The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 29, 1867, Image 1

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    THE DAILY Mtn"
runwarem avEar tkoitaise,
.." 114;1: . ;iitt*OM
Ornat. GAZiTT
Jul. as LED 85 Firm STREET.
is rtn3 CiptlEtia 1%1 , er IT Uttri rennhuis
Ctuacyr. unetee,-r ISEST PARILT
sad Cil/L48.18.881. C4rEF.I4 like Uste•
?mule or to DAILY:
_3lllell coon 3 eett.l.
peltirette 6, Garflers.l.ll,..e.l. '•
Mllllllabomtdal . ., per pat -
'eAre VittsbitrOT. Ctii:;ittE
Tao Tin exunormsorl`rnrdaelaav
lns;ag the cl* durinit the atn(ner*onths
'they can have the tarns tnalled to their
addrese,l39 Ordering thn cone at the onion,
for fltecen cents per week for Ono i cek or
Tun railer...nen of what ei called "gen.
nine Ardent: cholera" in different sec
tions of the 'United States should excite
our citizens to teemed sanitary precut
/bier's. If. is confidently believed, income
skein; that the d.,ad pestilence prevails
in a number of the larger dims to a mote
alarming extant than Las been made prit,
lie; tint we do not receive truthful re
ports,from neighboring communities re
garding public health. Whether there
'enrich or little truth in -the surmises
matters'not. certainly have justoe
anion to anticipate and provide against
$ visit from the asease. The city is ripe
for ihoT harvest of death, and should the
scorffii mimic wit-way the mortality lists
riitse fearful. The recent - rains
leave lidurdry improVcd our sanitary con
dition. Much' filth wee swept. into
the river, but much more was left
exposed to the spa's • fierce rays
to pollute and poison the atmosphere.
The alleys and by-ways, and, indeed,
the 4 ireater nunber of streets, are 'in au
exceedingly filthy condition, some of
.them being- entirely innocent of the
scavengers' attention since last Fintcr,.l
'or perhapsihe Autumn preccdinc.,,There
is no_ cause for immediate alarm, but
• every citizen should resolve himself into
a sanitary committee of ere to see to
righting lila own preinizes and looking
into those of his neighbor. Afew days
work, well directed, will accomplish
• much-goe!, and perhaps may save
&editor lives. apathy . , there is deci
ded danger; in being fully awake to the
'impending 'danger, will do no harm, bat
be productive of , much good;
12 was INNOITSCIM early last wren
that the libel salt brought by Mr. Gen
liar 611111( against the Chicago Trflene
bad been settled. The libel was alleged
to ecingitin o statement that Mr. Surma
knew beforehand of Fir. SOHN Bnowit's
raid- into Virginia, furnished . money in
aid thereof, afterwards feigned insanity,
and went to a Lunatic ..tcylum to escape
responsibility. In settling the Snit this
charge was virtually withdrawn.
On Saturday lest, Mr. 1101UCC Wears,"
one of the editors of the Trzbune, pub—
lished over his Own signature a card, in
which be say a he was from home ivben
tlie s eettleinent was made, and is dissatis.
Bed with it. Elendds:
-"lam in possession of information'
which enables 1110 to anima that Mr. Ger
rit -Smith _was fully advised of 'John
Brown's purrose to make an armed-in
vasion orraid upon Virginia, for a long
time prior to such invasion or raid; that
the:- said' Gerrit Smith assented to and
co-oparateri. In mach invasion: or raid,
with Auhrke;thotey and coattail; that in
tervielii Moir place between John -Brown
and Gerrit Smith at the residence of the
latterlii-L'etemboro, New York,- in the
slimmer of Is:in v .= which' John Brown
unfolded to Gerrit Smith his plan so for
as it was then matured, informing %im
particularly - that. Cluanherstrag, Penn
sylvania; had been timed upon as the
place to which Orfila should be fast eent;
that, the plan contemplated not merely a
method of running off slaves, but a mil
itary occupation of the -country and a
general insurrection of slaves, accompa
nied by violence and bloodahed, and that
Gerrit Smith knew it, assented to it, and
ftithishrtimoney to carry it forward." . .
The oldest Ilene of numanttr.
The oldest remnant' of mortality ex
tant is the skeltten of ono of the earlier
Pharaohs incased in its original burial
robes, and wonderfully perfect, consid•
cling ha age, which wgs deposited about
erglateen or twenty mouths ago in the
British Musearn, and is jeThstly consider
ed the most valuable of its archaeologi
cal treasures. The bd...of the coriln
which contained the royal mummy was
inscribed with the name of its occupant,
rharsolt lisberimus,,who succeeded the
heir of builder of the great pyramid
about two centuries before Christ. Only
think of it; the monaridi whose crumb
ling bones anti leathery-infegr.ments are
now exciting the •wonder of numerous'
gazers in London, reigned in Egypt bg..
fore Abraham was born, and only about .
two centuries or an :Ater Lligraim, the
grandson of old rather 7oalt Mid the
first of the Pharaohs had been gathered
10 his latherit—ExcLangr.
Whoever wrote the foregbing would
do well,. before proceeding farther, to
devote some time to chronology. This
Pliirsoh is described as having lived
°nifty° hundred years. before Christ,
and only about two centuries after 3liz•
raim, the grandson of Noah! As Abra
ham is commonly computed to have been
born 1921 years B. C., and the deluge on
wt ich 'Boat' sailed, to have happened
427 years baron Abraham's birth, the
writerof the above would seem to have
blundered unaccountably:
Wwat Is called the'concrete pavement
Is received with great favor at the east,
and has been recently tried at the west I
withsuccesa It is anuarneted with a
foundation of cobble atones, tarred and
covered with ensue gravel, and the Bur
iScelscompleted with fine gravel. This
is soon Mules* hard and even as atone,
=delve a pavement elastic, yet firm.
Its construction to the work of only two
or thtes - daYs, after which it is .hard
andsalidoisayaveled and beaten fond.
lgme Via[ kied durable,
ancHt.s tutor other, ezeellencies have
futile ft very pOptlar. Some of no ad
vantagel dire that It is always hard and
dry, It does not crack with frost, nor in
it affeeteddifelther heat or cold, and it
always remains level and dry. It costs
about the Same as brick, yet does not
break or yield, ]tat presants as even and,
bard liettlhlCO as erotic.
Is tho 'event of the triumph of the
manhood suffrage measure In. Ohio, Some
of theDomocottle journals of that State
threaten to elect, co far as it
is in the
power.of the party to .ecct, regrocs to
office. This hot:empathic threat is put
fortlktg frigbten•Republicans out of vot
ing afarmativelY on the question. but I'.
'cannot. have much weight. la. • wme
Democratic districts the minority might
weluOme a changc . in the men who man
age to get Mike, etenir blacks should he
substituted for whife.
t True Mayor St. Louis recently ea far
forgot the dignity of Ids (Alice sotto strike
with a Mae and kick a rezPactable negro
WOmstiof that city,. Ile, was brought
up before a Justice of the Peace and
tried his jary , of Sir men, who found
him guilty ut the charge and assessed
him to pay a flea of three dollars and
costs Ter, light penalty for so grave
an (hence. • •
Tar. political feeling runs very high
in Tenneuee. . I laynard
,and Ether
idge rut accidentally . at Greenville, last
week, when PerSonal_recontre took
plaoe,tho 'hater striking the former.
They were separated before any damage
was done either: -
rionotweie fiast.two weeks sts
tens of LaaviSter, ?a., died, Whew ages
-aggregated four hundred and seventy
A. JOVILICAL - dOSOtOd to the interest 0
the game, of, base ball has mad, Ite ap
! pearsuice,in NetiYotk.
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t'A i ti
Thy: Board of Health of St. Louis has I
promulgated an order forbidding the I
sale, its that city, of indigestible yegetai.
Ides and knit., each as cabbages, melons,
.cucumbers, .unripe apples; &c. This
measure looks very amebas if the cholera .
haamade its appearance Li that neigh
borhood. Such rare precaution is set
dom taken before the prosenoe of the
danger. •
An Almost Ilnesampled rarcer of VII.
Islay. DUO Crime.
Old citizens of Cincinnati are still fa
miliar, doubtless, with the name of John
W. Green, wl,ao, a number rifyears since,
resided here, and was engaged in the
manufacture and sale of Japan ware.
During this time he wade the acquaint
ance of, and finally married, a highly
respectable lady, and one much admired
amongst a large circle of friends. For
a time everything seemed to go well with
Green and his wife. He continued in
business, end apparently flourished in it.
Three children were successively horn
to the couple, and Green began to
looked upon by some as one of the "solid
men" of the city. Others, Imweyrr, din.
trusted him from the first; and several
little peccadilloes which came. to light
alter a couple of years, caused so close a
watch to ho kept upon him, that he was
enable to practice here any rascality
open n large scale- This did not suit
ilnknon n to his acquaintances,
he lisposed of every bit of'hie pioperty,
and suddenly .leaving the city, lie was
heard of no more for years. His wife
and children were left behind. The lat
ter were well cared for; lint' our impres
sion is pow, that the betrayed and de
serted woman died some years ago.
Many who never thenceforth heard at
the scoundrel hoped that he, too, ices
dead. But it 1118 n portion of his plan
df operations to assume falee names, And
under different aliases he seems to have
arried on a career of unmitigated twin
ling, imposture and villainy, up to we
resenttime. The fallowing from the
ow Haven (Connecticut) Jotirnia, of
[outlay last, will, if we mistake not,
iinyinee our readers that Green is" one
if the most consummate rascals of the
"Thellartford Pot: of yesterday, gives
,n account of a Methodist clergyman
-.aliened at Middlefield, who called him
•lf Cullison, but whose real name is
. Olin W. Green, who has turned. out to
a swindler; forger and incendiary,
nil the husband of four wives--one in
liestern New York, with five children;
one in Cincinnati, Ohio, with three chil
dren, one in Baltimore, and one with
him. lie bss been in - this State four
years, and by his efforts a church has
been built at Iffaddlefield, over which be
was made a pastor. Pt Philadelphia he
was sent to the Pemteatilry for swind
ling, for fifteen months, and served his
time out.
"In New York he was sent to Sing
Sing for five years for the same offense,
but waspartloned in six months. Ile
served 1n the army as chaplain, and rob
bed the soldiers' letters of money; and I
got $lOO from Mr. Lincoln on a plea
of going South to make a treaty with ,
Jeff D i ,tvis• About two months ago his
parsonage burned down in a- way that
created suspicion. lie claimed that he
lust everything, cut he was arrested and
made to dtsclose the location of certain
trunks be had hid - under the church and
carried off. These trunks were found to
contain all his And his wife's clothing;
books, jewelry, etc.
"The swindler is a man over fifty
years old. has four wives living, and is
divorced from only one; is tall and thin.
quick in milieu, fluent la speech, has
black hair and eyes, preaches a fine-ser
mon—but no doubt steals them Item wr.
mons of English divines, of which he
bad a number of volumes in his trunk,
When living in Middletown, he took
improper liberties with a girl twelve
years old; who lived with him, going
into her room after she was asleep, and
there are other charges against him of a
iieimilar character. lie and his wife have
quarreled like eats and dogs, and never
more so than on Sundays. He carne to
Berlin a short time ago to start a "Ceu•
gregational Church, pretending to he
ono of that denomination himself,., find
endeavored to get help from pastors, but
failed. Ile owes large amounts In Mid
i dletown and vicinity."—Cineitinati
Chinese Fanatic,.
That Chinese are capable of enduring
much for religion is to be seen by the
long and toilsome pilgrimages under
taken by many, as ilea in the works of j
mortifiention of the tledi in which their
zeal finds vent it:so - sat of in pro•s•lytism..
On ono occasion, a few weeks ego, I was I
'witness to these mortilleatimpi Mt the
flesh. The place was New Wong, a trio-
pie close to Ningpn, whleh has recently !
gained Si high reputation far the piety of j
the Bunnies, At die time I entered, two
priests were.tindergoing the operation at,
having the linger burned '•A taring
was tied tightly around the linger under
the ....Ma knuckle: the band was
then surromblod by a ball of elan and
the fist ,doubled up, leaving one linger
stickingoint. Bound this linger Wan tied
,sandal-wood; which Was lighted, and
ladling and blazing rosin and oil Faired !
'main The.person operated on sat in
it choir, inttiod, with the burning hand
on the altar. • Nothing prevented him
moving his hand at any moment. At •
any time he could have asked, and the
torture• would have been dinealWitiltea.
I staid an hourand a half witnessing this
strange algid, all! of width time gum,
were bealing•and Mayers being :an.
Behind one of the sufferers stootlalt iiged
prikt, his hands on the shoulders of the
sulliger, a young, hraltitv looking man.
From the hands of the otil Mall, tire fin
gers, were mii•islng, they having been
horned ofr. I must costs that though
I ant mod to see • operittioni, et,.
out n ah adder, I sickened at the sight of
this needless pain and deformation of
God's Image..,Ktotighai Rcefmkr. -
Ti!E EIgTOICS DO.A.WFAI, in Hzeper's
Iloygrisr, for August has a funny inci
dent which °marred nt Monona:v:4 du
ring (110 wiener of 10i —'4, in whieli a
Lieutenant of a Pennsylvania regiment
truss It the 7 0th?)) was the hero, The
Drawer sayk—.klthough the male in-
Imbitautsin Dint reginn were opposed to
the - sway of onreonimon Federal Uncle,
the women were disposal to Unionism,
and one of the results of this sentiment
on the part f the gentle sex was a ills
' ptaltion to go in strong for everything
iin the way of dance>. The "junior ail
-1 cent and sometimes the seniors, recipro
attest this admirable feeling. Among
the sub:Litt-rev was xt. LiNIIIIIInnt via
Pennsylvania Regiment who ass a great
lady-hiller, and prided himself thereon.
On one °maim this sanguinary young
man found a lady who "could waltg-11
rare necolnplLshment stinung the" rustles
of Tennmee and Georgia. Ile -was in
eatacies! end no the dantmel was on to
good-looking, paid her any nun:dyer of
compliments both on tier dancing and
beauty. In fact there is no knowing
wdero Ills flattery would have led, him if
be had not been brought up all standing
by a brief statement of feet, which was
no follows: Inn stratutert - you all
me goutl•looking tent , Why you just
ought to have seen the before I • had the
—A writer in the New York thi:elte
contracting Sou rgenEt nun. Beecher, stun:
"No tannin the world understands his
phytural svateat better than 'Mt. &vela
cr.. Ifiscaning, sleeping, exerelseall con.
form to the laws of health. He is thor
oughly temperate In all respects. Ile
has reached it halt century with It sound
constituthin in a healthy body, and has
twenty-tlvo yearn good service In him
yet. Spurgeon is a young man e ills
iieshy appearance mid the gout that has
already overtaken hum, show that phyar
ical lawn must be obeyed, a. won as
moral. 3lr. Beecher Heels plainly, Is
simian, in big dream and in his habits,
anal if met in the streets, would sooner
be taken for an express man in a hurry
fertile mins than a minister. Spurgeon
'dresses, in true Hagfish clerical style, is
freeliver, dispenses nu 'elegant hospl.
Wits% keeps his coach and coachman,
livealn a fine utantilou, • aml: boasts as
Rod a turn-out tes the Archbishop .of
,s-In the Michigan Constitutional Con
vention, a. clause extending the tight of
enitmge to Indiana hue boon edopteiL A.
motion weal made to qualify 'the chaise
extending the' right of sulThige to ell
male Indians; natives of the Coiled
Mates, by re/Wring that they' alien bo
civilized,' but it was afterward rejected
on the ground that it was of no preetleal
value. It w:u also moved to require
that it ahoiiild apply Duly to Twill:us who
have dissolved their tribal relation. It
was argued that this would cut off every
Indian vote, and this was defeated. Ali
Indians ere therefore now voters, under
the clause.
—The Mayor of 'Litton ban prohibited
tho spitting of (ohmic° Jul* on the nide
walks. if that iitnyor eau put n Mop to
his Indrooncy, we would wish that no
eat up Utica WWI confine his powers.
; 1, -41
. 1 ,L 1
1 I
uy T:ItgYAPt. r, tin rlitslriaryh 1 1,u1ALY•3
15'•8111NOTON, duly 27, Ma.
A quarter of a sulllton of fraetsonal our
reney was sent to the untte'd states elepost.
tory, at Chleae.o, doting the week.
toter Revenue teceipts tor the week
were $1,179.563.
a•xmltat. DANZ L 0681..
The rentlolllloele. National Bang, of
Bridgeport, Connecticut, boa lost by Bs
Moot Ilftp thousand' dollars, as tar as
ascertained. Government eSiGISIIIOIII are
'lnvestigating lli ems/taloa.
The Court having overruled the motion
forstay of C.XeCtllioll of tharonteura of
Sutton.' Conover,-the wanton 11 preparing
to take him tOSltlally.
31.P.1V 706 TUE E the .St TON.,
Th. otatre crow for onewall, for
Japan, boo been thinned, and It Is likely sun
sill 1,,,, about Thursday or Friday, mop
inns st Ntrlnik, wherethe will go on the
dry dick for an esti:lA.lst%. or her bull.
LAND oreten e•rsisra.
Tim Conmilsitonre Canes( of the Lana
0111sa, w honk tno Mat ten any e.transmitted
,vven holitlitsl ,v7culy.sli patent. to
intltVldvais for illtlllE to the tolloirinst nea
ten:ls. !one:Mlle, Mo.; St. Clout,
Mien.; Traverse City. Mich; Springfield,
Ill; Carson City, Surto!.
canna arrnialas.
Tit.: War Dopartntent has kitten an Order
appolcitnic Ihn Can ret , ntly gralluated
at *Vest Polnt to nrenoti Lionteonntn, nod
r•prellylng the reannenta to %lath they are
Several South Carol:mane, oppotool to
Itcont who Ravi, recently been In
Wieibington. savlllo leading creocrvatlves
have proposed I.Vtlll+ or rohtll tcargnlnn
to sown lenOlog colons,' itizens, to the
effect that the conservatives wall help the
leach, to alert the latices Cmd l.tnlca to
lsnigrciai without le t h al to color, piovhleil
tau blacks will give the whites control of
the State government.
van:ars - west I.a:start.
Seine ti mere intends Coon to return
temporarily to Mexico. hav Mg received
leave of abceon n from Ms post after eight
years grab:armee front ble ennutry,and um
remit tlag attent lon to the ardnons Mules
and responalbilities which nova; red ripen
Chu is the reprerentaillos of the Mexican
republic in this country.
Names or rattir;e.
Tb; (oilmen:lc ate the tlesliorationt to
regiments of Cadets of the Military Acade
my Just um:glared Seconti Lieutenants of
the Corps of Engincent. Cadets: Earnest
it. Ruffner, Jobe C. Mallory. Clinton
Sears, Thos. Tart le. J. E. Grifilth. Wm. E.
pryers. Leuh. ali tinapt, Ed aard Staguire,
F. A. Marian. C. F. Powell. F. A. limman.
Ordinance lirparimmat cadets: John
ti reer, John Funarn,' Jr.: First Itegiment
Cavalry cadet, Henry A. Mole.; Tried Cav•
airy: Geo. . Crottlehough; Fifth Cal - tare.
Jacob Almv; eeventh Caveirtt John Y.
Johnson, Ed:wool S. Godfrey: Eighth Cav
alry: E. IL Berth First ar tiler,: William
I', lieveolti, Jr.. John M. liravls, James E.
Those A. Earlier, Allyn Capron, Edw.
Merriman, Lander Thowes, Gilbert F. Pat
too ; Secoml Artillery. IL M. Itogers,Thos.
Thomburg. E. T C. limorneul. James Bas
est, Alex U. Schenck', Eviour. Canto, turned.
warm . , M. Crawford. J. A. Carew - telt; J. H.
Gitiont. Third Artillery: Ch re. S. Ileintree.
"rice, H. It Osgood, sularelek, Pratt. Henry
IL waiter, Jr., Chariot C. Haire*,
Edward Des Is.. C. C. Wale° t. Fourth
Artillery: Griot's , It. Miller, Charles G.
lietlhart,Camto.l IL J flare. Cr-or:don U
t. tiertmtson. Walter linen. Horatio W.
Jones, E. N. Chester. Fifth Peniment Ar.
Mimi:: Charles Stsaler. Jr., Ltll4l Lama,
Joan McClellan, Ghee: E. Wo de, A. Tree,
Lee, Stanislans trllliam .7. toe, Jr.,
Cr,. li. Cullum, Thomas II Adams. kit
tern th Win. J. Sadie.
fly 'Yelremph La the VlttemtFts (Ineette
New Tout, July 27, .1:,07.
The steamor Columbia, from GlM¢Olr, or
rxvcol to-day.
' Web op IleIlm:no: of Ohio, gelled per they
of Antwerp. tpr Engle:tn. to utteret tee
Grand Cottrell of the'!_piropel Church in
Suptinaber. '
'rho den•he In the elle of New Ynrk for
Inn week were etz hundred and sercnlY-
Nein, nn Increase, of nunnyoseven rover Iwo.
eek. Thu leer:Attu was mostly among
child ten.
Eror t io Illtamp, George M. Wilkes and
Jottlib S. 011ey hare been arrfatell, sop.
paned to be eoncertied to largo notribor
forneries .iverAl moult., tonsil log
OM of Inf.: ali,C4o on a Broadway
hank, portioning tot be abintai by tau Board
of Elocution.
tAII.IIO.LD vl9lO eet9YSTe.
Tho Erpress altya that at the meeting of the
ransom/oat' :v.. , of the Crank lines. bola on
rrldny afternoon, ttcto wm romp disagree.
omen, nod Eton althdrow from 1110 C.llll.
pact, and Will now art Indopendently. The
holttotoro and tlam • haying wolbdragro
Immo time ado.lhe only mmtlos to Ito, coin.
pact woo - doing one Now York Control and
Moonsylvaoln Con , ral, and It to therefore
mmeldorod vrrtnally at anew!.
IL:serge, %V. Chandler, nt,.. Gm,lse, nu
netar c I role , senate, bus been rarest rd tor
ullesed blgoany. llu Wends au Indians 411-
some In the hsr.
mictilt 4.,CYR. cortrc.
A Wel case of cholera et:tarred In the
Vrxrinlltil of Newton, Queens county, and
ILL rthArted that envbral other porenns
wern nttliCkril In the sumo honed. Thu
prellll , cv nave been dloltaceted.
Evidence Clesee—Dlstrlct Attorney
Corstagtou etrOtus the Argon:met.
Nis rcirrrarli to Ins Pi tub Its% tissotte.l
W.isatateres, July 27, IE7.
'Unicorn halos .consldertd a'osed, so far
an the evidence Is rnocerned. J ridge Fisher
ruled . on certain points of Reno
dance. flu street; out Use evklencesionit
Jacob Thompson, also the evidence relative
to • telegraphic communicoton between
Washington and Now Torki also the , 1)9011
letter. Ile admitted the evidence relative
to the attack upou the Vice President and
Secret., Seward, God that an to the sheet
inn of Colon pritonertronctip.{: from rebel
The defense noted an exception to the ad•
ma*.lon of this evidence.
Alter some debate al to the course of
procedurewith • the ornaments. Judge
Fisher ordered the counsel to proceed.
Iststrict Attorney Carrinipoo maw:rased
the balance of the cloy for the prosecution
on questions of law, and will take np all of
• Monday on questions, of feet.
Counsel for derail. will follow.
/.Ir.Pierrepoint will Close the orguMent,
which Is est Acted to lost all of next week.
Levee Cottnnie.lonerv, Appointed hi
General Hherldaa. oreltoed to vow
nmenee Operathrenel—UOVCregershlp of
(Brifleerests to the Lilitinora h Ossetia)
'New 0at.101116, July 27,--An order RDA id.
good fmra licadottextere 10-day, renewing.
the functions of the Board of Levee Corn
miselonni, appointed by General Sheridan,
anitordering than] to LiOnneenee opetallons
A dispatch :lay. General Sheridan • will
probably It:point Judea nue:then G 3
of Tuxes, to piece Of ThrOckmorton.Vernor
Attempt to Bob—Public Library
to be Opened on Swaney.
thivreirgrgeb to the Pittsburgh thtsette,i
notros, July 27.—Am attempt tree made
to rob Charles W...andruns, at his lodging
room, on Croleut street, lust 'night, of $14,003
In greenbacks. Andrus's ems struck erna a
holy or the heed, but seized . his sussallant
and with tun hold of an olneer arrested
him. - lilt name ta„tionert, Dmlstp. Do Wag
hold for trial.
atos l tsT=,lll;: r g ` g i Th7g , ll. r ;fi r t 'r g
oo hundays. ,
Arrival or Writlab iron:ill—Stine Es
' • plealass=l . llata sack MOW.] Away.
(By Teettspb to the kiaseice.)
i/canicaulygn—Tbo troo9 ably Lamar._
still tbs . :2th regiment, arrived today.
A mine near Fort Point Levl eXPlodiut
killing • man named frowcrOnla and acct.
onsiv wounding three others. ' •
Nina its, i my :V —Tao re rosining portion
Of Table ltk waa blown away front tho
main rock ibi s afternoon by a blast Of two
hundred pounds of, powder.'
Br.A.rtobllne at isoard, at Heslottra•
imn—Tbe at Official Vaunt.
till Telegraph to the Neuharth Casette.] .
Meat/ova, Vi.. July Schofield
will, on -Monday, latest an order it rrenglo
the down... for the rimulsembllng of Doerde
of Reedetretlon. Vaesoclea ate to be Ailed
lry lsolr•Dearter Cunneen den. la elm filling
of judictel °Blues which map bromic vacant
lin the State; nominations will be seat to
ins Governor. - For allother vnennelea nom-
Methane will be sent illtecttobeedOoericre.
Orlylog Park Optioed—Ton alto Trot
(1 , 1 Toloorroolt to Lb.. klittboroh 0.410,12.1
boniesreTene, F. T., July • A.—Too Soben
eetuoy art.:log perk we e formally opened
for rezes twit,. Tbe m etch ten mitre trot,
for lien honored donors, betereet. Nellie
c. r .y too Cerrito Sher_. eoentogr kite
.won by Nellie Grey. • Time, ThaL
. . . .
Ctucsoo, July f.l.—ln the base ball umtab
to-day, between the liattonsis or {Tutting•
ton and Excelsior's of Chicago, the lanes.
Wo. The swore- stood tortyoiltie to four.
The n Exculhaors wore vailtaWaelacil six
Indian Troubles In Idsho—ltrortpts
cod Mbiprucuts of Wheat—Crop Ac
ounts tstolllctlng.
(By Telegraph to the Sittstrareb Oarette.i
See Fitancirce, July 21.—idaho turban
state that Genernl Crook started ou a
scouting expedition to Stein Blountaln.
July Stk. Considerable fighting was en .
petted. Scouts report signs of largelsautis
of Indians in that vicinity.
The Indians made their appearance tire
-Mlles smith of Silver en July 9th, and
drove off a quantity of stock. Troops were
irtireedlately sent. In pursuit from Camp
The Steamship Golden City, from Paean..
arrived tostiny... The -hip Sunrise, for
Liverpool. with 0.603 sacksr wheat, and
trauma Clifkm, for, Liverpoo l o
wilh a cargo
of copper bre, cleared: The receipt., 01
wheat for tkos past week were over 1'20,100
sacks, at an average of 41.70iti.,71. Twenty
Iwasaki ere' ,tto present In this port engaged
to loan who*, Skeen of which aro for Li,
Accounts concerning the MOPS being ga
thered are somewhat confliction. The pos.
Bible surplu• forexport will not be as large
ClloleoBlllpnEng g [Win are
quoted at sl,7sffi,Sa. Fleur firm, at 4r.ff 1,50.
Barley, at a L.72M11,40. Les:O.:smilers. 72 , 4.
Sow Fosse:sew July 2.1.—T/10 kirk Cilf•
ton, for Liverpool, nailed.
The lin:denten entatO was 101,1 yesterday
for five Inutaire.l knit slimy thous:inn aut
The snit of Mortimer Phelps egiOnst the
Union Copper Mining Company. iv., CIOCill•
In favor of the plaintiff, the Jury •avarding
for one-thirteentli of the mint , three bun.
area and seventy thousand .10 liars damages,
the value el the ores heretofore esteemed.
IL. li. ' , armlet:tar, Counts. Clerk ol Nevada
county, ami Union catidhloto for (jerk of
the Supreme was killed to by en
explosion of gnu at the Court Manse et Nv-
J. U. McCallum declines the nomination
for Secretary of State on the Natio n al Ito.
publican ticket.
The schminer nrann to 1 lare." tile , y.e. ita ht
days from lions lions, has arrived. Tan,
brig 'Oen.le." hence, had not arraked at
'long Kong, anti rears were entertained for
her safety. Tate Uritista ship ettay 110,1,."
anti the hatch bark ...lapora." salted to
San Francisco urethan. to Jane loth. Mae
steamstelp • Moses Taylor," Inmt Sun Joan.
arrived List night.
A. Elerrall. defaulting Tressairer coin
Clara twenty, was sentenced tarn years to
the State Prison.
Flour Grin at. ileeetSC.:n. 1 1 ' heat. 6 1 . 1 :a.
Barley, $l,ll. Mlntnir stocks irregular; t,.
derma sales—Crown romt. 61111: 1 Mims
.1 seket, F 3.53: t ;mild A. Corry. Mx ; Fmo tar,
. 4 . 40 ; KentuCky,"l3,9 , 4ltypeTlL4 l . 32. 1 4 i Ent.
Pits 11111.31,51; Overman, 6l Y:; oollir, 41,2 A;
Li el Tenden.7l.4.
SAY F150FC10470../alylC.—Tlie littlish ship
I. llerlingtrin," recently (rem Syohey, was
libelled. lleversi pesseogers. for Meseta 01
Passenger contract. claim STOW damages.
rim schooner "booth. w.ptdred ,Guard on
Siota Crux. and tern of the crew wore
drowned. The shin -Mack., I,' from Nm
ama, arrived. Too “Senrier," for Liver
pool. salted.
The San Iratielseri tinter Compatty have
tied artlelta of inenrponalon, watt a capi
tal of 44.000,1110, and mousse tOsuPPaY the
city with wa or trout the Santa tire< Moon.
tame. Tiny will comm..e operation. am
Coonecticat Lcg I%lato re. .
:UT Telcp,rapo to Me rlft,Ourala (Amite. 3
IlarfVonn, 0000.1 July ,7 =1 ho In'gleln•
tura adjourned v. altur ape,--
eon of three Months Th., Valstltuttnnal
amendment. Magna suffrage (0 all el , lzenr,
undo nod female, Was lout—Jl to
Death ale resales,
Mt Telegraph to me eittmareh . •
lirerat.n, dilly W.—Sergeant John Lynch,
of ClueM.O. a mend., of the Fenmi.
army under Gourmet O'Neill. diet 1.. thL.-
city thin erratum:in of a glacial wound ro
reined at Itidgearay.
Heath ern Clop Prospect...
lny Sch. - rays to the rittebee,vh sisee.te-7
AuntrevS, GJI., SUIT r —Ausounts from
Fiore!. Middle and Eastern alsoaren, are
avorable to the clops. The grata crop.
are also tolhitt and paper...lly promletog.
The Virginia Coaceutlan.
037 Tol,anda to ato Mit/Moran tducti-.1
• Iticinioan, .3017 r.—At a meeting or the
Guam. of 'Monett., to-day, nankin,
Stearn. prootlnd, and dolegotow were on
pointed to the Auguot Ciereclitton.
Arrival of Ibvs liormools.
tly .. jtlorrapo to Uto rltt.turtla Orrcttad
Sosur Boon, July B. it r. u.—Tno steno
obi° from Ilautnuro. July
but 0.0,0.1 tEI pant mud wtll roort nut
-4,lenenar e,gtrmatint the
crop on his plantationA near liclunn, Ar
lialts.aa, at 2V0,101
—A Mobile pup, notely ',prob.., 01 r.
Itayuottot ari •that itott-spoktox oud to, hi
—TL Troy 71,n, sal., 111.1 e(lngrti,
man 3torrl3Ney moth , up 1.013 Ot tk-VV.O O,
In 41.0,k opcnttlu. In 1 Vall estx,t ' lust
Nve1..14.. •
—Charles Clark. n reahlent, ?Mehl
has sued the City of Chienird to re-,
error Sr,tt&r, dnaot i w tar injuries sm.-
talued on a defective siclowala.
—Senator Cole htln teen at Albany for
the paat two or dire, nays on it visit to
his brother, Ceti. Ceertre 'W. Cole, WI."
In awaiting trial for 1.11.• if L.
Harris - 11141mM,
—Nlernonmilom for tedious beaux N.
P. Willis one: ,old, in private entiveram
lion. that a woman worm' tire of filsehus
Alain° Maven' it Urn
y oung titan Lungid iom the heart' all the time. --
-Awstin Cron:soh, of New York, seek,
divots, from his wife IlannuM Ile is
ninth! of , 7.her. She gem drunk anti
break, tha •furnitare.' She lOnngt4 1 , 11100.
of woad at his Lead with annoying ntnnl
, tile?", and morality solilinnize“ thrill
art hie.
—The Xenia 7 orrielsf7l• rettiorkte ••II
apptunt to be almost a toregoie , ettrivith
mon that • hi.tge 11. reunite , en is to 1.•
the 17emoellit/0 candidate tor 111,11. Pres
ident. Ileorge is eloquent, and elegunt,
sad polished, and doesn't auto!! 01 tiny
of your ‘(10t1Illid011 ? 140 , X1 or the 'tiuhuly
—On one occasion, Mr. Jame 4 T. linaly
of New York, was ,Intending a hard ease,
when the Judge made .several rulings
very much against the defendant.
Wherettpan Mr. Brady blandly hag utred•
"May it please your honor, who's ,
gaged on the other side of this ease
side the Judge?"
—The Maysville thy.; Ernfie nays
"We learn that John L. Scott has sold
his peach crop to a Cincinnati firm for
bllAsal, the purchaser to gather the fruit,
pay all expense, and take all raks. We
Mare gum the crop is very large, and the
quality of the fruit grset. The orehard
eentaina fifty items, anti cost r. Scott,
some yearn ago, $4,00e.
—Mr. Tarry writes to Mr. Seward
that there was .gold in ahandanee - 01
the Stlokeen riven" in Walrussle; "thus•
hundred miles from ire 'sauce," in the
year liu^L Mt. Derry - thinks Mr. Solv
ent hen (1004 a 'big thing In purchasing
the laud of walruses. I low happened
Mr. Barry to keep this posioun infor
mation from the public for live years?
In he 0 goose-Berry.
—A kindly disposed gentleman in I ier
.chenter, a few Jaye sher.,lnVited widows
of an: advanced age In that nine to a
strawberry' party at his house, and sent
round : to the residence of each a carriage
for their convenience. Nineeen widows
accepted this Invitation. Old times were
talked over and many Incidents of the
past related. The eldesa lady present,
in a sinter of the lute (Jr. Pierce:, of Brook:
line is aMety-five yearn of age; another
is ninety; and the average of the whole
number was about seventy-eight. Each
lady was presented with a tioquet of
flowers, upon her departure by theirhost:
—At Madsen, Leaawro county, Mich.,
July lab, Minn Amu Phelps, a young
lady .01 eighteen daughter of Mr. i'M,vin
Phelps, on her way to the district school
of which she was teacher, in company
with is neighbor's daughter,took u neat
on a reaper which was In operation in a
field adjoining the road, to role around
oats,' or twice for arnuaement. The
homen became 'frightened and rat away
with the' reaper, throwing Mites Pheitin
on the knives!, .'eutting her tuft hand
completely oil' and terribly mangling her
limbs laud body. It is probable that her
injuries are fatal. The other girl was
not seriously Injured.
—The,CainSvllle Missouri Republican,
of the l7th instant. nays a little daughter,
of a Mr. Martin, of Barry calmly, only
eight .years old, deliberately shut , and
killed a brother - of four yearn. She bald
she killed him - "bemuse Lo polled her
and declared "if tau other chit.
dreh mined any more of them, she would
about • them too." - Mr. Martin, on hear- -
lag the pistol shot, went tri,his home, end
found the Infant murderesn, besmenred
with blood, &Stirring her mangled
brother from the:room Infii the yard.
physician wbowas fined , in to 'extract
the hall, intimates that the girl-was In
sane... The utak occurred on the 4th
—A: French journal tells • are anecdote
or the fidelity of a porter to 'las charge.
The Empress Eugemerecently presented
herself at the Isthmus of Suez. gide of
the Exhibition, before the hour of open
fog. The porter refused to admit her
Jfejasty, although she named 31. de
I.etwps as her friend. "Ah ! they. all
say that," retorted thegate.keeper, The
Ittupre's 'updated that the great canal
maker would buitantly admit her were
he there, but °Mild not p revail., She
then played her last card—“ But iR were
to tell you that lam the Ernpressl" "1
;Mould not believe you," mae the rejoin
der. A lady of honor, however, at length
convinced the porter that the applicent
woe the Empress; and then the gate
opened. Some officious person proposed
to dismiss the faithful man, but the Em
preso intervened and savedlini.
COT To:torooh to tho ritO,uroh Ultotto.]
T 63130 3,
Loo rum, -lune C.—Tali Imams of the Per.
eon! recently iirroiteil 4 Cork on enepiclon
of ticmg Fe nos, .13 Cal Melon. Griffin nod
Golan. lte,ll , wno ant boon on trial for
some . LIII.IC, charged kith complicity In the
recent outbreak. la harry, was found guilty
of high treason.
/..18¢1CAN evori.lueccs"
Lattess, 27.—tirreinn—Late Jana.
advlcvs recelven:"ln /lean Kong. re.
por n t tn nt the Amerlemfahlp
Capt. Williams, had athised at Noyasok,
.Japan, with a carga of ytco, which It Was
at:eged she had tanon from a Part of China
which had not linen opened toforein trade
by nay treaty stipulations. The facts
having In.oo re:tarns:lo the mainlander of
the Untied ~ t uattrea, the was by his
nrdurn ealand and beach, libeled for an In.
ft:triton of tho treaty made between the
Chinese Gat ern menu and the United States.
IMENA. July 27 —Thu ultau arrived hero
Eunluad, and ls tfte guest of the Em
peror. Francis Joseph.
..1,1,11.1 T OUT Or "...lam
Toe tolletal Jeer:lel ambit is right and to
the Interest of the Emperor Napoleon to
enforce the treaty of Prohtte.
Toe aloe paper sayl - that the Czar has
sent a cote to kin:: William of Prussia to
the forecolog effect. •i‘
G atriE
atal from Mantch
n0uu0...., the tintith of us-King 01110, of
t. roc,. of onotodoet.
Cu essoccu, July asi —put Emprce Eu•
genies estentar visited She United tastes
ateetner Colorado., now Icing thls hothor,
and "ant re,aelved w i th all the Loners ben
t her toalted rank. At her approach
salutes were Orsst, the Nerds manned and
thrvessel was gully decked with colon.
tJther vessels of the Amerman squadron,
till the .Creech lien.of4Var, and all
the salpinnir In the harlmr, were
prefuney dttooratc.l with naming. The
Elepresswas meets - al 1•5 , the Cap
[On of the Colorn Io rod his °flitter&
arm cons:acted throngs the eurlonsparte of
the ?W.V. At the conclusion or the inspees
iter Imperial sliticaly eile . e.led her
self highly pleased with the appearance of
the oily, and gratiflud with the warmth Of
ner reception. She departed amidst the
cethnstaotto cheers of the sailors. tube
manned the yards and a Wring !Wine
tr •te the great guns of Um Colorado.
TEL Lt3ann TO
P. 161.4, July 21.—0 n Saturday evening
tat, at rezzagen Was rtesteet at • State din
n, Fe the Emperor Napoleon... The dinner
arm meeelally Elven Ey the trapezor In
biome of toe American Admiral. Toe
PAncli 3111:later of .Slittlneaml others,mem-
Io rs of the leaver:al LisSinst., tout the em.
bassed, of the tilted Mates, General lili,
Were atone,: the Invited trues's.
• no,resosT orrlct•t.yr otmoo.
Atoni,our potttiroly hoots, too troth
of IL,: ttaterntot Emperor Napo
, 4111 )1,1 oo!t . Sollo/Stotua . f . /b . o• eta.,
o -01411ft:a to ourtotolOr tbo Itnaiah DIA.
•st• of northern Ochlostrlg to Itoomartr.
Halt a.
ArtLICAD rolAIl•IOa3
ST. I' e Joly :!..Teo Emperor
mined u ereree by woleh rho whole
territory littoly conquer.' Iry We Mullis°
wrens 10 Cl ntral Afrlca, coludttuted
one g over n ment, under command of Gen.
rul /ion frulonn.
t.t..a ban!, n ntraager to-day and
tplotea at for
I onooo, July —Ere - nit4g—Thero hu
been hot iiitto rain •in England Within the
:Ail week_ Weather *ley. •
llgztis, • l my —Fee/ling —intnthatancl•
leg the 10114,141 denial Of the afendror of the
Napoleon note to the Kluft of Prussia in re.
gap' to reblesedg, the sand-ohlatut Journals
or Berlin I,llllnuo to urge King %lithium to
repel the intru,loo Or the French Emperor
In the polltlcaltattra of tier many,
Erle, 4...1• 1111nom Central. 71:m
A.R. , : 'W.
E l:
mauror, anly 27.-5 2.0 , 3 167;,.
ins r.N.r., July —Errning.—Cotton
el..eit armor flint with 27.
Wiwi Kell. (retina:
or if. Co) haw,' of nth.lallosg uplands at
twit oilcans leX. Ilretalittolfo--Uorn 33. W.
ken Wheat, 114 for %Mil C11.11(11.124
Oat, 4.. It ',ley (a. Provia/Onk— aril
eareret to 11l I'M. Cheese Ire. Pork Pb. 7
Reel l 14. Bacon aileattood W 3174931. Pro
onow-13.0.111 fine, hat advanced to 16. t.
lieu - Meow 911311 a, la 9N4.1. Tal
low 11a llt.
hos vow, July 27.—Atteronon.—Consois
clo,a nt v:1%; 7:,4; Illinois Central,
Eru, CY.•
rotnan y , J uly Ft, n I.—U rt !Led
t.ates boudu el oaod
COthelis , Church loomed br the
Ildtrersla—Arreet of Illahops. de.
(Br Tstearaen to the yids hurts u•sutze.)•
New Tons, Jaly IS.—The Ilarana Itenwia
soya the I,lberal authorities of the City of
tlealco are perarcatlng MC Catholic Church,
basing atrlpned the Cathedral of all oral
meets and silver ware, and arrested the
111. ho t, of Jalapa, tae Abbott of Goad aloe Pe.
a mt . Or striders, buirrier of the Jesuits,
who were bold In ahem confinement, The
latter two were each neer elabty years or
not, The Charge analuat the Bishop of
Jalapa Is that he acted as alternate for the
Bin hops of Mexico In the Vett nets( Regency,
and that egelnat the Abbott that he took
part In the deliberations et the assembly of
notebtee. It la alto stated that the famous
chapel of the dietary has baoa4Ovelled by
the Liberal/I.
Ttharesph to the rittihorgb Uncut.) •
Now Yong, :July 27,—The liabilities
01 the suspended Unidillo pink aro
maimatml at al.00,0o). It was chotrter
edabout twoism years ago, under
the old harty fund law of the State, and
som e yoerh ago took Ila national character,.
with mapitni of $l5O OM, and power to lo
se to 17.30,010. Its anthers wore: Arnold
li,'SPateon, rresidenty' Clark J, Hayes,
Ign,bler, Too President, It is said, owned
eltie,tbn of thebOPl ul, and the balance was
In the panda of the (Mahler and Some
letives at Albany. It is repOrted the an;
note of the hankwill nor no far toward.
mooting tie ilabilltion. Tho redemption
agency In said to on tae hon.. Of Watson A.
Co., leather dealere, Albany. Trio /kraal
hays fiat 11 1 4.11 g on the par , ea homebody
connected wits the neat, togethor w 11.4
wll,l and otipmfitablo epeculatinue In pro
duce nod minion Clocks. contributed to Its
A Heston dispatch says the receiver to
on, Noel.= NetiOnal Bonk It an collected the
nabillllea and forwarded the .eat en to
WantdoglOn.. The tilscount notes amount..
of of o b on t /mope, of which nearly 00/0110
ban boon coneeted. tit the bailtetle fIOSSO
In oono if oo od geod, and the run in doubted
or bad, Inonalln g ICAO forged Paper of Wm.
11. Lane.. The adtbedlilealtaelng charge of
tin boo k e opote In MUM Of WI being wound
tir to resist toe Veylnant of cheeks obtain
through the /11 , Dyer. •
N6orlOrAPP o in g. " 3
wonder. • Com
Illy Telegraph tattle rlitabargh llatette.3
Cue ammrusl. 8. C., July Yd—Thu term of
e ff o ro llr o m o b to a
' m yth', ox OW], 020. glares .has lagued an
~p, rb, ,,,:,:. g p l ,pf , o pol laf a f or ef q . : l ol rlno fg f ot f t le. fl o a u ol .teo l o
~,,,,, th ,, m ap prceorlUed by Cooxreas. to
the 111010 coathlatu ehourful.-
nye . at 'Concord, W. II
nirron,ra..b ionic Plltshu elk Garotte.)
Coocosh: Y. Li., July 2tl. /1 lire broke eat
et four o'clock this merlin:m . .ln • livery
atnLin be,,,,,rieg to J. Ilili, &Posted to the
rear of the Shermyn llosse. Itreptdlyok.
tended to foorothers sad to the dwelling
h o w,. or. J.O. Milked Mrs. Prescott. Tim
,ove will not exonedSitkoa; welt covered by
•llPlMeltePer many..
.roe,reph to the PlttehatAlt Gszette.3
Avg. re, July M.—Tbe ..Zord Georg,
bat a9arad to exist, and bat been tuorg.
- rd ten a new paper to be tolled the No.
Honed Repah.liems . Which appear. this morn.
Inf. pun tailed w ill
the Georgia Pnbliablog
Company. It Will ALIVOO3ItO tati restoration
of the pepabllcatt platform.'
TelaiiralM W tiicMsttir.j .
cm-s, drily rd.—giver 17 ludic* and
sio.ll , Weather cloudy anti mum,
with occasional sbo oars. •
• - Loamy - ma.; July 17.-111vcr at a' Oland.
with =CO 1.4 toctim by oarial
Alssimusi intit 77,-7/177iS Isl l / 7 1 71. '
bfr ifoney, OU and Po.Avro .'Jute! Reports
ytorn by ony payer in the city, tell b^ founfli
on our north Ave.
- -
Hotioyer VP. liZrotsesty—llnt ton for New
Trlnt Override/I.
00 Saturday, Judge -Stowe Col/mired the
opinion of the Court of Quarter Sessions . ;
an the motion for a new trial in the Shoo of 1
John IL haneily, couvleted at last March
term of punllatitug e lib./ upou 5.Se/toyer,'
Jr., Esq., In the Republic newspaper. Mr. •
N. P. Pa wyer, proprietor of the /2.publie,
win dratdlrial,and noon being arraigned
pleaded n'lle °Wender, Mr. Kennedy, who,
was In the employ of Mr. Sawyer, aoeditor
of the paper, stated to the COurt, with a
view of mitigating the sentence of ills on.
Moyer, that 110 had written the libel, with
oily the knowleilse or min.lit of Mr. Sawyer,
not regretted that ho (Kennedy) vat not in
a position to selisteutlate the allegatlOna
In the libellous article. avowing his ability
so to 110. The libel Consisted In Imitate
ttens of fraud during air. zicheyeria con.
0001(00 with the "Pitt.burgh 11*0.005 As
act:dation," unit the iisqutb" war noteusiely
an attach upon Cap!. Samuel • Itidol le, re
moved (rum Um Allegheny roettuaatershlp
thronglt the Intl mince 01 the; Cooper , / ohn
pimp, In whose Itito,mll. 11111 llcjtubllO WILS
15,10 and is now laboring. Mr. 13.0iyer was
iseriteneed to pay 11 due and 01131.9, 1111,1 Mr:
Kennedy hiLmegi pinhotintieceasurtly)
Ms foot in It" tiy wits prose
cuted, indicted end vmvic,orl of mi n rat the
March term. Um counsel, /deters. Shannon
and IS wane welder, moved au arrest of.ittilif
. moat and for a how trial, for the Dillon lug
I reasons:
1. That the indictment was fatally defec
tive In ihnt there was en meorinent
tin introduatiory part thertuf, uvcring
that le
said tishoy r wal cues: psi in the num
./teem,' and conduct ol the Srl . s IoWS.
to widen the in email° could tele/ and
es pi on.
2. That this Imo not a formal defect,
arnemlutilo under the Emit., and the Court
girrl in allowing each aine.itlineut.
That the Cot:netted in caclu.linglrom
the Jury orlilenca olfsrel trading to robot
4. That the CV mrt erred In refusing to per
mit th. truth to ins given In evidence. Cl.
though lie counsel for th. Commonwealth
assented to lit, IntrrOilueLlatl.
'lodge Stowe raid -Teo dtvt and second
reason rosigued tor n new trial zonl
arrest of Judgment will b. considered to
"Thn fire Is ttrts timer lining no aver
ment ici tho inlrr/dr.,,r, part et
meet that SChyer .41.31 ore management
and an d
ci the b.“emer, to which tn.
Intlnildo could rotor Itnil eXpIAIPI, Ills
015 defective and
the iivond is. that being so defeet Pro In nob
*WM, It Wm not 11111, I , o,rtt . of the Court
to allow !to ammo:mon%
. . .
s . . .. .
''l um ot 1-th -I tlett t . eh second point Ir.thl
he Well toe, ti If rho flee, one valid. Theo
prises rat the Court .to natter amendment
upon motion Wenn:Ai only appllea to mote
lets of [item, and 'net ofttattetnnce, and I
therefore It tam deb et etgtal tit the total I
would nave been sir diclent after weedier to
artist the j at:lenient. the attietteneet, also,
though allow:est by Uhl Court, will not help
it. la my oultion the leo For of 011 Court
10 /0101..461C1.1.11ent la .3011 Canes rose net 1
;n"lto4,*(lrjfi'kt:lent'en't.h''4 would
-lac question then arises. is the ro[[[se.
men: mallet/at to sestet:. a ver,llet whim..
ninendui in. While it le tree In what Is
strictly ter men the Introluctory purl of
the toil it no a hum lie 11/.6.1 1 haFachoyer
was eng34fon tothe a...tomert of the
remote. still It 15 31.Cg131 ilt lest 1 1 01 , 1M .11 . -
dtatelY In't•03.11.11 tne sictemeet of the )1-
.e/ie. Matter that the Ch3rae WAS - muds
Wand eodoerning safd Cc:foyer, oaf And col,
retain; his conduct awl oranattemeet Of
the ttestneen of canyonson a certain news.
PaPeresittal the PlX.Coraft Girmtr, whilst be.
the *sift tichrqer, so, conifee;cl with sale
the le
' eta atle,tatlen
the le menthe, and In contained it the intro.
•luctory pert would Mesely be sufectent.,
hat as the rule In 11130 everything troanded
to be otlttlded tO meet beef...el erosions to
the Inuendo ,e hien Is ta 0 oply lc to the
natter chargtid. abed.... soft net that It
uet he putted In the ifiredeciery part, this
in m dictment is not daft•clorn to trot manner
seggestml In the lire[ reasetvasideneil id
Corones neer.
...test el jud,rment. Tne same suggestion '• Ing
also h00d.... to the treed helot. A. 1 Lein k Coroner Cissain held an request on ..a.
i hat tho Ind tmatent wit lima amendment order, at Slansfichl, on the Faohnedle Call;
'''.6""". .
".':;,%.''''. t ,,* "****. t 'l ; road. 03 the body of Joseph Lettirce, who t
i i . ': - ;.%... " „,,,,,..,,;., 1 i,:',.. y. d ' ' am'a I died eiviao x./.I MAMA. from, sulail. 001
1"."."1 " ' "' -" ''''''' - ' ol, ‘ , o,,, t4.‘ , .ccivi - I.op the leth 112SIATIT, by being struck
: ' ,,*,, r , : .`,;.‘:, 7;' ; ','',l,°',?,',','„";','„n r
i ,y,.,'„r,„•'" . :„.':„1 . ,t.! by the locomotive attached to them.o train i
I Far; iron Um Chariot 1.1.00 try daVadant!l running etat, on the Panhandle road. Lola - I
was trumar' that be et loosllllo reason tek 1 kits, it win be roes[[ fed, la the man who 1
belbsettney nom true, the PrOsecat.o. WI - i ~.s lei sired In en Mt tlnaTo - f , to rooms his 1
seritillgto such an are
Ii: --- - •- -- -
", dog from being ran over. At tne Coroner's
eot cottrac , .-tua,lariter wilt scrl.n.i ... . rt.. W I of the mot
f teed that the [rata of a head a veldt: moo in .1/.....-nert 0.1, self near , t,
urn et ease us this, by way of d,,. train, teetlll.l that on the night of the t 9•
aid. It P. clear that every ivintunts ol 13w 4hOttl. Mee o'clock. whflo r!Sucf . tnife
.11 1 OTOVent tbo rr ig g ,,, v .,,,,i g . re ... e ,,,,,„ , engine at the rate of twenty Mies ao DOOr, ,
mal succeeding substituting their own.[ h. ."... . .. 0 . heat .. 3,..t: 4 V
a.rrro meta for the firmly fixed rules or eve- ~. W."... Kth . ; ... . th i
(fence. track; Mewed the whistle roe t mist
er ee motion in arrest of jail gment sod for atter bow Instil° whistle sew a men Crawl.
a new troil It OVerteli3l.'• • Ingnp on tee track outside of toe milt he
The defended. was not pf met to Teets. e reached tor the dog , and not more tit. a
sentence. i second elapsed before the engine struck
...,..................... _ _L . _ . blest blowed down. brakes; stopped aid
• si g th ds t husked d•von to vidt. re am Man Waal put
The Organ
LI:7,X est, ' * * bleu . the hack platform and erre:olt him
, to Of siker* Mills: no one reeeaolted ht.
1." arr.. ' at ' a. 1. ' 4 1 ":""""` ... there. and then brought him to Sisitsflein;
Church, F.ftli street. [Lev. Alexander I never saw tbedeg aftertbeen. weeks...nor-
Clark, ;parlor, heretofore' alluded to, b. 1 . their t wltnessea were esamined, but. no
Matting facts elicited. Tne jun• returned
been cumpictud, and was used for the first i g ger , o i., gig, the d.. egggse s e g me, ms
time In the 'morning sertrs yesterday, i death In the manner narrated, and eseaseil
Prof. De view edloteting as organist. The I !';,.: ...1 . .. gr. R ohe. Whh.., l ' .. .0
I u me in ttie caraudty.
Instrument, although of medium else, le'
ono of greet volume, aufacint Wall a house
of four times the di nens one of %been(' In
which It Is located; sot: free Ifs.peceilme `, ,
constrnatton. It ran be so nicely modulated i ,
as to make II perfectly adaptable to any
rased room. It In of the *sentient style 1 ,
of architecture. hooted a tenet of fourteen I
fret, with a eepth of eight feet, and en- ,
closed In a hematite! ease. 'Flitch will be
stained In Imittimit of rhea walnut. It
has two hanks ot beee,As enty :lope, two
octaves of pedals wiln a °uterus on the.
maauals from C II to U. culaTaCtukt the I
tireat 0114 owed urions. The following are
the noels+ u Step!, with tlmlr respectlvei
lengths of pipe,
(1 1MAT,1)50314.-Flrst-10pon Dlepaeon, i
eight lout. 'Second Ivrent.Organ, eight fret.
Third-atop likapssen, oho. fret. Fourth
, Flute Itarmenle, eight feet. F th-Frtnel.
nal, four tool. ham-entice, ith, , ' two
Swett. Oansa.-Fiat. "Goan[n,c ebtieen
feet. beeollll Coen I : hope:on;flight feet.
,T hl-of:F:l°l.l,4f" eight fee . Fourth- ,
°Vox Celetes;" eight feet. FIN 1-Stow DI. I.
Mpasen Iwo; eight feet. Sixth-litop.Ulana•
eon treble; eight feet. ,Seventh-Principal;
four feet- Eighth.e•ilattibey;elght, foe,
1 1 10tAl. Scorn.-In eddlllOn tel the Stop,
rlMPlalit above. the organ hue a ditublo open
dispasou, a vox trcrutdant, couplers, pedal
and greet owlet, 00011 and groat ;swell
storm with bellows alarm.
The halftime!. it HOW atop, attached to
this Instrument, has been In it.ebutnehort
rime, having boon token from an ergot, of
Uertnan Mallithiele re, WAR inlrialtleed
In Ulla country by air. It. U. !Rowell, of
New.york city, HMI IS tint to he tomtit in
any Otner instrument to the cis!. it Is a
great truprovereent on ILCCOltat .0f Its soft
and reedy time, 0101 IS hold In Itlgh . .teent
wherever It lims noon 0,131. Zhu Harmonic
Flute, which always cartels In &Ir, htewerVe
instruments, is the most peered!. we ever
Iliten , 3ll4, and Its etfeethi a mftit Minerlng
nom it produc.. a tone es sett 'and sweet
al a Lineman flute, wh Ile It Is fee , more full
and brilliant. Too llanthey, in Ithe *wen
One Of the finest end Wit perfect
elope we nave ever heard In a reed Metre.
ment, for clearness one evenness of tone.
Ton Truant:co stop' is oleo s. very fine one,
aitoelling in sweetness and pinny of Lone,
and producing an effect i on tbe
CAT of a lover of mono
- T he I 'whirl Is
entirely beyend tleacrin lon. - The lila
litseza; are very deep, and ctimbine I a
felines. and nsellOwneta of tone li this In•
StrUteent 'Seldom, It ever, founillln any
other. These are all fail stops yenning
through thus entire key -board, {Mlle 10
thy - most instruments ate tot h If coons.
The instrument was munrifttetur el be 1..
U. Bolan, ill West 33111 street, Now York
city, a min of thirty yearhi Cipollone° in
the business, and whom superterlty. as a
manufacturer of church and parlor organs
Is frilly attested thronglioim the country,
his instruments being more generally used
than femme( tins ether firm In the United
Oates. We congratulate the ConeTegation of
the First Stet beellifl. Ca arch Id gett In g go flee
art lUSlTUotellt, and *OOlll reennintend any
of our congregations 'Manila; to purchase
street elma Mteyo:tent to visit the Flttn
Cntirch and hear Able excellent in.
strum..t before making their petition:a.
The entire cost of the Itistronent es It
sands In the Church will not exceed three
thousand Millers,
lArroby by =Moo
George Green tondo Information boforo
Alderman litraln 'against rotor Bull, eharg•
trig him with larceny by Willie. Ita alleges
that be and another man mado a bet on a
boat race which took place is Iw:inland on
the hi of Jane, and the stereS,atilounting
to twenty dollars, were the hands of
Ball, who was to pay them over to the win
Wog party. which WAD to be deckled by
Bell's DA a aporting pacer. It appears,
however, that before the arrival of thy pa
per by which the het was to he do. Med, the
stakeholder squandered the "stamps "anti
wand the winner called upon him ',emelt.
atoll." It was a little shabey In Peter to
'nutmeat . the Money el his Blends In that.
manner. As the laws of Pennsylvania make
betting a criminal Minoan, we doubt the
Propriety of a prueeontion on LOO part at
one of the principals, mt ho nnet convict'
himself of an °dome against the lout be
fore he non make nut a rein against the
other. "All's well that ends
King air the tnte.
On Saturday afternoon the bearing In the
C. 430 of Thomas Lowe vs. William Welsher.
charge, assault and battery, weaned before
Jellies liarker,of South Pittsburgh. Both
defendent and prosecutor are employed In
the same coal mine above South Pittsburgh.
Welsher weaworglog to his "room. • one
day hot week; but through some mistake
the proprietors of the mines had assigned
the setae ppm tment to ton And bad failed
to aloe th e former due - notice. Now, •
"room" in- newel pit is regarded by all tar
viers as the digger.* "castle. and he must
defend it against all intruder,. Lowe in
nocently endeavored to take posses.lon - Init
wY toueced upon by Welsher and sgverrity
punished, and benne she gate. J. E. but
terileld and M. Brown, Esq., apPrared•
for thedefendasit. procuring his discharge
on the ground that a Into bail • right to he
°king of his castle," and Welsher only. used
•sub force as macaws necessary to maintain
his Inalienable rights as a digger. The
prosecutor Peet tile coats.
Radlroad injusetionmL4 ol,ll rod
We referred in last monday's Getarra to
the matter at issue_ between the West Penn
sylvania liailrond Company and Duquesne
florae:Ml, concerning the construction of a
street across the railroad track. Thu mat.
tor-Came up again on Saturday, the object
being to secure an Injunction against the
borough, which wield place It in the light
of trespassing on the property of the tall
road company, fiy au embankment on one
side of the trick and an egcavution on the
other, the company claiming that tinder
tLe general railroad late thee aro entitled
to over one hundred feet of ground. in
Width, upon which the borough authorities,
Min alleged, have encroached. W. C. More
land, Esq., far the railroad company, round
for a continuance of the eve, de.ieh.g time
to establish tide to the groned claimed. the.
right of the company tooccup, more mend
than as occupied by the Stoic far the
' on be h b a e ltfe g f q uhe t b on r d g h T , h r a es .
a E t e w d i n tut ,
tinuance, for the reason that. the railroad
onto puny hold pOmemlon through tt trade,
of the franchises of the Penney lyantsOmn4
and that said canal never had posneadon of
the property In dispute. evidence of which!,
to the shape, of attl invite. was ro esented.
The borough, theretore, asked that the In
junction be olltsolVed. The Court no or.
• tiered, tthcmg. understood, however, that
the borough authorities were restrained
' from Interfering with the property formerly
accepted as the canal,
,some fifty or sixty
fent in width. ' • .
Os Saturday week, at the Instance of
Jahn R.Litrge, Esq., a preliminary Jejuna.
tion num grunted against -the Pittsburgh,
Columbus and Clectonektteurossi .1430 V.•
ny. (Pan Ilsnalt) on the petition of Edward
site prayed that the Company
should be restrained from Alllng en a nut-
Tort on his premises at or near Gork'it ken.
used by tine In drivin cattle, Ac., Item
COCIti.CIU , portions of h is fatm. Toe mat
ter came [meanie on Saturday, in the shape
of a motion by W.C. Moreland, I:sq ,
tr for the Railroad Cmany. n di,
sn o iglog of the prelimin o ar p y Injunctforion tu.
motion was etreneousiy restated by Mr.
Large, unless adequate security were Oven
for any damage leanly to accrue to Mr. Mc-
Ginnis& Mr. Moreland maintained that
Mr. licGinolas continued to have control of
the culvert, but for the safety of the road
way of the Company It WM rendered ne
cessary that the culvert should be lamed or
filled up several feet, the pressure of the
mbankmenta having c.tised the sides to
sive way and the track to sink twenty-four
Inches. thee rendering it unsafe for the
Passage of trains. It was not the des:an to
all up the culvert eo as to proventits use as
heretofore. fir. Largo araned that the en.
abed release Int right of Way given rho
Company did not justify them InterPring
with the culvert now, the taking of ground
iof necessary for there midway. or remov
ng of sand, gravel, Ac. 'ken consideration
given Mr.. aletilmilas for the release he
which the Railroad Compeller entered open
his ground Wan 57.1100. The Court. otter
.nstderable argument, dissolved the in
A c.coplieaced care.
Mr. Anschate.ot the firm of /*timer, An
'chats .t Co., shoe dealers, at Noel Mat kat i
street, made an intormsdion befilre Mayer
McCarthy last evening .saint Miroe men , i
charging them with larceny. :he facts of
the Casa ate such as In throw OUSPlaidn en I
some of the parties arrested, hot we can
see nothing in them that would. ware
rant a cenviction of either, unless addle
Could evidence can be produced. The pros- i
Center alleges that a number of pairs of •
shoes were taken from his store on (Sunday,
the :let lest., and that. he suspected oue of
the parties who was erre tted last night for
taming them, as he, being an employee
in tile establishment had a key to the
• store, and that he (the prosecutor) erne '
come one else. bid themselves for the pur
-1 }testier catching the thief um natant. About
( nine o'clock they discovered_ three men in
( the store, and were watching their Move.
meets, when &policeman came and sprung
( the tree before 1.110 game was fairly In, by
nailing an alarm and demanding attain,
tuned to the store. When he first dehatmit
ell admittaoce the gas In the store was
turned eft hut after a short parley It was
re-lighted and the dant opened. The
'ltalics wore arrested slid taken to the
Mayors 00100, where the Information was
Made and she accused looted up for • heat
log, which will take pleoe tacky- when the
matter will ha =sae more clear than It is at
( present-
. Rowdyism Ina Beer natl.
Rowdyism appears to bona the Increase
In the eity,md unless some offarts are made
to cheek It, there la no telling . bow far it
will extend. ..Fran Maim. are a daily oc
mimetic°. while black oyes and bruised I
noses, their legitimate results, areas plenty
grassbOripers. In many portions of the
oily the pollee farce is insuflaclont to keep
order '
and unless It is Increased we might
an we ll dispense with that we hare. Oa
hatorday night Lien. David McMullen, of
the night watch, while on ditty fa the Firth
ward, '
heard %noise In Julian Ulohter's beer
saloon on Penn street, near Pine. Ile went
to and found •number of raid.* drinking
beer and talking In a loud and bolster°.
manner. Ba requested them to teeD genet,
and told the landlord to close Lila house, but
the party infused to go nut, w Commuter he
called In one or two of the police, and at
tempted to put them out, hut the "roughs"
toeing their superiority of number. attack.
ed them and Landled them Ina very reach
• Assauft and Satiety Cases. - • ,
The following eases °resew:St and battery
Were before Alderman Strain on Saturday `
Henry Jenst made information Itßairibt
Conrad It tenter, allegleg that the defentlwit
struck him on the aboulder with a epode,
and knocked 'him down. 'The prosecutor
woo trying to buy a cow front defeeduit
sod they disagreed as to . the value of the
animal, which is said to be the mom erne
diflienlto. Mettler also Male information
against Jurist tor assault and battery. The
iz. ties ware arrested and held ter a bear.
John Wright made information against
IPatrtek Hoehn,. alleging that he street
elm Oil the twee and bead with bin fist.
making hts eras bleed profusely. A. croon
null was enterut In this case, for surety of
traTirtigrainrtt Wrigh t
h i t t
pick. They were both arreated and held for
a hearing.
After the beintiltd 'sunset of last evening
and the deliciously tinted twilight succeed
ing wo will boar go more from the enthusi
asts who seek ua foreign climes themes for
orals° in the going down of his solar nisjes
ty. Words must fall to describe Its beauty.
Its grandeur and gorgeonsuess. The entire
hence'ss seemedas onevastpetalof a blush
ing rose and the light streaming througb
bathed the earth troll its *ejecta tndello luow
ly dedicate color, awakening the sold to new
boraddeas en to how beautiful a Paradise
might be, planned by the same Great Artist
who save us um sunset. To add to the. ex
quisite beauty of the phenomenon —t e r
phenomenon it surely. was—a brititant TI•
bo w of promise spanned =el:astern boric
and with its erighteolors formed • olea , ing
00111. rapt with the remainder of the platens.
• Grand Ark-ale.
Our very worthy and rifler !mond Rey.
W. A. Nolen. of St. TIMMY' Church. Brad
dook,s Field, adVerLISOS lit another column
that his congregation swill bold a grand filo.
etc at Glenwood Grove. en Wednesday
the members Of
treat. A. the. will he the lirstafleir Of the
character undertaken by
the chnrch, mans swill be spared
r i ot mansion of Me season. Au wrest.
lent double break band he 11r1
dame, and erste good time may be antic!.
rated by all who ettend. In addition. to
the regular trains, epeeist trains will leaVe
W Connellmnile Dermt at nine ototoog ,
the morning for the Grove and Muth at
seven o'clock to the evening. •
The beat race announced for botordly
etternotat. between the Duquesne and It. C.
Ildward Boat Claw. came off at the op•
pointed time, had was decided . 1n favor bt
the latter Clob. A tali start Was made at
half past Ora o'clock, bet wien the bests
reached it oolat to the ricer, oPPotito the
Alleghray' water work•, It Is allowed the
stroke oarsman Of the Dequesne boat was
suddenly Weed with encamps," and the
r was
putting th e
the rest uf tbe
ore., putting the sick rn fa on &JIM.
The Anwenetts rowed over the course, and
was declared winner In twenty MIIIMOS
and lorty seconds.
New Nnate,.-43er eighty talented musi
cal friend Professor J. William Pope, who
Is known for his genies and ley alty through.
out the North, nu laul on Our (lest • plena
of new music, &pone aeration for the Plano,
entitled "Flow ye tear... , it to a beautiful
composition r.ud d otined w meet With
large sale.
Owl ewes.—On Thunder , of last week.
an owl, .. t ...orhig four feet eight inches
from t s,,, to up, was shot on the farm of kir .
3.11. sheriff, (Oak am) near Elizabeth by
the of M. Sheriff. Ills owlehlp heti • etesl
trep, weighing Potied,attaeliest to mow.
which tad evidently beeri lit far huh. "'
No Place Y.tee tem City—ate bor.,
or waver Dam, Elbow, aleltoorals awl
o ryteute else le Ude Dee. be teutut then
at tbe time honored Nose of Juries Robb,
No.te Yule; ,
II 312=
A bold and daring highway robbery was
perpetrated on the Monongahela Suspen
Mon Prides. on nu ,
.Y morning, between
twelve and one o'clock. William Price, who
resides on the Waabington Pike. a abOrt
distance out of the city, Doing the.victtm.
Mr. Price had been In tRe este and wag on
his way hotme when ho was met ataadt the
center of the bridge by pio men. who de
reendeßl Ida money. Ile Informed thorn that
he bud no money about h tic, but not beeme•
lug hi. statement they seised hold of him
an't Pvoceed.l to "go through him," taking
Porn Ws poste.. hie pocket book and a to
bacco poneh. Price retired an alarm by Ida
Crier of heiri.linurder,do., which frightened
tlio partied. woo alerted to run
e. crs the
bridge to the firrallechntrt ' t)fheers
Stvitlior and Patrick Lraffey. of Routh Patis.
burgh, heard the CrleA of Prim and atais.
elover the , bridge to see 'what
who wrong. when .Fry met two moo
running near the South nude whet , /
toe?' promptly arrested, ahont• 'anis
time Price clime up Rind identttled thanes.
as the panter who had attacked titan. trod.
they •ireroi Aker) Julome Esker, of
Saudi I'd.teuturre. The men were recd;- -
' ted by the craters as Hugh I°OlY mid
William ri.z.ruld. and on the way to the
Jriattec' cease Fe-elk
b y something
gwev ß widen aes noticed by orient the onl•
i ems, and picked no. it proved to be a
i Wicket bob emstainlug 0130 cent. and w.
litientliied by Friers at his property,
which he said had been Luken from him by
the nrhmstera.- Arun' arriving at the Jure
lt-eht office they.ere searched and a tob to.
Cu touch found, *inch was stun identided
•no VIICO. The Jriatleo comninted the prinn•
antra for a hearing on Wednesday.. and
lircy ware brottabLOVer to the city and con
fined In the lockmp until yesterday 010111.•
Ing, whim they ware Ult. to 'ell. Tilts In
alomry plain ease at highway Robbery, not
wit !rerunning it ICU IL Very 1111prtitilattil0 One
to- the ronbara, and we holm they may
jirly realtze that "the way of the traps,
greeter lab:lnd..' •
Our attention has boon directed to
party of )uoug blackguards who night/St
amens de at the railroad crossing to "l ipe.
town" end In tier". Proginilly to tae litre
:longboat bridge. Their conduct Loo
genus to an extreme. and they are the
dread and terror of oil peaceable Citizens
who nave occasion to pass that thorougb
faro utter nightfall. It
t ineood poi,
cy on the part of our or
iss keen
a special till
stationed In that neigia
bortood till soon time as the yoPtrtful row.
dim may be brought lets "objector.,
CAsorimeren Itartuced to iroloo lOSOSOrIy
SI,O, at Butes d Baba.
*ogem•r with Ito. wow/el - MI RIMFI•NDTZ •
an. Las INL•mILIA....I • XN al.c . .ll.ttur ,1
spflopiLp C.ocloso .1.1141.1 S •• •
roOILL. ON, TO, .1 • 15,...g moo . .. Lome Men.
oatLIM no
O, LAMM VOrIAL (11 , eRTETTE-31..
inritue NM ae¢Y *na
WoOes, ;Ve. "'"
Chrr, rum WILL rLY APee .I‘.
XIV., aturday lOU roe. ,
belt eta be socono.: Uwe Be. 'One
d wine tbe One JIS
MaoloorrA. W.wr..—A delightful. toilet
rliein—.,LiperiCa . LO COLOgne and St but iNTAUSHALPS SALE.
the price. „ ter/Or the __
..ftlenriett be the mats who Fleet in
vent.. Mech.," quota Soothe Panto
Sloop has often been •Matirderod,” not In
Macbeth/3 'ease only, but in many modern
hotanees, by Indigestion,' Neryons Dboo
dim., Headache, and a host of other com
plaints. For all ouch `there Is a remedy,
and autfirera may now exclaim: l•Blessed
be the man who Invent...4l the PLANTA
TION lIITTEILS le Tale Deitch:ins llordtai
and lion Tonic Is now nailed oy mllll no as
the great Ilealth•tilier and Restorer. Ito
i i i , rlTv e b w ity a igti t t :o. a ” nd don't "strap on
another Hobbery.—Patrich Dore:nods
Infortnat.ton bemire. AlOertnan blohlastors,
anainaL J. Mention, onarging him with as.
bean. and battory and robbery. Lio alleges,
twit Mobiono attacked blot to aboard yoril
attacked to frililloger's planlnit late
on Friday blahs, and rnitnynd htm....9( his
mohey. Ito Sloan L. employed to Ihtlworto.
l'orwr and Uoostway , s spits factory.' South
Pittsburgh. A WILZALIIi 1r5.11 111.110 A for his
steldlow Lignoi IVllSsosst Lteesiae.—
John Itaguarty made Information heroes
Alderman Strata. against Michael Hither.
ale. charging htm with violatton ot the
liquor lea. Ile alleges the. the defendant
te.eles la Iltratiogruhe, and saaa.;ba .old
liquor there In too month of Slay lest,
without Devine procured the nemehtary It.
Ile w.m arrested and held far a hear.
. Cold MpArtalpg i/tothil Mater at J. T.
Bamplusa Drug dune, Nu. Se federal stro:4
Brawn Sheeting. from loots. at Rates
We sell dry Goods both at ohnlessle
and tetnfl, sod are, as n consegoesee. ere
soled to Su«, s Isrder Gel mu. butter Gs
•ortad Gees. to mull Cheaper, .d gwo.the
good) An story sezothmolattod ousnUlles
11.1.1 eicluGenjobbloc boater. MAGI men
Chants are lorltocl to oar stock.
J. W. Balms. a Go.,
• til Iclurket street.
Ihealfacei;Waxen:es treat. the Zank.
Catarrh, Dumanee el the Eye, and all rare°.
Oohs of schemata ituff obstinate character
aucceeetelly treated ht. hoe abort, Lie
andthlield etreet. Office rd trout 9
O'clOcit a. a. till 4 ....clock
Pewaa lor $1,75; formerly 42,50, a% Bate.
A Nevi Dlacabory —Ono of tba most, I•e•
edictal or modorn Voles 'OA be alscovary of
. .13 uhvapent and most babldnable place to
buy dale. Cana or Straw Goods,addon la
unlyerodly anLutund to be at Granata a
Hyena , . 51. at. t..lnlr street. .PP'?" O3 toe S..
Clair Hotel. JNYTai
Fur IleOlval Der, pure French Brandy,
pure Bleckberr7 DrannY. Pere BD 6O /Dwrr ,
Wine, pure Port Wine, pure Callrernte
W 1.3 at QLIIO Avenue, Drug Store. M. B. e.
The Order di FeMeTO
OrLlrr for a-zonorer. In the teeth MntCaPPo•
Vann IL Lan Orcuinethe allihruarn durfantl.
of Lan La.
Nov/ Pratt., at 12Nacta; warranted fiat
ecnont; nt B tea .t.ldawi.
For Meteors of rimier. Illortme, Th
arrhrll, IhAeotro7,3c. A reliable at - U.3w
for the curb of tbrsocomplaltaa Is to be bad
at fderrer'e (Alto even us DEW StOro.
spew uranlus for WO; Wu:m[ly AGO. at
Ext., a. Belt's. •
A lorro a ***** mout, of all lands Of Trott
Jars and Jelly Tumnters juat arrive] at H.'s Lamp .11orc. N 0.525 Perm strett. Mal
Ward. tV
Go to glrallagra Drag ?Dom forth°
rt.,. rialto Lead m the city. No. A 4 !Dark.
I.awas Lo; = cts.,wortti attict. Bate.
(rood. cool and refreshing lager beer on
draught, at Frey's popular hotel, N 0.4 Dia
mond, Allegheee net
Go to riessoog . .• Polloro; No: a
Marko/ street, for riazsoca ULL wd Tur; en•
Cold Sparkling Soda Water at J. T
3e.tersle , 9 Drug bane, No. 39 redeilletreet
large litedortlest in Dress .03°14 at
hates d. Boll's. 21lItth street.
tir Additional Local plevre on
Third Page.
tkicrre_on Sunday evening. Mb Itot., at
reviden r i r. ktobt A or. MU l
rm we Hole.
reVrirt ' ,W the tr.
Tennis her
The Garret el 1 take piece from the maiden.
of Mr It chard Hays. 111 "eon street. tion Terre
net. leh Int., at ten We'oca a. m. The Fromm
of the family me rerpectful y Invited." attend.
No. 106 north Meet. Plump 02, Pa.
eornird or all Mods: CXIOBS, faCOV6& and
every deseriptlen et holerez F0r16011114 Doorle
reno6l6l. Dawns opened der end Bears*
end c.restes torntsbed.
tricrslwars—Hcr.Dasid Rem D. D., De,.
X. W. imam.Um Esq.. Jo.
a Wilton Oa,
• XIS AND F.IIIIaI.IIER, eneeeetor to the
law Sunnel K. Rodgers. No. SIO Unto 6trWl.
three doon how Beayer. AllegbenY cltl , M. •
Wile. How 'toad. ilahogeny, Walnut and Itoety
wood lmltition Vollina, at Ma •lotenet redneer
Mem. Root. open at all boats, day and stint.
'loam and 7arrlsnea royalshed on short untie.
.6 on meal mown tele torn
DENTAKIIII- uelta. Tat tomo foram.,
Allegheny. !duality,Gaearood and other Cof.
dna, with a nuartleto stock of (attend sarolablße
Food. on (mad, and farolatted at shoraelt dodo.
at 'amen ',glom dale and 14nre7 Ntallielh
Der Of rIRST XIDDLIL . 21.21/. 'earflap's,
Baronehes, Bagole% noddle Horses, •e., Ad.,
for Otte. ' - •
- It T. •VVE/ITE 'b. CO., UNDER
•••• TAILERS AND itMtlitLetEld. klutelles
ter, Wood's Bull and vlclutty.
.I;egin goomj.,
Iluaohuster earner Shaleld nod
Chanters street. neat.. be Ca:stases ter
114.1NTEIVAHT, Undertaker
comer of HORTON and PIN! , 61211A.TS
Ntvlb Ward. Oaths of all kind. Hoarse at
Caviar" ftnalshell ov ti.• 'honest nog Ip.
••••• I.IN SILL- •
DE►. & SILL, Heal Estate
and Inuit:Lana Agents * Dallas St., Law.
rence.llle. Pa.
FOIL UraI:M:4MM 111114—To
Itaarrracynnens We over tor sale the best
and most 4ertrable Alta for Halos NM end
Watt Furnace. or for any .arsa ntansfastelins
purpose*, to rho &Rutty. Tll4 prortn7
ted on • 40 root Pratt and the Allesbeny neer.
and within Ws roe tof tile Al V. It. it. The lotto
010 by toO rent).* destrin a nob a lot would do
well to eta:aloe beforC buying Oleewnsfia
Terms trade' to snit parChaaers. tetanus of
& 61. I t , beat Snare sod .basursnee
Smuts. Butler' sroteL[l.awrenoevtlle.
FU SAE--Tbat very valua
ble and .desttabla peoport: eLnale on itoe
town meet and the Allegheny tine, In Alla,
Phan) . Val Cane hY C , oet.'on . +blob la enatei.
a vary soNnantlal Hetet Eleadutp, AT•atorle.
Ugh, lighetZi feet. ealenlaten and weU adapted
for earrylng on almon any',Dranidt of season.
tuned. Ms seldom a Lao"' Mesa dienenetens.
within the eny. pan be bad. L and vrt 1.10 Invite
the &rectal a tettton of those deafen!, Or eadn.
fad • Phwe lOC peewee. lowan at
Ina 00. Of DEnl427 t DILL. Baal GAUP and
In.orape. SIIIOCI ,- riMMR.
bbl. u.n.ndyul.;
ri..._ , -!,....3nair-- , -zt-iirrezina ad/ ,
lirsoarssoLT AND ,
• !me duet: containing TIIIIITY•2111. Cots
MIMS ef laterastiat readtag nutter. taeladlar
lead= ralltartat. latest Nees •by ,• ,
Cad Mall. saleable Beadles Matter tar We
rustily. sal fallstst.aad most tellable rtiaa•
slat and Commercial Market Repeals Ores to
.tt, paper In the at/. No farmer. )(actuate*, ' •
Mereluat dm)d be wltboat It.
cans PCM eon trzorLY Mal(rnal
ettagle .......
CMOs of .........
Med at ............ 11,0.
aas aoP7 of taper fe tba pc non t estaß- .
op tba club. Additions to Cabe cab b .mall at
arty time. at slab Ma.
ozcs Screaclusol.—ls 0 , (M 1, r Toe ,
paper. be me an* specify what. edition you' ,
want, as we lame • Wednesday SAUL*. . 0 "-; "
swimn baying bat onilmall a weep
sir money by Dna, Irxwess„ Money ,
or In [Censured lalianosay b...t our I, "i
address. swarm . •
At the MIL , .` , A , A.Ett POIXTEI-lINI7 !NATI
-1111 Taal. luttructlon Ite7
Vta/5 nut. euntalala¢ itt.itnfurtn rprt
att Atwit
2 1i 0 V• , :ttae1...p.9 ~ O WN .
14.0 T
18 ST. 8011 D GOLD,
Go To
D3h; S.VITISPIVX 70IZ 1C0 . 1:41, t
xxv -
274 L 1732277 BL. 1171213011.0 a.
lir Panlcular I.esitloa glVeit taPPLlttli-
Watett•tt, Mocks at d
CgMlllMillj lonia! besior,.. &opt 5114 U 67,
t-i• virtue of a writ of nendffloat eryonns.
eyed eat Of *be , •111.11, • totirt Opt .4.
e.. ler the Weetera t•lttries oft's, a 7 1 Paitt.
aed to tee dinettes. 1 wilt esrosti to ha •bee. le • ;
at the a• Una anate a the rite of hitt& Celt.
on the 774 DAY 0.• Al/IJUaT. 112.: la: Y,..)
iol.eck sae aJUseolag deem Thad Laweettir
Two Copper 917'.15; nye Warm aed Yoh: nos • .
o nil i ae; see yr ate r Tat ehe ealtet
ea. Tub of
heir Whisky.. Ova myth Hem •i• th 74 ' -no
son llMpleto,at • be.4,11g1.. eald D,et nes, •
"044. g us.n fee .ant IN e aud the Jot .;
Ufo n I on sua eons•atamee.
...ate Of So felt , Il.lstd Salvo' a. the
w e rtj or ..YLI) AfaCiSeCICILZI.:O4 the still.
• . 11. a. AlershaL.,..,
ItilltAL'. 01,FICZ.
PH...area July :.
Ry ef
the Ge 'rtue of avreit of r m. e rer endlthett erpoe.l•tut , •••••1
• ut o ,
f r the wetter. District of . Peen, .1.1..
tom- directed, I e el et prue , e pub lett•le at Ufa
t v
worm th Lou i I n .Z.. ) ;71t: t. rope . rs, to
i !
tls ' •
'll l " .4 " Terb s , all ' :31;1!
cetera ana
the oroputy er. Juliti •
fite.r.K. at trte sult ufhe flretua err ea. .
U. Marshal.
NASIIIIAWS 0171 , 1 i
Tllt.noretf. J. 111 7 1,01.,
.T AOC T.ON. 'Winne aohl. on the an •-•
meg. on train/AY AFlZaallo P. n
al '2'g 000 ma, 20 • • .re• o land, of lamed of
the Le ~,,, n read. moot four mlles fetus alio
'Mout Dlmtet. .mtloina the lendl • f O l. •
gmauen. eel: X IPII loi 10 0 Ntlatak Farm, ,
heel R tatree 1 two neer moat deeolng mon.'
/meg so table[ , mor rooms glib • col eellar .
•... 1 . 0 .5" 04 5 00 0 of Irmo. stave herheagoge ' l ,
*a ....I, slop e.g.? g rolen'og au • 70,14,
C• • pes. haelgg dna sou.nen eta mart, gh '
deo a• a •re mmeneld, calo. coal; to ea 1g.,.
• good Vein or E+ nor eo the leee we. nd . •
to sew. amp, 011 ge pleges. to salt
onmi a mmo a t• I. *eV. 1 - ont A. Ma• 110, storm
7:)0311:CEI STX4O
c.a.rt - E.mmise,
A - large assortment to seTect,
from, at less than Invoice Prl7
ces, to close consignment, at
55 & 57
mum apt aW
EL IL—FaraDare and IfollseT
hold Goods at Amato* every
8NITIE : 011, PALMS' 200.,
Agmoltlcarkeeris, ' •
Nos. 55 & b 7 Filth *tree.
Wbeeler &RUBOR lkwitig Machine,
At te. GREAT Pkllll4 IdETOSITIOS.' Jvs 2 3.
1267 at er ••••• Inv. to tAole• •
ptlactlpai 111.41.11 a
o.lmlltte ~t ...I Orloß tle
Plott compotsat Asa
• WalL, 0117P1lliERW co.,
Ba 27. MTH rllllU7.llli*rat.'
11 . 0118E8 FOB BALE. AT •-
Howard's Livery Stable;
roar erturr. lu.r Atmoa*..iylnsio,
mtg., =I" 4).%
Practical Furniture nsinufaci!iliii
Witt SWIM or ►vasrruar eoewuLLf
,inclior 'Nitta tfillsplusinp"ri, -
asirvirrema. •fw itaTTrra.
aPil 01116-40 bbts; now
IC[ from 2.11..&a.f.,,'W• by • • • -
i2i - ALUM /Mtn op!
& CO.'S