El ~ '3 PS. R31133114.7L`Z• MIR IND nom 118 Wood St., near corner of we. Government Securities, Gold, Silver, And Coupons, Wirishi sad eel 4 ea liberal taw. Drab; 0014 ea 41 the eieel elites e.t.a.. JAS. T. BRADY & CO., Bankers, Corner Fourth k Wood Streets, BET BACD BELL ALL /UNDO Of GOVEEMEM SECURITIES. ire lkOw eertartigg 1.0 tb° law 5401 i GOLD DODD Or.DSI7, All other lonia, fooluelos ell ctrl.. Of :-]o•e. •• 01 MI. O.W. of 1100. s-io, of IPA 3-Ars of 1111. sad Coolooma lawn. No?.o. - • TO HOLDERS OR 7-8011 strfts.a. 0001140' ?am . 141 , 3 MIAMI 19 MIMI bead? on Nam! for Delivery. IRA". MOAT. & CO., aistaxam.erist. calm num AID urninsin 814. 7.30 3.302CDS 001MUTIZD INTO 5-20 80ND5,1865, Irma ovr vittims. t g , w a ttwaiirn...ta.to;, In Ne• ROBINSON 8R05 .3 r= fly ' Aitburgij etilitttt p vs;rAd.wir.,..sogrAo3ll OPTION Of TNN Pnoreimmaa CfMers.! Trtem?.er,Atmun I, ICC The New York - stoat quotations audit, la tossirad by Mr. P. B. ISZati. were as fellow.: 1041 Xtgatc , ons bond% n 6 4; Tweet... IW.' 11134; 71.• 'rustles, 1801 lt•Ri Flee TWanties. Phat. 110!-.4i connate, 101190 &Tan Th ru m. PrIXOPON: I Ten Potties, 101'(,. Stook.— Erie Railroad, Cl; 115151064 • Pittsburgh. Chicago and Reek Leland, 10RaliCilleag0 and Northwestern, Chloego mid Northwestern preferred, oo4; . Port Wayne Rallsoad,Rogtic Mahlon Southern ..itadroad. TN; Now York Central, Iteentrig, 1961:1 Welders, Colon Telegraph Collapagy.ll6%. Xining shams —Corydon ' 6,61; Quartz $lll, 106; Gregory, 6,40; ficiltli • Para. 010ah. 11 .10, The oTettimph Olt Company , . announces another dividend of 060 puma. At thls rate Ida stockholders will 0000 hue all their motley. back In dltidends, sad, ass saturol, couscous% the dock . has appreciated In vans matertillywithlit's short time, although it le still below Ito Lutrinale value. MAW Nay Tait quotidian, - flacived E 3 Jana, T. Brady 111. U.S. 81. Tis. 18M. IEiS3 M " Uonso Annat 1405... June 7405..... E== Lltt2 —The following dock was sold on Tuesday *realm', Aug. on tho second door of Coo. neredo/ Sales • RiOms, la Rodthdeld street, by A. if ralwalos, Auctioneer ratehange National Bann. 650 .-.Tho following . Is the aroma of available Nasals la the Treaova7 of the. United State.: Curreany 1113,821.4111; gold $101,908,134, of srldeb glatiftald are In gold sultanate. The debt atatientwill be wand early thu week..lt will thew no contraction of the =faun while the gobrreserrestlll he large. The Treason has authorized sale. of gold only to • loOde. rato trateoL Reafpte from Internal revenue 'esltaldt ea thefe44lo. It hu decided to al. Una the government d eposits o rennin lathe National hanks aultject to such new regale tleas as tug be wee & Iwo, by his Sart. The amount of National teak eurrenn end to date le Ingetnilt,4lk The tallonlos lis tless' hank nautili+ are held by the United Stain Treasurer. - For dradattng notes, 0310; *Amy for deposits of public Manes, gskis7,seo ki7ntil,o6o. , • • The . Natlonal banks of the country . ..it Is gonad, still maks their overdue eosipound la tarot notes. The Treasury . area In redemp, Idol of the ntes an important. preporUen til bank coneney, the effect of which le to redoes the kept teenier towns of the books. BY holding the notes the basks Aylmer to lose the lot of ton Interest (atomizing to about 1, per orelt of the Yrnalesi.) but enly apparently, as they noststar. the nilen for intareet as repre sent/1g so mak legal tante, and nosennently eon! thn Interest as ao touch Itserre; and their legal tattler reserve. belay ee ter tn. creased.' they .-11111 ,at liberty to lead more —The present le • good time for the Seer. tan tomtit his euperiloons cote, unless he liv• made to repeat his blunder of Kay, 1066, when with gold at.llo width* Bank of Losland rats of interest at M per cent, he depleted the Tismim at the loweet price. The gumtion I. Mk. silted Why, with mam at 2 per cent. hi toiland Ltd geld et le% he does not promorly glee the market g0e.000,030, and nee thapro medals deetrortng 01,1413.140 of plain legel.ten dm per month. Thie polleT wield relieve Ma from the almost universal tion of mantas with the tee stipulate an imputad gambler* to gold for • nee, and from the charge of coward 's, lo 'thing up told. Miami:Mu about monde payments. With • Secretary bold enough to manage the ample reactirees olthe. Trtheem loth. interenda of the reheat part of the mu. imbued crone devoted to patching up . the lame of Made. thteet the amulets or the - eotterl7, a lows Wretch mad he made toward epode payments by using the cops of the eithritil for A t e instead of smding gold hearing hood. and gold bullion ahroad. both , log Mit the puma of Irredeemable paper , Weary In the etineaty sap precast the export *lamas la bump Monate, ye the menet the rthennarg who bee clamored so mildly for power to cermet legal•tend optes la that 'direction th e belles It will ho f en hie repute. Ales and the mum et large. Every debt elatement from. thls date should show boor mil. Um of plain legal tender leaa, and Meanly aim should De to get =num debt Into gold beaten null to Tedttee the legal tender trath, %tali:P:1=11 1 r ir o Ztsoitlertat u;strtsitht enough to set motion', the elops,from the producer 00 th e corteumer,with out allewing them to halt et Chicago or New York, nd kept from market by speculators aided by bank meats. A peen.re for mon., entecient to make produeempromptli. pay thelr bets • from. sales of Ulm mope, and proem. UtOis supplies to the same way, would be a *Weal blessing, nod arleao ea the preeperity of Use people far moni the the existing polity width stmtsa paralyses all dhiposition to make loot emagemeide to ageing, manure. Mitre an real estate .lntopt Time ot presses, sod if the Secretary does oat to be blidaty as .I.lis meat Ineeeha golds k n o n boa" he wM at once take miergeUe nteps on the reed to which be eo long blip pointed, and which does load to solemn the petemenent weattli..-2f Tork A 'H PZTSOLZON MAXUS! 011 , los OS "wePrrrennuar (Inoue. / Tommy. Aswan Y , nog. . t3ilDZ—The manliest was unaderahly Woofer than yesterday, at laMo. It hod that had It wall owing. we prem., to thoTset thst the knife •dsioss are mom vorabls. Still then was no eutteenut. the trommotleals ante sot sou tugs. ono than essandlo be a want of conliAesee among oinr. 'atonortsleb, at this welting, no he at • lon to essernatfor. For "AM water," there mooted to he • fair number of buyers at tine,, but holders la many lestaans wen' asking Ile. Yor the last tour mouths, Woven option. there was a sale at Lis, Width Is so advance eompared . with FlotorMlY. The sates ,were USW bbls wave. to Dos" buyer. to " did or snood water. nee w arm water. lOW REFIRED—The numbet for bonded oil wan ales • shade groove than yesterday, and upon the whole, Micas are • shade better, For es. ample, Anna eould hare berm sold this after .: • Mau Mayo, eaalmot tee yesterday, and • mai, adored for the lam loos baler% option, without dadlng east", and, indeed, %bars wire but few et Fie, We ha,l but a ain. omega reported, ie. bbli for October, Inlyer'n WORM et RIX. (The aporta front phis Last week numbed snarly two Wilmer • . 0tf..11117111. VAST eV 1. V. Li. A . A i st i r 4 o4 4 l 4 l: Mi . reflood to P. li rmarlg u rar i z WS do do do to W. G. Looker% la Freer. No do do, Philadelphia. Jam Dump, Jr.. bll do do to F. A. DUworth • PlathathApatm Drams Wegner. X* do do Rill. O. IrVArtuente; , WM dlo do Ur P. Wright • 01 ro. DOSUNIent, ild do do to F. A. Dilworth Phdadalphie. jiNo. mat A. gr. Omphia. do do to F. A. comb *Ch. Philadel . err:Walesa •et On.= do_NIA.W• K.k 9trawt7444 do- to. Brewer, Borba Om. - con swarm, MUT 110 X PV , Vlni . VVVVY/. H. M.Lowg_lb Oo bble relined to Waring, Wag it 00, hiladelphia. Wartate. Riow 00., Mt do do to Worth', twe a 0.. Philadelphia. Hutchins:to Olt ReL It do do, to W. G. • Wastes. Phtladeeptda. . =anon do do to W. O. • O iladelphle. haa. kart, at do .ton..ton.P. Mon.. Ph iub lied Goo do de w. P. -..- m 'Pettnll.l do t in. , to Wad Warden Conualiasuns 41asssurds as it. L.I. ".. ,'Ssullissmlstaciss. Cleo. W. Sam; f sward at aw= for A. ilata • lsal.llllooo SZ Sour. la tali. sa, am sass de is ska at alf." L. Levu, lff liNkiet itaist.lti:llats. at alt. N. 'aamfor -11Pala Its X -filial !Up, at mow soadido• do amMoil. lord* r. Ascot, la Nal 1101/i. at IPA" J. rims a 00..11,K0 Wt. 111 taiga; II W it i M M l kV* h 11: Ord 41a l et It MS .S . ~ c fr ,.~ r s ~:. ~ (s,~; b~'*">'.'`u' v,,.k.+a5~3 ~ 'ss x x.,~-i.~':..f~.~. aria ° .lirs"~. ~-t ~:~t'✓'k ,~„~ :,a i~.,~.x...::v.c.-a ..2~ .+way_.,. k;~k, z •.; JANES DUZELL & SON, . • 69 and 10 Water Street, LARD OIL lILLIDIFACTUREIB I And dealer. m ClOlO ll . LLIZEICATING ertd CkILBON 01Le. We warrant our 1 Lard 011 Saul pe t " best Clnelnatt, or . o .* bfbrura. and oo" " cinelenatl or Chkare Our No. I WI Olt ea a Lubricator cannot be eneellok • Dua colo un r Lubricating sad standard brand. of Carbon VII ea. lentlr and man n femme 5111 And It to tour .37,= t r e 0 , 11 before ofrerl, I:= Orme of rmtz Prrrainnum Okurern, • TresDAT, August a, 1803. The genendsnarkets continue dull and some: 'what neglected. though this is by no meatus um:Ma at this Reiman of the year. Alter bar -004 Ls falrly ores and fanner. begin to market their elate. mo improvement may In trade be expected; and later still when navigation on our rivers is again resumed, sod Chia rosy be looked for in September, a general revival io baldness, the like of which has not heon wit messed for several years, stew; almost inevlb (EL tE"AlN—There t. little or milling doing In Wheat, and the arrivals, aliret, co:glut:alight: rattler. are offering from 11, 1 0024 5 for Pr lsl . Penne sod Ohio Hod: Oat. seam, and to rather better demand but unchanged: we con tinua to quote prime : old at (4010 e, on track, • d the usual advance roe small lot. to store 'ale of roan. wiled Coro at St. Rya la Mill dtoeptttg; STD qllot6, to the ate cam e l aka, at SIASGRA " Nothlos dotal le Bel, .GROCERIES—The grocery roarkst to quiet and unchanged. Rio Vane to quoted at 210 for ultimata, prime, and, gte for anal.. Su. gan—ernehed., 16e; "A" Coffee, 17e; tlor fee, lajfietEstra .0," lee:Cuba, 1314211 e; Por- to 1t1e0.141311a liolasece—gOanno for Porto Rico, and 950 for Nev Odes.. Bloc—ne for Rangoon, and lgo for enroll., Pepper, (to .7:50; Clones, 60qUanda, 73et Platatege, 51,45, • FLOLlZ—Coatlanes dull and musk, with • drooping tendency. Choice old Spring Wheat and new Winter Wheat brand. are selling at 1111.21i311,60. Fancy brands range from 1.144t5, and lige Flour la quoted at sB,is. PROVLSIORS—R•cor. is dull anddrooplual We now quote at 12%(gieNe for Shoulders; 11:016 , 4 Pot Ribbed and Clear Sides, sad Roe Cole for Sugar Cured Hams. Lard M dull at =fur prime kettle rendered. In Memel. )lea Pork is nominal at 021.50. POTATOES—Continue very dull but with but quotable rb•vße to prices-41mill sales in stare, •t leper bbl. (18Mt•PPLES—Steady, with fair \de mand, and only moderate receipts. We eon" Moe to mptirla 113,56 , 33,50 per obi, seeordins Cl= EGGS-4A' nelnue dull bat unchanged, with .upply fully u* to the demand. Small lisle. tIII2 I M. *LILL FEED—Brart continue. very dullfend •ay be quoted M Middling. Mrly t *2. . OlL—Lard Oil I. quiet but eleady at ate for . N 0.9, ead Sip for Pita I. BUTTEB—we min report estee of prime Creel pall mid arklm Butter at llol6e. Peeked very dull. " I==f2 0 fn. i) • 7111t . ri;g r. STC1 2 gi u tt Mr , t The mukct was much better than beat week • r drovers; the =poly being but little over uuludf u large, turned the male do favor! of sellers, Cod, we presume, teat they sonde op thts week what they lost last Pekoe fat cat tle sold at an advance of from Li to 3.60 a gonad, bringing frock'sl4.99%,the I►tier Itgure,howeyer, am only reallied for extra, and can hardly be taken aa • fair criterion of the market. The dormand for stock cattle wee 'very light, end they sold slow/y, ane, If anything, • Outdo MIM!M:E; ::: M. .. h. % ..... s IR ... io„ ... I. ' , :::. TA tower than last week. The number of bulls offering within the lest few weeks hove been unusually large:and we have Wee of whole drone reported at prleea ranging from afire. The whole number of Cattle offered this web did not reach over 500 to tee head, against low tonal head last week; and there is but little doubt that had the Supply been as large se it was lad week, the market would have been fully as bad, If not wane, ne there were fewer foreign buyen to attendance. The Sheep market, - alao, wee better than last eta. The supply was oompsratlvely ;lime fat mutton Sheep, .mpared with • but week, ruled a shade higher. We now quote at for good to prime, and Ipap4 for tw , tartar. Stokely report. haring retailed IMI head at :talk far Sheep; and 140345 per head (or Lambs. S. C. Cram cold 111 head of Sheep far Shenick. at 3,li4Sourd John Werra sold 101 bead very Inferior Lambs At KM. per The market for Ude clan el stock Is (islet and nachansed—the etteraUoas are almost en• tliely of a' retell character. Emerick d Co. boned :5 head et 7, and retailed about the usual number at last week'. prieta. ' arrOr•TED 64.3...6 Or CATTLE. • 1 Glass 6 Lafferty totaled 25 head for Liarbb ' son. at 6% to 7; 37 head for 4.l.utak at 4 to 6.15;21 1 head for Meadow" at 3% to 4%; wholesaled 20 head ti Verner at 6, - and seat 57 head to - East Liberty. John Kerwin sold 201tead for Andet. 1 sou at sto 6!„.(3 wad 54 head for Thom. at 5. Cur d blealllater report 33 head at 0% to 71i. R. C. Cuba •014 W. head - for Taylor at SY: to 4,1 e. B. lb:Garrey bought 10 .head bull. at :71; to a 3.4; J • OI J. Rothchild, head at 3%. Bo& ton d Whittlesy soli !the .'top out. of 40 bud 1' Western nausea dock at 6.10. Ea. slew d Co. retaUed 34 head at. 5% to B. Sotheldlde le Byers sold 25 Lead common .teen and heifers for Stakely,at 6,15 to 5%; and 10 head at 6to 7. P. Gartman .01411666 d Waattlog• ton oounti cattle at 6 to 1%. .7. St...WM . 70 laud wow Wad Cl 0% to 7%. M. Verner,26 head at 0,40 to 5. Trues sold Greenwald re Rahn 71 head at 6%. L. Sban 7 bsd4 sculled Z head at dy, to 8. Marks d 'Trautman retailed 72 head at 4 to 834—InaludIng 30 head of extra Ohba eattle whleli .old at the potable :wt., 855: Grecurald 6 K.Un 94 head' at sto 7%. Runs a 11..448 head at S% to 8%. Zeigler; sold Marks' 6 Traurseu 50 head of fattish Washlugten wittoty cattle at. 6%, Tatum, 02 head at a% to 0%. Thrasher sold Rothehtlets 1. Byer• 25 head, Ineludang SI hull. Mier. & Needy retailed 27 heady L. Rotheldbls, 15; G. Katt, 2t. • giew.Yorik Protganelarked. • ' 1111 Telegraph ta the Pittatarghtlaaetsal Now .Toax, August 4-Cotton steaolers eales DX tales at o,4cUrDo for middling uplands-0.11160 at 290, Flour: receipts of C,S3a bbt.; market Wady for old, and Mello lower for news sales WO bbl, at 10.2507,10 for superfine :State and 'modern, $7.7407,%. for extra western, filoall,l3l for amuse do, espagO,lo for ehlpping Ohio, 410,10a1r,00 for trade brands, and ar 17,4.0a10,60 for ivories do. California beery d lower; salmi to. bbl. at 111014.90. Bye Floor unchanged. Whisky unchanged. Wheat receipt. la= bush; market 347e0 lower for new; salea neat bosh .3.10 for.new amber southern, ip..A for new amber butte. for new amber Menlo, and eiLlogusd for raw white .outhern. Bye onleg Barley doll. Barley Malt nominal. (Mtn receipt. 11(510 limn; market aetlv 20*C mixed W es MUM° br u t at 41,07e1,11 for unwant h ed r; western; 11.03131.07 ler unsound do. 11O1,0) tor kilo dried. and SUS for white western. Oats recedate 3,033 bush; firmer; moles MAO bush at TeVele for western, and new western to settee at Tao.. Bier quiet. Coffee steady. Sugar arm; aabes3o tads Cuba at 111,1%. galena. steady. lions quiet. Petroleum pule& at for erude, and .9030 e for rened in bond. Pork op b e i ;ned steady _and nosed Velar nr . a r ai Ol. l l " dggS 7 tor at pritlrda ./.,73 for prtme mesa! ' Beef Arm. ' Beef liamsdulL Bacon quiet. Cut Meats heavy —sales Ve pkg. at 1i0114..0 fur shoulders, .andlpOlge for hams. Lard teary; Wes WO bobs at 1234,G1F;(0 for new. Butter at 190290 foe Ohio. Cheese quiet and heavy. Freights to Liverpool lowers:LOß bush wheat at Id per sail and ad wades., L.LTUIT, a r. Mooed fairly active and steady for old, and dull, heavy and lee towerwer for Wheat d and 263 c lor new, and ateadY for old . Bre deli, at e 1,4001,42 for new. Olds; 73S5te for old western; sales of Ohio, for sellers' option of august, at rat Corn; there la au upward , endeocrs wend new mixed weeternsi,loo 1,11. unsound, 51,0901.175. •Pork dull at $ 7l .ad =Jo regal.. Beef gigot and steady. Cot Meats unchanged. Bacon and to 1310d011144 Inquiry. Lora quiet at; lIPAISINe for tear to prime steam, and /AS 010540 tor kettle rendered. Cirmtnaati !mete*. - thy Uteri-son to the nothergh Garattal Ciscomati August o.—Flour is a shade firmer but prince are not Mahan superfine 57,2507,63, extra 49.Mfge.7t, ro d famliy VA, arms. Bye /lour doctinott $6,5 Wheat Armor; No. I red el; bricue to choice hen. ooo g, wane gz,Zelivo—theee rates were a shade above the clews of borers and at the (dose the Menne .srem Tether heavy under the news from other marten,. Corn was in goo d .0190105 demand, hut the stock is so small teat but little was done. Oats firma. So.l new 00470. Eye w. held at with buyers at NO. Cotton firm at Me tor told ellingt hoklers asking re with not. mach offering. Whisky Tin and dull a t NO In bond. rroviatens quiet and with. change:not much demand for any article. Stem York is held at 10.3.24740,59, er a. it can. not be bought /emir at Om rat Bulk Mato are held at 110130 for Shoulders and Mee. Baden held et 11, If3l, Meltsjejnr Shoulders, Sides, clear - rth and clear blOO% Huns dull wlthnot much delnand: common ltilitlitte end nugareured MINX. Lord dent Prime was offered at Mater dull at 1601Pe for Central 0010. And 0 :4 2 . 10 100 Western Enemas. Eggs lee. Choose doll at 1101 ft. Linseed MI $1,3021,83 and dull. paid air% buying. - 19 - 10% • U. Lamle nark oS. (117 Telegraph to Um Plusburgn Gust's.) . B. Louts, Artanit d—Tobacoo firm and antave. Hemp firm and higher, at $460 for undressed and 0.,91 for dressed. Flour On. 100 bllth Pada, but dull for other 40,1. Mee; extra $803,75; double extra, Including r 5010.75; Sauey $11402. WNW. Is higher, at $1,30 Jor shrine, prim. red and etunce; 11,8501.50 for choice do; g 1,8.7 Sot g.ne7; white 12,07: Corn firmer and b111 5 . 5 ra at 75e01.02 for white, 3109du for y an d 85e tor suLzed. Orate Matt and Weller at 470 305 nominal, and 33000ntorold. Rye better; at: 790700 witnant Naas. 'Yrcrelaiona dull and droo Inc and 111110 doing. Mass Pork Ilason--anonkleta 12;03. Lard 124 a ;or °hotels kdttle.. Whisky nominal at itecolpts-3.50 bbls Stour; wheat 4,210 sank., Cata 39,375 au. emu; ;hut,. r y e 100 Do. Weather Clear and mar= . ==l=l3 t 0f Idaornoh to the Plttsbasei Oszatils:7 PIDIADELP.u. Axixort. u.—Float 1a dais am/ exta is lo 1 1r i el era I:.111. elate t 4l 4d 3 t7 C lVgatem ynna 111.teor4sow. ,Ii for mixan. -0ra,733f0r CIIICSEO htu. 16/§/IleS. Mr ?WPM: 4 to OA Ittttlyarth Otutt.l GIMIA.O.AUJILIt IL-Be csuu w a s., ft w/OW.n 114197,0 e tot Mr to good. oniho. , Bop locootstaly mitre and 60 iseaw.-v=ior wool to-make Filmic's.' Matters in New York. ==C3 LBT WM.0%8 the Plttetnugh Wattte.) N.. , Tors. AMIGA A. Lt....a. 11101 , 1 T AID GOLD. Ilrale7 easy and suutcly at 3051/ar cent. far call loans. Starling dull and drooPlna. at logXello, gold, firs t class bills. Gold a shads abater, opening at 1.40 , 30a1d arming at 110. Without decided thllllge, donne strong. Coupons Of IPrd. 1100 Coupons of 1864113 do. of 19C4, 109%, do. of 18a.110%; do. Just wary Wad July, lui%; 7.303. 101%. sierra. erocks activeand higher. C1014111{2 firm. Closing prices t Ohio, Certificate.. 1.50:741, Cantorr 49b4r Cumberland, 304123 Tr Quick- Sneer, ketr.,; Mariposa. lerWell; Western Union T arrant!. I3Vltriii 140 tSSlErtrett.Cfil,llLt art Kai.* Ing,lloNelter; sarchbran souther., stO N; Wined. Enna - W.IIN; Pittsberieb. ter n ra Tonal°. miam: Soar Island, 10.14)1USqr Northwestern, 46%1gt67*; preferrefi, 'lll 70 , 4; gat Wayne, loslitrao6rWea,s4 l , Tenn. 60 E., W 44174; American, 72146 , 34; United Eitates.7oll73; Fargo Co..bN let; M. E., 104(j)17. soirmoTrr or IiPZCIL To-morrow will he lwrht. Are lower; Grugors, 6 :n Gerydon, i,un du, 2,W, Gunnell, 2,601 El Dorado, :MN Vu=l,o3; 81.1 U & Parmelee, 5,75; IMvldeen. • • The reee tote at the bob-Treesury Co-le7 ro 11:7 5 R.t31tTh , hate, CAC.; beltaCh. $1tte.,013,7a. =l2l=ll ===l augnst 6.—Weatne,ciondy and worm. floursteadtdspringertrasS 9 ol lo ,ro. Wheat steady; 0,15 for No. 1 red, 10,8i61,82 for N 0.2 spring Corn active and . ...it/An higher; sales of :No, lat 9e.4030 and: AM for NO. 2 elmung arm at tunable prim,. Oat. negfeeted.but nominal; 2 cents lower; 601:143e. (or No.l and 380580 far 310 2. nye opened &titian nnprortal and advanced to Cc for No. 1. Barley bless pork In sane; nomfoBl. lard moreactiva at 12% 612540. Beeelpts—Floor 3.%/4 0 0 00 who.. 1 9 . 00 O. • corn, 36.500 bus; Doti. O , O N bus. Bbipmeas..-2,300 bets dour, 8,121 bus wheat, and 28,000 bus corn. E:3 (By Telegraph to the Pitteburgh Gazette.] rouge*, August 6.—Fleur-411 for Amber doable extra. Wheat—Keeelpte 40.= bu; the market Is le lower; 12,12 for white 11102- Ican, e1.,02 for now Amber, and $2 for No. 1 red Wabash. Corn—receipts 701:* be; the market is actlev, firm and 20 betteri et for No. I mixed Wabash, Ole for No. 2, trati(tate for Michigan. lasts-600 for No. 1, and too ler all August. 117091 e. Lake Frelghts-7o on wheat and Corn .to`Oawego, soul to by steam to Buffalo. =I (By Tolooosolk to the Llttabonth ti motto.) Now Your, August o.—The market mani festo no symptoms of animation. There Is oodsiderable mo e Inquiry for geode and towers are more numerous, but all are nev elt/Sing . With extreme caution. Pr kes.• however, are firm for all staple styles. and the tendency in toward hardenteg rates rather than otherwise, still there is no de sire to natio Ipate future wants until geode aro actually needed for consumption. El:==E2=33 (UT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oseette.i Now Oates's, August 'G.—Cotton firm; sales of 1,000 bore of low middling at 21t receipts for three days 705 balee; nnimrie, 333 bales. Sagar and molasses unchanged. Flour= better inquiry, but 100 ...het is overstocked and Deices nominal; superfine, ♦6,7566,10. Corn 11.95161,50. Oats $1,15. Pork declined 600; quoted at 0.5,60. 1.44; Prime durum. 155 o. Gold 174,02140. bterline and New York flight Eretumite nneinmeett. =E:=l3 (B) Telecreoh to the litter:m.o tiesette•l • Burr..., Aug, 6.—Flour m fair demand, at a1001e,50 for spring. Wheat dull; now ;white Michigan, V.,50; old red Toledo 10,10. Corn excited. closing 2@40 higher; mixed westernsl,oloslan very arm. Oatsdoll and unchanged. Barley and Ilya nominal. alms perk and lard steady and unebmged. Illcowlnes 2,10. Iteeelpte—lS,Ooo Du. wheat, 1V . J.,000 bu core,llooo Onls tour. Shie menta—.l%,OM Du torn. =l:2 illy Telearank to toe rltitou rso tioastts.: Lectern... August 6.—Sales of ISt bads. tobacco; market limner at OM; leaf ifiik=. Superfine glotat47,oo for No. I, and 810,- to for nesw. Wheat 111,71. Corn oheiled livens:l,oO. OW. old, In bulk 70; new 45070. UMW. Mess Park "MM. Lawn shoulders, Moor shies 10810. llama MN,C2I packed. Lard in flames 13. Ilaw Witi•dcy nominal it SO to Is not. Cotton middling I =! (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tlasette.3 MILIVAITSZIK, Attguat G.—Fluorin dull et VOX . for etty double extra, and V.SO for country. 'Wheat Is dull; tight Salm were made at e 1,93 cash. elan. aellern ell week for No. I. onto la &mat 65^.. for No. 2. Corn In arm at eau for No. I. Ileceinte--7CO barrels your; 2,OUu brothels VbESL. Side tuentee.-400 berele flour; no wheat. Baltimore ILarkel. lit)" Tsicitnlsh to to, Pittsburg , Ussetm. B.:axons, !Log. ft—Flom' dull, tad lu n buyers. Wooed 11 dull sod Ims de clined 10011,. Chcleared •I.soo'=:u. .Corn Is doll; common white, $1,1401,1.. The to. Writs or lists are large: 7r4piiic nor lm. for new. Provisions are quite arm and un changed. Whisky In bond, SICI,Yd. ==== t Telegraph tulle eitutturrgh Uaretth.) - 11adirare, Aug. U.—Cotton flrm but nut quotably MUM.. Colm—romulfan OW bust E. hoe - genaral rang.. Oats On and dulL flay 42r41a. Flour dull, at. 39010. Pork ha.POO 'AL Earron—cleur Ade*, 10340. Lard 1:!4.3 Ide. . . Delrclt Markel. Tofrgrall, b We ritublusix I.l3llette Drrporri August G.—Flour source awl firmer'; tti Was effaced for 1.0001.;Pla of sow. Wheat; demand secede tat, supply; ouqulrY actire.st $4.15 ror T .tino, le.,lSllor extra do, sod $2 tor No t amber. Oswego 111571555. 157 Telegrapb to ibc 715.sburgls tiaast...) °swum. Aug. a. -flour 'Wadi . . Wheat,- no sales. Corn dill. at 9:e. Oats and other grains scarce and quiet. LISPOII3II BS #4.u.aoado. 3.1.89823a8 AID P 12.223012.211. HAlLaoln, Animal 9.-11 Dbl. nOulev. W J Steel d Eroi 2 nbla egg., Fetter it Arreetrong, 2do do, Hued Aletitgar; 21 L.A. ;wrap Iron. Llndesy h Me. bas belt ens 3do pus. Volgt Co;17 boa clues& Vangoolor & 83107.24; 03 do 20, Entlege,Parry h Co; 2 We Wl,ll U .I.ippluctott• to aka oats, it Biddle; b do do A Woods; mark .7 ware, Genre.; Ido J J ohns; 1 odgskitte. W Pima. & Son; id waehboutle, Jae Connor; 6 DAL varnlth, 7 Al Seibert; 11 bad old copper, Ibi old brass and copper 11 Dogleg d Co; 8010 feet lumber, W W itlido.; 4223 tee.). Nludek h tio; 1 ear Iron ore. Urgut d Caughey; 9 do do. Nees, Grad h Doll; 9 do do, Shocobet ger la 11181 r; 06 kg. butter ens, A Young 0014 barrel putty, T i f Nevin d Co; l chill, 'oo & Co; 9 Cis casting& H Blackstone; a Wows, J Wired b. rodett. tt• Kittit I cheat tools, J. E Warridgi 50 Nitwit . o tir Juliann:2 eats bulk wheat. R T Kennedy . Dro;1 ear bnui,lll Steel et Son; IA boxes Um. Son; horsey chew, bible my, tlhsrlee Reader; la • gegue heir, Strene; tunnel pearl balky. A Benenew; v eaeks wog.. 8 fitlimumor; I barrel I as Iron, W J Hammond; Iv kegs pearl ban r ley, D HoniarJ ; • 2 barrels do. John Porterfield; I ;dodo, Arbuldge d Co; 2a bunt's' dour. She maker Lang; 9.1 bas cheese, Arbuckle, k. Co; 22813 oat meal. E lteallton; II boa *been. Urania Reltu.- POITSSU2I33.FOIT W.tram& 14/3303.30 August 6-1 ear pig Iron. Umiak a 13013 do do, Bryant tlausheps Ido do, Wood& Son se do do. Lewis, Bailey a Daleoll; A do do, Spool, Ulcallant Co; lo der palls. 3do tubs,New comer, Goo &Co; AS dos bi 110613, Arbuckle* a Co; 16 plows, I bx hardware, 11.11 In Spear; 1 tuataras ' li r Adams; I ear. bap, betinelback Schottil car plow brims. J ll Bidwell: la Ms paper, I' e raga, Godfrey'. hoistOM; UM bbl bacon, Kirkpatrick It Bros I sow; Bead Metre.: 01 bas thee., Y, Bessleton;2o do do, Little, Idalrd a Patton; to do do, Ewan, a Coil ear IrbUt, .1 .4 Liggett a Cos 3 ears staves, T Markle a 80. Pyres union, Coacznon Craccramel B. R.,. August 1.-4 hale • egg. 1 Orkin butter. D Let:teflon; 2 tibia tale, i k:en butter, McHenry Rood; 2 MEOOOO, dl W Ranktill 2 11 0 do, Velq & 1.701 10 do cornmeal, .1 S Nemnyer & Co; caddies tobacco, a :Veneer; 100 boom starch, Arbuckle• Coil car eater irteel. ! ler, Deer a. (Jo; 4 boo room, Crawtord k Co; a ems bulk corn, I) Waliate; 2 oars move.. Win 11.1.1111.6: 2do do, hely& a llobleson; I do de, 4obt, O'Catabau; 1 do do, 1? kaitice;2(o barrels, flour, D Wulam; 10 do lard 011, {IL Faber. bbl. Emmy oil Obis, !A. 11 Miller; 6 lard 01k.13 Chestnur Co; I cam gimes, Cary, n; a Co; tails when., 1i.0170 Loman; 4 Ads leaseco, J finer I: (3o; 4 40 do, I al Dept. ALL.HOI . VaLarr liaaLSOin Autust 1 car ply Dun, 161ralek A Co; ido 410, Reee,Otaff Dual; I car stone, J M oil barrnlz, Mont:Ulmer, Koehler la Co; I on firs clay, 8 al Him a 00;2 Mor dry tildes, Wm Paeans A Son; VI eke oats, Xell A Ritchart; 4 bas, 7. Or. 0100 butter, 2 bbls ens, na carboys vitroll, Yitteburgh Add Works; lamoo.s alve., I lieffman; 10 lags marketing, Monongahela Rouse;s can do, T• 110. owners.. • AZAssernra lersalow,Auguet (1-43treseheoso A A Goff; 10 Ole, bale baskete, Jos ()talcs dos washboards, J Meyers; 23 eke oats, 31 Steel & Son; 24 eks r Itoblawn S Malmsey, g ear a:doyley, Iludolph & thy; pa tads dot., Wrens 10Ienneehy; 30 y do d Anderson ;o, Stewart 9 - a bbl d Langenhelmi bbla ist ..1 ela Owens & liennedy;9 eke omit, J Herbert ppkg,• . Pig-man:on Awn Coanztgavgggs E. IL, August {—l bbls flaxseed, lieweorder. (Oct a. Cogge kegs nuts. Lewis, 011ver &Phillips; go tone pig metal, 4 Wlekershentr 1 ear barwei, Steger, Nlndibe & Co; S 2 eke wheat. Clerenne & Stoneman; 42 toll. rope, Selman a 00. iiiitisburgh Importing House. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, IMPOSTERS. OF 1011.614111 WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 409 Penn Street, 4 1 04 1 0”111:T041 Would dtroot attauttern of Oho potato to to, toot toot, poss./duo outurlor t.eUtor. throne, oavel•I liquor uuwes t 0 Europe, oua making Wolf leoportatletts enabled t o oder AI. various ormloo of coulee Wines and Lupton.% prices Ins than Eastern u. rota. EISZIiaIIOP 01 sodoutopartoun " A p ltgeTir t ow;tang of HIRE OLD BYE wtrinicar woulanol• au hood. sulfl.fd FOB BALE. opur. d INCH =GINE. al Inch Woe., e t ... on Um bed pls. Ova wenil•bend OSCILLATING ZNOLNE, Ina. by lh Woke- Gs. lidoc ebroud-bead ZNOIN t, 14 lath sOblLAAerleebuL we troll bed Nue. OnelON Web e wrote. 'ewe& bi g sbcree Gbe told nub. ter “eb. • arnatira a ALBAMIONIPS DWED WIIITITS. mbele do choke bar ruches , quartue do: . l • 13 do mined do; busbels :rood Ds/ Apples• • • 30 do wine ao• Jut received el Ccesellealen and for sale low to the red r., . 1011011• 3 113.8 • LANO. CIELEAPVIT IPLOICEI THE a 33 Wood 010001 . 1 01 TY Saba, F IBE BCBEENB canna simano And WA5. 9 " . " . . •LL[OHCMY MP. PA TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, se is. la elUtirT NTAILXT PITTSBURGH DAIL! Gi.ZETTE i WEDNtSDAY. AUGUST 7, 1867 PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. FULTON, 11011.11 All k CO., Xmacta* the best CORDAGE, osuinu, TWINES, =1 116 4 Wart&ousek. & 115 Water.Sl E=El3= RIVER NEWS L o w. yeepubltcon, of Friday, says It little Premature In Its announcement that Capt. 000. Figrrk had closed the contract for a new boat. • • The following is from the Memphis BizltetLn. of Thunutsy. A elonviar claim has be. made against the owner. of the Rom, lisoubleton by Brown ls Jones. owner. of the tug Nettle Jones. It sigma that on Tneaday mortdoe, one of a number of nfta which' had broken locwe from Wolf river. was plaited op below choler.. by the tug ••We COMP to Steyr and WNile being pushed for shore wee run under she Rose Itambleton at the bone yard, 00011106 Ler to break loon from. her moorings, and sending her •drift. The Nettie Jones was Mg -oele4 to come to the rum; and with the as istance of the other tug, succeeded ID gettiag tee Row Ilambleten to the bank again. The owners of the Nettle Jonas now alatre salvage. which is one third the value of the boat.. Of course the owners of the Rose Rambleton en. certain no idea of paying the claim. The Silver ClCud for New Orleans, was at hlemphie haat Thursday. The Bulletin, of Fri day, says: We learn that Dlr. John Sullivan goes out as second olerk of the :it. Patrick, In pi." of Jimmy Thompaon, who takes charge of the oa lice of the Oblast. The Wild lriehmao looks very grand to her raw harness; and will be at our 'anchor on Saturday to load for Ticketing for which place she leaves on Tuadsy nest. The rellowins boats were at the Cincinnati levee on .Sunday: Bertha, Llmis Hoopla., Wantons, Cbuleeton, Mary Erwin, Florence Traber, Darling. Rob Roy, llobt. Moore, Co. bombia, Swallow, Rayons, Potomac, Ida Recs. The Leonid. and Idemenger were among the Ent boats due. . _ . The dinannati En:ruler. or Monday: has the 7 fell : The I:lvry Erwin was mimosa:illy ridged S turday at Riling Sun, where she sunk Wednee ay night lime, and arrive:there Tester day re ag. She ..very badly tweeted, but • few w ks on the says will mete her no autun as .ever. fief cargo consisted of 100 hook: de tobao, 131,600 feet f ed.ber • lot of green hides, And maiscellaneens freight. The tobitcso is very bsdly_demag W heti she tank she had made her way through the lower cronleg, sod sefelt' penned the imakee stone boat, but In trying to make the upper mouton rant:ground. She succeeded in backing oer the bar, but unfortunately ran against the root, which knocked • hole to her bottom, at the stern and she mink. She wee relied by the her :if pumps. The war between the four trunk road, con. thaws, and the compact of which .11, Samuel Sloan was the umpire may he regirded as dead. It le charged by the Eye, that under It they hare been as badly treat Ed an when each road attempted to get the advantage by ape. cal contracts. Fares and freight. are now rer munerative, hut no eutprise. Reed be felt If In few day, the fare by call la not down to s 5 to Buffalo. The People's Line of steamers Is taking large number* of passengers and the Erie huskies. In brought where Ithaust run empty thronett trains, or take passengen at rates where more than &dollar In spent to earn a dollar.—S. Y. Tribune. The following sant, which we clip from the Cincinnati Cbtanwroinf, eslilethe Melt: Not • wishing to into newspaper notoriety, but too- log called upon by Capt. Thor. Shuman, of the steamer Wausnita, as refbrenee In regard to a dispatch sent by us from New Orleans, to Geo. L. Johnston & Cu : about our arrival at that 'Aport. The disoatch as sent, read ma follows: rrived Saturday night. liave diecharged. •A head Wituanita 30 bourn." The dispatch does nor say we were !Unthawed 30 hours before the Wauanita minced. Rad it not rained we Would have been dote discharging before she arrived. The Emma leo. 3 solved at New Or leans on Saturday night at 11% p. to.,•and not on Sunday morning, as "many reliable per sona" Informed them. Wauanita arrived Mini nay ate a. m. We were discharged Monday at IC a. ni.; the Wauanita some time next day— tbesulay. As theqatch contain. two Item-- arrival end ditch cg-1 think the time given above will justify e saying that we um - edit° hours in advance., and were Recharged about the same time lq advance elle Wanes:at& As to the time made, I need but say that the Wan - ithitaleft Cincinnati 2 daye in advance of at, and arrived beck 3days after as. And I must admit that the time of both boats has been beaten by the Great Republic and Ruth, at though the Emma N 0.3 did a "rushing bud nest" on her down trip. To me. a controversy of thin kind le unpleasant with fellowitteam. boatmen, hat the above are the loots 1. I an derstand them, and are not advised by a "din honorable compeUtor.i . Knowing that this controversy interests hat few of your readers. am, truly yours, Jae. R. Efaratts, Captain. .jons B. East's, Clerk.. Steamer Emma No. a. Mr. Reuben Story, second engineer on the Government wrneking boat, Gen. Tattoo, died of cholera on Thursday night on board that, steamer, about throe mats stave Cairo. The Totten had ibakArrived from St. Louis the day before Mr. Story was taken Ili, and it is sup• posed that he contracted the disease at mat city. He was sick about twenty bolus. • CON3IIBB7i MERCHLIti 113. F. . SELLERS & CO., PORK .PACIM, =9 A. 11. D OID ,e New Bacon. Beef and Tongues Will be ready terdelMery oa Meads". lith thou. CbOlea Eleigar4larma Same: Do do . do , Moen • Do , do do BeetToueuete Do do do Breordlat Bacon; Plain Cured Bacon Shouldend Do do do !Odes, At reeooe4 pricer sad of eraelleut etollty. From Ode dale me Mall be regulvlr supplied wiLe oil amiable La taut Ilartslea trade. WO:re IDIMMO BURKE & CO., COIDID3BION meßcatra 8, Pacific, Globe & Libor*. Oil Works, Ample Stance fOr (Trade and naffed OIL Lib eral calk adradsaa made es emastrataaata at Credo or Reenact eatroleam. Ueda tor stoma and aelpteent of Oracle Oil at Lalrreseetllla. Urdu add Warelsota_e,Oaraar et /MOM. Way . and 0100000! West. rlttayazall. *MAD ROBERT KNOX, Jr, comunssioN nzscassr. /Lad dellezin . FLOUR. GRAIN AND PRODUCE, MUNN 41$ LISZIIIT BT.. Plll•lm.rib LJ. BLANCHARD, • WROLELLS AND =DAM cr c> Et, 396 Penn Street. m~ KiEL & 00EXISHSION MEROHAIina, Flour, 6ratra, Sluds, RIM Peed, t.e. b e 19 L/BESTY CrTRIRT rlTTltauitua. atm= ( WENS & KIENNED_ , - , PECIDI7OI: COMMEIONSIICMARANTS 604 Wiwi mole Deal.. is D !HMV, U Lt. 1 , 11177. Mt !; fit al , t u ogil 4 0 ) . . r u thl 7.2 ppo. 111=.11:M=111,7.1-1''''.1,1ZP • maw. . awns. NBA= & AMER, Commission Xsreliants, Mohan In NUMB. omit, Yd PRONOUN Sono om ra rut. No. IN WITILU, ,above lannthaold . ..11,1.4th. lon FETZER & ARMSTRONG, mum Art conossu rot the Otaln. MO" Lank utt,r, left 33 Driftl eld SYnaltes gnmsraltr, II Mort et tft-nrat. confer et Prat. Plttsb.rtk. Arntall • learr. 14107. P IBIHOS & SWI, COMMiIIIOI3 XX.9O/1 AISTBand. Lulus la rums. MUIR, MILL /ZED WPHADUCti Emma -37. iO. 79 Dlsmastl. 97701119 Cr/ H.U. AUa- Enan7OM. Is! 7:2117 DAA afilLlMPOU967Commis ous, watmErr 110 " 1 1.11.1 " ; 0 N th iblera l =ow:lu j r an , 266 Cknaslimminna p4;11010,1.1 1 0 0 4* 0c.1"4. LITTLE. BAIRD & PATTON, rjuottlr ,, , arnti Ilarahsats, 574 VaWas laTbiLT6, l llltV " : i.VAlAll4 ' llltal.l ' !l ^'" e ?A °P P. B. E31W01.....WX. D. mann. REYWER & I:lllo&,Ailuccessoirs to tront,tr • Anderson, W044;8114 Dealers Ia loralan Natal and Braced, Caidoeuar. " 1 . 7=4 4 1ia g 7441. 11htnaxeM 101 IN B. CANITELD,CoIossata. eou and tramaralna Itarthroat sad What*. tala Paler is Wutern Banns Capp, Art- tar. Lard, Para. Zarses,/loar. rut, l'at sad PPM istea..Pd Frog, mad Pra. dap tiparsl4. Mau IN Pat 1113 /rep strap, rittPara a. IaDDLEAro. 183 liberty tit" ridaWan, ra.aoomaadon altar:haat. and l'doleatale Pester tat Onuntry Produce. Unman. Ilatabarab ntanntantares. CAM advanced on Oonslesesatay azi4 We/ Dat And.* On.- ally. aala ,101011. ISOCIDISDWAILD 210011M.Ar0.41. Mon. JOHN I. HOUSE & tete .. meows To JOUR 1. HOMO • CO.. WWI. We Wooers n 4 Omani= Moreau% 0.0. au of 141110IICfl sail WWII stroau, Iquaborrli g,CIIONGSSJCB & LANG, Whole oge &Alm Irierooortos. Moor. Oroln, Pro: ol dor. Prorislook nab, Mao" Balt. Cubtat 011 , No.. Inca 6171 Wootllltroot, soarLlDatTAtrea:al4l. e. Po. • n WALLACE I M P G " At i t D raopuoi DEAL& No.B titxtb. • 7•11a61 • CIBEEN ALLEY.—NOTICE IA l.ot bendy Wes that the Report of the Viewer, r.ppelotaa b MU.. Pencil. sad damyoe for the d rum?, Gam 11l brown t•nalaas to Cbestaut trati, a eLstarrea 0112 a r»I. Paco Sled IS Court. at K. ill, .1117 Term. 1107. and Ind turl boadnusd. dabtat •bleetkra• an dled arOper time. JOLLA C. dtcCOltild, lefaan selleCor. YICII[3IIBBOP u, ♦ aim ears. mum., •• 12, .0 pu•ssua salt - awl vol. ••S trams, • Ira icesuarr 111111311'. .105,11. SIMKO i NW. ~,c. 171377 r, MEM teillif4lll: , * - ION! It would take s =a sada.. W Mut tte thlit tUes that Dave . bees Irrltian non thi. Import. nut subject, sue It ► ala sum fete I ►ttemPt It ha would oak* lii.o4lf wona Dl the MaUt end d 1 betbre be Vt. Mat tEreeib• Th.." 4". t. 'o2 . orthe iltsease bsabS mtibo.Dgett. I= rattoa of attar or pu..-Pda. o.a or bath lOOgo. as tomato la Ma Dolato of the /mods and gales of Um fat. ashauUai day at Wet owe+, boater fever. Indies." , can WI .p=.u...v.elAnal.lon of blood T ' b.e are the aural outwardrJmDtoau. ePPwent of only to the obserelog pe.tetelats• hot to the patient's glands. Ilan rt. boara , tee. more laaportapt symptoms than Mesh vstilett are only mad e manlflM by sa.adtattoo anC bermaslon teem which sa•an r in • aTitul thump- Ins and Ihtening And tbel pro e=Pl.led Irani') In order to asthrith what h going oh, h li!!!=;71 rymptoms alielted la Ws w ara ann.!. surely demonstrate Um troe landsman condltSon of tb JLU • at ferl te. armertalnlng whether the Lmiga • Ibbt St.bizal or sot. Hence It b the Lee ethod of examlohog We Inn 0 . . Their actual ondltion once dlecover.d. t►a eppeopriat =cat la mornianidly artivad at. and e, err Aleeseed, part more completely codex toe lOA .nee of appropriate reseal.. We have lona Otto of the opinion that o on!amotiork or decal. I...Union' the bodily 'Month. eens depend .nat on • depraved Elate dabs blood. 'entail des, Iu Its course. tubeicalous mattei, tut 4 pordlto It DS the Isugs, or elsewhere In the body, YtY ealoult sr st.ow le depoilted!... the bla4 = pouloles, notil It becomes of imeh offence to th natural twicUotts tobri g g on lalanunaton “ Lion..rblon salon, if It would awry it rwaN . ..elly done la the beginning or tub din MAYBZII.9S EILCTOBLL SYRUP li • co. plat and perfect core In the forming itage of lung din.... It acts on Um Very principle I= = I=l =1 =l= mattet haalth and we, the content? of Mahn sad dtr.a.a. la mazy eama Of MmaamPilo whla Suva Imams sattsed. Dr. Keyser , a r.oto imam= =1 LIINU CU&K ITILMOIfLET lUMFOILa 1 I= =I particles. of worn out or extraneong matter. Irotott only toad to flog or destroy , It. by Miller. tog tbe rens, g material bens gepoelted V . proper glue. FULMONART CONSUMPTION. MIMULTINS raw( rzzuntenr. CUBED. I= I= I. took • violent attack of olcurby, fo Mak.- IMO. ' , lamb left coo SIN a souk lamting all Bum mer, mremrlng mray my strength mod {raduo/ onderlin log my health. Doting Ibis ottm.k I=9 =I I= = I= =I noon I +sold di* of CONSUMPTION. I Unser, ed on from als time nein about the middle of June. =7 cough and !au dl , ==. g=d=.ll7 I= =I =I = = 1.1 wins his attertheireent Is the newsvapeni, Irorma Induced la October last to eall on the Doo- 1= mine toy up withal "LUSO I:OI3NDe . He told me tle now ob• Lett Imir In. tin G=l =I wcrald Sas I. t called on Dr. Leiser my pulse Ina nor coo lluadradacal talc- tr bean. a minute, and I was reaeraB7 pros. trued, and had to Onogh nig. to. day. I eon neat. the Doner`a nutmeat lot/nob., arltit • heal. broken sottallintlos. fad eontnaed II faltelaln until the preen{ time. She Donor.. neileln. hen. me hoot Um earl Mort. sad 1 00.14 ...In bet myself 40.14 anetnar. and in maga .4 expectoration lenenl.l. • baeorrained neatly In coat.. .4 eonaider 'tor en all tat ral4llog of tar tong hat *used. nd or 7 mend beg. la In non way good. •II n. relatlle..4 Unada laow of the advanced Mae of my don. and an oxtraordisure rec. en. Use of 1141 Inedlclaco eh. me 'by Pr. Kenur crae a neat.. cal s 4 LUX% CUBE. odd.' looltan *onset.. with tea other trait Scat. 6.0,00 .4 mt zoitcal Pomp = Or ,oiia 0,111611.1116 Or Win] VW/. /11.13.1112:11 - COUNTI, I war discharged Irmo thei United Mates army SmmarY. lOW. on amount of a wound le the , earl from a shell. DO a dirkw 01100 the erm hydelans prouounced CONSUMPTION. I ha. a tel Mkt corral and fUI away in strenetti as ilesh and was ontble to do ant thing. ter my return Ram the army, 1 mate aDOllvetion to a thyektan of MY nelshberlmed and, after wards, to another la Pittsburgh of high repel& neon, whom remedlee 1 need faithfully tor gee month., without toy benedt whatavor, but oath er grew worse, and muted In grub rum strength even day. In Anatol. 111. my mother look me to DOCTOR KEYSER, of DO Pena .lose. Wlime Mil la Ptah maw like mime had boa Wally beam of and put =limit noder Ine Veleta/mt. he iluet r .summed my hinge very ' , anthill with bls LUNG SOUND. sad told me that my eft Ivan trim badly dimmed at tba nibler DM. NS if I was earelui he thought be mold con me by following Ms directions dowdy. which 1 a rum thet day te title. I gradually improved on. der Dr. Rnlem's =nichto from the Ant week 1 cornalens.d to take ibex. and my funeral beelft bit Improved, and MYI aut.' where it war senk en way, and whore II palsied um, has become I•11a0d ..roar( and free from pale. 1 out eow do a NU day . 0 wort. sad talih great pleaten (Dinh my teetbneay la War of •Dr. Neveeris treatment and medicine. Jolts 0 WI oTartl eratt nrnaunan, Aprlllo2l, 1017, A we of nye ,yee.re standing cored by Dn. Ki7114/1% rzatuam. 511111 P, DO. Krrain:—ley wife loth hero articled with a, oongt, and dlnlcalty of breathing fix Aro or el. loan, which. for savant years back, hodgrad trolly Increased In violence. The aontOtaint has been hereditary, aod the had hoes treated hi eeveral ohysicione without any relief. In thle nista other ease I profaned mom of Y.. rio• Twat Winn' II731:11'. r Oaten Dia On time • MIT cent bottle, which i.W told her Tory ninth: 1 then .11.4 sad got a dollar bottle, which cored bar entirely, and ate hos' now no trace of the farmer diaokle, except 1.004000. 1 would also eau the . ailed the atedielee my If to • cold and cough. Thlo medicine mired ma by taking one don. I axons. 107 ..tin, ntfemo Don with the medicine, and yon are e,l 110a17 90011,01111017 you dealt. to do so. WK. WILSON. Aldermen. MIA WWI, Oar sou, JAW EMMA, MM. three Ye. , 01 me was salsted with esomosptlio bf the Issas, for ' , blob be woe dlssharired from tA. arms. Hs was eilardtke4ls7 toot ussy physlelsas, who all .greed that Do mast Me will the disease. Ws brovshtnlm to Dr. rxrezz. Ito W". 4 011001, IsOw =Pena strset,t who, snot soondlos cotstosseed to treat WS. tad kin sound 4114 well. Its Is .ow well sad has beep so tor the p ast three years. others adtletod Ls Ins maws ems likewise be O.M. JAW ?AOll3O. /lAhr £OO tams. TompersheellUe, ttli, LM. U& KEYSER'S mann STROP KEYSER'S LUNG CURL Cos b os4 at his AILLT =DICTA': MAI, 1401400104171121. CoinMlles ososs,ll4 LlZiWath.ilelSOLSO mum mart Iron 10,1.40.1 r. UNEIMG. GAS PIITING. R 11. ypyt[L/•. BUERELE & ROLLER, PLUMBEAS, is AND STEM FITT S, Boar and AU Pltutpa, kilt& Of BOW and Al. Cock. Hydrants. pampa mann Won Mane. Bata Tuts. Gus Hum, Marble Wan., id. Na. SUS° 4 1:0331C: 10 entromit. (Between Balt Lane end Cheetans St.)• AILLZBIEIEWT UMW, PA. non Houma Mad up with Gaa and Water et abort nail. WI aso. c. sassassa.... -mi. EIILDIVIIT, SPANtIi et BRADFORD, PCP1.X041614 Plumbars and Gas litters, Xi,. 47 Ohio M., = Hons. .elltad UV wilt OAS aid IMPLY a:m[l.mnd workmen. Pardon ar attention liven to connit7 work. Bata mad ALA. /BALM Miant MM. mytTard - • JOIIX SM. JOHN H. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, Ifamtfacturers of rwcr MAD BRAES WORK. of erary deserlptloo; dealers 1 GAIS TU. TAMILS IItD TIIBILZW, of all Mos. Cartier of Plke and Walnut Streets, .warao PITTSBURGH. PA. COIL & MILLS, PRACTICAL 'PLUM:BEES, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, No. CUM N•exias PITr9DIIE6II, cuuruma wen r.mt. 0 1 41 hind. HouKt fined ay each ties and Water, In the most so- Mesa style. by expestexteed workmea 1. L. LTWOOD..DZABO2I aosaa.a. m'CAZITSE ATWOOD & BRASS YOUNDEBB, STEAM AND > GAS FITTERS, Cor. of ttrit and Liberty Streets,. 41.brmi Carroll O u tings Pittsburgh. Poona. Light bud Hear, Outings furalshint yromvlll to ord7 i . std to Ma emu( out itod re=mg of dirlagerles. thessoteats. Mll 11a. Agents for A. &Cameron & Co.'s STEAM P AMPS BLOWER ENGINES, Mom Pomp nano superior aelvanteree overall otter,. one enemy one La trarreated to give utte rmost°. Ponape conetsatlf on tiond. • fettoolo RY. IDRLaut....._ .......:.........u. JOIIAMx. gE@LSITY h JOHNSON, I...riLiSCPTICUS.Ma Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitten ATMS 13111aIIT EXTENSION. • 1.301.TX12131171F1L01.33. 3Pab. An orden by execited natlotsolarlly DA ful l S t h o tin 2.b. 38. Pluns, Water Closets, Slake, llttna ellen; Pen Is. sad teas eltadesior Ws at the most remonable P liTtra from coal try oatzoas by Mall prompt ly &Weeded to. • Elam Hate of aver, deserlptlon. • leZCdllll COAL. COKE, &o pIT'TSIIIIIIGH NATIONAL COAL & CORE QOMPANY ablpdcp, and deltic., wboletale altd tall, la tae BEST FASULT COAL, NUT COAL AND SLACK °drne and Yard—Coriser POURTH AND MT STAMM, Plsttprgb, Pa. Alt orders lar . .Wevary Um city, or stdpsaeat all!' .m meet tezatsr,:,2 BEST FAMILY COAL Alwaysou hand uldgell•tml prOMpf,l7 AT LOWEST lIARILET RATES, BI OSCAR F. LA MM & CO., Gr. Wink, Itred id P. IL IL C. Lilny, Aumseisur err:. AathraeUe Coal hiratshed at the lowest raw. .teem E;=NFEE= WIII. N. CLANEY, & CO.. Gas Coal Works eel etd de . 1 8 1 1, 7 1111111 GAD AND elnoololOoleAlibX 647. Plttrlg=ls)ll BOX KT Atli:Abe. City. GLNXILAL 0111010. mood otory Plttsbargh tvb. Bank oortleT Llberepotreet or. alley. Plltibugh. BRANCH urrtosz: No. & Liberty amt. onalle PeloOs Ne silo Ne Mean.. Pltlebto., and ooroer.o donna noe O.OP. P. W.ll. ANtetway. All wean le liatellder oft. ateme yl.ee. erlll Mot. prompt Weatlen. NUNS COALS COALS! COLLIS: DICIBOI, STEWART & lirdni rimmed their thlie. to Na 661. LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Tkar /lOW SZCORD MOO% • Ant now prepared to tatallas good Yonsalotb.l7 LUNT. NUT COAL. OS 111.4.0111. Lathe lowest market o[lee. ' airriu orders lea st seers . amcle. ar addressed tei Usem throcorti Um mall. will atsmided co Dta , aptly. lara:b.2l VORT PITT COAL CORPANT " Bu ms Coa l dulrrs In Onnerior Faintly and Bums Coal. Hut Coal sad srml of ten sseotad sloe . , Pittsburgh tlar ' lltßulld• log, Comer Libeny. street and Virgin alley. Branch often, _owner Try and Third. treats, Pittsburgh. Brava left at slinks of the alma pisteS 244 metre nroutrit attataloa. PlwilogYme AthLresa Sox 587. Pitislotia. DixaCtOnit 1 .7 . 1 .41 0 8....tetn. B, L. rameTaz, IL /ice= wrr. wu. nnustuar, 020.05 6. HEAD. Jas. ii_lncraCaclarr. Wsterna Bigs.err, JOBS BATS. • LoCine 9. J.J.OII,LWITIIS,Preet. la. • Bnitlidif. 000 1. 6. Barinitn, Treas... Br. X.,6ILABICY ds OM, Tre as ~. . WPM CHARLES H. AJRIIISTRONG, TOTJGHIOGENS i tOOI4 I W3JILLE 00AL Om% Slack, sled Demlpbariseal Coke 0 F 7106 AND YARD, Owner of Butler and LOMA; /tat /Orlon Lib erty mot Clymer Weals, ntntknard, and ent Inwood street. 'tali . Lock 001. rittiborgh, Pa. Iraseftlel imineramarm Impaled WU& the best article of that or Gots Mtn& Worm& easb ordain left It atty of their Oniceo Will Melva prompt 111.01.1100. HIMMEL& IdAutTEIV3.&o. pITTEIIIVIIGH BREWER!. CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., lIMIA MILO ID Ur MIA =l:3 DONSI7.II ROOD= Plitsban wn. R. anumnuon,Jerboa Tbo al,t4ntloltottba an.Umoan o tbatwo hell IA par titularly Invited to nor , ALES ARO PORTER. lere Ormeth the careful selection .(Malt from W. extehelve =ham reellattea mid Item from Me Yards Zan .4 Weld.. N. CBS imamate& Lobe pare end satishetorr to the Deer. Oar LYDWLX...haa hem rdehly reetearmmeted 17om 411..111 nwn AXIMPS mermen mat Wombs penlattlar to leave their orders at Me • Ogee 14. retains 01. 014 Brewery, or at ear *Mae, Obis hiped ihy alders 111 q, NCO) PHOENII STEAK BERWRILY. ` °I. SIPENCER - 41c. RIK L AZ T. KILSTBRS IND BRBWRIIS Ale, Porter arid Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, FL 1110,1C/11/ WATSON. Namur., %Mai STELSI BOILERS, Neon Enirtnecend Iron Turning Lathes, An One Iron Planer, FOR SALE. T O a Engines, II limb .7000.)1. V/ feet stmt.: balance balms. Morn-weed anall.7 =am 010m elm. *I tel long. with gang. and cranks. llttine Dootor Engine. bigger and complete oat of irmatdoMT ror tigtonl." TWO °°."‘" and cam elate tenet aa above; eynneer. maul alma., 4 met iamb° ; 1110500. acad., cran ks Poor /nod od.d-B.ao ],oy 10,010 E l uto. crllnd ooo 'ar, l ood l. h alralo; Mega , m nt.e , n too loot —two lb. gaol- Alm, several Olt Well bros. Eltstlonal7 and Portable Poll!" now mt excellent rer. mill be c. o Cash. Ludatre at the IN DUCTIM AL ORM. MOGI/ N. SOLIS t OD., Oita&Ger. Point £11.7 utl Dapaerne was. F. KIIBEIISA3N. PM Street, Moms Tuand and Giusti's.' fig Nap* wGusaith and Dealer in Bard as% elVrairgatt=" aloalltvattehentze4l.l44 lON CHOICE BEDDING PLANTS., • m 7 rtock at inane, Genudnas, Verbenas, ie., 1 2 am., $t the OULU Orealterosa. JOHN n. a A. Eva.ooon. • I Dot . catalogs*. . myllel NABIIIPA UN IRON WORKS. lONIS & MIME! I'aM T IIII )3ITJEiGb•S• Nam,.A.m=uat AMMAN AND CLAIR atar,Booje, Sheet and Plate Irene Brides Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard . Iron; Call Screen 'front • T Bally 18 & 20 lbs. to there're Train nallldninChed mut em u . ter sunk BoilerAtridge and Tank ItiretS • Cut stalls andSpiscesi Ship and Boat Spikes;. ' Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car smash and A=les; Street (Jar wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit VarFls ee and dile.; Patent Cold fled Slued= Patent Cold oiled Piston Rod% Mower and Reaper Baru WAREWIISE *NJ OPFICT. 120,Wattr sad 153 Frost Sts. eaiarca HOME. rios, 22,24 and 26 Hirer St, 3.3.15 CHICAGO. ILL. (1 SINGER, Min Sc CO BUT RSYCIED CAST STEIL AND OCHSC. N air MR Cuialmia, Ware lirD Caws Cut SAW PLATES. =UMW 111 D olE.ZLL7rrio RAILWAY SPRINGS, Oast /Spring /Ma, Cast and Gorman Plow Steal, PLOW WINGS AND ILOWIa SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, faldp, La r f42 4 .,AMPARA I ES OHOW4I/12.8. 1.. *A. £4. Warehouse, 83 Water St., Falsest', ATLAS WORKS, .00ItTOJY EVREE 2 Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, President. 'ate Werke are =cog the Lel . ..tut .d meet complete ertabllehmeat Is the welt, eatt are cow pre- erettio terhleh EnginesotEsery Description, Boilers, 01111inits, Wet Iron Wort, Rai"rad Canting% Bolling Mill Curtings, ENO= Cuttoo. Illaeldne Castings, General Castings. ORDMI PITTSBURGH FOUNDRY., S. a11ti11501.....................1013E B.IrICCITION A. GARRISON & CO.. telaaaassors to Rallsoast. earalaca..t oa. MINDERS AM) MACHINISTS I CHILLED ROLLERS; OF lILL . SIZES,. 1.121 Iron, Steel, Brass, Zinn. •ppar, SIITO Bold. Straw Boards, Pater and luau Sante Worn. Also, Bolling Milt Buttons, °fall do mistime:Bask Mlle, Patent Doable Blinder wit a satiety or otter pattenu. •Imkr. hand and fitted to order, on abort notice and O. worable terms. 011eo sad Warahcroatt, Jra.ll9 Sinitthfidd Strad, r=3:3 =E=MI I. W. ronaow..a•s. S. BLISIWIELT....TAS. (pmts. BOILER WORKS. MORROW, BARREELL 8 CO., Ea= Boller; 011 Stills, Agttatoil, Tanks. Salt Pans, Guometars, Wrought Iron Bridges. #theetlron work. COIL LIBERTY AND SWORD BTL, PITTSBURGS, P 4. BILTAIIIINO DONT. lIKIMPTLT. 174:1%1 IRE PORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES INIP WHIMS • • HEAVY OILIDIIiANICEi , AND ALL MINIM O> UMMYT 01.271 , 5 r% I , dr " til l itrANVlAt VUNTNT sad ANTeat roV n tift ' renre 4 rdil Blume be at Mtn fauttb7.. Ha r ing eisporea or our 111 Mak. 00 are prepared, unto WSW AND Debar= octoCrocteo under Um supervision a C m "st NUT. so ihruirANALL mAcesums o..ukh no. aolor UTILILTX WOllBl3. M0LE.921 & SLAM, No. 83 Liberty St, opposite Fourth, KlNEti#Craloill 01 CABINET BIAEBEW BABBWARE: Mei make • mpoejNy_ MCoot ()L o_Boc-mils Po = o n r ipzo a le4gr e 4a4 .boon m ames de p 4 130'' r nauboo r ro oo. hairs eoaltanttion hand. 'Thumb Lola.. onna Latotios, WLeast's Wlndow 42.113 ,oupp.w. lirsootzto Push llcaten. altzt• tor arta Outt Maim, (hind-moo Ed Irons. RoUrbia. ROBERT LEA, M•liOla.OfII818 07 STEAK BUMS AND mum Freight Roisters AND DOCTOR racroza. .... of sll descrlytiou mute So cider Owner of Flint .ad Pu. 7 II tromta. prrrserizea. EX] UAL= AETNA 11 STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. • Cook, Parlor and Beating Stoves, Amami whisA mgw eels tasted TBUrlu and TAIJAMAN ppgal Burns inn M.• WA varrasAz and IiauIIALDEB (Wooo Oook storm) Alao auumutlatoze , GRATES GRATE FRONTS. it. • GRATES, Moo meats..belbs, conger of beCiad W. ltatraaes eftenal Invogt. talaalle BROM ...... D. JAMEY% IL ssoae & bON, =I Steam Boilers, Oil 81111 s, Tanks, Skeet Iron Works, ke. No' 61 _Penn Street, PrITIIIIITNeII, PA. 13.A.3ELDW.4LIt 3M, , B. WOLF'. JR., &CO., Hardware Za Cutlery Asa atm =Calms tiarasl Mum toace ataak lab= la