THE DAILY GAZETTE; runasairm mar vagoiime. PEMMICAN, SEED & CO y worcoprzietcors, V. a. P1TRTVA314.................10111A1t !Tann,' ara ME2E2! .097104 0•211122 Z DIIILDIXth sa AZD W rurruorrourxr. lean; Nt2 of Teotai Ponoyiroaia OPIUM niElt OP masons An ALLEOHEir 0171. • a t im i r omor s litv ar FAMILY • MAN 13/ rat IILILT: '-' 1............ • aunts. E r = Carrlssi. PITG.T I 13 Sublitiltilln• P. 1T 1 T....-4114x1. /414iess. , GLIMETIT., PITTSBURGH, PRIMA. Cljepittsburgl! etaiitte .1//oagge AOCONEMODLTIOS or Psalms leav ing the , city during the summer months the/ psis have Me tlsalrrrs mailed to their iddrese, by ordering tbe same at the offloa tot fifteen mall per week for one Week or Russia has vaunted her superiority in civilization over Turkey. ~In a croons pamphlet, - entied "Los Ottoman" et to itogeorites," Jut published in Parbi, the author compares the past Mabry of Tur key with that of Russia, and the treat meat of the Chastians by the Turks with that of the Poles by the Itusaians, and arguer' by numerous quotedions from heroin and newspapers published in Tur key and Russia, that the preponderance of civilization- has always been on the aide of the fore; power. Amorig the arguments browt forward is one that there are relatively more schools in Tur key than in Russia. This singular_ fact Is confirmed by the Moscow Ga,ette. In a recent number of that journal it Is stated that "of all the countries in Eu rope, without exception, Russia is that Where the kart is done for the instruc tion of the people. According to statis tical resorts, Turkey, with a population of twenty-nth millions, had, in 1665, IG,OOO 'schools, visited by 600,000 chll. dren. In Itassia,"with a population tre ble that of Turkey, there are only 90,000 schools, with front 800,000 to 000, 000 pupils."'. Mn .TrizooonE PARKER once M.' . . =shed that a rich man inßoston could not die respected, unless in his will he devoted a large proportion of his estate to-. educational or charitable per poses. Two Vacant instances In point fall under our eyes. The will of Tumuli Bum.rmat, late of Boston, heel:eon admitred to probate. Its private bequests are numerous. The hequests are: To the Boston So. clay. of . , Nattiral History, $20,000; to the Temporary Home for the Destitute, $10,000; to the Boston Dispensary, $20,. 000; to the' Bailors' Sung Harbor, S4XI,. 000; to the Howard Benevolent Society, $20,000; to the Boston Provident Atm. station; $10,000; to the Home for Aged Men. $30,000. He also leaves $30,000 to found a Latin Professorship in Har vard College. The ssill of J . -LIES HAVW.AIIe, late of Boston, also contairm many liberal pub. Ile bequests. The . American Unitarian Society toceired $20,000; thrranl Col leges $20,000 for the Astronomical Ob serTatory; and the' Massachtuietts Insti tute of Technology, $20,000. Mn. - Ranizirr Octo, late rebel Com missioner of Exchange, reiterates his statement that to 1164 he offered to de liver op filleeithousand sick and trea ded Union prisoners without au equiva lent; and that it was not until December of that year that the United Statei att %lit:attics sent, three thousand rebel pris oners Mthe month of the Savannah riv er, and received thirteen thousand Union soldiers 'exchange. He calla open , Gee. Mert.s.curn to sustain his statement. When the Rome of lienresentailves in dreamt its Committee to inquire into the treatinent USLiOII prisoners received at the hands of the Confederates, its au thority should have been so far enlarged uto have covered i ull on both sides. So much was due to the truth cif history. All the essential Meth will ultimately, appear, and the sooner . the better. ' Tom presence of cholera at Fort Barker and various other points in the far West, on thi line of the Pacific Rail road, seems to confirm, in a measure, the Maori that the turning up of the call' generates the disease.. Dr. Gem.extert, 'of our 'City Council, has long adhered td the belief that digging sewers and bra- lugup fresh earth, in Summer time, is prejudicial to health, and the cholera, following the line of the new road out Rest, seems to bear out his doctrine. The Chicago Jercermi thinks, however, the cause of tbe disclose is poor water, badly prepared focal, and the excessive use of bad liquors. The water used Is Impure surface water, filled with vegeta ble decomposition; and persons drinking much of it are invariably attacked with diarrhea. In accordance with &recently express ed intention, a Board of Commission ere has been organized a Philadelphia to prevent fraudi upon the revenue. It is composed of persons bolding omen in Philadelphia under the General Govern• meta, and Is as follows: Chas. Gilpin, Baited States District Attorney; Cham bers 3rfiliMen, Aulesat Treasurer; Henry IL Linderman, Director -of the Mint, and Henry H. Bingham, maser. The Board are instructed to organize and proceed to business at once. It awned get to wore .a moment too soon, provided that.when It starts It does its labor effectually. So many and gl jantle frauds upon national revenue have inn° other instance been endured, slaw governments were established among, men. 31a. - JOIIN HICKMAN has consented to take a seat in the next Legis/atore, from Chester cmintyi upon the expllcitground of &term and opposition to Extra Pay which the - members have - been voting tneinselves and others for two years past. Will \ Allegheny now . brio& forward candldateafor the A.airembly from among her ablest and purest men? I.f the Re publican pilots are wise, and observe tho select of the political heavens, they will take ineuures accordingly. Tax Cnor prospects in purope are ful ly u. bright as our own. The English , papers think the cereals of England will be unusually, prolitic. d. large crop bas teen planted "and sown in France and Geimany, and therein now the largest stock of flour' on band in Paris ever known. The wheat growing regions of the flank will, It is bellered, be able to export two gallon quarters this year; IT sometimes seems as if the President ._tried to lee how mach damage he could de hie own fame. His determination to sermon General Sheridan may betaken t alai" last cioneplommi effort in this di. , A. P. Mawr, Venango county, and Jtxive R CLatur, of Warren coon. ty, Mee ix= Anadly agreed' upon u the Republican candidates for the Legials. twain the district embracing those coon. ties. •.‘ TEE Hon. George Connell, member of the State Senate for . Philadelphia, is in 2d town, at the onougahols Muse. He formerly resided In this city, and has many warm friends among our citizens. Tire Pennsylvania. State Teachers' Aasociation will meet in Bellefonte, Cen tre county, on' Tuesday, the oth of Au gust next, and continue in session Linea Ar liaosor.ta, a town in Azimut, a Lakin kia ;awls wan recently joined in wedlock to 'widow, fat, lair and forty. 4 \,\ 4'41781 STAB 1.4 1 . „ , t ' krairr.7 at . • ; I , - - 41, / - OLUME LXXXII.-NO2 175 gs Incident Amu Ilmzedgranbt. 'Yrom the Wllwatticce Whoonste.l Stanley a ' , towel/ml load of Nor m. Immigrants arrivol In thin clty, from .1110 raderloreit ayant tho Ildillg tho arrival For them people art tdivayn inehivnte whlell are ‘y of a passing nerve. The arrival en Sunday vvnenoexceptlon. fr./ AtLi the, oo or th! long the hotnigrante Was n Norwo. who even accompanled by two chil -1 one nbout 1 i and the other about of age. The man hail myna nn , plue 011ePt to neck a home In Ml. • .I.e. On the dock there wee' galls . a number of Norireglano who had red hero for a number of yes., 1 and s' o were ready to extend a weirottie to th • Just necking the shore. Among these De ns a woman Who sto.l * near the dock. ISlat uppenred to take little inter- vet inthe people no they CIMIC. out frolll : the blit, and the bustle attendant nista: eeekl g for baggage mat having It prom. erly c mooed to their new hoinex let she elteertullv gave.advire when it was tutked e, rr. Effie game a giants, at the im migrit to is the, came forth Just a glan tome If slit, knew the mulles, ntid wouldithen turn away. Shelled evident- IY stitathen hercuriosity, and was 'about i t i tn. to away and tin On Sollth Water sent, when her attention !wettest rlvltes to the etranger end 'the two chiltinth spoken of. I , rout d glance L the 1 ' k changed to one of edruestneas for a uthinent; when she gave a alight scream self of astoniehment, end sprang c o , Itrasping one.of theMluldren in. her ernes she hugged it to her bosom and k it many times and tbeeecond brie ebb treated• in the name nuMner. The children were surprised and began to cry.l The antrum tried to dry their tease and sobbed herself the while. Meanwhile the father of the ehildren was attracted to the spot by the scene. He, toe, was surprised. Ile' looked at the children and then at the woman who was aiding so strangely. Even in Iris eye it tear started. 'rho children clung to his side, while the wonutn appeared very se min abashed, but hung her heed and sobbed loud enough for all to hear. In a few moments the man, lending the children one by each hand, took them to one corner of the shed which protects the immigritnts, from the man, and beckoned the w o inn to follow. In that corner the Munna 1 woman were engaged In earnest mum , _ tlon for Rothe .moments, . mud when le y illune forth, the Woman had dried it her tears and a smile bad taken their p cat the man, too, seethed hap pier tin when he went forth. lle search ed a d among bla baggage, selecttog it out putt giving directions as to where it was t go with as happy as 111=11El. as he hadjust found a fortune. The woman children rit'l' line Mae, but; she clung to the Vhildree 0-4 if she felt :afraid they would be seperated from • her. Naturally inter ested iti.what on u e d :fi going on, we inquired .of our iend thondeau, who was • makin himself useful in getting the Imminent:de fixed. out, and Paul moon foundte entry. 'The woman watt the i. wife of he Norwegian and the mother 1 of the t o children. Some years before f ehe Lac) beets led to leave her home and her hqsband - and her baubles, and tly with al etranger to this eountry. The new lift soon loot Its ....harms for her, stud . else was tell alone to toil. on. Maimp- ported f lierecif here in the city by hard labor,: tel lived on, hoping, she hardly I knew lir what. Many bitter tears she butt sloki for her children, whom clue did I' Mot be eve she would ever meet again. I Saudi nntru lug ehe' learned that at load t i of - Noi egiann was to emit, in, and she went o wn to the . boat hoping, .ye sacrely expecting, to meet. innuelxstly who co ildhring news of -her husband i and 11 a ones. Instead,' elm met them. I The h band was not loth to forgive-- I the wo an was very anSIOn4 to be for t v o r4i , t ,s i, l t•i a l re tl i r ai lrarte hce n sv i l , l l i t ell I ... m i tg . few nod: nese t ere now made' happy. The train which. 'ant to '3l.lnnesout bog evening i took ti party, husloond, wife and chil dren, Id it merry little party It was.. to all rap mums. We do not believe there I ill be nay more elopements in that Ily. cpcialent Americia Woman 'ln EEE 1::=1 The urioeity of the cosmopolitan 'as iton% . the Exhibitlon has beenconsid erably • xeiled during the past few days by the', appearance there of at female deemed in an extraordinary costume, whictivery few of them recognise; apart ing. the very . shortest of skirts, a ece apology for a akitt,about the same l ength, for rather brevity; of thole worn by the tior%-pheest in the fiche aux Sate, ending considerable above the knee, and black cloth "continuations." "Dr." Mary Walker elbows her way through the crowd, exciting the laughter andtmeere of her, sisterhood, many of whom could wdl smite her some of their skirts, be draggled in the Mud and duel. "Dr." Walker wee prmenttitthe Fourth ; of July banquet at the Grand Hotel. where she was wrapped, up ct la Kirby In the - America/1 !lag. Sho evidently wanted to make a speech, but would not be heard. She wears her modal voted her by the American Congress for breve womanly mires and attentions bestowed upon tuck and wounded soldiers on-the holt:Land in the hoopitale during the war, and fur four ulerithm' martysdom in the Libbylprison. This medal has procured the "d r" admission Into the medical eirelea; here, and given her. I am Inform ed, great facilities for observation. But I "woman's rights' are by no mewls unknown in Franz*. Cases - of I ladies receiving diplomas m"backelom" of arta and letters are of annual occur regee, and Rosa 'Sentienr wears her rib. bon of Iwo Legion of Honor. Another female who Carries "!Bloome r Ism" to even egreater extent thou "Doc tor" Walker ha attracted no little atten tion at the Grand Hotel daring the past week.. She is very -pretty; and dresses - le the height of fashion—but it is "man" fashion, with the Jauntiest little bat and the neatest fitting coal, with a rose nlways in one of its button-holes, tight veat,showing a fair—development of cheat, hud tight paetaloons, with patent leather boots. This young female, whale dress and presence - have horrified come of throre sadd of her lox at the hotel, is an En glish girl arid the companion of ano London brewer, rather distin guished for his eccentricities of which this Is one-I-Poets Coerce - ices - fence of New York Ircralcf...•" Wm sing of Uremia rad the Gamblers. The F'igisro relates the fbllowing char a/floristic anecdote of tho Prussian King: The King had forbidden the Itussion officers in garrison at Itudadt to gamble at the Baden tables, but more than one of them was often to be found In private dress among We group of players. fine night a Russian °Meer risked ithovereign on the rogue. lie won, left the two pieces, then four, then eight, and WWI about to draw .his eixteen sovereigns when he perceived King William In front of lam. What torture for a sub lieutenant to are sixteen golden pieces berme him and dare 'not touch them. The revue continued to wiu, and the heap of gold having exceeded the maximum, the croupier cried nut, "How much on the heap?" .The officer, pule and trem bling, had not the courage to reply; with one eye /to looked at the King, and with the °therat his gold. "How much on the heap?" again shouted the croupier. At this moment the King of Fringe came around the table and tapping the Lieutenant on the shoulder, said to him with that Genhentuae, characterierlo of hi s hweity; !Tome, take up your- mon ey and make youreelf ' , chime before your superior,' meet you." It In hardly nets.- tory . to nay that, the ;affair did not wont to be told twice. Benne time after the King reviewed Bid/garrison et Ithatadt, and perceiving- the Lieutenant, made slgna to hint , approach. Nod Mug. • illiam, I caused you to lose some money tho other day in interrupt ing your game. The rogue won three times after you left. You may draw the dlfferenee from my private. exchequer, but beware that you do not:commence again." —Gall Hamilton has her opinion eitout those loveliest of her ecx, hotel clerks. 4n ner latest book the following Damage occurs: '•lf ever the edutsition of a soar ing human boy be intrusted to my cure, will endeavor to model his manners on those of a clerk in a hotel. For con. scions superiority, tempered with benev olence, and swathed in suavity; for per fect 'self-possession, for high-bred con descension to the ignoramiontal toleration of the weakness of others; for absolute equality to circumstances, and. a certain gran„ assurance and nourish of bearing, give me a clerk in a hotel. We may 800 Generals, pools and philosophers, Indis tinguishable from the common herd, but a true hotel clerk wears on We beauteous brow, and in his noble meth, the Indubi table sign of gaminess." —The Manchester (N. 114 Dull,/ Union enyl that nt no dme during Umiak- thirty years, except a nhort time during the surly dart of the rebellion, him the ad ton and woolen tuanufactnring businme • been In so de - pressed a condition. The mills are running at a loon In Lowell, Lawrence, and most of the other manu facturing towns in Museachmetta and throughout New England, The Man chester mills and print works havo goods on hand unsold of the value of upwards of two millions of dollars. The same state of things oxide with the Amoskeatt Company. The Stark mills are mid- to have tenth 140,000 within a few tnontlis for the same reasons.. - • GENUAL NEWS. , wz l y ; t;:lne 1:1111.7 1111 . . =Vaine • •nnu•thing like :!len,oisi for.t Ito privilege of not drinking. —Savannah laid Thonlaceille, hare Well recently monocled by too. graph, —.l Now York paper publishes to Wt. email of :t ttinentl under the head of 001 Door Sports.. , —$0,1:11 British sporLsition ha ve•in. rival in Slontreab on tOtr way to the Hooky Alonntivitin Ibr a inttniner a mhoot ing. _-11orn.:, o ~ 1 sak Ore reparttal to to quite numerous in the neighborhood of Matthewllk, Va. Dour or tire In‘ve been 1:111e0. • —.k young lady of Ultarla.aton, S. died on Sunday afternoon rnktit the el. reek, of extreme heat. She hod attended ehurchkhat punting. —A.mulattn idyl of nineteen, noted for her beauty and dis,dtite habits, dm. milted frulehlo in Memphis by taking laudanum Nat week. —The mortality rent exposure is great ier-tunotig the London I.llce than to the I,lymNpsy and sore feet .are the eounnsateomplaints. --'Copt. It. F. Preston, one of ta u • oldest citizens of Mobile; tiled iii that city On Saturday, Ile had, been a resident of the State for nor ham forty ytatrs. —Who sverr . the Best newspaper sub scribers of,yrixtutt we have nny account! Cain, who took A bell's Life, and Joshua, who ordered the Sou to be slopped. —A snutsh-up on the' Chitmgo, Burling ton and tptine3l Railroad, a few days slues, whi,ll cost the company :MOOO, eauslxl by a drunken engineer. —Most of the gold now going to . Eu rope i. to pay the expenses or persons now traveling there, and it Is estimated 111111 they will spendl $IO,ono,ODO this season. \ —Much attention 14 now to paid in the Interior of Louisiana to the prOpagn don o( a now ~,rass. called the Hungarian, which yields two tons to the acre on bot tom land%. • =There are now thirty prod tieing sugar plantatiousnri the Ilawithan droup or the Sandwich Islands. The number of acres planted with' costs to Injoc. The capital in the business is 3_,ooo,otst. - On a tehnce, at Portsmouth. , Eng. land, past Which - the railroad tnund rush ,salt trrmendomispftd, the iinclety for promoting the I ;ospel have caused to he inscribed, "Prepare to meet thy I ad. - • —lllstori is not captivating the awn.. tiomofthe public is much In Paris is she did in the Paited States. She to per forating to.erorrded houses but the press does nut take 'lnueh notice of her, .. - -Several communications have ap peared kri Memphis paper. lately to'eota lish the theory that Memphis is built oi - er a atil germ nean lake. The anal tuents advanced are calculated to carry • minviction. —The rieeerep in Louisiana Kornis., to he unusually large Ibis sear, all ac counts ttgreeing that the .eason lnot helm very favorable thus far. —lt Is poasible that even in the Carolinas the erop tune turn out better than was expamed. —Mrs. lull of New York, has draWn - in a rattle, the igplendid snuff-box' ahleb 'Louis XVL - gave to Colonel Laurens, our tint minit.ter to France, and which destitution. canned he the war, had forret' his descendant, n lady of South Carolina, to part' with. . -111 Plll . l+l, next month, in 00111100111111 WlllllllO Expc.ition, a %oriel of dug to. ma is announcml, The thuta 10-tnkepart in thebontest will be brought to Paris. from all parts of the country, end the railroad eompanita have agreed to trans port them at half ipriee, —.‘ new ohangel--wns• formed 011 the .11issolvi river, nt Peru. lowa, 011 . 1110 rib instant, by, cutting tlimrigh n ,narrow neck of butd, and shortening the route by twenty miles. fly this cut ,or several thousand 'acres of laud and the frnrn of ilamburgh, Town, were transferred to the Note et Nebraska. • ' - . —MI. Stokes, n former slat - ref Brier Stokes, of Andrew county, ,Nto., late sued a prominent and wealthy cloaca of St, Joseph, who, he w.tys, kidnapped and *phi him South id tau deocasa of his muster. notwithstanding he had been emancipated mid willed eonsiderable property. The suit is for a'loo,uoo.. --A justice of the peace In 'Newark, S. J., divoreed a couple last week; and Inter In the day married each pair toe new mate, so that the man has now two wires and the woman two husbands, though they do not understand It. The intelligent -Justice supposed that us he had the. power to marry, ho possessed ; the power to =marry. —The old 17fUt Avenue Presbyterian Church congregation of New York, re cently premnted their pastor,. Rev. Ur. N. L. Rice, with a purse containing e. 25,000, and elm one year a salary, K OOO . The Rev. Doctor haw purchased a beauti ful farm near Nem Brunswick, New Jersey., whom he Intends to reside for the remainder .of his days. —Thirty thousand enterprising young gentlemen in (Min last year, prowiaml love, honor, and buy "things" for thirty thousand bright-eyeddiunes and datniails; and the thirty Montan,' dames and dam sels blushed, and whimpered, and acid they "never could go through the erre many - in_ the world," and then very quietly imeepted their destiny. '—A. fellow' went a few weeks since; into the Mom of a fashionable milliner. "Have yotinny ski rts7" asked he. "'Plen ty of all kinds." "What do you ask cord?" mid the chap. "A cord?" replied the women. "Yes, I want about a curd. lip in our dlgglns the petticoats has gin out. I see ye advertise 'corded skirts,' and I thought oldie my hand was in, I'd take what you had corded up." - The milliner fainted. —The pay of toddlers in the British or. my, by proclamation of the queen, lass been Iw:teased by the addition of two pence (four cent . ..) per day. A further addition of one -penny per day is made to the pay of sill men enlisting for time -WA term of service, in all regiment-sex, rapt the colonial, other Man the rartudl an rifles- This in a very stnail addition to the pay of tie solMers, yet hundreds of Men have re:enlisted to obtain the advance. --•.-The rot strut for the first six months Indicate that the total immigration for this year front Enrope will ho at least a quarter of a million. Much the greater portion of thelonnigrante are, i s here tofore, Irishmen and Germans. With bolls these rims, political CO:IAM have operated largely. Polltisid dtsnhillty rack rents and eurvatlon In Irelaind.and conscription Su Germany have greatly contributed to thus exalts. —An ludo editor condemns all Lemma societv, bemuse, ao be isaya,!sotne one Ism stolen from him a bar of ecast steel swap.' A brothereditor blames the reck less extravagance of Isle coiemporory in Indulging in such logo, its as "east steel soap," when cant iron soap would be Just as useful for t_letauting purposes, and mold be worked up into Jack-knife blades by the bovs, who doubtims do the stealing comp . ialnod of. —l3lstinp .-Hopkins, of the l'rotestant Episcopal Dlpesw e of Vermont, .preslsling Bishop of the Unitisl States, necomim- Med by his eldest eon, the Rev. John Henry Hopkins, Jr., editor of the C7atre), Jottrnal, New York, will mil (surly in August' from Now York to littoral the Pea-Angllmat Council to bit held in Lon don, in September. By /model invita tion they will be the guests of the vener able Archbishop of Canterbury. —General Kilpatrick has written n let ter from Chill, to which Republic ho Is United States !Alinister,xlenylug that he guns drunk, is has Peen charged - , or that he ever drank a glosa of liquor, either In Chili or in 'the amly. The New Orleans Repuhficon staples ,General Kilpatrick'', statement and addxf'"The writer of thin paragraph campaigned with Gen. Kil patrick, and tan' bear testimony to the fact that he uniformly refused to drink whisky or any other Intoxicating bever age daring that service; and to thisiewho know him the charge that fe is drunk every day Is simply ridiculonn,. Vol ege Commeseementok LIT Teezesott to th. PI tubsrsh °ma.) graleenzte, Ilene ..101y11.....At the anneal oOmmeneement of Wllllarna College, forty- Mlle students aredusted. Among the per sona on whom were conferred the degree of L. L. D. worn Senetor lforgan of liew York, and ger. Addlsoe-flellard, , DetrOlt. Eakron, PA., July 31.—The thirty-zeroed cerninencement of Lafayette College. took playa The degree of L. L. D. was conferred Ve WeL lknent Of the Supreme co,u.,,,tpanneylvanla. At thelAlerum ner, ez-GOvernOr Fetlock nr,,,,id o , 14celdentOottell announced that it had Al beimeterteleed TO rel. kn0.003.4.,,.. 1 forendowseent,and thetTb Dome Dearer and Wm Anderson tad sebetelbel 1110. mo riirmeasl3,ooo, oOndltlon thet th e whole be made LIP withal the year. Items. (Br Telegrehh to the Pliubergb tiseette— Loolovaho,'July 31.-111yer sautes, throe (cot two Inches In curia 14 .41 1 ;gifeTtk Ott Cirr, July 31.—iillerrtlrelvii Inches and Wino slowly.. Weather warm and cloudy with orowoloaal grower*. hlshrhlS, Jirly IL-11.1var Crepe. - Tetuan& to the Pittsburgo essatioti nussisrOgia, JEW/ 31.—Roporto from the eagiorstpart of tb•• State aro turfoyoroble for the cora Crops. • - . PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, .2 MST EDITIOI. SECOND MAR MIDNIGHT. FROM WASHINGTON Teltertpe to the PittAntreittlitellt.l •Witensicrtur, July el,Wl rlre Scullin. cite. Mr. Merrick consumed the whole oily without concluding Its Argument forline defense In the case, to mesa mrotoraxsox. The Commiesloner General of the Lend Unice Is . measures to obtain accurate Inforluation In regard to the railways of the United States completed, orojected and be. gun, for publication in the next annual re port" in connection with the details of the immense laud grants made by Congress In aid of the railway system. beLaciatlON or rehari.vemase Warr ow 'sea :names—rei.rrican represent.. To-day a delegation of Pennsylvanians, composed of J. U. Flannigan, John Welsh nod U. It. Cogehlil, of Philedelphin, Y. P. Sawyer, of Pittabingh, and Or. Jleavarmold Union minty, ea a hub Committee of the National Union Central Coinmittee of the etate, representing the Uonservatsvo wing Of the Republican party, waited on Um President to Inform biro of the action of the Clotutnittee, which they state Is on D. cOnditlOn to net with the Democratic Or. culization, but propose to organise the Republican supporters of the adminhara- Lim on a platform, with candidates through the State, distinct from the Other grunt political partl.. The President, accooling to report, informed them that tuatrauch an be had decluou the people most his trusted with their own gOvernMent, andhis faith in the permit: had not hone yet shaken, he could, only fay ho left the Issue of the hour In their hands. And as to theme.. of the political argent:nice or the people wit it great Stale, be moat leave it to the friends of both wing. of his eupporterel but trust ed the tree men of Pennsylvania wthild bury- Peat political infferences Inc the pro motion of the common end, an wit: the curly restoration Of the Union,.and preservation of the'Coostltutlon. Congratulations were exchanged and the interview passed on' very ple.untir. ADLOTIOTS TO CONOCISOTOL: vein. • The United Stet. Treasurer melee/1n letter to-day, postmarked Dubuque, lowa, spell:wing our hundred and any dollars. wldeh the writer ssys was unjustly saken while in the United dustes serer., for re. mutation of rations Iv Iva servant, wiled ho had none. Anotherparty, from Indiana. returns ono dollar, fraudulently obtained m lets state. meet of um:mum with the government. 1(1650081 STOI. BOSDA. Various minim having forwarded to the Secretary of the Treasury the reimtred .proofs that they legitimately acquired pm. leaden of some of the C.10,00g worth of Slue vocal State bonds, air touted seven or eight years ago from the Interior Department. the Secretary tom rumored th e caveat from the cages of these beam fide holden. and the Interest Of .00111/e held by them will be paid In 'New York, where the SW. of Sliesouri ha. deposited funds for the purpose. The Depattment mew separately upon sit such mum& ACTT/NEE. The retelpts or Lnterrial Ilescone to day were IrS9XO. Tolls' for the month, 5.14,711, lIETIMII or Till Ciller.).Lift CO*e ha.a retnrnell bete. PROM WASHINGTON, PA Ireutsurorn,P..., July Thle Commeneerecot Week. at Moutlog% ton and Jetferson College. The enemies, Cori or cinemas began , yeetardsyjruoreleg, 'and elOsed this afternoon, er last we saw and heard of this ernsatln ellen attorted no that the College to aiming to impart serum, sad thorough education. Its course et In struction emirates three departments— nob...tort,. academical, sal ectentler. The atudtee of the first and third, and of the drat year aslg b* Athexe lemleal. aro coed noted bu W . Hbw tnl plan mmlu n wrk a m a mint - determine. Bev. James Blatt. D. 11.. the Vies Presi dent of the College, resides hero, and has this part of the College under his contrril. Ile Is the right mania the right place. Ile .govern a to tahn treat...gut la the recital on room no la perfectly et home. Teething Is hie fort.the fiehatthain It, with a will. li e Is • rarrwhe with the stele., Yesterday Urn ITEthmast Chow nest. a Oft- , Ling opportunity to give tam • ...Ad.. eat surprise, and to put into his hand • te ken of their regard, which will doubtless prove to hint lecreselenty servimable at each ...trent year of the life. It Is beautiful gohl.lseaded cane. IL Iree worth- Ily bestowed.' , :The young men did them eelssa credit. Thisevenlisg st 73: o'clocklarge neat en. met In the lint Presbyt erian Church to Mace to an address belore the Students . Christian Aniecial.lolll. by Elev. Jobe tittles. Pis, A. of East -Liberty, Ps. Ile found (hname of the Assoe_Letlon his theme, and he discussed It fully and ably. Ile Is a floe thinker and every pleasant speaker. Tomorrow we shall have something far. than IA report. Alice.. FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Relishlitais Mane Mseuea 1111 Merles. tea—vslesabla Convention Endorsed —A Magistrate Deposed. =I Cita 3I.—A large her:Milo. Maas Meeting was held last night, freedmen largely preponderating. Dr. Mammy pre. sided. After several speeches, tedolialope were onanimonaly adopted, exam:ulna an unalterable desire to carry out In good faith and without reservation the Congrer• clonal meamiree looking to reatoratlon, and madonfria the platform of toe retard Ite pnotiesn Convaution at. Coltimbla General bloater hat 0 mailmen Magistrate Seeley. of Volts mhos, from Mace for relate. mg an Inanfeelent hail. without. dna regard for the gravity of the aflame, Wdrllge and 0.0.11 the two Wen Charged With aSkault- Ingand beating J.4l.Thomfmon and W. J. Armatrolig. Tne military hate arrested the accused partiett, who will be arraigned before a coliitary coionalsalon at Charleston. FROM GEORGIA cat iv, Crop Regl•trallfing Is: h. gulabed e.lrisen Dead. ft( Telegrams to the Fittsburge (busts.) Avenniri, Cn.,July de•—deoounte from the cotton crop are fanotarde. darssurati, nly 30.—The number of per. eons registered in Clinton county Is dye hundred and sughlpfour, a large majority Pobites. The number In Chaffee county is ur bemired and fifty; Barnett, lour hon. droll and wlrtywrn, • Mon. Corry Menai., a distinguished Mil ano of Vermont, died lagt-nditin, !died scr• Cofounded Revoit—Astaband ado dared. Telegraph to thelettsbursa Fos:rams Ifoltoe, July 3)—The fonoft that Unmoral Nokias dad forbidden the Co. variation of corn from North Carodua, owing to the short supply, Is iinfounded.• A colored man, John Page, .11 his Wife, got Into a tight last night in Nor folk. The womatrselsed IL knife and tt lung. pl into her husband's breast, Indicting, brbbably, a fated wound. • Neer Orleen. Blot —Noes celebrated, [Hy Rlkneels to the Iltt•nergellarette.) Nine ()abates, July al.—ilosir lOW C4l. beefed to-day for the repoee of theeirktileil daring the trot a year ego. The ceremony Irdo in Nocbartici MIL, the emcee of ton riot. There wee but little demonstration Oa the eubleat by Wig chum. Accident to ' Ambition' Recretery Menterd. (By Telearena to the Plttebarah Gaunt,: Aunt:ran. t. I.,July 3L—Tho wounde oolveo by dattatant Secretary Seward, - by the ruonmg away of a span of horses, are not of a serious diameter. 110 will proba bly be well in a few days. CIE= CUT irsltursola to the I . lMbWaa 0.1,14,1 Aymara errs's, N. C., Jaly 33.—The general rains in this deetion hare resulted In great benellt to th_tieroPs. A counts [ram the country represent that the yield or wheat wW be itirger thatist first suppOood, • 1 Cavtat lot of • Wharf. (87 Tele:graph to tho rlttsbergh o . mm:to. I Potta.nezram, anly3L—Tederda7 aft e r. noon the wharf et the foot of Almond etroot, covered lestlt hogsheads of molnesee end mter, gave Ivey, letting Int. the deep water one bemired nod twenty hogehoule, rained at 416,000. Three men were drowned. En Midi* to Obtain MaZlmlllan•a . Body. IBTlebtebb b the Plttebeeeb ttiletted Bongo', 3017 31.—Among tho paneengere per China. whinh arrived hut night. were Admiral Testetboff, or the eteetrlan envy. and his brother, thm. Together/, co rook to Mexico to obtain the bony of liaxlmil Colored Vetoren *ppfluted to Office, (By Telegripla to 'sae Pllteburgb Lissome.] Yew Demrsou; July 30,—F. U. Croseut, Registrar otbdthrond beaten, was remov ed to-day by OCITIMMOr I , landerS, and Sev erna d. Farm, a colored Vaterffll 011012, sm. polue4 to tho 90.21100. Prtitbits' Aseldeas A Woman Eby Tslsgrarnis to the Plstsho , gh Gasetts.i Piarrascao. N. Y 4 July A lastY, nalmnlgilen Kirk, was Instantly killed tole morning by her dress Catshlost on the 000 p. Hog of thn main abaft of Gregory k.. Co , * rbo/en mill. County Treasury Bobbed. Eby Teitipato to the rittolituls tiasette.l ' lioalsoamt. P. July al.—The .County Treasurer.* claw was broken tato by burg lam. last night, and.tbs - sate blown open. Little money was obtained. • Canadian Eleetlons.l :Ur Telegraph so the Pittsbar[h (Justine.] OTTOI,II. July M.—rite for a general election Cr. expected to be Issued en the 34 of Augtut. Death of Do /to (BrfeDeena to the 'Pipet:nub Duette.] aw Yoko, 31.-1111se Catherine Maria Stelaeolok, The authoress, d 1 ea at ROabefY tOKUT, • Illpesto Dar ZilirOpo. (k) Ttltinkto to tl.l. Plustrugif Swat.: 1 Baton,Julv 31.—The Moamar Cuts. for Ltvgvpoil, toot $110,00) In gold. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M PROM EUROPE BY Telegr*oli to Atto Pat./burgh mutt'', nuktioz. lIDN/Nli •ND cr.zAprpla atACNINZAI —moms AMAMI.. rants, Jnll;3L—Ln the compotltmo v trial of mowing and reaping machines Yeeor day, on the lloperlal!larm, nt. Vincennes, the distritnition of prises made by thejunt ahem, the AMerlcan Inventors excelled all others. C.ll.ilitCorntick receives the high. ast ode. for reaper sial mower, and gold medal., were awardodto Messrs. Wood and Parry. ESULAZD. TUE 00013090 D Lou pax, July 91.—.Enrelnp.—To-Ilay•wiu. the RCCOIId day of thetioodwOod ranee. The attendance was larger oven than.yesterdaY The principol race, irtdati was for the Good. wood rialtos, was unexpectedly won by the Duke of licanfortrs 'Comera. The.leadlng horses come in in the following order: Ga mere nrat. Vicar !second, Is Daophino third. AUSTRIA. AWIPI,JMIZ DISAIST. . . Pines, July 31:-....kanunte have reached this city of is„ terrible expluslon.ln one of the largo mines owned by the hotline/01de. In Moravia. Via mine was full of o ork men at the time, aryl More then ono hon. deed miners am reported killed or InJured. i•tures: or Ttli VIILTAX. Tho aloft of the Sullen to Vienna termin al./ to-day. Ills Majesty departed this af ternoon tor l'estb. where be will make brief visit, end thence Constan tinople. C..^.0.59 OP TWA ZOLLYLEIII. • • Br. mare. July :IL —Altens. Vas Icrgoot, en, to llolittelo, boolotrtod'llto new Zollvorolti; • sontaamt scatmimic. The rreSslan GOternicient Is Preparing, and wilt shortly so* to Gopenharso • reply to the - note et the - DanifliCablnet. reosest.' ing 'n formation , as :o the guarantees r 6, quirt.] by ilmscia for ihe protection or Germans in Niwthorn Schleswig. 1=1:133 T'acaorr eta/m.lllp GaW lAy t4m - , from Sor York. h. arrival, notrrnam Jily ahtp Ger mania, from Sew York, arrived tad morn lag. litirtlo4 Jixty nteamer from Quebec, Arrluti tills morning. FINANCL&E AND COMMERCIAL. Los Pow, JolY 11.—Elemf ;ie.— Yr.. - -IL; f.lest 774 Erie, Pifg; •. 1:. ff. bonito, frifj'.- 1,10.r00t., JOl7 caufoi 1011, with eldarline 0(144 00 Isitlailisc L'p. lands: 1;0.4% Io!:4; Grlerna, loYni wlr. to. illy, Wpm 13... Flour . lower, sue rimmed et - Corn 4411 s Slis per quarter ler tee milk Modem. Easley, Oats mod Pess quiet .4 fincliengefl. Pro. visiona—Ctoe. deellmed la; sue American. 10, Ott CAL. LATtI ItEIVIIMMI to Wafts AID. , Port 731, aird Deer Dna per barrel. flacon. U. Do cwt. Produce—Petrolatum, spirits ail. retie. Is 410'. per 511100. !sr... July ll.—Ererif..—Samat and. Iron steady. Oils .4 Linseed omen. e 4. FROM RICHMOND , rho tend, hesitate not lo lend Untie lidinett or, — o —• • ; lc-mended by the extent of the fee paid. to Carrying Oat the bate leeeeostrar- ua n ctreumtentuig the law to Obteln II- lton AO l—Aseembllm tor the tso. I cense for improper. hordes. Time may be enes“lrw. ' nothing improper Or pertloMarly repro. l'elettrayn to re rlttaberets tiosette.l ; bonelblo In a lawyer. who In nut "devout' : In thee temperance mese. in addition to ! limestone July:l.—Bei:tent oCsooold 12.0 charging a leo el ten gtO/lere for "meting iued • griwral order. regulating the sp. out the papers: , stipulating Allot rte the polls meott to ou •,, toLgo to t . rotoo„.1, from evuit ot the Ileentic bang grant.' tie shall toe gum ni ono hundred del ienlee etc , es•Wilileut we 4104, 4th of the ! lam or more—which stipulation `late **ornaments* Oct. log ...meted Ao, emerges. aro bent A l•rite. number ed delegate**. the Con- accordingly—ye: • Then A tetnitelltatte streets Axelrod here this eVerang. and the . advocate, peoftwaorily an, •enceves In /nob streets are nitre with colored delegates, all j sort of bnsietse, we ohms the term rep.. wearing tee blue ribbon badge of the large erosible earned? teen:old. •In our opinion Convention. .1 Large crowd gathered Iheis Ws bad ea the worst grog seller, it amend the ltemnblicim hambiemiters, whore would he well for our sincere tempezance titter have been lune or Ere nano. meet- I men, In their present efforts, net to admit row. tOktny 30 arrange matters for toletOr. to their tonliemsett• or patronage men ergo row. `thus betray their tetetrate. !twee°, 3l.—Cp %Odin Wclock to- The NA:tort' , ileishal buslnes, ihe night about Bono hundred colored sett ftewtoon. We heard one member, Wr. one hundred white delegate. 10 the Conseil- eely, state that Me number of tavarns lion hare anived. Much letevest is Shown bad Increased 111 East Birmingham to such the citliene In, the proceedings of the an =Wet Si to he the comae of general Conventton. Among the delegated are , 00001 A, and he Intimated pretty etiong tamiiter once is The Carling- le that en more , ould awned in. that ten, ..fatkina. floernelni. anLi -other M4I.ICIISOM are being bed iloted rind CwitOin Ronne. and atthe former Is being - • . Subtrottad Hotta fluittre.a to the people. he blacks of thel oily will he at the Coe- • • • _ _ 4'"X'..ll:::=LFlg.l7.l7:h th art,',7bl! The' own. of MY Llnaburet, reKeorte .d :Lents are being disenseeat to-niett for Preableat of the Convention. At a meettne of thn ex.Ye4eral'ettleers . - . to-mght they adopted mob:alone adviong cooperation with all who strive for the ree toration of peace to the cOitutry. Pamela Aeleratee were appOinteit to toe Lonvero. Mom • The Coneereatlee caucus, tooluht. sp. Preeeerßotte • platform. It Myers the ret. !oration of the great body of the people to their polltleal right., but Dego* the dtfram, chmement of the more attfnl leadere. It erstentaierl the platform had alrewly been approved by the otter w ing of the patty FROM MEXICO • peettreention et Escesealleeet—reelinit Unneminessetterienres for President and Genies Musing Trtni the Teexing tO the Itb.nWith t t in d et a te c . cNam July M—et 1o unt!l trom Queretaro confirm tho abooUng of Vleutarl on the atb of July. General Alvarez, by order of the Com mander In Chief. bed allowed twenty-elz hours Owe tar the Indlvtguils eonhen of in tba door. of June :let, to present them entre, as prteouhre. The iiduchere - eolifirion the emoting of General Ceatillo.und other imperial oftlenera at. Queretaro on the 9th. Teo feeling le two/zanily nrittnllnOite for , naree for Yreelden.. CanaMs and unmet are causing great Mutants la the Southern portion of the State of Tamaulipas. le of the line of the lila Grande has been apiminted, and Gen. ilerriosabel 015 remain 'ls sanitary cons• mender of the State. Purees are Moving forward to ba need la cruslattg evades, Go mm,. and' other bands la the maitre at the Mate. The force to garrison Matamoras wilt I. two thousand men. • FROM TENNESSEE No Trouble Anticipated at the Elec tion 9 ' e-asoirom— tbelera Meap pear:tote at Memphis. ar Teleersub to the littaberrh Gazette.] July 31.—N0 trouble to eutlelps 'Led at the election to-morrow. Cholera has again appeared In the south ern part of the city. tilx deaths occurred in one house on Stinberry street, lest night. and Ilia at non on Front now. The Board of Health Is inking enervate means to pre • vent the spread of the scours. NAFIIVILLC.; July 31.—Arrarigements for the preaerration of peace tomorrow were compietedroAny by the organ I.mir or three hundred special policemen, and 1168511tatlig them to duty. Col. Dungan will bate gem mind of the military. both:regulars end militia. lie was present at the Installation of tun special • police, and made a short address. pledging cooperation with th.rtn In thu discharge of their duties. ap• prohensions of riot aro generally quieted, yet have been soldwithin the o. ast throe days many Oro acme ' • • • FROM NEW ORLEANS Levee Commit.loners—Galveston De• elnrea AO Infected YOWL ant Tetegratitt to the Plitsburah Ossetta.l Nair Tons, July 31.—The Board of Les. Contretesioners hate appointed • comba4 tee to visit the berth and northweet and no. gotlate for the aisle of the levee bonda, which tier. Fi.dere wilt elan. The Boarder Health has declared Unlace. ton an infected port end required the Gov ernor to meted° tint city in hie predates, tom Only two cases of yellow fever are re• Ported to this ally. Moiled for Europe—Volverrallot Mho , Depooms. (Of Telegraph to Ms Pittsburgh Ossette.l Jimpros, Hass., Jely SL—lcon. U. U. Wash burn. wife and tarn ilananters galled on the (lobs to-dor for England. The Normal street Universalist ChUrch Ong dismilsed the lies.' Rowland Conner, Jr.. pastor, for non.belint and. falling TO Presett Universalism. and for taking part, in the meeting. of free religionists. Mild litre on .IvilversarY wPon• • (Moles. fe . the Nest-41.1arin 'Bab. . clued Cod People Resuralog. (Ur Telegraph isles Flusburgh Gassite.) ue. Loud, July 11..-The surgeon at Fort Harker reports that no eases of epidemic: uholera had occurred there for mime days. The few eases laet week were speradls, and duo to carelearecu or specially on h.nlttly olteumatanree. The POOPIa are returnlog to Ellsworth. and there is neth. lug now to deter trade or travel. Hewing Outflows Accepted. ißy utatiott to 100 (Welt.] Sr sigortato, Miss., July 9l.—The chal lenge of the Ward Brothers to the 134.J0ha, N. 112, craw to !OW Alive or rut mile racoon the Connecticut river, tor 41,1,0%) 1a gold aaLL the chanipiOnshlp of the world, has been accepted. - - Volunteer* Oeusilred. • Hy Telegraph to the iltteburgh seette.3 11.7.... L, July 31.—Tbe conduct dr the volunteers, _ln fixing lobo croon et Bt. Ifysoentta, 1e eeverely eenstund by rom f u tI y p nten A bl ve ly ga on Th bowA o he st h of nand. kUGUST 1, 1867. CITY AND SUBUIIDiii. • FOURTH PAG Julien and inadt rata /de Mono, Olt and P10(1 , 14, Markel Report. any paper in the city, aid befinmd an or iburtft The Linen. or Whisky Court. Ilessrs. Jonatium Neely, George Haul- 1 I Iton and Archibald Pillow, composing the gaud of County Commtesionersand also vested with trio power Of grant ing lieenSejo sell liquors, held . Court yesterday, .to the quarter Sessions room, to . hear upwards_ of eighty•four license applientlens. which lout been regularly made ,u!1 all rogkorod loans complied with. About one . half were now applications for taverna, Or eating houses, (the - name. en fur as regards the sale of liquor,l which have not hereto- fore been licensed,' sad In now ' Mesa lions, the altered - law turd the liberality of the Cotritty,Contraissloneis. an canthared with the colfrati penned by the Common Pleas Judges while the authority remained to them to grunt aeon., affording recent ithement to in the Ilqnor trelle. There was a pretty Mil attendance, moth applicant being iteCumPanied by 000 or more witnesoce, and the.loone in the im mediate vielnity of the Court Houle dui a thriving baster. In providing "refresh ment" for these who became wearied in waiting their turn on the livt. Tha routine, Or form of hertring'applicatines,is the name which wan °Merced ceder the operation of the old law. Thereht morn sameness. how. ever, and apparently not ao close on hive. Mention as to the "necessity" for the tav erns or the "Ammeter. of `the apphoante. Whtle observing the proaeottings 'ester dab, nmo de sugg.ted Itself to pt. by which the hearing of the n1 , 1 , 1 1 .410.s might be materially shortened, made the wrk of u few deul of the he o ard being required to h o ld Lee sessions In the day.. The vapors. the oases are pro. vienely prepared— petition eating: forth the location and accommodations or caps. City Of the MM., with affidavit ns to the amount of loges, bond. At,—and the clerk, calling soups eleht or ten eases, the upon. Cants and their witneesas Astra:lgo them. selves to line In treat of. the desk, and ate ! sworn to make true answers. ooe ease is i then called, Anterrogsturna are _pm and answered, Cash Amon:ter, and, so cm until the attire list , f• gene through with. The ' Interrogator!. • put, • are, ' let, location of bonen 3d, slat. or a umbCr of rooms; NI, as to lass Pecesslty; 4th, is the applitmet a competent...ream. char acter toed for honesty an d sobriety Them aro answmed in such a way as to indicate that the applicant had each a Phme, nod that he wee such a person, ad came within the requireminite Of the law. 'And this Is •eJI. the Board inking such unto or record of each tea as may root screletrln cube. quently peeving thididnolithient. Nome. EttlflCO3. when env ore OfrtYCKI,StO reduced to writing, with the reasons set. forth, i together withatones of remonstrtods. Wu think at least no harm would resets IL, . more summary mode& proceeding were adopted. The roll or:applicant. and their witnesses mutht he cull., each Wan tektite but mention MR Ms name is 'reached, and whoa say ally hare presented thenisrives. ltthem be sworn to make true answers 'then put the follualng 10quay : "Do you conlider • the bruises each 1 of you severally represent necessary for poetic cocomotmlation I . ! Of nouns the reply win be to the alternatives the appli cant would certainly not say no, .11t is I not reasonable to suppose he would bring a vritucesnrnin wools not awear to suit him. Next oak - , "Dew' many rooms nail Duds are in she hapset. Thu nuMbertndleated will certainly not be lesa than retettioni.. Other of which might he inquired shout are I of i.ocrl, pooh as the Ideation of Om house, whirl, to elven In s w a ntition flied, and also whether um hous or ever had been 1 heausel. emit • plan of Proceedlog would be no less farcical than that heretofore ph,' Sued, white It 'gonna save elm. and. trouble badi to the "Court" .1 the applicants. ' It might, however, interfere with the I A. 41 fraternity, in cutting air their le.. n,l Jost here we Dave a tilt of hypocrisy` a bleu it may not be old of place to dillp0•41. tie have in our mind men, noted Mr their detente.* In the temperance Canoe • who, On snitabie occasion., characterise the Is . (teasels. to infamous wheneoce theme who truffle In liquor, yet their stoner dr, dollars end cents considered. Is pet to Mensallen In Morn hag he oat—. • 00010 daya mat unite a sensation Ime prevailed to Ginolngham, in tbetsection of the borough nest the 11111, bounded by Washington, Dentuen mid 'Grosvenor streets., coneelning the alleged death of a child through cruel treatment. The story sot out that the child had born obtainoi from the County Homo, that the woman who hot taken It In charge hod subjected it to the most terrible erueltio, each as It in the cellar and garret for I long periods wlthout food, beating It tin.' and doing other things which we do not care to mention. It is logs neighborhood, wouierillve there who talk a great deal 1011 lunch 011 all ccenslona, and when they obtain any sort or founda tion for a eancellon, fall not to take Wean- Pure Of It. In this Instance they bed. game, treat., and how well they enjoyed It may be Inlng Incl. The death or the child refei red to; on Sunday last, in conmaction with the. stalk" previously indulged in, • set the nelghbOrbOod In n blaze Of erelternent. Old women. unl - gOeng One*. too, collected on the Mores turners, and with indignation °lntend upon their countenances, In the bearing al their own dirty tams'. neglected nrelilne, InVelghod against the abihtetarver and inUnterer. • Korn considerate, attend mstircir-own-businese tort of PeoPle, ex cited by the created, went snout de. tertrdning Y to the tenth orthe ellegatiOne In theproper way. The pnysician who at. tended - the child in Its llinws, slum/ the fourth of .1017, woe called Open and owed in reply to inquiries that death resulted (rein natural runes, and that theme who bad the Wald In their care seemingly bad given 14 proper attention during he Illness: It might have been crrielly treated preel onaly, and this 'might have Cansed Ito 111- nee*, bet eh form ho observed (who could know hotter) death did not result from yl6. Irate. So ended inn eecn,ation" except the obusy bodies,' who are still rovellng In horrible levolailoos. . The 814t1listen order—Cloning of the Inquest—Me Result. The nearer Argus says: Tho Middleton murder, which‘ocourred In this county_ On the night of the ith of November, and to which we have so frequently alluded In these continua has now assumed another phase. - The Inquest met from limo to time atter aliddleton4 licitly was found, het ow ing to the absence of linoortarit ;Infernal coming to any conclusion In the matter. Those witnessoe were last week brought to the stied, and after a patient, heanng. and thorough an Investigation . the Buy could give the matter, the fol. lowing Verdict was rendered: "Thulline Middleton Miele le his death by acts of violence, et or near the mouth or Itun,lit Brighton township, Beaver county, Penney !venni, on the night of the 11th or the morning of the 13111 of 'Novem ber laid; and that .14 aCte al Violence wore committed by Uniting 'Burch - , William Wilco, John Stomp. Washington Bunion, and James Parris." In .cordarrerr with this conclusion, on Thursday morning hut, James Perri...was arrested while In Braver, and on the after noon of the same day Themes Burch and John stump wore no - erica notarcen Beetles for end Now Brighton, while at work In a brick yard, and on the followingdey Wash ington Benton was taken iota radio going from his inane to Sharon/. 'lir B. 11am Wlke was arrested into ou Yrlday. night sh Squirrel /1111. near Pittsburg's. ' The whole of them parties weralnought to Beaver as they.were arrested, and- non now in Jell awaiting further proceed ings against therein The testimony againat the parties named' is maid to be pretty strong, but et this atone. It Is Impossible to say what the final result will bo. =GUM •. At Trinity (Episcopal) Church on {Padua day morning, Abel Serfoot, eon of the Bishop of the diocese of Pittsburgh, was Ordained to the "taconite. The solemn nod Improisive Mlles for the ordaining or Deatione wan observed. Delude the Bishop and the candidate, there were present ten Presbyters and Deacons, els: Rev. Dr. Swope, of New York, (formerly hector,) Nev. John Scarborough of Poughkeepent, N.Y., (Eater elect or Trinity Cbureh,) Ilea. Dr. Preston, Res. Or. Made, and neve. Messrs. Slater', Ten Brack, Wilson,Puller, DoCandleut, and Ely, of this diocese. The ordinatlen sermon, preached by Dr. C. E. Swore. from St. Mark, VIII. ,;Brae an elo• wawa and able exposition of tea DIO tee ata. Uierlty and inured functions of too tian ministry.. The coaelnding Tart Westin earnest and most touching address to the young gentleman about to be set apart to tinatulnletry. Of this portion of the Eel, gentleman's discourse we, hate te Magda a espy for Struck lettli an Axe. Tho Franklin Chime sayst Un Thursday mornlrdelast en altercation occurred be tween a young soh of Mr. Jail. Dempsey, of this piece. and o man named DirdanD, In regard to a boat. Dirdsell, who was In t~tllo boat, limited and golog op , to the boy atrial), him with the side of an axe on the head, knocking him Into Trench creek. Belling some men running to the spot, • Birdsall fled to the woods. A warrant was As seed but lie lies .113 t yet been arrested. if /Indult le caught, he ehonld suffer the ex treme penalty of the 'law, for thbl eoWarilly and brim! altar*. ~. . Llicalaghte• Ibildje. ,Oatratte.—.A. ..ti.l wancee ail wh en trelterdar. to fora layo r mocarthy, us the cue af William Ida Elravey and Alexander Bretrertoii, charged with entree/um the Gelman larl, Barbara the litnalngtem bridge, acc. dey night, the lath Ct. NO nem lute wars elected.' The hearing, Will bieTnatinuett Cite forenoon. • PRICE THREE CENTS • a ,, ndlienee Olenoc—AL 111.1 playa Preacher and Denier, • and ; fewledl. chnelleb , s. As matters now look we fees many of our 1 charitable Methodist friends and rood ! lihighta Templar have been VlcMelzed to some extent through the oPeraLiOcil of a etmlia enee m en. ennui few week. ago there mime into the city a gentleman or genteel appearartee,Dieasinu address and faultims I Manners, srho gave his name as far lily, dreamerrepresented that be was in reamet aces bordering on destitution, not appealed to I 'the charitable for aid to enable him remain. ; taro himself until each time es ho Could establish a practice kern. Ile rays be is a native of Sew York,' gradoetee at Geneva College, in that state, and after wards studied medicine under Dr. Mott.. lle farther elated that he hut removed to south Carolina, and was ordained no a iuin• later In the M. E. Church 000th hylliSlion Soule, Ho was a resident of Charltstoe I when the war liost broko out. umnaceora leg to his Oficrepeated tale, had acquired a nompvtenere. Worn the ...lint gem ens fired 1 on Sumter," he fled from the BOutthiear ing his family beti l tel MO. and Onsench. inn Sew York Joined the ratan nreiym, a I private. althonen be, had previously he I offered aveoloneley" in the Mehra eralTl the nerved thrOifghout the ltar,airbestahAwas horrible risoner, pens, le ano ofi the Deleon enddred ellthe safer loge Manned on air brave Men,mill /on released was reduced almost to it skele n. furthermore represented - himself Us a Steam, alel remelts assisucnce„ from Ithe members of that tratarnity. Being an .eX cetera "talker,” and withsuch docunicu. Lary evidence as disarmed snspielon,l he eeoured the contleenee of • large number j ot ramp,, end was permitted to make 'ap• 'peals to never:Ll of the Methodint eongregs. ' ,lone in title city. In come instances be Met • with great seesaw, after baring rehearsed the troubles and trthulettonethrongh which he had mussed; such as the death of his two children, from etarvation In the Smith, while he wee °lighting for .the stars and strlpeannii the Pereeteatim Of ear Wert . Oue Elaine," the confiscation of hls property try a the rebels; niseflortsto ear. ifeelibbod slms hie a Weenie; his patriotism in refus ing a Colonalev In the rebel arm ..dOch otner things as were calculated to awaken the emipatteee nue open the pickets 'the benevolent. He was also suoceesful In •bla appeals to the members of the Mmonio Ira ternitr, receiving a keonenlierable emnnnt of motley from them. ' Yesterday the National Freemason, a New York organ of the 31690011 i order, came to the city with a foil expose of the fellow, who, it eopears,Lise been doing the Eastern foika In a similar manner. The aritclesets forth as follows: "A person mating himself John lily, olio. Dr. limiter, alias Dr. George Levi, but srhose real name is George Lerlson, has been posing upon the charitlea of the Masonic ! Fraternity for some mouths past. flp!re- Lresents himself es being Past Master of a odge In Charimten, 8. C., willob oily he left tha day on which the bombardment of , "Mntero was commenced, enlisting as a private in the seventh t. B. infaetrytas I baring Peen taken prisoner, and after. ward. released by General Lee. Sometimes he elatme to be a physician, at others a Methodist minister. fly hL 3 . 0449 answer. to all quesuone be has snowease an claim- Inane the fraternity inane city andslcirpty to .considerable extent. Ice nee glso duo. i .ceeded in exciting thin sympathise of the Methodist congregations, (white and black, and has swindled them to probably no great BtlltZtent. ! Alt of Ida statements are raise, and Iwo bare evieence tent at the time be says Ihe mama soldier in the United Stele% arty. he was serving out a three yearie setae:Me bigamy. e theTrenten, New Jersey, prison E for I has . d e e l d . f a rre Ilfee7twye(i. oV =llYrill'Air r .1 by the Mesonte haunt of Celle com municate this informetton to the sieveral Omuta georetaries, that thug may tekethe necessary flew 10 'prevent euborritnace Laiget in their larratetion from being I victimised.° This Lennox is a man of irnteolappear ance, shoot flity.tivo years of age' lice feet nmeer ten Inch. s in height', mixed gray bats end a capital tallier, calm/latest to ex cite the sympathies of all with Whom he may coma in contact. There can be ne doubt hot Dr. Ely Is • ewludler, a. Oonil. deuce man of the erst class, and as he Will probably be permitted to gelidly depart Ma city. we advise other nclabbori hoods to be on toe lookout 'emblem its was shown the tittle-le the Prememen. Ymlten . day, but coolly suggested that some Other person •as Devoting In his name. ' I Filleo.(Hyeerlste ly ExpleezA MOO nevere . 'At th e Fort Pitt Works, yesterday Worn. lox about nine shock, Hier e was an esplo.. sloe of nitre.mycerine. Two men were,on.; gaged in breaking op a fly wheel for the purpose, of recasting. The Dub resialleg • enitnary efforts, It was determined to blow At to nieces with glycerine. Thin mem. ! also failed, the .llquld not exploding, and I they renewed the gannet, process: It .ss supposed. the glycerine had been entirely '; emptied out, bet this proved to - be a mis take, although not mole than a drop or fro' could have been left in the cavity. One of the men, Henry Bustin, a machinist.... bolding scold chisel on tho Dub with both I hands. while ills compatible was striking the chisel with a sledge hammer, when the two or threedrone 61 the think( arnitawder e x pl o ded with great,, Lance and sera,. results. The on and wheel wore broken to freed , . nte ; amt several of the flying piece. el rnck Mr Smith on the bands. arms breast and face.. anU lareratel these, pens eery emlounlF.. Ile was alms eeverely burned by the elycertne: his rtanda and, arms to the shoulders,and hid breast end face.. One of hie • eyca was destroyed a i long time since, and the other was seriously j mimed by the explosion. Dr. Burgher was mimmoned aim attended the injured mans, I e m diate necessities, after stitch Issibml him transferred to the Homeopathic How- plial,on Second street, where he now in, at tended by Dr. Ilicthelluid, the surgeon In charge of the Institution.. The lei tired man le about tarty years Of age, and resides in Allegheny, where he km a family living. Tyie other marl was cut In the thigh by a IMMO, the Iron, hot only very sligetly. A Toping Lady Healy ?Scalded. The Huntingdon Jeerers/ mys: A young lady named Amend. llettrinitt. eMPlormi k as a domestic in the family of Mi. Major, residing an the corner of Church end Mont. gemery streets, in this borough, was terri bly centred en Tueeday morning of halt week, by the appalling of . • boiler of scald ' hill water. She was engaged In washing, and bad puts boiler filled with Mathes optus the 000 king Move, to the hutment cellar of the budding, and in passing down stairs with her trues lull of 00.10 by some acci dent she 1011, and sulk leg the vessel. upset It noon her person. Being unable to retri es. herself. she was compelled to remain. In the , position the had fallen, with the clothes, saturated With scalding water, piled upon her: ,She .trave o n ear, bat 150M8 Lime elapsed before any arrived to res.. one her from bar peril... 0110.4 lon, not knowing from whence the cries proceeded, bee location In the cedar killing the sound and rendering It dlillanit to learn her where-stands. When found she was lying with her face ul the doer, and the scalding clothes beeped neon her back. She was Jly scalded upon tne shoulders and body. d her suderings were great. Orr Waist ling Iris celled, and did all that medical skill could suggest to alleviate the pain. nhe is linorovrog !lowly, but 14 stUl learnt. !cal condition'. • • Burglary—a. Huse ran.. About two o'clock yesterday morning* Mr. Joseph Wearer, ticket agent at, be - . wlekly Station,on the Fort Wayne and Chi °ago Eallroad,was aroused from his sleep by some one knooklug at his door and call ing him. Ile got up, but suspectlog Immo thing wrong, did not go out. lie asked what was wanted, and was informed by men on the outside that there worn burglars Lathe ticket office. Mr. Wearer still being suspicious, refused to go nut and ordered the fellows to lease, or sugar the eonsequen eta AM going to the ticket oMco _ln the morning. lie found that it bad boon broker, open, and the books ' tickets and papers scattered, around In grand prolusions, hut there being no money or anything 01 Talon In the office nothingsoh taken. Mr. Won. ver thinks that the object of ties bun:lora was money, and endow none. In the once they wanted to get him up so Ls to enable them to enter ttio house. As he was unable -to recognise the roleo of the person who called him, Mils is probably the comet theory. A grocery shwa belonging to a Mr. HOW , ard, near the station, woo also broken open and robbed of ten dollars In money and a considorable quantity of goats. bore is no clue to the byrithire. Dread tielebentren Te• Day. At union Park, Aileghong City, Will lic hen] today a greed first of August eelebra. tioo by many of our leading colored citi zens, the proceeds of which are to he de voted to the helmet of Brown's A.M. Th e arrangements made era or the moat liberal character, and rare enjoy. meet will reward all who chose to attend. The refreshment booths of the Park will he occupied. whdo,,Swiegs, flying horses:en, will he full;bperation. A grarni tourna ment will take PM... In 'which s comp., of heroic knights will engage le a manly contest for the honor •of crowning the queen of Love and three Minds of honor. ilex talented and esteemed fellow citizen, Prof. a. A. Neale, will be the orator of the day, and a number of other distinguished spankers will be attendance to deliver addresses.. every body in cordially Invited to attend and participate In the lestivities. The object is praiseworthy, and . we trust there will be O. generous reeonse to th bled Invitatkin extended to p itio. radian e throat° community. Surety of the Peace. • Thomia Jaeloaum o made Information borne° Aldermen, Moilliars. against bleorirdliann good, for nicety of the peace. The proae-li enter reside. on Second street, thin, cite. and the deponent' at No. f 3 Monterey street. • Allegheny. Judo.= ellegas that the defendant threatened to eat his heart out Muth a knife, and also to .hoot him with • revelrer. A warrant use inged.. Ann Driscoll appeared before the rime Alderman, and made luformetlon against Jn/In ealfreY. for •urety of the peace. The prebeentOr alleged chat inn defendant chal lenged her for a ° pitched . ' light. The par ties reside at th e corner of Logan and Web. - star accent.. A warrant wan waned and placed In the hands of an racer, who not only arrested the woman, but brought her, slog and four children to the onion The tog Ind of wu I lit a72f °2 l .b n a hut Ali te,ez. Exploelon—A Woman named Mrs. Fair. rending In Whitellno, we' 'overfly burned Tuesday sultht. by the orploason et Carbon Ott ln kmp, flitch she wan Carping /n her hand. ♦ e\ . Cr 40.110 Accident—Sinn 'Standen In n hewer. .\ A man named Thomas Ymnan, brother ord the contractor of that name, met with an accident of a most frightful character Yes- ' Scrimpy afternoon. A 3 we have already stated. an opening had been-Made at the corner of Smithfield street and Strawberry alley, for the purpose of putting a ..dropo la the sewer constructed In the alley. The rain on Sunday. washed a duatitity of sand Into the sewer, anti carried It some aislelmo down toward Liberty street. rinnan was employed yMterday most Of the day In cleaning this send ant of the rower. At abbot fifteen to Metes before four o'clock to the afternoon. he was working near the place wharf, the steam pipe from the 1110.1 plc, manufactory or Modern. Batley, turret ed. eaters the seweromene eLety r,f, from the corner of Smithfield street. SmidenlY. and withOit a second's warning, torrent of scalding steam tame rushing ihrUngb the rdpo in math n sewer, enveloping the nlifortMe,ii man at Once in ea Mel hos cloud. tir Ito groat presence of toted he ludnedtately commenced makingg bis way toward the opening nt Smithfield street. In sone of the suireesting repotittics ee...10d to aching ft and extricating , hime self f rom his mottoes position. Ile was at. once carried Into Zichner. Johns drug store.on the corner of smithilsl.l st reet and SErnscherry alley. and received prompt attention. from Dr. E. Donowliy, wno was surrnoced. It - Wan ascertained that the solderer was badly scalded on both arms.. far ire We elbows, on the breast...the neck. and' the tipper portion of the bark, and on the feet. Ilia Weave. were rolled upend his collar unbuttoned and thrown bads, whleti neonate for the somewhat strange thin or hie leyarlea. So nadly was he scald. ed that the skin dropped Idr the lejored portions. trio. burns, though severe and causing Intense et:dieting, are not coneld ered dangerous:The feinted man le of middle age, and residen at Port Perry, whets he has a wife and leer children. Ile was removed to Item litoeplial. Thera taunt he culpable negligence sousewhere—we will not pretend to say where—or scalding steam and a regularly etaplaynd man would not be m the sewer at thosame time. • Vence 'lath her Victories. tine of those trinutp_hs, as will be seen by reference to an advertisement in another column, hoe been gained by the ifiwter 1171.19 n hoeing Machine, which In the con emotions arena presented by the Paris Ex position, has been pronounced 'datelines over eighty two competttoi l s! _What Ctioniter evWence amid be demanded—what I.lore convincing proof Lto given—of the BD perlor- Ity or this deservedly popular Sewing ma. chine t in a faired open competition wile all the Ocelot machines of Soy prominence the world. tin,partial lodges have award ed .to the Whe , ler E Wilson too coveted prize, the only Gold Medal bestowed °natty to machine. The Gold Medal granted Einu, clone was given to him no an in ventor, and of each was' richly merited. lint out of four aeon, competing machines. but one—the Wheeler A Wilson—received Ws proud distinction. At home this invaluable hOusehold sestet sot is held In .equally high esteem. From accents to eighty machines d week are now sold from the agency in Pittsburgh. Ibis ruMarn.olo Inlennan I. not only to the excellence of the mannis,. Out to the en• orgy and tact of the Western Agent.. Wm. Sumner h co., No. 27 Fifth street, where every person is invited to call and examine, whether desiring to Onrchase or not. = , • Tuesday night officer Front Campbell, Or the Allegheny pallor, arrested two young men, giving their names as Peter Gallagher and Jamei Quinlan, hiving obseteral them, as be tbongnt, operstin gat the pockets or. man lying on the sidewalk. on Federal street, near the "Allegheny llerise." Alter lodattur bls prisoners in the tombs, the em use returned to loot after the man whom he supposed had. been robb e d. and bound him intoxicated tbe extent &Imes!, or Insert+ bully. the name was Jtesksem. Ymtteraay morning the arrested rersons bad a hear tng Wore. Mayor Morrison, tint nothing was daveloned to Warrant , their being beta Mr trial. . = 'rho pnbDo will please take notice that at the Great World's Yak . , held at Paris, lon, the Wheeler k Wilson Mt nufacturing Corsi piny did not ezbibli a Dation Hole !machine an slated by the Howe Agent. hut ihrkani ertnlnt their it/wire/tea Stains Jinchwea with lie cry,ral foot and Button Bole anachnienls, and rec , ired at the hands of the eminent ju r., coupe/ons toe coin mitten. Ms on/g (laid for i4rfecdon in &Winn Shichincs. "We.Scitisit & Co. Sniff a oagirr4b.lasmela emattritie to draw large audjashionable houses at the New Ope-a noose. Their performances.° of n Bret else. order and low companies so perfect and finished in all departments have ever visited our city. Each oval:dog anew programme Is introduced, sad most laugh able negrolsnia and aeon.are produced. The universal verdict b. Peen ih favor of, this comptuay,and readers who fall to at tend wilt win a grand treat. To-right a .mat hilt is offered, which embraces the choice. gems of music amt. - Inimitable negro perfonnAtiOcs. GO early If you would secure a ohoice.sest. •• • *amen wad Ilattery.—Johri Miller made information before alderman lynch. against Mark Wright, charging him with assault and battery. The parties are em ploy.) at Coward's brick yard, Bop:. Hill, in the Eighth word. Inner worka outside, or the riled. and Wright inside. Wrighthad a bucket of water of which Millet attempt ed to fake a drink, When Wright shore. Lim away from it. warrant war Issued and the defendant arrested, and on 051- moot of Macon. Was discharged Ay aorl- Atom of the prosecutor. . • - Fkkinc7.—Ellsa Bradleir6arie informa tion Lilroll9 C.ldennan 11Ichfasters, Tester dsy, tutsinst Flinn, charging him with willful perjury. Un tho t 1 .2.1 of July Flinn thane information minion hilts ilralley;Wwcaring that oho bad administer. ed poison to a sow and pig., which hire. B. swears was a willful pad malicious false hood. Bbn also makes information against blot y of the peace, mleging that he to knock her brains out with a stone. Warrants wore Issued far Flnn. Alleged Pale. P .—henry Schwan mule information before Alder man Thotunaoresterdnyotgainst one Frede rick &Mellen° fbr false pretence. Schwan *ileum that defendant came to his store and bought *6,12 worth of bay, enter the name of timid". , The bill wee prtrented to 'Smith, when he denied the debt, and sand he never ordered the goods. The de fondant wed arrested, bald the' bin and ants Of snit; ancrwaa diSehergrd. Ignutte3 It Dated west into .ctty clerk's orrice, In Wheeling. the other day, to get a marriage cortlllcate. Alter looting as the inetrumeni awhile, he beckcrowl the clerk aside: ••See here mater," said he confidentially, "can't you Irate the thing buck about two menthe!. The clerk moored blm 'that he Could not. "Well.. sold be, "I don't rare auyttilog shoot It toy self, but her Nike rather locum sport it."' Aceldeat.—d. little on of Mr. Wolfgang liebrank, of liceoneburg, agog about ten yeara, was soarruly fakir... 4 on last'hunday. near the railroad oulvutt, caste! that pl► cq by being struck with I , large steno, milled dawn the radioed cm .kment' by a boy named Mceoy. Moth I lila loge are badly bruised and cut, and &tit hopes are enter tained of his recovery. A warrant has been batted for tile arrest of, , Dung McVey. Vela aparattaa boa. Water at J. T. !Amplo.s Drug Otpro, N 0.38 Federal =NO, • AlloglaouY. • /arse Platt; of Lees.—Seventy-four tote will be sold et samti m on next Saturday, at r. in Birmingham, on the pretulliel Ituntedletoly adJolnltur the Improved prop arty on the south side Of Manor street, only two minutes walk from the Larson tarot cern, sod els minutes walk from either bridge. . A rare opportunity le here offered to secure cheap homes near the sea. tau of Onalneas, on easy torn.. N. N. Riddle & Urn., Practical Plum . . hers, Um and Steam Fitters; Heaver street, butacen•Franklin and Clundint, Manches ter, Ha, have on band Charulellere, Pen. dance, Brackets and all - kinds of (1 , ,a tarns Lean PIP% Shen Lead, Dar Load, damclose. Hydrants, .hewer Baths, Water unoodts, F.i,Alf Tubs. Lilt, Fame and Ala rump" ' Hydraulic Hama, Vitrtilad Drain Plan for beware' All ,work "warranted to Sloe satisfaction. ' • • Important Notier.;—Ur. Spencer, DOO - ho. Zi Penn street. mi.c.t. o . to state bolus many friends and patrons that, having removed his family to the countrY for the summer meetly!, it will be ewers. ry for those desiring to see him to can at his ofnce between the hours of seven o'clock. A. a. and six o'clock r,:w. Tbese will be his eltlce hours until hboot the 1.710 of eeptero. ter, when he win more back to the city,ana min then be Mend at all bourn. U. We 0011 1107 Gooda both at wholesale and retail, and arc, as: a comoquence. en abled's.° keep a Luger and meets better as sorted istocir„ to .011 cheaper and kilo the goodl 1n tuo:e accommodating quantities than e: c 1 naive jobbing 000000. 110141 taut , Chant: are invited to examine our Meek. . J. W. Awns a CO. • tO hot aticet. • Deaf:tem Dischancea fm the Ears, CgtArrlh 13126113611 at the Eye, sad all affec tions at %chronic and obstleata abaraeter eacceeenDly treated by Dr. Aboto. smlcheold stmt. ORlce boors from 9 O'clock a. ■. MI 4 doloek P. C. Ng Place Else Ist tUo Vity—etuo bettor or cheaper Boom, I,3llcros, • Ramona* and evorldboto else 1n traollsot, be found Mon at the Uwe honored otpro of Samos Robb, N0.f.0 'Market stroot. • • For'Pledtral One, Pure French Brandy, pure Blackberry Brandy. pure Blackberry \ M. e% pure PorL Blue. pure .Pallforula it Ohio Avouno, Druz Store. Y. B. Mercer. - • Prof:Campbell Is healing the sick, free, eVary forenoon 41 Ashland Hall, Wylie street, with snail astonishing success, and will lecture to IsAka this afternoon at tII2WI o'clock, • Yoe the Caro, of Clioleria arthea, Dye/niter', 204 A reliable &Attie for the cure Al tams mWpialete fa te be bad at blerbarbi Ohio Avebita Draft blare. A tame mosorsolop I of all leln4iot Pratt Jam .0 0.1 Tomolers,pnt orrivod at U Bean% /Amp t1t0Ph111..525 Yana street. Sth • Go to Flomlag's *woe. Roam co.I Id Market stroat, for • Warnattql Standard 'Preparations of all Minim/ other place in theoftx. • Go to glesoloteo . Oro g stem • O. $4 Market moot. for BratWo.s VormWaal:cou nt., the bola Worm Mbdlalno In use. • THE MIIIMY, GAZIaT.E. Two . corri*B. „ WEDNDSOLT &ND 'IIII.II7IIDAL IL lards sent, erstatalng 1111mTT 4417: COI.. MINN of tatensdlno readlna mattes, Ilteludtuu leWtaß momomMs, Munn nem. y Tolegraph and Mall. valuable Itesellar Names for um Family. sad fullest sad moat rallabla noon- Mal and OoMmerntal Market Reports Mean by aaf palms Is the atty. No farmer, MentAnle or Merchant should be adtboat num rci Tax wzawr aistlTs: C of ..... Club.ot —Ana oar, ropy or , ape, to the paws semaa, up the club. Ado Mona to clubs can to made at Lay stsae, at club rates. . Nan 41.151:11.01128.—. orderinr Tour paper. be taro and Specify. w.t ins want' uwp Its. a Wed...T Ldltlon tt , feriberlb.l l . Out onte.ll:s wort. • • }m oney by DnUt. - Lxvreolt, X. 241 Orde=a. 0112 Mucirterad latterly ma y 00 .eet tt 0%,? ea. AddrellNl UAZerreo , P[l sv'OUFS, Pt.A. adetek e( G. L. Desue. Eral..• We are pained to announce the death of this estimable Citizen Of our sister city, thorn 'took plate yesterday morning atten o'eiW'k. The deeeased ens at one - time [affluence of Alleahenn petition whi c h he held wlth much credit and diatlnction. k edema tdreM Blatt ""erlY be . lend been eMployed as gate neat of the Fort d Wayne Iteromi,st the rat days, Igo cotenNialng of diarrhea. on. 1.10 unit duty set e. front which be died. lie seas teemed fnrany robin te:tita er m and leaven behind him ft :ante. circle et friends runt erqualetlames di moorn bin unernected domino. The funer:d le.. Pine. to•morrne id fire archaic (rem hie late resident:o North avenue. lalerkwate• Itta•Hpattoo.—The r•eitt& glyttolit Canal Company hare reco;stly made a surrey of the canal and titer room H arr upaeg to Huntingdon. with &clew Or adapting thalenlata to elattgenter navies., t ine.t 'One Lewistown i tazette Punks there thg In DO way o prevent thin Hem being carried • out. Snell a change aro. Id soon crests steam metrication. at least tor light draccht, boats. St a comnaratlsety hmail e.pno9o, channel from fifty mope undred feet wide, and from two to three tort in derail. mute be Poste by reneguer a few rocks and !doom It may yet be eons. The e. 12" Preaten—The plants Pule under the sionoices of Division M. of Um Seas of ',Terinneraneo.yeaterdity, -. was ono of the most dr:14011M or tho season. It was lareas ly attended, sod au ettarseteriznd try, rare Rood confect on tba, part of nil present, adding . mach to the character or thin papa- War branch of the temperance rier. - - - Consenistrd.—Wllliare Shorts, is default or ttrreo hundred dollars for his eppecrance at Coisrtoras committed' yesterday by derimao Mullin, charmed With • malicious mlechlef Math of Mary iteitionbanal, Cold Sparkling Sans knster nt .7 T Samplo's Drug Kora. no. Si raderalstrrot Allagbaxs'. • rir Additional LOCAL Fuse on Third Page.' 1 MclilAeTElMi—fitSßOSNE—Osi Thwirdier In. ;Ph bites by Mem •J. Retells Mc- M eeST EMS, Hail.. sad Mies YAMNIZ Wor I lartle Creek. ' ' • RAMSEY bleCANN.—lyn ?Wedgy CeenlClC,i Mall both, by the Re, V. Lug., 0/ the "Whirl 61 Churge. Rem , ommone, Mr. WILL RAINEY,E.g.. of ellenb•ngll lb, gad MR§ ME A. Me RA NN. or Allegheny (My. . • EDIMI UDRARaII 13E— an. Weauescluy, July alst; ar, Ur. k The faueral ...11l tate ylaet from his l*lo reap so. north ayee” . e. Alla/fatal City. TO•KOSM4II. .•/T•113 . ON, at S ol•lork. Th. Mends of Lae ratally are reeyttslullyafulted to attend. . NM:anti—On Ws Orients/ monolog. alnlh, si.t I kA. at., literati/St i nthe rad year or his ag Funeral will tree plate frOtrilllalate mai/meet WAsbletston Atteet,' rTz.woot o'clock. . tXll3Wr—on Wednesday a:Orator. Jot, flu: at ateourek, JeraltOY lics;$ 101,11. , la the beta yaw of bee axe Tto (steeds of the'tassoly are reeyeetendy in vited tar attend bar Innen , from the reedtaca of tire sea. Janies McKnight. In Chirtlery Wiser ably. tate VORNINO. ail° o'clock. NEW AD VERT Ig OTV.NTS, ALES. AIKEN. lINDEUTAKEiI, No., 166 /aorta woes, Pittsburgh. 11.. COPYLNIS of an nob; maim, GLOYILS, and awry doierfpflost of./suoral Yorolobloa . floods funitsbod. 80.11/bDened dslanditin. Hearse ute Carrives faralabed. • 8117/DXFCI4—Dev. DAeld, Hem D. D., Y. W. Jambes, P. 0.. names Wel., Vie:. JO. e H. Yliler. Lw.' J G. (RODE EBE , . IMIDERTet.. • KM/ AND EMBALMER. resees!Or lolho Me Samuel K. Rodger. No. 29 Ohio thmeol. three nears from Beater. Allegheny 00. Be ttllle, Fleetwood. lEnhotany.l.Walnet mad Bolt-, tiood 11Mition Coning. et the lowest mane prices. Ilotnts open at all boom day end nifot.. MM. and rarrhotes fernlahod onihort toll= and on moat trasoutble term. . RDWARD CZAJINIECIKI, 172 C. LtEBTAILEIL Wane , 244 Oglo &nazi, • Adtegheoe; efatalno, , Boatmond and other. Cof fin., letthaeomolete ilea of Innatal inratahind Whale on bind, mot forotabod at ehortnt notice at , oneht. iprihria nu* sad oil of Pinar non 1112ODLS Cartineen; Barouchea. Boddiatah.ldlo none., sr.. an.. • T. warrE - o. co, twocc • Texans IND LaniaLkirlos, Min Su-' I. Wood's Bun sad 71;latt7. USDIa mom. Manehesierth.7 eltable. oorucr. Erballild , Ankr. Cbartlen Moats. $11.1119 ud CLlTillUte• Mr- • P. - S. STEWART, UnderitaSiwir: corner of MOUTON and PLISte ETltdoitt Ninth Ward. Veinea of all kinds. Hearse an Carr - tares forntahed on the shorten nolo:. GO TO ASLETT & CO.'S. No. 93S SKITIITIILDBTHICET, 70910 M es E.MICIT WEDDING RINGS. 18 KT. SOLID GOLD, I=lE3 DIINSEATH & CO., Tervcrenors4 66 virrn .Tar ire -TAMES SICOrT, cauccumarro alms not! s soon.) kEtTMAX.B7O:O. 31%7' FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS JP 4 .WELEta7,. SILVER-PLATED *ABE, ETC. 27* MUSTY St, mnivtaii. 1T Partl~~uuly aHentloa [ln4 w"v"" DEVLIN t 4 SILL. Realt.,,Estai'e s and Insurance ASentd. Butler st., L.• . rencesille, re. ' Oft 19/11 , —)1Ale CrrACTUROM 11 119 t.—To HaxprAaicuaset We offer for tale the but and most &sizable Otte fbr 11011100 HILL end Mut renown. or for anl inrin httahlh olo othi perilous. to the Ceuta. TWA Morena h 1000 led on • 10 toot street And the Allenhen7 110er. and wtthtn 100 feet of the A. V. R. B. The Ibt Sso h 7 64:1 ' Cartons deafen' media 100 would do wall to enandue before on7/pt eLsombeF... Tense made •th c o lt inarnhaeore. Bannire et D6Vtl4 /1 , 81. Seal Utah% and Insurance Arent.: 'Beller etr•et.. Learramoesilln. PER SALE—That vary valua. We and deatrabla pereaft7 nldtatu oa ee beoea atrcet sad the Alledb.”-ftm, an so" Shand' lea by CIP rect. en which to cram, • very aabotantlal Brick Bnildtal• de. WU°. blgb, 10011.7 y feat. calculated and well adapted fur carry unt on Almon on, brank of soanuface taring. It ta seldom • lot of them dlynonsteat4 tettnltt tbr alLyi can be had. and wo =add Invite the arectal a tonal. of Mum dertrons of recur. tag • Discs for maw: tactrueng wooer., to cab It the ottloa of DEVLIN A MIA HIM 'latate and tulneante egi . nta,ll.oer raw. tAstrefrreup, jiIttEIEST . • , • COLD MEDAL • E=3 tileeler& Wilson Sewing Machine s Lithe GIIIMT PARLA letroarrtmr. Jana lA. 11G af-er evert longmeg thorottrh ex.:l:daemon of all the ptlnelpal men tees of th e world—toe Gummitthe or +wood tot.. Dowd or th e most competent ma leeDerteth 1.4114.4 SIORILTED 61, CO 7 U 4 :. No. 27 .71771 . 1.271/227. rittaborlb HongEs FOR BALE, AT Howard's Livery Stable, 713 521012 a, near itowinvalas Hoare: One 110W4E. very nulls to &Wet win .1 Ram In Infnnoth. than tOOn driving M*KEE. fast Hone r Me 'any worn ISA na, ror shin low. tonsnr and bold on onanunlan. DIIILBIL. CLOS & CO., Practical Furniture 111.110m1BINTO CUR. PENN &NO WAIIE Latercotres of VllSNXTll33llcontooi:f twin. . 13. -13. 1; 51 (0/Nt Sealer of Wel, and Measures. N.. 6 rotarril WET sad Spry Order* ommnalv artont44l to. - wino HOLM" S, BELL & Co., Anchor Cottou hills, PUtsbiargitti . AIiCHOU ABID. PLAOI T 0144. lIA IPPLPAix twaIIETEBIN ail d.le blgr.'prrateMll:4lr . /11911.1 y. le, sae re1n , 99199 91111 , 191, will be sitliio9 . l to al i 97 01199, MN 19 18W1N 81 ytlßv'eiiu62.x:` R AssrAlumer BLUE . OIL mown, far 1110rir Windowlatmles. ow. nor .n 4 jest revelvut Um Oil Cloth Wm*. W.".""""".!"WyL