DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS. DRY GOODS. TRIMMINGS, J CST OrEIVED, II & cinusLF:s. .Mb. 19 rifUt larest, HIM! AND tLEGANT STILES Or EDLD SNIPS AND FRINEES. = , MAETEBT.' LACE COLLACS AND HEN STITCHED NAN WIERCHINTS. SUPER INULPII TRIMMINO RIBBONS. HAMBURG IDOINUS, psw NTH. TRENCH OOESLTL aew assoc.. EHIDLLT•O DUPLEX SKIRTS. new shape -We Imre Justwaßezed S superlor lot of Ladtes , Promenade Satchels, and • Gents' Traveling Bags Of {b. bggt yetallty loon s pular aliss. We itieLta special sttelstlot now lot or !tea CO M Haim nd bOish ad Trench L. cam.crcrzamo. The "- Star" Shirt, Asa sll una, bL 713BNISIIILSIG GOODS. at LLIVTCRICES. Ittriuti 611111ce.er! qpplied al LOW Print . IRACRUIE CARLISLE, 3.9 aftraz maperast. air. GOODS! Wholesale and Retail, at WM. SEMPLE'S, , No. 180 182 Federal St., I==l Black 1111ki. Fin% Lawns; Plain kind Printed Percales; Plain and Printed Maneilles; CheOui and TICIUIIIB% Coftonadee & Farmers' Linen; Fine and Hens* Flannels; Bleached is Brown Ilhirtings; Corsets and iloOp Skirts; Mosquito Netting; Boiler, and Notions; AT LOWEST NET . PRICES, WM SEMPLE'S; 180 and 182 Federal St., 4LLEGHE.iT CITY. VirOrders promptly tilled N EW AND DESIRABLE GOODS ! JOST RECEIVED ♦T JOSEPH HORNS & CO'S. Pointed Illiniating Ribbons: Plain Trimming gibbons, all altadvm Jet and Crotal Gimps and Frtareg . - Colored Ball Trliamlnigg White Cotton am Ball PringeM A Bill line of Alexandre , ' Lid Clang Lisle, Oxford, Neapolitan, Silk and Yid finish Cloveg lade and Cotton Lace Hoeg Gent Ladle.), Wawa , and Infante Bode*: Ilan Umbrellas and Parsaolg - Embroideries. Bausdkeredle6„ Lace Duplex Ita pUe t Corset, Belting and Baelleg ••Pala, Llnen and zu Fang Cause Underwear; for Ladles, Gents andUindring Bead Cellars de Belts, annelblng new; Aad stuta rtook of NCrLIONS. or all kW& ►t law Mem Cal and examine. • .'77 and 7 Market Street. RECEIVED THIS DAN. ECM, GLIDII & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. 1 MUM MUM? 0 =USG& Jet Bead and Bugle Ghnps and Fringes Crystal Dead Gimps and Drop Trimmings. Jet and Crystal Ornament. Duey Ink and Jot Drop Bottom; Fine Assortment of Plllll/012 and Inn Umbrella• . inglish Bonnet and Teaming Ribbons, all widllks snd shade; Colored Velvet Ribbons. Elegant Ascii:mist 'Beal Point and Ap. • plidnedateea and IWO erentak FULL LINE ALUADDRPS KID GLOVES. The Job Oleo Snide Intl lade temple% etoek the oboes Goods u oar Wholenle Depart,- sa.s, tofother with a pia/ ivies/ of Fancy Goads & Notions. Generally, allT Z.:UMBRA" PIitICES. =mono CAUB & Mc:C, 4261 n . C. flitb... ) co„ watsursaz FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. A0.1114.111100D MM% 1104 houe stor. Diamond .11.7. nrrintraini. AUCTION SALES. nOUITT6T HOUSES AND LOTS ATJLOOTIOIf. Will be meld, on the Proc . lock on THUMAY ArTZUNOtrle. •arnat eel. o'clock. a men. or load, situated on the levr i mmeist. e i rloot love rel i lesi . roa,nk . - W h i= oTtle i re ArloOn ' intrni: pref., carton two new treat dwelling each ...Minter four kimono with good teller. IndiVoli P i f d a sfc ronsti t ie l s9=rir d dri "repos. Devine • one &MUM,.st.ot a• res are anderlald with coal; tinle al. et good eels of On clay on the tend. Will be sold L Doe. two.or foot nieces. to edit parchneers. e s ter fa=7 , llliirt. , A. 4 1. , . ‘ 1...z i 5t0.1. A!EVE2I.4 ', . loat.tr. • BOINE AIND LOT AT lIICTION —.mi. on THOWKI&T, Aeramot lot, aria D'clock. the Moon and lot on Uto afar or earer ud lotoottmeow 'Oa W.M. Alle gan?. Onto nt untoolar.) TN lot train 11/ ft. On beater ad MO 11. ow Locust. tots paved , tt iooto. TM, haw Is • 44 , 117wwn0 f emu TNnlo :gaud tr.li at. th alau colt e door. 11. boo . oUji wont! !earl, a • Vitale bosidlng boots. be wnta It Is well adaran. TN Wootton la tat roc Walla Delat na Ina unnla tbotoonn . fon. 1"hto proven, could torviade exotedlogly oslosblo alba er•Ctlete or otoua dvellbin.r Waatalattattpn dlreord Witt proonootho • rargr....!-- os““io. Wall. b tu Joan. A. lALI • JAMES 8.. YOBtiasoN No. 200 - Wylie? Street, wooeefolly Warm ell thooohrho are 10 own of ukoltaos In WI Me Wt y hee OWN& BAKERY - AND CONFECIIONERY, AI shcm Vest 11 AD /_O4.ICUI, all 12 °ltrletv. ALeuv „, ... ~ ~.. ~,,,, senogniogierre , A u,.. • .;.:.I . t A Le.eoe, on the l'otene ., les 11, Hee, rAte .. ne• e..t hin.etcru mile s Irmo lee city. The le.: .vecevetle Dig` a two.Aettery toe, loe:ho ...I, m•,DD.., te l r.ennlieit lieneurie the hon•". A , ln . a tio• I 0 ,ro and other entoulidine• A , o.eileeluree of toe I est fruits, of 5.1 , earl. ti. e. cee•lmites. 1,e.. 111./ Mille AAry ee.nvenie DI. Persona lolling i.• engesit. In A . ' . . h .‘ n ' n4 " . " h ‘ doweel to nail and pp - chew, OVW . i . , ~, ‘,..„, teitt.f . ..VA.lfiCellteal ' aoelniS , t'Ae.reho . et ted mile, floc. the Hon or the renuilleanis !tail stea. The Imporetornts are—Pleat, • Iwo. story , tram., non, will deli ronine.• large , fr•er.e. '' ,t, 5 ,1'.. ;=ee ' Pse . l:ll ttVl L aill ' ;. ' ; ' •An ' rA t DIDA., log hen.... Wye rms. yarn, Ansl . O. • I. story iramo ennui DOD, LIDI othet out- Imlldings• The fee. tits I. all Fond, •hnnd•Ov. of Iliorstnnue on the pl•t e, •1.11 coal hilt • Abort distance. Oonsonient to Churches, rketA . lv. Stills .t<. i DID euttenrised to inn o.i , thin prut ~ ry ' Om:, .. , 1 , .....!1....... Alao. Aar...liens. Anent oi If.:ineren, etwill u..res are undo, cultl, - .1100, ell-isle In 00213 1 Lisa count.,•, lillunle. Improve:Acre:S - 0 new frame Owelling cout•ining .i. roomer About fell choice , 1,11 MA, good fencing. an, It lion witietu :Mlles of Inc 1111 note cans It. IL: will Le Laid p e r teAsou•lelo terms. Cite tertelevrt.7 tethen In exchange If desirca. Also, • race, or alareArrs . in „ Venn tnernsb in. re'r• - :;,Yr,r,lA°.',l,"?.`rh; - I', - .7.15 . 1',,;.1;„ 4 :.:; .d Other timber, 211..4..1110g home, I of thim a storied, the Mlle 1 1 seory. evith' • toonni. ho se, refills:lB,lsln htesen valve:nil! In DDO4 ruunlag Irder,• youag orctord of gralted truir. TLe lon, sl e iiigi °yore acre in 11.i•blve, wi eh lime one soi an, eith , oli, M. never fatlyeg 14DrtnzE • 7,;111.71`1i, ° .°1V: 5 4. 1 t'1VZ 1 j,-', l :':'iiLV. , milts writ of tireendhurg. This farm Is pies,- ' t o tge . : i s l A " ry "X IV; ta '' t ' t Il t er:ll i ta et wits d c a o ' Y. 4 t W, title I. goo, Also, one of the brit farms In Young to•nehlp, Indiana C to l'A.. four Mlle. from leavtern I'vneasyleaula Raltrowl, at Livermore nt•tton. routalolog :OA acres—MD.lW! mid under No. I funreleg. the rrs elite 1 t good timber. The Im proveents are two iralne Met:III/Md. CODliill,Da ire....outs vseli: 1 large .nt Darn, Ng Ley AO fret. and other {W OD thU , IM.I. In goeid order. e re Scres of orenard of cOoI,A vane teen of Cate: four ioot ve.n of Coal. too+ opn.) nutter nil the land. DI:10 abunosece ot limealeAlle. It I. • we., thriving heigtie.ortmod. couren tent to churches. Achoots. Mids. Jk• , mitt, I am au. tUorleAd to fell very low. and un good:osmi. Vorturther p•ttnular.. 5.00+5.:. O. U. TOWEIS. Real Zetata ASent. 164 !north otruel. A FIRST CURS FARM FOR SALE imb.r.b..r Wren; for sale u e f.trm tie .a., I..rec east tstetsb.• ,111.. is the Waa, gloa ma] ter•.'....11ta 1301,...10 two nutta (ma Pat.bastall.: Tin farm coatain• 320. ACRES cad of the qu•llty. &cr d closacd oo . tolv lo eau ri.P r...a re. 4 j“,- aad ha. co:a Pi ...A.m. flatly qv Wog wa Oulidlog• aro er,15,4 144 la all wall, feucc. 2115 a 5 'C«o-Stopy Brick House, A gnod TESI•NT 41..11Ar. T.. 01 LA ROE nes 11 HAW., 1.04 abun,nec .4( aa..4. reuin and ....her row,. at 1 are, and 0,4 . , a rveasry atinuldinrs. all lu cl.i.lce mut. ;1 Cei •ritEES of lands. and rmantras,. . l• our. or ne in. .et Cc Ira.e Semi. In the founty, tbiale tv,nthl.g ls.to cunsidcr.:lllr.. .n 4 farm un...th..4..1 • I , b e.ore Oe.ot to OLl7ool. and otorthra of Tart.. d. tom:or:Iona and In omd ne).hoor.. lood Is all thiame. 01141 I•t,a 'vol. :or Woo Solo two portion. If attire:llo. Air rost QllSees address, • WILLIAM ;PATTERSON, ItVS 2117, TEUISZN VILLE. 011:0 SMITHFIELD, 01110. 'VALUABLE EARN AT PUBLIC SAI.E. salt lo Ina lOglarit bidder, on the pron, tar, adjoining the rtihts? of Sul!tuned, Jefrer ton comity, Mao, on the routrai li;ith Lath (Ltpt) Nut, 1 . 4 g, 0,1 oared former' ` e_vomed c a J ed o;:/T , prd y the sate llrgJamlpw h. Ladd ; o r , a ,t t ui • %cr. more ht hit. tut,. It 6 " 7, ,' ,:j4l lr ,a good ttaa ,, er. .tt aboa t:4 acr.+ol. tee I set to elm • _ nr ,grgrs._ 1 wilt offer Ora& the oreol,r ,, — ,. .. id s r e , rte, MK fee prtglltee of (Gen trY.elg It la too trac. of tanUt 117 eech. . _ IL await ruy=7.ltt t ofati -111 bo r.f . +1,4 ea Jay of Ili,. thu rtlauloo.r 41v1doti 16 porn:sots a:y fir the oho c.hase.. 1.0<1.111t.,v1.1. o . Cinet or laid daT. rn, :I ' 4l.( 4 .2Vrite ° C.:.l . L ' utt=t °r lo t t o ;le t ete n :Si ' r! JosLeif JONES. arty tell. tl^.. . .1111,.51,11T lyEttillAßLE IREsiDENCE, tITU,LTE 1s 31cXEZ:IVIIT, 'Two-Mort' Brick Dvrelling. C.,etatntalt nine. 13 , 59., with ..th bons< and onletAldloget fralt nntaliairry I.c. Cor ner h•t On U eke: .2Ln-et $.41.11 street, to an allty tett 014 c. Terac .e.plUr W Uspt. U. U. VINCL.II.II4 McKr.. port. or =I = 6 EKE COUNTRY ur.ssuaLscz scalt. lltaar•t on the nronrn: ante mad. and 0ver t`.7.1,_,L.c3.41--0)4,33..10“,rin river:.LLY fat, From C= 4 ; :t 111 , 1. ,,, ee1v „. 1413‘..1 lad pat..rrd: sprtac and hot an 3 ...a.er 13 the twat, llotton maze LICCSI.I:, bit •Utl tips boast: LnundßOCe Or 011/1. asd ar dor imps sad sarnalrtrr, Lac turrcianL,ed •Ith . nestallul w or n bcdge. fur terms. Inquire of WILLIAIt OLA, Nu. 1: ,- .3311413t sweat. IMIIM 011 LE.-11nuhettnd Lot on Loco,. atce. C. Muleriettr. Un Üby 17,1 1.:4 Hu., frame, mawoe frte mums, . , lion. and Lot 'on .re..r , of Solgnlci. and 11•033,1 ton otr•ettr., Alitestny City. within three r,rtif;....'i!,:,ll:',:=,;!2:4:o6:ZlPlSY -1.1.11 atic— -0.1 ot and VII re Fintltil. rirect, 11.4.ba star. Lot wby 1= , {t 41.11 Attain sad -Lni.• In fined I.:40o.. Ittynita of J. UMW, i:raver. Ccar CCeannt btrinr. y5:1,1 IMPHOVEDPROPERTY = 1:1= Wows. I.o.elrli In DrioestSva 111.(CO C. 07.1. =I mon. E.besce 161 s oDyortunttl, =I = I= lettit HALE—A beautiful Farm, • Lt. rrem •latolug 1u7 , , Pvt.,. Ira.. 110.1. E. 4 1,34% orch , r.,cL j '47 tWOc aeJ 6n clefls'ALKtito.. et. I. 14rtrz vsc tlCtt r.ntnt. whla .11.1.10111111 let 19 OITA. &II larKe Cud Hoos n . s O@II o a ot tend wtoot. the It mutt deapat.lt. J. —ISR AE Ar,at, 17:1 2. Federal IL, All egite. LINE DWELLING IN 8 IEII3 ICU , . pulberiber Li bow bulleing and o lbave teeny or W.,. ab. brie.bouin or nuttrot room. compel...a r peeler, to ro. .11.114 om. ttlakatt, waait room. luren chi.- bath room. sign m.are room. closet, Komt rens.. mate root. martgo to( I( WV. • Frey. alt... 4t, mo.t tltauttful Iv tho,alley. Vcnona whin log to purchase aro lovttett to call awl b [itnitte the Urtmikeib three rabbi... cult fro.b quArcr ItrlXallir . r" "Jitik VAX .I .112410::. tlerrlckleTvitlo FOE SALE. OSC Xlli TD-SitiliialltlNG CUB, . --.• Lotatol within a few yirde or evt.rtatlity 6lnt Von. on tllO rlttsbnrxh. ;Port Wayne and Uhl eso Rorwiy.conlainlng (nor to 'lan, with cellar nn.lernuat, r..stsaluaTlvan inzordlattly. rot longs apply to 1.. KELLY, Acteilonetir. 50. 4 re 4.41 ft . Alltornuns VDU BALE OR HENT, COILILP— A Parc. at Carpenter.. btat.un, on the Cen tral Itallroad. eunivnlng is ace.: Inapro., ett., two hon., anal rtan:e., Fond utenarn: all Aat•100 ael newt ror enltlra‘lon. a• • trot ~ther Vara", lu g,dtscoolttea and welt nn , . orne.d. which I w 111 .11 ch., awl 41. resanna binterms. Alao, rumbor anon banning 101 l In the tit, end. aulmrb, • • For foriket pikilleUl.f•Ooginlra of 11.1.1nti weltu. 110 firmat •Irm4 spa tho Ca[ll.ll - 31 , FOR SALE, A Beautiful Building site, 001 k, 01000, ter city, cont.i n t. v :1[~[• :ttlirl''"e . "'mk".. F 0 roam 11. Ficurj,y, Plist Notional bank. VOit . s.ILE-07311 xmall Frrtine ktoeme and Lot. to t 4 e FIIA sgar.l, "T. (law bl.behester ) 101,11 .47100; the le•tite cnoteme listen rooms. to Itoe.d 014.1..04 wilt be raid eupsth 4FIVIter Tt mon • west. Also, best.' of houses sal4 los.mod Thenat lots lb salt! Cl,!. ' IlLtllesEy SrAl !.tale A genii, I•2s:eif NO.OI IleAver street. Alleglieor. .01'S A , Oll HALE.—FIVE W 11110111. K I reet, squat.) In the IL eV UP ILlilNolt 2ll Uß6l are sorroutteed VI 40 foot stre. comort.lng ‘4o .! l. l!=ol ' igtel .. .:lll ' ll OVetor 12A1%4"g t l lll` 120111141.1111 S WM.& WIII •Le sold together etott l 7• pgrttoolars eetiolre or let.l. T.tltoA OS, No. lie Vtrth otre..t. or stitte ,rst door. or the lett LIII. JAS. Usltug kloshars• Foa GALE—That DESILWILE Home and Lot at 62 Sixth SL, • notrreen Iltelltdleld mod Uroot street , . Coutolo. tut,. tnotren rums. with all tla• modern coo oroteneost 'garb tow., roomy lord. sod story Dome In the roar. So THE PIt7AI6He. FOR SALE. Store anti !Welling llouse. A well known boelnege the Hue of Ik 'Penneylee la hAltroed. Terme e.g . : Will bm teak& If not sold. , Apple in Lg. :51.1rr /, ctrl r!L nrocm . _ IZOILSALE —A nine years' *twat. oti Lot situate o ty strout. Nlntb ward, 12 by 131 nat., on :bleb erveted arm. Zl:t°7VfgrsZ. V Soma. n I 0100110(410. r{l.loo per Tent.. owlll.be omA on 0., apply at Ike s al e d r..tto eooo. Nor nto non 10ta ...1c Mhos. of . • b..u.nT Kb, tan Itotbir ntreet, Lawrencentile. - VALUABLE COAL PROPLIIITV FOIL PALL attested In Union township. on I na Nobleraan plank lota, tial i b o n t .I rom ,ri,7'4,V t qpnlity. Of ne a e i e. rostetalon at tn., la offend wait. *poo to , • )otO It. )IOLALX V 0.1211 harm at. 1367 'ANMS AND B A_NKEIa HART, CAUGIIEY & CO., Bankers and Broken, S3RUCTS THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, =I ‘SOCOL",32OIT4 TO .?1,14 , 3P,, EMIT & C 0.,) . Exchange, Coin, Coupons. ina r.llcf.r !menu:on pi1f1.1.2. oz. chase nod galo of BOND t s I= N. HOLMES & SONS, No. 67 Market Street, PITTIOIIIIIOII. Ilthoml to reeelrea in l'ar Panda sad Curren.]: Cmleen°ne mule on ell the prlnelhkl 00101. 00 the llttlted Mates and Cnnetlath Stocks, Bonds and Other Securitlet4 POUtin AND BOLD ON OONNIBBION tale l'articular.attuntlov held to the iterate! and of U. 14.-: Includlrot U.l .81SES OF oin; S 3. du. I U. b. FIVES t 0..;., q; U. M. UEETIFWATES UP 1 / 4 1YEETEUNV2. Or&ro sad VoocOcrobought or eolleetod. 13Itotni pEorLEs , SAVINGS BANK. OF PITTSBURGH. Capital, . . 5100:000. OFFICE. CO. 03 FOURTH BTRHET. Proldent =I View Preisldeal WILLIAM( REA. S.:;riuty Icd trissaret, SID)IT P, VON BONNROBST. R. .13.—TIme acpcxit. made In Ole Dank on or before 1 , 11:41T OP JULY. WILETEAIt INTEREST PEON TM DATE COAL MEN% TRUST COMPANY, No. 65 Smithfield St., BTOOSHOLDEES 13DIVEDULLEt LIABLE. Capital, - - - 5200.000. WITIII PRIVILEGE Or 6300.000. Deposits retolvectood I ed• tipetlol attention gtios to tic Prestdeut—.l. J. BIKER. Cashier—E. J. ROBEIrtd. EMMGE3 A. J. HAICA. WM. J. PAT/MASON. W. A. i 4 sA4,A. WA. MOTUANA , .. TEA, FARROW, IL. HAPILInS. LIAAA A. DuVOGL... 4, It. JoliSsON. D. T . ATTEAtetrl. ..4t6:4`f 'WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, .71ro. 59 Fourth Street.— CMILAIMILT32III:2333:II xescs. , In Pull . eta Time D,ppOts. Any•usst ceceleud from Una Dollar .IPww!t• 1 Detc.slcs subject to Check. without 'l2 I,I,COUNT DAILY. ALT 12 O'CLOFIL Prtsititnt—TßOMPSON BELL. Vice Pre s ident—A. M. MARSHALL. . DIANA:TOW. rsonrson NCI., J. J. DADE 0./.1.2m.1.. A. 1.....4.1D0.L.L., JUN. AUDI/IL • StockLol.lcrt to wheat we mato ILEFKRENcIi • Ws. Yon.7lla, • ..44eph "Ilworth. CAlily,l). Hm.r. 111 , 6,1 Kerr. Wiz'. Da Henry Luatkal.. D. W. (.7.7 Eltdwen. - A• tirow. E. IL Walton, 'Thos. Irmitut. ALLEG SAVINGS BANK, 1 ALKEGKIRTK, P. - CarveaxLimseal in 1648. STOCKHOLDERS IRDIVIDULLIT LIABLE. L•cpoills rcerlved Itd six per ctni. Iptemit Clov, maul n..po Pk. PArlltalsr ittentlon gsTill to C01...131mm A-O prorolpto promptly re =SUM. Illsocust 1 1 / a yr—Mooday .41 . 1104114•1. • • ' DInAC 0. J. T. titoeltdale. Aeplwy , Yr-Art[7l...nm, AJeren.let , More. D. Debar en. JAS. 1.. IittAMAX, President. JOLLY W. PIDDLE. cueter. nry24 PAINTERS HUTCHINSON 81,HEPBURN," PAESI, SIO ADD ORNHIENTO; GRAINEAS AND IiLAZIZID , , No. KO PENN'A AVANUE, Pitlobargb. All warm by mell promptly stie.ted REMOVAL JOHN F.'CLULE.Y. HOltbe and Sign Painter, • Hal removed to No. 134 31112411 , 1ELD ST„ rlttabliegh. Ps. Vltlmmits lb. old man& M'COVAN JXO.IIXTDIII NICCOWAN ffi 831 1( DEB, H6DSE. 6IQN AND OSNAItENTAL PAINT • tAI. 4AD ONAINESS•AHD GLAZ LENS. N 0.193, North aid e of Diamond. A.neeb..7. Commercial sod plum *lia made to order... Orden rtapecttaiiy et:Melted nod promptly a: 31. 11:d oln um. Wtlowtiload ova Pertly eon:Mall. on bo V nd. AP13,111. E:114 aF_~ ~~ 4:1:11 ~: i/AL'I'ILDODE AND ILAVANA a s ty . 4sl%Co. .41. VANAASUN At ift.ll l lV(rill. HII4, THE UNITED STATES MAIL. ' • --. • The Flr , l-4771asa of thla Line '-+ I C.lows: iiLlidiiiiTYLl,ZO.tont, for Now Orleans via hey 'Wortand Harans. Thos. A. DWI. Cononander. V , XL a EJL AP. apil I 17th. "CORA. , l e lin tOris. for ri.o.• Oriri ISO lisesza. -. Command. ou B.A.TUUDAY Oar 4 . IrrOln Mr% triftr, I , l[l.Lis I OINT, sCr oieloek. r• lc. precisely. nu the day. an. :or trhleht Of met, haring taitseepessee ' 7,1 2.7.lT.TTritrattLD • 00., .14 . ente, 16151.1• It =UN hate of Ledlug buttOoftsof theeom . htny . 1011 In element: rezvlts for the Reheat Mott to promma loom t 1.1.1 nth.. No 1101011 100101,11101 Ville of White lathed 00 data( *ell. Role TEAM TO AND FROM LIVED. 41%.`ag11affZulli.= EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WERNESEAT _ (.41IRTINO VALlut. inll, Y"'"' : • , NAY r - " t 5 PALE vr_aY. lt txm. Fr, DRUG GISTS GEORGE A. BELLY; Wholesale Druggist• 37 Wood Street, (liPPOolte the 13t. Merles Hotel.) Meter le DRUM; CIIONICALS CATENT NCI>ICI X Fti, eaurnurpez. rthawma. LIVE el'Urre. l'reerletor of Dr. 9ARBL>IT•e ealenreted Kna, thlr,V.`ar." 4 , c'g.g" LEGAL ADIIIINISTRATORN NOTICE. Letter. of Admin latr Woo Pave been grant ed to the ne•erclenc.l en the •se etc .1 KIM P• IroX, accepted. late of Harrison tdcrnibln. All. cheep county. re. All persons Indebted to ntA entail- pre pc& pr n0.p0.1 to snake loaxelll. , ate pa, tr out, tat tha.e Parink Mame wlll pre. tem. them. I. ItOut delay. ably letphentlcated fur retticoscut... !AMES 1/1.11.P. . Plterinlatestor • THE PEOPLE'S TEA STORE, • • Wilson & Undtjtwood. CHOICE FAMILY MCKIM& (lee of the cheapen and heat wh i eltsale and ro• tell stores la the two clues.. • • No. 15'Bouth West Diamond, ALLElikir CITY. Call and bramble our stock and p Rua:staAV - W KEEP . , OF 1141 10 , mot,' to orti. ktroto at • .I.g end Vleln IVA.4OMA . • 111'4[0'1111Tb TOYZA, a. r %We. At tlrQc,,,, WAGOV we.S, neu the Pad- JOH pEctt, 01—ARIENTAL ~ HAIR WoctAZlt AND. yEttnbiAtrl, 591 °A74....13 da7;;X:l r =tare?: b a r e: Alcs. R.:11t.; dentleln'• WM" T rjotl V ;;rllAn ' Zl l2,`Z°V.7=l"ftrlt.„ ~d.` RAJ gentlemen's ltAlt-tottle,l.WWS 1 tA.kneate.2l..r., • Ur A NEW 01 - 11•11, . t y n e.a . wt th WI pasittags ind gold .6 irel. ef, frUpeo, 107 11.010.11 LILT STBEET: . 400. It. arena • aay. PROFESSIONAL. IL 'MELTON, M. D., (Los or 00 AZ.Wr.j No. 67 Federal n, Allegheny. City. C. T . IF.DTC K D rrm0..1.1 • CDR. OF KICJER AND FAYETTE STREETS. NVI,I. AL , TI.IIIILNY CITY R . A. CANIELION. Attorney -at-Law No. 99 Fifth street. C 23 R. BIDDLE liontirrs, Aqomey-at-Laxv. No. 73 GRANT !STREET WOlteclal attention Oren to mato lo Nolo. H. L. mecuLtousw, Attorney-at-Law, - Dio.lol FIFER STREET, Plitsbuish _b a r s `l EVSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN. Ex-011icio,Justice of the Peace, AND PuLICE SIAtiIeTBATB. Ofite,'.4o. 72 Penns,!nix belle; Pittsbirl, Deeds, Bond. Eollgages„ Acknowledgments, IBtmattlons and all Legal Bantus. sagented "It I DrolmOtnels and 41.[Atch. ItotZ2 A. AM MO. iCIITICE OF THE PEACE. Conveyeneer. 10.1 Zoete and Ineernsee Agent CA.R&M tIinISEILT, Matt Isirmingbam. Collection of Henn, aullClied and promptly ati,ndeil to. WILLIAM H. BARKER, JUSTIOE OF THE IMAGE, • CONVEWiCiII,,te.. (Mee; CA.IIB4JN. STREII.2I neatly oppealte the Hallway Depot. death ritt•Lorgh. 13.1111.1113:1 trallte4 le Ws cue promptly attended to. jhy DABIEL 111011EA1, M. PRACTIU.ING PHYSICIAN?. Oboe end Residence. No, ISO - Grant St., nes!' litgb. ap4Orx7l GEO. R. COCHRAN, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. 061co—PULTON'6 LAW BUILI/Vitt, N. 60 Ult 6/lIEZT. camera Worn!, Plttab'gh. All legal Mullion erartutra 0 tar ran will It !, are prompt attratlon, aoltoos • J S. FERGUSON, Attorney -at-Law, No. sa FIFTH smarr, OSCOND 91.0014 PROD? Slinte CIIM7I H. MCCORMJLK, 411.1ttoz - zac.7.4%l4.X.Asalacr, SI Grant Street. v.v.% Attu:aid!, given to all klads of Imr Imulness. . aptor6ll Vi r . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, total:al PITTSBUISOIL PA. DOILY W. RIDDELL,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEFICR: Re. MR FOURTH STREET, ==M lILACHRELL, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR , AT LAW? , No. 69 Grant Street, zar.4.1021 PITTSBURGH, PA. JOSILIM It. 0.422,11 J. it. SITITSLISFIISLS. 4.1.... 'Oman.. M'MASTER, GAIIAM k BUTTERFIELD Attorneys & donnselors-at-Law, AND SOLICITORS IN BANKRUPTCY I= °Moo, 99 GRANT STREET, DR. J. A. HERRON . HAS REMOVED Rio Office and Residence to • No. 14 SIIITIIFIEti ST % Nearty opposite the Moniinirahliht Hone. _ B. F. BROW, - alt." Lou Claim Agent. U. lc Dan. Co..] etdre,No.67Foorth St., second door, PTITIMITILWX. Pll5lll, nu= Lil HAW OP ill tly Collected. Nethazaa made antic claim 'ara settled. a= them bat am et ate tee. arr=b2o 8100. • BOUNTY. ' $lOO. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. • LOST oiscHmults . .- WC*. who nave lost thole dlsettargieertn. moos and nit° are otbarertseentl tied to the eAdl tlonal 111011 Downy, eon Dave their cam at. tended to DY "Ulu ea or addreatlng ' & HALL PATTERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND GLADE AGENTS, felt • 11 GRANT eriazrr. JOEL% A. STRAIN. .assammLna.a.w. Es-001cio, Justice - of the Peace AND rehIer.TATRA:LE. Othee, 112 Fifth St. oppoilte Cathedral: i PIINSBIMEIH. PA. D D poiact on nd M a o l r Le”sll Atututmral emm9eermnB<4 wltL mumtannsuldhpath. 1 WILLIAM JANCEY. NOTARY rUBLI_,O JUtrflet OATHS PLACE., AND &KAI. nerATE AUNNT. Oinee t eorner or Balm and Moor streets, LIMIVIICCI I lib of heal Estate, C ol e Slon e f Beau , nn e Jtbe sll kinds Adeiri os k...et' the PascatMr jota k 4 g LY In ablle. • sea jolt= C. McCann% ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT lOW. NO. 87 Fifth Street. irrreostons. Bountles,_snd Arrean of ray. o,^mtalt aceijals, noTkLi. WHITE HOUSE, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEGHENY CO., PA. hefty IlAttad and tarnished. and to r CelYe rote. The maturtber ITU! nu t spare , Pal,. to hero . .. modaht his cutomere. trood anus, tern ho sc y reed at bonrin the a T fternoon. ahroe. enso NotiNA. *too% ST LIWRENCH -HOTEL ; (ON THE Pllll.oPLial PLANO N. E. Car. Pew as Canal Sta., errrantraou. JAM JOHNSON,. ',Proprietor. hal LT.e. h et . trkr7l gtl7,lllllVg4 rMn to the puha. ST. • JAMES HOTEL; ON TRIG zußoevai 11.0. Nos. 405 b. 407 LitertY St*, Opprislte the halo. L*". The Proprietor would gv,x,l7 plzzlb4r public that the oldslior epartterata will be triVre P ^""% b B V b .bd Pu ttee Parblehed with L L tar tire. Feint. ellorpsZ' bb , t z .bed egt 4 p i " tutuftle on - ,^ 7 . 4 . .= ° 74edsoa W s lb!r, Llgoors.Olders, tc. will be to ....ear JAL LayanAN, I.l2ltral, Proprietor. 13 11-4 WI Dining and 1111)1api Roan, 400 a an 11881 . 1TT alum, OrPuna the Odes Dow. .1s at LI Doareot daj . and . tight. tr . tyzvg: • tii.s_t.sk!P'li'd with Peer at t„he Borten 7w. trtid a" std UI. e. 4 7• P. 81111 DER, Proprietor. mom BINGHAM HOUSE, IMMNTIi AND MAR IT STS.; Ilila aim u 4 elegant lbaattt now On for tae realm. °trains, rib PI itiMOLA.BB HOTZL. • ADURLIS DAVIS, rnorslEroa. =I A idIISEMSNT£3 rirTlip . gf . L.UlliELATED UJ SKIFF & GAILORWS MINSTRELS, AT THE HOU% • me Werkoioenta.olvs bIONDAT ivxxxltti. Jut, $191,26 • uravl td.teal r•nnea=a SaTOILD•T AT ))27:011 go—nitsr GRAND ANNUAL X'SC7NXCI, WF.I,,OILIAV..ItI,y a.. I:.t,u.•r tr•'as I•ava 'La aXetlfalon 11511, rttt-naratt r rtneada tag Weloe2 Testator...tom at. 1..•. nt p. Ktntr..l..n tr , ly I.avati Went', rr..1..1, tor rlttan.,mh at 7 0 Cork pa will trts.tu atteztaallte. sad all are c.'.1 , 11•1., .notn. J. 19 "THE FAVORITE* 1 AWE COM o -ALL.llllLTlMaßritirlia - • OPERA. HOUSE, y 01: ONY. W/Y.K ONLY, COYIZp( I / 1 Jothj I ten c,. itsut 54,1567, LARUE'S CARNIVAL MINSTRELS, Toreth. r left arn.erral HENN • NTOI2, r.CRIAL .7 A YA.IN-EN ELS IrEQue he a s at. litnioidsa Comedian.. JOZN NIL N. who, ae a 840 Z, a. Dane• ma% yonat qukw.irrrt-g. mus ty Uo.t. Frederlelo, IV .11.6 add bran .' TVZ t :Naener. Ned /mit e1,r7 , , , 1ii. , " ;Z:81 7 17 AV; Zed! "TB Nir d usla ''"'"' '111.7%3« daring the .1., "" r " " tIELEI;T~IL& IkET P*UNW SONS OP TEXPERaNCE, Pittsburgh Division, lb. 42. A 11ELECT rICNIC will be givenbYllte &boys well gamma organization, on WEDNESDAY. 31 a9 mt. At Monitor . Grove. AVDDec ~lal rail .111 ler. AllegDent,Depat at 3 TfA a. ra D 4 r. hour. e - turning ate D. M M.o. Eicarslo• Tic:Leta ran. ne old from any member of tha 0,1416 Or of the followfna Eontattelett of wee raw:eaten. : John D. Italley,•E. E. Pinehart.inteo. hataxts, 7.,...."'kV0 !la,T.7lTeetor, C. .1 . Q X•Lamattlipli. Pt ‘ Long• If. U Melia, •T. H. Itlelowin. i2;tt a. t . f .1 W U :go ' ? 0”. B. Cbllda. • E. Y. t ilnepnrt. •` Snob teat T. H. 010.5iras. " Manta 00.4.0, Mao hi.ry Bigelow. •• Maggio /liver • •gnea E Wenner. qtate.lo OIL WORKS& COIETABIEB H. M. LONG & CO., = FEZ WEIN BURNING OIL, Brand--"IIICIFER." Wilco, No. 2 Duque:me Way, • E=7=373 Ihni4MIOSA.)III I== Eureka Carbon Oil, 'THE VELZBEATED Sperm Lubricating Oilis ICILE2dICAL LINSEED OIL. Wnoioul - A>caen In ' • Crude, flettned and Imbricating Ohs Lard, r , perm Whale and. lebt, 0118. C. C. NOBLE, Sgt, 10 Irwin Street,'' E= MEMI COMlLilkii 01-ILaifili SOHO OIL WORKS. BMW MEW & CO.. XA3i U VACTIIIIIM OP Tilt CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR. Petroleum Lubricating OM Sperm, Lard laud Wba.e pus, 11111-11 M, TAME 014 nra nua ALSO. STANDARD WRITE BRING OIL, No.l St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA, szio FOR i CIRO u. w ' deastiS TACK .BROTHERS, C0312118810N MERMAN'S, &HD 111/qaIIBiLLN Petroleum and Its Products, mrssuusa ornoL—llalsell'a lnawini earner of DUQUearle Way sad Irwin street. YIiItADELPHIA 07TICZ—I27 Walnut se, spirals WARING & KING, OMNI HUME 1111 BRODELEI; Petroleum and Its Products. DaIUIPS Block, Buquesoe - pirrooloacm. PA. rw2L..l)x.L..rrLia .A.PLILLESS. WARING. KING & CO.. ==2M=l BUNTHE BEST, PETWOLIA BLUE LEAD. 7011 CU, BY.FINZEII Ilusalbotand oalr and for sale.b7:: T. K. JIEIPIX I CO4 PIONEER PAINT. WORSE. N. W. Cor.3d and 'Market fits, M=MEJ lilZ====l EAGLE OIL IWOUILL 7..rowressoercrille. WIONTNIAN &ANDERSON. Refiners and Denlen In ^ ELETROLIETIM. 0/1164 11100111; ATOM'. 001/31.51 HLR. 0008 CT. e.Yn Duomptrs WAY. BREWER, DURUM & MERCIILIiTh ACIANT111•08 THIS •"' • oelileeGlebe & Liberty OIL Werke amnia anhMete tar Crude aad Redned OP. Llo end cash , adranms made ra, A1n114801411.114 at Undlt or Reiland retrolonnt. Toro-Irue manes and shipment of Crude thl at LameneeMlM. aglragettlfigl'Arlkt=t"'"liltlltr 1110:111:4-1 , a0A A LLEGIIE.'OI INEMILIINCE 47 1 0. A.- Of 1. ITSSO VIO/11.- UM" No. U. Mai Meet Baal Oloel lg.!, /loan al /dais et 1110. lutd YAMS Make. aok64 191,31,41:-Midsat. ° r As 12:Untega. / ea01a141.1.1. 4 yyc Mann Han. Om D. krithrn. • LVAAILS. IF suitAncv OF PITTSBURGH,. PA. WI& etTOM SPAM 311•014 Ttas Wialzummisicalast Ott U . HOC. Prubbiat. • ' klUtill 311,ALUZNY Eeent7* Vismnhas Itobert ramet., J. U. V Itm 1 111 Ha . H.llO 1.5.144 Ammon. :Ira . INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY LYME. FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. • OF 'PHILAIDELIPHIA. oMtet 4E6 sad 44,7 auuulaVi • Imistwoos. Chwlw Hasa.. WogdOwi W , TWOW.' 1001•8 Wllinter• Mame loutl - W. ir.dow*O. Mak argo W. B.l.4trando. • iWoriro tajo. gtr . .,UMXV, sjdest, Rif. O. eiramr. getsvii:ri, v ::: 4.7.: "46 3. CI SIIIINER CONTIM Aients wraw/1 Monti West oor. TiWrd • Wood Ow WeITTUILDL I T T IT C, • 4:41 . ALEXANDRA , RENEIsEL "Tiri. %RUB) maw WON , meet. rim aUm 7. RUC Vritlittl= h aLirt lasl4of Itie.d Manx.. aka" A EgNit lanltaticamsaseed OR Director who Ere WiNikilawa IA it COntatualty..o,ll* t74llrill'ill U. 1 4.° =MU' re . 71 1 MX grim the "tot DEMMER El • OrtierOur. ' , • ' I 4 11.71`. ,- 8- "ii"T • a. . r, • sa. ,Aller le, James McAuley, FALu M A Neale*. Alemeades, /meg r i rm i INZ Daly, • 1 .,......0riere5ere r M i •• 4141 .. Wil. 11....ft5.=: . ellaiVa7:: .. ~ , .. . B