TED DAILY G9ZETIi- 70214371113) *mar otos:rats. cstrimAri Ithp'n:D4 PENNIBLIPOIEHED & w.rariArtowas, r.ts. con °MON 1111ZICITZ BUTLDINa. . So& it AID SS urn' imm ham !spiral hie if Eden Mies,;. °minx. PIPE* OP prrrazusea AID .; MMUS OPTS. - A* FAMILY sa r etrln I tra.tarirto Naar taus Op PAZ Bar4Z15;:;;aa:;;R 11.1!" Ibillectib.S. P. P.n... -4.410. • AddreeS. • ' OAZISTIII. rmrsairzen, MOM. t*.EWlutgij. - 011:. Yon ischoootatOottley or Femme lest* leg the city during the stuniney Months they out have the Gthryre watied to their addroot. by Ordering the name ot the often, for allot" trite how week tor mu week or stank "- Hon. Taos. Wrmaars has our thanks for valuable Public Doontoenta. = The Pittsburgh Post, the Philadelphia Age, the Elarrisbug Patriot end Union, the Lanaustes Intoiligencer, and proba bly all the papers of that stripe in Penn sylvania, gave publicity to an article mid to have been copied from the" Salem, (Hasa) JoUrnai, Radical," which in tams of toarseemiltation, glories in the nomination of Judge Williams as an ac knowledgment on the post of the stolid Duich'elementi &the superiority of New England men," and aftemeards stigma tizes Pennsylvakua sea "poor, ignorant, stupid, old Dutch State," and much more of each AWL Quick upon the heels of the wretched and overdone fabrication came a state mentfrom the Salem Register that no paper bearing the name of the Journal is published to that city. In fact any puma of common - discernment would we at a glance that it vim Is fabrication, a forgery, and wan never written by a friend of Sedge Williams; - yet it has taken the rounds of the Copperhead press of this Mate,. and not one of them, m far saWahave seen, has had the hmi• esty or manliness to state the (het that the journal from which .it mu said 'to have been taken has no existence. Judge Militias and his friends may coo ratulate themselves upon his Intim pesehable chancier and record when his enemies are obliged In react to such 'tumoral expedients to excite the pre. indices of our people against him. Now will the Pod of this city state, for' its own sate, not for his, that the article in euesiloi; aid which It published, was a fabrication—that no such paper as the "Salem • (bass.,) Jeergut, Radial," exists! 'rn Istnnoomo betireen the Prod- ! dent, hir. Stanton and General Grant,' relative to the removal of General Sher idan, seems to be approaching a Culmi nation one way ur other. The affair Is alluding a rich harvest to gossip mong era, especially such as communicate with the world outside through the columns of the New Tort Herald. If we may believe these rumors, the President has made up his mind that if be cannot PI 6,22teed the Secretary of War he will sus- Pend bleillefase to bold official inter course with him and exclude • him from meetings of the Cabinet. In, the mean time. rumor bas' it that Gen. Grant bar assured Generals . Sheridan and Pope that they will not be removed, and di rects them to go .on In the discharge of their . duties under the reconstruction • 'arm Per warn, there are other 211: mon that the President has ordered thin. R 0112112121 to Washington, with the Mten. Goa of couferiog upon him the command of tlui Fifth District, which is Sheridan's. „On Berrinnselaitoulyeixty , lbur feet of the greet tunnel cuithe summit of 'the - BlerraTiends, an the Central Pacific Bailresd, remained to. be cut. On the 10th it is expected that the find. 1000/110- tiveind train will run through. It will be remembered that operations on that road commenced at Stersunento and have been * pushed eastward thus far. This greet tunnel is very nearly a hundred miles northeast of • finentetentoi and as . the summit of the Sierra Nevada (7,000 feet high) lout been surmounted, a • com munication between California and vada bat been established, As the'latter State is rich in minerals, especially sil ver, and as it has hitherto been melt • difficult of 11021:811, this opening up or a railway communication is - a matter of great importance. It is remarkable that the greatest feat in engineering over achieved in the world should be accom plishedia a region whkh the feet of civ ilized men have only trodden about a • spore of years. Trte Cowman. Ponvos of oar pop ulation yesterday held a celebration at Union Park, Allegheny, commemorative, of, the Went India emancipation.. On thelst instant was held a similar cele bration at - Iron City Pare, this city. Both affairs .were largely attended by adored folk', sad pease off in a highly. gratifying manner. , It: is worthy of notice that not a siogle are of drunk. minces or disorder turfed the enjoy ment of either cehtbration,••nd that the entertainments afforded ' at both , were high-toned; intellectual and rational. .The colored people hereabouts have over enjoyed a reputatlon as peaceable and law-abiding, and the order and dignity of Molest two public Mfrs in which they Participated so . largely, have added much to their utuuleter. iron Tuts nerisvrr of mir manufact u• jets who may desire to exhibit their Wares at the forthcoming State and Pro. Hanel fairs we publish a tabular list of time and place of such exhibitions so far . a Pennsylvanin...Pittebargb... • • -seot. 3 4 -27 I.34lloornis ' tlenada Wee....Elnoton Sept 3347 ... Oct 14 Terre Dante—. Sept.3o-oct3 Quincy sestro-octs Keatramy loahurwe Sept 17-3 e /CLUNY Lawremsa Sept 34-27 b=tl4....itnaester O tt 711 vet Drool s - mt 71t3 Den nammatraissanau seed lots ...........Provialenos,B.l. Sept 3-0 . 31. 3 1 3r1...,,...8arta10 October 1-1 OS 3II - Dayton Sept Dt47 rermont Jlrattleborca.....SePt 7043 eflaconaln.. .Dadlson nest am weenier.% 'nits, October TS far icen het the Republican Canyon. lion for Lou - Aster (Meaty, Instructed the County Committee to have tho local candidates to be voted for at the next election, ; nominated accoiding to the "Cnolrfard Vaulty System;" that is, to allow the Republican voters In the dif. Went precincts to select by ballot from the persons offering wißch Should be ac cepted ati candidates. - The caunty com mittee,, after • considerable diamesion, have !ejected these instxuettona and limed • call for a delegate convention, after the old fOldoo• posttonzinurr by Gssreaun of of his projected movement against Rome, may be taken' u interpreting what the Emperor Nerciazow meant by hisreccot note concerning tint old French fortikca• don, surrounding that city. It also ex. plains the citoldence maintained by the Ripe, notwithstanding the menating at titude of the Liberals. :Ile knew in whom he trusted. TRR POPMATIOR Oti MILWAUKEE, XS billed Ott a new directory of the city, le set down at .seeenty•aix .thousamL At the rate of InCieme mule daring the hot few years, the "Cream" city expecte to audonlah the world intim 1870 ceases, with a poymlation of an hundred thclus• Tue. .flopobliesas of Perry county Ism nominated Jontrn W. FIIAXF for Assembly. , .c.tTA B .L I---8 //b --- ----- A . giO r , i • 1 . . •.,_ • -1'00,..• 1. ..._., . . , ' t. , ,",;,v,y,•!10-.....,_.14.4178. •- A0,',•4< , ,i_...• . • , . ~ _ _ . • tt • .. „. . ,, ,, ,,,,, ,,5,. , •, , v,A 4c e,.,,, f .,• ---_•.:-..- A - o li o& ,;- - . ••••= - L- - ..::•--: -,. A.,____ . :,..-,-,---,:i. .'. . :;- ~. , . • ~-,,_. -. '- r.','f . ; i , \ I - I i n, ir ...„...:.i..„..„ ,4 .: , 1 ..,...,,,... .... .t _ , ( 6. ... „,..„ s , • 4.,•::'--.....-.7 r ._— . . )...... Mil, _ 1 yen, - ,--, • •k••- '. s ''' '. -;;;"1 - !,-. ' 1, -, 16. ~ ~ , r ~• 1 , , , ..,:,.____::„......:,,_ ___.....„...:„...,...„.„4„.......... ._. _____„..,_.„....,,,,....+.,... .. _.•_ . . , ,„.„., ..... , ...._____/- ,/,_____: i, • ... .... .. VOLUME LXXX.II.:-rNO. 181, GENERAL NEWS -13alamoro Lae '73,480 bonecholdebt.. - —TheCzar is inveetlng in noodle guns. --Terneetendem thirteen cottorifticke • effectuating. . —The principal gymnaet ut a 'Parte circus L e a large monkey. . , ltbdorl In stadyla^ Maria Aiuoineite for tito ex.r.resn purpose of billierdry9" =Wry. lout beggar..wallawldalong • for — . a A L e U. of bread , stole a set-of nose teeth to eat lb • —English ladies are adopting the Saab lon of wearing belle with a email daft nor atiackteL —Mrs. Patellae, or Ithlgoield, °blot hen reunited the ripe old Age of one hop- Ilred =done. —Thioira: both lairglarlow mud WO- Way, abound In the northern region of I ado and indium • --A abort-halal reporterbasebnllenged a local reporter la St. I.onl . Faeh hopes to "take dowa?,the other. • . —A Irma ninety yo old fell down Mans in Wo.rren, Pe.. w few 41 .3% alto, and erns Instantly killed. —There 'ere no lees than are lawsuits pending In the English Courts concerning the stentruthipGron Eastern. --A dour merchant in Ohio hicebis life %Stared for 300,1X10. Ile Isn't anxious about the fall of lireadstutlk. --Thedog-kllllng .business to New York la --The_ by five men. They make about mss! each this mum. Waablngton genlua *ants money to curt an aortal mall line, to run from nut city to Top• York In three Loon, —They - ere mein carrier pigeons be toren Cologne and linuaele. The fast est time mode Is 110 adios In three 'tours. —Fire romptualen are -mliaing silver in Jaaksaa .antaw, Va. Thelainetpal vein le about (oar hundred feetbelowthe sur, —Tho summer revorta along the Ilud- Dna are sparingly patronized this mason; •w large proportion being comparatively . . - --Somebody is errdently determined to born of till the breweries in. Chicago. No lam than iburhare been burned with in week. • —Jordan Potter, of. Weavinwit, Me., recently drove nail hini lila glen head, while partially our died linen the restate a few days after. —Fifteen hippopotanini hides were re cently seat to a tannery In Boston, Maas-, to he tanned.. They were In halves, aid weighed together 3.400 pouude. —When litmnieutt mid - he wanted to treat every man like a brother, the I itch nxtrul negrom crowded round. him glee fully. They expected en invitation to drink, but were ditoppolnteci. . —The London Railway News says "The extraordinary number ofadrcrtise meats of properties to be sold now to seen daily is proof of the aide' spread ruin which bee followed the last round of Indiscriminate St itch Exchange specu lation, but which doesnot publicly show. Itself." CLASSICAL JOKES —Pope Adrhut SLath was talkie t with the. Duke of Seim. Thu Ibuigel gave great scandal, and that he would have him thrown in the riier:P But Been an sa-ered, "Do not, holy father, fbr then he will turn frog; and whereas now he chants but by day. he will then chant by day and night." —The Turks made an expedition into Persia, an because of the etralt jaws of the mountains of Armenia, the Bashawa consulted long which way they should get M. One, bearing the debate, said: get Is much ado how you shall get In; but I hear nobody take cart how yon shall getout." Which in fact they never did. —enamel, the orator. had a fish which the Roman called ••3turcna," that he made very- tame and fond of him. The fish died, mid Cr:teems wept fork: One day, during a dispute with Dominus, in she ..Saza4a, Domnina said, "Foolish Craikus„ yotalrepikw-shar.Maransw"• Created, y d:il "That la mtre than you did for both our wives!" Kin g of ata.vdon, Would at times retire from business, and give himself wholly to plea/lures. On one ot these occasions, giving out that_he-was end:, his father,. Antigonua, came end denly to visit him, and mete fairdadisel coming out of his room. When Antigo mut came in, Demetrius Raid: "Sir, Use fever has Just left me." Antigone re plied: "I think it was it I just met at the dour." . . . —The ileum= made a law mplinst the bribery and extortion of the governor. of the provinces. niece), in one of his - speeches to the people, said "that lie thought the provinces would. petition Rome to have that law repealed. For before, thegovemors did bribe and extort as much as was !sufficient for themselves; but now they bribe and extort as,much as may be enough not only for them selves, but for the judges, jurors and magistrates."- Michael . " Angelo, the famous painter, painting - in Pope Clement's chapel the portraiture of hell and damsel made one of the dawned souls so like a cardinal time wan his enemy, that every body-knew it at first eight. The cardinal complained to fire Pope, and asked that It be defaciod. The Pope said to him: "Why you know very well I have power to deliver a eon] out of purgatory, but not out of bell." —There was one that died greatly In debt. When it ism reportisl In company where divers of bis creditors wre, that be wail dead,une began to say 'Well, If be be gone, then he bath carried tire hundred ducats of mine into the next world;" and another said, " And two hundred of mine; " and a ‘ third spoke of great • sums of his. libation said': "1 perceive now that though a man cannot carry shy of 'his 9,113 with him into the next world; yet he may carry sway that which to anntherman's." - .-tilionyslue, the (Treat, after he was deposed and brought to Corinth, kept a school Among those who visited, Mu; wagon° who, when ho came in, opened his mantle and 'shook his clothes, think ing to give Dionyaius a gentle acorn—for the tyrant, when In power, requiredthat ceremony of every one who came in his presence, that they might not thereby carry, concealed weapons to do him hp Jury. But Dlonyalue ante to him: "I prithee do so rather when thou vest out, the; we limy see thou 'double noth ing." --Cicelium being prosecuted by Oilier for impiety; summoned Cicero est. nem. Clodlue attempted- au alibi, bat Cicero ntaintainoil otherwise. The jury, however, composed of lifty-eierven, ac quitted (Indies. Whereupon,one diw in the Senate, Cicero and Clodlus being. in Mae-cation, Clodluattpliroldnd him, and mid: •`The Jury gave you no credit." Cicero ans wered: "Five and twentygave me credit; but there were two and thir ty who gave von no credit, for they had their trionerLefore hand." cloditis was acquitted b a corrupt Jury, that had probehlyteken ',hares of money. Before ' they gave in their verdict., they demand- , ed of the Senate a pled, as Manus was a very sollitlorie young nobleman. Cant les., the next day, seeing some of them together, mild to them: "Whet made you ask of us a weird. Were you afraid your money 'should be taken from your" —notion alien general of the Athe nbui army, iused to dress coy mean, al ways going barefooted and sometimes without his upper garment, except it happened to be intolerably cold; and then his soldiers used to laugh end may: "It in a sign of a lamp winter; Photon has got clothes ott" The Athenians once insisted on his leading them against the enemy, and when be refused, that told him nothing could be more dastard ly and spiritless than his behavior. Ile answered, "You can neither make me valiant, nor con I - make you cowards: however, we know one another very welL" Having a difference with Iket-i -mu, which they refused to settle by treaty, and proposed to decide by the "word, Procion old: "My good people, keep to the method in which you have the advantage—that to,talking and not fighting"Lyeurgas the orator, .one dayeahi many disparaging thlnp, and animig the rest observed that when Al exander demanded ten of their orators, (polltielans,) Phoclon give It an his opin ion Mat they should be delivered to him. "it la tvtle:' sald Phocion, "I havegiven the Athenians mach ;rood advice but r e th u n e h d y t ed li d° , sinowfoorin: be t er h ro , ° ro p w are: . iiid A Arb uima wl th "Ci a,A hi t.; ei n a. M . d preelled them to declare war. Buts, when the lista mine to be made out, this swag gerer appeared with hie urn bound up and a match In his band. Photon, as he eat upon the business fleeing him at some distance, celled, "Put dow n Arts. togiton, • cripple and. coward!" Atter 'ward, Arlatartma wile in prison, when he sent for P octon to mum and acsltim The latter's friends tried w dissuade-hi f rom going, but Photon said: "Let me alono, o good people. Where wouldno rather wish to sp eak with Aitatogatin than' in prison" " Alexander ITrOtt, to the Athenians for a supply of shim, and We orators opposing lt d the Senate asked Pnocion his opinion. "1 *mot opirm o w salt - he,-"that you should either have the sharpest sword, or eine keep on term,' with those who have." PIiBP EDITION. MIDN IGHT. THE PREUDENT LID TUB SECRETARY OF WAR. ‘respofidence Between Tbelai MR. ATANTON STILL AT HIS POST = Sraitoffirroff. Aoost The raki , :rineto the correct test or the correspondenoe stitch recently pseud Misch the President and Secretary of Wart A - recants Sfaft•fon, Waskirfoloa, Awful 5, tae:.--eir,Pubite eomtderatrona of a high character constrain me to say that your ree ls:Vol as escretaro r f y, War sa n t); ac. &seams. JOIIiPt:N. di buoy or War. -- - • To which the Secretary replied as folloirc War Department. August 5,1=..-tint: your note of thts date ban been received, stating that Imbilo oonehrerations of I blab char. meter onnetraln yen to say that my.realgaa tionas Secretary of War ilt' be an. Cepted• reply, I boon tho w bOnor to say that petite considerations of a tdatteharaeter, which Rhino hare induced ma to motion. at the head of this Depart- Meat. Call•t2111% me not to resign the oflice of Omiretary of War before the next meeting or Congress. g Very respecfully, your, ( To eithe nd President . e EDWIN Srairros 'No frlyther Itetten Wu been taken . bp the .I"teeldent, and the Secretary of War to. meanest the Department Uantactlng ueual. CHUM ON SHIPBOIRO. Emigration Commissioners' - Investigation, BAD FOOD-BAD WATER-NO DOCTOR -NO DEG STORE CN BOARD• Twenty Passengers Murdered Int Ts!amok setae riataLnga Naar Tons, August The report of the Committee of Commis- Monona! Emigtatlene,relatlve to seventeen deaths from cholera, aboard the Angriest ship 11, Weep p liacearich, says the bread was mouldy and Meg cr.ilug. There was neither murar nor tom on board; We pedaloes were Magicians in quality; the treatment of thepassangers was met shocking, and the great mortality among them was an conse quence *Abed toed and Rater; there Rag neither a doctor nor even • drag staiia am MAY All these outrages rani onsedtlas were committed to maw, alaw handrod dol lars. The twenty managers who tains died ma board Dave been murdered, the report antes, by A. etranas a co., w Antwerp. TO. surviving passengers have bean informed_ of the legal remedy they have *genet this Arm, for damages sus tained. andthe dead theif.have, lost, and several Davealready engaged conned. EXCII:INGE OF PRISONERS. Gen. Butler's. Report ter Tel.grabb to the Pt Usbmm, Omen. t. Neer Inez, August. 7.--Ttie mom.< Duff Robes General Butler's report, •s- Comm!. Mauer of tzebentle,,lming a poition of the rebellion, from "'Mob it appears Mat to De perober...lBo. itaneasurthereasembeste 9MP- ends anxious to axed sago man Airman. but the Confederate Government refitted to trent witht: en. Butler on the ground that he commanded negro troops. Notlecation. to that effect was mint to our Gov. ernmeet, which refugee' to adroit the right of the Confederate author. Mee to outlaw our =o Carriages turniabecl. • iislitanccs-liar. David - Errs. D. R. Stirs; M. W. Jotoins, D.D.i "Dianna rWjni. Zs.. Jo -31113.5. 0, • RODGERS., WNDERT.4.- riga /ow X.3.24ilthtlit. mosetsor to the . tato Barone X. Bd4Rsn. Ho. 99 99a9 three doors from Bitter. AXllloollll.llty. z -9911c, Rosewood. lttooriam, Walton sad Rose wood Imitation Cortes, at the Haven iii4tiosd pries.. boost opin at se twatrar nor aiinteh. Reuse and Carrtaxes forldebat oD alms 'ow* nod on most twasonable tern. . EDWARD CZABNIMCKI, IDS DERWCEIL. Mee, 444 Oarlo Allegheny. 3letallle, neevrood aad other 'Cor nea. adtl , a eothelete swan! funeral inraigihm goods on hand, and furnlabsihs 'shortest hone. at Imeret PrleeL Baae &Id Livery Stabla, ear ner of llarF,Ann Noma Btam. ferlinCea ltaronchte. Sneldle 80r.... a... Se.. far oh, . R T. MUTE & CO., MOM rq,E.rms A L N, ANBALMIXS, Manches ter. Wood.nnan met Conic Beene at loisccbcnic Livery Mani', corner 13nelnon6 and Chaviltes Wats. Unman inail Curia e. tar., nutted. - _ _ •• V S. STEWART, Er:dertaluer . ••-••• career of MELTON bad Pll tSTIz& liloth Wtrd. Coffins of 01l kinds. flobra b. Coriloeve forntsbe4 on the stioneet GO TO HASLETT & CO.'S,' ,No. OWL SMITHPIELD STEW. TOR lOUs . lavrnocrrii.crzilles. _ WEDDING RINGS. 18 KT. SOLID GOLD, sor t wa, DUNSEATE • er. Co., isirirrn nvgazir. JAMES BCOIT, =I TVELELMAISEIL =DJ FINE MATCHES, OLOOKZ JEWELRY, suxr.n-pisTr.io waltz, ETC. IT4 Li'Warn' er.. rrrrsatateu._ N3l-rtrtleulan attention givea.to topOri.lt Watches. laden. and dcwelny. BOOTS'AND: SHOES, raconazonTict DRY GOODS, C.4I,3MX 2 MIria, AND NOTIONS, A large assortment to select from, at less than Invoice Prl- ces, tp close consignment, at SMITHSON, PiLopi: it CO.'S MANNOTII EMPORIUN, 55 &'57 FIFTH STREET, wanumrs eu BEM F. 11.-1 4 urnienre and Honse. bold Hoods at Auction ereiy ThUrSdR). SMITHSON, lIIIIII‘ : 6r, 00;, .19.1aLoticoaoetzw, tios. 53 & b 7 Fifth Street. FOR SALE—aluat very value= bit. and desirable propertl dote% on L. beer/. otreet .d the •Ilegbeef rifer, La AU. Ober , / GUY bY Meet, oP erldch la *teeth. a very substantial neck Budding, Ore Noma high. 1[0%19 feet, calculated an& Well adapted for carmintt on almost any branch of Inettallaw . tenor. It Is seldom a lot of these di:messier., within the cur. can be bad, and we wonid Layne Um special a , tanUes of these dellrona of aeon. Ina a place for teanalnetnrinn purposes local' at %Da olllos of DICVLIN • !ILL, sal rotate and iese new A[1,1111.1. Pet., wreet:Lalonnpresdlie. ILIGII EST PREMIUM COLD MEDAL AWAIED/D WbOolork. Wilson Bening Nadine, At We OBASAT PARIS ZXPOSMON. Joao Saft anon area loagliad3horpaaa earaadlatrtrti „n mapal wa rm of tka warld-rrow Cluramittra 0! Award Wag aaap t ..4 tb . moot oompetmt aa4 Mtant.' jadgma, mt. scam= & co., 15.5nrirris rrurr, Pltiawit MIK CUM & CO., Practical VimKure Elasofacturen COR. PENN ACID WAYNE STS 01 . 1 ., YINILSITIISS mummy HORSES FOR SAL AT Illoward% Livery Stable, PlEtre BTlll2l'..Yroloakotriortflotss. 0.. noun, Iwo lost% to wril sot. leo toooosottoo. Rood &rivg mull., t out to trot. One Cbtap wort MLitt. Ow Ws low. Homo tonortt wed HMI all Oolliartioll.