M PEI. H. m BINKRII IND BROKER, 118 Wood Bt., near oornerof Fifth. Goiernineot Securities, Gold, Silver, And Col:goons, • Ilnischt aid hold o• I:bersl t , ram ' Desna soh! ois WI the ftn solos, titles of rn•rttlis. JAS. T. BRADY & CO., Hankers, Corner I`.nrth & Wood Streets, se* ATDULL ALL a INDS or GOVERNMENT SEOURITIES. . . . .. . . . AD tOw tinoolloor Loottbe l 5.1101/ GOLD 110310 Or ISO:. An .“ ... tin.., Ineto'llof 01 per , * of 7 xri. s____*. 4 nil I-70'. of.ts L A :a'. '•f 1611, 420, of AMY old COmfroood I otereft ;oat... • L.- TO ' HOLDERS OF • 7-80'c. • .111.1Tba iamb melba ansaianlellb vrlta Wavy Cfcmols.. de. Co.. tabaatrabeatlbo, we are prepara4 to . coneen .4Fn lab 1.4/rs 1115. • Asada ea Ilapel for Deliver,/ [BA B. *VAT & CO., 1366.33.1r..egre. autfa i rousTa •BD QIIISPIGLD aTF 7-30 131_0 Zo LI, OONVIPITED INTO 6720 80ND,9,1865, - WITROI7T CHAIM*. IN46llllleenbi and solA on NotiIIIIISIII. IC Net Tarn, WalDDiaa.a Nsion. ROBINSON 8R05 .,. No. 7$ INDUSITiI STErFr Cf!f gitti;turgil.6.aiftti FINANCE AND TRADE ' Como. 02 sum Perranonan 61.21Te5. • Mom 0g.2...1a1y 2.J. 1222 S lite Row Took stoat quotation, 4.lay. a. soostved by Kr. P. B. Martz. "rem as foltotr. Uol4, 14232:: Elghty.on• bond:, no; Fir, Twills. DM 111%; rice 1 nzatteg. SOPA Flee Tountlee. •19e22. :XX; (loot role. Styes tbitties. ,Te. Portlee, StoPre— Erie 11....rna1, Tl%. illtendand it Pittsburgh. spit Chleagt. lack Island, Inalicithlbago bad Norlhwestern 'dig; 01010004 sod Northwestern prefened 'll'ort.Progoo solrad,lots;;; 311r.higasoym• n. soikood. at; Nur Turk Cadral, Saadi. 108; 'Menem Ilalon Telegrapl 'Ckt.PerlY. 44%. xit.p4 Wares -.Corydon, Qoono 1111143,111012fa1Y. OM: Smith b. r.. Warriumora and unprecedented beery eldp Menke of coln Wt west bare had a had edge a for gold market, and yo?,i was bid for 007 ..oast ogrard; llattb gold I, ecarcer. end 1.2 pireeetat. to We II poll per day for gold lolne illopernment tumorlike Ore very doll, and Ike .Mona of ay gravy ado. (runt the to gala. ban derlaord from NON 707 rlo' Said len are thrown on the market by dell err who Fare po.loaoe4 /warily daring th. Meant 010 prlces. Railroad 'shams are.s.ll outdo .tee, and the enormous amounts ....vital evadable for temporary aver mean atm to be the only cause of thts tire. r W shorts bare all been covered. and th. stightat . sla form approaching panto .out.. 4111114 ant excitement snob as Was never oil pined pa Wall etreet. MlNng shire. are bet set; izsips llorydno. • Leal gooney marketllmprortn;. The 11,131171 for money 4 less renter, than P. one at 121. batalog of the month. The followlog statement enblhtte the boat ors a tb.. PiLt.b.rgh Clea, lag Rouse, for th. peek anang Satuplay..Tuly. 12111: Ruche... etc Itilanees 221.220 •1 alp a 70.: 01 ' 0,19 7 . 0 3 , 7 . 9 . . 13. 1 1 . 7 7 . 11 • 7eLte JUII ' 'oo.olo la& So. • .dogy ....... 22 laddt, 01 • Totals 01:143.910 fib £ool,oot . (Moat Now ter* qaauooo .Isisis I. Brady k. 7 : V. S. Mao. 1001 110 WM« 1b.... " w Connote 1. • • . kigliet7gue /WT74110 DWl.Clomputtuela,lMl4. 43014 /to', &Ivan 1,4:, —The question . of a system of rettemutlan XM - 1901,11 k notes ls thiletthtly Inger gib ~raw in some hum... awl 51.0 utthutton b. the Umaptrolarr ul the eurteveg e wit • 1$ bon , fa Boatutt o ban thll tete k torn purlieu ` *lr called t.e nen inth foe it. me .G411..11141L tlus metier. The Mould lehethelog osokken• I bedroll Natl. hal emu the giut Ittu at lit elcmytt... theltuth terittch et lo e lutuomee emu. • et-geohatry • book Muth..., u e they moth.. ' imam lest by the •..nence of any 4. :Mal I. *emptied/ t Notional eus semey. fhe rout IA beg belt oast.. Its nom* toth ttttttt lealul• el the prat etats of thleek—ifttetuti But • -o•Tbe attoperttloe eoloeg the nuUunal tip*. • •SW o •l7eUltiii,” MIS 11, bare se-alto it el. men out West. ell knelt tete piper. the Repute labent. Mann thee Wolk u7there I.f shot cot ) eue let, among .thee Wad 00.5114. lt./ give !ben. It. Inlnlalate United tt 'dm no *moiety to teeth regatta. Thts la tba *mute of the hem , at papas Inter at ammo delmelte—s gown. Who* we kora meant it , a goletnelootatul orbtot goesser Or igieff i veto be general y dlethprugeo Dorn* **height of the toolo of loom, Seat beet r sllooool • tenetlne nom et cot. told the mums morel When tlenmeeel tn. Weird dig/reef ale biblelog h 0 theme. tbot(lin, might charge moat ate their troubles to .1* to. sera procithe of the butte, of pivot luterest ••..• oboe the natty.. of •bele uremia. v. ../ge tile. denim the era of denten.= follow. •.• bag Ike evornelou elopes-le ye) went and lb litereeroui telluees of leselug • rum entente lb a/ phew [tithe eons* ry, el teem* demometrty till pnlolige 61 plilyinj *herein nom ctn... .4,- pother, wee. preeenhod by •ettotroutee 11104, ' •op Di John £.4••• *to. W. 4. thou h. add who lending flew teL rheum, and forty of the fortg.the books of New Yolk coy. totted lo e • welelere agreement to illeestottente the theta m, - p. •eloled ail the baits beton! 1 estoeur At eftm *melt WI genefsby agreed among !be Nett Took banker; that the preetlito It qutheloo • Wee oistukentlyonthood./1 ..... on. nod with ent say far precedent In older count , * D.°, - B.fdgepoet bank feend the Spring. 11•14 Rymbleenn •thet 1 •11-ir rod 841 lel of the Piquobauck Molina. Haut 0 , • .11.1 deep re bee been •thertalorn to bet . .I.' Latter to the =meat of (12,440, end hoe ow pptared. Young Bethune 1.51 ephew oft T Bern, M t sod had been teller of the oink lot ' shoat One ythk. Math teoeutly be Wes fore - ans of the AlbeticUll hosecompass.: eon win very pupal.. smoog- they 1,0111. neett J* (the wastes here been the atom of pl. We. mth.lege he Is trusteetea anth our 41300. bort familtee in Brtigioa end lath • ' Vib e Who hth feeble heal th , le 000 . 0.141 rOl *ether of liestatogh The Imuk arid only tooth eithem itighigl D y the defelcutton, se klathumee Weds amisekt to Wet, —The esble relforts • reduction by the meek et Lai* sad of ge rate of dlecou at too per • 1.311. Thle may was rendered orteralry. trade lege eery slut. lbe L selon 'Nynly *the 1%41 - that 051.1101 of the comttly 4w7 we 507 eutlumulatea In thugs of weolisig empleymese e ash the neethetry mouths view* Ma be • fall lathe rate or 1012 ea. IRTIRIRSTIAn. To TUA OIL TRADE. The a .1412 OonswProiol WU*. of July 77th. litotes under Um hoollog o['•Burloeee that wen 011 Enehaoes bad boon e lainiabed at 'Reading. Pennsgerani, and seine Pity reenters. ewers sod amines in Petro- MI. Ries agreed to tote dolly of le o'clock .at urn Iglaliang• ealnia.“ The Jtutichn would Ao better ng ideating the EzehanA at oltLe• -.burgh. I • SOOTOW, July 23.—Vis srml musket is weal:, and.lors lower and tedelat d-wo; but a non haultyle • characterised as dull, sieve, mi the leduerd ratite the &Miele Is selling guile (mei, sad trasitootleas for the p tst trees font . • lane scilygito. The reerly's rot new wont bore bees eery bossy of late; and. with ittoet s • tepidly sornmutalass tem the h..od •ut deniers wit., um most vases bare made lime *drapers Os isesahteleuta—there I• a general °Mimi. Loa es trumlr part to mat the market Ina inn , rat sentt. • biter as borer. are eotieeennet, they w swarthy prefer smiting till there Is muse • ...Seat La the c ode us ket rhteb will re- DOM theta of at lea.. portico of their nee.. • • Mlitated products But' when raw material Is .• 'Mod upon their own mess and ttrtpro.- liiMM NI that It stay hs blaber as si ou a. genera. Ike . ,Irs4e starts np, and rmelpm twee LU fall off, .leamptati.s Is ettong for th e. to Mr in Minks •fur ibele future tequlremeets. TM. • Mairli aolustemed to de at this stare of see. am; asd Inn serail do 40 new, quote wl.llllxly sad u fair prier., If their product• urine *sq. BM to the tiamsl maw and at teaumetatlre . run. Thenlf.h the new elle le coming fencer! sheet a rspUly se It did at the eortespendtva time halt imoseerem then It no eiteit , ment le the ;meters markets or woo'-srowlec reshot. Ile sostOmycu..; nrlms ate almost every. shall amok: sod e. finite to shade OW, situ eelintl. , competition saes huy.ts. 006 IMMO. it feature of me tra il., fhb 4..00, 18 the Woad satire Oweneo of manufacturter went* cot,' of ovlssors now et. aged te boo, rsic uji nth ta not Oath,' .dyy..stamiore, however, entre -emu set era • MS de numb bolter to tube their !beaus to . woe. irlitsts. them they immunly ouuld " . lry sonic to ths ornt , try. • • gala of domseettsfor the week have been dailtril.h.tal sad font up some I 0.,11011 lb. , ' the v Mem Ml atto lle um dr difflie awsrolttL for Bete. Mist sad 454 fur Saw Torii 0.1310 • Ur , Tatum to tao Plus. - go dt.titt.i Ita• Toss, Joi7 91 —Yna , lnt•—n,t7l intransiii p 47 .Arno and Imo.; 21436 no, latof Soffit. iota,. dryers...l and eltabily lower[ &tont IWO rootil on rata to-On,. Tin , ' alnlsirf4ltallt7 trirlat is not a. gond toi lan week. Zittrai oreaslooalit anl/1 at 17.4. Itat gesiralla at 1714ni prim., 16;407.: nr.t quality, 111.1534 , 1 nor to n rood. of entry. ahrwor were mode Idea Staytttc h tlint . int.tior to ...an ' Eat on d._ l l 4140 tar I liTiZr 1101 relatirali anon motatltnai dgylag tbe swat . 00 Wodno.n. Polito. . ISt 7X^ Pot" 1' 4,05 ( 1 . and au . Tta V. uraday from 1 0 0 to 7%13,• bona a lair .o p. T 0.11.7 m y traalear,ma.,..a Untusail/ylioavy arrivals; deman d song Sod • allartnirs quickly told at PAtillg, Oldayilt WONG, for ordinary to Cluinuain. -- Moses stalollorbot. 1910r4.111r01a.10 OA Mite sab 011111W110, W.-Eine !write 4.111 as. 4 1 2 1 . 01 . 0 4. 0 . gor g010t10W 46 . 10 for fur PrILIIK I O4 ilaxipti-4,0 • ....!!,,, • , ' -o. :SI • JAILS MIZELL & SON, 6 9 and 70 Water Street, LARD OIL MAINF.ACTUBMS, kart Cesl4 ri to Clit:Dr. LerMliCATl2iti and CA RIION 011.5. We soar,. one YO. I GAM 011 eq.t to the oe.t elprlocatl. or cam, brands, end protaae IO shit .4) ow a+ ;l,-lestel or China. rate. Our N 0.3 La--10i1 Ike mi. Labricator Cannot be eheeled. Ontt Croat Loll:Mc:L:1c( and etandsnl breeds 1r Car :,on 4 tl! cone Cantlr On bl4l. licras.a. ten lannit reeturer beforend ter.> , T ysrrct to rlye os call rd , ./In 4 .ar.1 4n. Iran It.e I rnact - uo DIAIIIET.T4 OM. OF TFIF arr . , Wl': az mit / • ith.SUar. July kik Ng, I The general markets present ncrnew ammo , I termite worthy of epeetal notice. There is on improvement to note In the demand for sty of the lending commodillea, and, In anticipation of lower priers, both deniers and madams are Operating as lightly an potalble, the main object heing to keep stocks down to the lowest poaalble fwint. • GRAIN —There is rather tante melt fly in Wh“t toile 011 ear Na. 1 told) Chicago Op leg at 112,15; nod—lest week—it la reported titr:e Coo a tale o[ntint bushels 01110 Winter. to ar rive, at 02,20, tats dull and drooping; tale of bushels, on whorl. .1 sot, an.: amall Wet of. the Omar advaiate. C trick la quiet and nom omtir übehaloge.l; prime Yellow no, be quo i.e.] at $1...1.1,3, 14e I. quiet; nutuftura at g gt.lo. FLOUR—Is toll and weak Iboot2ti pricet are ocuinellty tinehnnnea. (Awl, option Wheat wand. may be quoted at mew Ohlo tinter whtat Ia selitng at 01,75101 x, nod ....co- brand. at g15.:06. Ilya Flour' I. quiet od uochangel at 45 2.1 PROVLOWNO-13 woo is quiet but Neatly ritutegularj , i , blne Poles at Ilialtntic [ - of for Embed and elope Sidra. ..,d . 1115cgrte for riing•e- Cured 11.515. Lao. a dull but hell Maly at for to tWe t tie rendered. Meta llork to dull but Otto at ,2,40n.60." PUl'MUEi—Cernhen In quit freely, en,: eat,. Cupid) , .00,ewh ,t to excess of the de n ddl..pricesurc declining oaf unsettled, tong. of freer On,errt,d) pc: nolo GREEN APPLES—The mandrels nee hr stag rophlly, null not telt hst Stalin.: the sup s. net, Is light, the musket is. little tecok dol the tendency Is downward; see now .01 to .16 per bld, as to it i LSI: r rEiz—ls Sad au I ,rids he wpply pr to dra la neve driest fully up the LI, mied; 6111411 s sles et 1-Ol3P—liti .1 evil. II onyllilot a .bads loser; re nom, fro dd itt :I it roue tilikikiaEi-I. In bur demand mid steady but .:,cttaote.l..llo couttauc to quoit at. in ;tlate,. ir To outlityl BAY —ls ilult tellit a sun; 1. up to thr ary oaad; Wes of Iles at stale. ut $lO,Ol to too Jir ton. ; BULL FEtille-Ilte market loom to•at pct. leeeiy PUtteil oath O.oe. atui tl la feu 41otril aoyiltlor Ilk. pullet Luke. attO.liitio nay be quilt.% steady at 11.11 atol or tot, iSEEL/13-ICoial.l salts of riaaare4 Voi,eitoutit Clot.; of 7e:toot:lT to e•- ‘abllth quota . lour. S<—lieditouta tory newdeai • utictixottal. =I °Peter. :Preis i4rrrar mire: itelarre. July rt. tlFl7Dti—There wee 'a. dr.:14.41r stmreer 'tel..: to day, o 4 with ware toners sad !ewer 'Hera, mar. compere.l with lot erre:, are e hale Limier. The erre,: to bile It icily much their cwa way astir, r. Itahllog ther were resierketiy quiet lest eneL;mail acme et them tea remstkably Creaka the km,. The timpiovemeut tear be at rtbutml tit thereat that the tereign markets ire eloatot but straituatiy Imprinter, sad the 'Latina marimm, as utlsht naturally be ea- Qutrit i ate ataa.Letter. prirete telegram m Ott City ti is afteruman retiatted that ...tract Cm at tia.M. with mare balers than sellers. The 1114C1 here mem ati fiLows • ode t•lvi a lobe delivered on flirt renter II t•ot Spplpraber to Dotemper—.ll..... '• Cktoper and tinveralxr ....... p :AO .• to ox deilvered to .0 ohs po Oh) , . buPer•• IS. .tNnter r•" Or REF' OLD—The octet for hooded elf was tlso moth firmer tai.]. and the Only thing in he way or consummating forgo tale. was The otreme views of holders:. Spot oil to Cu de mand. and may be quoted teen at 370, and Dut me sellers, even at that figure, and there were users for the lost f our co./10:e nt arljo, and It at thought by tome that the even roe might rave been obtatowd. As in the ease of the nude market, the oluelo - •ppeat to Lave it all mete WAIL outvoted some of the •uuter," we .acderatand. ate trucking tioarty about 'ton:Anglo,. under:" Tor tales were: 'AO Deq autu~:-llcr DEEM =EMI .111111VA6S-11. )t10w.5..; tLe rcr +rt.% irrival“.l pi , to.hrr .t Ili', Del I J. wiltl.ll. 1,1 .... I .. , e . ...... ,17,1 I J ',lmes ti...lla.rter •O I s, 1..[ t.. 1,.....„ :1..; [Loa. Asst.. ;J.? Ist 71ItIrbInter.. Igi i. - —. sines Ott.«l•llretii.,••7 nV }lmmo ‘V•rupr.: . :o •I•• rellpod to Rehr, rblisdv.plan. Loerolat d /*lvy, 4 Mon , theicarr. A. flier ....IX: do do to vier,litOg a Co., Yhll,dtipt.t.., • J,conn A • 117.d0 .to to Waring, King ~ t•hlir)eliihtn. I'ac•4v Oa t.. r lw Co do to C. W. Marie 11 . .r.m. keno Jr.. I 3 do to to F. A. 1,11.. - ottb t Co.. to F: A. Dittoortb Phil•drlphto. FL •h. Borg to, lin .11 do, to Waring, L:log A n, Pon! det polo. nm okttlir. , rok.T •802, PrICIENNSDIVIT }lent k boo nuts rotiJod, to L. 11. ,ox, Philt4e ohm . litrkoti•lsk, LyonL.:tido do, to Tack, ilot Q... P011%10.010, M. Lon: Co , 121 do do, Worloo,Kloo t Polladoltolts. A. It MllLet, 24 do do, to Wowing. 1C.102 k Co, P,.1111d0 pates lilColztosos, nit MI. do do, to W. itArorn. PtAtodelphl, -_ New York Prodorto Market. ;Cr Ogruon to the I 7 shortrh t•enatte.) N CwYortr, July Mr . —Cotton Ono .n 100101; .01,. OW biles nplond. 4t Sl4l. Floor doll trot henry:old 151221e-Iny_er,recelot. 10,977 able; eat's. 51.000 hills; annorduts etutu and rooters, $..9137.:g.; entre. western. 117.K4 Into choice 00.. 1110,:ifel1 0111551041 ohs., ,o,oosjujo; trade brand, $ 0,1412,10; opting i t . Lout'. Vat thr+qf witttr,•l24l7.go; Calt'oc I .1a port and deellnlad, at. 1t,,. :lour 'into:tenths 211 hblr, nl $5.K.411. tC bl-hy genet andclew; v. Wooot doll and 1.31. ...war; rev:Moo:lg.,'" On; .am. 18.t;e0 On; N wiiwantoo.so.9li; now runner South.rt, 42,40 12-1 .9; Whllo O. Cal new 7UNL I.3 ft: e wet unchaug flarleY and liclt Indilltlat. Corn filth tett,. and unchanged: ramie's In; ellen 224.504 hu; new relned we.ters .11. 0. 24 .110; nnronnd. Net . ' alto u tied, vulg.,. en.' tattoo weeder', *LC!. tjtt.aea;eeetto rneeitne Let; red, cs,ou ou ; welders, CICGIV.Sc; ;Auto. 1152,00; nee ionthern; ELIK , 10,0 W lon. now 4 outhera, 11'1nd:rattle en or belnie the Walt Ancor, Ittrtea Wassenoth,o—hlthoit. 474 On.; cons. 201,4 N bug' ootts, ha, rt e. 4 -1.12-5 nu.; burley, 12:101 hue; malt, 51 le; on.; onee,3/ tit't bd.. lice notuteat nn l nn chanced. C.. 1 1 ,0 • 2110 Grch, with full' Ott ohend; a; her atude notntnah tlgst• atectly "et 11%0130 Int Cuba. Molualtea nominally unetoinotad. Rope cruet- lOdroleuth; crude .ontnlnntly unellanued; rtllned In bond a trifle Ilttnor. 216330. Fort, hoary add 105112, Lai. a 4,10 hot' ut te1,75130,93 for new at, °mein, et it,nS for rev uha; 011.10, est $1:175332i1l fur 'prime, and 421,71 Mr prime toes,: aleatefil bbl. new use.s. koh Ire, 11.tt Orin; rule. MO bbl.. Ilan et dolt. If 'eon grind, but hint. , Neat. drop; 22; outdne. ut 11 1 244 ITte (or .boulder.; Sant.° for hens,. Lord .ado tiollor, Oatam nal , at 1.';31213; for 7i•. -Mutter uochnoget. ',Recto b.-ay: at 47240. FralitOth to Llveritoot lower trOff.") boa corn at 3.4 per -nil, and ti I s; •r+.deatn. Lerner. 5 Y. o,—Plour C , Onnti dull an., 11,414 loorr. rt noly a Ilte hoot clentand too tto aunolvot the 1 , 1.0 1,460. Wheat hear, era rotnitndlY. 1322:1 lower; the thddlna S. ctoefly on Surr. ll.ye octet. at 81 41161.10 tor :rupture. Gore meetly and quiet, at 114,1432 1.“1 lit good to print.' now alined Weblaro, I tors ti tor Uneontordo. Date tined. ht Ott ror lor Will,tl:ll7it l ( 1 , I teller' at:o3,,i g eshis, land on. ere at trirtr ' nutl tulle,' at uCtel reaular. Beef , 01111, tout 11 ` 11 Cu. Meat* et...dr and lo modern:lr -Boom unettunged. Inn; very firth Itt.ttgqlntfo for fair to pilule 010 010. ... 11 %>4 . 3 kz;; - . tor kettle rendered. . • Cincinnati !Instil:l. !Cy Telt erthlt to rios.srth tistrtto4 ufwctsrwrt, July- . ..-Flour Ault and {moss more .2 with-1 —Flour mush dusnuntlt saintly ki.7lUl,Sts tem, 410,71ei11.1.0. WhOnt d sit. No. I let/ *2.10; Whitt! trz.ig.(3..o Unto PI 111,11.11 d at 75 fur tin, s s . s , e , „7L uik .„, e , 55 10 Packs, On alroths, ar4l Dog doll; old sns offs:too at St: PI bulk. ITCW at 70 1000010 iso.l[A. Week. Xs, unnettlth soot posses nOcrOnst st 61,2441,31. (WM, grin Lt gtifill for uthltlilog. 501 VlOthin, b , k lortt damned at Wren ruts 5. 111:Itky gm, ..ssys to boost. liff.fe port In drl.llli yd, nut not egered In soy essoot Bull meats bold dm, Ito I. quiet at II cis.; 10r 10r Ph.llibld and Won. Caves unoto s s,s. %boulders I 2; Odes, W; clean ye , &dos 15 , 4, toil clear Pt led Isl.. Baths Ur. for ea tar aufctl and 19J for onnote,, looluolne pwiragts. Lard Is held artaiy at liks, with route ormatot nt ttos stets hoot Is v.0111,5E03 at VSJSJI throne, nearly .100510 What It war warm thls 4111111 14.) car. looter arm and reureo at it 8 20 .." tar Ck'n" Onso stri 214,415 far Wooten. Itetervo. Egg., Itls. yew-. doll at 11 , 4CLV,io for tAfttern lloworke. FICA noed steady at•ltio CI.V . r I Solo. at 410. and Se st ILL Llnen , yl 0'! *MA nnddull Corr...,.2:firan. Safest . IVIIIfc for raw, and 17;lastlft tor raturd. toOld /10.4 CEl==l IRV T. Win,. I n We ritc.borall lialelte•3 Sv. lama; July li—lohaeto tOtlVy b.' bur/pat...lot uocUstivoil. lUnttOn tlllll at the for low tultl,ll.ng. 'temp Oren an price. ha. unaoutal. Floor very heavy with: bor . ''' a b , +flov ,, fr tort lower taleea; extra 461 Z, XX Vilro f f..tt ' ilVii , l 4 6l . (46 " l ' ;x l : 11 ' 1.7 n ty V 1 ?t/ 13 f! j et 61 Itlttt,htl6 fur moor ' and ' 61,63631 w for oloota, (WM hoary 114 , 1 o at KO , . nor yol...,_rnq si.uutdo nit 0.111 nay," ot lioatUo for Si and 84 C16:4 for old•' gya joa.•r at 01.2V1 /1: Provt •Ion: heavy w , 6 „ „ lyi.uroievu Pork lower . at 0 , 13 Vttu,73. Meer. Itc log bhoold•ro, gluey. !No tor clear MO, cc o lf ape cn ror augar cur.ll llama Lath Me fookaat ehtlioo 11-trle rendered, 1.1 nerves, haul at FlOut 4,1.7 lohlr 0000, 16.30 4 cork 15t63 toscia, Data auka, ,y 0 17,bta cock. easel, By Telegraylk to top Pittannr.b illy 20.—rInnr onlet. Wheat 70 ee lower with plll/111111P the now loam , Sllehigan.a2 10 tor N;, 1 re , {.ahw.h,ana,y:dl fur whit" Mlcitlgan—ty arrive: Coro; Itupurn and radon Ana,. froth reePtutn No 1 thPlltol at Oln bids anda at taurt7e. with 650 , h1d. ()Ma 'fidatal arm. Freigh, re • m porn try mann to pagalo. Itreptpt2l3 t4lll mr.811.40 boon whoa% 121110 OUP!. Nan, 2 240 ' , cab oat..-Ship m , n la— CU bola Boar, 40,0nd Oa%bash rr , 4ear, 1t0,r03 bush corn, I,COO • DWI ni . -,,-,1,. .i= 4, ;'.,,i . i' , 14..:k`,.- - . l:',;'' , '" Financial Matters in New Fork I=ll i❑T TelFgra.th W 0, ritt•titt-gtl, , tolet , VOILi. July Zt Tho 10E.rii, r.-her more at 0 pro tea:. for (.111o.to, ,!(r..,ott •. oaq It0,7„4110t.: gold for a IV. Is rk nor, or. n.g ;, to cit,tni.: Ix.v. ii.' ;r mcn ~•rcin Govorono•r ncx. art , t" , 1.., do, 50,,, lII', do, Fov; ,oupur of Jahuarw and July 1 , r:1:J on ot •••;. coup , 4l ognat J one, 107 , , • The Stork Atarkint evened Ilan :aid nil renciiil, at the ttignler lienni lino eaehie: 775,1. aria o , ortliwertonn The market eiaen oiler weelroneil unil iitrounlyhaninaeroii In I hi. utLernrion, lower +tctitii aeat , e , lT, the pre.,•• we toCerliticeltaa ten. Si Weetern 1 nine Teiagreeh, 171010 , .. feeler 'gen, 1451014 e, Atietn.o.. Inaity II Cr, York . centriO. in7,400107'i Heinen taniliti; teen centre% Michlann intherts, tn./. 1 1, i;: ,i t''‘nrani t , riti 1,1'; 001:5: It iek le2t.„lolWi., Neoll,o , - tie;:itlo - ',l ti, 0 1 i,1071.!-;; Fri new,N. ileEarn° E.: pre:, ii7 4 ,11iii7!.: An...01 , 4n Czerni.a, 05107 , 1 3teratianni C oton tame, .11015. 31IN[ha MT/6.n,, :h•th.ends.r!er Cohyo;s% ipr LA Cr0, , , , 0h hinit h P,rr , ” hi4rn Copn, ar.., E , dorad. , 004 1 10; United Otttlet Pr, rotentn 375; ItienhnY ;00. , It TCl,,l • fri ItuerintN, S: 170 1,11; paynamit., 16: btklm:co 029 ,q4.e.4.:1. - !tonal° !In. net. uroi'Ot•.l.•• •I•t; Pram. /Wt.: mat Ittl, ..7so .1.14 .n,l 50 .4114 nnw 413(0.: 5, Wheat In tal, a..n.qt‘ I ~,c bent, lOtioxi 4., 1,1 , 11% , eml, at li•lnlnckv nt. 4: trn,k ••rn olu , l nnll bncrr+,t l . l.4ll ) . I.°ll °.1.111,t0i i• . ~-11 111. +1.1:: 0 1 .1.. 1.,1 ust..lm; 4I for ..w:ft , I • imnlll,l t F:vlublA Now tro 1,041 1.134.140 .r-1 rye,. GOO hilts 11. , nr. shittt , ..l--1,...r1 bosh n, ;.tthk, 1...!1 I, Elsll 7,,J 11:101 r)-.11111,11 l•rvlov. Now Orlon.. ItooLt t. Tvt.•-rnob tt, e • .4 .11 Xt. OnLa.s, July :LP dt sAle. of 1..:184 Inw t•tly 11.8•40,1 - . :0444: lull oc I tali' .It,ur I. viral r,164 10 ~t 1 1”,/iry mor 1.‘1•: K-1 1. 1 4 0, I,oa H, ppM an, trodorme .I.mask•••l. FLottr rz , ~, , i 1 1:.•111.1 • ....Al°, la ,It to. “n .t.l, s 'rol.•rfat 14,11' ; :W. I I ant Ito! Om, ,ri.1.1.1.,11.; .• E nsNIA-10.w xcllt,o `,41:, .-ent. chimp. m Lel tt. LLIC '1 h.... t 4 lam .rao, .I,lv Z. Lor—, iour ••Ntray. 1/1.1 , / N o 1 !td rrAts dutt wad ~ , 4 .., Nd?clo-!,...; t”. d • pt:loan, ; d I.,td dl--; 1,1-I , Ml', IL./ I. TT ~ ,41 l‘v b2l- otuti.l , l 4 . hos 11111VIVIII ;.1.0 1.11!. (I , U r, 1,1,0 nu, tam,. I = MayrArK,., —ll.nur d. 111; rtiv t .p”. 11,1.4; ttlo..2%estrA, v ut. 2,.1:1.1.1t1 tor N'• /1.7 , 41,:.: :or J. 4,31. 0 41. • !or N..• Corn 3.• rl:Exi. v.. lot No. I old. ltvevirg , barrel" Ituut All, .01.1 1 4,0,t0 rat, IL?" , e 2 POilt,t VC'S tlou, 011,:stlt COM. NOVI Turtl Dry "OW. .1111” YORU,Jtilv 21:-.711n ma. Iv! .• I , lrt firm TA'lrto , .. ste,”lv 0. T.; txl 0,4.1 r: to.te•- 1,1,11111; I,n, lns tlvrtz,i,ced Priniltrg 12:nth, Strtrltrt; r 4.,...u1; to malts out conrolon—tho , 45 4. 5 4 , 4 . ny.tet not 1, conc.:n*l44l uutll August .0 510511.10.4111y,1 0 —To l, e , ro ✓" e , • 72 libd. ~ t ,...505175 for me.ltu 111, t l, s '. 1,01 . sod . 4' 01 . , Y rscitot t'oon'snY• N,)l ' o `" h^srY r" , ' Ol 01011, Ml - W „.. , . ; „ r 45 4.„. 40044 , PI,, 55r cerutlooloo for Ow zhneter 01 so. 044 , 4:0464 „ 2 „ . 4 .„„ : „ „, „, other coast.. ti,us . t een..'rl. tun until !ay , : ' str , •t"t t ,, Pa l o o 1 Torn JsrPer. 51,,a,. Pork ,I,ould•-rn •4•, July —The liner .1051100 le 14., , 4•;r.,c'aed el.. or ~, , •11,i str— sr uly. lie vh•lthdalli and stratutont. 1.1r.1 In tlero, Wtl . uurntly I. quire the use of It.olo epAts to keep .I,no the , naclves off thr bank. The Ilanuis le low ve Naples, cot rapidly falling there and ho b.," at go linvea. ahn Tr.v exast boat Witte,. husineas 01 the ,„„ II:loots aeru.lnaly over for the season.' At rpm Wat .l er. tat the Lower hills -um there la ..2•, a. mO. reties a• S 4, fret, sr d still lapin. T o h l e c ife ,, t . gb . %f n o w, N . e a ar t, r sl.eos.fan I.:a , Col ow:: hue Ira last verang vabh wv. , 11...0a T aml he huati IT:ZP:.•: .0 t...r a. „,t •4,.1"f• it -gann 10.ostatoiv and othe• bosta Itsicit f..jaft bath N Lest, rtu, , - „ rn c he.e I. cleat feet fester to isof— f.lish Coro,l,th both Of 21"111.roore , ranrlitet. NEW AD V ERTLSEMENTS. i , ' It:. Zrirztk tu i, Oa era. ..A , ...; , • ^-...-- „ n•LTIV .11C, .;I.IIV - . , .—G.,,,, nouli,al, .1473 EN E. co'vr, r••.or itu:el. Rua ol•, , ly; ,ily 31111, • strn T. - V , I. ,0 0 1, !: r. , 0 1 1 ,,, I,' , At h.,. :a I.ar %,,. ~ , , ,, n,ou TO J(.1174;•.71,,, A ,Ct OIT .1v r , +.I Linn• r r.t tr!..::, , ,:, - 2 t. I , r rr.l. tau n;. • r,..1p,.., ~,,,, , Illi u itrtql .11.1,.. , 1; .....' 1 . 23 337.A.54131 = 1L I-IS.T w.••lcrn Ku. li,a,z3 Iwrg , > sopol , ~ , ,F . '''''' ''' '''''' 7."" r"r fi'L l'rnY'"" ' ' FINE WATCHES, GLOMS alt,l , 1y mIT.I uncil4l.. , a wa— U. ,Iter 1.•,..g lullae rtitirLet. 3tnoltol. ..TEIVELII - 1 7 , ett.t.ourrt. • `-'O —floor 10.a,0, V SILEV,PLATED IVALIE, ETC. norav ^9 1..1, no.s. F. xt I, Ail. W1.1 . 1t Lot tolio ‘,. 0,„.. 214 LIIILMTV Al., I'ITTOIII/lwa. to oto.loo, :14513% ISOIIIu. Ity s3 . p a ,,,„ 0 „. 0 , v , 0 W no:,ce .o. , .Irfll, 1.0.1 Ton, 1 Ire- 41,1000 retrolc tununobaugetl. Witt , y if MU B . T PIIEIIIIIIII tlO hutubinl. COLD MEDAL Liolottot. TolorrtiOl to 1n.:1...b0n, 1:5,5110 A.111)7L , Too Joly Zi—Uottun .Irtn, at it ,l 14 . Wbt. cicr ilson Sewii,g Machine, ortion Moor onobonired. Coto "I L P ' l ' `'• ". 1 ". at • ;.trite IOST I r;PoSITION. Joon ork 41311, at V.:. I:Acon na• " „‘„„ 0 . 00 , t ,„, 0v0 ., 0 . 0 ..,, cs&ogetl. L.o el: or , notoLr I.l.ohloes or tho wor1:1-:co eo upu.t . 4 nt comp:At:at on.: liolwtto! judos. Phlladelphl•lla Mutl6er By ?..:rams to l'isu,ort.rift..., July Z..—C.0.1.1.) met-11,. cluD.-um...11.1.41.m.1.00rer; ealtm Loud No . 27 FIFTH STREET. Pittabanat thesu. Sheep dun; lIIMO pe rsl a Iy4, MMME=II an.l locum. Agentl. - .lloller ht., Law Stem l'asauel..co aloeleer. reatell l . Pa. CDT Trleirm, to Ih , l'o'f""'" 1- . 1... "1 1 ' .. • ' ' el.:: elia..-51.2N1Y1.20111/11N0 81:11.-Ta Su., Fushcleco, July 17.1 -Pltir qul ,- -1. fueh ~,, , ,,,,,w , ,,,,,,,: s ~ W . of , ~., ..„ th. belt 44 '' ""' "1 th-" ' "" '".'""''''' 'V ' "-"'''" to: mu,. dulleable elle for Ilsillart LIM and receipt+ liberal; ebo.c... 41,71111 X, RAH., • • 22,25,„2,..., 21,7..4 . 2,„,.,e, 1,,,,,, , ,, ;-,., .D.D I. nuenue. or for any beret , reannfatlurina par;-,see. in the county. This pono.rtY la loCa. 11f7P2M71.1 MA 11.4.1L110.122. : t;.l on •10 fo/.1. ntrert and the Allegbenl river. ~,, , ,,..0 ~,...,r, i., T. . EICLI.I. ~, n ~,, , ,,, 6 , . an.l er11.1121 tra feet of the A. V. 11. It. The lot th AIL July .1.- - 2 ears t‘,.. ore. Itr,nu a Catmarh ;31 Oro''': ' , I , Peron! dr•Ulug Lucia • lot would do pea tam*. Nll Mn. era; '4l übm dour, 21c I.•ta 1 n l o l to ...Inn Ware ba7lna ...Abe.. a Cot 2l.'bsra Vett. notary. W.J. k C. 4 3.) i'l tows made to awl parch/mom Guenter of u•os ,poke. . 3 1 I .le/VnioneY; 12 art is Iron, ; MO. I.IN a ,I. L., Iteul Jr.ataLe and Inanrauct Nlintelt . 1 . 1 . 1 1 . manna. peer I , - 1 11 °.' 1, . ' Aeanta. hitter 'tract. Lalrrencryllle C im o me. shornuer;er A 1111 fr; A do do. : - - .. -- - - ...1 Gr.n a ' l. l 2 ' 2.... a '", " 44* VDU SALE-That vary wale 1.• a, la 410 applre, la Ilro Jr. U.) aka I,nla, M- , .2.- ..., Ilan., ea Arjer; Cl Oda 041, .11rKtuan a Itop-ra: i Mu . 1 . dealrh , lh PrnherlY ,Ilan. oh 11 - 14 1.11 Hatt, snrircr, Spencer a C. ; 2.5 atm ....t., . be-era a'acct and the AlleehrnY 'leer. In All. .1 Cochran; I Lel .ugc. boblnaon a hlclians cy; ete.ay r it, ; hr., by .c . ; .eet. on which I , erect, 1 Adthto' l °"'... ( "h. ' l ' l.l . l 'l' , ' i' , l. ao. l/ a eery subetauttal Mc/ Duiblum, eau .toner ' 114 ' .., ' ' `...... a ''' '''"' ' '"""` ... lan,hemeY) R.I. calculamd mud null min.,. Ikg butter, 1.1 cx. owe. , 101110 A I:utter; u le.a , , _ _ _ a0)1e... 10 oil Isis, 1,1,r a a mean-m.. 1, I, , t ,,,,,,,, ..... , m0“ . 07 brAnco AI ....mu. feet lutuber.J II Smith a C..; I, Vito oboe, ta , 1 tulle,. It le ',tenon a lot of the. Mitimmlotta, .1 ',um a uno,r.l .1.14., 1. no;oider a .tine . WILLIS. 401 c:tr. cona he had, and tee yronhllnella ..lo OD. iri It kukpituoL; .;( mks rags. e tula , ~,, 0 .,,,,,,, ecae,,, of 20,,,,, dash.„, o f (poor . nutter. I do taco, 1.1. do Olt. II DI Leg!, on; I ear • Ina a pl., for Daanufarturshe Pnrhuath Wean ns "" ""." A L".i'' '' " b ' 'PP" ' ' the eul-0 01 DEVLIN k PILL, (1,1! Estate and (etas.% Kennedy, 2 bales mg, W J ;11005. I j r - 101 erg., V. let a co; In P. 1.18 paint. Nat lief. , loemaorr,Arenta. /hitter •treet. LaTerrneuema. SiCorl 1.1.1 n bacon. Pettit a Newlin; 21) :me. elteesr. Haworth, Mein/m.1.1a Co: ot P.. , o. tr. 1 PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. A v. uORIL .. ....... -. rIirSIXRDII. COLIIIIDI, Di IL , D,D , ATI 1.. R.. , lux. UNDERSIGNED re.pect- JUly 2,-1U bales tow, LI cars. ~ore A toile; •neaa on., •do rye, 1 % 1 . 1 sidr , /ai .71 do m.,. ' fatly announce that they hair formed • Co. liens.r.le A Loihrup; t clek h3rou, hl W 11-‘,l- oa/tuuraldp for tan trananctl.A of a geteral slut) 14 4.... 1 .un ,, / , . 11. 1 °.. .. 1 . J K.. " 11141 11°1211.4 UCUINgpg, al Is t 02 MAItBET dodo. Iron (Jilt .I..sactr.torat tepee, ty., 5,,,c2. oats. 11 1 do (red, Sturgeon ail' . . IVO 411 WWI, 1 DrD LET. hod , 8 m 0101 e attO . 1 .3 11 0, Mannar h tlrtriu•r; 40 nu go, 31.ellarY 2/.. flood; I J """'°"" ":"":.... I b" ''''' l' Sadl. 1 G. SCHLEITER & CO. ,‘„u..., 1 ear oats, 11 l_n.un _ 1,Na...h.,. oleo. ' hal, J Adlet; DI , 71,14.1 I.nrus. II :Itudle; I cat , wheal. liennely b. llro; ... ean, ‘1,,,, e , 2-0„,,,,,. 1.. HMI./ ITEIL,.-. .... 0. 0. RACKUVT: - N. Markle. C... b. bbla Hour. Mean. n. Ilm - vm ; ! ~,,,,b . r , ,..,,,, ~,,, , c ., ly2brtn/ the cord.llrllrtuy f /loud. rrrx.t...,,loer WAYIIRD CD ICAlor R. IL, II onsEs von. SALE, AT .Lay a.-14. 111.1ta Ell Cooe: 'a, hbla :tour , ~I 11. bum ode, Jli Cant., Id 6.... cm; FM rt., 1en...1,J „ (etv . ard , v Livery stable, 8 I.trct.t, IU hg• rye. A Ao-ulai te, lumbrr. - 4, - W Ir Lenge; 2111 01l WO, A bubalk; JO bum rye float. Culp .t. 'ilirordi lem stn.., II l' Ad. ILII , T 33 UrIZT. 1101 , 210nenalatla 110 DID. Co;n at Sou; I car tire burs, Holtman. Itahm a , C 10 ',lt thece , , II MUM, 3do abbe load, f ,„,7,. , ,,,, 1 1 , 1, 41 ,-,',„, , 0,. , tizy ( r_ , LILT ,1_1, , v 1 , ...1_11 . 1,1 1 2i." Il ( II ; 4 ph" liquor, .1 Ante, a Co; udo tai.' ~,,,,, 1. ~roe. 0 ,,,, ~,..; w a ,, ,, 41 1 1,: F. 1 . , fon , .., lb./ J 1..12et11 ear Onit boat. , Jlt 11 dwell: i Do, ttorxeo le.cant •/;2 aol.l nu rondulaston. 4,,y cal,ooa atoneware, Vogel .0 llohlumn; 31 i .. _ _ . . . aka wool, Mailroy A Iheheon: 2 ••r• war, It , 112 2 21i 2A12 . v ~ is Knox a SOtt. ,i intalnila ELOSh a uo., AtLatlelanY 'CA ktrkr RAILROAD . 1 .11 . 3 3- ' trr oks corn. Moreland a hlttchrl; 1 pl: hatter. 1 ry.,..,„, e„ e o „,„ niir,rt nialiararturu., I l du e;.•;r, i Eguramku, 3' do do, .1 ~iel-m.l. 1 do . 1 1 ./. 11 . 1 . 2 ' “ 1 du, A Hutacrycr:2o aka Oa.. I , COlt h. liI.41; I j A LlMee..l I) SI...OUGIR ILD DN. , R Vo.k.tuhl 1 CG?. VEIN kUti 'NOM STS . “10 d, It Fr. •er 1,14 do, 21Seeders, . I all .10. . il t , RDDID , L • 2 lurk rog•• Mr ,, k l, '. I k.. ~ , Leto,. sues' of lelllllllTiilil 00.. ,0 0 0 41 0l A/ Mole an ', .T .111tchelli 1 eel clay,' Lew" 1:71.1,,t. l rot ruct,, :Thatiik kat°. --:- .... ' --- . .. Aural,,, •20,1 , ....1111‘ , 27-.. , core wheat, El otexEs, 13E4.i. b. CO., Krone.ty :a Ilroj IN 10 II u, 40 reeks coruo o--.. hi•ura.t Jr. L•ngerilmlrn;U aka (.A(4 •S Doolloy I Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, W Cat I roil lo.ther,:tt Pritutot ; 1 Cat wheat, McKee e. C., 6 aka '3 - , own.. Kaamedy; 10 Die Ilsworwl, AI It Ou)..ere.• 6 hd, WIP 22'2. Id f n• rEITAVT ALP" "' " 11101701( AND kAti2gl:ll. l LIU". Doll , . Belt, ta Co: i car olds /if nonly tr. L e ! , 'loom); bb1,,c1.1pr,(.; Dynte;...: oil. clue,) 511 ' .. ... 1 ." . 2" . ..""."' "* 8 . 4 ”41' 'TOO. Do cure row... Iliad a, Dor; 2 ears 1 .100...1(2. parr I. 711.00ICINN. or •V , ....1‘.. a rt..i.rrirt:ii. J b. b. FRANCIES, ( ... ;111)..1%.,C. I on t.i PI,ANTS., : CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. A very Itr,o. ittott ~r i Contracts iaken Ale llNlldlogs..ture rrants. MO Jrthillr, l'arl..lar etteollen ID, to gosc§, ('cranium,, Veriiiinaq &c , Alta,/ Yr... far Tuatalrlaaaad ((Laps, ay. `. .) I • I . 11cm, pum p. 01 b 100213. at the t...krarto Ow tun..., JOli re at. aA. num:lours. IPA . 1661 ' 4 St Ed . "' SL , / 11 1 503 1 'City , h. anont.r . • ^•••'",,r. , 17:arl G .C.OIIGE PEA VIA, --- , ow. O. CLAriff J. ii. werettts.....D. P. Day. ' IRON caw BELT lifoll.liii. CANDY MafiUFACTURE 11, • ' CEO. 0. CLARK AI-CO., ma derlk r Ir . ?; , ozziLi . okit t.ntzl:::.ti 1111:ITS, j etenerwtorers of every dreariptioti at Patti., titrewheal. l .: meat .4 111.e1e4 ( Jak.i.tted 111 111)111101. aTILE KT. ea...ldoor from Or . Prat rrwtt..nst MOO, A11n,..“, et, .., , Moen:ill:Low Sochi xiii... • ~.. - - ! "No. 1109 22(121PT1r Br.. (24 floora Orme.. IL, Apr,. 1X 7 0IN, , Unloo Depot, Pittsburyli. 1, ; e,,, n 1 , 114111LE8 11EIZIENSIC, . . ... . , Sealer 01 11 ciguls aid D agireS; ' L usa FEDERAL sir.. ALLsanrary. No. b FOIIITIISITILEET, (Fourth door above ith(mond.l Glass, china Ware k. Table Cutlery Dawes. Liberty and Tarry stream (1,1. r. prnmaila a.taart••.l to •11.1... e. tr . E.l , 7 .a. z i t , ggls:...4" . ve c enb an lner d p reri x.. atrzl ours lrleaa (yIEAPEST PLACE IN THE ElEa=ll3 TRIUMPH C3OOllll :TUVE, [ colac. 111311[7.7c0t, (Iteirrera haft Dana UPlCheetruhette.) ALI.EOI[ENT CITY. PA. Hops, n ttyt up with ohs had Water at ehort aot(oo. jvlhott SPANGLES a D3ADPORD, Plumbers mid Gas Fitters, .1**,17 01110 ST., I= Mouse+ fitted wlth kTER. OAS and b1'11.k.51 by expert Pvcd rvoncturo. II V= TLV . 174',,°.11'.,.= -"• 1nyt7:7,0 MEN M. COOPER BRASS FOUNDERS, Stems and Gas.ritters, manntitturrt, uf Sli , + AND ,of rvrtY In - OAS FIX TUN,. Pail) TUNING, at all kn., Corner of Pike and Pia Nut Street, PITTSBURCEi, PA. =rt . , ot • col.L. 4 ifixiai.B; I.T4CTICAL FLUILMERS, GYS ita STEAM FIFO No. Cale 1,0=.1;3. E=! CLEt.rn And oi 111 311.1 t :.la tLv .tyle, la. 1.e.:41 to tottairy 11,MIt.r. IT WOOD & MUMMY. FOUNDERS', til`Eiall AND Gh,R FITTEUS, Cor. of gni arid Lit:Pity Ire els, rid In oo fun:, 1.121 t '4; (11111,ruer',C, Agents for 1. S.Vanteron & Co.'6 brrEAM P UMPS ANO BLIMV - Elt ENG tiVES, overa” pryurrss , ',II MAUVE,. ..... . ..... . .... 111 . ;1:3..;:3/ 7 4' At JO 4,N7 Plunthars, Jas and tc Fitters, =I H . ALE: 7 N°. ISS Liberty fv, ' ,I,rmaoPc.-I,l.teln netts, and Prod uc)iceg S"SZ"Z'fJ.x3STSi Gk SS. 7E'n Al! Orlore by .11 ex. at.t.t ItEkt: Vstr:ktks kk, c.,11 ,rompt. trertm {l_ 1, Hut,lrtrlkkek:rrceltitkon. COAL. CU/ix., &c pITTISESUItt.ii NATIONAL COAL & COKE COMPANY stitnimr,•n.l.l.nartl. 5....,!•1, and ra . tat!. in tal, MST FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL AND SLACK. ..tAlreetr..l\'.M.—..'nen. r t Or.T.T:i A.. 13 Tin, el. ..1 .I“rty t!.. It;. nr •Ler.e. lrar r l'en• BEST FAMILY COAL ',bear. ao Winla.n..keltllT. red rrarazdly t era", Al I.OV7i:ST .Y. 1131.1 BATES, OSCAR F. LA9131 & CO., Cer. Su a k Surf anJ P.11.T. t C. rally, ALLTLIIIENT CITY. /11 , 14,4.;:te. Coal &bac 10W4.t ji•G:a . X. CI, 71 .r. IM:NO LIA!It I 50. L. S. ..111.1,1A1.7. L. t111.1.1a. WM. (1,.rtN11.& G :is Coal iorr m ra:lng VISA 11.SION, r.a.r.or 4 ire; &11,. l'lt:#hleglt. Ifn/LSI:11 FYI! V - 1: S. 3 I.,ral.rLy street. , ntter ar.fl curnir 4,4,0 ctra V. V %V. C. It. H. All. AS ..774:n aria.(:. , .. 111,1..11 ri.c.eisv 01015;! 411.0_,1031. 131,a, COAL! COMA( COAL!!( DICESON, Sri,WART S. Cif., I=l No. a cv L:11 EAT ST A Melody Cite rout MIN, lird'OND rl,lOl, prnper rd toi nrplrlt gond in - an:odor.) LUMP, NUT CO ht. ot4 , i 1,14,0, Atllin km - c•1mr.,1.,t. told, /1411 - A ord,ralcrt tt tiv It often. or anOrcanco to Mon INronsa Ilia mat:, will tr ettoodo.l Prom:A:v. ijOr:T S'ITT pANy ....10 1 / 1 ”,14 . Yuporlor Family scd ntloroNut coal and blend, general of , dot smond blot, l'ltttd.nroln 6.2Vttlur , fiank Iltlntotrdta. tint, 4 l eft t tithe , It the elnnit Pluto , Ind rcecl - ve:dornln Attend:on. irostoe‘co Addrez• Boxelh7, rlitsb,ab C1AiC.....: J..). Olt. *.rsrrx,• lt. 1... £OI”I6.ATOCIt b. AICCAS OA.T. IA". 11.12MIART. OSMIUM V. 1111 D. JA,.3+0... , ..,,..t.tY. Vi. , ./.T. Bur mrr, JOILN If Al,* I.V.tifi , GOAD. . J. J. hiltLl.tfAllt,i re 3 . t. i A.U. E.}. num ,!rt.'y A. 11.7.1., ir, A.ut..7. TV. ,11, VI.ANAT * va., alssagc... .1,1,1/1 GIIAILLEB 19. AIRRISTIW:VG, T OUGEICOMEN h C(IMIELLSFILLt COAL sfetture,,a Vnai,tiltkek, sna Dr.l.l:ilMrlced Cu`ao M=JM=l33l !-['mole of Pratler 7 , ' Vitt it .A,rith, ' 1, Cr Uoderil left at yof ~Itetr orleto wUi recetvc prompt lattenunn. 2 ',MAN 2 TEA!!! la ALL riticzt , AZiL QUALITT, AT .El..L"gL.3:'.'. lintzlv TEA. ....... ..... tpx.,4 • EMIT Itl,lCll .f 1.4 ., per ',and, It l lc.n< uto t •. . 011.kcli • TEAK—PowchouA, NoNaP , Ng And Vous:mew. Ex. Fine E... Flay'd EnK lireakraßt ::• n''" r. : JAPAN *LAN. Vntolortd Ape, vt.rpolc.utant flavor $1. , 0 "D".""l ''' " No, I Mixed Tea'. Hn.%. YALU.. No, 2 . 4 N Lm Plum the 'thrive SLIP uric r-41 vet Just- what Jul ours they nt, and hare no them In lu ley lese l,, Y. eed w. fusuura. 1., euy.of the Et. prv....Companles t who to, re 4 . 7 e 0. ., ,• et sud us , dome efrcare tventy etn• per Mena In lbw y pup. eletu article Ns lite 4 tiectlybvshlr suits vie, tants. A. li Igl Si. 172.4 174 4,4,41 Ct.. •AllpeNenV• Ml= STEAM BOILERS, Stem Ell,qllliN 'slid Iron Turning Lixtben, And One Irul Planer, FOR SALE ~e:r:oea~:i~r lo: ei°vir~ ei ~ entire n eti:n aad +u4. 0< Enplane. Illnli rylllole •It. r o el4lrone; bmitnee v4let a. 14411•01te Isnaft. tetles.;lloo. O•re. 171 feet lona. mina .eore 40.1 Trunks. Ono Doeor eO/0. •••Ina. r and nownlelo nut. 01 ul o t ,n,, cry "IMO • 0 010•11 004 numplEte• 0.111 as .107.•; 8 . 7:10400 11;000 0 11100 .a rt. 40.1 t ,; p 1 • 0000. 41041. trines, ae. goodreo0;1.10.n•1 Iron Turi,lon L.... 00 7; no W. 041 Lath, one good ea 1,70 Entine, 1010. e 0 I oder. 0010. olrok0; • to Voller. 40 10. /tun. 21 et loon•—two oln 110... Al.O. several ...11l Well r naleaa.litollonary and Portable 11..11.r5, new sml sse. I toed, all It eavolug elreet lb. lb w •Al. l eut wlll l tars W l wlLeid.owforuk a. l• 11D(1/1 O. BOLE it CO.. .jytestnlCar. Nilo Allay wolDuquesne Way, 10 OIL MM EWER THOS. S. CALHOUN CAELI4.IP3MINVEIRI., N. 167 Laeock Street, Aueghcny city, Uti3Otrig.4ntilt7,o'l°rAltkir of cßut's TANKS. A6ITATOIO3 built oh the mist ) proreosrs- W ItiON TOOK WlTrOvs en 4 rol . S, mot Mode of work of tele. ohm. eche fog Mathieu ee the molt reosonatgle Terme and at the shortest moat.. • gegyagthl EIEMIZMI =1 ..a.11.7C) 8P.,X7110. BURKE CO., COMMISSION INEial!sl f, 7 &0f.1413 I , olt TH3 Pacific, Clabe 8 Llte:ty larrrile rota:, for Cr,lo and no:Ir.:1 0 11. Lit , oral faeb advAorce rook. au c2natgnmeata of (3-rt,to or Ittlood Vetrolom. Tn.li for ,torsoo 100 of Oralto 0:11% Larr: - .levllte. Oak, end Warchor...CorntrolDvr.oro., Ltd atrcor. l'arkbOraL. ROBERT KNOX, Jr., COMMISSION !crawl:war, And ilsaler 1¢ FLOUR, GRIM ANI) ?Malt, Office. 1113 LIEEIITY ST., Plithbotrgh L . J. BLAIMPAND, WIIOI.*.ALE AND i;STAIL 4 C , Et CD 396 Pc an tot =I=MI C0'741513101 , T alIrD 1332.C=21, IY Gi . af`lo 7..:111-1brk c k:41,1 7 .1 1 ° V7 - 4. "' “i . 7 . /T172 4 j1 : 4:711L .7 5ii • 1 . `!Ell L ?4 - 3 1,11 m:: lie,..!;:a Im . F;'/::1:41 . :1 - ]IS VRIJIII. r .Fsattsir. claraaq 117, tio. 7 oppo. • AAA:Tr:ME, i,. ..ygerto fur 3.1 v (tit: 0r.% 1. /Me, Den,..11 A Y.llblc,', aud .1. IZara'a EP3TZ Le..IV.ITE:O7-.'53%, 101WIEDINS ltl C4EIE,'2IOI for tnc [We 1,11 . 41.71 , nicr. It +.13 aa,L, corn, Of 010th fut us. . °1t3.1 SON. Co2n—toi!liton -. 1 •.• ItCti .5.ti29.77 r.:34. FELD aid I . I9JDUC ,- ., , , , 9 —l - Au, 79 1,1199991, 9p99:1:9 L 97 a1..{1, DAY. CUANT'S'Oliti. Corz.vi!s- ITS :Lag ;fir ' 4 .;1 k 2" .4 7.Get rE.Lai Ltotago " f ° • 1?: ' ,1 , C 2.1 caw. • I ATI - LE, L'_133.11, 6; PATTON, Weo!eselatormr, I.:or.uulsaton 'tare-me:,, an•lGe,::urfi Yro , lum, Maar. Bun., Vt.,t2r, YlOO. Cortnn and Lord Olt. Iron, Vow, lan , . mai all Pi...v.:rat ge,..,. , 17 13 ar,1114•i,c..: (trout. P 1318,11,, riewrwsn,....J. 1 ,.?..7V-M2—;.171f. D. DDT.r..x.D. (Sucrcsscn 1„ Vne,, /I rework.. D .vr. ..!.•—•111.4 . ] rcA t Pluxbarah. rdi'LLl,,,Commtai!- ""N 13. CA ' . ^" J Pon •nd ramndlag letza rct. td N. 2 144.1 10 frort .ua r. four nLoi.rx.f.on rincri..rf et. m4 - -VOlzfl. I Marti 1. 1.101.15 E 46 D 11034 14.4c v CE4oCern toad 1. ifOrn 1. CO., Wilela kirs,,cra and Cormlsaoa 'lelemsll3. CI utilt;.f.vlll.l scuonaEtt is. LANG., ltol e. 4bAlcr. 11a4rottzlillt. Finer. Gra], 7141, Chae,e..esll... C•trt.. %:..::' .:.101 ‘178,4,1:!:[..1t, :TOWS S I I (,;(111 A. ALLALA... SUIPTON WALL ACE, Ai laitg4t -1,70,1Vai'V..,1-.llVigAlrg.uUE-nritinFV. Pittsburgh Importing House. I SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, 1311PORTEIVI 1W FOREllat WINES AND EQUOAS3 No. 400 Penn Street, PIT EDITRITH, an fl ,urt\lntt tht.lf 15at.1 , 3-1 r... 4 j,r e y, 74. lo °e'er the iarlo?s I.lcoorist Mk," 1.L., deo.r.artsuri ' LzuntuntionotqFal . l . !l . OLO t/VG A duore of ..ortsne? atr . a.r.d treti litlevustacltt LIMITED PAILTNERSHIP hu been cal..) Int,. to conscenee (ma the torn OAY OY JUNE. la.:. end to coat:ace too JUNE 30.1. tga. between EMIL of the Cl!? of Ilttsbnrell, 441,1 C 8.11.11.LE1 LEN. xa(i. of the Illy of Patlstlelptae..titato of Yens, sylvan:, liat buttness to he %Gatos!' Cealtnif In toet the :.Data(, of l otruleasa. Coal or labile lait, and the Ishute4 itt-rSh.11311:170 use. at the nee( la the twinloa Vann., either hi, gala ~r 140tif...m(11.e: to IW coniuettd la toe nausea( EMI!. silif s.LE, Ow Gruen! ('art to the tilty of I Ittabae(b, Ulfalit.th Ii Ma Ypeatal Ya,ther, who boa e.•ta. Who. ell thereto Lila (Lail of PM? lhausstal Dollars in etch. = YpeclAl Parta,r Vltt..C.q.irctl, Teat Illtt., J. . llefose nub A. 3. 1itt3.0.3.3G1i. an Al.lerrorn of the CU! . of Pltlaborih. County of Alle;teny. :irate of Poncrylearrla, pereonallY •I3 , arG , EMIL dCIIALS. ardi =ado allr - natlon tint tillAltLES LENNIO du, n 3oecial Partner roar:ll,lmA In cash tbo. tam of 410,000 w the PartrertAlP Capital 01 311cla oe, We 0.01 LSLIL Is tba General Partner. Para/arca. donelfth. 1077. ce11:174 SCHOONMAKER & SON, noprletors of the • M.= • X w 3 e .1333 - C7.15t.(24.3= White Lead and Cola Works, Manufacturer. 01 AV earn AND It.K.D : ' PUTVV, 131119: And L'l Colon On or In nil. - „ tree, No. 67 FOILMTILIt inrcZti.4: ", "n.. "4. • 4 46 end Alletheey. "d dn, ni end 53 . rt 2714.7 V 14'011 eAI..E.—We hare for sale euveral tudtl secund-tmakl Oren Turning Lathes, • • r'sperlally• a•lsriel (Or ra t Wes. We offer ltu , *note •t reason e rat., r. GN(7l,l'. 10 %nth e7ileder. Z 3 Inch Rot on Iron bed; boil, •I 0 loch,. diameter. .f.f Rot lung, two IC Inch Cue, r. 2.1 ulte at the /Sind /MAL WOUlfB. llt 11 N. 110 LE d- corner D. , lat Alley A. Iluquenn W. _MI= it! 1 " r 1 241 3 ,1 1 172(% PiliNticla AND WRAPPING PAPERS' 01 , 13 CE WAMEIIOIIN£, No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. " Fnu4l ' s- Ik ( t u n. l ll4 l, T4r+P.".":- 5..11b 1111,111 ' :: * ren r :i 43 .f . DineviOnno-Angnst Bantle. John A.tvroli. V. H10LU;,,.11. John U, Livingston. John nise. 11. Mooring. MM;l=3 '!..;UPERIOIt OAK TANNEID,PAT LITHETOWZD ItIVt.:TILD LEATHER BELTISB HOST,. Itsuorsetarod s; S Or., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Fleq Agrats . lor Myr York Etrbbor Co. (3-mn r tA t VIZ% and OUILO. }MU UCthth.Olo. 1.)1,1CZ 07 HICOI.IIIO 111MILATOSI, PIM/m/7h. TUE ANSEIORIENTB for Grad. r.ving Ned Corblig dC VITX7CI3EI A re unto ready fnr r romluotlon. and totitrcuistrl lu .nto %tot Marta,. Itollnlng. Until Alt. Rote Iv, WA, tbey Ito paved tu City ...Au tar's 0010 tor en:lrvin°. H. J. 110011 E; RCrronlln• Itrvnin.r. CCM urriux sir IttCOIIOINO KIGULATIIIN rilkitUtirgti, July TUE ANSLFISII,LATS ror Grad. lug, ruviof sod Curbing • 1..1.1t137 , 311 Aro now ready fur examination. ..0U rontairt In wt.. omen. Wort ilarart Itutidloo, 'An. gClo l igZr; . o b jtilc i er P'W." tnu Clay Ni collection. 11. J. MOORE. Itecordlng SIG OF BLEVDS.—.IOSIII A a , CHOWN s CO. Ike Sruurr opposite the Postotato keep on baud. yr make t WA= PentlearntraTwoal4l."4s):l74:l,l Window shades . 1 1tO sad upwards. C utorod Oil Cloths, 1100. oolland. - Kau. tours, Otto mans, /kind and Picture Cords and Tassels. A Ito at Um sum nom, On hand or mode to order. a One stook or Whits sod Callao Marts, Cons. Intaiwt fOr tentlanten . l Om. Mal MEM r!'II4UFACI'IMERS - IliffN WORKS. `.SAT. Llofip, sheet ttr e 1705 2ritlge Arca; • auci iron Guard Iron: Coo.] Screen Iron T Haits,l6 & 10 Ma. to tke yard Trauranfla,puucheO and coun ter susilt noilor,llriolge and Tank 12 !vet Cut Nails and Spiarg Ship and Boat Spiker' Spilies; Int;frond rich Harz and Rene; Railroad Car wneels and &ales; Street Car rwheeta and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rotted Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston nada t'ltmr - er and Reaper Sam WAJ3I.FDZitiA, ANJ 0.917,CT. P 9 Water Bad 153 Front Si. Etardß. Eas. Slyer St., • '3E:0.00. az. suzirrein ETEEL WUTIES. • 81.101 'MICE 8L CO - 5 0? • 212F132 C. 0.1 EUII:3, F ID OMNI 61 ALL 51113 . , C.l72.Criar, OA= AI72('P.ORSCLI PLATE •• • ELLIT7IO AND 1,0.111-ELLIPTIU P.P,11.47,TAY SPRINQS Ccgt zazi G?ri - ,:v2 Plow Stool, 21OWE/1. SITriNG . I3. 4. 7 11dEil Ltrik)ntri EOZ, VON:, TOE Cala," 11•:_tro:aome, S 3 Vittor eJnit4 • A: - .10L65 . bYsLtiiti, • .+7l 1 - ZT O r r STRZ z. Stith Ward, Pittsburgh. TaOMAr: MILLER, Proside!sit lrtmet Worts ere amend theta:cart and moet complete crtcharhamni to the Wmt. and art red. rm. nehd to Cern= Ervin: of Every Denerirtton, Rouen, (31.111n12, Mtee.IIVII Wort, arand W4ltu 13111 Casting: Flugme (7,astlnge 7-s.larie CastLais, (7,acral Cagimas, 1 ORDERS GoLICITED. PITTSBURGH. FiIUADRY.., U. o.t.7.lltrOtt JOU: , U.nterritiOtt. A. cinßisoaa & Co.. IlOttotsors to Colima., Uatittoo 1 CO. FOUNDERS IND MACHINISTS Ototkuroctarots or • CHILLED ROLLERS, OF dli From Iron. Stool, Ittott. Zinc, Copper. 011ie tiold, co,. board,. P•penod Ludlam RobOt Wort.. AI,. ),Iling Mtn Co.ttogs.oroll de or. tkottoos: Bon MI:, ratent Itavole (triode, 71;t :o rlrt i t ' il 0 . /Ord ' . r trsltZ. ' .l4ot7:ll TorsOlo tertot. ..011%Loyetiousp. .419. 1 t 9 Smila 9414 Street, rrrrsnittzett. I. W. E.1e.21,13 111,13 ()wen/A noir.En. vioilus. ORIZOW. OARIMILL S CO.; SLUM, Avrryarne Or", swam licitool, 011 .171!to, Agltatory ..411 •Pons, Gnotroctors, S