1: P. -R» 31 - RTZ MIR AND BRO: 118 Wood tt„ near corner of Fifth. .Government Securities, . Gold, Silver, And Coupons, so.ra sad inant of Ilbersl tam.. Drafts told ea all tan principal Enka of Illnresa. JAS. T. BRADY & CO., Bankers, Corner Fourth h'itrood streets, BEY AKE SELL ALL KIN VS Or aonmEtrr sEcußrius, ax .-w converting 1,141.4 e IDICW 5-2•71 GOLD DOND OP 1%67, alrr b ir. 427Ti f fiirt .911 We, 11041Commumtlaureli Note.. HOLD*IIB OF 7-30'8. specter areadermata eeitla 'Amy. 4:74:topir:fo elb Co:. '4744lrariVriarZ .rre Premed to coseeri ltrodorrs Hasid for frollverr. IRA . B. MINAY..& CO.; _ 134Sionilice01•194 ala Es - roam Ann S . munit MXBIB. M:VA 7-30 ,ATICIoNDIS =1 5-20 80ND5,1865, I= rTratk=.lloll=l°llTZ:n.nud*" ROBINSON BROS., I= RittAurgli Ga:Or FIN. ANCTE AND TRADE. WITKIS Di TEM Prressaaou O Awn., 1 • MONDALT. Aux.' 6, l% f• York dock quosatlolvs today, tweilytd brAlr. P. U. !leak were a. follows 01114; Mogi Elattporie bon . dt, 1103L1 Tweedles, UM 1124 i Fire . Tsrastles, 1801 100. q; - Fire Tweetles, tgR. -mu; . Seven Thistles, 1171%.10154; Ten Fettle's; 101!4. Stocks— Erie ;Railroad, 01; Cie gland , i Pittsburgh. I Chicago and s Rook 1.10001, 101%tChicano and Northwestern, 42%; Melee and Northweetens preferred, ei`,;. rott Wayse Ragroad,los.,,a hilcidgen Sootbc ens Rigireed ; T 7%; New- York Central, 1013;1 Liddied , 84 %1 Western Union Teleereph llaaparip; is. . Mining shares—Corydon, 1,01 l . . guns UM 0 0 1 tirellOrT. 6,75; Sndth k Fold' maka;‘,lll; Quickeilver, .034. ' • .• Gold opened etronght 140%, declined to t4O and.olowid as IV.* The specie deposits in bask' dwindilex down rapid's, sod 0i1... transferred to th.linited States Trenaory, for paymenisof duty.. Nothing but n'inore favors: bin condition of the cotton crop will bring down ' the preinities en gold. Oorernment sectuities eta Sneer today, and. fireetwontics of 7868 and 42011110 if have advanced from per cent; with MOre inquler. Seven.thittles nee. doll. and tendorties smite to 10104—an adraacc of percent. withlolour dm• The there market • oPeded dull and lower, but rallied again to the ' enereems eni:cloms heavy. Fort Waytie is C. article.; on the not, sod him declined from its highest quotation but. two per Mint. Tale and the Northwestern maiihred moat under the henunorhis of the beare,whilot Northwestern fotemaa,lwing considered almost worthleas 1. • firm with a alight yield to the pressure. Min ted glares am stonily with light demand. -.•Alleetag New York quotations remised. bi James T. Brody ik Co. MM.` Sixes, tel Wei ; ko^ 1,11017 11104 lma •' • . lag lo s% 1040. 101,4 . Coneols. 1053 Augustido. , NU*: JuneT4o... • illy Pews 101% Dee. . . • ficildOompounds, lica; OBear. 110, The following statement exhibit. the bust nese albs PitUburgh Clearing House, for the week ending, Saturday, August 3.1 • -• Exchanges. Bahtliees • • .101 l 11172.11' July mewl 41 nal to 46 ' July ht 2.10.073 13 40,116 40 . August r 2.541,901 41 OA% 66 dultost I 301.750 100,670 40 August 1 mn,lai St 711,58 t 47 Totals 614,1ket.003 64 $1.11,1107 OS . —A corneepondent writing from the lawn in Which thellnedilla National Bank Inn 10er led. ear.: "For the cameo( the fitiore of the Unadllis • Bank was the Inevitable tendency to spectate. • tine Induced on the pan of Its managers by the temptation of the Nations' .y.tem. Two years MID the Unsettle Bank became the •finedilla National Bank s ' With • es4dtal of Simian. Its Inettegue °eared to pa y t an Interest of 7 pet cent. on all depults, making loan. Wherever they t hus The people trusted them. With the money borroluil , the bank. entered into the meat abetted en...dation.. They teti h jig.V.AtVlllrgr=rAtlf • . to everybody use, large traCte of land. Thesx preetteally wortldem, conatitute put of the amts. The 'bankers also porehued a great • dead eland at 1100.10, under the delusion that lhU proper ly .nand be soldat an ellonnalls . • 'preAte .They haveeted to the extent of Itto,ooo In a magninctet scheme for making printins paper upon a new economical principle. Of • rourn. they failed completely here. They souk emaniderable money (4140A1e0 I am Infonned) in .• reel estate In ,Binghamton. Mem:dime one of sees• the members of the Lim—the member ' having molt fuel to lead a ether life—entered into a uneet of reckless dint trot. under the to. Luang of which he fancied htmeelf rapidly be -coming an Astor or • stewart, and was Wile Meted. money mainly amore hla favorite. and absolute companions. The abet/ridespro. arc wea•ateadily kept op until the whole ttOrhood had been socked dry. Then note. of banker. were protested; people began to - above al Lat e the I alum; nevitab tortes ®ash new came." about, and probable Workingef the market dunce l • the.teun th e of August and September I. re gnided With untablerable diverelty of °pluton. •• • Boma !pawns 'oppose that activity. If not in money may be twpected in • leer ereeka. The reason. sulgual for the °pin - Ina are that the Convention of, compounds into ol ' . " leit%ite e rere n' in " bm w lit n , d :et t i o trtge e moat of :=W W ltrl r L e tl t irg " 71 . ardti di es. '" . l i ttfl a :11 1 11 . ,be Vemembeted, flowerer, that tie. McCullougll Dee notrouneed that the then per cent. certill e•te. will eel be,lesuel Oil October; cense dtwelly tuty effect them eecortti. May work te the money market Its further off than there apelutatore are calculated upon. Besides, the ettelpounde prior to October will be paid off in currency which ham been locked op In the Treasury.-ho Sac as euch • payment may be erdi obvioualy tend rather tonne than to etlingeney; for tryt greenbacks which have ' • Omen for attn. NwltedraWn fr om the c i rc= a of •-• circulating money will be let loose and set to utility, lamead of bring altowed to umato lo ut aa et unmet. Ac to the argument that the reserve of the bank. will be athlete:Led in pro - paltdOn r any compounds whatever we paid ' ." writ loses eight of the fact. that the banks do not hold too any of the compound Wee us . formaly. Out of one hundred and thirty mil. Ilona mutat...ding the bunks Pelmet no revive only seventy.tive milttnee. Hulce, nearly one. half of the entire agetegate f eompo.de might he withdrawn and cancelted without ne steoetv imparting the reserves which the banks actually hold for the protection of their eireug .• lath= aid dePoettx ho far es then notate are nosonynad. Marylon, there seem. Uttle Metre of tho hetet that we 'hall hates tight • money market la the early future. and the op.. teethe anUcipatio la ported abut- dams of capital n seeking sup loreetmentbythe and the . large accumulations of Idle currency as the monetary ecatme.,Phrin...rreel. . • • . Antos Wool Markel.. • , . Borrow, hornet I.—The wool market Ls Weak gad prelee Inegulare under • general . Treelnitre to mince oa consigaineeta, though the traseactloun for the pedit.week foot ups luVielgregsie. There le notes* demand for aleph in the preenst Unpl,l eondition d o wnod. manta. But wool has been forced to Mae. which render it very tale to operate; mad with a choice megaton offering to Meth. • • 5700 vamsdlegir favorable term, the • . verat Ls Uoa very strong for them to lay in te Some MI our Inge manufutuHnit onelmeo time have availed themselves of Ws opoortu elle dense the Mat two weeks, to buy tiP ehoiew lot. of domestic wool at rases Cason, sad le somas eased quite, sa low as the ism. • grad. so. poet from these...? st she gated of podustion, team le both geed inrest at rates cenret to the be mutate. in any rational view' which . owe be taken of the future of the trade and the IMMUfaetertag Intltreet. But no speculative ragtag hria,aa yet, been developed, and the Inge Mike which we record have been mole , wholly foe coamempthin. • As Lae matter steads, the future touree'of lives arid values most depend almost entirely apes the statue of the goods market, which is espeeted to epee ceder enoouregbig lowaste the blow of the omelet month. Until that event takes place. there can hanky be any imennemeet leiwool, though the market might Massa Uttbs @lmmo receipts Wetly mad eudelealy oe. The present demand . Is ••pelaciMelty fez goad coodliloned lot. of Once, e Whisk meals tellatively better rates than either the law or extra flue grades. Pulled week 1 jug dud, with the holscry and haulier trolle to abeyance. nee foreign wools are Melly ultieteeblet elthePt• eh tales behave the • ma lawortsUes. • sae et dominate for the week have been large, mei feet up some Ipldmo The, at w range orb Min'Ae fin deem and al,geteolor the car - towlOnsam of palled,-/nUchn. Bea larva (natio iWtef. Lir TelsintP;te tee Putsearan New Toon. Aug. 3.-6ecelpts-6.123 beers% Dorn snoop and blunt., ASIA icily. Bed b •leorensell anu %fain sower; clarion are liberal tadart some lino head were otoelb disposal ohs:tram 181val7e; pridgels!ol6e. area quality 11.015%e; teir Le impel Is 15e` crilldsn- to inferior , sbeerp oust lambi aro bronze and to Meter On sheep: sane, for %albs; 15.10 , 0 tar both, inforkrr tetextree. lions Ctm 'and a shade nigher, twirt anti car loads ware repaired • - - - Cliholasa ltairlaet. • 131.5y5i..1.114.111 1 1 1 t Sr . -ro Q or ur and •PrAn . 8.1141 Li foe L XITA un• It*. 111. w. doll, 11•NINIsd sad .oased; No. I rat winter Ma NA 1N.1 1 4,11911N 1 0.- 2 1 1 2.00. 00111 dna sod coo at Ric for No.l Well. Odt Slellot No.ll do.> pl. ht dosnood; held aiSLO toe 8a0.7 somlaa. - eldoisit aw. dLorltet. :11T 3511411* to the PUubusub etrotto.) C. 504.0. Augart. 15.,=p00f Cattle dull and notaluaL MAP dud, UM MOM /owe?: ro cotpti,lolobead. • JAMS 1141111,14& SON, 69 and 10 Water Street, Lau) 011 NA.NUFA.CTUREBS, ka• deal.. In ONTIVE. LUVRIGITING sad llAilatiN OIL& 'We vrarrses en - •••.; 1 Lard Oil *mud lotto rarges . t. l 4=tl b ret.... „." r oPere Oal Wo. OU S. • Lub36ti1,1,%,7,h, 97 r are 1 ,,,,• Laini,ttin• and •tandud Druid th! li rlEter•st to ive "" ' fit tt.d t. herd trout toe ireot. n jet'rt " warriszvistaa MARK-El - Genoa or rag Plrea Arum, 0 irevea. t Norreer. August n. The gerecal trtratts Curtail:le very dull and dePnutuld. And mete I. but: little• prospect at presest of any . lturnsdinte Itnproceetent. The opetatlons In allot the coding ankles Are re stricted nastaly to supplylou tromedlAte n - Ants, while no [sr As prices Are concetued, then arc no otterlsl changes, though the tendette* stlll downward. GRAlN—wheat i. quiet—but little offering, ea yet. mod there I..carcely enough doing to e.tAbilth quotation.. Out. dull, irregular .n•I drooping; we non quote at Piro for old. on track, and 60g66e fog new. Corn Is ;dull and Wahl for prime Yellow. Rye la dull Mid drooping—nay be quoted At 111,26fg 11,77. Nothing doixig in Barley. • FLOUR—Contlonea .d weak, with:A drooping tendency. We quote at 11110504811,13 for choice Spring wheat brands, Nod I{lsoll for fancy brand.. New Winter Wheat. /N.r iffi felling at $11,504111,7 6 . BY. Pion , I. Rarer. and there is a pretty good local demand. PROVISIONS—itseon ts quiet, but steady, Ith nesubstiobblug sales at • las for . should to; 14Xelitlbe ter Ribbed sad Cleat Side., and 21y1Me for Sugar Cured Mon—mostly at, Inirllce. B.A.T is giant.' at lagjil.Thlc.. Nothing . doing In Bless Pork. • MILL FEED—Brao Is In goal supply and very dull; WC or .1 ear st 1145. Allddllogi in tali demand, nod the supply Is ;Intl; we quote at 0.!, 00 1000‘. - PUTATOES—The supply continues largely In emcees of the demand, bu,t prices are without quotable Mange; small calm to store, at t., per bbl—we are cognlntl , of a mile of tee bbl.—not-1 In 'eery goad order--at Sipper bbl. GREEN APPLES—Are coming In pretty I freely, but the demand seems to keep pane with the supply, and prices are well maintained, ranging from i.®s 30 per bbl, as to quality. EGOS—DuII but unchanged—holders gm. regymkln , hough we are coinirmt of one house offe eg to II at no. - BtrgYEl to d 11 but without quotable change; am 1 aof prime fresh pail and eclair, Butter t : 110. - --' • igimEgE-1 esdy, with' regular mlee In Iselbe, acconli to quality. 011,—L to steady at 1170 fur No. N 0.2, end 111,06 for No. I. BAT-1,1 sellleg et maim at paces ringing fremlll6lrD. per tun. PI Tanvman TIETROLEUBIN/L6R6T 07/10. OP 1111PSTraelltreutl taIITT 11, PlostDae. August 5, 1065. market was moderately active today, the sales in the staireeste reaching thirteen thousand bureinwlilic eater as prices I are ebreereed,there la no chance. The gen eral lane of the trade, however, seems to be in favor of buyers, Diouf h. as a general thing, there is not muck dlopoaltion =effected to make tonceesions in order to erect sales. the following operations were remitted: gooo - bbla first or second water P. t. XOS •I' between Sept. and red, seller-- mi. 1 /600 " October; seller It 2500•atter Sept. lat. seller 10(4 Mod " October to December, teller Igfi firstwater lo REFUSED—The market for bonded oil con Medea dull and weak, sod_ compared with hut %reek, prime have 'still' further declined. Au gust delivery in PhilmielliMit sold down io 'and September has deelleml to gee. Last week 'both of these dellserlea sold at from .1343:0,fe. No movement in spot oil. The sales were: four lots 01100 each for September, buyer's option, 430 e, and oat of one thousmd at same agars, end 1103 for Auguet, same option, at 20e.. • ARRIVILS—The following arrivals of oil were reported today—all by rail: Jan. Wlikins --IVO Fisher & tiro 123 bl I Johnamn ig Bo am fr. Rehew.. int W. BcCutchcon kl W. Crary 00 1 Total 106 OIL slurps° Zawr se a. v... a. Wightemo & Anderson, MO Gbh. refined to P. Wright & Sone, Philadelphia: Forsyth, Bro. & Co., do dodo to W. G. Warden,Philadelphin J. Benny. op. do do to F. A. 'Dilworth & On., Philadriphin 11. W. Morgan, vi do do to Marlon Meg k Co., Philadelphia. Lockers k Frew, WM do do, Philadelphia. J. layer & lb., 'Zs do do to Waring, King k Co., Philadelphia. (Nark &Stunner, Ili dodo, to P. Wright Sons, Ptilladelphlin Montelielmer, Koehler k Co., lid do do to aring,Klng & Philadelphia. G. E. Beaumont, 66 do do to F. A. Dilworth & Co, Philadelphia. 0.8. Jose*. lig do do to W.l'. 1,0r,a0 k Bro., P Aladdin 011 Co., LSO do do to F. A. Dilworth & C Philadelphia. • baTrt . s h e & achT:o ' 4.f. 4 e r tlVto ' !/ " 0 " . more. otr. enter= =se Stoat Preattoss carer. Fl. ILIA= & Cd, on bids relined to Waring. King k Co„ Phliadolphin te Leine, Klee k Co., TM do do to Waring. King &Co, Philadelphia. flute:lino= Oil Rel. Co.. 55 do do to W. G. Warden. Philadelpbu. Brooks. Itallentiee a Co., Virdo do to W. G. Warden. Philadelphia. Chas. Ecky, 41 do cram to W. P. Winer, Phllsdelptda. Now York Prod mos Market i BY Teirgrapti'l, the 11Usbursh .1 !saw Yong, August s.—Cotton Ara and of I" bales at tWtsl42-6 for middling unlandu Flour reoclists 8,316 bids. 5,345 bagaimukut 2:4500 lower[ new with out any decided chalsge; sale* of 3,330 bbts. of old, at 16,256740 for sioperffne, Blale Western; 47,7569,50 fur ego. ..tern; SW,. Cam for choked.; 19.154110 P for shipping Ohio; a1e,16012,40 for trade brands; 117.5.010.- as for spring lit Lout., and SIOASSJIS,73 for Winter do. California dull; sales of tki Ws. at ! suffwell,so; choice 1111,75. Rye dour; salmi of LW titan. at SC,lslikahn.!Whisky un changed. Wheat receipts, 64, - ,W; marker,. heavy and declining tornew, but weedy for old; sales of 2,600 bushels at $1,9001,95 for No. 2 Milwaukee: W 4502,40 for o .w ...b. ipll Boraberrh, for new amber Ohio. Ann 054:12.75 for white Calffornia. Rye dull; sales of 1,500 bushels at 11,45 for western. Corn Isocline 156,015;, market exulted and =lc higher, with an active speculative e irmrt sues 'of 216,0.0 bushms at 41,1X01.07 for now mixed western; 11.08 for etroice in 00000: $1,0001,03 for 00000004.1 41, 01 kiln. Oats are wi th out any decides ,* i olannsta With Wears! MAW bushels at 7543810 for weetere; 9210 s outher n . 7569 00 for inferior to prime newo. Tee following Is the amount of stock in ware boner, Wheat, ra,dni btothels; corn, OWNS bushels; oats, 010418 tmbola; roe, 42.623 Wilhelm; barley, 9,4e4 bushels:melt, 13,932 !ullets, and peas, 31Allt bushels. RICE In quiet. Coffee Is ...halogcd. 'Sugar is Leavy scab sales of 1,200 hogshiads cubstet Siolassm Petro leum is dulfax Ille l sc for crude in bulk, and 3 60310 for refined in bond. flops are quoit and steady. Pork in hoary and lower ,quoit sales of 7.050 barrels at ' grAWSr-3, 03 for new mess, el.ing m.I ,C 0 regular. • sni.75 I for 010 mem; $19,75C71 tor prima, an d ! for prime mess. Beef 'ls Arm but ntati. Boot hams are dell. linens, Is quiet and steady, with sAlos Ot 50,f03 Pounds long ribbed lee curcill In bulk at 13160. Cut mama are dull wlldi salts; of 275 peekelfwet for sbouldars, and 15017 e for hams. Lard Is steady, with sales of ttetraerela Butter Is quiet atilt:Me ter Ohio. Cheese Is, dull at 1013 c. Yrelstan to Liverpool are' doll and droopieg. Lasser, VT. u.—knonr dosed doll, honey too 0 sowe.r for new. and steady for old. Wheat dull and nominally 1030 lower for nOwl 016 quietend tiOuhlY• WlO 401101 1 1 , 10 01,12 for Western. Corn very firm, with a good, speculative demand, at 11.06ffilne for sound now raised Western,„ and 41,0101.0 '(or unsound do. Pork activuirregutar and unsettled; vales of LOG this elms at ar/.130 311x00, and Ittitirff.l , it: for regular, closing t Uff cash and regular. Beef quiet and un- changed. CIA meats steady and quiet. Rs, con doll at prevloas quotations. lara dull at 13140/13%. for fair to prima swam, and 413‘Q/3lie fur kettle rendered. ==l MT Telegraph to at Pittsburgh assettel • welegrill. August k—Flour firm, with fair local and some shipping demand, prime ruled newly: (aridly 02,M09,73, and lune) , 0.10,7)011,00. Wheat arm with a fair ahlyPin w g demand for riddle to 41,to Y forV: nrinlat:.rn t n gctiTrire, o l tg - ; doing; No I mlial 780 le bulk. 0010 dull at 450 tor new —no old In the mar ket. Uye Inactive at !SIAM; .receipts um 110111. but fully Blau lo tun demand: which la only local. Cotton firmer; middling held 1 '1270, but the domarid le quite light. Illus. ky unchanged. Prorate. quiet, bit held m o r e firmly genera Iy. Mom Pork 1101 k bleats litycic, with calm of 210.0.1) atiouUlere at the quoirttlon: Bacon firm at 111 for shoulder', for Mem, and 1140 for clear Miles. .I.ant and sieloos nominal with no demand; 12 , 40. llama unchanged and quiel, flutter dull at I t 6 er r n l e r el Cn . t gogl.l 10,10 aOm. t Me ru r c l eermre MA. uo. Chaigdl and aroarly. Gold 110 buying. ElE=l=l= LBy Telegraph to the Pittaburra duet.. I Volcano; Augnat s.—W' a at he II r O 7Oedy and warm. Flour steady: sprint extras. Wheat' hi Vl lO O l l/ 5 lot N. I red, and Sl,Ular for ..ht , er rin g . Corn waive and Inieysn and 404!O: higher. at 7eirsi:e for No. I. ' 8001 4 8 Art for No. uat• dull, at Watilefor NO. 2, elredoll at too. Rye Un.ottled, at tom' ler No. I. Barley more wave, at too for No. / OS tenet. Pro vision.stagnant and entirely nominal. itseelpt•-1,171) barrel.. door; 05.. 00 but° }beat; Wpm both corm 1,00 bnah eat,. Shlpmenta-4.700 Ousels flour; GAXI bot h heat:lt/Ate bash corn. • Weted• Market lit 7 Telerraph tome Ittutntrit, timette.3 • Totsoo, Aug. s.—Flour dulls wheat.—ro mint. 33,M0 Dot market Sus Tc lower, at SZ,IS arLl6 for whlteltlchtgaut 43,0413,031 m her do.; for No. I rod wabsom, weak at the Melee quotatlone. Corn— rerelots SOO Do, with the market Aar and 00 better, AL itb for trap recelpu No. 5 Wae toM;. oate-000 tor new No. 1; DOMMe No. S. Lake Insights To on wheat to Oswego„4o by steam to Bu ff alo. Iteeelpts thd past week: 11,00001 s flour. 167,00 bu wheat, 4],100 eons, 'LOW oat. Almeente-11,0001,b1e floor, 96,01 n tru wheat, IMAM Gummy. 2,010 tut oda. CZ= thy Telegraph to the littmhargh Own, ILtitrargaa, Aug. S.—ricer anabanced at 5e,7.5 for double extra. Wheat scarce. at $1,23(11,93 for NO. 2; $1,71 for No. 3. (Molloy. er, at 64c for No. I. Corn flrmer, at ir3 , /, r. fOr No. 1. Iterslpte-4(3)bble ;lour, 900 D bu teheal. Shipments-6 00 ° bbts flour. Baltimore Mark•t, tßy ?Mann% to too Inttabaub 41:satuo.) haaahheas, Alma 4—Coffee Gold neer deethowl Sea Wheat dull. Corn—white. $1,18: OW firm, Provisions hesay. , ky time!, at 0440,,and smell bonded at ===== Inv Tel•graptk to the rltubargh Owns.) PinuannuritA, Annr.stb.—Fleur dun to. Wwilarnr.onnd new wheat, SLIM." WtWat vast; naw red *IX. ars IWWWY. Wiled western doll. • !bimetal Matters to New York, Usl4 Qowed a I thy Te!carob to the Pituhargb 0 ¢.l Nirw Vozz, ..tgust rt.t.l. YOVIR AT, 001 . liOney rather more =tire, at 106 yet colt for call loans. Starling doll, at 100xa , 11(6 gold, int class bills. Gold w Ithout change, opening at ItOX, advancing to lin% and closing at i 11.14,111 t ST, ..... Luaus an 4440,016, there o° Ilt.aa4 l O-L , an . V. 161.919, tltyroa,O.C.TX,l4l. Circulation 8315 , 4.117, decreaaa {37,74, DepoSita ty11: 111.714 increase 4:.11,,0.2. Legal Tendata 475, 0.6,7 tit, incremeit4O2,lrta. 110 , ..itnN•ie,,T,F•tock 4 .tmle better; Coponns of 1 ., 51. 11'1; *31144'; no. l 11.1%(5112.,<;..i0. r4;4011:05:4110; 1%5. 11,A1,31103i; do. new. 10.”,;(410^ , ),;; Raxc 7-3u5,1.07-)yaltri; .31490 and July. gro tom. - -•• • • . Stocks very excited to.laT, trlebelnit IN° great feature t fell from 70 to „ hut re.. coverml to evete,.; et the clone. North West ern was next In epeculative Internet. The I market neuerallgaintinued active, till late ' In the afternoon , Intl cloned stormy. Forma of the weaker hull houses have failed. The foltostng ire the 5.30 prices: Ohio Certificates 270:11Mi ; I Canton, IN: tielei4 l Lumberland, 360:17 ; cinicksilver, :tuqnjlt ; Marftions,Wll lo '4l Western Union, Pacific Mal , : IL3; Atlantic Mall, 1,10.,fee 414,1 New York Mantra*, 1,C401,04.4 ; Erfeneiltrojr: Ilmleon 1.101401,N1 ; Reuling, 1,C601,04; rr i n th . t nnem I,IMIAOISn't North W ea t e r.. 4,^c¢ ; preferred, eorteut4; Fort Woooo, 1,0%; Web/01,4934' All lower. Stea i rashlps quiet. Coal stocks dull. araaas SnanClt LOW,. clotting steealler. Adams. 7/1:67 - 41:: American Unit Stat 7 4 0 70 ; chants Union, 10013, f or M paid. and ;74 Di for as paid. Dull. Now - Tenuaszees, 67%; 3 U asnurle, la13:01W.;. . , • • 3111f1140 RnAnIN Heavy. gnarl,. Hill, 190; Smith S Par, 570; Midas, Man); Corp.len, 1110; Bona..tarter, 190/12,95, Rocky 11Dalt5; Eldora do, =4210: Atchison C0PP..1", •14 4VM Ben nehotr Him oil, CSO; New York and ny,379; Buchanan Farm, w. LCH-511.C.15r6T. Receipts. Isbitnl•lkol p65mUtP, .. 032 , 713 i balance, .127.015,-,72. I= (Sr Telegraph to the rittahuren Gazette.) ST. Loots, August s.—Tobacco active at full prlce.s. ' Hemp steady and arm.' Cotton —no sales reported. Floulnactlee, buYers contending for low prleeg; extra ild; deoble noun flOgle,6o; choice country, $10011; 1111 city $11; 11.75. Wheat active, arm and 3c Uighur for good grade.a spring 41,10. fair and good fall 41.7001,72; geed and Drina, sl,7sBl,77%;strictly prime and choice CO 01,k1; fancy $1,90te,60. tern Inactive, hut price, motet:dotal; wntte A.OO 0t yellow Mc; common mixed ten (bats !largely declined, ranging at 40a50e. fib declined to GSWelle, I wanks returnee. Provisions null and lateness small. blew Pork r1.26(trit.30. Bacon; shoulders 1242; clearsides 15 , 40 L66tic. Lard 1214 c for choice kettle rendered In t Mmes. Whisky to butter demand; sales Wobl,ll. itecelpts—tiour,'S,2oo tads; wheal, =XS sacks; corn. 1.1, ,, ii ...Mt oain. 10,322 nosh; rye, LSO bush; barley, 310 hush. Weather clear and very warm. Buffitto [O7 Telegraph to the flttsburen thuettml norratic Anaust s.—Flour In fair de mand; spring, Ale@ infi; amber, $11(111,25: white, 417; 'Southern 11110017 white, 412,15 t Wheel to loft request; Mabee Ohio, V.V ., old No. I Milwaukee Club. gt,lll;'No. I ida waukco Club. et; now White Kentucky, 40,50. Corn excited. closing 00 higher; sales of 51,100 bush No. xmlxml rooter., at Me. MAN 1 bush ruiected at Se; 10.003 push No. IL Ramat western At 91017.50 s bush Milord% river At ; and MOW bush No. 1 Mixed trusters at tx.c; closing ',Mt buyer. offering 150 tee No_ and refused. Outs dull, lire. 4 1 4 7 for Old; western. Burley, 41,15 lor old (:*clads. Mess ' Perk; MI fur heavy and gf4 for light. Lord Itel3 , so. Freights gem. Receipts—Float Aim barrels; wheat 07,10 f bush; eorn 1140(01I I I best, onto ''21,110 best.. altipments—Cern 91,tuf bush; Moles , tti,umbualt; In store Ado ; Um; oats [4,000 bush; eh.: 0.1,00 bush. • Sew Orleans ]facie(. LB, Telerratth to the l'lttotintib lissette.3 Naar..thstaati.. August S.—Cotton Orion;; Low .kildillings,.SQ4l. - Ntik.SICS tal bales; re ealpts NO bal.. CciutsLana sugar quiet; Ito for raft; Cuba ;Sugar' and Illulasaes un changed. Flour—no sales; stock large, and buyers holding or. Corn at 111,05.014 N Lista limn at SLIS. Pork quiet. at ...N. Itucpn lull and weaker; bboaiders, 1A e; Clear Olden, hie; Chalet Sugar Cured haute O Lard—prime tuerce, 1.1941214 c. Gold 131%,3140. , SterbuK—ltoste ctTeraug, but quo tett at 521..fi511“ New Fork Exchauge. tuluuL Louisville DlArket. :By Tetrad.. to Oa elms-aria lialette.y LOrmvitue. AIM, 5 —S.des at lull ..2•;63,1 . 5a5 for lugs, and $17,7S for medium lea;. Sahel - firm dour stoushail; A No. I new al. glh:io. Wheat Sl,7Sel.ah. corn lower; prima shelled tl delivered. Oats— old bulk 77ei new ISCDOs. Eye Medd, post, tpir—S•ASOper bu. rilets pork Sri. hadon— shoulders, ISlitilar; clear slaw, letilig.ie • hacked. Laic—tierces I.le. Cotton lor thhidling. /taw whisky nomindi 111,.$1,:11 In bond. Iltemphho Market. :He Tel ecroph to lie PILL burgh tiotott , 7.. Matir tut. Angost 7 O.—CottOri oplitotle c. Con2C.K.Cl4l,o3'witole Mug.. OntO II•vr York Dry ciareas Market; lay Isuaraph to the Nitt.ourso Guru., ) Naar TOLL'. s.—Dry Goods eiulet but firm; rat. without particular cbactua.. I And Menotti-metre or am _a.. harlot 00004 of turn made by 00. 11.1791111, II 3Ft I TLPIAR7IS DT ! New won, - H3:::let i OILa I and Tongues II and wet. Alverilsement In the bow spew. Pli erne- eranon,FOUT WATar le 6 [;x100.0 11. R., August 14-6 pAge pearl barley. Shield. a! Will be gem,' for delivery on Monites. 11th last- ; thd ,... 4 o " °b.o &weber; hits most, Graff & Reali; 10 b•ose• 1 Owlet liugspeCurral glum I tor al hl owes, LW Peas eliwt, sad hod him ex soap, B L. d o & Co; In oge rytial do • ; Do do de Heel; Liggett 100 do oat., A Woods; I ear lineal Liggett Cal 41 bags oat se do cola, : • De_ d o d o , IT_les/Tortiyunr,_ amine my wigs with hte i'Lßliti 313U2413.•• He Rita:art; 60 Obis wialiky, L Rosenberger bbl Lio do lirvaillut 'Neon; japan dryer, P Swit;2oo bags oats, A loans Plain Cured Matun Plawilitglili told ma th upper obi: or my len lung over, • & Co; 217 tellone stoneware, 11 11 Schwettes Do del do Bald, Mg;6o Wm cheese. (lest a Rollins/ do riA.J " At ewiteed Prices sod of . 3 .. 0331 93 " W• B Canfield &Son; 10 do do, Uav Wols0;.00 rota Ibis n ate we &ball be re g ularly Supplied , do, Watt a Wawa; 10 do do, nutlege, Perry S. ; lib all a rt icles in the Provision trade- Co; 26 do do. Little. 11a1ril Patton; lb du do, I 1.1•1 0 ,4* Pelt!. le Newlin; Bi cars ;sera, Ntmlck & Co; 2do do. Bryan llauthey; do do, J cpls BILEWKR. RUILELE on ; ,1)1 bbla, E Schalk:Scars Woos, Tater I ; Us; 1 cask chetes, J hlyer; sks was, If Shot ' conmissioN mom ILLta ; fee; do era II Rea jr ; Milo spirits. Ittie ; sin I Methllng; lid pigs lead, E /lithelage & Son: It, ; AU 1375 PIM TES • Mae lione,Js• (Sirdiner A Co:14414o do owner; WO do AA Oho:ask er Luis; 10; ba• ctiesse, Globe & Litiorty ell Works, A Own to nes hams, Geo 31.thell; Ido b e, .1 Perna Co ; 0 5 1, g a oata,tieglunyez I.Arritornoisto foe Crose sod Bedned oft. Twlerdap; UK` oat., Scott Great; I Sol la. Ws( wet; adienees made on econigsmente of twee, .lll4dlt. - Grads or Begned Iratroliem. Yards 100 worst. meet eitipment of Crwle Oil U Lsorzaeosllln. (.1696.4.1115 611113 PlTralloltOla um* Ce August 5-60 00,11 lily; 43 bids W Hammel gl,aat..Plitsbargli. euelo.em J st eel & Hr do do, Oweos & Kenonly: empty matey., J LAW; LO bbla whisky, An dors.; bbts oil, Johneton &Payne, V: do do, , ROBERT . KNOX, Jr., ltullina,lienew,a Co; 66 do do,W .licCutebson; ; Ili/W. weer, W J•hlealit 21 bales broom toro, ; COMMISSION 31EWC4II&NT, I:9•34ardorf a Co; I ear oat., Kennedy la ; `-• - - - • 1 throni 1 cat wheat, J Slim:son:9 tent mewl, 2do blooms, Prinualr. Co; 1.1 oar• iron me, hoiinteryiver k Blair; 2 do do,Bryao aiCaug hey: I do do, Lloyd a. Black: 1 do do, Zug alb; ball bbla fist, Mushall a Metrwr,• 10u berzela gour,-owner; 16 Obis slitgar, S Al & ' lb; 9 bpi., oatmeal. Stair:oyez 11: Vosksmis 1 pkg tobatoo, Atwell, Lea s. Co; it Arlie fie, T (Late a Boo; 3u bat cheese, I. 70141 h. Co; sk• oats, I Berbers; 25 do do, Military a 1Lood; hag them, Pettit & Newlin. • ALLSOIIIIT VALLOT 11.41/..806D Angnei ISO bids crude oil, J Wilkins; 136 do WA Ftsber .9,1110; ire Wes, W Flaw. a Son; u bids oil, klawlelnae,y; aka wool, J assay /1: Andrew.; 94 legs food, J S liewnlyer aCo lo bg• oats, Al Steel a Son; 1601 eggs, J Rigel; 64 bble oil, 0- Entry; l 7 b g • 0020,0 p&p butter, J Schwalm; 1 car dre brick, J Lemon; Ido do, S 31 Klee k Co; 4 Lew butt.. Wll Csenahan: I tuner, I Mil eggs. LJ Biartih•rd. • Alltantitr oWsieroS,Auguet 6-4.31b.0 ehetse A A Got; w bales hey. low do, 2$ bat • rats, Gr ab.. & C o r e care stases, Meryl & Reiter'. son; Ira eke wheat, Gilmore & Co; Ili barrels flour, Stewaa Sm u g ball.rt & Langeahelm; 4 tills leather, w- Fleet. Cotton. 000ne4 7 , Childs & Co ; s do do, All COll.ll & Co; I ow wheat, Kenned mat rorl4 bale. wool, Bredier a; goo ; 0171,0. Smith & Co; I tar urbrt, J W I t I 1,11 egga../ Ilerl;vrt.l slis outs Earlo g it Co ; I ear veriest, W 1.0 , . 2 1 13... irmsnumm, Corte:nue h l'nvirrslart Fl , August 6.-r• bee medicine., W Wilson 5. llo; 5 do do,•j COultal; do do, .1 Ilathswap: lie. Leer, A Ilinsbaw,• 7 eke feathers, Lwart Co ; 2: N al blits,A cars torn, R Knox Si Son; ette plow beams,;:[ bias handles,Morili. Rohm a Co; 3 Lbla tam 11 idle; 2 40 dre nisi[' H 71 oatsW, • do corn Mcnry a tkpd ; ;.,s alsz sturgeou & 1100; 1 1 ,5 r core, Imo Wallatt; lb hf OM. Soh, 1)0220 so dodo, Knot a Om 3 bale* dry good*, A Mc. Dwaine. PITTBOONOIS iao ICOIIILLOVILLII It R., August 0.-1 ear tan hark, Lsppe A Weise; I be hams, 1/. Itobloson A tio; fa bundles paper, 31arkle. lilekeon & Co; 294 sacks new vrtlest. 10.1000 e t Hrtetwo. Metiretry R 12011 Its Gel r, 11 roll. W MoL.auglsllo, ; 40 eke este, Scott a Gliall 61 Ws nem wheat, S Liggett & roa Dolls rope, 4 bales helip, pais livOne 0010 0 0, liollroan..; NOSIII(101••..0.11• 11/011..•11141C now.% s. CAVISSIMS . SI.S. • MORRISON, BARB & CO., Monufactonefs of sit .ml. or BOOS AND - PRINT P&FEB, Ora(4i,promptly ailed =EMT =I Blair County. /Mr chrst cash psis. paid for rscoh • FtENiOV.A.L. = MOREY & FREW, Have removed to No. 431 Market St. MOINES UP BICONI/0 PITTOIIUhrIa. Where they are prepared to meonfac:are all kande of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, AZ- enin moil tdaber an hnr, line enially‘ kept I n JOSEPII lIVIGGINN. • Collecting Agent, • • um.. M the Voard et Trado noon.. PaTimunoil, Mils of Lf kinds solicnoilsect prompuy Conded Sox Boxcar foram:N. flxou. ;LP. DiU.ie' DI U . 4 . 11011143-121,1 7 1 40.1 i AZID TILE; irti l 4 l o l i • • And wA gHIMII P 6 E6T, T rx ? e wrxrd2 YLSST_ ve h • Z.ll. PALIANCEEt, House Builder and Carpenter. corner of BASILERAI.LUdY sad Du , Q Uasal4l,4la. • • ' • .2;tratzue lataatatna dons wltinortnt.7 JOHN, PECK,' 01INAHENTAli • HASH IVOESte. - AND • P'2111171 111 4 99 Youth street, pee doer from Woodalltshert cia alma eVasral 11.011.111C0S 14. 01. , wit. Bends. Curl, Gentlemen.e 4 IrXed. £n. 7glVerS6 C :lll ' Vel r 7cittr Nair. a Ladles.Stott ItA2 irestlemerVe llatvesittlhe MUM'S the neaten 1111111.11116, DAILY GAZETTE:- TUESDAY. AUGUST 6. 1867 PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. , FULTON, BOitNIAN & CO., 1:2=1:2 CORDAGE, OAK tf3lf, ►SD TWINES, if enrY ndetl. WareToaute, 114 Ik 115 Water Jll. Cali or send far Circular RIVER NEWS . The zituttion at the levee remains u. changed. Business continues almost entirely suspended. and there lahut little prospect at Present.of any immediate Improvement. The slight hopes entertained last week that there might possibly be a freshet, bare vanished, and It looks now as though there would be low water until September. The ',claire has taken the place of the Pe trolls In making daily tripe to Lock No. 4 012 the meriungahel. The Elizabeth con \Lanes to make regular (ally trips. cart. bloore's new graft for the Pittsburgh and Parkersburg trade, and Captain Thomas Rogers' new boat for the New Orleans &ad ' t o. .htle trade, are progressing flnely, and will be _ready In time for the fall bantam. Mathias,' boat propelled by sell. and oar. luk attired at St. Joseph from Fort Benton. Last year there was quite a number of these kind of crafts from the Upper Missouri, but thls•season they are few and far between, the large number o rambo am in the trade booing rendered theta elese. The St. Louis Democrat, of Saturday, has the followings The Atlantic Company have emptied the lease 'of their bats to Men.. Welf a Ilya., at the followingmonthly motet Utak Sep per month; W. ft. Arthur, $400; Lady Gey,ll4oo; Motile Able, 11300thlissiee1ppl, 000;0110e Brooch. $00; Pauline Carroll, SMO; Continental, fleet duns, task Forsyth, 11:00; Luminary, sl.no. They design renting them for the same amounts to those °tither customer. who siege.' and relights barkeeper., and, we ptesume, will require from them a bonds of from. $lOO to NMI for each bar for twelve months. We leant Met In the aggregate for Bat year, the bid of Prather ta Co. footed op about ten thonaenti dollars less than that of Walt k Hines Mr. C. r.sa.cii; indorsed by Casa: Jon, NersOn.' put in the following bid: Ruth. WO, Gay, sakti Arthur, 6000;1111aelselppi • ginatJuLts,6ooo; and Olive Branch. $lOO. The Loulevilin• Cantle'', of, Saturday, says Yesterday the committee of erchants agreed to the propositions lamers Table& May to run two lines of hosts to Tennessee river and to White river. As we hers already stated, UM Pak Warble and Bermuda are to ply the Tennessee river, and the Tempest and Norman will probably be the taste placed In the White kriver trade. A correspondent of Alread the Philadelphia Ledimr writes: .L have y mentioned the great rivalry that exists between the two opposing Imes that ply between New York and Albany, along the Hudson. duet before leaving Albany. 1 went to the steamboat whew. to see the boat. leave. The rival boate on that occasion were the De. Richmond and the Connecticut, trot as the boat races are Alma the only en. ciMnient Albany has, nearly tall the town was Rn the wharves to me the start. The De. ichmond lay In the most aceeseible lace for passengen, but the Connecticut be ing about one hundred yard. further down screeds had the better position for a start. The Connecta , out Is the lastest boat of the two, but the Dean Richmond I. by far the largest and hut.. The trick. resorted to hy bola, patties are manatee. The Dean Mal:mond offered to lake paesengers from Albany to Nev Yolk for coledollar; while the Colinecticut, to outwit the other, chimera hut fifty cents. Each boat had .3:m11.11.11E1es of runners, that velour. passengers sway up In the town, end carried them almost by mean force to the respective landing. They seemed alto, to have the porters and bareege men of the hotel. In pay for agen t thee,. boat geuerally found their luggage "aceideeti ally" conveyed to the other, and without redo ing •eeneral row, moot amnsing to the crowds of sptate., eery rarely got a hack. Some of the I uoners, to attract obstinate passengers, have offered to convey them to New York for twenty-flee cents, and m*come case. even for tea cents—the .bleat bring to get them on board and then mane tip the Inas by tabor.- tant charges for meals and slateroome. It was Amusing to see the behavior, too of the boat band. When one boat rang Its hell the other did the same, ringing just as long and loud; when ate blew Its whistle et let oh etc., no did the other; and the moment theone begat to east off the other did the same thing. The Connecticut had the .tart to New tn., being eotne diet.ee down stream. and In order to get se coon as poesible, had • small steamer at hand to pull her bow out Into the dream, It era• so err..., too, and of-sourse,lfaccident. ally," that mall steamer got Into the way of the Deaa Richmond and 401.7.1 her fully tea minute., donne which time the Connecticut wee on her way to New York. !loth dimity got off, nowerer, end the Connecticut alien.- tog that she would take the right hand, the other promptly responded that she would rake the tat, and both were 'spline .teaming down river, followed by chasm of 'thous...* on the shore. This race began at S o'clock on a Sum day event.. and all that Sunday night th,y tided nab other . . speed along the Ibuileon.. The . St. Louls Republicrta nays Captain Degree Pegrem has centreeted with Air. Cutung, the famous boat builder of Met rope. Its, for the, hull of a new steamboat, which I. deetined to be the largest craft ever built to naviente the Western waters. The hull Is to be ma feet lonc.arath h depth el hold 12 feet, and it breadth of boar of feet. The new boat will be reedy for the spring boldness of ttat yea. 3lr.ruttlen has now ea the stroke he hullo! • new ferry boat, to be need at ref. rm.. Rai] and also & lane barge. COKBEISS'N niKacs.atri re. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, Am.] 04:L1n la FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, Off. 413 LIEJ6IITY NT...Plttobarati. L . J. BLANCHARD, WIIULEALZ /0113 SZIALIL 'JEW MEL le, 398 Penn Street. aragms,o P K .E I SBIL L P. ISITCIILST. oplimissioli MERCHANTS, /ND MY.= la Flour, Grain, Reds, RIM Food, &c. 14 LIBESTT BTRIZT, 1+111049_ PITT111(19.08. PAL (IMF:LIN KENNEDY, s , lll.ol•l.iCSCAnddlifolON fott.ll,ollANTii and Wh0...1f. o.lf fa io /011.1LILIN AND POKIfi 11C YILI:ITS.IfALT, VtAPpll. kILITTE:t. KUHL% 1 j l , of Railroad 1Mp0t....1.2.1i71T, •g• ate man. mil. of L'. T. Hite', Donnell 11l gnaws Sal J. Sara'. 1.011:111 .11:1111ANE & ALNJE.III, Commission Merchants, tkalers to YL.OIIO. IaRAIN w raotkves. pevoiallf, ha. WATIM., shave WalUah Iclld Plttahurva. FETZER & ARMSTRONG, navenne Ulcumistei num for ma Dri ed al /lour, drain. Sawn. Lard, Baur, , Sends, lrrulut, and P.a..; nnerally. Warketattaat. corner of lint. rillabargh, fo=ol 11 KNOX& SON, Commission • *ZILCH AP7lland Malan Lo FLOUR, RRAIN. /MID mid I•7loDllo7.readnil• in lid. 79 Diamond. oppoMia =71194 All*- gmo7 City. IM ?at DA,. CRAWFORD, CODtr h 4it . RION femziaTt7e.Hß`gbousa so( kite. brOs. 30.4 tad MX rim GIMET. IMMO Ihrettsb.. Ona.l.l.l•Etta onitattnd. TITTLE.' BAIRD & PATTON, liPblesalstirad mimesis% am.l eal/us In : . teePradm. plows, Flab. Cuban and Lard 011, tram Nail, ty!.., Um. Yarns ad all Mediu!, maastaetatas rmaralls U•ad 1 1, Ilseoad urges. PlSUbmgh. Sumarsas...s. a. 3111 , 1129....X.F. D. aITIKILD. 111VEYBILER & DUOS.. (Successors ta.Sernar AI A adondra.) Whnlasals Drsrs In rosslin Tits. bts and Comfectloe *lT. llamas, !samosas, St., No.. Ltd sod US Wood litre., atm.. rink! tuba re, 013:10 JOHN B. CANFLELD,Coinoati v aria Lad Iformudlam Ildsusslums 'diato ms]. dealt. In Western Balmy* Maus, Jilt s., LardA. sP,o n. Dyed Floor YON 100 n d Pea l d l nually a Had W . la Ut a INNoa ad ** r * - Pittsburga. lIIDDLFNo. HOLD:Harty St., Wto . t.Orrari iste ti = " 43":::: a d " L ~" a 10.11PlItsbargb monolorsoros. Cuo ad.oor4 Ocartirootoolo, and paitt tor Prodaeo moor all . ar. 40113 L SIOV111.131.•Il0 m ) a 101311 1 ...a 1 1 00414 J°°,1!..P.,°,5 8 151,2%,4.7itt Ravi- SCII4I)PLAILEB & L4R6I, Whole* :oded*olorcluGroarcrieo. Plop ,r Gran. Pro: torlirt ir/Mallattort== ttobore , 1".• 550:51:11 JOSIMIIiTOT 4 WAVLACL SITIPTON dr. WALLACE. Whole- Vg i blat A artgg? " "it,As• TBNvrAMFIINGTON AVENUE. —Wok, I d tee undorolooed oppolut.l Viewer, t 0... peso Avon. the widening Of Wublog. bin Avon., .I M.o. Ailegkeetv, from C . I:rsta b rc.Vri ..Fravtalle oo va irgra7,:° : Itonlo3. at PH o'clock, to talkll the Mule. 01 Wa oLa, on 1=11:1 MADISONISTAUCII AGENCY.- Pearl Minh: so dd. 11:0 Coradrela do • 10 ' bUyd giarab. -Itor uWOIoR tO O.mM, by %haad. OCIt•YER • sII:121 HUdmiata W: stmt. MEDICAL. t . q . ll . i' . Ulaaate.l i i i d It would take • man altrettme to read UM Wm. 11..11.1 n.v e beta mitt= .100.11 1 .• Import. at abject, ad If sick sass ate to attempt t be would aka bLualf world 14dbc and dle before be get ball th,O..b. tams of the disease an t aseat.....ad....Pecte. MEM ration of matter or our: Oa. to one or both lung., chilliness, banzlng In Ile ntelia. Of the ti.ds and wins of Ma IhaasUng day pi tight sweats, hectic fever, wattles at Seth or mar.an.. wmettmes asiWtor.o.. of blood These are the usual mrtarlard FlnaPtOnaa. apparent tot only to the observini physietitit. but to the patient's friend. There W.. +ever. more Important syrtytotta titan throe, tt f itich at"e Only made manifest by aunaltation .Yd percussion. .1765 which man, In • Medina SCUM Won. lug .0 thavalng, And they .??? =OMNI out- stately In order to ascertain what Is soitur on la de of the cavity of the chest. The "Ogee o edincitome elicited In wit war are &Meet Surely demouttrate the true .u& eteset coudltton of lb aplrstory Org.& 1 pertACt SInC¢II.ItOT CA or fall IS uce'rtotoloS wkother this Longs tine naturally . not. Hence It Is the beat ninon of ezmulnlng the lun I. Thule am audition 0000 disnouttud. Um SpatOpria troatatent In morn raaldly arrtaad at, sod teen &heated part more conlylettij ender the tnn nee of appropriate remedies. We have lo• team of the opinion that eoatumptloh of decay, or wasting of the bod i tly atretaxtb; watt dtpcod at on a Oconee(' •tare or the blood. .bleb les, In Its course. inblitciniond matter. and d petits It to UM llogs. or alsewbare to the body loot so talsoll or titans In depoolted In Ile blull deo, s portlolo of which attra;sta otbo parades, until It becomes of ouch olio:Ulu loth E=ll =M=l== =l= sash? done In the benlunthe or suet disc D. N.CII3EIIIIPICTORAL SYRUP 1. a co plate mad perfect taro In Its forming stage tang dlseue. It acts on the real prinelplo I= oorrytog oU organo to ODA double more of Work Waste md repair us cull) comprebeitded = 1=1:1 musti , e health lad tan, the contrary of ticket and au-easa.. In asuman we. of nonsumpuo flick Oa. bloom• altldad. Dr. Keaar, a'etto nl tlyrop foils to cam will do good I. nevi,' HI. He pßD.ree . medicine Haled LIMO CURE or fULHONAHT RIATOR.•• =I = r!!!0=t3l=1 b.licicr of worn out or rxtroprour Mott, whlelt only non.lto Cot or destroy it. by bloc:: reinewl g matertg being depoilled I=l=l 1 . 111.31101W1T CONDUVITTION. 111416 PLZ.I3II.IaV. CUKED. ttaternooC of George lord. carpool... of No =SI 1 toot • clolent attack of oleuriar. to Mn, LW, •nlw lel m. with . coub lasting all .em M!a!MM= andenalnlng lay aenitn, During this altatk I= reputation In the cltrt After 1 Pad Parttail, re color a Dom tin Dletnity. I was .4,1.04 to It = I=l I= I= = u.., m 7 robe Led btu area** inkdoally growling worse, ta4l w.aerer.q day. ands I= state of deapontheney. and latowlng Use gene" belief of ule inclasblllty at CoasampUon. I=l and the persevenance in the tee of ids medicine. I=l= can.. mr P0n.... ov.r orm bVsdnad and au tr tdata In a minute. and I +as geoeratly prod trat•dt and had Somata Sight and day. 1 tom. Incoord tar Doctor's treatment In ()Mob,. ' , Mb a Deb,. broked resetholloat tad continued It fattarally until tee orescot um.. -21 m Doctor, mediators boiled lot from the lark Mart. sad I coald gradsally fact myself Setting aDoolter. sod my mesh and expretenaton.leammum. 1 horn ealned greatly to limb, end consider =I ad my Funeral health IS la every teal' Feed• ♦U mr relatlvee sa4 Meads •now of the advanced male 01 ml atoms. and me es osordizare RUM cry. Ode or lt. medicines slurs me by Or. Noy.er ems modiclee rolled LUMiI CURL, vadat t wok in connection +lib the other tram menu 1.1105011050 rlll - n..2100. March M.. yip. BM= eI,SAII/1 , 1 Or 10110 O. WlOlllllll. OF 'Mir= vakts, 11J..26/I.lfOrri. I was &scared from the United States arse J Mao. lOW al accent of a wand In the , tad. from. mall. and a ! dleattae a o ka taus ..! Ityoleithitonianeed CONtIYIMXT It/N. Iha • tetrlbleaunt trod fed away In strength ais Mob and wee unabieto do Lathing. Shortly at I ter my return Res th. army, I nut le aptatheteth to a t.hyslelan of my net•hbortoodl and. atar wards, to another to Alttsburgh Of high rev.. lion. whose monadic. I heed falthrellY for eye months, wawa all anent whatever. hut rath er mew worth, and warted In ask and threagth every day. In Amnia, lie, my mother toot me to Dutal/It lieTilgit. of Inl l'ens alma. Whims kilt la each tams Ilka mine had beau highly 'token of and !pa myself under. his treatment, he that r essooned my tuna eta threnta with hie LUNIJ 0101/Nu. ea told me that my at lung was badly dlsessed at the al per Part. tut 111 wed tartlet he thought he weld eta me . by following his diem:4loas timely. which I al. , mod that day to this. I gradually Improved en. der Dr. Koothrli medicines from the neat week 1 oommenedd to tyke them,ad my natal health has Improved, and my, cheat. whore It way that I en away. and where It Petard me. ha become I full and strong sod fre• from pas. I can now do • fall dare work, and tam Vat tam. In giving my testimony In favor of Dr. Ithadir . s theatneent and mullein.. rmrastmva. April 11111. WIT A cam of tire yearii standing cored 01 DM. ItYditIVIS riCruliAL STETIPt Da. X siani—My wife ha been afflicted with 000100 sod diMmitY or bmathindrer Ere or sis Years. which. for a/ beet. had and: ally Increased la •loletme. The complaint hu been bermiltaa. and elta ha 4 treated blt several physicians without nay relief. In this meteor her ca. I procured some of toes PLO! ToRAI, CODUU stave. I bonght the nil time a Oily coot bottle, which relit ad her very moth; I Men allot tad got •,doller bottle. Which canal bar calmly,' and she has Dow no I tram of the farmer dimmer, except weatneSS. I would also Mate that _ mud the madlidne my If 'to a cold and must, The medicine awed me by sting one dam 1 ennui my allot sahib° • tan with tne medicine, and you are at liberty to publish this U you destre to do so. UMMiEM on Don, Jerald Mediu. loot area flare o 1 see ems salicled .1111 easnmeiptloa of a. /MOM fbr which he was diseharged from the srmf. kle was eagmlae4 by ft:Jeremylfelelaag. who all agreed Maths molt die wlth lbeelorsse. W. brought hlm to Dr. 'mynas. low." , . 1000 ; (000 0 . .) re. street.) .bes atter 0 000410, 10001, COMMIIIIICOd 10 OW, 010. tad oared ►lm wand and well. Ils la now will sad 0m1.001.9 for the rut three)ears. Others gelded la las manner ass likewise be “real. • ' • Jawed Mina. • • MCAT Az. Tcapersacethle, gem eth, ISM DR. KEISER'S PECTOR4'BI(IIIIP KEYSERI LUNG CURE. Can ta bail at his GAT MIDICDOISTOng, HO WOOD /STRINT. CaaanMalan OnOnMOhl Lam aaandnatlana, vio rim( MEM' from o.m. eoul r. somas • pvr t ii,',l:iisielterJ:l4,y., l l l 4 ay. Elam litmus's &mums. PLUMBERS, IS AND STEM FITTERS, Itser end Ale Pampa. all kinds of Bear and Ale Cock. Hyd ran,_ Puss. wilt. West, Mat% Bra , Tuba. Hu. ts se, Ho Marble Ware, B. ' nro. Sao couto, street. (Between East Lan* and Chestnut BUJ ALLEGIIZIT CITY, PA. • n Houses fated p with tias and Water at ll aba Atm( otice. je OSCI. C. 111....N0L.M..... ISO. MIDIPOID• SPANGLES 87 BRADFORD, I...IELEI4CTIMOIL.7-a Plumbers and Gas Filters, M 0.47 Ohio BC, = Houses fitted 12p with WLTLR, GAB end STEAM In experlnneed workmen. weel:fivrivreava,:nra wort. mymzo WWI r. CQOru....Jos. 1.A.73....111:01T131104. JOHN M. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, Ifennfaetniere of PUMPS AND BRANS WORN. of every description; -&Were In OAS FM. TUBES ►ND TUBIAU, of all Ilnas. Corner of Pike andllialnut Streets, w . , PITTSBURCH, PA. 001,34 & MILLS, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM If BURS, No. sae lorium. Street, prrrantrßou, PA. Clatern and Well ramp. of all kind.. Houses fated up with Iles and Water, In the moat •P• pivotal style, or experienced workmen. Special attention Radio country work. T. s....rwoop..zraeonaorms...T. li'CAkr/IIILY• ATWOOD & I'CIFFREY. BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, Cor. of 3rd and Liberty Streets, AbOre Carroll !Snyder% rttieberett. roam Light and Liter, Castings ritrelehod preterite tri order. Opeeia went!on paid tote Attlee oat and Ilatterles. BSeazaboets, Agents for A. &Cameron & cos STEAM PUMPS LS BLOWER ENGINES, TheWrimirs bsTe sweler sAvan.R.... V2:1711. * VIII Vic 7.v, :vv.'? .14 .3tr- 11EAJLE111 & JOUNISOIII, -rora..s.crrickeas , Plambeis, Gas and Steam Fitton Firm UTIOCET EXTENSION. rrausErcriEtcfrxx._ fil ord... by m e a t lWacatad ladafiketorily saw \ Tub% Water Closets. Oinks. Clout [ltem beadama, sad Gas Stooks for mt. at the Most reasonable D rima. "Mee horn Mtbit7Dation• by Man ',M.pts tyMMaded Gum Hose of every deoerlegloa. JeMett COAL. COKE. &o pITTSUURGII NAM:MAL COAL & COKE COMPANY. Miners, shippers and dealers, selsoleeale and re tall, In Ida BEST FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL AND SLACK. ODlee wd Tante-Corner YOURTD AND TAT Ylitahorrh. pa. All er.lrrn for dchrery In the city, or aliment s=l l igold a :.l. °- BEST FAMIL.YCOAL tiny, on [mod sadAtellvernd promptly no Order, LT LOWEST MARLET SATES, BY OSCAR F. lASTX Cu. Sub* Evict ari r. It. W. 1 C laikny, JILLEGIIMINT tbrulta Co furnlabed al Um lowest MI.. J.Ca Wig. Y. ...tam.- WAIDMI WM. - M. CLAIVEY, &.00.. - Gas Coal Works, m,,ers dealers s and deale 19 &1:111611103 OAR AND FAIULY COAL., FLIT 0/1.1.. sad 11LAC1E. Post. oaks addraw. INII. Plitanaran. and Luc' B UJ //treraltr. War, ru4b.r.b Baring Nana Balldlat. earner I.laany oaten and FoalA Pltunnagb. BRANCH orinczn: No. 3 Liberty street, and. reen'a N.. nano- NW Kenna PII.E.IMIN and owner .6.a. denim. nn oand P. F. W. 6.0. Allaabany. &II oad aroma: ...liana of A. above . places •111 Metre•3l,BlllLlASt. • 151:9.14 COAL* COAL'S COAL!!! DIMON, STEWART & = No. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lagar Clry Flour WM VLOOII. La rum prepared lo tarnish goal l'onglologlagg amEr. NUT COAL 0111 OILACIL. At ths limes% market prLoe. OrAlt orders left ol User °Mo. or oddrosed to Ova through Um mail. WD. aro MO to Promptly. m;Loddi WO OT PITT COAL CO,IPAIIT m. —.hipper& sad deslorM Is sup•rlor nail y Aod Steam Coml, rr of, Coal and tllamk.msomral of. m wand story rittatrorth /MMus Host Hat& lei. corner Liberty Orme:. mod Vlrgla •Lley. Hatchatom. mmer Try sod Third. , %roots. PIMA...mt. 01115.1 left at either We stale places mlll merle.. prompt ottertMoM at - 11 . 0000 5 551 Address Boa APT. ?It 550'01. mutton ; i .1. . ert...ssrta, H. L. rAnstle.X.4 5.. lice 51 :ant, Wm. lia . "A`4l, s i= ! itt.PLITT,'"' LOcms seen. J. J.lnumall, rm.' t. I 0.11. IMMMOMM, O.". 5. Usyteskrinktwarcr. W. W. CLASSY • 00..11•5•54555. James. CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, itaii• n TOUORIOSHaNdIitMLEW/LIZ 00/i Cowl, bloat. and Mainll4ll.lB'od Coke urricz AND YAW. • Corder of flatlet and Morton; ern yard olt Llte .11 awl Cispeer streets. Muth ward, anal oa ...and street. near Loe• fa, rillsbarata featfloo and elaaltfOotaret• esypl led with th• best article of Coal at Coke at Um lowest Cash " orders left at any of Ogle offtees Will reales prompt attention. BREWERS. BLA.LSTEES. &o pITTIMIURGII BREWERY. CARSON, DARLINGTON & MUM 1.1111111,9 111. 19? 1111118, jOllllllll/11Ril0D1641 4 CO.. nitiminint Wa. W..llnuE.WwW, AUesime The attention of tem euettometlo the two fillets la panicolat le United Loma ALES AND PORTER. *itet,throvet the careful selection of Malt from ceir extensive mitt. 6 fsallttles sod Hope from the wen tut led With, lee cen tuate.ol•ll4 be "0741111 f tate. teel s tArtit .2 " 431=1TRearera;toesees Intl nmwbe ffrflrg i rle ' ertiriveeet th.d' . * : d e . fit '" 110:4 5" Mei d home maids Bey, %wet, Jou, U. WlCiauet. Turtle Creek PHOENIX STEAM BREW . SPEI CEII & AIicKAY, MISTERS IND BREWERS Ale, Porter andErown Stout, PITTSBURGH,. PS. =2::=1:1 STEAM BOILERS, • '!team Engines and IntillTundlig Lathes, And One Iron plan, FOR'A: E. ' zulne, II hob cylinder. . feel itrolie; balance vino hew. with 'Moonlit 1 0 000010 arson. Tiro Eninw. It Inelicylindlin.o4 IndtstrOldd balsam l air.., ntern4•ll44lo.4llo , 4 „ acno Caw- Wet, Stew long. witti armies and rant& : • 000 1.1040. Santos, bluer 010. andel. oat ,or martinery ror etesraboal. Two•engionee sa4 complete main, w above i•cyllatleirs 141.chw dim.; 4 feet stroke:pitman, WM. cranks, le. • lour rod •round-band Iron Turning Lath.: ono Wood Lathe; st oke ; good/Wow Kona. 1010. r ider. TO In. roke row Boner, 04 10.11 non arfa l ggelnirTreof =nes. OnOonary l an l. •. !noun at t nt he 11411Unilli WOHliel. 111116.11 N. BOLE dt Oor. Pain. Ana? aan nnonwnil WW. nil:WI , . • P. MI7BI3MANN. BIM Sind, between. Tunnol .strists.' • and ' "ati l l ed Na 00111:11"4 an nd aid r...up±mr,a lo ,, s i psieT• . CHOICE - BEDDING PLANTS... , A .1 Lyery Arze'ntock or I . Itoses,,.Gerinlusas, Verbenas, ne,, In binds, at the Oakland Omens-Oen ': JOHN g 1 *; rantDOICH. MIMI tor . Macro , . • MONO XANUFACTUREM 011111CIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGKLINS, imm - rms33l73Ftimms, Y.atr,ctuw AMERICAN AND emit Bar,Boop, Sheet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T- Iron; Guard Iron; \ Coal Screen Iron; T Rath, 1,8 ,11 20 tbs. to the yard Tram Ralie,punched and man: for sunk Boller,Bridge and Tank RivetS Cut galls andSPlkes; Skip and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bareand Bolts; Railroad Car trueels and Attest Street Car wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston ROOS Rower and Reaper Bars. - WARZIIOOI3II ANJ OTPICS. 120 Water and 168 Front Stet BRANCH 1101731. • Nos, 22,24 and 26 River St., `1•1:eIS CiIICAGO. SHEFFIELD STEEL WOWS.' SINGER, NIVICK & CO YITrISZACTSBI3.I9 OP BEST REFINED CAST STEEL BUM, MT An omen of Au sun MILL. /MAT, MACULAE, 03A3r0 LND C 20.11 CDT SAW PLATES. ILLIPTIO 1.'173 BIGKI-LLLIrTIU RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cost Spring Inset, Cast and Gorman Plow Stool, I'LOW WINGIS AND ILOWAEL HAM BPRLIGBOIIIIEB AND STEEL TIRE, dieintvor.amearh3m# 7 2. 3 OBAJW-LiALlh ta. Aa., At. Warehouse, 83 Water 81., Pater'gh rolalki ATLAS WORKS, MORTOX BTREJE 2 Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh- TrIODIAS ELIIILLEII,PreeIdent Tneso Worts ere ernOns the larLost no 4 _most now establishment In the Welt, Mot Sze now pre- uett tO fern= Englnf. of Every Uercrlptlo nr Dollen, Oil Tank., Sheet Iron Work, Millman Castings, Balling Mill eluting% amine eluting% Machine Outings, General Caattng% oti•Fsts somerrEn. atoma ' PITTSBURGH FOUNDRY., u.matrrgoa. A. CARRISONA to BoMinn, Warts. a Po. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS CHILLED ROLLERS, OF ALL SIZES,. From Iron. Ebel. HMIS, Abe, Coppri.lsllb Hold. Straw Hoordo. Parer and Indloa Hobe Wort. Alwr, Rotator NW 0•0.10,[s. of 5/1 w scrp So n.: Bloari 01 il o le b , Paent e D r. O . b obey: de ob .0 0 b l r led border. 01111hOti itotlo• lad 15H 00r1/110 terms., • Mb sod Woreooooo,' X 0.119 Szisitt4tield Street, ram S. R. 110120 W ',Assam, J.. SLAIN muss BOILER wokiss.--- MORROW, BASIIIILL & Stallat 410E6E14 OH Stills, Agitators, Tante. Salt Para, Gu:meters, - Wrought Iran Bridges, Sheet Iron Wort. Ate., ate., COIL LIBERTY AND 8F,O3N11:1 BTh, • PITTS it UR 6111, P 4. nerarauro DONE DROXPTLE. 174:10 FORT PFIT FOUNDRY. CHABLIS ILNAP NEPHEWS ,iI.EAVY OEM INCE AND ALL KINDS Or HEAVY CANTINen. Speettl DAMS. 044 to ROLLING MILL Moo, RLARIT MACHINERY end. ILITIMITIE REPAIRS attended to promptly._ • AA herrn/OTE the beat =Malan RIR away. be well at We Toenthy • . t • limas Alspowl o( ' oaf old ftAtk. ,•• W.W.I. wan AWN AND INPIOIID batten.. see tonstannott And the laperyblee et Xr. Ls. NUT. to tantlab NAIL ILACILINLE Mahon no. Um. Seam urniry WORK& IIicLEAN & ECIATO4, No. 83 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, ILUILITACTIMUIS or • CABINET MANUS' HARDWARE. Pgrer.kA =tr.° var=i".....l 2. 1 .416 z-rad Trtrvr.rt,.9. tor,tatu. bare CuisLuillott banisTabibLaUb:.. 00 1 % Latebu,. it•Lean•s' Window. Sub 8.PP...r. beconthe butt MM.. UMW 00U• : itter.l,,Mrat.l. l :-.llT'• "tlt.'". ROBERT LEA, M7!M7 . 7M .' MIT,'M ' M7I Freight laoisters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. aarc.ung. of all descriptions made to order =I enzi IlltArtiarr.... A. SLUM! ATNA STOVE WORES. A. BRADLEY A co. PLlWlttetnnl ent7 natty Cook. Parlor and Heating Stores, Amon, which Antis., oda Anted WURZEL Visorls, And TALLAWAIt (000 l StCf. ro. WAWA YWTZW.AII and MMUS= (Wood Cook slays.) Also manor Actors GRA'REA, GRATE FRONTS. Ac. tr.t. 14ret....1. comer of esetondina sets. Inttstatrgb. ilaraxe• es ..ad lalk;r0 =I .1•31l!ID K. BMWS IDEOND , D. I.DUSS4 JARED BRUSH & SON, . Steam. Boilers, Oil Silly s, Tanks No 61 Peon street, 1-1.A..11,3134W.A.11 3E. EBY. Hardware & Cutlery.- Ana DOW nreetvlnr Inrim• Awns* , Mit Stook- Which 10 o'fLreil minim at .• _ • • PRIG/. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Ste., I.lltteibuurs.l3.. Pea. noon' BLACK DUBIOND • SNOT QUALITY It KIWI= MIT WAIL sA/ Ocsm.. Of Wu• 131141 of .0 to !Lai tolponal Of OlikatheitlLls4 lOU ono try. t. Moo .110 imam" no lad SU JI. sad Monad stir., riaLtbarirlo ftot LIPPINCOTT & BROWN'. , No.llB Water Street, "ILLIMPLOTOOIato OP Wl= azoomu. PATIOS Ti r l r liM ium HID inrLAIN MULL .11Xn CM11843(17 ima,l s3 .ALLEY et'i1e..........Tern nt.inef....—ien. L. arm. ALLEY STOVE WOWS& ALIkEN,'ISPKIEr ED.. Clitteeent Warenonee," MUMMY ST.. - ent- IlLlTl A ll u tliya6iV e s i gegauletir or shien=aele=ll.lles u breirarlor Cod Sentinel tor ,nool or wordnuin the sarldg Mr of the integre,. for trockli elreh j i ... E t 0,,,,...e..4.., Th.... Itstilsa. Dar ?MO I 1 Gil IRONVORKS. J.iiiittNTEitCllol.lll. Iron, Buldier. Tub and Trunk ,HOOPS AND EINEETI3, [Md. . 1:Toy mi :4 :4 NATIONAL 'BOILEII WORMS. Boilers, - Tanks, - • Stills, PANS, CHLOINEYBk Sheet Iron Work, COnutructed In the beet manner and With DromMtnau• PRICES AS 1.43 W Ali SUPERIOR WORK CAN RE •17111 WED KS Ala.. WITHEROW DOUGLASS AL SOS, Canon St., IllonongtheLt Borough, • Alt tee South End of the Monengabels Brian NATIONAL rouraßy PIS vvon,]as, Corner Carroll and FIMALIIIP3IIII Streets, Munk Ward, • PITTSBURGH, PA. WAIL .3ICLI.M9Et, ILIBITOOTIOZEO OF • Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR OAB AND WATER WORKS • Illy tires are all tut serllcally In rim, t. UR nann Tnol2 TLX2 naISOMIEL, Also. • Mil assort ment or 6111111 COMB GIB ID Mil COED, 1 wtsad she attantion at Striaicad- CM la ( tiaa.s4 aka tamp mate of We Wad =I FORT PITT BOILER, STILL LiD TANR woviai,vo. CARROLL - 7E mrtynFs. TUBULAR, DOITELETLIIED, TUEGLAR 118 E-BOX A CYLINDER STEAM. BOWER% OIL STILLS • AND OIL TANKS, ORINNETB, BREECHING AND ASH PANS SETTLING TANS; SALT PANS AND CON- Dxxsams.. STEAM PIPES. GASOMETERS, AND IRON MIDGES, P. 2113017 DOOMS 1,5 D COAL BEII7TES 000.1.adWerlksoarnetilsecnid. Th!rd. abort sad Liberty Sirvita. klatsburgh, Pennsylvania. /01 - Orders .esa to thoobove sklntas be ynmeth•ttendod to. ash7:lBl IRON . AND NUL lORBS. LEWIS, BAILEYMIZELL C0.a.l IIANUTACTIIIIXBE OF BAR, BOILER, SHEET I TALTVirh. MELC:PIQ NAILS AND NAIL BOBS. urrict AND WAZZEDIDNZ. Nom. 614 66 k 6S..ltideirsou Three Kurth North of Dead es. Bridre, ALLEGHENY CITY. apnAll I=l KENSINGTON INN WORKS, LLOYD & BLACK, ILLIITITALTIIIIMIX CT Best COMM, Basted Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. XERCHANT BAR. ISSUED A SQUARE DSOS EMI. SAX% T and ANGLE IRON.. ="MM BOLLIX rLdalapd hiIEZT LION. MOWI.B. and Itidt.rE.Tl BARB • OBLINDIR tad GUARD OR VIOLS IROR, SMALL T BAILS, RU ahe IS Iteh tette seed. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SWIMS Ms Mein -s att .s tiapi n ol sad Conatewant !. NAILS cad SPIER& Weretwete* zed ORO at the Werkl. GRAN . - OU6II tri•