The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 05, 1867, Image 3
DIM GOO I • : coLitis e : : • co() y 1, GS, 6,003 P P USDS KNITTING YARN I JUST RECEIVED. Te 1141cl:we esline ro•Clal attaittlan of DEAL. DRA LA . bI . • VIOLzt. • BMA 'gm at.AcseaL vn r 6YA LER. AMERICAN REPUTE, ran ".nortisasa of Galan, fat SHAWL& afACtallis, Ac. HOSIERY' ddliD GLOVES, 10184 , 15 mamma. 00008. W 14177. IMOD! LAD LINC3B. JA41087 - 1 7001 ,4 1:8 ANOIBIBI I II 7I NU B . 118.110.780 WORK, LM ABl, 1141.2111.71tc11ti11. (7/17.7188 71111C171174 IY.ee3iimee ci 3Prior as t Lis ova . WBOLVI XLIC DIWARTILENT will • tossal NU Ilea oCLITAPI.R. u 11071014 wad FANCY GOOLIS. so Ir. roll the att.- nos of Merelants. reild , ers ud Dealers gel:W . - 11.11 h AS WWI= GLYDE k CO. -16 60 OLLETLET ETELEXr. Ired SELLING OFF. AT COST! $20,000 WORTH OF DRT - GOODS. Hindu Recited ass. DRY ROODS, HOSIERY, •PID VARY= IMRE. •Tto. leo OHIO STRUM center of tee 00.1920116. Alls• Rbsey CDR I ea. rtualred to WI ant tRe +Rote Met RC DRY RUDDY at bio Stree A.or comer • Tbe see will commence on • Slanday. July 29ih, Altd win keened. for =OUT DAYBOXLV. All tood. Me M e nem asold Mber o. unto be remov ed U Beers, NM eet. • great Bargains will be -Offered ! • • Tbs stock t, .early ill neLA tutors tisszals , irT=isOltrAs a mi They e 0.64 its Wort aid bat st7As 01' • , Frill's . , Dress Gods, Tassimeres, 2111114 asal DRY DIODE generally. ros EIGHT DATE ONLY--BEAR 11 MIND, 41 JEW. 164 Ohlc Stroll; ustratraeirraw,r,ie uzz S. C. HESS JUST OPEAEDi MOM & CIRLISLWS, XO. 19 11fUs Strest, Jams MID MatiLIST wrTL or EELD HIPS AND !RINSES • SWW LOT, VIOL cnskr. OS NADI= LACE COLLARS AND DIY ISMIDIND DANDENROIDZIE. • WV= ZNOLPII TEINNIN*3 EIBBOEB• NAYBONO ZDNINGISOm , MEM 00115103, new shapes. ZDIDLETV DUPLEX EKINDEI. new Winne VP* ha a jushopased • superior lot Or Ladles , Promenade Satdiels, and Gents' Trairding Bags, • of the Lett quality and alott I,ooent' etYle. Re WWI model attentum to our new lot or Tagil Weil bitl7 nt 114311 WIL htati Luc ain.m.crcriprai. The " Star" Shirt, Axi r ap a rtel . at VIIIINGSIDNO GOODS, at leniaata ui Ida's mad at la hits. • mAntuni a CARLISLE. a. 19 wirtia- Street. • DlEsv • D; , 11; ABLE GOODS JEST RECEIVED AT JOSEPH HOES & tO'S Pointed Trimming Ribbons; Plain Trimming Itibbons, all sinntein Jet end Crystal Glamss Fringem Colonel Ball Trimmingm White Cotton and Dal Fling's; • A NI line of Alecandree kid Gumec Lido. Osliad, Neapolitan, sat and Yid Rahn Gimes: Lida and Cotton Lime Ham •GraiVe, Ladle*, libmse , And lininnte Hen I • Ilme Umbrellas id Parma* Easirolderies, niinciereuelk, ' raze tow= neenawn Mart; . Csnrstv,- Betting and Barliew, Linen and On Fang Came Underwear, fic Ladles, Cede "taro at Ilelts,lsonsethlng. siglr; imialapaodlollOTlONO. of ill maga, a uokraaa c n..Qwato., 77 and 79 Market Street Iivao,LEsALE DRY GOODE,. MITHNOT,SHANNON a co NO. 115 Wood Street, Hoye fnstoptalaalcp ow stook of nsoopatai DRY GOODS NOTIOISS, inde i t tbj e = rj OCII6. Mar- Tea. =XI 171700•1 ritripOt. ar.v. ersnuarsom NE 110111 PER AND LOTS IN ALLE CLIENT CITY AT IN nol o, on inn grunis, ow MUD DAY, Alarat fitn. at vI o'clock tbo two gam, DTI& Dwelling anus. 214.• ig S mot Tay Km lair at itirelVna nirant=inien, adellisnin wan - •.I.ILOGOIL,. /meanies, VALUABLE BANK : STOCKS. •10.—On TUNSDaY la. as I o'clock, will b. gold. on• atm second law • of Carom ertlal al••=ithatla a uleott so slur. /*amass National Bona: • hams hasional Boat. s saoroo ear.. National Boon. • 6 abates sound Notional Rana * abuse Conlin • AtlannaltWegrapb Co. Ind • • A. Me 1.1.9•1•11.. •actloneer. JOHN ROIFEry FOINITY, Carson MAI' Ward, nenr &LLB. Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds,. 1436 ui Lain cutup punk. .• ..4011111MO WORE mosandvaunadeetto. Q. dan satiated sad axially and 4.4141144111 aranted.... 104 10 ont she• 1'1195.'5. CALHOUN . a,azizi4Orram, No.l67)Eacect etreet,Aleigheny lertulinirllgrantig= " FEuDz TANKS. • "rtitNTAVIlt ru:l4o - ittILT ;sr zi Vt. of wt e m Willa... on tbe swat moonalga term sad shortint mice. arMs9ll GEORGE RICAVEI', CANDY MANUFACTURER,, ru =Mr ,mtr CALM= REIZENBTEJN, • IE2 nMIZArd Fgt.. ALIXEMENT• (FORM, door above Dlaskoad.l ' Cass, Elba Ware at Table Cutlery *At 111157LitN PRICE& itten'tt hitt malted to a brat good.. <Las store oa Ma& Call sad esaaese our Jabs B & BIOSEB, ...1= 10 . X . 114 , • FPIT - MIAMI ATION *DINO, No., an 4 • ILI ST. CLAAIL ISTA LIPP, PITTA'S UlnJ/1. PA, B DIMg 4 . .tr&Val graUlatatrNatil:r. GREAT' OAJLE, OF DRY GOODS! E.... 1 Y Wiese Smosataleseig In. heaths Trento:the I—Deislib of n thild the Buell. Ordtertlr. tenon enythisig out of the meal order."( things transpires, affording opportunity for Weensatitni, it Is silted hp. on an rich food by those mane to anittiad. vent neon tie misfortune Or misdoing. of Others. Salwint points are elaborated, more Or less discretion being ezeseDed to ;de toot from the Individual rocothting the • story respOnalinlity lOC the truth !thereof. NewspipertepOrteirs generally Was imen sousations, er make them, with Coo same - avidity With which they are received be • close of the community, to very large one) and are jut as free to spoil a sensation al ter It haw served Its,purpose. That re port. ere In some Instances ere tenons'''. 10 greet mewls for injury end wrong tcr.. the feelings Cr the chmeeter Of petwoha made stibiects of critt. ChM or of oblodeY, we will not deny,; but . that UM Is too result of de. sign or Welke, as a general Dithe. we main ] fain Is net the case, and it not unfrequently happethat the reporter unwittingly in -1 of whom he Mena knowledge IF" Z .... " of pencils in whom aeons. the deception homey have renewed confidence, and who, it may turn out, were actuated by improper motives. re fer_tb%tetfler?.% renZerrfil only appreelatlng the Opponent. ty w in Coon nn sawe have ol giving ides of the story: Lamer Bch Reel and w ifeDermens, reside , hit East Birrabigham, and semi two weeks - or snore eines trim were committed pel ey *woe McCarthy In default of ba i lor serety of the peace. on complaint of Anenst Animon,Esg...lustice of the Peace of East Birmingham. Schaegel wax la the anneal, a drafted man. improperly ms be and since ills discharge and return ho hex, on frequent odasaions, always while under inthe Mangum of Muer, spoke of the great width had been practiced in fore leg him 'lnto the army, - and the trouble used to his Welly. during his sheens. Attsiti&it n imto Justice Amman a sham of the Witty for hisNrlevaneeS, Benno. dot threatened tO flatlet violence, going to the talent in hie excitement to threaten murder. Schwind • encouraged her litithand to theta dernonstratintie, which were so hemmed, that Mr. Amooo, In actual rear teat the attempt might be made to ex ecute toe' threats, thought It prudent to retake complaint In the matter. And thee It came that Milmedel and his wife. failing to pttkittee the required security,vl were mem- FOR TEN DAYS. Zi=td.=...°l4l2btf;,.•All: eVe that they Should bar eleued. It teems, , te•HreVer, nething watt dorm In he matter. To'cult orr .• 4 • • Michael Lipp, bilte..Zustice of the Peace Of Dlrtningham, became Interested lathe swag AND S LUMP, 51= 1 .?,,bggee1:74 Tic'tmar,%rml:l , .tr mama ininatliks. 'Justice Lifindmilual to •-•_ make a statement. but was not allowed, DRS GOOD S -what. he hart to say would I.hltVo been a roultiticm of the magnified 111 lmaginnate Of those for whom he was Inter .. • , , • The Setieedebt were b cirri till HI El 1113 it • " under " " - on Saturday, and tit beteg stood Era Schaedel had complaint al l eged against the prison authorities for ehrman treatment of herself and infant child, the wasallowediemake estatermot through= interpreter, assliespoke imperfect English. • She ca s he was committed to Dull with her infant, between seven and eight trionthe old t that her Infant was taken si ck, and that the prison farethread an 6! water, with oc. cations' soup, was not suthelent to enable her to glee austenance; that she called,' In the ritglit,oollol her Gelid was very .alck. thatlight, without obtaining any response; dually, the Deputy Warden. air. Sant 0. carne asked her what she wanted. Called her a... Min n ., said he would pat her 111 the "straw celi• for making a noise. and etreek heri that her child grew worse, and Diatribe &eked ththe Doctor be sent for; that the Doctor ti n nily came, end said, it wet "MI op with the Wide.* that she desired a minister to be snt for to baptize the Doctor e and the Deputy the Wardenchild; saidthat that was not necessary, and asked her of what re, listen she wu; that the Drescher Caine.. however. and peptized the child; test the 011110 died in the prison on the IDth nit. Der etetementleft the Imprettion that, to her opinion at.least, the child died through neglect. tlatber stateMenta were made about the troubles of the Schisedel - hunelly, but the Court said they could not he taken Into eon. aiderauen, at least in connection with the complaint against the orison authorities. The etato moot Mitre. achsedeljest beard, would be taken into contaderauon. It Op. peered from ftlhas the treatment reeelved by the onnotalmost was creel and Inhuman; but opportunity would be given the War‘ den to gnawer the plainoolritoe , onms, 8000001 end com tette, w ere ealled news. their own tecognisinces, having promised to give no further mineYmee te Justice Ammon. I Neither the Warden, W..i. White, nor his Deputy, Wm. Sm vrere In Ceu and it ! Memel Meehan so notice of the proceed-ing. Subsequently we saw Er. smith at the proem, and upon informing him of what hire Schaedel MA stated; he Whine quite a dilemma story. The child, he gape. WAS , elek when It CALM with the mother to prison, and received attention from the Jail Physician, Dr. A.. G. Mellandices. Smith was absent for some time from the eltYVerizeit Ills. Schuster. ineareedation, but' he was Infetrmed that ate. White, the Wardmi l s wife, hid prepared food in the night time teethe sten infant. In regard to Striking Mrs. S., the Deputy Warden admits the fact. Ile says that on [boom...don other ' lout mu remittal rapping he went sher oelL Open the Man being opened ' said she vented a candle, and was told she could have obtained it without making so much Lilo, At this remark she became enraged, and calling Mr. Smith a ee— of a srikehzlmed. , After waertd angd ffe ntdhea v n o t r e e n d dd blow, eke dropped the bucket., and seized 'slapped of Smith, and it was then c ha r h her In the tam, or rather po her eway from him.. According to Satitti , s elate:mein hlrs.bensedel is it women Of 'MT I violent temperament, and was the cense of wrest annoymee in the prison. if the child was tinder the ease of&tall a Pastiches, Is • Wt. to presume the knew Of eta ornidition.and in Enos! ge would render It • mailer of dray with hhs, to see that it received proper attention. Death resulted, we understand, from wsnm. rum complaint." and thus atilicted the poll. on tom net a proper pines for it, and prtson Imo not mthcient ferns atmenance. None should know tots better than the rhyvietah, and his recommendation In linen matters always ore promptly acted upon by the Cort. In advance of farther inveetliratton, we do not desire to convey the Idea that there Is no ground for the complaint. of lit.. &blench bet we cannot avoid expressing the opinion that from onr knowledge of the prison authericlus, arid brat their menage. merit heretofore, the Marge of creel end inhuman treatment Witt not be mstained ion investigation before the Illeon Preparatory to aactteu. Monday, July Stn. and Contin ulna to August Bth, Atter which the helloes or the Block (If 007,1 telll be dtsheeed or at PUBLIC - AUCTION 1 Vi'tr Walkrr was ` • ' l i :Th IC OAL L 5 . ..Ayy .. J rm nv, ps UAZSDLEIIES 12131 2 .1,, ii 3100 NET & DRENNAN, N 0.50 Federal Street. ====22l mu= 4_4 ENGLISH , CHINTZ, FORD dEliTa i AT M. BURCIIFIELD &CO'S, N 0.117 Market Street. WIDT. DANE CHINTZ:, La sort➢ Fa LIGHT CHINTZ, tor 1.5 e. irorth 810 WHITE PLAN all Yrlcaud width. LINEN LAWN.i. LINEN C..1.1111E1C 8139 ars ozimi LINEN bILPERS; NAIUSUDE LNuaectorEr Ihninuie swiss uoiLiss.l ==l Zito. Es7,l3dciarls.ot litreept. G-reEit 33argitins Zara,. will do well lt. CALL . WJ01; 1-C'ENCME, No. 96 Market Street, M=EM=f! OILUVIcC4I4IDLICEIN & CO.,' Pa Mira*, Carr a. C 0..) • inturarraci Dzmasasth FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 50.% WOOD WIDE= • third Dour abaraDlamoad PITIVIIIIROII. PA. STRAW GOODS, POR SIMMER SALES. ALL TEE NEW STYLE HATS,'- . TOE SALT &EAT, lS . MCCORD dc.' CO.'§, ftt. . CPCNIS. litre et. ELAM I HATS 1 • . oiraii aim, 86 BYRN% .Ikt N 0.62 r 3:70. 181 1.41 Bak, Clair Ellie' et, Hoye one of the yell yen retail steels of • HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS • - Ia the etty, sad ocoastontly In reeetpt of elithel Is nee , es soon ne they an be "eelire.<4 , Yeeriattentton maven to notat/Ing. exclusively. spl7:vl3 LIVERY STABLES = MORELIND & MITCHELL, Livery and Sale Stables, sss LEIMIMC 11111ELT, OpposlUi Penlßll.ala 84Mad Doer!. PITTBBU RCM 4N-Pattlealar attention paid to Parsialdni Beano and Cant.. tot Rincrga. . Han. kept at ntetv. settorla 11. ti V i i i i i .,E, IR:Bazaar, Livery Undertaker. AU kinds of Cott ., a. , Int 1,1, , Z . V4 .te:..=.7.4trbly 7=l: OkUlltli Btrtattrnarn. Hoo. C ' agree ' aaneteer Bei Klee for nits. owner and Caresses ale_ y resdlaaaaror Trosers'a. Hosea ireptat li:err landry, month or i year, arm attended to to with the =no nv. rlLt i Va z' orelegarr it" qt e : o . ,.:l" w 6ttablts kept open all boars or eta do; 'Warr= PM:NTKIU3. T. L BITICIIII6OIf b S. 116P81,91.X. HUTCHINSON & HEPBURN. low, sin Aso .ommisu roma (111.411131Z69 AND ULAZI7.IIB, 80. PZIESPA AVILIIII7t, Pittslnusli. All warn by mall promptly attended to. REMOVAL, JOHN F. CLULEY. Muse and Sig» Painter, nattned No. 1134 ENITHYIKLD 62%, ratablkdel. tbo old "add. •• 101tSir2 X. 00,11 no. SAID= MCCQWI. III & slams, aolisz l eng 1 1 1 1 :122MMParZ No. 63 Barth Ado of Duimstrad.diteledmY• Comserrelaltuld Our slew made to order. Orders reapeetrody oollelted sad promptly oz. weld& Nista Paste. Wlndow d Loos sad Patty e.. path on hand. • g ad DYERS AND SCOURERS. J. LANIMP, Sas. 1135 and lel Third Strad, DM AND SCOITRER. Straw Goods Cleaned or Dyed GLOVES sod I.A.DIZIO ?Lamm dna .11F,13 C. O.FMILEWS YALNOT • Dyeing and Scarring Estabastaxent, K. ALLEY, Zstorecol Wood Aso naiads stmt. twas 'returned 11x too I n ve r ar. WOO. SO 1:110 owner twelve =nth& tolvo liktyvtge)?0:11:4:0: 4 :1 —now • SINGERLY & CLEIS. (sac...". to 800. Y. Iktnackwas CO") . • PRACVCAL' LITHOCIRAPKUI TE6 ittli.R4llllu AB. 1.1111.1111.11 . 1 disT T 11.4 MOUISTAI2III. Latter Bost4k tat V lava. Cenll2.t.. 13 " =. ' * 0.14, 414. So. TG smd 14 nava SAS. A. MILT wn, I.ITIELOGRA.PHER, Joh 80 NOVIITZI BT. Apollo Ballaths. T E SAtte " 1 " -------------__ - TOBACCO. CIGARS, ara. &ittj JOHN IVIEGRAWI Kanazawa pf Vp i llOutst 4 Tobacco, Snuff and Cigara, 410 331302a= 111TXML133". EICELSIOII wonas. R. & JENKINSON. Masturbatarai and dealers la Tobacco, gaair, , Cigars, Pipes, ,„o.l*. 6 IIEDZILLI . BT.. LLl.Xausii. Boa omima, aro., CILLII.z.LIII,IIZILTTIL -- MILSHeSS , &:EuErraa, Illuombers to WAIELLUUL & BALL. No 12 St. Cllr St., Pittsburith I:)-,I, Pianos, Prattling /Lid gulag. eeals paean, arSols /Witt& forth. 001ebt.044 BUM] no' BT, Noir Sort. 'sad tICBOYLOE=B a 00. fuOdlyttla, FIASCO. 41.6; MILT a 00.11 "OOTTAO&' sad D. • H. W. ORO% •Lasur.fiacAs" Olt -01105. aidTlllll.o.lll PATIENT QUITAiL The but 11100 a .Ladßorman ' , noun wai to WM , . Wm. as lbs.." MT :MI VOTW.—Application tor Li. L ., sumo to -sell Liquors, 11ladlo Wet:lark'. " inintALL' freeria.W. other 0. 4 .. wrna. rittrenro.. nr o'clock A.M., Mr ACAtiTIK OA • .DD .1011 d•wb rast soS;dl Z;tr pittzliurnly Cotttt ClSlamas Possenger Railway. • The Citizens Passenger Ussy Ls one of the most flourishlna enterprises in our eV, and its present success is mainly duo to the excellent manigeMent It bas been under since the organisation ot the Company. Dating a wattle LAwrencevtile. • few days same , we were shown through the stables of th e Company at that place, and picked up • few statistics In regard to the linelnass done on the line, which may be of Interest to our readmit • The company are running at present eighteenmos from Si Clair street to Law renceville and two from Lawrenceville to Sharpiburgh. Each car makes regularly nine roved trips per day en • the former route. which. being three ogles and A quar ter in length maims a distance of fifty. Toand a b'alf miles daily for each ear. To run these twenty cars tt requires twig, ty ooeductors, twenty driven. and one hundred Bred. twenty JAM. first ma leaves Lawrenceville at PreelselY o'clock. In the niolming. end to followed bY eve one Marl afore= minutes thereafter, until ten o'clock at' night. It requires forty minutes to make the tine from the stables in Ihsrrenceville to the etallon en Penn streetrs distance et three and • quarter miles , Tbe average reoelpts 01 each ear are t i u n e . u . a..ll=tliare per dtl r , thich,".F:ctent. each, woild less id require them to sorry 11.11:qt passenger. The main stable, situated en Sutter recent, Lawreisce- Mlle, is • brier building one hundred and fitly feet squereonth malls for one hundred and seventy horses, and a double track for care, nannies the full depth ot the banding at theism' end. tbo rear et tills Is the feed boo" which is also of brick, one hun dred and Idly feet long by day wida. aho basemencer wean Is arranged as a stable and will acosmodate eirty head of horse. On the. second floor is the food grinding' apparatus, eaters. ac., and In the basement is the engine by which the water. is Supplied from well, These which also reins the straw natter. These buildings are Sayer twee tealtintlitrorthwerld''ThiLi7A'4l%" the stables at present one hundred and fifty Ilya maid el borserortdels Cost on on overage one enraged and fifty dellars each, and there are employed in the etables, lode. c at of driver*, twentyilve men. The cost of the buildings above described was sorty-flye thousand dollen. • In Manton to the stables the company have sti extensive car house and passenger derot, whbatt situated further east on the same street. A great impair eMent. en the days of omni buses. Ittrallergiamsn Letter Llat. Letters realism:deg unealled for et Bear testa= rostoMoe,LoilE.t 3. 21 t 57 . 'Pantile 111" IT:Tor/7N Kelsey J u t, IouSLIGIZ T I T trgre.rall IJalttpa JObr, !Kali. Danhard iii.itAT'isf (AM: OO.OlO Isteruj 3 ...ralrin Lanni K . Weo . tlnar DeT;Te 1:.7, , t g w Jobli GaGY aim?, ItMoman Geo ;Pitt !.!onto ril:rejy=2 ItryFr Tote A nill NOVI 0 ILannnfl NWT 010110 Blohaid ern.. Jas :Lanerter A A-:Mewl J I=ll folbtratig isti:t ?gall: 41471. Emg:oe,„ C.. p tot I liege Melia° mar I Coot irm kn. . Itltllrsol Kato JObli Kens In Cleat ueo !Marna 1:00111) ,suwun tioan Inne.' ,7 D iblatnens Jae el lifteenul Doutbee . 'Stanford J A 10000.0100irltgtShiPti ITeSIorTIJ :1' 47 .I No 1 - 1171 Ella 'lValint . rue 1 Gets J• eel " W U 0 .I(tA Ws 'Parton Wilet.o,Wilson stare. Powell INVarn Hinge leeks WWl"' Inun I , listos4 Ho.* rats., David Z ' I 'Pan- 'llea fitil °lb nn IBun lZan • E. G. EIIEtIAII, Postmaster. • ' Issammet Amansment. - • Wei:mutt 01 a /11.11 e lamb of ohm. on Oat .3oday might,. which wo limento daelre to ening* in, for AltZtons animari, • and Much hue deca is l • ICI have one Who does engams It . M. 16 01 us the subject of their tote.. A.genthissaa was quietly and peacea bly p a r tigg ,talon[ nigh strocc, eatraday mooing when be was mat by. W. m„.Lt.ins, who dellberatS hi:IOMM him down. 161.- cm was urea sad takon to the -lockup by ofOcer 6011101 h. happened to neat I and saw the occorronos,lild when asked at tan hearing yesterday morning why he 116 ha replied that be 0101 t toe fun. The mayor thought sOctijokos too good Lu c a. enjoyed for nothing, and charged Mr. floe dollen and costa for his fun. We don't. want any of IL ILL UAL tate. . The Lancaster ge ( Pees :) rat& deloriben tbe nature] brid twelVe .11111 ea South of that plaoe, showing It to be nearly air greet a carioeltz as tile world-famed natural bridge of lirifinia The bridge la Of 'Mid sana.stonef one bundred and fifty feet in length, and from eight 10 twenty wn" , spanning a mynas at an olOval lon of forty flee feet from the bottom. It lelevol on the top and arched below, wi th • curvature of thirty degrees. The Mote seys teat persons who basevisited bo th pronounce this °ridge equally awonder, except in, pith its celebrated CirgMlit pra. PITTSINTRGEt DAILY GAZETTE:' MO' DAY..AUGUST 5 ISO = It Is generally conceded that brick stile walks are • nuiswacie, and the citizens of TltUltairgh have teen looking long and I ansionsly lee the day to arrive when they winild, in this city at least, be "numbered among the things that were," but notwlth gandlng they have been discarded Lumley other cities, 'ram, the facilities for precis, ituf the flagstone fall far short pf Ours, we Leooom:UAW Walton and "tramp bricks,'' erith saireelff a hon. of being relieved of the nuisance. . licher° Made nocalculation ' as to the effinparative cost of brick and tint sidewalk., but nre confident that the difference is not sufficiently groat to . compensate for the inconvenience and on conifertableneSe of tho fernier. A good (1.K.1.0110 pavement; properly put down, will las brick ges and needs no repairing; while aeidoWalk a- nuisance trout the day it is.put down until it in taken np, and coastal:My needs repairing to keep I. a peasant. condition. There i.e nu city In the Union, that has the facilities that we have for obtaining the flairsiOne, that tine . . as :neat a propOrtion of brick pavement as Pittsburgh.. Why this in we are unable to sago:miens It is to attribute , ' to a spirit of penurionsnesn. There are a number of gdevrallo ut the city at present that would be Improved , by shovelling the brick Into the street, and among them V that on the east side of Smithfield street, from Filth to Diamond, which is la a toliterable condition, Ana allOttld be attended to'at. once. irAdditional Local Matters of First Page. ):(Aaialq3so[o:4l ucTiori s PIM A ANTI= STOCK or AND CHILDREN'S ma 01..CiT.11.X War., AT REDUCED PRICES! GRAY* LOGIIIII4 No. t 7 Si. Clair Street HENRY G. HALE .1(111TH9I6I COL' PIM LTD FL CUM EEL NEW SPRING. GOODS; JUST OPENED, COMPIIitiLUG All the Noveltiea of the" Season, rack as Is only found la I First-Class Merchant Tailerip — Establishment. THIRD ARRIVAL SUMMERGOODS, E. HOUSTON tOO:S, FASIIIONMSLE MERCHANT TAILORS, I= Men and Boys' Clothing and Gen tlemen's Furnishlog Goods, No. 1.07 Fifth St., = All the latest 'taloa arot novelties la CIA/SHE CAtailWll2l sod VLltSthalh. rile very and to stilt 'the Ulnas. E . 4. BIeGRATTY, MERCHANT TAILOR, W. corner DLiIIOND ud 01110 ALT:601112417 CITY: • line assortmagt of runt Goods rida . astier wril attend to auto= mort. 14.1:44o• 104ENBliADA& Csad APPELL, S dasler Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 1451 lIMITIOLTIaII reurr . r; nava door balmy Staab wrzescson. ra. ul the }nig. "Spriuau4 Sauna.? rtylea 'at Cloth. CaMilDeli• mid Peelings an 5.441: mad tas6a no In UM was ildbytuula at)44. lb. lowan orleaa. : saatamil ICE CREAM. EATING. &c ___ wiLLlAnsows . , - . DINING ROOMS, , au. 36 Markel fit., ttletweeh Itosond and Third Streets.) . • PIITIBUISISII. PA. Tie house is noel, tarnished with evarethlue that consthutas a lest class tattni House. The eholcnst . of uveryttrlst tat market iffords will be 1 served tsb at all boars of she day 84 ntS ht. . 1.101.175 , DINING WOKS. seeta4 floor. J.II. WILLIAMSON, rtoprlelor. icr-Thiblibad otarkat prier bald for all kends of sesaortalne saes, '? lt 1.1 lags NEW ICE CREAM tii.l.ooN. • . P• 11.•01 , cuittE. So. Se TLYTH iaSSTY S I I STe. ab Y o ve S allbSef.Dpf rtZratetAt , rlr_ YRUIT..i Attiag ar ONY n C r o ve+ r Wa t es r ablated at abort noble* and reaso.blo saran l!fant NEW STORE. WE. W. 3301 V-1441.033. Confectioner, Fraii Store & Bakery, ICE CESAAI 8A5.43116 ,vti 100 smrruniLD ETILSET. 0. sad Liberty. 01.1. A . IM MO & DEALIfIi3 kW> Commission Mer4hanta in siziorrit„, FEED, , - AND PRODUCE OEOERAU.Y. No. 555 POnn Bt.. PITISBOAUII. PA. sulAta COTT COLLECTING AGENCY, D. D1UT11.d..../... s 0LT0N....Q. D. iMIT/1, SEATON & SEITON, • Local • Collecting Agents, No. s IST. CLAIM STSSET. RID YLC.O., Y. O. BOX, 841. PITTBBUELIII. iil3s sal - desert otion• Men .fts toileet.los No • soatet where kWh! ere out )07. THE PEOPLE'S , TEA STORE, Wilson & Unil.ervirood. CHOICE FADIILY catocsmEs, No. 15 South lil*stl3l4monS, AS140111:71T UM( Call and e sa=lna oar 140 and drteea• ap.7:sBstl7 NE PLEB lILTIt i k • WASEM E$ l i INOVELTT /11 . .31111 tilt; wziarammi. swinrei!. I , , mum" mew= /Or. ! 1 And a 0111 assortment of,firietarrpg Utiou. GRA.FTON'S, ¢ Felierg Bt. P ' A7L 4 ° '"? U tt:644ENT tIATIC MIES B. YO No. 200 Wklle. litieo B4l77tettelly thin/+gl.7, ant LI ..t /m7yllanc 1n DU II %JIM. lay 11.. opplied nr4. 7 ... • • ; BOUT AND voNvin WREST, 7 At the chore OvmMl. /h suLittri k lotzleb Ili Private f ' Man,. &nu:Picnic iglte ICE I.7KIICAM Mit and 1 , 74U7T7 gelflll 7 4 ll Bg mon7ll7f stin ovsetnif, 8A.14 J ....1e km, To X AC01121111.. MORRISONiBBB & ' 9 CO 9 c igamowtsfsrs of ou kinds of BOOS AND TM= PAPER. Order ptom9U7 W.& P=l al•111,048 cub mice pad fbr nA WEST • COSMOS BIACILENIE iv awn WOBILL. Northwest, , Came of 7 ..'( 1 2 P. 1/171VI w a oth naltgragi ransnVtarroi aurs,a► BILSW.E.III V OLT% • IiSALD z. TOMB SWIM, 44. ae. promptiv isSooted.LlqAttirie. QIINDAY SCI4OOI. CELEIBRAIL tu BR IO PIONICA. /JINN= rernas, fursthbod what Sim wat tca casex, oosirtirmaunuk. At the Ivied piles and on the sige!linotte n ;lFT a-criail7al MaX.CrEILTIO.Va. • No. 3.6 UL•NONV. Lame PRODUCE. o ben. nJer!!) • ' sotto..; r. larr e ..encrunbers: - •• /4+01.5 " ""b e j Prile Sect:lced this Any en z e liT ~.13113T1tONG, jrcorner Matirel. snd Fast otrearr, • •. ,• •• IM BARNEWA• & CO, I FC:11 BA ld 'toLD—TheW best Fandm r M Mownship. estmorela corral BOILER DIAXERS elllsTiore i rttnenty=t 4 =. at toZt o rittlon. The Improvements are a lust ATZI47I;ItIre , Itt. l • he SHEET IRON woRKERB. re. 4.4 Is about It tiw ts good, the Is wutcred WO acres <termed. the re- Noe, 20 ; 22; 24 and 20 Penn St. mainder good whits oak timber. This Prot'. • erty Is offered at the low rite of fift Orman - - per acre. Possession Imen' diale.r • t Alto, a calash burden Pant, contesinnir SI rise, situated In.2.lwheth township; dlieghe nlLlMres=hClV=rsViitera road, alum ;Puttes ogles from the OM Ths Imprrmeasents arc a two-story brick borme with eta rams, tall naming I brough the tons, with cellar; a sp . I tarn sod of o Il ntooli 01 dloes• tt4,17,1%!%,°J.,t7:t .1r4:11',..7t141',..,`,',"'f1i,,e1 5 1, 7"` " a° Ira. sawn of va acres, et,uswVit West, Whestlitld township, or count', ...,,, s° o ll miles from the line or the are— road. The imoroverrmnts are—t atore frame boas's, wit. Svc roorns.o larg o,l o_, lo.l bita. 4/.70, recd crib, carriage boss , s S o '^ - • nom string Isonwltnd wood Dense. becoad- a twoatory log house, *large frame tarn, 0.1 18 . • 111 story frame spring noose. and other out buildloge• The fencing Is all good, abundant. of limeetbne on thoplarm, and coal 501 • 15° ' distance. tionveolent to Church., ermnts, NUL, te. am anthorised to ecll thlo propall very cheep and on easy tort.. ' Alta. As excels's'. Sarin of 12 acres, of whish c oner antler . cultivation, West', irmilotse Man onp, Ircprovenants — a frame dwelittns containing 6 rooms: 'Wont 61 Choice fruit trees, F(0011 fencing. aet it 11 h.. within unites of the Ulnas Central R. :0 ,11, be sold on reasonable tegnlll. Myr hropeny taken Minute:owse if desired. -Also, olann or Sl:scree Ins' enn ,LOllll.l/1P• Westmoreland crmaty, =setts cia. lo4 00 d 01 w der cultivation, vl acres of 11,3,3111ei whlw oak and other timber, '2 dwelling houses, 1 of them 2 stories, the othes 1 story: wilt' • tenant hon., with adretwate nes= ,nrtntlil armd running order; roads orchard of e ratted Mit. The laud le roiling, evert acre is tillanie. With llote , tone ' llhlnlets s e o t!g ' td; - e ' d d g . oll ' i ' :rtrie n k liel n " L .TTtfli /samosa; 23 ndlee cast of Plltstrmels, and ' tbree Mlles welt of Urcermlarg. Thla farm le pleas -.*Vgyir ' o b oist ' L l :110:11 ",1! : ' a L lfolf. 't" ilf; title is goo.. so. one at the hest tenni In Taunt township, hallos cant}. Ps.. four Int:es from Ikandorn Pennsylvania Isallros.l, as Use:more. biatton, ontalnles serer —II , cleared and under No. I fenclno. sea-dllO 12 gocel timber. The 17,17. t om arev'h la lane Gant b e c If hp feet, and other necessary urmboiwinics: In good order. live acres of orcluttd of choke varie ties of fruit; four toot vest of coal, (now open.) vier ail the land. and abundance of ilowstone. It is • cOOdtglIgt11; new irmorhood. Coanigllent cbarehrs. schools. Mills, de., Thine I 1.132 51- [llollAga to toil very low and on good tams. ' got further mitettonlars, =Qt. ll .: 0 ' 0 ,TOVIER. Baal =tate Anent. Irta Llnetnp manor, nerd and =tithed It With the most app'roeed machlnerst +e are Via pared to nutantaetnre every itiolorlptlon of Rou en Us the belt mane-. and thatranted canal to any nude to'toa eadatrye Canine" Breech. Ina, Piro licds. Stews PITA.. I .< o . o th. 11 ." - .01n. Uonnenters. Salt Pans. tent, 111 Mas .taltators, Stifling rans.ltOttee Iron, Midge.. Sonar Sane, and sole ntanentoUtrers of Hiatt- H rkrr.NTltoiLatm. fleollrlde done do the shortest nate, ter!est ,tea'YOLl:ll6 LADLES, BEWARE andwad:FEalrltraTll:ll.7ggralri_ , A r 7p,"4: of the akin, and La short time destroy ' me ' x n yme wt .1 hav • feeeb health coe . ylcl ,mn.,..rc,lueHatumDa Creed t16:10•P 2HELMUOLn'B Catscctstrated Plaid Extract Sarsaparilla , trulleAtee ERUPTIVE suit ULCERATIVE DISEASES of the THROAT. NOSE. ETES. EYELIDS. IRILLP Dte SEM Which to effects the apPethince. EDBUINO the evil effects of mercury aid removlug ell taints, the annulsthei r DIUSAdWI,_ hereditary or otheralee taken ,by ADULTS and CHILL/KEN ithA perfect lately. TUN , TABLE tIMAINFULd of the Extrset of Haer! th, added to • pint a nd wr, it equal fo r th Lithos Diet Drink. a oue bottle IA equal to • Linton of the lirtuP or harthimillla. or toe decoctions as novelly made. INTEHEa LINO Ieg.TTEE is publithed in tln, 31.01.-Cbirproug Enslave. on the noSeet. of the Extract of Sarsaparilla In certain ea. Po n g e ili he the excess of mercury. he states that no remedy 4,yonli to the Extrac t Of Sarsoparlita; tie power fe extraordinant, enamel than ass other OW I am aequainted with.- ft to. Si Ns strict eet tonic min tate taaaluabis atirtbula tenth ft is vpp unable tan elate spite wee. to estate, and et so irritable as reader. other substance., f the unite clew unavatinbis or futitHous. OONCENTHATED.EXTBIOT BiItfikPABILLA Eslabnabed upwards of 18 Tem. Prepared by IL. T. HELBIZOLD. • Brefilat and Chfinlal. an Broadway. N. Y. Brld by all llossolabs. aI3I6:IIWP Er'IRELTRIEIOLD ,I 3 EXTRACT SAM/11'61110j cleanses and renovates the blood. instils the visor of health Into the .sfsted, and Intros omit 00$ hymen th.d. make e.16,1111P PIMMIS FOR TIE FLU USEPAIIEC WM.lon . • " Blooming Cerra..! Phalan , • .4:9o.t . ltleemiag Cr'eevs. Vbnloo's "N:ghtllleartiles Cerrxs.. Nialsg tilosualeg Corm!, Might Blooming C.v.... 0:1=a 661,t enl Ir6grant rertm , 1"1 Gorr. the rum 661 balatlf6l Ehorer fru Inch 1 . 1 .1. iu [Mak • Mona.lurboi only by - , IPIIALON & NON, New 'reek.. BEWARE OP COUPTEOPEPTS. /.66 rote ”ViALOWS—TAIE Y.O OTHERb hOT A FEW of the worst .11.rato that Melt% =Wad Vito from corroollens of thu blood. EXTRACT 5/....trarttra.A of too ! grim LUDLUM'S SPECIFIC - - The Great American Diuretic! ,F4r.d_khUrifg`,Ne l lfi t dlMltrlg.T.r.`? ,l wen sherter time than art rem -0•41, 411seovcred. fried {Lao Too trot bold ti 7 JOUN D. FARM, U. al Ag.t. A CLEAtiR t 93100T1E1 AKIN au , l 111tAXTI.UI. COMPLXISION fol low, theOf 1111.0.0. , 5 CON.MATiff , irrewer or. tlAwearalut.ta. It resnorft Mut nw,..111 nute•lkafl W eroollono of Ur aklo. . wooer - arLARE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL /1,,8A1E/TINO WORKS. PrITSIAISGEL. PAWL McCIIIIDY, it CO.; Marartattornas at tinfuthlng, tl laid W Bolt cltned. nresfad Corf Raised falll tealsVl:l=s, Tt To n Yr.rtgres 01Ula ttYYT and 120 dtAtifir i:171 111 r Pla i garita toad.] ordeal of (Aorta Cot to out desired Tarn. ___aa7l4:e.ainlarT SINI THE SPBING AND SUN tOO state.. rattly/1 Co.lo.3.2CllLVl:triailMTuor"sirart.ll.ll la .L1T11!?!tt of tiaLamateld along.. • f or.:01. RORINSON, SEA & COW (n0c ,. .6 on to 50210805. Xi)R a .ILII.LiE4 WASH:DUTTON VOUS, Fonllclorourd Ella ndaldta,lPitionarOS tionoiscaters or Boa ad matioaro bteain rdgint., lllast India.s. .11111 IdoetdarT. Oar. la. galling. Cattail of an daerlyllonstoll Tata and kills. Rolla sad !Moot boa Wort.. Veice: No• oornllTrilt ad dzoluaeld Ma. Ofiriksat. for. GIITASIDII . , PATENT JFATOIL for reedy,. bettors. , 11.11:VII • EgrQUANT[NV vs. QtALITI. ./LI.MBOLD'S ElTaalT .i 1.1.6. [ bo 'tinge Is •¢1•11. ?moo •FDO• &flare a • loge Valuta] 11104 d•••• 1191- en11:1•Irr air 801,1E'rEITS0 AEIV.-CALL mid env:elan tho new , SILVER-TIPPED SHOES. They will wear twine se loan an those without gpsitient oat? by - W. a, acaltrarrz. .. ....t Ho. 21 Plfth at. litUbnenb. ai :::, - : : .Ml* ::i 1 LIANCT OF COMPLEXION mast PUntY etel , retteh the bleod.whiela Ilettenol.•• CON , CSltillir KIT6/1..T pt .111Z/ 6 11.1. 2 .A.11:6 riall n • , A 4 .1 1. •teer. Icrofflusci - A. SCOTT, DENTIST, -ro. 218 PE/(..T$ STREET, ES= larTO ABBY OR NOT TO An HOT? Barton. Re flections for Young Atm II Mews olt tbe How ard Association. on MG , Hbirsiolorical Atlases and Iliseasas induced bl 1000fw 100 ri attires Laws, in the artt•na or ins.- nAnt lD rrtv, azteiriitrarfp.4-,31-O.:A. a...natation. Philsdritibia. Ca. • [ 12,17:3.181P Iar_TIELEMBOLD9t4 CONCEN ,, ‘be zat , . Tlgu F.XTRACT SAALILPAILILLA .1,1,10 F• r 12 4T. o'clock. Te , ta•Y:ir, flat I j u A : j a r ; w%ll:Wsk,Lt, PARTNERSHIP NOTICES. DISSOLVED. - E PARTNIEESHIP hereto- fore or Istlng uneertle lame of lIAMILTOrt Jleti.F.E. was Shoolreel 01 mutant consent on theptb tort. Flie bottom of the Ono •11 be Jointed try JAIL - X.11.A.11.11.T01 , 1. Jr. le rettrlng fro* sold nip 1 estraattly lemon My Meals 004 yawns to . COOLLItit tad, patronage to error of myqtte partner. , D. W. iIeKEE. i . lusbasgb. July dt K. HAMILTON, Jr. House and• Sign Paiute?, NO. U 3 'i.lllllD STREET. Vittabnarab "Gtaining, Glazing and Gilding 1 X I - 01 EXEC tiTZ "NIXED rAINTs, VARNISHES. PUTTY. gLASs, DUUIIIII.I. TURYINTI24I.. WHITE _ PISSOLVTION OF - FAURE/115HW. • r i pITICE• 18 IIELIEUT GIVEN t u.t the pvtnerehlh heretofore e xlst tames ItOBINetaN Is thl. day dla plaed. rer.ons totalngelettas solost the geld firm end tl!ose Indebkd_ to the moo. vIU pent thole account. at No. etelthnel.l street. Or the a.lNiManent of tne O'HARA A 111/1/INSON, N. VITT9UCIIOII. July U. QM NOUN , IS hereby given to On p'llotlll not to potylsale soy Or Oswan.. merchandise,' or morrr i o g, &clogging to the n lota firm of. VW AA& & ItO6lYtOd.without my todlviiiitat. ifignature IL attached to each and Mil of sale of sold ds goo, worm, merchandise or :mi ter's& al I will repudiate each and .yeti mac not, made la accordance with this notice. 11191.1 ALL rITTrOUV-111.' Pill 21. coo. irPs:ies PARTIVEINIIIP -"" bits torn entrred into. to commence from rho Writ OAS or JON& INf. and to continue to JUNG 30,13. betirson Milli SCHALK, of the City of rittehurgh. and Cal LULU 1.124- NIO. of tea CitY of Philadelphia, huge of r ot , elleenlx. the basilican to be riot of dealing In and the tenant of Petroleum. Coat or bhale On.. and the disposal. In azhauntlee elm, of the articles used in the regaled prone., either bi In sale or farther Itialielletarel to be c0 p t i 0 ,,,,0 the 1211121. of !JUL WHOLE. the nes. ibe City of litteistargit, cli Limn L le Om goods' Palmer, who has con tritnsrd thereto tan gm of Fifty nonaand Daigle is Nab; Agit. &NAM, General Partner. LBIINL43, bpacial fanner. rittoto nio j anoints, 107. 1P130 0 ! MILLS, BLit countl, Nolen, lee, A. IC NMI OLtiON: au Alden.* of the City ofllttaburgh. Count, of Alledbent. State of -YeticirlyahlC, perearrally sApested MILL otUALK, ' end. made &Attraction Vett ouir ajcs Us, as Operant Partner contributed 10 eeeb the surc of *SUMO° ta the rartnersalb Capital of which hp the seid SOILCLS. to the Gthend rerther. r manytot. Juselllll. tldl. nOISOLITTION OF PARTNER jtj ParttenbSpbbyttolors oxining, bow.. bb4l.bißed tbls ftY bees db., eolybi by IMMO mutat. lbw Indus. br Orbs AILM w tY aMlbrariAclarrets. • • MST. Dtt.L. Tor T. B. Elbffiltebk AtlMuseis. Joao isrit, lat:1171 COUNTRY MESITiENCE . WCOMI. Situated on the Brolintullic road, and 0001 . • look.tog the Mountagmela Het, nye mite from ,Iv:gisVil-rg",nd to! pair, newly painted and papered: spring and 1, cistern water: hot and solo water In toe boo.. trees sod throbbeey. and atirrouuded with thorn ltedge• 1 viitting.,lnaux of No. 10 Prolthnelo street. Fon BALE.—ilouKe and Lot on Locust street. 318.9ntsler. Led 59 w a t e r fret. HOOsc frame. coutalos toe vionna and gat, • Hones and Lot on corner 01 Sedgitlek and Hamiltou streets. Allegheoi" eitY. 1 :1‘..7. 1 i eg l c7sTmltil d ' ll7l. ithed attic. ite.•er street. Hue Lot and orac. E. 114101, onc hunctunar. Lot .07 0,, lee, Price 41.104 Also,Awr9ral small Ilousra .red Lots In good locations• impart: of .1. RUSII CO.. Heaver:near Chem. Street. Manchester. FOR SALE Olt ItENIT,LEIEAP —, A Toralat Carpenter. , Stamm, on the Ctn. Oral itallroad. cOotaatlrtg 115 acre.: Improve ment, allo towsa and stably,. card orebardi tu pasture aO 4 good far Cultl9.loll, Also. SOT. y,l Cher ll.7lll, lei good tecalittea and well lan: E i 7=l. o l.'..ll,:gg:;7,otrb7llll7lOts In 1,119 9.117 and ouburbe. roe farther pareloulua inquire of WILL I: I 0(lAK wawnD, eant eft. alriga9llo I.lll2_Calbexlr.l.. FOR BALE, A Beautiful Building tile, only 2 4 Mlles from toe city. conlalninn 3 ACflEtt, well erotertd L.) two Inn springs. In 'low of Wel l sly at Apply to JOll5 A. SCULLY. eletalro • Men National Bank. Q,PLENDII I FARM FOR SALE. innate.] to (thin township, NW What.' walk Item I.lin tlarsvilla niation, P. P. W. & C• Lootains II; Intro of Pawl. n. of which It In thnner, all tinder Pond t...nce. Otto Uni•tonn• Men. are • tame ....cilia& with Labe rooms, and DDnn Ch nAftroXi,ttil?gri<",:shg.,',llgrgi P 011,14 . the r . prine and tem. shlnT , toitt •H. lini./kiw itn. ?mirth at. IMMNIEI L'OU SALE--One Fifth small Frame usu and Lot In tlie Went. Alleghe ny. (lat . e Yaneberlayi Toe lot I. 1412001 th e house contains threw room.. In good order. and Will be sold 00 numbere °lnner (wishes toos• west. Also. • of Douses and lets and Taunt Interim said city. IWISET do HALL. . Rod Estate Agents, Iralcat NO, n 1 Deaver street. A'llegheng LOTS . FOR SALE.—FITE DE. X•tgi t lnt enrrooroled he • 43 fan DM. t .otorlglon one rnonre In the Who of said dluo<. awl he Ileunbn;yrrZlnaltga7l‘l. Will I old toFetn ¢of toe etauon on the or otrnly. tor psr{lenit” chqulre of ELL TOttitnN rI. No tor YIMIY ttfn•L or nt the etal• dents ..3 the fate BR• JAY. EMlllattnan. Wi t FOB SALE. Store and Dwelling House. k nell loor:n 1,11.10•-• 51.3.1 on tht. itae of file l'emrkrylvaci•ilallroa. l . lenn• ea.r. Wnl tie re Ap ply yo • Meet. FOl6. SALE. BUILD/AV LOTS. •, 111 X 111,11.1)1Ni: rornor or 1,11/ICSO Soto airt low .14 ttrzo•r.) , J - OHN U. 11/11LCY h 1111.0..1 16:1FOurtla btivet, 111:= - Nf_dßBll/IVB Sa-ffEt& AIAROLIAL , S PACE. ty of. ithi <rpm., is sued oat of the Pistils; Cheri. tor the Untie, Ninths for the Western 1/11trict of teon.yiranla. arid toren directed, 1 will cerise. to penile a le at the Custom n e w, In the City of thttstergli. on the Tin DAY OP Atililtsf% leg. at JO o'clock A. 0.. th e following dewy ilsed proneri , y, to wit: Two Copper Still/. two Worm. and Tubs: one Heating t üb; twelne Beer To: one Hand gape: pe 7.5 e empty Ass.: Il Ut .04 Inadementsbelongthstsothid Iltatlllery. the the RultallEg Used Pir Meld Dl4llthry. and the lota Onstnd on 'widen tato til.thlarr it situated. in earths Of f taken, as, the lIltS" sort 1 the fled Ctale.. THOS. A. 130111LEY.1 H. P. Marshal. Attllorli.lll'4l7l.. ' ly:9ll:sat. l bilitS II ALL , 8 RALE. - By vlrtne of &writ or twedilioni b e l t ed.l•ed o.oe Oa Anstnst Court at tee Wales for the Western District of Newsy...els. sad no me dimeted. I a PI expose in pubic sale at the t iVirMt ' V ' ts ' i' n A t NA l :Vli l vii " ar %%VII A. . the following described fgniertt. to wit: Thirteen Barrels/of Whisky: Bonnier SOLI and Worm: Two tin toner.; Two tin Was firer. One BOW: . OWI rtalliktf Twinty tarty Booties/1c one Yeast Tub, and one Pick. eels. ego tuna 51 the Yujif AM,' 1 , 1,11 , IC, at the shit uf the limited l . •• TBLOS. A. M I It LEY. "P. .nrod. t ClAxe Orrin. Clitinurnh, July MARSHAL'S 841.E.—Itt virtue a smelt of cent:Went echoed., tuned out of the Olitrlet I.7•vr• of the Volta State. for the Weil.. Wade, of l'ennicletuale. and to lode . e Cti . 2l;, "‘ f7Mlt l u e r:tt: ou the 92 t PAN Ole'nuflOST, znyl at 10 o•.loct - A. ilte following detail/CA prOperti. ooden Wide, Una Vonbler Two , Tour Reef ater Tuba, irlre'l!ite‘gtilrt2llT. nil 1111 Tub and Car a Capping blOn. and }Astor., One High Wine Tub, One CL•rge Tub, Two smell Deer Tub., One low Wine Tun, Out Puutp. Two Receiving C 13031111, tine 8d lee Cud plate, Two derreli of W hisk7. alto. II illone .d the Raiding In which said 111.- tillirywu ranted on, tenother wit;; all the ted. cancer, linpleseeets anti Cam. toed In aild about. the !Oath Won of said NV bi•lty.' In a out.. of forfelturc. belted and taken es the property tgLitigp o p t lgweatul i t t e o . latn 0. Clevenger, at Jral,alV. MABBIEIII,B RALE.—By virtue of a writ of eenditioni ...rpmat lase.' outer 'be Dletrlet reutt United matte for the Weetern Ulitrlet of reunlyleanla, ana to me ill. 'hAVIA() on the 11111 DAY 0i 1 A0 , 6 e. 1161. at Ill ' o'clecl 3. 1., the foltonlng dceerlbol prOoertf, Oat Cooper Stilt. One worm and Intl, SI, 11411 Tubs. Two Hut a(. Sleglln, , , Tne. E.P. l l , fiedlS. 946 Hand Hake, ell Les Ylmittr,s ' elm= grt ° 4 o l , ifitt T a l gtq:7 ,o iVf Oronnd on erlaleh said Is snuated. In • ranee of forfelture. Seised mad taken ex ,LSe plow rty of John Twaulgan , at tile suit of the Itates• TUONAII A. ROWLEY* .1,31..2.15,7.A1U. S. MARSHAL. AIISHAL 9 9 SALE.—IIy virtue oft of rs6ddioni esparto., i11.11:d OP, rt'tChtll.l.lTlVtVe'rllYl,l":lll4l7\' ( or publlo 1010 01 the 0 lid- Tom House.. lone tile or Vitlahlthh• Oa the tr.rit DA: OF , •601.11. ,. .1e11, 1' ht. sP.ll.l.7nrargisrrelstaskj;Ter 10 :111611: Six Mash Tabs: end the prsralsoes which sato illstlllery erns earrlcil 01.11 000,1 of forfeiture. Seised snit 1.110 DO the property of 1 110 Me.oo3' tiOhit Wadi. M. th e suit ultbellutted Maul. -•• • • Iktf AUSHALN KALE.--urvirtue ArA of emit al otatlUbbilexpeitri., toiled ouLof the Di strict Court or the t ut u , a Mates for clue Weertent rist eta of Younsilvant, and to me di rected I tent expose to public eram. at the tiller TOld ÜBL t to the City of Plusburce, 4/21 the Brit DAY MY :Wit Dbl . . Sho7. at to o'clock A. We folitmthre deeertbcd"" 4 This Bartel& of whisk?. In a cae of ferret. rm. &Leer and taseti as the pr o ! of E. Manta. at the suit of the Lulled Slates. TELOILAS A. ROWLEY. 8.9 U. ft. .7.llclhlAle. WALL PAPER! NOTICE. TO SUIT THE TIXES ! At No. 101 Market Street JOS. 3. .11115G11.E5 $ BRO. SIGN OF lILINDS. — JOI LN BROWN 6 CO.. 110 lailtrilrliart BIMIST oppoaliwarke roetoftire keep on band t pr oate Pr9colity to order. a variety or 01:11111;.ml i an frr—nice,lo.o:l tad alloj aCJ P Otto moat. awl cloture tam& Saatela. al the sane ataro.'os baud or wade to order c tut stmt. or White and .Calloo Starts. Oollar• to.. Oa treatloarn • • wear. maker, THE QUEEN OF THE WASH .... TUB,..m. htwth Welt tor Yr7lllld, with Dttlllete of a:mud/Let.. or • PATENT WASHING FLUID, Width, wberever letrodyrt to • ttve Wit =e with vitt- Weal suct"....T tt.c ISlTtardVreet. MEM To T ss—MANIUFACTUREtifi. 701111AL7,Z—All UN, rul.sllEs. MOULDS. and taw valsable Solrtma%Tao& of the Vrgerrl C :rnirei l i " kritie WALILIN, ia& N. Tiara Bt.. Nt. tont,. AND BANKERS HART, IAUUHEY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, 031300E00n TO HAIM HINT t .00.,) DMUS IA Exchange, Coin, Coupons, AEI particular Ilt . orti t iO uk. o pal o t t o lbe, GOVERNMENT _BONDS MULTIS ON unipolt. wioss N. HOLMES & SONS, 13-EsI..DIMLE3R./B. No. 57 Market Street, Deposits received la Par /ands and Cancun. Collections nude on an We principal points of Ina Indeed States pad Canada... Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOOGHT AND BOLD ON CONIMINSON. . ratticulzr attclattal paid to tke putchate tad isle of U. S. Securities, ET= bettOs• • tl.B. FIVES 10-110 st U. S. GERM/IL:ATM OF INDRTEDNEM. Orders and Voacbersbonchl, or collected. J•10:el pEOPLEW SAVINGS BANK, OF PITTSBIIRGEI, Capital, • - -. 8100,000. OFTIOE. NO. AO FOURTH BTASZT GCS r...gd0.t,.. WILLIAM RE*. kudzu sa 'hewer, WM Ir. VON 110531100. B. B. Tlme Deposits,mede 1n this BOOrOil Or before /igen' 07 AMT. WIWBEI3I INITEFST FROX THAT DATE. COAL MEN'S TRUST COMPANY, No. 65 Smithfield St., STOOKHOLDEBS INDIVIDUALLIT LLUILS Capital, - e 200.000. WITS PETVILEGZ OT., $500,000. Deposits recelved:aadlaterue allow ed. Special attention gives to Collet dent—A. J. BAKER. Cashler—E.J. ROBERTS. . . A. J. BAllart. Wu, J. rArrcasos, W.A. HLIMON, ' Wm. crrnen.u., Tn.. l6MlOlr, H. iyi=oi . j" J. P.:lll.t.ita.3's.rr. D. L.. PAITZBIIO3. WESTERN SAYINGS ROI, .re. 69 Fourth Street , . 033ALNIWiCOELNO— eeeeee Paid on' ime Dopeafts. . Any tom recolood from Ono Dollar upward. ' • Iloposit• mtb • joet to Chock. without Intmost. DIOLVIIST DAILY. LT II ti•Of.001. President—THOMPSON BELL. Vice President-14 M. 11ARSILILL. DIAECTOILS. Thourson Dna" 0. J. MIASMA. JOAN H. DAIAALA. A. M. BIAIISELALL. JP.S. Blonekneillers wbOla we wake ILWX.W.B.W.Bi CR, a Wm. RAM Joseph Bilwortb. •Alteravid Kerr 4 WWI. D*l.ll. Lonnerti D. W. C. Bidwell. A. H. Brown, M. M. Talton. Tuns. Swine. OA. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, CH/LEPER/ED IN 1855. /METE .$2,233,336 I. i Open daily from to 2 o'clock. also co •ifs , yeah:an Saturday eveuleAs, front May o .MA from I tot o'clock, .11 Mom NO. T Tre b' emi r Itl WratZ.el4l`..f Me N.:::,`..°0`4. Mat One Loeb., .4 a 01.10004 of Me •prollta de clared twicialmr. In June and December. it. t has been declared seml.ansoalty In Jane end Deeellibet met the 11.1... orgedlifuto di the rate of six per mot. • mod. • . Interems Lf not drawn ont, Is placed to tree medlo of theLerottorae prinelpa4and beers the acme Interest , tom the Sw i mWys of slme and Detember, poomdlog a year without troubling Ito deradMr to ealL. or even to breaded his Dom toot. att this ratesconey will double to less Mato Imeiee years. • 800. contalning • Um Charter, BysLaws, Moles .4 Re.lalknoe, fandabcd drat., on application at tbe abbe. • IMAMP.W -01101 t 1112ALBEille TICS 1.35113.261 Jobe 0. Backeten. A. M. Pollock, 11.1foo • Peel. le Patmectocko Hobert Ildhho J.l. LlCldonans Jean 11. telDeebereele Jan eAelelr, James Phislle, i James B. U. Needs. Alewanster PP. , . teem M. Panel. Obrlittlego 1e... • Wirrims. m. J. Anderson. MNbert C. Loomis, N"%•''F". Henri J. Lynch, o n . n4ley, Peter A. Pladdrs. ; 000(611 Blai n . John Harshen, HUI Hargaln Walter P. AtandiaU, A. 06. A. Cartier, John B. Horadden. Jobs Eei• Colton. WeikkbP6llF4l., John J. Humph,. Wm. A. Schmertz, Watt= 8. ' ANtaander THAI% . Peter H. Hanker, W Einem_ Vestatrk. Mama HATA hue WlN.Stler. " 4=Vtglti i k RUNT It: I...HDTV ' S. - 6 NaCs.7.Virt—. l Atl. R. P. MENUS. Thlaill ALLEGMENT SAVINGS BANTS., Lius6:ussir,r4L • Crrirmaiinsect is 3.1139.8. STMEOLDEBS THDIVIDIIILLIC LIABLE. Utiatlts received/ rat lit per 'cent. Interest.. 'S/°'llr tkr"to7l4" Ua' fjjlTllii=PrAPre. l . try:T• DlDnr.T lJTS a dale. 0. n. t=r • 'Cutler. myth DEEM A. Acifei.. Alexandel A. JOHN IT. RIDDLE ‘l. Ftwourcirr NOTICE. TO OWNS* Il OT HOMES , • 97 , R p_blr c .g. „ .! ° 17",; ) tepoed b a.ion serd his RlenAs and to Gr. CesA PTABLiES, oppoelte rear and of the tit. firs Hotel, Third street.' pith Milk Lame fees taken In and sk il lfully treated, et a se to Chasm Horse. of env Infeellonis elliesees not teeth "M ylti ' s 4. be agl e e. " LUMP,' thra4,-. e owne r '. sta ble. I.lf. A atISAT, se used by ' ell the princleallVelerlaery Collexei In %atom. will care all Pore., Wind or paddle Galls, lulu o "r. Pl~sloe or Colt, an baleottu Nti.the nßememer h address. Pt. vgrgar.: Tap) Q.III"ET, oPPoelte Pt. gnarls Hotel. ?I105: A nuTILEY, pnor.N.v.Durriev, • VETERINARY SURGEON AND HORSE TRAINER, Z i g ma r libr the Patrons& heretalbre uoTervl :ITC? the b e e ttge ' r !tweet end Rest Lane, Anekbeer elty• •larn • TR/MUMS and DUARDINit STASI...on ilea-, elates.t, between Ohio Street and Stockton oftlec at the latter and residence at tee loran. plate. Special attention given to bar: Inc. sealing, selecting and ins m` cone. : n, with t h e assistance ea Miss •,11 gd'irlt"erWS"t'...„rittEgri i'4'l;,•/•• t Lane lessons in riding , o et Ladle. or a:critic:pen. Ito! . u'szetn,ll°wlsg, wgr John ittrker.ll.l)t l) : K. leeena. "'. .1e14:•“, TWIN. A. ROWLEY, U. s. 11tA1tritiAl ADMEVISTIUM OII.-S I ' m " at Admh ' l "lrM4i.:tt b r.= l ; ne Z:o.l°lg..r S a lleabonycoantr.l: a. " A An r a n = d = t i c s. saVedoTltr will pre teat' them ...hoot jillttglatasted th i r y_ t s f r Aumio.troAr. ADRIIRESTIIATOIPS NOTICE.— ..,,,_ftrAtiN.".:l:o"J62lll',lll`tt":7. on ".7g.r.Ti`pltlritrZfrangl te.t,rual7 tacooated to make Immediate paosneot, and e o fctalme or demand. agatost the co of the told decedent wilt present the sow, t LOUDC:tt July ia Zra . atld Pontos ape!. lythrPst Pltteborgh, AT REDUCED PRICES! W . S. HIIIIELTON, IL D., No, 67 Federal St., Allegheny City. S . T. REDICKON. D., • B. moored Mt .ma to thO CDR. OF BEAVER AND FAYEFTE STREETS, JeM:l,l 4 Fifth Ward. J.I.I.SGISZtIY CITY rxrxsztmou, R . A. CABIEBON, • Attorney-at-Law, R . BIDDLE BOBEWLS. Attorney-at-Law. 0/See,No. 73 GINANT STREET sttentlan given to =moo In Rank tnr.Zo4l 2 run., H . L. mo.33l.LouGii, Attorney-at-Law, 110. 104 FIFTH ISTI4ELT. PlSlsbargb Tovx:s4 EtrSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN. Ex-Officio, Juitice of the Peace, AM.? ['OLIO& INgOIIIIIMTS. OErt, Na. S 3 Peiililulii bate, Ettilargi, Leer. Hau n , laittgea Ac tuowledrment 1/.nosttove d ll s l BUlnel• itmnn t. Droooneu aatasptrh. A. AMMON, JVISTIOF. OP THZ .FELOZ, Cl:mace...a, Beal Estate andlanies.nea Agent, CAHOON STREET. East Ittrallegbaas. att C Hel tone of Seats solicited and t treaPtlY to. eS:etal w ILLIAOS U. BARKER, JUSTIOE OF THE PEACE. • COV.EYAIYOLD. Mee. CAS SON ISTRZZT. nearly opposlV rho Railway Depot. South Eitt•burgtz. Bogue. en trotted to OM evo promptly Purided to. • • DANIEL McNEAI, PL PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, omw and Stade.% N 0.150 Grant St., near Mgt!. I= G eo. R. cocumaw, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law Offlce—gULTON . 4 LAW BUILDING, Ns. 60. OWN" STILEIcT. corner of Yount, rttuneitt. All legal tautness craiuslaa 0 lrla care wince (mire prom% atrealloa. aalltala J . S. FERGUSON,•Law, SECOND 71.001. FRONT ROME a . H. MCCORMICK, 41.ttc.riacrywer.t , TAraw , SI Grant Street. businPrompt attention given to kiwis of Ism ess. W . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAWI No, 93 Diamond Street, mlatuA PITTSBURGH. PA. JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEMS; A 9. 186 FOtETU DIRECTORS. H . C. aucauELL. ATTORNEY & GOUNRELLOR AT LAW' No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. truotis 11317WIJILD Ecia .10.113.1111..112/.1l ...... 0. Y. n'11.17.1. M'MASTER,RAILAM B,IIIITIERFIELD, AND SOLICITORS IN BANKRUPTCY LEGAL. A DMIINISTIIATOWS L.tubrs of •dadolstration, ha.. 1 1 . 1 .1 7 ,1,1 CIMITI111:4111"1 th :;.01. of Peon. demand, all penon.4l.W.eal to sew.- taw , will matt onlikott, .OWIDDIDD hsK elalme agouti Um watato *LSD duly au t Ediallitated, ,to We A • r ales. 00. ITO Iroin Omni, near ai r t. r . Jelwlaw 4. DONAU LETTEss or -", !AP . doeatestal, IVA Of NolotwOo• 15A, W jrat=i rAn'. ts gal fElfy We 2 "Chilittl sit Peracios Navies dabs, Winn saki a. • will proms. tam, and Dant Dole/sea watt Jairoi•st, to - Joan( zwintaug, 47 Wood *treat.. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY to Dui Ma TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, t 1 No. XIS eIANT 13111=1 lonx PECK,.ORNAMESTAL t , 8011 WOES= /LLD TLEMCEN,. as, fourth was= door W00..1. Tlianaine. eigNWUrElgaarla , te s a WsWiln r. Taw.. WWI 'Must, Bracelets, Sp.i • cool rim la caa• 'wlll .ba [lna for Saw I.,adtaa• aa4 girellesta'S 11.1vcittlas 4ona la the neatest sussitr, - , • Ma2lt cum or sin U. A No. 9S Filth Street D 0.89 /Wilt STREZT. MEM 12=!MI I:M=3 Attorneys & Counselors-at-Law, I= Wtco, SMIGRANT NTILEET, Orros 'III cAiazou.... Icls:sw_i DR. J. A. HERRON. HAS REMOVED Ms Office and Residence to No. 14 SMITHFIELD ST, Nearly opposite We llonongabala House B F. 11111 OWN, UAW LACSIm Agent. U. P. 8,11. U0111..1 eMce, No. 67 Fourth Sl.,secend Doe, rimming', PA. PLISIO3B, BAUM, dB 116U118 Or Promptly Collected. Po elan., made until claim; are.lett , led, then bat's= state fee. avil:01111 BOUNTY. $lOO. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST MUMMIES. Soldiers liba have lost their discharge eertia dies and who are otherwise entitled to the addl tlonal otoo munti. Coe bare their eases aF Seeded to try selling on or %darns's/ & TALL peTrzasom, ITTOTIST3 LT LAW AID IMAM AGEITII3, foil •I GRANT STRAY. JOHN A. STRAIN. ATaZtEEPLIALH- 1,2 %. Justice of the Peace *ND roues ILL6V3TBATI. Otape, 1151 WUI St. opposite clithedray • PITISIBUBGH. PA. Deo., Boa., Monza... Apterreleftent Deomduou sad 111 Legal sullen execs With promote...4.nm., • JaNtEX, NOTARY /MD SILLIZIATZ ASA Rea wra PEAC t Butler md fravor meet., Lalrreapla 14. o 11=11:titra Carl U r On l atrailitt grEgTatarea '"-"Arm."4" kJ!" ' WILLIAM JARCZY, i Oh.. of the Posoe.6 Bata. ro.O. lorStbee JOHN C. Ric.COMIS. &TIERNEY IND COUNSELLOR LT UW. No. 87 Fifth Street. tedi mattes. sad Arrow ar7 HOTELS. WHITE HOUSE, PERRYSYILLE, ALLEGHENY CO., PA.. X.wu relittwl ing y flunisb.d, and end, to eir; l rtt enb•tio . LAWRENCE HOTEL (Oxiriizatiaorzax PLAro, N. E. Cot. Penn & Canal Sts., P1TT68131,6111, JAIJJtB JOHNSON, :Proprietor. 1 . 1 ,14 P.ogatT=XT,lgrirr:V „ Z ,to „,„. . IST. JAALLES ON Tat ItlltOrElli Non. 405 &40 Liberty 54, Oppostta the Union /kW. w minor would reipectituy worm the parhale'lli' the 504k111 Wfel 1/lalag Mama al* bowonev, Sae eltaplaa apartment. will Do gw.lgrlggr;4:2.4ll:Algt: 6DM:tan...slat a •AU QS dellaacJaa of un 'adlaam ill wbe aera•4 atYf id all et lt•Wi b ig tonna arms Dec. JAIL li, LANAJIAL rmsliator. E BINGII2 OM, ELEVENTH AND ELARIETSTS., Err.axmcma.. MIA now sad eltrant House Ls tar the oeptloo of goci . to,wltti all the oppolitments of 4:31314,1,18 DAVIS. monaural'. IM!=d 1 1 ):1 7 e.e t=ll GEOIWE A. KELLY, Wholesale piugglstr 87 wood sers,A . (0179.1ta th•tlL Clal NT CII ZIEWJ ARVILS, WIJVC Itra e a 1031124 DYE TlTUClVD,ettrilityte.alw, I,,,,gegirx., cu..... liar THE rAvourrEg .AHL - ammo -.o...t.tualanciaittrCw.. OPERA. 1:101JS,-; . . YOH 0211. WIVE Coamatighaby imisg.lgot LARUE'S . • . ORIGINAL CARNIVAL lIIIISTRELO, To~elh.r .rite ZILSIZINViriatek 11"017,tNrIger.. c4 V .114 b lgl,l7.ltotrp , thTrkliE. Sc ott. Fysta.. Wr r OF o :StHa . t:4tin c . """"•a;ctllz I les, Aitar cllall S T:4lPlaf * eft lßlrrE tia;% 4.. Sebeets esa be secured et the Uta W. dories thuds). -•--- on. wouss ar. ColitPikilLEß 'LONG & • CO., H. M. M►.YUtAVTQSLSS or HIRE WHITE Bill NINVI OIL, Brand--fi'LIiCIFER." Office, No. 2 Dliglieble way, rrrristarson. EMMA OIL WOKS, I=l reka Carbon Oif, Tar. orrizaiirsa Sperm Lubricating Oib4, CHEMICAL LINSEED wholesale vegers • nad XubricatinXlit Crude 'bale and Lard, Serm, IA Fun oun. 6. C. NOBLE,, 19 Irwin Street, - rilTasuAtiE4 ii SOHO OIL WOR.S.S. BUfflill Mllll & CO.. ILIBOIAOTIIEZIOT tlf CELEBRATED SPEIII LUBRICATOR, PetTOIOUN Sperm, Lard land WElfica tumuli, tunas' a MO: ALSO. WUNDABB WRITE I BURRING OM, No. 1 St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA, iXdJ) Fon icrecuirui. demo TACK BROTI,IERS, j COMMON INNIICHAFTI3, Lisp BEWLIMayr. Petroleum and Its'Produels, 'rtrrssusen I¢llo3ill 000 met of Docgoeiou vra sad Irwin .tract. 1111.A.RELZULA oincr.—}st wsta.t.t. :apizoso • WARING & KING, i 011138101 111101110 AU BMW M , reirdelllo gild ES Products. i _ Dalzell's ' Sleek, Duquesne Way, , =nazi:rasa. 1P,&.. , _ /8/1.A.D51./ . 1315. ADD : WARING. KING & G 0. .. IST Wsgallant.. Vials. wrr THE BEET, PETRIkIA BLUE LEAD: TFOt OIL B,LIVIZIOI - ManniUtured evil and forma* bib T. s.i.a - Rrsir s cu., - PIONEER PAINT WOlllO, N.W. Car. and Market 06r, ff':i 11114 a3pza,lo3ll EAGLE OIL minss, WlCHTMANlkApwanikow- Refiners sad Dealer , fa PETROLEUM -017101. swum rrURT. cuimisfugt- WOE ET. AND DUCIIIINNZ WIT. BREWER, - RIIHRE RCM, • , • • \ CONNIISSION MERCHANTS, • • • AOSMTO 702 Pottle. Globe & Liberty 011 W arks • •=7* MM ., for Crudes mol Wald tel.! Lib. oral cub armour. mute It conslommools or Crodoorflottood Petroleum. Tools for Morrie oad sbiromplorgrodOOlt st.rrones•._ _ 7 1 111 " MU ol e ger C 4 r Mitatiarart 11100. irranuarco griII:ILLS..WOOD AIM sirya az‘l / A nosi=Zoilmax, I TAXITIO liSf ABD AAR= BMA „ • iotn i. BEOaAA Marto.ArbtirAliDa s. Part ts Capt. ill. Ullisr, . VILA ilzt. "M"). Y"W ‘WIL 1r'"° 1411.1.11 . 4 I fisandeut. „ A TOHN WATT. Vlimi ruAL - 6*- CAZ W tAit. 5 1rjaatr.. 6.'1 Ad. ALLEGHENY HISEALANCE prrrsiniacill.—inase. nra! onset Bank Mock 11. M. 110.1111{ ill Waal Of ltro asditadale JOHN TET : W a a: RV& IWdruss. tat: ".17&, Usual 1:12 .1 vb c tr a i e a oaitual. CnkarbesE.7. • pronnueraa OF Ffl7lllllllH, PA. ' lowan 11!illallirost. Sant Moelr. . . ... . -. N i %A i r , : cO l vasy. l ,l4ll3Mlrel!.4o4 I"" V ! unikallazn. ?moan. • .._: O. 9,B_O'CL ,zia a• PAiltukt , . Iym i lir .Et s, grar l . . . :24as. trilkli ,_ . .li.ha T 0•4014.. '. ' HOPLIng. , A. Anng.o.,. .17 6 • ..1." - , men AGAINST LOSS BY RUM FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF ran.ADELPsug. 0111Iodo aald .4117 VUISUVT IT.. =h. . Boodus.. andies q. fro , &rows. =ilit• • • G "'" W . Oita. 4. 8A.Mai11."#.414.e.t. wx... w itrala r.s. :loorreoltoo .1. GARDNER coin - m..4cent, . oadowlll North Wut ewe. Tilted • Wood .u. wEsTrmar useugANcis 64 .9 OF FITrISEITIOFy . Ataciamp, auunc. yreuent. I . ! • 0., who are well known to the ecogehertrixe wee ere 4eterettepe ear w tetzwaft .httraa htslatata the %Tar° 2 r Th s U ' tbs i l rr ct !" ! 1‘46 . alos.lettalet, . Nees &Throe*. I. =ler. Jr. . Muse,- /MI6 IL Idrac vn, &mee t . 4e torVintire# BALTIMORE ARDNYAIVA • • • "Mr lir fir a nirrar " ' j arannyisiMirActs 'mu hrroinfoo Stooaaara tato Uao " I jaNia:l.lOrtola 6 , 144 Ortalar via =lrot god Florae.Thos. aalir wo, origthirr i ft.aga .`Coosa:` romuoann, frost Minty WHAM . , Mion iourr, as 2 o.otora 1.1. ea mks nrroosekl or rilarD oarallorall atrirklaPrzLo it oo ' troaair:l%. Ir. a:No BIM °Mattes zostiorraottlio 71 1 Lbe remelts ale I x os ftatß .44164 o,au. 9,,TEADI TO AND O ~ y 9 y. LIVER. POOL AND Q pE 'ZVI= aliref.E. Weitz +eee• EVEIA SATIDIDAY. I'VEITUDIESISAV Tata., eaid am, fenelnesel, Ilvelara. cemn 1 1 , M1. 1 2.. LIMlly thaeo=ll.4.Ne Jens e. DAIS. Art “ • 415= 1 , Oat ~,.,: ' t ine Ogle Pluere7ol. El =. 4 , W. SVCIIIO4 • Xi3DOTI FAZIO .8.11.16 • . • EN. D. Yeer*w.