The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 05, 1867, Image 2
12 littsturgli etaytts iC6lll6"r tr,"1.1111117 WHAT HEORINIK: Our attention has been called to an error in the article on this subject, which appeared in our paper a few days ;ince. We stated that the water pipe Milani above Mechanic street bridge, at are informed that it merely Ii muried into the rifler, leering Butcher's \ Run, with itil numerous abinghter houses, the Fifth and Ninth wan* Two Mile Run, with all Its contents, the hospitals, cu 'counted 'refineries end tanneries, sal Lawrenceville, all above the pipe which receives and &limeys to us our drink. Row pare tt must be letnny -one judge- We bare also been informed Mat eighty thousand deltas will extend the water pipe above Mire's Island, so as to; giro “us watercompiratirely Puts — a sum very small to i, raplisha result so desirable and so y connected - ;with the hap piness, h th and life at all oar citizens. We h ave been told that there are some ' who bring water from other places into oar city to avoid drink ing the Allegheny water.. But we are also told that the city is healthy. If we had better water might It DAT bo more so? ,Now ft is so ice spite of what we drink; and if no.change is made and our river becomes low, we may be afflicted with a SCOCUTO IS fearful is . the phone. Until some change is made the Injurious effects may hl 11, grent measure be avold• ed by boiling the water, or by dissolving racy small quantities of. alum into it, or by means. . AFFAIRS IN TENNItSSEE.. Goy. Bitownlow km never excited our •admiration; perhaps because we have only known him by such report as be has:Side of himself and as has been made of by his enemies. Sonie persons may Infer that such 'materials ire 'imply sufficient to the forrwition of a just judgment. We think not. Pub. llc men are not always what they seem to be, ayes in the manifestations they , give of themselves.. Frequently they hale one or more qualities in excess, which are so constantly obtruded as to obteure all other traits, and to pre a definite but erroneous impression of cbanaer. LtrßZn and Naos, GANA'. son, Minns and Amara may be victuals. In Each men there are phew' of temperament and judgment which can be truly known only upon pereonal acqualniance, and which greatly modifY or limit all concltudone deduced Iron public °barrancas and report. No mat, ter how stoutly Lurm thundered against the Pope, or with what coarse ness of vituperation he may . have confounded his melanin he Was at bot tot* a right genteel and jovial mat, delighting, indeed, to a mug of .ale, • but rejoicing more in the redined companion ship of ealtlvated men and women, in the love of children, in acts of gentle ness and generosity to the yoor, oppres sed and alllictetL Gammon was repu ted a son of thunder . There was a ve hemence in his utterances that blistered whatever they touched. The popular . idea was that his heart was a fountain of vitriol. In opposition to this estimate, those personallytntimate with him, con stantly bore testimony that he among the most untabie and least self-asierting of men. We suspect that Mr. Mawr:s— falls into this same category. ganired of apparently contrudictOry ele• manta, he is manifestly endowed' with qtudities which fit him for leadership in • period of profound ferment Ind mita tifm, =did the same time Varnished with qualities whirl impart a charm to his personal lnter&urie. Fora tauter of a century he has been a anilipicnotts figure' in Tennessee; - eo bulky ss not to beF overlooked, and so peculiar as not to be. mistaken for any other. -His public life has been a per petnal embroilment. Ha seemed to be comfortable only in a row. Irascible, pugnacious and trenchant, he poured hie Wrath on tens of thousand,. When the Rebellion came he found his genuine sphere. -A man more equable,, and less ready ter a frsy, would have succumbed or been swept away. His peculiar traits enabled him to withstand every assault, and to triumph over all apposition. He • beesme : eo identified with the national cause that his victories were its victo ries; and he has made for himself in his tory a record sa unique as it will be en duing. It has been .common for -the Cower. valves to stigmatise BROW:MOWS ad ministration as a despotism. Hia vigor furnished the pretext. - But when we wielder the circurnstaiVal by which he has bean surrounded, this estimate will be found insufficient. A large propor tion of the• white . inhabitants of Ten neseee were rebels. It was not through want of efforts on their part that the State , was not earned as absolutely into the Rebellion as South Oitrolins. Thousands of them actually entered the Confederate armies. Thotisands more who stayed et • home, by reason of age or infirmitleswere as bitter as those who took up arms ' against the government As soon as the war was over the rebel soldiers came bark, and with the rebels who had re maned ht home; resolved to control the political affairs of tl r , State. They held .grub to the : democratic doctrine that 'treason wrought no forfeitures; that the =mud they were so beaten as to bt compelled to cease fighting, all their rights, of whatevier kind, were as really their's as though they had always been loyal and obedient to the laws. They regained possession of their property; and meant to enter upon and hold all the edices of trust and profit. The enfran chisement of the blacks stood in their way ibr one thing, and their owe cats - franchisement for, another. For weeks put they have been en ' dimming to hold the annual election In defance of the; Constitution and laws 01 the State, They meant to vote whether they bad a regal :right to or not; and they resolved to prevent its many black men from voting as they could, no mat ter how indisputable their right to the ballot. By a system of terrorism they 'at first hoped to accomplish their de- sign. They were met by a resolution SS invincible as their owe, and - before 'which they quailed. Then they at . 'tempted to draw the President on to toes their part, and .by Military power " -10 easiidde the. legal linUaliments that obstructed their wa y.. Doubtless it would have afforded the President solid woistaiticin to-have yielded to these so licitations; but he did not dire add that last feather's weight of provocation io a loyal Congress and people, already In. ceneed to the list degree Of : endurance. ' The course pursued by the Tennessee rebels daring the lest year furnishes a complete justification of the comparative proscription under which, they rest. Of rightjautielpation in the government ought to be confined to those men who ' are loyal to it. Dow long the prosaic,- . ton of the : disloyal ought to be con . tinned must depend anon their conduct. Doubtless, it is desirable, Hat allcitizens should be allowed i share in the man. egement of public affairs. But if they see St by criminal conduct to disqualify themselves, open their own shoulders must rest the blame. The day will come, we trust, when all diesbilitins, growing out of the war. will cease-when the distinction of loyal and disloyal will be known no more. But a General AM111.2, ty, jnarder to be beneficial, must have respect MI well to the frame ofmind in which they are for whose benefit it is • istendief, as : to the disposition of the government itself. -Wken the Southern people shall accept the situation, avian bear true alleemice to the Union, and acknowledge the equal. rights of all their Mow (Athena, of whatever race or section,. the sooner an act of oblivion shill cancel and cover their disloyalty the better for the wbol THE FALL TRADE: general expectation seems to be in- dulged In financial and commercial cir- cles throughout the country, that Trade the approaching Fall, Rill be huge and prosperous. This anticipation is tailed pr i marily on the abundance of the crops, which seem to guaranty means for the . . payment of unusual purchases. To -a certain extent, them cidcidations are not unsoun d. If they shall be so conducted its conduce to circumspection Rad pru dom,, beneficial consennenceswill surely p ow from them. But if they shall be so managed as to beget a spirit of specula- tionind extravagance, the results will be disastrous. , The crops are uncdrnmouly good In MI parts Of the tnitcd States. So are the crops in. Europe. These two facts have a significance When considered separate ly and 'apart from each other. They have, also, aaignificance when consld- ered in connection. Such' abundance as is,,iouchsafed to the people of this coun try the cadent year, would Imply, even In _the . face Of '.considerable scarcity abroad, a decided reductlon In prices here; In conjunction _with full harvests in most, if not' all, the countries of Eu rope, the falling away in prices cannot fal to lie mune strongly marked. Gold has become an article of com- tierce; or, rather, an art.icle for speen- lating in. • It has ceased temporarily to be as absolutely as ityras a measure of the value of other commodities Never exact as a criterion of value, it can now scarcely be rated as a criterion at all, In the intrinsic sense. About as - accurate a measure as the. financial emergency has felt us is Flour. This is recognized to such a degree that in some instances, by mutual consent of owners and em ployes, wages are gr i tinated accordingly as the price of that commodity goes up or down. With tho full knowledge that Flour has materially receded. in price, and With every reason to believe that it will go much lower still, it would seem to be absurd, on this basis, to endeavor to sunenndrice a new era of speculation, and to'advance the market value of all other gorilla than prOvisions. Upon a close analysis it 3s constantly found that the value of iron. cloth, and the like, de pends mainly the agricultural pro- ductlons consumed in manufaCturing them, either as component material or as sustenance for workmen and their families. This rule IS se constant and undeniable that wise' en cannot soberly imitgine it is now. to be set aside . for a season for the special accommodation of speculators. Traffic, in this country especially, is full of peril to all who are concerned therein.. In New York the common es timate is that ninety-eight out of every' one hundred merchants become bank- rapt. No stronger evidence need be ad diced of the want of forecast and pm: deuce on the part of the class to which they belong. We may err, bet we can not resist the conviction that all calcula tion's of increased prices in other depart ments, predicated on the abundance and cheapness of farm products, must neces sarily- be misleading and injurious. Prices getter ally must go down, instead of up, and they ought to go down in con. alderation of the plentifulness of pro- visions. ; A healthy business may be done this fall, upon safe estimates. But whoevet lays himself out in anticipation of far ther inflation Will be' pretty certain to encounter loss. While these observation; are of gen eral applicability they are of the utmost utility'. in Pittsbuigh. (tar pre.eara. menet as a manufacturing city can only be maintained by a judicious husbanding of the advantages of cheap fuel and the ageregation of skilled workmen. Our 'manufacturers - are pressed by sharp com petition, and whatever prudence they can command is requisite to enablo them to surmount the embarrassments of their present situation. ONION PACIFIC RAILWAY, E. D .41.4.1Corre.pondeace Plttsberel Osaxtt.r.7 - ATANIIIIrdr Crrr, Jelly 31,1EET. Thy, loge turnery. the men of which Is rM,712 square miles, Is no ended on the north by Utah, an the east by New Nemo, on the west by Caltforula. sad on the south by Bo nors, one of the most 'valuable of the Shuns of Reno*. ' Its northern heels on the some Parallel ss the southern line or Hamm, 37 degrees; Its' eonthirestern corner,. on the Colorado Myer st Fort Ycnos„ shout frirty miles above tide, ts in latttiole deFeel 30 =Watt. From the Itlo Grande at Alboquernae, where It is Intended that this road shall cross that river, to the eastern toundery of arlsona to ballade 33 degrees, the dts. Mace I. about le3 tales. Prom the elver to the surnmltof the Slam alentre range Is about ninety relies. oh lehtela the ascent Is Bald to be gentle_ On the western aloe the country. descends, but to the table leads of CentrM Arizona, and thence to the Colora do and the 'OM: of California, a dfidance of four to flee hundred miles. Eatering Arizona a little north of the middle of the cute= boundary, the route rune directly through the midst of the ter ritory, passing by the town of l're.cott, the capital, thence to the sine general dime. time, dawn the valley of Williams' river to It. month In latitude thirty-foot degrees thirty minutes. To this point the Colorado &garde/read steamboat navigation at nearly all swans from the heed of the Gulf of California. Between the point where the route enters the territory to the town of Yrestxttt, a die tame, of about= miles the country has a conattlerableOltTatiOn. U well watered, sod has a healthy and dellelo. climate. This la the region epolen of by lion. Itlettant •MeCormlek, Secretary of the Territory, in :he "following extracts from a valuable pa per which he oreoared for Ball's t'Onitt et to the Great West,. ' , ...Tstra pal county embraces a part of Ora. sons a. yet Unknown top-ate, and In which the territorial Withers arr ived hard upon the heels of the first white In. hentants. Until IWZ. saving for • *hart 51s te... above toe Gila, ft ran, even to the daring trapper and the adventurous gold seeker,. Gyro Incoordio, although one of the richest mineral, &grim:Mond, grazing and timber divisions of the Territory, ens abundantly supplied with game. rumpsl countyyis nearly as large as the State of - New York. The Verde and Salina riven, tributarlee of the GILL which run (south. daidly] through its centre, abound fn evi ences of a former civilisation. mere are the most extensive and Impreesive reins to befound In the Territory—relics Malley, of aqueducts, angels. and canals, of mi ning and farming operations, and of other employments tholcating an intimations and entherprising•people. kir. Bartlett refers to these releases traeltionsily reported whim, to thew the extentof the agricUltnral pop ulation formerly supports , . here, ea well as to Waist; an argument to !install the opin. Lou teat Old IS One of the most desirable position for an. agricultural settlement of any between the 11.10 Grande and the Gob. redo: • • • • • • * • • , .ln timber lands Talmud. county exceeds all *there - In the territory. Beannlng mate miles south of Prmeott, and Canning north of the no. Francisco Mountain, Is • forest of yellow pine interspersed with oak, eunlitient to supply all that timber for build ing material, for mining and for fuel that can be req..d for a, Large 709nielloM nrreecott, the coward, la in the beset of • mining dietrict second, In my Magmata, to tame up,. the Pthitic coma. The cur fame ores of thirty mines of gold and silver arm copper, waichl bad theayed In lan Francisco, , were pronounced equal to any enrfaoe ores ever tested by the metal lurgists, who are among the most skillful and expert ...I in the city; and so far as ore has heedhad lrom • depth, it folly Us . Laths it. reputation. The veins are large tun boldly defined, and the One are of Ira- Med Masser, usually such alto be readily and Inexpensively worked, while thefscilt. ties for working them an of a superior order. At the ledges Is an abundantsupply of wood and water,. steer at hand are gra zing and fermata: Made, and roads May be opened in any direction without great cost. The altitude lam great Mat tne tempera. tura le never ODPreselvell warm; the niebta. even In tOldititttter, aro refresh thely cool and Insane.. Stich is the district through the midst of which the Union Pacific /lad WAY Will the , for two.thlrds of its way th oles the Terri tervat .afro very kind of oonntry to furnish the largest amount of local trade In proportion to fu area sad population.. wait as to add mon rapidly to the general wealth of the nation. Would webs* , odour national dent and return to • metallc cur• recur/. there Is nothing that we can do to bring about those end. so elective th to (me a highway into this now remote and luthoessible national treatthrY. Prom Prescott, to the western boundary of the Territory, whieli 1t the Colanado river, Melina of the road will follow the valley of the Williams liver, ono of the principal tritnitarlee of the Coloradawhiell Ste Koine a few sullet wee?. 'Of, that tOwn. eOf MIS flyer iit.ll , l:Ortnlck carat - Ascending the Colorado the tint point of Interest is Williams , York. , his the !want 4 p n r. t b h u e . tenor O m e o e t° not , r v a i ttn ' . re:t. ta b h r ut set t ally h a . a good oody Of water. dome of the richest copper ine. In the territory ire Its haute, soul have already been extertst°' ly and profitably wafted." Several euve ' r mince are marked Ott the Hallow maps in the valley of this liver. At the month as the town OfayofthisAver. AUbry. Sala el In a fine loom lon fin &city. Tide is likely to he mm 1111110.4,0. !City of Anton.. It le a very Important point On the line of this roa, for here the first navigable water on theYecten side la reached; and from this point a laje trade. up both down and am river, mid I eon with the entire Pacific coast, may be ost a t t io, oto in advance of the road reaching Its ultimata deitthation—San Francleco. The most yea tarn steamboat hartigatuon on the Athottle aide of the Oontthent, .on this line, it Is at , Loom, city; the mad. eastern on the Pacific aide to at Anbry. But even after the rood shall be completed Anbry vall,ooatint, to be an Important commercial centre, and pour upon this road from that great river as smormous amount of business; for the entire oountry above le surpassingly rich to, mines of gold and sliver. eepectally the latter, and UM rarer nthigable for hun dreds of Mlle* during part of the year. -/ PATO thea traced the rou of the Callon Pacific Sailors? through . te Torriko7 of mt•ons, on • nos .onion the mammy be- , NEW ADvjgg lieve to be the most practicableomd theme which will enable them to render enmesh:de the best and richest portion of the great re. 'NILSON & HARILLN ORGAN, Hon lying between the Mississippi and the ..^..••• • Pedant:out. While in sonic measure they I AT LE SS THAN nip round the tremendous mountain no tem of the Interior of the continent, they A. ore oeuvre, dduble reed Ma •os =vat beer sui be to it. as they cue. 1 hey run CAM:MT Oltii•a, clegzot,nr:„... to very little beiow the Mtn which iere. will he sold hY the only two degrees south of the southern line cost... account m • d` •• •• . of Mums. venation. *Teti won.c v •n 3 C c HELL/[. SI Wood street. At Anbry, ai before remerked, the line of the road entera the State of California. Thence Its course fe westward until it turns the southern extremity of the 'terra Nara da Menge, and thence northwest all the way up the great valley of Southern California to the Bay of San Francisco. a distance of between foot and Ilse hundred miles. Thin Is known to be one of the finest val• legs on the continent. The Sierra Nevada bounds It on the northeast, the Coast flange I on the emithwest—the mountains. the valley and the coast all conning In parallel lime , : The - average width of thin valley Is not much less than one handled tallest She al thorn. It has not yet been twenty years lu the posseselon of ixople who did anything to develops its resources, and although It is cut off from the ocean by the COMAS Waage of mountain.. and destitute of any navigable twerp except for a short distance southeast of the Bay of San Francisco, It is already renowned throughont the world for its ex- • Unordinary productiveness—. Ito wheat, Its, grapes and many other things. ' its only commercial avenues are wagon roads, vet within a pear bread made from wheat which grow In that valley has been on our tables here in Pittsburgh. Of Southern California as a grape pralti• clog country, Mr. Hirai remarks 'Californian vineyards prodnce ordinarlY twice se. much' as the vineyards of any otner grape distret, if general' report he tree, The gmpe Crop never falls as IL does in every other country. Vlueyards In . every other country require more Mt.', for here the Moe ie hOL trained to a slake, bat stand, alone. o Mr. Ball remarks: "The grape region Me' exteuda from the southern boundary e tines of 105 miles north, with average breadth from oast to wend of about 103 Tble area extends a conaiderable • distal.> up the Sacramento river, which flows southward .through the same valley, and breaks through the coast range almost directly east of SSA Francisco. The large county of Los Angeles, which in the second county that our road reaches after entering the State, is the Principal growing district In California La Wel Da ft had 3,570,000 vines. A california ea- Per of la , in mautione a rose growing at Oroville, w hich he wternslope or the Slur. ra Nevada, w eeplanted In leWl, which has grown etraign t and•almost or s uniform sire, and menoured thirteen inches Mr elltilfetelleu Melee feet from the ground. In• Pleadof butt that year was estimated at eight bemired pounds. The quicksilver mines Or California ex tend from liendocinc county. north of San Preamble°, along the Coash.ltange, all the way to the Coloradorlver, and on the north- eastern slope; consequently this road will run near to them tor a distance of Over four hundred miles. This in an Interest the ex tent and importance of which it is yet 1m• possible to estimate, as these minim have been but imperfectly developed thus far. Such le the region througlrwhich the tine of thus road will run from anon , . on the Colorado, to S. Francis°. When this greet valley shall be occupied—as tt anon would be were this road made through 8.--no part of the route, not even haus., woald Cur. nigh mare local buelness both In freight and passenger. J. C. Pit2llllt.lltlon—A Man Sewed a Sack Sees a Mull Comilla ,After film and Rona Away. Three or four citizens sof Peekskill made a very narrow escape from a per ilous situation a few days ego. They belonged to the sporting persuasion, and wishing to know exactly what time could be made by a man sewed up in a each, and to secure abeam of safe betting, they repaired to a distarir held of a wealthy citizen, and, Just as they had got a young man sowed up in a sack, they heard a rumbling sound In the dis tance. They took it for distant thunder; but looking westward, one of them saw dust and. turf flying high in the air, as if lifted by a tempest; and . In a moment more a mad bull, roaring and pawing the mai, came tearing down in the direc tion of the company of sports. One of the men, tall, well-formed, athletic and spunky, seized a rail and went out to meet the adversary; another took to his heels and made the tallest time on re-' cord; another . ascended the 'nearest tree, our Informant says, fret foremost, and the poor fellow sewed up in the sack, partaking of the fears of his flying com rades, fell to the ground and rolled to the barway, b'it could go no farther. But the bull, awed by the bald front and flashing eyes of the man of pluck, mu ! cle and rail, ceased his frightful demon strations, and became placid as a lamb, and the whole party, to their infinite Joy, came off without a scratch. Jett. Davis sae the Vermont People. Jeff. Davis visited Stanstead lag week, and seas the guest of lion. T. TerrllL i Fred. Terrill, Esq., brought kiln from I Sherbrooke, in a very quiet manner, ! professedly to see the country .uid to I consult in regard to an investment its the gold mines at Halley. : Os Thurs. t day, 'awe learn from the Newport (Vt.) , E,pre4x, Mr. Terrill, in his best tugging, took Davis about the village to ride, when several incidents *transpired not altogether pleasing to either tee host or his guest. Not only boys but men hoot ed at' him in the street, and greeted him i with.those familiar words, "We'll hang I Jed' Davis to a sour apple tree." Lie was frequently asked where he had left his "petticoats,' end various little re marks more suggestive than plessiog, everywhere fell upon Micas. One lady, stung by the recollection and death of a near relative at Andersonville, glee I utterance to her feelings by hurling a i stone at him. rermiasion was asked that left might ride about the grounds of Carlos Pierce Esq., and take a look at his. noted herds, but the manes!. was emphatically derued by Mr. IL.= In charge of the premises, who n unmistakable language, "that in no event would Jeff. Davis be admitted to those grounds." A TALE,OF WOE. <leaped Der tint hand In rolne. I clat yen In beantemns Wm. I towed to intell her trim the wind Ana from the wor:d•a cola sto:ne. the net bert.enoteout ItTte an tar. • Toe tams did mllait MIA with to r uwe Ups the said, ••Conloted Tot. let me gc.•' Wbera WRIT TO FLT.llll94ill Drng and Patent Medicine Depq), = I= Cl= COCA' D V RPM Pllll COGS gri-lienrember tr. chr.e. No. 14 Market EL_AMIN6 , II Drug !Dora. RESTORF.S GIILAY or FADED HAIR. set au • &motor fs rr•phlte • oleos Mali from Wine. cures Ilarkdruff. de &dada sad en Zreptlve Diseased ol the DUMP. The bloat Perfect Bale IL "London Leer Barr Color Ilestorrr• ••I„.ondLs Introduced. Halt Color Restorer , ••I,prodon Mar Color Restorer" ••Lboood Bald Boad• Herr Color lsenorer. oLoroSoo THAI? Color berrorry. “London geclothed Barr Color nestorer• "Lemdois Barreolor Urdsores.. ••Loodon welsh Hair tbdoritedoros"• "Loudon Hatt Color Ilestorer• e•Loodon , New Barr. Hen . Ordoe Beldam" Only 13 Gents • bolus; tilde dour', Ole Address orders WO. SWAYNKA COB, Yblladelpb/s. Bold by BeCLAKI/AN• licaLß NAN. ULM A. KY.T.I.Y. Jun. PLEIIIII4.I. A. IC/KAGNCE, re. K. es Lto6 a Co.. blitSbarabl RANI onurrr. Aneepcnr. 1111.2,VW7 = ict.ToP. Unetoo to., July. Ind. slimsne. liosstrres b listrrn—tieotleinee, I bare bets severely a Minted Wig, parallel. of toe 10 man, and en sites up by severs! eminent Physicians. I her ve e tried session remedies of • tonic and stinnlatins beton, but with°nt any good festal. Boos [brae or foot minim ego l was Indus] to try Tour STOIdACII ISTITT,oIS. end bore end shout seven or dint Unties with a decided benalt. basin I. greatly tons, VI: skid I consider Ton HITTILIES the only eel. 0..1001 remedy of their bind In the starlet. If used.. amend they mill always prove serer ern reined) to those sainted mini dienbela or othst diseases of alike nature. 11=13 IteMomtfully yours, tfAsolo o o. Dakota Co., 31.1011., Aug., ISM MbhgeS. iIMT le 0111mr, rlttsoury Gentlemen 11a sol d? ur HITTERS .... Ince the Were brought out. bad ...Ids, them the beet Moo g the malty before the polite. Tome 0500100 oat sloes the tar ha. beau Imbose4 00 Spirt. ire trrh. I beget reessumboad teem. If.. aml cow — , it. Joseph Co. Mich.. July 24 Wt. • tiOreurrell• 1111111 . 14—tirattemeu I •covulder your Dl,TlLLO3•4o . .eecign balm (Jr shocuird all.. Toots truly • • D. C. , tizt'HOLDS,II. D. OF CIUBE - OF FISTULA. ! Dm %avg. I 1 Mite to thane Ton for your klcdnep std ecientalo management of my dim In fur which I called to cOnsult goo some time In 4.0. . 11t. You will remember that I bed • orsaplieetion of dloesars, which Aralll ended In t terrible Weis, which I hod boon 0401.0 to . ..let alone" on account oft humming cough, which a was i might rteten orm7 lunos. . / knew theta,e popular mode of Mullen Mo e.e like mine wee by a Cattlai operstlon, which, If socussfol it all, would netera/11 throw the Meets. upon the long. or some other Mial O aCeoc at of the suddenness of the core tad the n Insoledlete chatit to a di...* *bleb I was constrained to believe was seals, tare provision of Neter. towel rid of some mom lad coadition In the system. I feel parectli kgmeted that your method of treatment, Pea r/100 to the astern. and local aPPllealloAA to the Ertel... part, most Cara, It anytblet without mating, which I And It did, and I eat happy to report roma' well In every parelealer. With .00041 0 end belier health then I have bed for yew.' !would also .41 that the ePPlio. tlone Ton midi were Almost palate se. , ad Isar left am a new man, with all the energies an vigor of health. ' Yours, gratefnliv, Dr. Yefseell comellation rooms are so. IM - Penn , front o Av M. Oval 4 p. 143:tertoilaf IrMABINCOLI3I, Attant , legprcia vp See, y* IVO fitrad, u an author/pa Agimg onward aldianntannado WOO GAZETTA and lat/ otner pay er s er tAnnianald Inn Uniad Maas and Mt ROBINSON BBOTHBA 33aisa-lcorish , roorru Carron 1-30,16 hare =lra& Tog coutt, oo - cr. IESCIPPTI , IS3,. lad try forevanld 10 buy Via Jipod• or etor.lutlank, flu 4.11 Arles. Sto64; %Vat Itrgl;. g alti Z1:11.1g.y.A5 But: 'CU= VelgX.ll7. " bb °es' PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: MONDAY.' AUGUST 5. 1867. ICN IBVP ITNRITALLED gjg:a4trani,", tate lother than 1437 other- R.. stock Jolt re ceivd. tor sale. thee t.o CHARLOTTE BLUME. 43 Rath street, Vole •n et' f u rs lE., Plano. Botoo, B ros. Piano. and Pr:nces Anenensthe Orthn. uth If • P. HOW,AND ....... ...... ROWLAND LA "ULM% HOUSE AND SION PAINTERS, EINALNVIS AND ULAZI.E.fis, No. ni DIA.TIOND, ALLEWHEINT. C A 1.1-111INLMI done In the Lett manner NOTICE TO COINTRACTOIRS. CONTRoLLin's OPTICS. Mr of Allennetty. Augllst nth. DD. Prsled rr000sal• .111 be recelrod at this office mail FRIDAY. Rh Inst.. atf Ghana D. m the 13 FADING AND YAWN ti UR ALLEUHE NY AVENUE. from Western avenue to Penal lin street Airo. for the GRADIAti AM/SAVING QV YHA% ItinS ALLAY, from Allesheof creme then ettester line, ant: 11 AT A IL B. PILANCIS, eft, Omar°ller. ♦RGe4iN EVA PIANo DI SOS WOOD . PIANO, Toll erten collect. Agra Ire treble. overetenble bat, that tota been In Amon Lot tar. month, bee been ler. who the rnoacriecr for Isle. It la 0 1 a. o as new. by not a ...lob on Ihe tore, ann will be tot., at • $150.00 Lext Than It Coat I Apply at once, to O. O. MELLOR, ata:t1111 88 WOOL) arittlT EIGHTH DIVIDEND tirriCa Or rut PAcir.o Or T.Litt littera COlfraer Or VIA U. , Film !Omit. Angast Ist, 1510. The Board of 1/Ifootora of TRY PACIFIC AND ATI.ANTIC TLLnUNAYH CUYPANY Ur T HZ 0.0, haring declArett tee Eighth Div. dead Pram th e ! rpiece of Um Corpopatleik far I',us pay the same ot. ortaand. at ttil emoe, 210. 40 Fifth alma, flail:mtge. Pa. IDY/ ASO JAY ALLYN, aelieloo Treaanrof. 820,000 TO LOAN. ON BOND AND MORTGAGE MITZI STEEL & WILSON, =1 No. INS !MIN,.Led iltreet. D o IERVEIAN TS' LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, J. W. R [CRIMSON. PROPRIETOR. MOS. 141 AND 113 THIRD 14THEET, = }1 ,1 e5. 1 1,1 10. CAROL/WM. tor tam rms. 11.1..1.. 1 91.. Porr. . rOlo rt . Hors suhnir F L ln i ruz f irr..7.l,,MlTalt A Superior Article of Flour, tuna CIOICI 611' WOW IHILL Whkb we owe safely recomenead to the trial sad ro: tooth! nu. R. T. KENNEDY & BM =I WIIITE,-ORIL & 25 Fifth Street, E=l Calicos, Table Linew, 111113-11921MX Ca 43"10. = STATIONERY, I= =1 =I EM=l IME11:= = 17.11123110 W.S. HAVEN, Corner Wood and Third Oh. IVIISOLUTIOA OF PAILITNER• em tr.- The Wino hip heretarnee eWt •lee tad.? the name • • am* of J. I% NEIL/ a Co.. . . CI thee, * stint,.!,tln• f W.J.LCI se/. J. J. j:3ltrritetirr. JCL, :1•1. T. F. ra3l33l3LT_:ll", DEALS.It IS PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Paints, CUs, Dye-Stuffs, Z.ZIEL7`I:77IELHLVIVIr, deo., Sio. 371 RIMEIX7a SIIIELT, Bela+ Pant WatJ Zebt...l Horn, Allegtossi. ""trlor ASIERIC.EIi WATCHES. 12=CIZE= Fine Gold and Silver Watches, FIRE COLD JEWELRY, =I •t, the letnott hetet.. The pvtate art In•lteet to ell. sad *lmolai; oat *Wel before parctwi.t tisetestro. Wttea repalthm hUhttandtw at W. WILSON'S, • N. 54 TOLIZTII Two Ooon above Illarlist etroat. mot.: o wro pirrspionen cirr L.JUXDIir. All Glade of washing , dm.with promPtorm and dloosteb. Take tommdrr - Lop," will tall to awl deliver an Cloths, tree at extra <shame. Leare ordeal Mfore Ma o'rimet to tbe mantle, to ham Man atm tol. to *am* day. d a. tbe folloehap.plama will be promptly att end -ed to tetiattiViNeT. ruta .V10irre"..).11:,.... Clawer, tor. i•lier•l a OW% Allretil Putnam nom.. 711111 b strml. R. mi. a N. J. Seeders.. Watt retltc.l sad tenet atrects..AlletormiT• Onle.. He. 4 ST. CLAIM ST. 1117:Parralr S . S. =I BONDS, STOOKS, AND REAL ESTATE, Apollo Building, Fourth Street. Bak, lasurst ea gad Man'Ural road., sad .11 gl ds of IMES* bought and said en cOMpallik.l2. Mortgages boards aoo sold. - AN OPENING FOB BUSINESS le offered bff the nteltrider of • luring ertsinieldnent now IS mitseeelul oMrs- non Sunnis-Chi. The proprietor will Kite mills reatou ressouslor wishing to sell, end will. Iff &tired, retnir. an Intoner In the concern. Cepit4 required Mont $11,0:0. =MI M. W. 132.1.4ALZW, Broker lu Etoels And Baal lame Ml==M =1 , AND llNGll3, 4l 63V4TiataTo'ru"Thf,:F iti tt l i A i o. the Fed oo ono after ttut date.. protentotloo and clolivol7..ot Pint 2 , 1010PR1 Hank or P buret. JNO. J. ,,, 4 4:c ur d.r7 00 . 0 Treasurer. 11.1.111111• A. lIIEDRoN AD. 19 prang Strut, . . . (Moo fur ttoi porthole sod' sole of KW, LS • TATZ. - and NitiVrILTION of REAL ZSTATi. GOVIOILNKZAT and o th er lIECULIMILK. ulel • • rEltilr BOMAN, PUMP MAKER. fkcorer of all kind. of WOOD3N T8 4 131T67ht0!33 THIJW bTf/JSICT, nuro e ., I'..Cleft 4; !f 18/311/Cret°°' ti" TAVg? FOR SALE-BOILLEI I / 1 1.-FOUR d1.01L130113-eIA.NDILD H1L1C333, inches In re leek long. nlth MO n 1 Inch no. Strout enema drum, 30 Inch.. In_tllktoe tar; Are fr t o e n toch r :l . ln b. ttr ii. l7 i. cheek nod Won . 01 1 11 T.E of hlek Ponn tank. It . IP. GUTTY, • . Wholesale sad Befall Grocer, Dealer hs soltifill and ram tilatfosom marls Sao ail bombast WHIBILILIS. Dioramas minim or tale MOM, Ma am Dim mood.-Atioastoor tom. r.. rmou .LOMIIOI6I'II 8061 ABS. Crashed. Yolrinsedead Reeled White Yellow, et lost rates. or Om blend, pope.r for s ere el we elthe /ashy litosery Mare of 1 JOHN AL szninior. worn:Liberty aid Mid anal. ALLF.Gaes: GROCERY AND PROVISION COMPANY. JOUR A. McGRAW, President J. P. ISIII.EL, SecretarY. The Et act. or tht• CompuoT bought bp. Those .Ithlug to mall thetfuelgeg of lbw beneat.. Iml:better • .A, JILT CI.D.TCJZI At 26 Federal 6t., Allegheny. DE H. P. BALLARD & CO. TILE WILL EIITABLISIIID STRICTLY Produce Commission liouse; alt Vuhiglon ell York, It.. unegvntled tannin. for disooneigor Wool. Hops. ie 1nd..., direct to maufaturers. PCAN:el,llgu iv r. " titilnigii. b l l ria; rieenurnr, oiled and Orson PreilM. tined, ano all kind. or country Produce. 14Dere1 017.. e besde on consignments. CIiNeIIUNBIENUIi SUMMED. o. nagiungCle—North Inver 24. T. D ; nee.. • cud National , Bonk. Jersey City; lemith • i NI.. t o g; t i t . ; giVa I e!rTV(A L Y II. I,. No. ronawari • an5411.1.1T *Md....4 PITIII3IIII6k COMM & CINCINNATI PAN HANDLE ROUTE. . CHANGE OF THOS.—nu and sits . SUNDAY &nano lar, train. win mane and waive a [noon Deposal follow, Mandrel time: • •• • - I HROIJOI3 Le.r. I:dea. et. neo a. w. 2blo N. elle r. cimatl abounext Ineenblt• • ACCONMODATION TRAINS. Lea.... add a. et. 11:06 a. N. LVI I". r. sel 0. le. AiriVe. bzW a. it. 0033 4. N. a:4O r. 0. r. r. 70'" i7 liV ' L a t 5.0;, . eVdil 22:000. r. d mo...excenee. adene to Clacinatt o .. * 974.1.eiTalnatIN NOUNS IN Ji.DVANOS Ara o cheese of eats between littaborab and Cluelanatt. sad but ONle Women to at. Louie. Cabe. eNt toe othselp.ll,olll4lWrtat and Oman. . west. Viten weasel:id Tickets be me and and 4 e office of NA Plfi9Bu GU COLL'IBUS t C1NC159,11 L Union Depot, (south side.) M. D. surnieluvAv9l..TtV. .1 IDE OLD, 01.11GLIAL TEA STORE! FRESH ARRIVAL OF Young Hymn, • Old Elyson, Imperial. Gunpowder, - Eng. Breakfast Congos. o u c c h O O 0 ng n g. Old Country Black, And Japan • • a l l Oil, ALL Or THE HITT 0HA1477. No. 20 Fifth Street. 1MM:139 LOUISVILLE TOBACCO. lIIST RECEIVED. A Large Stock of the BANNER BRAND. I= Fine Cut AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICE, AT t W. JILNENSO3'S, No. U FEDEJLAL STREET, 16=1 pOISONOVI AND FILTEITI 131911etia.. 11.11 F .44 • 13 ill 11-UMW 01 11E110011 RICO SLACK LEAD, TORII" Tt.SLA mat. 21111EILIC, ►re ►mesi.tee Adelteratlsms Vaed. TUB PURE SPICE MILLS, =I 8500.00 REWARD Tor any agnltnrltleg t.-.d Is onrgplges. (Me gackmem v. rare vplNv gn 4 Gm ma MIN wt./vs Or Ad attended germ adair add. mgm aliarrus tumtas swims) Alt BUCKLES & CO.. Wenle Wen ai tnpienn dhn rtin 222 and 221 Liberty Street, IPITTIIIIOIIBII. __rrr_pztilVl,:taristma tassa_a_d 11/IFIROUND WriiilZl ' tt Wag IV ' r:fb` raatair.. vare 6.4ar. era nominal ta. tar Callao la th e markat. Jill NIERS, HOPPER & CO., ==l MAN ON ACTURIJIS 07 FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL AND OFFICE FORNITCRE. So. 45 Smithfield Street, asSertnitat Of rlttsburel Waalao tura4 Paraltore toisliteitly on band at, LORK3I . 01E11 ;TICKS.. k. C. 1107/III:...R111. G. Wilt varClrin , ALL TUE LATEST STILES OF I= • mum , AND CHILDEZDPS BOOTS, SHOES, AND Rims, p r i o irtt t I . tod ulnas .t rrnamble. 31 FIFTH STREET. 14'. E. SCHNIZETZ & Co. iriiJ LADIES ENGLISH LASTING GONG= GAITEEIS, AND. • BALMORALS, worth $3, sellUl6*t 81.50, at 31 FIFTH STREET. W. E. scumraTz a CO, bluminer 01ISh 0. C.A...., H. WAT1LX11.....0. Ir. SAT pox CITE BELT WOUKS. CEO. 0. CLARKS CO.. :NehlS:"(i.l;f4.l"Zd'zvgAltulkr:A raiNibthor Eserazis. unAUWAVY,4I7:. " '°" 417r.117" /IVO. raeXClell FOONCIIL & & FRANCIES, ' • CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Ceetraets Wens ter Bonilla:. Otero Froene, eeil Jobbing. rorteteny sitoontße_ssjg , k re:ap r u r ot. " 7 '" r " Sol 266 ui US Mims Bt, We eiy City, h Norior..--nonE UT H. LECILY, hgetelel ' eee e eLlageNVlZ Y isa li to C eWitl tee *gate end IMO.. to toe for ste . bemeel. *lbis • lodebte4 se elm are lietl• Welt =I:kV tou=no p 0 05,aa4 nhano ho , La eleeas VOW prompt sae Moe on OW /to. 73 litente inerenrnh.... g Clta of Pitt. 'Assignee ;fit. tl. L•cky. • 816,000 To w° 36 ON BOND AND moirrogis. . cw. M. z•zrz.vir, ' Stmt. EIII4MH Inotkl lil /OW. ... ItEffIBIEJA'S 0171CF—__ FrresnonOtt. FA.. .19LEUVid• NT9T/CE nr.ossw tlie following accounts of Executors. letbadolstratowuardluks. de., base been duly Passed In the Newl.tres otece, and will be pre sented to thrOrOlkons• Court for <and rtnationand allowance. o 9 tools LUSE. dePtalrlwf 9d. G. lie. 1. •emunt of Anetew F. slack.. swistlnt. tr star of Nooert }Loot. deceased Flied-SST SUL I 917:. AO. Pln•I atto.t of David R. 'Kerr. sdalsw or W. , . Kerr. dowased. Filed MAY 7tb, 16C. L Account of Ffederlcketsgtr adml.lll., trator of Adam /fetes... dew.... ith."l " 101. b. IBC. ' 2,Vres t s r ellee:Voll. 'lll474 Mb, WE. No. 5. Putts' account of Daniel Estinett. o ww sle Cousin obsw and I hos. J.llsnustt. executors of James Bennett, decesosol. Ellod XoT sal . No.ll Fltst snd deal account of Jobn 3.611103- %e. executor of Ann I. Edlalfidu. f Fa fd tiost h effient of Ebbs A. Curry axst WM. E. l lt i ra l asnicog c tlf Joba F. Ewen deceased. Na. X. ilnalieedOo t of loath A t Wolf. admin istrator et Aildrver Noir, dec'd. Flied lteT Am ls No. 9.. ofJomel, Of Wm. as. Oled Marya.or =th. JAI; it.lls=l.l.°;:ltn!l'ulltrLllls"g. Nu. 11. Ptul account of Bernard Tonat. 0000- 100? 0111.00.0 £llOO. dec O. Yllod ny ULG. 1867 . • • - IN No :. .12. of John rotten. runoff.. of Roy. John W. totter, deed.. that 31•7 No.ll. ACCOUrIt Wm..l. Mamo. &M'- 547. trator ...7Lotris ktufnuno, deceased. 1006 Mn? 015, Mt. N 0.14. Account of Main r05e0514 ,0 = 4 4 . 00 Forrester, administrators of Jame. /orroster, deed. lnedJune 1,0. /637. N 0.15. or -btu Itruham and J. 8. Ferguson, adattnl,trutors Bunn Umlaut. doc . d. Yuen guns 4tn. 4657• n No o tLr F.r No a e d .a r a y c , d e e e d , f iled A J da ne u l, 1547. • Ve ' n glirl'.l.lOftrujf."7=M, brit% oune81,1•81. • minor child,. of •narow doottood• Filed Jon. tut. 1667. NO. ID. Account of 4050 81055100. sdealulltr. tor of Jacob 510501., eteol. filed Juno ratti. . . No. • • her. 40. '2O. Flat mot Anal ateoent ofJobaGOIA, fzi y . % or Anon nor.. Ali der. /lied June mft°,;4l;,Nt aoeoant of John sf. ge'lNg; 1110, t: Corwade r:LWFirjaei; No U. linl Aceouot 04 01100 n,amino ltro , rl2 or Ch.M. Cowan. demised. flied noe2rob, UAL NO. 24. ANA/color Jam McAdam...l. elevator I of Ur. Janice Torrance. doceAeOrl. rilAdJd.• . . eeo tiled June lent. No. W. countA et., Swlrt, guardian of the Wane eel dean ofJ o h n it s uweu.ed. ETNA June 7.1.17, 1.57. No. W. Fleml .et Everson . William E• Enrico.. dearth. or Clara YENS June TEN. Jinn It °a L: Be Oetur of Ater ender rne ge i:a 414. Toth, 1147. No.lo. Accoint of Jame. Wallace, executer.. Num. oleymunr, deed. Filed June =llo. No. ao Account w Ell Neeld.roardlen at John Neeld. Ellfetid and Netld, eldl• Oren et dames Becld,--4co o d. Plied Joule 15th. No. 31. Second acellnot or Itobt. - B. Townsend. 40x041a0 of adoor calideen of Joan teases ocuiiy, .1004. illed July lc. - • No. U. I.OEI. of Joon' K. Wilson. 72.41= es land C. Cook, minor eon of le.c C. Cook. ' /Vc d . ‘ ./. 10 1 ` .1.1, 1 1 , !1 ! 11. 8 j: 1enc 4146 or Iloward IMIIIII.IO. o flied July 044. iota. 3.N.:DVbto'forlllidln4tr. lol7.x°`" lin of No. XL Account of H. L., guasal. of .171 , tra :11 . 0r11 - 0.14 110.1 .l Tb odadolstratel: of Wm. sktoalds. des d• riled d sly att. 1,07. No. ACCOIII44 Of 0000 W. Nora., acladale. Cato, we' Andre w Kayo. ol.c•d. Fil ed July CO. 157. let Vat`lTTL.t:lntt o l:z.L i f J al, 717 , NO. No. M. A.ll, of A. U. 1111140.4 W. P. al. Hoe. odwlnlstratars or /redeelca McKee. Ylled daly No and toot accmel. of Sun.! oralv..adm 6.l4trator or Wes. Y. infgar, 400.4. Tiled Jaly u.. 1717. •cao et orMalcoon Way. adminillnace ol alohael 1 11 1 Hata. deca. Tele • July at13.3.3g. No C. AK.. of Jaffna. ei Coon. od. lulnlorator of Matthew X. 7111405. dece.ed. riled Joey .0. 0012. 000. 40. Amount or at. , W. Af.140104 I. Well. Mop 014 6 11, Ralston. i , entr i zote Wa. onosnot ' Or W .11/Moe 4 0 . Mal. Ifni Sad IL ..1111012. on 4 f o e . Of 1...101a 'ACCOST...O 4 O. I . IO f WllO. Mem:Sly. owcosed. Tiled July Sta. ISC No. 44, AMON.. Mart W. W... aCatula• bra. of Joh* Y. li`Call T. deceased. $l.llO 4.17 No. M. Noce.. or J. 11. W 11. 4 1. 11. 7746 .. 14 15. 101000 0.40. of W. alma. filed Jolt .000. No. C. Account or Wargaretha mtolciatels 01 Ludwig 4.lnolferg. deecoed.. filed July C., No- 41. 000011110 of I, 111. tot Coo feCdfornO rannenro of Teams. a. Juba. ooa ctorleo 04005.., efteoloMnaano or alargatet ale de. caased. fatal.% Wo. W. Float acceontof W. G. 1.10w1154. rem 0. Joan Henc lout, r.. ;Ord 4,1/120 1 .1,11 1 C. acce of S. C. 6 1.110.7. a I Ice of Hotwn asawsrla.don... ll .. 741.4 300? asth, Les, No C. Tint and 011. -acceuat or 1.41.1414 1.04..44151..ard 01071004........ 6 . 7 * of 0.0,4 M. likodes dereued. 11114. 4.17 No. la. oeo6o4and anal 1400000 or SO.. I IIIII•roar of £llOllllO I,lllwood. 44. r eVetZeatftra. J. Tawas. execs. : for of Jac. Ora.. deceos4.l. 110.4 £lOll2llO OW. . teew -10.1 1 1 1=1V4:10 . 1«. ° Ali Act oat of T. 11. - 11colltol.. mlntstrear of WVllaus flessaara /Sod A.S._Oda 17C. 47. rout and 0.001.0 nocoont or R. D• Moss.s.ol 4.1, aft. NM tors-C.. te40.1 . .10 W. '41. 4 0 WO. deoranad. 'Neff al cos 111141 r, ut A s o. .o o . t leasleP. 11.4•112 N an. TUC sad tool occoont klocWllll.. 1.5 a esetator of 11.4141 unmet., oeceaner.- : 7.1. Ascent NI. 11140. No. 44. (Itnl cAVatat or N.. W 1111.401 7 1 0,4 7 * tacsacatorrea.4l.• of Whitson L. wad 14 0 . C. c., a1......1tdraw or ef0r5iet....?...... 444 atsfut 7d. INC. Non 1.1. 1. 71tot onoeaal account of Flo. 'Wok. Vow., ee Caved 11. de.... lOC. • • Nn. C. Clete Sod tool accountof 1.0. 5. tholason thew. In Istralars of 11114 assoc. 11 , 1 / 41 - )10. OS. atm ace ono. sc. ount or 614neser 14eSolu ..1 11074. caecttorn vs dercanwl. 1.11.4 Nara. 74. 1147. mt No. 00. F.. 4, ana .41.01 14044.0. J.Jenfoo. sdodaSfiewatcot. x or Thrown 3005000. deocaaol. O.M aorta U. No. W. aersont of 0.014 3 rtsber, exec.. of Janes MMloce. 4wee01,4. Flled Anosont Int. tfo. at- not .4 cood aco.n. or B. U. W. Nproul sof of Col. adwaNl lummox, dep.. 1 4 11(11 No: J a n e s of Jolan Antic. odonlalate. lor 0fe50ura........1• f lied. Aosost ' 4 la. 7114.1 ace.. of Year7ll. Cont... ad. Inlnlntualot or .ohn X. , c 0... 4 • 4 . 4 . 744 . 61.4.....161. 144 1 0 11.1 . o.nlof Joes.l6lllloct, tar ortslno WllO.l. owewased. frUtd tea wor - • No. 70. nook actooot or Wm. 1. 71... do ,eo•tot. by ...too. 11.00,aoatnicra ti le of V, re. 6. Hsu, 11144 .1/41•4 4011. U. OILILT. 'ALLEGHENY. IMEIN=EI ito Pfeil(MN*. orr srE ; cier. . • • • DISCOUNT SALES. DEVUSON t EMMET'S, • • NO. 27 Fifth Street. t .„-• • It tit farther emltre CENT 'onto • o• - • dlotztattt at Tient..rits. as we ..Is.. Us, .tact of ;? ItIOYIERT. GLOVE. .•• • ' C I . HANDII.SIII3II.M. 41 lINIMUWZAR, . rAiutwt.s. a 1 ti00:45, 11.1.0WEILS. • BONN= TraillIISGS, r., ;A. 40. otitt Wei •011•4 7; *lse, GraltlAr.l , l ItO PLR X OW OSIER nod Custom?. will 000 ottr .tytoat 1•• dltectatt, •• low its 1. 1 x, 1 Mg .17. 1;6,1r ii. _ OFF CiliVi-IiVAREtIOIIIIE. RUM 8080 & CO., • • 31::00ZE:2114:1711EIELIO. NO. 100 Wood Street. BEFFAiT a ilndit v ln RADZIDeIit LIMY, Masse on M. cm TILA 'MINA DION Snort% OftlISA. TULL= ISITII e Firol Zr7 L •Vt ?VM "at4SWI tiltt L. 171,10118. SISSILtiIIibTONIL WARM or all varlells SO salt varietal* sod retall took. The ilattn and meet roesoleto stOSS of sten' thl•Wom. nne Ia the cur. chlee. RAND I.!= Pleasure Excursions, TO LAKE SUPERIOR. The eau am stdc•nehtel raslcater steamer 1101trilWEIT Du. Miami, WUI leave Cleveland Ibr the worth and Bona Aborts Of Lake huperlor Y follows; • M= rtm THlllial/Af • THIJOIMaIr And TIIURISLAX air he sbOscateste Is entirely new, Ohs , MO tons bosthsol Is p e e lama. toe , ; covabitso bl e hest syrelsteo au the Lakes. • Nor IhrthSr Informstloo apply to • 11130111111, Adams raft..• Pittabarsh COMPIERitiFJ) BUNGS. ARMSTRONG, BRO. & CO., biansdnaterers sled Who Wale Dealers In MACHINE CUT CORKS, Plugs, Taps, Irish Moss, Pitch, .3409 N, 1111N0403. ai. ta., " Nov. 323 * 123' =did IL. rittsbangth 14"IIIST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY• J. LYONS, o. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, N PRO aVV.lNSParrAirwegtlll3 ALNUT gllicAltarPELlF4,9Alat trtrutdirtArra m lik eaumme VRIPEZIAVAomi. SHEPHAR D'S MICILERS . . 317 Liberty Street, PITTOMOIR, PAL DRY GOODS• AND NOTIONS, Wholesale and Retail, at WM. SEXPLE'S, nor.lBo 8184 Federal St., ALLEGHENY CITY, FA & Grosgrain Silks Dreu Goods; Poplin Robes, beautiful designs; White "& Cord Counterpanes; Table Linens; Towels and Towelings; Tickinpl, Jeans and Ca'slmeren Opera Flannels; Heavy Flanne l; Hosiers'. Gloves; Handkerchiefs; Start Fronts. Notions, &c. EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE 15=1 Low as ma be Found Elsewhere, IMEI WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Vederal St, 4LIEGELEXT cirr NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS CEO LOIN OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF raIIiNSTLVAIPLI. Due After July 1, 1856, and Before July 2,1880, Holier!! of the torlowlag IA►NH Or 'TIM COMXONWILLTIi Or ri.IIIOIILVAI U. are requesteo to smseat them for prtmekt (Mad- Dot eW latuesl.) 'at The Fumes' aid Mechanics' Sa lina Bank of thlladelpbl*. Lima al Ilareb 30,11/36. elm NAs eh 4. MI. ••. Irstorsary L. 1112, Mu. 4.17 IOW& • Musk Sr. 1834 438 /ay • • 411121.17 21, It" dee July I. 11511. •• 43347. 101, duo •uip.BB 14$. • • Kuck 10. 3141. dos hay I. LA. •• Lpril a. 14. T., dw 3587 1. 145. lira. all ROI Clillll3l LOANS du ado to OM, aM. • W OM aboiro LOANS will Mu to draw to tarot attar luau la. M. JOBS W. GLIRY, UOVERSOIL JOY! F. UARTUNFT, ♦UDI MA exixsar, B. 512118 LE. =MD NOTIOE TO THE HOLDERS OVERDUE LOANS IMEM3 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Balm of the following. Leese of the Cain fosereelth Of fee arybreata metre metes tesiestpal asd leterest.) M peesentlas theta • the Yemen. sad Ideehnaler Netteneel Heat. • and sher Nay tee: Leas of March DI. Idle dee Dee. 1. M. Leas of April 0, 10. doe Deo. L DU. L e as of Spell It. Me. dee Sag. I. +t n. Las or March 0. 2012, dee leis t. ISM All el the ono. Leese tall mese to draw la Weld Oa Ansa L. lee. num W. GEIRT, JOHN F. ILIETRANFT. WILLIA3I Q, IiEMBLF. 11112111 I=ll lIARRIBBIBIG, JULY 29, 1867 TO THE HOLDERS Loans of the Commonwealth PANNOTLIFANIA, Due July Ist, 1868 The Commissioners of Use Finking Tuna will funslro Propmsis mth Ikptersober MI. Ma. for the Modemslon of One Killion Doilmi of Os Loons of this , Comannsmnith. ate July sit, Mt lifol4ers wN Mama their proposals to tee Commissioner. or tits nation Wood. Harris born. Tenmylvanim, tad endorsee! “Tropolmas 'roe th Sedum piton of Lams or Mi." FRANCIS JORDAN OZORETART OP WTATZ. JOIE F. HARTRANFT, AUDITOR GRRXRAL. WILLIAM U.KEMBLE, BM «...JULY' p 6. ......lUNU ? L &UflUet pp. • I v . • CAPE ISLAND. lased the ems. of Me - meth enterprle• has beet displayed at this eallibtated •11.6[1.0 I. lort.jlew end iisevitiviat /anal • he, been it er" ar Vitt: k i l f:rgitt• Olinliala l ti " : Wativ . ystillt sad la all the •wriatiale of &Per. mar solaleer man, • /pint of liatowrinainat in '. :P= " et "L 7el pont. or cuLp.utait is la Ilsellha , teeters, then properly Ceder. mai tea at the extreme sauna ¢ portion of the ro te, and ...hying a sleet of I•nd at the =lane ee of the Delays.. par with the titan tii4t 1. 0 .1 , , !UV =11.7 41":=4 &rout% Tht sea. - • e lag foralsr • WZOtra ties of tee °F.E . .Vmles Of . "ll.9.4 7 z 4 = ll l. ll: 4ll ll tillak on l b r X t thew edio semen any other point coon the AIM .e wes. beWitof • •01.01. b. Colapact toot i C *bleb Mines seassitly Ss Atiesert that evea a old a th en bwt amity. . ad attraction. ts'the feet that the o elreet t fr k t 77.7 ........ u petwuw ....... l. .... ,S et u e rt. dare : 00•11.11 Whine. The dietaaos Reda Philadelphia to Calee laland le di hell. tT MI. ead c..t th... distaa. , 1, 7 MM.., Sinn the Hay. and by elites. mate the 04211114•• tor travel 11,131Sdle to ../..p . ..gutmo rd zi . b.ei4r. The tolud aa eget end Bea hone ateetemodatioas fee ms Ida irit K i 'U lleoiltrth.trgreJ. U ai.at7 N pmrs"'"rntor, • °°.24"ausluTaitoths. etith l.. 0 14 a lt • MILLE se propristorsodi nudes the M... ailment of faltUnvaalpho nye we/1 eirtatdish ed mulattoes a., hotel mat. • . 1 1•2 taiellTll , , ' HATE THIS DAT ASSOCIA. Liz. in 14 in buintßinale =3 JOHN D. HULOT a, wio., STOCK MID REM ESTATE MIMS " - AND 11101111111M1111. imaj.wtt&vt.,wt oiuL. wmaar or as as . a aa mt aaa7taii. goalie also toe . 171 ir II) It)1 . 1)4 . 0 t w "Wit jittt ii ttAtt VI NUaII"""W r Jam% aril , THE 14TOCHOLDE110 0 THE. LITTLE KANAPtitt. alsit HIIIINIE PPEING 'PETRI/LEON. Co. mid the IiTOCEHOLDEEI3 UT THE STANDINN LYNNE a NVEST Pella PETROLEUM CU. f . There will be • meellim of He Stoehholaers pf the above named Cototravilei at the Cfird kif ROBERT RUBE. No. Hs Fourth airiest. rut. bunb, on the METH, DAY OrAINUPE, ltit. k at ten Wel A. X. • Also. o lee EVZNINO or THE 9 &NZ Dar. at IN O'e out. will be sold, all the PIIPLII3 IPPOCE t he Companies above vaned, at tips Comma al fislea Nooses of A. IIetbITALNE. No. Ell i , .' third Meet.. or of tho Heald of Iltre!toro WILLIAM F. ROBB, Pecre!..ry, . NION REPUBLICAN :LTICONVENTION. The O. tOR REEUBLICAN VOTERS of AM MORT R• y are rehteehell toeneet at the etroß t j , r oz.g the eaverel Wards, - 8. turdity, August 31s1, And elect T.wo DELI:011TM; from cacti.eite ‘4ll4laatit V.7lo C o T c7o ' cl " : ' . ' f ' OPVI NW Z.= OPA,TrttY.fig l j 0; 4:11z and thleeet:thhe ouch othtr bottom as may be P7 re " i 4,ll 7rgl ' e=l . ttOt TownehiPe . 111 be hell between the holt% of theee and eti' oCloch c. and lo the Boroeche sad Mies betePett the hemp of eve. zed wee Wawa p. m. In the title• and hannigtfil the electlette he'l be b 5 belt.. While tne toontellpe bY eeetit. lop '• JACOB n. !LILLE% Mann.' • 3pm:e43 IarNOTIECE. Ti SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM. The Allegheny Venn Its Mold cannstsay "n t'n hirlte: `,2 vb l," nzvlez o r. t i' l7.l :•g'A P V:=:.T l .l3"'4l,l l M, tli v i l dPl' ' tl l .4 -1 % . 7.47,f.r.ttnTE „. .... ft e 5 7 traOs tua ro.d extendnd chin so. oo a Went the nreter , s end. At Seedy s Bend, el se to afford II necessary Denning for to e tesemens " 1 4 11 gr aj. " ft ft! 'll l l,l73l"7ll l N'E`°. =l4ll. ITO PLUMBERS AND AAA FlTTERd.—Prepornis Ifni be received at JAM Ed RUUD'S hoe ell Necked lalevaiNstg.eagltli 1.7 , = .a. e . liersione Sloane Beak, an. ti m oej s ke Ir a : Ii , V L itt u t r e gi r 1:A . 6 nil ABS .1131:63 _ELECTION NOTICE.--Tho 3 Stockholders of the • PITIVBIIEGH GRAIN' ELEVATOR 00. Wlll meet at the BOARD OF TgAlltt 1t0011 . 3,. ok MONDAY, the Oddey ottlepteother, IBM. ai o•ol.k r. 33.. 107 the purpose of ette3l.- 3 doat4 of Vlreotor&fenu j o i =krr. Fittabstrob, Jolt . 33, MT. TP.32_ 96TH SEMI-ANNUAL DISUSE TOTAL LOSSES PAID, 5a1,271A72 la! /ETNA INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN., JOLT I. 1867. • AAILTS, (4.11 Market VolUea Om& as Mall. U. Banks 4 Bald 1,..r.! 5 Molditii 80nde —. 14 7 .800 cli Sankw " k.. 1,103040 00 Unlted ' utung. o:ate and City btock. and otter Puslle committed , 8.104430 80 --- 24650421 27 Loa lanl.ltUeo, Claims not Ens end 12=1 Biro and Inland Navigation Silks. T/111-aw. dana. lu all uau the prlnelbal CHI. and la the Un ls. ew far Laser.. wUI ➢ be prompUy attend. w and Pond. weed by A. A. CASHIER & DUO., Agents, 03 10IIILTEr STREET TEAS S TEAS I TEAS OF ALL PAICL3 4 . 1.71 D ntrALrer. AT XEC.TEL.XL'.€II. Prim* Young 6o Po/ R?oll• Taus goal 1. !MICH TrAl5-oollovEs. . I 1a.40 par poit& L. 23 •. llzin • .......... • " BL UM TX.A.-IPowelioag, Sonaliat ==l is../Ine How ini•vdNu. Va. Wei 7 . 46.. Coautry ...: .. 1:100 111w:doted Japan, VEIT rie_ssant navor•—•4 l . ,3 J•Das. Tow. Yti.llll nom the above say me esa 4.yert 3.% of Tea they want. sad Itsre Ulm y la al say quantity. sad tt.r.s.r.d try slay or the nßtl , :0140«,astitilretstr " .13 ErLdgg . ....=. o b,....grzytar r rztur ItIREE. ennhatfl nt A m lestlead OS. Allestenye BURKE .& BARNES, • Fire Miff Salamander Safe, 113 ➢oos STRI, LIND KIELMINOOI IRON WINDOW WWI MANUFACTURERS, 129 8131 Third St., BetWeeua WoOd sad Hmlthfield. ZITTEBOBOU, .4 the fellow additional reeinntnendatlon of ilga ere proof onaliden of our safe.: • _ HISSING /SD PACZIIM 1.1171 C• 071 W. Oh ,Ja ne ce no, Tonneetoen. 1710. lea: ifs•sro. Itsake• lamas, ItittabargrA. Pa. =3 OANTLICaast—We ship you, to. day, by M. road, &NA of your make, fora too repairs. The sweat Omagh the disastrous Are that Mb lamed here on 50 6V2 of March last, burnt= oar store 000 warehouse, and we are slid to In torah you that We paper. Whoa out of the safe after the Mu is ant assnual In the' least. We Stid not 0057000 eny safe. especL•ny SO is all a sloe. could possibly stand sorb a Are, and whets we dlecoverwi the pavers all ode and nand. We were now/ 01y disappointed. We will site Mat an order ibr a large Ore ale when vs get Into oar new store. • Truly YOora w. d A.. d. rAnKiato. AUDITOI GINILIthit. TO HOUSE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. The largest assortment a lIEM GRATES, all. Sizes; Cooking Ranges & Stoves Of j.b. V.LET MO QUALITY, for sae at riqer Low PRICES. Br BISSELL & r=l IRON CITY CCTIMIY-CO., N 0.3 St. Clair Street. navies yurobased of ANDREW BUGS the attar. .toes of Elertheare. Cutlery mid Variety Woes. at the Our. stand:tt b their niteutloa to keep on heed alll, des s stoat of - HARDWARE. CUTLERY.. (ism; Mead Berrien. l'lstol*, ?halo r Tulle .4.ponlos goods of e, varlet,. Tim an tk mated to do Oil k inds of JOB WOILIC , itator{Balsor de.. OULU. 1341110116 V. U. SOWN. lisoart. J. SCHOONMILEEIEL & SON, Prolnievin of the com•rwBBcnEßA3,3= =I! WhiU Lead and Color Work WHITS AinfitgTe ta rr f • MENU. PUTTY. nr,ms LEAP,_ cmond prO r cr o S VSLWITLIttiBMLN, o 01110111. Bro. 117 rotISTII STREET. ,r le xe . tA! AIN liZte VIZ% embalm mollhati TU M E CHEAP HAT AND SHOE HZ. L. a. ammannAN. Pe5..1.1 Sault Dotter la. Bounand MUM. UATts and oArm. No. hi 01110 S TREET. city. No when. eine to the two canes rarer D'i"‘ ts, _ " goe 'b a,..tteall o ktVla Ate. Unarms s[ L .. in Mr deale, content with re.onable ;oths and determined to offer vent bargeht• ball who seer him with their msonein. BOTTLED ALE& BENtitiT, WIETERTON, - Alas Aln) SODA *WM lint =DT J. C. BUFFUM & CO: 12 AID glie lunar! spirsT. =maw,. NEW BOOK STOILE, Filen Sabbath Sckoot Book kora. 4iva tr .g. L il itrAt g a! tabbatE Selma tAtxra w Sheik Ergo jitataary, alta. at r.„,t; .1/1 M.S 113 31114111. 1 . Pltatiink. A .. U.,raiauisaa Jib. 9114builk Stmt. Pithlithos of (18000D•8 READIMS, DZAI4•I illiTHMirrie. K tia•Milli AND analrulLl.llAkirit lean.faata nn of WANK BOWES. 1500%.110 11)1 4 0 X; MlNl6 " tairt:2l76ltar .- "‘" • -r" I EW 11.11EIT CLASS GROCERY, 71DEILIIS sr.. Alamo:um Iltsgars; lte., ot we oiler to the publto et loWest pea% A. G. Bwreirr. = IV ANTED, A Tips. CLELS, Tovse Of from torcivo to fox:novo ..... of am lonia ore o'clolttion. 50,1115 1 5 0 FOOTITII STREET. Ailn i N T E Rico c.iT, ,PL0V41 ,5 , 14 . - i .Mr,ren i nr r i gmt , cora [Minor CarbtoOr. rreroo rhootoro, fO - ? .for trorpots littr or 01010 %drill - raj Artier Cr . 4.,artamk (fOor . ten . b oo torot) At% rif ) ' ;:fr 8 0. afo ' C ' t fr! Orb ." ' (4. :11:Corrarnlo ho'rat: ritif4lFV. Oro" Wetter* 111 Di works, " r.. IM4 Wayne SU. Pltretrorob. 11_12r1M0 WANTED, JULY COLD COUPONS, And Compound Interest Notes. JAMIZ T. Bit&DY & W. C.raer rourt+.3 'rood IMIM WANTED,Men In Salesmen! I Departracnt uf Natiotuil Azt Assootatlol2. Apoil“ B. li:cumin, .Prosident Of Assoelatlon. its Dinniond Wrest, Pittansitln. =I 1•0 :f Ass FA : BARGAINS IN CEPETS JUNE, 1867. WE HAVE JUST OPENED A NEW STOCK, IZugt:kale.r.r..Auctlon Wks In Novi York, 'Redaction. of 20 Per Cent., Tuna pp,. °Mat 1110itti. Wol.'et TIAVIC•11 ALL-WOOL. INGRAINS 25 Pante Per Yard BRIMLS CaPETS, 25 Cents Per Yard. Red. While and Checked Matting% To 35 Cents Per Yard. WHITE MATT_INGS, 'To 35 Cents Per Paid, Ncw . .d beautlfol pattern. NOTTLIGILIN LICE • CURTAINS, At $5 to slll—asnal price $lO to 5.50—b010g A REDUCTION OF FIFTY PER CENT. 11'111RLIN11 & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Next bandies to treated &stem Oostoin Hone' . and Pastor/co. second door. over Manes 800 S --- Ewe. NEW .CARPET STORE. =XI FEW ARRIVAL OF CJ Pl.l=P MI Ms Egg = Tapestry Brussels. Body Brussels. 3-Ply and 2-Ply, Tapestry Ingrains. A Fall Line of Straw Matting", elate'. care:tap s.ND rAstcnr. thin nosh Ls inlierthan ht saypreirlinin than this Season. Those wishing ma& to On illa will do well to give ns a tail. BOYAR% ROSE & CO., SI RUTH MIS= Is s eeolol UM) =M HAVE REMOVED. WCALLUM BROTILUIS, Have nin• open it their ,veay glulud mid poop isicAlaactlAW " No. 51 Fifth Street, Of all new and desirable paidente MEDALLION VELVETS. Velvets, Brussels, - TAPESTRY lIIIUSSELB, £ ISM and Choice.s aS.Ortrricat or Piano and Table Covers, main BMA 1103110 SUEZ ED MI, Cll.l.lElaissent, THEE PLY AND TWO PLY - Ingrains, cray 'meaty of IoW priced Oarpetlag .ffeCALLITEE 13E0THEERS, Si .119Stia. 111.1hroolt. vitae CARPET/14 OLIVER Iff'CLINTOCK. & COMPANY; ; HAVE MOM' OPENED • For the Spring Trede, Mar IS plead' ilmortanent NEW CARPETS, ea cloths, Stuides, Aittlitt<ll2 i 5 eallu7 lo our die steak et YIBLI LID ?U! CORM Great Decline in Prices. =M!= 88 inx:s•zL• SETffINGT!a&M'ILS. DOVE BE DECLITED BY Bloartstftrealf tole= ottettattosostO of tot*. • rtor Machines, bat on • titlUV H 4 B 4 EMB-It eat boon tont totted Mr UM- • tom 7ttrt W i g b 7 cativo. • - • aossoodV ' • . . mac.. zoo ar;irtia. go treat. = GROVER & BARERP/1 ELASTIC STITCH AND LocK STITCH IStatobiiies Bur ttar runny net Mu tact:Wm purpose*. Coil Mil Ws %bra at • Jro. itioa rim Street. GET NlONT.l[7ll_,,ii . - , ._. GROVEII iFt BAS ER , for a Holiday GUS. - it to tellable, p 4.1151554 therororotba but, Don'tratl tooollaid 000 lint NO, 105 711713 ot. ober* . ' 14 . SIMHARRIEB9 & C&IMBIAGE abaald see slut SZOTEI a mu to I Baltrabn7lnft elatiMers. DV tba ben farad/ =I TIIE GIIOVER tic BARER SEWING MACHINE I. that:Mt= neat of lisassists. Please stop l aisrii./.ciorl, COIL AND BUNING, ENCINEERINC. ttßit ViMr;i I V. curb. 'fitsduatoi obtain scoat deaf Swalli_ Mflf whialer,gagiva.=ar , PHU/. Gaassan.lllloWi rysken • BUSIIVEBfI BUMS CONIMENCIALCOLLEGN, Nos, Sand 8 I.Q&IT Street. . roarraosl Chum. iroot-Kettrog, roauragi. Sad AritlusitlO. • time vOllO3lOO oo oroooott. sot PoossoOdo per (motor .- • of Ores 10 00 /or Cltenlorr or 0000001 2 , odor.. = II M==M IW. 1W 1/Tlll 3111.1111%, alma/Natallalo 30 lOi sxrru grain* ..ainttlittell J. r. mcousxkoWN4