The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 30, 1867, Image 1

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144 !LSD 145 WAWT/i
,tentntil Fru if Begin Pentilura
end ORILRERCLAI. PAYER In the htnttb,
• • Enzats or ERZ 1 1 / 1 1LE1
Mite PVT ...... 3 cent,.
Deltrupl by Parrlert. prr tenet 15 e•
dubseribers. Der Y.. 09.110.
Atlldrenn; • • tiAZETTE,
f(fir Ilittsbur,glf-Ca;Ettt
'Mc. the cit 7 4inhor the eommer menthe
the; can have the balcrin 'mailed to their
andrea. hinnloring the ia.thent the onion,
ter fitteeneenti per week far:one week or
Thu New York Herald leports Gen.
Onewr as saying 'that if lie shall Le I
nominated for the Presidency it must be
'without ex Ming pledges from him. We
do not hol that journal to ?me the best
autivinty on-a matter 'of that sort. If,
however, .the General, has :taken that
podition, he has done no More than is
umpteilionabl3r his privilegt.i Any chi-
itenhas n'perfect right to gibe or with
holdnonsent to be a candidate for Mike;
or, consenting; to annex - wlMtever con
ditions he may see Primer. ;Any politi
cal-party has the corresponding right to
exset pledgis, or, what is - cohivalent, to
knOw precisely where an' individual
stands on:essential questiona before :tonal
. nitiiik Vim We doubt not the flopubli
can party will insist on being satisfied
as to the opinions and purposes of the
man it msy Maim its presidential candid.
ate before naming him. . ,
Tn Borrow Advertiper 'contains a
special from Washington .which goes to
confirm Mr. Jadd's statement regarding
the disposition of:the Lincoln tablet from
lime. • It 'states that after three d; ys
search the stone was found in a coal
hunker in the cellar. The gory given
out that the stone was placed in charge
of )3.'u. French, and by him placed un
der lock and key in one of the rooms of
the Ermutive Mansion, is utterly Un
true, use unimpeachable witnesses
who saw the stone in the cellar within
two .
weeks, 'will testify . If need be. The
mark of disrespect paid to the memory
Ist-the martyred Lincoln by Mr. Johnson -
In Mus disposing of the tablet calls forth
censure from all right minded persons.
„Unow the nomination of Mr. Stars.
woad the demoengie organs made ex
travikant bouts as to his popularity
ofestliiith repnbll'eais. If there ever
was a basis for thud pretensions - , Whirh
we certainly doubt, that period has gone
ley. yhe Pottsville Journal says:
"There is now great probability that
ho will be opposed by numerous demo
cratsfsho are not willing to trust him
wh h great power. If his decision against
the fltlidity of "greenbacks!' could be
carried Into practical efect, it would
compel every man who owes a debt of
any kind to pay it down-in gold, no mat
ter what the cost. It id no wonder,
therefore, that ,Judue.Sharswood is los
- mg strength every d ‘y. We cannot of
lord to plaecta man upon the Supreme
Bench who holds opinions so directly
ppposed to the public interest."
Tux watering places are but poorly ,
attended this summer. The 4ntaries of
fashion have either remained at home or
gone' to Etrope. A writer in an Eastern
journal thinks that the proprietors of
the more ; pope* places of summer re.
rat have dlseover.d d ntthey have killed
the goose which laid the golden eggs, by
overcharging their purons last season.
It is certainly more fashionable to cross
the than to rusticate at home, and
'wealthy folks have found it • to be more
economical -
Tun cause of temperance was never '
advienteil by mere friends in Ohio than
at the present time. There are no less
than. ten thousand Good Templars in the
Northern counties of the State. To-day
*grand convenuorwsf the order will ,be
held in - Clevelecid. Senator Wilson, of
3lttesae.husetto, will be in attendance.
THE National Base Ball Club of Wash
ingtcn, 'which has been travel ing in the
West, has met with triumphant success
es everywhe e. • In a match genie with
the Atiant s iat of ChiCago it -scored 13 to
17. The National has been challenged
by the Enterprise of this city, but anwc.
centance has not ;et been received.
• ix VIEW of the political excitement
existing in Tennessee, consequent on
the State election, which will be held
next Thursday, the President has prop
ordered the Federal troops station
ed in Kentucky into that Commonwealth,
for the preservation of order,
TELannarn announces that a
Board of Internal Revende Commi;sion
ent will be named - by . the PreSidont fur
Vittrburgh ; also, for each of the other
principal cities. Ti:ese Boards will have
the same - functions as that recently ap
pointed for New York.
TuW Paris Monitcur gives what see
to be an aids: denial of the war - rumors
whichbave been prevailing in Europe.
Te Easenth doubt the •sineerity of
the denial, believing that Fiance is not
so - peacefully inclined as she 'Could have
Tax exports of petroleum from the
*United States. so far this year have
reached 33,280,18.5 gallons against •29,-
150;711 gallons during the vitae lime
last year. This, shows - an increase dur
ing this year of 30213,071 gaVons, or
:8,161 barrels. •
IT to not icoprobable,tbat the Conetl
tutional Convention. of . 4)"ew York will
favonthly rep . = for the prevention
of truantn, and "making attendance at
the Public Schools ccatirulsory.. •
ta said that there if living rn Z11:105-.
villa. Ohio, an old lady of , isinty Live
yearsoeho still stars from a severe
beating ?calved. fifty years ago at the
hands of her mistress, •
A ill 6 mible DSsaa er —Over one flan.
.drea Men Buried Alive In a teat Slier. .
The Ottimiis of the European German
papers are filled with the particulars of fl
one of the greatest di ,, aters that ever I
desolated any mining district.
On the Ist of July last the wooden
fracaewook of a thousand lve linndred I
.-feet deep Pit of a coal mire in the neigh.
boyhood of Luella, in Saxony, gave way,
blocking up with an . itareuetrable mass
of timber and rock the pit nt the depth
of about three hundred ells from the top.
At the moment of the disaster one bon- 1
"died and two men, nearly all of them
• the supporters 'of.large families, were - I
working at the bottom of the mine.
Their provisions were only calculated
for one day. On the 3th. of July, the,'
tate of one , 'latest news by mail, the
pbeewhero the fallen
ses had stepped
the plt was of such a solid structure
that the water -was standing on
_Many feet high. Front all sides j.
the most ' available help was of. 1
feted, but ti e conviction that noth
ing could be done coon enough to save
the unfortunraireiners weakened, as it I
' ' seems,
to -an energetic efforts. They were
doomeddie ot starvation and want of
fresh air. On the 4th of July all au
tempts to reach the bottom of the mine
by any quick process were abandoned,
and a slew bat sure plan was devised,
by which at least the corpses of the per.
isbed could be extracted. Iron tubes of
About two feet in diameter - were to be
sunk through the obstruction down-to
• the bottom of the Pit. Among the dead
Are bonny-four married man, one of
whom.has wwife and nine living chit-:
dren. The scene at the entrance of the
„Pit are described as lamentable without
a parallel. One hundred and thirty
liven children filled the air with their'
woeful erica, while the Superintendent
of the mine, to whose negligence the
• ...lienster -was ascribed by toe People,
could only be saved from being mobbed
by his sudden imprisonment.
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A Celebra , cll Parts
A Paris correspondent gives an triter.
eating account of the late Dr. Trousseau,
the celebrated. Preach phyeician:
EIC talked, looked and_ acted wofully
like a quack. You could not at first
help thinking, "What a humbug he is!"
When you became litter acquainted with
him, you saw his manners and appear
ance were only the overflo* of a Well-
filled, well-trained, ever active mind
1)r. Trousseau was one of tlit - folv medi
cal men who thought„ There is no pro
fession in the world; where thinking is
mere frowned on than in - the memral
profession, which is one reason it makes
so little progress. Inquiries into the
nature of disease, its causer, the nature
of tirtigs,.the causes of their action,.at.
tempts to deduce the general' laws of
disease, arc heterodox in t hat profession.
Empiricism is the canlinal rule. .Dr;
Trousseau, like Dr..ltirord, thought for
himself, and, thinking fir himself, in
vented one of the most admirable surgi-
. .
cal operations of modern times; troche.
otimay, which remitted croup from the
fearful group of consumption,. cancer,
and otherineuroblediseasta. hp simply
as Columbus's erg. 'lt cciasiata in mak , .
ing an artificial aperture In the tiroat and
inserting s Elver tube; air Is .supplied
the. lung: below the (Ilse seal part, and
CM physician has time to apply speeitics
for its cure and Await their action.
Where Dr. 'Tresseau was moat admirable
was by the bedside of a patient. Hit
diagnosis of the invalid mind, heart and
body was miraculous, reached divination
and the remedies ha. preicribed were
fated for that peuAn and none other.
Doe of the most remarkable Oir.guosis
of Dr. Trousseau was eivan a gent teman
whim name lie old not know. The man
was singularly robust, looked the picture
of health—and yet. "Doctor lum not
well. It teams to me my
. atuength is
failing use. al strange is:i.tude takes
possession of me.. 1 leel—l scarmly
know-how need" De. Trilusseau kept
his brilliant eyes riveted on' the patient
while the latter spoke and when he end
ed the doctor asked: toll, sleep every
day immediately alter dinuer'," "Yes
I do, doctor." 'Axe unmarried; have
no family, are ignorant of domestic life?"
"True, doctor.,, What you want is—
not medicine, hut—affection; domestic
ties; sometime, somebody to live for—i
you do not form these tie; if you du not
rive ailment to your heart, you'll ba in
your crave lastote eighteen months."
_ .
The stranger smiled skeptically. t utu Si f
in gold on the doctor's table out retired.
Fifteen months afterward Lord Seymour
Cures lie) was buried. Armand Trout-
Fran wets not horn with a silver name in
his Mouth. There la someetourliv
nis'• earlier years. lie was born el
Tams - the. of October. -
His - sisters (if not his brctliuta) still live
ai Tours, endure highly respectable peo
pie in circumstances of easy fortune. lie
sent his only ion to live on an estate in
that cfry's neighborhood, 'which %norml
his prolestatimis of enrichment ro bit
native place were not lip affection mere.
ly. Re began Me, some Fay, as baster;
_others, as teacher of rhetoric in a school,
and - when be bail accumulated money
enough to enable him to grilify the turn
be hsd for mediasi studies, he went tothe
medial school.' lie graduated' In Idilt
Five :years afterward (I believe such
rapid sowers unprecedented since
Bichat'S days,) he secured, although
competitors were many and formidable,
the place of physician to the hospitals, in
a contours still remembered for its bril
l-army. Six and thirty years of his lee
lie gave to the Door: This charity is Jo
•diciOus setae:mess. - By the bedside of
the poor he daily saw those innumerable
cases which Bacon insisted were neces
sary to the establishment of any general
law. Lie studied diseased Mature in all
her forms. and leetned to observe the
effects of all UM specifics given. Last
year lashesell began to give way, and
Le resigned ' chair in the Medical
School. • Tr 6 Wit attached-with comer in
the stomach. Seeing, his end not dim
tent, he began wine:. his uffrirs in order.
fie bad a vine. Made, and visited it. is
week before he died, to rev everything
I was ready ford- him. ' . pa.
tent came to .ql6 him, Saying: "Doctor,
1 cmunwell; 1,10.13 something" which
will enable me to attcad to .my oust ,
nets." Dr. Trnessyssu prescribed, and
tern added: "Physic is efliciute, hat
Iwill is more efficient still. Look at me.
I shall b 3 dead and buried in six weeks
"from now, nut yet you see I Latent: to
my busincis." Five'days before he died
he Went to theUndertaks-r's, and made
every arrangement for his funeral; "be
ause one's family, in the first moment
I of grief, canna:44[l:lo . W these matters."
Be undo a diagnosis of himself: every
day, and it was as clear and ttrililant us
ILIA Was made of a stranger's disease.
Ilie would make LPs' pupils place their
t heeds on him, and he'd say, "You see
the tumor is daily ir.creasing in size; in
three weeks—in a lerinight—iu c, week
—to-morrow, there will he an end of
me." He suffered greatly during the
last hours of life, and abed a physociah
to give hies a sub eignueous injection of
morphine to alleviate Llajoiina, and lie
deriyered a-brilliant clinical lecture . on
this specific' lead on sub-cpsecous injec.l,
Lions. Seeing Isis last breath utiont
expire, be said, 4 9l3thember, above all—
no pomp and no eps2cbes at my fo•
emit" Then.lid Da. Trousseau
attained everything an ambitious man
Icould ask .Irom fortune, except the most
.valuable gift of all— happmess. Thin
was steeled him where 'awns most desire
bleat home.- fits- domestic life was
most wretched.
CO- 0 1;eration at kir.gincii in Konutc.
The Hart:bid ee!irraet gives Chia re
count of a co-operetve,lactory in North
hold, Ct.:
"some twenty years afro a number of
workmen in the knife factories through
out the State stanch for. higher wages,
feeling sore that theirceiployere received
the lion's share of the profits. The de-"
mond 'was not acceded to. Instead of
loafirtgarountljdle, and combining to pre
vent others form working, as it is taste-
tenable. now.s days to do, these men—
mostly Englieh and ficoteb—saremb:ed
and talked over the 'situation,' nue con
cluded to go in ITObllsi eTS for themselves.
One of their number' reconnoitered,
found an aid tintlfed DIM an a IlttlilJro.dc
in Northfield, sad made a bargete for le'
' —five dollars a month, and the farmer
who owned, it was to take his pay in
pocket knives. They counted up their
'capital, and found it to in an
even five dollars apiece Ilia Woo' of those
who had only two or threirdellars being
'pieced out byithose who . Fere-the forts-
note possessors of raven or eight. They
appointed one of their number President
of the company, invested this copilot in
the machinery required, bought their
stork on time and went earnestly, to I
- work. They were generally sober and
industrious—those who' wets otherwise
dropping out of thrh' own - weight, ,and
place to better men.
The business succeeded. The capital
was largely increased. Dividends were
deelared.l The profits, instead of being
absorbed by one, were shared by ail. 1
The old Atop was enlarged. The work.
met. capitalists gathered their families
about them, and each built himself a
snug white eottnge along the road lead
ing up the adjacent hillside. Some of
the past °racers have proved unworthy
or Inefficient, and the. company has met
its shares ot mishaps, but the general re
sult has been prosperity. The meek,
largely increased, cannot be had for any
thing like par. The workmen, drieen
to think for themselves, are mostly Ile
pnbilerms; awl they form as pleasant a
picture of thrill, skill, sobriety and com
.fort as one would encounter In a week's
travel. Several of the orig nal proprlig
tore are found at the polishing
wheel, and as each man hes a personal -
Interest in the excellence of 'Pre work,
there are in the market no better or
handsomer knives than those produced
.by the NorthCald Knife Company. Why
should not other workmen, of every
craft, profit by this experiment ?
When the Linde hote 1, sit St. Louis,
vas dt.itipvcol. by • re t Cul. •llontddson
wan stopping there, nod had in his MOM
sato 'containing money and valuable
papers, and a Mammal on rained at
01,000. On Saturday Mottling, July 20,
the workmen who have been pagaged in
clearing away the debris, came across
Cot. I).'s sale and it we dello ered to the
'corner. 'rho content, Were found to
uninjured. • •
• --SPenking or tho Nramity of the
bronetutie Air the clerlcel inoreeiion, the
Providence Journca aaye: ..11, rarely et
tacka a clergyman_win.t o aalary is lose
than e 2,0.10, orwhose congreintlon is net
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Earentlon of CirflOttlii Tldunry—Yltrat
untlann Cooper! arretted—Anurep.
et 2Seolnalo to lailperlal Subaltern,
der eel. to the ritt.htimt Gareth.. 3
linowsevitte, July 2S, Via New tiriewrol,
July iiii.—Adrlees from San Luis to the Mb
Instant glen the following listallizertem
General ?binary mu OM in. the City wf
Mexico. Ile dealred Jost before it exeme
don to here . en intAirvitier with General
itiuy, which moo then nehell
the:privilege of seeing Me ton; but Chit Mho
W 11.9 nittlecil;
• -
Eip ' , Schaffer, Counsellor of the Emperor
has been ImpmsonstL
Trke Liberal Generals arrested at (lucre
tar . who were not already aunt, will in,
rent to their respective stations Par trial.
Gt , neral Marquez was levying Pre..-alto.
In t it
n cap it a l
until an hoar beforo he le.
goTermocut. deMdfa ft l
ell ills imperial PrOteMS chin tr. rent PK°
exit for Mx hears, end their I,m:retain •
for years.
t; amen Escohado made the following ad
dn.:, to the hobaltero officer, et the 111.1 -
Gal alloy Leen° htolawalm Mew, .."rho:
goterment Might Anon,o of the
Grist of those %ha, fergattleg they wme
blenletnis, fonebt for a foreigner,
elobaem tOMover Or the lavutler;
I governmeot. alwoya I:lagoon lumua.
largrirch the-e who Until now have kern
...ea:lc a of t..oan try, olp:eLo
thslr gut evotl del .111 Corre4p..:l
Otrn,llCV I , ra . ar.l. 10 RI:
son, Mexico. Ynn arm al. I;berl.s:
and mar s%k y^nr p:.asport lee nay port
wtlere Stu M stoler: Ade
An letri,/11.1 ' , Didier,. taken .prnaner
Querelare, but. elnea :11.ratm% roc, !Mtn
MOtrilll. that 101 bad reCeiv.l aoo.t aeaL
aletti 1 0110 lb:L:1.111:e, of TI n (..err_l array.
A hirocle tent% lett .je a ,t.
a.:11:... 00 the at. Several tr,mch pmhoo
erh, latmy encased. aCcoin panted the train.
Cl:v T,O xr.s,O, to the I . t.ltsuorgt: tour.,
NOW Your. ittly
Prof. Giant.. Aptnon. Of Colombo% Col
lege, died to-day, agoil ::.pear..
A light occurred among an azcarAun par
ry wh!eh IrruE up tbulluilsum
tho atenuter rita• Tit:Luau - a and two barge,
000 loon wa4 potted nverltatr.l and
ilrotrnelown a:ll2ra tuaataul anti larqa
runairur Injtire I. Tbe Ilebt laotatl near,
ail the tan. tile pally was uharla. moot al
wboub inaludlna numb, of ban kila, ware
la:tact:l: al - we:a:ars Ed Silo brutal scene.
• • •
no l e n r r n l o c , a l S the e t he n t C h r o m f
th g c l
, , f
CUME.I.IIO, :lames Gordon 1,11-
550 r 1th,17. 7- Tao platntlff had!
askeo that the th•fen dan Os answer Cr male
loons dohoths Trio Casrt •I• Cu
lt° ottnnah., This wlli probably Co fatal to
the east.
The Government e9rtim ete Cr.i Coy - shoe%
utl Misin I u ere .s1:1 of auvtion To . the
(Oraler for All.thr. end the latter for
It is SlAteilthe et the Lined Ills
are net laes than a qusetcr of a tall.
lien. Willie amen estithate theta at over
million. It te lestrel the deposliers atll
not reciriva ten cr ou the iln:lar. Ile
celver 11100 W ~
itcniimturt has Loma 'moth,
tor. and Will arrive in a lea Os , r
tirriit ,MM. Nta.ut l natinla
tee 'R0111611,11 widow, beeline crawl 1.7 her
lost. Another attmapiski suicide.
Tabs }floral -g Mr, Etnfir Yiz, frlaa of an
o,fromnil craxen CommitG:.l anacioo Ly
flu°. tog Inninelflnto the Hudson. Ste hall
takan laudanum. and =as unnonbionly in
-I.7lllx,upaer mental aberrtuon. • .
Dexter 11. Van-Oltrarol, of the firs of
Dodge X. Van Oortol, was therm n from a
an smortloy nicht, tad fatally In•
Sara, al tJO beloro morning.
ATTEXI,ZO na<B 80.12.7.
An 71131,1Cer,Sf:11-Ikltelllpl nun at.le to :oh
the citizen,' !Sunk on linturdny nth?,
Vie arrivals Of lasitilarants today were
FROM ce.tarortNlA.
RUlppllnw Dottelthmarr—Downand On
tl.+—Yerns - tnn Intlepemdcace Celt
-O , T 1 cleywa, to Ills Elttsbrugh 11/v/Ite• I
ea. Err/Perketh July - tkl —The United
1 Staler. .punbeak 31ohftwo arrlved toctey
:I - e nsThe /hlp Rattler, (or 'Hong Hoeg,carries
eight horn:: ed end five thowlsaud dollars In,
ure and about setell thonsand barrels
of Pcnr. Tee Ellen houthera elvared for
Liverwet with twenty-elght thou/oril
1/ocks el whcat.
TIM demand Settee 10r the past week
were two II ondr,l end Ito re thousann dol.
how—vole° January . - lel, loan tollllou two
Lunde...l and arkty thou/end.
The fort yr.voxto Anurvers try of Pernylan
Indvp,rdenee c rorceleb/aterl In Litt 0110 0 0
It Olyplek of the Pug 01 the ite•pntille on the
1 prtnelpal por.:10 bullalttßn. A national /a.
late wet Prod trout the batteries.
The Alcatraz, 531T.11340, WV: JanIEST.OVr"
Wonted the Ptr.lllll colors. Thu Wage.da
Merl errata/re
- ----
r•SPrixta EAclCruar.t
1r1. 4 . Appretir Gard F.....ett.0 Klatt.
rt. c n I•l 4 oel . amilt ton.
IFy /VI rapt to tic ffittgeno it , ascmcl
/dements; J my n.-. 1 fecerfcM excitement
[Miami ode," too apnrcnenned elate at the
rmusing election, ham, boon very mush .4:
meotell by prOatlllo.lloll3 from different
antherlfics. On tintnrilac Sheriff Whiter,
neede recite. Of a tout era mitlenc, I,
p a call for fifteen henlined men to nem ,
the Memo on s trnt MI y. 'The inot - nlng Manor
L'lthlha M.,c ti proclamation ...king W in
e to revoke tide orehe., and mating - that he
lu or m tt , suruncea trout General - I'llo , n. that
he will in, here elth a regiment of regular,;
al, n that Honored Forrest tote agreed to tak..
the commend 01 too hundred 00100100 a to
oet. In concert with the Superintend...of
d'oltee 'Men went. Thn latter Mao Inane. I.
I precmnotoon lisle morning vrarnlng the
Mterlll analrmt calling not a pp., and
thf (honing him nulb the "boys in blue."
fey. clot Corresponds:les husband, tiesed..)
PITT!Mani/14July 19,126'7.
nearift•C NCI - Weer Oy Bernie Sneer.Bon.
• In a former letter I stated tho fact the'
the Union Pacific Railway Company. East
ers Division, bud tmolvoil to carry the
main line of their road to the Pacific, not
directly nerved ton 'lucky Mountains,
through titan and Nevada, nod over the
Alpine helghts of Ow tiers invade range.
hiti 'y a morn south weittererouto throuW
the !millimeter,' part of Colorado, rant Of
the Rock? Monnialon, thence through ,
Yaw Ilihtion flail Arts,aa to the soutto ,
vision - , hunter or California, and %berme
[ thrnegh the great valley Of Southern Cali
fornia to San Tronelsto. • • •
• Tile important choose of rotate will be,
I attended by many and gloat fulaftetage.;
1 the chief Sr o loch, - probably, Is, that the
I tremeintou• scow pride Of the :emu, et Irma
ty through the tribuntains will be avoided.
Another' le, that the' morn Southern tonic
le :oval torn pared with 'Ms nlbee. pa to'
linnet the central Pacille ihillroul, running
from finniatiletit o to Salt Lake. tbe Sierra
Ife,nala Memo, ran commit le keten thou
and feet Melee the level of the sea. obseh
Is one thousand feet greater eteratlon that
'.•all y other railroad summit In the world; I
I ,
I and 11 , 0 f ocky Mountains 'menet he sue
mounted ' 7 any pass between the Rio 1
Granite in ten heads of the hilssouri at
Innen If a y less ultimo. On ties other
band„ on tholine through Now Mosico.'Arl-
zone and Southern CalifOrnla. there aro no
intuslashis 'mountain barriers; and'
Inc elevation to constderable, as to tho pass
of the Mersa girl atimbres, ' , gat Of the Rio
Ovando, there In 110 snots. The Sierra lie-
sada on that:runt T h rou g ha down almmt
tole, pinto. an .
Up the magnificent
valley df Sontliern Californ ccbib.ated
for its estraurdieary prod ess, there
to no dilticulty, neither 'ls theca e any dila
citify between the Sierra del !Shunta mega
and the Colorado river, 'Often guano M
orocShe territ orco We suttee
of Ori bread
than. nt, west,
Th." country 'through which this mere
southern rent° nine In all .101.1[11ble—Very
much Is rich In' soil, and still more. especi
ally in Arizona. Is dahlia minonsisofalsumt
every kind. lc "Is as region of vast and
varied brodufalons, but one which never
ona be properly develOpel until a groat line
of railway shall connect it with the States
on and east of the Itisalsalrel and IVILL 1.110
oohedf the Paolfie amyl. 1411 wheelie MM.
and matte tautly and onickly Ames
tibia, will give an Impales to our national
prosperity errand anything known in one
pant. experience.
• f have nn inclination to depreciate the
bola enterprise of our California bre/tarn
In pualileg, ai nUlroad from BaCTlMento
aerVie the Werra NeVrida rouge into
rich Mining Slate of Nevada. Their energy
tlesnonvtruten that, although ill CllolCif Of
rooms th dr e a ry filla It lie... valley a
verse the end sornent/noof
the Humboldt to reach the region of ball
Lske, the pleat work will still go 00 . con .
fermis' Immeusetouterlal benetlts, and
; ,,,,,,ousty rewanileg them for their out,
lay.. Nor am I at all flielliffel to Underrate
hi, other great work ni rneltlng La road firm
Omaha, up the valley of the Platte, end
Door toe Kathy ifonnbue range. to the
great valley of the Utah; for this too Will 1,,
a road the amine ot *llll.ll It would be 0101.
colt to tetttalte: for Ot er It SOlllberll Da co-
Oh, Idsno,and Utah. at least, eau be tenth.
1111. /lilt ail° VIP ValUe of the country over
width even will mos Omni la no compari
FOP. Alexander li.kleele!", Eve . editor Of
the Chan,Oersherg Repelniery, who went up
il. Y. Itatimad of toe prim er;, who
chatacturlres the valley n
or th at
river , • ,
i•Thera arc tilt few canton; on tan lino of
the root; and after wo eater what la called
Wu Vette'
t0 n1 , 1105 about Fdrt Ilearney,
then/ elfeinii be lit-tie that candy. - Invite
i Ire husbandman. The valley or vast plain
1a lawn-ett ,On every vhie by vast bluffs,
I - unglue Vom • twenty to thirty mtlea apart,
un the Clods seem to be torrib/Y oltke
d repulsive. Toe Matto river rolls M last ,
lyalong kOutti 'of the nulroad, hugging the
omthern bluffs at farms, and again sulk,to,lf
oat sear -the, contra:oC the valley: bu t A
Uses the eye to look at It owl Its garrOtlltd-
i' ~
Ingo.. It Le a moiety, shallow, trout:ors',
stream, wild Shifting sand for hl. boo!, and
listed banks startang It most nt the weds.
1 have looted for 'tulles aloes . ds banks
Without Serbia CO ranch It ,erail, notoli
loss a tree;' but at times, whr ro it sears the
bluffs, It puts oat along ft. hanks a 4tentral,
LOlSeralgu growth of cottonwood. • • •
The valley is a a:damn:We waste, and 1 fear
ever taunt be. • •. • I have nut 1000.1
single stream In It but the Platte rover—the
whole plain thee far, north of tin river.
of furnishing a single trlnutcry.
• • •
There is not a Lea,O.COSOU On the reitte (Or
nearly t w o hundred mt es, bat Muth unro
neene ve ancv tOacdocumodate the rallme tool
An intelligent amities - or:1 Of close and se
rat,, bowers of observation, who, to 1111.
summer of *4O, travelled lel.twely
Roo contionnt to California, fro ittsleni tho
outline with no extended andmom: elt
grahitto description of thin comm.,/ °rot'
which ho travelled, to wit, tit° volley of thin
Platte, the toountolos North of Itsover, the
battnt of I:tail anvill of nal t bells, In - valley
of the Humboldt, nod thenett sl..rto
Nevado—veil nesrly rlu roub• or w• rtono
'biotic 'bolsi, of tho Platte owl that 01 the
l'ent. al Paeltio Railroad front harrainsowt
to Salt Lsko. roachlnft tic
base of the werta Nevada range, n 0,1.5.
head of stleueral Itetuarkti liptat the Itettlon
tots ellol,” be until:
. • .
the country paged over VP. Fort Larl•
I tutu to tills place IS germ tar
eager.. Weer Paley: and I Intl la
tall no be too cold for etc:Mount-al norm.
eas. Certainly ale good tor nnthnor else.
With the etcoption 01 that nhout Ceti! river
illy land la generally poor and roe. y. Tor
low bottoms On tea hew! of the lltt...bood
aro rich; but tlibre wo had fro b. foie
the rotildte of Angnst; and from that down
it Is too dry, oven If it wonld of herwise do,
Shen them la no Muller. ai little on
too matsot trio Ihmhy mountain,
till Ire come to rear Inver, and tom.. loon
that, emotml a row eerubuy
come to t h e Sierra lievo.lanitootted.s. Tar
initial,a live on It, but how 1.0000 nude,
And lion tone-tontha of this y1[01,1:0 re.
gum are tommtams. 1.10 not belfeer [liar
It Will snot ha poythinit hut nnt d nun Is "
It Is Itedillest that a rou.l tbrough soot. I
trefoil he Mainly dapalai•an Mann It
throng h natl.,. for I:. nananta. Yid 11...
oat:rums. t• gaml oant • for n'' no ,n her
could the Intick coutary, , ownern
notuh,sll.l great halt lake Valky, and Oa
' head Of lanais Illvor, Irldeb rims tbroohu
dm bent putt of Idaho, be Yy.subod.
whottaor It 5...15,11 nod ever to he a salt tool
reliable roam so California roman.. to to.
IKeen. Hon Ito manager. ere to enr... alt h
the tretuendoua dtihuultlra, tonna...oh 1.. ‘I
unit climatic. towards a. aoun ten': are an
ring wash to.pronedeuted .11mA, and with n
boldness *bleb. In tho eye. el ordinal)
men, borders on rockloseuras, la a questorn.
not yet sOlged.
slum, the manager. of inn Colon toner
Lai1...0 . 0f Kangas with a lorerast
ly whon had prudent. hase resolved to avel
stm etude. of Ulu roadie by a mare
tornialug I borr I o lemaa ,
any Maley Or Men pot MOO haut r n e. ti.a.a
too areal national mlterorires. Moth ol
derelmostlit, region through which it pa...
ea, be 111 tai era; onsua w toot It unsVi
troth may crack ten bow of Aan Francisco.
tne •nrrouentba It from Ivo hmrtben—
hronah Northern Conform, the talon
'lrmo the southeast: through ...Ober. C.O.
fornia. For one wilt milder Utah and !C
-roon ance...lble. an I probably to. the tt
ot roodua out the suctat almmlusaton.
latlng In the fat no, Cerrito:l the nth,
will bring 111,. hastinfUl plain , runt Vall•a,
and th e Innumerable mules of gold •
and sniper of lila mon t amnia nt ratan,
Stenna and within *any teach..;
55.0 great body of too American peopti ,
And whatever may o.• the tnnnaat aa
mnte of the throtlyo truth, Willa latter:
elees more or lest. its way bac ons. ea,-
not fail to rot enormous. Adoeu,b too ilt
tlo more than half wee thennith KO,
n aireadY Proll.a'ne. a
..lum shown, Mao tn ~mat, Went
rhe callpanv, mot I now intend In ....
I hat thn. tenni Sorry to e. mum
ancalred tones on the emir e rens.. nal all
trthute hatol.otto IC In .ml.l , hapa
ravantni wed eupport. I no. c ome is spear.
snore part:cola. ly of
L .
Po 4 Crook, too polut to k h oh a outrOkr ,
of I. o gent.rucn of our party oat.onteo
too, oagurtion. 14 two honored [noes ko
of r rt Hart:oz. an the 1011 et or toe awn:.
HUI. land four bundr.l and tut:011 - .0 to.
roll c•tt of Cho .111sonorl river at Kanto..
City ' t 1.000 handfed and eltrltty -.begun
warnsou... t of Don -cr. and lour h
O ut,
ro.' and two wiles northeket of Skov, I ,
It fa to [hti pottt 1110 110.1 korernment 0010 1
tOdy of bonds to Lk. road, zruotatt Ly art 1
of eIIBUTOrt, extends. , It Ix 0111110,0. e 11 1 I
dr tight toile. of thee...tern Otte of 1".0.0tk. :
o, and fit little mann . to the .601000. U.:. I
of Kansas than 1110 place or 1/c in
01 Ull3 country 111000U,ult.:: the row'
pat... In the Stkot 4,f Kkotak. I torte
already kyrokeu PO fully t 1.1 I otokt 1.01 04.
nor .1011
At rood
Crook :tot
or ektern Ilho Irk., 'M. line to e
tkr—now helm: ltwtot 11. laud whoh tt kg 1
, hc 01.+01 otautle,val,—.l,l ilst.., 4ri.t
tolling butLtlrkark. otoirlo "tab.. to
Port Lynn on the .tekanvts, a tg.krunco co
about platy Elva tulles. An ea irortre to..
1 .010( of 01.ry good kortkuUkr t' l'ind ti
c. rmund Eon Lena. Leaving fort Lyon, 110
Inc follntre the vol)-,' of - rut peory lure,
.n a sonth.we t direction , Over is toller--
still through a buffalo-err , . rrgo'n--on 5 n
enktern 0.0 of [no Untou 00000,10, k vs.,.
I In covored 01th 4 Wavy growth to salt...
I nua,r, tool o'tounttltur la ro. ol eugertot
auktlte, knot° of tie , erre , del.._ loon or yen
to [hint:kit tect In thOUne. • -got tkg [Le
....torn hate of 1010 tunuot.o.; for ogur on..
hatoore.l ninety—the tonnotr.... :eon, , ni the
net. and Out ekrt und[en :le ohten. n'
nortltv , ...rn Texan on Ole
Fort Colon, the great (I IrtrOnotr g ..,
for wove:torn-sft I.:nod:too 1.,.,.!1the t,flo,t-.
L. the hoe turn. tllor. T,.. t. Wt., .1,
reachoo Itto 1110 Li' ant. to tbo town .): .t,•
loniukr, tn., ileVtritY-1190 Wilt. sou:00o, 01
..ants Fn.
Ni - str Ito beat of Peraniery itiver tillllnr
ewers the torrltine. of New Mexico,
hut lug run ((twat two hundred tulle.isio.
natty nom. the 'Kunlun. tannic ,
de—the ree,t terttle p ruin of th, teat tie
77, 111 widen there are extenelve • ik:
Ana foredo, ot Flee t Our. fie%
llexien has an ars, of Anna,
eilletUpearly tweettlirde of a hien lie ea.,
of the 11to Urnori c, which iikeetv the let •
Merl , the entire tliktence from Ninth to
;Witte. The r orthweetxre pear ter of New
ilesico In ittcong the te., 104,1 , 44
tuneelatuou. reklona on ti r eonant, fle
rich I . mineral, The 4, e,vre per•
110 n I. nuepat'atlvely level, bane the tnew
kni t
portion of ar-tit (eft lie file
hi,h new tewarde the Al Isaias'', pi awl lie
and are .1 relent hy tee mere .101 Iser
orilettn lea of the Nrkei,. he lt , el
and 00no. of the larger intent. of iviimer.
Trio.. The eouttorrn half, from .11toefiner.
uncle the roe t herr. bound...y.le ciumitrY
diversified topect, tande ea .1 hills are
valley, The valley° ere: OTC'S ...tingly lee
the and peculiarly iitleeteil to tee culler ,
of the vine. Wm. Hal, le lit, valpeolt
work. "cnied In thett rent. Wet," r a e,a, he:
"Teo valleys and ellop, In the eeyfe,
neVIIOn conSlrt generally of verif
hit ter
hied, the eell In hi, part tutor
folaptetl to the culture et tamer." Ana.
ho ray, "cotton of good quail? to ytrevo
In the Souttoirn mat of the Territory inc
the wins of the rcalon, Irmo eneerito et
even In Aliniquerone. to the T..rea line Le
Franklin, or the lieilann flee no El Pose, t
.ilebratect for Its flue ipinlity. Pesch... ate
okeellent iteuniant lit 1.1.0 suitinerii
port in the Territory."
There Is proboblY no pOttlne of North
.beer ea en well eclarded U. the fraying 01
sheep Near Mexico. Alteeirly Inuit -
are fount there; and were there it ementio
en-Atkin by rail their numbers Wulff be In;
definitely lecreriand. While not hey
Fort Riley I caw tunny Nleitenn
pith !ergo tiodlte, leaded with wool, hot to
• make, but In bulk. The. wfutnob Were
unloaded Into woirehonaes at the tellroutl
stutiona. eat ta• hay 19 thrOwn tome info
nnrn stettrareprii Poise. I enitesintel sore
of lull *Ole nun 610011 It to Iwo of o,y Amid
gushy. AO It rrtperen nt Icrxt twe oriontli•
tor one of three rp.yen t r.ens—e,C.l, aevol.
tltawtl by four yoke of oxen mel
00 two men—to make t trip ti ten bent.
Po to Junction C .thepause of entry fr.,
tine *eel eo - nuot be les, Oen
and (My 4101 Int, per tOe. Wltti bottler re
turn load', and more a.keteeting v.ra.le..
. • .
14k., three mho Wm for thew.. dilatant toilet
to make the return slips.
Bat, atter all, the kreat value of Ne
51.1t00 la In Ito oonetal tr..:tulin,, go . ld.
ltntl eOppor. evw.4 .h
miner of gwal have reN,lly he en :et - loth - 4
warrant m o re -M har th s gene ra l ment lo r o w Gefse te,
fw.t. Bittllnitintlll Coal e•Mstx
eLt , unilecnee• on the ..1,11 fl , eim.; .1 new
the Old Placer ;odd mho . , t wen
tulles woo' loom of Santa F.., nol hint a lev .
mole.. Irian Ow VW...plated route of
r 'ad. ANTarteerrit Cost. has been 1011rlit. tut
• . • .
th la Sir. 11,11 oars(
...Thu oonl bed at the Placer Diggings b
very accessible and easily worked. Diets
uring from four feet right inches to I , eir
.feet tan Inches In thiekriess, and in grin"
ally very free from earthy De et her import.
tiem It seems to he u true Anthracite, tot
semi-bituminons, hut us destitute of him.
met, as the Penttaylvanis v . ari,•ty."
Creasing the Ills mode at Ainuenerroe,
th• line or tile rossl pursues u western
.coarse over the Sierra Madre( (or, es riotne
maps have it, the Metrs de los Dt(rehrsvo
And enter. ot midway bete - ern
the peahens and s o nhern trout/dame+ ut
the Territory. Mae that Important Ter
rltory—cuntalnittg, orolqably, more min e arid
gold. silver and copper than any collie Par
tial] of our national domain of equal co
lon-1 prep°se to speak filmy Man Intlor.'
nee lay retniu*elne L rectlrc , lnicl trr horn
agenUctivka In 111.
h t ttatudt - toot Mr. t 41,•
denten. yloorletor tht Una. Yu
tn.:Wald ha a ill IMMO I,,er.lEdeno Ii e eell
b.turtiluode cent welch 1111 too. !sew tele. IP
Dom eu vet. to.lblete.o fort In letzkeege.
troy Ont Wile .10 of the Mat n inoopt•in, 70
napes munthwest. Pond Cocci, en the natural
route of the Linton 00111 the h.,
hgrair pottlter to ti.l . nme the e glue
Oren ell a eoltiollidMa tech a kctllty. -
Gov. risrpont di...salted by a Vomna
at las Licecolltro
(Dv Tahtarapo to the Pitteburch Waxen.]
Mumma o. July :t.—Goy..rout' l'lPrpont
was this morning acsatilted tbo Erica
tleo by biro. a bfl nun 111.
meenatoly after arrested by ills pollen. The
maroon. was owls becnoss the Govornor
pardoned a faun convicted of hiding her
son. The Governor Wail nOL Injured.
bacoadiary rare* ,nmd.
Couindisaliy a:cited. •
[By Telegfeph to the t'lttebnran ostetta.i
COnconn.July o.—Tho community herein
ouschon at.tho unimuni
Ineen •linry lbws; hell a dcwon havinalgonco
carted within Um pant fa* , ,I.V.,,leeirotb o f
tittwnrels of one million aolturs •orf
property. &want Cables nenrwburned this
morning. Thn Oberman anus° and St.
Pours scorch worn saved with great effort.
bone 801 l asWag°.
By Tr.lerrepb to tee rittsonrch Ge.etto
Comeen. July '47.—Tbe liana Bali 'match
tc7.9, between the Nationale, of Weeetee•
tOO. Ana ALI.LICI.6 of C6txgo, sae W" cr
toe former. boor% 73 to 17.
Err Taempb to the Pittobist,th Oa stle..)
J.eetavttia, July Vi.—River felltu2l with
three sad a hall toot In tlattenzat.
'11221711.. July 74—Flyer
HNU 01110 N,
Py the Pittabish listate
tes t ae.
true nnerma Irrellorr ;MONO/viten.
joly V.-1:6. • Intnintne or tale
tooroln.n . Orclnrei that the rumors of war
which now prevail On :4_ooll[l.lolli. On
ntitnnot rOnntlatlntl. It anyetlfrortuting re
lationoof Franca with nil Ilimonean powers
iwo eminently atenren ..
.001210.4 that the
formation - of new nitlitari camps to cow
tomplawid, unit litiitoti that. the rostryto of
arthlory nod cavalry itartet are to be 00111
to farmer+ In tlin ilepartuftror..
DINCEDITT or rut rliteNtrit DrEllll.ll Or
Loxnerr, July In —The 'cineerlty of the
reported denlnts Dot fortit In the Muolienr
of out reports 000 CC11,1114 ID Europe, 1,,
i,nulled nere. The Mute 'city article of
to-tiny in of the opinion Mitt the &Intim ere
-10.1 Or tr.e.e wer.ithe region will¢ ru the
effect to elleoU trade. • goileplilY...lnal Waco
isoicteetreelos ee eiterteeoetr
ichrt•, Jot; 7.l.—ti•leAlunk.a t h at Lila
It unearleu . thtional Genets axe to be re-es.
Thototh seceritiaeettnis of the
MaireCen of ts erre teteetly betel In
ii,coeury..Flth the ntrJrct,pf eVerltag If re
reynnthitton. :to action hie yet been taken
by either the .thetritto teit?4ungsethe Go,
are reenti to tont Cita.
Attitl 111 *DT.
rercs ICI —Thn • terafoia Clty
Ot I . .rt, Ern, Limit .5.1,vp,r; from N ow york,
Oxen. urriv.l.
fiCALOOM, lats. CG.—Tho 'fawner ltrittirtniii
Irvin Novv.lorl: bits birtvittl.
Lopti.+N..ll2, Rte.-
.Iv, b1.9t . .6.114. 72 7-11 e nerve, Central, .e l ;;
Erie, tt. , , A. a to W. cormollo.tetl,
[Av./I/rut... July -/;oitee
eloreel fullev,fC qteStAtiere Mel
.thee n 1114,14. oreegrept, of
•,.,14v 11 WO cue., quiet.
eere I . 11. Peer
lt heat 11. Iln. ProrlitnnA-Perk
:1, ...ea beef 1/• per btu. .12lionn Orin: P.
~ .r 51131,..r111.1 It. If Id QD Ifilfled. 1.,11
19. 9 Pre.leee-I,Lrolererliq ler semi,:
t. lir for ere eed Tal in.. al
... . .
1,,,,k1.131. Jiliv t 9.— C:
—Sualr And
rO.l i , ,,,i1v. , I.itis.o.-d.c..hts tirtm; 9 poocl4
15N: ettn,,rl.l,l”• unc!.cg.4.
107 Titc7.rach - to Port Mi.:Atlanta tiaacttrt:
M'ata tN OM": nly
anv nue 1.7n0 nr - rannat - to TANNS,II:2I.
001,a1 Iv walla, prlvata acc.oan. from
Tennttatton reprcattnt tho nth:fats of an out,
nreak or
riots all over We Sta. nen
ut the rice:not The.t; nwarn
(neat Las tor a. it. dart pant. batch mattaring
!fledd We.) att way preathlato peace. Major
ra!Thatua• tclegracanat to the Preai•
teat to day that A‘i the ttcutrot In I:cntonlzy
aro nnuaittat In preattrattla ot , lor In that
,lata, hut. hellcat ho w:1100 rude with
her fn,e, at bt, c0tr..13.1, to pratant
t riolA at nletnnbia, NaabaLti, sail
tarot lowan. Ito wtll 00 to lotatnyttia to
leelax react cotatemottan.
,tealK,rn .11A. E. Ta pptnt. Corn.
under inionne nut of Cotot,ens
in tonne optic- witli :no lonian+. arrive, in
hl eit, Ann roporifni fo the COninti , inionnr
.if Inninn Aintirn. Thurn Rrntlmmnn Dili
leavn immrlfatriT for the lottLso coantil,
ULVtrict Attoroty curouvou occur...a
for tetirn .Inv In roach:piing hi" nrgn ,
e pranocution in tiro bUrraLt on.n.
I . tl,trafoler ISAAtical hny re.lnrnvil
Notn the North kt , nrmy CienvA: t`tA3-
~ .rry loft for Mi t e', • Virrtttlt, tO t W t.° .
..r." work, A.41.1,1-at 00.,,raey lionote3
thu .IU.. at IL-ri eftlA.
biTstlollt Divotortrlob abobo•
InfOrmatiOn harlot n•itentol the Freed
mob. ht Ibkrtottl Una extrnrby dta,titutye. to
sbob - mtObro and blUttive4t.ern Statesnt
4 , Bbl. it,e ;your; ot ntittolo , by rho :loot.,
lob:nit •-•.,1,1 nroter the tro•truc
lobo of the hobo: vul at than. bo.Phode d
^ 3 th. hOr hogt:Jt.. Tall doe.,,,,t.
or ',V.1... to the .Irk rectil.r
"rva,, , ..•t11V1.p1,1 , ITC o.oohon bAyltllnA the
rolti,;et.s bilk! t'yet.boartt.
rocolo, , i-no ratan - tat %oven'. to
TlinCotnwlttinner or Patent, trill kw..
ttwv •Ook entllow Augu.t nt :4 two boa.
tlreti and &rroutr-thrro patrol,
1.1 . Cw 1.11.1t0A
n! tho Int., for brut 10411,...
the l;el , .. trillnent C n
011itillvolonen to
'lngnt. e the neve tPeilon of
•mllce of the Vnion ettle ItAttmed
nue: enenuleted.,,h: from tire untidr.q: and
'en tunbundr...l Ana thlrty rolles whet
eera !rum tile C.At thu Kansa,
inicertained from xu nnilientleannrce
that tun ;le/glen 1.111 exit., with the Pr.*.
lent eoticrerne General Sheridan, Ne Vine
• Liv.e.l, however, for Abe
eon licence or Tavernen.
A private cti4nnich ,italrigh,N. C.,
h..envoi nnceni. b.. entered nafte
p,s , t,uf In the tee of Diniern ilicrt•r.
, hacciiii with Welting' murder of Beetle.
revel trille, lint VehrearY
Taller, Bower, .tt Wroktna were null on
iv lel.
7,1 . 0.4:111 !NW',"
A leiter freq. union. MAR Ml.llco.
that lha Nat,jon tribe. cf
nctf,oo, a•r• Oa The eTo Of 1..-
1.11111. agaln.t tho
Tr a M !rine. Car,. wca. P.
ward Th. mine. at the Mirlca Itarracks.
It we. rho Prat arnerirl Ingreetton and P.
rad° since rho war coaanthroal.
a. A. n. ♦nn Mexico.
. . .
A cottanottn of lot 1.t00.1, Groot! Amy
,ho tnntil on Senor Itomoro to
or..nont to tilrn sotto) enneratulatotT roscau
[LOU, relattow LO Atonic.,
Hint a$ Pin dim%
Another to ..... rem, ,
MONTItgAL, 21.—Tha seen Trunk.
Railroad employees, while habitue it Pic.itle,
at St. Hyacinth. on nittnrilar.'woro artackevi
pert, rir rowdies litira Grain:down
'The riot net Iva.volonterr.
not, and t hornnult. r tired upon. Soneral 0 ,
•nem were wriinilnil . .1 renitanehni
throintli the slininilere. and wing
in a hilt inaf
A lumber or nriveiir. wore ,
Zinn yrviterday morning iivnir dr0p...v.1
p...v.1 by 11,.
atennier AlOrtitan Si. boon
norolT Aid wort , I•land, and !s being towed .
nen. nv e.r aln
lve ARM n. -ta uly
umai J Wit reenk
.lenvire lironlon Am ck a rhiea oft Sandy
[eland onahn tinntrinr. we nt ° hint.,
enunit, lianoenl Om to bin .8.
.l,lneon Wu! I.ok nlr hot pro.lnet,ll. Toe
Alenolan hail linen int tint rank. two d
,it two dente hent. 1...1t1rn the'cotter arrived.
It 1,1 thought also will itcLietr without.
fr.t . rolf on of lair. tt—lltterttpl
vel Iturner-1 he P01it0...1 !Montano.
Sere:m/03, La,, July ev.—The first bolo of
now entlen ChM ittlittott Won inortvrall tO•day
from Florida, of a very Inferior sande.
A man nunonl Olmnr, tills mortung
totWittool to utursler fir. A. 4eoiy, to 011
eitteen. Nero. revolt, 11prime wounds In
the neck, nut it la thntortlL out of dangnr;
tllnuttio about - rent was Ito can. of 1.110
Al OEI e: A. July ?.—The political n 1 untlOn
lade lting eenaltleinlAn ultareet. TO, te
rcet leVent of Johnuon, hill anti Porn'
hoveattetken 4.110 (MTh mnny bore Who
INVr/t In furor of rvorglmltarlon 00400 the
rultuury 1011. Ilia sold nut-rOnVentlent In
Imuomlng ninre popular with 1.11 O• white
pooptu of Ulorgia.
French Fors'°cotton. at Mahn:nor/10
nemollolscd—ltenurn 01 Gov. Elan.
aer.--uholora nod Yellow
My Telegraph to thd PlttAlwab tlagetio.3
en . Climates. July 'CI.—.W view received
here state that Go oral nerrloaable is hav
ing the earthworks around Mats nieras
and the ditches tilled op. Fort Valle
pi. commanding the mid Min, !downs
ide, has already gone with flatly of her.
Theo* forte wtsto built by.the rftoCll nod
Gonon4l MOM. • ' ''
Gov Flanders returned law. evening.
Five Appalls Irmo yellow fever and seven.
-teen .frOut Cholera, oecurmi dosing last
NOWvntenill. al WWI. Grant...
tu t T,..e.,,antl 10 100 PittAburph 0100012
Pas LAOLLT n in. July...—thn:(irontaryty
ed by nuncial train from Long Eituton galloon
null prong...leo .llrent‘y to Ilarrinourg, fro
whICII Mt 01101 1 9. alit 0010 , Donbltag
Cumnnriund county. Pa, atoll 'Um Gunetni
•gill go to Woubingtoo.
u.anzontrau, July tE—General Grant ae.
ootnpauind Ids wife and her rather tallow
a, When be rot awned been a leave. to.
tuoh , for . . Weßhlnaton. ThOY nd
to DoublodaY Pep nPvlng, .
-Arrived from Europe.
in, vienrsph totha Plus.largh lisrt.he.l
llPt.prnS. B. 5...101g.29 —The eloomßliip
China, from Liverpool on thin 10t H , Ha
QIIPOXBIOIIO 00 the earliroil bore this
morn ing. Among , the palihongorli
Journallpi, who eomple
ind svoragoihround ttph world. The China
hallod et nooo for Bolton. • •
D AY of Execution mod.
;Be Tekettepb to the Pittner b arsrue.)
Benetrario. Jute 22:—Goverour • Geary
hat deedrested Augu,t 9r6, _tor 00 . ereell•
non of teletheater. , for the murder or Mn.
Megrims, of PkUadelplau • • , •
FOURTII PAGE,— Toe/oUret on,/ ',Jost relia
ble Money, Oil on , / Produce Markel /irporta
given by uny paper In thyclry, nuilf brfouna
• on •our Pumas Awe.
negalerileof Ing--n..pnrt or ho Street
11;nannintre On Eh« niintnolton Pnse
'nem—Report In ruin.
TOE - City Councils held a rognlnr monthly
unTcting on ...11oznitry evening, July 11 . ..:11.
Sitt.T.C•r'fOliNCl I.: •
Members present: Arinscrong, Brown,
Corttn, DieStson, Gt . :Slater, ?deCanby, Me.
Ewon. hie ninon, /Sorrow end Russo.
Thera being no quorum present. (one
member being neethid,) fieleet.Coutteil
jouine:l without transacting any !Justness..
.3.1,[011e1,111117.1]t: Rents. Itionllll.l, Heck,
r.Nme.Bru.h, Ford, lirmpt3lll,llo.r,
h , nnY.M. , QatoweLn.
SOntArc Mom, Tolley, Walin, and :+teei
• • ••
The MistLae. Or the Inat tricolor meeting
. were Teed awl approted.
ltr McGowan preaen edit - roost o Sinn nto
Ihuretug the Controller to tr.ol-lor It"
tom Apptoprtatlon No. la (Float...a) to s•e•
C( Staler). stead Mr., there and Isa.aea
Brurh pre•en n opt!, ton toots re.)-
dent; of tlosS1::11t ward, far too erector), or
puhllc select On italensl atreet. from
Wylln mires,: to Pennsylvania saes:one. It,
terrtal to Como - atone on acre...,
Mr. Ituntriuu pre.nted n putation ('Sr too
ectum u sower on Penn.yiv.tut Aes.
eau, teem Wc.ahlugtott Struvt. Lilo Lay
nue. Mother...l the Genttuitten rnr
81.Met.P.. -
Itsbutun WHO presented it petition
tenon ClC:SOLl.loiOrYthtstl tunnt4nn, to: Imo
extension or enter. Ono to t.L.Attit.strit..
Runt and rethenut .tu CO.Olittoo no
Mr. ro'rttprooonteit a petition rront °Al
it,. Or Ina Ninth ward. nruVinit for toe
otrodme and purled et Ans.:ll,2y lAresn.
feels Penn to Lie.erty entente. Mein:red to
ntdeet Counnatue.
. .
Mr. Font unso artimed nit nedinanneeitangs
Mv the title et iiernnitrig Wenslsom MClty
Engireer. Itesan three times and Cually
ar needFru:misted ocommuniontion from
the :Stanagers or the Mato Fair, isettreg
We pc . ..llene of ennitooting a actor pipe
With 1.11 M.. Wmturp Perm.ylvemin
11 unpile!. to la nail during Ilisstentmeaue%
or the (online:ling Fair. rho Collbeutatuv.a
-tion %nerved land relerrnl to We Commit
tee On Water. with power to act.
Cdr. Ford titers ‘ll.ll Online:see prorld log
ear ton paying and eroding or MulMsurl. nl
Ives in tire Nitwit w0rd..1.11:13 WS, read nod
tali over under We ruler.
.•• • . -
Fortl otT•soo - n an ortluttaneo deuturlng
Illtler otreet, treat lloent to Ct.rry 144,0
11.1 t open. /Lilo, au 01,k1.1 - 604:11VC.1 . 11”,
1,1.01 rtonnar•lly to Oulu
bort': lluo. The urtlnmntel were ter,' ult eo
Ltutes•nutl nearly parnett.
ale Fora Itlan real the I,lloaing report
,of ttiu ..Coutta.lttee on butteta to regard
To ilonbrubit, “”..1
I ,434134 of she (..'au
In patln.uen of rtrvolndon ol
on ton nal of tho cttrct
l;ount,ittno nwle , !nal under coonlo-nditioo
LW' ptiactlcablltly of uo l / 3 .1 the pon
city. lwd n.arn.caulty
mate trio foltou inn or:port
Thu riubl,:t of too J.llll 0e of paVentont
ortina :woof arena reingottun., rout tavola.
I•:g the totervelm of an the, oftlz,u, lour
Cc:Mantle. 41•Oloui1 it aneleabio :0 maim a
borough Invo:digationalul On,
;ono t
toundatton Int Ain 001000, or 0, ntip.r.e.o 2
roan:nag what sulk/It tYGOL.IIII3 . 00
pol:Uu gm:movement. " • • • I
vloor. they have prornoeled t
Itooit 0 1 I . ...11 Into,„ ur.rre I
Nicol Jun mac:tricot nap toot lor
orot 5" 04 :n nOlnal ionputnlon
onon.: rating n u donsbillty, 1110 col,. tot:
f at:al.:llea alvlitif Ito eon, a:lva:stain: , 0 0,1 •
dla o o rL a . ulnuts. and Ontoling Ko. tun a
thb 04,15 u
otilsonn Of Cll.ll arol
II ion dislnt.erealell pert-Ms gulf
non:100, wu ore t naolull to booratni Ob. re.
trOrt. wt:lOn may no deemed releablo. and
t hoe testaulo the tintlboneo Of that:nut:olio
to nuturullou as 00 the onvencotobey and
proorlear Of making thin etmnot.
Our arrival In lb° 0110 co I-111MR. no
cure It/101x rootleou by Mr. E. a. tbeette,
comet, coley Nagmeer onto! ]hard Ut
1114110V01.11.L5. Ana Me. 4. K.. Tnorno
eon. annereatendent, tend by therm
nrutltnion ovary faeillty - WOO ansnit
tl tea to prommuLet our Itteentiga”
The One: patmr.enc of MI. knor laid In
, 11.: bit): ehleago Wa4 In 1 , t•I: onto ..intst
and run ottocru- nut , . Lod on :01
,t root, and :to al-fled of It:: advantau:n
. • .
. .
nave the pi-upiu Xmciiii.a that. t um, twit oui w
I.tiLi u, to liiiiixi•Pur. luP , , tat , Luil4ru.l and-.
turty-tWw 0101 M h 3 .1.A., !
euxua Om :f :1 agnate yard!, or oilimit eight
awl a laud tulles Cl 010111 I el *trams.
V 6.11.11,
Thl• portluzi of W ell• ot eel liXtibleet to
very !teary arid COMInUO. I ravel, tochl I; to
:Imo: proximity to hoe uf&U. - brumeweros
torig tile tlifOr awl lealltig 10 tl,GaiUtta
Itwi,rtitui:. -- Au exam I ilatiOts , Oat, pavutiumt
Cast lustily la lilt, altar three years meat. Uy
cult :114 oh a gaittiou i - vettli a Irma /0 it. Lei
w um itto tho eiptxximuy of lay lug mum.
of It. ..itYeulliaL,l illavalited i Lit i of • ISO
Ituaril of Paulin Woran, la lit, It tscony hul
fore 112.5 Cialle.l Otha, 4.3000.11, ~ .:0 I i 1..• 017
that tliii Ultnica, liiul beeh a urn wit wily
three.•lxteunitte ul oin'lnelf •
par yr r. Tble
*truth wan moult exatuirmil th 'bull im i rota
boot 111111.1 cam of lta Lirst mouatrautiou) ittiol
ult.:x.lo.mi tiler.: i MM. alill MI. K.‘i0 , i......
4 ,
tmtilleil Walt ituy It.ut "WY lulu. • roWliwo
freand • halt 1.1011, alid were yeti ily tic°
e rill amiel suuttil an all mapar, . It wowe
a bigiy taken op In thl• sYar, t u Atroa,
Urin e 11414..111 to a al illUteut until, unit In the
°pillion of 111, Chicago ..a..A.,,,,, It ~ • 01, 1 , II
4.111.Wm.1 to retowiti i /tutu Wee suiviimaule
for two of tin,. yasiti• more. i
1 our Committee were tleatroua of obtain.
leg lotertnatlon as to lin derided de .wlesti!
esuipared wile R stone' paventeut,lPeou•
.11 011, being about squat. An .d.reelleut I
i ,
opportunity was °Clued on Wa blugnot
sti vet, Chicago, where °unblock. la all WILD
iiloolooo and the adjoining one a a eines I
stone. flute were laid together hi 11Y.7. i
They are now warn out, the Mutt harm%
oven trtgueotly repast...l la 10 I nub 1 110
worse voirdtt loss. whilst ....the a eotret , rave
tutu, lilt 10.1 on barn twee nenteittios u any
laferteont .1.4$ It has tree.. •uldeeted 00 a.
‘r. ater amount of wear.
Toe filcoltwni pavement laid le this tame
sres oune or way of exeunt...tint' tif l•eat the
comparative dursbillty 01 Ono, iereut
weeds. The block. were of oak; whiru here
rhea loon lamed to he mace inhaler to pew.
lu illy city of :faint lends, asunder
rattan .o. 1.110, btu 0 0 /107 0 equate hong
Sic: 4101 i end Lou °O'er half, runolue side
to, Odd; eteAtlecel :LP, and both 1,a1.1 to.
' •t.tittier. Wltsuit tun %oaten beret:urn; It
statute and la eSeellent contlittou, store- I
putra haring been made, the Modelled:axed
oas wen teptiri It neatmine is 100011.1. and
it is et present 0111101 t 111d11. 10 traiet. Till
&laveineut 11. been down one I ear, end the
Mcadanilaell. portion Is to lot at two. taken
up idol mid it lilt Nlcelsont pavement,
A 01111 further and probeuly better 'oppor•
tunny witypreeeeten In South Water turret
and Uentrat Avenue. Neuth Water t.ttllS et
the zsurth Slue and Ceral Avenue ti tuo
%teat 01110 Of 11111 'input nt
oreinnill ed Um t all.
°big. Central tl3lll 1111t1111, CCLILIta 11011 -
Amy, nod beetles all the fiCAV, 11,1311110 01
Win roads. Thry aet o .both paved- the
iodise gement, lee% South %Vett, 0110 block
Oaten mud Central thence with itlienisou
pasentebt, and are boll:F.1n tout Millii.llun.
rho 010011 stn.. .Parentent hen been Ire
quently repairs it, witlie the .eilet.leolt one
not tort this ally Kull tiing,attu would roil
1.0 1.0 11114. It In Reveal condition than 100111.1
no required to repair the Meer otono par
(0601. Another feature in these tWo
•treete, the block atone One It width ef Silty
ioct, While the tome 0000 , 4 Or true. , In
o.olllltied 10 a iirbilit of thlrly•two Icel. ou
the Strobe. avetuent. •
These poppet owes have been made from
aettnd °neer ittlons.• Wa would intsent
ou tact atd saheb from Mu reeutd.' 1 . larri
Cast I.ako St.. I:11Mo,, .40 nod 011 11 4 000.
0,0 01000 paveinuot, 11011101 In 1 bat now 11l
use le uUr owe eity. IL was eutltely relent
lii 1001, mud in 1001 wee. detested In be it 110 1-
settee, bad IV. Mull repl.stl by the Igloo..
100,40.1 after ini yenta .0. It in now le
. good coeditiott,dUrits; whleti period It hen
never bore repaired. - •
!quiet tiniest cietiparleene ft will be observed
tent the Meelren 11,00111001. In Inu covetl
durable._ A sni.jeet ter eons literati. le the
Investigatlen bills •
Doubtleva the first cost of the Nicolaco
pavement will he greater titan that 01 the
cousin: stone, but It becomes no thou ever lo
matede.r urn tbese. advantages to repay •
this testioy,
?rem the testimony of our Own Street
Commissioners, it would tippet time the
~.,,„t or ',paining our streets b •bOut equiv.
alum to toeiri beteg retold unee in three, ur
to say g
lons:at ca four tears. thereb
doublieg the original
cost, ln that lime—'Jay
sides the auttoyances.of the nnevuntstans and
trouble of. constant repair. •
Anotheritem•to be contddered in thin con
nection is the cost of eleautog. I n this city
storing the past rear the sum of eitr,oo) h.d
been taps:Weil lee this Mope., our strsola
at the Santa time being freeetiutlY in Very
had condition, and eesrily' so. It is tis-
Mottled that the cost of c .t itudden wroth& nut
be more thane:to-half, or 110,01M,the If flVillg
thus effect. would be the tilteteet at sit I
per cent, on tin original investment. of over I
n t
In disetAting the question of economy, a
consideratiottof moment press:rib Melt to
out clUne. The great savieg ln the wear 1
anti to u rf hicks
suit prevention of in. I
Jury to freight The perfeatioa of it. cur
foes cOnfOrnis to the rut fection anti no.
torpor tharregon wheel. The iron of the
wheel, If perfect, is every Where eget 4113.
tont front. Its hub. oust rotileg over tots
pavement - Its rate in contest In a parallel
plane, while On e cobble
unr I,louir .0110
pavement they are th thru we nut of this plane
every four to they
inches, Wintering the I
wheel practically little better than ustzteen
sided polygon nu a gat toO Colon surface.
There can bun° doubt than therotign uss
eve:tees of our rtescnt style errs. .Ist
Increases the wsar and toot or ores sod
ten II OM of to et seventi-livo Per coots
Again, 110 to of ten Dave one merchants the
inortlfleation Of.•lllidtrig much of their
Irelialt dostrOltd uoU thereby great so
pone. entailed Open thOln by their drays
one, ether vehicles having to pass over we
rough uneven surface of oar rabble Mune
pareints. This would be eettrelremes
died hod we the smooth own Shrines Olsen
Nicola tn. With referee. to the peat sav
ing of our berate It would scent' mint...
ry lb ape tk. , • •
Every petioles knows the great strain
upon hotoes, caused by the prosent style of
pavement, used how otilaltly - they beeoo.
worn ottt and ess. We nat. out time
our spots to enter upon an argument of this
hneallOn," but will content Ourselves by
nettling from the Refentfile American. cow
'(Went antriority Upon this • and • ktroired
aubJecta.• It any., ' , Lest, the Nicolsoe pave
, meet would nave over Z 4 per osel. of the
soar and tear of stud veined., as
compared with tiles... p s ,u sra . ts t,o Th..°
I 11
N tires moat, of court,' be tea great extent
Coileelured, het teat there Usti let I:10110114C
AWLS. &Very lturdt anlOunt la saved to lee
eUrrena In tbrn peatlculinr a, and teat. tau ltain alone, aurtuit the ton yea. allowed an
the coedit= derittlOn Of this plivremout.
would endoubtenly Place a large sum to the
eneilt of thin over any stone pavement
ahleh line beenneed.
Another conlideratlen, and not to he
lightly retiree:ed, is the large Increase of
load which can ha • drawn ev the same
amount of power nn this pavement.
The 'mean. Surface or the cobble atone
pro'vent* great dilllcultles In the draught
when compared with the smooth and even
outface of the bleeks,combined with the
flrfn foot hold which Is here severed.
The came authority before quoted repro.
acute thin caving to lie rat least 50 percent.
ITn AnalTent' QOALITthiI.
Tho Sanitary coedit Inn oc our oll.les I.n
Wale well worthy Of consblerntion and one
abtch Is now nCeopying the minds, not only
11f the msdlenl men of Ibis country, but of
,0 whole cleuuwl tdnel.l. Wn can of
Marne, not being tln the sud, offer I
no Opinions of ear own that woald t w y orthY
of consuleratlon, but having to Our Investl
-01,1100 paid some iltnelthat to able matter,
wn rade the optnlon of some, medical men.
Tlin cobble nlono pavements allow see
free lialltentlen Of wnter and donamposed
vegetslobtrontter, which thus escaping ton
evaporatpre power of the can end air, still
tiseleran Other ettnneett and bootie to the
Rana to pouatinoua miasmatic. But by the
ennurnetton of the Nicolaon pneenetat
eel the coot pinto, coating of toil tar, It Is
ioi pert lean to Inolettleo - ned Ibis prevent.
infiltration and nlothatea iholc
ntleeah'slatlnna,a, and by the lain Of Ihe
Asphaltum and Con' Tar, toe 'cruets ore
wevelea teith bislang and valuable dls-
'Abb..% Jackson, if. D ASSayer to the
cenonon ealth of ilassachosetta, says hi
reference w In Oh.pavement t
-111,to orly noes nway alto ellardjf areete
and make“ a clean and cOmfortable roads
ey, hot It 01-0 reotrnets the ming of
teethe:at, etenentlan, from deentepnelelf
ve,nteele matter In fun poll, but plus Cheat- ,
in .
ay, II Coal Tar la ern -loved 1.1 the cub-
POUtlon, the perste ncol of coal tar tavola
Emu of the Lanaknown saolseettet. mettle,.
and atieeteen.slen any malaria Itl ,, may
00100 from below," AIl it Con
-rutting Chernlat and Soon A•sayer of Mas
sannusette. hears ampler testimony.
Pr. Bleamy, the eminent Professor of
Chemlitry In Rosh Medical College, and
Oven het opinion that the chsonleal Tins
toants 100011 la the tar are powerful Hula
feeble., and Vlrrentlecis of petrefactlve e
Weston,. This opinion was approved by
Ufa Bauch, Powell and Hay.Thle.Mgether
win Its Clem:111004e, should, we
somU efftst In recoutmendmc IL to your ap
ISLELLOiO V.LLE'C nv ruoverry
The great cost of the Nicol-on pavement
le um, than cnonterba lensed by the In
errowt lo Value of plOpOrty baleen which it
is !aid. In the city or (Atmore this fact is
clearly dernrinsteil Michigan comparing the
value of tots onsod Wabash are•
tines—the natural tett - notating to favor of
Illchigen arcane. it running for a long dis
tance parallel with find near to the lake
store, Withieth avenue being one abet far
ther weet. Lots on Wabash svehue of the
p ame depth and frontage as "there Marne-
Merely in the rear al them, but (routine ma
Michigan avenue. were . sold at public sun
tton at an art ranee et roper cent. near Shoes
on Michisum avenue. 1.-its :rooting on a
P. e, paved with toe wooden block. are
.+d Inc wii h a ready sal, both for priest..
reside:Mee and for boeineas elates, the
hiii.lficwa men greatly imtlerrint the quiet
errant to Olin 0.0 , 11,S din and confusion of
[tie noisy s:nnn pavement. -
Let sli r bwolneex anon, harlot to rent an
ictlice er store, embitter for a moment how
ii. 114.11 more rent he a Oslo pay for calif MU.:
/ nr
.tore proelaWl I h. owner would free Otto
front Mit train ranging-noise of MI. mettle
bion pavernente, and an apprOrimai Pin its
to whether tee extra' el pemie or patting
down t he tifcuison wound be a paytog tn.
T V.
'lwo J. ' W LL. Ituww.
• • •
Ta••••. et.•••n, O'Nn•
E WtfiTa, CJintrlttee.
Nfr, moved that trio report he pith.
11••••••• I I. the varlune cttypapers. Adopted
Tito Chatronet• real ncommunte ttion
rtnut It••••,re. It. M. note A C.0.,,f Um Etre.
arn, In truntni V. the e m••Illon nt the AI
lettheny aher( to the etclutt9 at their comb
I ittunent. Tue couttnuu Ication Was accept
imot ,frrr, 41 to ,gy,, •ti.,bonv uue
nog:theta Whar(Committeee, with Inetrhe
Itone to ulnae the Unt..l.llCo In cues It nal
Mr: Reed prearn tell a communication
troth the Rompd nr llealtli, itakin 4 for an ap
propriation 'of flrteen annitrod dollen to
aidin abating nuisances. Referred GO
idnerieri (Anatol:tee. peerer to act.
Mr. Reed'tilao priasent•ri a eoroto oaten.
lion Iron pitizend "of Second and EnthLti
wards. in recant to nith and dirt [wing de•
voiLt.l on Inuit Mreet tr.eferrtal to Coot.
nil, tee on Erects.
tie. F.nrit offered the folinwlng resolution,
which no , 'mart three ill., Mat Oually
Aterolient. That the Street Committee he
nurociriseli to treat. tonrollwnton to coy
Patenn ho may uentrie to lay tiosvo the
er1 ,,, n . p., , ,•nt, at their (in expense:
P bet iniloo, twO entalonOn.obtockni
ere lab; t etry shell beer the espouse of
inte the Intersection, An is now done lo
roe care en(' the inntiAlnel Pitting of rttnict ,
The Llialiroan 11,1.1 petition from
Sleety', Cummings, Cherry It Co. reliti.t
ing enertutistoti lo construct a ratlrOful
warp from rho Pittsburgh, CoteinlMS real
Cl,lllOlOl Call,. atl (row Ynuriti to Try
nerve... Iteterred to the Counoltitm on
at .
]tr. It•titrinn rffere.l Marlin! lon Inntriitt-
Ina the Controller to certify nil warrant on
tine . Tiesenriir lu favor et Edw.." Allen for
lu lull for constui, Leif sewer On
Mat set strent,ersil Cam. ContingrOt Fowl
Committee with lull ,
or tin , act:
on motion ailjearned,
The controvervy gulag on - In on; papers
eancorning the l'inno question, which .111
...11,2140 wl;t1 eager Interest by oar own
el:front, It alto sttractlog attention In thy
nactropollt of our cOuntry, as may be then
by the tallo.D.g urticie.• which wo cop)
frornttho New Yarn . Art Journal, of, Satur
day 1i t. I: It well worth perusal:
mot nano w•c lacee•smo.
The metrll et the Farber Of line Seems to
hav entered the bodies of Piano ageuta
thro e
ughout the reentry, for they opener to
have /rot all devency In coottovemy. sod
to hare utterly abandoned ti nth in their
Weds etatetuents. Th• re
except tolls to this charge, but they era few
aid for between. Toe eaten:Less of the WI,
wrrled en between the agents of rival
piano-tette tneneforluthss. "le the large
outsite eitien could nartliy he believed in
New York. Tile matter is taken up Delatee
ally, the lie direct pusses - beaks..e and
roes:eras without beettenev, and the works
of the various tankers are abused with a
freedom and a vehemence witich.lead ue to
believe that the haw of slnel has become a
ad letter, when much disgraceful fluor
rels vantlletud to the public's disgust.
Tee latest exemple-of such Pr...1M0
we find In the furious worfath now waging
lu Pittsbargh, Pa., between the former 000
emetic p i nto of Decker Brothers, the anal
meat. utonotaptneure of Ntnor York.
Am faros we can learn by tbe ordilletted doe,
umentm, blesses. Mittman. floe. & Co., Of
Pit...burgh, were ticpriVed of the evenov of
the Decker pianos, for the reason that they
old ant fuldli their comma...promptly,
welch In Itt solliment niasiin In these cu.,
tale umem. tip to Dint perloth Wears. li,
& Co, proctslnted 1,, the public at large
that the cis silted world p1ee4014,441 Oath'.
ro funtletaly augslio no the Decker pllOOO,
nett _D. all other manutart neer. ntrn COri
thpiptligo beside Ahern. but 00
poets, were they climb.ed thorn their poin
t,. . than, peranul they tomotivco4l that
the proms hell faller et/ greatly.
1 but the y
4 sem. inferior...l that us Wa
rn., Ll,lO S Ca had not been Dore wi t h
ellivrthlooll4i iti ihelh mouths, and wished
to act honorably, they bad ed.. ant the pia.
non of: . diarochall & billtoner, Of .Naw York,
heal gm. their 144nnell she oleos of
hornet Alt! Sloss.. Hoffman, Hoene &Co.,
you tenet have 6 a.. emu. you tow. at
atm rate, If you euppvies the Pohlic •ill do
unything bet laugh at your emit impends
yore and your Wei. impudence.
Till. rod 14.44,11a1tith of opinion merest.
any puma but an tieMoratilo purpose. Either
tey gm, k very (4,4 , 1 y, non that they eats
ge h t on Mere of the Di4cher hei 4 4o3, of.they
,44441:4,4 very 1,4.1-40 y hen they niti th,m,fte
uments. Ella r a ay, limit-present Wave of
...t le perf. et ty itelefettmode
-moots partner sm.., him from New York
!' Watt., Simi the toteneutary
nientro of a chwg hame l" A motet:wary
Inerts4VtlituncP, that ebonite of tiara
Involves the dieltimor of ratted your nee
m ord., the base firrainnthni of the mel
Of It tl, w of intlmpeticholde lutegrity, end
the talthiltion of }ourselves ea Interemied
tut - boost 8,0t...f1y °ewer, hy. of hmilef. Tam
ought to -prove more thau a imMiettntarY
ineonmenlitomt" if-Justice is (tarty met.
nut Ity he public.
This PM. .1 , 11 the' accommodating con,
ammm.., coy they pimposeti tr the
' Decker platio era cheap lustrument, know..
ing et the 111100 thou that the wholesale
.once list orevery clams .of the Decker pl.,
ono Is from one h.q. to one hundred
and fifty dollars higher Dinh the SneleCietelt
of ill' Drente from' blersehall & Sllttener,
wbousuk cheoper,Mis at the mama time, I
tt most 0 eellent InStrunient—one worthy ,
of confidence, and a t bargain if purchased
ut the makers' tied not at the agents'
paths. Ithowleg tbc. facts, theypublish
that It was their Intent'. to have sold the
Decker plane (which th ey could get ch.p,)
end to "run" the others as high priced 'in
strumentg, Intend nig thereby, to tom
hoe to top hundred I Per relit , more than
their legitimate prolit, cat of We pockets of
thethctudomore.TriP , Ogentictiter. may have
bb intentions, but these ere
not made clear y their present mode of
• edecrUmmegt row could riot-vet-
.attfidt . m....ouerrt row ...too_
Frill RO OR Key port of the country unless
t o o 5,,,,0wny inter°. was duly represent.
Cousequently their agent le
rattler POWS with the cause 'of Herrn:ton,
w o e,. ,t , tor the d . roson that wherever
the DOoker 1111/1100 010 known, thalr4teLsnd
but a poor cline...of - lute.
With regard to the barefaced assertion of D., that the r t e uf the
Decker Brothers hove deteriorated In Qual
ity, we do from poremod Obst.rvutton pro;
taolluee s erve n unqualified faillehood.truMliec
up to s tinestionahle business end.
we have extant.. and thorough's . test.;
the. the patty
a lw a ys
10 the present. daft,. Mei nail withOot
hutitatiOn. that theDeck-rnrotherept anuo.
always beautiful, always I.lthfullY and
sPlendidly Made. Ore 00 day equal in all.
lotti cuperior malt' - Tu.n.
have ',afore produced. Ono 5r.... -
excationeei'rletitted be all the hrct
POI, Of New beta. in tile odettraide
ohoe atid stet
ter. goodly of all their Instr....,
int front tile {betel:Ole
wurktuansh to in const r r .s eut i r
tut'd"4:clnb'grVu'ri."lir.Pra eller 'Wr i t:V..4
moored ...gen. of
for nosing cheered I herr
" " Deffroan,
with regard TO Al
"." nave "YirV;l7lll=l.;
ell leer lance
it, in their wwriting,. g , ts.
to do yew , t h to wme
which they
übout those unser sp
I allude tepee et their cotemunlcatl.o.3.
A beautiful cos of the docOratien Var
mint to ibe Legion of Honor of France
I,2lAwni%ilgeoT;i:r.oprou Cblokering
Win he found in annitoli r eiliJi r it %et Fr an h
igt, cut of LIM bee') gold model sNikrqteul
tbn issulo 10121.10.94.4
w r, Ve,t Plorts
I pollee Items.
Extestors sessM.T.
Ellen Ditdre vesterdaY made Information
before Alderman Strain, against. Sobers
Bieck, charging 'him with felonious sussed.
Slue alleges that on Saturday evening the
defendant., who resides vest door to heron
Prospect Street, In the Seventh ward, shot
at her twice will" a revolver with the intent
to take hoe life: that one of Mebane from
the pittol entered tho mantle piece in bar
boors and the other lodged in the door
cheese It appears from the statement Of
toe proseoutrit that a illgicelty has eitsted
between the Plvers and Black 'amides far a
year or two), and that this young man,
Black, heti taken the matter in his own
hands and Intended to put One of the Dirers
out of the way regertilese of law. But this
like ad Other stories het two versions,
and we were fortunate enough to get It
statementfrom 'a friend of the Remised,
which we give as ethe other side." It ap
pear. from this able of the case" that there
haabeen difbealty in the famitlea, bnt the.;
defendant gotten haying any Intention to
Wince any of the Diners raMdr. /1.3
that, he sant the pistol, bet that instead Of
snocaing It et any one, rd at a target
and tee hail, if it entered to e e mantle Mem
etaterl, must have passed through an
inch pine hoard, used for a target, and then
through a hoard-fel:We. A. warrant wwa 14-
*clod for his arrest, and wane he hate hear
ing we suppote the taste lit the Cam will be
brought out. •
Jimmy Thompson beellei a tavern near
Cork , / flan. Had Jimmy' to
not the man to
let a friend depart from his pr
euoses with.
out a ".rulle Of the crlither,o If Ids friend
Sac a dime In bin pocket and Is willing to
etchangett with Jimmy for a Irina. On
tan thirteenth instant party of Jimmy'.
trieude had collected. when George Hemet.
•enuire hi, xplereerancte, and got into it d ll 2
enite. came nerrere, Ahmrnaan DottedO•
ene utel made Information tor tor
rni, and asttres na ll n.l John. Catighaf.
Jo a hn Tnomptrem Daniel hartinabry, Jobe
Land, Margaret nentepeon, hiargareL Cur
ley and Charles al leigu«r. H.. .11 ea abet
Opine °tenter rue 11th hod- he and some
Intender went to the tavern hoot by Thom p.
eon anti • ailed for the drinks Tios. they
Mend the duns:thews &n ambled. home
dlfllcnity anew between thu prosecutor end
the preprint or, wnen the latter eiwillett
the former wash a handy billy and tee rent
of the defeadente.l ante= in the ettech.the
depnnent wog driven out and chased Sway.
all bin thirettere belug around with 0111 Ge.
as handle', Om.. he cutting and beating Liam
pretty badly. The were anent.
rd this therein , and betel fora boating at
two o'clock en Wellueadav afternoon.
Lar. Sweeten steered, of Franca, who h .0
an °filth on CrelPe alley, ettedlianforteetion
Yesterday nefore Aldermen Steele modem ,
Mrs. Ilielienne, Ito elleg. that Mrs. Ylec•
Firena. who ocerapies a part of i be booth In
which he hen hlr ..lathe. attacked Mien nu
Sunday, torn his ehart entirety or him.
and miser wise abused bins.`Another .f.trsepee
and Yee. Potlphar case. hat to thiaJoseph
nay the `tenth swear.° A. warrant was Weed
for thndefendent.
Eilze Nenbit yesterday lodged an Informs.
111,0 again. Cbrtetien story ; before Am e r.
man Se rain. She alleges e %net Christian
struck her a violent Notre on the rem, on
Sunday, and attempted ten ththw a naafi
moth. a reas neon her. A warrant we,
',Hued, upon which tee defendant wale sr
reeind and betel in teem. tenudred dollarefor
beartne. Tno_partice rraide on Ferry
,to..eL In Abet Vireo SON.•
Fred Munnepeeeree heroes Alderman
Duller yft•torday. nAtlmean information Inn blare Fanner. Thu partiesrwidoe
0. Pennyytvania Ayendr, and Frrel alleges
that Mao threw wester on has children. A
w 'errant wee laseed.l
Henry Faso etude leforthatints before Al.
dr reman h rein ye , leilav neaten Jeretelab
Wilder. Mt Dart! remade. In Atm Vint
ward, It anoteare .e a bake-oven Joint
ly. sod ore Saturday the wives of both oar.
ties weeded In use the oven at the 'eau.
time. A Meows+ arose between them,
bleb Me•Yetkrn up by therithub aids, aril
teneureit wee a fight, from which th is suit
nrlginetra A warrept loaned MN.
winch Winter was err aced and held to the
sum ot three handfed duller, 'for a hearing
Margaret Duffy made Information yester
day, before Alderman Rotifer against Peter
the allegro that Pater attacked bee
on the attest on Sundey, and. beat her Ina
ettameful manner; without the ,lightest
moth' or aroimentiots. A warneat wan
!Mete fort Peter.
' Henry Hall appeared before Alderman
Strain, Nester/le, end made information
. .
against William Craft. Tnn partlea net on.
carnets of Um Fame knave, In the Tenth
ward, and It appears they ant Maps quar
rel about the um of the ball or passage, on
Sunday, which rcaultvf la a llght,in watch
Craft name off eletorimot Ito was arrested
and held Men hoirtng to.morrow.
kisitttilm Dinner made charge baton
Aldarman boom yeatarday:agamet Mary
Manes, a daughter ot Fradrlct Kaaba. far
aabault sea liattetT. Danner alleges that
the .106:Indent pulled daegater.a
mar and
och e
wi sed
b r, also that
*undid it through the.e imam &gement •of.
her parents. She was held In t es handled
dollars for her aPPearanke at Qart• -
Matthias Danner mode Int nuatlon
tore Alderman Thomas ranerflay, against
Fredrick Manes for onmlnlng ale hundred
dollar. from tit under false 1.4 frauds..
lent representations. Tao arm-renter a 11...
ob. that, laat Fehrtntry his rented fiom
fendatir, a shoemaker shim'arre aster.).
at Nu 031 Penna. Avenne foe Mx . Unwired
dollar., Manna prong-legat ithu,Limie Of
the hareem that hewould have for the
eonntry and woulifeire Danner Us custom s
good wiU and everything elm pertaining
to the establishment. Ha further alleges
that Manna dlaTnt up a building an anoth
er pm of tho lot. and did stall, a shoema
king tautness la opposition tohlm contrary
to his bargain. Ho was held to flea hun
dred dollar,. tor' appearance - at Court.
In our Issue nf yesterday we not/red . /be
arrest of three men In th e store of Palmer,
nschnis & Co., oncharge or hireenr.
The case being a peculiar 'one we omitted
publishing the names of Ite nanies arrest
.l, which ern ea fillinws: L. Upton, Charles
Simons eel James Drown. Upton was em.
'Armed In the establishment, and, bad a boy
to the storeroom, anfilt wan through him
the others were admitted. Tho parties had
• bearlnt yesterday' , before Mayor ale Ca.
/by, and wine held to ball for their appear.
nue. at Court.
Lewrevedstlle trancil—Specla
A ericalsl meeting or Ltiarenceville Cone.
sll convened lett everong. Prement—llesere
Sterger,Hart. Sill, Anderson, Meaner, Weise
enberg..Marson And ThargegAßottont.
gev Bergen mated that the meeting Owl
been called (Or the pnrpoae ut nearing the
report of the Plan LAtandttee, and aim to
tate action on matters relating to the com
ma State gal,
On motion of Mr. Am:lemon, the report of
tie Pits Committee was oneepted. •
Mr Anderson moved that Memo,. 0111 and
Weisenberwer ha appointed a COMoulttee to
cell upon the Citizen. interested to the
opening of the pronoun! soot . Street., 10 al
aertato whether tney dettred One or , two
o pened.
Mr:Watson moved to amend by authoris
ing the Burgess to sonntut Wncemmlttee.
Carried. Committer: Messy.. Weiventterg.
or. limner and hint-On. . .
lir. 'Andersenoved that the Deeply,
along the lines of m St. Meryte avenue and
Centre street, be allowed to g
newer at their own nip nee. Laid on the
table •
Mr. flare, offered a resolounn Inalnticting
the Street Committee nod City Regulator
to loot into tho matter and repor. Si the
pert mehong. nosed.
Tn. lieripos presented et communication
from the efileers of the State Yatrouking
tne privilege of int leg water pipes trOtti,
the city line to the Fete amends.
reollm of Mr. Sill, the retatent was
grented conditionally tent the streets be
let, in the saute condition as they emu he
tore putting down the
A eoterolltee Collate/leg of Moran We t.
berger, Meaner and Burger was appoin
ed to ennier with ton.Tambent. Water
Cnout tee with regard to a supply Of Water
ter the ',renal],
The Sa mpan Ont of entrees of FaltTlew I
aCoy In ron to olnanant water inlols,
was referred to the Sinai Committee, stab
tuetructione to report tit next meeting.
An oldlmalce tons pas.mted by the Bor.
enen Regulator for the widening of Bur-.
nd, Sheet trete the Alleglieey Valley
, It.diroatt to the Allegheny river, and for
the grading end paying of the acme. Read
tame,end Auderaota Md.:Wing, Went
over under the rmes.
The Solicitor wan Instructed LO prepare
I an ordluaece tar tee enforcement of the
I pa
el ablewalka.
Mr. Anderson Moved that. the Buret COM•
wasioner be directed to give entice to all
eo Pettis not having their side walks WO.
! to ditto within thirty day*, or the acme
would be done by thuborungh nuthoriuss
I at tneir expenee.
The Street Committee ware instructed to
have the remaining Iron getter creasmCe
put down as sioonas possible.
The action of last meeting to elation to
Chestnut street wen reconsidered.
A Committee on Printing, coollstlng of
Messrs. Andersen and. was appointed.
Adjourned. '
II . Porno r
on Rat.
Deco of Fifth nut Llbboi
urdaY night, heard a robln the Diamond,
and on pp:tee:Omit to 0,4 plane sound a
crowd 0 1 tee:fly-Me er thirty men stand-
leg bear Dinbet , i biihritt taking and
very • diaorderry Manner.,
Jimmy Dean :Was she tinglemler, and was
.apilin n fora bald. Mahn °Meer approaulp
rc m
'.llo l :tilouneut
in ,t,T:rngd "n nis - euttingn. g ttp ' pr i a et
etapheise -manner titan before. Toe
endear:nen arrested httri,end lotted trim up
atter an resistaneo. estertley mornlng
dimanded a postponement ol
Übcarfug ntil lie COlll4l untattant .1114.001.
14,01 aneordingle Imam! up until bine
oielucit thErinoromr. znort•lng the
aasumed a raid woleu pant tor Min
Man be•ore. Too Whet:v.4n he hoped tor
did run Come, but 002000 11111 tome who tee
titled Dutton the night In quu.tlon the 41r.
tendant nelt..d a 110.0 that was atuntl lag to
the Diamond and min IL f in:Mealy around,
end when the owner renlonstralon,4l.ony
the dieturinume that led to Imam.,
04'0,104014g to 410 nOrts b ee nenee Itu
the men whose horte ho hail riding,
and ending up be Otullarnl4; be ,eould whip
to toe Diamond. Tbe hearing re.
suited In the defend:tut beteg required to
pay ten 0011 ors nail COlllB, in 410fuolt Of
1.141021 die wan nent, to the LIM l'Or ten d.y..
imPbtlftnt Nottue.—Lt. Spencer, Den
'tin; No. 23t Penn street, requests us to
hwe table many friends and patrona that,
aying removed hie glumly to the eonntre
lot the summer month., it will he pewee.
Ty foe those dentine to nee him .to call at
ht , braes between the boon of seven Weloca
a. X nod stx °Work r.%. Thesemilibe Ma
erase hoots until about the 13th ol Seetena ,
ter, when he viii mote back tottnevity•etua
out then be /Mud at all boors, U.
NO %SOO Pas. to too city—Can blitpli
at otwiWar Boots, silo., B.lntorals 'and
, s ,,,ryisini Use 1. tau Liao, bet found thsls
of the time bonone4Suro o 411411111
NOW *AVM Mane •
. • Large taint. Oretaistatt TIIIIITI , IIII CMG.
LIMNS' of laterattlan reading matter. 'wringing
leedina adttorlal., leiral . Mams M. Taiagregn
and Mall. valuable Meadlue Master ler um
and Inlimt sad mod reliable Heal•
del and I:materiels' Merkel Report. given be
may payer la tee ear. No farmer; attellardo or
Kurchancabould be eltbout
TOYS rca TQt efeltilla currna:
Claimer five
Club. of ..... . . ... . . 1.15.
.../112d pot copy of 1.1-0. 0 to lA. pcAOYtttitbS
tip toe club. Additions tO ClUbt COO no =do on
any tune, at onto rate&
5101100 TO tO
paper, be aura aa4 apeclfy •1114 - edlttoa it a
want, as wo Isola a Wadnesday 14111a2 tar Inib•
=Mesa baTing i bot one mil • weak.
AkirK.ey by Draft, Isamu, Malay Wen.
or la BeittatalTa Letter, stayborent at oar llaa.
&dame*. • • GAZZTTZ,
17.1'18111M4.111, P•on,a.
Ifslted states District Ceara
The folloWlng DOiltlini 3 In bankruptcy a .,
have boon died In the United Statile shirred
JulluaJOsephille, baranion. Pa •
Henry F (mar; Sallivan county, Pe.
Juhe P. 'dm der, Pittaburgn• Pa. -
Wm. L. li..lfetistein, Sbsotoids4HOttnnln•
boo - lane county. Pa.
Florence grainer, Pittsburg it y Pe. '
Jessie anuan mut:, Scram.. PS.
John D. FOS' or, Erse, Pa..
John Intc7, Candy Creek, Venal:go
county, Pa. •
More Allen,Crewford cObult.T. i . e..
Cowles a' nry rreaeotc. pu,note, salii
gn, county, Pa. , • • •
Stein lirotbur. aeldisst L. - Darla and
Tho. D Thomas, Pidsruirgn,
U. M. Strer, outalusi Gilroy it Co.. of
Scranton, P.
Moses W. Chambettand, Suainehentta
county, Pd.
A , fred C. Drloknr, Lawronen county. Pa.
James Cannon, Pittsburgh, Pa..
James Farvey.tireen•nurg, Pa.
Hopkins & L. s.uir. Pittsburgh, P. '
Thomas Drown. Willlemsoort, Lyobroing
county. Pn.
In the caw of John l:PHanion, petition
fl hv Ids creditors, °turner & ' , Sneak, the
defendant requested a Jury - trial, Claiming
iliac he wan not bankinitd stated 'la. the
petition. Heinen; granted.
Ell,•crees atruiPitigthe f following Balsa
worn issued, ten Queen of the liquor. haw.
log failed to appear in answer to the libels
Manuel Green, 'N bble. whlslry.
Jaunt)Kent., 3 this. highwines.
David MoDonald t 4o gala. whisky.
John Fannie., 2 bbla singling.
Frenertelr Welcbal, 3 Obi.. whisky.
Philip tderinger and Nelson tderinger a
?, whinny.
Michael miller.B bile. whisky.
John Motley and Hugh Wady. 3% Dbl.,
. ,
illpeelnt Rods...dos Is . IPelleee—Welareer
so aegis." Bemuse In' Mises. Swigs
sort Emmy leases. .
Heron". De7inison & Heckert, the Weil
known dealer in trill:mums, fancy goods
and notions. No. 27 Fifth etre...M.las
In to-day's paper a Special discount sale, to
order to Close out their large said superior
stock of goods. Thee will allow until fur.
ther notion a discount of tea percent on
all retail cash notches', the prices now
ranging as reasonable and Um as can be
f00,,d elsewhere In the city. Oar lad Chop
gees and others will lolly appeelate the rare
toducements offered by 1.12 u. enterprising
and responsible lima. The stoolr to large,
end embraces all deacriptious of good* In
the way of hosiery, gloves, handkerchiefs,
underwear, corsets. parasols, ribtges, tide•
erg, notione, and general trimmlngs and
fancy good.; together with SA expellant sa•
4nrtarear of tiratllry'. Duplex hoop skirt...
We ...meetly advise Oar readers tot s !agar
rule estalglehMeDl with a Call daring tke
special session of ditkount and oarsman&
Gam. saber the place, No. 27 F rith Street.
In yesterday's edition we published • pe•
dee Item under the bead of Ns by
bailee: . In erblen Charles Green mai me's*.
onto? and Peter Bell delenduds We stated
the the facto as we Melee.] Mem,. but
haying Mime heard the other aide of the
scary, widen entirely exonorates Yr. bell
from any blame in the matter, it la dna ao
nfm to bullish ft also. The etatement lea
ioltomm A bet man made mid the money,
forty dollars, placed In kr. Snips hands
and the bet was to he decided by Ws
life , .5o tar ttie PUILISM.I2t IVY COMMA
O. L 4 appeafa that GreKk ono not the Vb..
ear. but the loser. and enesega.uUy had no
right 10 allot the wasoar. The man who
n the bet renders In New Gods. r , and
entttled to the money, Kr. Bail Is Jo
honor Wood:triply It to blot whenrover do.
mended, 'lt its ob. Mat.] that OW 'ls tbo
uJ inforiw 101 l Green Ca wade agalron
. .
801 l on the sumo enlarge Us should ant
nal. Minn does not arena-la Ps7.wilnh be-
Insesosnd It would be seat not to,
bet coder any Car. 0291.114.000.. .
Aceldent. , —lL serious accident occurred'
at the Plow Works of Hall & Speer. Han
a the r, o m wh hmeWma Lu tshever a e nem n p nd
He was at wart about some of the msoula-
irllicit vdael in motion when a large
drum urt.t. piece of which struck aim 11,11
the side. bre Slog three of his ribs, and
otherwisn in urlng DIM. Ile was Caton to
his reside.. onilnevanntstreet, wattle. Du .
injurlee wan, properly attended to by •ft
physician. ills injuries, although of a. se.
rings alallLeter, are not necessarily fatal.
garnet/Mir Perm aaaaa far the A F nte..o.—Mnaltal wad SURIFIC4I Boom.. No.
1214 SmlLßltail etre.); PLABBBrift , • r•-• ... 1 1r
Itm direct eupervlßlort of. Z. B. Ahern, Si. D.,
codsaillog and °penny° Bargee.° and pulp.
for illroasee of the eye.etar. head.
thmat, ,end the organs of the chest md
o l elan,
ehronmeleesses generally, especially seek
flares that /re hose considered loeutable.
Mean for p feemoval latrrylegre from Va.
se4r.x. A medle4 book Next DT matt
on receipt o tee. • ' • .
lapecial Nale.-1.1. T. Lynch , the well
known dealer No. Si Market street, offers
at epeelsi closi , g ant sale. daring tee Bean. •
Ma tee date, his large and splendid snor t.
ment okcitolce and sessonenle dry. WAWA
The priers have been considerably redeoed ,
and ell' arhO Call may safely 'anticipate MO
good harem. 11.111 be remembered that
the sale lasts but a tew daye, and the wise
will t...k.• advantage by cailme early. . .
The Plet NW of the weasee.-Thule of
nor reader• who would like to lay aside the
earns of easiness add enley a pleasant day
In the 000.17 ohnald set fail to remember
the pie ate' of Pittsburgh Melaka) No. Cl,
lone of Temperance, which will take piece .
at Monitor drove tosmorr.nw. Trams leave
tee Allegheny depot every hbar, coins
menelna ate o , CloClc A 0..
Cold. awn% Haw bad. Water at I. T.
Sample's Drag atom, No.S3 radical streot,
We sell Dr 7 Goods both at tatudesale
and retail, 6/211 are, as a consequence. en
abled to keep a larger and Innen better as.
honed stout, to sell olusaper,,and 0100 the
,toode In more senontmodatlng'quanytlea
than exelnalvojobblng homes.- ainiklll6l.l%
chants are Welted_ to examine our stock, •
J. W. Beam it Co.,
It Market street
A , sew Diseevery—Orte of .the most to.
net:Mist or modern times Is the atsecdrery of
thesbeapest and most fashionable place to
hop Elam. Caps or Straw Goods,' which la
el:deer...lly admitted to be at Graham &
Syrne•s at St, glair attest, opposite Lilo St,
Clair Hotel, • • Willi,
Deareesa, Discharges from the Mara
Catarrh, Diseases of the Eye, sad all are.
lions of s chronic and obstinate character
successfully treated try - Dr. aedrn.• 131
arnlthaeld street. Office hours Rom 9
o'clock A. a. till 4 o'clock T. x.
P. wMlral V. owe Preach Brandy.
pure'Claskberry Drandr. Pere ni..tbrrri
Wine, pnre Port Witte, pare Cat Donna
Wino, at Ohio ATeunn Drug Story. AL B.
Werner. • •
A larßs slat °fall kindlier: Frlltl
Et?!L. 311 Jells Tam Mltrp, jun attired, at U.
"` p 3
_w 1
No. Pena attpi. 6W
pwci 5r...1M0, trade Weller 177 .7 T
-umpue.prNit.tors, MI. EB IfeChasie.noit
&thudLeal, - .
ar Aidgiltlonal Local NelicSoll
pe,Led Page.
tenslll,—thaaairday reealar, Sep Mt. to ott
ofPIP. Pewe e qlr. Fair, at . a. aLIZ •II • Kiel red% et SULU*
11471,1 male. la tag Le 'caec a
toteml will tit* Pie.* SO . S.T. . 118
"clack A. 11, from Sae sesiaesco at !Peseta
Slats. !Cm.. lip lid Piton etteeL Tbe
fas Pp PM T•Of !Willi,' I s.lk4 to • 01..
Pero., mender - AS
UFA. ca,MIA OLP B.le Met MI year et
' will i•ke place (Aim per WI:
carat . , sive/is/0N dee ml Cent of Fames
ws le, atilt •Srassom, Ai Ia a '
t lead. GS th, (wally ara nespecuela mailed SO
• 8"1131i4.-. , .... Change,. on nnulat. J. 17 tire,
POST M. MOTL,i , yosinnall Ha
et' ne!er A 101111515. MI env, news ...1n,..
ra Ins north inroet. rttlitaro. -
coirm of n %UWE O Barns. Wolnrill. sjp
.eon oanalyttoo of Metal Porislablas Ow&
forotsboa. BoomsoMed olloload sight. Hein
11..111,2,7.—85er. David Etre. D.D.. Sp.
11. - W..lnsnburn nose. twlas.
• nall. Miner. esn.
•• • X 99 AND ItIIJIALIMI, setterser tome
Ism Samuel K. Rodgers. No. 99 :MO WAN,
three doorsßeam., Alltgatay ,117. its. tales., Homy .ILahogsa 7 , Walaat e9a
food isolta uu Comm. at ide 9.9,4 e ..4.641-
Nivea, Hoosis open at ail bon.. 9.07 an* 9104.
Hearse rod , arriages Iteatehed st.a.k.n
and= most reaeousble tem::
•-• ocerAxas. treb.. • ivosno•
allrgtoou. Boworood anO.otirr Ca
d., wink a Umpteen nook of flinenO tunennlai
good, en nulo, and farad.d at' enoneit nntle•
&Vont. winos. Lad Llvery
nu of Flan ArDAILDDLA.VOLIKM Curium,
Bunnell., Bugle', insddln Hon., 41... 1114.
Nr Met. .
ter, Woed.a Et. and "WOO. Callesßoweem,
Stade, corset !UMW WI
Cbertlers streets. LOW.. eel Ctireli,p,
S. STEWART, Iludertaikee
earner of iturrON ?INN STAM.T.
'Math WW. wan, at .0 Mad... HAariet 1
earrlarcs fornl.bed OR the Obentest
to sus BI
ires , escia.loares,
es rirr. eitelefir.
HASLETT & CO.'lll.
sax altiranzim entsr, sus TOM