EMI TE 81 5111 iSzt:irttt 1 WEMIZADAY; *E6VMT 14167 Ur TO Tee net of the recent' ecc stiOn in Tennessee - the Democrats pro fessed to feel great woutanee that a Teri opnaidembleproportion, if not a majority, of the blacks of the Booth would vote with their Sormer masters- the Conservative or Demo cratic beket. Upon what evidence this expectationwan medicated they did not condeseend to. nate; They dis. coursed generallY, atter the old fashion, about the Patriarchal care extended for many yearaby the masters to the bond men, and boldly - inferred that the blacks would gladly follow their advice now that thaboOn of freedom has been out ' farmed, upon them, greatly to the dia. pleasure of owners. Every body now Sees what the blacks will do. , They understand full well which party was favorable to- their emancipation, and Which opposed. They _judge correctly that the party which gave:, them lib er ty is thiPirty by Whiehtheir • enfranchise ment will be !maligned' and perfected. Whar,therefore, has happened in Ten. newee, %may be taken es an indexof what will Como to Mtss in the other Southern States . In 'which by law the blacks are entitled to the ballot. . Tau • Starrett trial is drawing to its close, • and the general expectation at Waettington isthat the jury toll either fail to agree upon a rerdict or else t acquit thaw:eased. This impression grows In - part Out of the composition of"the jury, andl in...part out of thO Contradictory eharacterof much or the testimony ad duced during the triaL TO jurymen are all_ reputaLle men Indeed, they me said to be of natal:tat exce,ikeoe. Two or . thren of themarc retired Men of business. The . otheri,ixe allengsged in .reputable callings in the the city.. Nene of them are Repot:di - ams and none Catholick,. Iv . hatever may hare been repotted to the contrary. Three of them are classified =oder atelysympathising with the . South dur ing the war. 241 of them are Don- The residents of .IValliingion, who know these'jurymen; insist there are anions them those whO trill never agree to a verdict of guilty:: TIM Pottsville mini still continuo to • complain Very bitterly of. he depressed condition of the cosh trade in that xe gion,-and the shipments for the week are stated attwentythousand tone lees than thr the -correeponding week last year. - The falling off in the trade for the pres ent year • from the Schuylkill region. to ' 1 equal to half a million of tons. - The thet _ Is, 'however,. that there is no diminution of the aggregate ..suPply. Carbon and ItVente, having shooter and consequent dicing lioness to Nes - York, have pined . whin Schuylkill has lost. The people of she latter county seem not to see this, and charge their misfortune upon the Reading Railroad Company.. If that corporation wo onl y carry at rater _ imfaciently low to put Schuylkill on an • equality with Carbon and Lurcraa In the eastern markets, the way out of the present trouble would be apparent, •Probably that would get the Railroad Company Into as deep water so Ito cols tamers are now. Tun stonat, regeneration of Africa hat long *lvied the attention of the Christian with]; and the cifrird 1? e - poisiery, the organ of the American Col onization Society, gives a Pleasing pie , tureof whet has beedacoamplithed. It appetutahat on, the western coast of Af rica, within the )eat fifty Years; some two kandred Christian churches have been .Orgsnirtd, end upwardsof fifty thousand converts have been gathered into them. , Two hundred schtiols, several scoaina , ries, anda college at Monrovia, arc in operation, 'and not, less than twenty thorisand .native youths receiving -Christian'trainlng in these institutions. Thirty.dltfrrent dialects havedreen stud ied out and reduced to writing, tntomost of which largeproportfons of the Bible, as well as other. ndiMions books, have beers translated, printed anti circulated among the petspli. , The report made of the prosiress of Chli,stistaty In Afilca, is a very enemas:ming one.. - , Buffalo Courier Myst workmen are engaged in preparineifor an , ebullient on' the 'l4.mencen aide of the Niagara River' Or the new suspension bridge which Is to connect, the Canr4o - end American shore.s at Nlagsra Falls. s Ibis bridge ill fbr the accom _ 'zitoxiation, - of font- - tOsengers only. ,It • will,be situated ,but a short distance from • the , International hotel on the Ansodean aide,and the Clifton Rouse on the:Canadian side.. The. span Will be one ' thousand 'tyro hundred and sixty . feed. The width will be ten feet, and • .Ate above the water one linst. tired The,structore will be of the renal wire - Cables, resting upon wOoden Tint Orrims Taterits Acr prohibits tiOrPresident froui retnorlug auy officer : appornted by hint. - President JOILNSON appoint ar.r. sr.sTor; to office, but . PreaMeht Lnicorm did. What Pieiddeat Jouname did was to request Mr. STANTOS to cbattsitte is petition. The President holds that under the Act he lum.fose power:to remove the Beere "Uri. bodied of using the alacrity he - claims Where, 1m has Mated the Secrete , iTy io :calm aid that he is not inclined to; aii; It may be the President will go farther,. and remove the . . Secretary, in which ca the matter will doubtless get herons the.ludiebtry Committee in No- ~l.J'asi .was detected. In. passing bogus. intellectual currency, and, Instead of *Mime an honorable part in making 'reatitution,iteeks to retain the advan, tips of the ,trarisactlon. It suggests that the counterfeit article it put on the market, purport i ng to hare originated in ;the 7 8aletit .(Mass„) .- Journai, was credited to tho wrong paper. It is in eumbeuton- our ematemporary to show that such is the faet, - If_it paeans to profit by the allegation t aid that it cannot do, for the thing was a manifest fraud 00 the We Of it. • Tad Ithpubilean State Committee of. Ohio have opened -the gubernational 0111171118 111,goriniy: 4 large number of. - nisei meetings 'hive been called, which will be eddreeted.by • General LIATF, the Itetmbllcentostuthlate for Gover,ar, Governor Con, bp--Senator, end by other eminent gentlemen of dat and other 14tetes. Tbe Democrats have boisthd'thet i are-hOtton wns .ixxurriog to dliadvmthigeof the P,epulthethe, but, ipitietierOT the "finarreault wm shovi no Oiling* of, tlie,= Republican Ma- Tar ! Jaason . Democrat, Mississippi, poiUshes, In tie biggest type Su limited I printing office can supply. this tlarmlni deerresf `..1110 Neiroes triust be Depor ted Or EX'TERMINVTED! MI the dovibbegotterrilmps of tlorkness, wiretb. Nock or trrowo, Whether NEGIIOES or Indium, wtiethea. 3fonivils or mast. kiel, thssid at ones be distnimed, oral That forever, TROM. CAR N E, FlllO3l THE .814311 T, AND. EVIIN FROM ; TBE Taouatrrs OF THE ELEANBN BORN .WaLTES.. MI Trig. OM. wird Myers, Member of CongreeePoso she Tbird District, PO adoptak !Ailed for Europe on Saturday, on.bieird the Veiled States mall steamer Talc stew , Lunatic •Asylum for Ohio iti.s?cen I(X:itted at Athens. the Pe9plo 'Or that towri_ donated 130 acres at $251000. Ate. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, E. I► ffaccie Corrcrcsnatt, rat3csrrs • Ax.t.i;nuvrsv Ccr, r, August st, Lemmata et the Iteappetyre neaten. The Irngth of auy noun' for a railroad from the Zdis,ouri to San Francisco is cot - Vet iznown. The host that has been clone hoc iron to make nroxin3ute-extl mate4. To down the gra,,lleuts of a road thrtAigh as extensive monntaLu're glon to, what it reluired on, a railroad, extends .tho leAtth greatly beyond that of ordinary wagon moues. throilhd tine same nnzion. Across plains, mark as those which Stretch between the mip4ourt and the monntains, on both the K 911 ,1113 and the Pluttii routes, the differ once is not much between the wagon road and the railroad, The enterprising . gentlemen who art pushing- forward Uni.l7nion Pacific Mail road of the Platte with a rapiditY with , out eiamplo, — propoire to run 'illre.tly 1 neross the mountain region, which la gins ,little beyond Where they now are at work, Mill ends only on the - banks of the Saernmentot while those who, with no less spirit and energy, are urging for- ward the:Union Pasiific Railway of the lionsits, propose—anti I - think verywitteli• —to bearalittle sonthward,unilthns avoid antic , formidable monntairrankres. It LS rennin that by so doing they will griattli• reduce their gradients.. , They will a rocil the tremendous stiow - drifts of the mute 'tbriMeli the more and_ find a fig better . and more ,productive oinutry 'throngh which to _run. of that .0 have already spoken. - ; • . • hut will they lengthen their route from the Missouri to San Francisco bY .Vum fling round this labyrinth of inounUtins, by a single grand detour. 'rather than by winding round them in detail, as they would have teen compelled to do had they adopted the other alternative ? No man can answer that question yet i , lint -if they have made It longer, they have also made IL leveler; paler, and eertainly more profitable. I know that the im pression generally prevails that this southern route through New Mesuvi and Arizona will; be • longerthan If it bad lieu run through:CUM mnd Nevada. Ma after Olt, that imprvitsion mite ho p erroneous. With much eare I hayii - pre ared the thilowing table of the latitude and loni3itude of points on the toe routes—Wad of the Nomaas road mat that of the' Vialt.e., Tho paints on the Union Patitie Railway of the Kansas aro print ed in Roman characters' those nf Um - Ono. Pacifie Itallwilui of the Plane in I /WO, SanFranciseo, in latitude:a. deg. 45 Illilllal4. Ullaill westlongitude front 1 - :resiuwich 121 di-grees, in small mid . lads: • . . . I I 4 c Is 1, I .„e„A. Trr • —• I,£ a. 7.. 7 7,, `7, 1 . • - • 1•• ;. - Fi - - , • ' .1". ' 7 4 • • '•. g • 1 . • ri • 2 • t. -1 re,.11:,,;- • It will be observed frau this that the Platte road really defects more to e north than the Knnenn rand does to south. And It will iamb° observed that the point at which the Platte route at- Uinta the summit ottho Rooky Ilona tains is twenty geographical miles further portli of San Francisco than Aubrv, thJ rx7Kne southern ,lelleetion of the Kansas route Is south of it. Anna, it will be observed that the north land of i the Ilutaluddt river is Inure than three degrees nearer to the meridian of San Frauebee :ham Subry, while it is just as fur north isnbry is smith- A care- study of this •tabie will afanke the opinion that the southern line must ne aestaril3- be longue than the northern, even should .-dpa latter nbt be nem, to, tuous. I de not ,assert tirat its not I longes beemise -L do not know;lad I have inid betore tlx nnuler, doh, from' which, with the aid of a cool map, he can melte ealeulationSfor himself. The Platte road will be completed If it butuan power and do It, for the 'eats tattoo is complete d the appropriations are tattle; but eren should The ablaut, 1104 be aneh that It eau never be a ittride rend. yet as an avenue to the vast inte rior region Into.whieli it rens—Nein-as , ha. ;Southern Dakota, Southern Idaho, aand tall—it tar o be of incalculable cedes—aorth far ns than it has cost. over the other road, however, no such contingencies era - pending. There are; neither impracticabTe mountain passes! Mar nurontrolable snow drifts. There are,no formidatle obstacle. either topo graphical or 'climate; and the entire country through which It passes is good. It will opal , up s coiantry which, when its Innnitoin -rssmuroett shall be develop ed—as they soon wiii W when made or- add to tho national wealth immeasurably bevoial what It Will cost. In fact it will cost nothing, for it will be ~op..sustaialng. 7f to that already, and Its revenues will unquenuonstrly Increase Ina ratio greater than Its onward pro gress. • • d. Tun 1101111.1.1 I.l:mdtdon of. London-is. graphicaTly depicted by ono of heeler gyruen. Ile says: ' "Ify friends do you wish to know the dreadful condition in which more than sly hundred and fifty thousand of your catintlysratucc arc vegetating? Listen and la stable: In the midst of our great city, twetve.thousand.children are era dJcd by crime, suckled by vice, and are, as it were, reinforcements destined to perpetuate the great system of Inistisity. In the midst of our city, there ILO up wards offerty thousand men speculating in the deoravatkm of morals; four thou sand persons are annually sentenced' to hard labor, and Nye have in London more than twenty thousand swindlers, thirty thousand thieves, and forty thousand beggars. Arulthis terrible army of vice "Which lever ceases to commit its fearful ravages spends annually upwards- of three millions of pounds sterling for spiriloll9 liquor& Twatity-three thaw curd soldiers of this army are every year picked up dead drunk at tho doors of the rand .shops;one hundred and fifty thou and are gin drinkers, and two hundred and fifty thousand more live in debauch ery." It may well be doubted If any "heath en!' city, In proportion to population, presents a room revolting specticle. correspondent of the Cincinnati Cbsopertial writes as follows from Ws alasippi: There mixer wale ouch nu anx iety among Southern people for the in frothy:Owl of white immigrants. Every foot of land la for side. and Its cheepnexs amazes one who knewlixnttlAng. of the value of these lands in former years. The Indurvalenta afforded arovery great. CroPs grow luxuriantly. Wheat and enoutai will he made everywhere to make Neel very cheap. The failure of thaw crepe hot year changed the Pol ley of farmere. They. have neglected ootton ps order to have an nbundance of bread and brieun. Northern "mein Is amused by the itroiheliveremie of fields half cultivated. Manure, are unitised and unknown:llnd of ineehunioni agen cies employed in the North, the masseli of find people know xmthlne. lam inclined to believe.that the this of imrhigrallon will slowly change its dire tien, or that the South will shore Ile :elvieletgeo, with NOllhArC,teru KULL.; and Torraori., . . - • —A. young widow of ttulney, 111., ;net wotranger on the otrect uud io.ked Itim the way; he asked her it alio was not a widow; the bald site vrns; ho said hewn. a ..,rower a fee ter Irani rainsym, Mo., and prop:rind matrimony on the el t; mite lnuohod and hesitated—woulli. come home mill Moller Alen& about it; the iutervlow was oalisfactory; the Mar ring° wn.., arritri b t.Cil for rout morning; the witlaw's itaoh ii 10) got into the i'ou toes noclict; he we to get allayed mid has never rottinte4.. nt tie oven left her, cruel lane, otroollngitt ihOpublicsquiun while be Jugt "tint over to the barber's.' Tlierc . a ao anrhdlaetor in rldlldyra, d the ettrioln dropo upon a wountn in —.l Paris letter In the radcpendttere says: “Tlio absurd invention that (len. Pal lavitino has murdered his wife Is de- Weil, and eauttot be too strongly wonicw dieted. The :vermin Marquise, born nt Canturtznn;, nay etlurmltti tit Naples; she t o tutorial by 'her Bachand, and shares that affection to such it denrce that she made . a vow to retire from the world for two ru'srs if her husb a nd trouped the perils which 110 Incurred lu his expedi tion against the brigands of the southern provineem. It Is Perbsps the too faithful execution of that vow vihich has per muted this ridiettlens ' and calumnious rumor to be neen,lllted." —.Then - 01nd States of Amt calla have at last met In Congress" —ilo salsa recent number of the tos(rudioo Stirs. Repro- S eatedfrauLT/ueenshual, New South iVtIICA. South Australla, Tasmania and New Zvnlan‘r assembled at Melbourne up tjw. 4y..11.1i1(41.. The ttlifeting %nu, o. tonsibly tor • the purpone allaying the unit service arrnngod to the advantaizo or the eaonfea, but, Important as this water la; 11 alone could - naticient to warrant mach en exhiblttanotztaievtrum - . ship. The London Rapers—wow Their Ems flab are Written, An article in an English periodical, purporting to be written by an editor, (a humbigging Bohemian. see judge) says that the editorial "we" of the London press is a literal fact, Immuse the leading articlim, with hardly an caception, "are the Work not of n single person; but of an association of gentlemen cOmbined for the purpose.. aLnost all of whom have had some hand in the dithwhich is final ly set before the oublic.' • Thme are the leader writers. Some of them may bo editors, but usually they are not. They arc outsiders, and for the most past either linen strong upon unyparticular subjects, or literary Bohemians with skill of the I pen upon any topic within 5 range more I or less wide. I The manner in which this ,a7iting form is brought to bear upon the cilitori -1 al columns is too detailed for us to copy is full, but we give Its principal feature& lit first there is a consultation between thilestler-writers and the eilbor.in.chief, about. noon of each dap; - at which the topics tar the next morning's editorials aro selected and assigned: This is rep resented as a work of no little difficulty, and as sometimes occasioning fierce de bate.. By six o'clock bathe eventnethe articles inust"he handed in. Each goes immediately into Type and theri has two proof readings, the first for errors of the press, and the second for "the sense." By eight o'clock the' final proof of the leader, "printed on a great sheet of paper which leaves a margin seven inches wide on either side of the type," is ready for the hands of the editor. The latter, with his revising editor, then enters.. upon a thorough overhauling of the essay, corn. paring each. with the others and with previous articles, and altering 'and revis ing till he is finally satisfied. "Very frequently," says this amount, "this re vision amounts almost to the rewriting of the article; and sortietimes:the original writer fails to reCogol7.o a tingle SClllanCe. of his own composition M it as it appimrs the next morning." It 'will be seen, then,that the selection of the Subject of the editorial is done by a body, who also determine the line of argument to be used, and then that the expression, the work of one person, Is to be revised,-to gether with the thoughts by two mom. Ao . Alleged Murderer In Cusioiti...The • • Crime Committed von Tears ago. Thom 'themes • Buggy, ail.] mts Scott, was arrested on Saturday by Captain Dickson, of the Twenty-4On Preeinet, on a charge of murder, and is still locked 'op at the Greenwich street police station. The crime for which' Buggy is Impris oned is said to have been committed ten years ago ir. the village of Hawley,. Wayne connty, Penn's, and ,tho vietisn was Phillip Colin, at that time a resident 'of the village. The complaint in the case is made by Patrick. Lavelle, a boatman, of Handout, Hew York, who gay him In West street and Identified him. Lavelle stated that one night, about ten yearn ago, at a bridge near the village of Hawley, Buggy, who was then a boatman,, quer. relied with Colin, also - a boatman, and stabbed him, which wound so indicted . resulted fatally. On thiscomidalctßeggy is locked op awaiting a requisition from Governor Geary, of Pennsylvania, Su perintendent Kennedy having notified the Pennsylvania authorities of Buggy's ILTICS.L, The yrisoner, who has been for some time past employed as it laborer along the wharves in this city, denies that he was ever in the State of Penn sylvania, and, of course. could not have committed' the murder which Ib laid to his charge.. Ile further stated that sev enteen years ago ho removed from this city to Clayton county, Iowa; and re =deed them until April, 1961,4 when he enlisted in Company F, Sixteenth Regi ment 'United States Regulars„ and served With tat command until short time after t h he battle of Lookout - Mountain, near Chattanooga, In ISOL ho imasteen honorably disaharged fosse the service, on account of a rupture. Ile is positive that he is a victim of mistaken bleetity, and that he can JAM an alibi by nnmcr oar witnesses—S. I". Neter, Acconntsu to late acconnts, the 'Rua. tion - of the Drlu . sh prisoners Abyssinia is becoming critical. A letter from one of their number, dated ILay dd, says that only u week before "upwards of two hundred winners, among whom are, many persons of highs rank, were, ordered to La executed. ' TLo circum- 1 stances under which the King, Theollo. rus, made these men moires:lre familiar ! _rams:ass to the public. The Irritation evinced by I --- this barbarian - at lu st f or of his ! IRON. CITIT CUTLERY CO ridiculous proposition - for the hand of . - •s queen Ve i-e q . k. 4, w h " b " emi " l.B° I No 3 St. Clair Street. much toad tor merriment; may have • • _ rerioua termination. Tan Ihitish got . - Harms Poschssed er asionsw ono. em ennticat is 1111.1.10 Ta to afford relief to the .assnma ,a tmile , l V.hiY captives In Ids bands, but the country h. ! taw oasans • 11" bn, '" k " . inactvwsible except at certain Po-'all of • the year, and then at probable grmt cost HARDWARE. CUTLERY. of life and material by an expedition. It I Bow, BM.. Bosoms", Pistols. rows I is said that a pi eject for a military expo- Ithtion from India is contemplated as a I Lin olomadnii masr , : a sez , r, a.- t . ltoe g possible necessity, but some of the lead- p• ortrortost souk. Mg London journals recommend the ofer st..rowa, of a ransom as perhaps the only feasible COUTEC. FLOUR FROM IVEIV SOITTI.I- AUX WILIt&P,-iis oto so. sass oils rattan . A TA.LE OF WOE. '• .. - I ellepril her Nay head lattice. ! A euperior Article et Flour, I claeacel her btaal.ooal fur.. . I .o..*d Co tbleld ber trot* the wa d. ; .Mk Ma Iti SIOULI 11W. .•• Awl (ma lac flearld's cold atom. the tat her bratitco. eyes clst ow. t Width w* aaa *ably retowmcad to lbe. trade Tee taut did Wild!, new.i *ad for.tuallS.ada• . . Acid with berltelle nr..i. no. . I .ft ' .r. IllftlL X . : ..roclovvel YOU, let tali ta ‘ w - whew , '. .: --' , ••••••• 110 46 BRO. , .• WAT TO r1X.011.511% - . !sash arricast mum. . um Drug and ratont'lleedue Depot, '1_i..,•11.F19:41 'No. NI MAWS.= nerszEr. ' - • IThe Highest Market Trice honer crib* Itimadad. ACV' r....b. I ',' " ID 1.°4 Tour? Anti 01 . 1 - 1 . 8111MILENT szeurnes, • i _ cor. D,-.......: taw. - ,- - r . ~...„...... , *hr Ile ournbar ttleplacr e Su. 14)*Iket ISL. uquALLIF. SILVER, a La3ll.liti'S unir tu. , ' ..".. ' ' • , RESTORES GRAY, or FADED (gloss ID cogtop !mum 39t HAIR and .a • domino locanulaini. Atop. noir from fu: Mfg. corm Dondmdf•Hdadonlia and Yt pare Di le.. or tile Sc J. F rAna & Rankers, muedlattPerf.3. if olrAoslefla •••••••olrldoor r. IntroDoltd• Color torero Cnr.l3 - 00RAND 111174) trorirle ouro:orwm....r. nasnoion.-- .• 1 1.1,111eadw- MAD Dolor heal , _fee don orrit.,'E TO CONTRACTORS. Adlidon Alfeclothad• teals donNosturar” ::L',llr,' with EV: =g,:.l Como Lugar. Orrtro,.: City of Allorkedy, Amin. lith. Mar• • . 1 oadoo Doir Dolor Broom , i healed Ntopmais wlll reectind at Ibla Whet " ffifVecio N fs a erfol i c!'nstllfreff.illniftroj; VIIIDAV, sA 3 Wel** V. 111.. for orders to Ur. SWAY t. 6 A T. 1 .0 Pliliftdelp nAll tl i t GRADusc. AHD r A voiG ii.ogGum. A....exr1.4 , ...5 i At apt Vhititt AVIAN ON, from Wester's ...Roe to Fran A n. n. se LLa. Af Co.. lustiergh ; I lin street. DRUITT. a.naglieca. Alsb.Elf.the "•• A S.IIIS A , D fr LN m U INgD rA vira n i Uo I ' V."" - - - 3NfldNllMl o AlehenyKea o WHO is RESPONSIII7 4 E! lOA Victim of deo; KY. who is maponalids tor you fimblesei a? Not 'miner. yOu 007. for 730 — .. hrt. bore demi all you could toter It. That's awls tats on your part. Von hareol triad licorar. Ttltht 131NTILNA• Gloom. diapeptic. velth an nocaoy alonmeh and a World-wrary la.. of mono Toe don't thlnk Tootle f reepoillble for Tod' own 001. o U mits. Hot you are. 11127.4 u, tau from Youor condition Di. 70.1 haven't ITT.It. • - ifricr, It to not your 'noir, you thlun. ohm you , eymptrras urow worm dor by.dsT. Pine pill Wiese... do Too anydood. Very nu., Jim. you can he brooabt moon for an toot. Why 110 sou tiled BrIVEID.? antod t on whom /over sod Ague, sitematory Mows hot sod CAUL ultd whose bruin been. to b. Pi+ listing Milli the rgreAs a.m. now. Mil do you anus.. the yarponribtiuy 7 0. no Too Uoy• PLC., trosotue,. GU4 the ow on. II trodlotoes. ooatu you dom.*? tine thing moo — tar IX 010.5 I would Dar. AA' conned •on from an +h.ponds Dino new rant you. Tau Uwe 007.7 Woo klunINT/ERN 01307. Nervous inrsild, whin 'have you to filyr• Van yind 11,11 7. boor :.tan all lb. nomtse• of Dm uhrimmopons• Bare door Yu. ala not our foal 10 , 1 arc not rtpondis. Wron it wrong. You hav, in modify. n body so b awe b. yoursen. 0.7 lon tried dl IETTIth of nir:Noni sot oil the ILIPtu named coloplalato, {ha Bit- Dm aro shod.fe SPe•ISICs. • CFHE OF EISTULA. 011: ICalegg t I write to these 700 tar your kindness tad aelmillte anomie meat of my dis ease. lorwhlib k celled to tansalt Yoh mon e time in daaotr7 Met. Yotimill remember that I had I • complleadion of diseWs. which Madly coded toSan terrible finals. wiliels I had been advised to allot MOOG' , ill secede!. of.* ' , baronial; mesh, t which It was leered might fsgoa 00 mg loam !blew Wel the pupils" mode cfarestlag 111 o: emu' lam Solo. was bY •caltitir OpaAllan, which.; If 'soceesSful 'llt all.. Weald esturany. throw the disease upon the longs or somOother . vital org in; otaecount of the suddenness of the eure 000 the laselediete aledt to • discharge . , which I woo emigre/nee to belled. wag osolo 4 tenr oresiston of Nature tOireirld of once moo , ' Old .aditionla IW systaia. , feel verfsetly sstistledthst your method Ol'immtmeat. Puri". file, to the melon, std hnoil'enbUtmtlune JO. we , sblloos hett. must gore, if erlYddibuu.ld , witheet mamas, whlab l tied It 414.3. 41 . Step,. report myself wattle 10•r7 with itotradtlt 000 tottlAr • health than 11100• for yams. 7 would Cl., Ad I that' tile 'ebnitce titres you mule were et most 1 , 111 1 . 04. nd h•V - lett me a new men, with the energies en vigor of restored health. . . Arlitt r, ym.lgemer's chaMatAtiutt rya., are be. 120 Petal stmet. from 0 0. Y. 00,11 NEW Alsiiiii-1713Eili3NTIL --- - WM. SING HAM; sr., Adam, Zspren Mreet, iv an otaAorisse I penst 7,..4gltgrttanlents forth* GABzwa,cold alt air.= jl . winwhowt UMIAK! &Wei and a ROBESON BROTREBS, 13" ers, de. ,„ remov e erntErr,Pillsbor i b. tl. 3E14:3.PNEJ03, Lad ars prenareitabsTallsel. Holes IHOotS• 0001. 0•1•11 d un.o. 41004.1 Mon. I;E:ZallVM2:ll.l26,47lttrOVlitegnt Bet. leffittreittar:STArellTrillt"43""'. TlmvEntuaL CLOTH ES • WHIN ., USII—Sbe beet xi:A.OIW Wiillger that warisatect gfes perfect ssitsfsellels. We see theta bent. Vetellettelebbbeekeee. :r by the sole menu joy Allegra7 . l= l : -. sub Mr l Oltith PITTSBURGH DAILY G-AZBTTEi WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 7. NEW ADVERTISE WINDOW SEILDES. of nil styles. enlors and s sties: also. end Hot. m a nV, ,TenitsDattel t Greens Ott (Host, of ad widths n a tow toles., wenlesale and retail. by J. 6 H. r.n.Lirs, 101 7.6 and at lit- (.11/Tluittly • OtL cLuTini-For Floorg. Conntera. wisdaTii i , :-.gig r!ett:e.ErMlitttdaeb:riii!lu. .ald. /MHz '"b" '".."""7". it:lVi.Tre: BELTEIG ! BELTING t—Leatb- Cr %Mk, of the bee.• Omi); liabter rart.nr. LIM. Haste's, A., Ot sit alres nod er lorreas pricer. Lice Le atherntrl IA ft . ..10"n b.. , • J. JrH. rfrrr.Lll.l., =====l "THAT TENREggEE FLOUR." -tt It the sloe Me lc. wow, N•Mente tree . ea void to Ilberstly from less to ' mane o T" hgt ' s " tif. two ear ' losos e 0 toad. stal expos% toasty • Mils mite "VW """ " r t 2T7 talrin. ICERYACU. • 9'O clear STEEL 11.215131FJR8.• MAN. • WANTKU • mat to NTLIM •WDLTIRAW CAST ST.EX... !Otte but COlmorrAlT mune.] •ootr. • ALFRED CAPPENI Blast Diamond atsel Worlt a, Pltmeu.rxh. Pa. ISM W. 16 114.1111117 ROWLAND ac HADRIS, - HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, BHA RS 'LSD 41114'21 MM, So. et ntaatittro, ALLEttellai. CALCIMINING done Iv the but mono, MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN, AT LESS THAN. COST! dsdi isetwit.sloubte teed MASON 1 . 11/1.111,1N °MUM= 011.1.1‘..16.dtsgaut roscsrossdturol• duty. wail be sold by de subscriber aliens than. Chit. On assdnutlst daddsde roust .cd lb trades J....taco. AMA/ soon. to anl;:dst C. MELLO& 11l WOOL dtnts.t. TIVEDN AND S&L): STABLE snit SAlX,ltuated Inn lloarlabbth town ~~ttrroovv Or are tarot; the stabler aru snbotnetlellr bntltand w( acmmmodatln Res bons[ tenth,* them forth velaclust her to ohle. deg This estsbllohment is now it the • hoed buglassh. tre ether Mem In the pith. A tumor the whole or the . wet will be Odd 4!:. 1r d.. Abel/rain le offered rt7l rtai it.Vengiq :Xt.. the pee „11 st 1$20;00Q-TO LOAM OW BOND MORTGAGE lEM33 STEEL & 'WILSON. aioicn cad 11.1 inaci = 11FSICEIANTS' LIVERY all SALE STOLE, W. RICHOLEON. PROPRIETOR. NOS. /41 AHD 113 THUM STRISL:T. =1 MIMES. Cattatitira' ad.. for M. Fat. Licalat itataialou Data to norcaare and nit or set 7.dt NOTICE .—THE lINDEIII6IOB. ND 'avant rtainactfully %atom glair Wanda and the public la general Ma', lga•P. ,010 !" , retanalaa ba. , lato than now nothltain, bd. I: Fifth stroa. scoot. moor of Troai. %Or, ate now ,clung that %omen. .tract of J.EIIPIXLIir, dc., «iT COST! . . . . CaaiMillior Wakhas. 19311er Ware. Prouta% nee rat. CaUnry. otata.ry Batts of Pratt°. Stows. Nat datum, retook Cleat. Ott.. ato4 together with alt Melt Salutes. canals.. of Lassa aasautor Inhar mount. plaueststs show tatet. taut thalviath coasters. eta. • Mutat. the Bret or Uotaber • aspect to raropea our aaw store with .• •111.1** IMM .4 fresh stoat How. antral. oar... M u -0 a Erst•alass.seartu7 I How. Vary re.peetriall, REINEMAN. MEYRAN & SEIDLE. 4.17:010 BAILEY, FARRELL b. CO., I=l LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD, .1131, BLOCK 2131 rirs. IYATER.• GAS AND E.ll/01 GOODS, Or ever, Jaserlptio, romn. V.LI.ITVS. E=l =2 Warehouse, 167 Smithfield Street, H. H. 1111.111CIS, _Ony CoEdreoUrr...._ GREAT DAUGALIT Li rcizio. a SPLENDID Ca HVILI) ROSEWOOD PIANO, TIM. oaten petarr . s., ...trgre troble. orrrstrtat , ./C burr. that tis. be o r hut month bar beta le f.,rlrl sutparllrrr ter tale. tt le part . grgeod us at, Oar not • raratill ott lie gloat- I gloat ter., rr km told at $150.00, Le•t Than It Cost Apply al once, to . . O. O. Iseraccaracore4 909:1114 • H WOOD !muter. Valli 7 n DlviDTratii Ihrritte Or nil rActr.o A ATLANTIC TALI. , . • Intern Coretw i TA u m U. . • Errralonon, Aegneith. •TATITEI4II4VIVIAkiIaWINV ur TIELII U. A. hiring declared the Womb Mt. geed Iron Weller or Um C , orootitthn PIONN:6I6TaL=7Le...u.I4 I In llpay the tame on emoted. St ml OMSO. o ritth elreel.,,Clttite4"rejki A• 10.0., Nonce.—prrrannitlis AND • CON NZLUIVihe, O IIO. I tO/. Valirk crfizarotrav„..„Opoviti..gt on hentrt aotthB4l t tilt* I.l.nonCatrpOnir ma ea* above Bowls. dye /Lazing In, DOA mbl paid mum: Lfserw4 Mtn, r:. tlecronry Plttatryvti. Jolty IIW sc.n. nai!n, ruxotss ...... 'AWL tIiAIIOTTA, 4 ) S,IMANCIES, claussreas AND !WILDER& ° 4 ° ` . .gn 11,""g. Zgc,ilr,:tf:iti`;.reV,Vt Irwry roMaptes and Shaßs, vt all NIL U Z 0 Mimi Et, mybyo.ll, e. WILLIAM A. HERRON, ao.- SO . Grant Fared, 1101 to too Ow pub and solo of lEHLL TAM NIOOTIATIoN or BSA?. IrOTATE. ouvsnmte!il WI other OICCUELIT.M. rawly BoNnemr, PUMP MAKER. •55 5555515•515;r5z,5.f10f *OOl5/555 111151 g, bst. ;53 T41K1.5 51T111151:5% a. 8555557 15555055 Om tone Issasos. 155!!! I ... F.slllltro. • - 15511518 • LOU . BAI.E-BOILEI-FOUU 15=011111-514115D1115 BOW CI Web.* In e w ollawater.sl foci 'oat. 55151. 5 5 5 5 5555555 g. fa t Deb. b x allour co r; (Ira 7, ar51:51 11.54. check • awl blow 011 vslss oomoet*. n 55155 11.IHN MO. 5/55., : .1511:•711 11, 21 rt. sTre.e!. _ R . P. GETTY* _ Wholesale and Belga Grocer, Desk,l. TICAR. NMI"! AA QUI Vaa. ii7ls and ik.t iu daWlllStiat :It, Pe, " ..24tsad LOVEIEUNWS SUGARS. Cre.hed, Polonsed od Seined White and 'Cello, an loot OM, by the [noel or pound, Or We ot the your hir0C07 8 1.0. 4 ( ' JOHN a. SiMBELLA, looreir Ein,diul tt.e Rip CEDAR lIIMIXIVS-12 •Irr,CLOTTIIhTtIVMT£I OIL CO.rAZIe Yo. 11'1101 rent. p r r T s,,,Gg, Atm.% C. 7 1 DriViDEND NO. Z. . The Bov‘l of Difccfon..of this Coinpinv hair thT• Oar e•ur fv , • DIIFIoEI\D Or I'IVB PEI CENT., Payable on owl eller VA 1511 Mot./ o: this TLO Triesfor Barks will bet losed tKoia the I.th M to the ilieu, looloolor. ausetre, ' oneodrs - ( 751,CILIALIT ALEX. PATTERSON'S LUMBER YARD, Comer Chestnut and Preb Ntith Watd, AllrsnmY• • A l•rge stock DAV 1'1NE . 1 , 1 . 9 0 4 1 . 1 g1 . 1 741 L 1M 841 AO.• 116014 . fact et Dry Vek llow .04l .4.0 , 0 Astu.L., I.l,•„casAith. 1"9" "" Ve°l", r o Coq, In is.ge or Also flre 1113014 lit 193 WI .luAntltle.. DAMI FRENCH Cl=, NEW STYLES JUST OPENED, A. - xl.) FOIL SALT. B WHITE, ORR & CO. 36 Fifth Street. EM D. P. BALLARD & CO. THE WILL 2MV,1114511.13) 0 7) 11 CTLT 'roduce Commission louse Z! TashingtoeEt, ler Tot, Rano oneicalled faelditlea for dMlimuctor Woe. lznr.t.lfx,.b.ccvnd ar% to natal 'mutton 'Mtn CO Batter. losiMa. Um.. refl., Rent, /hoar. Ural. Rearm Pea., ReaMmt. MIMI sot Mann Volta, Cords, mid Si. kinds Coa May ramlurs. /Abend any. ft a '".a"l.4lC4l.ll.lilriecti aULIOITY.R. R i assaesciCatoilla Cr bank. Ii• Y.; taiß.. Vac oat Muir. No 1' limadwa.). N. lliceottoc. No. Ili h roadway; liallard di tiro . Richmond. Va. • ser.hdlidiT BAIVILIIIIPTCIf REGISTERS AND ATTORNETS I=l RINKS IN BINKRITTCY, At the Stationery Mort of W. S. HAVEN, Corner Wood and Third tits. ITEM ALL TOE LATEST STYLES -0r 'dBß'f`•. DOW, TOCITIOS. %U MW AND CHILDIIIII . 3 BOOTS, SHOES, AND GASTERA In Areal mictr. not WO.{ rta•Mlible rrlp,. 31 FIFTH STREET. ar. E. SCALIKERTO & CO. LADIES' ENULIBII Liinnt , CONGRESS GAMS, AND BALMORAL% Witrili $3, stain at $1.50, at 31 FIFTH STREET. W. E 6UOIERTZ & CO, =I FIL6BT CLASS LOOKLNG GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. . . JI:Y ON'S, • No. 110 .WOod St., Pittsburgh, Yt:T.T.7 "rn• tw WA L K OPAL CO. /Ph Bazoffr bas gutia., Q.4role s said ,r l=Tt Table* 414 iczoilut• deal. .14 WILDISO ha sutou.olso emstod ta abe et•ln tlmp _ a wait n ItUDGIUlai r sal AWCIIICAN WATCHES. =I Pine G4)14 and Silver Watches, rn COLD JEWELRY. CLOCTS. as At tax levast imams. The relate trritad to ma asatratut oar Num% Wen sairetnaing eluwocrr. - I Watch r•palrbto proasaala attaadoa to. at W.WELSONT. No; 3i rotigra writzrr. T;t'll 66021104m0 Market &treat. e3mtaoi err 13101111111 • • crry .G.gwronr. Jy inule or done niteenalme. end a...h. elm Leandro X5in0...11.11 for zeddelbeeslt eleibea free or airs ober.. Leese or ...nen Valois is the esankrag 10 bane that Wind. to wee der• Orders V ibe felbraineld...l l Ur , alter j. An. not. VIM snit Menials. licedinelne Hoene.. bloat.. Merkel - X. 0.1 01.1 v. wt. near.'l ( 1 1. a . 11.4'+'I. nov. d.thoev, filth 11. 11. It N. 4. beat: e. corn. 'federal and I.shKs.tree • 00m, die.. 4 aI . ..OWL= ST. MEM JUST IIECEUVED, AT ROBEBTS & 8111Z&BATT'S WIia,T.E.A.LE /MD RAT/W. Teo, Nem & Sact her Tiu Illudgiay, s a. 6( eveirritrusia, IT., rrrnsumen, A W.' repot, of lec Chem Ire Mtn mad Ma. en. Hcbtersators. Cool.). Fro Cram rms.", neat Oaf.. waSer SUR Lai. der, sod • roll 1g1:1.4f4. .171{ - • 11010UPOT....1). x. 1.416114..6.11.1i0 11011XX114 MORRISON, BARB & CO., 114..oltKitttti.of aU titan of BOOK 'AND PRINT PA!'ER. =I = Writ When Isuil wire paid far Mr. S . & Milr" ' . 11110116111.11 BOND EV-1'0013.a • mourns OP ricoawarrrasusrair. whet: they an propane' to toostActeas an kinds of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, And on ittlelot' Is Melt Mt Litany !opt to - Bank. Immo., nod ltaulel7l . :oodz.L. olt WM. MAJIMORr & AND REAL ESTATE, Apollo Building, fourth Street. e===Z2l Ali , O PENING FOR BUSMEN§ ar • to .red Or the' proptlatOt 01.1 mourn. , Wing eatablhimeoa tow' rn ReeMelnl opera tion to th filit The oroPtiefor will an sidle. 'factory restoue foe wishing la WI, 004 will, It defined. retain an !aurora In tbe concern. • Capital requited aliedtt ; ' IS Hm . JOS Atollo 11.1MInt, tmile sheet. TOM CUEAP.HAT AND SHOE , rxuue L. sumnismstAsi • • fatt a Vll l lt fi r.."'No."` AltHaraiWit buteeny City. la th e two eat* Vtarir 1 1 7Iletini , 1 , . diev • usit h as IreS3=A: ' "..". A r lie n& eoutent Ida issronaln• protlts, Vol " pUtriVilMPLr”.! b - r "4" : 41"6 rmairl ivN.VMfgt;& - : r. pAr. 1.1 . 1Kh 41.11[......J. IL VATS= ...... IRON (ATI' BELT IiVORRE4 CEO. O. CLARK & CO.. of every detiertpqm..../ . .ple.t. btretahrd, Umeaked anti /Watt. km. • Loalaser 313o.ltiziff. No.- - fne lAA ERTY .. 0 9 rag a Union Levet. Plttelonto • NoricE.=noniewr LIPCKY, wwz oi the Cit b 7 Aeee e of AllefbeurOtielni ita - beneflC of bj. •I , inatebut to blot Itllloo • thou bar the 11.t:r.411 - otrztpxxv. same at my orlce. fetieent etroet. la.thi OUT of PHU' •b"'l4. • • 1NA.311).4W4.,: An 4 .•. travil $1 . 5 , 000 TO WAN, OW ' 6UND AZ 1D sto)rrlakar... MEL': 3P3tri"l"Si", , _ No. BO Smll.lll3ild Lltrout.' soul botirbt sad sold. 1111 1111LEDALE LE . ILEVCTo . . All 'MI.. .Ith tea morpoildlEn o f 111112, itl l ea r atersic h trla '* rn i" setrieli_,... ll ll , 4 attended le at me LAW.; Irro, second oer. linM l3 70911 einula, PRICES REDUCED CNITS. I ffig 0 1 Cloths, 3 attings, • .- Window Shades, Table Covers, Piano Covers• Rugs and Rats, stair Rods, &c. In etc" , of bainta 00r TALL "O U D T 4 " Ter our a o rta pice. to suit the CLO LIT AU TAR& T hose needlotraoode In oar line can. And afford to Dan as by. BOVARD, :ROSE & CO., 21 Fifth Street, i01.,710..1mT Over asui. • Bell'. ALLEGRE.Pff ROCERY IND PROVISION COMPANY. JOHN L dieGiLkW, President 1867 J. P. 181tIEL. Egteetfill• Tltt htbet of ID! Comphay ls already usertf bought op. Those wishing to hyttlb thetuteltes of Its bengal.. hod bOttbb API LY ALT arttalsiti At 1 2.6 Federal St., Alleging. OLD, ORIGINAL TEA, STORE FRESH ARRIVAL OF Young Lipson. -- Old Hymn. . - Gunpowder, Eng. Break nut, goncliong, • Oolong. • Old gionntry Olgick •nd Japan ALL. o ' l TIM *WV No. 20 Fifth Street. iITi::JA , SHAIvwOII 4 gOECIALL . DISCOUNT SALES. DENNISON RECKER% No, 27 Fifth StriAL et" t tl s fillNZ "ll, ZI , 11 ;I T 4 0: Di 'IU toksu l eask mum,. Sksz stock of ;Di fIUSIZRY, OLOVIC2I. . IiANDILSISCHIVII. 1 usußßwirra, oossrra. rilksous. RIBBONS. i .. ._ rt.owtea. , 1 : .110.tiNST TC11111.1313 titiliNY l t 111671 S Ma r l l. 4,f4 '„s : lAA uer CILIUM.* Ina Ind oar prat. 01e.% toe 41....5t, ai 100 mu IA set Meet Sten If tbe en?. Mr 10 FEU CENT. OFF. , RICIIIRD .81110 & xlm:Emosimmoilm. No. 100 Wood Street. lIIIITIANI/1. MID BILVICR TWIT= ?AL piVrNi•LAS..TLA TNO.. IS sad SAIL = ACM • u"l lll•Sirga nrilfg tfl HOHEIt Virarovory dioortvilas • 1111411•1114, ottAoll, I.IIOMMITU of all vansUs son WbINPOS/6 itod eva — uldo. to m t" =tt....hra.trert. to . steak (demo rißea ..4 toms Um sow lists tag *Worm pOisONOVA AND swrzne AdaltsraUcats us used 3ln 131ta3t13 LKLUHUI 3131 nal LW, WOSIT ''iiasa ALBA - stoma% Oro Adlaltarailean Vsed. TSB HIM SPICE 111113, Kaanteetare was bat verbetts eastaMo . ol. $300. 00 REWARD r=3.l Tor UM 0111141141011 to•VII 09111 r• P.O.lrs or Pon 111DIMI fa OW am ULM pular, of odethlarolod Door . %map! MM. BONE OESIMENE ENIXES. EMBED ( ARBUCKLE. Jt CO., Estes& Ewen sad Ingrid:a I:bre — Vet Els ?LI and 221 Likely Street, • • rjek7 r o , ootl awn prheto ronsteetIIINGEOLIND Waresthelt rone i r IteroreMid r otr ". nominal th en .7 Coffee In the mutth. TO GLSBS MhIIIFACTUIEN. rpm. - VIVIDEIISIGNED .1. 4 the sole Agency for the este of the COPLEY POT CLAY.' iepert4 to Wed. It nitexT tO %how Askles to procure this o g :rtlgle.' V.L. Uwe years , .a ot thlsclee ar-' =VI VA'All'Ar t .= IIVI=" 1 11:" wr. bevies sder.ed so ere.. steno at eter fer each oot. and sums Isetles se to. se split aest hos swab.. Irtil Welsh melpts for the properties of the mLetuse of this GMT to Den.. retebentee• T. CI. te mend .d ...teed le tempo ter deltreTy. tirrnzwes. A lON, Tori TM Ole. Welke, latesi WethloTioti Ttltabrielt. Ts. JOUN RONET„, HELL FOIJNDItY, Carson 84,916 Ward, near &Lit. B. Hammer Dies, Steel.Monlds, Eirotg El ul Lae Cull* rurally. • Jull3llol WORK prom,. attended 6: Or. .11. e. Donated sad manly' satisiao.ll7 arum , * xnr.l44, • 'Slat! Conntyaning, Mt3EillaCioiTl36l..a. = LOUGHREY & MUM, More sirmoved to Na. 31 Market St., = BROOMS, Brocizo Dm% and ihrobli Fladluse Vectorysad Wareham's, In ills tux of 156, I= INC 119 oda 174 Wood IL. Pittiburgh. .Q,UPEIIIOII OAS TANNED PAT INT 1521 . 1 . X1 . 0111LD LAD NIV7O • LEATM BEILTI46 AND. HOSE, liantratand at No. PIS ISMTKITICA? H.ARTm3r...niEuti & co. ♦Lo. Agoura for Noy. Yon Bubb 00. 43tuni Eieltitsg. L Wir !MY 111 / P VIM ollJg rlett 6.1 Ull2l. ii... 01.1101. NEI! BOOK LITONIN4: . • • . . Union Sabbath School Book store. Edda. sad Staialhauta. Sabbath School L ry liwka and Ha qulaltas; Tacoloataal, Vet sod 111. k Cooke, Buda:lm, to. Kara lillacedseeana . Rook. steamed ad all olden prompuy a* cheap* atm thw i tai s 11311114 he.: Mahwah. ea..' =1 A. IL ENGLISH & C 0... JlllO. 98 'Antra r i t i rwrC TrilDll3/ suv CaMigVni .%*1 0010.1 Val ran or KARS gantrae rararganur-61.61-.-= wrirmirear,&:, . LE8141717, WINTRITON: ' Axel .11 114 bess4lar Axas /w ok W 1711,116. totibut . J. O,,`OUFFOOIII sco • " itazei2. ers.rwr, ristainak aguilvarirwr _ 1867: REDUCED PRICES! WHITE GOODS. ANDBANCUIZ be: . , LLCM real and Ibbitatp, 1, ACE COLLAAS AND HOOP MIMS: . • BALIWBAL.SKInTs juip triiirix#o(l, GLOI, - bb, WINVBAND LADIIIA. 11 D rat yrs BisTerustasums emus: yEETLARD MBA W La. be. SOILED GOODS ST lISLF PRICF hair nd Ed6org tad , at An ttaa (.11 • Balbl ent dectrour to roll our stout oowu DerOta taking DOoststtoo utthe now od OlUott to our prevent. store , 1 . 001118. otowitt puc DECIDED,.BARdiduirs : In 111.soothlIn nu line : JUST RECEIVED, 6000 POIINDS mow, CID9ICC All • Comer Wet all clearable stick. And laLwtotex• Also. rell Aloe SAttItZU.7I.JINDUCLIS Mit of wtilelk we oiler to ltie tt.le St Iff VF.II4I:TII7REIFII PA111309 OSEI I II 11011N0 & CO,, 77 and 79 liarkei street Irit•WHOLLSALIIIOO 111 . VALIIIS: 61173190 NOTICE TO ME BOWERS IZE:131 LOIN OF THE CODEHONCIWITH OF IrMIIBItLYMMI! Duo'Altai July 1,1856, &La Before July 211260., • Luau. ca "pa rouowfts rkiilos or TUX CONSOMILdistIi Or PENNSYLVANIA ere requested So pre seas Olson for lament (Mud pet and Ittesesti ' • The Farmers' and Mechanics' Na tional Bank of Philadelphia. Lots of March SO, 11410, due Yak% 1. 1.1%. •• Tatman . 11, 1143. 4444 7414 , I, 1444. ' • • 'March 11, 16. doe July Jaatarl'a.LC. too Jarsl, VW. . Jane T. VOL duo *lllll I. WA. •• • Much 144.18 et. 444 Jay •• April Ss= due. July I. 1442. Aho. all BASIC CHASM= LOAIAS dos ono , to July A AAA • f All of We eLoya WANA wlll mum to etr". Ir tot .tWr Aslnst sr., as. JOB E W. GURY JOll3 V. ILIILTILUIPT, • ADDICCLit OZNZIL4L. WILLLIIII e. mum, ETATZ TIIZIIDB=f. UM=I ;NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS OVERDUE LOANS rrEal QO.III4OIIW'FiLLTOc :4 3F PUNSYINANIA. .I=of tho foilootog Loom of ilia Oos roastylvgatlocsa Datto. fiidotillot tad lattroll.) Of fotoodlot Om. • tlko Vonoos , ood.lltttualos , is and the, May TO, PRs Lots of Masa 21.1=1. Oat Doei I.ll¢l. Loom of /Loth a. mi. do. D. , MW. /...*ll Of April It, SU. doe oat. L L of Ittrt.ll2L VOL do* July Llka. ►O of thti *bore LOOM .111 otoot to drys forma oa Anon L UV. • • , . JOHN W. swaLl!, . . JOBB, E. HiILTRAIWT, AUDI OH 0109i1u6. :airs iiiirripaute. ==l HARICEBBIIIIO, JULY 29 i 1867 • TO THE, HOLDERS ' or Taal Loans of the Commonwealth PENNSYLVANIA, Due July Ist, 18,68 „... , . , -The Nimissteatas of nu tZlaklag NEM will naive INnvra). vallll 'September MOW. to tie 111•011.*Ion .ot Ope Iltlllos Dcaus of the Law as Olt Commeoneallh. toe .I¢l7 Yi, WS. lioldars mill address Male proposals to . itte Ckoaredsaloaelo, of. as .attaldirp,./arad. tfairris- Pon. restasylaruali, and eadoried . .Trapaudi Tor Me Dadeaaplipa of Lemma!' • nous Joitill3, siciocusti or =Ara. JOHN F. I=ll WILLIAM U. HEMBLE4 rrrkrepreAstran. IM=l LOUISVILLE TOBACCO. .n7Err m=mlw, A Large Stock of „the BANNER BRAND. ►loo, slotof 01 oeltarated Vine Cut Navy, AT THE LOWEST CASH ,PRICE, AT . it. a IV. JENIEUSO33, No. 6 'EDEUAL STILES% ALLEQSSINY, 1112C71 comm.-imam BUNGS. L AICKOTRONG, no. do CO., Ilassalheeneere sae Wholesale Deal= In MACHINE CUT CORKS, Plugs, Taps,' Irish Hass, PIP% watt, t S U,UL .. 5. aa.. Nos. 112 de LOS Third NU Iltealearals. ORACTLEROI '317 Liberty Street, PIi'TaBIIIION. Pt. White Lesa sjul Color Works, 71ND _ , 7A Sil(th ireW4 Vkne= 'n' t4ll2 •. , • scion Ara oeu ou, 7 : ' - I onip h ze. 1001111tielliM*- ' liactam Nag. 480. to 461. ItAr=ar n "!'-r "'• - Zwis — a - IWT:01, 11. ,10Bditilln 124% ;t o Tv. 07eir! ,, e:'mr, dm antes) aw, • - - tt:RION REPUIRIACAN • COUNTY CONVENTION. The IISIO9 REPIIIILIC/al TOT Ltle dhany coon', are regentted to meet at the usual plaeesdoeboldtmdaleettops In the enteral Rams, Borusgt• sad Towasalps, on • •• 'flatindayiAugrit 31:1, lkaliesct TsraiDtcmealits them tYv• m u laggis u a c:i.'niceVa"r6tf fu; the uld freewill:M such-adv.. Dulness as 1..4.1 - ale Innately teonsat before 10. The MOM:7 Ytted..• Ca the TowileblPe ' wlll be held tott•lteP the tweed of *Wee and eta o'clock and In the Itorovetts Cltlu between the hours of dye mad meeo 'oletealt 'hal l be l b e h b e a lclotmn end b te o e te t a ow a n h h p e . tbye nmtluatn. s ag. JACOB 11. 31.11LLE11,03a=sa. Pl. P. Imam decadarles N. C. MAC...X.I -• lyn.rl-13 .IW.TO; THE STOCKOLDEXIS • • ovrar. LITTLZ LBAltfASllkiAl AND BUISSINS7 9VAING PATittMEUNI Co. aid th. ISSOCKHOraiiSECI3 14 Tiir - i . filtiOlNG lITUNE .I.W/sin l'ilitE: (Wilts./ALUM CO. Timmwill be a =tabu of the Ittookbolders of the store named Companies at thl , "Ice of aeliraf ROBB, No.loo Fourth Moot. ram. borgb. on Use SIXTII DAT OF AUOUIST. M. U tea o'clock A. N. , unn. on tie %mum" OFTIIC SA.= UAL at 717 soateen; will be sot& all too nIMIPLUS BMA:Lot . the Companies almse named. at the Commeretil a.k. Somas of A. liollAYAlNfw No. UM Molittneld uteri. . . . I= WILLIAM r. BOSH. MEI OrNOTICE. TO SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM. 'The Allegheny Vane, Unread Company ontll further notice. traognart orcanyUy, from vartra."gviclztv, " ofl th, Vet: gVtggi 4 .?anTi vittomo so nrsar,ll.ll.ll9,kteerS KAM Tongk of the njr,Oen co, owl Vre ' ;11 Vee r s =tart erflo .ilt=LT, t "grAdru—a" 4r. VIAII2IV4IIA!gf,II. 1 14 1 44 4 11:1 1 1 1 3 ,44114 4411 bt i t ) t A !! It J. 4.14144 1104111 . 4 44453..e1,A 0 , . 44741:1:4., b tß ea olatet: until kfi11i4144.4.4 - ..441: 444 1:4_ 4 A 44441411.44 Pe11041,14,,X#447..,10,.. i71 144 8 4.4 1 t10t ambemeis ( . landoe , al 10.4111 M. 544. 4.44 I:l4.Mur litS46 WIN:93 OTELECTION Nogracc.—The . tam kbolder. of tat, • PITTBRORGEORLIff ELEVATOR 00.. c i tiAtryftee r ld A dtVgic T""l . 3l° .lN , o'clock P. for Oa purpose. of theta:4 a liffafg of Dinsatoil,!ti, , ,,tzmwr• t .„ . rlftabaffa. Ja aa ISM • cgflie9S ~.4111,•/ / /_ (11 1 , 4 = %.1- GOM . •:THE BEST TUE CHEAPEST." 98TH. SEE-AITHIIAL EXPOdk. . . . . TOTAL LOBSINI PLID, 221.271472 . 571 • SBA INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD,'PO.NI4.',.- uovzzitus, Jrcmt 1. not , *WET% (At TalF6.) 0.1. on bald, Banks ' • .11)6045.1 1141.1.1. state. ...... ...... .• .. , re,ra llar4Cra neado WA% CO ri=war= ....... 14°"" sad °Um: Public rc no.t ler 1.7t1,7Gt • iwuLtalsllltlea. Cmslai • not due sad.. M VeatUusted ' • ,VT WC* Net Manta:. .... .... Fire aid Inland Nartgallop Ittics• /111 r Appel. , In all the principal CttlM ark Tarns Ls Ma Ucttaa taus. - _ Ampllaattons for Insurance , rW be promptly satondad to and Pollsl tamed. n 7 • • ea A. I. maim a. nowigents, I=l TEJO* TEAS! TEAS . / or ALL PHIOID AND QUALITY. AT 8. 3EUZMM'B. P+13141 Tam pax inst.& Kura stma Lin F 4 1.01 . ELAM 21161H)ploars. Bass /1.40 SLAAXIC TEALS—Poirclaeutt Olosobelig Ts: nue ITO. neva End.itteeelfeet. • Wit •••• exenstry. dd..... Lid JArdlirri.ad: ileoggeeed dopes, wal7 olessaut Japan. Tends canon, Leaf ...a.... Le? I ILECED TEA'S. ' aw 1 Iltded Tna.tibet d. T• 13 4 1... No. 1 • N. St Len >• .• id above iuld OOA t Nee what ku.d °dye a they went, dnd T uft e a 1,2 rat ap_III eser tlfy l r. b dosa. and 11.1 day Ide Ler .!:e.s'mWntaa. ZOlnNweeV r..erAeraga"lt:7l:e aOUa .r.„,.. • 174 YedereNt....tdegbenl. BUR .E & BARNES, Flre j i.roof Sabunfinder Bafe, NIA MU 111111 mum tau silt IRON wow sauna MANNACIIIIM 1294,121 Mtard Bt., 8et.... - wood .odeminsed„ r/Or121111:148/41!.6. gong Vln follow Mat ions! rebosouto4sil, of ilk err proof etudttlas of our sass z BALTLW4AP racuaa 011'14i9/ A. rACKALIO, Touttrstowi, Obto. dam t7t4 slef.; Num. Birks a larna.Patebtuark. Po. '•• Orstruswer —We sbtp you, to-dry, by ma rred, •sere of you make, fora fkIWZOPILUS. The sae wort Woo& the Mauston fay test oo erase turre as 411e . G.tb of stash. lasi. burin tor store rue WuruirruSei and..we are Ittsd. to /a forwyotruttat. the .papsta Lek.. out AC Morels after them ware ow. burout Ist tbe laud, ditto» =pp.e goy- luta amparlattl se Men r, aut, eouhl poo4blystsu6 -nob s Aro, ere whoa, -we dlseeven , d the pryers 011 safe eat sound, we Ssue agreeably dtsappatuted. We will glee yon . an order for e Irmo miss refs when. we gee tufo , our pew store. Truly yours; • , 2 RaVate & A. J. P A.C7f.A.1113. ' won, HOPPER & CO., Mitt *short Y 3 R. Id, 13171.131511, Frent,l 11111gUil Lotr.malFr FURNITURE W Every Wesoription. SCHOOL AND OFFICE FITENFITIL NO 4i Smithfield Street, • la hilautortacut of Plttsbandi I Mostac• lareetraraltate caulastly on bikaigtLOWZrt. c.,a, wags...war. 14, WI.VT mbr-atil -T . O HOWSE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS: . Woe !titan alsortzmuti of =MEM Cooking Slurs & Stoves, ' Of tM MIX 3:1152 . 417,11.1.*. foinle nt "'En r LOW! PKICES# BT `BISSELL • FEE] JOSEPH WIGGINS. „ Collecting Agent; Conte at the Beard at Tempea tlooatsc lluds ' inail ' el l :4 - 11.1rit R rfaott r y ' t4 el rehrtne. Ittrttir • t 111116 of ..06d NEWsuutr ' aci'fin9cr t nir, lire,. ID4 ZDXRLL irr..4l.xseticar. Ptah nook Ot obolor 7111, COlrliti Sugars, to, NG, widen we Orr to'ilko#llloll to larreltlXl644 r 11. , R. iNg outztixampsran % n Abzi,x4 ' PT "‘hilni Tura 00e. watlXzeltatrissiarr., copra* Molsolunds.s um*: ' • it. How emir and earPe*er. 4A rov ißlAKEs...i..zynd • elth neat. WP•• Was sad nitortas nibb. 'WEST common' 211ACHINE 'roma. womss, m•thim••,ozut of w " c"Artdilitifahz• • co.. • itimmi•.•••• 51 ,77, 4 ,1174.1 ) , t wmuoul 0001111 WAI 4 iTED 3. smahmosuisaa A.= ~,,, . Wholesale &abb.. sad atcm Mllllarty fiesids House la raltadelpals. . Inc .ella can to ps,see-essawls ants aaa uala sta 'O. Addle Ms.. statlMC W5.1.W...e.5. , . ' 2 -, - • • _ . WW:d. BOX 163 a. l'ltilalelphts 1 , . D. *ANTE D—CARBINER, 111. SIAS. RISVOLVILIti. Tor vrta.elk I will pal ' la essta If s'alltsered In goo.. a 5..., see a.,,.,,,,... , .. r .,, misas es , Call 7; c a 1 .,. .? .......,.... lo r t r, ti r:.4"1: ~,,toLt. ~,,..... ift.A.;:',1.1°....,:i elf.taf, - %3111 1 : 1 1V , V , I , ';:. 1 `:: ' levies arms. venous assize say Of Meese toe sae ...... "d ' " ! ' 114.1 1 . 7 ca1a .i .. Zia " 14SilT ' 2.1 Great "Wes , , Wan:teats.. Pinola:W.li., 111.11a1.a WANTED, JULY COLD - COUPONS, And. Compound =Wrest Noteiw, .111021 T. BRADY t CO.. , (Warr Yourett and W00619t. I=l ANTED — Dient In - itialeanallain ( Department of National Art Aaanannttola. Avrar at '''''''' '''' .- IL 14 Ct 1101•11. ~ . . ' ' mddent or •utoelatlOn. 3t1210 1111.11antond Street. mutt:mgt.. LOA:lvavol:4 2 t l P . l BRUINS IN CENTS! JiTNE, 1867: 12t=2 WE HAVE alp3r OPENED A NEW STOCK, Bought at reneut ilaniton Wes to Nevi Ten*. Reduction of ,10 Per Capt., Irro. prltei cqfstintiUth. tie biVeilkdiF•ll ALL-WOOL; INGRAINS 2.1 Coll% Per Yard. - T-- 1311118E12 CARPETS, Centirer 'std. Reny White and Checked Mattingly To 35 Cents Per Yard. WHITE MATTINGS, To 35 Cards Per Turd New =CI berattlita pS.Zer. NOTTINGHAM LICE CCETM!B, Ina to rio—bunt A'' REDUCTION OF FIFTY PER CENT. ~• 11'1111UND &COLLINS. 71and 73 JUtb &treat . . • mirk trosttmc to uoneo ate. 01.240'2an0• a4J:030 . 32514 000000 6004 orta 21303310 800 t HAVE REMOVED. . BROTIM, .11.6.411 aery ope.. si their ter, tlwas sad soli. maligns 24 SW WARE/101AL, No. 51 Fifth Street, L maw Use et all new sad &arable yattarne Er.DALLionr VELVETS. Velvets, Eneviels, mispEsznr asusaezo, A. ur g . and clialce assontennt. et Piano and Table Covers, - lOU= :coin, uwc nu in ins, ki*CuU . , A; C7/1 ZlNO&welsh THREE PLY. AND TWO PLY Ingrains, I.nt orerr issiety or Dm priCad 0.1X1. 1 .a B/cPALtIIN BILOTHIM, Nrittit "Stare. et. ' OLIVER • mc , cralrrocK. & COMPANY naors JEN; OPENED For the Spring Trade, 711 ! lt8ylendld LuoTtlevalot .SEVITVARPETS, Oil Cloths, Shades, to • /Manila. Is callall to oaram su* at • 11111011813 • 1111111' eau ?RIO MINI Grua Decline lA.Prices. SIMMG N/LMUMN3. DIM aI E BE DECLINED BY riAlflaely.. " l.3 ple . lll:llUVAr t rirA thz" . • mon sun WWI fin FLT: , Was 7= 1 1114+ 4_l waxy. Inarritir mac,. lon 3011Eti1o. istre)Ot. sty7ol6l , ' . abate .11mittgle14. Gum?za a amours ELASTIC STITCH ARO LOCH STITCH Sewing Machines Ars TEZ131142 rvans and Ilastattaring 9‘n.L.'""' Av. itotc...paris stress. GET NONE . BUT 'A " . GROVAII-M3AIKEB, , 'lfdr , • It Is rduttdd. Dona dna Itedittere Mahn:. Doan WI to eaU said ma tt • NO,lOB firm nr.. above . . Id SirA,M7'.9, B It.V ARGE novae a elan n, train noun. Strom baburestrutere, it is the best bx than. " ED. 108 117TH , stay. *l2l[lll4ld. nmniritam - i;A. TsE GROVEII & DAIWI SEWING MACHINE the IRtlm Tirol* ta Isicebsalia. Plaza* SUM = ern. /am, DllMplit ENGINEERING,' At The Pioresat.sza eurxrattinsio lastreetioa eery {bor. o ugh, Etradustas oblate zest desirable red %Wr. il.eliebe SALT. 1 1th. Tor the ANNUAL. boittrine talbriaattee. aDDIT ". 144 " u TnagN. rtUSINESB SLIMS = ' • === COMMERCIALCOLLECEs M“i i 6 and lIISLCbIr Street. Hu •roavrtull Mater. 104440•00 r. Pammansldp and /210.matm, Liirbiletla and Pan.o Per4 o : o • of tame RO 00 renstaushlp, per addxu op IV =nun or P.resun IAC TUBIBIAPME aI a.V.rac iI, ; i painnio AnAtiputi Pons .warglgitit-V422274.Mgt ~^ yy~~}} ~__ --.~~ iLV~iy . alma A.trii No. 82 Ildrd RNA Attsbirigh t Pa* clinuz . l4l-4 FiaTataiarT.' k ev. MOLL • DTEter=s"..imsamit JotniVt.nd 11...liarlawl, Jot., Is. /4,11110.4 301b1MA e$01111; ILL sir Wtultke to ‘.4 all kJ 4°3 Haan 7724 11trulatans , arzutr'.i.rg N. MAW" 400.' E° ws 1117"13M EDUCATIONAL. . MCI=ID=I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers