a El EC 13 LI DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Wholesile and Retail, at WIC SEMPLE'S, No ‘ r,lBo rt 162Wederal St, ALLIGHEECY. C/TY, PA. Plain Mk. k Grosgrain Silk( Dross GoOdS; • . Poplin Rebel, beautiful designs; White & cora Counterpanes Table Lhielas; Towels aim! ToweUngs; Tickinel Jaime and Cwalmorea• Opera ylannels; Heavyriannels; n011e27. Qlores Handkerchiefs; Shirt Fronts, Notlons, &c. EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE, =1 Lou ; na can be Found baenbeie, OM W3l. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., azt,Earmirr err': REDII I CED - rIIIOES I *MITE GOODS. HANDIUDICHIETII: LAMM. Pal mut imitation: LLCM COLLARS AND.IIII=3: HOOP MUM; • HALWOIIAL /HURTS AID • OLOVV.S; HOODULTi OXNTII AND Lunn. maDzawzme: GENTS. PUHNISHINO 000 US: tOLIVIZAND SHAWLS. • • BOILED GOODS AT HALF FUT. !fit aei . limwy &Ws il Less tin Cast! Behan Manna Wont oar stock down as low as trace Wk. ln sing oolowslon of thane. .d• non to ow present store rooms, we will cedes DECIDED DARG4IJIM9 =23 HST RECEIVED, 8 000 TOM, MEM AB UN rallE, ilta , P=4.l . l . dattratho atudea and sate. FIALIOISLZ, botrt% tout. at atarcrscrviczirs pstczs Bpi HORNE & CO., 17 and 79 Itattet Street. MW4IO , LESALZ =OMB rr tSTAIBS. 5 , 000 PODNDS KNITTING YARN 1 JUST RECEIyED. iltrabrairMaTd*r_Dlll DRAms,_ j - - OLA../ . ... liftc4l , ll, i DOARLKT, . . • , riohar.. 8i..U2/2 LTI,N. ... . MIN., • MA DO 1!"1' W1X113., SUEZ r..• GRIT • • xuazicantb warrs. 510 Lai ARIERNAN ZEPHYR, a R7l aim - malt 0f..10n, for,SHAWLS. BM:NUM, HOODS, ite. HOSIERY. AND GLOVES, GEWrti TURNTEITLICO ' GOODS. WIITZ GOODS IND LINSNIS. JACONET BD INWS Amu CUPP& 3Flroda9izoisel Prioetiot zn oar WHOLraLL% tiareanxzwr MO De found a WI 111. atIITAPLa tital3Ds. NOTION.II aboll ZaNCT 0001" to .13 tea ara mg ado mea t: , 4.T LOW Ma Ilarataata, P PRI Cll2leddlers sad Dallas geasa , ally ZaT . =tram, PLTDE k Co., TS & 110 atAXKL7 mist= SELLING OFF AT COST! 120,000 WORTH OF DRS' GOODS. Navin ouanul armor VRIC fiCK)1111,1105L4.111 :NOTION AND OA/IMT STUNT.. a: •b. I. oaio BTHEICT, corner of tOe Uourmoaa, AU tOsay City, tray. tooolvo4 to nett oat tat wool stank et D=r IMAMS at • . . No.. 164 Ohio Stree • ALT COMP! • •. The nit Ira I,I3IZUM . Wondat. July 29t wee keep on tot MUT DAYS OHL T. .A. 6 ints_lnin_onscdd slur Cu db. Mill be must. +ST VW., Tid. 110 Was; sing, _ • Great Bargains still ,be Offered !, Th. stotk Is surly .11 led ; 00.. M. I' tee. opened • yaw sge, ana es sonsdptad.o 111Arittretlerr . 11" " refit% Drees deeds. Cassliierely t • MIRO, di 9ffi GINDI Poi EIGHTDAys 0111.T—BE1A TX KISD, 164 , 0hte Strut. r a l atia s ß i nir s rll w iSsOs daali -; 7 ' S. C. HESS. • Joan OPENED, & CARLISLE'S. ato. 19 riffle Rena. RICII lAD MirtIAOT 07 AND ' TENSES. vast caur. or LAOZ COLLL AND STISCHXD 11114DICSSMILT.111. • • . aUrze =sown TULlUllattl 11181302 - IjAIILEILING EDGINGS, now Style.. ISENC33 comatre, sawAltspes. PIZILpIAVII Durum mum. 'new sum,. we OM Peatapeard toporlot lot of Primenade Satchels,• and Gents' Traveling Bags, OM"art eaMitY atta tee.. eaptitar style. We Men., WWI MU.= 1.11 O. rum tat at hogifattea Ise. ad Niisi ad buck Isle ckicacrvrmite. The 416 Star" shirt, Ano pl ktod, TIVIINLEOLISG GOODS. at LOW ILIILUSS. Wads al gala; nipEti it Law Mem MIMEO Sr, CM/LISLE, o cor. 19 Wirth 11111 tract. 3rt? WILOLELAJLE DIM GOODS. ABBVIIINOT,SHAMOItit CO., No. 115 Wood Setxtt. mro.jaai ope.lid a lags new stolik of imwrtuiall NT GOON INIIATIONS, 'WIWI MO oft: at surrxvic ritiam Jur; oasottlag up .kbald all at 2:1Cre..1.1.19 INTaciekalltrowt. I r. C. assuniserm:s. inuzirol4.4. '4.4 ENGLISH CEILNTZ, • . FOB Th. OF.EPri3, AT J. A..BURcIiFIELo it co's, No. S 7 Market Street. RIDE DARE DARE CHINTZ. toY I , e. mon] Tr, LIM NT CIIINTC,ISe. vynrth WRITE .FLENNEL4, MI Tikes mad ' irldan. LINEN LAW N& LIWEN - EIED EYE LINEN, LINEN nuras.s. ' ILLIN3IIOSI AND JLCONLT I CBLINtI. , SWISS MUSLINS. • STRIPED DIMITY. ritch. B 7 TlLKeimla.ot Otrooti atamOll . 011.1214_M te cCANDLESS & Ma Wawa. Carr II t wiiumukaroc DEALIRS 111 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY DODDS: 21Ita. 94 WOOD EITAELT, - Thud bout stare iSamontl PITTSBURGH. Pa. tpjaievr" . .l l2 42443aelff_l wiur.umsonos • DINING ROOMS, • .Bb. 86 Market 61., (Betts.= Basohd nod Third Stmts.) prnuownr. PA. The bane la nearly fartslabedenth sresellung that croaatlxasta • drat class Uttar Ilona& The a"s"t'l " V g i ' d 'OT the market afford. Wth Da •• eyed op at all boon or the day or shibi• LAMES' DOING BOOM, etoond 1000.. JO IL WILLIAMSON, PiroprietOG 4Th. bliteat•sarket It'=" of seam:ma/He no.. MB ES B. YOUNGSON J . No. 800. Wylie Street, !".I= 7 i nrllsv,Yarkirfr;N..t " l toe.lm • • BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, At the shave member. Fresh PAULO ClArItS. litlVienre " Arltrahltteritartt itir - siaPPI T IvVie PirM/ L lrgreeht, '" ,.. wise telt URSAIt, CAttlfoi end FAULT. - AiTlßEett morelf sad eteulhit, NEW tcr. CUE LIII thumox M'CUIRE. N. Ng nrrn 131111.71 T, _above Preillhaeld, or. amlta Dr. Clark's /animal.% Church. ld, vskall. SODA W/LTICa. YA14(117 ?SUIT. CONYECTIONEIII/. ie. affPartles .and private. famttles aappliod at short kolas and reasonable Lerma. NEW STORE. S. W. sze - corsmeLcurc. Conreetioner.Frult Store.Y. Bakery, 1 " C"" B"°°N. TA , ORDINAL/IT. Clive EMIT/MELD eraser, between my: and Liberty. ISTI2m9I/ o:JAs;vvr,rizi J. IL HAMILTON, Jr., Howe and Sign Pain.6r, No. 133 THEW lITRICNT. Pittsburgh. Graining, Glazing and Gilding ZBLTL7 rizzavrca ESi!iEMEMM Fr=3 == HUTCHINSON & HEPBURN, urn, EM Ai:Until • PEITIIS, GEAIBBB9 ANDAIFASIXBB. No. 88 PENN% 41.111:78161... Pi tabu • 111ov:en by mall promptly &Melded to. REMOVAL. JOHN F. CLULEY. House and /Mgrs Painter, summand to •Ho. 134 8433117LCLD - 81'.. Plttobsolty Ha., ml/11•17 • • ' Oorralta the 014 .toad. ROSM Ill•CORAN .720.11147 p. 'N . CPOWAN & SNYDER, ROTA, E2iff o EMMli LE il27. Se. 60.90rth 01d.4 Dlamond..lll.lagheny. CommentLel and dims stens mode to order. Ordeal reepectruny eollelted and promptly. en. *mead. Itized. raLate, Wladow Old. sod poet, ownstantir oo tiond. ered:l2l HA & CAPS. &o. STRAW GOODS, 808 SURER BALES; au, THE NEW STYE HATS, 10A BALE CIIT.AP. AS McCORD & CO.'S, .7Xfo. It3l Wood SEP trait. HAMS! HALTS! w. r. saurus—. .awe staaa. GRAHAM & BYIa At N 0.5.2 St. Clair Street, sl.o ass at the test bars ratan rtoslU of DAT% CAPS AND STRAW GOODS In Os atty, sad onscsatly to reseal tt laser, as mos as thee cus be •.es Saar, *mules glass to retaillaft. eaCniirvab. sartmes PIANOS. ORGANS, 28.111M•12.1r.L.162171.1i BA 88. ULU d; llosenosots to WALICKLIITS a 111131 i, N 0.1.2 St. Glair. St., Pittsburgh. Pianos, Organs, Leut lesslata Geo& oss,nll7. irSola Amu, for Um Celebrated BEADBD a..* York, 11.,,A SCHOMACICSD - & CO. Philsdelptts.,//171011. -• Au.; itatr.r C0. , 5 .007TALOZ,.. 4.1 - D. • H. W. kourwe "AltzllMClAlar , OIL CADS. widnIXIJIVIS PATZ...NT GIDIA.B. • ' The best Italia awl Own= Viailnaad Oul tfr risotto" ..I.r•ms bann. • • .110/5 V (BIM 1310111VALLEJOP Pi. •Ao. AFOB.--The burnt In tons; the omit, pror• teal; tbe most elegant tluisbotti wilt land in tut c longer th an any 0:11.1. Bats stack s j not re. .Wor axle at lass than tunny brlces.. OBABLOTTZ BLUBE. Fifth greet. Kola Ainnt tor Knato'r Plan.. Stables Bros. Pianos. and Yrlnces Automatic Orton, an' p wirvivg:4.‘ ft :4:4 MONA/ MOLLL.ILND 7 ,,...• —LAN= L. MITCILIC.a. NORELAND & MITCHELL ` . Livery. and Sale Stables, 4.23LIIINSTY STREET, Onottte Tcsakspranta Eatimad Dews, PITTSBURCH. Ni•PArtlesla attention paid to ttcrtivllbj Ream sad Canines far !unseal.. ' • Moran tap% at 11.17. Znylvril ••• U B. BILLED. Bazaar. Livery tali ttALZ erf AISLES. Ater. imitating Underterttre kloOs Or COMM ao., at tbe loreestatee, blare:Latently et. bead. CL/10031 rilltXT. teller.o emery andlleamta streets. ktirsetegtma. Hones. tlerriseoo end 000 Hoe d. for tare. Wean. tali Carden, tali i 0 Mediae.. ter YOoOral. Harm 90010 ixren theWO. &W. Mouth er yeer..satt atteeeed tp tit best tuazzer, Private_ o=llles tentle_bet! with ' U V= eelr opgln H ell:s k rge v .g7 nrs. wmpre TOBACCO. CIGARS, &o, JOHN ,MEGRAW, yayppettpe.rKratslrbilente am 84.1.1 D.sler In all Ilscht Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, iscr siciascri, oprissfzerr. 4.4,17.%.1'417—'2"tf,°,2".14.3"'"•r,x1 EXCELSIOR WORKS. R. & W: JENKINSON. =I Tobacco, Senfr, Mars, Pipes, &e. WIDICILLLex.. ALLIAGIUINT. MANHOOD; DOW LOST SLOW SED.—rart_prbllsno.l. In • alg T art7.9llor OZSTIL A Lorton. too' Amoral Trostolont Urn _FrAOltalAntr . o . r npermatorrbo, or renanal Wurzel.. E 4 lexattldswgrz„,qlr,7 4 , le. 7l... rett b atsl'aiLM.4 t:=r 4 f41.4. ° :Z=i".1,1741., 00 .2.:t.111 . , atz eon. or two tartrrOA , ..o.. 1 1 74/114 , 411 . . i t. 0.-0,41= 41rde!nkcap 4;4101:OAP NE:W 114 . )01E STOIIE. - Union Sabbath ilehaol Book Store. Ty 92.l . ...avvrphlntb &be m Llbr. Vl d LtgorgL a siati r : rifd " ., 1 124 " 41 promPUr 141.1%4.1.4D the 4ans i t. "4"n 173:4nre 113 ?Writ Ftl;l.-i;vg.. A IL ENGLISH 1< Co., I yjrgOe EIS Fourth Street, rgiarig r a cl ig, CriNAILYII 4101 M Alqi,Aoamoruto, exaMLAlN t ift . ra123. 41. = 2 x 1)1219_, TIUNEBY ociallirttAti Wilde °At fie giftsburntl (skrttr Mooting. o [jibe Alltigheny T empe yp ee Low.. • An StUOUICO.I meeting of the Allegheny Temperaree League was held In South Gotorann Methodist Episcopal Chuzeb on laaL T.d.s. night. The is:seri:taw were opened with A:aging by the dud; *ad by a PraTer from P.ev. C. Luna. , The Preamble toad Resolutione which were laid. over from last meeting. Wtar some amendments, were taken up undreamed on the Ilmd pessrge of the resointioniaernarks ro made by ker. Timmons, of Tamales.. Puy. .A.• G -. ItherSor, Dr; Trevor, Dr. camp 'bell; L. B.E/stalk and Others, en of whom tealoutle fevered the passage of the Lens. Dr. Dale made the most Promti . " murk/. faring bit own esierlorm° " Ithrsinlan In came where he woe curled. end vote fervently to the young to keen them' selves tree Dom the Mee of interiaPortom. pi fermi :the ern au it estate In society, Ind strongly %truing up i n on t h epeople to be in ouncecaretul end untitled.rT:sfaidllffmT Meer Man Who will Data Let Uglier selling. mn ....... nnn effte stand by the the end touching apnea ••••• geed Muse. u l .. o of n i.. l ..,. eaticenj in tw o ftg a .frZl.P.r.."_St mum and tellieg,of O th reT ti to n rfA m . ' th kW 4 in ' rn ' dos end resolutions to- ISlOnstrum. were P. m. ' " n° f 7, ~,FlJolinted to meet It Tie muting the t u r m,,,,,gester Station 31. F.. Chuck, Ohio Tuesday evening m u at belt ocio,k. Pltrror wing preamble and rearnritlona pus:.d at the meeting, as ittientioned' Wnsss, At the last mm of our * Leg- I ature font different nets ware passed Is rYtuLtmß the 111n0r trafne, all of which are In acme of their provision applicable to and in force In this county, the Ant W ing a emend art for this County; the mooed supplement to the old law of leeti the third a general act to enable the pollee onkere tolreep order in the Jimmied homes; latlng the fourth a supplement to the law rem,- sabbath slay lior eelling. As to the special Allegheny co qu unty act, rte more Important provisions are the following, via: It Manua the Meuse power from the Court to the &larder County Commission er& We coo 'Peak from experienne in ay ina that Ito removal from the Court Wu a proper and desirable memento. It is also found to to in fruitful aource of revenue. In force only elate the !let of Alarm, and yet applicants have already 'paid Into the County, Count Treasury to the amount of elf: Wuceitii. LIM after list of applleationa fOf license have been published in the daily papers mut Tuesday, inly Md, an adver tisement heeded, seventh list of iplore times for' license to sell Noon., • Clerk e meal& Of July, 16U7, used In the s once, In which mid advertisement, there aro thlrly-Ilve applications for the city of Pittsburgh, eleven applications for Alla = 3'cit twenttseven rep t llijo ir n in fo; other townahipa- and boroughs, snaking in all seventymine applications for Mecum in' this seventh list, published In Bald paper, and, Was/Mae, Tllnfcightfhl increase of plume' where liquors, ales and beers are sold rills upon in st 1013 time to appeal to the good pooete of this comity to take some notion to put the barrier of publics opinion upon this cancer, which In truly upon no AS people and which .Ten now Is eating neon the vitals of all that is Christian, morel and good like the destroyer which sutoth. at noonolny and etalketh about at, nigh rulnio the fair hopes di many of our hearth mama, carrying m its track death, poverty, dinettes, desolation and crime so that in our mutat on Sabbath as well as neck due, drunkenness 1. more visible now than It hu been for years past; and, I:Z=li W e e lit ' Vito U c l i rtni r tc, °°. & P lr% 01- o aßh pen no the number of Maces from which WA terrible macula allowed to tiptoed upon us so people, wound be es, jut to thele humanity, ma to ourselv net to take some means call• upon all the good people of Allegheny county to take part and to take ution In the matter of patting a stop to this great, enormous and fur growing cell, this cancer that is consuming our people. Wherefore be It - Rendoni, That we call u ehrea all the peopl of Allegheny comity to bold the wretch e .. ed rum.° derived from the lathing of licenses, now enormously greeter than at any other time Slate the mgiusisatlon of this county. which will do us no good. be. having it is the Price of blood, producing death. crime, poverty and desolation, Resolved, That m a christian people bar ing a right to peace, pros De:BY and tenni nem, and a proper public regard for - the Sabbath days, and feeling the evils rummer. Med are really doing great Injury to aa • people, havlng respectfully asked of our County Commissioners to miserable with Lis at this edlournmi meeting, that they now give ma statement of the trightful Increase of plates where liquors, ales and beer are sold, and If It to In their power to use any - means for iMnpreseing their !norms.. lksolved. That the present. Increase of • integument, crime, povertys:id desolation call. smolt 94 LS a Christ An. community, throughout the whole countrY.th urge moon all motors Slid rt church orgen er trations lot one united effo, b Pray to "God, and faithful ta y bular with all lined people, to promote In aLclaues, among all our populations an actual eeaSing Of the use of intOsicatirddrinlrs. Resoiml, That the noble Maud taken by the people of Tarentum, aim, by the people Of the late borough of Manobester, le worthy of all commendation • and that we hereby cell upon the people of each election Ma cau to remonstrate agalnat the great in. crease of intemperame. Easolved, That tia a Tempermes /Amine, organized for the benefit Of doing good in the midst of suffering humanity,. we eat upon all the Teetotal and Temparthee or ganizations, of all names ant creeds, In this good copse, vii., Divielons of Sem of Tem perance, Temples of Donor. Lodges of (Mod Tempters, Quints of Temperance,' Grand Council of Temples of Ilmor, Daughter. of Temper/moo, Lbuthmes Chapters of Tamper ante, Chapters of Fidelity . Allegheny City, all temperance leagues. societies, de., throughout an this county. that at their nut meetings, after seeing the ptddleation of these proceedings, we respectfully ask of them to take up and pan upon this imansble and resolutions, in order that the tone and temper of puldic ophdrin may be pubUmy expressed; also, that ads he done in an few dui as possible, and that they plihthiti the rena me m all the papers of Atte. ahm , Buot=lat i colleetiOn be taken up to moist the offlcers of thin league In mus ing lid e preamble and resolutions to be pobllohed and scattered Into every Mime and home In tun county, by pubUshing ha newspapers, elm Injoamphlet form, should they lee prOper to 40 so. HlrmingLatn COMMIL The regular Inordhly Met Lug of Binning. ham Council was held lass evening. The following members were present: Mews. Schwarns; ZeIIIII, Welker, It:in sets, Wallace, and Burgess eallibury. Mr. Ballsbnry stated that Mr. Fret* had signed the article of agreement with the borough in reference to the prejseood'oa tenslOn of the sewer. • • • Yr. - firemen suernittod - Iv revert of the borough eittcers, which be bad exarruneci and found correct. Mr. Welker moved that the Burgess Do Itutructal tO oolleot the balance Joe for raving end curbing Unintthner• Mr. Weaker submitted • plan for eqdpn. the elein leg Liberty eine*. In h =V,:I ui - thouccaurch Fro poseaTiiire Oiraie - B r. Welker moved that Conn MI meet it. 654 o'clock r. Woos um/M y. lb body. to examine Liberty Wee. Mr. Walker Moo submitted a ohm of the Propoeed eve., the rower to rod bode? the ad..Peot, Of Mr. Chambers. The plea was opted. A number of ettleene promoted i peti t= tor the analog of Cemre street. Se. tarred to Committee au titreete, with Dower la regard to railing the thralls. Mr. Wel. her rerported that theatreet Cothmthtee had proposed' to the Plttetrurp and ptrmrng hem reseencer itallvay torepany that the borough would Itordthl the grarel, provided the Company would, foratert the labor. On motto of Air. Welker, the hay wale. In the Diamond waa referred to the Market ....... A number of citizens presented S Peti tion for the removal of the Chief of Police for oetloctof doty. • • • • Mr. theism mimed that It be referred to the PollezeCommittee for Iremstigation. • On motion of Mr. 7.011111 the gradLor or Liberty street. between Washington and Carson, and Grosvenor between Bingham and imique. were awarded to Patrick Yeah lug. On motion Of Mr. laelluaino, the purled and grading for said otreeth were awarded to Patrick WNW. On motion. kir. Keating wu showed until September lath to Knish guiding, and Mt. O'Neal - AM the /IL Or NOTOMbar to MILO. p.112115j. A. number of bills were promoted and warrants drawn.- • • The Solicitor proposed as ordinance com pelling partiesprocure wishin permit.g to lay water or gas pipes to s On =Mum of Hr. Imams, it woe referred to tne Burgess and Street Committee with power to Imre It corrected and published. On motion of Mr. licilwaine, the nuance Committee was instructed to Ineatlsta for a toga of two thousand dollars, lithey deem It necessary. , After too transaction of some unimport• luithosineas too Coaucli sdioanied. • • 'Tie. Alec. Atesinmon la Trouble. • This Pittsburgh "character , ' WM been in Steubenville for setae tinny - an/ concern ing Mtn the Kerala of that place thus speaks: "The well known Ilistiop Stevenson, who has been sojourning here for some, months past, laboring, he says. In the MissiOnary cause,•bu been getting in trouble of an exceedingly:disagreeable cherseter. The Bishop, It appears, left a wife In Pittsburgh to whom he has been Married for fourteen years and came to this city, representing himself es &Ns/dower and as a minister of the Mood.. Omen h is stay hero no bas preached rcgalsrly at the Market or Court House every cabbath afternoon, In a scull inspiring manner, almoet saMemat to muse the very genes to. rise .1n audio, asminlit ilisk cease of Thep and the =tights wake of sinners. Satan hoo toot lodgings /mu at choose of not very enviable repute in the southern enburbs of the city, and supported himself by soliciting subscriptions for the missionary cause, of which no represented himself as agent. The preaching and sub scription paper bath passed along very well until Thursday evening, when a new actor appeared upon the scene In the forte of the Pishop*s deserted' wife from Pittsburgh, ammo with a marringe certificate, data a belga seam and a *pouter years She made complaint before Squire Juakin, what her husband, charging him with breaking the 'Seventh Commandment' and other little eccentricities too numerous at present to mention, bums, It to Ilan the Bishop's cony family arrangemeata below towo Were MAl:treed by the presence of the outraged wife, who appealed with pathetic torthernens to him to return to zlile hoMe. TheillihOp quoted Soriptnre a/ a