The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 08, 1867, Image 2
El Ca3tlit, —. al, trtilth VAT S.' IC67J' Tar RENEWAL OF PlifilliliDAN The President is resolved, if no:,ible to teDIFIVC General SutnitotN from the; command of the railltsry district of t.:,rtis;was and TenltP, and .olsilus the to do so in shine of 11114 441)4,e, (at ekciared in' the express terms of the Constitution,) of Counnandsr in Chief of The Ann.; r I Navy of the. United States...--Cu the other hand. Gen. Gnzavr takes the ground. that,, under the late tupplonental Act of Congress, the ells erotica and power in the premises rest solely ink himsers. as General of the Army of the United States. in this 'opinion he is supported by Chief Justice. CHAIM and by Brigadier" General .11..str-. lase, his Chief. of Staff, who has the reputation of being a very able lawyer. The supplemental reconstruction act of July expressly -declares the true in tent and menning.of the , Act .of March 2d. 1367, to be, that the Governments then existing in - the Rebel States "were not legal, State . Governments, and if con•, tinned at all, were to be continued sub ject in all respects to the military cont. menders of the respective districts, and to tie paramount authority of Congras." "Section 3. The General of the army of the United States shall be entrusted with all the powers hf suspension, re moval and appointment granted In the preceding section to Discrict CoMmand. erg."' Nothing can ho clearer than that this sechon Invests the General of the Army with supreme authority over the admin istration of the laws of Congress in %dose rebel States, Congress alone hay: inF paramount authority in the promises. the fourth sacton it in declared that "It shall be the ours of ouch commander to remove [font •ottico.:as aforesaid all perstris who aro, disloyal io the govern ment of the Limiter' States, or whci use timir °Metal influence In any manner to 'hinder, delay, • prevent or obstruct the ciao and proper administration of this act, and the acts to which, it is supple. Lundary„" • • - • , This is precisely whet General Sunlit est; slid, and for the doing of which the President wishes to remove hitu.,-L, ut General Glassy, under the expresi ere conferred upon him by law, as ex pressed in the 'third section, quoted above, cannot , permit this Co be done without a violation of his own duty. Perhaps the President thinks that this is not constitutional law, as President lin- CiliNAx thought, there was, no power granted'.hr the psnstitution to coerce a rebellious oe.ST se‘vding State ; but be then as Wiley, it. Is very certainthat the., Canstitutiori•does not authorize Lim to I necide upon the constitutionality of anY act of. Congress. His busineis . 1% !d roe that the 'laws arc faithfully executed. end it:Cootitss sees Proper to make an Citra4611 6, 17 IrOYlSioll for an extrnor di_cr:.r mecliesey, and clothe certain offi cers with extraonilnaty powers, be has no 11101 . 0 rigid to . InterTere with those in 'the ‘alticharge - ilf their duties 'under the law, thane he boa to enter the , ....bambt.i . or the' , Baprems Court !sad dic tate to it as to the „discharge of its appro piste fauctiona ; 1 1 The (lotus impoied by this law upon i the G' , -netzl • Of ttie limy and those under his command, are extrazoilitary. I special, definite, and extraordinary ; and the law, in express terms, excludes inter ference front any gander, with the full; free and unobstructed discharge of those TEE NIESIDENT construes the Office Tenure Act to provide that - he may not remove at pleasure, any office holder whom he appointed, but may remove t o pleasure any office holder appointed by any of his , predecessurs in the Preei deney. Mr: Svenrost woe 'not appoin ted Secretary of Washy President Joni:- arcs, but by President Luscorm. - Upon the accession of Mr.. Johnson, after ,the assassination of. Mr.. Ltstcotav, he re. quested Mr. tira.170.5 to hold over, Which - lee has done up-to this time. •It is : anderstoor On Nll2l. cue ocecasions, has differed from the President as to the best course to be pursued; thoruch he basin most instances done what the Presideiat desired. This Iraa'fal infelicity of his subordination. Since the passage of the Office Tenure bat, Mr.sleaToti Ina naturally stiffen. ed uP. ile liar felt'llat he was some thing more thane clerk. to the President. licr.ce he has asserted his own views with Increased strengtig as upon the propealon to, temoie 'Gca. SnEr../DAE. This so incensed the President that be resolved to be rid of the contumacious Secretary. Following the customary course in such eases, he signified to Mr. ST:t::^2ON that hts 'l,`ilguation would be "eceptable. — That gentleman, teliaring Mt, to he fully covered by the Office Tenure rufdses to gin in hie /T -4 E-drain.% ;.The President has now but two choices, either to let Mr. STANTON remake of to fbieibly eject. him.. The iatar choice would be In keeping with the natural violence Of the President; but, it is pnesible, he will 'listen to ma tures counsel. - • Snycnst, DOTS A.oo' four members of the "National Union State Central Com mittee," wlitelr :Own the /01rITSON ma chine In Pew:l3o%lunit, had an interiiew with the President at . Washington. Forthwith rajjous contradictory reports .rwhat . .irasplitsid were sent over the coautry. Incommenting - onthe subJeef, we staled what these conflicting =mot. Wore, and need them to show the nareli• , ability of most, accounts. from the Nu tlonal capital. We are now in reehipt of a letter from the Chairman Jot the aforwAld Commit tee, complaining Of our remarks, end asicatig as to cagy a :bag article from his r.cwspiper, Ito D etilrNew, relative toff the intornew hi question. Now, we ea tena Mr. PLONthog a.- a gentleman, and nheuld be glad to please him, but cannot di what he asks, for the plain raison that'; Isis maids throws no light on the matter under consideration. It commences by toofesaine that dll sorts of rumors ate 1 ,...d0 - at.toucbing,tpipacire ,and upshot of tbfk.c , ,uVerantlol2, winch Is precisely what ,weetutod;. - then gni.s ori to'tell how dis• inOtreztvd utatnnets of the aforesaid Committee are, &lad how :patriotic the Prewldect and winds up by refusing, to make any statement as to what the Contraltteswautml. or the President ad vised. ~ Whentavil• Mr. FLANtr:AIi shall get down from 413 stilts, and detail what actually tram:pin:at, we shall gladly print, lila statement,. provldedwo flail it of any •• SyAtExarra kiwi been taZde idtheSe. columns touching the discoiery of chain Missouri, in large quantities and of sa lic,nlor.qualiV... Them discoveries have led to I:peculation ihat bids fair to rival •the petrofeum furore in Pennsylvania • three years ago. Will the people, never .learn whidomin ouch matters? Thou, sands ofluen and Women ...lost sums of money theycouldiil'aford to spare, by reckless adventureida reputed oil lands nod socks; for every one that came out wtth a handsome gain, leg,ltimate or fraudelent.= brow - there are all properties ,on the market here, at' moderate values, which ore so' productive that thirty.alx months aco they would readily have coma:l:wit,' many millions of dollars. Cmnly experience has sobered the judg - meats of the multitude as to petroleum. It it only that theymay go all the cralder . 7r crerford county Mr. .lionitow B. Lowits, et Diu primar) eleitinu, dis tanced compi•(itur, D. C. 21cCox, by,i,E*7 vats; which was more etes tluta the Colonel received. McCoy eves mined, up !A the Copiresiional fight .for Congress last " year, lad now - gets P' o 4 : Jr:tifl IP lL TAHITI'S TL.. Fit, , 6.11 •,,' C,'"''' :wtc:nnot of 'the thr.eitipnl ;1”1:;/ per hind the riopet ninidiut to, necordteg to poi u'.:rior.. Bete are the -7: , • L.' Ne . x . Trlrt . .... 4 , 4 ' , 6 ,, i 3 el At „. 4a 7 LI at 147 - • `-';-` l . rt , Iza , 5'7 •1 it 1 - 1 - 7 1&14. VOL .... 1., it; 1-S *1212 f 33.11 1.1.11[5.p h, 1 131 1344/ 6 431 tri 34 t . .l4st l m 1 144 13 5 15 Li 12 134144.1n4r1 . 4).... 1 4 1/ 13 31 11 . 43 13 14 1 Gh1.6:30 ICS 137 , 3 31n 92 69 9sn Fri/DC.4Oa 1 - ID .13 . .15 13 71 1; 31 Considering, that Philadelphia has a much larger built-up area to watch, pave, light, drain. water, &c., than either of the other cities, the comparison is decid edly in her favor. Hide Weer a lloy—An orrinan nay. Lone 'rand Dejected, with •• so one to Care for 1111 m," Takes sitryehrdne, One of the saddest eases of self-des truction that hos come to our knowlege for Some time occurred on Sunday after noon, on thy opposite side of the river. Thos victim 'was a buy, fifteen years of age, a druggist's apprentice, with as fair prospects in life as the generality of toys. But he was an orphan, and felt the want of a mother. lie saw other boys loved and cared for by fond parents,while ho was all alone in the itting of a sensitiye, retiring disposition, his friend less condition preyed upon his mind, 1 and be deliberately prepared to destroy hi's life. The name of the hoy is tinny Tyrack. Wlteil about live years siege, his - father, who resided on Morgan strect,was killed' by an oilicer whom he resisted in. an ef. fort to arrest him. His mother soon af. , ter went up on the Osage to reside with sister, taking Usury with her. Be coming !our spirited, His. Tyzfick drosszed Ltergell in the _Osage riVer. -Entry came to St. Louis, and being without Lome aud.friends, was taken up by the polteo as an abandoned boy. 'Bev. Mr. Libby, of the Odd Fellows, aching the fact of the boy's :wrest men tiocce in the papers, and knowing that the order hod beat contributing mama for his Stipp t„--lkis father having been an Odd ljellow—procurcd his release from the calaboose, and had him sent to sshool. Two or three years ago be was apprenticed tri tho drug busines with Mr. Thos. Tanton, corner of Sixth and Olive ttreets, where ho remained up to the time of his death. Between Ave and siz o' cicck bud Sun day afternoon,lfr. Helmer, a fisherman, residing on the banter' the river, about i half a mile below the Terra Hanle de pot, discovered the boy ; lying on the sand near the water, writhing In con vulsiona. The boy had taken a bath in the river, and then,dressed himself and swallowed strychnine. Before taking the fatal dose he had written Isis name en the wet sand of the shore near -where he was found. The fishernian took him to . • his house and lent for a physicum, under whose treatment ilic sufferer partially recovered, but dies shat ten O'clock the same night. . Before his death he stated that he did not like his situation at Mr. Toulon's; ' that he was not well treated by his fel low apprentice; and bad informed his employer that he intended to leave him earl engage in some other business. Mr. Tinton reminded him that ho was an apprentice until heseached the ago of twenty-one, and threatened to have him arrested if he left.: Finding there- woe no escape 4'om his unpleasant situation, Henry resinved to commit suiedde. For this purpose he took from ajar as much strychnine as be could hold in one hand, and croenad the river on. Sunday be= tween one and two o'clock; A. portion of the poison,was found in hts pocket at the Woman's house.—Sf. Lou:a Dem , ocral. • = The record of a man's moral and in• tellecutual life Is written in Ids face, in etch indelible and striking lines ihat anybody tolerably well skilled lit the science of physiognomy can quickly and accurately measure subtle, unseen, char. actor. There is an old Maxim that "blood tells," and It does reveal lts. gentle or boorish, its virtuous or vicious nature in physical movements of the hotly and metes of expression, and also in prevailing and related ideas. 80, likewlee, character is perpetually strug gling against the bonds of restraint, and pushing oat into the broad daylight of actual.recognltlon. By a careful reti cence at the right time, and a sort of negative habit of life, combined with a shrewd management, a man may pass current fur altogether more than his ac- Anal value. But sooner or later, the muecles of the face and the speaking eye let out the secret of the interior life. ' It is a great study, these human faces looking up from the audience room, the social circle, the street, the car, beaming out an eCulgeuce of sympathy and good. ness, or frowning under the rigors of dis appointment, or Hashing out defiance and contempt far the sources of their discomfort. The young man who as pires to nothing higher than the char acter of a universal "bruiser," mar for get that his coarse psis:ors are all phis tcgrauhed upon his face in such a man ner that all dlseemieg people can read him through at .nlmost the first glance. We cannot 'sec ourselves as others see es,:' and that explains away very much of the impudence and swagger of the multitude, which peso for genuine energy anti life. If you would know more of an acquaintance than age . , occu pation, capacity and temper-.—if you would inspect the secret soure d where he draws supplies of Impulse and of comfort : along life's toilsome and dusty pathway, lonic into Ids face - and read the whole elaborate story of his strivings, Ids loves and aversions, his triumphs and Wharfs. .It is all there, locked up in fleshy charactersOn the folds and fur rows made by the plough : share of time and ton, Or: the exhausting stimulants of license and prodigality. We literally tura Ourselves inside out through the face. The loiel the composure, the passion, the unrest, the hatred and re venges, the strength end the weakness, the angel and the beast of our natures, ell collect and come to a focus In the face, and make disclosures which no magical arts can conceal. And _it seems to us that when the, great Apostle said "some men's sins are open before: , hand, going before to judgment," he must have been looking into the hypo critical faces of the old Scribes awl Pharisees.: Throughout all her wonder. lot array of diversity and magnificence,- Nature abhors concealment, and this ac• manta lor, and *tam:titles; too, the revs-. fatipas of chaituter shining through the human face divine. - Lllctn't neru(,•Nze It wealthy man of Boston, who owns a country re/Ad.:lace in the suburbs of that city, recently became - dissatisfied with:4 determined to have another, and instructed an nuctionper, famous for his descriptive powers, to advertise ft in the rapers at private sale; but to conceal the tocatioa, telling purchasers to apply - at his W.l3ce. In a few daYs ho gentleman happened upon the advc tisement, was pleased with the account of the place, showed It to his wife, and the two con cluded it was jest what they wanted and that they would secure It tit once. Soho weer to the Entice of the auctioneer and told I.lw that the place he had advertised was such a ono as Le desired, and hn would purzhasc it. The anctioner burst Into a laugh awl told hlui fast it. was a description of his own Intent where ho was thew - living. lie read the ad ver tisement Tin. pc/uttered over the "grim tty slopes,' "beautiful' vistas," I 'swooth lawn ' ' etc., and broke oat, "Is it possi- I blot Well, auctioneer, maks ont my bill for advertising and expenses, for, by George, I wouldn't sell the place now for Wets times what It cost me!" Tate lilaahallle./tess makes tbia state :sent: "It has been charged y the Prrai: dent's Bohemian corps that the State Got ernment has diSfratieldsed seniori ty of the males over tweut,mo years of age. This le a falsehood. Thera are not, at the outside, more !than 150,000 males in this State 'one ( tweatpone. This number represents it (population of 1,250,001, anti there are tot ED many people now living in the State. There are about 130,000 registered voters, and about 110,000 disfranchised rebels who are denied the privilege of suffrage, be cause it would be unsafe to admit them ID the bellot•bea. They do not vote be cause they have no right to vote." Tug einclegutt Q axlre Many of our readers have pleasant recollections of the Rev. John will, D.D., of Dublin, one Of the .Irish. dele gates to the late l'rettyterisn Assembly, in 'this city. Mre hear Mania has accep ted the pastorate of the Nineteenth Street Presbyterian Church, New York. Ilia salary is to be $O,OOO in gold, and he Is to have the use of a parsonage. The Church iecently dismissed at his own re quest, tile Rev. Dr. Rice, formerly of Cincinnati, presenting hint on his retire. meat with a tom sufficient to support, him comfortably daring the remainder of Ids days. Dr. Hall will be a great Sequlsition tcantericanPresbyterteet. ; as in learning, eloquence and has few A - New lAwe Trrt• Thi- English peport: of a eon Co. naontel iudisititatl earned tz , animpo, who, hawitlC become possessed with Q t .• notion that Ilia wife woo cot fa fun ffirlif she should he, rt Ardv.,l to put her love to ths le t. This he del in eilley in the aitie. and cor,,sl - where he. coe,Lne ellyet of the spectacle. Litre is the se. spiel : After awhile, her, diueli'er ease.. up alter a , :ii•pit. rope, 1. d esuJit a el:triple of the I suspen.teo *gere. She rin dc-i1 the st.,lrs, s•rJaniin4 "tor, snot! , r, ~her' :sappy lees bung him self." "Now for it," thought Felix, in smiaceutie, " shall have a tonelitug Yettm presently." "flung hint elf," he bew:d Mrs. Stanhope repeat, us she wallasl leisurely op stairs, "He hasn't ' got pluck enough fur such a thing or he would have done it long ago. Well, I believe ho has done it, howeter," she said, as she came in view of Felix's. rep resentative. "Moll (to the little girl,) think he ought to ho PIA down. You had better go into the — kitcheu and get a knife, my dear; but donit go down too fast or you might fall. and hurt yourself. Stay, I forgot. There's no knife In the kitchen sharp enough. You can go round to .Mr: Holmes, the shoemaker— he's only four streets off-4AI Win to whet it before he sends IL ,And, Molly, when you are iu the neighborhood, you can stop at Aunt Sukey's and ask how the body is. And, Moily, you can stop at the grocer's shop as you conic back, and get apound of sugar." "Poor Felix!" sighed' Mrs. Stash tie. when her daughter hail departed, "I hope we shall get him down before the vital spark's extinct, for these buryiags are very troublesome, and cost mar ay. He wanted to pdt an end to himself. J` o : and I think I ought to let him have his own way for once in his life; he used to say that I was always dossing him. I wish he hadn't spoiled that new clothes line; an old rope might have answered his purpose." Here si yoke, which sounded like that of the supposed suicide, broke in upon Mrs. Stanhope's soliloquy with "You confounded Jezebel, ni be the death of you!" Mrs. Stanhope, thinking this must of course be 'a ghostiy exclamation, uttered a wild scream, and attempted to ebeaDO down the narrow staircase. Felix, starting . from phis place of concealment, give chase.' Aim. Stanhope stumbled midway on the flight of stairs, and Mr. Stanhope having just reached her, and made a grasp at her disheveled hair as it streamed backward, the dmiable partners. were precipitated to the bottom together; both were badly bruised. Church'Etlqactie—ln Diemur:azo. It 1.1.1 , 0 d to puzzle als, ',fore tie under stood the orinin of the t ti,torn, to account for the peculiarly demean idea of church etiquette which uampol, s gentle -111:111 to step into the aisle, allow a lady to pass in before hint, stool resell himself In the most cumfortablu Place In the.pew. The European certaintrmust beat u lase to aceetutt for the eustetu CU the princi ple that the laws of etiquette are founded on the general rule of making others no comfortable ash happy as possible. But we cannot Join with the many who wish this custom, troublesome tiumnit it may sometime, he, abolished. It is a relic of the olden tune in America when men went to elutroh with their nmskets, !And had their children nod wives take rho in side ohthe . I,rw, so that they might rush into the last at the first s -real trout the watchman that 11.tilelmihins were near. ell.tent conies ja us with the memories of the trials and eouragu and hardships of our forefathers. It tells of hard.earm‘l homesteads In the Western wildernosi of teen and . women who laid the feandations of t. great nation among scenes which called for nerve. mod cnergv, and bmvery. Surely the press.- ervatfon of ttiii CUSIAM as a token of re sport to their memory is not too great. a bunion for their fashionable sons and danglums of to-day, who owe to them so much of their present .prosperity and wealth. The people of thglandtmdergo every form of mounvoldemse rathur than give up tfine-honored customs, and we laugh at them for it. 'We cure too little ter those things. The American motto is "Let the deal neat but? its dead:, A totter motto is Ma golden rule, "Do unto others ns 4 01.1, would that others do unto von;' how wilt It, be when we are amd.7—_Veir Pork Gar, DYSPEPTICS: I=l =MEM Do tot to Tor any longer wtttr Das Iratattli tate, Whet you Cu ho :trod to s few Asy. ly Sabis • COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE • The treat arra only vrehnonaton la , one Its! rises astlsfaartlon. bola Fnoteulc and ratan at FLEA'S. 11'H Drag torc. nb.saet luta flats any In 'seethe of one hendred nue. Si Ibis witnessed Wallah:l, MI" 8.1. • g.nt for ri.btrgb 1.11-I:Se3T JOSEPH FLEHZ.NO, Dry,uric% I= RESTORES GRAN or FADED RAID. and as • drreslar 16 exptlaDe • Stops Li al Dom Wures . klradaebe ErunDra Mary., of teemsm. wa The Stoat Perfer I Rafir Restorer .•London Tarr Hair Coinr hat toreff. ••ton non Is:rod...rd. Hue Color Neale rer.• oLondou Hal, Color be. 0 1 .111.. ••toneou &Id MM.!. Hair Co;or lostorer•• Hat, Co:or Rer,ortro ''Erndor ITA cloths El Dior color Itenorer”. London Hale Color hellion., "Emden with • halt skalr Co:nr ilettarer . • •• • •Lond.4r. New, 11 , 4 r. Ha« CoDs tumor.," .. coats a bottle: talta,re, Addren Ordej, (0 lit. iff Ay:4 E . & COIN, ehli&J•lpltta. ANItIP ' SZViT I atIiZIV4irckLIV . ; H. E. V•I.4ESO a Co. kluaborgh, kiJaa UN.LITT, .&4•52 , 3 , 47., tr1131)--1aW/• WHO IN HESPONIOHLE V . P,.:a of Call.lny, anuula upon:Lk:or your reehirn,s* No: yourself, you wilt ray, for you Cava 000* all you Foul,: Pont ton. r4at'a a Wu takoPr. your pan. Vol haven't int 11.103itT. mos lUTTEILS. rhavaar, .lasktptle, with an c2taay Itarcacb awl • werld•wra:y tact, or coarse ran dok•t Toccte.f ran:twit:4 for your own cor• totr.t.t. Bet you art. It to vary•a tte rota lout tottattlott that you haven': trtellll7sl= 7 / 1 1.11 Surrall.4. 8111 boa Uere e s It Is toe your fain. you think. IttNiue Vol yoc<m be : hfOt lust. Why 111&-!3• Tic t0t::::°41`4.7.i`2. an:4'4 tr r eg Win r i:r6e borstlng salt. eke este sta of meet, Os /n. no you aysatee the resposialbillty I U. no: Too taken pl-e • se snautee. sue all the aveula• II .0 ate/clog.. NVbat cooed you do more s 020 Olen morn —lne very Mtn, eve, ovoid leave en* Idolrom els the p..r.gA Mai Ouse eget ee/.__on have tense tsltd 101 171 0 0. Nervous invalid, whet have you be ray? Teo plead that you hoot tabrn all the.aerelues Ottbe pher-useopels. th ey have done yon to pood. 01 Is aot .bour fault. You are not reeporatele. Wrong. all wrong. You bare. ha realm, Ad. bale to blame hat yourself. 0111,1•0 you trlod Hob ClITTII•S Set all the O n e hauled esusoplatatu, the an tee. are obsolete spedaes. CUBE OF titsTEL.t. Melts, ; 1 mate ta thane yon for :your kindners and stheittec sus mien:mat of my dL a.e. foe srldcb / ealtnd to coma!: Yin Mme time 10 J..= uair Wt. )",:in 8171 rtmenibcr that I 141 • conipneMlan or Jlseurf, altlett gnarly ended In • terrible uvula, enteb I had been atrisin to "let alone" on annount of: a hamming reingh. 8111th 11 was le•red mlght hsttn oni my 1.e.. I knew that the popular mode of treating tn.- eager Ilk. 0440 0001. by a mining operatlon.: which, It sr:cu.:el at all, 'mead naturally throw tbo dlseme 01.00 the lungs or tome otter ylu.l organ, on amount of the mulelenint. at Igo mas.and tb* Icamedlato abort to a 6lsaauas •blen t was constralnyd to ge/loy. sras a BMus taryprorlsl on et 'nature toga nd of soaps more Md . condition In the system. I feel perfect!, &Waged that yrior antbod of treautotal, purl frlog to the mtem, and local appllcanon. to the Ostrdons puts muss num if anyralng could, nttumst' cottlok. which I end it dbl. Mid 1 am happy to report solltlt well In Oo, rel,/, sounder and bettor In rattriban 11..0 bad fur yeara. I sronla also ads Mat the Appuma tint. you ina.lo wore alcaon patine sr. 04 hay loft ma a new oulooBlll7 all he energies 14 vigor of restored t. 002111. Your., gratefully. J— ( Ooxsurs cOnmltatlon rooms are To. It)' Pc.. meet. 11.04 It. I(..uotll' 4 p. m. kbvVAb VERTISEMEIiTS: - Wit. 817T91;12.1, Jr.. Adams ATsprou Ofi , ftae, 154 15.17/180414.48 W wite144441 rent to ncr.4 Actrorg,r4mts for Ole G.LESTS'E, and nit cdroer gapers V . trovlsout L7l4:mil =Gs ROBINSON BROTHERS,. • 330.3alsorzi, . rorwrn OTHEST,Pltiobollirb. Comets 7-30'*. Sheol ehdrge. ilpda didnrd• TM:rUsTe. dodAastly on bum 41l ga. iacomr::;aes, And ire prrdnved to bayuid - Hll Ildltrodd Bonds or ticoel. Lank, Gas .nd Bridge block.; Son litVllMt"dt ifroiOO II t• lllitaver. , LiTerenuN Mercer and %. Iddidiidd • I atm ct !ow Time Ue.slta. WEVDOW StiADES, of all „ T A And et low Winn. wliolemle sod retail. b? OIL CLOTHS—For Floors. Ta bles. (Janata /a. Sleds. Windows /la , stall wldtha wad patterns, and of beat gaantri (gnaw. wholesale irldre.all. at as OP Wont and Ituda Bobber /Paper, 3os. 13 And 2111.11. Clair ht. • J. • H. P•II,I,LTPII. PELTING I BELTINOI—LentIi-. er Bel thee, of the beat tee ,„ t i t: i r , hinter. r ""ti t n - un a I " :etiirteee . Lau Leather and beStqlll au orr Leather Sad Iterate awsys oa baS_ At te el. rll.lalr.. ISO SI and flibt. OIW street. I . Jll7 . letL CLOTIIR:WEILY- Ztrn. periie d titi l ifsettva. l l4aegi raleirs, DS sod al It. OW, *mot. T A IEIO 7 WAPTELD,-.5 0,000 uoand• good. kettle rendered. at • far ;••••• k.tvgae. . LULA IIICILI•1 co. ,BROADWAY FLOYD." Ilai ear toad no w :mad& ftlitaarr A ' ' i 1 SS AY. - ATTGITST S. 1867: NUIV E mitEitEr{7,4 uuxrn END LENT CeItENT IMIE w ziten TRIM (rLur.clai.) .V6aI , NG, ♦ura, ilia, at tLe Hlbil 01 , :d.LT; ZIUN "K. to cuminetaca tl a 0 cau,lr.. • a ; 1.:9 A. FiNE MO BOOM FOR IN WILE! Nvrivhit, far de. 'did , ear., iih +i :"v, ir desired. Vetrell NO II it v rev ;yrt.l.P: shelved avid 1, ...vre 1 cm:piste. float Evilsira at • II O. BOSWOIII WIC mailer tit.. Lawrenceville. rot, PITT GIL CO.. ''24 Pith0 , ... , 11144 • .rir - mouoll. Aug. 7, 1,7. THE noAkin OF olitECroug FLp,r,\ ekl.Al7 r'grPn'irgttertonilf:WriT or cl.ra from ear rah thr 151,t, lost. 1,!7:dgl T. A. .1 , :_11.161,1T. TO CANT STEEL IEIA3IIIIEIIB - WAICTRD- A. mm WgLD ND DRAW CAST STEEL. Nose bat cOLTATZAT tots seed sprOT ALrier.o cetiptle, DisSlDfisiriorid Steel Worir. SlD.Torgb. PA GouRLAY SIIIRT MANIIFACTIMERS, 21 Barclay Eit..nearChurch a 331717 "linCiPrit32lE. N. h.—Frlce Llfft”ent on %Ptak-anon. W. I:. ALOMPLANII ..... W. S. UAL:IIP. ROWLAND di. LIABRIE6 HOUSE AND SION PAINTERS, casurtm IND mamma. No. GI 1111/101ID. ALLEY/DENT. bALCLIIINISO dope in the beet manner. I JIVER'S' AND-'BALX FITABLE saa YOU SALL, situated in a iloorlablitg town aearto Pi stalutrab. on lisle of railroad. flu he Itawl etaaelo of the males are r ave gitially Ra 'his b 11.111.1. u ersest roe to form rrmelo; nay lofts., nee ' Ler Livear be so l d Parton the b ol e of the sloe. sail be sold If de sired. A baTealu to al:fared. rtg 6' ! "" fr %%Ain: PO.. In Various at. • AIERUELLITEP LIVERY AD SALE STABLE, J. W. NICHOLSON. PROPRIETOR. II CTS. In RED 111 THIRD STREET, (Oppoalta Merthuits. Itotel:) t aa.S=4RtiAttZt, to ht o. rar- Ilorte.s. Lon D>l4 to patella. and isle of .1111te1,1 820,000 To LOAN, ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. OEM STEEL & WILSON, Prolos and Itatil tstata Amtl, I= orrscu Or V. TItIVINT Al 014 CO;rI,N t, 1,11, la •treel, PIiSSIM.II. A egOst LlJt, uer. DIVIDEND NO.. Tbo Bond of Dine ton of this CoaDan Late thlo dot &els nd DIVIIVEED OF FIVE I.IEII CENT.. rayahlo on sad after the 15th ton., at Ibis often. The Trani ter nook. will be elored trootet.lol4 to the 15th 41st. , faeloale.. WILLIAM 9VISLEII, Peeretarr can Trrucry, ALEX. PAT'SERSON'S ••••• . LUMBER YARD, Corner Chestnut and Preble Ste., State Ward, Allegheny, formerly Madame, l'rfr "teTarel""o/4FTf Ne e doadaretdrle4l:,liel ; - AMC Get Dry Ugh IlOards• a 5,0,0 feet4Al. Z aad 3 . dtc. thick. 1 . 1 40 3 .../Z.Youplat. I sad lucre. etc:, Also. Fire Tllaman CI.T. to lane or small laant - lt.ea, to oats parchasert. so :an NOTICE.—THE ESCDERSHIN xi" wow , . ronoOtniny Worn *tot, Meld. and Ito totblto itocerol Mot, prorstatoro to Ylnaaltte[. ' htit to at+ t tLlt of W" al "e, soloselllog Mel, Walrus. slot: of ue JElFlrlettlr, etc" 4T COST : Cooestitm of Watebtt, but., *ate. Pon., nem ablo Cotton'. 'Monty. belt. et Pzsesous Ittoaos. ltecalstort, Ereetti Clock, ate.. tato otth •11 teat t000litlog• of • tome mos it% of atlyor two ntott pl ate glats mow our to . ..rotor. trlth e.t.a row mot tee. •toct. v c r . rtigigtvggfe r aE;A: sr -rot-Woo. toreaT REINEMAN, EIiTRAN 8 SEIDLE, Ire. SO Firm ItITSZET. ESTABLISHED • Next to Baal Block. ESTABLISHED 1533. Uktl:sXll YITTZ.I)rr IF - 2211 Cliroaloa, Rot and Cold Water, de., it/ OrPortmcod sad print.: work., . • JOHN X. TATE, Plumber and Gas titter, 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh; and 69 Federal Street, Allegheny. ENGEM! AND GERMAN JOB PRINTING, Nesuy sad przmptlr EISEN, 4NDEBBO3 & CO., • No. 84 Fifth Street. 11101$1 CITY CCTLEAY 1 0.3 St. Clair Street. Hatla& Purthaaol of AJlllalttaZalts tha ecttro stack at tlaratrara Catlerr .0 Variety wo], at tho Oat* stand, It ta thee latent!on to ha.. had a list alto, dam of HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Boas. taloa Itrocovera ?Malt. CUM. isekla ttr4 l rr th lr d lle t 0 i nZ)6 7 1;1421 ti Munn, amok ' Selman. cutting Marietta and max.*, .4 moat a local and C.0e11191 Sump., at norms Salk*. W. 8. 8011iN, Kammer. t'Lovg MOM NEW AOIITU. •••• . •-tumufaclulnit A Supettor Arllele of Flour, 249 CLIOIrI 3iW NCTilti if Mt WAlob Ssono saffin rer,o=trand to the tradn and tot family lan. B. T. lIERIEDT A 880., I= NOTICE to CONTILICTOIIB. • • Cas AiZ=.4217.871.1%. leeted reoposate w 111 be received et this vane until "%IDLY, alto lnat.. at a unlock Po no• for the OBLDINO AND PAYING ttl , ALL/SEMI NT eiVidellE;troom Western secant to Frank lin eteeet.- • • Also, An the GI:LADING AND PAIIEO OE IFEAZIEAtIi ALLEY. from AiWhen, 2,11.211* to the MAncheater Ilne. • • E. B. ,RAN MS, City C.D.°lter. INZM EMEITIE 01111DEND Urines Dv tux PACIT:t A: lettattille'rlis- OnatO volorarrvor TUS U. b., .va.49Plttetltreel, Prilluolosit. August In. lOC. The hoard of Director* o f T/Ille PMTITIO AND ATT.A.terle Tir.LaURAVLI 00*PANY UpwHl U. b.. baring deolayel Um Ililklly 1111 , tee Ms. Qs cut - Wags of Um tlorporation tot the quarur auditor July tat:. the Me of' YZ ft 021.(T...pu anatomy glom, alt p - 14 tot stm , k, hwiTrtritg"..e*A74.l,V47.: L 'a."' *m" ''''' . ND Vf Ala. JAY ALLIAtt, _ 4 71.1 .1C1 Treuurat. N'alfEzfitrituunGu AND tiaTivigir6l,,,,,ao.7ffivl UFA. sit betoOplolls•Yeafgle /1=Iglau;111; oo the abgre ends. due leggin let, mat wilt be WerVi nn e d t "te tte r l th irre ° lt t at 0. e"arralli.ockTitt burgh. • U. &mean. egg reemarer. tllbe.rgh.Julr Beth. Is% jetlwg WiLL.IXIS A. lIEJEIRON, Ao. SD Grant 'Street, • Me* for die webs.," Awl We of BELL Es. TATE, sad NEGOTIATION stitZAL ESTATE; GDWEENMEAT •aa opts. EIECIDECITE3. FEUn BONHAM, PUMP.MAKER. And srannfactomr of 3/11.21242 of WO4l l / 1 1N TO111.(/, .140. 33 TRIM/ 2311211 T, Alloibo29 ity. Cr.. a—Spacial attention 21222 to Mfl e =sem e tore of LI.M 1 , 02110. • J . TajLF:rt . gen BALE — BOILEIIII.—FOUR 117.11(111D-cLANDICI) 43 Itebes la dtalmter.l4 feet long, Mth two 16 tio. a Imo, .teem dnue,l2 120131210 Mametert .land IfOr (41,11;:ti"tar:grIligi.4eiNij check and 0101422 a ir • a l , l l 4l e i fr of 11.1:271 Wi l —Fennoteriet. 11._!•1 4 "TT*P' • , Whelesale and Retail Precer, Dealer la SLY; WI ID aati Dare Oldro;ou• Paaialare Lad Emb.wislas, gl , Terii.raVgr ub .l4P rit ""dga:t L °V/M36I4 , BI UGABIL . . Crased. reles•lsed aad Named White sad IrslissN st , Wisest rests, h 7 She barrel or pousid, los Ws al Zas rssali y rosary agars et joss AL. itaNSEIAW." sa2 foomar Lllxetr aid Raid itltsts. NEW - ADVERTISEMENTS, I N TOE, 11111.1VeliOF TILE AP ...', o . r THE AL na LEf.fOT 11,111.L , 1,41 .114,'OCIATItati, of Alleabeny CHI'. •.. for • tibirter. NO 1,7 y toPaafnforr l'aaana no. Nolan la hereby el con oat., 000ilentS an bin been tnn4 n to rrtf Coon of anowornon l'ta as of U. leahan7 county, be the snore Anfaciation. 1 ,- .• a Car,. the. an mat:Tanen& , n 'WV... WU ". tha n , .`n , ta artink a, ono., Mous no 4 nat., ', :;I Z:fiL ' ' ' '' ' ' '; ' l ' ' '', %Vo d t ' a te,y„:1.1.Aivr'..,°;,t,., - , In the Vrotan ata-y's OfOen. and lc nOnnel4la It ::1 . 11e .. ; 4 1 :24...1by t: En . .0L1.n7 . .'"4 cb"'" :r. next t4I MI. COLLITC, MILLICSIIfeBIIIII/1, fr0!,.1.11,T 0 Attorneys for Mr lean.. --- puoroFtit43 von GAS COAL. - Ild.Vitzslntra 01m WOr f n. Alir. 6.166 T. ssi,lLk s IA 0111 lir received et the Daten of the Parri•OUlT 6la:, the DT AY or SUrESIDEIIt. for AO delleerg 02 CYCZO6r.s, To Il l .eed during the next rex , &WM iv, 1163 Itte cost WWII tof of the VAT hest quallty. for of ger, and deli,- teed A the Works. AU cOmtulllaleallOoa addrelsed to the undersigned, who will give all further Informs. HEAD DARK FRENCH CHINTZ, NEW STYLES JUST OPENED, • AM/ FOIL SALE EY WHITE, ORR & CO., 15 Fifth Street. wanLw IMPORTANT 1 To all who love • GOOD UP OF TEA 'Olt COFFEE, And do net wish to orlon adulterated snide.. The American Tea Co., 1=23 nave • full Ilse of theme same Teas and Coffees. •thi..h cue such a stisfectlos to the thousauda of families who tow uae themAialf• Flll ELICE.OIII AD Ina TIIA,CA2:, 11-11, THEM ROABTED COYFILE. 3 for lib rto Inferior goats sold at any orlon. Well:Mall at the new I or. arbolettac yaws. sat:tat:yrs GET TEE BEST JUST TUBLISIIED. PLICM'.ISI 0.8. Bankrupt /afar 1867 Manual, Connidlos.the BULLS. OUDSTO3 add YOBSIS orStlllettltulNOS thereunder. conneintly advocated. vlntided and arranged Ated to toe lie of Coarte inakrvptee. th e Bar.rYls Derrof said Conte. Uorporation.Sartueralilps. a ots, Hackers and othei s..w ito • •alosiale •ppendL, Notes of Decision .4 a Copious 14 1 es• •Dproved by toe Suellen f su- Wpreme Cou.t. By IJLINTfiN DICE. nofenry the Bin ara_pt Act Coinifiseica Ortue Supreme c earl of the United State.. IA Coe Tolman. Price. 45.00. • Sect free by Intl or receipt of price cmortarr.da. are G WOOD STIILIST. BANKRurrcr., RECIBTERS AND ATTORNEYS fornlsisn.d with BLINKS IN BINKRBPITY, St the Stationery Store of S. HAVEN, Corner. Wood Bind Third Sta. sa , au JEST RECEIVED,. AT ROBERTS &lIIERRATTI WHOLESALE WED NNSAIL VA {TN' INI Red Iru Tiro luticteri, Nt. el narritzma) SS.. pm:n:l:4cm. A new ispyry of lee Cberts. Icr Nicks cte Mob. rs. neDditratora. BM' Cooler.. to. Orrana freedom Neat Mee, .ratar CarArrs. errr re. and a fall Ila• 0( Hoo sr, nt no Is Ilex 0.001 s. .11.,10.0001•4300ers of INMAN II STLAN COOYIO.I APN‘BATI:O, far am., ■et.. , blro. okvemn A : it- IOZOOSI. s. .sssss. MORRISON, ORR & CO., litc act:saucers of an kin CLE ct BOOK AND PRINT PAPER, =M! =I .../7711!ratsi mat: trier val 4 S . B. BRIAN, • •• lieKla BONDS, STOOKS, AND RDAL ESTATE, Apollo Buildtag, Fourth street. Haab. I aro raa dud Mon I cloal t oad al 'dad. cr nook. bro. ht Lott .0:3 on coma:button. ortgarr. boo en; and oat 4. ro AN OPENING FOR BESINENS 1. oter.d 6 7 100 Orarlator of a amt..- tr.r:to estaldtrbtment aoa to racceasfal obera• tion to tills silt. TO. oroprielorwel ere math. tartar) Rase. fur todatblng to WI. and ICI:. .1 deftrad. roads, an 101001.0 to tbattoorero. CrOltai mato., abort. dllttNa. CM= am. a. zirtw.a.iw. = 11Z Apeita Bui:dtair. Poortll Wein. 1..1,11 f vrmrsta.....l.ll:. lecasvusee. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. SWEARINGEN & M'CANDLESS, le. 114 rovivra RT., Plltsbstrib, P. corral Art ors for Wel4 ra revari.v. ,, h6 of Continental Life Insurance CO., OF, IGEW TOE.E., • EIRE. LIVE STOCX And it desealEtloEtet Inrannnek° ,l ITll , lngele ampantot. COMPRESSED BUNG& ARMSTRONG, BRO. ..OSt CO., Kuala6et - 4m. and 111:oleia4 Loalan la MACHINE CUT CORKS, Hags, Taps, MA Noss, Pll6, awm. terNucars, .k Ism Mani at, Iflttaaanal. TO ROUSE BUILDERS • AND CONTRACTORS. The lateen eseortmeet of • GRATES, all Sizes; Cooking Ranges & Stoves, Of the PERT BIM 91:ULITY. for sale at p;ziar LOpF PRICES. Br - BISSELL & CO., : No. 5136 1;TBSIITT ENE= TUE CHEAP HAT AND SHOE e.:0125. . 431 13NDERNIAL Praetleal Iktidi Denier In BOOTII and IItIONS, lICE vi d vene e r il 11H10 nTitENS, Al. fan gkr ~111:7:12t.L1 11 ' 1.1re " 4 " 2.1 Nal. t tians. Moo} a, end CU Clods of Ls. dire' re r g a g, 41:1 9 .. Ate 4, and determined CO offer 'MaibUrab • to all rho erne Clint With their nateonede. - melNoto in* 0. c 11 / 1 11131,11......D. I. OAT IRON CITY BELT WORKS. CEO. 0. CLARK & CO.. rxec`g.z:"6r.,:lityz,i'vmwdot:Li=:a • X..0e54.13.0r Solna;. No. 41119 LIFIXILTY BT., (24 floor,) rt.buutb., 1•131•77 JOSEPII W 16 - Gliii, ~ Collecting Agent, Melee at Um Board of Tondo Booms PITT2SIIIIG/1, I`A. nins of all kinds soPelild sad p "'"'PgY at L epded to. Rent of references ten. U ----- NEW FIRST CLASS GROCERY, lip. 164 tILDLILAY ST" ALLYAIIIINr. rres4 MOet Of C6OICS Teas, ICo:Tes, Suggra, Arc., Sc., Whioh we oiler to the public at lowa peke.. A. G. isniANT. isteiguret NOTICE.-ROBERT H. LECRY, oi th Citt Of Allegheny. MAVEIL'CIST,' haring by add ated d Jute ed. IBC. stained all ••• tttt and effects to me for the benefit able creedd tiotma te M Imm r e o naot eI n p d a e y b m ted n tt. o nhim h aoroe unli ha, leer claims milt plan. pmeast the mime at my Mee. hito 78 Grant MOM. In the City of rut. burgh. CR% mIDDLZ. Juir=tn, 17^-1•01 8 15,000 TO. LOAN, . • ON' BOND AND MONTOACIL 31a. z.705..r1ry ' final Anglo bought and sold.' ItILLDALE IC:Ear-MEHL dslo g 4cm "i teirotaia th ittiMreilai' l & se. JOHN 11.111WLE. NEW. ADVERTISEIitEIi TS. SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES Scud' End Third P. P. Ouch, 11 7 .147,'L7i1;t74k7AVZPVII`r - Ll'll 11V'edattiodayi Beptesnhar 44/11,', Undor the urn odil. will be satirtsl by [brae ladles ossoon sneers. tal b./ nce in their re oak ell ye de r...T=4M A t[eh will be trek as i•[ Nedra TIIUhOOUB a}U Liana. culure. hymnal health will be promoted DT did Sh accomplished teacher of . 7A n Tifi w r a i r Cailatlienlss, • former pupil of The hestopportnalties will to afforded for par loin. G i ermaw Idberish. Desiring and Painting. . ( 2,1Z°„t7,9:1 7 °,1',;";T•it 1141‘1.°,nr'''' Book Application. atinuld he made eany to the Prin• riPal. who may Do found at the Reboot Boom. 00 hl . t . V.:AY and Tllb.dl G. W. BINGHAM. Principal: rlttebentl, /Wrest 7. If 4 A. seN•Ab ALLEGHENY GROCERY I\'D PROVISION COMPAN - y. JOON A. BLeGBAW. President J. P. ISRAEL, Sttretary The elect of ibis Comeau! Is already neb6l bought op. Those wishing to wren theinselres of Its bonen.% bed better ALP.V.X-e - Ir AVM' CbraCYZI. Al 26 Federal St., Allegheny. au6 . THE OLD, ORIGINAL TEA STORE ! FRESH ARRIVAL 9F Young Hymn. Old Hyson, ItuPerlal, Gunpowder, Congos, Eng.,Breaktasf, Souchonr, ' Bolonr, Old Country Black, And Japan 3EI „a. lay ALL OF THE BUT QUALM. No. 20 Fifth Street. &Fla, 10 PER CENT. OFF I srEcum DISCOUNT SALES. ;4S DFSIVISON & HECITERT'S N No. 27 Fifth Street. C: Until Itztbrr natlce we will mat • Ch Gl7 iwysirity, oLovM. ; /IANDILZUCIIIEM LIND.LIIKIA.II. • COMM, rsiumnis. RTEIBONB. FLUMES.% : ItIaYSZT 2.CIII:XINGB, 11c. 1_ till ll Astarte/A 0.0, tealat...ra 'a DUPLEX. HOOP Munn. land oar enetcaners .110.1 Oar prima. oulout Ito threw:et, as lather etore tlr the cite. eei MiIUMS3M2 CHEVA WAREHOUSE. • RINI') [BREED & CO., 3oodcw.cionmatixtio„ No. 100 ,Wood Street. sarrramt /um ettrza Arrra pwAkII2.I9IA.TILLIII Sad TAILA CUT. "'`'` N;Traraii c N A leitoia..) 1 ,1 5Mi9i. Ce.L'a TN* . fltgategilanteor, 4OrTptles ace MAC S ‘IO33, STOXIS WARS of all mien. SO real sr hoieule and retell trade. The tersest nod most toe MKS proem. - Wag thIS lleut to she efts. Vricee sad tore[ the same ea It the taste. IPAIIOII,IILLLII, I=l pptioNove AND FILTHY I ===;,l fiLl lODIC= 01 /ILITIIIaI Blau LEAD, woami mons& TLELS ILEA, MEMO, Are Among the A.daltytfttleas Moe& THE,...!. ram, 2 "1.-tV fr ZRe arturz. BD II SIGRID • r i' 41.0.0, 1 4 r Pin pm !8L!8L :icy Street, nr.e.: :Th roVa n io r tr A N:;) ~.;',,llliPetZ,Vgat ; ,:gl::: i Cot.. to Übe lautet. 3711 1, ' BAGS COFFEE, GOOD TO WiRICILT CUOICIL .111 ‘ .iore L*4 arrivlnc. A"u>.• F.ll ' MCk of OTHER QROCERIE& Witte!, .old Sotto trade at tie* LOWIST nit .44ed. diRBUCKIES & CO., Ana Linty Sind. WO. TO GLOB MINEFACITRERS. THE ENDEJISIGINED having calabrnu wurell t the We Agen.l tot W WI of We COPLEY POT CLAY. ....renew :weltered to Irani. i t in any duluttlty to its. erfeklefr li:rood. rhPerio.artleii Minos Atte. years use an- clay we have sr. rived at . er e proportion. ea we believe mate. It spew... art Id. for Ittan any In the market. we bating mistral an ainnAte stood or sts t e sori c ri nit. ''' Yle " :l it .V.ferlll%.l: (.1 the proportion of ha Waters* this Clap to person* porebesins. Toe Play la fromd and ineeldint In taupe dalteary. . DITHRIDUE & MOS. - Irlois Ws—hin s Tn NbU ri leWk re . JOHN RONEY HULA MI MS, Carson 84,9 th Ward, near &LILL KA-1171•Crilisil 07 Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds, Rol* till ui &En tufugs gamily. Jouumi WORK premien attended to. Or den tolleltra and carefully tad satlabeetorlly *recta.. ; 11.311711.ECP . L. 1. Loams.“„ r um. I LOUGHREI & FREW, Hem mooned to No. 81 Market St., (005LIVElt OP 91C04 , 13,5P1717111144441. Mgr ot tnol , ne• tnePOOln to 36111Uhallft aB Baddlcs, Harness, Trunko, and all sties,. In their line venally kept to !t-slase ettantlehmente. WM. atammomr & Co., Measulcsuress azd Wholesale Dealer, to BROOMS, - Broom Brush and Broom .Elniings. radon and Warehous4 to the react of 54tios tanker t Lam% Noe. 1711 nod 474 Wood MR. PlSSalwutt. aoiegirs SUPERIOR OAR TAIIRED,PAT iLNT lITILLTCYLID 41.11 D /11.171[Till LEATHER BELTWI AAII Boss, MAUtaetand at No. see HAETLEY. PHELPS & CO. ==! 431-um-Belting. LPITAULTV I F XIVZArda ULTI MI R* ISZLT itKAVM. J. SCHOONNAKaIt & BON, Isninleton of the PITILIS33ICMCIEXIC White Lend and Color Works, RHRi AND Elie zx EAD And solo= dry or OIL#II/h -. U .06160, No. 67 FOURTH srmarr. • Trim I t .m.mas.i. dis s tatt i Alltittenn NEW ALTERTISEMENTE. THE BINKEREP AND MERCHLATIP pranonin IffnEET A / 1 GRAND PRESENT TION ENTERTAINMENT =I SATURDAY, August 24, 0367, IRVIND HALL, NEW YORK, This Grand Distribution of Prizes will be Conducted on the Mutual Benefit Principle. A PRO RATA DISTRIBUTION OF PRO FITS TO TICKET•HOLDERS! Capital, - - $1,287,148. TICKETS, OIE DOLLIB ERB, And limited to One ltillton ?nor Mu aped and Zlitity•seiren Thouland • One llondred i. rorfirdlynt. The Faked and Most Inipartial Plan of Presents(lea yet Offer ed to the Public. A PRIZE WITH L'VERY TIMM • number of the lodise( Hester. and MON Oats of . Nom Tort. la considers don' of the great onceni which au atteadml May .of the (Tan:ants Presentation ZaturtaLsolests of the day. nose orsmatrod tbsaleallie Into a company with the slew of lammarestne an enterprise whiob. wntle It stall return Mani nfats profit s shall Wier `renter adtantages to Menet-pm , assets 00 sawy yet presentod and wt. 'ch. bo las connected clan a patiently leuttbiato sod Onetime bade. eball 00 free Mom those obJeo. tionatde restart. which nave astute:land many of these onto:prime. TO tMI sod they ban ...trued the Nato! Nam, and tbe rebbiterior , ot CLOAK, WENSNIt* CV.. Beakers Nan um. No. a proubmr. beo Tort. who out !MIT "714: le r.TA,Vrt.o.ll?.tilti 5150tiref be banded wee to eosetelttee telectot be the alottence to male an Lowe,. dlatribe. Con of mine. A tolerates to the somber of prian amt the amend plan sat Otatrientlon,Artrea Wow ' till coons. wren Me man entitle.' or the great savanna., w hich .111 arenas to all Who pante, pate In the enterprise i and the Commercial sad rz„vgv.:lr,l=.-4, toe =„Pttra.',l.;,r. , . a minden fitarenty of the felrnme aied ',smile er with winch every Minutes mentos .t. 3011 with the mann will be eoLidnetbi s and that Me Interests a Whet holden will Ise moat strictly Watched ores and landed. in an. a Is the-desire of the !lawmen to eoadeet even trannonon tot the menial Wheat or whorror aha-marehan a Watt. anl eeruDatonsir trod any end ...realer idth could to the n Witte degree diminish - Me plle Whim are Wr yi Leanne to aLI who nen. - I . ......... - . LST OF PRIZES. • • , .1 1 • • • . prim at-......... .•11d11:00 IWO On cant prise a 1..- 21 . 1.- . ....1 1 1 . 1.‘.....!"..' - *Ws. One - three Sl.a.nd• Rwt'CtW Dila4 St.. itq.l-2;airprt.tiral-- ••• .• 170 . 9 . WA./ n9l cub prises 91......... •. 2,300 10.130 131931 pub prises at 1,1900 • 3.300 roarleen caol9 plirea at............ VA • 7,000 Twelsty rash 031 /90 at 300 I,MO Twel/ty-634 tub pruu at. 393 16020 L=1711 4 91=411 a 3 103 PM) Unt bua.11•34 and tort 9 cue prlse4 r 9 . ' a e41MM42,N1A114:7141W, 71 . "w 1 , Pr 3331 ' /0 IMO Twp andr9o 2130 prizes ai .1 1.330 c.l, / . 31339, amosattnt tO.• . o , j _ .3•9 , 99 , ii9ritsi; P 110303 31....31.000 1911,30 A m il e ge4 , l y em•_l . l3nt 4 rm. o. al. 1.900. 13,200 '23 1. 1 31931 11930. 51.. PM ;kiln 21 /1316kerines7 octave Main at tal SP= 93 111230•029 at.... ' 190 13,010 13 11910 d toto at CS 13033 1 sawnta auivinnza. Wlealor a Atka. cab. olio w irt n af Ittebto u g . M. ..... Mb; SACS Pmts., 11 actata at "4" LU 13,000 L3ll Tillazjar Wgton plain Newly .: EllarreFia:v;;Gi V. 7 !Maracas. half ca. ll3 i r l3 130 Slat iV i t btatag /NAOMI. it u " U° U. 060 DLI.XOXDI. ! . 8 nit nsta Dlamon4 •t. cy . o Nall ‘ Dilllll.l4ll .• .4 ll rats Illaasauds a D U atera4 Clatter Rheas ' a 6 t O 13.1141 Mylaraaaa Oluatar Ylaire at CI • • 33 4 i0fr Plaaariatl 4 latter Frage at....... 43. 11.3a1 et Illatnoila Cluster Maga at ra lt,r3 3 Dtamoul Clutter YU. a t 4313 14 Boats' .01.3 Watahea at dr)' 11.11, se Goat& Gold 7 9411607 3,410 Cl Uental . tlolaWatelsea at 7,770 t'3l 4.0 SS Ladle,/ 1/014 Watalmo .... 1113 10,175 71 Ladle/. 11014 Walebo7'al 'NS /1,771 104 14414. , 77014 Walohaa at/ ..... 111 33.670 SILVIS* 1L&TC11231..... - al American Silver Watch. 4 - 3 IRMO 15 American Sheer Watches at. ID Amerimn iniver Wateaca 4$ . a. 241 Ise Detached Lever ellree *MM. at 2r ahrt to Dynamo . Meer Snatches ..... II 4,4 M Plated Winches at. Amorted Prime. rained at... ... ... Moo Total raise of Prim, The 11.3.kere Morthsutsl rind Eltdod Conran gm given ou July 410, nom id de stul nee.. The mammoth hall was fi lled wita the i of the city. The audience appointed SCOW.. ralttae of slue of the Wadley banUsto aud men cheat t i ck et. c are coyrelpoodthyuclubtru totem and Suslster Book.. to Noe that an le comet Pellma making dm mud dlutflOutlol of ottzto at the /eat COnCert. On /he Ittlk of La. gulls Or. lamaga Intel . , attar Stialiltaad DlattWatt., a Hat alto rremiata avanied will be Druiteti and not toachllekat•Cotder. Tickets, ONE DOLLAR ELCH. MEI t&O L AlOktog BMW of qt.-UM tant by Nan Ott moon of siWo.ltirogl..l.l [atom porn. wit trlth ' WAY ttllkralltott ttoOt ottobtott tra that iha. " p r i l d tgeU nom nith. thwy WOO Moto oo that day. t will. to .4- vl.lOlO tor than 'mats a t o part-bus Mama to order at yam moat* O.K. vs to toast. Won beton* ttol slay of tho v,oyo poyotatallon. • SPECIAL TERIO3 OR OLUB RATER. No /renter d [mount be OI:owed on le Inner number of Citimt& motets to ono oddrota nr :pasts to on. adders Mr. ..... 7:1 T 10141: rgungrzrg..... ;18 to' r 4t4r4 l l=4":l7l.k.:4ltriglan All commutticallons Mnal,b• nactrielad to WEISTSII COe . iA aroadlwa7,MlG arumos “truntscAut._ • - • COUNTY CONVENTION. • The 11‘.708 AE?ITBLTCAN VICTIMS of All.. emu,. county are red tested to meat at the tuned P-sceo forboldlogelecttots In the teveral Wards. Boroughs sad Townships, on Saturday. August 31tt. • .1.01 Tl•t_O DILLBOATB3 tit= etch elec tion d ...tat. to a t'oente Convention. is h, held nu rTILMIDCIt 11.4 i 10 &dont 19.. for the IVgrn:jor'gre; t r litatATll . ;.t IZ T I72:IZ tad transaction math othar bullet's es may be P R:W=Crlllell o o r n e s To.nablpt will Itcln 'Attunes the Count of thane and sm o'clock a- M.. WWI, B. Boroughs and Clltles between the boors of One and Seven o•otoret p. m., In the MUe and boroughs the advent.. shall be by hallo& end In tot townships by mart ins. JACOPI 11. XILLER, Mamma. it. H. C. llacessm.. i S ' c^ " rk. •JrM:els SECOND la7 - THE lIIITEDIEST,Dt GOLD, o the FIRST MOSTGAUIC BONDS of tee 11101 *MC LUNT COIMT, Totem INTition, Da • ATICIMST IST, 1867, wilt be Datil on pretext ,Vattt, of Sae Coapoos thorefor, tee Datiklea House of- N. ba =MANDE PLACII, New York. di Ltd after thy. tare. (6.11.4,1 ' 171,21.-J. PALMER. JCLY ti, um. newarer. jyrka.lrre arNOTICE. • TO SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM. Alleehreh•neheem emeriti will. parshill hither mort,..l%.,:r:pex,rurreererziyti; t* tte'elte r.tuoure... of Petroleum that mar be r IR ' 3 A EharnEkee"r9 eiridt TS ,4il h.etende4 down a P . 15 ?If ;liar rriMop ltnrie . r . tfr route Pi eTini! !Mk 14740 , 41.'911 , 8 0 Eltli AND GAS at JANE, WWI en:Atari be rewires t, Ttlltnelt/tY, th e e - e - ZrZ . dna. for the 'HAM BING AND leaS4rlTTllatl intg i red st p:g . he Keystone domino seek... Speolneadona cant* teen at the office or nAnd tillnintt. Nos. 2 and 4 tea ULM: Emmet. • -- .17sittea • RrEIXCTION Nituelhulders of tle • PITTIBIDEZEI ORLIN ELEVATOR CO. MONDAY,he BOARD OP TULLE' POOLPI, on the MU dop Of hefiterebur, ISO. at o'clock 1. N.. for the POO.° of electing • Peace of Dlteeterf fur the este tang rear. T. L. froDUILII.-., noefeterT, Pittsbootb, Ally le, 1147., Delmer ' , TEE BEST TUE CUE.MT." 96Th SEMI - ANNUAL EXPOSE. -TOTAL LOTUS PAID, gig:l472 V! /ETNA INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, •OONN., .ILSIIETIte (At Market Value.) • Cash an hand. In Haab.. ........ 1110,010 la Heal Letate Z'S.sso 02 ltoreetato Bolide .... ... .. 04,65000 Haat atoek.. 1,109,100 00 C t a e thrPatn t . e d asdi C e v . • 1.251.3141110 Lees Lien= Claiins not due Lad IJuudjuuted 47.665 . , Net Anote $4,173,50 el Nis and Mind., Navigation Risks' T ifir o dotheles to ell the Lol.4lDel Chloe Ind owo to the Muted Mote aDottesucms fee Wen eeln be proeCptly attended to end Miele. Weed by LOUISVILLE TOBACCO. JUST. BECEivED, A Large Stock. of the BANNER BRAND, Also, • lot et' ta. colebtatetl Pine Cut _Wavy, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICE, AT B. a W. JEMOSONI, No. 6 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PROSPECTUS TE.42 TEAKS TEAK or ALL YBIC AND 1217A.LITT, AT 3U-IZEI-12C.P.°8. . • ilazza , rss. Flints Tbiltg —11 1 . 60 v.r nonea good .. . ... ;..9? .i.m Lc. ' BLACK SE.•II-otolonßa. Beat per pound. •• 1.10 !CLACK TEAS—!Powebana, Sanchong • . and Congoan Flo into Flie , d Ing. Brenton. •• High •• -Conn. • • Country. Co. .• • JAPAN PLAN. Uncolored Zapan. very unman 11ar0r.....41n0 Jong. Yong linrin. IIIEE>D 7W. kr: V 1 *9:12 of the above our one can stret Jon ant kind of Tea they ant. on have em pinup 10 any <tonality. sod tormented by dury a the En. fgreL`t.tiViri LlTZ7.7:7oeTri:l l l;l2' fira t°lZtd A. putt x 4 ttrs their t, ornien 171 • Ire Yeceral hl.. H te D Y. =IZMCII MWM MYERS, HOPPER &tit, Celaotmors to E.B. BULGES. Junto mextriacztarras or FURNITURE Of Every Description. ----- salmi, AND OFFICE REMO& No. 45 Smithfield Street rrirrearsonz, pa. /111`A fall sarortunt of Plttabantt *.LaI.P tared nralcom mat.sly oa Oaadat LOWY= cAsa C. A. C. trorras....wit. 8. Smr. SACCO =I ZDICOND 1/11/3211. BURKE al. - ! Fire Proof Salamander Safe, um Doot suu inn Elan trar &111, A.SII 13.00 rt.= I=l IRON WINDOW :NUTTER MANUFACTURED% 129 & 181 Third SU. Schwan Wood pad andthilold, rrxszuncin. . , Bead the throw odottlbail iteoemeodesloa at fife ate DM; ¢aelittes of oar sates : BILTLgO A3O Pecamo • Yo ' tuisstZ . , a cb A tO. j alu 4c iia. " lia:' • Xutre. Burk Nountar, lgulf•ya. Pa. til.trmargar,ltre Alp Tea. w d .r , t o" 1 " 0. rata. a late or you make. DM a am 00007.11. The salla 'feat thioogh the disastrous .are thee oo tined be otk tae eth or Iteteh Let. baralog oar store add werehouto. awl we are 11e4 tom (0,1'i000 0001 the peyote tilen oat at Meese. after the growers 0 , 4 emoted In the leant. 'IWO 414 sat aopPooo any sae, especially ea men a' Mee. Could youth!, stead each a Ire. eneutiert ere eltleorereet the 'payer. all ode eat eowtelil Weft 4 - Meat/ dislppointed. We wat gtva?reet an order for &large lin sate when we get taco atom. traly roars; • rene7o Cr. t 1..1. PACtJLIIII. • DEMI .P %W I MP et% r L A M. r Zi = PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS Piu r riii6 3 7l6.,"%na: axon" Aso 'lorazzoioviss. No. 82 mini Streets PlttsburStqr4 0117107.823-117aIlrf HlLllTNrnathwiti, gDrumm—Won Hanle.- Jot. iii. 70.111.. irenigg: i l4 " n4M ' . • JohUM• iNv. cash Skid ger P*pei efook. Ecux.vat, CX:rw(W A 31W1l°ioXgt AAD TP% 44M matty lirsTinuas, . Z.H. Rouse Binder and Carpenter. Qtal. ""frtat II AMMO! ALIA/ arAlDtr. aw aar= r• actuates' done with nest. NOTICES._ lIIABBE7. 110110 AB 11k JULY 1, 1867: A. A. CARRIER & BRO., Agents, set:esl (I 3 PCIIIIITH STIMETI • Lw LC WANTS wwvm, ; S I ALTAISIMICAII.I42: - - jp. a Whole, Lle •134 111111orry Honte VkliadeloMa. •-ur ern fluency rep , 1, !yard...n.looo trz . e. AMI res 4, stating ...HT. • BOX laas. 11 4144.103 a C. 0. 77T ANTE O—(I 4.IiIBINER, FLIt.F.YOMNEKS. for mist, I lOU. sust tr, it mod AT., glishr frr:" 1. 4 °. "41Z:17; V•l;f:.°44?-ir,, , ;• 0 10 ,,, ttin ' tt r •s %rem Chagas., thsurtZes. fur ) !:`4l,',,, r ;ffe,"Ts f . :l 714 1 4 fu 't ia 'n h:s.j::?; arms. hrs.rts baying mat of abate arm Di s Mr ssm rem or apply /0 J. 11. ..RN r. , th, Great Waters Otos IN get.. gongs Pens gbh Wayht. Stu , Pittsburgh. 171.2t0100 WANTED, JULY COLD OUPONB, And Compound DUerett Notes. UM:6B T. BBATIT'aiI3O.. Owner roma asid Sts. OEM WANTED—Men In Salesmen Der set of National Art Artoartter. •orV arm.. to n. sr. mama. President of •sitecletiorn 110 Diamond Street, Pittebeirnh CARPETS OIL CLOTH% &o. PRICES • REDUCED I CARPETS! Oil Cloths, Illattings, Window ill:Rade*, Tall)le Covers, Piano Corers. Rugs and Mats, I Stair Hods, dor. rt. TIC• or tombs. oor o FALL_ 00(49._w0 rdiltlt. " ?gog iT:. 22= Oat to put Os by. BOYARD, ROSE & CO., 21 Fifth Streot. . 47, ' 74, 11 , 1.T H er Estes /I BeiVs BLUGALNB lF CAI/PEid: 4.164` ALL-WOOL INGRAINS. nr.nuorm 23e. exit YARD. BRUSSELS CARPETS, armucwal 23e. PEN:YAILD. Med Mlle and Bed Checked CHINA MATTINGS, REDUCED TO 115 e. PER TARD. Heavy Reduction in Lace Curtains, An'il Mazy other goods. NcF/IMI!M) k POLLIRS. N. 71 and 741FlIth Street. Next to 11. 9. C.stotla libliZe and Post Oillee.vish omit Floor, over Holm ][lorry Book Stert. slikt:7ll:s,lt.s.T. . • • • HAVE REMOVED. IRALLUM BROTURS Have now oven at their Tee? aletant sad . • niallons.NSW WASIROUIf.. • No. St Fifth Street; • new IJne of altars and desirable Intim* MEDALLION i'ELVETS. Velvets, Brussels, .! TAPJEZITB r nnusisELN ♦ 16.1 ii and ehoice wort:meat Piano and Table Cover& DQUIVI NW, 119351(1 UV w . uß, au sago.," THREE PLY AND FLY Ingrains, Led Gun varlat7 79 , 1 / 1 991 C 9 711 91 NeCALLUN BROTE=Syt: 81.37*.t1t7.i. metre° . Gummi% OLTVEIt.. NE'CLINTO K. & COMPAITI4 SAVE at err orzsznl For the Spring Trade, =elr 9sgaidl6 AmOrtment of rirElifir GAIRIPEt I i g s , 011 Cloths, Shades, Ac{ • • /Mutton is called:co oar tun .took of fIBIDEDED VIBLI 111 PLLiO .f 'OM &treat Decline in Prirjee, matjp sx.x.rzam- wrza.tairr G XLACTAINES. D°" BE•DECIXSEDIIII 11 'rtt b ialIatI°Itt r .uralif7171,°a"' KILFLIt Us ta-aa lath vetted for flu • teen yam. 0.00 to try all corafk. • Icas jral i r, v . c•••• .13gtiT Li ' _ _ _PS.E. TirC l / 2 .1.00 artrel2.l SI tr 'At; i airla.6s abo...* emit •ald. GROVER & 8ARE 2 .1 , 5 • L ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK TCH Seiving 152aelain a . lre MI 8E..!? for gr.,afir Intl 'Ala . . g pupate.. Call &MI em Lt.= at. AU. 105 /POI% Sired& GET 2102 E BIM & • GROVER, & BAICE.B. -. ►or • lIINNII7 O."- It ts reL IONI:DIrrOst 01111 thereon tHoban. Donlt fall toodtHod see It at NO. 105 PIMA HT.. above Id gRoX, HARNESS eignillAGß )(AKRS eheakt etc Lhe new IWITA k Cltipt . Ilk 1 LIMB ISTHIft beferobwanx * Ott*6l4,- It Is the t4si tar ',aft ISM /for tale " NO. lob , nrrtt wraurA, m77:wm above fttLl, had. Tat Gammasa:Esasn . SEWING MAGHINE Is Ms 'UWE:m . llra of ixot..t.u. Pleouistnr 9sei Ro 10; r 4 r2l/ tragEr. 1.197m/4 ; 'thews Reg tblllfht I,_ CIVIL ♦aD ,3!MMarO ENCIN EF,RIN c, typetTEMlndra. /tn . /Er - Mit° L'4813 , 11 , 16V1:31th " .ft 7'24 tb' Pr n k . t.tlttnthir lo so PEW. t 3 a•ia.•7,114W Ar losnopowairs_NutsTruprr,„- , • couzawrs School for Young Ladies. 02 Grant Street. 'rbo 'rrrlct Ottbo next OtOitcok tbio rithool .111. boolek ea tient. oth. Regivers eau be ob aroma at WSLDIN 3alak Ist)oB7= iiVOPgoloo."4"4 Tor lororbb or rloloolon aearo - SIAN XL, i. roams, trams. Li SHEPHAItb't CRACKERS. 317 Liberty itivet, PITTSBMIGE, pd, pr4Lin Tat Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, lairparims, Frenah:ol6oits, &o, spatial aturstiloa even tne ipra*Zeif Zb. 23 13 ilh - Street. - '......_____. J: W." H.AWI%IAIa. , • Zlo. 111 LIIIERTT Nnuzert . . Dealer In all 2 / 1 111l Of Candles, Cakes, Ants and Fruits. zwit• •• t x !ttottott to tuatatuar.rxcarTs"!a. • , El 11