THE DAILY EMME .117.11102111 D XVUT rylOg2itail. 1210VDATS 7SCCM3I.) PENTIFEIL4N, LIMED & CO., N.l33prievecrros, rurrnmx.-- - ....—.....r05ur Irmo. i. .... r. arra • Omar, OA.7,ETTZ BIITLDING. Nos- 1511 AND MNINTH STULET. Nam Paper if !atm l'eamfrnis. OPEC= PAPER Or }lntim= AND /LLEDHEIY CITY. 14.11411:1T, 0112•71181 . asd BUT 1 . 1.11/MY and CKMaLIr.II.IOIAL PAr2lll.l. the ISM. mon or Tar sativ, p ih r ti t,,=M;;N;;•. - I . 47;eti submire- - '''' Erit, etaietti 'woks lee, mer months awl to their t tho °reit, to week or .albs from CLcn has City. already of ant harvests estabhsheil in Philadelphia by the Jews. It will be open to-ill comers deslious of receiving a tnowledge-of Hebrew literature. V=. Duran seems to bavo belbgged the" foliticians that tocked to him at Drift Branch, to inch a degree that both Repablicatus and Democrats claimed him .as agreeing with them. FLAIIIt is slowly finding its level in e eastern'tharheta The nimbler; who held the stock and controlled the mar hots have not sallered very much in pa mitilary losimi, as they so managed as to let the prices decline slowly. LAST there were three hundred and forty.nino deatial in Philadelphia, a 'decreasu of twentyflve per cent, in com pirlion with the corresponding week last year. The health of that city is good; and there appears to be no founda tion for the report current here that the . cholera:raged there. . - Gor: TIIR006111:91TON. cf TWA, who has net enjoyed the 'confidence of the loyal citizens of- thatAtate, has at leneth been remoietcfrofnotiloo by Gen: Sheri- . den, and t. ' rase,: Esq., maned a his stuniounn The2reason assigned :for the removal is that Thrbckmcrton has been - an impediment to reconstruction— a declaration made some weeks since by tits Republican coneentlon of that State. au) case of the death of a timid, caused lirfenr, is chronicled in a . liew fork paper u having occurred on Satur day,. imst.; :31r. Andrew Jackson had taken his son, a lad nine years of age, into a rom for correction, for Amine trifling irdecontluct, when the child was suddenly seized by convulsions and died within a feteminutes. He had not been Ursa, but being of an exceedingly ner vous temperament died through fear and excitement. The feelings of the father may be imagined. ia confidently affirmed by those who are in the confidence of the Preei dent that General finuurnv will be re moved from command at 'drew Orleans , soon eta the Tennessee election, which will be held to-morrow. The impUlse to this removal proceeds not so much from the president u from Attorney General 'BraxBEUT. It will -lie remembered that immediately following the publica tion of Mr. STAXILEILT's opinion u to thelegal interpretation of the Ream strudion Acts, General Eace.nroes, In a letter to General Gain; characterized that opiates u "making a broad cases derrized toad io perjury." This blunt but truthful view of the MSC ',hurl the seundbillties of 2lr. Svarinntav,; and he desires to be revenged. If, . however, the President is wise he will let General 5111411DAS remain. That officer enjoys the public confidence many times U much as both the President end Attor neY Genera They cannot liurt him; but In trying, cannot fatidamage themselves, tot' -Tut Philadelphia City Item, after I . announcing General Grant, Chief Jut: Wee Chase, Senator Wade, and Speaker ' Colfax, u strong Presidential candidates., j avows its own . pmference for Secretary Saigon; of whom it says: "The next strongest man at this mo ment is the wise, indefatigable, intrepid, patriotic Secretary of War—and be is gaining strength hourly. It is beginning to bounderstood that the nation owes &- large • debt of gratitude to Edwin IL Stanton. Facts show that no man, no half dozen men, have done so much as he to save the country. In the latter days of Buchanan's administration, when the old public functionary trembled and would. two fallen, Mr. Stanton bore him • stiffly.up, closed the doors of the White Moose against 'Northern and Southern traitors, stimulated patriots everywhere, and assorted the dignity and Integrity of the nation. It is impossible to overesti mate his services at this critical period. Main, during Mr. Lincoln's adMinis tration, when doubt and dismay tilled all hearts. he rose"with majesty almost stab limn, gave tone and decision to our pub- Ito Councils, displaced the incompetent, reorganized the trustworthy, and organ ized victory on erery battle Sold." X 2 simlllan's WV IIL A letter frsui Vienna to the Paris Lib• erte contains the following statement of a curious testamentary arrangement be,' tWeen,ldaximUbm and Carlotta: Two wills, perfectly analogous, were drawn np by the Emperor and Empress. Each of them, in case them was no issue of „ the marriage, leaves all the property to the survivor. Thus, Maximilian be• ing toad, his fortune, - estimated at from tan elve millions 'Of florins, only calculallng, hie PruPeri”i Minima, La - =IP; atm tlu) Xrtirtic wealth collected there, reverts to_the. Empress Carlotta. TheirillorMatlmiliat is there to attest it. rlttit rioifirir - mis the strange affair. It is ;alerted Alm the Empress ,Carlotta's written with ber own hand, and which wits sutrefully,loched up in minor the moms at Miami.; bar snddenlp disap- Eenred, nolpwly. know,' how or where. -.nom that circumstance it results that, sa4Empreas Carlotta has no will and. Is brit stale to nuke one, mkt the • alai sr. - complete absence of her mental faculty, alt tier • tbrtune, including the part coming trom her husband, the Em peror Maximilian, and which ',ought In Justice, after her death, to revert to the .Austrian imperial family, will now legal ly fall to the royal one of Belgium. A was recently sent by a spaniard to it Prueelau, in New Orleana. w ldeb:wris rmnarhable for business-like pree.iglon vital coolisem. Here It tat Nnw ORLEANS, July .9, lair. i'ln.ews•unssfrr—bearNlr: 'have 10arned that you have already fought two gentlemen of different natiogituf, and , COMO out victorious, 1 hereby atop forth j as the representative of the third (the bpanigh), and beg of you to iry me also, se a revenge for inv friend lie hois, your late.sintavrilat. :accompanyingpietas Mid's -bhialc.litided conditions. Fill it up and rotrimby bearer, Mr. hrano, my ,to the hope that you will grant my request, Isign myself, oltoepectrully, - •Ato. BONIN "Formerly Fencing ota,ter in the Span ish Army." Tills was not a challenge of the mid. nary kind, nor woe the duel which en sued a emninon mama. Tile weapon.% were sharp rolls, and after worandl! the Fraud= In the arm, the Spn.fdsh paladin was disarmed and vanquished, but mer mfully permitted to live. 1. — Th e pf,poicA, printed at flonimeree, in ittlaamul, gives a terrible account of the way in ‘vhich the business of du ani terring.omiers is carried ou. It says there teem, out of the twelve lxidles falcon from that piece, just tiro [.'wine iordierS. At beset three of - the bodies were remains of former reiddenta of the place. One of them was the body of a Mrs. Fordham, ' the mother of twenty-one children, five of 'whom served in the I:niou army. this, her lier sex 'n corp se u...apparwas draent, bugt, d Mom in epite the of ye grave, chopped to pieces with a spade to make it Min the small box. and carried oft as the body of a Union soldier. All this us dons notwithstanding the pro. testations of the town's people, who ss witness the horrid business, and to protect the remains of their own trienal. - .. s. .scrr .. _ --. '. , c.' . - i.--' :::,.., A ' ; 4"•.',.. . • ----, 0 2 . '" -- -7) F iir., . . , . . „,,,,,,, =,-..,....,: ,f;.---,:„.' - -,- ~,, a6,-.:. ~ Va . .. .. . . .. ~-' --11 1 1 ks . :: 1 t ' ..t7' — :_ 6l" , t , : 7 / v•• 4s - --, 7' Ail' .. .., . •" - ..,,44: : , ; . 7 r.-y. ,irt , 7 ,'",.. X.i'rtAi.t;s7-71.1.--AK tA • I /I 1 .40e i _, ,,7 4 2 t w0.. , / t _,::."__.,::.-.- ti 2' ''.i .L A - : •‘-' 7 •lii o r ~. .le. - : .!"..4; - .11 , ?...4,- , _=-2m. .: -41 1 , 7 -1-- --:” . 1 I , 1/i ), I I.---2-----'-i,'--.4:--,-7-'l,---'•:,.-0,P.--,---.___ , . . ) ---- .. , ......_ ~ ,-.., ___,, , 3 , ,- 4 3 1. fa ......_ VOLUME GENERAL NEWS \Mut dust Is most blinding to the oyes? Gold dust. • —lt you svoithd be nothing, Just war to be soloed:lug. —The Now York Fire Deportment for 191;8 will ecet telks,stsc —The pleasure ot:dolug good Is the only one that never wears —Live sellltln . your - meatus, you would have weans within whods to live. Mule thieving, hen roost spollntion and suicide for love are some of the late Virginia excitements, —Parton writes that he is spending line summer In Highgate, Vermont, "twelve miles from a book afore." . . - —The widow 01 StOnewall Jackson In. • sold the horse ''Suporier," : ridden by him during the war. —Alexander IL. Stephens was weighed n few weeks ago, and has kicked the ' beam at ninety-four pounds avordapols. I —Pr. N. L. Rico, formerly of Cincin nati, end now of Ness York, has been elected President of Oakland College; lilhaissippl. —lt Ls stated that Insult one thousand peri•ona within the Rmkts of New YOrk city lire wholly atom • betting on mom or t by jockeying horses. . . : ;thickly, a 'Waterloo veteran, new seventy-seven years old, still bees in England, and has had three wives and ten children by each wife. —A Republican State Convention of Wisconsin, for the nomination of Stntc oflieers,is called to meet at :Madison on the 4th of September neat. —The French prize for virtue has been taken by a ballet girl at Nanterre, this yenr. Where was klenken? She might get a Fuse* prize for virtue. ~foa arsenic manufacturer in Ruston died from the continuous infesion of the poison into his systernothrlng his long employment in manufacturing it. —ln Troy a lady stumbled on the -walk, and, in falling, the point of her parasol penetrated her right eye, caus ing a wound which destroys the eye for life. • —lt is rumored Watt ieneral Sheridan Is soon to be married to the daughter of Judge Foster, of Loasana, who owns one of the largest plantations in the Bayou Teche. —The Davenport (Iowa) Gazelle says thot more than two hundred buildings have been erected in that city ainceJarc nary let, involving an investment of I more than $500,0130. • --A "hull" somewhere. A' country I paper says: "A row was struck be light- ning- and instantly killed, belonging to the village physician, who had a beauti ful calf tour year., old. - ' —Both Kilpatrick, minister to Chile, and Col. lithe, Secretary of legation to Panama, have had a hint that they had better resign from thearmv, if they wish to hold their present positions. —Queen Victoria Is 'building a new house in the Scottish Highlands, seven miles from any other dwelling. She in tends it to be a place of retirement fur Lomeli and a few select friends. —The Sultan is decidedly exclusive in his manner. One of his aeressories is a kind of screen, which he Use. at meals. It enables him to see the other poepte at the table without being seeh himself. —An acquaintance of ours, n Mother, too, not long since, was lamenting the loss of a child (one of a family of eight, "Ismanse. - said she, there was Just enough for n eotilbon, and they did dance so prettily." —x..triped snake, nine feet long, was killed at Esse.s, Mass., the other day and in his inside Was found four toads, three email turtle.; four birds and a large assortment of frogs, bugs and other delineates. —TheProvidenoe Dist mentionsthecir-• cumstone° of three sisters who have lived in a house of prostitution In that city. on Pridav ono of them,went to the theatre, came borne and sudenly dropped dead of .disease of the heart. —The Troy Tinos gays that 31ra-Trim ble. wife of the deceased mana ge r of the Albany Academy of „Aphile, 63m meneed a suit' almhert DUI. Bryant for breaking hLs engagement at the Academy last April. Damages laid at $5, 000 . —A crows' tie on an English railroad. that had been laid in Intl, soaked in creosote, woo recently token up. The grain of the wood was as fresh and tough as new timber, and the odor of the creo sote was as Arcng as when first .put —Miss Buchanan , once rallying her cousin, an officer, on his camUge, raid; "Now, Mr. Harris, do you: "Mally mean to:tell me you can walk up to a cannon's mouth without fearl" "irea;' , was the prompt reply "or a Buchanan'a either." And be did. —The peat-office at Warsaw, Wyoming county N. Y., wan robbed on , the - 17th Inst.. of $770 worth of stamps. - The sheriff of the county and the postmaster who win robbed, otter conjointly 1 , 400 for the apprehension of the thieves and, the return of the property. —Robert Henry Hendershot, "the Drummer Boy of the Rappahannock," now holds a position as conductor, on the Union Pacific Railroad. Hip young, afferalth whom he lately eloped 'from Poughkeepsie, is in Omaha, and ;has made quite a sensation In that ally; —Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of Londonrwho take a great interest, in the• bllud,.have, with great success, taught a large num ber •ot blind women to age sewing ma chines. quilted Sain petticoats and gause the/1809 are as well finished •in every detail aslf sight guided the work er's hands. • 2. • . , —The peotile of La .Crosse, Wis., are becoming very much excited un the sub. yct of t h e eroposed removal of tbe ship yards ad ] repairp shops of the North western Union Linefrom that city to In buque lowaTheilbsbnque people offer hugeinducements to the line to took° the change. - —Anold lady in Trenton, N. J., read an account of the bunting of a grind sone used In the easy factory, and became alarmed lent the grind atone standing is her cellar should burst In a similar manner and 'blow up the bowie. She had the "dangerous thing" removed immediately. • —An elderly gentleman was traveling lately while, Mtheted with•a bad ocrugh, which greatly annoyed his liello*travel era, and at last one of them remarked. n a displeased tone, “That Is a very. bad' cough of yours." "True. air, replleathe 1 gentleman ; "but you will excuse We the best I've got." ; • L. - .-That eaterpfislng Ainericala In pautalooni, ?gra Dr. Mary Walker, having been •hatithawed out of London, Is now exciting the polite curiosity of Paris. "Dr." Walker was present at the Fourth "of July' hannuet at the Grand Hotel, where she eras wrapped; up,..“ fa Kirby, In the American flag, " She 'evi dently wanted to make peoeb, but would not be betird. -- "Slie wears' her modal voted her by - Cougre. The medal hoe proemed the " doctor" admis sion Into the modleal circles In Paris.' -The New .yark../tesellopC -1 that Dia' New Fork Convention Will folictia-tha - Michigan Convention 'and.:lllcliratik Indian saffrago In the new Cons tie& It is practically done in the report ready submitted, and the Indians may enjoy the double bit:mixing of the ballot and taxationuttheaame time. The "New York Indiana EMI) molt traeta of hind, and are not petitioners for th e ballot. A few orthem would - like ft prospectively, but do not ask it stance. The five thinks the State plan of incorporating the Indi ana; into voting and taxable , nhabitants vastly silperlor to the plan of the Foam] Government, which Is to concentrate the Indians Into tribes of separate settle ments. -- Railroads Vlfly-Sts Years Ago. The follewlng letter, in rep , :g t l en o a sag geettlon about railroads, over linty years ago, by Chancellor Living sten, who hod associated with his theta er-m-law, Robert Faller, to application: of steam to vessels, shows the state of ' improvement in that day . ; Ammat, March 1,1811. Dear Nir i 1 . did not till yesterday I receive yours of the tith of February: I where It has loitered on the road I am at a, losa ery in to sal ;u3 l tuad r. bar t tro n Latatd. railroad commuulcetion P . I Pc' rear, however, on mature redection, thatthey wilt bo liable to serious objection, and ultimately more espenelve than .a amaL They must be double, that. to prevent the danger of two oath heavy 'bodies meeting. The walls on which they are placed must be at least four feet below the surface, and three above, and must be clamped down I with Iron, and even then would hordly, sm ael' so heavy a weight so you propose mo ving at the rate of four Miles an our on wheels. As to wood it would not last a week. They must be covered with iron, and that, too, very thick and s t ro ng. The means of stopping these heavy Carriage% without a fitlOek , and preventing thorn from running on each other—tor there would be mono running I upon the road at urine—would be very 1 difficult. In case of accidental stops, or nem ... T y stops to take wood seawater; &a, :many accidents would happen. The carriage of condensing wader would be very troublesome. iTpon the whole, I fear the expense would -Cie much alba er than that or canals without being so convenient, R. R. Livocurrox. OITION. MST IGHT. AIIDN AFFAIRS IN ITALY The Attempt of G aribald tuts Upon izom e. New ions, ad.—The. Tribune's Florence (Italy) correspond.ct says the present Prime banister, Retest', Is not as uncondl. (tonal a champion of the complete senora- Mon between the church and State as his Predecessor, Iticarli, but he also la willing to give liberty to tire ChTICCII whenever the church is . ready to abandon her pretests. then. The majority of the chamber still holds to the old European Mews, that the rights of the State government extend also over religious affairs. liaribahlt Ls exceedingly .noyal atthe ' absurd attempt made to cross the Itornan frontiers. It le tree that he remains on the Continent In hopes of assistance In the anution of the Boman goes font that ho had given arms and money, that )frasint had sent In arms; but the programme was that the Romano should commence &Oa that the 'ltalians outside alsould assist them by means of a second Man. calls expedition I but too many were let Into the secret and a few (remora', melted by an ex-Minister, thought to raise the laurel crown for letter and failed, Gmlbaldt's angry letter to WO - Gaza!) Df 7brene hes raised a storm about his head. but he declares be end Iris friends Intend to fight for the poeswrsion of the cannel of Italy and he will beep Ms word. PROM NEW YORK UT Telroabb to the Plttsburb Golett,l Ns. Tons, July 3.3, ALGOL!, rononaa Tho three mon, trrestal a few days since as the auppOsed authors of r number of forgeries, have been roleased. The hint authorities bare been unable to identify them. An injuoctlon h. ta.on Issued by Judge Lot...restraining the lioaranttoo Commia stoners from manta any portiou of I.:ouub bland for boarding station. ISOCTALITT to 314006LTN• Thorn were two hundred and@erect., seven deaths In Brooklyn. Wt. Week, lonic ding nineteen from cholera. ALLIOND COCZTE2/61.. The women Jormare, who Dta.scs as tit wife of Barg, has been arrested for beta concerned to Ms counterileiting operation MOTION TO VACATE OZSICD. Judge Matt:llford has ormled the manna to vacate the attachment agmns r Verna K. STOTOIIB.. quarter master Of transport.. ttart in the repel army. It also m alleged that ho defrauded the Untied. States tine ernment of a million dollars In conveYmit Wand selling ln New York three thousand bales of cotton. TR. VERMONT lICTAILIiA6 Henry Wililams,.ebarged with tha late double murder at ascruneyvtlle. Vt., un derwent n preliminary czarainution yester day, and was committed on.a charge or murder In the first degree, on the evidence of the little daughter of the murdered couple. Co Ids way to WI tm effort was made by the suited crowd to bang him, but the puttee were too vigilant, and be woo safely conducted to Jail. • • r 0.3.1113 rATIICreg cer.ex. A young man named r. o wers ;was street d /Irnoltlyn.eharaed with forilug tan lather's cheek for ;LOW: letter from Monterey says that Lopez, ho botruysalidaxlmtlian, boo been arrest (' by the tharcznor of °asses, and le to be ..secutel. TEE CHOLERA Its Itsvnirrn on Dm Frontier—The DI eeeee Among the Troops tanned- Inn Die Denman—People rise from ran EDDrornit. II•Tclurral)0 to the rlttst..7l, . . .. . I.'s. Luria, July .M.—Westeni dispatches easy there were six cams and two deaths from -choler. at • Fort Barker on Saturday. Sixteen cases hat occurred among Kansas Yoluittco- - s at. FL I,artied.....,..Therdliatase Mao atreit*l among the tiocroi elk - Ming the railroad construction party 'beyond Fort Backer, and savoraldaatas °dammed. Lieut. COL hleGllPs wife died of obolera near Fort Lyon on the Pith. Lie:lLl:elm died at Fort Larned on the alth.and Cant. Blerodgeod of the alth Infeestu, reported. died beyond Fort harped while en rout< to New Mexico. Father Demortsey Cathond Priest at At. Sierra •11..tssion, died on Thursday night, neer 'Ellsworth. where he had, been attend ing patients. lie had been among the POL. tewattemie Indiane toe . Seventeen years, and was meat respeoted Wl:Nam= Kansa. A Leavenworth special ay. Persons from Fort Otbson report the Cholera raging there. Twelve hundred PaePle ded_ from jEllsworth_Clt.y. -The as - any , ...r 1 .7 . to 'ten per day, and antenna or : pv*l7 ten per sous attacked die in 'from: two to fifteen hours. The place is Alamos; completely de serted, and an attack froM Indiana Is en pectea. From three to Ilse deaths per day are reported at Fort Horner. The e has also broke. out amen the tr oopst Forte Lamed end Dodge. FROM , SOUTH CAROLINA . • --- C pendent.. MorderourlY Attach ed for Participating-In the filepubtl- Can Coolloaa. Tho only place of amusement now open, in the city is the New tilreira . Home, which occupied by Skiff & Gaylord's Gelehrallid Minstrel Troupe. The company hammede a good start, and from the universal ex pressions of satisfaction we bear, they will have an excellent run. The home was crowded last night, and from present cations will be every night daring their stay. The .endreprogramm e, including Wogs, witticisms, buries/no. and dancing. Is carried out, and ts of a high order or merit. The musical panorama of •,Sher ms March to the Sea.. and the great "came off" on the japs,i to re alone well worth the admission fee. n addition the large and excellent troupe, the man. gore have the services of Johnny Howard, the Oar , 01 the profenion. and gen— orally admitted to be the bcatdolineator of negro character In the world. Go and hoar him. _ • . • Ate Aggrocsated Ammolt. Three brothers, Jaceb.dians and Michael Martin, were charged before Mayor Morri son, Monday, on oath of J.E. Low, a eel ored teamster, with aggravated wenn and battery. The prosecutor alleges that on theiEth of June be was driving his team along the Butanes Ram plank road, when be encountered a team belonging to the defendants, which was obstructing the' road. Ito asked them to you out of the way, but as they minced be attempted to drive past. In doing this his wagon *trunk isobstructing ono, when the brothers, as alleged, assaulted him. with stones and then beat him with their gets. The Infor mation was not made until yesterday, for the reason that the prosecutor was unable to ascertain the names of his usallants. The licensed were arrested, and bail a bear ing yesterday atternoon vrhen they were hold for Court. I= in reply to ths uticio published m the (Move, copied from • the New York Art Journal, we only have to say that there ere In Now York calla a number of the most miserable misdeal humbugs, - Ulm. reedy to write for or against the interest of some piano manufacturer for • a certain amount of liquor and money. To debt euoha mean set of bummers, never minding Mete own bulnese, but always rate} , to do mew ably work/or others, we think much below the dignity of a piano dealer, and the foot that Pluses. Meeker and Mellor cell for nuke tance from mak a source. moves clearly that the are not able to defend themselves. No slander, from whatever source it may come, can injure the reputation 01 the Mar. scall Manes, or their agents. • Morriss'', lioura Co., • 63 Fifth etreat. Vntrants Committed. A number 01 nvege" of both sexes have been Wrestles{ the vicinity of Woods , Mu, Inc Li n -re tewncilllblor some time yen. nn- noying Mr. Dllworth, on whose premises they have "situatted,o arid sub,latins upon the gardens. petal ry yards and milk houses of the residents of the entire neighborh. Ur. Dilworth made oomplabst befor ood e Mayer Morrison, and YesterelaY oflfeeY J. Campbell mad Nixon yialted•tne locality. They succeeded m chnturum those_ ootorb cos females named belie lielledr, car." 4 Block. end Mary Daffy. They . °got eight" of some four or floe men, but they observed the enactors and eu sacape. The ceosded In mantes cod their females were sent talon thia'reorning for thirty days each, hr Mayor 21orrison. . Division Me. 42. The ploAle of Division tic. 50ne of Temperance, at Monitor (Dove, be one of the grandest 'Weirs of the season. Every parson knows what splendid micron Attends every atoll. of this eociety toter. nigh eejoymeot to • Its members . friends. Tho social re.uniens and promee. ato concerts have Wen among - the moat. harming and, of the oast season. The gre.,,,dpiarile at Monitor Grove will be of the Dino description. Ilvety person 11.4. tending can be sure of way of moot dellghl. ful recreation. Trains will leave the Allis g h,ssy depot every hear. lawpeeredts Done T—The new school last winter by tea mak. It the duty of the trustees of the movie, I illUiCth to make. or cause to be made a correct census of the children in each district between the first and twen tieoff July, in order to asoertain the num be children admuelble to the public pawls. A report of the mums in oleo to be returned to the thountpSuperintendent. U three requlremente are not oomPilmi with, the district to failing will be deprived ot the amount due It from the State eppro pnatiOn. N. IL Riddle re Mn,,. Practical Plum- bare. Gas and Steam Fitters. 8e.... street. between Franklin and Chesnut, blanches. ter, *ha. have on haad Chandeliers, pen. dna...Brackets and all kind. of G. Fix. tares, Lead Pipe, Sheet•Laad. Bar Lead, Gum Hosts. Hydrants, Shower Baths, Water. Closets, Bath Tubs, Litt, Force and Ale Pump., Hydraulic Fo rce Dram Pine forbearers. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Lame Mate of Lose.—Seve.ty-foar lot. will be sold at mutt. on next natnrday, at r. x.. In Birmingimin, on th e Promisee Immediately adjoining the improved prop. orir on We tenth aide of Manor street, only two minutes walk from th eft rthn street Oars, and six Minutes Prom either bridge. rare opportunity is here offered to encore olieap haulm near the the. tro or Maine.% on easy terms. !Ueda lief Irdseles.—Emma Baal.; ti lt , mu. rid mho foli from bloomy iu ex mtborqhm .Bo l:ll l , l2 :golir :ietst r tVarrattOf InJOIMI rescind. e. La.Veoy ef S.lOO • J. V. Kerr made information before Al dorm. klumbert yesterday, charging James and Winfield Cressingliam and Thos. Miller with larceny. Kerr Is engaged in the roofing business, and the defendants were In ids employ. 110 states that 'he hung his coat, which w orking 6:4 , 00n a bouts In which they were , and that the money was taken out of the coat pooket. After a hearing Miller, who andboy four ' teen or fifteen years of ago, Winfield Cressinghatc. a s sfS Cressingnati, ono of the d en te,defe were discharged, there , being no isfidence against them, and James Cresslogham Was held In one thou. sand dollars for a furtliff bearing on Wed. nesdny. Work for Hamill. Tile New York Herald's corresPondent et PoughkePsie glves the folloarlow informs: lion in relation to the movements of John I McKie], the well known oarsman: John McNeil. tn oarsman, went to with day, where he was to be presented one of the newly invented P.m. Oen matte. lie will this week endeavorto make *match with the oarsman of the Smoky City, Jim. my Hamill, for fire hundred dollars, he to Ore lintel: COO to remote Poughkepale, or Hamill to wive him oleo Irmo to Pittsburgh. If the match is made, Alcatel will in all probability row the race in his paper boat. • raor Arrested. James ItaffertY, .• yOuth about twelro yearn of ace, who reeldes with hie parents, on nerd's Hill, In the Eighth Ward, In coin' pony with earcral other hors woot Into rlttook's est aollshment, abonteight o'clock last Met, on a pretence of porebadog a base bell bat, and while some One of the number was making the purchase. Saffert9 vo olocrved by the cleric taklng a book fro m the counter, which he concealed about hie person. A policeman was called In and the hoc arrested, taken to the watch bOnee md locked up for a bearing tide Morning. Glenwood drove,—To-day.ut tnle Lawn tiful grove. wlll be held the lint greed an nual pia la of thecongregation of St. 'Thomas' Charon (Catholic. Ile, W. A. No. lan, pastor.) sad e. rare day of Innocent amusement may be anticipated by all who attend. flegithir trains will leave the Con nellevUte depot at the usual time and an excursion train leaves at nine o'clock this morning, returning at *even In the even ing: Appel ntssassis DI V. N. Comaslas lesser. —ln the United Stamm Chaoit Coon. yester day, Judge MeCiuldless appohated Samuel Mercer, lase., of this env, as • United State• Commissioner, The United Stat. Com mlstioners uoir . reslent in this city consist of Samuel harper. Minty Sproul, S.C. Mc- Candless and .Tohn IL Batley, Esqs. Important to Psombers and Una Pitsera—By reference to our advertising colorant. yen will see piropoeals are invited for work to be done In lieyttone Satinet Bank, Liberty Street. Proposal. are to be left with the President of the Batik. No, &J Market Street. .Sneclilcstiont to be seen at Not and 1 EL Clear street. Ilse Linton inch Haim. gun Just tested In England WWI so much success was the ice. Pittsburgh. Foamy!yards loads the world In Iron, and will continue to do so as long as she keeps down fres trade and de mocracy. Plessans.—Use of the ulostiplensult and select haf.ket pine les of the aluagon was held yesterday at the beautiful prlVate grove attached to the suburban reelneneo of ILO. John ti. Duncan. Lawrenceville. . "Blessed be the Una who First In wentect bleep." quoth eartcho Pasta. Sleep bet Often been “murdered, d not In Itembeth , o' case only, but to many modem in.tances, by Indigestion, Nervous Ninon. dote, headache, and a host of other com plaint.. For all such there is a remedy, and sufferers may now exclaim, ohlessed be the man who Invented the PLANTA TION DITTEBSP . Thin DellelOns Umbel and floe Tonic Is now nailed by mills es as the great Ilealth•Glam and heetorer. Re solve to boy s. bottle, and don't "sleep on It." . wise In thee. MAGNOLIA WATILC.e , t deilearOl toilet araleie—a ovular to ahalogne sad at had the price. ernentr. _ • Important Nottee.—Dr. bpeneer, Den tin. No. al Penn street, requests ns to Late whin many friends and patrons that, having removed hts family to the reunify for the summer months, it will be ammo y tf o o ff r ic hoe t d w e en ri n t g e hours him to mtll of seveno:clock a. o. and six o'clock r. at. These wilMe his onee boors until about the 15th of Ceylon. tar, when he will move back to the etty,anci can then be found at all hours. tr. DIM G.. bollt aa Irlso and retail, and larger conSegoenue:eo• shied to keap a arid much batter.. sorted Mock, to aell Cheaper. and give the gooda 10 more accommodating quanCties than exclustrajobbing houses. }Latish ma. chants are Invited to ...amine our stock. . J.W. ➢ Dana.. & Co., • • as Markel street. • Geed NOW. 'from Allegheny, formerly known as Blanchester, thet Memo. N. h. Riddle Bro. the well. known practical Plumbers and . (laa Fitters are doing their work with good strong material. 411y0TIO wanting anything , in their line will give them a nail. Remember the pu.s. Dearer street., between Franklin and Chernut eta.. !blackener. , , owe • Ilaserd t 4.ltweire Clod Ltvev OIL— The Forret and Bireetest Cod Lvor 011 the world. Menufeetored from (rah heal perfectl thy y lipurever, end awned. upon the Ask fo se/web r".firs. If le eeerd S Ceswell . • Cod Lover OlLw menufeettored by Ckilfra.f.,'lLLor. Co., New York. sold by ell d mandate/ sew The Great Cooae or the popularity Of WILSON'S PILLS 1$ them singular ellicacY . In the cure Of Dralniliala and Bilious com plaint.. Ever. one who ass. used them It. ready to o'repeat the time" on S. secon4 emergency. •'llenco all the leading drug* guts In America find neces.UT 10 keep them. Deafness Discharges from %he 'Wars, Catarrh, Dacus,. of the Eye, and atty. Dons ot chronic and obstinate character successfully treated by Dr. Aborn. 454 fitalthfleld stmt. 01130 e hours front 0 o'clock s. till 4 o'clock 1. 0. ! No 1.0100 ILIIIO 101110 I.lll7—Cen better or ehnetetr Boots, Shoes, Bs'morals end everything else In this 11 no, be found theo et the time honored store of Jame. Robb, N 0.69 Market, Street. • • for Medical Dee, pure French Brandy, pure Blackberry , Brandy. pure Blackberry Wine, pure Port Mee, pure California Winos az Ohio Avenue, MOS Mere. • 11. B. Mercer. pro(, tamipbell le heakig the eh*. tree, ovary forenoon. in Ashland Hall, Wylie litreet, with most eatoolthlog Bocce. and will lecture to ladles ads attornooo at e taree o'clock. For theCOre of Chelsea Martina, Do arrben, D'art:Mary, &O. A. reliable article for tbocura of those complaints Is lobe bad Cl Maroon, Ohio Arena° DM! Sto,lll. ' The 'Order et the De7.—L n. gen.. ord tor Sazonoas. In te teeth crlce• ien. er it has 00001320 the euhpretne O dentlf rice oche age. met! • A Lame eesoreoeee or all Medea SIMI Jan and Jelly Tumblers, just arrived at IL Be'.is Lamp Store, No. SZ . Penn street, Sib Ward. Vela gtmegllog Dolls Water et J. T entople , e Drug btore, Federal strer. ellegbegg. Dew IFlersing , n Deux Iktoro. No. 81 Market street, for ilostOttor4 owl Drake's Bator; chtoper than arty other place. • Go go flogsgorg Dies Moro, No. 84 ]t•rlBt street, for the boat Modicum' Llquorsof •ft kinds. . Go to Flan Drag glom No. 81 Market ,strard. for good Sponges, at Low fir Additional Local News on ona faltlelellel.—tin Tuesday. July tab; JUStPII BOUXIW. Only th/ld Johu and lallaallutti In.gera. 2Gnfooetal 1411 lake pliee (Wednesda7.) AT1 , 417100X; at 3 o'clo , k. from the re:Wel:cc a Joseph Lorms, 'Pio. 12 A.•oot W.Rhe47• NNW ADVERTISENEENTS_ A LEM MILEPI. UNDERTAKER, Ko. , 104 fourth meet, Pittaburst. Pa. 00/FLA'S of a Wads; CRAPE& IHAWNS, and duerlPttanor rnnere rmioung.o.eis foralsbeK. Boom opened d . 7 .ad alibi. Beane and Curbs.. Isrutsbe.l. Iturzosacurricu. Meld Kerr. D. I K. W. Jacobus. DX., 211rnaauLwinu. Jr 631,11. Mc, Km. . . J. G. ItODOEICS: I .7GGEGTA, • azit AND ZW.B.ILLUSJI, samessor to the Lie Manuel K. itocllers. No. 519 Mtn dime. three Om' Beater. Alialltletti(MaN unit:M.:owned. Iclabodani. Walnut and Bow 1,004 Imitation. Mans. st the lowest reduced noonts open. all boars, clay and night. Hearse and Curium furnished on short notice tad on mast Ve.anable terms. EDWARD • CZARNIECKI, UN. DERTAILEIL oaett, 944 Unio Mawr,' . /Mans. Rosewood and other Cor so., with a complete: stock of funeral ferias/9A[. goods on band, sad furnished st shortest nodn at lowest prices, tale sad Livery stables, cor ner of Mar awn MIDDLE lirae4l4. - Curtain, thuoncles. itnelten, thiddile Harass, Ile.; it, formes.. • R- & CO., CODER TAMILS 9.211)1.11BALIIIMS, Ya a ener ter. 'Wood's Ban sad OofEtk Soma al' Maimkesuf Lavery Manta, oonser nailed and Martins meets. Baum sag Caritaiu far, E . 0.. srlawAßT, vniteitakei itOUTO/St sad ?RIX num Nut* Warty . ' (MEW of all klada. Beam ea CAM hro4hM 021 the akortvit t 10410,4 1111.1. DALE IMIETERIG, boslitass . olth tha Coroonalan of HUI .III. et l o. l tfrt of doto aste•tor to iruL...T or • Patio lOC, and renotto.loa nasat'lotattit,., l . ascend to at. ow ollco. #O. /9 19 ascend Soar. ' . .171/tall • . R BLUE . OIL CLOTH, forth°. Iflndomaltadat. I.aitoo nor itutakt jUlt received as Ott Clotti Want coma. Oland =au Ota/r moot. . • J. lb s. :muses. THE - WEEILY GaME. , TWO IDIT/01111. - WEDASSDAY *ID 15•11111 DAT. • large! sleet. OttlaltWU THERII , 9I.I COL. MENU of luitzteabat mats matter. Ineledlue leeautu tilitortsle, laws Alm 57 Tiefttlet • and MO. Tsitstle Beadle. Natter tot U. . r.gir. Old fullest ..1 tmort tellable Ttelau• alai sod bommemlal mafsto Her-c.f. , 1 , .. bl • sty yever lu tee elty. I": /armor. lleolasrae or llereasat slguld beTelthest It. , TINS /CM TEO wiZALT CIOrAITS: IChit. * a r t T;:::::::::::.......7. ........ :7.11 1:I,. 1 —154 ... flt`T of seer to ibe re.n. Out. uy the slob.. *dation. I. slobs tau be taad• at Lay tams &iamb tales. KOTICI TO ButeSsmout,...ts orderbar Tour - ate A yer a.. sa b' ete . Wo n : s 4 W e.l:l7lawy wee''l3.* " 1131 e l s ' : ' • ' ' , r ib,. 507100 but one soil • k. Q Hono7 b./ Mat, 50w..., Rene/ Md. , : .' 10 BoOtaredlaltals. 1.11.• tens et ea! , data or ..... • Adders.' . , 010E1T1 rTrISTIIIIIO. I . Prase. GO 10 HASLETT k CO.'S. So. 93 , i bXITIMKI...I) ESTRILET, If 011 10131 t BPEIC'I`L.OL~~• WEDDING RINGS, IS KT. SOLID GOLD,- 1211:13323 DUNSEATH & CO., TOI7O'OII , OIC . =V =! jAR/ES, SCOTT, MUCCI:OOHW aOHNSTON a f:COIH.I 3:•79.41 -mania. ETRE WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY , SILVER-PLATED WARE, EITC. 214 LIBERTY ,ST.. PITTEMUITHILi • Partlettldr . t tention4lved redrittr 01.10 d ST ATEMETiI. OF TILE co v of.. "a TION VIE Pi.I)PI.IV. , lity . 1.0..D . Ay5 - . u . 4 i th piVti.i ifs: ?:=lSlage7i.;;; -.eztljti'fi nzsVor Cbm.2ls••• $ I MI 17 nab on ~., r. ffi ,.. p ... u , t .. ._ . _ tCS '4 rasT:;:sti-d‘o%Ftor v•ild Zeta . rlUee . IMO , 40 , . ' -- • neroolt A ceonnt . dT o lid •gt... bl ::::::::: :::: • Snr..Vels . B. F. VON BONNOORsT. Ftwom to and ontomitO , d wore me. /UM. my [Loud and Notarlikdati;d 3, 3 r 3 4 . 4, , ,, Jtat•t' , I:C*4 r.tie. AT AlisllALli SALE.—Br Eirtlate-: ....- ode writ of eendalemt e , Poada•• lett , ed, , •n. , of the I -Mulct C•nruf i te Unged?tatZtt; , the W ' e c ',.. e n , ' . j ' Zi t i r t t e areoen tr Pt Y zeti:Pint?e at the , P.VMVIVOIVIZETIVATWat 'TtO Baer'W'ottllniessa,:i.Vlon'oritr.i,".:l7...t..,.; Tub,. One 'lge7i'llta'it Tun'd We er T uba. • lair nr Chnna•ln Monet and nature. Wm , • Tub, '4 no mall 1114','•,`!"4:.°(7.tbi.:1:rifi:114,..u.('clip. Tea., p 1i t . 1 , ... i:44f.c,!:Mil'o'rm4iltatty': N ' llett=fl7l:; ; cl e w lark]. and the llulnlinc it anion veld Do, . Viler, Cal tarried on, totetitee telterlAtg;• n =, irrfig,!ecgt.trlltro clantiWiNtr.ela sewn* • or forenute• belle. and taken an the property, . gterg3Ar.teitlalllotlMal'at"' J. C '''''' • • illoe. A EUWLET. .1731,527.:..7. 9 V :1)• ...1 , 1 a 0t:•1 .. !.1.,_ Al tfnatirtitlVoltil!ali'rEr;ZonoTt L i sru t u 'i t ?‘ ~ t O • P v ' t :rD e t ' at ' tl ' ,l.TlVall ' n e s7Ve ' eg 's¢"l'l'alaret‘•ii'... T'litidilltn;,!t•r l'eln.",ll,..tbvi-,... —. tir nUnOd .. tab?. at in'oloak. One t he ton f ot i nt l lT dZl‘e;itiir:TYlOr, 'BIZ 11,ter tub.. Two Martel. et Olrallers.. Tee 1 Imo!) . /tem. llne hiked litakv,.il_pr..plov_v••• , , L 111:1 IM I . 7 L'.'2 ::, 1110 . rl•lll s L ' lt r a:N' d , f:‘ , 7 IV,: Rohe 5 Deo l a d ed g on . e 7Ol , b latall:itneg ca ts t a2tte . fl i tla n : itiErlLfg,ii.otut rellal4lo.2l{ the vent ohtbs rixosnis A. noWLEIG Jell. cut 5.7.5,9 ~ U. S. itAlttlint.. --- --e -..-- MAIISHAILAI SaLE.--ny virtue Of a wel‘ of ,endfliont cryGnin, late. d oat - of the District Court ••• the Untten state 6 forth. Western Otentet Penheylvattin, and CO toe T.7lo;Zg L f ' i siver4 v r‘tn 101 l s= the 1:1 , Whisk y ;Two Wet . • Pie Muh d Winer/'eutrtletlbtOrsle"... tried ,nd too iroperty et lohn i “ Vet y' U.. Hugh Badr. at the nett of the tin lthd titalen. TILOS. A. AOWLEY, U. B. MARS , / L. T= M ABSBATIN BALE BV virlue tee lit'..7r7e&oliarfirrei"errre'f iSrsr:VrVigf west. rm'' f rennrylverl, awl to mr , M. vote to • ""&1-111%44°,i;FAXIA41,t;'. , rx,t7.4":,,,t1=7g 11- . LAME at 6t it the suit of the t. Oiled Otatela. Tfloais awaLey; lynEauTS 7 Ell - 11. S. ht:EInIFIEE. • DEELEE Beal lkletate' Sod lnsunume Agents, flatlet reneeelllE Pa. YOB SALE—KIX UPLOTTIIIISO , lierturrprrrause I We orrer far rale Hat sod and most destreble We for Bolling ism sod Timm /ornate, or for 527 4120 ereenhatarimg purposes. to 010 602.1117. Ibis properly Is loose tad ono El foot street and the Alleghemf and within roe feet of the A. T. IL U. The kit to itO by 543 femme 01,1144.01, such • lot woMA AO well to examine lbetnre train" elsewhme. Termi shade to suit posuEumm. EIAIMM DEVLIN - • Ms t e Era Estate end lasemate Agent.. hope! etreet.T.erreneeettle. , 7 FOR SALLE—That.Nrry. "" Me and desizable leletaittl7 0.911111 oa ite; • • street sad tie Allegheny Avid . . Ist *lle.' 7tbeny Vltl ; NS by tldd feet, oh wtah I/amt.. • ?eery substanilsti Wick• nodes. zittgb.lool.l9 feet. ealeulatteaod well nagged' for ear/Ito/on almost env *nett of seatiefato tenon. It D seldom a lot of these dloattishtiOlt, within the am, us be bad, add we ]tom unite . the .1. els] a Motion of these desire= of gesso; • ton a place Oar eisnotastafte, pupal. ko the °Mee of DILVLIZt of BILL, Nest itstaie lawmen Anent.. Boller I•trworo _ • HIGUEST PBJERIOftI COLD MEDAL , AWISD 11 1: 0 ina Wheeler &Wilson tanitaZ,Win,"ust. Thifintgi of all the ptimpai =tn. oethe vroil4—ta• (Jammltt. w.ard amposed Ms moat. aCtmWept. saa MVO.. Miro. , • WM. 1313111NE33 & NO. al 67TH iyito HoneEs you. Luiz, AT T Uoirardhi.Livery Stablet . ' MOT unarr, OeerKoivseO~ HOW. , one now& Zal c d.AdAZ:l Vl / 11, 4 . trtl.ono ....KARA.. low. lint! bovtit nod sold on oodonAdsinw....: Ditat, CLOSH ; Practical Foritittere Manttfacyrera, COR. PERM AND WAYNE SU Lstsd ttTlu Of iruzarraim S. . H. Et. ILAIC,QIN,-.....,..- . . .. Beater of ' Weights and BleastireV , .... , ' • K. 5 VOUVIII514845 1 !•' . ~4, nahrem Ltbarty sad Tail .t.C.ti. - 77.• firdors orotopUy attooded to. arLI•loo. itounEs, &ELL & co., ►nchor Cott* Mills, Pilisbarglie liglaulletaisrsOf MATT. stairs a taellt: • . A 3401108 AMU ?Lie anstrrisialowsu NAT rsr4e . J. &s.rneriratrai' - cuiktrrEms . , Contracts taken for Itn atont 'Route. and Jobbing. Paratealle mum tlen o straa. qt. p i gatr ‘ rt ,.. nNt'ot /nand:les and On 1t,t,, , •,e,t he. 566 166 IL.' ilitgkry lap h., ezo. a. wrramrs......9. IRON CITY REIN,WORWL. CEO. 0. CLARK .11g-00. - ; rgat.,=,:garyarlvetzt= l No. 4.. DZ. U 4 fLoara Unlols Depot. Plttstrarlo.. - jets:o7" cuAinr l Sl lIFJZEfeTErs, ruticam E. IT.. Atucarsigr,, , .(Fourth door &ban YttiinosiLl Glass, alga Watt& Table ftillery . it I. keTERN PRICIER. Erft,_„ifitAll:St 4 'L A ~dir.o s ant class Mon an tun our toner • • NEW FIRST CLASS a ROVEIIIIN" 714,N, 154 ALLWAaIIr! . . . MU, Cent*, swears, Waal we oita to sho rota a. lama • awisLal . . GEOR G * 'BEAVF4I, , CANDY MANUFACTURERi-• -, Ala 6061 , 13;p 0 Mi l MittniatratiZMltr d': 1111/IED, al btu choice bar %wheel IS xed do: ' do mi • 110 basked Odd,. inX4 Dri o Avpkg ' - do JIM toodvod Oa "comadds/sa star ale UT, • n" SOUOILOODI LANG.. ~ • la And 'wood , ACE LEATIaEII. the - iielt' al•e, Pstant ant lotlAylef avu-a O INr G; ; to lietartaad% Oro.. 1 ro.thyr ,ng Ka. I t. ?me» ixo ...A. Andy 10 B. )4010