The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 05, 1867, Image 4
kJ PIL n,. lUDEFLTZ, BSA AB 11110 , 118 Wood St., near caner of Fifth. Goiernment Gold, Silver, . . And. Coupons, illeastit sad sel4 es 1104.1 twat. Than. n•ld M all toe priarzoal dile. of Z.nron: JAS. T. SHADY & Bankers, Corner Fourth & Wood Streets, . SOY *FU SELL ALL Kli , DB OF GOVERNEMIT SEOUIMIES. ,w nanrAn Intone PIEW 0.20•$ 'GOLD POND' or ise7, All IMI. Issas., IndAdlAW A,. of 11.4 0.20 A of 1561. of ISO. AAA Comm... Sawn.; N Oto . TO HOLDERS OF 7-30'8. • Rim.. n.d. Eta araw Ocifols.ei Of C 710., rkinZWAI " r "" 4 ".." 1,1 Saadi en Iliad fts. Dolirery. MAY & CO Bankers. owmonza ANDAWanraat STE. 7-30 130 iN I).S CHINVESTEII !NW 5-20 80ND5,1865, WITHOUT 0104:813/t. v ls o , ll .3.Mrag4:t s dalt . t eac i nTeon is New ROBINSON BROS., rovers FiTKleiT tt - Ilittst!i4lii - Oit.,rt - te FINANCE AND TRADE Cisme rattan Pprrearrion rtslorrik, Sarno:oar, Altrin 3, tad The Weir York stock quotations te-day, as reedited by Mr. P. R. Mertz. were Is folio:ea: • 0,46 . 143 311 llghty-one troeda, Ile,N; Fire Twatlee, leal. 113; Fire TwinUm, lEC4 ' Flee Twenties. - -lege, MO; Consols, 101 96fi1ie1134; &sea Thirtlea, 107W11107%. Tern Fortes: 101%. Shacks—We ardiresui. 10 ; Clandand s Pittsburgh, 92: Chicago end flock Idand. 101 l °Mesa and . Norttorestera. 431Chisago and flOrthsreatern preferred, rl%; POnt Wayne Rallnaad. ,l o4llldlehlgast senlheln Relbneds 76% Now York Central,' 103%; Redung. , mei; ..Westero Colon Telegraph CerePluay. WA. abarce—Corydon, 1,3 e; gensdrillll,l,lll;(lregory, 0,e5; Smith 'O4 Pars •nallee.o.oo; • , ' The Mock market opened very dull tide morning, and gradual". declined tow/Leda noon, but at I p. M. the market broker, and Erie eoll from Tr down to TO; North Weetern from 46 to 42; prettied from 7134 to 623 All the emu lative skates were hammered down. and It Is likeletkat, the bear party will be eueresstul. Nearly all the older heed,. and operatarehave withdrawn einee the tut 'rim and the ^hull" element. erdetleg In the street Is not powerful enough to resist the bears who have tilled their pocket. from last Cktober until :I.e. Governments were 'likewise dull, with light sales; moat oft,. dealers have but light stock,' on hand, and calenlate that before - the 11th of this mounth a largo amount of Seven Thirties will here to be thrown on the market; atm bastniu in revirlar, and marauda who have held enveniments" as atemporery investment *NI bete to dispose of them to use the money In their regular busiest, At Key other moment title audden break in theetock marketwoul6 break down the high premium on gold; but non It is likely to mast contrary induenee, elflike the Mock held al Mpeculartou dune light, and nearly all the gold evellable ii Ln them:trete of the government, The mining bongo is quiet and priers are us. changed. • ratchanee.• la now In favor of the stria, and a remarkable marshy of the banks; Me times In expertenred In rite middle en! 'eastern States - preparatory, to :eosin the trove. Clocdrm IVeci Yolk quotations received 0, Jam. T. Bred, & 00. , C:S. Sixes, 1911 ' "11MM, 1963 ' 11164 iga Deb 110 tan 1a34 104 k. " comm. 11 Atlllbt7.lo. 100% June T.oos 7.301 ' 107 : 4 Jul? 10 0 No. Compounds, INN. 1174 1 10/d.. . ...... SliverAf —.F. W. Patterson, ► prostinent merchant of Barldo, absconded .on Th Omar with Nona, the iroeeeda of oilmen boat loads of eons. He Rol arrested in ihs afternoon, and most of the A late Nem 'feta met' ear. , On the 3 . 3 th u s it. tipl i tt ' a ir Sr U trir 'rn ru i wets IoML r PLW York. About elaty per cet. of the whole pro.' duet of - the , eotuatry, it 'te estimated; Ands tu way to Invites through Philadelphia. The on. Pone from ithum7 to July Aitb amounted to 115961.136 calkine—mt !peruse of more the sageteele ealloma over th e oorepponolng AzOnthi or Oa pags. year. The vessels so er matting wul MIT &brat 11,000,000 1.11014.' The petroleum maashelises and docks in Palladaptda are Ten extonulic • Plithidelphla . leer tam •TIMIII It be sanity of mousy; bias the 1110Verattlt for the Jut two days ahoy. haw missal. credit Is, and ehould induce care and canteen by both bank. am; ladlnduatr. aot :to Venture •Ibeli means far beyond 11110NiSIA lEZCZ. ereparw. Clone knit weedy comeemced to kelp forward with western produce boom large .006101 i, tattoos hotel:we. pads bets and. at New Yolk to thrwool dealeni, and before the end of the Present oanth larger same will hare to be ail. Anumed to dealer., in Inc/Metal,. While thle need not ameasarlly create mil:cede, In the -looney market, the tact that the *atomic re qu-nd for these purposes le unkhown, keep Ike market onentled ma d more or less en. —The New York Tlerrad, and several other journal& of that Metre. are taller, to mate s Meat Ceal of capital melon the National Beak I atoreete, through the recant tallness and cm. beaslemenUi. The Berea In not &aliened with Masoning the t he the the Natlonate, but makes out a liet of the Wier., sad Incor porates theie de a each:and Institution, the Meedsport Bank, which was, as every banker Atoms, a State hasUeutiou Will those Joan Jule so tiiietUe the National Bents please remember the/ 00 nettle at banking m far in. scatod has beta able to penultt hank. iron by robbed by epectilatlng amblers or default. 1,4 teller. The Beak of England might be compelled to wind up tie the very means which A... obliged all the National Inetitatlem that have failed to doge their doors. Trader the old frame albumens the bUI holders pocketed a Imo em well l& the depositor for whose sees b. It, 140 lay man be framed. - P, ow, the former Protected, end anomalous as It seems. the bill of a broken National Bank le worth a preml.2 . of 101 w lone au bank bills will be lersed,Daving an metutcy for redemptloa ter. to indeetedoese, there In no queetion In she eoPerioraly of the Netkreal &yet= over all others.—Chlersoo rilhame. - • —The Tltnellic slaved I. the Longoria( ea the petroltfunt buslans: "Pow people era aware or the great aruoint of oil which haa be marketed—the addition which it humid. not only to the 'wealth bat to the transmute( the country. Dosing the yenned the produc tion' was nearly 4,00e,gb0 berrele, equal to *bout ;Menne barrels Of renned sly of this amount ever 1,10:1,010 Denote werocaportea. wee risme*, indlratingan imam. Dhahran; and - if • wen,* to ntimate the bee. net which. tide oil creates—the amount of transporteron by ma the addition. to 'on, monneree, the tlrousaade of heads and the nut Lone of capital enraged 14 we 'hall. not write down the entire ninon as humber, 'DWI , a .very. email per. centers or then who we made ed wealthy by the o:Manor of it have retained their wealth. Prom on eagle eadegrether—by opeedietton or drink, or gain. ot booboo binks—the greeter pert are Mend where they beflol :any, indeed, for worse. Salts annost wttbour bomber Aare boon for the recovery of money. frau enmity obtained, smiths oaly thing that pm , vaunting commencement of others, is tin dla. ennaln sensinty thee the plaintirsiarld pay tha cona.• any collopanlee hove tihnr.d their Ind. tuba eold for. nen. seemin ol 4 solen to need no more in this country. It seems certainly foolish tosee proper ty !Inn need thle manlier, se there le no knowing wirers the nest Nat el- ell will he discovered. Localithre ofproduction are contently chees ier, and the fans abandoned to its Into today may he Mislead of premise tomorrow." =ma= MY lelesraili to to. riotibvgb av e te r . 7 thsonettart, Angst°, 2.—lrlour ann and un change& Wheat arm and to Intr demand, vales 11,000 bnatt at et.9001,k1 for No S and • leo 1 red. sod o,ekO2sl for choice white Kentuck. Conn st 7.10 for mixed, and 100 for °Linden:Meetly lower, Melling stiltonnew on 0 , et. and 100. sellers., all this month. H. dulland lower, closing with no buyers st over Sao Cotton Ono at reettor mldallows aphasia. °quaky arterommer Prevlsdose lower and prices irregular. Yea Park declined top ln the forenoon, • but dosed es $11,25„ with a errors. feeling: Balk ileatil /owed Wm were made at 1055 •012)0 for *boulders sod Gees. but onto.- rilleatly at ICJiallke, and It dose bold .. uk nam, and were Arm. Baton sold 15isor Moulder*, Ile for lades and 14 , ,44) • 50 for Wear °des, be only to , a limited nOoenk nante an/1 at 214,920 for sugar ear ed, w a nd . for °annum. Lard dull at Cr doll nl no flnttereteadyat /WM:Cheese 110110. Ora:erica Cindy. .Linestea 011 doll m Asool,as. Gold izs burlda, TT! Ely Telegraph to tie rittsbargb Siastatte.l , New Osuzazs, 3—Ootton le , llrtn Si , TL ' s ° , l 3 l 7.ll l :l;lrral,Es ' bal l . ebotce Louisiana, /630; Pit.. to eboloo Cubs, Ca Cube. blolaseett.4B.2so. Rear Is nominal, who sales of bops:flee at VAIL Corn ts firm, with saJea of yellow seized ateld*: elate seised, '1130; whiCe, pas...Thate no Cass In bras butds, and names 'are boadnal at $1,15/31.21 Yost. quiet atM.. Beam Is dull and prices toed T i r o V e t . r . brderN 14091E30i clear el.erd. in nie, * r4V" , G r Oilt, &SO. !Aerator. I Now • Tack aigtoautog.r. peomtun. NOW %%rat Dry 61094 s Mitriket. CBI Vietminh 14 the rltteberak earetie..l leser:Yoss; - Aeir.'3 , -.nle dry goods market le very dal I. batiery firm for roost hods of $00.111,1144 1111 our/WA of !•io Is no. Meade in Deir Malign% bfrached mutant, 11 / 0 0 cam brthil 27. Other .kinds steads. r • ' VCalkollit Cottle Lattet. Larndosnab to The raubitro ewttmo - CriamH);' Aulaut, 3e-Beet catlle dittati solos et 67.2601.75 got first elan steers. Hook doll It $8,7008,di Ayr doosatop to pot 'tom steep dun 11l 03,7301. 5 e fur Oat • JAN ct DALZELL & SON, 69 and TO Water Street s • • LARD 011 11 ABNAGMBEBB, Aad sealers Id CIJUN :LOBNICATINIS end CANISON Otte. We warn. Isar No. 1 Lard Oil aqui bathe best cloclorottl or other brends. eld Dr.doe tomtit as low as Cl_sthitett Or Memo rat. Oar No. 2 Lard cm as Lebrltsior tempt be excelled. Nett Creek Lubrication and etandesd breads of Carbon On constantly. band. Neresents sad puns Acturers Ond - lt their Interest to the as neon before nrderl to Lard 00 rroln ens ww.. fbl9:l no wirrisisatola nenurrn. Osman Os inn Prevenortrin GliZWerni SAvettnar, donut 3, left. The general market . hive been rather dull Miring the put week, and there Is but little pignut at present of any Immediate Improve . molle. The ooaratlane hare been one email ecale, then befog no apeculetive de mend, and ee the Impreemon prevails, and wan good res. lon, too, that prlces must go et l .ll lower, both Unnmen and , dealer. are endeavoring by every poselbn mean. to keep then stock. down to the lowest pemible limit, nod it to this. mor then spitting else, that Is retenling and re stricting baldness. GRAlN—Wheat, In the absence of sales, may be quoted at $1,11a1,5, for prime Penna. sad Ohio. Winter Rent Oat. dW l and too alve olar to quote correctlyinn seems tO be about all buyers mill glee for old, on track, while new have not been thrown on the market as 1 yet. Corn Is coming in more freely, but them le no gnotable change in prices—enema for : prime Yellow. Eye Is quiet end nominal at ' 81,33. Nothing doing in Barley. FLOUR—The demand has been falling oa gradually throughout the pit week, but as yet prices hare not declined els In cleutly to too. respond . with those of Chicago. The best Splice Wheat brand. cm be bought and gold here for $11,40,1,11,60..veht1e dealers generally, ire aekleg 111,15.4 scan 112. Drew Winter Wheat Flout Is being sold lot about the some prices. choice Spring Wheat broods. buoy Flour 2114111. Eye Flour scarce and in de PEOVLSIONS—Bacon le quiet but stead/. with mull.' jabbing ealea at Isada!,:e for Shoulders; !Seib: for Ribbed and Clear ~ 1t,.. and 210/klic for Stusar Cured name. I.ard la dull but erm at ISQI.3Ue for orlsse kettle ren dered, In tierce, Mess Polite dull and uoral nal at 074/125,00. PUTATOW—There hat been it. Little pante le the Potatoe market during. the p.m. 'am; two, and compared whiz the early part of the week,price• have declined from 41(0110 per bbl, To-day they were being sold is small tot. in store at pro tvieuty or thirty barrel lot would doubtleaa have been bought at VAC. GREEN APPLES—Are corning to freely, out with u oontlouad e ooll„deraand, prices are reli otabatabtel r race= [km $365 per bbl, for common to prime, and .ter for thole. DRIED YRIIIT- 9 ne Arm report/ haring 'mad,. a ma okikbOO lbg apple. .t b — bought, dosbtlem, on speculatleo. • Peaches are SM. 114 la MIMI lots, at ...alba foe quartet. an 4 halve.. FANS—The demand was rather better to. day, and trash packed may be quoted steady BUTTER-4e dull but witbout quotable char.:re:malt Wes or prime frese i pall ALIg 'drain Butter at Ida,st, ellEtZt;•—ls steady. with Inulat • melee at according to quality. HAY—Is quiet and unehangedi sale. of new at eeelea at $16610 per ton. • OIL —Lard Oil le .teddy at SSO for No. No. Y. and $1,05 for No..t. ritTensuliun PEITIOLEV/11 MARKET Onto. Ow ewe Prersnestra Gunmen, / hsvunrwsv. August 3, nee. CRUDE—The market was again dull and ''ogishu today, though compered with Friday, pricci hays undergone . no quotable change. Compared with the early part of the week,bow• eeer, prices have declined materially, lay le I i4q per gallon. To Illustrate, sales were:made yestenlay at Inalolce, to be !delivered on Sat water, Wills Jo ttrautijmitt of the week, the market MI4 Conezdered stronkS for same de !leery at and even Ile. Spot oil has declined from 12.811.1Fi to 1181t4r. Today, however, there were offers "to buy at lONs for "drat water," which would indicate for the time being at least, that the market has touched bottom In the estimation of some; otherwise, they would not otter to buy at toyie, to their °pidgin, there was a probatilllty of It going still lower. There woe but a single sole repor ted to-day, three thousand barrels barrels to be delivered during the last four months of loot, buyer's option, et Ilktic. Both the New York and Philadelphia mortals were reported In • very sickly conelblon to-day, but by no menus beyond recovery; nod lewould . not be surpris lag to see stfotber improvement before this month le out. These little "bull" and “bearr , moveMente are quite nature', especially it thin season of the ye sr, nod If we misjudge the future by the past. the market between duly and January le not likely to remain any one way very long at a time, • IfF,FINED—The market for bonded all was • alio dulleed woik tads V, and compared with yesterday and the day before. prices here de mined materiady. We see report eaten of lore bble for August delivery in Philadelphia, at kle; two 1103 barrel lots for same month at and 403 Obis prime light straw to white, on spot at 27-;delleeree in Philadelphia. Later to the day It was reported that Cane were offer. to sell for August at 2.3 e, whirl, if correct, rheW• •deolbre of foot cents per gallon within the pact tines days. • For September and fictober, thong were DO opersAlons, though we heard of sn offer to sell for the list four months at Sec, without nurth3g liken. The week opened with the market decitiedlyin favor of the "belle , but closed with the .beare in the ascendancy. ' AIItLIV ILLS—The following ordeal. 'of oil. wen tePerteritcrdnyr ' D. Illy ill Burl k ea Heliconslt: leo klabrblitaby k Fil.. lba 0.5 Nollwala... 4 2el ratel ' iieerpta for we e keek Fetal Beet.ipte hot ====t===l Mootrheltaer, Koehler /sew, COP bbla relined to Waring, KULL & 00., PhiladelPhlk Forsyth, Bro. k. Co., 203 do do do tole. G. Warden. Philadelphia - Liberty Oil W 03110.210 do do„to Brewer, Barks Is Vo, Plattadeipida: d , do, Phlladelphls. (Isar is Stiother, =1 do do, to P. Wright & sock,_Pbthadeopold: B. W. AE OO I. I I I . 100 do do, to Waring, Wog k Co. Philadelphsa. Braun L Wagoar, KO do do,to Waring, lithe & Co, Philadelphia. Sew 'lark **mance Ilitrket. 137Teiestsph to We rlttabarAb Gazette.] New Foas,sumnit 3.--Uotton was a eliade drmer and more active; Man. Of 2.200 balm atrMNe for Middling Uplands. Floor ^J®5OO lower and ruled In favor of burn , : Sale. of 5700 Ma e at $6.307.4 frr anterfine state and western; 87,704150 for extra western; $10611,2/ for choice dm 42.1 0 010.00 for .1111. - ping On los 110,100711.03 for trade brands; etria 111/.50 fora:meg tit..lords and $10016.50 for winter do. Cadltornia floor unebansted; genet 1113,M. Bye flour already; sales of nog barrels. Wnliky quiet; r.,3012417 m. bonds. ftecelpte—wbest 2,0 X. bludiels;markert quiet without. any (lettered changer 38,0:10 bon at $1,55 rejected; Spring $1,45er,0e formot Iralkee,(2ol,llslor saw red nontlltirn;lPlVLOO for now white rmutberntS266 for white Cal -1 'fronds' and szaqms".. In email lots. Rye I doll. Barley - and malt nominaL Receipts —corn 112,004 bushels; market a abode bet. I ter; sales of 111,000 bus at 41,0101037 for cow Imixes weErrn; $l,Ol for chola, del 9401,00 for sound; $1,04 for poor wane western and $1,21 for motto southern. Receipts—oats 43,50t1 bushels; oats lower far new; sales of 2;00 bus at 704181 e for Mourn: 9344/10 for Mans and Ohio; 650520 for new sonthern. Bye quiet. Coffee quiet. Sugar lu fair re quest; -salsa of Old hints of Cuba al 11%e. Molasses quiet; sales of WE barrels of Moe. coved° at WSW. Hope biller. Petroleum quiet, at Me for crude and 300310 for relined In bond; aales of LOCO barrel& of refined In bond for September at 343 De and 1.000 do for VOtober Mc. Wool more octivo, but ir regalar; sales of 310,000 pounds at 40030 e for domeatio doses Leather la moderate re 'meet at prerlotts pricer,: Pork decidedly lower; Balm of 11,000 berrele at t 21.07050. 23 for new mess, closing at MA:. regular,• , r torro• old do; $10,76034.0 0 for prime, and: 0 . 2 .eff) . 4,73 for prime me m Beef drub Sale, of 106 barrels. .B Hams. dull at 5.23010. . I lecon'qatet.. Cut bleats - qtrlettrielm of 1,05 'for 10001., and 140110 at Mi9 12 1i01314c. Butlerateady, at 1112" Zr! for Onro. utree. doll. Freight to Llver -000kunchansied. Laimer. 3 r. ■ —Flour marked alosellidnil, heavy. ono Ze lower for new. Wheat quiet , and nOminally unchanged, with only small Western. °Celina. nye dull , at e1,m01,42 for Weston, fiate dull. at 62.1;r4e tor Weetern. Cate firm. and ln few (letnand at .1.0241,01 for go od to prime new Inland W estern ; 350 1401 for nneound do. Pork easter, at C 5.00 for Mesa .23,5150`.....%en for rob and ro for ; Closing buyers at 1t2,r5 regular. Beef q and 'steady. Cut; meata quiet and on. enanaed. .11acOrt nominally unchanged. Lard.dull and hmreY. aL ISSielt for fair erlmo strain, and Iw7f for kettle rendered. II:=I trirrelegrapb to the 'lnshore, Elasettel , Sr. Lome, Atimist 3.—Tobacco steady mot firm. cotton unchanged. Homo firm and nochanged. Flour drellnlog, andtirely onsetthidi Extra. 17.75: 1/oo°,B yotra.slo; C1au10e.•10,71011,73tran0y.51241212.7 3, Wbud. steady at 7.m.rnursdendanfn °Dolce Swing el Ma IX* good and prima Fel eI.M/1.7254, Choler , . $1,7401,215; fancy White, 1114001,0 0 . Corn firm and in good demand, at 710 for Cmconon 83/0870 for ce 1" allots and Mixed White. 9012WL for. Choi good White, and 05 0301,02 tor orioles and fait j z tate ; Oats former deellnod, closing at Neer and 70u fur Old. ST. W 94' sus. ',SiNlslOss doll shd wear, with a don't,- Otildenn M e. Ness Pork RU. Shoulders, Mess Clear Oldee,l3ge Mita Lard-1440 for choke aorta. Whisky etronger. hn I. nu sales reported. Igets4PW Flour, 3.1,2 bble; nna11.134 allnkM• GUM 7,119. Dunn; OW. 5,0a3 bush; Stye, OS leass Market. (By Tetelreltb to the rattatmritta Gatette.l . ' • Ceto•no, Athrust 3 .—Weather clear and arm. Flour dull and unchanged. Sprint: Wheat doll at 61,14e1,55 tor No. 2. Corn opened strong and Matter but closed quiet. r 3 tor .40.1. .(1 Fitfass tor No. chth. dlllt /De lower. soiss2 Jar N o ft.„ regviar and leas lower, ates/3.l,otilorNO. closing dull at &S. Provnions homtnal and nothing doing. Beceryto.•a,ooo barrels of dour, WAD bushels of wheat; 46.400 tio corn; 6,000 de o•NI 1,14 e kolea. Shitnkata-20.0 barrels of Boar; LIM noshed,' wheat, Ill" ' • nalthnere Market. (By Telegraph to tee rltlaberre Own./ Batitnear, A.—Cotree le doll and the Ito on band is tante and Dela above boveravlawa. Flange doll Munro, Wheat La erns.and seams: Coen la doll and warm sod lower. for =Lied wevern, 41,0301 As per. Du. . Oats ts Arm at.73oSX per be. for new. Provision. are quiet; Arm and an; clausited.- - - Whisk, 1. Arm at Attet,lo par flue for beaded. INWEtts= • Matadilattas Tel•Rneh.a the Plusbuith mmatte., • Ynt.aa.c>•wi. i t t lV. , 4loll2' I. ann. Mbess ta heart; for are, IRA Cam. mixed, 01, Olds IRO Rex . far . .• Fluidal Natters In New York. Gl* Id Cledsall •11140!4. tily Telegraph to thoptmooroo etsoue.) Xoof Toot, Angola 1 1067 WOMIT SOD GOLD. Money easy at 325 per cent. for call loans. Sterling dall,atlo.l.llo. Gold a shade arm- et, opening at 14(i . , cl.c.log at 1161:., Total exports of specie to-day were: 11,045,Let. nornaxmora. Government noeks firm, Irktb • fear de mand. Coupons . 81,11 OX: do. C. do. V 4, 10/7.4.d. ILI, 110: do. new. 10444:7,1)s Oret !erten, l(fai; e.coad nod that] series 107!,;,. STOCKS. Stocks excltwd with a heavy pressure to sell, nod the prices lower; Erie touched in. The market closed dull and irregular. rumunn QCOTATION& 3MI ra..prfers—Ohlo. 502 D A; canton, 404031014 Cumberland. I,337,4;tinickelleer 31 , 41/t3.2!;; Mnrlonse. 91310, Western Union Teiekmph, 41648: Pacific Mall, 1111 Mew York Central, 10.5M(MOIN. Erie, Ormemi.4; Mattson. 119; 13.14112,1. 1 , 441115: Central, Ent &Debbi. SoUttiern. Illinois Central, lo 7N, rittsnurgh.Ol; Conk Island, 993‘0091; Northwestern, 4a.: 1 0345tii du Prigefrell. l36, ..4DßlX; Fort Wayne, MINIS 106. The [treat fall to Erie to imam extent wart canoed by the canard that Mr. Drew had retired teem the directorship. Eipteas aharrs, ' ara Arm. ddam5,75873 ,, 41 American. 75075; United Suttee 76eMhi W.O. F.rao, '67667%; Merchants Umon, 1701 s. =I Lem active; Corydon 133, GrogorY On. (Martz Hal lirattb Parundeo 3... d, videon 31.512..5. 1.312/ . 313. La Croon ed 6 Soorenderfor 121.3,111dorado1,15(1130. ;'lr c lg,.F.Y:.! 4 ; , Z e glVeL or . e,, •`gb`.7 ,l ; l7 .: Receipts at the Sub.TressurY $ l , 445.061; payments. 11516,1tri: balance i I iKM.- 570. The flank IitrtIOMCIIL Monday wlil. orOlco bin show an tneresse or nearly SA.Ole,eo) In loans, fil3o,Csal each In deposits awl leitat ten ders, and a decrease In opecor or Srl,'AtIAW. IloGale .Itarstei. By Tele/graph Pittstamin flassite.l lir:erste, Auoust Y.—Flour quiet nod imclineced. Wheat dull, with no sales; prices unchanged. Corn dull. but armor, sales Of 21,10 , bush of No. a mikes' irestorn at sic. min 24.000111 b do attem, later. tints nominally lower, bolder. asking' too for No.O western. Rya market Oars. Mess Pork; smell sales at VA for heavy!. illithirinos nominal. Parlay H oe d nal. Rectintfesarbeat 11.040 bush; corn 27,100 bush; oats 9.000 bush; flour 4,000 bble. OMB menta—corn 13,001 bush. Lake freights Very firm; corn Ip-ju to Now York. • ==EXTE2 MT Telegraph walla rlttaburgh tlaeotte.l elinwarrece, Angnet 3.—Flour Otte; city double extr4.ll23ff 11,50; country do, a 11,75 glIO; exam. atughpu. Wheat unrolled; $1.13 for No. I, for N0..2, +l,Bl for'No. a, and 61,25 me rejected. Oats griller at ;007ho for N 0.2. Corn Cloudy nt for No. I old. liecolpto— Ple Ws flour, 7,0t0 be cheat, 2.,0u 0015, 5,110.1 be corn. Se Iptecete , -2,W0 Mee flour, VAX) be wheat. bu Outs, 1,1 - Of 10u corn. rolede Market :Or Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Valetta.; Toga., August 3..—Flour dull and, /troop ing. Wheat tending downwards; meth. 31,000 bash, at' gd,d) for white Michigan; do to arrive. at V.,1002.10; amber Michigan, at M,08; do to arrive, at $2.06. Coro born but nut active; 0,003 bush, at etc ,for fresh re. mints of No. 1; Mc (or No. 2.. Oats of Mo for new to arrive. Lake trelgete Ie on Wheat and corn to Owed°. I= lly Telenrapa to the MUM:numb ilatettn.l Lonenia.n, Aug. 3.—Salcs 100 01010. To bacco; hots 8343; leaf, common tomedium, Itif 117.75. Flour lower; On. I new 410,7. Prime new wheat, at $1,1511111,93. Corn de clined to nOefs3l for orlmosbeiled deflect . ..l. Oats In bulk eon. Were pork all. Bacon -511011141nm, 1.3 c; oltier std.., Calton . 2.1 c. W hiliky nominal. Detroit Ittortol. Ny Telegraph to the iltt.stotrob ❑uette I DETROIT. August 3.—Ylour eteady at ell /ornew chines soperllne. Wheat; the de. mewl exceeds the //resent eupply of wh WV; No.] sold freely at AU. and closed at S],l7. /Memphis 111.rkel. SRI Tertrat h to tt. Ptmborgh tizrot..l ' Mrxreno, April 3.—Cottna ecare6 attYletz:c. Corn 15.631. 0 .1. Oise 731)Olo. Lny 4.10e30. Floor w' . Pork 1d.5,75adf. Pawn un changed:4.l64r Sides kW,. Lard 14015 c. IMPORTS Dl 111AILSCULD. Porrintimon.rpn, Wantia CillcAolo Amine. 3-101 otl obis, E Schalk; 4 cora metal, /Dion a Coacher ;1410 do, J Wood at Son:6 do do, Lewis, Holley 21 Dalrell; 1 do do, Nimtek to Co; 1 bbl bacon, Keit 34 Hitch/411;W Ibis flour Coln d Shepard ; • car stoneware, I. J Blanch. ed w; 40 eke oats, Rafferty; In has soap, T W Field :n ear. iron ore, Mullins 3lalonei; boa eh eeee e Smith, Johnston It Co; 5 do do.J S Pie tem rer tr. Co; mdo do, W Canper tio; 3do do, E B Myers a co; 13 do do, hirkpotrick IletToo; 10 do do, Head 15 .Mete or, 30 do do, Serbmyer a Voskomr; LSO pig. lead, J B OM -11,44 50n1,50 hides, Lappe.s. Wettneht I car Cancr,lll B Adams at lire; 13 hoz broomo, li Hobtion &Co; M Pg. oats. Haworth, McDonald' 51.53; 100 bbl. J Gardiner; CO do do, Ohioer; 6 kip wine, Konlg Co; t: Mao oath ' 0 eggs, 11 Floyd. taatiriLAND 4.4 D Prerentuton itana.veD, August .1.-12 ears Iron ore, Reee,tirarra grunt I do do, Lloyd & Black; 1 ao do, Bryan a (laugher:a ht bbls gab, .1 14 Smith; Int do do. Shomaker k. Lang; 64 do do, Wm thalper &Vet 18 do do. Little * Belot & Patteuula tan pig metal, Nlmialt &(1e; 63 Md. soil. Seghmter & Yoakatop; 1 ear cola. A 5 Bsrless. 13 barrels 00400., Vold% & Co; 148 skit oats, A Young & Ile; cases wine. ItW k W J Scrod a; 24 do do, Jos Fleming; Si aka war. J & W Vanity; at do do. 143 bri”ont,W J-Meek;ts bets potato., II do apple., Steel Jr Boo; a do do.* lobs cheeseßes jr;93 eke oats, Malone & Anket ; 14 his butter, et bble eggs, Head & Mtest; bbls Bodum, }rebels a C.; SO do 80, 1/ Ely: ur oil Obis. Wetter .1 Armstrong; I car wheat. J W , Impaott, I do do, linnedy & Bro;e6 boars chem., Vangonler & Shepard; 25 do do, .1 S New - Inger & 00; 4 can Iron ore, Shoenberyier , Blair. ALLsakami VALLars RAILROAD Augut 70 kg. 331 bar. iron, • Martin, Bilekell Co; a• cm. metal. Maack R Co; 7 bbl. egg., 1 bdi .beep pelts, John Schwalm; fa labia nits, A Reim:oyes; do do, John Seibert; Ido do, J kohl; 1 do do, ?Mid Everyman; 6 titan wool, Itv Carnahent 6 pkg. butter, IA Ike potstom, A 1; Copeland;' pkg. Pah, Kirkpatrick & /lemon; lode oat., S Young. • Prrrenraos, COLLIE.. & R. IL, Aural 3-17 pkg., tobacco. J McComb; 2 cars tem R Knox is Son: 100 bbl. boor, Coll. & Shaper.; 2 01111 corn, II tibllant; 604 01l bac 1 1) Mller-, le. corn, SteEratt & Co; 100 bbl. non& lame. 111- Iluyer,• to no come:o4l, II Rea Jog NO P OO oak, McCinni.; 60 bdle paper Pars Paper Co; 42 Aka oats, alelitnry & Rood; ado do. Btorgeon& Pro; 12 p&p troodeutrart, I Thekey t CO; 10. brick, 6..er100, Cook & Co. Arm Itylnozdtuynt 3-6 b. ono., Puny & Stephen:2oo aka deneed, Al 0 Su. duo; 3 do: annul.' Moen & Co; P car Lay. S 3lchlaaterx;3l bbl. apple., Owen &Jinn. dy; 4 ten moral, Spain. Chalfant & Co; I car IMAM, Bales it Ronan. I do Inrenr, 1 P Plenungi= bits cheese, J Wryer; 4 hole. cool, S Bradley & Son. Prresausax k.ito Volurzurvmmt R It., August 2-60 bbls cement, W M Gormley; 1 ear charcoal. Mater. almlok d Co:W..lw what, I S Liggett a Co; LCD do oats, Scott & Meal: 71 bale paper, Markle. Dicke.= la Co; t • bx baron. Newcomer ; Coo A Co; 1 car tan bark, Lappe & Wane. WM. MALIDORF e . co, Manufacturers 1.1111 Wholeas:e Dealers In BROOMS, Broom Brush and Broom Fludiugs. Inetory .4 Marabou.. ln elle rear of nento saner • Ls.% , 1110.. 172 and 174 Wood ISL, Plitsdearzlin. 14.19:173 IMPORTANT TO 110111tEELEEIP FRAME'S TEA MART. :Mo. is DIAMOND, rrrranomm, • You tea buy the finest health? of TEAS, at.the pries of any *old to the elti• kW% sugars, = Collies iri=lxtand Grocerim Valm o dal - WK. NIMACE & SON, • =E! 11= SW. EOM 301[1( 301111. PITTSBURGH ITAILIP COMPANY. Joint BOBS & CO., No. 23 Wood Stu Pittsburgh, Pa., =MS LAMPS, LAMP RASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, ETC AlioOle-Mere ha clerythlng pertainleg to the Woo TO•Oe ' TURIRI.6II3. TARI.B WARR, WINDOW pidLoo„ sod everything le the Mese Line. :Leta BALE.-Il r e hare for sale ievneal good se/ad-hand Iron Turning Lathes.. P•aettlally Maptad for taming axlea. We oder the SWIM at team/use, :Mee. et teZe: UYIL ItN4lrg tb tool Cylinder, El loco W fret long, two lethal eau. Esquire at the raativrajAL trOkEll• • nunli n. BOLE it C 0.,. Corner Point. Alley A. Ihetplanta Way, _. 1 1T 4.15 Inttabareb. Pa. SAMUEL M. WICHERSILMA Iron 13roker, 124 First Street, • - • .. • *zest tatitte kW of Owergrall, e.. Jelieephine, iubells, eifeebepe, IllenloV u elotber brands of.entlmelte, Tqa.tb woz " xelttlphaet's C. B. CeAread l'/11 • Goaalsdeunda and aide,. resp•ddgi 11 . idtcra JAMES B. JONES, Scrap Iron, Light Iron, OAST Amiomoucuri mos. ZWOJE r ia. elba. Semi Andersen Merest rad Wirer Avenue. All*Rtoalolll. GREENALLEY,—.3IO'I7CE .ar.l.ll3 T er:4l, th et,! d =r_jigrit7 :c..14,.., , f, 0 0 1 . 11/ . 1....• mat LT. Tp . rd t r , Alla. street, dlstamel7,rje reef. b.,„lvirdit be. sm. Jam Term. MS and eendneed. mitts objectbres ire Med Mt Mover tee. • J 01111•0. MaCekt Salmiitti,te • - r.. T IRM) WJUJLTB. eo bbla choice half Puchlie; d. qtl.l.a. doi 1.1 40 mixed do: leo bOeheie tool DeLtppie.• Jest ive " oiled on P rcratzel . ulon wed for tile low bale rade. SCbtOMAELTI LLNG. - rt. snet Wood street PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZBTT PITTSBURGH ROPE WORM, FULTON, UOIT.MAN & CO., =1 OIRDAGE, OAKEN, ♦YD TWINES, u mg nig Thweb...., 114 4k 1114 Wale, 111 == RIVER NEWS Louisville telegram, under date or August let, has the following: Th ere in fret ht the sod it inches down indict chute, and 15 Itches on Portland bar. The Morning Star wall unable to get to Portland yesterday, and and received freight here. The Le. acorn No. 2, which paned up shoot noon, had to lighten over portiand bar. The first boat load of stone for the Ohio river bridge arrived yesterday, and the ceremony of laying the first stone of the abutment no - Corn Island takes plac omencloak this afternoon. /I Is reported thathave been received from the War Department appointing Oen.,Weitzel to toper- Intend the survey for the Improvement, in the Tenneesse river authorized by Congress. We mentioned a few days ago that the Great Republic, Continental 'and towboat Yankee, Itakieft there with thointention of a mini ot greed to New Orietho The result wee. that the Continental reached there shout two hour. ahead of the towboat, and the tt rent Republic fifteen /mum behind both. the towboat was Agro.d eight boom on the trip, and left here two hours behind the Continental, consider ing which site and well, and with deducting the time she was aground, made the hest run by several hours. The aboveovhich we clip front Rai St. Louis , thapotch, we have no doubt, Is false go far as the I treat Republic I. eoncerneiL. The Repote Ile, as the reporter of that Raper well know', made the lastest time between New Orleans aid St. Louis that has been made this sitmon, not even excepting the brag con of the !Loth. 501.11.1 or Tet Stour Enwsh.—Captain Wolf received intelligence yesterday morning of the slokidg of the Nary Erwin at Rising Sue the day pinvlons. From later Information we /earn that that she war making her way over the bar, and struck the wreck of a coal hbat when nearibe head of it, an d sunk. She tent lying acmes the Wreck. and there , was some danger of her breaking In the teals. Captain Wolfe left with the Champion yesten day morning to go to her &malaise.e. She wha On het return trip front the Tennessee river, in charge of Captain Collin; The haat tree owned exclusively oy Captain Wolfe, of this ell). She was insured for $15,000l in the following ally *diem Union Central, Amerlean and Lafay ette, for s3,ooti each, ard la the Ohio Talley and Tobacco to 111.100 eeich:—Ciacinnoti En quirer. • The steamer Gerard B. Allen, reported sunk In thrliiisaeuri river on Thursday, hag been raised not 15 on her way to St. Louis. She auatained but little damage. The amodtit of insurance ppon her In ellaCiliOßti veva alO,OOO, the Enter pries and Central having fi,ooo each. The Cinginnall fkrzeffe save: The ()harmer irna towed! down to the wharf I - eaten:se, and will receive freight this mrning ter Mei:up/11a J and way Pointe. She has ust been 'mein the most complete order. and is In charge of Vapi. Lew Vamiergrift, a reliable man. She will lea, e here tomorrow, whether she receive/1 freight or ant, aa her engagements [clam will not permit her to remain at the wharf longer. An eschcige has the following in reference to a paragraph which wai copied Into our A:paragraph le going the round, to the effect that for the first time a steamboat has nun. gated BM. Aver to Popular. awn, In ButleP meaty. We have better information than that. In Mit, Captain John A. Williams hav ing been awat del a contract by Butler county, took up Black river a steamer he oallt lot the purpose. called/he Daniel B. hiliter, and clear. rd the river of logs, drift and overlaanting trees. from the Arkansas line away late Ml*. court at the bridge at Popular Marfa. a dis tance of sixty miles. William., and the Miller were engaged In Ude hominess for • period of ale month., during which the boat wee often at the bridge, anti be him acres been paid for Ms services. He hart • salt pending againct the county • for .1.7.1,030 and interest, .0 he hope, he will gala It. The boat that recently went to popular Bluff s ti the Wren,. strew propeiler,.,l It was there two years before the Miller WM in theßlack river at all—eome m.O. by Captain Bolen Glasueek, now re siding in AOMORI.. But for the bridge, a boat of medium draft codd frequently ...Witte Black nrer for an additional dist.ce or fifty mlles Into the State. Capt. William. coml. ueileperatbig with his boat en Black river un lit the booming of a cannon disturbed the mil tune of the situation. Be knew then, If not before, that Mere MAO war. The Millar was of ago t0...N..3111n Wren is about 00 lona A St. LOOM dispatch of the same date yy An arrival reporta the falling rapidly, with only 42 Inch. water at Lick Creek and Bardstown.. The Steamer City of Pekin hag consequently laid up. Very heavy ..Roes are ...riving from and leaving for the fillamail. The upper rdisalssippl boats are folly employ ed. There le a fair cargo here for the Oldo,mit no mats to take It. Cat. lra Malin will coup , ma. the Barry Johnston In the Quincy trade In opposition to the new packet, Tom imp.. Captain John Malln will !take command of the Julia The Cincinnati CienevercieZ, of Fnday. hag the followtog : Captain It. 7.: Sedum Is In the city. Mr. Truth J. Doonally, of the Pine drove, hag tone oe• pleasure exalt:doe to Davenport, lows. Capt. ALL Stein ha. re. turned to the city after et debgbitul trip of two weeks around Dock 1060. Capt. J, fl. Con way left for Pittsburgh in lam nstfliPa train. The Harry Dean Is reported hard Ntrettind at Duffitinton. Capt. John D. Jinawait left for Pitteourgh lam night. Cotitt. Frank J. Cakes' new steamer Monarch will be leunched from Mack'. Mills to-morrow. BOOTS AND WOES, DOMF76TIQ DRY GOODS, CILI=t.Fa.M7rEg, AND NOTIONS, lei A large assortment to select from, at lam than Invoice Fri- ces, to close consignment, at SMITHSON, PALMER & Co.'s MAMMOTH EMPORIUM, 55 & 57 FIFTH STREET, ICLIBLINDS 01) SUR N. Br-Furniture and House- hold Goods at Auction every Thursday SMITILSON, PALMER & 00., ALlzotlazataerran, Now. 50 & 07 Fifth Street. 24. The Highest Market Price rAiu TOZ ERIVERNSTENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER, CORM An COMM MILO? NOM, J. F. STARK D. CO., Bankers, co, WOOD AND TOM) :ITEM TM mirtem.yrs urns 07 It.coaDlNOltvain.l.Toll, PlLUburget. doll 11d, lIC,. THE ABSEBSSEENTB for Grad lo[. raving and Curbing or lairxx:ozi Are Wow beady Air Alamlnatton. and .111 rehab lu ado *Mee, Went Market Building. until Au nett tot. whs. they - wll be placed th the filly d'resauter`a Whoa for collection. U. J. 110011 E, it,rralnor Retrolater. OEM ()PIM:Sur mccortinwn Rittlockrol.. 1114. burgh, 1017 124, M. THE ASHESSIMENTS, for Grad- In., raring slid Curbing X=MII.X.I3ZI amstniar, Are now ready_for aatuoluatten,!gd will Temkin ' l7lfr bentanentl " Tcuwattn. Umce tot golleuttla. • • ;I. J. 1100111.14 JYR:util • • R4ordlug Regulator. STBEET.—Notice id 'B IDWELL hereby given that Me etsderslireed apoint e the IA guess dszegee :And' per. 'for the opening or Indwell gine Letlicond Wee. Allegheny. from Its present tenni.. to Juniata I. will meet on the preinises. on BATTU DAV, August as. IW. ni ;if Welegg attend to ins Ll..lles,oi 1 / l el7solatcomot. tV.11. - Mrtagi. • B. NAY,. Mbar • viewers. MADISON STARCH Jan received. D.' fF! . t: rw.lo,"'"- loOiL d Warolt. rOr suds low io too wads or Um ortoiwuranNe. 01141111 •••,...••••••••• 1 4Stse.t. T PlLlt tor . Tang BL IT , a 2/1.. p. tior XL .Ei janeetuel at th e WI Cali out.,, Bt. Oh& Most. _. tta= t. nyupul. —AL nv+•a+a. F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, E!E=9 X.a 49. XI 3:10 (=OM X-■ New Bacon, Beef and Tongues Will be ready for deliver, 0 . 1 . 9 . d". 1"1 " ... .. Choice Sugar-Clued Wang Do do do Beet; Do do do BeerTongnm Do do do Breakfaca Bacon; Plain Cured Bacon Slloolderg Do do do Bides, CUM • - At reduCed prices mid of excellent quality. Troia thla Cate Irc shall be rcilitiVl 10 01)1lad WM. ❑1 articles in the Provision Ix I. .1•10ir48 BREWER BITREZE•. do 00, CODMISSION traleiliNTS; At/EATS POlt 21121 Pact:le, Globe & Liberty Oil Works, Ample Moreno for Prude nun Unlined Oil. Lib. Urat casb any/zees mule on twetlieumellte el ncle or keened Petroleum. Tents tar .tore `. and Aldpment of Crude Oil et Lawmueeellle. Unia nunWsarho.u Pt Po b m . me l Dqufle. IW, ROBERT KNOB, Jr., C 0212112211311 11ESCHAXT. 111 l FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, 0111 e.. 112 IJDERTY ST., Pltlaborgh. L . J. BLAU , :CRUM, WHOLLIALE , AND AZTAIL I=L CD M El, . 396 Penn Street.- 1.1 , 16:1 ,0 'NMI RITCHLtt. KEEL RITCLICART, COMECISSION BIEBORANTS, LTD Diumnp tx Flour, Grain, Seeds, Feed sc, L11121:221222:2 mtubv r ok.n. NUM. OWFWS h FLENNE ,Dlf ' rIIODUDIL COMMISSION 111= RANTS steel WI:WAWA Dbaler. p 110376Di1l AND INIMIZI• 31C VIXITS, SALT. )(LOAM, ULZTYa, zutm 13,PATOYA 'Ad In Prat Won. and rToduce 114,..gtAtorria4 4 , Tl2"° - Agcnts for the Isle yrr. a/onnoll • XlirlAn:ll end J. Kara•sealt. WILINE - ty. Commission Ater'chants, Pealo:s In ?WTI& (MAIN and PUODOCE Sellers: nIT, No. II I WATN.I.I., •bove tlnalbfleld tiabilrrh Fj £TZ£it ' Ec AIMISTLIONG, ruaiteuils AND comussiox usclims„ far the aala of Flour, (Iralo, Buda, Lard, Ratan, "'" 44 ' 4 :;lRrellart 4 , comer of Ilnf, Pi tiavtaa, pa, a'= a a 4 ROM =OM ANON. & SON, COMmissioli AA. 14291:1H AIM and Dealers In PLOUB, BRAIN. MILL le'lLID sad PRODUCT. general- No. 79 Dia55a1..71.99 CII7II W. Allo tuella Mt?. ' al 7.10 DA. CRAWFORD connt ouc 7,6 bier I;lMOleMlted. 7 .Ooamentsvolk Lel TITTLE. BAIRD & PATTON, WholasaLlerocen. Coatngsslark 1dere14.14 4 711 MgmlarrITU21141114.1877 . Cotton Yam, 411.1 Pl[l.4banto mum= xemenny 11 and 114 Itlxvoll street. rltt4lnuldt. t. Ai111“31...../. 0. silniza—.WlD. D. elm. p E VIER & , 1311013., (Successors to /termer Anderrma, Whnluala Dealer. In 7 . , *Kr. Caufeetiou- W0...11,1,44.1.=34121`. .AA _TORN B. CANFIMD, Commits. idon and nrwardingrohant and erholo• sale deakr Nrastcra nevem Craecee..llut- Lard, 'Pork. Baca. Plow. Platy Pot sad Pearl &axe, and OIL. Dried Pron. and Pro duce casually, Boa. Maud 140 Treat Meat. eat H . RIDDLE,No. 183 Liberty fit, Plehseurgh,P. OwouslealonMerehantous4 Wholesale Da.sler lo doentn . Produee, (leveedn wel PltMnnryln tar.D01a41..4. 'Cash savasmod Oenaletnothta. and paid [or ?salute genes. JOlll, 1. 1101,1,...1741. 1110...W15. it. SOM. OtIN 1-1101 USE BROS, Sue ,‘" etSoOstaio JOU. I. Hoof,. • CO., 111.•1•• sal* liroc.erp 3.111:01caloslon Ur Of ClS.ll.hgeld and WaLentreets, Plttabank sCHOMAILEtt & LANG, Whole. rate rlsMersti Inrocorles. Plow. aralm. Pro: dom. Provillour„Plity Clmere. Balt, Carbolt 014 Igor. 111 and 111 Wood dtalmt. near Llbertrail Cm% I'lMb:tea. Ps. to:1:056 MI. SIMVO,. A . WALLAH REUPTON dr. WALI. ACE. Whole.. 1010 GROCERS AND PRUDE/CZ DEALERS. No. G Sloth Street, Pita ttaLus, 1112.1a.t.L. . - Pittsburgh Importing House, MITABLIIMED SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, • • tIIPOETERINI Or ronaton WINES AND - LIQUORSi. • No. 409. Penn Street, • • PITTSBMIGH, nettdt s Olen Don of Cal m pc to toe at, hostmiths sof...toro. . th roa t sews/ tc roc Irina and Liquor boosts to Bosom on. moat. risir Impormtions rico.. Choy ma Vga t C: d anT ea;trlt optreT a lriur=in rta. Lassalosrion 4104111..1nd compa ri son or prices respectfully solicited., A choice astorimenS of PURI OLD not constant's on hand. straw P 1 47.4 tr U ra l zgatr " ur7 PRINTING AND ,WRAPPING PAPERI orrrez wAnsaousr, No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. IJITHAEZ—A uoinfr HA Prexident. • JN!J. B. LIVINWITON, Trener, BAXI3EI. ILlDDlJS.Becretary. 11, nncnnOin—nunnat Hull, John Atwell. 0, Lintnotan. John M. len,. floe, H. frtlet. Chint. !Paid fort...per !Rook. vtrrt,nlB TO GLASI MANUFACTURERS. UNDERSIGNED havLng c t ebrx mll the eel C Ageecf for the sale of the COPLEY POT CLAY. Arc now prrparedlo ferniab It In any 0 2 .. 11 7 to 100.0 wishing to procure this superior article. Daring Mean year.' use of ad. clay we bare &r -aved erne/Mantas we bellowe mates It a Pater .rilalw for pots than enf Pe tile Plediet. we having secured en aage stand of els menthe for each Oct. and no w. 111,1Utg as aa' eight end ten month.. We will furnish receipts Ibr the proportion alibi wintery of 101. Clay tto persons porobashig. Tea (Pay Le ground and snoupted La lump. for delivery. . DITURIDGE 411 wum.P.VATITIV,Z7,%. F S. Locumßs* ALNLANDLD 151 W. LOUGHREY & FREW, Ilrro reamed to No. .31 Market St.,. ;;=(CONNES;O7 SECOND.) PITTSBUIDDI. .3 0, tluy ste prepared eo muddle:Are ay Saddles, Harness, Trunks, And nil melee. In thele line kept In Aret-e1... enteldlehmente. SUPERIOR OAH AJ, T D AfiIIiIg ti. PAT LEATHER BELTIRG AHD HOSE, .Manntact and at No. lb BIIII77IIIELD MT., b 7 HARTLEY PHELPS & CO. /11.;A, Aianta /or New YOrkEnbber Jammu Belting. TIVAIVAtftst MI;11`04."1111""Olr i P 61111117 &TS end BOW% IMLTllooliltem FOR SALE. 02212, 4 INUIT Ls 013 12, 20 m, h stroke, new, on Iron bid plate. One seeon.Phand (YieILIATINO AMU:IL, Y lnch, by 4111101. atrnke. One I Pleb Nocond-hand 122itt11412, 11 Inch stroke, horizontal. on Iron bed plate. noses Inch EMU:id, 1.100 atroke. emend. band. 'Tto abate will be laid cheap, tar cash. at AMIEIBEWIS alt../14LIKIITRONG111 Cotner and Watt. tth...t+4 ,m190:•1A PA JOSEPH WIGOINA. Collecting Agent, Omoe at the Beard et Mule Rooms, • • rITREBUEGH, PA. at I).' It .E.IOIK - Ert, MIAZSI Cilltfiiimpd.ll.bD TILL, WIWTX Lla% CHIMNEY TOM • And WA MIL rirn, onhund wmuonse, te7 tITIIBXT, opposite Nonougabotla Holm. • Z. lA., lloilse Bander and Carpenter; ret, cerrne, at 'it AMMO, ALLEY AM DIJ. Cl atir r iMatt l iad !taraMU does MU , ...t -aut and diuMeti. hlaga FIRE SCREENS or J. xrw lISTLI. On canvas. *ll2. on raoolo/7 =0 gold sod nl vet frame., 107 acanariirriumr. • JIM 0. REMIT= • lino. WE WILL KEEP OF HAND 13,..r.n. 1l ,14rArs . .% D Y11,1716.4m &DUO • "ntiNtrIFIETSPO ntrptruint Waekix Worms, Aliu OA PAW aj lc h. LINA.V .v Ott../VAAESTAX MON DAY. AUGUST 5. .1567 PLUMBING. GAS ITITING C. W. P. ILILL3B. Bumaw. 4 MILLER, PLUMBERS, GIS IND STELI FITT [1; S, ik..,r"d. ritmlft. au Mode of Beet old Al. IJoc intnts,_.Pn.saps. Mute, Wadland.: Bath toll. nom Ilose,,lforble ow A C. . WC*. 250 oHio . ge1tz642116 (Between lan Lane zed Cheetnut Bt.) •, • ALLE6HLA7 VITT, PA. Boons Owed on with du lad Wawa at abaft notice. • OZO. C. ......... JAII.II.IIAII/010. SPANGLER & BRADFORD, .IP.SILA.CTIMIOALL Plumbers and Gas Fitters, ./rb. 47 Ohio St., Hon. tithed up with WAVER. OAB an STEAM by experienced workmen. ronleular attention nut to COUII try not. Stint nil ALL J 1 II Lint otyl, • my'? ion JOUX Y. C00TTE.....108. KATE....ESEIT MEM JOHN M. COOPERA CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, Ras efseisrers of PURIM AND BRAM WORK, of every description; dealers to OAK YU, TURKS USD KtllllhO, of all Mods. Corner •of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA. , _slyismso COLL 61 MILLS, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, ' GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, 131343 rNiazuoi. 1131 tx o 16 PITIVIBURAU, , Cistern and Wall rump of all land , . HO." Mull up watt tram and Water. In the NUM sp urred style, by experienced wortraan. attention pearl to country work. tart:yea r. L Anil:Kw-muses njoxr.a. a. 11 . C.d1ntrt. AT WOOD . .& .. 111111111EY, BRASS. FOUNDERS, STEAM' AND . 9.403 FITTERS, Cora of 3rd and Ltberti Streets, i til& c :Jri`legy ß alVi gralzhi.,zze..; to order. Biumtg Undo tin told lA_ the 11111,0 out land oarlz .. of a l . ll Itadu rleu, etesunbeats. Rolling Agents for A. &Case eron & Co.'s STEAM P LIMPS -alit) BLOWER ENGINES, Pump. IliaTO•Upertor advantages over Oil t ar. g Mgr fIIERLE 1T..... ... r...._.... Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, - rirrn STEELY EXTENSION. I.l.l"lner/Ell7 - 11.C4-3Er, •11 orden by testi execute& sattsfsotortly exo Pr effl i li=rlalis now, ramps, Buhl; Water Closets, Sluts, Cbs.loll.lS. - P.datits, and On Shad. foe sus st Ms most ressonsble Mims. • orders from comal7 patrons by mall prompt 11 amen .led to. ' Hem Hose of every Oberiptloa. irefUdgf COAL. COKE, &co pITTSBUBGEII NATIONAL COAL do CORE _COMPANY. lila ta4 m,Atgppera and dealers, wholesale and ree• BEST rAmna COAL, • NITT COAL AND SLACK. 4woce And Yard—Corner YOUUTH AND 287, . ST At l e i rge P tir a r eir V lO . the city. or Shipment iu nfl.7l2=l. ItZtV.7ll.° - BEST FAMILY COAL Alen). on hand =Widnes red promptly tn orders AT LOWEST N/BEET RATES, BY OSCAR P. LAMM fir. sit k Street url It AC. Itialtp ALLYMUZSY CITY: 'Anthracite Coal furnished at the lowest rain. Joe. ,IX. WM. M. CIANEY, & CO., Gas Coal Works, . and dealers In SUPERIOR OASI AND FAMILY COAL, N UT COLL end ISLACN. Poet eines address. BOX 1017, Blttsbergh. end LOOK 88 61 . 3.1tA g t/Vha t .l;,,eoad nosy easing Bank Banana, Corner Liberty street and Virgin alley, Pittsburg's. BBANOSI N.. 3 Liberty street., ender Bennie FL it, on.- Bee ISeebaniestreec, end corneeAn. deem sires land P. W. U. N. D. /Mennen. All order. le ilet-Ither of INC ViSC6S . LU reeds° prompt attention. la/ adte COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICILSON, STEWAILT & CO., Ruth: removed their OM. to No. .-661 .LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Flour 11111) SZOOND FLOOR, Rumor prepared to tarnish tout 16:mirth:am LUMP. NUT COAL OR lILACO. At the lowest market prior. Ra-All orders UR at glide oßoe s , or addreued to them thrush the mall, will. Om attauted to promptly. mytst= WONT PITT COAL COOPALYT —shlpvers 501ealm Superior and Slam Coal Coal and Slack, gen Ice second nor, Pittsburgh Sala. Hant9vOd fo[. corner Liberty buret and Virsdn alley. Branch Were, toner Try and Third (recta, Pittsbur Ordays left ai either of the share plates . Altl ronelv• prompt .Winton. Po•SoClee Address Box 6/17, " buzczoitat 1 J s, 11 .7. Gm *aosn. L. lAtnuarrOCS, D. Elef;al .ins, W. RiAartanti, gloms S. Hi/2N J.s. McurramitEKY. W.l.Tia Ilaraxt JOUX likvs ‘ Lucite scwoo. J. l: Clulanns,rna . o M. H. ZWOL.F. M... 7. t a. itwolut. Treunter. IV. XI, (MANZI At co., llaassees. jam*. CHARLES 11. ARMSTRONG, OEYOTGHIOGN92I n SVILLS 0011. of Cool,llloak, and Desulphoelseel Coke 01710 E eN L/ Corn. , of Boller and Morton; drat yard on LlD arty and Clymer street.. Ninth arard, and o brood arced, near Loot No I, Plaistargh, rt. n Yarollloa ana ktannfaatorat anappl leer alto the best article of Cloal or Unto at um loafing caan rat. Order. lon at any or their Waned will rtealoo prompt attention. Imi ow, ai itzliijoi:a:Nri FITTEIBUBGH lIRERIEUI. OABSON, DARLINGTON d; CO., Bennis, Limns en HO! nuns. 1==.15 3011R11,1 ■aonte s CO., Pins WII. W. 21.11M51801, Lamborn ottentlon ot the automats o the two loot' porttoulatly lorlte4 to our ' ALES AND PORTER. Wt.lei, through the careful misdated arlialt from W. extensive =him facilities tea Bora from tea yard. Bast alit West.. ere as maima to be pure add .attataatory to the tied.. Oar laiioi DULALX. has bean We d? racermaaaded nms tor WALT - . 47 /igarr. .1.20)811.80N 8 dustmen erUl Murata, lf 2Pr '" "- Osnier et sl93l!llsiellariati Antih. pilot= STEAM BREWERY. toe. anuran. WEST SPEIWER—iet lticKAY, EILSTIMS INB BRIIIIIIIB OP Ale, Porter andllrowtt Statlt, PITTSBURGH, 11. 11.171111 CRT WMIII4III. Vi11k.1041.9, 14101.1ig STEAM nomEne, MACIII 3 BUM, Steam Engine, t and Iron Turning Luttiii, And one Iron Planer, , FO 11.. SALE. One Engine ! II Inctl ft. , . 0. " , balance Tall, ever, with errunght trail abaft and Tiro Engines, Moth elllndeln,atf fiat stlnaet balance owass.. atom-WWI shaft,7 tonnes diam eter, ni feet long, with fiances and cranks. On. Dm.; Lento., auger sad complete mit fit of macelsesT for stesintiont. Two legion and complete outfit as above; cylinders IS tubes M lPit;g4T on Wood L ; on athee good Bal m Encino, 10 ha 9 nder, %I In. BlrOkOt new Bolan . , 40 la. dliwa (set snag—two ll In. fides. Also, saventllal Wall aught.. Stallonarrand Comb's. Hollers, new and all In excellent onlor, will ne • . 1 0 1 ireash. /mown at Sae /N (111.11sk MUGU 11. BOLE Co. Polut /Liter and DiUllillang Way. - kIUBSMAZN. /WM iarost, bef man Tosinsid and GlWham Strada, Gunsmith and Dealer in Hardware. IllaT=Ct a tilifew:M=l= iweftftawftmller ere shaftftatleft. .CHOICE ns,npiera PLANTS. A ref/ OM 'took of _Dees, OenulWm, Verbena, Bc., al Noon, II the fl tl.ti4 Elteonboosio. ROHM Z. .tik A. MURDOCH. KM Mt a maim.. m11:110 rir IION WORKS. JONES & LIURLINS, Pri 'l 9llo 3l:72iGli T MKTOMIIII3 07 AMEKICAI AND CLAIR ..r,Hoop,Sheet and Plate Iron ■ridge Iron; Angle and T Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T nalls,l6 & 201b1. to the yard Truro Italthpanchedand Nam ter stink Boiler,Bridge and Tank Divehi Cut Bans and Spikes; Ship and. Boat Spikes; - Railroad Spiker; Ranroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wised." and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Reds; Mower and Reaper Baru WAVilivuea •tIJ 01710 E. 120 Water and 158 Front 81&, BILLN(111 HOIT3Z. Nos. R 2, 21 mid 2d Myer Big 1o1;e11 'CIfICIAGO. ILL. _Runup sum wpm. SING :I; MICK &CO ItJarIIPACTIT/Poll OP BEST REFINED CAST IRBIL MVW. no Lx9 OCTIca or ILL Met MISS. MU Y. OULOPLAII4 OA= AND OPOOS 01111 SAW PLATES. ZLLLPT/C1 AND 81M-ILLIPTICI RAILWAY SPRINGS, Can Spring SIuZ, Cast and -German Plow Steel, now MINIM ARD maw= BAWL SPRINGS, exlEs AND nal VHF., 818171•17 1nha1ara3V4 1 6.17 CROW-HAIM in, ia, aa Wareham 83 Water St., ATLAS WORKS, , • .4110/srox STIZEB . Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, President. TV: " 71=1 ° 1 1 bbd o pre- are 4 to Ihralsb. Engine. of Every DescrlpUon, Boller., 011 tanks, ' Sheet km Wort; • Railroad Castings, Bolling Bill Casting., Engine Casting., • Martine Casting., , General Coalinga. ORDERS soraprrED. litental PITTSBUItOII FOUNDRY., It. oaitusom.--......--:ronimetworrnour. A. GARRISON & CO.. IHaaussars to Hot Loan, Garrison a CO. ENDERS AftD HAMM'S . Manufacturers of CHILLED ROLLERS, OF ALLSIZES, am LIT; 6 717:;,#. 3 11. r00d 1001.0 50000 Work. hist, Ito Mos Fl Castings. 01011 de velptioue: Bmklghs, Meat Doable Weiser, tigt; l ' ai=tii ' or o dTr e :milt=ll . o•Ml eatable term. Wave ant Warehouse, i 10.119 Singh mem Sliest,' • fehhtSl rrrzaßtraim. PL S. W. WOYILOW..a•S.I. 1111WHILL../... ELLIS O f 1. I. f ••1:.: MORROW, BAR%EILL & CO., Otani floilers, WM* Agitators, Tana pan P an; t, Cuonieturs, Wrought Iron Bridges. Sheetlron wort. &c., &c., COB. LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., IPIT TS IT UR GM, P.A. autrAlaui a 1 , 01.111 I'HOMPTLT. 111:01 ===l IRE • PORT PITT POMMY. - • - CHARLES. URI' NEPHEWS its-sOrPACTUAtas OP . 'murk , ORDNANCE, AND ALS. KINDS OP PRAYS' (NUMPIOA LL BMW snootiest peel to WILMA@ Woe.. ILACIDNERP tad ANTONIN. attended to prentpur. As herossfore, the bast IDatestige 0111 aloof. be used as this laundry. Resins disposed , of Der old stock. brewed, wan no a ss tereOve: %mu, isrstrler i Tal Mo rt tlae. *elm • UTILITY WORKS. • - Ric 1,74111 di STATOR, • - No, 83 Liberty 84., opposite Fourth, AWITITACTbraIad crf CABINET MASERS' HARDWARE. 11 o~a of Iron lb/Aldi n e/ Casten: Ilatealittelings ß ilitops ZzloTtn. Eon Tables, to. They also 10J1.11E411 . 1 and nave eonstantly on bands Tbnmb Latches. opl4llB Lateriss, M , Lean's WirldOW nub It'Leao's Iteeentrle Bann Dutton, OMIT Gh per at. ter and San lithos, Wind-stone Llaunlans. Ban braes. 0410 W 00. IMAM ROBERT LEA, autuFACIUBBI, OP STEAM Emus EDILEBSI Freight Holsters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. art%lam WWI delloriptlinso undo to Wm Corner or Vim and Four, Moot; Jaaultt rzrrasrlias. PA. A. BRADLEY 81 00. Itsantsatnes imriVarSSlTaf Cook, Parlor and Beating Stores, whleh ammo eat. belled XITRIMAL Tituriti nod T/1.1811.82( _Wool Illo•••;t_rtu NANA VETILBAII and Ml9BtD/a (WON °oak etoTel.l A/K. laaalthunias • GRATER. GRATE FRONTS, ilke. OR and Warenenq earner of beolgel site Wog streets. Pltubmlt. Antrum on booed Istreet. wines .J."O N. Daum ..... D. aamsa. JAWED M. nnusa,'& OF, Steam Boilers, Ott Stilts, Tanks, Sleet Iron Works, ke. No' 61 Peun. Street, '.147724 rrrrsztosen, Pa. WAI;E. B. WOLF, Js, awsne DI Hardware dla Cutlery. ~n now m c r il it o r t e .1401AiVM itoll zidarranirmrs-•wiscraus. Comer Liberty and St. Pair Sts., zftstapacimarshotr w . B' Dummy aparamercesm:rcn r rrris re c Z, s ' rA. Naaufsetcres at RUT QUALITY EX115103 0.111,t117111. utratiara d lr=cifigiat% i trjr; this =mem oft*. satf waratione. Is awl 111 MM.. a !Wooed sift... putaht ••• LIPPINCOTT& BIABIFBLIJ. Na U 8 Witter Street. nentar 9= 4 '7 1 ' 4 14 mr9,91.29 ,9 11810 +0 ; niev ClMllingajc IMLAY igniaign calossiort €4 .A. . •W B . . •k. :viva. —gocor Ausr ...—... I. MICR VALLE** trravE WORKS. ALLEN N , KEI lll t i .k s I o ST . panepagipso Pe aaPptare ms y a p ..V.f.j . ...12 . 4111. 4 T=TUMA k unoas Coal Coolaag Blom: also, st. "a,..... 1,. ..... gral:talar iri ca• woca..4 im ~„c a CZ., frodennitrAj"dtd...;l.6... klealm Wan. re... 117. -- --", —"" 111 N,lll i ".1011 J. PAINTER & SONS. Iron Ilubket,Tab and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, tocup firresosinwpa. 0,4,14•11:V•iyu:i4:4:1 NATIONALL BOILER Wong& Boilers, Tanks, Stills, PANS, CHIMNEYS, I= Sheet Iron Work., Constructed In the best moues . and Ist* promptness. raiels AN LOW AB BIIPEHRMI_WOBJi CAN HZ A/70IIDED BY ANY. WITIIHROW DOUGLASS AL SON, CAXIOII St., Monongahela ik"Nrs? At the South 'End of them onennhele Mldee NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPS NVCD_IRJEKS, Corner Carroll and Smitlintan Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURII, PA. I;igulur. eswommu, ■sourscrgecs or Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. My ripe. In ID Can yertately In VIMA, In Dry &ma oad 7112421.112(01118. Ain, • full moon, Meat of • • i• GDIRD CD11503 218 ID DID WORL .17iliairAVggreValgar.r. MIMI . PORT .PIT il BOILEII 'STILL IND TANA CABROLIie SIIYDEU, . '. YLtIOiAC2Bba 5 or TIIBTILAN, DOUBLZ-TLIISD, TUBULAR ITELE.BOX A CYLINDEA STEAK BOILILITA, OIL STILLS AND OIL TASKA ODIENZTA, BANACKING AND ABU PANE BATTLING PANE, BALL PANB AND CON DENBERB, STEAM PIPES, GABOILLMA, AND IRON P' BON D 001373 AND COAL 3/11ITEB. ofisa sadworila sane. g•aoad. Tfilrd. Abort mad Liberty. HUNK& Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. mrtlrdeil iced to Om above MAW 1,111 El ➢roaEtlr attendee tA. sritalf• IRON AND NAIL 'WORKS. lIEWIB,,BAILEYOALZELL 8 CO. - .; — IIAITUTACTIFBAS3 Cr BAR, BOILER, SHEET 1 1".41.1%Tirb. IMILCII 4 O NMIS AND NAIL wog. orrzaz AND WASSHOUBIe, Nos. 64.66 k 6S Anderson . Bt., Three pares North or Had to. Andre, ALLEUILEN Y CITY. atati:US ' • KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. • LLOYD. & BLACK wAlLlll.Cruain6 Of Best Common, Refined Charcoal Tan Juniata Bloom Iron. .M.ZEOLINT 999. 90IIND a equAss 'sox HOW. BAND, T and ANUIA. IRON. BOILBB YLATTand BRITT MA. BOWER and ELITES BARS °TIMM= Sad GLUED OR BINDER MON, MALL T 90 and 161bs. to the Med. 0,901.0111 T ORATES and SIMMS for same. FLAT PAIL 9, Panama atid Countamiliki GOAL SCREEN IRON. lIAILB and SPIKES.. Warehouse and Mee at the Warta. GREEN. OUGH ST. (a edaUsnatien of Ft nit street.) ad herniae the . City Gas Work.. Fltntolneh. SUMS. 111111'0NR IRON WORKS. inmansini,73l4B3 & CO., Xsontssuress of the tUlferstit stsw o Roland, Spare, Flat and Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, ite,, &c., &c. Works. MIT TOWNSHIP, on Mononsahats rtsw. Mos andWarsboass: No, 146 Water St. Nos trairme au. JAY= 510.301 ' A. S. BOLL INDUSTRIAL WORKS. . . . • . . • HUGH. M. BOLE & CO., FOU.IrDERS, Engine Buildeni and 'Radials% Make to order Ilitarthe tad Land RAM lUtin.. 01'1.11 slats, trinsetod to Ilya twist:tette. Outing; of every detrAlptloa, =Ada to or.lei. JA*llB 2 , liLaOX. N0p•t....... 13.1101... Totem.. Woad. Bb.P. Car. Point Alley a Dotoroalto rovadr 7. Not. Cana Si [Lana atlteL PITTISIIDEIGH. PA. .1710:•P CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. , HILLER, BABB & PAILEIN, furnSCrcrn! or BEST VAULTY EAST STEEL, Wsrraated illoual to any 1d Oh. Dior mthleDmspoonroedorrof Do- OPHOLAL ATTEN 0 TaOll AID TO STOE.L.O NIDE OMIT , Alt . Office, 38 Wood Street, IN ST. VELAELPS HOTEL. BUILDOIO. rirrnicluill, Imo HMO lOC 1.1A:412 DUQUESNE IRON AND STEELWORKS. Emusaai, BA= at Co., Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, noires. ensue us A. r. urn, 41; WARTHOM. irft. 7.7 MRTm.tor iettreet. PITTSBURGH. 1419:12 PLILO :4 *I NNDERSON, COON Is 00., 0117001215035 TO JOR7a. BOTD i 00111 listratzeturan ot tee bortrelined Cart M. mg% LI:, r a t .oetisimho&soiatlzet. Reaping and. Blowing Madan MST PLOW WINO& NIPSINSIX. Il I Lir* cIIIIOI7LAM4 de. CIS di Common Mgt di Opting Steel, or luti sad 7-....Thons. blen.abots Qs llaeozzatlelli .BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE EDLS No. 29 Wood Street Zeketketnes and keep eonetsaUr k•ad Thiusbie, Shan t Pipe /30aieut, .WATMO L LIVOL4 14M A ily11, Lad oseithis deneeelly. • - . n24:7, MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, : : ItiftaprlittemA', I,NriflClANitt, OrrOenlt UNION IRON 3PIWWW/ 1 .1311:121.43.11M., Rolling NM and Bridge Castings. ID Ulnae (ivied, dm: nudity add medal./ adeedtdd. OFLABOZB azAzontisis.' 1311HEUT A BLILOBLESID. dem= RITKELSON,PRESTOMI co. • Pax - itt r.s.rzi MON NyCII=LEESs wintai, 1113 mad is coward. XMOUSUW Boum ntutmta. motai IRON CITY MILLS. 10eigR13 & BIIIiCEITICL A l!MIBIld.12113900111.7llallallik ill102130:EM =FLOW. O= Waltdo9ll3. MUM= BY Wale Iwntommi WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA au.riVrAtili b ; TAME." Peseabgar - grans n the Western Penrtylvanla Itallroad Fill Ards* at and depart from the Federal limpet Depots Ap.- 111001 CHM. as folloWS: - • • Arntrell. IlbarnebliMe I 8 :21A.11.12tall ...... 1.111/1:g Freeport he. 1 S:11 Freeport No. 1 9rtd p I. Oteee ••.....10:10A..1S 12 harpble 01 111 I.* narpalg No 2, 1 : 115, ....Expre........•• LSO rat =part No. 4:42 r .Y. Harto p e . rt t y ,, ,, A; mo t: 10 Ilareserrt's Ac 7:10;1 0 1. ftZpsi sot 7:321.0 T ' t:lll .' l e jor.ine u g - i;:t y y . H Cllr .tr at 7:StI ni.. re hurt og Allegbeny City at o:so da A, 0. •Ketnrnlng, rt. Allethest CO at 1:21 1. It. and 40.100 at Allegheny 40001 at 11:rt r. Conumnt lon Stekets hoop —ale In es partag IVOZi.7 ta of 11 ~mtr..., : rgal a too4g r aron t h t. tz..ta stup - The trarte lea . ,Vrr6:6o. rt• an • d 2:00 p. rt. mato Tre e el mane at 171••• Pert wit. Wilt er's Lieu or Clot. ter Huller and Liannabetown • • o l'lgtufta • TrAete 4:x tor be purae.s.a 10 arid gr. la em it, ;;;L:g•. V:A.T,' os 7.174 be. n' Farther Informstloe apply to SUMO 1,E1•11t1t113, Agent. edurrt IStrtet Illopt• The Western Penneylvanrt llsaread .111 not 1 . 010,0 00 7 ran /Ur Umbrage, except for Wear. Ins AF pare.and Matt Ott" responutbally le 01. IllnrtultD la ran.. All bolognge oftetceidag [ow ner,t In vilue•wlll Pe at tits rtel, the ow unless talan by speetel eon. tract.. E G EWk ra ß l&ann. .W AtLoAI ,a . pENNSTI. D NANLi CIEN'rIIAL 11161IMPlak Ott and after JUNE Ofb.INA. Trains anima and .lepast from tta Upton Dated. not. Illtomon and Liberty bla.. t5 . 4:111; 4 Mall Tgh " . V ..tithl a m; Pay Expreed.: Rind MI Line• ILoWs:1• • • No. I. .• 42_044 al Wt all•s No, 8:24A spinal' Testa Brlnton 00.2.. 7:50 • m!Wall•a Na. 1t... odor Wall, No. 2... Pod • m,.thnein•tl m elnelnnatt Er. dm a on! d No. 1...11•MA Johnstown Ji.o.r.tdo a to:Johnstoten Au S:mlp a Phlla. T.dprom Imo p No. 4... 3:Mr at W. 11. ° 30.0.'. '111,171.PW0 Wtfot W W 4 6 " ... I s s '- att •• -r n • " • Walls N 0..... tobe 0... 4.01 p Many In Altooda Amint /...10*/ pal and =Mean • MattilotM➢ Tbe Church Teal. Maya Wall•sttatlon ova !lan ry I .. o4 tto,. — iy r ::l l 4 , lP,Pg ` lll4l.llT: and omen t 1 Wawa/dation at Inky. ' M. • •Illelanatl Lepton !mem %MIT. an MAU train. dally azoapt %mar/. auelhhla Expects and Me Altoom Amonte modatlon and Emigrant Train arrive ditty. Cin cinnati Xypreadaryleas dally!ezeopt Monday. All otber tratnadally ezeeat rnday. tor farther Inrommtlon apply to • W. M. AR .% Tbe Cannsylmitla Mainsail Company dill . mom.. any Mad forßaggase.exceot for mewing apparel, and reoponslblllty to on . Hundred Dollar. Inman,. All Bittgage ea...d rag mum =onto In ,mlno bo at the rut 01 tbe Minn% tmleas talon hyaocel contelnel. MDWAILLs £l. WILLIAM% Mentdaltlhoetlntendent, Altoona. Alrentowir Railroad Line. NEW, ALL RAIL, RUT FREIGHT LINE, = Boston, new York and Pittsbnigh, . , 11A &nide& illegal ind Jersey city, Without . Change of , Cars.' NEW YORE ' 4OODB POR PITTSBUINII4 most be Delivered at. PIER No. IL NUETH ELVER. to the Agent of the ii AR Allentown Transportation Company, and ROT Agentauf tbe If. J. Central Hi U., al same pler ' ' • • Bills of Ladlng Issued at the ordca of the • . No. 5154 BYMAD WAY: • - Denton Omoo. IT W.ILiiiIILEIGTON sr JOlth P. HAMILTON, Age , t. Ogles, Iniot of.ILDEII.TY ST., • . • rrrnaruit t il. ' IngibrArr . - 1867. LifiNEIRIN - 18 , 7: THE PliTTßDUilki El PT. WAYNE a 0 : .1.• ilt 11. /1., AND oLltlisiaND&rrrnas a It into', ...i,.a audisaiiiat the Unldn is • follows: twill. • •amtva. • ' EiT4f..*.ixia:,. 12 33 iff.7. '.., 1 1 - *;r ra.:: D i i. Erie it Yob Ex eim • ni • Chtmen Exi•..10:46 as Pala`ME 4 .. 2%33" n!7, 1 4,7f,,E - ...*1 2 1133: Sr.: WO Z. !:team. arrlC.stikEili 32 Chicago Az.... 206 p m Ohio. Ex. 9 pa . 3 Wheeling Ex.. AN p m Ul. A Whir. Ex A pia Depart from Anew:Arr. Arrive la /amen as s . N. AVM Ae. ASS am N. Snips AM ROE as Leetsdale ii lAN •mi N. Brno i• AM as Roebe el er :: i lg lg . rti...Yi' u . A,T4T e . ng. 0 .1; Wile A N Cas: 3:23p nt iimetsdaDi ii sAtil •so Leetsdale Aein bide la ii .. ISEO Is N N. em ••• 13.. ED re .l9. it •• IMP oln N. Br. Gs •• Ott pml Leetsdale iii .4:10 p m Leetsdale " 10:SOp tri •• ' in ISA D a 'EN! , iis. Chlesolo Ex., JEPIC:rS A sn. (M 1 rift "V.. itlili:ElfM!Settiarilirerat"ilil.i AELLGULEar TALLEY .IA, 1 Su/. 4TELELZIGIS Or . TAMA : i l teend after THURSDAY. inly NMI UM. n.l.l.ll•Ave ma arrive at Dlusburgla pot, mint r rile And Canal attests. se rollosni: i 1..... Arlifsee. MCI 1 Ass •. E. 0:10p als, Sf.V.'.. ° .f.-er.••,:. ! Izz... 11111.earte Wocanamodotlon 1:10.1f. T1r101.770,• 11.00 boos Work., Amon,—tl:.o .L. 7.1 Y. 9t0054 Soda Work, Aceorn.. toOr. Holton Acerrnmedia 10n.....10,0) a. IL 127.10 •,, i. 70 1 7. 1 1 , 7 Chore., Troth. front to Mono Work•.— lofer. X. 1IO:01. M. Xrpress North aukerelose rOnueorrom • Mt. honing with line of retorts for Frame! mall 011007. Still thnitheOLuttornlrlthlokettt. 0110117 . and Franks...' • r 17 1 7 11. nr.ino.. ;00, Ps lo PITTSBURGH AND COMM' VILLE B. B. . cAti.l-4 .6 a l3pring Arran,gement. fter TRUBSDAT, TAMA lint. MIL Tie trataa lawe Lae Depot, etraer et • WM Water etre,te. aa tailor.: • Luau %r raw Peter roi. PearTre Kali le axe frog Onlooker,. 7.1:o a. N. 6 Define Surma. •• 11:t0 t. at. NOMA. West Newton Aneszato , Ta EX P. K. jai tar Tlnt lglittorport Lee.olll`a 1. Y. 6:67.0.• Beettat '• •• 1545 —.30.06 Y. . 6:01. Yar t• • • Iltutday Chute Train to and.l :10 T. X. from Tor Ticket. appl "Tar y be.. t Pleorton.... (C ... 1.7.%. 10.10 Wi ors-1 5 1 1 .!1- 9 011, ' S Pt 2 2 -7. - '---" 14/istili4 1 •., -, ~ : 4 ' F...z..:4;23,..:pi. , - qT - 7117 - 1` , - iitc . 1., ( .1 tirlfF.-2,41,,c. 'ADO.26, .i .- . ___•,-, PENT A. SALT reiACIFACTUAT 321.ttscieruxiaa. . ( 4 11F.AT DEVOLUTION IN THE - Wa I eragATZTINEIB,7 4 .I . I2; O.dmral. stag, and test:M.l=par... ".."" Duce of dmpar. 3 :26 .....IttLad would tall Itio attestiloit of Wine Dudes and Bout Ito•Ders to the follow tat letter, *latch may Do • cornet it. of the quallt7ot that Wlnet • 110trellan & Co:—Gentannear Hae.. lag Oren year CallformaCharenorama Coma" We we lake l.:aware la marine te credo. la the beat Asterlcan W/1101,0 bare everused. We Mall at eau glace It on oar kill of fare. trat a e l . • hanair Te rp Cy C J. Z. AllOPLpaara• OD.C BIwn BOUCER Oman LWy e -2:171 TAlLAStralll , I/F.ICII. • Prmsonart. Jere HU, lleY , NOTICE Is nEnenx yer, thatUtCiTTPaaureolfshovreyoy n es ale fflea, e. U 9 Youth • trurn tnis foUonlen Txes, mu whleb a discount ofil YE PLUS EN T. um Ms blower sly to, tee 187 DAT Ul AU U UnT NIST, YU I VIS A T EU XI /ITAX; GIVRININti TAX: oo d WATtet AnNTS. The Etat , . Mercantile Lleteure le 11keedse dee, and must be galas or before JULY Ist. 10 or der to time a c. 9 1 . AL 9 .lllDrli Tresener w ar e tzll 3 Gib IV AVEIV [Mc-AN e, mu the da=grsb7l " rtle t" Z " o w c tut Au° 1 8.....9 , 24Wer nlYegbear. trona sue I.l=Gt.f 11.1: tb:Ltr!.12:V.".1747.r, DAM 111 front lend valet Ur.; 1.01. tr.% true net esr! the °melees, on IenTUADAT. £041 0 .9 Xar p iAt i al area. to luau the iltalo of • A. C. ALESPINDEJI; MORT. 6TEWAIIT, JAMES °SAILA*. lewat. Erlne:l puivATE DISEAMES. 9911c•-11331f EZIOUSTAISXT, near Huta, , • - /or the can of •11 dim-5.18410f a private nature, to tram two to U. 4als. ny ail alstlrely net an d Ws traaimant. al. Comlxtal Weakada, .4 all oil. alma. att.' genital organ. Wt.. proven... Caro warranted or moue* refund._ Ofloo bare -7 to 101..... Ito a nod to Sy. In. 4,4sirmaa late.. 1-11.. 111 /,.111/2ht Pam. air at. LSAT 11 IL R IBEL_TANG. , -.We n. ger - matalu l .1, 4 11! ea Imam, wasnatall to pm- J.A P 1011 at sad 2a SU 0114 x stmt.