THE - DAILY - GRIME, - TIIRLIBITED WERT bicariva. • • I'ENNIKINI TUNED & CO rftiaroiliptorim, Lpit. PSG. . /MUTTS BUILDLIIII. 1e5.114 LID RUTH MX= bplami d Tetra hamitalia ornoweriros or prtroonsaa ALLEOHINT oisr. LLIIIIIIIII7. CHITSITHT sad DDT INIXILI cad IX/SLlMplay ParCH la SWIM% Chita,,;;;;;;SV IPU. ccW Oa bus, par pra5......441.00.. PITTSBURGH, TWA. pittsbur g i j Gaittit Roams *pommel:parr ow op l'imose Um , th• city dozing the mama ataiths the can nave the Gamma maned to their Rattrap,. by *reams the same at the onion, torlnteen mate per reek for me 'week Co Gan. Lail is rustlesting .the Ohio White Eltilphar Springs: Ho attracts considerate attention. • • A. enAltrranut citizen ofe , einclnuati mites a plea In behalf of the felines of that city dying for who, ho-says,e .. are-dying .. want of ca . Tar death of Ron. Daeld it. Porter, ex-Cloternor of Pennsylvania, to IS , ntnuiced u ' ving occurred at Harris burg, yesterday. . Ttht Republicans of Lancaster &ratty have adopted the "Crawford County tlyw . , tern" of making nominations Lil t happy dellutrance Cram the cam= AM. • , Watts* Wmusers, an old and re spectable •iatizcat of dump .yeased yell mysteriously some few dips ago, Witte lbOgelbe hes 'been foolly GssiesthilhasteintioriirUiebeadoned Lis intention! upon Rome, and mill dr ttodAtinntil each time *May deem it expedient to push his mover went to a weoassial end. , Tug execution Of AT..Amnion has ac- c tupi hehtleafouegoodremitlnEu rope. It is reported that so soon as PrancisAsteph heard of the execution of the Mail= Empercir he 'foxed' never again to sign a.deathwarratd. - • Dn. HiIIIM SHAM, U. 8. IMO TsitonY. writes to us from Pensacola, Floridi, to say that Burs 3L Maass, private ma- tine, aged twitati years, whoao Parente reside In the sicirdty of Filishurgh, died on board that veinal at Veri Cris, Mexico, df consumotton, , on the 6th of June lut ; Farther ruuticulara may be ascertained by addressing the Doctor at once; at Pealacola. . Tan President alleges that the recom mendation for commutation, of lie-Mence attactiCd io the finding 'Of tisi Military Consnuesion In the case - of Mrs. StltrAtt 'iris not 'attached to The document nisi he approved it, but was aubseffliantly sued.. 'lids idateraint .is ccirrabonatil in the fact that Bern -Pittman, in. =king ny his book, failed to discover the re corniteruistioi,itithongti be users 4 - all 'We - pipers, and copied the aver. went which now bears the plea for dem• racy on an extra page. • Tam .Mingammen MOVAL of Agee. Sheridan occasions much excitement in .New Orleans. The rebel', who rave lien turning heaven and earth for his displacement from Mika, highly de lightedwith the determination of the President, while the trelein meneintest ly protest againstUny change. The lat ter will - a _grand masa melting today to entera fennel - protest against 'lbe threatened lanovid of Sheridan, In wham they, . l common with the loyal =uses Mu:inherit the eat* cottotnr, ridrecemittac CIACINSAIT la not the slowest of Western cities. She rejoices in the pos *l6* of , a number of professional "domain" whci . are busily occupied in teacidiig little girls Sic mysterious art 'of plekhig pockets. The little once taut polled on The etreets and fottow dies into atonal to ciamito their IrCK3IIOII.. Quite recently a young lady, walking along the amid, was startled by being pushed againat, inn very roughsoanner , by. Ma of these little =fortunate": The , childliorked with 'rather clumsy fingers, for the young lady immediately detected the little digits In her pocket. She I*i:width; lutildha - it waririthitrairn, tightly. grasping the poCket, bxdc, but being fully as sweet,in dleposition as in face, and entirely- generatukaad fargir , ins, she allowed the child to 'escape sf - ter annteaderintt the wallet. Term New York Gasettif in illustrating benetite to be derived from judicious and liberal advertising cites the pumper- Ural!". Helnabold, the druggist, whose name is familiar to all readers of news- Net many-yams ago he started In business on O. He bee nude the art of advertising the study of his life,% and owes his success to printer's ink. The • drat year he came to - N em York, besides the great *mounts be expended on other newapapers, he paid f 33,000 to three leading New Tork,dst Iw. Last year be expended on newspapers 4214,000, - and .• over 4100,000 In posters, pampitlasietr-, -knowing that be would thereby attar lisp a trade and reputation which would extend through years, but not dreaming that he would make any moudytbamme year. So . quick sod so Bare, however, are the Murex from Indians - 'Overdo lug. that his receipts for that year ex ' °need his eapenditures by; about $15,- . 000. The more money a badness man expends In advertising * the More likely he Is to get many fold 1t return, Is& fact Which nobody can'deny. -In 'May,: iscll, a company of Iron=, workers wastvganized on the co-opera- I ... - SimiprincipleatALUanee,Ohlo, with too,- ': sue capital. -This bail sincebeendoubletL ; .: - The work-shops, which cover Unto acres Wrg d, eoun cost - 1140 000, nisi the'residne of the capital is emeoyed In the business, under the superin tideues of Mr. Rich% .ard Jenkins. The company elnploys 100 men, who earl work from 12,000 to 20,000 : tuna of iron per month. The speciality ef tht, Alliance roll n Fete Is re-rolling rattinvid iron, and 'coal-short iron' which is akin to steel in hardness and durabil ity. Another factln oinneet ion with this wad wittabilahment la of great interest sna bi ziwkii whistles. for the enterprise, 11 ty'and mend judgment' of the mil:sena of Al.Uatme. When Mr. Jones - ProPesol the erection of the works, the ...torsions, the company eight acres of land soiomo. to the town, and on the line of - - the' Pier elanll and Pittsburgh ' Railway, and added to. this MiPOU In mai, as a bonny to the enterprise: --There bee WAY beet' diecovered on the farm'of John ft. Lyon, in the north ern part Of the town of Edinburg, Sara t^ga county, E. Y., a valuable bed. of Iron ore, known as the red hematite ore. For loom lime before it hod been known that there watt some kind of mineral de limit there, bush was not known what the mineral woe until recently.' Mr. Lyon procured the services of a - comp. bent geologist to make a enmity, and he prOentaxMed it hen' ore of an excellent , quality. He made a careful survey and 1 eithmaticat of the ammtnt. and In hts re port rasa there not teen than &o,nto tam ofore. The farm heswithln twenty miles of the Addrondee Railroad, and only six or sevatitnlles firm the survey of the Schenectady. and Ogdoneburg mad.. A promineM iron company of Troy mo negodating for the property. —The arrival of the Sultan In Pmis ^ Rave rho to many amen:lota in Welt - pent. • • Among them is ono to this erect' 3f . Leopold do Eleyer,the pianist, was mill upon to play . before. Abdul •Atrizi • In, order that no tojury might be done to the beautiful mosaic floor the plum was' placed on the hacks of jive Turlon Hum when hi. de Meyer desired to tilt down, ~.''he was told that no one wax pervaded to be seated in - the pretence or thehultan. - Finally this difficulty was got over; and • the profttor alma accommodated with a chair. • The Sultan expreased himself as Nie t tl en . deaZitt:pittut3l4=nwrce. During the month - or ,Inne, and up .t,ci the 96th of July, la:manly-nine bulld• tog permits have bean granted at St: Lmds, an *damn °miter a gig),ooolmlld ham one, 15000 41re e, 400 00; one, SO,- otnOneiZegO:Uwe .V-,000;n1ne,510,04 'dm All. Me new'rm:tures, even one, 'pat down at the sma ll wet or ;500, aro built otbriacws • . . .. . . . . . ... . . nkis.n. , . .. . .. . . , ... . . . : .:- -• • .' • .. ..:) - • , 1,,, ~, ,-,,,,,,,. „ ~, ,„„„ ~„,..., - 4 . ..,,t . , . . . _._ • ...,.- , : , N , „' 4,.• "' • „,.,, ~ . . . __,...:.•,-, _ ,, ,, , z , ., , % . 4.A.,,,,, /..„.........--,-, • f -.. .."..,..,70I N ~,,,.• : • , ~,,,,,,... :•,,,,-",. ' -,,,-----_---...-.:..-?, , ..4PX,;_,.., •-•••---' "-- ... • ••' „I' , .' ' ,• : •.:'• (5 '4 , 0,32 , 1r.J.V.:15 •,- ..C....--14 "":;--,;1 , / ' 7 " . "r°''' :' ' t y t . 1 .. . . • \ ,\ , ,-.. :..:,-.? ”r ..,.\ 'y ,.. • t i ~ _ -. -:'_ .•-•,,,,,... ,"tis _ • 1 . - .. „ .. 1- /'1 1 . _ ,: . -- -- :-. 7---- ;;_,.7,--- , __:.7:..4. -'."-.. .: ~,. . ..,.., . _ .___---- -_--. • ---___ - - ---- ----- -----'— ' -`"' ---- -14 , -,..--._ -.,---:-.._ 4 3. , ..,.. . ,I. ~, , . . . . . • ,-,........,-_- .• .., __/____—__,_;,......,,, VOLUME LXXXIL-NO. 180 GED":LAI.NEWS , —Daniel • is reported to have made 4600,000 In Erte speculations last Week. The Now York Era Rap. that Thor -low Wood lam applied for admisdan to the Masonic order. • - —Adrertialng fora wire, saya a cotem pointy, la Just as absurd at h would be lo geLmeasured for an umbrella, - -TlMk'reurh actress, DlJezet, to eon, log to' Now York. She is seventy-five years old, and playa young and scirlish. —A red cedar poet 6 standing In sits ran, N. Which it not - at all decayed. though It Arm punt' Its prevent • pc:Alden In 1749--118 years ago.' • --Votenet Win. Gilpin, hinetily (;°"' not of planate Tertitory, ht one of the the wealthiest men in the west, hnrilg recently nold..'n tract of land for , . —The English Consular service costs Staopo,, In gold, annually. The Con autos staff comprise. ttl, Consuls Goner-- abh and 60 Vies *WWI, = mkraccna, chaplain, ant law