The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 06, 1867, Image 1

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PUBLISH=D zvrxr rigosaixe..
N . Z . ol3l . lsitCoriHr:
tom Bestow /Imams.
o , llCle, GAZETTE
Kos: &I AND SG Irina mixer.
leptiCam Nis if Iresteni Mintrathi.
lad CUX/I.SIwIA.I.I • AYES taw Stat.
SUNS or ran DAILY:
Deily Carriers. ES
....... cam.
Carrie. par week 15 l
ben. Per Mr .51.00.'
Address. itiazzrnr,„
Os gittsturo etalitti
sea Taz Aocoarmonarnis or P.ssols Imo
la; the city during the warner 'months
thoy can have the Gserres mailed to their
Wren, try ordering the same at the omen,
Joe Moen cents per week for ono week or
erg following out the eiample set by
their master, President Johnscin;
in dle
charging negroes who voted the Radical
ticket. This species of undisguised ty
ranny will meet with the condemnation
of 4 tight minded, men. Because the
colored men chose to exercise their judg.
matt in discriminating it the polls who
wcv their friends/11d who their enemies,
they are now turned upon the streets
vientilless to earn their bread as best they
OM. This was threatened before the
election. and the negroes; made victims
through their own independence, have
clearly proven their worthiness to enjoy
the privileges ,of enfranchisement. By
ehair proscription the Conservatives rile.
'tee the negro eharacker just in propor
tion as they belittle themselves:
AFrAIILS la EUROPE, 'are Just at this
time complicated, and a war between
Prussia' and Malice Is 'thought to be in
evitable:. Pew hadmuch* co'nfldence in
the stability of the results obtained
iltrough the 'eaden. Peace 'Conference,
and it now seems that war was only
reopened by.
_that body in order to give
both nations time to make proper prepa
ration to enter Into conflict in right geed
earnest. The war dead casts Its shadow
over Husain and England, and in the
event of Prance and. Prussia coming to
bletwi, both those' countries may be
drawn into tbo quarrel. •
A late, dispatch states that there can be
no doubt rot the President has requested
Mr. Stanton to deliver up his portfolio.
GEN. :!.laarrr and Secretary Stanton
have joined hands in opposing the pres
ident Lithe contemplated removal of the
intrepid Sheridan. The President, if
rumor can be teled upon, is out 6f he-
!nor with Mr. Stanton. and toui deter
mined. that his remoyal shall precede
that of Sheridan, and if he cannot effect
Ida purpose, he will at least - suspend Urn
nett' the mating of Congress It would
lxigood advice to President Johnson to
bitaini wisest course is to let both
these public servants alone.
Tux Boston 'Post, one of the ablest and
best conducted Democratic journals in
the country, has become, a convert to
unlvereal maahoodauffrage. It remake:
"We should be glad to ace the blassachn
- setts Suffrage • adopted by every
State in the 'Union. No matter what a
man's valor or Size may be—it be can
read and write, Is yeirs old
(we have no objection to eighteen), and
so forth—let him vote."
Tns President has a stomach for
many ntuurcla Not content with his
prolonged contest with Congress, in
which he has boon steadily humiliated,
. Ime managed to embroil himself with
Boactarylitanton and General Grant.
?he. Preadult is evidently weary of
having any authority in the governnumt ,
besidelis own.
Azioimmi outrage by the 1nd461
-within a few miles of Fort Harker is IC
.ported this morning. The victims were
railroad laborers. Between the cholera
_and the occasional dash of the dusky
demons of the west, railroad building ii
no sate occupation in that far off neigh
legbany. . county has more name than
number. A room eight feet square will
fully accommodate all of Its members
and lesiv sufficient space for the aioom
. modatlon of the Democrats who yet take
stock in that line of politics;
Ir Lae heretofore been stated that the
Military Commissions that tried the ar
sassination - c o nspirators recomidended
that Mrs. &matt should not be hung,
but imprisoned for life. Vie paper, as
originally drawn ind signed, has at last
been light. = • •
• TUILSDAY wag the first 111121Ter
-11117 of tho maim= of New Orleans, in
erblehthe lamented Dr. Dostle and others
fell martyrs to a faith based on freedom,
liberty and equality. It was appropri
ately obserYtel by the patriotic citizens
.of that city. - .
Trts KLXICANS show an r exccedingly
•stehlons disposition in reflising to s he
.10 the possession'of the Austrian rep
resentatives the body of the dead Maxi
milian. They refuse to assign any res.
son for its detention.'
Ton on tarlatans of the. Kanawha
regions in West:Virginia are imsguish
log for want of transportation to market
of the thousands of barrels of oil which
have accumulated in waiting for a race
in the river.
ADOIIT the eloae of the weeks VeltiCt.
may be expected in the Barrett cue.
The general impreesion la that the jray
will agree to disagree.
Tun Democrats claim General Gnat's
father aeon of their number. The oln
gentleman, like his son, refuses to be re
cognized in that school.,
A urns cull.) km than two years
of age crawled out of a third story win
dow, in Albany, New York, and escaped
serious injury. •
-A. aoassa of skeet airs for Yalparal•
so; 0411,1mye Jiist bees shipped from
Allisity. New. York.
&OITA Alfa remelt:di In prison to
cogitate upon the folly of his ambition.
! —An attempt made lent year to cut
' Uvula beet sager in 'Wool. ..ins! partially
truoossaful, but operations wore com
menced too Into In the season, turd the
• machinety was defective. This year
' suother_offort will bo made, under bet
• ter: auspices,, and its complete suoxitir
would. prove an important event in the
itaiestrial 'development of our country.
- Aukofyrj.tie Import. of oar maim augur
boa a - high rank, and if by imitating the
example of Erotic° we can supply the
immense home demand front the beet
eropi a -largo. annual drain of gold will
Now. York . nines lashes : the
handsomely. 'lt Masi Theydo as littl,sam
poisible,and onnanwo the longest pos
sible time In doing H. A remarkable
UsUessness pervades the proceedings.
Therein no visible energy, and on the
' average there Is not even mediocre alai
. -ry. Of work there has scarcely been a
beginning.' The convention commenced
• its sittings on the sth of Juno, and to
this preeent tiOth of July it Ism not come
to a conclusion touching a single amend
. story article.
—Gen. J. L. Bartlett, of Binghamton,
Nevi, York, lately. appointed . Minister
glweden,l3 a brother of the Rev. Wm.
Bartlett, of Brooklyn. When the news
of - tds appointment reached Bingham
. • tiro, • party of his friends were oolleetod
• together, among whom wan a blacksroltk.
- • I==A and
i re u sl inVmerZe h m o y rut Tie
- ' comment thereon - proves:. " col Joe
minister! why Joe hasn't any . more re
ligion than I hate! Why didn't they
send Bill?"
~...-Isi tata i-oO r ras z_ tly, e _ttu-nituro store, yrgh
000,and employing six
hoTiared .. men, most of whom are stook
= has gone into operation in Cln-
\ir, ‘: li 178
•179,-, ,, zi• • • ---,
• •
••• , '-- • ;V;
• rt - 2a„,, .
1 : 1 t e s j 111 1 I .1- la._l
3 (\,
le): , R11 al Z.ll l 3171 z!
—There is a base ball club in Ottawa,
111., every memberuf which weighs over
200 pounds.
' William Walker, of Kankakee, 111.,
has ~nven,uisi to a uallegeat Evanston,
in that State s to Rama a professorship
with his name to
—lt is announced that lion. Henry 0.
Foster, of Greensburg, wattle to be
the Noma:mite candidate for the Vice
•Proxideney next year.
—('eaton water is getting short in New
York. Itath tuba on tho thin 1 door have
no supply, and those on the second door
are useloss half the rime. •
—Over a — tailor's shop •11: Chatham
street, New:York, is -sign titsPin.Y°d,
notifying tin: pub lic that nplanosow:ng,
also skrtlbblng by the weak, is attended
t 0 .,. •
—Them is fresh go.sip in England
about tom, Victors. When people .
spook of her they touch their foreheads
and intimate that she is not right in that
region. "e
--Several veers ago, when the clime
fever raged,. them were eighty newspa
per:tin the country that hail a depart
ment aches-. New there are not half
a dozen.
—Not a few of the bud physicians in
New York anticipate a very unhealthy
August; .d many of them aro just now
snatching a hasty vacation in order to
be physically ready tar dragging work.
—The Rev. Mr. I.yneh,
colored man, in tuldresslng the
blacks of the South, telling to bin outran
emmd ram the story of their freedom,-
and endeavoring to nearing them in the
new and solemn duties that nine devolve
upon them. --
—Chicago Is performing the, splendid
feat of erecting sitnultunrously tive
largearhool houses, each capable of seat
ing 1,000 pupiht Five thousand children
will thus be Lifted front Street life, Idle
ness and vice, and prepared for useful
and honorable citizens. - •
—The Exposition, or something else,
has caused an Unusual dullness of bu
siness in France, and while the exports
for-the tlrstilve months of the year went
200,000,401(ml. Itwe in value than those
for the same Onto last year, the imports
were increased 1111,000,100.
—The book of
the impeaetunent evi
. donee will contain nearly 1.000 page., and
will be accompanied by two other vol.
umes of equal size, which will be tilled
with long documents obtained from the
flies' of the different Departments and
other sources, including the reports of
several House Committees. '
—The Richmond ..Examincv reviews the
Southern cropprospects, and comes to a
highly .favomblo conclusion. Of the
grain crop It says better was never pre -
duced for the area planted. As to the
cotton crop it estimates the probable
yield at 2,500,000 to 3,000,000 bales, bar
ring future disasters.
. —Another meteoric shower is expect
ed during the present month, and as
tronomers set down the exhibition for
the evenings of August oth and 10th. It
is notexpected to be a very brilliant ex
hibition,,however, as the ohsen - er, it is
said, cannot eipect to count more than
three or.four shooting
stars a minute.
—Boston has these little Jol,s upon her
hands ! The Chestnut-1111i Reservoir, to
vast $1,0tS,000; the insane Asylum at
Winthrop, $000,000; the removal of Fort
Rill, from 0300,000 to $1.000,000, the exten
sion of Broadway to Washington street,
14.000,000; the widening of Federal street.,
$lOO,OOO, and the new Court PIO,-
• • •. .
—One of the most cheering signs of the
good time coining Is the fall In rents of
MI kinds. In New York; we are rimmed
by the press the rakes hove fallen marly
twenty.ftraper cent., and often more.
Storm ate instanced in the vicinity of
Broadway, which a year ego brought
sl.9oooand now cannot command ttiftil a
—lt Is said that a New Jersey editor,
abut making a pilgrimage to Long
Branch lately, requested his boner-half
to! pack up his traveling valise with the
nape:wary articles.. On -
arriving at the
sea-side he found that ts bundle of yi
d:salve and a bottle of whisk were the
, „7 articles his wife deemed necessary
to comfort.
A little daughter of J. Roach. of Al
bany, was stolen by a tsmd of glottis*
trio years ago, and all search for her
proved fruitiest. A few days since the '
same band took uo their residence near
Hollow, where a boy, who knew'
the lost child, saw and recognized her,
and the child was restored toils parents.
.—The lady who gave Mr. ; Spurgeon
.C. 11,000 to erect an orphanage . has since
ordered her plate to be' sold for the same
object; and 'fr. Spuriteon asserts that -
tbe donor has thereby "set an example
to all believers who bare surplus and
unused gold and silver which ought to
be put to better use than lying wrapped
up In a box."
—;:tlany persons often address letters
Intended for Cape Island simply to
"Cape May" only, and letters Intended
for that place are frequently no directed,
and such letters either do not . reach the
desired place at all; or ore much delayed.
The proper direction of Utters for, this
well known bathing place is "Cape
Inland, N..T.;"
, —The Loddon Lancet say. of the health
of. Queen Victoria: "We have goad
grounds for-staling that the alsiense of
her Maleaty the Queen from publiceven
log feativltits in nosily due to the fact
that agitation, over-worry, or much talk
ing In the evening is-followed by restless
night's, mold dhstresslng Rick headache,
and sense of great exhaustion."
—The valuation of Worcester, Dana.,
thhr year is tzt,R56,300, an inffellAo of
about one and a -quarter millions over
the valuation of host year. The rate of
taxation is about $1.7.54: on a .thousand,
whichis a dollar and a half more titan It
was in 181,1, owing-to the large State tax.
The polls this year number t 5,506, a gain
of 6;4 over last year, which is a remark
able increase. ' .
—At Guelph, Canada. recently, s
country youth ; attending the circus, of•
fered the elephant a plug ot tobacco. The
a:mations animal, which bad probably
been tricked the name way before,
stretched out its proboscis, an if to take
the tobacco, lint instead suddenly seised
the sight's hand and a lter chewing it to
a Milan of pulp, threw it down at the
feet of the owner.
• —One of the inmates of the Jackson.
(Mich.) Stele 'glisten, being suspected of
attempting to einspe, was .searched. and
in Ms pants ponies: I key Was Email that
would unlock - weeit yell In the west hail,
threaltundrodlan4Aarenty-Vlght - fp num-
, ber hddin thtf heethf ehcieldeslking the
0 , ..:#14/g, parts a $lOO bill. Its
istitsioquently - mok - a rile hilt from • the
. eirstbsrlatieh of bin hoots. - Ittsrhife had
ft 4l 4l 4 led the mm i L7 * - - •
—During a recess at a school in Avon,
Niaca lad pushed back Harriet Wilson,
a girt of fourteen. She tripped and fell,
hertheud striking heavily on the ground.
The - poor girl Raved but once, and all
was over. The girl bail a presentiment
of her death two or three weeks before
the fatal event occurred, and had repeat
edly spoken on the subject with her pa-
rents and others.
E. Washburn° has returned to
Paris from Switzerland almost vomplete
ly rtiitorett to, health. He looks as vik
orous as ever he did.. lie will return to
liamtairg near Frankfort-on•theMnin,
to cotnPltke the cure bogus him by bin
physicians. Governor • Curtin in also
there entirely recovered. Mr. Blaine
and senator Morrill, of Maine,cume with
Mr. Washburn from Switzerland.
The gmeellers of *smelting Mombasa—
Lagers Staid bo ewe Ossmaables.
(17 Telegraph to the Pltub cavil Oa:.
- Bowroa, Myrna" s.—The queStlon of an
noting 110Zbary:C.0 Boston wall be settled in
heptember, by satin( the two cities.
Tbentatd ItenStablel invaded three Douses
In Lynn on gatorday night, and mused
liquors and giuntding implement, and ar
rested thirty-live Indivhituds. .
Railroad Aocident.
ces Telegraph to the Pittsborgh tiorette.
SPRIIIO/1111:4 Rage., Log. 5.—A. passenher
train of the Gonnectiont River Railroad,
this attention, ran into warned* dear till*
annalning Kr. Alexander idispin and
re. Pathan Mobs,. The flat named end
p li robably ale from his Wane. The lather
Is nOl. seriously injured. _ . •
Ybe Cabo Cable.
Telegraph to the Plitebomb Gegen.)
Naar Yoga, August A— he Eferafere KW.
West special of the ag sawn Everything le
In Teldtheee to lay the cable. Pairing Out
began to-day. The MID wfilbeOltingen about
the fifteenth of Angela.
abgeolboal Leteastar.
C!? Telegraph to the Pittsbargh eautte.)
Looppriu.s, August A— The starrosetteel
steamer tens 8., irOM Louisville. hound for
(Mao with a full Loui s sunk on Bonds?
Henderson Island. No lives • aro reported
Wet. -
• /Warms for Moablogien:
ail To"soma to Ito Pitubb.rgh Ossettol
Aostoo, Myron O—Seereta7 Bowan! left
for Wattanition tble morount•
PliubssaGsma. J
newt 5. te The 'crop sa-
LEA Taleini* to
Mints continue
,or. Item.
e litiateuse earette.l
s.—The Myer la tatuar
• • t doyen macs by Cl=
MIT 141 , 1111. Ph to
Lornernas, • •
slowly with tWOI
mark. •
Be Te.leerape to the Plttebergh Gezette.3
Washisuros, Anoint 5, ISGT.
altnovnt or annainalr.
A special says: The olu story of the res.
lunation of Stanton Is bOing revived. This
time there seems to be good foundation for
ft. The President's contemplated removal
or -Sheridan Is opposed by Stanton anti
Grant. The President stated last week he
would remove Stanton drat and then Sheri
dan. Some doubt isNerprassed an to the
Prenident's bower to remove a cabinet nih.
car nutter the civil tunny °tonic° taw. Tee
President's friends.say that If he cannot
make Stanton realms be will suspend him
until the meeting OtOonarans. The whole
matter has boon the eubJect of mach talk
here within the last twenty-tour. hours, it
not having become known until then that
there really was a quarrel between tile
President and Stanton.- General Grant had
several interviews' during the week with
the Preandant and Secretary Stanton on the
proposed removal of Shedd.. It to said
that General Grant construes the mama.
etruction act to place on him a part of, the
respomdbllity tor its faithful execution by
the officer. under him and under !di corn.
mend, and hence me opposition to Sheri
dan'e removal. lie Is opposed to Sherttan's
removal, and when consulted by the. Pros'-
dent gave his opinion that in no ne could
he place more trust In than Sheridan.
TOWN..n special any,: The recommends.
Moo for mercy for tin. norratt. inade b
member[ piths Military Commission widen
trial the assassination conspirators. has, et
laid, been ulteartnea, and rends as follows:
Mb undersigned, members of the' Military
Commmtaidon detailed to try Mary E. but
ratt and othen for the conspiracy and mar.
der of Abraham Lincoln, Into President of
the United elates, Ac., respectiully pray
the President, taconsideration of the sex
and ago of said Mary E.SurrAll. it he, upon
all the facts of the case and it consistent HILO
his mei:meet duty to the country, to com
mute the sentence or death which the Court
have been contradict to prOnOtinco to los-
PEWEE:MEL for Me. Respect:MlS- snimilt:
ted. (Slgnedl—.l3. Dal enter, Major General,
Preslisenti Aug. Kant; Brigadier General
and Brevet Major General. It. N. — Finder,
Brigadier General and Brevet Major Goner.
alJames L. title, Brevet Brigadier General;
Charles ll:Tompkins. Brevet Colonel and
A. Q. M.
Tun , recommendationwas drawn op by
lion. Jobn A. Bingham, Judgn Advocate,
Ind the - .following MOISIbet• Of the, court
refused to sign It: General L. r. Wallace.
A. P. Howe. T. 11.11/aria and Colonel D. 11
The following fecte have been obtained at
the National Ltirrency Bureau The Una
dills National Bank went Into voluntary
liquidation June eke. in accordanne with
the provisions of the National Currency
nut. Early in July a certitude was leaned '
by the Bank Superintendent at the Stereo(
New Tort. Prim; authority to organize a
hank under tee laws of the nude,
andat the time of the tailor,. both
the Bank Superintendent and the
cen of t h e bank Instated that It w a
USA./ Bank. The and
5 small, arid
will notexceed s7oad.O. There le • sundae'
of securities on &roosts with the United
Slats* Treasurer, about ga1,530 more than
erten"; h to redeem the circulation. The
liebililles of some individual atockholders
are large; let these are entirety distinct
from the liabilities of the bent. Attiorougn
examination of Its affairs are being coo
ducted under the Comptroller of the Treas.
titTOntid a reoelver will be appointed.
The forthcoming etatement of the piddle
debt ism show a considerable reduction.
compared with the lass monthly exhibit.
'since the id of IMP more than forty mil.
lino* of leturcet hare been paid Oct of the
'.rressury, twenty millions of which were in
coin, and two Instalinienis of ten millions
each in currency. The redaction which will
be *mown for July Is principally owing to
the rexiipte - of Internal Revenue having
been beerier than usual and increased by
the paymentof the Income tax. There will
be comparatively little listen:et pabt by tali
thwernment until November. when the An
neal Lateness whi fall Meson the 3- . S. note..
It will amount to about $14.003.ige in roin.
*She ir Anr sown.. Ann 700 nun,. cnn.
i levee.
It le ecierStoo4 to well Informed clreles
there le no lOnndeilen 10r the report of dis
agreement between Secretary Seward and
tone leercan ILL./der. That - relations are
Semisweet emettal, - lead liwouro 'goal boom
only because lala hearts and the con4llooo
ot ale pay., altars require hu retain.
sticairraar erawrisir sitqcoirrau so armee.
There Is no doubt of the fact that the
PreSident to-day formally requester! Xs.
Stanton to resign his position no Secretary
of War. The friends of the President assert
he has taken this course In order to secure
4 00117 of polltical vierrs la the Cabinet.
The mooed anneal Schnetsenteet 61 the
WeAttington Schnetsenvereln commenced
toAley and olg eo eve tlll triday. Thle
event promlees to wean. the Rend
()ration of legit year:
The Vommlolcvner of Patents will none
two bandied sot oventy-seon oartib-
Tates of patents ter tile - wee/ ending Au
gest /3Lb.
Major- W. U. Ide bee been relieved of re
cruiting service and ordered togia . his
regiment In the Department ofn
• Mr. Tierropont spoke the entire tiny In
the Surrate c.c. one cconcludes tomorrow.
The receipts of internal rerenne today
ware 11,421p0.
Soots Alum wtlD is Y,Otas—DOWlats
Heard of Illargiuto-461rsuelloqmpots
oadroas treat. Jaares=Heee trees.
tloa• ordered—Planta AJIMIOB Pence
to be peotomeed,
(8y Telegrhpb to the Plttaberett ti melte.]
New TORS. August s.—News from tibial
to July 7th, Vera Crnrn JUIY24,hi sod Max.
leo, July 11th, bee been received. Omuta
Anna is .0111 In prison. gentled has been
beard, ' Marquez as yet. The foreign
ministers were unmolested. The press mu
advocatumg a general swanky. bat ell agree
teat musisoment should be Meted Ott 14
Marquez, Lemma, Lome, and omen.
Gszrzavos..ang. 5.—A steamer from Bra.
ass brings advice* that. Juarez Issued a
grandiloquent address on tea Illth of July,
in which ne says' "Gaud Mita of Mexico.
Fighttug alone and without Use Maintanee
of coy one; we bane preserved the liberty
and independence of the Eduitubllo."
The election for President - is Lobe ordered
at once. The press favors general Mantely.
The country In to bedivided into oda
district., Escobedo and others to have
Losado's forces refuse torecomille Juarez.
Castillo and Agulno have been sentenced to
be stm t.
The placeef concealment et Marquez and
Thirties, was discovered, bet they messaged
tO eat their waythrougb the guards and (»-
New flizseas..Atrstat 5.-117 an. arrival
from Vera Ursa we have the following
ardlumtle • report, Admiral Palmeri and
staff bavegoue toll. City of Mexico, It in
said, to demand the person of Conte Anna,
and endeavor tit persuade the Lingual. to
glee up MazimilutlV. body.
Tbe Austrian steamer Elizabeth wan
lying at Bacridelos, taking on toCard the
Austrian relegeela
An American app TretiCh Manof•war ban
arrived off. Vern CAMS.' t
Vera Crua was healthy.
N Yost...Mtton a—The simmer r
gluts brounbtaty of llenloo Oates to the
Vitt, Vera Cruz to tile Me, anti Mani to the
28th-of Jolty. Prenthittathtl Wootton wan
pnurnsuliv peaceably. '
The Generale 1101 , 13124 to JUILINIF. Were
Ming omen in the mountain.-
The lactikense making bold Incumion,
Into white settlemente neat littostnn.
• Nen Otitamte, Aug. s.—The Amnion' says
• letter from % era taus. dated July 2 , 1111.
nonfood via peruiscols, frvitu the Gapteln of
tan Austrian inmates Elisabeth. -stet .
that up to that Wee tan itelleane hod
refuted to deliver up the corpse of Meal
-IVo cause wail given._ ~. The Enz.
bath Ould
leave for N ew . - Oarlesna. The
laptsla had no Impish( brnprill ewe , ' tee
. A Galveston dispateh save aiferetal loan
of one nitillen eight hundreir.thittlitand 1101.
lan had been levied on the Scapa df,Jfiliseo.
Allegod commit of Mar la Itengsln—
Ntrife Between Yrn•ola sad rirante
COusteered inositable.
Ysiearaph to the rittsbenth llasettal
Nina:loan, August s.—The Cork Briminyr
of July IStla says every indication poulle to
the certainty of a er.betweed 'Veneta and
Pronot oonnell of war at the oreaent
moment la being held In Enuala b.:derma
the Staab of the armies of Bustin and
Prnivia end under the FreaffieneY
of the C orr himself. Plans of .campalltmi,
anifilmtod by probable coallttona between
Fn tee and other states, Are under eonafd•
erataom Farther, It is , asserted that Pros
els is eager to bade La v.. Ituntadtately
and before Yr.ce him sot Into an attitude.
Ifosain. however, Moline* to • tetett....
ward, whichdoen not make the strife lttmay
defy the less Inerltubla
"Mims Nerada Tunnel Nearly Can.
pleted-,Llea Ile be Complete.) SO be
raw la Ilkaptember.
~,, T .temph SO theglttstruren Uentle.l
yoary, AU lt spenfal frOm ban
FreartleCo saps: Toe great tunnel of the
Central Fannie RallrOatl, et the montnlt of
the Slams lieradn, to nearly compien.d.
Only ality.knlr foot realigned uncut on Sat
ealteyly T Mle a Mealone.whado ne
miles or track are g gaded.l lt Is expeotna
the loomnintre pant thrOeffb the tunnel
by the fltbeentti Otkognat. and the /Me 0111
becompleted to Pena LlSeptember next.
'oval's Milli -IMRE Dloeborgodl—
moans lull of Itnem—liottroo o *.n
ter Tatmank to . tnePitiotnatin ' tasttr.)
Itsnrine August a—The dina l lfg
negroan drew on.: The
prate areal tdelr ereployers , ter,..¢lo
utattunl for taaohlng tam "whO are' their
'friends. The street& are foil of idle ne.
leaao Pout, a well known railroad man.
died yeetarday dt COngeldre chills'
i By.Ttlegrohb to the ritt.argh Onsette
Lotmos, August .1 —The Vatted litotes
practice ship tailo4 from Portsmouth for
turrocte scarria a ranee.
Tile reform meetmg called at Ilyde Park
to-day Droved a failure. There were few
People, comparatively, In atten.opme, awe
little or no spirit was manifested.
Tho steamship Ottawa, from Now York,
bound to Antwerp, arrived at Perr.anco with
the Ices of her screw.
LONDON, Shyest s.—The Waslan loan
which was offered, in We market. on
5M..11 , 7, does not meet with success. So
bids bare yet been made, and the chances
of Its lueceas ire slim.
Bralan, Augus ta-1t Is reported that
Gen. Fallout has contained his connection
with the Fenian &threat is Ireland, and
offered to reveal the details of the Fenian
movements, anti malty for the Government.
CILANCIIO., August l— United atatca
Banda, tr‘..i.
carcana , ..
Paws, August 3.—SemNolnchal journals
deny the visit of Napoleon to Vienna has
any political object. end declare Um pub
lished rumors which site theta political
mgulllcanCe tO the interchange of courte
sies between the Emperor of France son
Austria are erroneous.
Milan Oa staxico.
Yams, Ang. s.—The claims or France and
resent subjects upon Mexico are to he'esre
frilly revised by a commission just anpolut.
ed by the Emperor Nutcases for tbnl pur
setter Fs garotter:Os eliCcntr T.
DI.1), August 6.—Tlie press of this city
!comment to-day upon the reply of Napo
leon to the foreign members of the Expose
Pon Universelle. end °germs oontidenee in
the sincerity of the Emperor•, af PireldOne
for the peace of the world.
nastiest. TO JOIT TH• tort - sixth.
Llarasahm, Atheust s.—lt le thrtortssi on
eretittatile authority that the City of Matto
hang refuses to loin the German Zolverrio.
Lubec has, however, avowed her wilting.
nets to become a member of that Important
agave 4114/1:i raor torxrxi,
So. Panama:me, Aug. .1 —ACCOSITtA Iron.
We Ituntan' gnarl crops are extremely la
mumble and ludLcate a very Geary rimer .
Thom will be en Jammu* Marylm for ex
GP LAW... All CIISt ettamelolp
&media, from M. Johns, N. it, married a:
Clyde yesterday.
Aurruat. O.—Atiordo,. from New
1 aro, arrlve.l. •
Soroaaarrox, August, N—Steantrolp Her.
man, from N ont York, arr:•al.
Qraroitroroa, Anatut glean.
rolp Heeta, _from Sr. York, totc➢erl titre
rumarciAL lA I.
iainoa a Ag i gnee, s—Noon.—Contmle.
Yne-Tmentles, 72; Min.. I:mitt - al, We:
Erie. .
ganrooL. miagnet s—.News—elitton quiet
and stesdri middling uplands let,t, Orleans
1 0 X: estimated sated of 1e1,403 balm. tires:i
odide opened somewhat litany, b u t , ;uot•-
tioae are unchanged trom Saturday. Older
articles thatintiged.
Idrearoot, r. go.
ennead to lie. Itetleed Petroleum, laud.
Artwanr. August 3.-1 oirokuro oircusect
unchanged. Standard white, 43 tames.
Loin**, August S.—tramols, 0414. Vivo-
Tomabs, 77.!.; 111Luols Central, 75%; lin,
C& „.
= 4 . August 3.—Emurp.—Marketa isa
• • -
- - - . • • • .
g t ,11. .tr t .I '7 '; 01 et " n +
Middling uplad 10. Ad Otierao*, 1010.
the salts
e rd►) wens IttaO bales. Bread.
lettlirs—troatlles favorawe tor crops and
market Sally. •Cot¢, =a. Wboat. Cis and &t.
Barley, mita and yeas noctutord. Prey].
lona Wore olt.ltoot alloraLloo. Boot It, and
&I. lard, tols. Baoon,
non Amormau
10.1 a advaaeod
Speaker .f Nevado Assembly Mon
soma by lodloso—?.Boor
Yfrow-Stlpplog MOW.
Ban 7.woreisco, "ingest 5.--A .I.lepatch
from the State of Nevada, anommtves the
murder, by Iranians, of James a. Banks,
npealier of aseembly and formerly • prom
inent Republlcan legislator In California.
One new case of yellow fever was deer).
Opod on the Iteireca. No more lambs. Tim
Mew* will probably give way ta the rit
• ere In Itaripirsa on the second Instant
destroyed property to the value of right
thousand dellara Another fire at sant,.
Clara to-day destroyed a large amount.
The Ualon Slate Committee nominated
E. EU Wall* for Clerk of the Supremo Conn,
In place of Farquhar, deocued.,
Forty 'merchant :reseals arrived at this
Dori from sea Mee. the eight of the 1011.1
Msg., among th e met the newer Great Ito.
public, for New lOrk eta Famines, duly
2•lth, whit% sails from China' on the Si
of September, and the .stdp Day Dawn, •
for . 4long Jiang. There, were , twenty-
eine arrival. from Callferola 00eNt port,
chiefly 1040004 loth lumber.. -The' flre%
mail 'learnable for flonolalu salts Septem
ber bib. The Ilontana had hoe bottom beat
In whoa aground Jamie, narrowly escaping
• break under her bolleno
The Kentucky Inning Company declare-
• dividend or forty dollars per. Aber..
amounting to eighty thousand debars. !
The demand duties far Che put week
were one hundred end thousand
dollars. • • 1
Lewitt tenders,
Large receipts Of ',heat eontinuo; :48!
balind—Steamer Mogen _Tailor, for 000
Joan Del Sur; stOns Tennyson and fluzUrg ,
ton, far Liver ~.onL
Vesissetlee Olt Fire we Petrelle—Test
Wells Destroyed—lass 1W10.000.,
;dr Teisamph ths Plttsbnoth limos.)
essaes, Afloat Wool
dentaldre at Thompson a CoW.'oll.Well: on
Saturday night. constuunlested , to the Ltd-
Join he in
m g achinery, wells. Ten
ankre we d Ate. Loss estroyed, wit
Wsa,ten h .11
t, ts ,
mostly totho King flosilna well Wmoany.
composed of Noble, 'WOOL. Taylor and
P.aorr, Atigusts.—The Advertiser rind
Tribune has received the following special
• •• • •
Large tank of oil took &ennui a lantern,
,laturdny night. and almnst instantly nom
murdools4 with the adjoining 's ellsand
tanks. in leas thou two hours ton walls,
with upwards 01 forty thousand barrels o f
oil, were on Ore. Not • vestigo of comp..
tlble material mutton on over thirty sexes
61 land. - 31artheastarn nod Innuoin Comp.
ore hms 011. machinery, tanks, he.,
amounts tor-5.000; J. D. Noble& Co., eld,ted,
Ward win well, engine and &Moos 'Mar
shall .1 Goodrich, - idi,il:o; 1.00 & ei
N. it. Thompson a co.: VA00;1'. Ta ylor,.
$7.19M; dogleg CO., WAN WWI to tank
builders mitt other., es,ow.
OT rowi, Angola O.—Write for the election,
retnle 10 1 orgy dive, Wbe lamed ou
llsw Yon:, Atlgnin. 5. 1557.
Leatnel Craft tont, of Clovotaiid, seUnd
for Europe per the City of Boston, on I.:stur
dily. •
Another we of Cholera Was reported to.
day to Greenwich. • - •
The steamer F• 1150, tlOl3OO forVargo,
Cobs, laly:31, pot back in a bialry condition
. The Warn Yenta, Alton Riggs, the prop.
erty of•Alscob Lorillard, at lilts city, snick
off Haps Hatteras an the mothing of the
2d Wt.. ws on a voyage to Harsco. • The
officers Sonondew were rescued by the
steamship Virgo. • , .
Jens Minor Betts in • an' Altercation
Cosowning tlie Late Vonmentipp.
thy Telegraph to tai Pinafore, lissalle./
• Illcanown,.• 'August 6.—To-daY: In the
limited HMCO Conn lined Jury room, on
altermalon look piece between 111. Hawk..
burst and J.ll. Botta. The latter accused the
former of havleg by trlekerYbrongla abb. ,
an' adjournment' Of the late Convention to
Prerent Botta' eddresaing It. itswiritturst
dialled the charge, and addrieted a letter
to JOOl. Underwood, declining any longer
tervlncoo the jury with Botta.
innrraint. left today to .Lump the
10 °Unirn portion of the State.
Grata .werepeeee Hanged
4 ,l=Lutx. Aug.. s.—Jo. 8 Mini
on alma' street., between Main
lino the river, wherein a wire quantity of
malt, barley and oats was !Pored, was en.
tinkly annum:led by Ore this morning. Lose
1117,000,1a1ti1.000. 410,000.
Re:lntention Cannabisloner Charged
rtith Issuing . Wrong Certificates—A
lowyer Uremia' Ills Peet—gliert of
the Republiesn VI —Solari
ties Ineroosed by Sloe Fall Returns.
Ile Tole.rypli to Re rlitstorgit
tt v tt.te, Alden. Com
missioner of Reglatratlon, was hound over
to-day by the City Recorder, rostvri lor hi
nting registration oertlecates illegally.
Fronk J. McLain: a young lawyer, 101 l
from the balcony Of his residence at Co
lumbia and broke bre neck. Sin died
Ten full force of the Republican victory
In Nashville is not being realized. It Is
expected that the Beni:Mimes will elect
the Mayor next menth. The City Council
and other municipal (lifters wilt withdraw
the Metropolitan pellet, law null. and
organize sald
The Repoubilcon Inalorlttes for Governor
and Congress are lnereased, rather th.n di
minished, by the full morns.
Nix Railroad Labarara Mordared by
Indlana—llaid On Rig Crrok ?doge
Mallon — . Meaty Load of Moral.
Vrtreir Olt'
181 'releerehe to the Pittibersh Ossetia)
Sew Yana, Aug. S.—The Dimes Yort nark
says: The ledlans kilted sly men .
vcmerday, sir miles from here. .The' men
- kilted were railroad laborers. After scalp
leg two nestle sairagm proceeded to trig
Creek maim station, sod ran off twenty her
, 'me and mules. The, vas in daylight and
while exposed to the Oro of ritzy infantry
nail a date❑ stern, employees, about three
bemired yards Irons teem. It Is eore,lder•
ni the hohtedt dash the lediress hare yet
made. Captain Arnett started Immediately
In praetor, and nrertOOk the Indiana last
night, hot found them tOOttemerolle to st
reet: with hia looms, and sent hack for rein
forcements, which were forwarded.
City Treasurer Itcroured by Order of
Alueret riberidaii, and a rdreerseor
lit eleerenh to the glttehureh tiaulette-1
Nett Oittathee, Alf Met D.Tho following
or ter lon linen tweed
llnviquarler• FUIIr .INi/cm!, Diatrief,
ua3 S lwctat order No. lm. J Amnepn Ern..
dna, Ttoaauror of the oltv
of Nnw
terebv removed, for reazons Plunlar to
thdao tunuttoned m tno Order readjtotinft
too ItoOol of Aidention and Asalstant Al-
alerm. Of the eI:V. And btolld,rl Howell Is
apnulat/sl I'm...mei In his stead.
LS °crammed I.J. lien. I'. IL Ether
llsseito”, A. A. U.
I; 0.4.MAN1., Attitost s.—The following Is
auslouttott of the ItOslnses St the. Custom
lloi:-o for J,LIX: LxPorts,o,l3.l. 4 s9t Imports.
T4t•re ware nine deaths from radios . foyer
and tight from attar... iaat nan.k.
Thr Cl eetta. Psd.. OR QIIICI/J—Dem
ocrnt le 141131i1pb.
Lei - 2,114w liv , August S.—The election
in Louisville and throughout the State, as
far its beard from, passed off quietly,' The
result hote - lcen another Psercoratle
omnh biro vs. - misty nattadOnd at
front 9,0n1 - to Louisville City nod the
county of Jefferson hove elected their en.
tire Legislative Cate' twelve meinburs.
It is bellevrd that the Democrats In the
State heiTe elected soverbelghtha craw Lea ,
tat," urn. la the city the Itaitleids end third
party mole a very porn . son, Helm, the
liernocatie oariellilate for GJVC-erinT, best
ing both his opponent. by cheat LOC ma
'Nun tout, Ana. 4---The steamer Rapidan
brings liainws adsicen to Cie 31st.
Great preparations wore making to cola-
Mate the laying ni the Cuban Cable.
burnt, ...este are reported In Matanzas
and Cimtlwrina on ensplciOn of eonnection
trim the Isle attempts at disturbance.
4, rent anxiety Is felt for the arrival of tits
neat mall fromL lls, It being feared the
new Slintetry will mad , * new sot of ofiloent
ilsvnua merchants hate unanimously
agree to reerga weir cumunten. an ed•
ance at our quarter per Dent, to considers.
Lim 01 We new Mira
llc irAr-o, W. rattorwm uae
Into riswiled from the Mead of Tndu
FM' Kilt r ardln und most ran.
br .3/cotry, OR mut trader Report,
given by any pryer In the city, rid be fond
on our Fbnrin Awe.,
•'Seal BAWDY* In Allegheny: .
hews.. Entices GazirrT. listing seen
e number of exile'ca in the daily papers on
the quuttou of test books, urging the re.
adoption of tie books now In use, I feel ft
my duty to utakne, abort' replyi and by way
Of sonlopy lOt so doing, would etele for a
number of years 1 bare been Identlned
with the educational Int...We! the city,
and Lase folly tested In the srlioori rcout the
tanks now used.
Without. cntanoi Into a lengthy decd.
don corienriatog their indite Or dimwit. I
0001.1 simply ear that after the tent vd
years, tho great mese of teachers. Irectore
• L' t 'a t a ortricTflr th b eaart."txtreds
onollehed to Vittaburgh. and now used. do
not moot the requirortnenta of the school. •
A. an evidence of thle I need onlyallarm
whet ie. or may be known to illlntereeml.
and shot noon will venture to coottmlfet.
that the pneoint esti. Of the committee
nu TedeUrrolts, In Allegdmy. is In reroonse
to the ispreeevil pilso of nlarefertrAr of all
the teachers In the mhoOlt of chit atty.
rim Imminent ofmad years have repeated ly
refmeded thp subetltution of Lethal' bookg,
In which request they bare uniformly re.
volved the sympents• 0( the and
only dart year. whim the Commtttoomportod
1...1v0r/1u to . change. on - the ground of ex•
tease. the Donut of Dontrol out old 0014*
for change, nyeadt Ihlrleol OPlemml.
licretorore Um most common and effective
arguments uslat to opposition to a champ,
of books have boon
First, That such Sit change would Inter
fern with the patronage of home produo
tine; and, locoed, that it would impose •
grievous tag noon the people.
ln answer to the 'trail would ask, "moat
one action's be paralyzed, and the interests
of our childrenmord:Wed by the we of an
inferior class of hooky, simply becauee they
aro publivhed t hero V ,
Irlg i c Y rlt e o i llV i l ' lT=l . lle w d h , e alti t m e Z2 ' .
and„datormlno what books shall
be alloptat: •
IVA 414 er'o./' i
pseit, it aablint be urged at tbo present.
~.whileVaprist.lne,Oplldrat that a roil
,beg sandy price Is preferable to a bad one
, lbe nesafkfutitlll the of the books
tillea4,l ogres Commates knee displayed
qtaplrlt of great. liberality In consenting to
:Introduce' their Awake , even exchange,
giving a now and takhlg an old book In re.
turn, and than remove all rayll oil this point.
In conclusion. let . me say that although
them may be woe aillo tautly impugn the
tunt/ves ofall opposed to. the books now
11.041, l who are laboring for the ado:.
lion of bettorbooks, yet koolrlulf fob
.ity 01 thin charge, an t cons...lona the
Integrity of the Text ConkCommlttee. from
personal knOvritalga of them, I congratg-
Into Chem e, the good Jedgmoot. doini‘treil
Ut tht eelocilon of the books named In their
report, and smouredy . hope, In the Interest
of education generally and our own 11011001.1
In, chatLthe Hoard Of Control
will mlopt the report entilocly made.
11..1. Connie.
Trial of a Twanty•lnets than.
The hut twenty-Inch gun manufactured
at the Fort Vitt Worka 'was convoyed to
the proving ground. at Wall's /Station, on
Saturday, and was tested by Commander
Lowe, of the Vetted States Navy
The'•glin M phlced pa.
lotion at. (Wit o'clock F. is., and chug
al -with sixty pounds of powderland
► nail weighing- one thousand pounds,
thr de of t ee times. en The first Coll struck ts oh
sih/say !bribed hy shots fired /
Prevloin °out/dorm, mid glnitced to the of , .
petite •alilatrhere it was eerie° sutured feat
In thecarth, and the gun, which was hung
In siren., anrun ff backwards and forwards
for z,evenlmlauteallke the pendulum of a
clock. The two succeedliig charges were of
the some Mae. and the tumult waa like that
of the lint. The gun wee then Charged with
eighty gliT•ir is hic i b P : , .. " .. ifortg t ge U ll n n a .
ustitment sevonal feet. The teat so to, was
,paMeetly satJalactory to all concerned. and
it wwi PeetPOn. 4 oatft , O . d.Y.Wileh (twill
be complcted• • .
Meech,' of the Kim's' lie Commie.
tee.—The Union Republican Cotutty Rm.:-
ultra Committee met yesterday &nada,
nurtmald toe previous call, and after trans.
acting tbe bualness before them .a4Journed
to meet at the Committee Itoomar at the
ooroot o f Cherry alley and Diamond street,
Monday. the 12th inst., at be, Voloek A. 0.,
at eaten time full attenthume or Mamma:
bare to requested, ea Mogi:mm.of Importance
Will be brought before the Committee.
Hey. Hall.—We-have . , reeelsed • from
Bogle a Chambers. Fifth insect,
a Meyer ikoton of "Base ball as snowed by a
Stu Ma . ,• L. Is one of the best snares oft - he
age and the oomleal pletbtos wilt axone the
laughter of the oldest man In town. ,
Tbe Term of the United States Court,
pat commenced. la Itkely to Do an tubule
alwe.lyulongauniee... e i a . Leg e teg . Ov e e s r e rti re th e s or f lo o u m r
Infractions of the revenue law are guile
To-nlabs,e nue musical treat to In /mire
for those who attend the Filth Jnvendle
, ) , 3 , 3 . 5rt , to be given at the First Begets;
c hum p. corner of Gran tend Fourth streenda
We advise our readers to attend.
The Min.—When the improvement& 364.
repairs DOW in promos are complete, th&
county jell will enema & decidedly better,
aTrer:ginlrbr. k "D IDE witn What &
Ball[ tile Coosa Hesse matters are
rery null, and mmis et the' Genet) , °Mears
'are on the eve
' Methture on tripe for the
benefit of their eal ,
Sugars and Spies. of the bast end ph.
rest gredes; et the old ettehlished had wet!
• known Tea Mart, No. hi NUM street. Prices
on.letel with heetetrn ihiPOrtere! ratee..
Text Banks to Atlegheni%
The essonertint, ' yeatdrnay morning.
, made place In its editorial columuS for an
article of cohalderable length on the Sub
' Joel. of “Text took., in AlltUbeny, ,, which
was doubtless !undated by some one of the
numerous agents who have hocked hither
from the Last and the Wen toilisplace hems
Peblicaltons from our public schools. The
subject I, certainly one of much in tercet to
. ,
the community at large. and more aspect
'ally to the eltice. of Allegheny, whose
rapresentatlece having charge of the edu
cational ititerititS of the elty, The hoard of
I Control, aVr. tO be called ttpoh td-night to
decide whether or not a change in the books '
now In nee In Pelmets ender their j dritrdle
two shall be made. The public will watch
I ...lonely for_the decision, mot it seems to
ns to be criminal in an? member of the
Board to vote unknowingly on the subject.
The lineation should not be one of adv.-
tage or 111•Mvantage to any publisher or
set of publishers{ it is one In which the in-
Lomita of some Mx thousand pupils of the
schools of our Minor city are at stake,and
Coital btOinto tom clearly discernible
benedt Ls toiollow a change, none .110111 d
he made. in this any of eillsmteresten pie.
lthropy.' , it la refreshing to see on the
partof eastern and western bOusun so united
effort mode to, benefit these thousands of
chil d ren by the Introduction of a aeries of
' new text books. T.. poreute hote l
been set aslde by the shrewd agate, wile
would mean Chem. that they know not
what la the tree interest of their children
in an educatiottal point of view. But the
parents are wale:led with the present books
in ore. pad have never entertalhed any Idea
of ehauging them for toots of nor other i
house. Many of them have given the mat
ter Close study, hare corupared the dllYerent I
textbooks to discover their relative Merit,
and have even gone no far us to compare
the scholarship of piddle eltiewhero with
those taught in this woolen of the State.
The remit.ObittittM hove been briefly
these: the books in con hero are to many
respects 'opener to those of other. Nucor,
fn all resoccia fully nisei to any in the
country, both to point of system and to
goality of matte. the scholars of the Pub.
Les leieboolti where Engllati's teat book. ere
• exclnalvely ...Lebow apronmeney which to
correlpondlegly voted to Vest of scholars
where other amt.. of education aro
aloptsd. [eat year the a Md.,. of change
was brothels to the 'Mention of the &Mani
of Control of Alleghenv City, end, as the
article in the Cbuisnerctal refers to the fact,
I we PM ennstraltdat to [of blidllCO entire the
report of tie Committee on
hooks; to
i snow how Its mem.. felt. on the subject
ofter examining into the merits of ell the
text books submitted. II ere it le:
, To Ms flevird of Lb e/ the Ode ri/ Al
' lephent: ,
rx—V our Com liactoc 0
. . -
hooks, to wholowns referred tho notttlou of
teen - hers In the schools of the Vim, bcce
ond and Third wards, is:touting a eDen
in the test book on grammar now used in
toe schools, report: ' .
Viet they have stern the so : atter referred
to in said petition their imreful attehtloni
and to order to einem all the Inforniallon
possible on the Cul-jest referred to them,
Mel' gave WO PrinClOei of the several ,Wartt ,
schools notice, of the than itt which tile Co-
mitten would meal Mot hear to moray of '
them Sc thought prOlier to attend. I
Too 11.01i:el Of your COffitnif Leifer Neal.
Incited to the suldret of sealing° lathe text
Gooks on - reading now toed In the sebools,
and on trio minket ytnir Committee beard
each parties ea chose to come bereft them.
.The result of, the deliberations and eosin
, Inntioris of yotir Committee Is, that they do
not feel luotilled in recommending any
change in the test batiks on the onejtete re
ferred to illsec. As no change in any other
of the test book. moil in the PCIIOt4I9 etc
thots;ht necessity or Ocorratile . hyi your
Committee, tney reemninend the adoption.
1 by the Hoard of tits lest Mimes adellted fled
tart year.
stakes Trion, v.
J. N. Hitt. ,
I I,os. licesvcc.
I id odrect cupid , it. it. Yeast:in. to.
I stun thenbake it will be obserked the
I the ii innoisseol willfully misiefitesenle the
neee It etallfle that the .0 , 21330111 Of en.
i ~..11 entailed •by 'the chime., .woe the
1 SfrOnytf; One need ter hot year's COM/nate.
1 1 .1..1111 - .11 their recommenda‘lon that en
reneef be reads. and really defeat:ill the .
movement on the real of Ile Lencheri and
i parents at that %MOO .
rue friends of the uremia teat bdoke were
I anxious Ise year to rest rho suliject 'upon
Merit alone, end were suceessful. Title sw
oon they made the same propcoitiOn.lbut it
won rejected, simply because the ont.H.ilens
, twos geolleales comprising the illOsall Of
I Control could not fell awarding a serdletkis
fav 7 oi tithe books tow In one. over all
Aladdin like, Um intriguing agents of for
alga mote generous otter sup.
ply their new books tor old 01.11,, taking the
farn , mines/ n , notrassif ttrithotettn. reader
"...Saap ter thatAltif.hitint.
books they will Punish. How moors Ls le
be matte In thiS style of doing bustles, re.
males to be seen, but lee tr tut our et Mena
tun Dot to dull In 111 , ternluig a sufficient
canes for the unexampled genettnnt.k.' Tim
IntrOductionof. the Pock, onas made, the
pliers can hereafter be axed to suit the
putillsbers, and remre purchuers inks% pay
tne bat /erted far the payment of Vie taw
thousand coolie. et, getterously supplied at
the beginning. We,
tell that it lest insult
to the Intelligence of our Allegheny. :lead
en to rapows this shallow trick, nd treat
Oral. the foam of Control- will aminbter,
Wit egenlng, • sharp rebuke to thong who
omits attempt to posy It upon the frkutds
of edetetlee le our lister city.
The Cuien.creint avers Cotten. of the rem,
suns urged tor -thecontinuation 01 the
.pram[ system of baoks in that • change
might impoverish tile pobllsliecs, And pl.-
troal.lnaly adds: "It Is sAktnit too much of
parents to deprive their children of books
whose merits hare brought them lb their
dears Item their illsteat place. of publics-
pon, to protect • scrim th in eleven
year. have not been able to secure a leers.
tire markaroutside of our own city limits: .
Such woe/man has nose:. been urged by
English A CO-, or their friends. They have
always felt that on morn. alone their books
would stand. and that it Is but on act of
Jostles that-home publications should re
ceive preference at home. /pea businbli
has been preeparoos, and du lag the pas•
of her
wwon Unwired thousand ooptas
of their teaks have been published in edi
tions. Tuoy do not dread ch at sy ear do
their friends urge the fear a reason
why tticarce should be patronized. Resting
upon the superiority of their (woks. nor
publishers it., not appeal to the sympathies
fit the murex, and to say the lead it ',vary
ononantabla In the Chmateectof too make
such on assertion. Tho books, of Engine,
Co. have been inner only between eight
and nino years, while Oxon° proposal to be
pot dl their place are only a single year
It is name... however, to inform the pub-
Ile that agentts rispresenttror awy Partierilar •
branch of Maine.. or trade, and doter...loaf
upon accomplishing thou. °eject, will not
hesitate to pot forth faith statements and
endeavor to create tel. impressions. How
far they will suomsed, to Accomplishing
their deslgns'ln this pitrtlenWeaSe we will
know to-night. Our confidence In the
shrewdness and Intelligened ot the Board of
Control of ...11,1aufteuy will be seriously
shaken If they ovepreenive a respectable
minority vote en ttfp quifiltion of a change.
There hare bean other agents at work
to rococo a chansons toe test books which
may be Worths , a posing nOtlco. These
havetnonided the Committee on text books
of-the -Board, to - colt their Interests as la
ovldeuood in the ease of • Uov. Dr. Ring, a
nentniman of high se.lialastle &Unit:aunt.
Ile was • maiebor Of the Ward (roman Al ,
,movedlaghen4ward, but several' months ago re
,moved to McClurn township. Believing
'that hashould not longer act Irani the
Board after changing. his, naltlemm, he
promptly sent in his reungnation. which
wsus not accuptud, .as the body
held that ho was eligible to his
seat soil must retain it. Ito wee
a member or the Committee 0a Text books;
and en soon as It was detarronsod that ho
was favorable to the system of books now
in use, him roslanatlon was reonneldored,
and oven attar Mullions' township was con.
eolidated with Allegheny; his allot was dew
clewed vacant and another parson put In
ills place., So also In the our of Mr. loran.
lie wax appointed to represent In the Boned
the Fifth ward, .11 mot duly received and
aCkhOwicatiod as a number till it was ills-
Oriverad that ho favored the old books,
wpm be, too. Was decapitated and a Itonti.
Malt of a dirtarout way-of thinking put In
his place. These Ineltionta show that an
erfort has heon made to floor "put up" the
Umsol. andwo sincerely trust that thooo
entity of thin breatsh et brinor win be prop
rly rebuked In the vote to-night.
In conclusion, leo suggest that moon care.
bo taken In the decision of the question of
a ehatigain text-bookain tile schools of. our
sister city, and ask Wu members of the
Board of Control to onnelder the following
reasons why the old books should be con.
tinsel: , •
let, Parents and friends of odnaatfon do
not asks change.
• Val. The movement requite tram foreign
opposition to hong, publications.
3d. Tho echolars acquire.% pound, prae•
Meal mtheatlOn foam the text-books now In
pee, which. are Inferior to none in thecoun•
U rik. The loss entailed by the publishers In
the free distribution of the new books se ust
be made up by extra priors In the future.
nth. ,The prinelpal book publishers now
COmbined to Pore, the old works out: will.
in the future, dleagree among timulielves.
and there will be continual wrangling an
to what complete Mt of books ehall be used,
(Maryland as an instance.)
4th. The foreign book spubllihers bare.
through their agents, waived' a contest on
merit alone. •
7th. Übdue Influence. have been brought,
to bear im the question, the °pigments of
the old books ..potting up the Job" in order
to - be Me the decided will of the public sad
to deceive the Board or Control.
There are many other toellonehy the
change should pot be made. but w
we feel
that the members of the Board of Control
need no reminder of their important duty,
mantasill vow en the question ln such a
will forever put an end to the
letertneddllng in our school affairs b the
"alsintereetedh 'acute •• of publis y
1 houses elsewhere. •
Sorely of the reace.
Abraham limberly made Information to.
fore Alderman • llehisetere, yesterhiy,
ailainet Mrs. Tracy farsurety of tbe peace.
Ile &honer tnat the detenduit threatened
to break hie ohlbre legs: The parties re
side at Moorew brick yard. Seventh ward.
A warrant WAS Usual. • .
Catharine tianeetior made Informatien
before Aldermen Strata. yesterday. against
Anthony Llney and wife for egret) , of the
_Mae,. hea r tuses that they threatened to
ent•her out w ith a butcher knife. A
warrant was Woad for the defendants.
Tereennui lbsosP
Agreeably to the Wishes at many persons
ticalring to - attend the camp. meeting. et
T1LM.10.111., which commences ou Thursday
next. the Allegheny Volley Rellewd Com .
pony b ymem musly concluded to tune ex
caril lon whets Int halt' price. The trains.
erlll leave as follows Wall train, kW. M.
Eeprege and., Sal p.hur Kittanning An.
oommodation.p. m.{ 11.4 liOda Worm so
oonnotintionce= p. m. All trams in either
direction .111 sl u mlls
T• 111111. The ex
cursion ticket. , w be goal On return trip
until August 11th. •
Zipiasieti titl the Pittsburgh'end
Coutesibiehie thillreaU—Three Par
see& Rillestitud Meters! littered.
'An act identiMmittod at tuA o'clock
tardily Maratha at Layton , . Stepan, on the
Pittsbargb A PonneHaynie Railroad. about
forty-five miles east of tiM illy, by whlab
three persons wore killed and Set:Jai oth- .
et. urbanely Injured. It appears that en.
glee No. G, need as a Shifting engine In the
yard In this city. had last been termed at
the shops In Connellsvllle, and yesterday
morning was started to the city,under the
charge. of Daniel Ludivlck, engineer, to re.
nine Its place. The Superintendent of the
division Centred two platform care to be
attached to the enfline, and instructed the
foremen of the liberate alone the road to
have several lots of scrap Iron, which hell
=Cumulated at different points, Malted
'lobe the Cate MY.thanapertatma to tat
city. The tram plated under dee
u ch e arg r.d e of . P cn att n i d c . k ao fi f illy, wreak master of
A number get on,the train, and after pi
=ailing as far west an La ton's. the train
wet motel:led off en a stelae to allow the
plunge ot another train. 'Whet! the engine
Was again /darted the boiler ex plod e d With
a. loud report.
Teo cooductor, Patrick Holly, was struck
In the head by a dying fragment, and so*
- Sued his injuries buts short time. Samuel
Page, fireman, was• instantly killed- Elie
body wee found afield some distance
troth the scene of the disaster. A young
man named Oliver, who was In
tee emtdcT ot the company, and who had'
taken pottage on the train for the purpose
of Minute his train In this city. W.
and his laxly blown over the bank into the
river. Ells .ffeklyWaS not toned for Some
time, het was discovered in the river
some distance below. or. John Carr, dirt
lion foreman, criously burl, •Imt we
havenot been mislead as to the extent o:
his injuries.
The manic= of the _train, Daniel 'Lot
wick, was seriously hurt MI the-side amt.
had Ma right leg fractured. Three Or font
others were injured, but we have been una
ble to learn their name. l • ,
President 'lngham was Informed of the
dilater In a few moments after it had oc
curred, and. he Ordered a special train to be
sent up immediately. Surgeon Phillips and
Do. Le Moyne of Mita city left on the special
about lien-past nine-o'c l ock , and reached
Layton 's about twelve. They were Pro .
with medicincastimilants,and other
things which might bo ea:earthy to *Dell
ate the sufferisg. of the Injured persons.
A number of physidana resitting In the'
vicinity. and along the line of the road,
were =no sumrtionCt, and every effort woe
being made to give loch assistance and at
tention. miens be required.
Patrick Kelly, the conductor, tr as a real
dent of Connellsellie and has been in the
employ of the Company for several years.
Samuel Page, the fireman, also resides at
Connellsville. Young Oliver resulal at
Welt Newton. Ludwig, the engineer. e
sides at Koh . ..port, and has aim been in
the employ of um company Inc some time.
A dispatch from D. P. amnia. Master of
Machinery of the Company, states that In
fits opinlen the explooon was =ived by an
exemalre rowan of abeam. with a littilted
supply of water In the boiler, and thinks
that . therewas a number of persons on
the engine the engineer'. attention WW6
drawn trine the *audition of the steam.
The injury to the locomotive was but tri
itingotod OM be repaired for leld. No cam
were Injured.
Accidents are eltremelv rare on this
meth aid of coatse the offing,e are over.
wheimed with grief at the mad tate of
worthy employees. No road is better man.
aged, and the item of Its employees. as well
as parsons traveling over It, are carof ally
guarded from accident of any Character.
The humane conduct of Preetdeatilughart
in the present i.tance, in atlitaadiatail .
despatching aid to the mffertna men injured
by the explosion, is worthy of Imitation by
Ira feeling ratlroad
E 1
Feels for Everybody to Know.
The Drumm body Is made out of theblood
that flows In the veins. The bloat Is then
the great element, endowed with power to
(MUM up to manhood or full growth the hu
man body. The lungs,• the liver, the Moro
i thh, the kidneys, the brain, the Mile... the
muscle, and every nerve and fibre of the
human body are produced out of the blood
I that flow. to and through them. To,, the
T'r.=.nt"od the hair fast eerre.
pOl4OO 100 or
frand..personslwegatir c ln g mtr , file Its
Wood Is I.l:oduged out of the food wi r t ' itli
I we eat, and which is first ground 1010 pulp
with the teeth, and is then swallowed Into
the stomach, thereto be dlcosted sad made
I lam eh y le, fit to t' b7ga l rare th r„ the
coannels appointe d
onstruction and repair of the human con
. 'mutton, Dow important to health is It,
thee; that each =Waterton servant to the
Am...;, , lifigtoers . __ l ,l6.l I
one forictlon should become 110
whole system Ls th rown Into disorder and
oftentimes Into decay. DR. KEYSEIPS
BLOOD, 55.11:431103. will soon restore the
derthmat stomach—will stimulate the liver
to action, help the kidney eliminate
from the Wool the eoliths particles which
eugender rtieroatism, and coot end neural-
The nerves of the human bodyhave been
likened tuna th e wires of th e ifilvanin bat-
i tery, and it the incrustation of pylons and
effete matters which, ln circling through
the vol., are allowed to •be deposited on
I them, pato, and a scowlen of bruisedness,
' l a lfaSlg;7lVlkilt t nlliai/ o F d tVenhlt
; oath of the organ... wdwe
with mach
ru ' rtl7l . raVeirtle.l. from the
islnal :l"toe?tt
ALTIIRATIVE ever comPotinded,
end tt may be teken with benefit in all cues
of chronic disease, as humlreds of the Mil
-1 sae There 1s not
ragl:t " crW coo o:Zotte In America
that would not be ben enttot by the
worm one dolllll oo4 ar :f Ir trl ..r. r o ir.p : mtb;
to r . r.lieyeerls It,ns " art: re,
slorP ) poomr So. 10)
wood street
Penn 010000, corner Evans' sh op,from9a.o
until 1 r. st.
aeons Barn. .q., for Aseetiably.
The miderslipied, Republicans of FluelleY
townstap, will present bottle Union Hopei!.
Dean County Convention the name of Goo.
Burns, Esq.. of Findlay toar.blP, on o =H.
ble porton for nomination as Assem,lyman,
and we would reoonimond tom to the Colon
men or Allegheny county as a man every
way Worthy of their'sopport for the omen
at the coming Convention.
D. J. Byers, :George MeNsll,
John Wilson Hood, 'J. T. Bayne,
O. F. Woods, Goorips W. Jarkson,
John Room. J. Boss Byers,
W. C. Forsyth, A. D. Barna
John Gould; Andrew McCloster, .
H. hloParn. ' .Thom.. Purdy.
. A. G. Ell.. •W. F. Primly,
David Harper, John Purdy.
Thos. Forsyth, J10.133011P1111,1y, .
S. H. B. Campbell, '
,Georg e C. Coolly.
Jonsingui Donavan, .John Purdy. Sr..
, G. M. Shillits, A. A. Purdy,
A.M. Johnson, .P. W. Moorhead.
J. C. Eaton, :Gilbert Cool,
W. W. McNeil; :Thom. Cool,
. t . 2 . n
' ll ' ll r lt°Mkt.n, 1111 Cy,
AdamAten. , wllliam Cool,
liamlltos•Wilson :John Cool,
Andrew 0. Johnshn. Hugh M. Adam..
Alexander hiarshaLl„tiohn Alamo, -
tr. D. Wilson Peter Sten,
Joseph Harper, - Thomas Aten,
Jae. A.Mentdden, 'Jeremiah Morgan,
James Andrews, , J. W. Guy. ~..
William B. Byers, . ;M. T. McDonald,
Jonathan Byers, Isom Patkison,
Josoph Stewart, .Joslah Guy,
Joseph Mles, . B. W. - Jeopory,
A. McHenry, • J. li. McNeil,
eamool Hood, 01 leer T. Borns,
A. hi 0.8113, ;John B. Nichol.
An Item appeared in our Issue y.terday
inquiring about the .cape of rotor Wick.
Ii; in "bleb we atoned that he "camped
from his Place of conlinement," which
might be misconatrued, so rater was not
really oonfined any place. We received the
following information In regard to the Mat
ter from an edictal source loot night:
Wicalin wee taken from the• Jail to the
Mayor's oMee and there had a hearing on a
charge of LIOICUMIO . a prisoner, and WOO
held in IMO ball.. 11e recleaned the•Privl
lege of staying In the look.up for a short
time, to enable him to procure hall. But
before he Was looked up the o direr who had
him In charge had hie ettentioh drawn to
some transaction In the front Pert m
office, and Milan, seeing his opportendr,
took advantage of It and made his coulee,
and has not since been heard of. , It Pr sup.
Prised. however, that he made Me ern
through the livery stables but ha tip
l oot
r get *mot the lockup bayou not is t.
• .
The Opera Home is the only plane of
amusement now Open in the city. IA ituois
original iiCarnival Illostrelsn gave the first
of a, scrim of enterudnmenta last night to
• largo sod respectable audience. The
troupe Is One of the best In existence, and
from themes:sew in which each perform.
ems was greeted last night, we th ink the
people pntsimrgh fully appreciate their
meellence. The mimic. both vocal and
instrumental. Is of a super/Or neMitY, and
their loges and facetious *mien!. are
a r l a aially original, which render. their
entertainment far more Interesting than
minstrel troupes generally me. They will
remain for Ude week only. and theme wish.
log to h om e ere Mould socura their seam,
as the will be crowded every night.
Brown mad .11amill
Br letter dated „august let, to Mikes'
dpint. Welteillrown, of Portland, Maine.
secants the challenge' of Jame* Hamill, Of
this city, to row alive male meson the Mid
eon, for the championship, and an idnonia
of money to be maned b 1 Yr. Hernia or ht.
friend. Yr. Mown le unusually generous
in his seceptanoe, and evillimUy means
business, as beencloses In Ids note to the
editor two hundred dollen as a forfeit,
and also asks Hamill to do likewise. The
race will evidently lake place, as Brown's
note concedes everything that Hawaii could
reasonably ask for, thus precluding ail
grounds for may further quibbling on
either Ede. Wep.Uently Mina the,
and hope there will be no neceasity of either
party claiming a "foul..
CaSper3oheedsl made inforelitif before
Alderman_ Tailor, YmterditY, against rreil
erica Nowell and k'ordiaand Canfield,
charging. them with forcible entry.. &Maw
gyre.", ratted w house from Mow.
ell, and • few weeks slam he,. with hie
wire, was committed to jail for surety of the
Peace. and while In Airmail and g ag .
mild want to the house, broke open thi
door anfithrew the goods, chattels end
from of ...Nguilidal =to the highway.
Tbs house IF situated in Lower
.as. Clair .
township. A warrant was mimed and the
puttee arrested, when' they.waireda hear.
log and EITO pea for their &Apes:awe at
* ,
The OnmbllalY Case.
I The case to which we hart' made some
reference, In relation to a charge Cl comb-
hag having been brought against some nar•
ties, Is before Alderman Morrow, but tio
i hearing has as yet taken piece. l‘sturday
next la the time axed for
,the investigation.
.1 In what ne,sald yontztd ay we did not mean
to cast any reflection:lm the magistrate, but
simply Meant to be trader/food as doubting
whether the case TAI greotnt to anything'
the way of a trial 'Of the =wed par.
ties. We entertain title cratniono and It Is
strengthened from what further we have
heard concerning the case. The party •
prosecuting, we are inforMed. Is the wile of
• a ga p mbler, who, after enj yturnoyleg • season of
proserl,b an unluck lotit_st enad ,
enable a mo u n t
of his wMnusge. He Ls ne ate
grieved to this extent, no more. and if made
whole to day, nothing more will be heard of
the raft. !then the time for trial mimes.'
and after pestponement for a term Ler two,
the dchip.lants wilt be diseharged from their
ball, and se the matter will end. 50th kind
of proseentionS should not be encouraged,
idnee the, law ts only used In assisting to
levy inack mall. In cases of this kind, the
party prose - 411 , m Is Want to select from
those most able to' pv. who have met with
more armee/is in gambdeg then himself, and
although they mar not here been directly
concerned in winning from blot his money,
yet, rather than ran the risk of a trial, will
yield to his dentate , for "hush money:"
No sympathy should Unfelt for the Individ•
nal wheln this way invoke:4lm aid of the
.law which he himself has equally violated.
Rft.Plllo.l Or rtlllllldOlObbil nregffeer.
The Committee of the Lolumbla Engine
CoMpeny of Philadelphia, ecumisting of Len
members, arrived in this city it two o'clock. ,
I". M.. yesterday. They were received at'
the Union Depot by the Columbia llook and
tinnier Contently, of Allegheny, who will
entertain tato, daring their stay In the
city. Alter the tonal ceremonleg eons.
' ra ' s 'u t t or u r p a o e?l, ' 1=1= 1 1;.:: Matart Orals
Band. rolltesesi by the Visiting tienrierittee,
then firemen's ~o lumbla boys of Alleghe
ny in dro4s. drawing the splendid
Hose Carriage of the Thiladelohlans. is
, this order they moved through. the Ovine!.
pal streeta.f theelty to the Grant House,
corner of Isabella and Federal streets, Al
legheny, where they will be quartered du
ring their stay. In we evening a banquet
wne given at the Grant House. To-lay they
will mit the variom public Menthe-lone of
the twO cities and environs and the house.
of the ditlerent fire companies. Tide even
ing they will visit the Opera Howe. On
Wednesday evening there will be a grand
hop Lathe City -
A very distressing acetdent occerred et
Phillipsburg, Beaver oodritY. Stamday
ternoon, which resulted In the death - 01a
Mr. Strawbarker, a young eine ree4lmg et
that pleda. The demised, It 'appears, had
boon arranging some hay In the mow of the
barn, In order to Make room for some which
was about being heeled in. Atter finiehing
the work he threw , a large pitch fork,
be had been Ming, to the floor of the barn,
and einem-Ink the lines were resting on
the door, he leaped dowh. Etymae means
the fork had turned In falling, and when
the unfortnnate man leaped heetruck mien
the tines and was literally Impaled, the
fork entering his side and penetrating Into
his bowels. Some persons in the vicinity
went to hisrelief •Inirmetilately, land after
Coo.the fork removed htm to the
beton. several ph)nirinur were entied in,
.but dminte the most aktilfol attention, the
unfortunate man surviveslonlye few hours.
The deceased was quite ayoung than, sad
leaves a wife and one child:
Au accident occurred On Saturday at 111 g.
leyls coal workamear Mescals, an the Pitts
burgh and Connelly:111a HaarOild,whieli re
salted In the death of John O'Neil. a coal 1
miner. The through freight train. which
Pistil's that point. abOtit ten o'clock, p.
passed aver him, eaverlng head from
his body and otherwise mutilating it so
that itcould not be kept until the Coro
ner could arrive. An Inquest was held over
his remains by J. 51. Lore, Juane° of the
rate, WhO mad July impannelted.
verdict was given in accordance with the
facts, and the men on the train elonerated
from all blame In the matter. The deceas
ed leaves a wile and three_ small children.
lie 'an employed In mining crud at S. J.
Itlnte, 'a, Aipsville,,and wan regarded as a
manor high moral character.
Not Moirorlistwg.—From what preiloualy
transpired to connection with the Birming
ham bridge outrage ease, We are not gm ,
prised at the result yesterday, as annotin-:
eel elaewlaere. That the—girl Barbara
'ftminwrsurtmatnerhily, mounagemully treated.
wp have no doubt. and It Is meet unfortu
nate that the guilty parties cannot be made
to sulfa. The case seems to have been
strangely managed from the nrst. portage
with the best intentions, thee:ls of justice
...oath:tared, but as It has turned out we fear
opportunity has Deco afforded the guilty tO
InnuellatlonorOftleere.—The following
Officers were elected lend regularly install.. •,
In Smoky •21ty Lodge./. O. T.,on !fonds •
OVentng, Avgnet Stic W. C. T., Bro. Thorne.
Steel; W....V. T., SI.. ACLU'S E. Benner; W.
IL S., Ilro. Swellej. )(Lg.; W.A. S., Ste.
1.00. entitle; W. T: 11t0..0 A.Cott..; W. I .
,SW. Jeannette smith; W. T. 8.. aro.B. A.
Stoner ; W. C., Bro. Henry Miner ;WAL.BrO.
John Wllbelm, Jr.; W. IL It- SI". Hannah
11.113 , 11.1'd; W. L H. S.
, Sle. Annie Brecken
ridge; W. R. S., SIALE Beremlup.
Horace fireeley, an wlll be seen by in
sAvertisement in another column, is writ
tng Ms Auttoblography (or the New York
Ledger. With Mr. Be echer's story, the arti
cles by the College. Presidents, •ihd Mr.
Autoblograohy, to say nothing of
all the other popular feature. of the Ledger.
the readers of that paper ought to be able
to get their moners worth out Of It.
Assault pad Rattery.—Cstbarine G.
latter made Information before Alderman
Btrain yesterday *valuta Ditched Boyce,
ohargum htat with assault and battery.
The parties reside . at Metharen's Coke
Oven.. The proSeentrLa tillages that the
defendant seized hold of her and shook her
vlelent/y warrant was issued.
Do You Woos a Cheap gloom—The
subscriber has for solo oar-half acre
lots, beautifully located on the Brighton
turnpike, and Just one and one-fourth
miles from the Diamond Square, Allegheny
city- For terms and particulars. Inquire
of W. J. Shonlit Sk, 9 Market street, Sitts.
Washington County Court. —The An•
gust term of the Washington County Court
commented yesterday, Judge Atoheson on
the bench.. Themes of the Commonwealth
vs. John Bird end Thome/ Whittaker,
charged with the murder of Cohort atimmi,
was arranged to be taken op on Wednesday.
Commitfwd.—Ellen • llenderson charged,
on oath of Margaret Hamm, with larceny
of household goods, was arrested and bad •
hearing before ' Alderman Taylor, Yester
day. and default of one thousand dollars
ball was committed for Court.
Antlinglow.—Annle Butler made Infos.
°tattoo before Alderman ruins, yesterday.
against. Wllllam Jones fur fOrtlielt.loll and
bastardy. Jones was arrested and corn
milted to jail for • hearing toalay.
listen as Bell bars opened a very .cti
stock of Prints.
Glasgow. Plegra—Maimheater Is rapidly
Improving. The Operation Of laying water
and glut, pipes is going on rapidly, and ctwel•
ling and business bonsai uP ver
fast In all parts of the oily. are
Al gang l there hating y
houses, erected. and wanting. hydra nts
tbelr themes _fittedup with hot and Cald
water, 'mold do well by calling en
dle .t Bro., the well.known practical Plumb
ersand (I as. Fitters. While they do their
work in a workmanlike manner, their
charges are extremely low. Their ostab
llshmentis on Beaver street between Frank
lin and Chestnut
Cold Nods Water SI J. T.
5 ..0 0 4, Dreg Store, NO, VS Fedora!
floweriest Notice.—Dr. Spencer, Den
tist, No. Jt Penn street, redneeM ns to
Late totes many Needs and patrons n that.
haring removed Ste family to the country
for the summer months, It will be tieoessa
ry for those desiring to see him to call at
his Office between the boomer seven o'clock
e. mul six o'clock r. r. These will be hie
°Mee hours until about the 15th of Septene•
Ler t when he will move back to the city, atm
cast then he found at all Some.. tf.
• Oates & 8011,041 Filth street, have la
stook of Idusllos from 9, 10. 12 to lil .40118
cents. . •
A Rare Treat.—For one whO haw been
unconcerned Went something good and dean
at borne, wo would nay if business don't,
pinreii, you geleg b alee n
drop_into the lion.
iinentsl Dining baleen. Filth Stmt.
snd yon will Ind dinner waning for rou
es good nn earl be got anywhere in she MY.
Go and irY l 4• •
Best to tee World; so says the rails
lair.lCT:—the Weed sawing nimble. It
received 'once( the highest medals. For
~1,„,3 wog so
. porfectly adapted to an
Mods of work. loan and examine It, at Ilt
Want street,
Batlama'. Imperial White Wine lino-
au., Bold in ha purity at. Metter% Drag
Store. Ohio av (lima and Llaaala street. 4111 0.
gbany My'', 3t
nate. Hell here redhead the prices or
their Somtnor Stock and will offer the W
e.rner eery cheep to close. •
A tarot or W 110345 or Frail
Jars nod Jelly Tumblers, lust arrived at
pear'e Lamp Eters, Ne." 32.5 'rend street, 6111
•Wart.. I •
We earnestly call the attention of our
readers to the advertisement, of the Alle
gheny Grocery eat Provision Company.
Delays, in this ease are very dangerous,
Go to ilroolhere Drag Mom No. 04
Market &tree; for the ger. WiLeal great
Remaly for ConeutepUoa—sole Agent for
Garto llemlors Drag. Store. NO. 1,4
Market street, for Muei omortmoot of
➢rushoaOf all Mods, mid Tale% CoMbL ' • •
Hates " Hell, V. Fifth stisatt,a
fast.olored Prints, warranted: FT 144 $' tc ' s
/At eenta.
lleet To•9ight.-The Board .0 1 . 60001
Control at eitegbmi City bald their
monthly meialrag to-oliCht.
k 'CON liparkllile fella water at T
flimpws Drag stare, HamT.deril MIMS
4 110 Ighisa7. •
Ila Tewa.—CoL "Jolla H. Meant, Waal
Agent at Wasidustal tOWU Tar
Nadu. . •
• largelbeet. contalalng Ctito
II ILTS of latemmtlag reading matter, tmledlrra
leading Mltorlals. latest Nem by Tc/egrapb
and NM, Tenable Reading Metier for Um
Tainlly. and. !Mast and moat fellable Flume
0101 asad Commercial Mallet Malamta elven Im
any paper In the city. No Narrosr. MerAarde or
Merelmt should be without It.
Toms sc. Tatl IMMIX Olazilirui.
dangle ......
Club. of glee 1.24.
—Sad one copy or rim.' It the pelben 0"n
up the club. Milldam to dubs raa be made at
any time, at Mob Mau.
Noisco TO Bonscatrings.—ln ordering your
paper: be aura mid ovecirs what edition 7W
mut. ha we lame a Wedueeday Edition for sub.
.e here maim bot one niall a week.
Ifal.Koney by Draft..M•preas. Mey Orem.
or la Registered Lettere. my be De naat olarTIM.
Address. ClAZarric.
Wo sell Dry Goods both st wholesale
and retell. and are, as a consequence. ea
°Mot to keep a larger sod much better Gi
st:nen neck, to cell cheaper. Sod Oro the
goods ;a save woutonatattng quantities
than excitlM•e)Obblng bOuGG• R otail mar.
chants are Invited to °amino our stock.
1. W. DAUM& a CO.,
• 59 Market street. -
neederaeaes Ca, matuatDre,—. certain
Care for Diarrhea ' Craton is the eWteeeh
nr Dowels, Choler. Iforuit.
othing Irritating or Injul'!oes te_ the atom
nob. It la cheap owd
fly thattrles it ohee will ken , it ee ne e u
ready for itomedlsta naa. Bold r,) , all drag_
. •
Onalro Dtsebarges from tha Zara.
Catarrh, Mamma of th. ZS'S, .00 an oft.
floes of ehroale =hi obstinate character
successfully treated by Dr. ahem, al
Matthaei , ' street. °Moe hour. from
o'clock Ctil &Mock r. 2s.
The Latest Mrt.—foi nil tile haul et
the eating line. go to the Cons Mental Dln..
mg Saloon, No. 73 ro4th street, below It.
Postoltlee, and you cad get a bolter ginner
for fitly cents than at Wry other Dome to,
toe My. •
Something Good.—lf yon went any.,
thing good tor your dinner or primer. go to.
Itoltsbelmer t s Mame Saloon, under litnere
Book Store, Ho. 73 Finn street, mad 'mean
get all the market affords, and at IVINC4kin
at. prices.
Ns Plane Miee Mina City—Can batten
Itiaarear llama • Shan, Balmoral' mai
everything Moe la this line, be tonne than,:
at the time bonorel AVM of James Robb;
lco.0) Market "trait. •. , •
Ilgr additional Local New. on
Third Pada- • •
, 310;—R0DUE8E1-06.aanast Ist, 67
Ia•. Mr. Can.ban. Mr. JOlll4 MeWILLIAJIS,
of Irwin EnzUon. and Miss JINNI.< M. MD
GIBE, or Pltsabur(tt.
-'May tbey have no elands. but all . suaablae. to
thutr Jennie) through Ilia.
ACKLlTy....oallabbath**gest Ob.
IM7, Az ntfle 0`<1.,-11411211:10f lhe
74.1 year Cl kilea/e..
Tee funeral . ..elute place from the realdelice
of hip son. ludrelrdetley.....
near the Alleehavy'..roke Teed* ALeobe.]
CILy. on Tate arrealcvver. eth instant, et two
o'clock. The Mends of Ch. family are reNelP
full] Invited to 151.6. '
WNETT.—Ori Monday visrolsg.
51. h 55 o'clock, CALVIN W. dr,
tulle 50th year of his are.
The funeral wlll take 511LIC from hi•' late res . .-
dense In Wilslnaborg, TISISATIMBIIotTIc at two
o'clock. The friends or the tamly are sespect•
folly Invited to attend. Carriages wl.l2.leare
geinala A 611.119505'11, wiener Innithileld. And
Seventh litreetsi at 12. g o'clock.
;nits! OpCia osiers view sopT •
111.SO1r. — /Lt his restdonoo. st the corecr • or
moult i.ono and Woorsh greet rose, on Bonder,
Atiglin ASIDISZW FULTON. Mr.. seed oe
yooorei grans Melees residence On Thilleioar
xis T. Si 2 - o'clock P... Cmiwt. .111 leer.
rename's Livery Meats and Wilnues. Un
dertaker's. Poirrth stress. sc 1:!t: o'clock Tikes.
on der of femoral.
rkp av an t l:le t tik4
- -
166 Fourth street, FittsberA.
.06TFIN6 of .II kinds; 02.1113. 0L017114 Lad
ever, *deserlptlon et Nenerel lareighlas &Node
Welshed. Bosom coaxed dayaadalFh4 Sae se
and Cart*P..
itandwrafe — Ear. David Herr 0. 11..
Jacetnis. 11.1).. The.. Hu la[.
eat) H. ]filer, T.:
• ILZE. AND ESELIMUCEI meas., to ihe
date Samuel Bodeen. No. 99 Ohl* Blrten,
three &rob from Beaver, Alleahone City. ire.
teal. Itosedr.d.lllshogani. Walnut and Ilose.
wood Indtallon Cello., at the /.emit reduczd
prides. Hod= open at all hoors..diry and slett.
Hear.. and parrlate• fa rtibibed on abort Rolle.
and online reaurnable carom.
DBRTJRLB. Imes. 444 0410 ttratnn,
Allegan:ay. ltnalUe, Rosewood sad otbar.Cor
fun, milt a canaonb stoet Of naaa faanda"
goods. haad..4llaratabed at abort.. non.
at lowan prima. tan aa4 Itany Stables, ior.
an of Plan AND Simms Ittassra. Cantata.,
. for bins.
ter, Wood's Ban salt •lolalq. o:aft Boom at
llanetwastar Llecry tltal3o. amnia WAWA sad
plmrtien - stredlts. DOAN eaO. cantata 'tu.
S. STEWART, llndertaker
corner of MORTON sad MEM STUMM
Nlntiti Ward. Callas of an kinds. Hume ea
0 , 11121111/4 , Ihrnbbed on the snorted natio,:
Et roil" mrsiffr.
JAMES scow,
zrmaxasm sat
174 LIBEKTY ST., 177122112211.
• •
rartlenl. atte nilea irtrag to re
Wawa.. Cocks sad metry.
Corner Cbestnut and Pretde
Ab et awed itongb and I)reaned tilling. sad
D.O. flat 107 OA Saud.
15.0.0 feet A.A. 41 and 'AEA ADE
' AAA Dot POPI.. I Ad e n s C l.
Indies Dock. •
lire BOA., 711.1 ens large or
allquAtltlcA to AD parch/Aro. • IheIIVISI
FOR. SALE—That very yak's
hie and dectrable property situate Pi -
beets stmt and the Alledbelly river: la AU.
Ihee7 int); Ito by CY feet. Oa whith beeptw.
a very substantial Brick Balding.. Ors atone.
blab. manila Peet. calculated tied weU adipted
Par camas on almost any' breath of nsauStikr ,
taring. It is widest a lot of - these dlatettaione.
within the My. can be had. And we would invite
the special attention of those desirous, of Kee r.
lea a place lb? inardifentartair P.M.ea in call 51
the Mee of DEVLILX • BLLL, Beat Bette and
lesurauti Are... Butler meat. Laurrenteillie.
Wbeelerk Wilson Sewing Machine,
At the OTLISLT MA& 11411 0 09iTION. Joss V.
Mgr: ItilaisTilitftWo r irtirsZitra
OommltLec of awardbolas composed Of Ms
moslccoapstent and Izapanol ;
. .
• sums & co.,
iO Na AT /Ina writzri, ristsbuigh
Practical Malta. Mamitattarers
b uwi ftylea /13111711111112 IroastsaUr
Howard , . Livery Stable.,
mar rritzrr, autitononok,liclm
= . ltl 4 ;=. rzTargir ard u irr
Ita. t* Eir* tra = • 0•=1111.110. "
_ _
Sealer of Weights find ,lllealitroo.
Bra 5 roux= smore,
Between Liberty an 4 INrry. streeu,,
Older* o tumour .tindati aolikre
Romano, um& & co,
mentor Cotton Mils, Mslion&
sumoouremerozooronotox &mimic •
EI Lltt.l
- etti—Tbe bast mad • oelyetsiee lo
searesats4 to [lee Perfect salisfesolos. eon eo't
see teem befaro northoslas elsrotme. Dar Aga ,
be me sole eons to AR,e/rfirah%6.
sae 2l Xlll.lll. 01111 r stmet:
OIL cuiTns—ror.rloors.
ales. Codatars, Main. Ipladows. &a . of all
' , patters& sad at bias daallty. Patina.
botaasl4 sad n4ll, as sb• All WWII add /Has
Ru tapes moos, Nos. SS sod Illet Car St.
,BELTING f IitELTING!- , -Ltalig;
' re ELU
Um sad lwas qamalt, sea lowriplem.
L"thar sat% Xtvets a oe
sal ar.iaast. Cialz MAU