THE DAILY GAZETTE. ?UPWIND nal' 111011111139. oanin tworria.) PENT4fINIAN, REED do CO., 3Prcriprriavtc:brah rxrriaraw:—.....—....rostas "Imo Z4I tors. Radium laza Onrscs, GAZZITZ WILDING, 110111. 11:4 AND NI WERE /TILL!. loam lepoacsa Pipe 61 Tester otrum PAPEi or rnnsouloa ALLEGIECIT CITY. tautocrr,gurrrisr ulcer PAYPIT old tX/AaltigulAL PAPER Ua the 614.3. riz.xi or TIM DAILY /1416 n * por &adzes.. 4 • 1NAZ12774. =3 Chs Vittsintrgh Gimits IrOeVaeacootimaieviim or Prasous leav lag the city during the summer months MeV can have the G Alarre their addretertrrorderaut the uume at the once. tor Mime cent' Def week for one reek or Togas were only two macs of cholera In New Tork yesterday. The prosenoe of the disease creates no alarm whatever In that city. • BROWNLOW, like the prophet of old, seems to be ready to depart In peace, haring Amnia hie lest battle, and _won his most resplendent victory. • • Is , ANY wax desires to win a reputa tion tor . the giit of prophecy, by foretell leg how the elections In the reconstruct ed States will come out, a proper study of the trile result In Tenneriee win help him to it. Tans Isno man of small stature who looms np so - grandly. as little General Sheridan. May be never grow - less. Gen. Grsnt might well take a lesson from him, and let all the people know where he stands. Tna citizens of St. Louis are delight ed over the prospects of having better water .supplied them in the, feture. Ground has been broken for a large new reservoir into which the Miasissippi wa ter is to be forced and filtered and puri fied bolero It is sent coursing through the 'pipes of the city. Tan Conaervatives semi to have felt, by antlapaUon the result of the Ten nessee election fn their bones. It came to their imagination, In advance, and tormented them before the time. That was whet was the matter with them. A Governor by thirty thousand miJority, and he Brownlow; an entire Congression al delegation of the radical type; a Leg islature-certain to rut a Republican in the United States Senate in place of Mr. Patterson, the President's son-m-law; is enough to make the Conservatives think the day of wrath his come. Tivrelectio'n of Kossuth to the Bun garian Diet, by a unanimous vote, in a 1 gleam of sunshine upon the gloom of I his later years.• Since the Proclamation Of AmnestY no reason has existed - why he 'should remain an exile from hie 'na tive land, whick be adorned; nnd, under existing arcuutstaaces, he makes no waffles of peincipics in again entering the public service. During the eighteen yeart of his banishment a new genera tion hive sprung up, and he may :fall to wield the 4111[ICIICC, and attract the ap, &tine that signali zed his Thither 'career. This is the late - of men in hiacondnion. Taw Republican State Convention of Virgbais adjourned sine die yesterday, ' transacting no badness. A mass meet- Maus held „alter tho adjournment, Int which a new platform of principles was offered by d. Minor Rotts, but it met with Bach violent opposition ma to compel its Immediate withdrawal. Resolutions were introduced which indirectly promised General Sheridan the support of the Virgkela.Repnblican party for the Prod --dential nomination; in acknowledge ment of his course in carrying out the provisions -of the Reconstruction `WA The mike of the party in Virginia art solid and undivided, the petty die stallions ceasing with the adjournment of the two wings of the one and same body. - Tun l'anwis are a mysterious body of ntrai in& are led by mysterious indi viduals. t The stock In trade of /lead Centre - Etentiem was a, vast amount of • mystery. He befogged his follovrers and I themsrld at large suCcesifully, till an other equally dark individual superceded ' him as leader. The latter, President Roberts, seems to have improved on his predecessor's Mitres? and after a mfg. Unions visit to Europe conies home with • rainbow of • promise to gladden the patriotic hearts of his copetrymen. .13e " 15 W :t ie d the eu•Dixtraticin of certain European powers •in the struggle for Irish. Independrace, "In UM event of certain contingencies." Verily; the green Alag. may yet wave in tri umph, 'but _ we, think the major ity of Fenian; hereabouts at, least, . cannot imagine what Garibaldi and Mae- . zinc may deem a certain contingencyrao warrant lie-operation with Fenian's= In behalf of old Ireland. There Is too eleeltinisterl in the last giving out from the F. B. Headquarters. It needs ex „planation, just as much as did O'lda . honey's theory, that Bruises carpets and chealpaigne suppers is hate York, out . of the common fund, helped on the Inde pendence of Min. • • Tux Clarion Banner, in viewing the political situation in Allegheny county, takes occasion to pay a Passing compli• • Trent to a number of gentlemen emlr neatly worthy, of, the recognition. It . says:-. • Tblipllant Republican county (Al. legliemy)' is preparing for the coming contest. Witlititt candidate for the Su preme Bench chosen from her citizens, an effort will be made to give him such a majority as-never a candidate received • before. Judge Williams it home is very popular, and thin popularity won him - the nomination. No other man at this time could have been chosen,: xbo will receive so large wrote, and none come • before the people with higher honors, or , who Wu been more loudly applauded by the opposition. We need jot such a • - man; and the people fully widerstand .. ing ide Innen have-resolved to elect hintby a most decisive and overwhelm big vote. James McAuley, a well known ell!. zee and manufacturer, Is spoken or as a candidate for Cairene', to fill the place of -Mon. J. IL Moorhead, who declines a re-nomination. We arc sorry to learn - of the declination of Genial MOothead, as be has for years fintidelly discharged his duties to his =miry and his constit uents. and will carry with him into pri nte life the honors of a. faithful states man and wise legislator. Rumen Erns, Esq., is urged for the position of State Senator, in place of Hot. J. Btgham. Mr. L'irett is , thoroughly-idemlified with the interests of Allegheny county -and the Btate; a dear headed Republican, always in the front ranks where duty requires his sere , 'toes, and ever ready to labor for the " establishment of those great vital pried. plea, which, in the hour of the nation's • - trial, saved it from annihilation. Ws trust Mr. Errett may secure the notate ' . • nation, as he eminently deserves it. /ion. George Wilson, late Mayor and recently a representative in the State Legislature, Is up again for nomination. • In every way he is qualified for the post . time, and we doubt not will be chosen , • to once more represent old Allegheny. In whatever place we find him, ha is al . ways popular and wins the confidence • . and esteem of his constituents. —.Among the papers of the late Bev. John Pierpont was found a half sheet neatly filed and endorsed, 'Lod addressed in the neat tuuidwridng of Charlie' Sprague, then ',raider of the Globe flank inclosing a promissory note for 81,',M, aided "Boston; Anguat, .11W2, signed Jno. Plerpont., and Indorsed byam. ton publisher prominent att that time. On the face of the note is written, "Paid Februarr IRS 3." Within, also in Mr. • BPI . " helid7ritteg. Is the following —lt is noticed as a eurious fact by,r coup et: • sons who keep boarding houses in ... ew witeheida wonder seldom aeon sr men, York, that advertisements which appear 34".4f*"3""reinj"APlerec're p m * " In Fridav morning's paper aro never One can well imagine hovr much one answered. There u evidently ir good post ea:doped writing, and theother read- deal of superatitition afloat In So, ing this wlay ettukon. York. .0 , udszek i • —, c.:. . . . , . . . . t . • ...v.b4 --."--,...--i',...' 41- "' r "-'' - < • ' • • ' - i. , • , --.l' ,-. ..„<„, • / ~ • • ------_.._ ..,-......,.... '-' - - '• •• ' 41.1111•.---,„;11 .•• ; :. • ...,•, „ ..- -:',.•:, 3 ~..... ::, 7.1 .. •.. z: r I 1 • , )."'•;Z: A.4." ‘itiljp....l7'? ' ,. .‘F r 7-•„,• ,- Sr ; •:_'%:, -v &. ''' P1 , .---,,, 467.. e.: -4 ... i •, , , ,^1 ' i •k ' • ... • • .'' r . ": 1..f . - ,:."' . . „ 1.,_ „*.4101:::: . 4 9 H1r.. - 1 - 1 ! :'.;,`r3 .-'.:;4': ',..2.-•!:5A-; ' ''''''. "‘.:.... p.. . ,1 ' , ' -2 zr,l7_,\Lrir,:____::::o6l7,--.: .! I --- - -...--, -,-• . ,:-._.=z--_,..--: - _,_--r- f ----,,. ----,-. 7 . :i:_.- , '.'- , . - • . --., ~ - Ittsblll ..._, - • . . ... . , •••_---------- , - • . VOLUME LXXXII.-NO. 'l7l Talk, It is a ♦ery common thing to speak with contempt of "small talk," as it is talled,especially among young men of education, who are just beginning to think of the more serious affairs of life and philosophy, and who are anxious ,to converse in the drawing room upon "ire , proving" subjects.' Now, small talk Is a necessity of social life. It holds as important a place In the easy ; inter course of society as oil does in te e steam engine. Grant that men and women are social beings, and that the various rela tions and pleasantrie,a of society are a°' massy to our happiness, and the value .of small talk cannot be denied. Two mere philosophers may all to' gather far hours, and if the weighty thoughts 6f either con- - descend to the saes of their tongues, their conversation, ten to ono, - war be "weary, stale, and flat," if not, Indeed, "unprofitable." Introduce a little small talk jokes, quips, anecdotes, nonsense--and thought moves easily, conversation becomes recreation; . even philosophy finds its place, is actually graceful, pad pleases as well as instructs. What tea party or any social gathering without small talk? An unmitigated bore. _Not that wewould have nothing but small talk, as is too frequently, per haps, the case in society; but, this is the only Medium by which those who meet but seldom can become acquainted with each other; and it is the. surest way of calling oat pleasant thoughts and pithy .suggestions upon more serious and im portant subjects,. . • We suspect that, in , most cases of pro fessed contempt for small talk among ambitious young men there is a little mixture of the sour grape element. They lack the energy to overcome the natural ' tendency of the adolescent - human male to relapse into silence at every . oppcir ton ty suggested by the conclusion of a "subject." The position ts an awkward One, and as the only remedy, smalltalk, is out of reach, contempt for it is a very natural resu:t The female adeleseent, fortunately for the comfort of both sexes, is generally gifted with small talk by nature, and otten comes to the assistance of her• embarrassed "correlative" In a very festinating and peculiarly womanly way by doing the talking herself. Here, ae everywhere, the kindly and beneficent foresight of Nature commands our sin , limited admiration. BM small talk has Its degrees like everything else. There is some talk so excessively minute tkat microscopic ex amination fails to &close any sense. k frequent mistake of young mecti.whe are gifted with this very essential social con venience is the idea thatgadlei in society are not constituted to appreciate any thing except small talk, and the smallest kind of small talk at that. "My dear sir," said a lady friend of ours to a gen tleman, "you talk to us ladies as if we were fools, and you think' we want you to do it; I have just overheard-you talk ing very sensibly to another gantlet:Mtn, and now you turn around to me and be gin to talk nonsense." She was fully as frank, -perhaps, as she was polite • but what she said was a very excellinehint. Small talk, too, has its owd proper times and .placea. The public lecture, for instance, Is not a•Proper place ; and at the most delicate air in an opera, is hardly a proper•dme to 'indulge it. But in its place and time it is pleasing and appropriate "and, for our own part, an •Lhour of small talk with an intelligent woman is decidedly preferable to many other tetras of amuseinent..—Neto York Erasing Gazette: • • Brain iVork. Dr. Ball, in one of his health tracts, has the following to say. on brain work: ttard study, does not, of itself, shorten life, but does of itself tend to increase the longevity nf Man. When hard ate .dents die early, it will be found that in some way,they. had Callen-into- 'lnhabit of violating some of the laws of nature, or began/study with some inherited in. firmite. , .„The,purault of truth is pleas urable; It is exhilarating; it Is exalting, and promotes serenity. Of ill men, nat ural philosophitrs average the longest lives. Therrmd, the governing reason is, in addrtion - to the stove, that their at tention Is drawn away. from the, indul gence of animal appetites; their gratifi cations are not in that direclion, hence they are neither "gourmands, drunkards nor licentious. Sir Isaac Newton had , often to be reminded - that his dinner I was ready; the call to cans often a =at unwelcome one to literary men, they consider eating is secondary considera tion; they literally cat to live, and the procesa pf dining is often gone through with as a task. , ' • • Many bard students hare become mitt. erable dyspeptics, and have died while yet in their prime, but the tormenting die. ease was brought on by over 'eating, by eating too fast, nr by returning to their studies too soon atter a hearty or hasty meal, thus the brain the =- 70123 etergy which ought. to have been expended on the stomach in aiding it to prepare. the food for nourishing the erten', . Lod not being so prepared it "lays heavy," feels like a load, or pro duces other discomfons which increase in intensity and durauon until life be. comes a burden and a failure The French Academy is perhaps the most leamed.taxly In the world, and the ages of the younger members average from sixty to seventy.- Most of the clever men of France hive in this year of 1807 reached a great age. 01 the members of the French Academy, M. Vinnet is 89; 31. de Seger; 86; De Tougerville 70; Lebran, Si; Villedemain, 76; Lamvilne, 70; Flourcne, 78; M. Gaizot, 29; M. Thies, 09; Berryer, 74; the'Duke de Broglie,- 82. This list might be indefinitely attend ed as to all nations—Lord' Brougham, Humboldt, '..lohn Wesley and many othm. • The circumstances Most favorable to longavity.among brain workers is • the spending a considerable portion of early life in out-door activities, travel and the like, then,by a temperate and plain mode of living the brain will work ad vantageeusly until past four-scorn years. Ecientricltles of Vas/Jou. The London Journal says: The cos tume of the fashionable Londoner Just now is s marvel, and It Is very difficult for those of us whom the conversion of the Tories to household soling° has not yet prepared for any change, not to break forth with laughter when we see fair creatures who lately occupied the whole of the pavement when walking singly, now walking six abreast In garments suggestive of Brighton bath ing machines rather than the London. streets. They have eltiunk up almoit to a lbre, which, as mathematicians tell us, has length but no breadth—always ex cepting the colfares. It is quite possible now for a be in one street and her'ehignon in the next. For once the eccentricities of female attire are being copied by the men. They, too, have adopted the swathing system; and one seeks nether garments now that are not only inexpressible but inexplicable. How their wearers get into them, and how by any process except bandaging these won derful appendages are donned . Is Omar. vet. As to hats there is ft race going on Just now between tbo dandies god our fine ladies, to see which can wear the ernallest, headdrese. Next year we shall be compelled to raise all our doorways in order to admit the steeples that will then be in fashion, for it is MT the custontOf fools to rush into extremes. Soya MIAMI experiments lino been made in London before the Royal bud teams. by Professor Tyndall. showing the influence of vibrations of sound upon light,. water and smoke. A. long gas flame, just on the point of becoming so norous, or roaring, was put in agitation by sounds resembling the chirruping of blrds,• and Professor Tyndall,' having called on his audience to take part in the experiment, they commenced imitat ing the sound, and the general chirrup• was accompanied by violent movements of the flame. A jot of smoke was in fluenced by sonorous vibrations in a studies manner, a continuous jet of smoke about two feet high, being broken down and divided into two jets by the Wand of an organTipe. A of water wan y erected, a con. Urinous stream having been broken into drops by the sound of a tuning fork. Several other experiments were exhibi ted, showing theeffect of sonorous vlbra. PIRST EDITION. MIDN IGHT. TILE IIREINIICONtENTION. Raiseenibling at Capitol square, AN ADJOURNMENT WITHOUT DAY, Organizilion of a Blass Meeting SPEECH H.Old JOHN MINOR SOUL Lively E.cene---Blot Apprehended. RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING THE PRESIDENCY. Sheridan's Action Endorsed. 1 ey Telegrarb to the rattails:ugh 0 ratte.l Rumness if, Aneroid 2.—The Conymtlen re• auembled at ten o'clock. About two thou. • and persons were present. Dr. Bayne, of Norfolk, moves that an the work of the Convention was finished, It now adjourn tint die. Hr. Hunnicutt appro rod the adjournment and said the reason for adjourning ymtor dnir till Josh*. was to ante Mr. Rolls. End others, who had not parttethated in the pro ceedings, en opperlttelth tote heard, ~.d be hoped the Convention was not afraid to hear what they had to say. If there was any political tomahawk between hr. Ilist. • and the Repoolican party. st was now . burled. and the party will carry tne State lUs h i i s rt l y ar ti s ' e °n ent ' u d git ' eca "t 4 Vi d a tiVes " Tf party differences. [Cries of . 4 yes.o) The speaker favored the disfranchising r ot only those rebate who Would mitigate. e, , ress and the Itspeldhan party, and wd. net, like Lonnatrect, work in any Barnes, Tor rmon.treetion. I At t point th were loud cries' for Botta wh o received tor e. cheer. by a por tion of the crowd, and then followed amino otconfusion. A colored epesker attempted to address them, but was cried down with shouts of 1 "vote th e resolution dOwot" - vote it n.'' [ went° Botta Dower' lir. theme said 4'he baler. the wing of the party represented by Mr. flout wanted. without mangling In the Conventson, to speak tindar Its Auspices." A vote was taken and the thfusention sa -1 loathed nine die with great...ring. . A mass meeting., then organiessloral 'Mr. Rolls, who had maintaleed lit. stand, addrewrod theni. lie said be Miff ho intro. :der, buteame so a teem!" rot the Republi can natty, It hod been circulated Abut he had written letters dec.:melee the North ern men in Virginia as squatters. The charge was unfounded: For thirty Years he had stood by them, so much so as to render him odious with Ida own party. With ref. mance to easing teen unwillingat one ' LIMO ate. tee wax to sloe th e blacks sue frog., ho Wild bad only been so ...use he knew If theater° was elseinasersge before I he had protection, his vote would strength. ea tee reurle P.M1. 01 be shot dotes to 1 the streets for attempting to vote with lie. Teeth Ile had eft attended the Con- Teethes of April. ...a be thought that ho coal do more good out of it, lie rammed Its platform, so md his friends, who had come to the city to attend the present Convention. Rot he bad been crowded Out, whether Sy accident Or design he could not say. They would have , redoubled the platform. He warned the meeting not to be deceived by demagogues Into the Belief that they held all the powers. , 'The Democrat. of Virginis will not resist ' backpulca now, but wad till they get Into the 1: Men. We will need every man to tight them. We most not drive any man away from us. iCries of "No, we won't."] Ile thee read ea address to the . people and a platform. which ha said had , not the approval of Judge Underwood and Mr. Ilunnicett. Gentile [lye, of thanamtesah, maned to en. done the address , 1.1 platform, but the motion met with such Violent opposition that It was withdrew. Beres, toed noise UttlOUneed that the Weaker who was appeal. the enders. , .mented tbsedgmeakie ste This re leas kesesurace.l sres one armed aeeon. e.. greet , I confnsion. The speaker came up the cant , tot steps to ..11oot, the accuser, and a ' crowd of blacks surged up after his. Everything looked like a riot foe twee minute*, but the matter was settled by thy itemiser explaining that he had only hart, and could not 'ranch Mr the charge. ' Goya.. Plerpoint ovule a very brief mooch, and sow followed by S. 11.ChandLer, District AttOrney, S. Ur. litTonl,ooloMid. Lamle Stott , COlOred. alt and other.. The MIME. ...luta.ns were hilly dace. and eriththnously ...tad: Wetness, The loyal Arnert.o Wiseoa will be soon required to select represents. Wires attlailr candidates for the offlen now held by the chance President of the United fitalea.end ea lite late war h. placed the F Romedirme party, aa well sit the Vahan. on. , der obibrationato many dieting... 4 Geri , en., (Or the servers they rendered In She , deliperatti alleluia for ithertrwrid great. new and as the names of Generals Grant, sherhjan. Thomas. Rutter. Males. L... and Behodald, and Hon. Schuyler Colfax, Thaddeus attaluMil. and Mussy With., ate mominersily bald Op.. smoteet tne most fieserying la coneactlon , with Yid °Moe, therefore .Re.feei b That we-endorse the action of General 6 eridan le Isis edbrin to treats the harr a e . tontht et h co romwa. o nsi n d eri o h sthme. rresident. Re.inal. That the Republican party look forward to such acts of protection as Gen. Sheridan and other Generals are emending tO than), wlik great hope in the !attire of the prosperity of the ramify; and that we, all it party, now stye cellos that when the proper time arrival PI tall:tan: a' mall. date far President and.Vl. Pre...MU/se will glee atl such sots of protection of the loyal people of the South 41ue consideration. aptaking teellersed mad nearly Clark, sotto the meeting adjourned. FROM NEW YORK. Oy Tyletraph to lhcPaulatrgh 1 • Nam , Yong, August 2; Et..Z•RCD . vox vat... the eteantehlp New York ems cleared. to clay for Kong Kong t and Yokohama by the rankle Kan Company. She Is probably In tended as an extra chip on the San inn:min co and Japan route. .TEE 1101.0 L• 101.1 NIG111.•OXIBTX. The steamer n aunQt-Muake rp aCritty . o with trbde . wMaesd ai t Gen a a n on the ISS o on luty y The .erenera were ail well. 01101.11. COWL One or two addltiontd cases of cholera aro rsportml tit' the city. raplEltiD TROTUTION. A dlspatch Iron New Lebanon reports that the Shaker corammuty have been led to open their !Wedgy minim, cm the assur ance from the townspeople that they will be protected wawa use from duturbancea dome 'The Fifth „National Exhibit:ay -- Will take place at • Sprlnglield setts on the 27th, pep, 55th and goat. ' Mao thoultand do ll s» tributed In premiums. fIUSOSD D..TION .• The western malls due this morning by the Erie Satinet were detained tumoral house, online to tee nestzn Mien by dro of the Orient Urntge on the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad . a abort abwre 'beyond baJamanca. • 101706 C rot DIAZLYILIAII. • A /Minim Mw,' for the nlpone at the the soul o( the tine limper:lr t at exico wee celebrated at with went John the Baptist chnrch.leat. night. The 001, Wan Canard was awing those preeent. • Mall siIICICLATIOSII.• - W.7i. Roberta, Preeldent of :the tenet, Brotherhood. ier expected from;•.rartit to week Or ten dam, Uhl old beta* wriered tbe coniperatlatewf certain nations ;on for ken:wean Voratlrent in • the Irtrelkle for 11141113011110.44 to ONtaill DOG ampas- Bible oontlainnunee, and that he had canter enc. with Blareerck. Mar 01.1. Liarlhehll xn norm raon • a,1611.1A0Z. • WO! Th 013511411. Marlon, et the Interior Department. wait thrown • from •CMINCO Jared.TM, 1.1 000010&:and seriously. tn. FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Pollee Beinebiel by G I bleb's,— A Duel Prevealea—lfreedniea lld tamed free. Liberia. • Df Telarl.Ph to the lintbarre Mantle.] tlctimawros, Aumat 2.—tieneral • lift:ales hag rumored pollee of Motown of &m -um- for alleged maltreatment of bleoksmul tn""'"" : "Ir H. , bat IFPolated two colored sedans. , le policemen to rdoOMUTMe /ale lneranbante. Vatted States glaishal Ening mu arrest. etaw w of attemptlng to a6WPsletteranoth Epplerirt ' irer l er i as " D ' uti , llshed by Bowen. The 410Imaty mew Out o f nealry for the luderehlp of the Itepulw bean organleatlon here. fiereM freedmen), Who emigrated berme to morels lag rm. hanrelest rsterned,brlng. ins yeti diIIOOII , OgION .Oommts. Letter. fro those who remalood gm to the Nona egprojetee mutate= freed. raw &also% - • Intern atiesnal . 21eat Bees. • (Sy Triumph to Um Pittsburgh Gemini.) Barron, Attend I.—Tbe prellminartee ot the rcorLits tnetob between the Ward Broth. ere and Um St. John crew, fix the 17th of September as tbs. time; the diatanoe to .ix miles on the Conneetlent • river, at tars, One th eid, ousand do sall statllars a ilde , es twohbOutand dol- Lopellott trim tble Board Trad• (SI Telegraph to the Tttlahollal 0 111 0 63 Dogrel.% Aug. I.—At phogglng or the Horn or Traga title raorphV=OlOglon as arlopTeg requeettng Liao OT. Tel W Patterso. who ottotOpttea ga).000 e4trollo yesteoloy. . A otne ll l wee Woo appolutod to mature more Ms= musgitor Ike delivery or property tato/. • . . . BATH' last. ,' 3 (Er A.t teew tea rittsearae Basatta. .Loartalitut, AugtureS.-11teriver wltlt throe feat Art !norms IA the PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1567. FROM WASHINGTON (By Tetgraph toga!! ll...burgh tiszette.) Vr AMIMOSON, August:, 160. NICC,A.AISK t 111.4.1.. Mr. Cradley occupied thanuttre stMlon 0! the Court today in an argument for Our , rate. Mr. Plerropont doses for the Govern. mono tomorrow. PENSION CCOLILATION. The widows who hare been getting a pen bion of the half monthly pay of their hub onds coder the lawe palmed. prior to the act of July 25th, ISM, are net entitled to an increase of eight dollars per month under I that art. The tricot's of ewptato F. IZuth. chief clerk of the flounce divielon of the Intoner Department, are apprehenetro that he drowned hlmoolL _ Est= The removes of interthel toren up to-day were hx.ser,ooo, - ININaNNT ON COMPOUND N orre. The Secretary of the Treasury haa dad dmi that payment of compound interest notes, with interest thereon, will be anele only at maturity at the lreasury of the Unitest Mains, and at the online of tin As sistant Treasurers at Boston, New York and PtUadelillla. rorcontra CIS%II,IANTq. The Pcotodlea Department continues t 6 receive complaints from Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Nevada, that the tranelmat dewapapers and other printed matter PI not elivered by the Overland Hall unletut pre paid at letter postage, and as this deprlva. tion of the people of the far Wont of the full heneelt of the rental nyestem it In ae cords.w with law, they here no rem edy but to obtain the repeal 01 the obnox ious Clause by Uotagreets, The statistics of crop returns received it the Agricultural Department, Phew that the wheat crop of the country prombito is yield of MY bushels, teasels inhabitant, or onerbalf bushel more than the crop of ;Mai. The returns for .1 lily alio. an imptOOe meat to the condition of whiter wheat over last year in every State but Texas, Nebraska and Minnesota, the diminution in the latter case being but four per cont. The IngliOdt Is In Ohlo,ene hundred and tarty per cent., West Virginia ninetyetch t., Georg tentuety. sly, Tennessee seventystare, Indians Dlt3 , four, Kentucky Ilitysthree,Miehigan thirty. Ore, Vermont twenty.itho New Jersey tweiitystive,aml New - York seventeen. In spring wheat all the States,except' Set. ' wont, Now York and rennSylvaula. Dere.e on last year. The average on corn la unusnally large, every State sheetsg' a' material Menu,. except Maine, New .Ilarapehlre, New b Mir and South Carolinas • . The rye crop shoe • a fine coalition and remarkable uniformlty of Isnisrorouthots. Harley promises an increase if fifteen to twenty oar emit. to klasaactimetta, RIWnW Island. Connentiont, New Jer*Cfs ,Wmt• Sir gin* . Kentucky and Indian sad torty.four per Cent ati onto. limo of the other States show some increase. ue.s—run average. except “ Mal , . , "..-,' f:mont. New York, and hastatcly, where it la slightly leas tarn last year. Day—fall average yield evey te be re, with an SAMMY° genatally of Moen to thirty per cent. Dotatoes—ave Indians.rego mon. emcfa tt New 1 York, Ohio and Fruits promoting ceerywhoo Sorghum shows* short plod. Tobacco ts!isbort re avenge and eon , dttloa. , ' . , . Cotton about t h e MOW a, last year, with a slight dltference to favorof the present COSI, I Wool—not materially arger than net . year. . . . . The Base Ball players •190 • cow:home°. tart' supper to the first nua of the National reahntly returood tom the *MI. FROM WASHiNGTOF,IPA , feellnesionaseskli Exegete** •1 1/1.1.- mugleia end Jeffers... 41)ellerr—Lisa of Utagiollifee—DegreealVeaterre4. :sputa Iltisharsh Garotte. Mammoths, Pa., hermit I, lee:. 1, esterday,evelany • large wad .pprvw u.-...... 11....... feane In • the nt Poo byterlan Church, to ten.- the Anti ethary 1 Address before the Literary hoed g. by nee. Fraaklln Moore. D. 11., of PO stile. P• 1113 theme MIS the Ideal an t I Balm Mini. the Tree aci d the Goal. Ile di 'eked ' for more then the apace of an bout Nylon free play to 1110 basginglon, and 0 t wawa- Ing to approMmate an ezttausla -el the wealth of his Mellon. • At the couclusion of ibis aildre there Y • soda". reggae el .UM Al i she, frtoods ot the COltego. It wso note la Mg Temal. sessitaars. open the trontation Cl Mrs. lithos the Pritethail. Li sae loot Lb. right place Ler It—coma:vodkas". and In ego ' feet order. Toe College Is indebted to Mn llama for such • thoonettol eapretalon of her Undoesoo. Tho fever will doubtless be heartily reciprocated wbeneyer So oppor tunity obeli present Msgr. . We should Jwage that the Montt, of per sons prescit was not math short of th ree hundred. All mama upon. inettation. The smalle subet. LT tm the taller portl ot the happy sasemblage. was composes! 6 pn f ladles. It I. 11010l<411 to attempt a tea description , of Map= entertainment and eogyment ot the evening. For the "creature Muttons . ' of She melt abundantly pros Lled, sad so tooth and nellclonsly ore , peed. the Colds are indebted to Um red dent Alumni-arid to happily gig tea . committee of ladies. It was Indeed a e 1,341 muion. 1.11 seemed Weider tato It time. tile. ll New solualuttheth were formed; old ones tattooed and sixth gthenect. The days were,' by many, lived dedothr ergo: by others, the possibilitles of the Pt . tore were domessed. 'Thus the hour* went I I trlpplonlythr, until the new apologia of ,• midnight gale, to the 1010 3 .1 thronfL the nowelcOuse :gigs, that It was tarne to dia r peg. AS Mthf Mgt eightreelOek this morning a procesalma.headed try • thand.msrehtel from the Collette to the Church. The gut memo. me . . etere ollll, teg of your were opened with nth yet IT gas ho WY. For seine gene hours Cowers entertained by ape•chth from members of the graduat ing dare, hod two wilastel'a imago," tine of theint eras delivered by h. 4..1163arre1t. Esq.. of Ilarriaborg. Pa: the other by T.ll. ' B. reiterate, Eel., or Pittsburgh, I'.. Toe bonnie of the ethos tell on the following . members to the order In which we MM. • them: Mob Roy McM. MeNolty, .1. It. Wit. • go ! Merytttatown. Pa.; J. O. Cellars. Car. , mitten. litlol ILlLAtelinlglit. MI. Lebehoh. Pa. The following are the names of the Grad. naUng Class J. Black, W. J. Hellman, David Brown Bankbead Boyd, 1. A. comp. J. V. deJlare..W. C. trawtord. n. T. Darts, S. W. Elliott, .1. S. Gallagher, II T. ilarroy, a. K. Larintore, toady IleCarreU, N. Met :m=oll,l. If. McDowell, T. W. Mo (intro, D. K. Idokolent, Sr., K. IL McG. Mc- Nulty, A. A. glltclaell, 11. U. Moore, A. S. Meant E. H. Moortursla, 1. J. tieletnn.ti, E. thlins.ll.l. nod. Feller, David 11. Riddle. J. IL &met, 3. P. Shupe s. 8 , T. It Wllace, J. J. . WPM, 6 . Zun• merman. Tits degree Of A. IL was confermd of three. That of A. M. in curet upon the follow Mg: Ifenry R. Illneham, Esq., seismal J. 11. 11c- Cerrell, Mew. J. M. Mealy, ILev. Samuel C. lissr, ter. Mr laweoti, IV tn. Ball nn. tine. heir. B. M. Morton. Joint C. is. T. 11. 11. Pattal.oo, 141., W. 11. (lather, It. M. 7.0,111, 110 V. W. IL ernes P. liar , row, he, C. Mneyner. Rev. IL M; Brown: lion. Deg. of A. 11.—1.. it. Methsar, M. D., New Tomos. PA. Wet Franidin M. D., lialtellerg. * fa Ron. 'Dm. 0 it. d K; It ado. Eau., Wasetnaton, Pa. ans. Dep. ef, A. .11.—Ctmuncoy W. Mien, Allmayi N. T.; Con. Remy W. Dom man, Baltimore; Excellency ,foun IV. Geary, Governor of Pennsylvania; helper student or Theology. 'AIM. o ti.r7Og totes protanction of the exercise% the President doomed It prudent to malt the llaccalaurrate. , llo, howeVeri made a few most erscehent end pertinent remitrke to Um cliosuAnd then, In i...U11131.nt man. net able; paidadeservireent to the e audit:me present. see to our MU- S.D.!. /VIM - the profound Interest, they Mio Maul:Mad In the excretaoa of the oom • mencement mouton. .'llcietar Edwards man of One culture, and seems to possess a my mar:4l79;ig practical operations in the College, My utd tact commensurate with the, ease, pro priety ann.:dimity comahich lie conducted the exercises of thu encement, there cats be 0.0-doubt Of eminent Mama for the responsible poeltlon to whlcll he .At Our teeleelt r. x. Dr. Moore gave it '/listorical discourse for the Washing ton Mass IMI. numbered twouty-one members. Each one of these Wns photo. fithettolglC=lT of 'fl a g =l WOOO scarcely oonotilve how It could here been bettered. • Titus 010004 the commence. moot eleoollloll Of WsetungtOu and Jeffer y= College. Axioms. • Or hones t . j i ttT?l " 4: will be (the RAILROAD CASUALTIES Accident to an Zsabirrooll Train. , DlTTO:verb to the Pittsburgh tissetiv.l . libsiirrsonn;*C. W.. August; Z . —The emi grant trainjlegvilif here it ten o'clock last night, when near lasts ran over a drove of home, which strayed on the trick, throw ing the engine down an embankment of .sheen feet, klUing the toginear.lirsham, and sedwagy fireman. 'None of the passengers hurt. Italtread 181 Teligrenh Lathe ritshersh *issue.] : ppiettgerron, VT., AUgUilt night, express train or the toothed and Marling ton-Itailroad wee thrown down an amesenk. =ant and bsdly sumehed, ton miles elietti of ttaxeiplastid ty WA On n UM tra ght, by ck ties . beusg mane- lOtisly of the piumeogart were etletintlay LOTOmetiTO Zip1011021;' . . 'Mr Telegraph to Ms rlltabcribilluettc) tom., 4rigalt callus on the MO. blio And U. W. M. R. explaled Sodayi O4 s Yllll6 thig . engineer and ttraamil!. I'MMn• gars unloplred. . fiojoisouse lion lOOlfiforila. Pr Tait/gave to the rlttatrarabg Quetta.] • AVG VITA, Ga., &Wr. BMW& Se pUbliala&& & aertee.ot ititt&l. Ifr•the aircrew/a add tientlaa, to VordY to cx•llool. tor.hll.l, and tat advocacy of reoonviractlon under the Jillltary hilt I:lova:nor DUTY. Ot r Booth Cocain, hat written soother letter le 09DOettan to lieconitrootlon cm the . Escape sTPelsitaql4.. [STUrrob en turnue.nce.ewrela-1 Loeuvrtha August %—ro.prtioaers oonfinad lathe Riad oonetY Pal at .New 'Albany, indium, escaped therefrom Ut4e3 , by breaebLea the rear wall. Two we.-o re., arrested, bowerer, but th e O th ers are Still lams. Conser Soldiers illontallstion. tin Warning to the PluanarEn (10,211.; Attain Urge =when of soldiers In. tairlmon, Whose term has ez. SUOMI EDITION, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M IFFIIRS IN TENNESSEE. Ail Quiet—The Tfooll9 libdrawn. NEGROES DIEGHARRED•FOR VOTING Citizen Killed in a Street Fight, TROUBLE 'AT MURFREESBORO Further Election Returns. REPUBLICIN ODEGREDSKiti ELECTED. Clean Swoop of the Legislature. CDT Trlertat.l to the riUtburgb !Mutts.) li stir tits, imgest. t—Gen. Thomas stet stall* belt. for Imulailtle trtie eventem. Most of the troop. laftre Also returned. Many 12.1- enter have been dtsettirget) to 000seettettes of the Aloctioa. Ttloy aro Amid to threntou retaliation, All 13 ;past so far. N astot me, August 2.—heveral freedmen baying gem* ,11.wharited byemployers in Übe city for vette* the radical ticket, and others threatened, General Carlin hes or , tiered Mn Groesbeck to use every effort, to Mut emenhunent Sor them and compel an immediate rettioritent with former ampler- The Culted Shithe troops sent IA if rwilklbi and Suring hill to droop order, have return ed, mud the special police and cavalry have been withdrawn from the etreeta ;tub le, ni.a.Ucllonattl!wita lalied on Wenn..<lay at Ellnont, ttl.a.i In a attnnt light with . Mr. aeutberman. An assault nee math at hlurfro.impro to day by IL C. tieLauglilln, editor or the 310. wdr, litr. ehorbood, IteglatraUcea Com• miesionet, and the military warn.inthem riot coing feared. . Major Beady tele. Wraith.' die elate authorttlea 1 hat he had spnaleidd extra imd Weld maintain Wn pears. The return/ten for fool Up a inalnrlß, for Brownian. bet few omitting. comptete. The majority for RrOonloOr la Nashville and liaVldsost tooth up 1,070, wiles leer precincts to bear from. Arne', Illiguan, tine, Nunn, and Butler, Itepubli eamc are elected to Ckeihreas.aud a Moan snoop of both hrstnehee of the Legislature. FROM EUROPE. I= rattans. f,.1 WILL. AN . A.C• T. Ilux.rx,..4optet t.—Klng William twiny leeued ~pKoclunAtion u*umlog the duties at moverelim a the Worth Heiman Statue. xaa citiee tatalieN. Anirteet 2.—Count blellaluce‘s can organ, in as e. 180111,1 to-lay. etronety tweet the lima*, rowers to teterPeee to the Cretlen gui.ltoet. UL.I/3D:. • 1:1.0101 boa emr, Aaguat —ia the lloneeof Imola, I this areellte, tho Reform 1.1111 ram reported from the Committee of the Whole, where It Vril.o under eariaideratten. end watered to a Shad res.:link., dual nett® will be Wren on the munsere nett. n areal lor.rer. Teen* is exam A dtsonteh • tea-cleat hero readay from Attreae annonneea that the Creeks hare de. ended tha Turks, to Crete. Io eternal en. nagernanta. The *me dlipatob mentions the departure of the French vonadron from Candi., for the p.. 9. 4 -61 ". b.1.411n4 bank refugee. to Creep: •h ' =7l As taw ewes* feNetey .theinfh.. pal re. ers.l rat the 111c.hotood plats Ctav eo ram The I.+llng horses came in le the tollowleg onlor. Camelia Or.. Lord. second, Amanda WM, 111=1 t i '/1 I% TIM lIMZIMIL/Alt rx,ra, August, I.—At an 'sdegtion for mtuancra at the Hungarian D.t. WWI. 6,,ssulti 000 chosen to repreSsust tan City of Watt sau. without • dissenttes August o,—Tba left today (Or tgrwitauttuopl.o. [9:1323 11.1111.1.T5t. rano, Augast. (Nor ce Bancroft, Vnitc4 ,Later Ittniaulr Ti Berlin. atrltnxl If U el.•y to-Asy. 1I 1:13311 41121M111 2.—The etC2ll2lship Scott,.. trtm New York on Una ngla of .tu ly, farrtyrk2 at noon to-day. t. toe Auguat a.-Steintatalt , lllbernlk. fr,un New York, Imp aurtved. 11.11ANCIAL ARM 11101I1CK11.11. Idv carom.. Ammer 2.—/levefuv.—Cotton he .A kr mlddllut 11r 1 1. 1 1*. add fbr °Warn: .1. lu,f. linnet tor male And _rains klan,chfulor A ill. Rr.derngs drift owing In part to the w favuriblo i, he.dectlnod ns Ile Id per oental eam tor 1.1- unvale km.. once decimal 4411 per bush. for Canadian and sves:kru. P.. advanced Utah quoted . .t the rem Cut lb.. Prod.. Without .oaptahle change: AhrwenU August 2.—rotruleum market tint and pr 2.... numlnal at 1t Iran. par her. ref for etandarA • Lo vox,Anput g.--consoli. .11v.4..enue• . illtnots Erie. 44X. A..% .35 bandy, Froputroxi, AqUal. t.—Ylvvt-tvrentles. FROM NEW ORLEANS llbtagAA A Allse• Igg lb. R.Jem7 In the Clij—Elerleleek 011 l Alger tae nonage. lir . 1 elearshe to tee Pintawith Ossetia •1 New ()acct., Auirosts.,—Tbe following no the return• of reg4inctlea in Now Or leans and Ala!ere, excepting for the last three days and tee et pond Utstrlett if Ffy, hlactss.l4,7el: The Irbil. dkaSnrity In tee pedsh a IS, and in the eltv II Is ex pftwal the revision Of the roUs will nuke • large difference. So far in heard front the State reglstere: whit. iaJgfp blacks 73,11 N. I=2= Lli Nr Yst^staptt to the l'ltistlorgh tiasette.3 New Aur4.—A Wastangtoo sigotal to the est says: "It is understood, from ctn. c Lai souse., that talrrrostd47 boa 110a11.1 tteelded to point liens , li as aneoek GeGeneralSherld ap an's suocessOr The intelli potter of to-day riyag .Therelrill be no un n i nt; eeo tione ssary dela), rl issoan.o 'alnit anYOnder re/100- ral tdte. • • I =11:1:132 tniteam* to the Montan 0.414.7 Damon, Augnate..—Flour—rooolpta with fair clemantl, at all for new superior. who t t—reeelOto light, with largo salsa or NO. t white for next week'll itell•Ory ca tg;lO. - • Yellow Fever E s pldellile. By Telegrah le the ritiebershUart4%..l liALVteree, Anigitic....Yellow (dyer hes been prOnonneed • epleeelle. There Were mix InterMentli on the 71st. :11 A lIIU Alin AND liocanaveriso.-- There are a great many persona who are just beginning life, that are newly mar ried; and that are inet turning, I trust, away fronf the hotel and the boarding-, to: keep !mune; for I think that, twit to virtue, hornet-keeping his hllO tle intble thing fovnewly married Persons: You-will perhaps wonder what J hniirto tiny noontide. I have this to say, that to any young person'a Wettish, a ehango so marked, It Is n Mop sit different - to-any - other, that If you know how, with thin peculiar and erillerd step of your life, to take oleo one other,-It will not be alone marrying for tirne--It will he love for eternity. - Is them anything mow beau tlibi than true love? No Powers fallow such odors or exhale such fragrance es - does - true love; that makes ones. life•a .sactitite for and tt service of another. is there anything more Deautlful this aide • of (hod's throne than'tsvo right-minded rsl purely-loving weds last - Inning to "live together, each one servant in love to the other? - :Now, just • beginning a vir omits wedded life isnot religion; but if 'you make thierfirst step in a series, It d 6 more to lead to a-Christian maize °TIM than ptirhaott any - other thing pos sibly could.-11cceJtcra . —A nelig dolly paper is contempland In Cleveland' on the cowiperatlve system. The ,mpltal stock in to be 5100.00 0 , divi ded into shams of $lO each, ten per cent of which le to be paid at the beginning. It is said that ttn),_ooo have already hen n pledged towards the enterprize. If the piano of the projectors are carried out the columns of the paper will be free:to every party, body and clique without any .definite object In view. Several news papsr men aro said to be Interested in the experitnent. —"Aii old Bank° r". denounces, in the Neer York Tribune, , the proposed 15 cent noks, saying they will be most IncOnve- Wen , and accommodate nOOllO but those who lake. their grog at hotels which sell WS . erit' drinits, He votes for no . new danomirurttorof ogriarkey, =less ft be * %).ectit rude, TO CITY AND SUBURBAN. FOUIVIII I AOE.—Thel fifes( and bloat relia ble Money, Oil and PnArre Markel Reports given by any Paper fn fht oily, will be f eland on our Fourth Par. =1 1 .; We have not heard • much lately concern. loathe gambling fraternity In Our city, and whether they ere operating to ast great an • extent as menet we hare no Means of know. i Mg. They have been under the ban more or leas forrimge year., more ea, we believe. them In any Other city of like importance In the United Staten, and this is more the re; suit of public opinion, or general detest& lion of the class, than ellimencyrin the part of innnielpal authority.. Whatever worth -1 liug is carried on, Is necessarily done In great aecluelon, with all precautions taken to prevent discoyery. Front time to limo there hare been gamblers arrested, but only . arresteth.they are never brought to trial; en indictment may be lonnti, the .O. cased lost order ball; but wean the time cornea for trial, the prosecutor is 110/1 est. This arises In most instuneen from the fact that the persons prosecuting Intro been un lucky at play, and hoeing been paid back then. locate, witri tionietttlad beside. are eat bided, no ad mke It cOnvonlent tto be towel 'while the grand Jury or the no . Court are m vesstan. Of enure° the des fondants present themselves, and may well feel berfectlY.----Iltellrt, some- ' , times, to., . tea "ammonia arrangement” is made before the cases p 11.4.1 our of the' hands of the magistrate. So It has been. ;: d so It wil continue to Ise, until more nugentlowe l arn enacted. It may he said, end with toren, too,,that the lowa ore sure- I m mola On t ently atrinhe pargint; that what Is wantin llg Is I !It Of Liaise wliOan dote IS to entoree or prevent the violation of the I law.. it is the fashion, we know, fur 0111- re to wait. until information is motto by name on o else, and they Intro a warrant In their hands, heave they feel tattled upon to set, nod oven then conceal what they know, concerning tee charge againat the ar- : rested pony, not fuelin reuired to assist I In the prtwecutirm any m or nthrust° Imeome ; profit:stator. themselves. It is a lamentable fact, also, that police ollicere end; It am ' verdant to be on friendly terms with gam• ; blers, and to mulet them whetrin trouble. tit theta on their guard when In danger, : rather [him serve the honest portion of tee , community In whose 4mm-teflon they are ; sworn to act. We Judea that gambling is 4 dull baldness In Ildo oily, loot now, roil that there Ls no , particular neceseisv for an organized de- I nionstraUen against the aril, such SO we 1 flatlet, l• being Made lit ClUttrlti attic.. Pre , gemstone] gramhlera cannot reside long to any community 'Minna becoming pretty ' ~ generestlyt_kanwn, and hence, thous of the fraternity resident hero ate known to moat eiLtr.ens. We judge, therefore, as to the dullness of the business from haring ots served a party of ten or a dozen of the gen try attuning themselves at the comer Of VtILII and Staithaeld streCia yesterday after n lloving brlltkliLit.ll. and fairly make for the day, they lA...kcalas if in readi ness nit such CUMULI.. IN I¢lBlll. IM "rt. --- .Ingratitude Extraordinea7 , We have an instance of, It not hese, rather extraordinary, ingretitude to noto Arran named If Wheel Gmy ton, roan:lna in the usighboth Oa of Lawrenceville. got upon • provender cars day or two, since, in en in. testi:sand condition, seersely nuticiiable at first, bet altar riding some distance, the at. reholle lumen disturbed his esunilbrium sect be evinced s desire to relicro his 41., • mat, A lady Sitting opposite was much . - A Flee Improvement. er annoyed tatt mymptoms.ned enlit lo n h.b. I The no w Jewelry warehonse being erected might have been content to *ithatand I by on Inend• Heineman, MaynseVA hie die. upon..her greet, the feu o 1 4": en the west , side of Fifth, Inenolintely laR " l north of Woot street, will be an ornament tent* of the feltOrt'e teturebarged atolinaeo, I very . nSturally sontewher. enceted her ,to the street. the ancient By.sedm. nerve.. With • View to prebelttalleb • Ca- style, and 'arm mow, *',cry ehssus snd lenity she weunefulledod to P . " .P°. the i elegant The lot is iS by 50 feet Irmo manues, and an novena el the road, to pi urea,. him falling vie trio ear, took al and ig entirely covered by' tbe building, t ies , v ivion vile elope When near ! of erica and writhe Ave strlrica (in the toll irate expreAkid desire 1.0 got off nil seventy fact) high. The lower St.,: has I at tint point, and [he driver "held art , , The ear did not onus/Inane to star, and as , Iron front, the upper stories are of Phil. !human let go Ms heldor the railing at tee ! nivirble Penned Micas with nine:. none , guest of the platform, he felt le the ground. , facings. The culler is to be arrnngo s t. nor, ; Tbe rullbotir employe. leaped nit um t u bed nhlusnts together ,th e .g .r !TT.,_ druterOt• movement prevented th e car non. for ensuruom .- w ol Os. wh ale. sae' eels frnm raystni river the Man, and lighted. Ti,. erns will thus varlet Ida hot, or at least preventing ' Use fifth story for their bustrunta purposes. , hi. feria re.rc4,.., conteaunicadng with It from the adjoining ; this servitet the OnloStel Seas prOseCutod be. erivate alley by means et hoisting earn ; fore y Alderman Lynne for arebnlt. sod bat- Mena. The wooed, third and toroth *torte. srreated. nen anteand Usti ma mot. ! will be ithinted for with which i The proteautor vent _telore stain frail the street will COuiturtniCate in Lawrenenvllle. but that magistrate rev I dion o s , bond to entertain the csaa A hearing of Tnle nits l .otriellinfinfl 'Menne no Inv Casa latiglat !WINS nutted to Ito demi*. P.D.._ material, worsens:ohm see sal by Alderman Lynne, b.,t th e defendant, t strie or their betnithit neer in. very beet. to (rem the surrOund logs, concluded end the arenageseent oesa enable teem to to waive All pelvlieres and let ttrematter I inn... their large antes linnet.. We eery much doubt whether Convenience building, .11.1gImirptrc...Or-. It wilt se there. Bad the mart bon run tensor:V. , . the ~ 'own completed serer, negitirenee or carelessness would have i g to . w n iik by the r been charged. Tits del not sneer, snit, for ntunlbect, t hee preventing Um nalehap,ss criminal charge is , mon enreCtire hi the OUY. /tin n.Pbutcd brOnglit. i that they wU/ occupy it in mouth of ; September. re.* Allegheny We aro pleated to WO. tram Ur. Y. It. ' Campbell, the etteauflag phyelehM, that the 41legtony Doperusary,wloch was organised In June, 1.46, ls mot, acre In working eon. dittort.. The 'olty of Allegheny Ivo' !caw fat the [tool of an lustttutlou of this anti the spirltlliduclng the Ira Slug torslleiu wen of the city to devote their time. and others tolnage contribute: go for It. leenent. Is a really oononendithle one. and worthy M 1 the praise at all true 'philaetrunplsta. The i alreouna hare been peculiarly fortunate In I *renting the eerritto of Dr. Campbell, At ttending physician. elate attention to I imam," WI we. i sa toe geetironanly and courteous min, et' ,01..11,1j1 01 who Vtats the Disteroary. is • •nilicleht Ds:flauilse lion. Mit, Milldam to thefts, the me tor le • finiebed teeth., and too enjOy ranin Pio medical seldom met with try utnere of his prolamne i,. which rem ' dors els success to the vraellee of me seine a certarnry. The 110.0 rt intones to that the supply pane :let:tee mettle replenishing, uses - .think tee dvreglete of Allegheny multi not eontrltorte to a more chartable elope.. tend on your naelletluw gentle , men, to Allegheny Dispeorm - y, third Door, , City Boughse, and Dr. Cfrtopboll *lll no. ' knowledge the receipt or them. Ercons. from J • The negro, Immo, who war arrested • low •days sloe. charged. with ideating two rtduable horses from the McKinley I brothers, and two from Mr. Holm, of it'd- I ',webers, and who was Committed to jail i in default of three thousand dollar* Ina , . I managed and sue...fully executed his escape f rum That last Ration Carly yesterday.; morning. It appears that ,Lowts.changed clothes with a soldier, 'who Is a rearant, and while • number of that clam "of prisons., were' being illtieharged in the morning, be passed out wise them In Mx illegal.. In order to morn c.flectually disguise himself ho wrap alitittlft"e"=te."Th?, NO;fifitmetillasan welt execo tett, morescienticcally oven than his thieving otainitiOns. The feet was not discovered eiltal he was out of roach. We del not learn the name et the pat tY who ass an ne "..prp. to ntseacape, but tom that an Information has been Wilda against him Mayor Moliastby by Warden White, charg ands hsiding • Prison... to commitment oilseed In the Wardert's hands on thetcherge. The police are on Lucas' track. =3 • The Friendship giro Company of Allenby- . .07 WV . nive their Oral 1010.010 at Monitor ❑rove, 4n Moduesday, the lour. teenth instant. It is the intention of the teenagers to mako this Its ple•nlc of the mason, and the Committee of Arrangements ato reirardleas of time or oreenao, working to JlllO eud. The names of Kurtz, Hall, Cralw, Bowden, and othors to the committee are tollidient to warrant Its success. Smith's' ham{ will furnish the male, one all ama teurs of the terpsichorean art, .who have bad the pleasure of heaving this baud. imy that it la the band pnr•cactileneo. Trains 10000 the Allegheny 11 Pat for the grove trout 10.0. ttli 4:110 r. r. 10, this all who de. 'airs It, will. for the small sum of one dollar, hero opportnotty to ng rp thrills/tit fan. COMIC tOu'l from Ity morn till dewy evo.w, • =2 Ai a. McCandless, Pbyrlclan of thn Board of llorattst report. Um follow Mg Intenuouts la tho env from July :II to J Septicemia, ni typhoid fever,3;epoplexY.l; disease of liver, I; lueLsanatlon of I,mwels, I; Mteeer..lg berets, 1; onnsemptton, I mon.lcw, 11 cholera intantum el ell born, n; Indigos. .tlona; oOnvolstons, ' 1; unknown, I; morus• tens, 1; hydrttoemansi 1; debility, t. IlNes .17) %lute, Ferrtalee 101 Colored, 3 s"."" .11 Of theillbovo Moro were: limier ono your, eon to two, 3; Irmo two to Ilse. I; nom twenty to tolrty, 1; from thirty to lerty, from' forty to bitty `` 1; from fifty to elsty ; 2; tram seventy to 613[49,1. The Itersied Methodint Church, Re: bocce street, rillOshee:', ". V. Grn ' l " r. putor, An erecting a nee commodious church edieCe,tnistile the cliepol in which' Limy now worehlp. The brick work Is now one Moil' high, and present , s nor appear ance. It peon honer to the denomine. tion, es well as a blowitnig to the vicinity, a C b on t d two in ye ar M ol h d, e t oegnm sa rs on t hrs ony no pithy and aid Ottlin cOminaelly In so an enterprise for the public good.. Of tleetion or Tesehera—Thu 130ard lielmal Director. or but Plliminabam elected the Mllowing teacher.: .1. Y.• Clymonds, Principal; Alliii3tW. Sarah lieelp;. Principals of the grammar Depart. ..At, Mrs. b 1% Fife and Ulm ..:aggio son; A. J Principal. or the •Intermallate De- P.Mner 1/011.1 CrawoOtk and Miss d. ona.; Priniarl Dop Mciiain. Ills. A. to (Addison, 11100 mat 7 William., Mina Limb; Mottan,,l ll . o 1.1.• [ McLain, Mies B. Baum= end Miss P. Bey* • 31log tilrleared.-.Une of the meet astounding oureuthat has mune V) Oar nO l./of. romotlY.ll that of a Miss Vishei, of Deaver county, who was Oiled of Wilt eyes and w/u/ entirely oured by D/L lEYBER, of des,,n street. Thil YOunS 1 4 ,1 7 MU'. De- MIMI use of randleal knowledge with. in an lama Any rans to no PurTKee. Her brother, who related the ease to us, regard• ed ft Leftmost wonderful our. afleacteue. 111/Toralts.—Mr. Samuel Loon. the preeent l.blef of Police, /6 being eu ppenee - ei may al /4. at perms for Mayor of Allegheny GUY.' M. In ad eat' ran. has lops sultained high reputation as a pollee °Moor, and we rltnint not would nu th e °aloof Mayer quite acooptebly. uPlessauf aitt be bad, vita au the late vapersan zolgaslim, Hosle tauntuerr,nrytak . • PRICE THREE CENTS IndloptTaablo to Ilea Mt. The mph¢ action of all thwearrying-off 'organs le Imllspensable to health: hence no Inaction di the human body Is attended with more serious results than costivonesa• or want Of action in those organs. If the effete Matters 01 the Martian system are al lowed total:min and obstruct the natural channels, therO - eannot be cood health, a feet which must ho apparent to every one of commonsense. The tonal remedies pre. rerlbed Which eases are often of no use,. sod are frequently Injurious, as their slim elating properties are liable to leave a greater torpor or debility thn existed 1 prior to their sdmitilstratiOn. a There 10 a 1 remedy, however, which .111 not only ten- I part tone and regularity to those hahltta., ally eostive, but will at the same time ' etennee and. improve every function 01111 e. This remedy le DOCTOR KETSEIPS BLOOD st:Aucueu. Its supereminent eialities furnish the i ITe a ir t til r a i r r; "i t , e i nrold= but tl g g li,t-l'i!y l of every natural oaks In the tutlrnalcanna- my, and eleeneo the blood Of every taint I and Impurity, There is health and tonic loee of I.R. KEYSER'S ci77 . o7llnEellai'mt. it h. mule mires where MI other remedies of the mated% t T i e t i i ll , a ,, l i i , a7 . e .. fged...The cores-here In 1 Its euenit ' Orltv ove ' r any n o v t i ll c t'p ' :gri O e r gr of . medicine In . um. If KF.YsEit . s 111,0Ori Searcher were known as it should be, there are thousands suffering with languor and ill heal LL 4: , who occult be outer. to comfort' and ha plus. Reader, try D E YSEIVS BLOM SEARCLIER for may chronic decease: for which the Doctor recommends it;and• yen wdl boaured. 'lf you are not sure whether MI, suited to your case, call on Doctor Keyser and he wLII tell you. Pre pared and sold at 140 Wood /o il e r sne dol• . lar per bottle or stx tar five Dr. Neyser's Consuion Room for all rho o an blood disease u si, tr owl for lung elstelt• tilaioll4 11l Penn. street, from 0 A. IL, unfit 4 Pittobergt , and Wor H4llled Week • men. - While Pittsburgh le PrettS proud Of her saperierity In the manufacture of iron, oath., and glue, alio is not forgetful of the posseg.sion ingather mechanical departments of as slallial workmen as the World can pro• du.. iln the gas, water and steam titling htmlnest, which is . one that should be confined to good mechanics only, she boasts of workmen who are soperlor to none in the country. _Among those who have bed long experience in that branch of trade, sad whose name hi anagested bv Its Mere Metre tine. is Mr. T. T. Owens, whose well known i establishment t . l g oc b tr at Mo. , 1:1 In . front rank of those following rneo g a: b".in.... and Ms wark bas been subJectml to the Se. T:Altirgir,i,?,,?.l,,ltottgegrg;'''.. Y 1 141.. Itics' himself, giving personal stiperVision and attention to all work entrusted to Ms care, and employing none but. the very rest mechanics he has m ode an enviable . record as • mechanic. lie bloatsatten. o all deserlottons of plumbing work, I steam fitting, at the most reasonable prb nes. Union from the country districts are promntiv attended to, and competent ma chantes are despatched to ell parts to eXe mato new work and repair the II id. At his store, in .addition to a large and easefully selected stock of gas likings. chandelle., wndaum, oil lamps, globes and ornaments, will be found 5 very excellent assortment I tun. and wood ums hdts. bath 1 enclosed was h -st a n d s, - s ink basins, 1 and everything pertaining to water Meing. i Tor any work In this line wo can arfoly ; commend Mr. Mwens to the' patronage of our reader. Remember the place, Mo. leo Wood strait. near Sixth. n. Ballard .1 . Vs., Produce Coo. lallsalova neretuata, New York. The mercantile oommurdly fully recod - elm the ireportanoe of having Mille metro. i politan cities, corresponding homes to which c.isiguments maybe made in full faith that the interests of the eonelallOrs well be honestly regarded. Toolny We ad vertise the business card of Menre..ll. P. Ballard .t Co, a strlelle ProlltithCol= lll. * sloe house, No. 0.11 Washington envoi, New York, Which will In all renfractla nwel.tne en- qulrellaantadf ahlpf.ars al this Demi. The , arm enjoys a high business reputation, and Kr. undeerdlY worthy of confidence 1. I members are carefol bunions in:enema.. who have had a liberal ...Mess experience of Oyer Um peen 'in the produce and pro vision loam:was, and are folly scgoolowl with the wants of all • rhtppers, and .1111 maOk f avo t r t h h ig m w iadvenftMcous to the pntrOnaile. The dondoes not. Mee inale in favor ot large shippers, but with an universal rule of . promptness, safety and carefulness deal equally se liberal with smell dealers. Full and correct reports of the markets will ho sent free from the Mete of this house to all shippers. ettLer we.kly or aemi.weekly. Orders for all kinds of merchandise will be rev of charge. We ebecri WIT ere.. mend Messrs. Ballard a Co. to the patron age of our readers. and bespeak for them a huge start of basinsss from this ecetlen of Country. • . Why are They AireJO to Test Their Wachter. ea Home? If the Wheeler d Wilson and Howe were so ...Teufel at Perla, they hiOeld not be afraid to test them at home at our State Fair. The agents of these roachlnesuk not to test lora premium, but go out and ex. I Mit the machine. but I said that I was i going to enter the Weed Sewing Machine for the contest. We don't 'deny , that the , Wheeler & Wilson received the gold medal. For what! Only on account of a button hole 'attachment. That Is w a llet they received It for. Howe received one ae an inrenter—not for machine. The -fudge* at Ilrst awarded the Weed the ens prise. but changed on o the ground that the Wheelerd WILsOn had a button hole attachment. • The Weed received one of the highoet Moist. For whoa ßeing PertectlY &den led to all kinds of work, Moose medal to d. B. Howe for sewing machine. honorable mention, Empire hewing Bla• c hine. Such is the capacity of the Weed that we havo always claimed it to be the beet ma chine In the United Stamm, but we now claim it to be the hest In the world—so says the rule Fair of INT. out of eighty-two represented. Call and examine •It at 111 Grant street. Hl The Storehouse Livery Stable, 111 and 143 /Aborts Street. This well conducted and favorably known stable hes been perebased by Mr. J. Ward Nicholson, who enters into the business un der the trout favorable auspices. The am him have long sustained Mash reputation and under the managenswit of Dlr. Nichol• son must prove more popular thee The stook of vehicles, such es heirel ea l carriages, - barourtes, buck , mirmith I il ' tge 3 4.l l . 'g ll s e e . :7nwOrilinrs' fa grtl and mai/ toed embracin som as! the fastest goers as well as the safest and quietest. Mme . dittoes to the fast stock bays usieetiS n made. and fanciers who delight West th o e a lr neighbors on the road will lio weu fa r the Al arclumts Stable with a CAM We hope sharew proprietor will met with the largo hOt mamma of walob be is Illgtap dc earring. Notice to the ramie. Tho oObllo VIM 008/10 Lake notice that pt, tho root Ter, hind nt Ma Wheeler a Wilson Aborffactutiog COto finny del not exhibit gt Button llole Lachine ut stated by the 'Howe Agent, hut (hey did too cr lba theft norionled Bno tton in llok ento ft.Vochl donen net n ab , too of and B fo u and ra m of at Ann& of the °name:a u tort sompoebbt tee ...OmmittAte, the only Gad Munn pryer/tenon to 6 W fintehow. • W tt. scull & Co. la-Bas Is Comtmg.—Tins (treat La line's famous minstrel troupe is on its wt.. to thin eiry 800 will open' of eourse to • crowded Opera Monday evening next at the Opera lloe.e. This company Is generally cormeded to be the beet [corr.:Motives of the llthiopian character now travelling in Amadei.. The Wet teeter., tteir enter tstameut is lls Originality. They sand oil the rtornout and threw:then jokos and com -Mantle. which term the stock in trade of most compost.. Lot every body be in i waiting for the csratial.' Tete Beet Knows Santo—Caswell. Meek & Co:. Combination of trop PhOstihamni and Callsaya, known as lerro,Phosphorii- Vol Elixir of Calmly.. Tim trop restores color to the blood, the Phosphorus renews waste of the nervothane sod the Cathay, Ulm • natural,hcalthfultone to the ales. tiro organs. One putt contains the virtue of One ones of Wiser a and one teathoonfril a grain of hoe and Phosphorus. Manufactured bp Caswm..CO.ilieW York. jar sale by all a.. The da IHleterise, who eccom panted the troupe which recently visited this city saul that he forgot htnowlf mid thought h. was in the land of the .Tycoon, when he wes taken Into the OM Tea Mart, FM Street. aess .ware so a g r o that ednestalJap readily thou fr ght be bad changed his bsseaTea drinkers will make note of the fact , Muir no where else totals elfy can better tau be procured. Joseph A. Robinson, la the proprietor.. Col 4 ans Soda Water at T. isainplinatcr4 Bien. No. BS .Tedersl Moat, Auuthenr. ESE e, The Blind lieetorod • • A young gentleman of this city, who has been almost totally blind for many years past, canediast Friday a weaken Dr. Abort, the well known Eye and Ear Surgeon, and I placed himself under his care for treat ment. At fleet his friends despaired of any Improvement of the sight, but Dr. Ahern Had limit hopes of hie ability to core; notieltiretandbm the case was extremely. dillicult. One week's reatment,elnorni. as It may appear, the oung man who had , hitherto ,been barele Laic to, diStingulett • light from darkness, was able towd,Print leg from the ...lest tynm do ant marvel at this Insemuch . we have been , accustomed to , witnesreng such extraordl ! Mtn. and mire nimm Cares since the advent et this distinguish.' surgeon 1,1 bur city. ILie is equally successful in the treatment of , diseasesor the ear, the throat and obest. en many of our readers can attest from 02- perience and personal knowledge. The office of this dire Maul/Med citizen of whom our city is pud, since adopted mu I city hi, pe r r o manent place of abo p de, is at No. 131 Smithfield street. A fiend Cup of Tea lea luxury in aoy weather, and it LSO, decided one when the delicious beverage In made from Robinson's choice teas. At this old established mart, llth street, will be found a very su perior stock of all the favorite brands of teas, Which are warranted to be free from adulteratiou. neusekeepers will commit their own leterests b the st with call. rrices ore y very r favoringeasonable. •ore sew. Biddle & Bre, Practical Plum. bars, Bas and SteamPlttere, Bearer streets between l•ranklly and - cnesnat, 'Mancha& ter, ra: have on hand Chandeliers, Pen tends, Brackets and all kinds, of Gas ni ter., Load eine. 'haat 1 .. 1 . Dan lead, tiem Mats, hydrants, snower Bathe, WA.r Closets, Bath Tubs, LIB, Force and Ale rumps, Hydraulic gams" .Vltrlthat 1/ralre, for :sewers. All work warranted to , Ore satisfaction: • • Important hlottee.—Dr. lipenC Den, List, ho. 251 refill street, requests er, us to state torus many Encode and patrol. , that, having removed his family to the botlntry for the summer months, It will be neoessa , ry for those desiring to see Mm to call at his mike between the hours of seven o'clock x, and six o'clock r. These will be Ms oilice Lours until stand the 15th of Septem- Ler,when be will move back to the city. anti can then be found at all hours. tf. Goad Nevem from Allegheny, formerly R , as Mancheete th Mews. N. S. Biddle & Bro., Vie w el l l known practical Plumbers and Gas Fitters. are doing their work with good strong material. Anylper son wanting anything In their line will give them n call, Remember the place, Beaver streer, between Franklin and Chesnut eta.. jManchester. ewe We sell my floods both at wholesale and retell, and are, se a conseenence, en. abled to keep a larger and much better as *sorted erect, to sell cheaper, and giro the garbs In more accommodating quantities then exclusive jobbing homes. Retail moo. chants are turned to examine our stock. J.W. Dream t Co. • . be Market street. A Rare Trent.—For one who has been accustomed to set something geedess g-11 and clean at borne. we. would sa If •don.t permit you galool2l lsy , dropbusin into the ,Con- Lb:mural Wrung baleen, lto. 73 FLtth street, and you will dad a draper wattles for you good can be got an in We WY. tie and try It. lilenderaos'a Canotnative.—A certain or , Cramp In the Stomach orVowels.l Cholera llorbus, SO. wraith's. - nothing Irritating or Ulf talons to the atom• ach. it It cheap and Infallible. Erery tam. UT that tales it once will keep it on hand reads . for Immediate use. Sold by all drug gists. toffee of the very best quality, limn., browned and, ground, for sale at the old es• tablisbcd tea mart of Joseph' A. Itotrinson, \o.'.^ Fifth street. Stop on poor way' tom from market and try his specmens. _Cer tainly none better can be obtained In ttds market. • Cot. J. D. Esse, the enierpraing and popular book and news dealer,hiath street. below Smithfield, adeertises a collectum ot Mioice books, to-Oat . ..kith will kr sOl4 of itreat haranins. houherc eke In the city eau Wok bo purchased to txscar advantage. The Latest unt.—!or all the latest In She eating line, go to the Continental Din ing Saloon, N 0.73 Flgh street, below' the rostoffice, end son can get a better abuser , for fifty cents than at .y other bee to 1 oca 7. Pornethlog Good.—lf you want ..Y• thLog good for your dinner or supper, go to goltatonmer's Dialog Es.looroander lituer's Book Store, O. 711 fifth Street, sod Yon Ma got al e l th market affords, sad at. reasOna bOsprioca Doelamas. Discharges fro . . the Zara. Catarrh, Diseases of the Ere, and all arra. Dons of a chronic mid obstinate character Imonessfully treated by Dr. Ahern. LW Smithfield atrect. Office hours from. 9 o'clock A. X. all t o'clock . r. The Allegheny Grocery and Previ sion Genspaoy stock Is boon rspldly sub. scribed tor, mad but few shares rerun* un fold. whirl, can be obtained at N 0.% federal street. We know of no safer or better ln sosttheut. • Another Consmlonioner.—lito Me of.tho United States Court, has appointed as United States Commissioner James W.llOOOOO, Esq., of 11.4.111 e, A.R. Richmond, ktsg., resigned. Se Pine Else 1111 tUe alty—Can better or cheaper boobs, Shoes, BeMorals end everything else le this line, be Mind than et the time honored store of-,lsmea Robb, 0,0 Market Street. • avows and Spleen of the beet and pn. rest grade., et tho old established and wall Inman To ki th No. b 1 Fifth street. Prices ou level Eastern importers' rates. • • We earnestly .11 the attention of 0 , • readers to the advertisement of the all oheny Grocery oad Provision (Nompany Delays In this case arii,very dangerous. Dotlm►'n'o Imperial White Wine Vine gar.suldm 1u purity at klercer . s Drug Store, Ohlo ►revue and Lincoln street, Alle gheny OAS, A larim sbasortmemill of all kinds of Frail Jars and Jelly 'runlets., just arrived at IL Penes Lamp Story. So. 555 PCs= street,lls Ward. Cold !Sparkling Soda RAW Int. J. T Sample'. Drug 3tore, Zio. Se redonistriet legho3ll. - • 60 , 04. MO and refreshing lager bear on draught, at ➢Soy'+ populaf hotel, 150:4 mond, Allegheny. • Go to Mutinies Drain . Store. No. 04 Market street, ter the best Old Eye *Malty to too olty, at lowest prices. • Go to nesters Dreg 1444 ire. No. 84 Market street, for the ben liolLLad Ms io the ett.T. Forleat.—Nom liana. Rent deducted If purchesed at Charlotte-111=0s /Weld Store, 43 71fth street. New sod lietianti Owed .rhaowe sold on env [cam 'Alamo% 1:1 Flrth Meet. •,- Aaditional Local News on Third Page. e)33l;r3r)l;p3lyt-1 1 —The Sultan gnvo tho poor of Puri); sl'l,ooo. __ , Quantrill, the gLLerilla, 13 now living in TO.XII, • —Phllintelphie Pt to erect n monument . ' to General 111rney. • —A monument is to „be ensiled to Maximilian in Trieste. • --A coopenwivo lager beer room is to be iderleil In New York. • —ltrs.",Waller, the tragedienne, drives n dashing team at itiehfield Springs. —Speaker, Colfax is going to spend a row works with l;eneral Chariot Wit of Chicago, at Nlitegtiette, —President .John on .contemplates upending a aliOrt limo at the Lookout Mountain Howie' during tho 'Present 141.,A.011. 7-Tha..frlentla of Bittin, Bedell who is now in France. will ho plotaed to horn aril° prospect of hiss speedy reatoration to health.. —The New Yorkers are lacorning ditr gade& with their detective polar. they lost over two minimal _last year - which those p,entleniett couldn't find again.. Thivt , is a son .01' ex-Prosidant Tyler ivering about Washington and mall ng out efforts to form new Conservative MIMMINGI WILY proposerl.-to put • General (Irma's 'damn) on ffe new fifteen cent currency, but there is a. law ITRILUIL honoentt anybody in that-way bore al:cr. —One more revolutionary soldier has been fmtud. lila mune is William Tay lor, who' wee born in 1737; ttud is mime quandy 110 year, of age, -and reside. uour Spencersvilley Alien county, Ohio; —The boiler engine and machine of a linen factory in Newport, R, L, had been In iitigetion for several years when some expert thief settled the dispute the other night by currying off the whole machinery and engiuery. —One of the' littratterea in the recent Silver Palace excursion improved his time In Chicago by getting married pri vately, with a railroad superintendent Tor switnese, afterward bringing his wife home to New York with him. —Mies-Dix, the _nuance Nightingale of our asylums and hospitals, has just shippei to Fortress Monroe the last load of granite for . the soldiers' monument being erected there. The monument is of beautiful dealgu,.and will be erected early in the fall. • , • • . —"flack upon Mr. Johnson," said Senator Wilson In. his speech at Sarato ga, "ns look upon Bull Rua. It was a great Judson to the country. Andrew Johnson stands eight there, and. every time ho undertakes to do anything eveunet the cause Of liberty find justice, the country rallies and goes further than wouldlaaNe gone hefare," THE MOLY GAZME. . Two,iorncrers. • WNDIZSDAT AND NATITILDAT. • WO Sheet. 003atIMIX# ' moTT4fl C . f. trICIII•of tateMtnie maths motto, lotbottoo leadlag Xditorlas. IsSeilt Noir. Co Telegrooo .4 14.. OOlusbto Nls4lne Natter tor too Twiny, *no follow, sad own reliable ri..• da and Coomereloi Nuke% Boporo 41.00 hi sof paper is OCT city. No Motor, Nodasalc or . Nerotourt abodtd be. without. it.. TIMM or:o •rozo wmazzor gull Stotrubserltra....,,-..... ..... .......-111.5 4 . of -And ono coy, of paver to the of rom mo d , or , Oa club. Adellttou to dote nu Do mode at say Um, 0101 , a total: , . . NOSIC.I 10 IMOCUltst.-1. , miertoir.youi paw, be, nris mot ipottly • orbst: - .111:1. yo. ~ r, L ot. Le wo WU • Vi_otlasolay Eattion Ow ono. salters oartag 120.05. 10011 &week. 0 -110 .7 II Drat, Irprosor. Nosey Orem, t.auctlitneedLottlooomaltornat at cr.rta. illdres., GAZL"TTE, . 17.11511111LG11, Plina. =I • . ISLOSS.-0a Oddity erenlo{. " 6 °. ' l4 ' 6 " "n" Y&lf h,t eblte, lased al year. The faercral wtll take place from the reel& ere of Mrs. Itteetztatley. So. it whose •treat, h yard" Tule ♦}TtUteuXa. VS o'eluet: Tee blends et deceased are re.peetlelll Leeks. 10 atlead. WALSEII--On Prldai,the 2,1 bet.. Mra. NAS _ WALKER. lo the Mtn mme ot ae. Funeral from_the or kee trann's.'• Dr. Robert L. Walker, Manstehl. m Buena:. Anent ilk, at one o'clock r, M. • . PRITH —On Thome'. mornlam kaput let, lea. Capt. Tklo3l.Lel ISMITtI, spec c ream. The funeral will take Plane Dm:lM. /ate reel acam.lio. fa Craig Meat. Ailesketw. on Sal. 77 , 77 . 7 7 7 o'clock p. m. The Man& of tha family are reepectrolly Malted to aimed. al:Ay/W.1911A :;i4izt:tidp.l4llt "REi. h .. ` Srl Q DIRER• as . Tug of the Ylrst Camberland e e n ) , thin Church. on With etma. retween Weed end emlaneld etreeur, Inimenc retertnel horn, will resume bit latelstrattime 11(1111iirrti, at 30ie &Cock, and. In the AV EN._ 1N 00 I o'clock. All Sr. cordially Inv le'd to attend. • 411 n . ALEX. AMEN. lIN'DERTAIiF.II, No. 1116 tousth West.. Pittsburgh, Ps. 00/rata of all Studs; our:es, 01.017.51, every descrlitiosf of Funeral 1:km101113a fits - ols furnished. Boma Dooms] Sarnia glabt. and Carnage. faralsbod. Rscrraascla — Bev. David lorr. D. D., Rl7. 11. W. Jacobus, D.D.; Thomas rowing. In.. J.- en 11. Miller. Soo. - J. G. RODGIERE. • .. HAS AND NIENALINEL, eacceseor tot,w late Nasal E. Bodssre. No. A 9 Ohio thr•ri, three doers irons Bearer. *Neatens PUT, Me! Umewood llsbot , o7. Wrap:3.d n. , 14 wool iPlitlololl tleanh as the lowest red. prices. Nona open et al hours, day end e , sht. Hearse end Caducei !trashed on alert 121117e1 end on melt reasonable .W=6 RDWABIr CZAILVIECKG DEETAXESt. Onto Allegheny. Iletallie, itonewooll and Mho , Cor dite, with a complete moot of Yaws! fortilehlng goats on band, and torntsbed et ationeet notion as lowest picot. .be sad Livery Steam. coo , tier of Tian bin YmPLA Arnanye. Ceryleve. gmeonehtio, Boggles, Udine Itoesegi AA, Is.. for tire. R liverric & co., LAMER• TARIM AND ILYBLIALLan.Iamb.. tar. Wood's Ban and vietnity. Calla &ono as Manaranter Wend Mania, gamer Staled and clmittors Arida. Beim and Oarrlagaa sashed. • R B. sTie r wART, vndi3riaker earner of KONTOS •nOPLBA trlSErall Htneb Ward. 0•91 no of ell kind.. Hearer no Curter. fernlehed on the sbertert node.. STRANGERS AND °rums Can G et Good Meals, AT HERBST ORDINARY. - AT ALL VOUS& 64 FOURTH !TRAM LADIES CAN ENJOY it Splendid Home Meal, .13MBEIT 011DINANT, 64 700=11 alliCl7. 6eas blirket pp-Tor Dinner To-Day. AT HERBST ORDINARY. us 214 P. 04 roman PITH . HERBST'S Break fasts, Dinners nd Suppers, ire equal to .7 In Oa Courier. a.d tow Priced SO Orders Filled us Three Minutes BEST ICE CREAM cv THE CIT Y ISBAHN ; ID AT TUT HERBST ORDINAIIY,. E! roanu rruzEr - - HASLETT & CO.'S. 50. 03M arrranum num. 708 TOUZ ePmO'PLOSSge. WEDDING ,RINGS. 18 lIT. SOLID GOLD, 11=3M DUNSEKIII & CO., asvvglaero. II =:== • JAMES SCOTT, (000taaosro romarrinz a scorro roaussizEn. =NT ITNE-IVATOHE% CLOCKS JEWELRY, • SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC, 9T4 LIBERTY ST, PITTOSIUMIL Vetches. Clo Portioncks end Jew'. &Mede elry. a green to retold,' FOR SALE—That 'vary, voluar. lae and desirable property Waste 'es Be beats street and the Allegbegy erns, 'ln AD. gheny Clay; Let try C 7 feet. an vtash to amt., • eery entetantlal Brick Boadlnia Ore Model lath. 1e05123 feat. uteatatad sea well ufsplea tar earrnag en Weagt sae Insult of misnames Ming. It Iseeldom a lot of than ellesenslans. wltbin }be et). aaa Os bad. sad we would tarns the special Weattoo of thorn dettrone of teem. lag • awe for aranataetnetag pampa. to call at the oleos of DZYLI/SI a 8/144 Beet Metateasa Imams.. Agents. Butler arrest. Lawreareellta: . . . HifiREIT PREMIUM COLD MEDAL AWLIWID TES Wheeler Si WLlsol Se wing Nadine, .• AS dm ORILLT KI 1TP0612102f. Jeue MI. ISO Pr of that.. esoushisuos of sll the plsolpsl seddaes of We morld—too. (1019311iltell ow .% being composed or t. -.. ....t ipaspitast ma imparttal Judges. .. sinertera & cO., si thrift 871 LT, illUbtrib. JUST RECEIVED; AT ROBERTS 14 sitEßEArrs WEOLZBALN AND ITATA.I.L •.. re. eineftoMot hi Wirt ludmigg, Tao. AA ILYTTBSIXIM NT., r17733U11021. unrrsvolf of Ice Monts, ' Pleb and Pita ', Retiferateers. Beer Oonlers.. lo• (N 0 den, .70 rn,ll.llitt.; o Al*. kTerirr ""q rl;+, •sV a r l mu' NTAAR 1' btu. paddhigs. Ala N 211,261 J. SCHOONIL&N1:B. dc SON, • rropristors Ofus • White Lead and Collin. Works, lannan of - • WRITZ AND BAD LIC/9 And All oolors dry or ID Oa. --- DIDNIA NIA 17 FIDIMILII STAMM. • Tdetory. - N. 480. 4511. 400. 4511 Nanf 46A Rebecca avast, and 40. 411nn .S.n. buret. Alierh•dr. , ddrPred . THE CUFAP HAT AND' SIDON "?"'L. n. onarninium... . . . Modell Retail Dealer m NOOTS sevel ntiadnv NAT" and s:A2S. No. B 101010 trrislGT, lenbent.eptl . .. , NO nix:et= tb.l-04.,91. •fair dealer. content With remeosagAvi diet' Ualtrse and and determined to offer = ‘ ,...nenPN!...."' hO savor elm meth their ea merMar HOUSES FOR sAale, AT Howard's Livery Stable, . 4 mar mazer, irwaif.lo.4obiat no= ti r! frAO.... gm" lad = 1 011,1114. " • KM. CLOS & CO., hulled Stursitun MaingteDirerS CDR. PENN AND WAYNE !TS • Latest Kirks 1:111IrtIIEX co:1.80117 's b•sd. a( / 'Xi. 33. lAIrChINT Sealer of Weights aid Measures. . as. skews= reams% illetwoca WNW, aid luny 'pest% aussa•S b. whoa liouszNaz,*& Alder an.. lliffilh rittilrinty - . Kl' ' '"r'' Mrll%S r 2Mai 611.4 KUM=;Na• Mew - - TuArisraamair maim on,; talltAreWlsalor Shade. 'l. Wm.: rlar C iiO3uspeagyetle. UNI 011 001.11 k ° "4 111 ," 4 ... 1 ! ", TILL -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers