THE - DAILY GAZETIE rowan= rvxar rmourge. IIiEfiIMIR&N, REED & CO, Ps•oprietors, Nov. naNsiiis=. 7/411. MT/CL , Gurrrz isirnanNo. _ . sA AND Di rums, Enizz-r. 1011Eq kpargal Net fake reuqtnais. orriotd run OF rrrroomin AND ALLEGROS 011 T. LILRHISIT,_ - Magri:ST sad BIZI . PAISILS sad Cualdlisolkb PAYER In the MAK • • . TIMM OF SIM salsa: • ArePaY_Ll.ls7;;•l.l.."l7r Ir?U. MIS 7.2 -Trea lPS..--OU. Addlles, GAZES-TA i'irnsunses. Aittsbur.o pairfte FOR rots SOCOlthertrelol op Plumose leav ing the ally duties the ..tamer months they callus. the tiszirrn matted to their address. by ordering tbe wane at the offles, for fifteen cents per week for ono week or • more. . iroictkny Exrosim A. few days ago the Poet, of this city. published Idiot purpotted to bean arti cle copied from the Salem, (Idass.)Jeur ll4i, which was' represented as being a radical or Republican newspaper, This "article bore on Its face such evident marts of forgery that we 'marvelled so respectlble a sheet as the Post should give it currency. . - Of this article the Salem (Mass.) Reg• inter; which is a weliknown and wan catlal Republican journal, says: A Corrantrzan Tmcx.—We have re ceived .from. liarrisburg, Poem,_ andip cut Benxi the Patriot and Union, a Dent °critic paper of that place, dated July • 211 h, containing what purports to be an . "extract from a Radical orean at Salem,' litassachusetta—•the Journal"—in which l'enneyinmia la stigmatized as a "poor, ignorant, stupid, old Dutch State, now pretty thoroughly .Yeake " and it is stated that "Thaddeus Stevens, a na tive of Vermont, and a man true to his (atilt, holds the political elements of the . State In the hollow of his hand," &v., ke. The article is probably the concoction of some Copperhead brain for politiCal effect. At any rate there is . no paper called the Journal published in : this city, and the article was never prin led any "Radical organ at Salem, Ifassachusetts,'. so far as our knowledge extends., : .. The forgery sesinato hare originated 'With the * Patriot and Casa at Ruda.. burg, which we do not expect, in that case, to acknowledge its own- infamy, though fully detected and exposed. Bin ire do expect , the roil to set this mat ' ter right before its readers. - _ ssEN; GIsJS . T'S TESTIMoIIY. -The - democrats caused Gen. Grant to be 'examined by theludielary Committee of the Roessler Representatives. What thef144441 was to draw from him a itatetaint that he unproved the Presi dent's Policy, In this they signally ;failed. -In 'reply to the interrogatories, the General stated, in substance, thathe was present at a Cabinet meeting, when the .president's Proclamation was first' .under conaideration ; that he was there 'upon invitation ; that he heard the docu ment read ; that be could have expressed an opinion upon its positions, if . he • pleased, but being in the military sir , vice, he thought ii prudent for him at to'capress any opinionwhataver. When pressed further he stated that at the beginning he supposed the President's Polici was only provisional, until such time as Congress should assemble, when that body would rightfully take up the Whole matter of Iteossistruction, and - settle the conditions thereof. We cannot be mistaken in saying that this testimony ,was, sarisfacteiry to the Republicans, as 'indicating Gen. Granra real position.` _ _ EILSWORTII. KANeAS. This town, which sprung into exist ence the present year, is now the com mercial terminus of the Union Pacific Railway of the Karma The *mat tlood In the Smoky Hill, in Juno last, over= flowed It to the depth of about Our feet. It then had some sixty frame buildings, including a number of stores, ware houses and mechanic shops. We have a letter from a resident businessman there, 'an extract flout which we give below: ELLISITOIMII, Kan., July 29, 1667. We hue moved the town about' one and a half miles further west, on high ground, and everything wears a lively aspect—wagon trains coming in for load ing for th markets of New limbo), Col orado, Arizona, Sc. As the' growing trade of this country will soon assume vast proportions, - is. very 1111111 that those who go into the work at an early day must be reimbursed well for their outlay. sour city produces a great many man ufactured articles that will meet. with ready sale out this way, and It as for the interest of your manufacturers and mer chants to give the matter their attention. Chicago is making hugs efforts for this trade; and if energy and spirit of liber ality will reward them, it will not be lacking on their part- Tux people of Allegheny. county are notorious throughout the tommonwealth for finding fault with the manner in ' which public affairs are managed at Harrisburg. They arc entitled to six membent -of the Home of Repreweits tins; It is specially important the present . year' that six men of sterling • character and capacity be selected to fill these six sate. Bo ffr as we can learn those sections .of the opopulation which baTO the deepest interest in this matter are giving it no concern - whatever. It o seems probable that nothing will-be done to secure the right sort of candidates; 'that if the machine shill fortunately bring 601 proper men they will be elec ted; if tato other sort, there will be some grumbling; but the_ final result will be the ;tame. We are clearly of the-opin ion that it the people of Allegheny coun ty passively allow the current to run •on in this way, shame ought to stop them from grumbling whatever shape Mira may take in the Legislature. Tag impression prevai is extensively ;that - the Jedidary Committee of the Bons° have in reality relinquished all ,intention of proceeding in the matter of • thaimpeachment of the President,: be cause of the laconseqnential nature of the testimony so far taken, and because of Ineooncillabli differences of opinion treeing the republican members of the Committee as to the proper course to be . recommended. All persons who care. thily scanned the debate in the House on ". . this _Slitter, during the last day of the :sent session, have probably formed • different conclusion: 'lle inference would scam to be will grounded that a majority of the Committee are substan . . Bally agreed in opinion, that there ample, ground for Impeachment, and ample„ • ground: articles ought to be presented. las friends of Air..oeorge W. Wood. Ward have withdrawn his name from the list of contestants for the Congressional nomination in the 12th district. The nomination was not conceded either as promptly or as gracefully as was ex- Pm*. 'Yr. Stark', late State Senator, is now looking after i his chances in the • premises. lie is, in all respects, en lrt ' foliar man. On the Republican rade, Air.,Ketchum PrOi!tgu be does not want -the nomina tion, but his friends insist laahill be given to him: MOAXONIISX.—Iteucnts have been pids lyahed, as coming from Balt Lake City, to the elect-that BIIIAVAIE Y9177(13 Lad qUarreedifith s neunber of his promi nent Elders; that the split was so com• • piece as necessarily to Involve an entire 1 dieruption;" that Youtio wu likely ,to ----~ abandon the city and eideaver to make \ a new start elsewhere, and notch more ..• to similar import. Late numbers of the •• . Pekgraph, Torso's organ, make no :I mantled of these disturbances. • —no New York Miaow has an arti cle on tenement bonsai, showing that 15,000 personalty. wholly under ground; that 10 - ,000 deaths occur every Year front preventable dleeneee. . . ' . . . • . . _ , i, . . . • . - , , _ . . . - . ~:. . . . . , .... ' . ....., , . . ' • . . . _ . . , . - - , ' . . . • . . - , . . • . ~ . _ . . . . T ~..- - • . . . . , , . . ..•.. - . . . . - 1 , Irs . I - -;,. 1 ' O.PLBLIS/47 ---- j--- A ' . ''.. ) . .• 1 , L . •,.. i , . • . ?leg, 1,. , 1 , // , 7,7..- -oat 178 * - . . i lIII.NII c . .1 leall.i I. l l .., _,.. . , , ! WI . . . - - ... A ,,,, ,t , ',.. . ,*:;>,.-- - - -- 5- - 1 . ''.• -. r . 1 tawny, a . dal and , • i',.. •. , 41114 . '...- .-z. , -1- •- ~ • • $ .r.:••----- - - .- .---__.. ...--, , • `-'l2 ~,i ti' -.. 7------- ,-, -- c ( ;,\: " - ft -,.1: - ,,,, :-.' I / 1,-, A kH 4 _ 4 :--1- c r, 7 .. •• ..,,,,... . . ..._ . . - . •1, , . ~ . .... • , - -..,_—__„ _ , i • 77 > 1 .. > ...... ' ' 1 - :'. - 1.• I :P-..-, : -.,- ; -,-,., • t -,) 1 1: ., , ,::::: ..._:'4.-..!,.5....7.` . ..- - ,:t•-• ; -•,. - )..., -- ....1,,.. , - - , '-,\ . . . • 7 I ‘ ..,_______ . ~. \ ~... • 1), ' N •.—. -,-.. - . - .. — ._?—f f .1.,:.,. .1",...., . '..-!.. ~,. - --,r .. — T.rev , -.- -- ---- ' -- 3 —— ,:.±:' . r'.',, • ._______ - -- ,- .:.- --- t-- /-- - -- - ;S.-LT.7f L- ,L'' - "L ., '- - Z - - - -. - - ' - ----.^.. , - -- _,.:-....„..-..4,- -- ' ----....-_--= . ' . ' I EOM f. ..-4.... .._;, - ._'___•_./.. , _.- - _ - __ .--- 7-' , .--!--.7- - . , --= - 4 z----- --- -.-.__..,---,_,;-=.---,.. - _,-- --,-.-1-."--.7-- . . . •-----,_-_,....r.--- 7 want, , , 1.... - . . . . . / -/. • . gathers , . . . , girl, The Future of-Falt lake City . Certainly no plane this side of Clucago and St. Louts has a better future in store than this city. The development of the Hell mines that encircle it within an area of four hundred miles will pour into its lap the glittering gold in exchange for the produce of the valleys of Utah, and encourage thrift and industry by bring ing the reward to the very doors of the settlers. The means to acquire the com ' forts of life will be within the reach of all, and enable those who pursue agrlati - ' lure and manufactures to obtain greater 'facilities to work with. Instead of the barter and trade system now so much to vogue, and which leaves the producers at the mercy of the traders, they, can sell direst to the consumer, and obtain I n ex ' change the gold with which the produ eel% can always obtain what they need at a fair price. This place will be a kind of 'centre fertile exchange of the minis and the produce of the fanners, and such manufactures as there are in Utah. The mingling and commingling of the people will make them more cosmop.di. tan in their vies L i nn like theirthi brethmn of t willoshitech e States. It break down the barriers of b a t e an d prejudice, and inculcate a b e tt e r and a Christian feeling among the people, and as they become more known to ash other, they will see that they are not sOmuch unlike after all., The "relic of barbarism" will die of its own weight, and fade away before the con tact of intelligence and the demands of society, as well as the morerigid require ments of the national statutes. le bright Patera is looming up for the valleys. of the mountains. Salt Lake will be the I emporium. Every good man will en - deavor to rob the future of the recollee• tion of the past acts that may have pro dueed bitterness of feeling on either side. A. stern, unrelenting necessity makes It unavoidable for a general commtmity among men in -an the varied trades and basiness of life; and it may as welt be accepted with good grace. Lot the sui cide= opening of these new mines be tailed as a harbinger of good, and let the fires of prejudice, whether local or religious, at once be quenched. We arc to be thoroughly inthuedwithAmerican izitig influences in our neat 'decade, and the Imes" of hate and bigotry that are now strugcling for mastery, will then be forgotten.—Sad Lake- Eidetic. Ike Tin Mines in Missouri The St; Louie Times gives some ac count of the recently reported deposits of tin in Missouri. Several thousand acres of - land have recently been entered in Madison slid Iron counties, upon which the owners hope to find tin—lands which have heretofore been considered as almost worthless because of th,dr hilly, . rocky character, and their remoteness from river and rallroul. communication. Theseilands have been entered and pur chased by parties respectively from De troit,,St. Louts,. Chicago. Wheeling and Pittsburgh, about in the order named as to rituality, U. K. Booth, of Dettoit taking the lead. The St. Louis parties have three Cornwall miners at work ex ploring with very favorable results, . The "tin fever" has assumed a conta gions form, and everybody has the "at tack," Farms which could not have been bought a week ago for $lO or $l3 an acre, arc now eagerly snapped up at 11100 to VSOO per acre; and It the Investi gation now being made results satisfac torily, some land we know of could not be purchased for $l,OOO per acre. The Ironton Register says: "Cornwall's glory has departed, The United States are no longer dependent upon the Old World for their saucepans; for in Southern Missouri there is tin enough to supply her kitchen a Million years. "Our people are-fairly wild about tin. One half the population own tin mines, and the other half are trying to own some. 'Everybody has a piece of tin ore in his pocket, and there Is scarcely a blacksmith shop in the country where ladles and pans Lase not been coated with it. "Our towns are full of jauntily dressed individuals, who;.tutvmg made fortunes in the eastern oil regions and other land spectihttions, are here looking 'after tin. Blowpipes protrude from rockets An frequently as 'bowies' do in Arkansas. Farmers plow up green.ccßored rock and unhitch the team, for they have found tin. Dismission' on theological and no. Mimi subjects all merge into tin. ler erything is tin. Mendrink to tin. Men. dream of tin. •• There has been a tin wedding." . . Metier of Tight Lacing. While we are growing vary sensible indeed in the matter of dress, in the way of boots, balmeral skirts, warm stock. lugs, and high necks, we are degener ating in some other matters quite as im -portant. The corset is not a necessary part of a woman's wardrobe; and, a/as when a woman does begin to wear cot. sets, she will wear them too small, and will tug at the laces till the breadth be comes short v andthe feels it necessary torefrain from anything lice a comfort able meal. We say nothing against a well shaped corset, wornloosely. but there lies the difficulty. A. - loose corset injures the appearance, instead Of ba ntering it, and people wear corsets that they may have small waists. All we can say Is don't squeeze whaterer you do. Yon may have small waists, but you are exposing yourself to a dozen misfor tunes, which is bad as a large waist. First, you will surely have dyspepsia, and crow yellow and cross, and unhap py; secondly, your hands will grow red; thirdly, your nose; fourthly, you will be unable to walk a mile at once; fifthly, dinner will be misery; sixthly, your shoulder blade will increase in size and altitude; serenthly, your eyes will grow weak; eighady, you will break down at thirty, or thereabout,- and be a stair old woman from that time forth. If these truths do not frighten women from tight comets, perhaps the information that gentlemen do not admire what dress makers all a "pretty figure," so much as a natural one, may have sortie trifle ence.—Norntrestern Oh - tit:tan Advocate. Women • . A writer from the Paris ExhibltiOn has a few words on the women who are Seen at the great fair. He says:Eng land sends us "rivers] , mines , . whose specialty consists in letting themselves be courted by all thet world, then finish ing by marrying some rich and idiotic nobleman. Russia mods prinemees,cre ated and sent into the world for the ex press purpose of marrying artists. Spain sends guitar women, reported morose, and unworthy of their reputation. Here the eye rests upon an Italian, with black eyes and purple black hair, and coUred with this graceful trgezzrti,, which is one of the moat ravishing head-dreever inventedby sc.:lunette. Therein Swede, ' with golden hair end complexion white as ivory, with indolent step and dreamy eyes. A little farther, the blonde Ger- man, melancholy, to be consistent to national character. Bat among all hls the Parisian whole the most feminine of all women. She Is always invested with charm pecullirly her own. She has eyes to era everything; she hssearsmade to hear everything; a mouthrnade to say everything; end In the meantlme, the man the most rude would newer dare to address her otherwise than respectfully. The us is the woman the most dan gerous and the most devoted. the moat ardent and the most tickle, the most spiriinsik, and ho least instructed, in • tie entire world. . - Beecher ea Firemen. ' Mary Ward Beecher says: I like to go put an engine house and see the fire men, oven if they are rude, and if they do sometimes forget their manners, and about out my name when I pass by theta, as they did yesterday—l like to go past an engine house and see these rode smut of Industry fondle sad pet their engine. Sometimes I think it Is their little god. Bow they nib Bow they clean it! How they put ilowera upon ill t.y? They know what It can do. They hay., MCA it play. They have seen how well •it performs in the hour of danger. It has 'tuff In it. It is a brave engine. They personify It, and give attributes to They love It. They talk to It. And they rub the beau and clean the leather, and keep everytlung all right about It. And I like to we it; because it is te radical quality that they like. It s its ability to perform. It is Its real execu tive power. —An Irishman wishing to expnns hie Idea of the Inestientstible supply of futh In the Irian waters, said .there were tunny fish In the one thatlf you were to take every fish you could catch out of It; he didul think there would be one .lees in it! , VIRST EDITIOI. MIDN IGST. - FROM WASHINGTON. [lll Telegraph to the rlttsharib hustle.] IVABEtmrrovr, Anne% CLEW 0.. b/INIZIll.”11 IMMOVAL. No order for the removal of Gen. Sheri dan has yet boon issued. Gentlemen non aily sell informed as to military !Matra nay Geo. Thomas will be his seem:wear; that Gen. Hancock will succeed den. Thomas in the lattees present commend, and General Sheridan be ordered to report to Ltent. Gen; Sherman. • COI7LICT OW ACTIMELITT. Marshal GotleDoh, or the Matelot Or,North ;Carrell., boa reported to the Attorney Gen• end that the process of the Untted States Circuit Court, lately held by Chief Justice Chase, Is obstructed by °slur or Llent. Col. FrIitik.OOIZIOSAMIIK the poet at Wilmington. 'The green& le expreellly menUoned the order to be that m each or the cams ob. structed the calmer Cotton adtodleattul by Judge Chase oneurred between the 19th of December. Pole. ami Atio , l3th of May. General Slagle*. order No. lot having for blddem Judaea to entertain any Cults lot the latter .hatters .ocenrrlng between thefts dates. Toe Marshal auppopes that General : !tickles did not mean to Malone .the Coons or. the United States, hnt those or the 5t11.413. Colonel Frank interprets the or. tier differently. Karnes] Goodleo enspended acilon until he learns from General Stales, or re. Tetras Instructions from Washin sion boa ton, being anxious to avoid a collils firmly resolved on his duty, Chief ' Justice Chase Is In Washington. Title matter It regarded ea • very grave oront, although the impres sion p revalLt that the eenunand.t at %911. minimum has acted without the knowledge of Gen. Sickles, who is eongdently nepoo ted to disapprove els action. The Marshal's General'. approved of at the Attar , hey Oaten. but no atop shall be Ulan until ttme shall have elapsal far a report from the comtnuttllng General. esznorcx Lawns TO suceoLn. The Cherokee neutral lands, which nave been surveyed. are to he appraised. Those not occupied by actmil settlers nu the 11th of A. 131030 lass. will be Wu In e Weil for cash. if eligible an offer will be made by a responsible parts to the Secretary of the l i t t =7AVlT•tPll ' iro b gcli e li . ed U l:ra:Va d r:i t e tracts. i r • • • . , cilia. Preterits Istrat," secretary McCullough left to-dal on the revenue cutter Northerner, and will be ab. rent WI Tneaday on a down river trip. • Comminsloner -or Mull. -affairs Taylor loft to-nay tor Bt. Louia where the Indian COMmlssion assembles on the nth.' = .111 the Surratt ease Mr. Plerrepcint neva pled tbe-whole day week. will continue two or three day. next . • - The following is the aIDOSIOL sr/Alain. , In funds in toe Treasury of the rotted State, Currency . , gold. 11101,935,171( of arlsloh 1119,537.VGn in gold contemn's. VIZ •L'31 . 6 !ax DZIVTATIO, Adminl Tedethaff, E. Goal and E. lien• neberg, the deputation from Austria to 10. calve the remains of Idarlutillius, nave ar rived' here.' Contain trait, who has been reported MIMIME, somas to hove drowned himself India laboring under insanity. Ills beds 'LISS 0.111011 recovered. I= The receipts of internal [mantle for the week were 1e,1 0 , 0111 . WashingTos, August 4, 1.1. aseirrnit , ON tar sores canousa. Itegistrati on is to commence immedtate iy Carolina. In accordance with at order.. dated August Ist; by Gutter.' Sickles, Post Commanders are to be Super- Intent:mote of Registratten within their re. Rotative commands, exercising, m addition to the !muttons specially conferred. general supervisory authority. looting to the faith. fed execution of the several reormtruction acts. and' the maintenance of order. 1 hey will anspend registers for malfeasance Its °Moe, neglect Of MIST. 'or imam. putaney. and peered:illy rooms. their ac tion. with • reasons therefor, to the commanding - fieneraL The Mule . donee are severe neatest persons endeavoring to thwart the. right of regis tration. the edema being pnaisliattle by the Post Court. Offences perpetrated by white persona, distrutsed of frequent commence. therefore the attention of all itnthortties. Melt and Is directed to the device Noma adopted to escape de-' motion and to cast unmerited obloquy upon the ootoreo people. In all cases where re sort thereto shall be shown, the fact will be taken into aonsideration as thtioavittmg the agenos. !Ea.. /111.1• TX. IL 1. reported in edictal Orelee that ahould Preaiden I. Juarez decline re-election to the Prot!deny, or merle*, he wattle east to Wuttington Mloister by tha new tut• odniatratien. so a mars of regard for the United 04102. • =I Official correspondence restive to the sir. not of. General Santa 'Anne h. been printed. The materiel feats have heretofore DO= publlehed. - ,sseratisirr ooriennoicien. There to the beet aurDortty Mr the =Mr.. diction of tDe statement that Preogdent loaner.% hes decided to Collector Kellogg of New MM... FROM NEW YORK. [By Telegraph to the Plgtabtagb Borette 1 Saw 'roux, August 3,151.7. Ia SISOILANS: During July T. 3,376 immigrants nrrleed at Castle Garden• Nearly 'one-half of Gila number remain In this State, while the western States receive the largeet propor tion. Et= The death! for the week were 5e2,11301114.1. Ina two from cholera. 01 three cases et cholera reported yesterday only one wee genuine. .: • eta: orrice.. TO ll* PZONterTeD. It to reported In Troy that criminal urn. neding' , are to he instituted against the oMcers of the Unadllla Bank. for alleged eseindUn g. An assig Natio nal nment non been made to Bands h Loomis. TOST OrrITS ISATTISS POACCDULDC RDIIOY SAUDI/ iO-.113 , CO exam ine lona= and Paris pratorlices with a view of improvrroonts hero. The Posters.. ter I.:esteem has assented_ to a largely in created forte of letter carriers and more frequent delivery. INDOPTIOA2IO 3 roarrossn. Tbeingtury into abused , swami ker. Mr. Tyng bare been partponedundlliepteMber. CANADIAN COMMIRSION u •DASION. A CALIDGUAD Comm.asion is In ...don In New Took taking evidence in behalf of the United, States In the suit against Jacob Thompson, in. the Chancery Court of To ronto, toreeover the rebel privateer Gam- Wan. intended by TD0001:111011 to depredate on the lake during the rebellion. 111=== It leant that the moultolUnsadala re. 'turned with two feet of water In ner bold and proved a bed aea boat. Iter officers say the was likely to prove their ovine If they had attempted to crow We Atlantic FROM MEXICO aly.laano. to ae rtusarot, oaett.., Now You, August 4.—An Orisabe letter of July ISO gives anacoonnt of the Mean ttuslastlo reception • given to Madame Juarez all along the route to Mexico City. Juarez will undoubtedly be the unanimous choirs, for President- Maar Admiral rainier. In the flair Milli linsquehanns, arrived at Vera Cruz, July MA. The Pantie snit 'there.. All quiet In the vicinity. The Austrian Corvette Eliza both was waiUng the body of Maslmillea. A French gunboat was also in port. No foreign representatives are recognized but our. own. other. foreign.Constils having idrunlr their doge. Banta Anna Is at (im peach,. lientenant Commander Maxwell, of the 'frantic, diet: at Tampico and w at as burled there. Tl3ll Timmy .1111$ arrived .MllOl2O her .paillealters was Prime Minister, LISEtriZ6 • FROM CALIFORNIA la: Telegraph to the Pitutrorth Garotte.) ear Faarcisco, Aug Bidwell poid. tivelidesilthes the Independent llededithrn• lnatiou for Governor,and advises the elle*. Con of the whole UlllOll ticket. The Inde• Pendent Committee will 330121111110.6 another candidate. Gorham la gaining graded. .There Is no Meriden in the Union ranks on Conermsmen. The apremshlp Montana pounced. to the r,yesterday, brit Wit Oil Leal te)aders sales of 'wheat at slimed—The Was Governor himion,. for Liverpool, sad Battler, far Min PAIL Mortality In Triremeh to thirgittsbarge Heardl• • ignerate.Angnet J.—The Board of Health adjourned this afternoon De • Nair to eennenoe ot the Mara min a erm delay ing ISHilfthit or Maha their. action. Tis• inOrtallty for the week Stu anoint:And 01111111211 dpths, of widen forte were from Sod ChOlera: The mortality tor the correspond woa,of last year was Awentpone deaths. . Gem. Simm sand lineunian America. rEf . 1 .0. 0 .0, to th. Queue .1 AUFjpt llcenenu inft thin eTenblit for uhiniftm to consult with the lietltee Uommissionnr regirdm. Me Mader of taeplewTormorT. • • Threditaise Jain in. wit., (By Telegrorh tOtho rittsboJet dosette.l BVII/1.1.0. Au i ae. rA zpart nomad Jo. I.7lllhaflai' V a... belbnil"- arrOgUla r to oct,nti•KireLilliter WI,. la Ifirw.Altourr. lad. Teleimoh to ibenrubbrill tiasel. L0u15.14.1. noFst 3.—ohasa Watalar's loubdt7. rubarty, lad, lois raLlsoAZat,=. LOA. manssi.d near: Ft storari.' rayTelarave ro Plu.barg►tiaratta.) _ Fontana 11.04,00*. Animas I:-.111 1 •1 saavarly taro rumba are visiting the wait, sad arm probably do mach arnica tO tha crops, • SEMI EDITION, FOUR O'CLOCK. A. M. IMPORTET FROM MOPE. Napoleon's Visit to Austria. GREECE THREATENS TO DECLARE WAR MOST TURKEY. Arrival of the Dunderberg. MS&RILABLY QUIRK 'PASSAGE Tel etratittto the Utitsbarth ltazette.) I rArotaton'e nnlr Til .17,11,1 Pante, August :I.—Napoleon will be sr, compel: al byX. Moocher, Si lender of For eign Affairs, on his visit to the l: taperer of Austria, and will remelt. three days In the Austrian Capital. ARRIVAL Or Tilt DON . rsais, August 3.—The American Iron-clait ram I,suridertiorg, white was pumbesed by the FrMich liorerarrolot,•fier a remorkablY quick and successful trip across the Allan tie, has reached her destlizatlou ot safety The. following telegraphic .11spitich an nounce. her arrival In French waters: Menai rg, A upusr I—To Jemcs tV.lleclsar A Co., Parts:—The DUndorberg hos !mitred here In fourteen days and seventeen hours, from NeW Nock. All on board ire well. The Teasel lain good condition. Although wo had berry weather and high seer. the ship behaved nobly. cad proved - herself a splendid L eek beat. I,lgned). We. H. Wens. ZZZZZ OA'S STILT TO AT.T61.1. D.Yrteso-- WIT/tllti WITO TOO C.O Or Tilt3BlA - TEO OOSZO. • - Paws, August 3.—Errning,—The depar ture of the Emperor for Vienna has been postponed one week. it NAM UAL arrange- ' manta are being made for an interview be- tween the Emperor Napoleon and King William of Prnesia, to utheplace after the visit Of the former to Vienna. The place of. rothUng me not yet been designated• The Emperor has received an addreew from the foreign members of the imperial Commission of the Exposition Universal, in his reply to which he says he hopes for the prone and progress of -the world to spring from such exhibition/. • Ull V.. TS R[ZT TBILIATCNZD. - , I..banos. August. 3. r. N.—Despatches melted te-dsy from Athens, bring tomtit genee that the (week Government has an. noustoe4 Its determthatlon of declaring War easiest the Sublime Porte on the Ist of September, should tbe , hostilities against Christiana ln•Condla not be ended by that Lima Grant military preparation are be . log mitde for such eentleneueles, and or deft Lamed calling out the entire reserves of the ttngdom. AIVAITRIA. ALA.& AT T•• ZIACT•111 Or YOAPLC7II. .11:1•123t 3.—The elecuon of Louis Kossuth to the Ilungartan Dlet. from Walt ton, causes alarm among the members of the coneervattre party of Ilungars. who [Mak that the extreme views and powerful prestige of the et-rresldent may lead to a ilstembanee of the eststmg polaLoal agree ment With the Emperor of Austria. =CI /EMS INTISIOLENG. • rwanstor, I:. me of the leaden of the reieht Yemen movement In the United States. le now In Naples, where he 13 reported to bt , Minna- Mg with radical democrat• and men of the party in action In Southern Italy. ARIIIVED OITT LAVV.I.I . OOL, August 3.—Thei wrAmst , l2., from Nair York, ban arrived out. • lrho.Atlantle Canto of lOW Brekno— Emmen. Towente 1/1•11. Q.. •Ir torao—Llboral Members, of Yarllo wont Lleete4-11rotra In Crete—two wt. Protest /41•101111 Voneeensery Vlolosee—Mews from Cltlno—The IfWrest...4 Anewlott of tae Papal !Oaten —Reported Oomplete Over t/Wow or tbe Cretan liworteoto• I By Stooner.l N es, Vomit. August .I.—Thu •Icemsbiti American !ram liftmen. July •Aith. via hoottampton an the 5341, arrivud this utorn ina. tier Dews is mostly anticipated. The 2fsers publishes a telegram - doted alrutts, Jnly of which reports that the Atlantic Cable of We ...again Unman end. denly the% attornoon. It was thought, about fifty miles from lienrt'is Content.. The Chairman Of the Analo,lincriemi Tele graph Company says the breekage has °marred at a very moderate depth of water. and the hal at 7 can be repaired with as groat facility es in the case of the recent accident to the shore en 4 of the same cable. The able of len3 Ie lu perfect order. Tim Grand %later gave a farewell banquet , to 'Lord Lyons previous to bis rektrerneut from the post Of liriteh Ambannutor to the Too Pope had sent some valuable present. to the Sultan and t Maley of Egypt fee the protection worded the Catholics in their dominion. Six hundred Gariteddlaus had appeared on the Papal frontiers, but were driven off by the Itallim troops. - Oath.7th of July twenty.two deaths from cholera hadad cameral a t n Roome. Rome. Toe froth Jearnals state that Bassi. emissiones are distributing money among the Itomantwis In Transylvania. An extensive fire weaned ar Lisbon on theist. The Yana PM Asylum was de stroyed. . The deficit In the Italian Budget is two hoodred and seventeen millions lire. Queenpress nisei,. reside a yr...visit • toVictoria, at Osborne.. on the 11 1 ft This bill prevention_ public meetings In the Royal Parke missed after a neemid reed ing m the House of Commons. It ens-op posed by Resent kiln and Taylor; on tbo ground that it limited the liberty of speech. The steamer Cambria. from itamiencs. via Southampton. July pith, orrired earls this mornins. . The Kings'. Bavaria .d Portugal had arrived In Paris. The statement - that the Ring. Denmark would 'visit Pans le pro , sienna. unfOunded. George Dixon, Liberal, bits been - elected '.• member of Parliament from Ilinuin it Woo, to summed the Into Yr. Seboledeld, as 11r. Bright's colleague. Coventry Mtn also elected a Liberal. The Empress of the French, who eas stopping with 'the Queen at Osborne, had made a short visit to Portsmouth. The Portuguese Mter of Foreign AL fairs had arrived in London to endayor to obtain► Id.. • The Delegates. the II ungarlso DIM , and Austrian Ileletisrath would meet. Vienna on the 7th 01 August. Generals Corey sad Pererel had arrived at Pesth. A Cretan squadron is being organized at Athens to give chase to' the Turkish fleet I It is composed of six vessels armed with thirty gnus eath. The blockade runner Arcadia had completed Der alneteenth triD 1 to Crete, disembarked her volunteers and cargo, and took aboard four hundred women and children for Greece. - Ithhomet Pasha had been surrounded by the Maur. 1 gents In Crete. AbOntone thousand Sphw ktot women and children had taken Mello In mountain caverns, where they wet, in danger of beteg killed by the Turks. The foreign consuls protested against any un norreessa7 violence, and the Eruilistdcormul min a steamer to protect th e m . e A Bucher. telegram he' Govern ment had ordered never° measure. to be taken to prevent the:ll4.6lldt of the Mold. vtan Senators and Deputies which bed teen convoked. It was believed the object' ot this meetingUto promote the sop.. lion of the Romanis Principalities. Advice* from the Cap. of Good Hope say ', th e war - between the free Stites end Bass i las bid been brought to • dose. Advice. from Hong Kong Hay 30111, say that , an American vessel had been seized while dying the Japanese flag, for entice- I raring to anticipate the opening of %he Jo venue ports by trading. A wholesale system atidnapping Co. Iles has been diaconal:it Maths. . Two ware houses were to be built on an old factory site at -Canters by Medina Mach:ion The Governor of , murk ova has Intro duced an orimanee against the unless psi COolle Immigration.. Then. , islik crop is abundant. The • c apon. estimate that fifty thousand bales will le exported from Shanghai alone. Tn. 5t.....bi0 City of heitioilool from Liverpool July Uth, and Prieenstown 10th, arrived this evening. • Her edvices are one day later. • , • Irs.r.v.—ln reply to Inquiries, at inn last sitting of the Chamber of Dewitt.. Signor Rath...l declared that the arrangements and entiatinente- said to be preparation for the Invasion of the Paper States were being made by Um Romans theniselves,And added that. the Dalian Government would thou. the integrity of the bontal dominion. The riatlonal Hamra Com mittee have Issued a circular to the revolutionists, calling on them to reserve their energies for the overthrow of the remnant of th e Papal nOVerninent, and the annexation of Jaime to Italy. Toe repro senuttives of the Papal Court have, on ha bitat of their several governments, guaran teed the protection of his beltnena M rose .0t certain erventuanelea UltanaaT—BerUn., July al.—Brelitlip-1t la dtaled that the Danish reply loth. Promisor ispatch, on the mai : Met of guarantee. for 'the Protection of Germane in the North Schleswig distracts, to be ceded to Den mark leaves open thaway for a mutual. direct midendand Ind between the Cabinets of Berlin sad Copenhagen. The attitude - taken by Um Danish Government this matter Misr no means nfriendly. • • Ittneth—tit. Dnerehterg,..foly24.—Theresee overtures of the Emir of Botha. were eased to ou the 11th imit. In theordmice therewith, hostilities are not to reomn. mum, Etheritin case. extrema no:assay, the for .BOktars on part tO l& Me el or dorsi'. the theelthignof tus th. , . , voV from liolchara has gtennguarantees that these conditions shall bo filled. grata—Mdnd, Jell , :I.—The conversion of certliMatea and the pasetvellebtwill begin i OP the Lief August at London..Yerts sad Amsterdam, ArrantireePtVor this par" 1 =Vt;ill been owe' aea !Ps Imporumt mghrms At a meetleg for the choice dt amilinsees end broths of debt cadet the banlrruptcy of Pat o, Betts and Crampten, Mr.. Linglater, oh behalf of the Chatham road Dover way, tendered a claim for geige against the estate. Objections wore turned against the receptionot theelainas and it was en tered with anent that IL wan dlsiuted. Tr ecar.—Consfuntlimple,Jely P--The fol. Inking °Metal dispatch has been received from Omar note, dated, "Splinido, Jaen le. Our soldiers, after , too tights, have routed the insargents and L eonel:del the heights of Callknatle and Speedo. and after decurlng r e e t s th e e i sa oe tnhm munno cenedde dvillages accost the plain of Asklgo, whore they enrolled their denetten with the Cortss which came from AnoeCiranCe. • All the Villages of the eastern part of hpliiihia, and lastly the *hole district of Schelde, anointing eight villages, which add easily ha Pedaled, urn. now In the hand•nr the Iroperlst troop. The only res ge ource loft 40 the Inatirgemte is to tat ran in reeky. narrow val. toys et the village the Of SaMiminl..ellere the as remain only a few dee., atter widen there will he nothing left to them but Com plete eadalsston. The insurgents the had taxon refuge in two eaverns at Pachtanos and Capsalneno, sahmitted today to the nember or two hundred nun fifty men end women. steeliest whom were Cert. Anna attest rantulaknel. • member al the se. nulled Provisional Government, Capt. Ma noell, and solvent! other Chiefs. Their wives stol the property which they had Placed le the cavern, have been and will he radicle.. barrelscted. Coto the present InrrY - eevoh orgenpowder and twenty-Bea mina mother ammnisitiOn have been discovered there. The Third Division have effected their junction with theatres at Clillkaritts. The number of Muskets. sent to the author. ithe amount. to Ms thousand. Bed Puha has subdued the district. of Mesons. Col. itustapha Bev has Jolt cut to pieces the teen hendrca fillenle volunteers lately dle omtwkrod in the talent, together with their commander, Capt. Illethe, and two Greek oftlecrs. tie oleo captured three hundred Reis of bineult, leer hundred thOUslar/COStS and twelve thousand rifles. FINANCIAS. AND COMPIEILCIAL. tommr. Aturnet 11—.Veam.-oonlOla open ed at le3tie ter money. American secantlea opened at the following rates: Five.Terme dm, u, 'A [Untol3 Central. 70,3311 e, 4. n 153 . aveuronugust a—Noon.—Cotton altangath haddling plan. MVO; Or. leave, hroadiqullts—The Wandler la favorable for the crops. and the market pt mar cod the opentng quotations arena anhand. Com Ms for new mtsoelvaliern. Wheat, las of for white Calltwal. Barley, Oats, lid. Pete, if. per quarter. Provisions-IMM, 1420 tkl, Pork, 731. toa. lumen, Ma. Cheese. PD. Produce— Petroleum Spirit., ni.atid reigned, 14 r . The Loudon murals two nuchang A dispatch from Antwerp goatee Petroleum at hi francs per barrel. Lod 0, Anguat I—Conools t - ,11 . 4 for Money. salted States Owe-twenties .3 Pelt; Mirada Central 77; Etta at; Atlanta. and Great Western conenidamel toad., IN. LIVISMI`OOL. Augnat 3..—CoOrm easier and quiet; sales will not reach MOO MUM— I itnotatlona unchanged, •No change In lit. eadstuff,' 11.1firom, 1, 1100111 closed at in% far 42. FROM CANADA Bea'gelation of the /11111tory Commies.• der—glre et rote of Cer Telegraph to the Plittsbarsh Queue.) MORTP.I.IO, August P.—General Michael. Commander of the forces In Canada. st resigned. it is sa id the position hag he= °Vend to Ott generict hUllams. Money abundant for good paper at Via cent. Fear Cotac temAim. —A Paw mill, In ilumberae, belonging to e lan Co., were burned Tut night. Logs itzo,ooo, r an lusorsnea of SUMO In font Arnett. I can CoMpanlos. The Arc It ouppoted to here men eatutell by the umehltiety heating itt the upper story. _ _ • ___ FROM ALABAMA E•prlbileilLo tteetlehts ItheesghOttl tb• tottitt—lteht ***** tom elteree. flit Ts:errs:a te the Prittbeign queue 1 New Yon.. /ingest special dn. patch from Montgomery ears mess meet ings are tieing held all over .111abarnannder the direction of the itepublleart Executive Committee. The total registration in Um Mite 10, of wlittch 0,7ti0 are Wank. Union Ileettww Ilerweeen Br Te:e.rrsee to we littd.tedit: Angort Unton Meettag, ream .1.tra0....1 Win. Lk Gantry, earidt. date for the Kenterdry Legislature. on Sat urday av suing. sr. broken Up by IL mob of rebels, who pelted the crowd, oonststlng of. about three MUMMA, with mall .10075 and eggs. l'lstote were ilourlebed. Mr. Gentry owed speaking end thee prevented bloatthed. She election In Covington to morrow for Itepretentatlve will be elm.. Jewelry Snore Iliebbery. Car lialidgrash to Os Motional z. Lone. August Z—TheJoretry store of Taylor. Sedalia, Mo.,' sras catered at cared coa.t suwd.y and the sate burro open and robbed Of abOnt fire thousand dollars north of watches end otti arod.".lV,;,,,lfe?,. e gs% l 7: l a g to rObours. live hundred dollars reword 13 oirercil fm - the appreheciston of the thieves. Fos.' M / issy w netweentt M Ilsoluentwer ow leabb•als tieb ow esst. Ins Telteraidiw the Plusbartit Ottacus.) stow nava., Coss.. !taw:Let 4.—Tooda7 two lads, aired about Mean years. named Tbomas bottle. and Statthew Cabal, while rottirOLng 1r01115.1.11j 6022001, lOL Into an •altercation aad battle. stabbed Cablll with a penknife, Indicting a wound from which be Mod to a taw hours. Sullivan was arrested. Sootaers Cropg.--Regleirselon. ID/ Teleer•ph to the Plttebereh 3 Garotte. hey A te ems, Almost 1-ILeport• from the crops Rt. ertooursultng. Deily elmmers con unne. Iteruhration closed In Ohio It to-day. The neMber Of while& regleter Is INA _ PI manilas it ...Weed. :Br Tetrarann to the Flttsbersh Gazette. ervato. Anwar 4.—Ch.rloa Ito Genhard. MUStel.i. wan adeldontally drowned. while ashind di the Manses river, atloor Wel ma on Saturday afternoon. First or law New Woe. , En, Test graph to the Plttelphegh la asette.l . RosiOC, A most 3—The steamer Ontario, Phmeer of the new Amerlcen fitemenhlp I.lne, galled t0....1.7 for Ltvimpool. , Fire in /Mobile. Litg Te:rgrantiio the rifirburgh tiaretta.) • 510mir,• linnobin strver, burned thin morning. Lore WOOL pultally Inured. . - Promllse's& Cltiseiss Dowd. IllyTeltgratth to the rittsbore. lisaelta.l LOUtS. Ati{toot 3.—V. J. Itzunots •n 1 Isaac Hellman, t pronsinant oittnens, died this Morning wo . . River Illy Tele/graph la the Pittsburgh tiazetts•3 Locluslt.i.g. Vag. 3.-121be'r alling, .11b smut Libras feet byCanal mark., GENERAL 'NEWS —Maximilian In said Lobar° ateasumi six Ann three Undies after be we litot. —.Sarah A. 'Ripley, a literary Indy of ga4ssarbur,etts,l% dead. She won 75 nee old —At Georgetown,: S.C., a case was de Oiled recently Ilya Jury eompowd whet. —Thee are called "dog-days" pods.. bly bey:Lase there Is no ranch growling 'about the weather. . ' •-- One reason why the Watering places- IneSc. dull this spoon is oissouse they ain't gel. the 'ups" Barnesimaker to New Bedford. Muss., has been left 3137,0 0 0 Iwo deceased relative in England. —'f he new City Directory of Baltimore contains 73,4 I - nantes--ain increase id F,P2S names Since —hifred Kershaw, formerly of Phila delphia, was drowned, while .bathing in Loulavilleos few days since. --Eightoen hundred chicken's are mu suined. nt breakfast in one of the Sera tog, hotels, says a correspondenL —A.-inovernent is now on foot among the tendon -Is of Nehreskajo organise a Teachers' Association for the State. inJtilledgedll Ga., and vicinity, Moro have been yiglit pairs of twine bona Within the last eight or nine months. ' —Nine car loads of Norwegian band ana' tsarrived at Toronto last Thursday, andimmesliately atnitol for the Western States. —Jens Mace and Ned Baldwin, wini .are soon to fight for the chatnplonalilp of , England, have again mode their delma. lb. good of £lO a aide. --Eihnyorth, Kansas, la nearly depopu lated in consequence of cholera. ' There ; were front three to ten deaths daily far I • li•ft—etTnheaaJY,7urn7ttf of, Cow/tyr«r calls at-1 Button to the feet verse stehm Is rapidly disolaeing ls s te in the trans -I,,,,itag,r, of emigrants acroaa the At-1 lantic. It says that to the year the proportion of those who emigrated In steam vessels WI. 15.05 pee cent.; In 1044 It .incraosed KI.X3 per cent.; in 1045 it was =super cent.; and Pst; the per cent age WO 4. 10, ...:Hurepetet correspondents at Bel grotto glee currency toareport that while the Turkish Council were considering by what they might obtain money to -defray the expenses of the Sultan's visit to Paris, a proposal - WM made by one of the high °facers to soli Jerusalem to Ruts al. It is further said that the report 1s generally credited, and that Turkey la believed to be willing to sell Jerusalem and Jab for one "hundred millions of piastres. General Ignavieff and Ash. Team are reported to be busy with the prelkuhumies for the purchase now', • CITY AND SUBURBAN. FOURTII P..l(iti,-77te f talest and most rdfa We Money, Oil owl Produce Market ign.”f gitam by ~ y paper b. the oily, wit! be/ound on our Fourth • Wonted the rondo . A uerur transaction occurred near the 'Gish 0100,0, Liberty etreet.onrriday even. lug, which created considerable exeltement In that locality, all of 'which peaceably , sob sided Into quietness without the loss of life or In fact any one being injured. - An Erig- ILshman was standing near the hotel men tioned, and a woman was observed coming I up the street, with is basketon her see,. As elle came peat the Englishman stepped to. witols her and eared her by the threat. ,Without rereaminz or seeming greatly dig/ concerted by the assault, the woman throat her hand Into her basket, drew forth a am 11 single barrelled pistol, sod present. ; In it et her assailant. bade him stand off. 1 wi eh he promptly did, when the woman walked en towards the emigrant depot. on Grant street. The man followed her, and °einem Gordon nod Miro.. having COillailp Laren what ocrortnned the excite nr• l, followed the too and Milo up with stated ln answer to inoutritm the woman that the men was hor husband, that Mansfield, e days age they. came hither from Mansfield, Ohio, and now her horband was determlnol to de4ert her, and was en/aeay. ortng by violence to get from her therooney that she had brought' and the erasechock fo the baggage, which she held The justified himself by claiming his right to learn her,andassorted Mselatin to the mons sly and the baggage. The Deicers succeeded In quieting both the partner, removed the loads from the pistol the women had, sod went away, tbe-woman meanwhile quietly declaring that. "If that man tilde% let her alone she'd 1011 Mtn yet."' Shortly after- wards the Engitstimarr went Leto a tabu .° 1 stern and requested them to take charge Of a navy revolter. (or tear he should cheat his wife with it. tin then went bank arpl took formal leave of his wife, tolling he: to teen everything—he contd.% elay with her. The next seen of the toying Pelt' they were walking op street together, talking in a very got`aionate manner. A talking 'dolge" to the ehtwks. Ile Was end 'linen lie %Faint.. tan Therteley or Friday evening of last nook a young woman win taken ill, or ands deolv nelson, inaudible, 'whilst riding In a passenger ear in the Borough of East Bit , minghant. The Car was stopped and she was conveyed to the office of Or. ' —. She contineed to en inseriallgo etate• and monk commtseratlso was felt to her behalf. hes' Mahal) , as she seemed to be unknown. Iteetotatives were Rattled, everything poe. slide done tar her comfort, but seemingly of no avail. Theoircronsumce created some excitement, and among others attracted to I see the object of Pot:ouch solicitation, es she had become, wan a borough emcee. Ovum to resitting se r vic e vicinity volunteered to render such as might be required of there. After a considerable time bad elapsed the young a omen showed syrup. (omen! tovivtan d