EI n 1! pEL mtowlairz, RINKE, AND BROKER, us Wood Eft. ' near corner of Fifth. Chsvernmertt Securities, Gold, Silver, • • ' And Coupons, Booebt dad told or Chard torn. Mond sold as all the prloolool eats of gloom JAS. T.' BRADY & CO., Bankers, Corner Fourth & Wood fdrt.ellit =I GOVERMENT SEOURITIES. Are sm. coirrerithg 1 . 100. : mew m.eirs IIOLD 1{0:1131 OF 181 F • la OL Other losor, let -ort eery. or la's. •.; 1141. t•2o'• of all's, tSCY or 1 .4 Zi•Zr• Of ISSI sod CotsgennitO loteren. Met. S. TO HOLDERS OF Hating le*tto soogir."roOntoOotO with • Jews , Clocase eel C/co.; • 1). eorrenseud o f le.f we aro prOltarki to 00nrett Niro tato 1-20.. o • = IRA B. MeVAT & CO., .:336(33.35-ers. - : oomarourni &&D 1311713TIRLD BTB. 7-30 13 1)... ousrarrau INTO 5-20 BONDS,IB wrraour caassi. ROBINSON BROS., I= Ets littsimro etayttf FINANCE AND TRADE Orace or run Printatmen Osswrre, wtenscooor. July 01, 1817 . The New York dock Quotations today, as troceived by Mr. P.R. Matz, were as follows: Gold, 138148, Elgbty.ooe bonds, 11011; Flee li Twenties, • 1117, 00131; Flee Twenties, 1864 gam Flee Tweaks, GM. 0 8(34; 1 0 113/1 Sven Tartlet. IMMilv7ll; Teo Forties,. 10211. Stake— Erie Rithroad. 1434; Gereland & Pltubursh. It; Mingo and • Rock blond, 163'12,10v and Northwestern. • 50 1(1 Ohlengo and Northweetera prefer=o,7434: 7- Fort Wayne Railroad, Ill; Michigan South. to Railroad, 14341 New Yak Central, 10601: Bade& 10734; Madam . Union Telegraph. EmoPenr. 4134. Mang ahem,' —Corydon, 1.45: Quart. karGregory, 0,03; south a Park Malee,6,ls;Qulckalver, 1411. .t Gold 14 doll and lower today, Malt= at 1.1131. Government emeriti. are lOwer ate -dull with but few await. The high premium on bond. and the usual' of trotoe7 in the in teeter; afar inducements 01 Mil Oat hoods cod =yen 'otherwlee The - hanks In the eutero cities ale cuttalling their dlsoodnut sad cal , loam on stalks are withdrawn, a sign that high mires . sod cheap money can no longer bo. maintained there. The stock market la blotter but feverish{ the older hoaxes have needy .It vrithdrawn from operations for long element, • and cliques are formica for a bear movement The moment the market betray. toy weakness these mulles will shower out their options and follow up by long contracts. Ninths Bill.r an dull and drooping. There le less excite meat In ell etocke, and the Una Martini. quiet. . OlesNW New Took quotations . ree4V•d Janies T. Brady & Co.' C A B. Sixes, Mil 1166, O% 1.6/2 IVA " lt lint t. tedi lo6li . 10461 Hatt Uonsoia..... lot& August 7.10 a • ...... 1:,1q Jul7/40t ....... 1171, t , d Dee. Compounds, jail — ITO& Gol rillver —lt is repotted that the National Bank no liaadillei la Otsego county, Neve Tont. has failed, oath liabllities said to • antoctat to 066, 961. the ba-k was chartered &boot twelve W&fool:Oar the old 'Safety Fund law of this State, and about two eon sums It took It. haticetal character. Into a capital of 1120, MO, power to increase to 126;03/ of. Users Weifl Arnold B. Weise. Piesident. and Clark J. listen, Cashier., The President. It le sod, owned 0110,0 u of the uptial. and lb. balance was ln 'the bandit of the sadder ano •dme relatives lo Albany. It la reported that the meets of the hank wi.,l not go far toward meal . its The ssignment of the llnatlllla Nvtiona. Bank Is • general one, and th• minutiae In still kept open according to pm, though tbdos no buointsa Areoeiver f , out WastiltWV•o ha. been applied for. and w fisthib y arrive la a few dais. The corner ie) of the mock Alba*, le • son of 00e - tutus, the President or the bank. It Is eitted by the Preshleat and cashier that had the bank closed some moeths env; aomething 1•0111 d hate been laved; as 111. the loners will, I am told, be total. National appArded recelrer of the has Bann, MAIN, 101.1 y defnum, has addicted the liabilities and - forwarded the amount to. Wastilegton. The '2Useouut notes tsiou , .ted to about 1110.00; of which nearly 100,000 h d beet. molested. , The btlmme 010,000 a. vutaldered good, and 2106 0 doubtful or Moo, Including In the lid er category &WM of forted paper of Wildest 11. Lao.. The authorities having chats. of the bask priposeon ease tt to wound' up. to mist the 'payment of the check. obtedued through the cashier, Mr. 111.0. - —The (anima3 dividends have been aro notmeed: The New Torn Central Railroad aemi•anatial I per - cent ; the Oriental Bank 6 ar cent; the Bromlway Ineurance limaptay pe: cent.; lti•Othh•rd lasers°. Company 6 per pe l t, lb. Cleveland, Omunitrtiona4 e neat Railroad per - mat.; the Haeletoe Railroad nee cent.; the Connecticut and Pam aumesie hirers R llroad Spec ma t.i , he Runt • sod Erie Railroad 6-per cent, and the Norris (lanai Oman., 6 per cent. —h London paper of July 13th, make. the followlas announcerneat of tallorein the failure has been. nnouncedof Memo. L. Brunner Co„ & of Kaw York, Idauchester and Bradrovd, with liabilities eaumatea at about 90.001. Mews Pal child R- /awful, rum Onsets in the American trade, has. n, coninfointas of lea. in - the pound with their matins.. PITTIIIIIIIttiII PETROLEUM. NABS= Ceylon Cl sus threesomes Narver% " Warms (DAT, July K. 1937. CRUDE—The market was remerkably quiet to-day, but a Angle sale. reported, oast thou sand Wrote to be delivered between the 11th of August and the 11th of September, eeller's option, attic. Spot oil mop be quoted allifroor 114:13..tpi. and under tbi lunation of the advice. from New York and Olt' City Oils afternoon, We ehould not he surprised to see an * s ated market and batter price. to-morrow. A We. .green from the last named place this everting %noted the market excited at IVA at the well; which would be $1 atoll( at Oil City. The stem. telegram also stated that Cleveland buyers wereeintehin In. pretty freely. REYIRED—The market for bonded oil was also remarkably quiet Ueda:, though utuu the • reception of blew York telegrams In the eves. log, there on tit:m.l42mb'. excitement, and buyers would base had to pay onsiderable .edvance for the bite menthe. Early In the del %here were miles of two lieti barrel lot., for Au gust, buyer% option, at bt, and ere for .arse month, ether'. option, at 01. Lam in the esy, skies "were reported 1. Raw York at aSeat% ler Septeeb;lr and October, end we *baud not be surprised to see these awes pod In this rttuu .7he &eaten% telt Rrame,towarda everting put the on their feet solo. while the "bare," your fellow hadn't a won! to asy. OM astir= near ro a.l. I. • Porter, Unewford is C0..11111 btoo tattled to Brewer, Butte & Uo.. Philadelphia. (Bark k Sumner. do do, to P. Wrista aaaa Philadelphia. L. Jape teas a tb., Ital do do to Wattag, Yhts Co., Philadelphia. Wootatailmar. Idolater a C0...162 do do to Wanag. nora Co.. Philadelphia. Loiliatt *Perm, 01) do do, Phila. Wawa, Ott Work.. 310 do do to Storer, Burke Co, Philad An elphia - - Wightot. a derson, WO •OO do to P. Wright a nons, Philsdeleltin bOa a.Ph Aladdi n ilades phia. Oil mo do do. to r. Wsigla a on. *Wren au, saint atoseassi 011 o?. )kook.. Billeatine a Co., 111 obis reflood to 'W. 0. Warden, Philadelphia Waides. notehilt Phi aOOO ladelphi, Oil lief.. do do, to W. G. Wailog a Moo, 033 do do to Waring, King 'Co.. Philadelphia Empire; W oilohl.lll do do to Back t Diloonh, Philadelphia. • Killipatsiek, Lyent• a CO.; Sdo do, to Took, Rm. a 110., Plillodalpbut. - =I l'alegrant, to We l'lttatergb 00ette..1 Clearen at% Jal7a—tlatir MI Inner; 4011 -tautly $9,01110,03; extra 490.45..-Wheat doll and orlon* 100 lower, clash: mat IBA for Yo I rod. and - C 02.10 for. 'rune. Coro doll at 1110 No lin tom. otr. dud at Norm i nem, aod 140 for oid. „Ryedu. elating Otto , sellers at 'Ol,lO. o.lton un ll cnanged, wi th middling uplands at =43l.lllo—out witch offering. but cannon to meet the demand. tailry dull at PA In band. /dens York in good demand M. su. Balk Wats dull; DlSollidrre wore bou%l. lit nut ',hot are generally geld at I , and aides 4011593. Boma quiet at 1.9%6 4 for ghoul dere and old.. and ice for Maar eldea. Lard dull. Wallin 01th no bolero at - 12%0—1b spoon. lanes demand ban wawided. Butter In better • row', but prima unctsanged; Central Ohm Isadom it worn • liegerre Wig We, Ewa lde. t;effen already at Werfo Rim doges arm 11015}10 for ran, and 311(4116c bald relined." 1,10 seed 41.1 SI,Z. .t.. 0 Oil KoCtll. Petrolento 420140 !Of ra- Cortt 4.401 d 1390 but 10.. aod 140% .01100 g. :The money market,3l easy at 84111 a —not much demand. Exchange steady. Weather dry and unetweonably cold at idea Outside the atty. The thermomoter wag down to 06 deg. early I Isla warrant. I. Iftv Teogyepb to ow fiturberge Glarattal Nog 'Yogi, July 11,—.The dry goods rear. - ' kat I* generally dad, but there Lao Darya lgr.t wi tera=t:Xu= " irir : Otetibengof 51110 Per mot- ItNa below leet year. kind. of wooleg n ar: b on and rCh I S•Tri i sessioet la Attrang e' . 1.074%;t: slowed the ltrogrleaf Of the molting* of all gay onoeout they aro toeing looney. Chimp, Cattle lihirkilt. pioirmul. co Me Manna easstio.) Chrmiso, July Ill,..llMsflao saliva at $1047,75 Mr = o to tOtO su fot ou . - Hap uMw.Mr p4rod JAM D&LZELL & SON, $9 tad TO Water Stree t, LARD OIL MAN £.d 4. 11e. tyn aavnr . ao3eIOLTUW .id r t :P . :::r.... l 4774 an oola "l io:tl bn' ios or b u r t . esito " :zios i' r. , tOt Oat No.l tail ii=antitiolatd brioide . 0t plum [laure Ind it to . cal Otto,, talrgit their low. , h , lord COP Ow. • • rrillllllolieli IIL/LILKATIL I, Dyruca olr yaw Prrrammaufhtsurre, , • Wkoausuar. July al, 1666. f The general markets continue doll. with but little prospect at prima of soy immediate im• .protentent. So far as regards prices there are . no changes worthy of epecialuettce, though, generally speaking the tendency is downward. (IBA/N-Bot little doing to Wheat; new crop may be quoted at ak1662.e6. Bata dull and drooping; Sale of .130 bush, on track. at too; 160 bulls end 61 sacks at 76; and we are cogni. taut of one email lot bring offered at 760. Caro Is ;Inlet but steady with small sales u( prime Yellow at 51(31,00. Rye may be quoted. to the absence of Ales. at 51,13. No movement in Barley as yet. FLOCU—Quiet and unchanged with a droop- log tendency. Small aces of choice Spring Wheat brands at g 111. New Winter Wheat l• selling -MA11,15014 and fancy brands a, 1116G.te. Rye Flour is dud at gaM. PROVISIONS- 7 Bscon I. quiet but steady with regular Jobbing sale. at for . Shoulders; ingtigo f Ribbed and Clear Sides and hiliasts 'for Sugar timed llama. Lard, la held of 13}4(g1l}ke for prime kettle rendered. Men Pork, Etteitodo. PUTITUIZ—Under the Influence of in creased ardials, and • diminished demand, the market Is dull nod prices brie still further de• Weed. They were olTered freely today at I{3, and aides were reported cOnaidotable below that figure. GEED; APPLES—Contioue to meet with • good dernand,and we can report regular Kale. at St to as per bbl, according to quality—but few salts at the outside quotation. EGGSDuII and irregular; tee seems to be regarded a; the rudng pries, although one dealer reported haring told I bbl. at Lo. HuTTEß—Continues dull but unchanged; small wiles of paint, fresh at itelYc. RAY—New Hay fa selling at SIG to 5 per ton, according to quality. 011.—Lard OR quoted Arm at Me for N 0.2 end gl.ot for No. I—mann/maulers pride.. Now York Proatgro Market. Clay Telegraph t, the rittabargh U melte.] New Toon, July 3L—Cotton to a shale antler; Pah% of 3,000 W. middling opine de at me. Flour; receipts, 4.110 bbl.; market irregular and unsettled for wand medium krudest Wilk ground steady, , rblie other luge are Deasy and &gatelike' salute( 7.001 titeludlnc 401 for °Sprott. at $6,13151.,55 for superfine State and Wes'ero, .7060 0 .5 0 cv..nem 1110,0011.10 for cute. to., 60,30610,113 for ehlpping Unto, 610,70014,- •3 tor trade, brand., $90,611.53 for epilog dr. Loots, mid $11617.60 for Win; ergo.; Cali fornia heavy at $7.30, $12611.73, and very small lore of very choicu at $l3. Rye Fluter nem. Whisky lower; tales of 4co Ude In uorld at 330 for LYHterL. Wheat; receipts, .5,40) bust market hears , and new 1430 loner; eal , " of 33 GOO bus at $l,OO tor N 0.3 spring, HEWS for NO. I do, 64,30122,00 fornew , moot Southern, 5 . 1,9107,70 tor Inforlor to choloo new white bon barn. Min tor amber CD.nehee, and kLiglari,7s for ante California. its. quiet end nuch.god. Harley dull. gait noudnaL Corn; reuetpnaGl.LV:merSnt • avy, is lower{ sales 13,1rk bu at 64016103% kir new tulzool w.terti. and 0103111 for otl -1101ind do. Oats; recelptia.l9,27S;the market wa't Bales of 21 OUU boon, ated634o for •• sternoriagict for etste, and 950 for new •uittn•Mt tbou.nd tons of Scranton 001,4. auctrOn, add at telatlii. Wool 0011 and ilecilning; sales of pounds,t Ztd!rged L'rvr . and Atm; sal. of L6OO be i ge of ILo, at Ito, cold. Sugar stood) sales of sou buds of idolassee quiet. Petra. sum polar, at 1341110%0 for crude tn bulk, end" ane for refitted Pork opened dull and 'wavy, twit olive d Of 7 431 bar. rel., at $23.70002?51.1: for now mess. c 10.4 ir at l=„8/ teinsri.l.,l3 for old dui 610,73013,11 or prin... and ett,73 for prime mess; also 5,000 barrels of new mess. at 1124,23, for buy. ordloti ot Artiatt-t. Beef trot; sal. of tat barrels. Boo( llama '11111,40 quint wid Ilan.. Cut Meats stand, sales of Ina pkgs. at nyloits for obOulders,and 116180 rw hems. Ln] dull and utichangeil; sal. ot 7g, barreh•.at 12141513-lic for new. nutter C.0.d., as llfr.le for 0010. Cheese dell and neavy. Freights tO Liverpool dull and tlll2oping. LATS.., 3 r. o.—Flour closed steads , for Medium and heavy for choice and 'Munro grade. Wriest dull aud decllntog for new, .d steady for Old. krotqatel• at . 1 1,0 for for andl and drooping, al 5.16540 for western, 03g01 for Ohio. Coro doll and neavy. at $101,03 for coed to prime new mined w.tarnoard %VD% for unsnarl , ' do. Pork steady at ell for new me.; 523-re oak and regular, riming quiet and steady. tel rather more an lye at full pries. Cut Meat. qatet..d aim. Baron groat and rtewly. Lard rather bolllly at 1374413 , 4 tor prime steam; mid 1314" for kettle renamed. =I = • Sr. Loma, July 3i.—Tobacco more actlee hot unchanged. Cotton nominal' 2 . ..re..3c. Flour drooping and ...Pilled; anweletor ..ntra; grelDadl.eo for dnuble 1111,5.1113.00 for choice tr. rangy. Wheat dull and droop ing except few fancy which la scare.: prime tall Ilielilj49ll4;chnlee 3i.er,Odi fan."' 4''.100 eas. Cntn doll d ing•rs 9701.04 for T yellow; Emma for mixt.l. Oat, tower; 82.0 few forntd 15c for new. Nye heavy at e1Y7121.M. Barley 111 demand; new: miring . sold ag 01,10. Proviglonaeery Mese p0rk..1,4.50. Bacon unchanged. Whigky nominal: 4'04.0. Rom/Plii—flour 3.130 beta, ;wheat 10.323 ...eke. corn 1.003 Linen oats 3171 bushels. Weather, eloudy and Rll/111. =I •[ny Teleniumb m tae Pitts',an a ..asetts.3 ?taw Delateg. July 21.—Cotton: isles nt 800 hoc Lo. Madame at 25 ; reoelpt• 105 Wee Shorts sod at tails, Louisiana. Ungar unchscand; Own Sonar in better eland; Prime No. 1 130; No. Orleans an . changed: floor unchanged and nomlna , . Odra dull and declining, at si,ccuto.2o. yrbole range. Oslo nominally 111,15; stock et Met brands seawater!. Pork—ltossles,t bat held at $25.21 for round lota Baron, Yore WIWI. andl . :Jobbing bales: 110.4 0140 tor beholders, lealgtic torDlear and 11411210 for Sugar Cured Hems Lard unlely tierce., .140, Gold Ho. 'teeing 6 :change, LV,4111.51X. New,Xork Bleat Ex. I Change, N 6 premium. =E=M thy-Telegraph to Ott rduknorrhOmmts.l CucaOq July 31.—Flour more active for winter extras; t:Meg extras doll. Wheat , 00re aet , ve tae 51250 higher- No. I apnea. Qt,2061.a5; No. 9 oring, 111,70Q1.f0. Corn °title active at 86 , 406730 for So. I. aad ezu @Fry, for Bo 2. 04t• dna aott I , Ae lower; ulQefo Mr So. 2. Bye firm nod neatly at $l.Ol for So 1 Nothout dam: In ProsielOtte. aeoeiPlo — ao 3 t o beds door. 1,700 hog wheat; 103,000 boa core 6.(41) btu pate; 1.200 loge. shtpmerota-4.800 bble floor; TeD boo wheal; 131.00 D boa eOral 1,100 bug oats. _ Weather showery sal occi. . ==l My Telemann to the lettoburra tlazette•2 Batroroga, July 01.—t.DIS. unchang ed. FlOur active for 'oily mills extra for lodgment; tales WO Dbl. at WO 10150. Wheat sdvanetel 54e-ohlte IDS3 S 02 The; old 44,4001.55. Cora warm; prime ut.xed western 111.1201,1_. 0.4.—.. Jr• 00 old at 000000; POW wq73. Provisions steady Irltb a good demand from the Dorsal for Bacon, Lard gnu at I3Nc. WlDalry;uOtblog doing. I :1:1=2:5=2 =I Bursar" July 31 —Slone dull and droop. tug; sales of 200 bbls spring at 1 0A; urn Southern red offered sten, etilte doer:JOG IL Wheat tends donarard; sales of lAA bus No. 9 Illleaukee Club at SLIM Cons dull sad droonlns; sales of 23,0U0 bug Rm./ Western - at We; butena semerally offer See, Oats notarial at rtie for No. I Western. Mess Pork,Lard and Ingbanse unchanged. Itroelpts: Corn, 60,000 bus; flour, 2,11(1 uns. Shipments: Confab .000. Milwaukee Markel. • logr‘pet tette rltYb¢•eb uweite.: 114. 1 W ILAVILZIL July St.—Flour dulls city d bie ea , nt 410eilLGI4 onuctry do. imr..taiu; 06150. Wocat dna at 10.,22 for No. I, for No. T, iId,GS for No. 3, and 21.01 for rejected. 0010 weak. at C6c for 00. I and r.l OW for NO 2. Corn Erin at Cc (or No 1 obi. ttoceibto-600 0010 flour. 1,100 00 *best, Lb* Oa truest, Lad bri corn. dbitomentz-2,242 bbls dour, 7,000 tut *beat, 0,i03 bu oat+, 2020 u corm. LNIII•Ville Market. t- 8 7 Tenn - son to U.a rltlsonr2o kiasell..l U.C111•ILLII, Jply 21 —SO. of 211 bpds to o.o. at foil roVoi lop 13.23a5.75: leaf pd, 71 1 1 1. r No. 1 poor, /111,110. .Wheat 2471. roolte2 111.26 deltrored; ear balk now, 5 3020. Mem Pork 1124,02 prime. Lard to Llorooa 14)(013 Ilacoo shool6lnkr 10 ooni elaor 0.4 ". 10 14 P2P2otl, Ulm 19 bond 20C121. PCtlaa•lpeta Market. • ;Ey Tel.:crawl to lbw Pluebereb Gazette.) Pkti.seetrals, Jule St.—Petroleum Is leo was refusal for omde; ton Walt 51023. !lour le weak. Wheat is firmer; new red 752.2/412.16 per be. Vol. I. firm, Eutaw! western, el II per b. Onto I. etestly; 930 per bu. for old. eoo for new. Whisky Is !rotas e2„So per gallon, bonded. === jltf Telegraph to the Pitt...rah Usetae. l T0,..p.,,ja1y 31 —flour genet Wbeat without thatarlal Chao go. but tinted &abed., aresltvri gales paw w bite Web igan at 6 2 .3041 g4g4 new amber. $1,120111 corn a ' , back, loser, with iftlee traoh receipts Wo. 1 Wa-. bash at Nei No. 2. erg; WOW... M. Oal. habil Offering. Lake freights aabbangeo. Nampo** Market t). releant.. as rittaberge Nuirsur, Jail 31.— Caton arm ate 3o—ea. 16 hates; recialpta it Gala. heparin. Deer dull and unebanrad. Corn; white bl.new aid old iinaCdo. Hay at Win leMinexe MOW.. Dad PerH OW. u Va. Haeon—elear • new Tort tLtti• !Market. tit Tefree. h to the Mahn gb desette.l HIM jORK, July 31.—The receipts of cattle et - the 'leased City Yard* Wee Moods? were Lin heed; Pieta are firm and t.ic blab. er than 1118 L week. neop—atiCelpt.. 4. 0,3 ) bead; sales were triadt‘at tor for common tO Choice. (alresar Market • . uy Telt/raps to the Puttliano Oamu.) • thorzuo. July 31.—Flour dull and o no bans ed .W beat quiet o o loam Coto qt. owe. coo Oto.d to oat Iwo. at 16419610 for No. 1. Oat. and otlpr grains name and n oral nal. Mt. fmperN , 17.2 bush wheat. U. IL. JE;LXICHLA-{, - LIALLL nl OLLILELT, nit slum LLD 6T NLIIP L LI Y I ORIIIN IL ET L TOM, an WA IL PIY Wagr d o Lth I LL rilserr ISTUEZT, Z. 11. e.A.L. &ILI: tit, Owe Bander and Carpenter. a ttnre ,« ALLZI ua nu 4r airo l lgar a !" ftiLl "" "'Mt TWO.FINE LOTS OF Olsogum Yarawtandto Gton, Staxtlnit Ilitattl Prim gtx! sulk *Pr Financial Mailers .111 New York. ==9113 . CB] Telegraph tattle rt[l.4l,,,tgb Nrtr Toter. Jaty 31, IX7 11016 r ♦3O OoLtk. )honey eaay and steady. at 4iS5 per cent on Call loans. Starling quiet, at 1¢ry;111101(. Gold a shade lower. crooning at - 11.), deCIIII - to ".39%. and closing at IV% cloTlettnut.Sts. Govornment stacks witboUt tleClded Chenzn.. Gourn. 110 i.;; do, 'l2, 111 , 4; 4.1, 111;%. do '4l. 42.1'5;d0.maw, lo:11; do. ' 6 :. 10ENI ~:IDs, 10734. Stocks heavy and rather lower. Ohio Certnleares,lSl4tCanton, .22a2r, , i: Cumbers land. 3745 U; Itticlllc llan.litialittlit Allan tic, 11IfillItS: Western Union Teteurnpn. 47%9 47;' New York Central. 105l4gitekll; Frte 11b3l; Eltelson, Irstit•ti, 112d113; WiLhant, 51%; St. Paul, Soy; alletrigan Central, Illg111!4; itichlgau Southern, 010624,l; Illinois Central. 11,3%t 119; PltutburgD. itittalltlk Toledo, ITal, alas: Hoek Inland, 14,• Northwestern, tittilkllt proferred,7l3.o/72%; Ft. Wayne, 107ljugult Wells, Fargo a Co.,d7ipi74; anserican, 73; Aljerti.. - 711574 Y i'• United Status, l'hitto; Ip ic l i ' dc lii2ll-Na limn. lb. Crei'; nigher; Grogiory i k , 3; Corydon, 110; Grinnell, no; Quartz Bill. ele; Rocky Mountain, Ito; Om On a Varmint', 490; Senuenderter.l3,Zo• maeideon "copper, TM; Now York and Alle khans reranleuin, MU. I=l The receipts at the Sult.Trerorary Metier were 4.1.153,TA, payments, .5.5rX.,../),4 eulance 1PA316,017. _ 1111POW119 BT RAILROAD. Prresecreult.FortY WAaltar. 001C..0 July 31.—K12 pig. lead. .1 Id Coo:held S Soo; WO do do, McKee s. Btu; 26 casks ham., W 11 " 0 Itro; 400 b a ds flour, owner; 11 0 do do. Sr/Ibm"r k Vo.kampf WO do do, E Hearleionf 100 holes, Lamm h Weiler; 1 Ohl grease, do Wing. II A Kelly; I argon, H Kleber; 6 tad. rue, 13 A Fahonst-ok S Cella hbl. Gambier. At. throe; it Hasler* 19 hf dos .1 Portertlesd; I I 6 b.. egg..l ' Ad ho ' ter, Moore d Il1vi..0; I I , :e mew. Newcomer, Goo &Coll./ calls stoneware, a Gerwle S Co; rUi do do. It Kinewar 117 d It ..1 Seibert; 20 ba. ebee.e. S Ewan a. Co; 20 do flo. n OnoVer k Co; 40 dodo, NJ !Paden; Jdsack. rsirf flullongt& Smith & Co; 14 kegs outs, ...mi., ()deer S Phillip.; to eke rage, Godfrey & Clark; 395 eke usu., W .1 Meek; 6 bids glue, A Hooreler; I by: scrap Iron.J Joan; 1 car do, rr.; & J /t a op...yea II P Ada,n• h Co:116 oath Kell ltricha r; can SheAL. Liraeit co; 1 ear metal, Looml. a Collard; 3 do do, Bryan a Cauebenl do do, :aroma & Co; 1 hIol tobacco, AI Heel. ,caval... anti Plyrgnonon • R<aloan, lyli.-2 care Iron ore, 0 rut Bennett & Co; 2 0, ate., 75 00.1 March', E Haarlehin; it ... bin rime., Ii Riddle; 10 bis Garth. Atwell, Lee & lio;Ilielo do, Jas Connor; 20 do do Canape, & Co;16 do ,10, Carter, McGrew & Cri;22 do do, J thEll worth A Co; . 31 doll-, 11 A I shoe. Hon& & Chi 32 do do, no 111 Gormley; in do do, aworth, Mel/1241d re Co; 1 cwratone. J haat. inge;lo7 OW. oU, 6t 13rolion• ' lot stone: J 3G thillowthi 33 Gin corn, T C Jenkins; 11 each. onto, to toinaheese, Y bble dry appla, Volght & Co; 3 hbla erne, 11 Hen 6 luta cheer., Sins Danner; 030 oil hhl.. Grate, /Hen & Co; dr bbin usl, W Wiliam; 12 bale. broom chin. II II McClelland; 6 middles tobacco, 1 boa fruit, Malmo, Perry & Co; 1 car oats, licobedy Lathrop. Prrrenrwitt, Co :noon & l lin el 71Narl IL It., July 31-10 oil bide, A D Miller; i car new wheat, J 10 Simpson: 100 Wile tour. Culp & Sheruiral do4o, seghtuyer & toskamp; I tie hams. 3 Porterfield; 22 bale. cuttuo, Eagle Cott.. IMs beef. Yelp; C Newitn; 100 Ws floor, Shomaker & Lang; 1 ear eon, Stew art & Lencenhelm; 3 roll. leather, Y Fercueon; o bbla meat, M W Ranklu,• lG pier. Itch. Kirepatrick 4 Coy° ens reed, Sturgeon R Hro; IS Gm corn. 30410 oats, 3lellenry & Dodd; 20 do do, F Shields, 16 do 00, liewiedy s Lothropi2.s do do, NI W 11m0kim Prrtobuinn AND C0ntrar.1.6101.3.11 R. July 30.-15 683 oat., ILLlpylorott; 24 dcl do, bbl. bit.% 31 W 11.11 n; .43 trill. Paper. 08.1, kte, Dickson 13.(.111 , 42 rho wheat, tla-ynae S Stosternout 120 buts cement. 11 Leech; car ton bark, Lippe A Wel/C 2 yluto bacca. Hul k e, Perry A Co; 8 Ow crocOrrs, It Robison (10;316 0411 shect Iron, V: I , Almotrong;7o aka cot.. W filookora; thl do Wheat. J Liggett a Co; 04 rks tyr, Nlche.ll Emma; ._ coll. rope, 1.1111, 0, Rollo:Ion A Co. At.3.kartwor ryo0;03, July 01-40 bbl. . 11 0 or. S tool feed, Stewort A Langenhcim; Cl hots cora, I' 13 Richard.; 1 Cat Cover, Holy, 0 Bab. ertson• 2 Our.. coddle. torseru, Kohn a llont. ley;2f3; tadro, A .1 Oructalcarr; 10 clqo crackers, Robert .1 tiro; ISt aka cora, 11 Knox & Son; 110 do lye, hoblason t /11clillunet ; 3 pall. butter, 2 ha* ram ehuix, ,013 A Co; la for etorch. 11 A Carson; 10 do 30, 3 dot woohboaclo..l Loch. 11/01;2 con W4e.t, Remedy A Bt. ALutaamt. VaLcrr UAIL.IO.I\ 13 July Ot— to kg. nails. 14,1 bor. Itna, Atortlo, tirlczolt Co; t art enty. S 31 Kier A Co; 10) bble crude oil, Joe Wilkins; 1 Ind egg.. Wort A Better; 2 d Volot h Co; 11 Phxl , butter. 3 do roar, 4 sheep alai., pogo as...Lathy, J Grohoo4 t car morkottug, °warn. TO GLASS 111AhUFACTUREES. THE UNDEITSIGNED having =r d t for LAO 111. of U. COPLEY POT CLAY. ♦re wow prrpar.4l to faintrlt It la tOT qa.arltY to tho-e wietvloa to pr,oro tlltt vs pert,: artlcla. Darla, fifteen year.' gee GI L title clay we have at etvwet•t each -for at ttott,re sp." It • better lel.. for tot. thaw say la the taltrart, we ha. leg wcunJ an trv , zwite eland f q. eta : r 1T4:11;:e " frIt 0 1::•Tt - L . . " a:Tl7l " lll " r:tfet ' fur the prolartlon of Clay of 1 , 11. CAtty P to arehaetor TOO Clay Is grottUnl •to mo u lded!.u lamp. for tlellr•rY• Dl7ll LLS~NIE 411. *ON. Ve.rt Ptlt 01.4) Wnrka. Irs•blosum illtabut•ll. Cs. WM. MARDOBIF & CO., Ranufhosursts and Wholesale Deals. la BROOMS, Broom Brush and Broom Findings. niece mbry ang% and Warehouse, In She ease a Deno- "Ba it L • • .NOl4 172 221 174 W 4241 1 ,2, 4.1114223222. •n2:za jSIPORTANT TO 11010JEKEEP 1/111-.41. FRANCES TEA MARI, No. la DIMIO3D, prrrsersun, Vol eta hey the etkest qua:lty or TEAS, 0; the price ot lay .31410 1/se elf). &leo. ,Sugars, Collies estull Groceries, .or ttodo of equally an *II f Tzuzs o,—. as. ra. =I (1:1=1=2 IRE! pROPOSALA FOR CART IRON ULVILISTS . AND "'LAO brONX. 12841313. 124139. CONITOLLLIt'II meett.V. City of Alleoftwor• Mth. nronord• old tem...motet oar Othlt omit o 0101 DAY, 15th IS t•sa, at 3 D'e'an[p. rn , for tumd. ties 14.00 CIII.V 14 be drlive .4 br , tho omine tract •t lu• arseetion of Federal streetaad Northam... li Stern and north emnee—eaeb culvert. so be ti f. t. HI fort' otonlan and It Inches ds.P: at the turormmtlon of Intla end. Mont 1•14.31311 , eettionit..lll inch openilte and It 'whom drop: et Columbia Conine Mdse. OS feet Meg. ie 1500 ortolan •ad 12 'neon. derp. Also. for furniston and pittlag 00.3 FLU) ST./NE tAttMdt at mot in...merlon of fed- Nal street sod uomb 'menu, Beater Strict and orth arena, andrdt • inM.tereL.et the into, Section of 34114333733133.43. B. 0.1124.11C1N, /Me= Cite Controller. JOLIN ISOM Jo= i1f•111!......)01321 u. tor.. PITTSBURG!' 'TAMP COMPASS. JOHN BOBS dr. CO„ So, 23 Wood St,, Pittsburgh, Pa., nonafattafers of LAMPS, Imp RASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, ETC Lam:lAl.h_ann n n” I. crarritang pertaining to the 1m TU11111.611:5, TABUS WAltr. W I IVDOW OLAdr3, and everythine fn the lila. tln.. pROPONALS FOR COAL. CONTROL, ern OTTIRIL [:ITT ON NILLROIIYNT. Jtior 1010. 01<. Pealed 1401/ gala wilt reset.. at 01414 90100• until WILDS Cr. 11. 44th yIIALITY , Y tIOI4.HAYTAIII.IL 1.1 , 041 L. •L. L 9 be deltic r.. 4 at inn (4319irlit viz 3.ooonnabalii .tatment ol city Hall. -* • Milo .',aint. Bo na.. lit ward. 4011 •• do. AI ward. Urn. Omn i To. 14 ward. *0 Colu.tria do. 41Li ward. Ito " alUSti Wal ab reales. 64.4 to be welgkisd the City - cal.. Y/tA.l.3n. jy2tan City Contrail,. S UPERIOR OAK LEATHER CELTiiiB &T D tIOBE, itanoforsiorea st No. St BASITI:nitt.D HAILTLEY. PEELPS Ea. CO. aleli; AMU for Nat Tort Itubtror Co. Gum 13elting. At... On hand. enperlor ouality of LL &TUyFA Rod lif/31 k Or Hon& Gop. re E !LIVET* and num. BELT HOOtino.bt. 1 4 , 011 SALE. GNI I RICH E.-Saner, 71)leirb Woke, new, o u m a twebaen d USCILLATINU ENOINE, 2 th ike b n i n t er h s=tband 1710 , W 6, II lach scrota. m hortanatal. Ca Iron bed plata. L ugs.OX eg Z.rllll , liL,l tees nuoke, monde an L lbe stave will be weld Weep, fur cull, at ANDREWS .1 AaJZNTSOAD•6 sucuiss titter, Col nor Landuoky and 'Water Stmt.. inyanam ALLFiiNRV T CITY. PA. luvAiri; int4EAsEs. om.-25ax zr Imam. neu Isacd. For the unroof all dlr... of D A vsb la Rum t • o b roar days, by an entirety hew an ate Al.O. seminal Wiurknese, and aN other dime.. genital of the getal organs sail their lea ( warranted or money refunded. 111 :2:4 27 := 0 :t`•4' . :44?111!!.ttt'". • GThiIiEMETV • ALLIFfIC:::IIIfiC — E -- 114 4r,,jd"re.474.141! the d utpnrt amages for Gillian A I.Lalf, Taira .fard. nil.. hoin rte patient lamina to ebefil.l antenna CI LTV feet, na acne tiled In Wait. St No. 111, July 'fern, ler. and will be ...Reined, cakes /Meal°.Mint ohnroper tins* J NN are alceriellti/. I.riafs' Wieta'A' 7 tAlMMON 'MAIL:HINE; no3ne Northwest Comer at Wn. " ' lraiPl i rirETV 7 P/ 111 t 00. ff"."""* ltf r WM:VT:N:IOR —CAR" a" arilltialtitt - titan. te glitiriEnn Toms wrONESAlidegi, • ~r EMI TIMED FEIIOIIB. ••••• so lonic choice bail rsorso: ro d ms sch:' M do qua . do so loed d 110 ;Umbels rood Ur, Apples. o:, SO do . pant* Ao; • _ t mselord on commission and for sole loss rsda. sonoitmaui a ZINO. - awl W... FM mansorilTAUell AtiENCL— ce=l,'"iom.. rust lora; . . • Tor aide low to the wads by she rm .. - PlTTSittritGii DAILY itiAZEIVE : THEIRSDA4, AUGUST 1, .1867 PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. FULTON, BOETRIAN £ CO., I=9 CORDAGE, OAXIIII, AND TWINES, is eyety nriety. Warehouse, 114 t 115 Water at. Call or read for Circalar. CM= RIVER NEWS J c. pw .y. of tho Slicer Cloud No. 2, and Capt. Rem of the Ida Rees, arrived at Cincinnati on Monday. Capt. Beta It la re, ported, will load the Ida at Cincinnati for Ar• num, river. • The Metal • &le Post say* that city Is expel.- leneing fla eeetratoelat stagnation unpstalleled tot o bi,er, of the Bluff Lltty." An advertisement appear, in the New ON t eat , s mete, emanating from, the Steamboat Captains' Benevolent Association, thnonain2 that. Mita stambolits . plylng on the Minis sippl and Its tributaries, will charge twenty nee per ant extra freight on all cotton not ItotPtled and fully coated with .bagging, leav ing no lint expend. Government engineer, have been for same daps past engaged on the river at St. Paul, and Also on the Minnesota river, In taking sound. ins, measuring the width, and ascertaining the rapidity of the current, for purpose of es- Seating the amount of water paging down. The Dithilithe Renal, ofSaturday, has th e following: Ta a emploveul the Northwestern Union Packet Co. are an a strike for !Scher ,r wag but e roustabout. of the line ate made and 410 a Month. The Sheridan a trip, ithout help and could therefore handle no It ight. Yesterday the Ithsca's "bone anti , sine " left , vetieh threw the work of loading nod ultimate, on the deck hands and mates, am aline the boat to leave salt and coal be. ' bind In the Uunleith depot. The harem is wo value, and the men think they ea do brat r tha work la $OO and board. El hteen houand dollar. here been sub sail by E snaffle and other glares, for Im mo ng the lower Wabash, to as to make It ha, bit the present peer. T e stet= gr Tom Jasper, now approaching corn letlia a New Albay, is Intended ter the St Ma and Quincy trade, end is, in many respects, superior to any theater In th line, as she is provided with all the modern improve ments. The .Teeper was built by the St. Louis end Quincy Packet Company, at Media., In. data, and was taken to New Albany in an an. !Bathed state for cdotpletion. Length of hull. t'SJ feet; breadth of beam, .I 1 feet; hear, ad fret; depth of laid, 04 fat. The cylinders are each 2, In in diameter, and 7 feet stroke, and are eupp had by 4 fivelthed boiler; so inch. In dia. meter, and 24 feet long. The towboat Rover, from St. Louis to Ports mouth, pasted Louisville on Saturday, having ea barges in two loaded with iron ore. Tho Louisville Jonenof say.: (ten. Wetted and his corps of engineers have commenced the work of surveying a route on tne Indiana side, with a view of making a report to Con• gems on the fenalbility of building cant! around the fall. of the Ohio. Several routes will be surveyed, and we may expect a more volumlnoua and detailed report than was ever made before on the same subject. The wreck of the Noe 'SIM burned and nog In the mouth of the Linking loot winter, ts being removed. It Is stated that Captain J.ll. Coffman has swaged to all the Carrie William., sod will 1,0114 anther boat fur the Cincinnati and New Richmond trade. The Memphis of Saturday, saw The John lillgour passed YU Yeaterd.Y• Frei, his southern hound are plentiful at Cairo nod St. Imola. The 311.1.1ppl left sev.al hundred tone at the former wane which Cm could not taken We learn that the wreck of the Sunken gunboat. Jeff Thompson is still tic Role. The °Moils It thsree of the Gen. Totten aimed that they hod entirely removal this wreck, and that In future It would nonbo, as beret.. e, a terror to eteamboatmen. to the water recedes tbe wreck . ..coma. more promi. tett and we hope that .he Totten will make another effort to remove this obstruction, se well as Mould bull of the Yalta Valley. Cep fain Rota. Glee., of the city wheat/oat- nai ve.] per laatosenlnes train from. Uloemm.lC St. Loom, July 12,— Th e riser continues falling. Thane to em. 4 wader yet to Keokuk and at. Paulifeding from Keokuk dorm. tin titlday it was stationary Si SL Tani, and nine teen feet oat loth above low water mat Saturday Ming slowly at Dubuque. The de cline to the flithol. continual shady. sourl river fallin, with still a fair elate of water, There le no competition to any pots" except the Ohio riser 004 tipper,,Mis.M.lPPL Rates of freight extremely tri consequence of no intimation of compronalse to false AAAAA Tonnage of all klorla is ex... -The Belle at Si. Louts lies up, and the Jacobs loaves today .for Memphis. The Stooewaii has abandoned the lLtmourn, and probably loads for New Or. leans. An Cooshs tether.. to We St Louts Dm. seat, cother date ol , hat coley. glees the, fo.lot. log stroultentc From ptlyste cortespoodeose I hare the tollosslog Items: The steamer Sun set ..he at St. Mertes oa the I:th last Iles tisogross tool been slush impeded by send bass. Two colored boys were aleepttut In the Tree eels bull when [bolds ' , textilele departed with the nowbutery of the Teuear. They awoke to tied tliehavelvea abaldoeeel to the wilder..., without toed or any meant of delta... leo.. taut of country they matted down the river hoping to erestale the boat. In attenaptlen to email a ricer.-suppose. to be the Little Muddy, one waa drowned. on the 11th test. The S 131- eat to mart. a lone tip outset had tit mince time of her people ea board attracted by eerie. • man's hood waving a whtt• hat ahoy. • *niches. The boat approached and (onto the earrlece •litioet starved to death and twisty naked. Ho bad teaseled Woe days without anything to wit. no aim., hi. tact literally raw ey mosquito bites. ' Ulm tame le Yeederick Liana A ha Lout. cosTes,ondant uys the pilot of the :sunset is worthies. The Dont twisted out of shape. etteountertog sand ham but doubt lees nranbed 8•110.00 We. The Nile and Cot , netts strived dd. mornins from r. Lout. no retie went ap Whir:run 'City. Lid the co..lta teturns to ht. Lout. The Lady tinsee rurlsed lan eventsg. and went down nolo. Th• nest is 51111 tailing. Annie Word's . reacpts dear VOL The st Louis /A....in. of Tutotdoy. Nome bets ' Ins race betwant the Cooldlearel and toehold 'reek. from St. Louie, 01.02tleer of the Atlawn Item knack =3. The Yu.llea left nu.port four lo lleum dkar.the Continental sod got to :few On It aaa two haute atm. The Y sake.. left here at ten o'clont Aetunlay sight, the . 310; need at her deallaanon at n'elock Thur. day-ktght, 931114 Woe four dory 004 tlootr. three hoar. Mt* had to tow from Cairo co o coal barge; and two bargee cootalates tona'fraftta. BOOTS AND SHOES, 7aCIabtIMIXISTICO DRY GOODS, C.A.M=CroIEPPIES, AND NOTIONS, A large asaortment to select from, at 1t than Invoice Pril cep, to close consignment, at BISON, PALMER it 003 3IAMMOIE EMPORIUM, 55 a 57 FIFTH STREET, Leman on not / ,N. B.—Furniture and House- bold Goods at Auction 'every ThrgildSl SMITHSON, PALMER & 00,, .A.lxotLazzoorai, Nor. 55 & 57 Fifth Street jr2l: 4110. 71lANCIU sac lIIMICIZS • & FRANCIEF• CARPENTERS AND BUILDER& Ciontracts taken tor Buildings. !tura Frani.. 1 1 . ng Dr% . 1 1 ;r1:= o 1.1 do !ad SR Italian St., Allegiesy City, Pk 010. 0. CLAW U. P. 142 IRON CITE BELT WORKS. CEO. 0. CLARK & CO.. r=raL77.d°lol,Tt:Lßln'a X.coisithor• soltlass. o. 49 LIRICIITT 01. ad 11 0041.oPpoato Union Depot. ielcan CHM:ILES BEIZENSTEIN, • 16.1 PEDZILII. - Mann door above Dlamond.l Blass, dins stare b Table Cutlery At E OTERN PRlCED . rverythtnr required At a Ant glut dors on hand. Call and exAmllat on, good. Jolla GEORGE BEM S% CANDI MANUFACTURER, Asitaskrtgagkaad American rams, unsswlwargers:wonactirftoral. 010aWkiziuira3:0):CINIVOI exix.res....—.ll. F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, Ind Maonf.ttriors of .1..416 MR. Clb 1-3 I New Bacon. Beef and Tongues • bral be read) loi deliver/ .M.." 7. Choice Sugar-Cured Baca: Do do do Beal Do do do BeerTongtune . Do do do - Bresnan Baton; Plain Cured Bacon EMouldelag Do do do 'gam. At reed Mee. zed et...elicit gaullty. Prom 0 010.12.2c.f. stall N. resula:l2 , supplied win ❑1 sibilales to the Provision tr 5. js.lo:t. BREWER. BUB= & CO., COMMISSION SIIISCHANTB3 I.tiEbill EVA V; Pacific, Globe 4 Liberty 011 Works, • Amnia Storage for Crado and Rained Oil. ya... oral cash ad:nacos sada on • emoaltntnanta of Montle or Hudnall Petroleum. Tapia fur utorage olllumunt or Undo OIL at Laarranee•llle. Mot end Warehona..t Corner otilnonetna Way and Llattamlt street. PlttaborPn. MY/S•n:t. ROBERT KNOX, Jr., COSIMINNIODI MERCHANT. I=2El FLOVR, MAIN AHD PRODUCE,. 0111c0. 412 LIDEUTY NT.. Pittsburgh L. J. WIIOL/SLLE AND 137-TAIL - 1 0 a PL: - 296 Perm Street. rycn.-n ..... 61Tr11A.61, KE & lIITCLUMT, COMSSION IT.RORAIiTS, ADD L11.E.R3 Flour, Grain, good!, Mill Full, &e. Z 4 .0 LIIINIITY rrltzscr. varHrt. - .7 PITTh illii 011 i, lllLlcaraVt )INENS & ri.F.NNEDTZ. COll.llBliloN tfIe.P.QHLNII3 and WholeretaDaelere In indltElliZ4 AND DOldEli 11CVILLTR, OtrrriaL,rdkee• reye.jel, P. 1.1 In Prneyslons end rroauce YEDBUAL L - rar.rr, nape. Ant rda far the iwar. end J. num.* htd. spl4:lrd Asu. IL' X. LAM M'tiANE h ANJER, Commission Merchants, Donors rum's. (MAIN and raourec it No. WA T KIS, &Wye ovvlthelold street, Pllitabetren. rETZEIrt & AREISTRONtb, YORWEDINi LID C6M5103 tne true no.r. Ocsd. Buou.. t.ttu , . Heeds. Drlud Pralts. sod Produce rencrelly. deo. dselarku:Otreu. corner of TUC, I . ll4eleargh, P. &cc:es son'. WEI nwex b• SOI, Commission ntanCli L3Tlf :And Mader* In ►I.IUR. 011.7.19, MILL TIZSD and PEUDIA97. annara]- tr. 777 . 7 9 ignmond. aln.lta OUT tun, 7:01. I>AV. CRAWFORD, Com Dl_ MON M.CaCHANT tnYIOMMTAL, ULOO oux fratamilT CL7V.AX ru -, UMW( Wir....totkot at‘t , 4l` , O' 266 and 268 1 . 221.31 trrhx.., Stu fa' C.0.,-tmeuls r". "h'oc34. I ITTLC, 10.111ZD & rarroN, I.lstaasat4 a 3l n l , d G : a t r-rtsc • a l s a P ilsatadts.lsr. BaN4I, t,C11... elan. 1.,11.as tisrat .4 all Plu,sash star"sl,l4, ad Itt Stmoad meet. IrMasaartS. A vitas. Pr/111 . .1.Lmr% e. 1:110:3, (Succeisors tterrner Atoloro.,ltilioleuer I).Oarr• tot,tr. tot I.7.•ers. lts.tforttot• :101f2V 1 3. C.CVNIT,LD,Cossunis .. •14,1 rortos...dto. Nam:aunt sod hole- We Orator in Witt:ern 7.oterrs rnirott. Nat. Ur. Lord, on, .Itto rorar, Fla.. rot watt PPITI Albea, Ll4l IItIL ltruot 4,14 sod:rt... door retoral:r. Not. 1141.4 10 rum& strort, - 110( P-11311 LE77llV l 6l:lberty us/ iltuDargb manainetunse. Out 04,..30,4 yIAA nu Iv. ovl2l ionsTTiaira — u. se. vox.. 10Rril I. ROUSE h. RHOS, ANC ', eicSAJ - alt TO Jon" 1. 110V1t A VO.. “le tin qte.rs aed Casaralulua blerchaala, *sr pf t....i:stdall and W.A.r stn. , rataLurrA tslr SCIIIOniii.ZIT.A. LA-NG, NPhole ' vs, dealers Ingrnctrirs. Orate. trot V::: . ltlgil ' f;T . ), -, al l' i ' tl ... .re.l:l -. 81,. c A ' ,V o u. t. I°ll.ssi,rwh'n. JOrtaent,Ttla lIIPTOII At. WALT ACE, In bole. 4 , II(HNC4n Aro> PU)DIJCIL DZALEIIM. Ntr. , 6 xtik ruttevrjn. jaltal,l MYERS, HOPPER-4 CO, M=ll IT= FURNITURE Of • Every Description. SCIIOOI am 'OFFICE FURNITURE. N 0.145 Smithfield Street, rrrrenorion, L. ir 6 I.:A:sort...At of n tt4 17,1,0 tags turtd rnrottare. cons WILIJ tin ban/ at 11./WLST CAtil rxter.o. m=rven LOUISVILLE TOBACCO. JUST RECEIVED, A Large Stock of the BANNER BRAND, 1:1=1 Vine Cut Navy, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICE, AT R. & W. JENHINSOICB, No. 6 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. OM Pittsburgh importing Rouse. ENTABLIIMED laaa SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, 'IIIFORTESB OF FOILIIIIIM WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 409 PCIIIII Street, PITTSBURGH, ZN . g.l. l 7.lr.T.i474.7l:gt'eTallh t lifg several lama wine •04 liquor Womb In Europe, nstallux Malt Importatlnue direct, tee/ are rotniod to oiler the Tattoos grades or titmice a.. anit Liquor. at prices Hoe than Dawn rotas. Ream illation at gonna.. and coma:loon " A pr gi ' ole r :lVOWeg a VPHlUG OLD RYE conetautiv.on hoed. • aiLnei_alia PITTIERILIRGR PAPER MANE. PACTURINUCUMANT, thinufacturanot WRAPPING PAPERS MirtWirilitl ° . T airirta t ite ° ,l l .:: orrice MID WARE. 111017614 No, 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 0 .1/101116-1.1701111T HART/6, Seel/tut. Jeltl. LITISUCTON, res.% VIABSUEL Ter/rDITi U. gattra=irg.' Uvtee, John Uln N. a. U. H. etrick. • • Caiehlholdrorrelapoet. stmt., VitlebeTaultrf,S,Ltlan.' TIIIE ASSENNMEINTS for Grad ' 1110. r•rtniland LI/arbing of . 1217 X 11 ..A.X.7.81011ra Arc now mule for examination. and will remain 10 trala °Mo.,: Wart WWWWW Bunning. until Au. . mitt lat. whoa ibex arm plued In tun My Trenannao• Unice for collection. L. J. NOOILIG, Reeordlux)FtsrAntrm._ Orric• or KIcoIMMO REOULATOII, K Jr VA• 1147. I TAE ASNEP OILIVIII for Gruid log, Paving fied Curbum Ngnal~ this ri °m ` ° ' un Noidiart wall An /1. I . MOORE, Recordist' gerul•tor. ITEEM WeriIINCITON •VEMIVE.—We, tog, teeth., t-ete , " Wite. , /Weight. , feeM the I:lttaeure, tan 15 Iva a emeaso.rar d l,:,! Lgtal„,tr,V,PAA a , t ar , I , :77: l ier e, tuTIIIIIAT: 1 414%) that. ailpolultaeoe, 1° " 13 JA A.O. BieTIE44I, Y . MEM BIDwELL . STIMET.—NotIce I. ;14 . 3g . rdevt i tt that the 12 n denlgool ag . pat 4,r toe oimaini orTgr..ll:ln r" o„Cood Word. itoontar.ll,o2 proomt wtolons to 'Rms.& oreadits, on If AT UM ottal tinVeitst ; lll " .RVDa m.• WY. MUNVOCIe. /1411.. KAY ` iew.; =lli PLUMBING. GAS ETPITISIG. Big Emmy& moz&ER, PLUMBERS, , • 1148 BD STIII3I PITT 1 1 S , ti, Bar lid Ale Pane, all lade of Beer aid Ale Doris. arena, Pumpa,mtaka. Wash Nana. Bath T te, Gum Haa, Maria W.O.r O. LWCP 280 CbilLiCe Bit:101:416 (Between Out Lane ad Chestnut BL,I ALLEGHERY CITY. PA. liana fitted up with du and Water at leU abort notice. :ses GEO. C. 111W101.1...... 4.48.1171.A.DP0RD. SPILEGVER & BPADPOBD, PRli.OTxc, T• Plumbers and Gas Fillers, .Fro. 47 Ohio Rt., I= Haase% fitted up with WkTIYII, HAS Lad Shi try experienced workmen. YenWalla. attention given to conntri work. B. AK and •1.. G PU Mr*, latest style. mY17:14.1 ir;..,37;;aai,7- : ' ASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, inntatturera of rtnatin AND HELM WOIIE. owl . doewlptlon; dealer. to GAS FIX. 10118 1.1411 TUallati, Of all altos. titer of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. • •,-15:00 mai a mamma, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, OAS ARO STEAM FITTERS, No: GOO I.° °am ISt - re:0014 rirrnousciu, re. Cleteinan4 Wel Pumps of all tin4s. Limner Att.] nit wltti WA and Water. In the tam,. sp. Crowed style, by expeelenoed works:tool novels' attention paid to country work. euiLyait ITWOOD & MUFFLE, BLOIS FOCIDERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, Cor, of Brd and Liberty fitreetso. Above Corm!! Pyyderis. Pittsburgh. Petty, Light sod neon Coolly,. Aire/shod promptly to order. tli.eelai attention oalo to tho lilting oat nod ii , eSt4rlll .. of. titaainboata. MOWN, Ageuts for A. ®.Cameron &Co.'s STEAM P AMPS BLOWIER ENGENE9,7 These romps hare superior advantage.; over all Anton. nd story spa la warranted lo O 1525:013. ramps constlsoll biltd. LlU' r fi H Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, YIPTEI tYYLIZIET ESTV:Y.II)R. 1"="1.,16/33r1rXt4313. X . Mbe. All braen by cull byecal.l sailabatortly ata " rfrig Y lT: rf . T.% Tubb. ?amply . Basla_s, Cblara. renCab.. and Oils bbbdcs fur gale sc taw acst reabb.blb price.. unlere from country Wt oar by mall Prbabb• byerydraeVyaloxs. jbMtdll3 COAL. COKE, &o pITTSIZURGLI NATIONAL COAL & COKE COMPANY. Wear.. Winters atid dealers, erbalerate and re tail, fame BEST FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL AND BLACK Odle. sad YertCorper WOUNTII AND TRY dTAILETe. Pitutorett. P.. , AU order. for darn, ry to {be city. or erdpotent wr.t, Will meet pr.mot end I....edtsor •tren. tin. U. A OettrsAll froperhpeedeat. BEST FAMILY COAL Llyey. on Perot eadrirlir, red promptly Plotter, It LOWEST maßarr HATES, BF OSCAR, F. LAMM & CO., Cer. Saint, stre•.t ui P. It i, k C. LiTray,. I= Anthracite Cost furablie4 al Ito lowest rotes. c x.uvxxsaux... WM: hl. CLANEY, & CO.. Gas Coal Works, u" LNU NUI Ml* ozNiunrtirize ll iri.madalol7 Pltlabureb I tlealax !lank fl . talldlag, Loran Liberty meet and ~ earo ! llenariA MUNCH 1./YFICAS: 0 g a it ...,, /t1: 71 , All °Morale "atuner of the above A plLVerldl fatale, prompt atteallea. S COALS COAL!! COALS!! DICKSON, STEWART & 134)., Salle' =sand their (Mal to No. 561 LIBERTY simnel., (UAW Clip PIM/ VIM -SCOND moue. Lee bow pupated to tonisb good Yoegelog POO LAMP. ALT COAL OA /LAVA. as the Owen omelet ptlee. feel order. len at Ode oft., or eddreseed te Pao Ortlege the moll. pm be stemeed to Tor/5:023 TORT PITT COAL COTIPANT —talpteire aid dealers la Superior Family and Steam Coal, Part:olml and Slut.. deneral or. ace mom% stot7 Plitsborap Savings 13. k Ball& lug. cornier Liberty *tree% and etrsta alley. Bran. office, corner 117 and Tbird Create. eittsbarah. %%Ma' p r ompt % either of the above places let! melee ii%%.°Uoll• Posit...Mee Lidrema r. 1.4 3 ,01•11: 1 J. J.ll rt, ..serts. B. L. rArnwareOCK. S. ilife.CB2 , CAST. , WU. 81WA.% Ur 01.61. D. HSAD. 0 ae. lloweracatzaT. '01 , ...1.13.4 Dni.karr, Joax 11...T5. • Lamm 4gooD. J. J. ellasallx, rrea't. lA. H. Ka GLUM sect'. a. tircuest. Tr.menrer. W. »4cual Er It to.. amassers. Ulm% , CULIILES IL AIIII9STIWAG, Touornoar A av t oa c amay tux 00.11 4:121t10 • Illeal,Nlacla, dud Dadalphortsed Ookto • lITICL •ItliYAI/O, Comte of PoPer and Norton; Int yard On Lib. arty .4 Clymer intent.. Math warn. and on 00.000 etre., near Loot Pltteburgh, Pa. femme. and 11•OnfOttilrel. OtiOpl , e,ll.llh the beat article of Goal oat:eke al the lowarteaso renal; air7ienk icrtat any of tbeli ofiliwo will receive wewmpt attantion. - BREWERS. pirronunGn BREWERY. °ARSON, DARLDRATON dr. CO., SAMBI4, lIISIIIB 05 RIP NM C1=1:113 JOSHUA 11110D118 00..P11111.1meg Wa. w. ANDERNOBI, /4.1..gbe. The klLellilo6 0 [tea eftatomazzo tail two fluets I.9artlealally Welted to Mr ALES AND PORTER, Welsh, through thee...al seleetlon ef Ilan from our...tee Ulm faeUlUee sod nova from the yet. tut sod West, we eau dearest. to Se pure sod saber... to the to.. llu . LYDIA...MAI. be:: blibly reeroansende4 lit t OZ( eZkomerserlllblessebe Isartleuler • lo Ware their onl, re at Ma ord. ad. 10100 ad his old brewery, or Pt our °Zoe. Cow if home Way Meta Inky, note. PHOENIX STRAW BREWERY. tos. WILK?. !SPENCER 'it eKAY, lIILSTMIS'IIIIIIRIIIOIIB Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, P1TT81.3111611, N. 1I 221= STEAM BOILEAS, Steam Engines and Iron Turtling Lathes, And Ono Iron MIMS, FOR•SALE. bV11.f:5141::4:1,107,:tP.V;L147:=V,1 . . Too Xi:iglu., it Inch cylindera, fratatrobe; balance valves, atent-w heti shaft. I torten diam e'er, 1$ feet long. flange. end cranks. One Doctor geese. nigger and complete ouo dt of machlt cry tor steamboat. Two • newts acid com blade .nallt as above; mi11ed...14 Inches Maw., 4 re. str4kwq inmost., shaft, orankauto. Ifoor ganitectind.hand Iron Turning La tal one Wood Lathe; one good nalem Engine. 10 tn. cylinder. MM. stroke; cow Holler. C in. &Mu. 71 feet long—two la le. dere. Mem reversion Wit nein., eull Portable goners, now ell and otionli Mellen.? band. all In Rllent onto. will he. -Id It low Mr cask. loomfe at the inDusruut. WORKS. ILEUM PL. DOLE 4! CO., Got. Point Alley and Duquesne W.T. lasbnl F. EIIIBSBIANN, Attie Street, between .Tesnetet and Cleatkaat Streets, Gunsmith end Dealer in Hardware. of a thwaiptlnas toe Aed .uisost tb• 100.111. 0 04 0, " tovenavereOly ahrosnotime. CHOICE BEDDING PLANT& ♦ very lima wet sr Rosea, 6USIIIMII4 Veraslasi 6/4.9 , Is blows, it As thAlaild Greenhensiei. • . • .10113 A. i A: *IMAM= liAld tors ~ a I.lll6Ang. - 04 - Ad I 4I4:IWOJa74: O I IMERNIN IRON WOMB. JONES & LAUOMINS, wwx . riea - aanci:FLoort. 14211-7 /019711.1111S 07 AIRERICAN AND CLAIR nar,goop, Sheet ant] Plate Iron Midge Iron; Angle and T from Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T 12,16 & 29 tbs. to the yore Trans lieu munched and coon. tar Nu BoilerAlridge and TankitivetS Cot Nath twelOPLUelli Wain an . Boat spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car winch and Axles; Street Car who,eb and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shartingl Patent Coldßolled Piston Hods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAREHOUSE ANA) OPFICE. 120 Water and 1588 - Fronl MEd 131SARCE N. 22,24 and 26 nlver.l%, 01(10.100. ILL. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SING 8: , HEIM & CO BEST REFINED CAST STEEL BORK ILA? kill ?(UM Of ALL 81E9. Max.. Moor, Chacmhz. (Imre Aan ewes en SAW PLATES. ZLAIrTIC AND BEYI•SLLIPTIU RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cue[ Eprind Beeds Cast and Cerman Plow Steel, PLOW WINOr , AND IIOWSB Hi= SPRINGS, AXLE 3 AND STEEL TIUI ertira EL. mar.. roax, aux CA.LX 'AND MAnt(III42IZEI OAST dTP.IL, • WWW-136R-1, ate., Warebotwe, 83 Water Bt., ?Warp pLN kl ATLAS WOMES, .4.143RT0X STREE 2 , ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. TIIOINAS N. IttILLELI, President . new Works ore MOllf Ltd hossst ssd ats templets estsblitsysent the Watt, sad saw pm- and to furor jkagincaof Every Description, Boilers, Oil Tank, ' !Meet Iron Work, Railroad Radlap, Bolling Mil Canino, Magi= Castings. Machine Crating., Ciearnd ORDERS SOLICITED, PITTSBURGH FOUNDRY., ...... A. CARRISON & CO.. Mammon to Dolman. Curt,. • Co. FOUNDERS AND MACRLIISTS =9 CHILLED ROLLERS, OF ALL SIZES, UProm Irern. Steel. Bross, Moe, Copper, Silva . Strom hoorda. Paker and Indian Cobh* Work. Also, Itolltak Lull (teenage of add,' N 8 hut Mills, Patent Doable tiriodor eelth vorlely of outer pollens. no ti c e on hand nod titled to order. on oboe, notice and L. Tumble ant ` t m a ant Wereboaso, . I ro.llo Bmtthßdd Street, M=MIMI X. W. B. 11 1L1N11.1....1..112.1.12 (yiunA BOLLER- winuis. NOHOW, 13:111111ILL & CO., Kmgcmacrcalres OP Stem flatters, Ott tltllis , wgttators, Tzias. Salt Parts; t ammeters, • VI/v.03 Iron ttriAges, Sheet Iron Work. dm., are.; COW LIBERTI AM) SECOND 815., PITTS nan Er, Pd. ILLE1111.L.:(1 DONIC movrv.r. 1,4:14 FORT P 177 VOUITZET. CHARLES ENii NEPHEWS ■IYLZSOT.'63I6 Or HEAVY' OnDiCINCE, AND ALL LD&M lIT HMAT V' CANTING& . epees/ attrecsoe. pate HULLINti MILL Wllta.. Man . ! MACHMKRY and =TONT& Junqua attatelee to peo=2t l4 . beAn heretofore, theTonearr. beet atatcHals mlll slaw, aesl et UM Mta/ &Boom& of OCT 011 Ronk . ere -are DraPet, _sslth pre LOW Inestoven atterns, coalmen...l neear the sewn/Am/ ofltr En. mean, to IttraLsk NAIL MACHINES at ahoit 1,0031 UTILITY WUUES. MoLEAN & SUITOR, No. 8$ Liberty St., opposite Fourth, CABINET NAF Rr HARDWARE. They mansof Iron Bed.and .4 Pivot Castors: Porcelain, 0.41.4 .d Pivot Gown: lk 4aread lutenlonort.p. tor inten sion #. 'They Thumbrrotar and lure conslantlyonh.d• npring 1d•L0. , / Window ft. 8./porter, korontrte barn lkstto. lanky illorl• um and But Binge. thind- .to . 11.11ron. 0011 W 1,.•, 1•110. G ROBERT LEA, =I STEAM ENGINES AEI EDIIRGEI Freight Hol sters' DOCTOR ENGINES. AN - .Cuttegs of all desertpttono made to enter • Corer of First and Worry ..... 4, 14 , 142 Prrrsausozr. PA. VAXiIIII-...•.,Amapa A ETNA srovE wonss. . Al BRADLEY dr CO, lloaudetaxe eve' 'WM of Cook, Parlor and Heating .Blores, Among ortz.ton are tho eels tooted :ultras: TIOUPIy and TALISMAN: (0.4 eitoveda MANA V =MAW sad , I)IO7IdIDEES (Wood Ooot Won.) Alpo loto(radidturo GRATF:9, GRATE FROWN, ate. Mc" and Werettons% corner of !Second and Wco O MOON fitostoaroh. 'fiotronsoan Oboad Woof. talforOO '.0.111(0 0. 01052. JARED M. IBRUSII & bON, Steam Boilers, Oil Still s, Tanks, Sheet Iron Works, &c. No 61 Peun Street, prrTammaiir, PA ar4111.1 A-11, DW.A.Ii B. WOLF. JB., &CO., Hardware it Ctitlery. Aro now noolvloo lamest D e alerga:stook - .0 which Lo,o!fr red At - X-•.TILICTJEIMP, Corner Liberty and Bt. Clair Sta., I.2.ttlrbmarsh..lPae. NEAT" BLACK DI&!IDM • • * 1217 4 0011 , 133J111. PTITOIIIMBH. PA, !ABM, BIitaITLIIII a Co., Itsouraftetzlora of • NUT Qtr.LLlrlf 1y,7111D CAZT STYMY.. Douro. Slat sad Ornron, of all our. War. .1.. d 604 to sm . Io p.rtotl or tukaultotorott la tale eons cry. oar son warahoarooo. ii Lod 111 11 , 11.. d inyeola. Pltt..ln. Own LIPPINCOTT &1111(BWOLL. No. U 8 Water Street, 11 WRITARIThlutis or PAPIHT ÜBIATAD, - rA.TEXT SEM MRIO. rATZ2iT wont= 111VTAT. ' - MILL AND C 50319-13117 NKr . ALLIKA —.du, L. WW. •yea,taii STOVE . WORKS. ALLIEN. 1.41 , 1CEE CO. OM. and •Warybouss. 30t LI MUMS IST:olss posltc maser nn everat i r WOK. rAttlAllg HEATING STO among which aro the coustrated Alleitttny Ind alb COLL - coooWc Stores; also. the Autocrat and Sentinel toral r 5004..0 the widen/led Star of lb* 05 51 10, tor wood; also, Arches, Snick 01:laden, MUM. wtueo. DOS irons no 4 Hollow W sencruSy. PITTSBOOII IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONO. Iron, Butiket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND MUM, . MKS ' rrnsuauoshum. F.V;LefigAmkg:lial:o NATIONAL BOILER WORKS. Boilers, Tanks, Stills, PANS, CHIMNEYS, 1= Sheet li-onWorh., constructed In the kit manner and with promptness. PRICES AS LOW AS SUPERIOR WORE CAN BE AFFORDED UT A. WffHEROW DOUGLASS & SOS, Carlson Bt., Dlonongsliela not snghs At lee South and of Its Eaneugmb,l. nn.7,,71 NATIONAL FOUHRY AND NV4I - IMtli:S, Corner Carroll and iimalltn.an street., Ninth Ward, PITT/= 11GO,Pi. Wita. IS3MEITII-3C, MILLAIIPACTUIMII Or Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS .I:l , T:tag =2.111,105. stuL 11447. manta aIIEAI WINGS POE CB LID ?Ain 90U9, I would asocull Lie alto:Woo of Suverinrat& 111. or kW Wortu foray Mae of 11.1r1USTS. FORS" FIT' BOILER, STILL LEID TER V70141.1Et5., VAIREIOLL & SNYDZIEL, TUBULAR, Dottnix-rttrznirunowx. FIFLE•BOX. 3 CYLirmzISTE.A.I,I BOILEILS, OIL STILLS AND OIL SANER, CHISINETS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS SETTLING PARS, SALT PARR AND CON DENSERs, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND IRAN BRIDGES, P'2.180/4 DOOES AZID COAL SHUTE& trllotthadge , 000000 =or Second. Third. Short sad Liberty Streets. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.. Apitretttaro ant to tbo stow address will to 10 , 0=1 , 41, attended to. tob7:lsl/ vms - u - vinus IRON 'AND MIL WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZELL & CO. MANUFACTURE/15 Or BAR, BOILER, SHEET 119-MCS) MCVIN7 NAILS AND NAM BOAS. IMBIBE AND WALLEHOSIBE, Son. 61, 66,:& OS Anderion 134, Three purger Norther tired tie. Bridge, ALLEMENT CITY. nas:kB4 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS, LLOYD & Best Common, Refined Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. MIROILILNT BAH, BOUND ASQUAZ 1801 EMI% SAND, I , .6 A.N.na. MO N. SILO /WILM WEB sad B S BLATill . = B A ILS hEC I • N =O CYLINDER tad OVAISD Oa IINGTH MUM, +/MALL T HAILS. SW usd MS On. to tAA yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS old A P ES to+ Nana lOFLAT P. 0., Prombod and Coontortnak.. • COAL ucax.rx lIION. AILA and IiPIiCEB.. • . . . • . Wareboute and Oflee at the Works. GREYS , ULM ST., (a tontine stl. of First streat. lotnir g the Ctly Ons Wort Plttatereb. 507.1%14 tYSTONII IRON lORKS HUTCHISON, GLABB & CO., IltaanfaatraNts of the diffem% o---1 Sound, Square, Flat and florae-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, 'rank and - Salt-Pan Iron, • Sheet Iron, &e,, Bc., &A. WOKS, IT= TOWNSHIP. as Yonamsnhals rtnr. OM. and Warehouse: No, 146 Water Bt. a INDUSTBIAL WORKS. HUGH. M. BOLE & CO., FOUNDERS, Engine Builders and Machinists, Make to order Marine and Land Memo Ermine.. or all sleet, iverratted to give sailetaetion. Carting.. or every detect:Mon. made bogie?. lawns Tirdsitir. Pep' t.... d. B. Sot; Term.. Mdrtititd troop. Co.. 'Point Alley d Degegine Way goondri, Nos.t ano Sithird street. rirranuneu, PA. ),10:•16 ' WIESER' Ni tikila WO= HILLER, BAPS & PAULI, If AXIMACTOII.IIB as BEST QUALITY . CAST -STEEL. Warriaatsd Mahal to sat, to th• Etat-- keg Onset Imported or or Da , la•ttl••Atangatactuto4 SPEUILL •.117011,UN' rAID7II.IIIIZ RUM • Oboe, cat Wood Street, . LW BT. cammze 8OTZL:31.11.1,1111G6. prineurneu. J. 6 Q. i. 961. ' 1n1.1131 DUQUESNE IRON ANU &TEEL WORKS. HALLMAN, BAHM as CO., Iron, Nails, Springs, A-ilas, rioneu. 81411110 6HD £ P.irissz„ as, W.113.1,11.011YE, airra. 777 'VllT•iltor intaremet. prrrsiratun. 101111:11 FITTSBIIIiGII STEEL WO= 8, AIDESSON, COOL • CO., 1111100X11301111TO 401:11:1. 3 /UD I POW Ifamdoefusts the bort naned Oast 8141 Donau, Rat and 9augoza, of 111 Haas, Wm raw. Hod. Sark an / Mogi Out 9u 1. co. Reaping and glowing Machin 'an= maw wroren. spiumis. 4Z LEI CIA , at& Cut a Comm Pimp t Sprl7 msal. 016011—COrner of Yinri wad. Sm. Mom 111 w• • atm. tteXhav • BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE SINE, OPTICIAN/. WAIUMOOSI. 110. if. Wood e tnec litsaarkotaas the keep oosistanUr on n.ne Thiiisble,.Bkein Pipe .Boxigt, wi.twe L tris h r i j o i n i t r op l ausit And astlnits somenall MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Ipitler Street, Ninth Wartl, oriosrrx UNION LOON /CILIA N o ITTAM331:1101.1211-231. Bolling Mill and Bridge CROP. LIMB! in costs aramt Orders promptly pad caretnUY t I NI H. CELt.BOTZ ILL.JSONAHLT, EBBEUT 4116 BLICIELLENDP • • ON,PRESTO ' CO, rouravricraxm MIELCIN"WOILIELS. arsbecine, N 0.161 and Milrattti. oppoolta lionoagabas. Haulm Pittsbettwb, Pgt. •041.18 IRON CITY MILLS. .. ROGERS & BrateMEBIO, liallteeisoDbareosiauniats & Pol.Uhal 1.23:211iri. maw. e m avtvW•azionlS.2lo. AS MAZE= Br eauis RAILROADI3. PEIVNISTINANIA our ALV•i w r'', paenender Tralroron the Western Pennsylvania Stallion.' win arrlee and &WA_ deem the Sederad stem, pewit. Anne dbeIiPSOISY. Y Anileorli: i:M., I IUP D"All ilinel.lt t'renlitrt - 2• TO. 1 SilSa.m.i Freeport No. I Aar- Aspics. searpb•e No I.looA.it Fh arna's No .11P r.ii.jti2prvgs ilea r•iii . (I ' l% P*" VR 7 CIOWN ' ON :114 Liarmersv`e Ae CAnrrll P i \o:, 'ildiaeln Above trains run tinily recent no nes,. 1 ' Tr4' k l .7 " ' s reVa b in 7 ll ret 51V117 . : 3 ,. : an . h . rt 1tW0144=7 1:43 r. X. • • COMinnutlian Tletete—nor sale in package.* T.estrß; e b a e n w ,Benn n AI t le g M _hel t l r Cr C eek y .. ICttlunandt bk. - Mann. and good Only On the lulu slime ping At Stations specified on Hetet. The trate.. lean= it Allegheny City .51:50a M. Osad tial p. mate Oliver connection nt rue. ut witle. Wsilieri. Line Of Make. for Butler and liminalittown ° Throng.* Tictsto to may be parr-based .1 . u n y Citr. • 702 bather Intermatten npritto Jez-zo r .wrsJAN , N . The Venom. rennulr ' elli e i r tia ' llert3 will s oot 4 in . 10 A . 0 any risk for deluge, except s P ib a l r i W ll ar tte H nu ou d it lmlt a t in 05100, All lag y Sr• caceedlnn amout mOns. at Mel of u the owner, 001011 taken by special OM* Cant Eviva.r.o 11. ♦♦'ILLIANU. Utmenal 5003, Altoona, Va. pENNSYLVANIAL EAILROAD. CX3VIUL On and after JUNI! fit!, INT TriltitTarn : re and depot feu. tto Union 1. , ..pvt, wattiontun and Lin, , ttr si.tpritlT'Lmiteir T v.f .." rail eFA ; Wanton N 0... ad.d. el , Wm . ..1:N0.... One a 133 walk' , No. c Vl`luuln'tl to i11.....t1E5• On./ otl ase Johnstown a hr,nato_o o t ±:y2 'Fhil' : V D T.. ' l ‘ 4 P trf' rall4Waal , * N0 . .0 Wall, No. 110 p Ng . r:italmileall'oNNO. Walla No. S .. h. 7..pn:!... Lit. 7 Tamp a m Alto Ons Actor. alps No. p and Omicron, • I trutu ..... 1.33 Tho Church Train. !nava Wall . ..lotion 11•1117 'Bandar at ONO a. nu., reaching £lttatarith IClde •a. Mt llolontlug rlttatorgh at nnelln and axone at• Wan'. Mallon at 2,e0 to. m. •Cluelnuatl Expreta luso:a dolly. All other trains dolt, ...teuU:hoo. • Pollauelphla Elute. teals e Altana,. Actor.. modotlon and Endear.: Teas lonve dolly. evonall Express antra. dolly except . Monday. All ottter Inulnr danycstept nu:ploy. , /or further Lurcht.a . te g 262,,xl it. • The Vennolvanta Itantood Compudr ne ..7 tn. rot Noßts; e a extent for wearing aoparol. and truly respooslblllty toOn. On. Huudred Panda liana. All Baggage tooled. log tantamount In value will be t Via 01 Inc "act' General Superintendent. Alta.. Pa. PITTSBURGH. COLUMBUS &MICMAC' R PAS DANDLE ROUTE. On lad .tte SUNDAY, April Dth, Dr, OthlS willlate. Asti tr.r.ve •LIiAI.DUCIPOI al (0/101M ==fa nxranTi. C:ri A. N. lINOS r. N. A. 10:30 A. N. Alizod • 2:10 A. N.. INES r. Ni litTobeuTtlle 3.;' , 3 T. Y. 10:25 A. N. NlADoliald do4: 00 P. Y. 614 P. Nt WAlNer , e •do .. ..10:000. ld.' 2.45 P. N. A. Y. T; . ainl;r:V;l bilaClnnail 101.'Y. the seine evenlnr, Thi /1017114 IN AD VA-NUP: UFUPtI R. I: I.IN ice. fird-po obou,O OutONO-cc oea r o ll o tttri CincionolL.toa _l4 Cairo. and the orluclpal po.otto e.l an d mom lorot- ESt;!=; • -• • • -• CBLU3iiII CISCIN ATI B. I Union Depot, (south side.) 13.1110T1Ilat t ll,Tlcket Agent A. F. isti tilde Genet-el Ticket Agent. 31.1litZtl e U. IL Agent. ta. Allentowil Railroad Line, 14E7, ALL BAIL, FAST FREIGHT LINE, = Boston, Now York and PitEsburgh, • Allentm Without • Change of Cars. NEW YORK 0fX)134 run virrastrujig enobt oeltheted. at rrax 14. .NOtcria ItIVZH, the A ent, of the •A , ollentOtra Trooeoortatteo Comp. oy, d AO? to. t Azerdh of tato Cvnt...l 8. h0 1t., at same pier 11th. et tzelrfe Muted at the °MCA Of the LW% No. 231 LS RUAL/ WAY. Boston Ogl:lee. 77 WASTIINCITOS •ay JOfth RINILTON,•Agent, Once, Foot of LIIILMSY rrrrslivien 170E1E1 1867. P-10 7, 5:Wi - 4. 1867: THE yrrre PUE(IIS, PT. WAYNE Ott b. a. It., AND OLV.3I,IND LPITTBBI32I2II • - llows: • Tr r alps arrlra end. A lat rm eat tbstr elon Depet. fo tsain. . Chleaxo .... 2:00 aer •C'hler.fo Da—. DPI a a Cleeniand Ex.. :to:: are ',Clero.aad Ex 2:W • al Erie a Txn. X x :t.) n • 1 - I:tidra re••..10:16 ala Cl.aWl.a. 6:15 is telt, hid.11...i.E.,.10:26 . a tleseo 6:4.1 tr e. Whe. apap vtd eato tir..4 - 1/ . ;ed . .. hX( . h.lesgo . t.x.... 1:140 len CI. , il.lle. Ex I go Ex 114 E. pIP WteeME E ET. : • 'et.4 .R A . lirp: • Depart from Aaernehr. • .136 , 1, , xa Alit:chewy. N. Brno ae. 3:44 a mi.N. unto de SPO .11 Le l` C*l' •: V 4 tr. Root:ester •• Ird 01:Now (ludo " as Wale .1N Caille 3:ra p Leo:reale •• Itrit S. Leetsdale Anna 4X.Ip •• •• Let plll N. Brio •• 5:73 tr.,.N.Drlion •• Dal pta Brio lilt pre:Leetsdale. •• Clet pm i ttei.7 . lt.f.lld2gUl /Pre. " 10:43 t.. " 1:1 7 . : f% For. onus /eaves delly. • arrithe '• P. P. 311 - 7.11 h. Gerrial Tlehot Ax L. ATEGHEIVI 1VAL11,74 QAAY . , L=lii . thd Atter 211UtheDAT. 19111, 1337, 11 , thte and nrrlre V. Pltththrigh Depol, thither rat .41.434 etre... IL) !Viol.: _ . . . Levier. Arrive:. 6:•• 640 ' o.• 1. 11 1 0.0 ar. IlAttcloto: AccotomB , l.l.?.;te FL, flieteevia Worts 8:18 Second NoCa Works etym.,: or. te 2:9 Bolton Aocranto.4lt 1t:034. Sunday Church 27,00. ' and to Vo8 ,7 :8 Wert.._..:.. 1:00r. .4. 11:01A.u. Exprese aorta Inalses closo nncalon at 110 toting with Moe of Darien to t loesolelin and Oil Cite. :tooth