II Eite..Eittsbur g i o r Ga,.ttir 1101IDAY, JULY 29. 11167 WIC Atli ATTE.NTION to the Address dt the tlakin State Central Committee, which will be found be another' column. itacts forth clearly and nbly the issues Prompted title year for decision by the people. 111 E NOSIIiiotTION OF GEN. GRANT.. The formal presentation of General ' GRAwy as the by candidate for President, by the -"Union Republican Committee." of the city of .New York. - bee seriously disturbed the composure of the democratic managers and journals. It was from . a knowledge that such a movement was In contemplation that Mr. 8. 8. - Coi, formerly a distinguished member of Congress from Ohio, and stow happilyzottloining the practice of JAW and politics in the commercial ma. tropolls, .hastened to Washington to make the experiment of fascinating the General with a tender of the democratic nomination. It so fell • out that the ry l eend, tothe proper discharge or Lin edictal dudes, had occasion, at that par. ,'l46liir conjuncture, to issue an order to the commander of one of . the Southern Military dlathicts, that proved a virtual tielluguishettitwin all hopes of success . envoy_ extraordinary of the demo party previously Indulged. Tee er proved conclusively, and in a • Practicable and undeniable way, that the convictions and purposes of the 'General werein direct antagonism with time of the democrats, and that he could be expected to co-operate only with the majority in Congress, audthe tropporteni . .. of that majority th - rinighiit - ;the coun try. 'Nor is O t is - till. The • order in vitiation is is, perfect harmony with the Then et most, it' net all the nut Ceti of high Mink In the aritiy.:.The - General may, therefore, be taken is a fair expo. • went and . ri.presentatthe of the Inj.at masses of the population of the United States.. Another point is deserving of coosid. trident: While no man questions the bravery, tenacity and skill of General GLUT is a military commander, it Is cheerfully conceded by the rebels that in the hitur . of triumph he exemplified a genuine ;and. superabounding macoan imity.i Resolved to crash the Rebetiloo, be evinced no disposition to crush every rebel. ' Herein he 'displayed not only the nobleness of lilt own nature, but a Comprehension of the beat principles of Btateaminahip, as applicable to the case with which he was called to deal. lie cognizing the leedersinp of seen a man will go far tcwaids reconciling the pea pie of - the revolted States to prolonged Republican ascendency; because it 'con veys the assurance that while the integ City of the Union will he preserved at al; hazards, and while the right of the de. fenders of the Union to impose condi tions oi l reconstruction will bo anion truly adhered to, •no terms will be ex• acted under the Inspiration of revenge but only such as the • future repose one progress of the whole country impera Lively' demand: That the democrats seriously conceiv. •ed the project of nominating General -.6leitex may be taken both as a I adcals- Mon of conscious 'meekness and a con i duplicity. Ile ire is nothing to tea nil the effort, down the rebel , od fully in the'! rebellion grew. us purpose of the was his own, . to tb and submit- to of the nation has proved a love devoted their ring, 'how many' limy could never Its lap; while tic . on demonstra of the nation.; Llently be made to 'lip, to anieliora to prorperity, in MILIIOII country lid thus propose - Wit nee conduc!: id whose motives properly be re- . thibition of the mbition will some ikness In vain id do not attad la nomination of least, quest:now cave the perms temples, fur ent Beiddes, whet make en their their candidate Irpose in a man. be misinterere 1J U! these columns, Supreme Court an important do liabilities of -1, he original cc __Jeer damagee for the erroneous - transmlssion of en order for oysters from Detroit to Baltimore. The plaintiff wrote 'his message on a blank furnished by the' Company. .9a the back of this blank wire printed ."conditions" on which the Company agreed to sand messages. One of thee.: limited liability to such dispatches as should be repeated back to the office from which sent, at the cost of the ten: der. Another, limited the liability on repeated dispatches to two hundred times the charge for sending the partici:, lar Message. On the face of the blanks wee printeal.a.request to Send. the mes sage without repeating, subject to shove coedlilons and agreement en the hack." The blank was so arranged that In men. lag a message, the writer actually slicked request sad contract • The Court below held that Telegraph • mpaulea were common caiTiere, and d not limit their reayonsibildies by •y each contrivance; that writetS of Weber' could not reasonably be ex . • ted to not conditions imposed in we). could not be trapped into con &ruts after Ibis fashion; end tint it their attention W. 4 actually called to this printed form they could not be conclud ed thereby. The Supreme Court overruled the Conn below on all points; declaring that' Telegraph Companies aro not common Arden; that they can limit their habil , It; for erroneous transmission, either in the ftwurabore speriffied, 7 or in any other; and.that writers of me•sagea or, blanks which embody contracts are bold. en, Whether their attention is called to it or not. , • • We do not believe this decision to he past; but as long as the Courts so ruse, blidnine men must take measures ap oti If .to ensure accuracy It is essential that mentagew should be repeated back, then repetition should be made the gen eral mle; in all blanks used by Tele• graph Campsites, charges being made to leatett. If persons prefer to take the risk of husecuracies themselves, rather than pay the- extra compensation, that sboald only be allowed by special agree mane. As the case stands, comparative kw !na m es ate sent for which the' COmpardes tannin:Linton thin' have any responsibility whatever. This is alto gether wrong, and ought not to be en dured by business men. Telegrarbing is profitable beyond the measure of ordi. Esq. parfaits, even at the current rates. Then- ere no reasons of equity, as be. swan man and man, or of putdc policy, why Telegraph Companies should be allowed to invest themselves of account ability for doing well whatever they un dertake to do. Jonsris Itasca, at Easton, Pa., .accompaalee Hon. Gao. Ilazuzoft, as his print. Secretary, to Puma. EEO ' 4 4 " .Tel, • .I.IDRIVIOi OF THE r m REPU BEEN DECIDED HAD THEY ARIEEN STE= NEW ADITEEELTISENENTE., I. ICA !V %TATE CEITs:AL i On- I YEARN AGO, GG GAD No GAR TAKEN AN I TEE, PI-ACE." coma rrißE ROOMo. ) liattetatoms, July 27, 15C% j To the Proplo of Pommy:rani Fefiatr Citi:tnr --The official term of Gee. W. W„aitrard, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State is about to expire; and under the Constitution his succair.tr will be elected on the •Pre rod Tuesday of October next. This I election Is every way Important, and the more so, beganse of the great principles and issues involved, and of the sac: shat the term is for fifteen years. . All the powers of our Government,,, • both National and State, are divided in to three classes: the • Legist.thivit, Execs" GeeßEd Judicial. The people are the sionrce of all power; end our C insti t tl• liana provide the manner in which all °Medi alaall'be filled, and the terms for which they shall he held. Tae National Judiciary being Cm life, and' that ail the' theta Judiciary fifteen year-, changes in ' these trilittuats arc wronght more slow:)• t than in the other branches of the Gov ern:tient; and hence should be made i with the greater caution and wisdom; I for nothing Is in greater puolie import since time a wise anti patriotic Judi- elary. Oar pica history shows a constant tendency in these sever-, al depart manta to enlarge their I respective juriseletione, arolosionally El) eneneteu On each Miler; slot Bailed:111y is this true of the joiliejary. It is but i recently the Supreme Court te" the United States, in the interests of slim. iy, gravely undenttek to ten tern B , C , lGatiOna of the Govereineut on that I question, and to nullity nod destroy acts I of Countess enacted lay the Men corn I made tee Constitution. The Lied Scott i decision virtually legalized end exteeil. I ed slavery over all the Territories or the :. Colon, in defiance of Coagreas and the people; and laid down principles, ten ter subsequent events, would bare extended slavery-and made it blind in ' all the States 'And abet "the revent civil war was Maui:mined, our State ja. dledary, by a denial of the constitutional Powers of tlongreis and of our State Legislature, to measures absolutely ne cessary to carry Oli GIB war nud tare tau nation, so imperiled our ...11E0 as to make intelligent patriots everywhere tr. mble for the issue •taf the contest, true, these false theories did not prevaiL But it is equally true the centiumd. ha. rertuarint tech', paralyzed the trots of both the National and State Govern. mein; distracted and dishmatened our people, gave aid and comnin to the one. my, prolonged the war, and added im measurably to our sae-thieve of blood sad treasure. Hence it is, "That wanted by past tuisfortuues,' we ask thnt/the Su preme Court of the State be plac e d in narmony with the political OpiniOn6 or the majority of the IMepte, to the tied that the Court may never again, by un just decisions seek to set aside laws ototi .o th , nation." Who, then, are flashy W. Wthilnus at d GEORGE 811AREMOOD, the candid:tits Cro this comet seat upon the SUGfoßof b new, What are their past records, and where do they stand, in these event lot dales, and on these momentous to. sues? The . weal or woe of the Com monwealth, and, perhaps of the nation, Co involved in these queetiooe; anal it oehoovea every patriotic voter in the Slate to examine them with care. Of Jladiee Williams, the tieltiu Ilepub liran candidate, we here propose to give no extended biography. He ii a high toned Clnistlan gentleman. about forty six years of age, a ripe scholar,- and -a learned and eminent lawyer, with fifteen t ears' jnWcial experience, on the Minch of the Dottier Court of Altegeeny roue ty. lie was that t tested judge iu wean he ran over one thousand votes Owed of Ms ticket, and was re-elected in 1861, by the unanimous vote of alt par ties. Tue following extract from en ed .-a torial in the Pittsburgh Poor, (the prin cipal Demeeratieliaper of the West,) shows the estimation in which tut is held by rsitleal adversaries: The nomination orthe Don. Henry IV. Williamiths,candidate fur Joie.: of the Supreme Court Is a gisel eue. Ile .oar the best man nature' briars the 'publican Cearentien, and puE , .ssot legal atAl moral (middle alien& for the reSpoa sisle.pOSlGOlll.o Balkh Itches been nom inated." He is of the Webster and Clay Scheel of politics, and during the reedit civil , war, from the beginning to the end, aid everything in his power, through his' means, his voice, and his voice, GO SOEGEGIEO the hands and encourage the nearta.of the loyal people in the struggle td rnaint tin the Colon. Who, and what Judge Sharswood is, ss a public man, will appear teem What follows; Early In the history of this nation fat. Intent eentiment became divided on the powers or the National and State gov ernments, and their truerTiationadvjeack, Httren — CriTtlid.e et Millen! two great par nee were subsequently founded. ,Toe one, known as. the State Rights piny. and John C. Calhoun for its reerginzed champion; and the other, lair its ritreg. , sized leader, had the great expounder tit 1 the Constitution, Daniel Webster. The torm,r 'held free trade, lOW the right of .unilittcatlon and secession as cardinal ; doctrines, denying the enustitutikmal rower - of Congress to impose dutieis Mr protection, sod claiming nullification anti secession, as inherent rights of a State. The latter denied these assuenotibus; sad •betweeu these coollictitig explea and parties there has been perpetual,. warfare. In the mitio, ' :.he old Whig party 'ranged itself wider the banner of Webster, and the Democratic party under tlmt ol Calhoun. ) , Gee of the legitimate Maim of the Stite Bights doctrine was the reixilline of 243. s In South Carolina; the avowed ohjein nt which was to nullify the protective tariff: of Congress, enacted in 1828, The coon try at time time woo saved from a irons civil war . by t hi n &ulnae of Presi dent Jackson, the wisdom of Coneres., nod the patriotism of, General mete That effort at rebellion uud civil war failed; and the principle on which it was based. was repudiated. But is anti MD South Carolina, and other rebel *WEB, again endeavored tit put in force their States Rights doctrine of eecesden. The sympathy, hubeeilitt, and conniv ance of . President Bachand; and his ad- Vinera, NO contributed to the , access or the elan, that its consummation could .in'y be prevented by a long, desperate, and bloody civil war. In the end, Mid after tearful sacrifices of life and tr., sure, the rights and power of the Nit thine! Government were again viniii eattio, and - the Calhoun doctrine of seers. lion was again overthrown. Such at least has been t he popular conviction, and cause for rejoicing; and even the worst of Southern rebels have been compelled . to confess it, and tor two years past have been weeping over their "lost um re." trattige, tad, end incredible as it may seem, we are already (Ailed epee to Bed Wept, great lemma over again! Tile Dem ocrattc party, with Judge Susrawood tor its leader, and with Free Trude, State Rights sod Secession noon its banner, is again marshaling Its hosts, and now sum: monitor us to the field of political cum , hat, on these some laves] T 9 9t party at their .Nallooal Conventions in 183i1 and ISM, readopted what are known at the Virginia and Kentucky resolutionsof 1798 and 1700, as part of their platforms . ['hese reathitelne are known as the em -1 ()dimwit of the old State rightssed Cal houn doctrines. They do not regard the relations of the States or people thereof to the United States as• constituting a government, In the ordinary and proper cease 01 the term, bat deelare them th be merely a compact, and that "oa to all other MU! compuel among panic, 1.41 , ing no common judge, mull piety ha, an equal right to judge for itney; as WELL OP INFRACTIONS, AS OF TOE MODE AND MEASURE OE lIED/lESS." Under this free democratic charter for rebell'on, the lawful election of Alma- bam Lincoln as President of the United Prates was claimed by the people of the rebel States as an,:,:rhfraction" of the "compset;" and they chose ECCCESIon and civil war as the "mode," and the des truction of the Union and State inde pendence as the measures bf retirees." The democratic party, at its last -Isla tinned Convention, .preelaimed the war a tailurc; audit has now put into the field a life-long Free. Trade and State Rights candidate, whom Judge Black endorses ea one who "will stand by the Constitution and give . pure law"—viz: who will stand by the Constitution as the State Rights party construe it, and give as such "pure law" as Judge Black has given President Bandanna and Andrew Johnson. . ••• . • • Jadge Suenswoon and his party friends have not only denied the lawful power of the 'National Government to coerce s rebellious Siete, to m a k e and enforce a draft, to make paper rummy a legal tender, to emancipate and arm no. groes, to punish rebels and traitors by disfranchisement, to sosperd the writ of /marry/ corps, in time of rebellion, or hi arrest and try offenders In time of war by court-martial; but. they hold that all these things, though actually done , were illegally aid wrongfully dorm, enrithere fora Arrant norking! Or, s, the Demo.. ensile organ (the Philadelphia Age), in a recent elaborate editorial on the Repub. limas State plaiform, thus ekpritests the name Idea: "We put it to the sober thoughts of the people of Pennsylvania, whether they would not have all Mose grave peuding questions decided accord. Inc ha law, and not according , . to war, 'JUST, R rAcr, AO TIILS TYLVLD •lIATZ ♦....~ %fu ti ur~F :~'t~.:: Is,lhen, the "'lm cause - not lost! Has OP- late dreadful tear ile'Atir fi noth• ing? IS the right c.f ree,rio n a n open ,"7 sue TI M As. , , ; .e 4-aite.. V na.l)lne f : l , neknin?Lk; slavery not been and- V,43:7..Z„r:r1Vir. , 1:74: i.,1m0? A , ln net the fr.., miiiions of , ...I. V xene,n7l2 ...on lo,c• Pitt...reit I nOnli r Men free? liar oar nation , .i debt 1 f,t r ti b :. fr:'":V . 7'i? in: k ' c t•%% '4l '. ' ; ' =i.7'l: ino teen existease? Iltve the victors no ' :!tvl...pte f.;: , , , 01;. , x4'7,' , • . ;17L5 0 ',1. , •' e , .0 ., e , !,, , V. pow, Over the vanotthhedi Have the , are v0ni151,7_ 2 t,.....1 tn •tlea.f. ___ )In, rebel Slates and people lo.: no rights by t reladiion! Have nor sacrillues ,d blood , "JERRY BONHAM. end treason: been all made in vale?! pump m 4. KER, 1 Fellow thizt..s, weigh well these sol- . mita ,po,.tio ns , and answer them at the trinar "'(" '. .ii r o7[ l, v , nag. - 2.ign,',A,';; ...,;;.. b., ~n the second l'oesday of Oc- city. 1.: -. . - ' . ; nil, next. ~ . N. 11 -,..et al so-ntlua [leen lathe =w01f . .. , , t er,ili PON,. . le:n e7ii I haute - . '''' ' • - . -.-- . - tore ocea,on tome retnerk. on party nr. i I.eOR ii ALC-lAOILEIRI..-/ Dui, muna-ttion, and tdi.er iopic. Ibis addreSS . da .V :.'"..,;';',.',...",,:e';',. " ,:hM 1 ,1 8 4 , 1,, ,, , , „ 0 1... 2 I.ii, La here properly f - 10,1, ROI, if may be No a I ' m; vt•,... nrum, 33 incite, la rll4tt-;r: i 2.1:eil 1.../y some. hi Judge Sharawood, in- I,:iT a "„r r ',!. ', `Te"mdrneritnN4;.3l7,l' ~ , I , tha political heretic herein set ce,ckatal n 1.,,. on •,0 re entenletn. !require et T NAL 1te.n.. , 11,1..L A c. 0.. , I,ln . "A men is known by the eon-, ~,,9 , -, , lin. 26 Vent, suet l. piny he keeps, - says the old adage, We : . . r „ hnve lie right to assume, and have as• i It'o`".., BA LE. slimed, that the Judge is of the name pa. • . laical laith as his party, and the public • mil hold hint responsible for all the , 11... ,, 001. " 0 b , .1”.. 11.5.1 on tee lin T .or the , guilty' otto and omissions of his party. r, ; ;,T,T,1 a 0 01 - .J1,1!"' 41 4 T o r.. °..e. With be i There can by no mistaking the true p)-' a. matron a to.. anion of the 12,U1 win recently delivered " r " - o ' o P' , " .'"'''.. • a o e.:1,..5a1e opinion denying the consti• ' No.rpy.c.-rlrrsiut It( : II AND 1 1 tuthmal power of etmgress to make pa- ...,..!‘,:..,`,...,k,U.VW!LLE N. Ilf.ltU ... I) CO il I,- I per ntony.a legal tender. (Sre-il, i;:. niii..lON ,COS4TllV'gll..ZMA,liitel.2'n'o'k' 10 . 8.i.i..: ~..t. Tr,dt, 1,11? Intell,i,ro• of :;`",7::!;;;r1.-t; n 1 u.‘,.,,,,,4.•, e..,,,,,,,,,. 1 A t „, e , is , i s6 i, page 92.) And when pant an non % it ° eTitiat 7t e atV, 'rp ' nira ' l7l,;; l l . V7l' I we go In- Sr Luck, and examine his it , - . . , ! .. 7 , 7 at rite Fun na,mol.l eut,l. or e11.,- .1 **l., H. Valli?. Jr.. curl y hiStory , , we find ample ,i °Stalest lOct : Yce rrrrrr ant lressure, For all we have written, and more. So l rttt ,,, a'orh.l , l7s.ot ty,r. )T24 chit loin; ego us April, IS•11., he appeared as ICE FOR SALE. "Tat- Orator of the D.ty," ta e. 01 leg i-. ' of ii. SLee..,' Right • A.,ociatton, in Phil. i PURE.SPRINO WATER ICI, a. lel,ltia, We here copy some Of the , 7,,, a ~,,,,,,,,,,„„„,„ or t b,,,..„, . h , proceedin t of that inter sling convoca• i by tuae, .1.11.. red to inttsber.ll. - ---!"' I ' ll . ir ' '7/c Entrust rued J.urnal , hei.lre or H. NWANiny a n”.. Olt 1te1 t , ,,, I ; . ! ,... . 1 ,. . , .. , ' , C , n:::;: ,, i;;; , : ,. ...f ( n , !/ , . ,,, 11 - c , r,_ . fet ...; 1 „. ("e :. . 4 1 . 4 ,. . 1 3,,, ~, r : ,,r. ~,,,,,, .. ,,,,d ~,,„,.. ti ' ``. `", " ----- - nd Frte Yradr - .I . on, I, /nlyr rdIII. .. "Pte orator on that ace. born delivered n l'olc: and clrlindlyarepa ed vindication and nuan,y of Ihn State I ights Virginia i . and ii enl n.i. y rt,oltit ion , hurein before cited; cot stizun .d op Si. elaborate en do7,,lnents thereof n. fall Ws: • • ire ~f le hack to our starting plate, sad finding nothing in t Constitotion estob!ieloing any Anal ju of the enu merated powers; prohibitio 0, and reserved it roust rest wen the admitted principles of general lam. I i caeca of ITN, pad between parties hart, ,o no ',ln //10,1 sopeilor. EACU STAIR U a Tun MOUT To JUNIM rout ITSULF OF 'ruin O:FRAC TIONS or THE cool - ACT, A •D T.l enoonn FAIR ITHEI.P.TIIEM‘q.I . rum It AND LFFI CIENT LEM:UM," The hater to exhbit s ill further, if pos,ittle, the true eitaracte of that meet ing and its ditingliinhed rotor, the fol lowing (00510 are copied Tom the pro ceedings. (Same rod , p.: 12 1 x t , ToA h sr: "Jon C. Callu un—The first to throw hitueclf into the retch against Federal o'er patina. if.f i.e tivrio Set 1,1... prineipleeprefforninatit ..roughout the te,tti." To.e-•r: "Tl, e.• cullyd 7:1:77 ri of .S.orth Vorotiou—their cactoories will he chethlted when the ]Qt•ncntes of the Force Dill are forgot ton, or mop-inhered with execration." These: 17" Stole of S9r.,:h Carolina— . her priNritler are cherished, ire teed .1 fear usurpation, either In the Legitti. Intvre, Judicial, or Executive depart- • noitsti. Intoraree and Mustonat 000.1.. mid all 10 ntts att nt.matt !tau, LI ...lama on mattiatiolon. meet, of the Governments' . The Lion. John U. Calhoun wasl moomart hen.iitt ant toid. T nmong tho,sc. invited to this mewingby ßANKßUP BLANKS. i Judge Sharateoiiii and otters; but de- i shoed in a published letter of sympathy. s W. thus submit, as lirklly as piorlhle, ' lam 07,. p , t. , , 1tin , t ,,, AN 11 nave reads for the record of the Democratic caudidate, !”'''''' n '''' "' '' ' ' s e t," land of' the party which placed him In I I nomination. We feel . that 130 added : , lIANKRI'PT BLANIiS I ColllllltltUt Mild du j‘3511,, to LUC subject ; i 1 and only ark you, fellow-citizens, to ix. i • l arnion the wade record with mire, and 1 cinders. senor of your solemn responsi• , Coy tit. nee, A t,rlt.y• and 1.0.0.,,,,,,,,,i ' 1.1 et 1 .114 t A , C, - . Itt It. Th 1, e.,IS. billties to your Country, render out ver• ;c i AL. nt:i.se rHO A U Lt., t, 0 NY 01 , 1104- die! at the ensuing election. I on, Ali, 1.7% b1eCA.:41 , 1.E.,..... U. a. Dhato. court. 1 . Ey order of the Committee, 1 P. JORDAN, I *rut:hoer matt erempur rated. Chairman. . i(3EO. W. riAItER.Ly, ) se cy.. , 1 W. S. MAVEN I J. Dmi onc Dcnumbox, j i - .----••••••-•-------- T,e New Crops 1 Wiling% I ' Corner Wood and Third Sin. 1_..._ ._,..._ '1 1: 1;}: ". OLD, ORIGINAL The glorious. weather of the past two months is beginning to he felt In cam. ! a• medal circles in the rec&pts of grain ' . from the crop a ;64;7. This i.., h 0..,- ! TEA STOREO I ~, but 6 foretaste of what we may ex- peet durines the next three or four Imenths, yesterday, twenty three Mr- : itUldd Of new red winter wheat were re- FRESH ARRIVAL OF I ceired in this umrket, and four car loads (t of new spring wheat were sold on ; Vilma Upon.' 'Change, sew rye was also received in ! Old Dyson. market, end sales were mile of No. I , at litle—a decline within twenty fear ' Imperial. hours of 25z per bushel. Gunpowder, Within a few -weeks, if Providence Eng. Breakfast. continues to smile on us, the receipts of Western produce will bare stimulated . tratle and commerce to an extent beyond I the most sangninnexpectations.—Cljed • i g, Reptadicart. • CIIOLEIZ °LEILA Altlfittr.rtr C't tb - .EirLt et .111 be buotrytre4 f r lt. Ve• ru, ve:at erVerleaee by ohm, stret-it to he ~ e root. errtelo -:hat erbleS lase curt., vAce CL an' n-ter Vat c Ow end a trled art,tr. ernes an OLD II1CLI• A 111 . 16 .1,/"LL Cart be brae. When tbettiol. tra %Lt."! rat on two term., occsslq.. It ma. foult.l I.; ei pe,l, ace that VLIINING'S ( . :1101.EitA MIXTURE Wes the I: sr. anti thy r•tde:l all oteera, there. fere lb ataatfel let ft alratt Is at. It yois ve read bare ao rattle t yin tae rhymed ,n. you should vv rcboart It to the s lel hales: .1 at other". ao:d oats le Vatabargt, at ' JO:EPH FLETNG'S DRUG STOKE fitrart. Dl.l2l3ol:ll.o.lNukct atreet. FEE 4 TOILIE4 GRIP or PAINED Willi. [ . Y 1/I..isirs s s .1-.44.1ne e., 41 , 4,• 4, 9 0 4,4 sa e•re• :phut% flesilselis awl Tl 711. Moat I...wrest Hair , l!fistiress• • ritif • .I.r.Coa Flair Cola IL:aturitri ••r.ns4ton Enid Mend. II sir Color Restorer. , Hair Color litrclottisd Jlgr 4dnr Itestarri ..... With Hair ••I no.. up Nasr (,I4r t4e4L4rer•• ntt Qr.lors to or e!W T . r. A. ' JI)y.SLEYL Ira, A. TlllipkNCE, I V. - 1.1.1! iir s C. 0., I Ittstiltrshi 1.1 . 41!1TT. A• 11,.. or. GIVE NATURE A LIFT. , eunie cap et too rcuelr wf Nature. !They wi:11 their health loud their avant nines. nod then are eurpristi that they f.l, eick. The or.Ature of oott.tint. ;brutal Or holtle upon al, /alit., p..were. le trenteadons. Very flw 1,41,m an! constltegens can twar up he , latt nwaeu , r ouswetated. Adel to Oil toe uch , atihr Influences which lurk to one. In air •40 breathe. Etc water we dr/ek. the In :Mule produced at this eeltun 0y ale clwmge n um tic rigor et elettr to the wartnib of endue. and :t would a,ein require alcnoet aunt:rhea:in , e . g, to hen, In perl , et btalth without rein ore- Ink t.ie physical ene•al.e. Mut how maniere. , LLt 10 I Cortaln y net wit`, adulterated slim, 'Lbw, nopoiwn, In the out air, or In tb . :; , a _tvest her, no of furnaue,tated to Itt•,..;r . de ..IY.i t :e " nt u ta r s 110,TE.1 , 1` e STOILLI'II rreits, a vlactable tont:1010o,, a toy ' Sr. everywhere .... .uahle? .Nothale ha. e• er twee uttered In tore. mrble and Gehi.ll.le • se bartnieta I. Its oz. uartr - to It. Invie. edema. WI ~ 1 11ACIlotu r: Awl) . ALoll.it.k. V e w p .” in In the a•in• annum..., In new retro att , In crowded WU hl and N... I UHA roh ace! neer. t TiVE. 1 .3.1E1r/1.1/N E. wlth.ll.d SS ellOtkeimutt tVL 43 , 1 IS Inn [vault, Pratt- • CURE OF lISTUL 4. alt.. Ktiel n I I write to thane yea for your kit dam nrol /cleat/ea u•nag.mTut of my disT em, for which 1 Tailed to eonatalo you some tame In January loot. You will re oult/or theta bad a complication of diaeraw which (holly mien In &terrible astada, veltlch I tad been adrited to ••let nioae"on +cement of • harming cough, which it mat trsrod might fasten oo my Imam beam that the popular mode It 4eating oa,„ ease. like mine Was ha a cutting operatic+, match. If anctwasfst at all, would naturally the++, the elseaTc upon tee )togs or come other tital .man. On account of the sadde/tam of the aoll the imaaftllate to a discharge 1050 t was constrained to 0011000 mai a tale tar prowlatun of Nature loge/ rid of tome a or- Old 00 0 4100010 the system. I reel p. /loot!) satt/god that poor method of terstment o Park Meg to the system sad local aPplieralbas• to the ebb/lout part. molt care. It sayable', +weld, wltneot cutting, which I end It Jlll. and I am 'harpy 1 0 report mytelr wenn/ovary mt . /leader. with +/wader and natter health than !have bed for yoars. I world &too ad a that tho . anOiles boasyou made were alum!. paw... Ind hoe tell tut a aem man, with all the energlee 00 vigor of moored health. Yours. 'trate/My. ' Dr. Yeyter's cone ultation rooms are 00. 171 gene et . ett. rem'. m. 00111 p. m. NEW AD VEItTIS S'IIEN TS inn BLV&6 iMTirLi , i Ir. , n on a Adam. Gr' oAwgesn t L y £on reee Arent...mt.tor thOA s RTTE. mid payers aronwficial [ha Unita! &min nynit thw (Unrvins. SONBROTHERS, 3342,saceres, No. 78 FOORTft STREET, Plttaborigh. 7.3,11:41V0s an'S uo➢,tt Mods o f tr. ss'. ialcora-nifs, And ore pronarod W boyonel roll italloosol irpodo or wools. (took. Oro sod &logo bock.; g o , g o tt t .: " 1 -1V:I.114 1 1rel mu ler, 13cover. Lawry., Mortar and WilablOnork. h terror 0 , 10 wed on Time Droonits. • FOR SALE, ELAINE OF BOX FAOTOBX. With ksobln,y. fixtures. ao. will b.+ sold •or fortn, anlevlara dequlra st He. 933 eZ:i5 eriMET. u Munk null. riveatel. qaos, •• • 1T:3,bl E[ILLDALE lizanTEitt de.VlMW. 4 67l2,?:.Effr r 'T,Slgni; 741 A•4 11. :"Paig th io 4 TrinuTeirrbe., tecond Oupr. inglCl3 • JOUS 5/JAILS. s ~~,..~., ..,. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : MONDAY, JULY 29, 1867. FIRST GRAND A.,NUAL wbxcixaxo Store and Birching House, BAREG& SHAWLS, - While Grenadine Shawls, 121MXII WHITE, ORR & CO., 2 Filth Street. AN FOIE .1111.1SINESS Is offe.ed hq Ihn proerleter of Isnor.- toying ..sia4ll.husent . 1404 10 sycern,u mlop,fa tlon au Ibis en,. The pr0n,,,1ne..151,,„"u" res:ons for .o.lolllng to sell. an / 1,11, If to Iced. leern. Capital required shoat im.0.0. n. IS. BRYAN, I=! Aw!ip Raildlng. 'north litre, S . S. IiItYALI, ESIMECIEI BONDS, STOCKS, AND REAL ESTATE, Apollo Building, Fourth Street Congos. aouchone, Oolour. Old Country latiaCki And Japan 'P E 1 ...S. IS, * ALL OF THE UM QUALITY. No. 20 Filth Street. DISSOLUTION OF EtEtTNERsIIII'. ()Tice 114 Denville Givr.s tb,t pannetzlilo heretofore exts.log Ye arn .11,1 &HA a IMNIN,ON is MD. der IS lot ad. P.,500• ballna 1141 e. Against the at ra Ira and those lodebtad to tbr same. 0111 Pre• mint their aeoooots St No. 6 irmatta.l4 for Liar sOlustmeco of the same. wii.l.4 lI,DINSVN 1 . 32731...011. Jul.. IBC. MEM! Notlce Is beret, given to all ornons not to {webs*. soy alas goods..••••. merchandise. or material. be.ouging to the late Om of erLif, einem, my Indleidaal signature I. attached to each an] emery bill of sal. of seta gaols. .area, merchandl” at m•- krill. at 1 will frond:ate each and rscry salc nut IDade to aecordange mill toil notice. 2.IIIiIIAILL. Pirl•or.m.v3, Jo!y Vi 7. 1,01 flit__ IRON CITY CUTLERY CO., 1\0.3 St. Clair Street Having purchased of A NMIXIV 11 , 10(ih the