El IpEt. R. arpaerrz, BANKER AND BRO ; ; • 118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth. Government.Necurities, Gold, Silver, • And Coupons, • Beuht n 4.e d en i:►ent tem& Dratta.lit oh,. the Demeinal dues of tavnert. JAS. T. BRADY & Bankers, Corner Fourth a. Wood Streets, HUY AND SELL ALL KINDS or OOVERNISIENT SECEIRMIS. ♦x now couvertlet Da. tee ifICW 6-2011 GOLD BOND . OP PAM An ether !yen, Ito , To , Off ail Merl.. of 1-A'B. En ^llB9l . I-nrs of WA...? r ryAl. S.Zra of 1080. sod 0. TO HOLDERS - OR 7-30'S. . - Ravin/ma. paean aaTanantannt. whit J . . Choc.lll.c. db to convert ifreelr.. Iflima far Delivery IRA L NeVAY & CO., lEtaark3s..iersi. 001V 6 MIRTH MED exTrenun 7.430 . 111, CONVERTED INTIY 5-20 BON D 5,1865, rraorr cliama Trrtiaratt=rllTZL`w"" tl N"' ROBINSON BROS., 15w. 7s 7017111T11 . 87111.ZET tgit liittsburgir Gaytte 14,,claW3fitattigcsopj Omar• or Tan Prrnsairaerr Giarrrs, Tirl/11-01..T. Ausua I. 15€7 The NemYota stock quotations se rewind by Ur. P. R. Alerts. leery.. follows Gold, Elghty.one bond., 110;14 FIT! Twoati.A. III!, 1 1 1 3-0 Free Twenties. 1001 MX; Fire Turantlee. 113116.. 1845{; Con 'eels, MAI &YOU Thirties. lON@ 14134; Ten reittlee. leg. Stoeks Erie Railroad, 76,g; tnereland Alr Pittsburgh. EX; Chicago and book Ramtd, /0444Chleago and Nclirtlawrestern. 601 Odom.° and - Northwestern sirderred, iry,t -Fort Wayne Railroeil,1001; lillehiganSouth. 20111 6.6. Nevi York Central, 10334: Heenan(, Witt; Western Union Telegraph Company. 41.• Moroi shares —Corydon, 1,10; Qum ts EIIII, 2,10 i Gregory, 6,9o:Smith & Pars. male., 0.10. Gold le aomlnally usehsaged, but the miler tone of the market la weak nod tending to wattle' lower rates...lmporters do not boy now end the only demand Arleta from partlee who have aty bill, to corer drawn fur extortion ists. The bind market la lower and Govern. meats are weaker. without any, marked du. tiles The shire Market to tutoyeat for clique nook.; otherw/se, tending toward low. quo tation& Oloalnk New York quotation. revolved b. Jamas T. Brady k Co.: U.S. Size. 1651 1101.{. 620 e, 1961 lit h, 11 4 ..1614 NON 1565 look, - 6 " a 1561 ...... --....• . leres 6 1040 a 1021.; 6 (Memo. .1.6 June Tau 4 August...WM IFl5i. UM.. July 7•00. ...„. • Dos. (Mtapounda, 16.4 Dma • Mf g Geld 1 eg . ,,, Bu ' mi., . It wilt be noticed , from our advertising col owns, that the Atlantic & Piscine Telegraph teatime, have declared that' .etalith regulat aetal-anuttal dur/dead of a per rent.l TOM tool mates au able and succenful manageoseffs el the attain of toe Coequal la the pate, and • bright future for it. numered. shareholder.: —DMonerhae from Oluaago - my that the art. ter wheat baa all been harve.ted, and that the merlon when of Illloola and IVlmoo.lat is now baud gathered. Irmo all polar. lierst the her yea is equal to Ma .sugulate expectations so generale entertained. —St Lowell, Dawes.; and sew); all the other Mtge manulaoturins tow.. la Mass... . seta, •• well as those hi moat of the inseufse , turirditowns Is other portions of New Dis tend, the nulls aws. mord. sit • lose. for several north. pan there has howl but s tnal. dem sal for goo., and Paniense stock. has accoloold., IVitrteltir thous Itirriirmittsio. The D1..0• chest. tollts and pribt Ilrark• bare goods or. hoed unsaid to the value of 114.0mdt10_ What In 100.01 cotton sad ens-lea nmaufactiortss Ohio' tr .4 'the shoe bness. t Ln. tf.verh u l e Radidoiph, and s e ther la A me hoe mastuf.turing towns it New England, the business into a very low tonditton. as coso pared with eh.t it has bees to former years. —The watement ob. ayssages oeir York banks lot week show an lore are It loss. 01....3,1175; in legal tenders of 11,144,119; In debodt• of 111,1t1 MS, and in circulation of IDIA11.• The only item shawl.` • decrease/1s t that Mares., which fell • IT pearly two/soft half of .1 hors. Tin total cepa.' .;1 the New York b.k. at fhis time out . sot. to 181.1240, Mts. t 550 Sos greater than at roc. rraposialoa Woe last Yesr. The loess ore near. ly flea end shelf tra Bons leis, the gold aal gold uotes Pearly ose loss- the legal twider `notes ratner more th...ten less, the deposit. feurlees 111100. less, as.. the Greaten.. shoot Os' .4 a gloomier mil lion...ter. The Phloadelphls hosts reore• noted to the Clearing Bow. show • .I.sidsr. able increase of .pitel a compared with net nepenthes time mat year. The loans show ao increase of about 1. usand queer the specks • decre.e of half • 10111100. the Mt ollttlek as Melee. of about half a edition, and the deposit. • deem.. of some six hundred thonuted dollars. Suisse.. Is Boanclal circle. was again very du11.... a cabbkitrlllut quiet prevailed WOW of the institution.. The dcoodid for Ms. *ousts Is very. moderate, mid es currency nal awesare inemaidng, the money m is paduroly workine to greater ease. Pais:hos. weer. esanut last long It la only temperer.. as the Craps will Calametkaa hi skim three Weeks, when all the available currency thatens be serape. together will be In de. snand. The exchanges helm en the east and West ore about eve tithe present time. but we may with cacti-look for an lotus of cur. twat, from .he east with a short time. Good butilsess paper, hacked with totscellanenos co 4 biters. la readily diecounted at 10 per cent.,.. Dot - bormwers on Governments ems Moo. plenty of money on eall .at 8 per cc at. In the apes Ike rate of Interest tames from 1121% per a... par 0 0 0th.—CArcapa Traune. CICIITZAL Lirvz-aroca lIIARIEZT Ornas oT ma PiTronrator ffannTo, TannatotT. Carrot'. 1.67. • • SRSITSLI O• SIMS SOWS. THAI The following' statement_ shows tho numb, of ran of afoot feerlied at the Central Yaido diation to week nodinir JOOO lO.Ol 1.2.416. Roo. Sheep. P. Pl. W.'42 C. IL R.- 22) 66.6 lo 6 6•22 26 eat. U; P. 6.A 22 " 111 P. U.. 6. 16. A. 11 . 2) " 10 " • Total 142 " Total last 107 70 I=ll2l TM stMkit. Was not as azure this week as it wan - JAM week, and with* supply somewhat to isoftoe the demand, the getters; tone of the trade leaned to be In favor El Miter. As was the use Wu week, the 'stem ,proportlon of Ike operation, were restricted to Brock att. Us, to go to Gamester, Chester and other ed joining months. Is' the ,Fastens part of the State; and, Indeed, there are btu it. fat tattle ogkring. o .3tockerko u Cit . be seen by re ference to report of Wes, brought frame to hr seemding to quakty—bat feW mid shore The best fat ratite lord an Isom 7.407:44, mostly at wan*, but one mar during the enure week At ill. Ttene prices, eapselerly for prime to. waving cattle, Mow • decline of Judy two cents Per Mond wthin the pest thirty days, and the impression menu to predominate among deal ers that, toe bottom- Oa not yet been toothed. Full ta the week. on Woodsy and Tuesday, the alright was very edff ln 000min:woos 07 Ilsbt artlyele, Oat date Ikea. wafer the tw tames of le crested terwll7l.l4 lb* ota6ket teyo way. hod, If 1611 7 991111 6, Priate 70.de7, an a abide lower. The best Pblleielphla Hoge any b., tio wd at 7 1 4(2736 gnus, while New York Note Cannot fetr/y be Quoted aborsCusays. Solier. Buyer- A 7 TII. Prier. Allerton to Voter 96 2io 7be Olsen so Voter Fs 244 , is tile,. to Voter 702 243 .7 to Cltvea to Voter In PO 6 Voter to Kellis. 241 100 575 Melee, /CS. to 8 , 7 tea no 7to W. !ledge* to Keys S7l . 215 766 Albertan to Keys 613 236 740 °awe to 011ehrels, -370 . 250 7ea 'Crawford to °Wheels' es 120 721 Brnbeker to 011ebrelet 10 '250 726 DOI.* to Gllntowt ..... led 291 7lb w. stm t ., to atichrelst.— 107 ITO 7ou italsketta , 7 to Gnaw/6W.. ISt 790 ' 7to Keller toollehrelet..—... e . 93 250. 726 Italllino to Otlehrelet a 2.40 740 Meilen to flllebtrlst 09 no 730 Sertt.So Oilebuitt 04 214 740 J , Slastoa to 011cArrIs1.... It 200 706 Jobasles t 0 allebtelst..... 11 ISO 7ou A. Jobtaroalo (Ilearelet. 114 . RIO 7 Ifalllg. to Ullebretet 91 240 74t )(Nisei. tT. to titlabreist.. 16' Wel 71: Imhoff' to Pl,loOck 110 200 Tao 11111111n1st to PldOuelt 17/1 -00 u The gasket for this elan of stook Ls oonsider ably *rotor thlo week. owing to light arrival ff, ind with a continued fair shipping demand, prleU are, mid well maintained. and, if **MIK Potato 1/1% mutton Shoop art , • abode Meer. Ws now goose at . 43106 for • good to Odin*. saa 334414 for ititerior to medusa. Slaw. 216)4r. No. Argo. Price. liwtteni h Jobastonao T. to B Rawl. SOO awl tin at 42 Oh to Rawl.. 174 07 5 0 0 • 0116 to Raw1...:.--....—...... VW 75 CO itatTe• 41.7 . to Rawl 144 .50 16 Hedges AT. tolmaglati 406 Cl • ag, Hedges it T. to Platoek 111 77 at 11.4014 aT. to Pida.ck 107 15 ZS Iledgmi aT. to Rawl 201 as 60 Ladtaty to PhhOck 613 at 60 e. Rale toeltrlelt 411 . 0 , Rad to Plitattek a 00.«.... 1 7 5 ' 10:1 ea, Itotluto. to Pldaocklk Vo— 000 .66 ro *WOW to /Woo* a lio.: 170 . Ot 60 =PORT= Sainte/ CATTLZ. Lakrti to Yoter,l6 bud . WILL otoe avondlottlrlboott Hodus it Taylor. bud tuttabbelfam toreraddog 1107, to kUllot tt 4,101 same 10 Enna, 49 bud dna state, artnitAt tiSet itt 011 IMO 110 BMW 4 Beni, jAmts D4I2ELL & SON, • • 69 and TO Water street, 707 Telegraph to the littsbergh Ganctlal /ABB 011, HAITUFACTUREBEI. Toga, A.g.T. 1. lati: Roget Ann not,. lad &Alen IMMIICALTLNO Money!, very easy and Weedy at 343 5 7 13 We wamst per 914.14.114 011 141 4.11 to Mt cent, for call loans. Rterting leTtle ll l o 44. beat Glettse erf A;,. ° Zauor t i= r afr" Gold is without. derided change, opening at Uve.c..t Lars DD *A • Lebtleator eltattM be 1311: 7 4. advancing to 14 1 0,1, and cloning stile. eserlled. and tt . tt , t , The Mutchltand took oat $9,710 In specie. , °OVERNICE:I'T. slrxawu .nu mane rammer. end 14 ha Pr ' srlm C ruti co L lPtall i ely "r oa o, col Governments aro wit Mon materiel change. hare .1 neat the west. iew t The follserlne are the closing quotations: CARsontot of 1001.1141 ft On. ot Mt, 111 C do, of do. or .60. too l .l, do. new, RIR% dot of ' 67 . 111114 4, 7 VR, ItaN Snochle. lltnekv opened lower, sobsequently be andcame oan and higher, and mosed henry lower, haring horn hammered at the last board. The ladls turned the bears for the time, belay sold freely cLostmt rams.. . The rinsing were Ohio Cert.l ll 4 cafes 2 e1,443f.ft Canton, 514 - 470 1 .1. Camber land. Gtt.ll. Qmeksitver. .1.10A714. &trait. , ea, 1013110' 4t Western Union, 471 ,4421.11 g; 51.11, 145{3145 1 4; Ate/tete, tins4slll , 4l Nee • 'York Centrnl, ht51.,10105%; hem, '7,1005. , ,,, IMM3ISe, Resdlng, 1070 11171 511clusan Central, 11043111 , 1 f; 511enisso polo hero. SP.4alvitc, lemon, l. 1157,, Pittalmralt. 'll2lO Ono; 'ioledo. I sl, it .1.0 Rhode Island, 10352103 .• Northwestern 41 , s 017 11 4; Preferred. 71R1537 , 1 4 ,1t Ft. Weyer. 11.44, 4/100 1 .7; St. Paul pr..t r red. 14 1; Wnensh• 51 ' V Tennessee. 0414'. Admits pre., 75 1 it rnrgo Co., u 7; Merchant. Colon, IR United Mates, 76. PHACIIi. 'Mining shares nninutted; Com Mon Ms; Cregory 6, 51C.111”1”.11 Otto 'lllth Permit, CIO; Rocky hlountahr. 175; Ravel. , 4 .51.5432.3:.; ticosenderfdr, 0,5 10 ; 1 . 1,00 " do, 010. Receipts O r Pf ' h: V tu ' l., ' ; F r.. ' n:7l ;v. 41.1 1 .14 14 7 payments,ts..;! ealsnee $127,..5,ten. twhead common stock steers, avenging 813, at 03,ame to lame, 34 head tittle grade of cat tle at aims prig. LaTerty to itenhey. It head Hocken at bi.g. avenging 6,601 mime tNliver osott, 25 head light cow*, heifers and steer. at 416; satos to Todd, 2.1 head old cow. and atagli, at IX; satge to lallinger, 34 head gond fat snail, averaging 1200, at 2 1 4; eami lo Savage, HI head, averaging tin, at 2,10; tome to Todd, It head atintgra at 6 !.6 1 . 7 -4 car 10ad... Os h'' Ring to Mayne. it Co., g 4 head, weighing 30,- DO. at 5,90. Thompson to John bleArdle, head of Welsh cattle, vreir,liog tg Of.o, at 0%. Smith ft. Taimyr', to Huai:l,3s head, areraging a fractlon.over Soot, at 0,0; same to Hathaway, 21 head very cotton to, weighing 16 e 6 ,1, at 4'. Ileekett to glinoteh, II head, weighing 19200, at 6X;and 2 head bulls it 4, Rlat. to .11cAr• die, 20 head bulls at at:. Berry A; Biddle to Illlderbrand, 42 bead, weighiag 22920, at '0,20, Fond. to (Han, 16 _head of good fat cattle, weighing 19 630, at 7.1.1. Swopilo lidcardle,.32 head of good cattle, welshing 32,000, at 716. se..tr to Afflict% 19 head .tockers at 0, and ore bull at 6. Fotnit to Wattoch. 32 head of prime fat cattle, welshing 06,260. at 7X. Crawfoni to. Rothchild., 16 haul at. 6, -and 3 bulls at 3X, Evan. to Elinnich, 19 heed fairish vane, aver. aginglCoo,-at 634. Wen. to Limon, 11 head atlaig, and a head at 454. Campbell Co Bridle -64.0e. 105 head of stocker., we-thing 93,675, at 6%. Smith d. Talmage to Biddle la /3erry,66 head, weighing 63,003, at 6; tame to same, 4.1 head, weighing 39,073, at 616. Berry fr. Biddle to B 1 wk. 43 head. weighing 19,100, at 6,40. Ils xiewood & Co. to Klemen, ae head of fairish cattle. weighing 19.115. at 6,40 Davi. to Smith 19 head, welghlog 37.173. at irg. L . Sbamberg to G. Shamberg, 13 bead. weighing 20,230, at 7.311(. Wen. to Biller a Bro., a head at ti,so, Atilt to Baines h. C0.,.36 heed; ccighing 44,100, at —. PITTIIBUIiti li IILAWILIRTI% Omon or Teo Porreareoutt, MOBSDAT, August I. lbw, The g eeeee I markets present no new chem. tmlstles worthy of special ounce. There is • coutintp - d fair local demand for most of the leading commodities, but the volume of bust nest In the aegretate to light, while prime, Morally, are declining. GAM:fail RS—The arocin - y market 1 quiet and without decided l for New Orleana Rice—Rangoon to and liXe for Carolina Stareh—ldale• of too" at 7tie to the trade, and 7 - ;ii to small lota. ORRlN—Wheat Is quiet end a• yet, the sup. ply Is light; sale of 1 4ftrprime Penna. Red at Corn Is_ln better demand but unchanged; Wool 2 cars prime Owned at WC, and I do do at al, Oats dull, but as the arrivals are light, peke/tare without change—lrle on track, and SIMI In store, Sale et I ear new Rye neaten; prime old,' may be quOted a shade higher. No newer:font In Barley, and no arrivals of new crop. so yet. • PSOVISIONS—Beret Is quiet but stessly with regular J .bblng sales at 1301 C. for Shoulders; 15616: (.1 . 1/thbed and Vicar Side" and ;11(kellin tor Sugar Slum.' Llama Lard m held at 13W1350 for prime kettle tendered. M.. Pork dolt bat unchanged at f^3(42.5,...1. FL(MIL—The market Is quiet though these Is a fair local demand, and stock. are very much stiductd.. Sales of choice Spring Wheat brands at 111,70 Q L 25, and new Winter Wheat le selling at same price. !army braada as 1116 ell,. Sr. Flour mane: may be quoted nomi- nally 4,25. POTATOat—Cnni-lnues very drill, and with aupply largely in exam. of the demand, Prima still tend downward. We quote nodal' wally at SO 30192 In per bbl. (iItEEN •I'PLES—Contigue to meet with • Rood dematilloted we can report vegular sales toad per Pb!, according to quality. quEESELI. steady. well regular robbing antes at lirir tic, as to quality. -EGGS—contLune dull, and pekes have still further declined; we now quote fresh pitched at 150. iii.:TTEß—Contleues dull bat unease:ell; pritue fee., to palls .d flighns, may be quo. te4 at inCISe. MEE FEED—The supply of Brio is largely In excess of the demand, and the m aaaaa is dull and pines nominal. Middling. may to quoted steady It s2,loCiaig, na Dna_ .HAY—Neer ling la selling at E 6 to 6:0 per ton, according to dttalltY. OlL—Lard Ott le firm but unchanged; we continue to quote at !Sr for No.; and e 1,05 P16101J116111 PETSOLXI7III !IMBUE/ dam., or ens Prere•rmee t I Tara-nag, August I. tOil 4 Clll3l)S—The market was rematkahly quiet ti:r.ciay, but a single "le retorted, 110 "Smith's Ferry," (to parity) at it. Wenango 'oil vosy be quoted at 1.1412x,..0 suit, and "teht4e the demand apparently her fallen off somMwhat within the pset day or two, that Is but thalpsratlvely little offering, and so far aa we coo Id learn, there la no dl.pntltloa cialfea. on the pun of holder. to..ake conees.loAs to order to effect sales. For future delivery, there is some inquiry but,. in the rase of spot nil. buyer. and seller. are &put la their views: nod.. • 'tomato..., we have :no operatiou to record. We are at • I.s to sae ..lee, • legitimate cause for the apparent 101 l of the put two daya.'thought It may be that the recent urn. and a probability of an tally resumption of mavigation may hare had some- thing to do with It—but this le not likely to or. et this lesson of the year. BEFINED—There gab a stronger feeling in 'be market for-bonded oil to-day, under the in fluence of the improved sports from New Vora, but the extreme views of holders had a tandener to retard °modulo. Sala of IMP hermit to be delivered In Philadelphia be tween lat of August and December Slat, rai ls'. option, at ate; 820 bble,km each month, September; October, November and Psember, buyer'aoptlon, at 230-100. bills sold in Na Fork, to be delivered in Philadelphia in SeP iember, buyer's option, at gp-is., and dud balm livery la Philadelphia, at DKr. ARRIVALS—The following are the reported art - taxis of Oil: • • • •. .- • M. Brown 10711..Ch“e-r..... XI Arden. Oil C0....152 1 OteKer an An lionws.l2o J. Ciallantner........ la w J. no thrins - .•00 Fisher 1 Bra 112 1 Mirnrlllniney Ji : pl.... GS 931 Pala ors 41113VVLDA. V. S. >v J. Myers k Co., coo Mots refined to Waring, King & Co., Philedelphi. Lockart & Frew, 49 do do, Phila. Clark & Sumner, WO do do, to P. Wright a Samna. Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner, 299 do do to Wariag, King & I Wightmas Anderson. 210 do do to P. ! Wright & 50.., Philadelphia. Brain & Beth 100 do Se to J. W. Stone, Phil adelphia. J. Benny, Jr.,14) do do So F. A. Dilworth, Phltadesibia. 00 .8. glorgitni 200 do do to Waring, King L Phladelphia. Beaumont, Itt do do to F. A. Dilworth, Philadelphia. Aladdin Oil On., WA do do, to P. Wright I Sons. Philadelphia. O. B. Jones, 1M do de to W. P. Logan, Phil • 00. 01117700 7003 3000000 DRAT. Brooks. Ball ent ine 00., 166 bbla refined to W. G. Warden, Philadelphia. Hutchinson, Oil Het Co , tt do do, to W. W rir .. ...z . :tfinto . to Waring, Wag &CO., Philadelnhil• Millgr, Si do do to Raring, King &Co., Philadetphic ilidon Her. & St. Co., 2i3 do do to Tack, Bro. Y Ca, 0., Chas. Eky..blislo etude loW. I'. wiaar. b 10. Flemin A Co, SOO bblo relined, to L. Wilco:, Ptin ade• pn La. • Hirkpatriek. Lyons CO., 4/9 do do, to Tank, Bro. k Co., Philadelphia. Union Rot St. eu, 189 ds_do, to Tack, Bro. & Co, Phicidelphin. 'Ottan Oil Bet. UNIDO do do, to W. CL Warden, Philadelphia: Brooke. tiolentice & Co, 10 do do, to W. (3. Warcru, Philadelphia.. • B. M. on a Co, 10$ do do, to Waring, /142( & Co, Philadelpala. Cincinnati (By. Telegraph to the Mubarak. al.:att..) • CtarmagaTl. Aug. L—Floor doll and the demand light; noire, 0908.50, and , ramlir 8960010; fancy. $10.60011. trbrat Omar: recalpis light and gather better demand tor hipment; No. Lred closed at 81,820 1.10, and "hthe at 1202.18. - Corn a perm and prices igher; pales No.l at 79010 bulk, and at. lan to arrive next week. Oats dull sag prices loner and irregular. filming - at 000C3o for Gegi 7 Bo7Bo for old-No.-.1. /taw pull uid p.l. cps loaesi lea of No. at 15/osl, closing mull at - the sa !aside rate. Batley. doll and i nothing doing, Cottom flamer Ott no Ina Prosement ln. priers; middling WO and hoiden are generally king Pic. Which, in good Cruised, at $2.30 In boo& Provis- Inns are or el l, and quiet. liege porn elf Bulk aaeate 115‘013,8c. Bacon. 7 B - 6.40 l O 4 l i a d a r rllTe d a d TiA dd f "d l aM U s l in i" lard d9G . ll . l4 'laiii - P ', l%/ . .. ° T. ' a Butter Erm, t MOM - for neutral Ohio, and 21 1 80 W erG B r o Barra, Chaeac dull, at 118‘012. Sugar firin, at 120130 for raw, and 1750'9. for hard rs flndl. Coffee grtri. at LitantSa fa", 1,7; th?"*.A91.1"011"W . 4,1t to .7 p 4a na l or Prachan. Linseed 011 dull, at pica. ' lard 01195001 C Ykas mo a t ad *l. coin tS bnYtair Exchoolia money /lab!, at 0010 pert Copious and I rs i ng;:t i... ab , p o w y er. bare fallen In this tri re esocedingl;7:4llble'gloili"giraerilLg crops. • New Work hiss tiworta Aterket4 cey Teleethee to the Pittebothe Uthete.) iriso.lgew 'rota, Atoevet i...7111:1 Dry but eth genteel thing is languid, but se ks e.. 10 cotton glees prospect of • still further improvement under reduced fstock. coupled with an Increasing demand or spinning purposes. tend to Impart bur, anus 10 the dry goods market, noteitli. standing the Inertia prevalent. Theis is o "now change to not!. In prices. A Sew particular brands of calicoes are tether nigher, and will he pressed down ere long, but other goodsare likely tohold their 011•14 and with waive demand. The next thirty or sixty days. higher prloes rosy be looked for for a *sort ported. She deemed for Woolens etill drags. and errors are still ir modal and low,. will be the case this tall. • •. gagomiro, awls MarnelL :lir 'lLlasrape to the rlwhana Gatattal Caloaan. Atismat catne octal. at H- 17 WAni Jos Mr to good SmooU. Aeon. Hogs quiet at 11(0317,1234 for goal. to cholas; rtcaiDta aheep dull Sad llSLOggagod. , Financial !latices hi New York.l acid Cloned .$ 140 New York PVC.Orli, Market. Telegraph tx the entamoon tisane I.—Cotton lea entire, but very firm; 14.1..9 1 to; mien at 1, for middling mined. Flonnc ; mneipix !Qs bids end 1,00 bane; market oult, heavy andi Mining, except tor fresh Simi" r6 '' dium .grattes, which ace mace and steady; sales 4500 Inds at Ni.rtifir NI for superfine State • end Western: 17.7565.50 for extra Western•. 410,0041.11.4 b for Mew„ ; 111. 7 2.310,11.1 For 11010 ming Ohio; 4 1 0,1tia11.25 tor crude brams,• pionSill.oo for .print; nt.. home. and 6.0,050 17 00 ner winter do.; Inetumel in sales are (tot hole tor 'export: California without ehatmen sales fn., the. aye Flour wady; sales tirs Min at inn 750.0 n Whisky garner; .1. 159 this Wedenen in bond at 450113bc. heat; receipts 3 2170 hue; market heavy and 3f2tc hover; nal. 01,055 bus at $1,11.1 for N 0.2 M dam keen 11 - 2,11112,4° fo Southern South. rn; 6 1 .W01.11,55 ter new white; _lt, 41) fur now umber 0010.. Daley and Malt nomi nal. Corn; receipt.' 50,11.4 hus; market le. entire, but without, much chatter; enS s KUM bus; 111,0101,03 for new mixed WeSteln,94iiti unsound Ale; 41,11 ter white western. cm $1,15 Un- sent heat yellow. Oats honor; 2,05 hush, at:Fame rv. the textile price for mend; 4 4 .1459ic for State and tilde. red Ski for new tout kern. Rice , Inlet. Coffees nrm. Sonar quad; 500 hinds Cuba at He. MOli.tit•P [men. Petrol...nu quiet ill at rdel:ik'c for crude to teak, sales 0.r,0n onett In baud, September delivery at 2.5 c; eaten on spot at +O. Pork dull; Ms et 42.1,0/14; :WO for new me, an. he at $2 . 3,75 regular,• 1121,75 for old de; 1112.75130; tor prone, and 121.75 f o r prim me,.; steolin old anti new 05,5,1 bbni; lust month 27...,2; hoop., 74,734. Wet. arm; 30 We; strad: 2,111 inks, tam month 2,1 . 22; last ye .7 . 13.5,a. and hamar.' dal:, Cut Mollta men:weed; mu pima at II 1711 1 fie fur shoulflerr; is' Min for hams ba con still. Lard quiet ai 12.3..01.1;nict. Butter steady. Cheese dull. Freight -I to Lam , pool quiet and 'unchmannl. .L tape, 5 r. it —Flour closed heavy and Itnauic lower; the decant...as clardy on hold , Wheat. dull and I(24tc Irner, wan er, of new Longtime to [entire. Syr dull and heavy at 31.4141,0 fur western. 0.0.. 01 Mello Mr acharn. Corn dull and drooping; common to prime sew 11112.,1 61(11.02; unsound. o2 t 3tele. Pork heavy A1:141 decidedly lower; bal. of 2.cca nurtels of mess at 1123. w rase, and 55 regular, clos• log heavy at quinta ice,. Beef 'Maly active and steady. hut Meats favor Myers, wan a materna° to.n.s. Bum doll and drooping turd henry, et Mr stood to prime steam, and 15',2 Inc Settle rendered. I= Teleeractt to .be I . lllaborgh .Liat,ttc.) Sr. ]seta, AUL . uot 1.-1 - o . bacCO atllre at mud mice., Certou; more doing at cr!,g, for muldlur. /temp eteady sod uuchanged. Flour tat Sad lower auto a ernall huatneav; chows on try trade extra froley Ilernalt Wheat dull sod lover at itedlf 1,91 for yowl to prude full, and $1,0.7.02,1e choice sad fancy. Corn dull, loaur sad all eettled; w /me Wird, yellow I - ft/NI.. Oats dull and lower at Tur27sc tor now, and /Wire_ for old. Rye lower at $1.15, 01/bout suety, 1 . 101 , Puoto• very on!l and unchanged, tarn ondonal at 12 , ic for ebolce• kettle, In florae, blot hold at 100. Iteoelpho Flour, Mail,ol, *heat, 7,1e1 Hack.; Coin, 11,2 t; each, onte, nod 1 plcaanut. earl.; rye, Sueracks. heather clear Near Orleans Markel. :By Tele,7apb to tae rittteo: t seat:, X Now 011Lia31. Anz. I —COtton 9010%; stirs of SW bale.; In,, o, tau ling. ~,, reoltn "...rate, export.. 2..1an bole,. Mtor; there nos a better feeling and pl . ieth iEVALtIi Tallow cloned lung otelet. IV fate, lxic. Mora-aet uncao.n,eo; Zud:lsc. Floor um - tem..% •itra CI. torn In er demand butt further .leelloo of tr.. S!.f. on some geode.; quotallwl.. al thste talc:lance, York rl.rt Stet Ono, bold er...OMß v.:Ale, rotted ao.. Itne•oa 9 niet abouldrfala+ 4 , c4.xa Ote4l.•ft egor Cured ham , lot fli L.rd 4italet, twee., 1.1%, fiiia liolo 1:21;ato. Sterilog 1943 New Cork alQht V.xubswg. 14 tlatset .kB7 Tersraph to toe iltta,rett 6esette 1 Aug.xrruuy L —Floor lu mo.tere.e Oe mood; red winter C.,70(t1ti.74; new white E•o•tutev. Wheat :toter, Nn. 2 Mdonukte clot. Silo; ottite lituttic tt s2.eopre.l Ohio. LUC Corn dull one, ri or koe. Varlet DOM .1176 11.01:91011 / an .1 the MILT kat nor, Ate. port unchongo4 Lsni 111 whertuee unebaogod. (Let...tote-1r bent. 13,(0u lin. Zfre,VOUbn tort, n.tott 1,1 N.O b 1.14 flour. Sllipm.nl , --=1 its torn. into arm; turn 11 , .;e to New 1 ork. I=ECOM!! • ;By Teletranh to Na rlttsour” tiut Cutcaao, August I.—Sbowery awl tout!. Flour dull and now mai. Wheat arm., No I attrlult SiAtal.lt:t Si, 41.44"01.61. Core Dr. suer an4ld t !4 higher. at for No higher. I, and 113 , .51 , 4e for No r. Out. firmer, d I'4r hitcher. at Ulu for Nu t, sod an ln tor old Nu I. closing at .mown noun it o quiet and ttleady, at 01 for No I. Pro vision* dull awl unotasurod. hbla Poor. 7,7 W bush ulte ,, t. 110 ...W00dt corn, ash otl4o oats. tildpmen,-3,Wd bo's Lou 11.1 W bath wheat, 113.000 ld.uttl corn, 1,901/ bow oatu. • Bammore Marne.. CDr Telerr.ph tout,. rtne.:•ry 111•Lstwoar„ :one. I.—lotreu q alvt. Wheat tiettcr; white, $2,16,12.10; clinic, Tr...3,1413d 2 • 5 .• Corn steady. at 1..Z5 for Orin,. whit, at 11,13 for yellow. .404 active, at an ad. Taco.. of Ic; haw, ' nhl. tritip-3c. live, 41.3421 43 Itnr: , loco nrm. gout nhauld• ere. 11j4itli?ke. liat,n st , sdy. with Jot. hint deinatio, at I.r;ititv,,, ehoul a davv, at 1.5 , 4¢164. rui and clear no Lard lurid at 13., 4 ;411c for a - vvtern. sad 1.1.: torelty. .liras Pork v.,. liel.l at V.:1,7:j Wh.ky In bonrl,i 11140,23. 'Milwaukee. .llarkot. ;DT Telrgrattb to tilt, l'lttobargy Uarrtn .12 ILAlnala,3 n n.l 1 —Ton, more amm, oily thothie eiGra s lo C ll .:h:hotonrs.... p.m 010. Wheat nnighttl,.!, at H.. !in. 1. al,,t for :Th. for No J. anti .1.:34 for 1...fret ...1. lOWa firm at few for No. 1.0,1 504 lot No. 'Corn eteany •1470 for No I 014 aro, ".4 , 3 for near Ighr liod. iteheqh.-1.11 hsAy hko hn %heat..3.o hu oat., .rhOu hu horn. ntOomnntx-1700 6414 float. nboat. 11,50 Ma Oslo, WI n, torn. By Tyietrapil to tut BBtAtolryll baeeita Lor:arm.% Aug. I.—To , noto lower. rode. 01 113 akar; lug*. 4.41,.; rosornou to tarelluto Leal, lt7Cllti; utattltag leaf, sl:‘' Flour ult. changed; lin. I now, 111. Wheat; prime, 41,73. Corn; abet'. what., *1.191 dritrecerl. Oahe Kw (Or el I In bulk. and LaCri/lo tilt new, Mesa Fork. $21111.50. Dauer shouldere. clsar packed. L ars tierce, tau. Cot Cotton ; to otlatalllug. t3u. Wutaky Y Maw.) (Patti! flaratot. :ET Telegraph to Ito, fottatotrgt. az. only. for Inn an,lc t. an nna4l, bulk .apply amaller than elock, and vrtn, oroppr4 Extra prin." lionve.v rearm. and tell rinasta Haber; ralca Ml,fll I/cad JO, 6 12 0 1 in. nnotp In fair reque,t at 1)03,c., /Aruba. ec.,. for. Tlni went, 00,0. of NI. , , oga at 7 , 461 - I -he for enom; r.elpte,n.lon; 2,01./.. =! Hy Teirgrapb m Ma I'lusher/0 Caret.. I Totaoo..luguvt 1 —floor m onlnt. Wheat l• 21130 lower, with rm./4;gs of . 13 llDlntudiela males were:hada at (3,g3 white blichlgan; 61,1002,11 for amber; 1408 (Or red I rVatraali. Corn 1a dull and to lower, at 9.30 for froth. I.lalll are very tearee..llh Cal , :. of new to arrive at Ihin. Lake ((eighth, 7C o'wheat to 01.0110. New Tork Cattle nark c. t ay TeMeraeh t on red Oltlmarrh o.mo, 3 T 0... g 11 .1.1.—T,..M. receipt. Moen Monday were—of I,lenvee.l.2oo head; prima were 14c better on All grade., rangthr from 11015, Sheen aro A n grade., illi01(11. Lind. are Lk Mier at 7.lifto;r_u. nog. ere gook at Moo. day's tlitortot. Philsdelphia Market (fly Trleersolt rn tbn r9(l4.oxLlqtro. AOgnst I.—Flour doll; tr. Y.d. 11 9 0/6 111 . 50 (Or d old. for new. Wheat inch new 41.-.5a2,37_ Corn; yelcor 81,17a1.3[1. Wltlnky dull. Out., dull at EUB6o for new. UM for old. Na. Enloe/*co IlnrSot (Pr Tri.ersen to 74. littabur.4 lis.sette.) Pap I'f...else°. July I.—/lear LLrmi o64l .6,50; owl. of OrPunn eaten at Kuu, Wheat brewing. at $1,8001.4. Barley, $1,17.5: fur brewing. 1,ge.1 Tender', 724. JANES B. YOUNGSON, leo. 200 Wylie Street, Iteepeo Inform; line) tbooneebo• w openednt Ern elm BIKER! AND CONFECTIONERY, At the above nuenbcr. rereb EIBEAD it flA Jt*s. 01 MI cesellptlon., on bitoo. med. PHU ITS. NUT, to Oplennld Ir* r.gb,o boom. i•= 1 : 1 ,N=.7,414= w 1,.. ler. lONIAN I fln Hl. cod your,. 31/rotor Pod • rtnlul. sown.. CAIIIMAY Jebion LET. 31011111 SON, BIRE & CO., blunfactaTere 01.11 blade of BOOK - AND PRINT PAPER. (ham promPtl7 lIPANWEI MILL*, Blair Connti, Peon% Wllisbut nub Pelee paid for ride. FriIit 7 PEOFLE , B TEA STORE, Wilson & Underwood. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. One of toe anneal and best wbedliala and rib. tall stores In the Iwo aisles. No. [Plinth West ' • ALLIOHENT CITY. , Can aid el'a.tpc oat 'Hock tad VIC.. tpiLifll•4lo PITTSBURG .. .ft DAILY GAZETTE FRIDAY. AUGUST 2., 1867 PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. 'FULTON, N 3 CO., Nanlkatais v. best CORDAGE, oAb:un, TWINES, ie fnry wiety. Warebouse, 114 & 113 Watey AL Call or lend fol. Circular. RIVER NEWS Captain .1. E. Mostgomety, formerly a popu lar Captain in the Louisville and New Or leans trade, now of Memphis, has, with other., a mintrset for paving the street. of Memphis. I *sp!niv Jo.enh Kinney hu been lying .1.13- ierou.iv 11l it. Boonville, Dll..ottri. lie t. the well.knowit owner and indomitable mana ger of 10001.1 fine steal:ten tonnlng out of St. Captain David White Was in Davenports. Friday Sit aDliciting subscriptions Der stock of that new line of telegr wa aph wire nted Moog the hank of the Mississippi. The Captain seems entireto withdrawn from and regardless of steamboat interests. The Plionespolls Tribune publishes the sum total of the damage caused by the recent great flood. Damage to the Suspeosioe sod St. An• [bony bridges will be covered by Ile COO. That to the luelberoaan-14.300.000 feet of logo, val• tied at egoe,ooo. • Montana papers claim that the Importance of elver communtcation with St. Louis demand a quicker and more reliable communication. They quicker a feet packet line trout Sioux Illty to the Yeilouretone, connection, who light draught steamer@ to the great rolls, and another from ntiork the fall. to °shwa, con. nectinc around the Pills by a fait transporta tion line. Flits Would loupe Itelal4m et. Louts to Helena in twelve to Mitt The following letter from the lk - ec of the Treasury was on Weducsday addreseed to SuPeivleing locoector of Steamboat* at ,Now Yolk t. ; Sig Thedepartibent having been credibly I;ll . orineti th the dangerous practice el ntennc. bust raging l• still lodulgen in on the Hudson Liver, you are hereby tostruct.al to use the utmost viglimice, and to/cause the some to be used by those acting under. your supervisloo. to the end that the law p hlnitloqnu over pressure of steam my not be violated by such There has been some rolls along the Cumber; [nod, yet not enough, according to the Nash ville path pen, to bring /toy boats to that/ port, or make p over twenty..., Inchon water over Ilare. The eteamboat ltoaa Franks. lying at the foot of C.f.:olio.° .tree, Nei: 0re..., ‘v. robbed %Swirl( Tuesday night of a 11.1. e contain. log dry goo,la valued nt The Stvneosh Repalsrmt. of Thursday'. MU, We understood that' the proposed et fcmpkto raise the Nashville 1,11. clout , le,. he rewarded with success, [101.1,11.11.411.114 Itte diftleuttles to be overcome to the achievemcot of the undertakth, which will it. oive n coo aldersode outlay of looney—probably fifteen thousand dollar, the build., and use of two large bouts; the set mt.. of forenames nod It. tourers, and the exercise of Inuouilloule energy nod peletcrane°. t ho Neetiville Bann,, of hino.lay, contains the following. •Isipt. Jtm. Hugh, is building h hew hosttor the up tirer trade, which Is ex pected here hy the oilildre of /Wetter. We un derstand that shy will he run with petroleum ae furl, in c•se the test which to in contempla tlort.preees eall•fa:torl. The towin:, at Alp. has arrived at ('flea and laid up. She brought up the ricer the larget tow of the treason, h•• Ink ihteen empty coal harem and brought allude sa fe, en Keokuk Gale City, of . ...atorday, relate. thefollosetek: Late night lulorn Its, out City NliwilYall received a drepatch from Fort Mao (son. warning him to he en the alert for • cer tain ••Flottlok Palace , ' that was en its woe to the cry. Our nil:cert. thereupon ranged themes, es en the bank of the river, and at sunrise yeaterday moroine the detect ahle hoar, with its still more delectable crew, hove It might, and landed a itiort distance 'above the deeThe wit. le parte, four gentleman rt•o.i tidies lii, were then Olken la thaw by the • dltera, and ate now anuily .4212.11 In the calaboose. The charge under which thin party of vagabonds and proetttutee were tie, .0,0 is that they were parties to the abduction end ruin of two young girls of Hurling/on, who were decoyed upon their craft, and suifere.lthe most fiendleh treatment at the hand. of OA. crew of pimps and harlot.. The principal., •Lbutureer" of the concern Is iron Gardner. wbo Was here acting in the menial capacity of Cr 0.01.112 (or Kelly Davie, a ...port,. woo made • weak reputation io these parts, some time a n -o, All a foot racer. Saha orO 01,12,d, r Uni ted Stater ate... matte. Cuayhogh arm Miami were sold at auction on Monday. et New York. The former was knocked cows, to Culotte Baker for Mkt, tad the latter to Captain Buckner for Vane Two year. a., the Bar (let Kristin/tent °Cerra 1.1,00 fur the Coe)- ho,. lIIPUE GT 14,611.1[06.13. TieTlat.a.TT , .20 PreTancaun Harr...3lN 1-13 rare pig Iron, Nilo. k a. car Iron ore. Ilryan Pe Ca..), I do to, Tlold Hawk 3 ese. paper I , Mande:4C , Odlillon.lo4 W alardarl .t C., 20 J 2 t oo, y .33 310Clelen, 2101 tee, ...ob., Marx ta Merroradele: Ii te.l. cooper. Park. 33eCort1y JI Co: I ear a;0r,e.../ I. bon ex. oats, W; I OM ?woo. I do If., a; OMIT.. Sp lirnuru, 1.3 ',the... ...ace.; to do do, S ivror: h 1w ['Ma • u, 010. K•noa A It ye.; ot.O. salt, ell Ho: 1 var clay, Hum, Wen• A Cot 11 sacks 1.4 r, do 11,2' r. b.. a. lite WeIND• •I..halr. 11.vrter: 433 bustle hal a. J (hew , 3.33 do ark., 1.1.e.1.3 MCo. In t. Iloan a 13 roils MII•reo,11 0. eh...Shoo...ter Lon; i do do. Van,e.olor A Stlevero..l3 do do, T Jeoa/o,•In do. W 110,11., to, ogee. Head A )...ear, ou dn. to Yea ou3tar. *leeks Fe , ter a aoolarat.g, 4 5 - I.la ogee, aae butter, W 6 .tt,a3dek, ao Les toe., I Yet lard. 10.41Ite,er, iot J H 11 aLs brae. 13 Mom, araeot, Ii T lassoe .l,it Mtn: 14 •N• er001.5 Brodie,. Nos, ealea eotlon, Konedy, Co, now apro-e, /Wet/ • Kr...4.11:10 tin. J Steel Ito W AA N AA colv•ao IL. h.. Ayes. I-1111. q.per, C 0 Ilueeel A Ca; ILI 11[1.3. I/ Cloratnol.6 eta burns; I ha 1,014, J H Weer, 0 b6l. aleoho', J 00 Net. FLrkpalr:ra A Marron; 3.. pl. lead, n. 1 43 Caolftell it '4..33 to care HooNer, r N 34 eat.. lellota Me lt 1./ropy a Co;. tall. Goa, 10 do out. 1 - Hato llo.; l ea leee,Arlsa w ork, I ON dry' 4.racbta I dolour, Jv balorotth 1.11 oole po;.er, F aeh00n,3,3 ba,3 wood, T 11 Toone. I Ito- Taco. Meer,* a Co:l bars lot. Imo. A oder. Mn. Cork & Co, I, eke Data, 3...ma/Lack a .hrstl, I Obi aOnalders, Kotle,re. Pony 4 polls nusror, 1 1 . n, exca. WJ stoe, Ho, I ear oft.. W HingLaro; tare ll P A , ltene, I J I.l.ett 12 sew m.elonoa. St' stonutr: / *toe., 10.13 a 6 Hot. rt6o.. cep loa ton, 'a /mock 23 Co .1.30 a. A I- , 03Le1: 46 4u, 3 Wot-I, Hoot a I'trr CoLs . 0r.111 . 111.111.7 ATI It. R., August 1.-1 Far A 11,.trier A Go. 1, rza lett7rrs. 1 11.citry A I:s7 Id 7.. t.srn. 11 du 7 11 1 11e.:7 t Rona. T 67.1 k glasos/arr. II 1,1, .1 7 1 bee. 1 , ..1111.11 W 71..111.7. 1 a.b vsei, 170557 Co: 7 .7. 1 , m., M l, / A 7 I.ld a 1.., aa-na4.4 , 4* , .• V , .. c.k..011, 11 ) r ; t 1u,....J Nessos•s; Its, 1.11. brooms/1... c u I , rolser. glut, Ilsiida 'A ill, a Jut aa1.10.. au Fiszsue. I bll• gns..tcs.d. ' 454 Menu, 1 c . oats as.