DRY GOODS, naBUISEUNGS. 1051 , OPZIV ED, MCKIM & CIRLISLR'S. .1"0. t 9 Pitch ,, Street. LICH LSD Ea.Z.:INT lanza 01 , BEAD GIMPS AND FRINGES =I MALTESE LACE COLLA , r3 Alin HEM STITCUED MANDL EEnR Ir.FS. • STIEE. , ILMULVI, EIMIIONS. MAMITEEI; t DOOR.. sr , S.'"• EILENCM comwre, nvw ER lutry6 nurLex. trzur.l-, ittt, We ItiaTe JoJt opet Ida zuperter at o r Ladies' Promtuade Satchels, and Gents' Traveling Bag:, WO, d repulse VI. We Innate aiteneoen to ant new 1,0 of - InJ J futios Iheitry and foz.rali Ix! frai Made .126.X.1CY17=0. The " Star — Shirt, •.d klode of 71111.tilbliltilo ZAHIDS. .t LAPIP rmices. trthstiti supplied :t. I.* Frit s. SLAMS' 8 CARLISLE, No. 19 X. - IMb. Crercoot DRY GOODS! Wholesale and Retail, at WM. SEXPLE'S, No. ISO ts 2 Federal St., = Black Silks. Flue Lasviu4 Plain and 'Printed Per cater, Plain and Pinned Man eines; Checkg and Tickings; Cottonades do Farmers , Linen; Fine and Heavy Flannels; illeacbed & Brown Shirtingg ConTeta and Hoop Ellatts; Mosquito If ettiug; Uoslery and .11rotIons; AT LOWESTRET PRICES, AT WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., aLLEGZIEArk" DS - Orders promptly filled N EW AXE DESIRABLE GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED AT. JOSEPH HOME & CO'S. Painted Trimming Ribbon,: Plain-Telmadad Ribbons, all shades; 'Jib, aid Crystal Gimps and Fringe. Codared 801 l Trimmings: White Cotton and Ball Fringing A full line of Aleiaxidre?. Rid Mora: Lisle, gnif.rd, Neapolitan, Silk and Yid Ffol•li Closer; • liste and Cotton Lace Bong - Cent's; Ladies, Maga , and 'nand' Illedery; Pan Umbrellas and Parwiolg Binlirolderies, IlandYerehleib, Lace Good, LC 'npins iteceptlon Skirt; Congas, Belling and Itnetleac Palm; `Linea and NB Fang Gauze. Underwear, for. Ladlea, Gent. and Liidnen; • • • Bead Collar, & Belts, Wolething new; And a lame stook'of I.POTJuNS, of all Wads, .1 low Riles: Call and cionAna .77 and 79 Market Street. REuEIVED TlllB DAY. MCREM, GLYDR & CO., 78 and SO Market Street. ► EPLINDID LSSOISTIII! Of tllllll3O, Jet Bead and llogle Gimps and Fringes Crystal Read Camas and Drop Tricot:Ling. Jet and Crystal Ormunents. Fancy Slit acid Jet Drop Buttons; Wine il,sortment - of parssola and Sim Umbrellas. English Bonnet and Trinircang Milhous, all width. and shades. Colored Velvet Ribbons. - Elegant Anotitanant tteal Point awl Ap pligne Laces and flandierelitetn. FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES The Jobbing Trads will Ln?a mnideteatank the abore gooni an our Wbole , ))apart Matt. togetber with a great Twiny of Fancy Goads & Notions Generally, EaSTEllir PRICER ~N OULU' Mbe 4NDLEAR IA, • Mate WiJson, Cart k C0.,1 SiIiULES VA; DEALLILS • Ila FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DDT COCOS. N 0.94 WOOD DrUZET. Ttrlrd boa. stave Dlamoad alley, , rarnott. PA. AUCTION SALES VALIIARLE 114041. 1111IDGE kb" r LIDARAPIt ifTo(7lo.—”n TDAA DAY AVIANIND, Day met. at t o . e , oek. will be wad. 02 55l ad 2030 C 0222020212 bales Doom. /d • bilthapA Omit: 22.02••• Y.lebanie Nat:anal Dant; ebar••• Ilretwor N.,....1.11.05. • Davare. 0001550 battonat finnt. .2 aaArLs IDow or eir ab.har, Mb-Abut, mum b•lon Bridge Co. a.bvt•a We tern omen I.ltriAps low - a. DeIIAV AIN 2, Aor 00200 _ IOIIIN'IIWII , DOUSES AND LOTS AT AUerT.OV. Wed be ,old, on theVrem i~ .sitcprn. netag • ye, t a t f the o•I Nelento Farm, hut • g Mere.•t two seer ,enee el wet itng suet tot , wools with goal 14• • Ow‘e , •Pei•• of water at tl.e k /taco done: addearet 0d.,•.1 ter g rdee`Wg ••• r•ttl•• cveireiV:f W il l i s e r' eVl v 0 .2• 1 A - • A. LA , euttlonerr. T..14111/NE A1V1111,117 4T 111.1(;TIO:V .•-• —data on /Aeon ,at /0 'clack. teeter/116e amyl Int on the chant, of Aca , r add. roam. t atria Ward. Ile clear. (late id •arlorter Top lot Imre., tl/ oki bent, and .% ft o^ Love,. tote paced ~eeeee. The Dee. to le al Imm. 1 01e..n Twves With Vas, 111 *nab. , lh.re tint., .131.1 I and saothrr hut:died net the lot. 'ben. Is ...id well 01 tee deo , It hat bran nlrd. for w-eyeaes. •• beetle cnio4lng hoard. for watch It to anap ThS. 14 1,(41. tan. for rsalta at laden an the co on thorttug .• M. tLdt aroptrts a.ald In schwa t2Centin.:7 Jftbl tett., entettoetter We , * ant Oar. Inas L.pettalattantlaa Is threat.. tetho Ittnirova nano..[.. 0(101. pn.rtaly • roldlnnon hen •Fll rata—Sno.thltds It, balan tritna !IS •. I EtIO&T-. tont,. V, I. ER /I N T MANSION AN , D tirci% tlVri.; NlNg.t . l t. July lOW. nt 8 o'clock. wItI rola. nu I e^ucl Ennlmorcul bale, Earn". Irdninitblle'd Street. Lb. romf.ortattle tr,o.rtory nrlci Wren inn. reo. 17 nnith avenue. tut 5 0 eT , Dte.. titan* a , brander tat ITOrti• sad nat. roan The boa., flu'•ll.4 sod la• paw , hurl 5•• and watrr the. optowitt Dot •nd nod water /11 bath rum. to corn and mast, Irma; parrnun , mar l Ina n•rn *la on In the rout room. - ee iv% is I I , el 414 Ilia.• prlnS bE The tot la depth tOlt -Inalwr. ttruantrntat D/1311 tott aura •nd W 040 and fruit truss. , Ittnattn Mantis a Poe Vl*. of th• nen an 4 • .rroun lot worn, Wit. , tee Cure ,wa ta, of e sir. Tito De towels tonal ears run wlthla a l , alr.re.re tt., Tannwene , alf can. rollrett ln nor s . d awo prows. with tannest. Pouasslnts Oren Intin 014.11. Tletn wining an trotted to blew the rs• • •• • ItZt A. Ifert.WAISE FIRE SCREENS =1 Oa ma.. art lb all palatine. 444 aoldl asa td vet :mow, :ay ILINKIT STARLET. • 11914 DRY -GOODS, TRIMMTNGA, 4311 - tsburii Co;Fitc lORELT SALE OF !PRY GOODS ! on flip songh F.ntt iltromingtoon —ntraninctsnm— , loulnl inst.narcit— n liorks—tine nondar, SUIT aa, t: isx!titl• through on the i ihrith lido of the u 5 n 5 liellnY .4111, :I•inougitticia ricer inintributo more than other lit ti,c car to t r i n e z i igc , r ,. ..,:r o i . : ,. :wier hir =' , AL yurtanee l i ntalinret In the Way of ; and 11 to fur 40, that our lie•ni tut - mod the l'ittrunt-h tal Of PUBLIC AUCTION /none., tho Smith oliloa . ro thohire ft awl iron troche, nod there thoY ct.Lt lo largo noinhey the location most advt.:am:roan% vinlntripally on ortonnt of the contecatent tor ob taining 11,51. lho proctor , onion. ra,l bar nigh!—thesettt:ontflit tr,an ttriti , e — Ettltrartnltittlltt.M. Sty4th rttleourgh nianted In too few Years Indoeitoiliarion remark, able. StIIIStIOIIIIII Improvement COO Orceml flint from the ciitcolishluont of the nth wOrkr, now, to full tide of prorporltyi nod . nest, from the tr.t:try worliy, thief. two Important it.!Joactu t,. neicaily fairly thriVlng cominimitle4 Imparting n ilogYou of urprice In oil cartteni baetuinis which kin looliteit in illy art runecent•ot ob seriahle On all std.,. Years a when gas unit water ivot I, go,m tholltth t an eery they Wm'. nmined and In 0tr0gt1,1,,,11 ntIF our province to pa, tionttl V:altrt tO thn South aide, troll es other city envlrona, and make note of sock itnotovetnent4 an tell under ourotaiirco ;thin. Till, is still nor province, anti honing ‘11.01•11 nittens, conoweal Ito:loittn tatt r:11.11 neonate to unticll notethereof. 1= eiCIN , I.±Uer. T,l} ........ ... • • , 1:I,C11 i.. Vim ........ ..... WVQI, Cd...,1111,Vr" MOONEY 4t. So. SO S" rest .Ti - Prlog tblz.f WI TOD and coon pr!,, To' PLACE TO ntt VIVO DRY GOODS! ..AT J. M. BURCIIFIEU .64 CO'S, Market Street. SUMMER DRESS GOODS srttmt; 017 T AT REDUCED PRICES! THE STOCK IS ENTIRELY ism, Anil clearer tI.FI - arty a :he Cal. ATc..*37 - 11eXtaxlice.t Ettroot. WHOLESALE HUY GOODS. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON s CO., • N 0.115 Wood Street, Raw JQ.topened o largo no yr aloe of e cuf °noble DRY GOODS AND. NOTIOS S 1174=0. 23.0 IPErc.s=ocX C. en.nt - ramyroar.S. LILONFOX'.J.O. sTOOO.rO5OO HATS. CAPS, &c STRAW GOODS, FOR SOMMER SALES. • • ALL THE NEW STYLE. RATS, Pun Nd.l.P. CHEAP. /1.1 . . MbCORD & CO.'S, No. 1.331. Wc:roci tett - r cs et. 1.8 H.A.TS! 1-IA_TSI owe., emelt MAHAN & BYRNE At N 0.59 St. Clair Street, Haat one of the tare oat recall etoets of RATS, CAPS OD sTeAw 60011 , . , In the cite. and eons• .nee to Ive,olpi or all that la vete, coon ms,ther can be wtore,eru rZgArlatloa *teat to retaltintr, ciclttalse!y. PIANOS. ORGANS, &c., 1C8181...V.,11U21,-819 BARB. "lIN er. BIJETIIER; Sum.... wAaI3LTNIL a HAIM No. 12 at Clair St., ritthbV.Zo3. DIAL= IS Pianos, CZ' gins, Ana Goczs generally. **Tole Agent. ler the Ctlebtate4 RBADIfI.I H. New Torn, and SCHOMACKSO. A CO. Also. ESTXT CO.'S •ICOTTS.(IE.I• nd D. * W. SMITH'S I`aurrueA.N.. CS.• reiITILT , IN It: CATENT c The boacTuallaza zed Hann. TWIG and Cel• Or lacings Hamra ten haw.. err.re Tnt 1,1,111.4L.r. aAlta AV. . We Irtva stated that the an , and water work. no, t• at thy main pr...11.m. , 1 ;be rnt...; . 13 , 'D'Efl I.3tILAND HALL. eatlvanhcnotot eiroken o. bat are maat too ;LP -0, .. , ,1,"__ o , tt to 141 , ,t .l.un urt..lll. to the .e.,•. ' , . , ~„ , ~, ' ...11an, ne a tenet v..l , able aliZlltarY. : rho rr J. '.•."... 1 ;....' a • nrileay.ebh truvt.r......lllr.i.lir,..traontts. . 1.- one s.r th, 1e,..L inanaKild In all re,. v. MERCHANT TAiLL R. nt any In our Int.t., and hence stand, hilt. ~ a . ~,,,,., , ,„ Aor ,‘, ~ A , , r „,„ A . ~, A - r . ra tr,nr v. 0.1.1 11, enuiniunlty. Ile f.III:.. re -. W. • ------ ...... • l •• . •• ....- • l en.l t..tartlnytee, v. litteaffordlan all p0..11..1., •1..1..Z.1ie0,1' ~ .I 'l. enav , l.•.llCr! to 110., public, aro Enludtal Of A t r , o , A ,,,,,,„„, 0 , o r r„„,,,,,,,5,„,,,, .„ nil the roll, 111/11 I . ..quart:nen by SOU wars on sler..l. • tto,y n 0:0 utante I tbn MVO. vi...ay by 11-e A ...rat ei•astutter nillattchil to custom wart .-----..-..,-.------_—_------. — , lotrettah :lull:011U,, ann oynoa th.,yo la no , lath.. imiecimulirr b 0/10E. cuini,Luntrig, ,-. __ 1.1 EMI V C 4 4'P ELI., Merct.au 1 TO OCITNEVA or' HORSVS. Da. , vEsT ~ m , 0r0r . , ,,,, ~,,,,,,,..,,,, , .. „ 1 .. V . r......a . n1.!1. , !,tp , t , 1 , 1 . e , f n e11 .n t n r g ip. 1..1.r. TIP!. or ' ...' TAL " "l' '' ' "4 d' ' ''''' ' Ole ;mean thet Le hr fercovol ni , offl, su .1 1 . ,,,, ,4• Li, , , u ,i , 1.. ,, ,i , , ,,,, , . • „ wt . , = ‘ , l; ,:-.., ,,, ... ::: c , n . demen ,, Fnrni , 4lo4 , 4;oocs, g; 1 :,: , ..t.! 7..;.,!...b'e -- dra y ) '!",V ''''''''' t '''' ''-'. co,opvt... na,l attontOe.ooallernen, In 11.1.1t 0h ..r oapor.te rs eo et as t.. 1 t to..ea . 14.3 sot:lir:ELL , Sr Ea FT. hotel. Talre rtreft. r.!r.,.: nz.l I.a.r.f 11 - ree• , 11,11 , s v.•...1.,41 fuo.brulty Olechetrglng thine ~..,_ „ . . . , .. taken In and [a.k.a. , ' 1,...it...d. it! a moderate: ; duties as Curt, rvalol elO ,I.e noulle 1..1,, L - l -1, 1 ... 1r1 , ' , .. ,0,, - Pl* , tt L.,. I•, star `e !lon , eal e - V .6,1.1.. 41sra,es n;... pprfortu.olOrt mantfolOr 1 . 11,.. for theticon• I o rSil 1.1 1, 1+1 .. “ l ltlrlog net tlellau/< , , f c. of sat:ante. Celertry avent,..n J. , ;?:_r: taf.ll at ,),,,,,,,, 0,1, or ,. ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, , ft ... ...tbs. Carrla.er,t ..ne %..o_ther el ....,..., a,r; tb,...,;l°,7[S . A . PM.', D A '* ' :, ' 4 ` :f.',„r d 1,`,4;;,•....1 , .k ~ ,,O t."' of t,... borongth Aobnarch • ' a - t ‘ .. ' ,'"P: - "'" "y". ~,,, -..- , , , •••,•-, q •- ; •-.- v -,., 1;„:-„,-.i....;,. ~,,, Of oppro,li/ pout i,•,, „N.t TM A. Wt.(• S It eI- : gs r ai.eill ' tem‘.::% sad o , e;.. ,. . , ,, tir..ls.. , :ronout: 11- , / 3, 1 ; .11.1etlt , It. a Con•nystirtv D o ns.... . • -- _- • _ _ er, Illtralb_Or tat, an.l wit. Lt.! l,i , ste tne nre , • t•Ill le r l ' /el / 00, ere ~r 'he ... . 1 . 4,, EATING, ICE Olt E A.trl. Itc. bah. I , as., be to.l Ot r;O.A. at /It ra... re. blo. rthtraeler. 01, permit t Irne I bro. pal Olcal ..,....... . _ .... ..., t. 0., a) eaaty- , , , cae i..r , ornalAr i etti! „ .... Opltilon,n Interl..re wt:h tertr coed,: n• nr nr , n , in nrina - 67 A n 3 , 7 Mi3n . TArk.l. - ;;Wpait w , U. 0 .. R.,.. it,,l ' . l t :ft: . c..;lTl7Z; Y r ' lnru i re Ig ," T. , eUrinDNi UILLILLIhaII I le:ea To al(' ir Cre.llt le, It said, tn,rl., rel.. , ' • a piNor. Li ,. Ducimi . , , - ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,...,,,, ~.,.....,,,,., halta-,-,.. t,-. , tow:unit:mg ;It syntlon. sato/ . tau Meaner or • DINING, LUSO:, COFFEE • L. 110 1 01 Gue e.ty tuagtstrett.A. who Ilvo VETERINMY StIHGEN MD HORSE TRIIKER, ;,',„„,, r ,„. ~,,, ,„,. ~,,,, „,,,„„,, ~ , ,,, , ,f ; • Thant...el for the natryar.“ bcr..tr.rare rr calved, 1 l'f::'," . 0 1, nr .,T,T. ; : . . t .: ; , ,, , : ;, , , r, , ,, , !. ~,,LP.,,,7,,f.i:?..,,,,,,trm1L.:. M i. t Inli 111111E111 ROOMS _, Tiz,m-4 , 2?:,,, , iv".....th,n...t,..„...r:r;r4,.J; 1 wh l Urh , 11 . 1, 0. 1, ah. , 1.. - .. 5',..,1 to ..10.n.. , ;Ore t •nd lEmAt , ape. A leea.n.y , a: al.a. a , nlnarlnartalt sant,. on. FOS LADIES ',ND GENTLEMEN. cantStron. and Thry O h thla n ....ISLE or. Is. a- ; . , . eatrra, hetavyn Oh, I.ll'l. I'o ,a 0, 1 %Ohre row v.. mor,emarrocten Iltllltl,l3fle r relostlt, lett, end to. 1.1.e1c.. A. V. e. • Pul - tn•l , 1.1 , ..t..C1 t. , area ni ItrYit TT, tAlt. ' No. 6.1 Ii ourt h. St. ~„„,,,,,,,r ult.., 5p4.. - lel eV". - 0 , Itln, c...ltelyy 11 rt...r.r.c ;,, narrow end 10010 , ~... .•11j01. pol,rtno And , 1Ti., , .... ,. ..g , l i .Jvif,l comp.st ti, OtilllLp eleer..-. 1...ere..n Kr, t, , r „.,„, ~,,,,,,,,,, li , ...,,,,,, o .„, 00 ,.r. 0rut . t.g1a n . , , , , t ,, , ,, -; ,. ... , , ,, ,,,. r . .,::„ . ..; ~,, .!,.‘ t/. t„1 hull t'l l l' l l, 1r run! b topper:l . . 0,0 . 1 . ,,,1 4 1,11 I- 0 DI , ... /.... or.ry... 1r ~. ...., ii=s , a) ,..4 Libz iii ~.. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „.,.., . .01r . ..1 ht lint,. than In Lunt. 1.1. - tainglava. ,L, ...r.t,,s, .1.1,-to.oy for 1,..v .o. c., ,•.. -leas ~,,,.. ~,,,, „..,,,,,,, ~, ~, ~,,,. r ,..,,. nni. I 10.....h1t. I a pre o. 0r . t.t.0r , 0.n. ..a , St: all , mi., .• ; ..11'.... t0...,v. r, .11, re aro ef...te o; ~.;... ~,,,, llle , "t ,,,, .. 10" , ,'• ..^ ... , Re'. L 9 " " ;:1 ' :1!....m . 1 . 1 . 11. n V ' u1 ' . 1' .1 ' . ' fli r l .., .1••"• C :=Pier ,,,,,, .. ,,, - ElY;ha . at brick I ~ .;ie• and ...,,,,'".. ..< ,,, 1 , .. - .era.. tab.. Tt:t7c. ifirk . :l ' .!'.)i.:i... It. ;. ' , vans. ) r.,..7. ; nallsll sri, ftk .1a 1' r¢ eltor.s ar_. are , ......• ' hl ' v- i n1...t,,,1,• 0 ''`I'll•ll 0, `l•elll, . .‘c tv.t up 'ID , IV:v.111oz". tr.o el. we. ,,, .• 7, , ,,,,t,, n ,:11.,:. ,":,;: , ,;,-,,,,,,:,.7,, , .; ,tc".. 0 , ••• Y. ; nr ,,, n; , a. 1, 1 0 , 1 . 1, ... 1 tr•l 'ewe. ot 7.lse ' Wite:re. was me t........ , 1i ' . 114 1411 1 ,1111 t/ 1 , 37r. r 4 4l' Nu.s..r. sad .1.. - , hn..). are a..ilev.-. 441' a 2 .....ra 01 tho , MIDDINO. FOl151) LIM SPON.E c.una 11 1 030 stress Me. Martin My.frer 1..., h.al 1,4 ; ..,,,,,, .!, 11. heat oe-nr{r,-n.• or U 0,1 nal tn.. fcrr '.dart for n title 0 Isu , l.lln.r, 1 /e. I rant., Cal,. Cream Rad ... -lrr ke... ' 31.-0 , ..c... a.rnatl fort Noel.. ,I,ll.era Shot a a noticr...l. ; haot..t... .... lea. . harlottr or my.. Int,. .;011 , e of .Catty C. 0 q... 1 011 01111 11.0.1., aro ; 3IA , .4 it..., to, ~,,,,,. ..,,,,,,,„*....,„,,. th elt.tled f 0 1 1,0010, 51 1101.1, ow. Ilinyerattnel.....), . ...1...a,. t ; an..e. raor 0. , ... ..tr. 'Julio, alp three Kerte, In h. hat. %V I . on• ; „ ` 1.51 .. 15 • 0 , ..- 1, ,10,4. le". P. , .“ , ' •u . P. , - derr.tand that .1.01.. a number of hen...... ”" r . It boon teen [1.1155.1 lot, 10 00 Cll/0 . 4710.0.10 I T . , L ;..j . ,!'ti,,,', 1 ''', * :,7 - ' * . c.L , 2•• .....4-- , . ."4 ~,,,.., Ibis edna.yoo, I - plANoi AND ottGIL.NB.—/.. very largiVoet. or Kalay. a a 0.,,N PLA?..1,8, • .13LISJI.S 0/300. PI a I'Uj, 00J UTOHATIII At ELeyir..s JIVSItit STOKE, - EME=I VETERINARY SURGEON ,-.4 LIVERY STA.I3L Ezz. 11.103.•11110aXLASJ Ott..enZt. L atfruillhi. MORELAND S, MITCFIELL, Liver; and Sale Siaidei, 425 Li - ecery SMELT, oppoduranatil,ar,.: luitro. l Mot. PireTt. 13U riCFL Partictlat attrntlon cuaer to fe/nlahlng H . and Uarrla.itt fur tels. Hurt. Izzt at rt. H.BnYXILLEFI. Bazaar. IA vPry .41.4 rtTLISi.E..., ralthltng tine, ul the 'Emelt Mee. teat cunt:anti) -11 tutu]. CAlurrni VI - beta', t VLINGY.O Ornatal to attrete. KirMlTlVllltd. /tar., etarlege. er.l ee e ttort 'glee fur .'tarts &no Carriauer. Meat it la rewilaear for ruttcrse. Oar., k..t at hi the ..r. rof , rl,ll or rer.r. and CUM , fit'o In um Lett manner. .t . tlvetu t (swaths totultheul ..mh the street Herten awlmeet eltAant Car futle.l,.,...Z.tahlea kept epee all Lout. uttircr DYERS AND ::',(.:OI:IREES H. 1. ukricE, 5191. 135 and 137 Thlrd 3lrt,rll, DYER AND GCOURER, Straw, Goods (leaned or Dyed, KID 11 , ,L0VV5 LADIF.2I , PLVMEtSclean ad or a.l•d• • • - L. • G: FISCIMEES 'llyeln* and Scouring r_stablisbraent, • GI DIA 71(`Nfl ALLEY, actweel Wood sad that Al; ado retnened Is Ms mouth. Ii Yanl 4• tit suldes.,to the e 141/er tyrone mouth... any LITHO ..iIiAPRE RS iv liINUILALT. . Cane SLNGEIILY b. ' CUM. • C.o.iso. w U.. r. ticLccOow d C 0.,) PRACTICAL,I.IIII2aRAPHERV , ite °NI, .t• LI•Utlet.KN vf TUE 310 Ur. TdL.... Hum.. Osrits, I,llre tteUlt. BOUda. LAW , . firLatt.. Wr" . CzTY.I I w-F CA:rt a:".ltVitrga CILAS. A. 11ILLE11, LITHOGRAPHER, bo. b 0 FOUltili IST., Appna ➢nuding CiIXCKS. I..AFT4 KoTE. BILL .4 LET ILll h hl m Gatt.,4, S.. 4;4 * e m TOBAddCoIGARS:, JOHN MEGRAW, MallafaCturcr ot In 17110ta1a1..411 1 .4 Lki , or In all tlf,la of Tobacco, Snuff and. Cigar; 4rs iNA-Twri ..t.fru""ruMV.!'°!•;".l,7,°'"..l:2,4 Eiciu,slOu wous.F. R. & W JENKIRSON, lianatatstras and deafen tit Tobacco, iinufr, Cigars, Pipes, &e. JITIPZEI/i. IT.. iLLIAGItiaT. IN THE SUBURBS SO the t !tree boroughs eau:Phi we will not 1.1, charged *llll partiality In Myhre Enet 111rratngliam precedstmo, for It is so entitled. Alt hough yOutigest, wo helleve, no to date of incorporation. ita Incroipo l i impulation, rml In oilier respect., ha. been much more apid tout the parnnt borough, or South tplittrgh. elem. 11i11. Or the bouts mg out of tee war, the popuettion, Neuarc eaie th Paying, has been iloutiled, and although there yet rorualnecoesidevable unimproved the manlier of buildings erected within that Limn is comparatively large. When trio lido fairly out in, :Pout three years IMO, real estte advanced raly an land ante., realle a pid ed handsomely In the d rale of lots. At rho pr.ont time trimenc. tions ore not active, and there.' cla ms, ha loess may Ito sidled ill Li, shall,although good prices aro npintalned. 1.0 , oil eur•On atreot fur Or alrati, mid on back st reels they are :no...rails p.m a. hie tie COM. The mitten improvement w .11 hove town made, am! are -till gut -n. re tlll4l i ro.lnnit het, r meet Id. been caercieeo than in other Irivet,ll, !Yoh ax to regulurit y arid arte of troOouglilaree. These 1 1 ,1 meinx rural t•I ith the rts or aro eighty tn aeon, unit 1.110,0 at right anal°. tally feet. (;um nit indle, remor di with the old p sw-tiv tavor of Cast t he n I" , 0W:0y OLIViOI.I. lu old torough -tree. aro earl ow, and the lid out ait h wes I'o :111.11,), the desire to teaki, corner lOW hems grauded regatditalS of general unttortulty. J,t, now than I. being enastru3lnd a fd,ur nix lout O. oiron..ter, with a daseeut LI tea Inftli.S. Ono nunoml fr, acrout notou4: , tau ravine near 11,Iroatt :tread. 'Floe W.: Wer .111 lir sonto ill nd trot if, length whoa votnple...t, and wit al.unt [nt, tlvo ra t dol u. 034 aOle out oftuu: gent. A. At utruct tlle newer add .It ur,ru :it nratollet. Qua to wan! t:.11,ol ,r.u.t, to 1 ulve. the lot 01 lor.tvr witiv/I a..., from tll4 , l3lli,ltiu do. fl 111.10 att , et to et - Pa:ono ot tan uutiortu diatnoler t:1 runt , a 11110 th:.ttulllaother direct ton trot to, ono lost tuuniiur. it bat progrelooul trout u. point on lila Vier .lota 01 thO I.ollllllhto l_r Etre,. which Oat Juan brhlt,tul ado.. inn pa,,,.enger r.olway card to psu , .ovuu,pausa, t.y ',unfelt.. halts prohibited' fur Me trine benut. Vi Count ruct:am alll rend, largo epace Ott pound avedhdile foe bulullua purpoßea. 1.4 In dine of loupe, teat oralintge. During nuat ....on it la .luultneo to conspsute inn ~outd to Thu rivet. The wont tote by .11%)or Putter,otu the native and kgketent a sett Vo . ,t1:11.10,411,1 Is bell., cou.si.t uctss.l loath le. Tll£ waxen wets!. These ere In-at cal In the bort - with, nib! are In full eine at 4le leu. ten reservoir. have bebush .ll:ll/1,.1.10.1 the Shas are being lizttingi as rapidly ea tno tuella Of the coal Oslk V ; per init. Althoughenhatilerable trouble', Ws, betu experient,d, everything is now artektrig ae euloothly arid aimafacuirily na could be vetainne I. The itasebie meets are high. lee have not ranch Cittlieej 110:11, t. 410 high. conriilernig 1101.1,14, n.„„. Reduction in Prices. Lagoa which_ have nearneg i atel ailtleg ' lei inert-area from an toledus.e ester run. FCII.OI. nerreit. The euf•achots hod enervate:alt . deelgoed • ECOND ARRIVAL 01 area mot). erhnol Minding le neogreastne rapidly. is la Ira on., for the roof. and It • M ea:tot:Usti will let me:condo for oominaory In it wet cmt. forldetted, S • the ortehnorhood We.. Itio p iing G oo d s Interco's of the. Ottrtelgh h townrially f- . tit into I ~:v.e.11, If tans/Ltd 'differed from MEM of auffletenny attn. , tv ettle, buildings to itecomModoto too rapidly In :smelt. mann, of echnlam, and in tills my lye: garno behalf the echool hoards have horn some.. what remmo In their antler. kor mene retell paat three Imil.itotm hove neon once pied ha votioole—Nos. I nod :Mcleod house'.. . J. K. ' T "rth".""q".. Wm,,a who be made up tel. etre and ,:ttrater. m y Inmost colent, And the Arad*. my letiolinte, renteol. Tao t 41,9 hon hen ~ • eraliable, will fail there In X. 3 pply , IrU the want of room,und In view of. tea fact m nonternplutml to comoivore am erection , GREATLY REDUCED PRIGES• .No• of unothor ot %Mader eina unit do sign. the only. liedtancy Um matter er salting troth tile Ilheilhmat Of determined , oepositton to the Mere:mod ttualfon which you'd be relfoired In order in ruble the': c higErE p ti ig inELNE, penile tondo. We think that In • pros. • ••• perooe coonnenlty, Like that of 00.1 • henanueu. theta obOUlal an iln lay in the . • u" ' "er ' "e s"'" n" "' Merchant 'Tailor vldme. hwl° ochoot fteilltitm, wool! ba menet- well event to thiv otillabltmtol ate ,0113:1.UilltlE , ore JO-4,d of Ise theV at , iu ranint: malt tho adrautwroent of Mettle, ! N o. 14 wyLIE ST., tion. In the litter , relean:lneFig It Isnoparent LI, et reel Gointntrototter Oa othernotthorl• II) hes not tarn la active In the dlnch.age of his Star it. Ult. stmt.], of the yenr gay , funntriy regntrt he ehoniti he - Wren the choler:. In our 0111151, those Of Ilia Athos. gm, gye•oingt7 take no heed of the hall Whirtt their ntettll,ell art I.oll7oUngeg, Induced to ,in s 11Welgeluting op. hut tat. proven:o.lth no choir. tanrot. tall' 5e..111• Or g ilogren ...DV to Or t%) , Cfg,elllOL 011.41 1 / 1 , 100 with ilith, OP sett Olt,. of /hit ht eti at nail , he rot. Part/Inn throtinhisrlxvltnn Cl the liorough, It ilitniness WWI prgdloint gnt, and rcant:a tooled thu Cholera one, ohthinrti n far 1,113 1 InT.von de1:11410 Inn borough, no thttught sumo ttlignt orcur uggin, . . . and la 0:11d rlloutst that coarr.ltttf, ouen is all:W.1:11.A last year by Ito I.lromah Owl :00 , lr Atiollory I m movairoi. FrOin allotunlei 1 , 0 000 ' 1101. 11,-elol or,o, 0,000 111,0 proUlti be illscovoretl knfilelekr. to el.o tent of podl.lleoeu. Inn not srohr.s. Thh, hoe nt tho upper eh] o of tho hotoo,h, n.n how lo the Minn of tlohrely popu elten nelellIn.C11,0:1. The gam Oland alrougno.sl.lllo Wee horotothe mud buyonll, wo..tner.l.‘4lel It has hr' - an4ll.r:horn:it tlellt Weft:silly the enpyLite of thy iro , will b r ava to oh .onnt roe, to order to apply Iho demand. ene he le:. large/ o I a till little .10 the 00 e Ih t lon of the t work, null et te.in predicted when en .1.0.1 inn 01m o ult!lo to t 110 elnoet tens. new apps ent. The). I-f,, ett.l/y noetet, ned oe Irene:Lee •ef .pucaty Wedhl ho ettendon with coneltlerweell.convehlonto. If, Inn, 111, I: i 1 not out of the ono:ono, cooneque.ele the I' ucroun.ling, f..f.sentrllt lelelten by e I the ihertheny UN. .111.1^1 , 1 11 1001. One on Ilia rib or thollit. - otooto !tau No. 1. 000th the,' Proleenh nen: E 1.10,11, to ternOVO wnl Le, And tllmpttYl) Of tholr itro2ont tooptor Orier r.Tren9rai7l, d'lllo borough thny be ocottaltierAl sheet ILOfleted, ottpubstlon Icos then old!, Ow othenoo rake red to, Ind utoverthelees enc.:route,: the wow, circa es:ground. Tnu bountlotry Iltdo 01.1011114 to the ?lip of I hu lob, but the tollbooth bottle attetoOtol"l'r bulldlrg outouroo,Lillt e I eater portion of the loon lee Led wore the meth tletroutklilure. ltlereunt tercel) end the raver. A groutt oh tootle vett ego In etneblaohleg the otudee g of St rem.. .1 It Is now vary too perm.. Chort, steep greultut 0010 t. oho , e they might Lew, term 04,10 more easy et hot cute peototorly rtnotll expunge. 1:9.10 navy, l000I?g boa, hence, II might be cone ettlere ll 11 0011 pulley to alter smote 01 the gredro, A; to the other toroughoi,thero 10 congtol- Otable budding gteho 00. wo 00110011 new Wool tent 1,4 tonna 00101,10 i MI. end (lob- Therm, lies & , hen° reohilt their ma. nolo 000 p, ductrot tool by Oro /4 01,01 I Imo 0.000. TOO arceciat budding I t oof from., lton-eled.l9 longer and oiler, osoil 001.11iLI• ,red nutter adepLod to 1011:1: W.( 111Ne111.,11• then the former ore. We frond tut plot. olsoOf Intere.gt ln thultOrOut;ll tot teko no, The erf-Opostativa waanchttlno has not yOt got huller WM', u safliutant amount of stock not having boon tskou to onsbio them to go 1.10 bef.oopprnOa l a 4. 10 A b UloHtT b d O o v * it ga e r er e h c n t a . Ira; a 111111,110 a. vaLsor ALLEM:MX. On to of the bai. on the Brownville road, or where the [olds fork, In. Lower hi. Clair toworlan, villyo, called Allentown. has enrung up,-throue g Ihe chore) , of tavd.o . ma, who, tiring of paying Ptah teats. have Vatchased. lots. aria- built npOe tb.m, giving to the locality entto a tbriUT wappatranee, and affording a sloe of what will there exist a few years hence. A great porUart of the meld unto aro meehati les, shoal employment to In booth Pitts burgh, and who formerly lived It the tan. ough. The same effect of high fonts Is ob. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE 1= .11,TICE .n,/:. 5rri.13.4.E161111L1. & CO., • to Ofimerien ." to " BOILER MAKERS tho /4 IL enirlyritle; et,,titt C117,10,1/.1. 1,/ 1. / .. 1,... 211.1) • • , ? .,, l , arnn r , ,,1.. earn, .01.. -, . L. o ..., munlty. • sI EEET frii iii woßtaas ; " tk..,,, rarto Is un. er a Hz,/ s ~ 7, , the rinel r i... 1! No. I: [h.. sur I t• ,• ,,, I. ar.l I• rot .otne titi, 5... , . • nary., tog phrtini • 1 ~ 11 watera..:l-0 lc,: ,• •,rt ... - t.,. r, ! havo Int. ap .,,, ..: a:on.: tho ~ ed,.. of the '',..., •,:gi . . ,,, , fz t nyid .ti Pell. St. ; in.on.t., r m aood white oat tirol.er. , , i• , nth: in to , . FOI /•////114 re,:roo to ‘.,n ~,, • .'" ~..tv la 0f.., 41 at tr..c low Pr , •t . nAr • ,... . 3•• v iew of .lete`td.n m n r , t. a to' , for a rail.. ilavinn ..., curt, a ta.". Tar.: 0 , 1 Mr.... , It , P ';,.;' "r"°.1.'":q11,;42 7 ,„,,,,,,,, ~ wo, 3,,,,•i. ~, ~ 1.,..tr0 it ,Omte.l that ta p ~,,,,.. ~- , .. r .,„,, machtto•ri. we are or., , ‘4,,::',, 5 , v" '''''' '' .•rueßtl ❑- ~ •.,...., .. oothe: r l'et.,,,i, dela Ball rOssl Con - Anno , ''...:",,.' ...' •72 . , • ' • ' - --„,- r, ~ , , , , ,L r, ,,,,,.,,y, ~,,,i. ; ay roam,. ...t . en t,,r Yacht... av It fl have h.,. y, s a l,.. .1 ,: for a nowt. to- pace" to .... ,. .t. , •u• - . , , , ,„,, n••nr E 1 1 •04,1 ~. .tlon.. the Vt.anotisvilie Lail • u . ,. MI. rots .. .NAM:, Pt this oltv with the i.e.. : oro to the Ire. ',one - , aro. ,ar.. '" ..".. roa ~....-,.., ain,..., r. mil, 1 frmn her,[) ',' i h., u.t..... t ~..., 'woo, y , ,,,natt Baltimore nod ; anr Made I , the corattff. Chient,s, Breech. , Itn, , , , , , neats aro a two-story ttratk 11.,.,,e Itt, ~ .,,,,,,.•t.o. I, al alto., I: not ,attorter. line inz ,y, ,y• ~y, , . ~, ry,,,. T, , , ~,,,.. ~ 1 • room., 11, t rron; on i hr0ttch ,. !h7 , 1 . r . i ,, , , / , , ,, ; , t., t ...., • 10. C o nuellavill .. pfloreontow - li - o, with : , :t .„ ' • L, ' ,, ' ,-,•,. ''...,:;-• r is Saabs. 0.1 Still, , 7,', 1 4 . ,.'i: .. .. , • r i , „ h 'rt. an' , ?p,,. oil „,;i,;::.. ..• 8.“..0 u. 0.4.. Boat ~,, t , ln. on, , -. '°- ..-'•'• - Cm ,' .. ~ ~,, ~,,,,,, I, 1,,,,j:,,.7.-", :1 ; ,, n1;11 . 0 1 .r\l'ills'er, conven,,... ..tied with lle MOnOugahrin N ally' Rail- ••Aci,1 . 11 . .., `,.:.t.ltan . Pans, l oi . • • . , „ i, ~ ,-.. , ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, , „.„,....„,, ~,,,,,,y, w0,.d . , road illi.Vl/ alio been making I...:rvt -. + 0//./T 'W. , /.., .4 .10 1/ 1 . 1 " / ” .. "''' 4. ' " ''• ' , Ao v.., ! o ..alt autl ' on, quicklY• Ino saMd grOnntl. . 111 1.L... PATc.ST BOILER , . ^ 1 - o, r Varm of .1 , 1 acres. rhos ..d in West suarnusioa 1.11.1/. ' lis . nalrinn , tone on ll...hon.:notice. 1,, cat ! ,,,.. t ..1.hl oy:l:tip, inol.m.sco.tri. ra., a - , .4, nth, rroni the lino of the I tonsyl 4 ania ttati I:atuning home to the oil! ..,.) *0 n , ..tiend ..:, , - - --. ." ~n , I re. oi The -men:, ar.—Ftlat, .... ~. . , ,-..,-, -n re hoe wth n - o• - 011=3 a Itran rron. P t rr e ' ru ( 1 0 u 4 n i; ii 7 I T . ' '' . ' r l ' n t' n. I !It; I t " L t o ' t ' ll " n tU r 4 ni t ~ , ,7. ~ ~.1 1, ?- : 1-‘ , , ''' °. S ' , 1' ,.77. - I ::, . n t'. .Ti... 7 1.... „ 111.G . ) 1 ,L i.. 7 : , ' n ,,,, . , :i . ; 1' , , n ' , :a;t1F:::. , .r:F0:d .. ?4 , :a . : fl. i sY s r. , u), ' .. ,, ,.: ,. .... , , Cc . :0 . rf;:::: :nth° mart way. oval In tho wav of painting. , ''' '" ''' - --.'" ''' ..„, -.”. U.' ComOnnY tlro natl.: ot , atltni .I. Lne .1, ' WASITINGTgo .\: • 0 ual /, rter, rine,: 4,1. q 11.. t . -e. atot • nt: ttrO blink hillillinge, of neat ttestgo. ' - • ' Al , 1 nuild one • the ter crt, i, alu.notnl, avuo.N..ri. one Int...md,d for utr . :ll hons mud ihe other ' ~,m,,,,,,,,„,,, y agnc.htinrlna. Pit“b.", , h' 1 .r. L '" ,..., " . '' i1 . OtV...':-..e.;'i" 't....21';'...W:•.:.''4:‘,1;', for the nuttiness mentlnt,, ut the Olreeldr, ---- -- ----' ~--„,..., ~n o 111517 dtqn. i Wits ' an I eta a . ..art...1 sail lituls onntortr T. batontrhe further it the river , oh M.ain ''' ' '' ' ' ' ..""... --- '•,'''' ' ay . stay . nt , neiM , 0 . ea., te.r n. ' the Semi h Bide, WM next claim put .Ilan- . " g l. '• I ''' t .. ' n'''. MU' ''''.."'. e.. .. , .. . ,0, An ...enilerlt Yarn, /11 .1./1/.,.. r.. ton. Inc, Shartina. 1/.511111,, Of •// /1 1-. .CM"". 11 /" . ' ' Ml.,' .e under , t.ltra,lon, illuste In etarim. • T '1,9 and " • 1" . .. w oller and ei,Cit 1.3 WorV. /M. G. 11.117/ Minnie. Br o.oven...ntn-is nen -.. .41,1 ditiUltai LOBLI.i /1 - SatterA . '...,;: t ..., 7, r , F,,..r... ~..,''''...• ! ~'itn,Tr.ve 17- :1 1 e r' i 1 iiff. ' tr1 . ..4 . ,. 7a . "1' ••.., " % " : ' g ) on Pirldt. Parr. ' .14 % ....,:nti fo ' r liirFaltirS Naft NT tn. I 1..1:11th 2 canes ut it... 1 1. 1 ', ..l t :S,..ntraL. 11., .111 ~,,,,..:,!, , tal e . d partessonae :Aua,. Cl. prone. , t!...!!" JECIOU f.., 'cedilla -.Urn.. . ein eachanwe If desirt.d. ; . --- Alas, a PIM or 01 . , act., la loon thwnshlt, . -.. .ie r r ' F.A. HE sue. enion We....lanoretand county, .irdrc• Cia 4,11 /.11/i un der c . ,ltt.atlon, v., acrea or tlynt-ratr , w).l eat COPPER killi Pr. SMELTMG WORKS. : ftd rt °,,;"',!'„'.,!,r;•?;',:z!!'^,f,,1 , 0r, , .:,,...mi, , 1..1.: _ , •10,.. hnt-r41.• Lave,. ,r..,111 I. ~..ot 01. ' 0;11,0 rirrquicruoti. / , , ,ter, Tonna ...ant ur ii. ailed Fut, 't t:4 1,,,.• 1 t n.:11 . ::: .ery store is ti ~,1,,n..t I. 1 . .n0• u.n. BOYS . , YOUTH'S AND citninlEN's P-2-er-- alecu. --,,- Dy & I 1011 1111•1 .11 (11', Irltt tie,' tl/1. /0, illy, C 0.,., 1 .111.1.3 OW: .unitred rodi of ill, IN.itt,... i,,,t, t , 4.1t10.,• . ...smlkt east, ol eitll/ 1 1./11/ .11 ,he:. /- 7 '" ' 'r / ' , '.. .1 ."' •. , ' /' . ''"' : '" l r flf/ L ,.1 1 !:11 . 1 ' MU. MC'S: or Orecustsure.(Arlo t. ~....,,, ... V. •:t. '. en,....Vr 1 U t0 t' 1 , ep...t ,,, , , _0 1 autly and .dmil.. y situatedin a tool. n.•,at,,,,• .. , .....,..r . ,,.. ' ir ,' ,..,.... r',r, • late... , nr•et Ir., W - 1../. 1..11 I,nry au nis 1.111/1,141/ wl. ~,,,,I. , /.., .' Dr leo, ..iar . htn ,. • ..nd f tit:. Is r ~ d. 1 1 .. , '. .,, "n l ' .l ' ; ',' ''. ',.‘ h ... ' I , 11; 1•11111 . 111 Itt,it 1' 1 A 40.4 D eor • tl• o tre.t Unto. in 1 noun. .1, /1.1, i , ,: , ilill ', Er ' '. ' N . Vt . .i r ..z . i . . 1 , 1111/03 , 1a1. I In 'I , . / 1 . 1 / 1 1 11 . . ... • t•./ . 11/1 , 4 , 1 1 01111 W, .0, ~ 1 '' '''''''' "' '''' ' p,.,70. 7 ".'"'"' ; •11.1 . 1L ' 4,11! ‘ j i •T '-. ..IV ' .; " 31 " 11;:11 ' ;: " 1 • ___ ---..- -"'..'"'' 1/0, 0., the r•s, tik.v I • paaT no., rto. 1., - 1 , - ,...r...,, , ) 11 VT 11 r C.li NE sV.- i r7,;r7 . :, , , ,. "`!7 ° P . ;7: . ''"„''' .° ,"1;';'•4 , and ',stn., the resr 1 ( . t .nd • tber u., , ,,,s yon r.,,,,,,,,,,,, y o ~,„,,, '''''. L. "' ''''' '''''''.. SILVZR-TIETE'D SHOES. ! 1 ". .! ' :.! f r:r : . f . tr . t.: r : ' . " .T "' f .l c..s .' ll, ' I ' ll: .7:t; ; EEDIRY .G. HALE , 0114, //II , l,e.and. •no atom a en //1 1/11,-10 t• il4/1/ / 1111111 - / - ,11/1/el,/ 1 / 1 111 LS 11.. Sttholll, 1,, , ~,,,,, th.,,, ,„ 0 ., c. , n,e . Onaarn a ntho .Is. tut lA, /in , wt., cr. I mn a . . ~(,. n.,pt. rear ni • .. ~, ..„ 0 . 1 ., , R ., , (owl, • , l.• Ilt•11 ..a. •• -,.•• "-- - ". '' i rot rurtou 011.01•11.11111 t, c 111.../..... ~,,/, ~-,1 ~/„. ,101. :111mb u.. intthouten. i C. It. TOWit,it. ... SL'i♦f 338 T BLIDUCrION =I 4::) 1 1'1E1. X I,tl AT REDUCED PRICES! GRAD' .IC2THEST Ala. NM HD Si. 4M: Sri, NM SPRING GOODS.,! JUST 612E14t20. • i.? . : , !! - To n ill II I' fl'il S OP 'so I ~,T, ' ,",,1 '"'",,'"; ''''',,..."'"`.- ''''' All the N „ eitiee of tho 60 „ 0 „ , I ~ .,.„.„,,`,1,.;'.;,'.,. ,t,', i. „:v.;4,',':',7.1,... i -,:,....,-:: ',!‘; . ,,',T,..7...,.,:- . 1, -. , . , a1 .,,, !i i 5ci ., ...i.;! . a... , , , , , ,. .! i:M0V . c .. 1 ,r iv.rt0 . ra i , t.n. . /,‘ ntara li., L . "..1...d:r ' lt ' a.s.r...t.. •a..... ~• r, m 1.•.... Itt 11Je er•L •e« yl Ir::11 ' li ' l I '. . ' r4"n"."'" • ,ea1...1 I. tte, eare. , , iteu or' ichtfirc. Ai:. ' , 1,-,s. Or •1.... , 11 I.e, if. .•U .4,,,,..,, 3‘)o ACREtn— , ..,,,...„4,n, ..,,„,,.,„,,,,, ~,. n, - ,i-!....r ; ';;;' . . =I 'Ma-Clan Merchant Ta.ilering. 3 . -- 4 — GIIALV '4 14 V 77N SOU 7 12 ENtabliNhanent. s". Po.'l:Tif hrNET.T. Dany fr 1.11 to 01 - .5r.107 ' .r • n-I 6., it to 11, rrof THER,D ARRIVAL LEA At. PERRI:VS' OF7LEF3RL` TED OF SUMMER GOODS, WORCESTLIISTITTIV, SAUCE 1 ra, , iornt.. E i X TRACT —tbiS • /111-111,1. HOUSTON & CO. 'B, • mvont. at tt ma. Ms W.:Eel:oat. FAStIIO?i ALBLE I 'Oil - ton .511 CC' ..Ar.,•,%, I LEA, I' itS . P. 7.7 lb fa o.t.fr tcnUCK It i ..• t r. rn,.a , n olunlon. thr I:pv.l I Men and Buy Ciothine and Gen— T-£3 nemeli.., rursisht. g . couds, . onpriacipl.,l ' .;•; t./. COY - 1 No. 107 Fifth St., "'"' ti,ll r.amc or t.r.A. 4 1L ‘s LAM.. lA,. 1 . .t.U.111N.,.. JOGS DUNeAN'S SONS. MERCHANT TAILORS, =I =I .111.1, Me. stvl-• and tint., 11Cr.); " ta - r - r;as mat.i. L., ~ .qt: Ge tar,.. • , N 1,l , I nt.h. AfaI.,ATS Plitt. TUN U. S. Fresh from the Importers, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. . %o. 13.1 . TiMitt NTIZEET. rtsubilrxh. 'WILLI4,TISOVS DINING ROOMS, .1 o. 36 Marl;cl (Itztarce= Kt..ond Thlnt Atr..etA, 14 yr...ha:alai, I.A. The twute It nc.:l , rol•herl 'WWI ni no • hxt conalltia.a s Int ~'oY: And 01:,11,not•e C. 11. I.atrual I II cornlgnmeots and - nraihr• I,Grrectrully •rrll \ST J. DIV lIS, I=l 1137111 g sold. his Int. r , ht to Wit. WILT. on ARM' let, 1547, Icdros from the Ann. .114 it,. Wil.T Cu r anancnr from that We. 'I he tome of the Orm wilt [...min a: usual. and eon. anne , at thr , r old ht a nn. . Fi... ia 10114 artra.i) STREET. JAMES 13. JONES, Scrap trait, Light aeon, CAST ANL) wituumg.r 11107 i. a4lO. itaidcroosi Sty., end River Arcuur. (:11/. TM; QVF,Yri Taw Wpm -1110 lor..aryianf, with Drlel.qeuf meeof.einn, .1 a • PATENT WASHING PLUM, W tntl J WhOrv•lr lotrodur,dl., wt. 'arca! suce, se, %Id br I.J. 1 1: . ”;;,:Ir i b):13n , um. lit Thad .trvet. ORM li/111001, ae, furnhowl h•I•II the 1,. ice; env /Lit. CUN iNt • 111 KM. . • At. he iheeet ort,e •no on the sherle•t. not the, by ELXO szivrimra. hi. In 1 , 14/410NO, Allesheuv. Jenhrnn 11)1S1011. 11 T 11 .N OF' s..4IE7IVE;te. •—Tee rertaerahl p I•ert.tniare vat,tiug het the und,aletteu ha. Qt. day oat 41.- ault,d Uy mutual coua,t. b.. , lnt the dna eettled by,ll:l,r,f,f,tttlaimyr.turra. . . , •01$T. L. Joao IA T. . ital H^l44:mill. 4 a Co., the attoraers. D 1 TUESDAY. JULY 30. 1567 FOR. 62!...41. FOR PALE—The best Farm In Tairteld mnn.nh, Wiitiscire c Venn seri • eis twi t , ' o r the fl iiiestieiftip. The ittirriteesieie , see s hig with nine- r,,.. 2,11.1 , •sr. W . V.. VO•rn.., o.,:red land vend: al, In g.a.. arta., ad.r WI , i Ili mad it,. IP. atenwlaue. and pltut: 11: ••/.. er and II ad awls, ILu bulidloga are a lark, 1 wo-*lory Brick House, TENANT llt 0 Hilt St and .loun. , nut.. of afe•le st, sot", ni f•••• ear eLeco. 0 . , n saary n.1.•,.,11ne, I, c. to ,41 r. To, e• ,1, I ellOriet uit.s Ukt , ELLIn"I'hIGNS ”ce •L. , 1 Vlvut of n It-r.e0,11 tr , .l••• Ti.i• l• une ..f ,o,kt fraße lon. In th , -oat., I , •••.r.tton. I•tn cotteluunol... r.,leg lit, ,toiuniu'vel - . 1 1. c ore .Isa:of u. s' lons lav..thvor • 114.1. 41s awl 1 11•11 01111 10 . viol. for 1414 two V. Stivrta If..l.lltsblo. I=2 WILLIIII Pl' BOX 1.1G1,, STHUBE S ITII FIE LO, 0 U VALUABLE AT PUBLIC = =I = Ft;1116 . 14 h day of lamb (frxe36 Nut, TN. 0.1 Runarat a 1 fnerneer owned 'STA 0,111.. p.• . 0 " tee ate hen)elo W. Lade- c 4 ,ollnlng •cre•. no,re teLe. etluir one In, ~ e s lb • ounty, • telr oe , ,..emen wilt,' t. ..ry Ire e•I••re • , e , " e e ree, / I we I .I.I.TICIEITOT, et.. gr... I ...It rer 1.11.8% tioe w ee-elex toe priellek.• gal "lota 41,41e0 la u en:Yl ca .: 'Cleo ea ken.•tt neekt ~ -II 01,e4 nil do.) m es, la•., ply tor reneetn..er telrldedl be Ine ne rliSse-. 1,19 tuo ockmeace at I Welartur gal 'lda,. rat ers.S. , a ,04 u. alma na..-t .r I: r tar. on t, JaY of aa'r. iLs 4.aaur... Jaut w• au. a, r JOftE,ll 101 ES. )711n , 4, T Lyt..nittAßLE3 IiEsIDENCE; =l= Ysso-Story Erick Davel tiia ov,lvit g Mop ',OM., , 01114 area% maroslL tre. an.ulavve trit M rtitt •ttC, a ont IG.•th Z 1 h, ortle. titl.l =I Ci=E! ES/ r• OR NEDIi3L.I:I 19321111= able tegsbat4 1 .1 btlet la "*"'"' e.t.a tar /.•••:.•,; •:•aud:oto•or sr.. , 5.,,,r• • •11, 1514.51 No 11 unat.th-1 • OR 9A. as od Luc.. tweet,. 31.,< vt. r. hot S. ...f001...46 31 - n mot. and. 1,1 on tntn f - 1..1.1n0n ay. et, APltnnei y ;vs , w.ak) e.......•-atl..lll,lltn , Rata., eta r t rawer,ltr mu 1.14 It. jeltr, .1; REN.i. &Co. nye, ur>r VGre>u. Stns.. it,. inracolFED rnor,EuTs s'cyzgl. • *ss..m. I= =I =lll CZ= ror Curtllcz flaunt atiop t aDD'} at IVO sad Insanince utlacect I ).-11 I/I,er • I 1 4 4)11 ti 31. E-4 benittifui rarm. 7. , 1 , roto Ab.•rs •••ts, nr.l vdt s• 1 e+lnr •,•1110i. rt. all lilno.; 11,34 •14 ,, ..,-! ^e. ,!.ony 0 •3300, 1000 a 1,111. ity ilrlek w . • OVA grim uilmildtutv: V. 1.94, N into! 4rp..1.1 or I rasp- !or e IN mt. Jjl j - . I. 3• r3331/0 343 ... n'. • : A }rrr!! FOR SALE. • . • • ONi NEW 10.510111 Drildbi q,USt. calt..l withlo a ft v , 'aril. of 4 .....1,1,;,, , 1 i.e. ost th . rltinhorth, ..rt Wntno a,i CI. • ~,.. Hai Sty. Nm.alutwl,u, .Ilan , ^II Ii .. i.? (1141,1.a:1, rtr,.,b.100 gt. , tt , ,1 , ..1,1,• rot wtx. wool, to - 1.. 'KELLY'. AnttloNeo . r. i. • _ . rowN No. 4 reti,ral .1 . — Alletwony , ..a _._— ---- ..._.4 1 h`Old SALE Old El F,NT, CIIFIAL 1.• ' N. A Farm at empetv.er , e etat , oo, 04 trou I, • I rot itaato.,l rotil•.alnle 125 1., 11 1; Impost I nal:L., ..I)%unsta /twit ambler, Ao”.I wheal' I tw t aslcro ano go.l for .idea.,„,, w,,w. , orat %Aber r •rtnt. In go-oft...till° Le .4 '00; Jo rs,l, whlch I will l`Cli eboati wr..l o r , , , 0,14-. tlle, trttn, Ma. 0 rani 24,0 of good Oullanglop lo thv c.:l_ , Wad subuthl. • I", Mrtacr p.krtlcallr , \li i n i lr z ,r ot w 4, liCtirapt .1.;...t, oPPOeltopte ;kll.- dna., • - MEI FOR SALE, - A thauttful Bu9Ediug Kite, Orly tollem from the ottp, root otntrl ay t:ttitz. we It outto•od to-t,o fat:101,4..4% vlcw of lUe tlOOl. Ali Vtf 00 = MIIMM= 1;411L 5.11.11-0,0 pissals Frame wt.wl•ar ~ wt. Do .(1,11, n• 1111. —wt., t intot . .; r., • tat, tot tt: at of Ittmat, All, Wttadd •117.11111 /0., in Still ItAIMAEY A 1(AL1...• Lrai rotate Agtate. 1•7,e, Soo. 0 , lt,a,er street,llr,ttenv f 0911 FOR f , ple.. ~ 1114,111.1 F 1.1 , 1. , 41 Log, Irt fly 'Si c 0rtu0..4 In the V 1.1, o.lt. "V WII KON •r, F eu +I. I by • It P.. e're t et. equal'. lx U. pl. nt 4.1 rli • n. hrtl , l, 'Fur p rleml 111 P/1 , 11/1 , 0 •.1 I , AL • io - r.ftu rtr.r. t t ,rnt the 11.3,,t or the My LIM Ja.s: CAW/ .1 1 ki Otos, Flat SALE—That ItEStitAltEE Howe attd Lot at 62 sixth St,.' Between Btnlthflel4 , sns. I.lrant, same, ._bonessin• Int titbit. r 0.... WILL all the rsSons,u .vensetves s watts bon., roomy I. ' oll, nun tna atm! bong. Its th. rear s be • re spstbuslistoluss•lfent lellssoll • TI , R ißltblisrn. FUR BiLLE7A eon v!iul lent, 11101trir. 11l eight roan.: tut (Mod with omny •.irtotles of larre anA.matt N.. 1. • lathe ualrl. or o.t Nrior to 4.13 e t...0r the Nnir +tett tokue4e. 4.1.1t•55, Ott., . t.K.SN. o TS • 'Olt KALIF—In the Iturtiugh K 1 retsi.nt ihr r It. l bw} Li 1 ,,, eq,,ir. Cu, .I. l,r b7 " . l "' F ' , V;r, - 11,.1: ' ; 1 ' n;I: N ire ...Area 01"W,t,...•/..vner weGt. Ay piy q. it. , • ANUItIOV lic.NAMAxs , jvri:nll:ll.■ AE, ume yea "i: let out htuff.gral.•f2T,'; ""'`. 1 " 1.:41 '"' 41.r.tig VALVAOLE COIL F ItOPEUTV HA LK. altuatatY i that.. anarilsblu. 9.1 the N Watt. 10.d. “1.% 0 V,'i',,T:7',.!,7 altuite quality. V& y acct. ruaaeaatou On J e, la d etiray, APO. to *50.. i 7 Youitt, at, TWO FINE LOTS OF GltOliNa) n In Illnrarta,d , . Genre, !routing on Hain .1. 111 en Imo ootl4. APPir 10 JET B. *CLAIN a CU. BANfCS AND B 4-NECERS. PROFESSIONAL. HART, CAUG 11 El . & CO.. Bankers and Brokers, CCA.NER THIRD AHO WOOD STREETS 13111MIMMTEM! (OtrOO_HSBORS TO HANNA, HALT& 00..1 =I ich e , Corn. Coupons, ke,therttette ,_ %t:Vo . tge o T to the per GO VERNM ENT BONDS ar^sau>r.unA LCNDON. N, .U.OLDIES & SONS, No. 57 Market Street, PITTPOUBM 11. Verncti ...oelvotl!n PAT rands and Carre.nl. Caneat°. tnar, on all IL, crlncinal AClat. of n:atta cad Canada, Stuck:, needs and Other Securities BOUGHT AND GOLD ON 0016.11113910.9 1,711 , 111. r pll€t to the plre.lll.sel to o T., of U. . 4 "-43 eurities, tnc3ininc V. n.nixrn Wit do. do, 5 4 -rj: U. 0. 00.8 C 1 . 1;14 F ,ga iIY INLEBTEDZiIIt. anJ Voucorratwo,td. or pEursxs , SAVINGS BANE. or X.ITTSBUIIGIV. C:apitat, - - 9E00,000. NO. CO FOURTH BTICEET, 1:13=! 1=MI! urea ...... WILLIAM BEA. Sweaty tad Trmatr, Enn P. VON VINNP.M. 13.—Ttme ❑eimmt• tande to thts Ilank I.aure RELIT Or JULY. WILL BEAD ISTEEESTIT.OM TEAT DATE COAL ;tIEN,s TRUST COMPANY, No. 65 Smithfield St., GTOOKOLDEBB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Capitai, - $200.000. WITH PILIVILTUE OF W 500,000. Depo.ltsrecelved aodlo tttttt allow. .0. Spec.. attant/ott Rises to Collet.. [lout. _ Presideut—A. J. BOMB. cashier—E. J. ROBERTS. OM= A , r. wlll. WK. 1.6 - 1:11 I . IIOA. JAS. 11. 11.1 . 1[1.A. A.. 1. . 1 - 1 P.. Ri99,1,9.1.11.. J 19. .i./11,J1r, it. 1.. 1 1 .41 - I'iaLett.S. E-0,11,r4 IVESTERN` SAVINGS BANk, .Vo. 59 Fourth Street 4=7=.4IIFILT.VIR:MIZI 1066 Interest Paid on Tome Deposits. Any ontn rerelvasi trans On. Dollar upasnret. • 0rt,.... s subject to Cheek. without .... at. LIISC.II."NT DAILY. AT 12 U•CLUCE. i'etcillevt—ThOMPSON HELL. Vice Pret,iiircii--1. M. iIIiIiSHALL. Hem,. J J. 1Ut.1.6912. • J.. A. re we, 4'"2 wn w ".E.N Jr. IV .15 . ;It • . I, - 11. 11. ,enrf I?' Kerr 4* * SAVINGS BANE, ALLEN Il INN "V, c.d. 1. 11E1413. 5 It;tidOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LI ABLY.. andlit p.r cr Pt. 1111C , .i . •T n l'Articm:a •1-cullm 11,111•CT.M I .: . MOrf... D. s•tbl , ••... t • tr. RV. Nfl ed r. x. zit Hivoil a Hz paURs. • EM ASU 00A111AL PAINTIK.S. L o.c),lNEltzi AM) lit...AZ ER. , , Cd )4:x:to& A C Alt .nil,:. v 1 131.11proorolr stto•de.lto. REMO' AL. JOHN F.. °LIMEY, llaube and Sign Palpate'', be. 131 11N1131111141.1.1 tt., I . lttsburmn, Pa. mli:• Upposite IGe oi.imtaxmt. ANTIMIS. ~i cirt)lT SZ• VDELI, R0V51,..." 810 AND 0 L P_AII N - ER 4. A.} VP GYAIN OES ANICaL k AZiLIid. -No. 05, , tyrt h slilY of Vlamoygd. Attest:len?. yl • InY ma.ty tO order. • 0.." 'yip Fy.ctfulls yyllclted and promptly 'Qt y....y.l. M;iy, nlytYltit'uw d Nyy, Ant, P . W spltm.2 ; J . OLINGRAB,. • ... • aucss &SD IN Er. AND GLA'ZIER, No, b 4 Rand 2t., Pittabin-Erh. • eag. nt every ti:lern• .4, to .1,4 r. tin on Prot.,la, .1 tx . uLTER, AND slCti . F or, Rlu ,e,Nti 1. RANT ure., 111.1t1E,H. 13 B. BROWN, (6 et he e!na of unowx• liOlatOr.) AND NILIN PAINTERS, No , theaLt canter of Tali! at! Market sU:e.t.a. GT EAIIB t'§ Riv517!.14:4; . LIM A . ISN 1 . A . Y . .1) ' .. , 'L ATM/ 'Ail L.. • Tro. •,....•tstri.:onr of th.,. it,. I ''... 1111 . 2L71 5 '-1.1 . 41^..... for Kew 01 . 1.:11” its ' lsc) Woe% mitt it:Lynn...Thor. A.: 1.41.1. on...rnano.r.. WV L...b...5t.AY. L.L.. ton, for tv . iluvoLA, Command. on LIA.TILILDAT • ern., 111t0,11.1.1. FILLL..3 ILOMP. at ...lock • preclreq.. on Ulu tiny. no. nounr... Fur trulott orgun s taming I L Lueurpramm Aeoln. t!.., L.Y WAI . " A Y. 111111. t 1 l.ullnt Ifut thn.n of tp...tbn.• will to. ..ixott. I , rolltf for , mu: LW, oClec.• No CHe!i wilt of luting .lar,of mt. • • Int. nni • i.,rOI•IALII TO AND FllOll LIVED , EVERY SATIIDIJAY, EVERY. WIIINESEA, CAIUtYINO U. 5. MAILS. Titt,ets s tul from trelm.l No Wilt, Uernumy mnd Lo.ty ' • • - 1-11‘711,4. ni 0, IiINUIIA 54 " • i•po.nJrt. MXII! ,TALI'I; P10iN%11.,104 ALL.itzrr COUN•T 171 . 1 ‘ r , irt;prns , PZ ". l:N t r °l' st r t . :l l-'4 4 ' i • Onh: ; :l . • ' 4?..wiroi•7l . r r • tutor 01 or S.l r (utt har tho CII) Plli•burgh, • T 0P.e.1, I , h ol IA, nd e e I han odt. o l p on h n c lo 4 t o .c. . r on n 1 toot Poston 'Ong. nnr blot zoo, llaa n,r4 his .na .c , 0.!- at or ot gani t , t..te. at tt It" 100....1411 to 1110 Ohm.. II- 111 etnoned tram non dulyll.• •..11 •r. An to, talc hla• .1 .1 i,lle•tot fit. nt It n•tn.• dot of Anattti. onions Conte I.e Ahoyr.l to the contrary. • • . A. 1111,A211...(11,1t. Prrn , cncn • Jot. Inn% I 1.2 Nfil Of A cloAr Ittr•lton live Dy F. .o. I o 1 ta , teoLtnt , • art. nor. b, no, .5'. 4 .7:,,,Te; pave rea. t thr,....v, 4 MM= Wholesale Drugisti. 37 Wood (Oppoolle the Pt. Cbartei Hotel,) D.ator In PlittUS CH IMAM; PATENT ,• 11:41 t 4 1:1•: : 4,10 . 11.11L111.11:t 1 . PAIN T 13.011.3, OTE '1 ar. l'ltontletbr Or Dr. hAln,BaS .fl! , bratnel ViV= ac. W . S. HIIBELTON. M. D., (LAI , OT TO6 U. s. ARICr.) No. 67 Federal St, AllegbelY City. S. T. MIEDICh. M. D., =M!!1!=lEGI CIR. OF BONO AND FAYETTE STREETS, FIRS VC•rd , M I ZN T CL T I R. A. CAIIIIIII-ON, Attorney-at-LaW, No.lis Fifth Street. R. BIDDLE RORIERTS. Attorney-at-Law. Office, Yo. 73 GRANT NTREET Ifir3Pettal . attent , On glen to ease. In Heal C . IL CIL &gurney awl CO unsellor at Law AND EOLICTTON IN BANKRUPTCY. pose. at 93 DI AIIO3M BTHE KT. mr2l:evr:Tli H . L. 211cCULLO.VGI!, Attorney-at-Law, Nei. 104 rirTn STREET. Plitsburzb b.all EUNTACE 8. 1110RIROW, ALDERMAN. Ex .:Officio, Ju4t ice of file Peace, Artll ['LAMM AOI.TILATZ. Of So. p reonsoloaais tocioe. Oren, 1%.0n , 5. oframtea, Acknourinodes4„ •rouetton• and .1. L,..1 ilpstauge .ucuttd wlcta wartuntn.., and diauatet, m. 2.9 A. ,►h.noN, JUR II ME Or THE PEACE. Conveyancer, legal FAtate and tomprzeco Ageta. Ittnaloglme V.llration a( Ltor, Rolletto , d and nromptly st to ed wok,. WILLI,C , II U. BARKER, MET= Or THE PEACE, I=! tittlee, Cditut oTtIIF., T. yearly oopostle tba thtoway 1).00t. 'South l'ltt too, on trust4o to lot caret 'tromp:it' atttoded o,y ttal DANIEL INc.riEAL, D., PEJICTICING PHYSICLUif 0111 c. and ftnedcaM No. 150 Grant St., near nigh. (3EO. R. COCtiliA..St Attorney and Counsellor-at:Le4. Ulllec—fULTON'a LAW BUILDING. NA. GO GRAN' GIBBET. corner of FoaraL All legal boilers. entra.a aAD awe Gm fe.- calve proragt attention. anllszlb N. FEIIG USON, ' Attorney-at-Law, NO. A 9 Firm PrEREZT, 5200N011.0011. ►ROFT ROnit = 11 . H. 31cCOilitlICK, ILttc:ox-a:roop..ist.,X•eviav, =I rrompt &Moll= Ktrearto all kinds of law btuMem aplarile W . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 93 Diamond Street, rirrstsuismi. PA. JOllti V. UU)UELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEFICY: Fo. 135 FOILIBTEI STREET. Pl7l . sl3lTatild. Pk. H . C. lIACIIRELL. ATTORNEY & GOUN:ELLOR AT. LAW "No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. 41721.td5 PA'MASTER.OLZIRon &BUTTERFIELD, Attorneys tt Counselors-at-Law, AM) SOLICITORS IN BANKRUPTCY, I=l 0111/e., 91 GRANT PITHEET DR. J. A. HERRON . HAS REMOVED .1 Ms Mee and Residence to No, 14 sMITIIFWLD ST., Nevi. omen° the II Hems. on• In-eta 14 . F. IlittO*N, (Late Luca Cbaa AA.ent, 11. S. Can. CO.,)s c dice, No. 67 Fourth S i t.. second door, prrivisuntali, PA; 11081113, AIA ABRIABS Of Eli "•r tly Collected. Noah Aria made cartl a:Cm are settled. sad Sher eat am e.atelte. m•M!bla . BOUNTY". $lOO ADDITION AL BOUNTY. . LOST DISCHARGES. Voldlen crh• have Inn toeir ctlcehairreallt• dtos sad who arc. at n.rwae nett Oro co the wadi sloo boontY, an hate the!? hues ha tended to be nalltryt on or acldreccing J. & !TALL PATTEIttiON, ATTORTETTI AT LAW A MAIM AGENTEI, = JOHN A. STRAIN AILX:SZOMISPNCIS:AT. EN-Officio, Justice of the Peace - ti-`ID Whet, 112 Flltb St. oppodtte Cathedral, = ODa. t-on nd Mo l t tOrlswsyses Hu /v e w st eo excea l t wit, prom otneas and + teb 07194e1d. WILLIAM NOTART rUBL/C,_JCINTICP ' orTHIL PEACIN AND ILE.LL ANTATE AUENT, f othee,co r""a .lintho and , r‘vor %%not, I.23rAmbevlllo. .?TolYl= u l":Vgi°AlTrt`7llr.."Votl: !, o ra r m s ! .l4 a4. l 4.. ackto•tl.l r .nontol ill [Dula IME!EEM JMICZY, °tan t'llbugh JOHN C. HcC011711.9. - ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 87 Fifth Street. 8 . 4011410 Mid 1.11,14: Ofor4l HOTELS. W 'HITE 11011 FE, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEGHENY CO., PA. Newly •rvlitrd • 0 12 . 1 , 1:TV:adl, ~.dy to rp • . be antalartbar win nut teem. isiNlate hi. cam:Mull.. 1.04 *uppers will Ce Oen... at atif boa. la the aft. f 11634. Ilaff Ala/Matt. ...rws. ST. LAURENCE lluTEli. lON Tat XII PLAN, ; N. E. Cor. Penn do Canal Eta., prirsaceuri, JAMES JOHNSON, _Proprietor. TIIu Iran 17.7. '4%l7i:4T:or:VI 1:11 1 : to •nn rub le. ST. JAMES HOTEL,' • ON EUROPELE; YLA?i, Nosp 403 &4O Liberty St; Op t v.itl.ue Minn: I.lorubt.: ?fin Proprietor tread pub lo tbot tbn babuou una. OW I: on.. rn r . .4 open. 1 mi. op., blutennent. 101 l tut' ready sor une•ta In •tv • nooht. hal fa, nr .rltb op the %hurt.' no- . .l i t?rl; , a4 l - ' :r I:.`l,r4t:',:lll'o:,'lLT:.:3 h"N • AI.. S ::, a r r . IP PIM alb Itv:ln etc.:will be to4n.l%ll;i:Al ` g, +4 . '•!'w " • ey on . • 8!,0AD.A,1 inning. • i , andißilliot4 ROoVmsi . 1 , 409* 411 I.l*EUllr 9911 EXT. • • • : 0r1 0,04 crato!L Derr!. Meals at all bone. .1• ] WA 414 , 0. w d . "' dove Included. The et thar see.rleL eiffer Ir, will ahem,. be mee on the; oi.ien. b lialle twit. I:e!'"VlTt',lt 14"dialvt"4`,,L617;a:11 tiA!td.olll 0e (Dews the heel • • 1 .1. t 411% petif,•Prowl•n!" "I'''. • I 14. 1t . 3.11-{..idaig D (ANENT. vngiilt ' "1 I:x ii ~I.L TILT DION IL If I/a irrn, wan Ottles and aretwois/h 161 i nrriltrr/ 00P0aito AllOitoligSD/48 AMUSEMENTS arT u fA N C A IELESRALTED AND sKIFF.a GIALOItird MIAISTRELL AT THE [MERL HOUtE. vac W•Pk.commencla. IfUNDAY triNINH. w9lll. kirsad 4n•lcal P•torama SA.TCHO•If AT- Tr.“ wv.at3l. im c n arFillST (MAYO ANNUAL r~saivxo. 711 111491' to gor• P• 141.. et lILENW‘P.II OB Vt. WE°, s Y, Itur itat Iteen.ar tr-Ins leeve •;run I Vitt Inirek f •• mod. at 9 o'clock r•lnthr tr.l•• u'ufts m. 1 11 :411;r4: 11TV l• pl. 4.4 [O,l In ell be In atteuelallee. and gl bre ord' I atten.l. J 913 OP • kA WI "." Ti ?'.. ' A '.!l' l 2 CUMIN -A.LL H •11. TIMM giro ILIC OPERA. HOUSE, • TOR 0 , 16 WREN. ONLY, CiMMtlatill! In* tmut Sth , lig, LARUE'S ORIGINAL CAII‘IVAL MINSTRVLA, Toroth r odds inn ornntlorfol on illVeLlitoo7J • 1,04 KM 0F.4 , 21.0uP0 .04,4 1 ; 1;,. L' or ' re,V. C $ 1, TVIV! - . gn olno to Soo: t, Fronotla.. He im t Wagner, ssAOen Mai Tilt. NI *NM TeOrPl[ OT THE WITI CO O. • .ttik WoLL list no ma doo ott•rogoon at 2.4 daring lis t Se to n •taron be !mewed at sloe EW a t the WrlELEE'rfßmillitiPE 'UAW. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Pittsburgh Division, No. ft A lOFIO wig be given Wing env,* well eaowa atnaLtagen. on . R'EDYEBDAY, July *lett At Moiiitor Grove. • A. ?peel la tae will Jerre A Uerb•ot DOW MI A a. u... reterul op at 0 PLK4.Floatstel Trull, ever. th.ur. , . an be mot Pout any orteta`lor of T SIO L. ior of W. following ualomiLtao Of AA , 1.411‘ , " sits John I/. ?Imam% Geo. 11...!?rirtili. ese.le. ....Des It'. • • Etc..] s a•. I ase.bevy ratans. U . L. s H...saahlha r.Loug. r. filch,. • ot I . I h.IdA, .• 5t. " .1,1A, N I Y.. tit..!Poh f~i ismozzo .• Rid C. F 7 ftgArAZIII:: • T H..,(.Gerd/. •• IMo/du7 111.elow. •• • •im./ E nenuer. .71x11 OIL WOkKsa CO ISPANIES EUREKA OIL WORKS, Eureka Carbon. Oil, I, I)== Sperm Lubricating Oils, CHEMICAL I.I.NEMID OIL. =1 Crude; Reamed end Latnicattai Clibt Lard, emu, lituda sal p. C. NOBLE. 19 Irwin Street, aplamo Cii.3.061/ 02.11-it SOHO OIL WORKS. BUM' - KBEIEW & CO.. rACTIIIUM 07 TB* CELEBRATED /PERM LUBRICATOR. retraleum Lubricating Sperm, La rd laud Magas 014, IL4I.UW, molar Mt VIM OWL IiTLAIDARD WHITS BIIIIHIBQ No. 1 St. Clair street, PITTSBURGH. PA. SEIM rnil4 ontro AR. *awn TACK BROTHERS, ' COMMISSION BEENICOIIIII I AND REQ11386:1.111 Petroleum and Its Pindalts, rirna ow a OPTlOE—Lialseill 241101314 corner of Unquesua Way aad Bola Dl: 071016-1.111 adfdaaant WAKING; & KING, - T CIMINO] MUM ID 111111111. Petroleum and Its Prodnets. • I !Mizell's Block. Paquebas Way, e- _L.- • rresittrwillOrA6 rIIII.IWALPHIA ADUILE1111: ' t ' WARINC. KING it CO.. _ - urt IN • IstatO PIM& BUY THE BENT.. PETROLIA BLUE EAO4i poi; ou. asniaiti lisusesetaroo oaly and tar rate !NI T. EL gp-Lir r co.„ PIONEER PAINT WORE% R. W.CorAld and. Market onU elriaßUltA*ll - VA. I wa. 4raziaos • EAGLE OIL WORKS,. Lawarrams.crersriller. WICHTMAN & 4NDEItIION. nonners and P ETR OLE arms morn swim oumsear. we). ANT, UTIOITCPWr WAY. BREWER,. BUNKO cmo. COMMISSION MEMCNINTBI /amens rot TSB Pacific, Glebe & Lllenf 011 'Works drool. atom" l'Or Crud* dad Retard oa, en. ...LI di/rapped made as ormaidatairato Clods or Mane. Patroteme. Yardo lbo Wets. ead 'atom Crude CM Or LarrolaOrrillo. VOloo ono Warehouse. iTERN irimutiumaz yv oryyrrontriterl. • omtw • os %tam Votaosito hi MO igiiT4 ollads of not; 41 Wulf" 1140. *Pomo bolltolloustatagoO tm:raft kooots Me mown& . aid trlie elelottelood by prostptuom to otallitain th• ftwame Imo s• dltalso Lim boot tootasSlOn woo dodo. lob. mare& - • .1 1 . "Vat?. 4Amir mos, 4 . 0 . w • kl.tilt DaTIAI*. r. ili