EMI DR Ei DRY GOODS IND NOTIONS, II Whiqesale and &tail, at WM. SEMPLE'S, War. NO & 182 Federal 84, ALLEGIISNY CITY, PA. Plain Ink. & iktnegrain Silk Dress' GoOds Poplin. Hodes, Inantiful designs White & Col'd Counterpanes Table Llmem• Tosser and Towellnge Tickings; Jeans and C.aalmerela Opera Pleuraela; Heavy Flannels Glover, nandkerOlers; ' Shirt Fronts, Notions, 14c. EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE '&ND HiLLL\U AB Low as can be Found Elsewhere, IIC!El WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Bt., 4 ..LLEGirsiver airy. 5,000.r0u-sim KNITTING 'YARN I JUST RECEIVED. R t nap p ..o l l.2. 7 etal atteutlon of DEAL. • URAIXI34 ISLvres.. • 11WATT:. . - tICA /MET. • • TH.MX r. • . . BLvE DE LYON. • 1 . 1110 . 1. t. .. BUT. CLOUDED. /SLUE Al mt ly o % vix .,.. 8/IELP , h RIMY - /MACK AEI b wurrx. • 540 LBS. AMERICAN ZOMBI, tan asFonnamt et colors, for finAwLa. BACQUZA HOW" HOSIERY AND GLOVES, (MIMS TIMIIIMING soons. WKITZ uvoLkS ANA_ LIKZIAIL JACONZT ANL. L'lSlClalStis. Wnz,S,.l/4 1:IV3 JIKIrk •1111111/.IOM I / 1 1.11/73. Mil/ CUM, ASA Roctlacre ct Pa-16os: uaoTWEIOLIZALY DEPARTIZIL MOTIONS 113Kaa 1111111 m of etrAPLIC u001:12.. said Jr in+ (7f 130 this. whleb WI tbe am). U. of Xerchanta. rod•Vcr• wad Leiden ger.er- WWI AZ LOWSZT nucasz. ammo; GLUM & CO., se a 110 SARK= anr.rxr SWING OFF AT COST! $20,000 WORTH OF DRY GOODS. Hatlag a eeettaaem , Dnr wooDn Kummer, NMI/14 AND (MAP= !Milt& as Ito. UM OtLIO =SINT, toner or toe tlaiatnolit. ataity etty, have retattett to 101 l out lac whom Mat at' DKr tlvolla at No. 164 Ohio Street, .41,T COST: Tao nVe will commence on • Albpday. July 20th, Ann will keep. for SWEET DAYS ONVC. AU woods left nimold after =ma il Iwo will be rem,- ed to the ftlew tlftwe. No. Ile Okla Meet. Great Bargains will be Offered i • The stock Scantly all new ; the Itore h u code beeh ODelteu year ago, bee ee eauequenee there eels be ho old rood.. They mean of the wen and best style. of Friats, Dress floods. Cassimeres l DIMS, sel'ISS GOODS pear. 101 zterr DIYB pILY—SEAS TIT KIRA •It .1"0. 164 Ohio Street. Ib /fir Wholeee3el3/iitiAllia lit T a t Rl WtheLlt l hail the GREAT. S. C. HESS. 0=:1 JUST OPILI/ED, monk & CARLISIAB'S. ab. 19 31H11 Strut, =OH AND XiSO/Fri BTYISS 07 VEIL IMPS AHD FitINHIL A iirrw LOT, VTIZT carat, or RALTZSE LACS COLLARS AND /MK. WRETCHED RANDRRROHI2IS. =NV ZNOLPIATRIIIMLNU RIBBONS. HAMBURG 71ZDURBIL new Sal.. IBLISCH OORSITS, Raw sham. AIRLDLATIS PURL= SKIRTS, new nape. W.Lth psloopritil nprator lot of Ladles' Promenade Satchels, and Gents' Traveling Bags, Of Mb ben (Many Sad 0:10g popalar atllea. W. 1 . 11 5.0.C1a 11411111UNI w 011/ aar I.ot of bgrak Car Islay Jai lied nil trod Lde The " Star" Shirt, And lU kind. at TITIIN/EffEING GOOD& latiattsii J&m apprui at In Ilia MGM & CAHLIBLE, mrsih, me 7PW/33. if tZ'O.I.t. WEIOLESIALD DDT GOODS. ssat SHANNOII & CO., No. 115 Wood Street. Est, J. o °Peueds l .4 l airw stock of mosionabla DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, 11146, nptrer et zurrithr moss. dams le•Mg op gboFl4 cdl. Ai 1* • a. 2.113 Vircocpell. filltreolt. a .Ammtalorm.t. 112U3M13114.0. isTsrmarsoN 4'4 :4:1:11E1A J. LANCE, Nos. 183 and IST . Third Urea; DYE& AND BCOURZE. Straw Goods Grand ST Dyed, JuD NR dysd.GLOVIS sad LADIZIP PLUMXS claim C• GI. rises FANCY Dyeing and Scouring Estatillslumm, 4il DiaitaND ALICXX, 4 Sean. 'WWI sad Smithfield streets, _ ITIEL79; All goods sstarusd la two L' woo . wales. to tbs amass Matta lac m PL. att:ssa t~44= ~ e : : ~a:~a:} cual 0 7 ," rotoeso.l.t i ttosan a C 0..) •Tbi OMR INALAEPIRFA.A3.. ottroolon. Mow Orrilficae O s or can* Ile. No,. IS oail WS& OW. A. MLLES, LITELOGBAPHER, so VOUS . = Irr", ADM° mss. Now, BIM Mt •Trelre fL oti Me 11.11 MM. cam. GIFIM,T SAL& DAT GOODS ! Preparatory to aztelon. beginning an prOndaty, July. Sib. and Conlin . ming to August Aft After be ;wen the o Wral.ane* a th. Stock ei ( elm) die Teased PUBLIC 'AUCTION 1-4 emarretos ..... bzer m Kamm mi (wawa.. -... ..... Hour e ....LKAS:C.I.S. for Peru UttErrd ....... - WOOL. CA.I9 Ell - r/LENC:IL rgrEti, MOONEY & DRENNAN, Ito. 50 Federal Street. air Brio, UL wish YOUae d compare priers. Utin CIIINTZ, FOB 15 OENTiS, AT J. 11. BURCUIELD &CO'S, No. S 7 Ntariet Street W/DZ DAM CIIIIITZ, for Ik. • oral rc• LIU a . " CHINTZ; for Ito. wartb WIUTZ !LAN L.. wldths. LINEN L.E.lcia, LINEN CANE= BLED EYE LINES LINES lILLPEiw INSOOM ADM .141CONCr MUSLIN& SWUM xtrcuars. iTM/PED Arco. 07 Ild,4llX.Ll.o'!lltretsat. att2:ato PO : TEN DAYS TO CLOsc OUT Mr IiTOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS! orra ran vas ns Dlid er Ghreat Elargebinal Bctrin .11l do well to CALL SUON. H. J. LYNCH, No. 96 9farket Street, ot,:z - , nittretz Fifth and Diamond. oar M k ..1 C-°" • DEALI;ictl FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 80.04 WOOD STALIZr. ibtrd Wane above Iklazoond Allen PlTTalattatiti. . . J. R. HABIII..TON;Jr., House and Sign. Painter, No. ns THIRD errassr. plumpurab. Graining. Glazing and Gilding iEATLY LXIbUTZD FUMED nuance. VAHNUMIOI, PUSTY. GLAM.. BRIMFUL!, TIIRPINTIRS, WHITE LEAs. LING Be- lIITTCHIII SOS 111415 CAN HUTCHINSON & HEPBURN, MK JINN AD °MIMI MUM, ' 611tALICLE5 AND °Lamas, No. VS PEN/IPA ♦VENIIE, Pltiabargh. All ardently mall.oromsnly attended to. • - fq EMOVAL. - JOHN F. CLULEY. .House and Sian Pointe?, HY mooted to No. 334 6K1211711LD ST., rittobatots. t0y9.97 Govalto Untold moon& sons? WCOIWAN ILSTOM MCCOW&N k SNYDER, HOlE B Eeliff G AMErtW a rd i PAINT 6.Naztl. ads of Dlankarad.Allegheny. Oranatertlal and slam skom made to order. Orders reopeetfulty sollemed and promptly ex. mated. Maas Pala% Wladow Glam. mid Potty constantly on hand. WS:27J HATS. CAPS. STRAW GOODS, FOR MINX& BALES ALL THE NEW STYLE HATS, BIM WAX CULP. AT • mocoßD i!k co.'s, 0. 167. Wood lierset. lI.A.TS I HATE ! = BYRi I =MEM RAT. ase of SU Tarr non reall Ma" 'of HATE, cacti AHD - STRAW GOODS IP the cl. Cad acasteritir 1a TOErecipt of ell tha! Ls flew. St .00n Si they can !•0 Pear. artentioa Kano to retoillag. 01=1%1 ' 4. ammo • 0:41-VICqrs):T,e/.1;f:S:q ctaas.m.ssaut..amt.xa. Norars..w.c. BARB. KNAKE & zutaliala, Incerators to WAZZLINE t 818!4 N 0.12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh. .a Pianos, Organs, = dole Amite for the Cdeerr2M BE.L.D SU NY. Neer Tart, aa4 OOBOMUCBxB 1 PUtLEd>ttle, rt•STChI. .Le. =Xi t 00..23 • • WTTLBZ." and D. t H. W. 8II1Tf[•8 OAS& asenvrtuve rArsorr 'Dm but DAUM and Derma Violin and ela te: puttn always on bud. CUM glf 1011111ITALLED PI. ANos.—The nonst In tone; the meet pow erful: tee woes elensat Inlebed: will stand In la.. loaner loan any other. New stock Rut re• Odeon. /or !Westin* then factory prices. • CHARLOTTE BLILVIR CI Fifth stwel. eels Agent for Raebels Pluto% Valeta Bro. 'Oa. sae Trinule Automate Crean. 005. ICE CREAM, - EATING. &c WILLIAMSON'S DINING ROOMS, .60.36 Market (Ragmen Mound and Thlad Otrectat) PriTlllllll24/111, PAL Teo boast la nasillernished with t aarthini that cottatitattaa a not clan Zan. House. The teetotal of cyarytelayt the mutat affords will be Pencil ea, at all boars or tea day or Weld. LADILIP DINThU IMMO, atocrstd door. J. EL WA L UBI8019; Proprietor. a t= beat mx.r . I.lprito paid for avg. NEW ICE CREAM SALIMII P. H. IMPCUIRE:- - No. pp 117TH NI:IMT, thatthaeLL tlt• Mt ea.] 4 " it OS t l' A rk 4. 3. llll.r u gatVtAi& C . CAMPEOTION ant tr. 45PPartlas and prtvau falDCb.a myriad at Short LOU.. sad reaao.saat• term. Nuns NEW STORE. , S. W. szezereBBc7.l3c. Confectioner. Fruit Store & Bakery, /CZ DULY ISALOUN, sea • 1.A1116/ 9 tIRDINARY: ZOO 21TAZZT. bet...ez 30, nit .4 Liberty. A ikr — V - 1: 404"6:)f0r.4:1 .DASZIrI. L. RITCIIXI.L. THOYAS M0C1111.AaD,.... MORELAND & MIT LL, Livery and Sale Stables, Ca Linear: ■TYSL7, 09P04t0 Pon:wire adils Railroad DOA PITTSEURCH. dwr.ruedtr suantios r:r.rka=tr for stritrVo bTilfia.l • ..--rist* =I • D. STILLER. Ittuaar, Livery H• iad SALE ISTAUL.24. Inandaledr Undertaker. ad kinds of CO. . go d at to Wood raatar. toot a...dandy op band. CIASSON gArtrAry.th-vArDwAttllt, /.4Zikr 131•16 earse• rad vasslato• ahr,y• do am tor laoessJs. Horsn ke91101.41”.7 ged dot% Mosta or roar: •ad rdtaabotlo la mita taa..__matuno i.n." d b' l7l•2llM . =a rh r..... oPai Limn of 10 day 0 m)ltjet)01.1i):111 noun A. Mu, Wholesale Drugsistr ST Wood Streets (OPPeelte the I. Q. v.. motet.) hV a lt r git.ir eIfitiIIOALIL , PITENT ' Tu ' uum ' .y 0 it Eittsflurgij etayttf The Blroslewham Bridge Ostivigs— risul ale•rtaz—The Dineadant. Uls charred. -A. Mu! bearlog .1n the aye Or the Com lannwealth agatnat alckarary, Patton. and Wolverton, charged with pa/tie:patina In the I:trtning.ham Bridge ourryk a . "ray had at the Meyer', once at 1e reelect, A....Yea- The proseentrix wan represented by Mr Lamble. and The debase by Masers. Kirk, • patmck, Morrison and Cochrane. The en. amination of wit:nesses was resumed, end the follownig teMininnY Il*.rws4 Ottern—dismember the night of this occurrence. Came aver the inrinieghtins bridge on thatnight about twenty =Mute, pest alarm. Mad almost crossed the bridge when 1 sair a man in light Mantel =tbing alone between the bridge and the tunnel. .13 1 camn out 1 h ." BPerSOn in the tunnel erring. As I Caine among I stew n man standing. Never him before, bat barc seen him since. witness 'teed the cowl and Painted' etzt Ilrewerton as 'rho man.) •LI e• F Mantling near the end of the wall by the thane'. It was a beautiful eight. light as any almost. Crotweramined—Don't know the man who wur si nning. lireiserton stoodurdetiy noar the emlof Cho tunnel. ShOuld J wise it to he one hundred and fiftyulva feet from the end of the bridge. He was standing sideway. looking toward the tunnel. fru. Prer, sworn—tH. Jonas acting as in sepe.,,u.) Was witti the proseentrin on the night of tbe occurrence. Bad been with eve t, Mil in the afternoon. In the even t, went with her On the Birmingham bridge. Wan a little hit tight, and some man struck ale. It nude me inesnsible, and when I came too 1 saw some men eltting by the end Of the bridge. (The witheas rued the crowd, hut could not identify any bridg of the.).e plisoners as having been on the ram ISE Chrptain M. Ir. Lewis.rworn—Am Captain of the night police. On the night of thin oc currence, whenthe prosecutrix was brought gu and I heard of the Mat m. I man who mated, fier .mut it. , She roe the wu with her been knocked down, and ehe had beim outraged On the bank or the river by seven then. 1 was struck by her coolant! calm demeanor under such circum stances. She was remarkably neat for a per. fison who had been eo frightfully noosed. tter an lutenist she told me that six men had violated her person. She smiled While ehe told me her mazy, and I doubted' it. She presented little mono minimum of Wrier der than • now. Can's say whether her clothing wan torn.' If It had been much torn I would have seen It. Yaw no marks of violence upon her, though 1 did not ex. amine. .Usufenent David Chou:Z I sll, aworn.-On the night of the occurrence was In Elardrorab• tie,d at, twoo'clook 1 beardof the rape. I went over the bridge end ound the ifirl the toll house. She told ! her story, and allowed me a spring where abe and her es cort had gone to get a drink, and that four men, who lied been sitting at the corner of Try and Second streets, had followed her there and then to tbebridge. Wheel found her she looked badly. tier dress was torn, her hair was down, and her back...tiny. She sold that sonic of the men In the tunnel had called two of their comrades `Muck' and •Pataey. , Two Cocks ago to.rilght IleElre vy called me to hie cell and asked ma what would ho the result If be would 'tell about the case. • Atter a little lie raid there wore iii in the party and be Woo ono of the party. (Witness was directed to tell nothing that IleY.lravy' said about any one except him self) Ale said nothing about Palsy Patton wu Innoent. C'ress.ctomitu-lifelaravy‘cal hid con to give him time of water. Ile calltul titter. or four time.. Ho commenced the conver sation and 1 held out no inducements , bet dboou ' raired his statement. Ile seemed to think It would go easier with lac. If be would make a lull statement. He h her out of e inure asnai d p b e e h ad pulthd bridge, 1 understood him be lout 1101. violated her at all.said that the party carried her Into the tunnel. The mut that twntydouren Went I with her into the shoot twine e /. mad th a t one of .the men on the bridge is her and called oat, "Sleek, come and help meo fdeElravy "Meek." The girl di d not wenn to be in her right mind, but very mesh con fused. She told me that they robbed her of pocket book, aloe drillem, a breast pl and erten. The prosecution offered no farther test many and Mr. larkpatriek asked the dl charge of the defect. eots. Tee teattmon produced did not In any man stir call forth detent.on of the priscmors end the strati protablUty is that no repo wee mnemitted. Honor stated that the testimony elm prosecuting withers bed not .made out rates, mad at the second, hearing, nice on the present accustom the counsel for the preseentthit had refit lied to put the preeeeti. this on the stand. If no further teeth. Teeny should be: offered, the defendants must be discharged... lir. - Lamble argued at some length that a tripe had been committed. end that the polo. (meth were the guilty partite. At the ortneltmion of the argumets t defendants were dmatterned. his Honor d un e. chim thatthere thnielent °rider- HI hol e d them. The Bard of Heal tit. So far as we observe, this Important body, with the sing:e energetic *steal officer am. ploy 4, rondo. their oissratious in hooray. , leg the sanitary oondltion, of the city. In 1 attendence to such complaints as ore made to them by educes, for the prompt removal of which credit is claimed. A hundred nuisances may exist, and no special emu . plaint being made. be allowed to continue, the energy of the Board not going to the extent of annunie op Metter* detetende. „b to the general heath... I Ikt not a feet that our Board of healthL l but In name! True It Is that the reeds the disposal of the Board abategn not more than sufficient toat melt nuisances as may be complained of; eat were the Board to err, elm more e nergy. endeavor to be to all M. team and ' purposes what the law providia It shall be, oar Wilkens would hamss eoe olseat of the existence of such I*dt..other. wire than in name. Teen . beg to- sulhoiderit„ let demand be madefond. of th in e thty Commis to prOtido,atoto. Let the fact go forth is pMin wards that the Ikrant of itealth has not been able so Iheettatife Its lawful lunette** tukatoforo, and cannot henceforth do so, unless provided with ed. 'Mate Mean. rut experience, however, lead. us to better, thatroUW:yr short of tee ebsolute presence, el piwthence in our nsldst ' will awaken Sec authorldte from their lethargy le sanitary matters, and per. haps she faith placed In eti. A.'s"prom*. ticathres no to the appearance of the chole ra may Inchon even more apathy than usual. =1=1".! A ainiraLar affair occurred on Saturday, near Noblectown, In which Ur. Joe L. Rey nolds, who rubles In that victuliy ,waa the victim or a ruffian or an nowise man, moat probably the latter. It appears that as Mr. Reynolds was going to his home on Sat urday= evening he met the stranger riding on horsebeek, who en quired of Mr. Reynolde where &certain tn. Iliad. Mx. Reynolds knew the genie In. oared Mr and was invited to a mat no Me horse behind the manger, giving . mean. while, the direct:nes In what warm to pro- ceed. Thee had. Vine bet • short distance, when the horseman turned sudderdy upon Reynold'. and grasping him by tee shoulders, seines his lower lip in Ws teeth, tearing away Maul two-tarns of it. /n the mcitle both men gm to the ground, when Mr. Reynolds received \ further Injuries about the bead. The biting man mounted Ms bane and rode hurriedly away, Mime whisk them bays been found no traces of nines Mr. I/cyanide came to the city on Sun day morning, and Placed himself under medical treatment. Tim wily deformity of the lip was speedily, removed and the on. fortunate victim deported in Imam. I:==3=El The drurristterna of the ICnlted Mates Clr cult and DistrlctCourta commenced on Mae day forenoon, at eleven o'clock, lion. WC eon McCandless onsiddmg. • The list of grand Jurors seramoned were called, hot a quorum not answering, the or ganization of the body was deferred till Teeeday. • The bat or traverse Jurors were next es/1- se, about catobalf aniorering to their ii/321811. • The following admission. to prattle.. in Ma Court were allowed Goorge A. Smith, Seq.. of Fulton county. and John U. Vol. Sol.. Of Somerset, on motion of Bon. A. H. colfroth, of Somerset; John A. McCulloch. or Artninstolf. on motion of Mr. Golden. of Armstrong; Lyman Hake and D. C. Har rington, kola, of Luserne, on motion of Jacob Y. Slagle, Seq.. of Pittsburgh. After caning over a tim of cameos let down for trial, the Court adjourned till Tuesday a. so n at half put ten o'clock. ===! At an early hour fecaiday morning aser. vaot In the boanlinghouse of Mrs. Davis, No. LI Fourth street, olseovered a strange man to the.. of tieing the clothes of • ,boarder, sedgevh the alarm, but the scamp made geed tits escaM It was Mond that be bad taken thirn dollars from the pocket of gatrick Lee. • Dwelling house gm ki Wayne street was entered by burglars between use sod two o'clock /Emmy morning, P. 011121000 bar ing been effected by cutting out a pane of glees frOM a winde, In the re., by which the thieves wore enabled to reach the lock of a door. The alarm wee given by a Watch dog, whilst they were ransacking the house, and they were thus caused to hastily decamp •wiLhoul. obtaining any Mulder. iterpairlag of Sidewalks. In observing the bad repair In which the sidewalks throughout the city ails kept, ii seams to us the Street, Commissioners are remiss in their duty. Under the ordinance they are required, when in their judgment retpilr . is necessary, to notify property hol. den and 'direct them to have the work.done, tallies In which after Me lapin of a spud. time. the Commissioners are authorized to have the repairs made at the coat of the property holder. Ileum we ran account for the broken and uneven sidewalks °been , . bin In all directions on no other hypothesis than that the elmatibisionen do not enforce the law, having morn regard for the special 000•601.111 LO of property ,bolders than the comfort sod safety of the general, public. Another Old Citizen Gone. Mr. Henry Ackley, Sr., one of our oldest and most highly esteems] citlx ens, died at Ids residence, In the licoond wani, Alleghee ay city, Oa Malay arming, having attain. ad the ripe age of sevinly.four years. De. ceased wsaliy becupatiou a bomber, which Mainers be embarked Inas this in Moine bltber fromteehtate of New Jersey. For mare than fon reefs be weal • lefulln member of the 2t. . >;. Church; an earnest temperance advocate, and over ready to contribute liberally to charitable objects. His nanenit will take place this afternoon. , /lsiteel t 0 Dentipeateltequest ig made Of to to leelgoato cep isbleh corner of rtrth sodgetithltald Uremia we saw Gong regaled tujpriday tact a number of ecotone whose kvorsUon Is generally etwoopoo to be tbht of guablio it. The rutted comee from Par ties who, on th e principle Of being Indeed by the DOM Peer o.24.kadys, do DOC wish the imprendon convoyed that they keep a gam. Cling hew or allow gambling on. tneir Premises. ,Wo clout think ueetrapreesion anterudned, tim3 It was furthest from our intention tO convey A. tleuee we decline to designate, u requested. Shy ,leas Aneidext.—Kr. Vogls, a lobo. ror einploypd by tbo Keystone adage Coq. puny, la ild ; the angers and and of bib ristiL band terribly crumbed and Isoorsted• yesterday, by being certain, In tan ocis of • frenring Sheol. Dr. angrier nue called, sod uturri examination found neoereary IA amputate the injured pert.. 5010V loosUr man line IL wife and family depend. ant upOn him from support. Taiwanese. Mettler :TM, AlleiMee; Temperaooe AAItAVIA will hold aolourneu meeting in the Bouth Common. Ai. AL CRonen.' The resolutions introduced .t the Wt meeting .111 be discussed. sod other Important basluess. PITTSETTRGII DAILY , GAZEITE TUESDAY., . AUGUST 6. Elaskamitlia at Was, Dasid Jon. is a IsissM !MEI on the business kin the Fourth Mreet road, and had m his employ our .tanan Itc- Natty, who Was also a. bilet.nn an, but alto nevertheleas has:. great aversion tO"ctilltd getatlnen.7 the two were ItaanY en gaged at work rtatn•aluy mor - nntg, a nem', who ViLleasos bliwk , ual Lb, entered the shop aod applied tor work, and during the con rsation between the negro and lell"bCoso" remarked 1.0 Jones that if he "'tired that nigger" ha would leave the. nAplied that the seem was as goo.iad MCNaiIY, led from 0.145 a ngjg kleNally alleges that Jones struck with a bar of iron and knocked him down, and that after he go: up inn Ilitrt out Lo t l e -t, " Lr "P. lg n" hl '" to :P i th r n asan U l C ratiT i' Dat tare. Jones was arrested, and after shear ing was required to give hail ln the oust az& for Ids appearance at Court. • in Ponsan eaten.Poter'Strabau lives itt toymthip, hod u deb in Brown te_lle the truth, be ought to be to the "bottomless it." with alleges that hook ck thenn the head 'nth a heavy Iron nd tried to drown her by pouring water ou her. She made mfOrmatton before Aldermen Taylor Yesterday against Peter, eta rging him with f%ure4:ll:aand h t age t r b y ; 4 u w e n e rlant was issued on First to al Local Matters Page. rigRaHANT TAILORS JULY REDUCTION ! OUR SITTIRK STOOK Or BOYS', YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CI-10 11 1 1 13 I TVG, AT REDUCED PRICES! GRAY & LOt tN , No. 47 Bt. Chile Ntrood. HENRY G. HALE IfltiMat COL PM AIII It CLUB SYL NEW SPRING. GOODS, JUST OPENED, =EI All the Novelties of the" Seasou, 1:1:=!MI!El Mint-Class Merchant railorin rellSnal Establishment. THIRD ARRIVAL OF SUMMER GOODS, E. HOUSTON & CO.'S. rAsmoarenLE MERCHANT TAILORS, =I Alen and Boys' Clothing and Gen tlemen's Furnishing Goods, No. 107 Fifth St., COIINIE OP CIiERET.AI.LET AN the latest steles and - CAantlintrin sad Viart ' nTir " 1 :W . 4: very reasonable agar la salt Ina Si/SOUL Great Reduction in Prices. SECOND ABIUVAL Or Spring Goods, Fresh from the Importers, waft', win Pe made up with ear. asu 41spalcb •20 IA .11REATLY REDUCED PRICES OWEN BYRNE, Merchant Tailor, No. 14 WYLIE . ST., arp , 4. . : O , ....OZZABULAND H•LL. E . J. McGEILATTL MERCHANT TAILOR, B. A. amt. DIAILUSLO-aa• OHIO M!MEHI!!!!! -• elan • la • inn ltottor X4l Snood to Oastato work. to21:400 PIENRY CAPPELL. Merchant TAILO2. sad 4eater ' Gendemen , s Fornistdos Goods, B.II.I2IIIILLI.ISIIhEZT. ThreeliMtbeker ELith. Perrsuracob, re. All the lat.n open( sal hemmer ttyles of Cloths. Cassia:twee and tall eu have, mad mode up ht um -moat faahlanahle oty‘e. at the '