendee being over, ted the mmagers. In. deed Of engaging to apeculadons affect the market price of their dock, seem rather to be. . busying themselves In making their deck OM. liable by diligence end anatomy in the mane,e• meat of the badness. —Tba apply of seamy le still euperaband.. ant. Loth. are made on Government moue. Um et 4 per twat., And the leading dealers La the latter are, 1.. etheptith al them enabled to borrow conel&mb— —ma at 11. r. The general; rate on same eat •.ala is per cent, bu t . houses la good credit are offered loath at 4 - The somata of iv =martial paper seeking dis count le tight, and all the best Is discounted at legal rate. by , be banks. There are as pet no Indimtiona of a continued outward drain of corns.;, although some of the western jeer ed. remarked about a week ago that the es: . change wrte tarring In favor of that section of the =minty. home rantittences were made _ Jun theo on amount amorewool crept but the . redeem carnet to breadatoni has sot yet la. end when it does It will be gradual, and several weeks mart , elapse befcra It can non . thy material influence upon the condition of the money market at the east, beyond an ad mom of perhaps 1 per mat. In the rate of M. terom—Palla—Laraker. = Lamm Enrroas, How knit will therm*. en* atagnatioti contmuel is a question deaf • Wed. We thlnk, th e only'oorrect answer 'Malmo refiners atop shipments. We "found in tome a neormay for etopplog works. Mow much greater the need now! with a greatly diminished stock of crude one an advance of nearly too per cent. In its piles, and may about in•nor cent. ad- ' vane, m peened, and with the certainty Of tow at tho present prices, oft to 6 cents per gallon ana the alarming fact of shoot deficiency of spot muds Dolma named soon math a goal fall bulk rise la the Allegimay river. Is it wisdom for met push off our oil to tko east taster than vessels are put nn to take lit Tim moment it ix known we have Manna/ prices will react,uln telly. Tenth , fifteen days stoppage of shlpm•mts 0111 N. vaneetheprioeot - 01l in Philadelphia al. least one dollar per barrel— The reports in Jane of Pittsburgh refiners stopping Ingrained the Antwerp market from 37 to 41 francs in tames or four days. lArerpool from Ito lied. PbWdelPhia front:ill% id H, ali r rgr before e • epotr4l var it active at Lhasa's= as cow. very dull. half protection slicand induce us to hold back ahipmenes. We founaon the trial that Pittsburgh has a controling influence on . the eastern markets, sad, who. W. . 07 Dates most xo up, if we will only follow nor wards by action, up they will go, and Probable to thirty-Ave cents. Ititriame. • l o hltheleljalsla Oattle.Msarket. Prar.anetrata., Aug net haute.—With • falling oath the receipts of about MO head. sa compared with those of the previous preek, the merged has Preaeleliat improved, but et/11 the volume of the Dodoes. eoatinuee on • moil. rate wale. Notwithstanding the belief that paces mut ahortly take • downward turn, farmer. are not 00.11710 g Reward their mocks. Dees W common The mese belles inovement them our last has grads, on which Am advance of 90, and in many Melee., folly le per lb has twee realised; Was of 1100 hew at 1. QIN per_ pound for choicer Ilysqlege for prime, oh. ibr common. A. - lot of West Virginia steers were taken at eyaattle per lb groas, and • lot of Missal* ft "ham per lb, groat. No lotairen for shipment. spew—Duvete have been coming forward bowl and the otietitMu 01 MOO head were liweelvfn mem of tne demand; Bala at duo per lb, groes. liogo—An inipmeed demand his prevailed, luCei mare taken se Diet eh the, arrived •at gl itt,4o per iCo *De net. soconling to oast. pta,l,rol head.' Siele Teals D. 7 Sloggis Macke& rilypelegvona theplitabarrii Omen./ • New Togg,Anguat I.—Dry Goods trade le beginning to assume more animation. mu , tunlarly In woolens, although Um Market Is still farrem &CUM holders are very arm and all low 'priced plain cotton, Loth In blanched and brown State..ide lending reward. Standard, yard wide, agtren Sheeting& aleady; four yard sheetings are now held at Mc. Bleached geode of trotter qualities In good euppiy and steady, het light II to 64 yard goods are 3 1 r. firmer. Goods r ike the tunnekeng now command 001CMP1 °Otto= generally steady. Printed Canons in limbed. request. Delainaa moderate data. 4. - L . New - Vora lamas Markel. • tpx•riosrapit to the Moberg Uasetle..l Nem roam, Acton 7.—The tecedpne: sf CatUa as Hudson Ulty Mono Monday were 2.60 bead. Priam are -401.0 lower. best AMAMI Je6f4 14 ,4013 e: ordinedy 130. 'neap andLamboiremptso ma ,tOO head{ pri Armataillabt eaaee. , , Cos Maass Callas Markel. • tef~Ttiemcdfo We aolltsbargti Gantt* 1 cameras*. August 7r—beet Cattle ostpu, 67d moat there are large supplies nod Prlirecare DOo lowest extra artXoll, lint mar be Cesielorit eatele Market. :OV .T.legraDd to the rittsbarab Ossetia.) - oxiesso, August 7,-Beef tattle are. very doll see levre4 10.15060 for the best tiris t stipple'. foes ective and y at Wialf 07 for common to best , es. blowy are active* L • . • JAMS D 4LZELL & SON, 69 and 70 Water Street, LARD OIL BLUDWACTURMI • • And dealt. lo OEUDZ. LIINSUCATEUO and CANNON On We walwat esr No. 1 I.od OU ;good t e t h. beet Cloetnnad. oUar 1 0 0/oa. Drown bob" roninnetl or Mean, rates. Onr lare 0 0 so • Lubildator cannot be aapoued. Duet Creek LatancaUng and standud brands of Ceram ou eons tantli on nenel. Nerenzete 00 mann Centerers 0111 fad tt to oar were. the W r it as • WI before ordering Lard LW from the W. PITIVELIS6III ausxsrs 071101 enr nin PITTIINOROMOLIZTTZ, VirimISDAT, August T, 1814. Th. general market. present no new amt.. teelmics worth* Of special notice. The de viand for all of the leading articles of trade continues very light, and a e a consequienne,we hit•e but eery few round lot operations to re 00rdt price. ore still tending downward... s imam' thing. GRAlN—Wheat to qelet and, if anYthilg, sheet lower; sale of ta each. mime Onto Win ter at and GO bush prime Allegheny corm• ty lied Winter at 52,15. Oats in better demand and in limited supply; we can report Wee to lb. trod° of about 9AI bash at aOtrrts*lnuttl advent., for small lots in store. Corn in dull and nominally nnehauged; we continue to quote at al. Small mac. of Rye at $l,ll--ions buyers refuse to go above 51,11. Nothing do ing in Barley, aa yet. , • FLOUR—The demand outside of the etty ' (silks off materloly, and More long • we ex pect to see new Flour coming Into this maiket for sale, by the same avenues that fora year or .0 past hare been drawing It oat s and that,too, In large qualltitles. We continue to report mall sales of Choice Old Spring Wheat and new • Whiter Wheat brand. at 1111.00,211,60. Fancy brand. may be qboted at SIQUI, and 'Rye Mont l• quoted at $8,11) , Okto. PROVISIONS—Baton Is quiet but without quotable• change-12%4:M. for Should ers; 10,4teLPie for Ribbed and Clear Sides, and WWl° for Sugar Cured Ham.. Lard is dull and nominal at 13e, for prime kettle re. dered. /dna Pork, MA. POTATOES-,The supply continue. largely in none of the de mead,' but prices are without quotable thaw; small sales in store, at $2.00 per barrel. GREEN APPLES—Contlnue to meet with a Maury demand. and we eon report regular sales at $155,50 per bbl, no to llumill. EGGS—Continue very dull, and !rest, nuked were offered freely to-day at lTy, and but few buyers, even at that. • HOTTER—Prime pall and firkin Butte: la la better dement', and we now quote the Market strong at 18e. steady, with .tegular aslea at laQitc, according to quality: OlL—Lard Oil 0 Oulet sail iinekanged ei Ma for No. d, and $1,05 far No. 1... ILLY—Is telling it'aealas at prices ranging Irma 1111053 pro too. rrrrenusun pEruoz.Evaasinurr Orman or Tin Premeuxwa CiAiWrre, Wan, r.aoak, August - 2, Oslo CRUDE—The market, althoogh quiet, was arm, sod compared with ymterday, Prices are a shade higher. sale of one thousand barrel. to be delivered on first water, at Ile. Spot oil is not in very attic. demand. but held firmly . and may be quoted at illfal2e. For the loot font month., buyer's option, quotation. may be fairly gives Cit llfdii3.s. For egret water" eleven cute May be regarded as the ruling price, against lug yesterday, and 100104 on Monday.' TOR Increased firmness may be at. ttibuted to the improved character of the ad vice, from the F.est, but as already : Mated, the traneactions were norm:tally light, REFINED—The market for bonded oil Was dim and more settee to-day,. and, indeed, to. witnie evesank, there seemed to be • little ex citement. 'Spot oil, &Rhone, firmer, I. on changed; but the last four months, buyer'. op. lion, eines at an advance of tulip one cent per gallon; teMlrards ekening there were plump of fer. to buy at axe, and weedily.= might have been obtained. The axles were: Ito We, 1503 each October and Nov' Rik 8000 " 000 Relit., Oat., Noe. and Ott.— 320 woo " . r .111$.. 14, MO . ' " ~, .... 3234 C 2:2 " prime thcht straw to trtatp—Ao. glut I.lle OIL 22121.10 22.11 T NT J. V. L L •••• • • . Wlghtman a Ander..., 910 bb l reflood to P. Wri.ht a Sony , Forsyth, Bro. a Co., nta do do do to W. O. Ward., Phliadelpina. ' Lookart k Frew, WO do do, Philadelphia. Clark k Sumner, Sr do do to ?. leright eioa H.H. BFram, 00 do erode, to IV. Lincoln a Co., Boston. 0.. , ., Jones, 112 do reflood to F.A. Dilworth aCo Philadelphia; um., 43 do do to W. P. Log. Sr Bro., Philadelphia. Bow York Prednee IgarkeL Illy Telegraph to the rldsbergb tlasetie.l New Yong, August,7,-Cotton scarcely. arm, bet priors are uneh.gedt Sales of RIO bids. Flour; Ileoelptaßil37 Dbl. the market Is dull sad deelinlogfor new and rather more steady for spittle Wheat Flour: sales of 6,101 bins at $6.5067.40; for superfine State and western; 47,6:47,50 for extra 'sestet,: S 10,00011,30; for choice do, 10,10Q10.60; ship -13,C00110 (10.10011,00; trade brands. $1,500 new St. Louie; Included In sales; 4103 Mils. low grades for report. California is heavy; MO Obis. (m001a14.50. Rye Flour Is flrrn; sales ot MO but, at 4a,1540,10. Whisky Is unchanged. Grain receipts—Wheat, 10,- 613 Om—the market is 2630 better for old; new opened heavy and closed rather more steady; Fetes of 41,000 be. at 11.70 for Ito. 3 41.93412,02; No. " do, Val; No. I do, 5tM1112.20: new amber. State and Georgia. 0,430453 for new whiteSoothern and 32.6 0 for white California. Rye I. Mom active; Wes of 10.503 be. at 11,4114 for W.W.I. Re ceipt/rot 07,1 W Mt. Corn and Rio re ark et?“3o better; 1111,41.0 bit. at $1.130L15; new mired wester., 61.04111.23; for unsound. 111.02431.04 for kiln dried, and $1.13 iqr white western. closing heavy. Bee/Opts WM On oats and more active; eaten 61,610 ha at 741 Me far old western ;Ole for fie. Onto; sellers for August 730 itioe :Coffee On. ear antler; Cuba 11141:12c.: lloiasses Bons quiet. Petroleum qtget and declining. at-1 to tor crn4e; rifi=o fOr 11E11401ln bond. Leather *Wetly. 1100113011 sad heavyitale• 13R1 lbs at 450170, for dommtle gem.. Port heavy and lower; Wes 6430: bid.at =Me 11.12 for new mesa closing at 512,67 regular; 1000 ol d do; 1110,73 for prime, and gr 3,73 rime mo ot. neer dim; ules 210 obi.. Beef hams dull. Bacon quiet. Cot meats quiet but muscly:ales IGO pkgs at 11011140 for shoulders; 15140180 for horns. Lard heavy and unchanged; sales iffi bbls. Butter 0t..041. fit 11413 a for 0510. Cheeses heavy. Freights to Liverpool eager. 3,000 he corn by steamer at 0.4,013.1, and ikeon wheat. Larger 5 e.g.—Flour closed 15011 e 'ewer for New, and very arm, with a fair demand for Old and New, with rather more export annuity. Rye 11011,51111.4001132 for Western. OM.. Arm,at (6(1040 for Old Wmtern, 0043010 for new (ado on spot, and fle "eller all this month. Corn dull M 11.1001.12 for •onnd New Mixed Weetern„ and 111,0501.10 for Co. Ammo do. Pork firmer: sales of MO bbis IIess.IIW,CORRI for oath and regular. Beef unchanged.qquiet 11,000 .Toleti elurgT. =Olll . , 13%01.1% for fair to prime Sta... and 12%01354 for kettle senderud. El=l (By Telegraph u; the Pittsburgh Usastoi.i S. Loma ...august 7.—Tobacco active: lugs MO: common to medium leaf 13.60.111 Pao. , tory dried do 03014; Mien sagatl; black t ;r c iir t ri •12401121; good One bright loaf al et rity , 3o, with none to be hod at these figures. Hemp Orin, at 41.70611,00 for prime to fancy undressed, tutid, 0,1.0€12,,93 for abates dressed. Timm • shade firmer and in fair demand, but • prima unchanged. Wheat Arm and ne hlgbart spring $1.20; fair to good rail SUMP 1.834; prime and choir. rod $1,9301.97%; enolee and egtra choice whiteVW, ..W.,Paticv *2.1001.11. Corn buoyant and higher,at VG -1,11.% for white: 900 lOr ye ll ow, WPM for mixed. Oats opened Arm at Legltrio, and aimed at 4:01.1c. Bye grater and nigher at 'name. Barley scarce and wanted; no sales. Provisions doll. Men Pork ral. shoulders 124 e; ulcer rib sides 14 , 40. Lard 1215013,40 for clime kettle. Whisky glplol staPAS for free. Itseelyta—Ylour 2.410 barrels:wheat 10,337 bush; corn 1,447 bosh; rye thl bush. L cioessaast 'Market. [By iottgespb to the rlttsbuntli tiatetto•l CIICIT ATI, Augun I.—Flour stendy; as octane. $7,2307.75, extra 10..."-01,71; family sf/X40.75: {Vilest (Wet and firm; No 1 red prime and &taloa Bentockr while. 1P.Z02,3 , .. Corn active and In deman pm. advanced to 90c, dosing oatng 1•1111 001 d ;. Jere at this rate Cato advanced to Me for No.l new; demand goOd. Bye dtdl and dronOloßteloinno at DSO for No. 1. Cotton krt.:2oSo. fix rold Mine; not Touch offering. Whh , k7 nnetuutgoa. Provisions firm and etealy Out not amen doing , beyond goOd Jobbing EMI. Mee. pork $73.11. Bulk mamas lle for ebordd era and , 130 for rlaee. I BUM; 12!,4C • olabouldere. 140 for sides and 1540 tor clear indee. Lard. 11546. Butter , 1843180 for Ohio and kart -n for western reeerre. Cb nee., dull, 11012 e. I.4neeed 011 doeltted t 041,70. tirooonea unchanged. Cof. fee 12049540. Bogor, I'lollo. 0014, VAN buying. =l:=M! ENT Telcemen ha Minoan.. flaratte.l Owosso. August 7.—Weather clear and warm. Dour Is quiet and unchanged. Spring 'Wheat ie firm.° winter Is quiet ,and be lower, with .ales of No 1 red at 10,10 Mai No learning 01, 1.90. Corn opened drm as isolgstNie for No I; subsequently weakened and elmsed eedieeec,' Oats sr. dull and nOMlnal 01 NIUN. are le Ens P d k a e x mo g e h 0 1 100 Saegt al,e 'roorm N . o. laMd 1s nominal at 12;4o. Itecalpts-4,Geo barrels door; 41.000 bmbels wheat; GI.CCO bushels men; MAXI tuishele oats, and 11,40Olead of bona ellipments-3.1103 barrels Notiry Men besbele wheat; 151,030 bushels corn, and 0,400 bushels Bata. ==i3 11:= Locumlat. Aug. 7.-Sales 213 !Inds Tonna co and arm l logo 03e4 common to medium 1111617..'11 mantanctortoin t 76. O _lP Ol -, doe floor, AO.l now at 1110,00. Wbt" ~ 42,. 1,3 Corn--abelled delivered aL (Pate— now bolt 014014. 21ma p0rk.529.90. 1100.0 .—shouldem .124 c; clear Maw. 13V t o packed. Luc—prime Um. 11,%. WMany.-raw bond POO. Low nananng cotton 9401 Woo 900 balm M== EBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gantt.) Tor.eoo, 0., Angoat 7.—Flourottlet. Wheat reeelpta. MAO bulb.; White. to. and Amber ac better. bales of former ell: to 1 *Klee of the latter. not to *4O. Gore—re oMpte 903 on9h.; market active , and la bet. ter a 414 0 2 for No. 1 aeff TM tor No. 0. Oate— mwumited. Lake trelghe—ea az% for Wheat to-Oswego. P ileasking &a to Dutra°. • Milwaukee Mikes. ter 'retwarap4 tone Mamma °suited Mumaraza at we° for chola, attn. - Wheat doll and lower at 11,91 for No. 2. latta higher at i`to for No. Y. Corn ertn; sales of No./ at Ire:, lieeeinta— bah flour, 10,000 On 'wheat. Shipments -4,00 bbla lour; no wheat. • PlilladeSpells t o y Tdoyeops to the Pittabehth 43•Zettc.3 Phtn.hosz.rmh, Ahhust T.—Petroleum that Flour steady and Unchanged. ;Tacit teady; dew rod 6473048705t01ce Obie ligeventr:c6gar. "...Timm. 0— Broruseils Market. i Telegraph to taa frarbcrso ciareUr.3 ' Alsorme, Angsurtt—Cotioa /m co y lones 47e. Corn 0001,00, whole. rang. Oats, arc. 110 .0). Floor onclione l' arX ,2 Sacco; dear doer 1 pliatielat Matters In ffew York. ==t2 (Br TokVords to tna - Pltuborgb G.etto.3 Nsw Tonic, August 7, Isol NOIGGT AND GOLD. Money market easy and Steady at 30S Per cent. Sterling lower and beavy at RetgavN. (told ► trifle - higher, opening ►t 11054. de elirdnit to 140 and eloateg at 140 k. OOTZISS.SII. Government stocks more imt.tra and • tba.de firmer; Coupons, 1161, 11% do, 1.9%; Mg; d0.1tt , 4,110%; do. In% do, new. 305...fd Ananat 7-335, 1073 r; Jame and Ju ly Maher and somewhat unsettled during the day; elosing dull and a little heavy. 5 se r. Y.. prices—Ohlo Certificates SUM. Canton 55 4 ,4351:. Cumberland 304337; Quiet eliver.=s4lSsi%; Marlins 1001 n%, W.tern Union Telegraph 40,,M101; Paellto LLall lge.40118%; Allantle Mall 111%0112; New Yort Central loStAelnsy,(; Erie 7150471%; Hudson 1A6121‘, 4; Needing 105%010%; 411ml:dean Central 110; 111.1ehlgan Southern slang , Illinois Central 117% . Pittsburgh 95410.%rt Toledo 1M,012.1. Bock to.a tu234 Northwestern 4712474; do preferred, 71%671%; Fort Wayne, /00 , 461.M.4; Paw l i 57 %; Wanneell 51%; Now Tennessee es. tin;. .1"1.6 enaan. Adams Express, 735}671: Americxn, 7:P3 75: United States; 750.4 Wells. Fargo a Co.. 67%1261!{: Merchants Union. 1O 17. Mining shares are depressed; Gregory, 6,23; corydon, 1,10; Quartz 1 .154211 Smith Parmlee,s,4o; El DOrado - ,3,5)02, ' 5',; Davidson. 1413.. anwralastrav IEZZIPTS. The receipts at the ElubTreasury t lay were 43.t ,1 7, 0 17_11MYruenta, 61,:10, 164; ba nee, The Government bout half a mutton dollars in coin to.da . The ehlpment or' specie to Europe tOdeY wu =l7 $7.000. The Cbmlncreia/ sap: It la reported that t rztr cable alepetchea are le town trona eellthe s' lll!TlV:: W l es t t oMy m a i j e al l e , quarter. New °dolma 3lek Per. (Sr Telegraph to the thttsborsti nueste.l Nays Wuhan., August 7.—Cotton le tlrtu with sales ot 674 bales low =lifelines at em. Receipts-10e bales. Exports-67d halos. Loulsiasa Sugar—stock light; there is Only ; local trade; Cubs, lair to prime, 1554O140: LLolussee,4005sit. Flour is demur tntble oices, a11,37:41112,5 0 , and choice, $l4; Chet is newer, withsales at 111.05411. Z. Oats, told soon se landed,at 111,15. rork,aalu were matte at lIMADCILS.62. Iluott shoulders are ln good Jobbing demand at 1355 e. and clear sides Inc. Gold, 140. Sterling, 152. t. 0 154. Sew York Sight ExChange .540 gra- MUM, BRIMIo Illartset (HT Teleeethe to the Plettherth liseene.) BITTLLO, AUlinfit 7.—Flour steady; sales of 6,000 Mils.. a1G,00810.60. Wheat is doll, C. lots orNo. 0 Chicago at aI.W) andpew white .Michig. at ...M. Corn. .11rOUn. cited and firm; sal. of :0.000 bn. No. s to Izell western at $l.OO. and Vl,Oin bn. do. to stelae, $1.00;.209.000 Dn. rejected. at Oabilrai tier tin. Oats, Ihmloy, Mess Pork. Lard and fileswinee are nominally unchanged. enints—Wheat. 10,00 tin Corn, 55,010 he, Oita. 4.000 be. Flour, 4.3 41 tans. The abb. manta, were of hciLl3,COO bit. C0rn.44. 00 0 bu. Dililmore Market =1 Caviller's.; August 7.—Coffee; Cm dull; (tack large; the mat tot ravers buyers. Flour easier and _nominal. Wheat; lower Md. declined loft, better grades 3e. Corn salve. ranglng 41,16e1,21. tor white, most ly 81,11; yellow 41,L3. -Oats; 75675 e for new; nu:elves, large. .Provisions Orin.. Bacon ac tive and unchanged. Wldsky quiet; to bead W;51G2,35. I =1 (Br Telegraph to the, Plttettarch Onset... Darsoir. August 7.—Flour scarce and to p"od demar.d at aII,tOQU,T.S for white. Wneat steady anti in active request at 12,17 ror w h ite on spot. and SIRS to arrive; of amber there are no receipts and prices are nominal at 41,0101,03. 1311P0814 DV ILLLLROB.I). Prranclsen,Fout Warta& 11010a.0 AUg.l5l. 7.-3 ears ' Iron ore, Shoenberger & Eltate; 13 Mrs wheels, DI bloWhOsney; 1 car wheat, Verson & Cht ;10 les dry beef, i Sellers; 64 bhla 11e0e, Haworth, McDonald & Co; 3 can staves, &CP Adam.; 1 caddie tobacco, Campe, Maya & Co; 60 bbl. taghwlnes, S hleCrlckarc & Co; 50 by Cheere, W M Clarroley; 16 do do, Vangooler & Shepard; 15 do do, Kleltpautek, Hro & 60 to de, E Hearletan; or do da, Shelter, Spenser & Co; n; do do, Shields it lUncher; 3 bbla eggs, AsGerwlg & 0o; I do do, W 3 Steel & aro; Y bbl. baeort,l3 . ltea Jr; 1 cad. die tobacco, J 8 Dilworth & 0016 bat cornmeal 16 do fend, J Illnkle;EP she corn, S Newlnyer & Co; 58 .k. wheat, Kell W. Hitchers:l can corn. D Wallace; 60 hall bbl. gab. Arbuckle& 11, Co; 15 tweentllltroi, sou dour Shen:Laker Ss Lang 2no do de„ .1 13 Doe; I ear wheat, J S Llsifett & Co;t ear earn, It T Kennedy;! ear rye, &enc. dy R Lothonp• 100 bble Clour,Culp & Shepard; 100 bbl. none. ' Dan Wallace, /11811 PITT.Clert 12A11.01.113, August 7-31 bbta 'crap !rot.) Moorhead; lost of Oat. Iron, Nicole& & Cot= bloom. I roo.Park 11e..42..C0t 51 do do, 3lalln Ilartanett; hides, G N lioffitotts 1 Po tack...) T Patter son; to bbl. pot ash, bleKee 14 lits; 10 Md. to. bemeo, 8 Ewart d Cot 20 do do, Atwell, Lee a a Val; e ems iron ors. Bryan & Comber; do do, Zug & Cot 11 DMA copper, Tbilldwe; Boo Ira moll, Carson. Darllngtou & Co, It bole. theme, J Daub; 1 can brio. Anderson, Cook at Co; 511 Mot oota, 1 bbl efl., Graff .1. Itelmr,• t ban rel. m01t...., J Conner, 1 bbl. etas, T Jen. kins;ll bbl. spoke, Petro. & Arm.trom; 10 bbt. appiea Varmorder & Shepard; 15 tot bat.. Id Stec/ & Non; 2 this .trap.. T Johosont 1 bbl maw t bo do J Henderson; 31.1 sks corn, I eat whoa', R T Kennedy & Bro. PITTSBLITAiI, COLCIEDCS t C 0r211,11 It 11., Atmust 1.-400 Dbl. Wallamt 100 do do, Haworth, 3telloosl4 & Co; 13 Pkg. V. 1.... 31 W Raskin; 4 ads storm r Merkle; WO Md. flour, owner; 1 ear corn, Scott & trumu I car bran, P Sehott; I do wheat, It Stewart & Co; II bbla Door. IsOah Dickey & Co; tO do liquor, A Glocknort 11 tows Mamma, E. Edatund.un; oks. tobacco, Smith. Johnston & (:o;. do do, W Llama; iOO boll flour, W 1t Kirkpatrick A Coll bbd tobsoen, & I) Rinehart; tOO bull Dour. Srghstyer & Voakamp; P.O do do. Sho. makers Lang; 2 bbl( roes. D Kyleto oil, T Neely & Cm 20 aka oat., W W ae•MA; 1 bbl en.. Volgt & Cot 44 do do, 'W Mathew,: lot spokes, etc., etc, Hatton & Co; 1 em aura, Dan Wallace. &TATOU - MT Tatter RAGA.. Accost 7 "All busks peon, Is Herron, :5 do' potatoes, 4 do onto., J Roataley; • lambs, J Rotas ao; a pais butter and egg., J Llcrlrt% do do. Mr. uwfs helm;ls ears raltromd Wm. J I/ McKee; Ii rolls lunar, Geo LI Alialreol3: St do do, W Y 31eL000ttllo,• I bbl eats. W H Strkpaanak Co; 3do da...Tolart & Co; 3do do, pk.o. butter, lot sundrics, I 1 Graham; I car