13 cts haitthurglj GaiettE ■ITURDAY, JULY 2; 1567 THE FRENCH i:Ect-Likru.RE7 The !sentiments of the more liberal sections of. the population of France End expression in the Corps Legislatif, aad arlat Increased Whiners. Some of the declaration& .clearly indicate one of two thiaga—either that the ardor of re- smiled members have over.mattered their discretion, or that ate people ore rapidly ripening for n revolt agrenst - VA I laperial government. Looking on from this distance it seams most improbable that gentlemen of the !erne experien ce of Tomas, FAvni; Picts and their as iOdarenshhonld be' ste'ela headlong hi' a gut of passion beyond the limits where they could safely rely' on Pr Pula suP— Nat ibit.dlecussion on We Ittexican ques tion M. Tlinmiis used languige Oat quite meanly would have be in icg%rded by thooennpantof the throne, and by many of his own wilcagues as decidedly tree soluble. In his pererstlen he said: "I)are I speak eif the Chamber? If it did not resist; thel was from a sentiment I rea pect-i-the consideration due to the government—to the chief or the state. f,flear.] And I drew•tlit lesion from that no greater service CeO be yen derded to the chief of state than to resist him on certain ocessious. [Cheers on /me benches i . I have always been awing those who in France have Fought liberty'under a monerch, but there ate two species.. The first, where a prince governs through ministers, but without consulting them—in tact, al.olutely. The other, a chief of the elate, having Teepee-fel and devised ministers, but concerting and arranging with them, they deferring to him With respect, -aud in ease of altf-rence,. supporting-them selves on public ouirdou. This latter is the one to,whielt I hive devoted myself . fur more than forty years, nod the one 1 wish for my country; and I am sure that the true friends of thee government will desiretiult it pass as awn as plasible from the first form to tho second." ' Au interruption by thePresidcnt gave bin the chant° to reiterate this senti ment with added force. M. FAVII6 surpassed 3L TIINIUS in dirrtneu and audacity. A recent hem airbags made, it highly imprudent for Um to speak at all; but a steer of public -.ditty silenced all considerations of 1.3 c state of Ms health. Ile was able to speak no more than a few minutes, but • the sentences that full from his lila were charged with erectricity. • lie boldly ac cused the government of lying to the Legislature as to the object of the Slex fain expedition; and, at various stages, as tothe progress made in it; of having ' held confident language wan it knew that Emcee: was impossible; of cowardly treachery to 11.xxiantas_u; and of having . been the cause of his death, as- well no that of many Frenchmen. it this point occurred one of the most remarkable passages of the discussion. ILlFavae was 'locating 'Of an article in Sal aids' journal: • "'held whereit at:peals to the Divine . right I reply that the fate of the humblest child'of Fiance who dies obscurely on a foreign soil in the performance of his. duty is more worthy of sympathy than that of a prince who perishes in defence of his throne." (Cries of "order, or. der.") the President intimated that persist siatle in such language would compel hits to call the orator to . order. M. Sticiletis PaLLETAN cried out: "We esMern a Frenchman more than we do aa l hostrian archduke." The DUKE Dr Mime= answered: .".31.aie no doe Uric/ion between' victims." bL PATTIE ooatfznedi . ". "Iris becnuse I rep:' all distinction *it 'pronounced the words which have minted the Chamber. N.) reasons of political necessity ma justify the conduct oC the government a.uring'the latter pe. lied of theexpedition. 31a thellian went Re the faith of our premises with out army, and be ought to have been sapper . • felt by it. Yes, I have experienced filleting of profound sifiletionl that tide urtheppy prince was nut brought back to Europe with our troops, so that France . Might have beers shelwred tram the bloat thistles been spilt, and which will fall uPon her bead: In a free country min idlers would be impeached; it is only in France (interruption) Mat they...are me responsible, and theiefore it its another who should be placed at the bar." ykT t he President here so far forgot him as to say that these Words would tab uPcin the head of their authof in the eyes olj the entire country. *. Farne's re ply so this censure was characteristic . 1"No person in-this chamber, not even OW honorable President, whom I re stect, is entitled to hold such language I to me—to me, who am one of that mf aunty which, when it was in power, oVerthrew the. scaffold` Jot political Mimes, which you :Wave again set op. (Loud expressmus of dissent) 1 hare always protested from this piece in favor of the inviolability of human life, and II had taken these prottnatailons haw nsideration, perhaps we should not be a w deploring the calamity that has oc -7 carrell" [Great'sghation.] sum most fainting, the orator look the of 31r. Barman:err, and-walked from • this chamber. .011011 the 12th instant, li. PLAIS 1317.101% d that every liberty wee Wanting is Frazee, and . added that the county .Mould not remain much 4onger in to present condition. France was ,doing pinauce with a fool's cap on her bead. - "She eppositlon j utrizals of .Paris, in. .spired by the boldness of speeches.lntio Legislative body, keep up vigorous and • viiacions assaults upon W egovernment MI Demme:sous in. L' Epogue, and If Graexera in the Lit Übale, are the mint fommost. Ifoirdo the people keep altoeether in . the background. 'The La Lfberte reports a Idinner at the Grind llotel—"a real festival, en ovation given by four hun dred free men to two men, one of whom, #IIIITZI4, repiesents genius and elo. quence, and the other, JULES FAVILE, ripens:de democratic liberty. The bar, the political world, the prey, and liters, tire were there," After the dinner. ALERTS/I spoke, thereFsvne; and thee "iSIOLTICU, With tears la his eyes, threw htensilf Into the arms of Favor., and the) embraced each other closely." ITes Secxxxanx,ot -the Treasury sod the Commissioner•of. Internal Revenue eWe as to the adoption oi measure. t be effectual Collectlon of the tax or, distilled spirits. The pressure on them, tintli the Illicit &sillier', is said to be immense. 'The Treasury' . Department, /amerces. may as well understand thai tie tax past, either be enforced or Con. Tress will be_ required to repeat It. This aatotaatly maintelning s tax, the primary sitrautage of which is to benefit thou Who systematically viobite the Isw im pinsing it, has been endured till the pa. tlance - at the public is exhausted. What the whisky tax ought to yield, but which the Treasury fella to get, has title made op by - additional burdens on 0 at departments of productums. ul;Tworthirds of the Revenue officials in country are concerned with the illieft distillers in defrauding the Treasury. .tte Secretary ought tO have little dim. cipur, where offenders are so many, in Sliding out come of them; and quite as l e le In putting honest men to their , p L If. the Secretary and Commis er do not Soon rdansge to do better , 4th this badness than they are dying, ib,ei impeachioent engineers to CoogreSS ~ stay And profitable end interesting em ployment in taking them in hand. Tans Gettysburg Ewe, after manfully • d ably reviewing tbe nature and ten of Mr. fltiarswood's decision as to • MIS Constitutionality of, legal tender concludes . : ___7lZlels not only not deserving of the ogles be seeks but he is au.ong the least: di m ming and most daogeruns of our Oldie MOIL He hes given fair relics • of his close of nubile pulley, and hi • ateetkm as'flppreme Judge will be an in. vltatton to him to apply them, and up. nest-the whole &Lancia fabric of the pr the dentherattc party of Comber ethraty there is an active mutiny • the clique • that Du controlled Uteri for oomoyearspast. _ - - RELIGIOUS INTELLIRENCE Churches are going up in the two cit. ies and immediate nrigittli,rhood,. not withstanding the high nr i.! .1 materials and labor, many of them Icing noted for their splendor. elegance - and archi tectural beauty, and built, toe, vviihoul regard to rest, Coneregations.act gain differently now from wind they ,Ed former yrlrs. Instead of locating th e i r c h ur ch s tructures on inelegible sites. without regard to style, cordon in fignt, ventilatinn, or heat, and at the 4,, e ast possible, filey now select the inn.... commanding, convenient, anti' desirnleil locutions that vain briolitaitaell, and erect buildings combining beauty of form, and all the modern improvements of the , day, without any etintof money: Church building has become inure modernized within !slew years than any nthdr class of structures. It is right and proper it should be so, as they are expected to be adapted to the purpose for which they Wire built, fora longer period than ordb I nary. buildings. - Within a year or two several very handsome edifices have been commenced. First and - foremost is lire new Third Presbyterian Church on Sixth street, which is Progressing towards comph titer, with all possible haste. It will be the most elegant structure of cut stone in the city. Already the outline indicates this fact. The congregation are provid ing money lavishly in order to carry out their grand purpose. The nett and roomy chapel building at the rear end of the main structure is n gem, and eaves admirably for the variouscongregational services. The Presbyterians in AlleThe ny are erecting a nice cozy building. Joel below the West Common and quite . near the now and commodious Orphan Aisy• lam. It is well located, and in a veil respectable neighborhood. The woili men are pushing forward-es rapidly a! possible. . The dedication or the i new chapel of the First Baptist Church on Fourth street, near Grunt, is remembered by many of oar.readers, aslwe gave at the time a lengthy description of this ele gant structure. It is an ornament to the town, and when the main building is erected, it.will go far towards beautify ing that part of the city. Several:months agn the First Chris tian Church (Campbeilite Baptist.) Is, cared on North Common end Beaver { street, Allegheny, was formally opened. It Is a bealitiful, steepled structure, loca ted on a commanding site, acil marks as era in that body never before - attained in rids community. Within a brief period several church edifices have been erected by the Epis copalians, most of them not large, but of much architectural bennO. Tile most ei : important church isapr vemeut is the remoddeling. of Christ CI arch , ou East Common, Allegheny. T e changes will be of such a character, that the whole will 'be completely etamorphosed throughout, inside an outside. .r . 1.1., I improvement will give the Episcopal , Church .a position it has never attained I before in our sist-r city. ' sive steps of other bnilie. I Important advantagea, vi f I May be hereafter secured too. Whenever old Tie street, occupying like th cellar, Church, an envie rebuilt in superb style, g eongregatlon are able and and the" congregation -build the new structure i then the Episcopal Clam she might have been yeti same exertions been use, I nom being put forth. The opening of the Push trilled Pres = byierian Church, on Webster street, un der circumstances of the heroic cast, i, well known. The First United Presby terian Church coneregetiou in Alleghe ny, under the pastorate of the oldest minister of that body hereabouts, have built the foundatioca of a now edifice on East Common. It will doubtless be a grand affair, and will occupy one of the best sites in the city. We do not know when the main building will be erected, but presume at an early day. . The,Methodist Episenpals have entered into a new ern In church building with in a few years, partly discarding the plain, old.fashioned style of the fathers, as we apprehend they ore doing practi cally some of the peculiar usages that marked by-gone years. It is well that the spirit of modern improvement should be encouraged by them, and indeed, by every denomination. In the goring Ames Church was opened and dedicated to. divine service. This is a plain but neat buittileg, occupying the site of the old Third Presbyterian Church. Nearly; two weeks . ago the Centenary Church, on the corner of Duncan and Kirkpat rick streets, near Centre Avenue, was - ormally dedicated. The first story only is completed and temporarily roofed. The congregation intend, as soon as they , arc able, to erect an elegant steepled building, to cost between thirty and 'Corti' , thousand dollars. One of the finest and most impasing buildings, for the We 0/ the Manchester congregation, is nearly completed and will be dedicated shortly, and It will surprise many or the denizens of our city to see what an elegant build log has been erected In this rapidly grow ' leg community on Western Avenue. At another time we may give a fuller dec criptlon of it. The East Liberty Church is being completely remodeled, at an ex peeve of about twenty thousand dollars, and it is thought Will be one of the ' handsomest churches, of that derlornina: don, in the twocitiea. Perhaps the most beautiful and costly structure, towering above all those named of this body of Christians, is the new North Avenue Church In Allegheny. The brick work is rapidly tending .toward completion, and 818 expected the building will be ready for occupancy ere long. Those in charge of the project will not spare means to make It a male] church. The... La wrenceville Congregation has commenced a new building of fine proportions. The rebellang of St. Petrielea Church, a few doors above their former location, lon Liberty street, is known. Thcgrand 1 Cathedral on Fifth and ()rant streets 1 is still slowly "attaining its beautiful proportions by degrees. 'A. vast emu has already been expended, and yet more will likely be seat Or finish it as originally projected. The German Church on Liberty has from time to time been receiving new features, I. th.d. II is now quite an ornament In the inter part of the city. Several n^w buildings are in course of erection, or projected, at points coistigions to the 80 that the Catholics are keeping pace with their Protestant neighbors In the - work et Church extension. e The pr fires has given them tch, however, by this body .ity, on Sixth First Preshy de location, is s that wea;tity I intend to do, of St. Andrew • contCmolation, la will be what re ago, had the thou that are The coegrecation of the German Church, injured by the construction of the tunnel passing under Wylie street, l i have Commenced a new building within &taut one egusre of the old one, and a far' k better location, quite near Torimi sylvania Avenue, The remoildeling el the old First Baptist Church by the 14.1 verialiste, and CreCtIOLL of the Congre-' gationar Church on Band street, are of recent date, and have been Doticed boj, Tore. 'rho erection of the second edified i n Allegheny , by the Methodist (Protcsj, tan') Church is also a matter of late ocJ, currence. There may. be other projectot in view, or commenced, unhuown to us at this time, which wo will t e glad to i notlce as thby transpire. That very .r eligious paper , the /err) pendent, hat found a text, or rather 1,1 pretext, for saying some unwise things about our Baptist friends. it seems the m an t l ing. of Henry Ward Beecher, pub. 'tried in the sermons of that divine in the Examiner and C4rooicte, hav e culled out a protest from the New 'York Baptist Pastors' "Connrence,. In which raid teachinge are declared to be "un sound end dangerous," and their pabll• cation meets their strongest disapproba. tion. Mr, Tilton, the editor of the.ln• Idependent, holds a pew in Plymontl 1 Church,-and thinks that Beecher is the' leading evangelical clergyman of the' MrST. PETER'? PROTEST- I l pEURY CONUAIti. ANT F.P1.,,P AL CHUlted, comer of , r , I) Nip fil; KER. United Staler, and that he is doing more ' ':i , ,=,^; ,, ,„.=; - , , Nar;; , .:i.,..,„ „„,„,,, , to keep the evangelical Ed:II,IICP of this • otto , h. enrAlne.3 at I , !i a. at. Ind 7 P. TA• , And m•tvataatarer 0t"• II tita , 2r.ot. o , Otinzi )rzsr • 1 Tptl .. l: no. 33 THIRD 5tn...., Alt AAA 5 country true to their evangelical prinei- ' --- • „ . ItELlGloUS.—Pubtic •Aor• c r..tr2aag•Lg att , ,tlon siren to tbe tn0..”44n. i pl., than cry three ministers of the Bap- . gar. In the new Christ,. ChaN 1. ear- I l o4c of ...ai ''' ,l . 4 V,. 14"1/ tla ti.l4. or tiny nee of the Congregational : ;;;;;,T1 ; ',1,,r•Ve,!;11r i f,,;4,9117,TN:•t i1 ,:: l ;lenomination. Some persons rather i ''''''' , -l' ',. • v •II'F•VIr. l'IN• • '''''.. A 11E. 04411- aAN D e. D 1111.1,11a..0 Inebes In diameter, :4 feet .on 441t1. 44. n Ifi loci, an,. VOR.•. 117 A LE—BOILE tis.:—rioutt a ~a.; the truth of this broad assertion. ' las-mtuNITY CEIURCIL Sixth 1 - ;. , ..,t goa st.an. arra,. nch, 41141n”.er: I . ;he 14 1e bee 1 , . ditta4thr. N... - Iron. I tend the following 1 THE CHORAL SERVICE. -During the summer 1' '''' ..I.'' 'l'l°' 0ry.5., , , - , , crrZiLr.o.,.l.7- retnhabtraneh, in the editor's well known Le condor aftern..wn FREE SaItVIC.F. altl I ),,..,.. ... . 'No . - .a. rents str.;:l.. Ili ppent style when be in dealing with . 0 • mimetic.. SI . - 0 ,1 1 .0 r• m• 1 itrui .oh, inn F. 11. e ssys the hemp- ,„ „..,„,„„ „ 1 xrpricE.—PITTAUEITGII AND' W.TtE,ac..l..g, ..."...: a. 41- ..., th)l4 s GLIa,ILI.E It alt,ninlo C...11•n. bine. of controvlrty "it; 111, letttng . B A TH, t., •. woork a . ra . no d •,....., ~ ~. , NY.-4-11t, hl-I:Tti •111: 1.1111 LE utter': out ef ! weld-" "Wit)", thou." he eltket, l i t :!..-tg 1 i c ." . .,‘''';:tL111!!; , .....:;!1.1!,1 -' ,1 1 ,:, , u; 1 ..",:v2.-V2-4',",,..1".V,i:1'g• i'„`:,,i-,7,,,t.:,,,,;;:, -.,,, :1., Baptist truth heed tapped, and ! '„-U-i!`”,l'.'„!','''f',:st?'slt.',',.2:=,-,„t;,,,,,,,r,LT,-. 'i,',1N':,',",=,`,T',..:;.. - .t , L,".f%`:fi , :t l '-' , i .- „ e ,• e , the ~, .. , , 0... 1444.1.. of PHlL tiro fouttuin of criticism unsealed , ' ee• ''`"'l l'',"''' l '''' .I'4;‘). H. 1,0 II ..r... ttauirtst no gaud a Baptiat as the Rev. _ ; bur,th• I CW'rinsT 'BAPTIST CHURCH. 1 p „ . „,.,,, ~,,,,.„,:`V..",''''' '"l".V:',.;; Hurry Ward 'Lecher? Was it not (sir ' ter,ot. rt s ` ! , o f:ti`t4ino ' f. ' jv 4 L ' ,.Ws i , ' , l 4;l4 3 ,",, ' l I . ; 1 E FOR HALE. to presume that, since Ike construction ! 1 : ! ' "s ' ''. 'r ts'ilii , s 4' ff Ala tt u tToTra t if . ..:! I ` 4-' of n 'baptistry under Plymouth pulpit ; 'Slo'ycirf . rd il i ti "l V' d r: .t r. JAMES B. 1 Rowing with a mimic Jordon of pure ' ' i '. - °."°"''''' .tr''' 1 renal the head venters or am ,ooeasoolt River, . PURE SPRIIN WAIF! ICE, -c--- i by the C.l load, nclivrred In Pitt..., O. Ridgewood Water; and since the Intro• , far-01;17ST CONGREGATION I beton, or , IL SWANEY A PO., 011 llraler4, duction of the Plymouth Collection , ri , hrtti and 4..l"heYy L : E t!:, N e7l.% ' 'a e'e matt i . .V:14 . . " ~..,. ~,.. h " ••'. I 1 ' 4 ilightly sprinkled with Inners'ion ; i ; ,:t . ,i,4'1'..tv,V0 5 Tf 0 ,,T,‘";;.,,,17,,`, 1 `11,„;,1,',7,, - -:"- . ' ' ",'" v°" ' ' -4 ' " ' iittuns,) into the Baptist denomination; ' ` ‘ ‘, - ; , , , .z:a .• .‘1 .. .. u ,:,4-1 , ,, > .! ';‘,..e.;;;:71p.,?,,,,vez F OR SALE. and duce the publication of Mr. Beech. ; 1 1 ,,1;,„‘;:f. ° :,',7d1,7,„'',14;1" ! "'"'"° l `. " l 'e"'''' ' cc's sermons in thellapust newspapers,: - 1:4 - 41:URRI INSTITUTE. Was it not fait, he gays, to presume tint Mr. Beecher was in loving unison with the Baptist clergy, at least of his own ' twoyities of New York and Brooklyn." The criticism of nearly a column and a half is in this strain. without hardly touching the point at issue, or answer ing the objections made by this body of Baptist ministers against Mr. Beecher's teachings. KVICTIII OF Ott UNVAITIIFCL WIFF. —The Pere (Ind.) Ilepublioxr. says: On M >ndny last, a. man named Joseph Dem• phis--it raving maniac—was brought tram Butler township and Paced in charge of zitherist' Walittl:. The facts In itio rose are related to us asfollorrs: Deniphis resided at Fort Wayne until none iecently, wht re he left his wife, at stateJ, on account of inconstancy. Sue had two children, one of which he declared to ho Ilegttimate. On leaving his Wife, - Mr. D. went to Mr. Bradley's, in Butler township, where he has since Inch et arta lit and on Saturday last ho heard that his wife had murdered his child. Oa SUnday he went to Wabash 1 to ;learn if the report was true, and - found it cordoned by the Fort Wayne pspvrs. Be returned to Mr. Bradley's in the evening, almost frantic with grief, and Monday accruing was found rome distance from the house in a wild and raving condition, and attempting to commit suictde. With the assistance of a neighbor, Mr. Bradley succeeded in lading lam, and brought him to town, when it was found necessary to confine , him in a cell. —The growth of Texas in material prosperity is gratifying. The popula tion has increased al ]east three hundred ..boniand since ISthi, and is being dai y swelled by , immigration from Europe an•t from the Southern States east of the Tease is the land of prom ise for agricultrat4s and stock-raisers. It ,if Vithill its boundarlea the pro dues, of both tha temperate and troptcal tones. Not only the farmer, but the mechanic and the schoolmaster aro wanted there. We .111 issue on the 10, et Joleuel. Ma, 3 P . .. - W 7., Vr ." n ' t7ln! ' ; ). .l.A ' r , I ::: ' ,: ' . . , ! '1 : 1 ; ,- t ' s: is one of the 1 - .1. altar., 0.1. 1 . 3-, .. ,.. . 0 I. ' t•re wor .1. no near It,. ina.., dialing a Itto .1 et, t term or I.a - rim •• .1 oils.. hat. rwen erns 1a...1 ' 1,*.,211;','gr,,'.'1,1ft.`,.7.1.'1,1i 0T . ".1.:0 r 1:,:, 50000 5 •wect cdstr.loloo In 1V ery 1 . ..,:a.... l, 07,1 &AV:al/4T. A 0.1.1 110 T I:tr... 1.17, 1 1 I We .111 dts rlhote isalt a u5t1 , 1t0n . 01 . 2. 1 .f . 12 f. , 10 , 1 , 4 . .. - I i.l r at ' lit l o n l::• ' . 'r Nt=t; ' a• ' ... " ;: ' onr P . 1 . ,... 1 front • a0,,,,ntl Aunts...2i ',/ $1 ...W. A (1111E11.1" 'WAY - ONE tilkEt, IlaTTANkli To Ilea tleiTsili E. 1 , 0? •iillal. 10•naltATOCIASPIIINtin. h) . 3./.111 ". to r 1.E.11.1n Li, 1.00.0 Stare. "'hue You ears 1 00 ', anA a ,..ra•. csmeleta 1t10..1. e. ' Una antra run,............... .. II , . 0 . care toe d Attar .I , r,t from •Le aorta.. recel... I ac ,,,,,...; ~..,u , ~,,,,,."..,.;.,, „4 ~. " ! ~,0..5.,.:,, . ..„., ‘ . :. .. ..h ...-.. ~1 every w0...1. at the very WISCt pike. and . U•naln h • risurla, Mat I a alted I an, apnea e.,.h.... 3 .10 . . Ste... 1• ne share es. h •••-•..... ...... ltar, nath turply ot ale Reut,s7 ' • o.lateral 711.10. ay , b, tjnarto. , Yue•nueer.a.n. $l,OO run a.tte Itr ~..n. . . 010010111.r0 or tee Molt. I le .• bores rAs.., }NT eOO h 1 - •01. I ntato. It lanan•atorT. .. .M. Arsiac• eseh owns 11. to C .... .LA , i ~,,.....,.. envie/ and 1...t1n ulna:Jo/Ley. , ~,e , ny a p,,,aa ra , a a a..pnaing ...tan Si %el i,• I, ; o . a Poetleal et 013.1. • Idel d•tust . 014 and 01.., IV* eha.. , Flutah'nl.seee i rt!t•0f . 11110.......1., 1 . 11thu.,u3 11100.. r• ,101 • h I • Ho 1a... Ilrosoe. I.lnAtsated. ' Alnusaa, el t 1. au !'acre as. olqiew, ~p er. I Trimmer a Preatirattie• Ivey and Mintualo.l7. / .I**s. e. Marra or Y.Mlarist ActbOr• aad otter . loro•c, Orval nod 3 ...Nth olcllooare. 1 ante ea, arsvouttry to yen 00 4"I 'T "'"rr" " V." ""'"-" ''''". ". ....Os .0, stasllah and t:so„ Lealoors , Ac. re stood ot well lso•a c.1..01...a.. to NA r!.,... ' , r. 44.4 dn.. 1.71.1 m the tipeleas Oda daT. told at , p ana ,,, a r.,;,,,,,,, n o.l gaanah Leal on, 1100 vs 111 in-a l•st , o 11..1 n ...` Y0.A.L....e4C• 4.lfc col Carts,. tilitecatat. I :;, 4 ,... 4 1,,..,V,%,„, -. .,., A•: K*.' If L' ~,, ~, .... . JOSL ' PH . FLEMING ' S ! 1.,,.;','.,tr.V7.1."Li`,!°r17i. , ..... 11[1110,611.1 ih•tr ro,rt ..1.: 1 . • r ,,,,,, , , in &allay 3 N .nts an/ ...ot o a . . •a,.e.rio.*. ,,, • 1.x... oral, halted et.1 . .4.. , 2.2 2, , 2 , TXXX.I la) eU.I _lrl hr... Drug and Patent Isiedione Depot, 1.."."..°.`•:i 1 ;;V:1,1:•113,.."'" ' 7 °•• ''' •• 1 b e , .. , ... b ri, ,ravia -,,,.,.. ~. us.Aetts. • 11 h h.. , 1 THE BEST IS THE tiIEIPEeT. " • , ‘,....1,1000.101 Mticallascona St to to select e •.. „ , from. a all SI. ataxia/se the •t.nts. , One r. pa, 44 .11R. on. One }CU. With 'Coe NO ~. 1 30611.1 ET STREET, c..l. 001 waolt,• ~ I Lent•ersofolt•re• al .o. ---...- nnakuje and tenaiL ev.eelpts to , th.,outr tad ounntar of abut 1 ' N ... V l ' ..Srl • a l'it inner , .. ' d ‘33. . " ""' ' ."' ... 'h"" ! r"" " P'" L'A "''''' 1 96TH BEMI - ANNUAL EXPOSE. for rcura ta••••••/^ ALI. 111 E LATE read Lee nan d <4 00711 autotrilwe. r. , nzl . ' add.... Wan and clat. 1• Is L .1.101, hs dull. e QII. ~der. es ••cs. or 13 rtylviate3 -rt. . Magazines and 11Instrated Papers. ..,...7 5....... , ~ ... r •Iti. A drat ) All connanatealthas to %ell ifthentena undid 'lead. Kra:trite... 1 .. ....1 n _ • ALL ASV ..EL A tIEVTLI. AT To , 'sviAlrrtE. , s OINTMENT.' ' ..., .k. A. KELI - - 7„, ~..„,,,,,,,.., c ,„„. I BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT, I ... ,,,,,„ 0 , ~,,,,.. ~.IV:7- ` ' `"4"'" ~.__-__ _ 1 111 1 th Street. below AmltlkEeld. , Lc ,,,. 000 ,,,,,, , ...,,t.,„,00.,.....r. ...NY or' ru...,,•,.. , in.. • D JOIIN D. EG IN. , I NO,. TIT. AA WA.1121...011, I.) C, Ju.irt7. 1... ! i --- - ' IN PLIINI,A 'NUE Or A .ALIIICS i kt;t.,... ‘ :. ' - ' .1 6 . U1V 1T.; .F+i r ;; l ir.. ‘ ..:• 1 ; . 1;1,;:l 7 , e 2 + , l , .orarla *l t d a eototol tur. to w ntvrt.if•l 2 7 . .l;r , i C a t to ' Zi,.. '. .! r ii , : ` l7.•?:ax. l l 0 , 0 :1•,, , 1.4...• ; 1 ..I no. p ay. gad will hate ready for 1 donna the lat 7 r:elet tos.• . sa a la a few day. coo seta Of , Al. rert...... la Poluut llatlf ..” -r •h ‘ " 4....- l. nth. ti,a/n Maar or titaa. rol Ic.x. sae r.rftekl.:( , I fry .1.1...1 to ..411A11.0.• Comm 11.... am OLT tc1.....1 , ...to. In CAM. t • lan env Una. aya and gnat 5..M,:0 14/,10041 00 the wetter. 1 I rason.l. 11 a sol,lltrase ratolan. bls nett Dr pa, , ~ I 1 mien. and with what c .330 a... he reread ass 1 131.1. a f.tl aft .. 'mot .1 sleets l own tat ! "La ••41.1 . tOtlehle 6 0 a5 t. . ....1, or, .0. i t•us taus. a... 1 th., of ba r n dt.r or , '" , CO•ran, gla ur a. f•r as Down,. uan.vs. paces. t np l .nd .....latt o met of Lotsf.do at•or.acts to:. chars*. thV I CuTeaoottl•l3o. trod:. 1.0. York. 01*.. arevey. en 1, ;;ITlt: l' V T lreltir, ' ,:::•T ' c r0 , 1?,;: ' 4 X s3. o rho- - i l ls 1. 1 ! 0..., tsaoralot. 1,0013 r. AillOkor a. I. M..- .0•00 Mlatisol,.pl. • rte eras. rasa, and the ataaaa and j .1 1,01 cit , • 4 gine Onto, Oa hooey Mon.talata spelt , win /64 . 01•01. ...lin V 0 1-11 • *. ii . , X. C., thaw .....bi.o D. e. , ,in o l Cotes-roors.l.&ls froull..aouri. row• Kula*. I re.., ...taut., et•ra..a. an s oh, e , tab...m..ls. of t I CO M. 0•55 I[OIIIII.IOPA,VO. A./.11 . ...... ...111 la sLt.l all A. 1, ` I v.. . : 1 , le.ula, y4,t ate. o , (!orre•pon.ltn, from 1111rolo, 1.41. h t. er 1.- . ro sus conun and X onea - ..1a .11. an.lre. a .us as t A b Att ft C. HAN." A.l. X. C . Moto. , Nonn•acl-h. .11. 11TL/tr ..f;l'.-7:,'="`",,`,:,1.:;'!:',*5:.74` 14 ‘'.';,'.'.'1:11` a.hu., 1.. 11. - lr CT* ra Coradapo-dspo from .1 . 13 . !intl.., &en. enlea ofra leaky sod Taanash.e., will a.I •••• . NIt.I.IAM astirsor N. At, 0, :I. a 01. I I No . :air ai, Cottonera l entinat uldnesaad In tramcars ot 110 y. la new Conunittee w. I n fr... af :r 4 3,4. , oi.l 111111 it 03111 4 intva Irtofan r• ,harts 0001101 11 , 1 .0 1 1 all ruts. nra*.aary to make a tLo.ongh atictst 01400 Mo. 5111007 40'' '111 ""1"1 .1 . 011 0 I'. .I . OIL,' X 4. - - - . It I/ 1-1 a A A 111., CLUE or 0 IiTCLA. • • AUS nil. ... 11 A 1101 0, Ann...eS rl , a, • ". I , 1, WILLIAM Y.1',..E.5. - aons. 0 , .• JOllO I '. Lawalial, 1”101. 1:=.•3•1 1=1! =I 1:1=1 MOE rECH. TETTEIL ALL SRO 1)1.4 A 11-I ie• +.l 01... t.," I=Efla O. Itch In Cram 12 I. 41 Pours." emly by Dr. SIVAV. ft. ton. Phllwalelpt".• SOW tr{ 11•CLARILAN 114•IC.TINNAN. stmrt. OE. A. 1C51.1.5. 37 Wood s: ! . FI.VAINti, Mart," A. rm. oe. 4:0 au.l Msalet rlttsbaret: k1111C,17. A1:4.0412v. ERE A LIFT. I , op i e tip et tenth of ttatur.. Thar tr:Or tel.is their health and their ronst:litions. j then Sr. aurora/I tent Elea 01. sta. The 01,asurt. or couttaal. mental or Intillte tab, .0..11 rtees. Ls tar - menden.. Very it+ seat, in. sea cubstitelons [AA ieear up taste , WI present* yea ttste.t. Add to ibis ite uch - s.t, trllnenc..a e blob burlateners 10 111 sir et trestle Us eater ea drat.. the 10- tliude proGerrel at this seamen by .bn cluing< um the roar of .Inter to the warmth of spring. it seam tetletre almost eoPtth . ttato gir tt tr. o In per t. cc health ellatnui rein o t o• it , 105 40.1.1 ton.gl s. but ho. rs.ntorre , then.? Certain, r, not with art...nat.. atlmit• - :la,. 1 here Is no poison In the on ter air. or In ; 1 4 'STABLISILLD 1M33. 1.1010511.. e, r.srour.l.ratea to so, ar 11-p.. or setaties. to pernic , tas as•t ote n IT horn., G01d... Why 1155 there. the ; 110515E3 FITTED UP WITIt 110,,TIVITs I syo7o,able 1001: 0E11.1,310 10). art eectt *bete I 436.11.03, .., t a reale 1 %evil., ass et . [sett attired to .111 leenlo and • eoat -te harmless 1 . .1E01, I.OE, 1 , 0 0 4.0 . 11 4EI 1 0,1 0 , 0 -00 ,1 Hot and Cold Water, &C., Et • ur.te 'fated ...$11111.12 EENIE 0,./ 0. 110 . 11.0••10. arid thy 114,7 y. s.r• sal crow le .1 tilt a. old 40.4 yoaug. 1 or r.cb aped rtiErl'o.ol VEr. 000 ; "". JOHN H. TATE , Piumbcr.snd Gm Filter, 110. Kara! t wills to liana Inn for roar las. due, aud attenitik mans au. ulna of my dia. 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh; and cal, for la blab I mined to coutull you entre time I la /...eary rapt. 7. ti wl.l tem...ter that I btfl not *4lcla haul .04.4 a ter, rhlcb I had he.n advised to '• 'an amoent of a haramum 00070, ,Ich It teas slaved at'abt fama. n 0.. my tuna.. I totte that the pnpulat acne f Vetting dls emus oame was Ire a ratline oPrrttlmt. Otte!, If imechm.fal at all, would natme.iy Mr.." , the caseate upon tce lump or some other vital, roan, an ateouct of lb. pat:thanes@ at the cure and the Intmr dime elm k to a dleiMmlio •Istch L eta tmostraltted to believe tem Y tale prurition of Nature to ret rid or so no or old enedltlon.in the system. 1 feel 'p. fleetly satlelled that your method of treatment. puri fy:2g to thy atatem, and local availeml..na to the emulous putt, moat cur. , :cold.lf anything cutt•ne. .elan 1 hod It Ohl. and I am :mu, to report mym if 1..11 In [1 , 17 t.articalat..l ttitl. pounder and neater health than I have had for ram. I wont.] .'. ad I that tho .00 1 0. tout 102 made watt ahamt paha..., ad bar 1 tc 1,1:61, new Mtn, with all the chorale. an vigor of •moored health. face. Frateralle. • C. — . Dr. Key•ur'is cunt siltation room. ate 0. , Pent wee, trem • J. L. until I p. m NEW AD VERTISEMEN TS WM,11A..41, Jr., Atlanta Azynrl/ / 7 45, 7l At/tA 8.4.0_; is 44,41 41004X13 „Agomf 10 ert - ,rn Attrrrttirmentr for the (iJIZPTTX.aItd J clher papers Utrvriph.l L'te United 6tatel I •trtc.! lAA trunnArts. • • ROBINSON BROTHERS, • Baalzorah, FoLorrit riTitEICY. n ' ?,Vt!t r n ' nlo. 3d ;l4 7,l ;e f eftrel.fttlVa o ; l- Tn 7 Tti muds a ICI . 33C:D1NT.27)113, anH Itt”tirun.trett to p ny An•l , ecll o l:3llroA .l ounds; I " WIl• 1 . 2[1 al . file roll 41 the fa. ; n 2.4 of 142- 1;•••Ave,; 1.0.1re0c , ..11 , eur and 2 - 12111Atio0 • *,.1 nn Time Dew.... LADIES , DIIIVING GLOVES, ' A t VII ELAN'S 014 840,112•24 tug 4,27' 24•11fth Street. MICH itiATTNTLETS, At 1'111:1,V:0.1 3)14 12,3101101212 1 . 17 or Plqh - - • A 13 11.k...5' DOE GA urcrLias, at 1 . 21LLA11 . 2 uhlemtd ttocklog C 222, Ir 7 Al rir r h • 1.. et.. ArPIEN ( ANN) GENT. , UIIFF 1.1412 Avtt(Tr. 011.% 4013 1.01.2 01.)110.0. I'il3L A 2 ,3 1210 acd 124 cktni, burr., ; 11 17 21 11211 21010. A YOUNG MAN. thoroughly ra.poet.? 'l3 I.llarnm •r, (hat), prnnt enuy land neon., ratlln,) untwist., if c., and tr. le • :47t.p;rn? xrJaLat lilly•tit Inntrntly tontnl. rtottlet nr SAnneno.l,7 tor corn nt road tic, At 141,211 A• Av. Ma Wilco or Tilim Arllt• jy27 I.IIW•E KAIIOqAIr /DESK. ../Itatoe Mr so iJrare. oouotiof f .O OO of dwe u. tar, trill be eOl,l b.lorr yiAre by • 41. X. BROWN, • NO:rao .o. eillh Street. FOR SALE, LZASE OF BOX ?AMORY, • IVab Tliturite. to Will I. H.lO runl,lr lculara evq.slre at ei/ir. KT. tililmh wards Ply at tarn. ema Irrsen LACE ILEATIIER.• of the hest • • PIIII.I IVA. ( bbia. for Elie by scits‘x t .1.1.0/il4 'lilt • 144 WI./ ,{test WILN , E-4 WAIF. for onTe by 31cHAINICS A2JICI, J 72.1 /11 VI .1(2 PUMA PITTSEITRGE DAILY GAZETTE : SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1867 .EirEwrs., TM next Term will open ad the First Monday of September. I=l 1-NORMAL, COMMERCIAL, SCIENTIFIC Or. Clasecal Course 10"'1cOT ICE TO SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM. Th. Allegheny a , o• RaliroaA C , tnnany oval lonaer notice. tran-n. prompo.. I 0 . o m . res.l3% tormlnua of to road at IradT • Yong to Ittot It^ of Vitts,rall any ma I I of I, t., Irom th.l may to. offe.rd • at .I ', • l'E l t fAltoEl, no tr torn ItraAra Rend at tO (Mal n EACH. 4...1k or t er ton at. tstnootol to, .04' :;;Trt ' o h lt iv ig irtrt: . t keno . aco e 11;17 .114 ane.dy tramaar or 011 from tonal. to c.a.. 11. litailK 'PUNY. snot. ern:VD nil:11S It CAI 141111 p •ND C.INGKEti *Tim?: I. V 011...WN'A A. M. F. eNAPnea Il l ttet..e• and ru d.r lite. J. W. a.a.VIN Ka y p plat t . all a lame. i of Chnottalta. in the rarer of out Tilt. redact Hu- , ler. toe Owl and Father of ell,. tor liolp, to ens- l t... then, to cort.pt• te tbelr' canto!, now in eo - ne of e rAttas. on the con, r uf Perak , k :1 1 :Z1:, 1 : 1 7: 3 . 5 ..t1 t Ji t g,`,1,...,`::::1';;V i .: ,1 2 , ! 'deft eaorta .. f the rueruMereoto, oar little Cottrell ha. been trylne to oreCL ROOLOor 11/114,1. to Mc bollor Of IlOs Urine t•eni t ever alneo oar boll., lee oit Ea•t Cottonton.. we, •Italr, y•tt by the gullt, bond .4 an inrendlary. We wish and ?fay f r the anerere of all Chrlo. 0,1:11:11.7.'Veb::titra..4.4•1:Z.:";•,,:"::1°.4i, !..V.:;•:. - 3 , ..-1=7.,•': :, ° ,!...6` i 41 , 0';'? t i :,11 .1 .7:,:gt7' I...obtain ol these neumbioatlono. Chorea n atal .. t or M uot•a.oue ear .Ire St e wish to build 1 church ornate,. on can eenrollp Idol seem., 5 1 to our ..00.Cleace, Rail lti• 11005 whit - Alit tea erne.. 1 of,. A. 'M r. a I.E. who to not or nor fella. hut IA 0rv.m.b , ...e. •it carer. ...otter In +be botrttnal Kingdom or 110 old act as en • ages% Jut A brill obtie and we have tor ....ted SIM with letters vollitalt .oyce. to E. 11. CLU SAN, 0. 10' .0 of T•eor2.ll>jg , thnoc ovable tu Pr..ldest 01 Altociatl... Jralmn w. u. 41:1 , 1.E.23. 1141/I.oono Utte.t. Vlttsboryril. .111ILN A. MeGIL4:I4", MENEM .7. P. ISRAEL, =2 JUST RECEIVED. I=l IL &• W. JESKINSOVS, No. 6 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEd-FCENY. mmi; andtYPUEOOII AdolWret6xxs are used 1673 BAGS COFFEE, O DOD TO STRICTLY CLipICY, In stint and nutting. Man, %full stock of -OTHER GROCERIES. Whlet,Dlll thl.ll to the trade at e E.attntith rc buts, tralsbt added.th by.LOWNIVY ARBCCITT.V.S & CO., xos. and libet Sinct, stargi, jr,:b...otrre • FIIUST CLASS LOOKLNO GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J; LYONS, No. 110 Wood Sty rlttaborgbi. ;AVM Avtrlnylxv,;,rAVlLl Afil•tratart• glllaVairnttsits,'"c=t, and VelZg l iNl) ttanse executed In the nUTFirsteleMAT mmeiervre 1. inuati awkwuluirr:....Viral. U. 31 . C.A.XDIAWS. GENERAL IBEEILINCE AGENCY. SWEARINGEN t. PA'CANOLESS, Ho. 114 FOURTIH, 81'4 Pllta . banr4. r 46 Groom! Agonta for Waters% poougtont>of . Continental Life Insaranee Co., =I VIES, LIVE STOOK end .0 •leentiptlone of Insersbee ellente4 t¢ reeponeltde enlenenten. At Inneest rate..: - . r HAVE THIS DAN ANSOCIA. trl L Y r i gitt "" m """TonV.V4l o iirt i. JULY lat, M 7. • JOHN D. BAILEY 6c , STOCK. AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AID AILICUONEENS. an prepared to tent Aution, Oteekr; Bond; and ail hind. of Osearltlet. Beet EAU" noun !mkt r um t t o t o. Am:.hither on the ptetoiteror et the Board ol'froute BOoms . ratteultz attentloti pa4cl. tiontorom to th• *li neTe..4 . " l_orterio:To_ ". VI 4 IWO IT ri BTlthEx t" . n • 174 RAN EIPAREAT ..BLUE. , OIL CI MTh', tar Otani Window Shades. 'agape• clot article set 'waived at. tba Col Cloth Ware. eoloa.AS Ma= at., 01111 stmt. en J.& )I,IIIILIAPII, IMSEM2 I=l wn. J. PAT.Mr.R. rasurcr 5 11 - 43, 10 TACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Are now eonstraellnir a Railroad from OMAHA, IS'ann.talt a, westuard toetatds the radar °tea, ilialtuitt, with its cootie:Roos, an unbroken line ACROSS THE CONTINENT TG! Corananw now otter limited monntof .their FIRST NORT.GAGE 808 TS, Hartnh thirty rears to rhn. and blaring annual Interest, psyiblr nu the Prat day of January and Jul!. to the City of New York, st the rue of STX PER GENT. IN GO - LAX: At Ninety Cents on the Dollar. This road ocs r him - Jaded front Omaha 03 nines wont on the ',at of January. tie% and la fully edulpPed, and rrtinlarly mining over it. The Company ha, om n on hand atinlelent iron, tea, fi ea, tie.. to niati the remaking pottlen to the eastern burnt the finely .110.21i123* saliea. which is under cotct y donhilethi terithr of title r, s o iljvait is expected in.t the entire rout wilt be In Nailing order Stain Omaha to its wtnterit Cto RD, :lon with the Cen tral Cahlfie, now tieing rapidly built ea.twaril from Jaerardento, Cat.. during ISJX• • • 'eons . of .the Company. • • Etilmattog the dhdauce but be hunt be the 001,0 recta° to be 1.015 tulle. the United tita , es (to rem pond. tenure 11.61: per cent. Thirti.rear Spuds to the Comeau) . .. the road It Deleted at the a.crage rate of about SII,ZO par aratoot log to ftl.hltOO., ?b.Coot sup tomtit; ptextitt.d to lunette oant That WOrtamge Honda t 0 an equal am cat. and at the lime time, which or bract.. ACT or C 0000645 Lot 111• III a nes: ORTO it.Olt ON Tax hon. LIOn, the tapolt of the Called , htatee be. top endentioute le Vires- The doterometW makes a doestiee Of: 12,[00 aerat of land to theMdle, autouhtica• to . 4azt,o9 serfs. eattmated toilet worth 101.000.0t0. seating the total reeonrcee. er.lectve of tie ,cimit•l, ait8.414..X0: but the fell Tame of the laildttaunot mow De reedited. ! ; The sto Moment Cepßat Mach - cf thb COioVen7 handfed million dollasa. .of yrbleo nee tophona hate &Urea:ll7 boon paid 13, and ot.erhlth telt not supposed flat more than tven'lletee et taoa . t ott ttl be . pleed. ' Itte coat of the rout 1 j ratlmalc.l bf competent 'oilmen to be ehott tree haraired mllllae dol -1 laza, eiclesben of eigelpent.: ProApec6 for iiee ss The rellrond eonagetion between Omaha and the last Is now complete, and the earnings of the Union taeiSe en the sections already Utah nd. for She month of lint, were 11:51,73.4; These sectional earnulfs. as the road Iwohrvnteh. will moth more than pay the tntereat oa the temps ere bonds, and the throneh husniess over the only line of rhlrinsd between the Attstitlc and 'Phalle =nab, I=menhe. Value and Security of the Bonds. . The Company rrspectfully submit that • the abort am' one at Of hem falls 4. mount t h e severity or their /jowls, au4 as adamloom rroof they woole/ raygest that tbo Lands .norr attend are Ins than ten tellllen 4.111 re on 517 'rr I.rs or mad, on which over mrs.n..y mlillan dollars CI are already tea minded; on 3.. f, ropey of this rota thecara are no. runnier, and the remaintol 157 miles are acute Mars plc tee. the peasant rate - of promlsto an g 07.4 then orolo pay on annual Intoreat on Cue; lotion% coat or Nine Per Cent., And it Is that oh the cempletion cir the road, like Om Iloeernment Ileudd, thcT. snit go Leery par. The' Vomptcy. it tend to tell Fut • melted imosint at Itt present isrie rate; ad re taln the right 0 Ildr‘lice the pride .ar their ,ohilan. Stibrcrlbticiiv via be received t bevy Yea D 9 the (OSTIA - 07SL 1111 L.L BAK, No. 7 Sum St CUPS, DOfl& CO.Oistkett 5t IA St. JORI 1. CIRO & 501, 13aten, 33 VallSL, Ao4 by 31 aNES AND PANICEILS gruerslD tLcougbout the Melted Bi‘teft, Or *Dom uu4A and deseriptlre pamphlets arty -be 4taluerl: hey utilabbe be MAD by mall from tbe.Contba rs Dace, blo.Zl Nausea street, Now Tart, ou aprileation. enbseribire will r.leti tilde o►n egerttA to whom theV bare eoroldottee,' who &love. will be respouelble to them foe the safe 'dollverT or We ter". JOHN J. ElSCO,Treasurer, w Fot4c; .ISulacrlptlon.. reviv Ed In ritObargla -EA - 011MM NATIONAL . llektrli. CIIIZENS XATiON.L.L ISEYIL It/EE. JA3tSS T. 13.1LSUT. NeLFAN &CU., jetStairrts ' MYERS, HOPPER & CO., Etiu(tenon to LB. BULGE& alrent.l = FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCIPIO!. Al D OFFICE FURNITURE. No. 45 Smithfield Street, rmttnur.au. PA. es fvit •itortmeat of Piatbush llanstat tared Vs:Mises cosstastry on hand at LOWRICT CASH PRICES. C. a. .11[226...1•11. C. norms...wag. S. WE mw: . - TO HOUSE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Thelarsest mortment of GRATES, all Sizes; Cooking Ramges & fftoves, Ot the MY MST QUALM, tor .ec at rEl5lr Lon • PRICES. . Br BISSELL & = IXIM PIIOPOSA LN o unner WILL lIE PAINT BE CEO7/1/ thelyn , d for - ING Tax lISYYNTII W .11001. non In orny,.* ol croettnn. , paclarstiolla nn DO oxacolottl at ran onlee BARK 6 ylomt H. Arennt,tsvoos. S aod. is'y tr( t. Rlotto bt wltnany urine unc ernletel, on tna //111.1k 1y71,,37 A. A..11W1L1L... NOTICE.-41011F:IVT 11. LECKY, el the City of Allenao.Y. haring by de...lat./4 Jove .la. lit maimed all s ....to and iC. a. tome lay tba beneatof bla Geldttera 11 persona ludebled to Ida tam natl. In make Immediate mr..L.and tents bay tpg dein s plea., yeoman me came at. MT 75 Cr-at atfeet o lo u nt Stitt, f t ansktie et of It. 11. Lroty. it • : • 1507 at e!=E2 joSEYII IlGkille. Collecting Agent, Omee ►C the Beard 'of 'Trade Iteems • Pl237Brlitaii; ended to . BckPtn df r o P l r ld enwtodt 004 r opr l 7 la. quEEv.,or TUIE 'WASH. PATENTWASHINC FLUID, 'Olga: *Weyer luttodnani. bat Innt•lnt ant vertalnowt* trilt by sold ern reoontble tam.. Lilltraill'44, • ULM A . FL E.NINILISH & CI&Y .410. , . flEt fourth Sired, ?Minster* et 0131 , 4"13 . 6 DeADIRS, DZAIOII iltrnrrts On AftlAtt AND Con7")r.V , o on M,lf.,+- Al.o. ran ot BLANK.BOUNIt. BOu*kIINDIP.O ex ecuted In ell Its forms. A I..in .I,ott of nTa. WAX Conatantly On hand. )124 WANTS Jhl 18 T. BRADT I CO., Cora, rounti and Wood Rs. 1= FOR RENT 1 .TWO SMALL HOUSES, 1:,°,".en:".'`,T,h,,1'i.:.:4?-",!,744.7:4`g:,:'1. In • Lae',. lediltql &vett,. .rs.< the Lower to bxen. Eugltre on the µmatt te.. • int,cl7. C. V.TV'ATIUM. FOCI RENT, A LARGE SOON, 4th story, ' ?,ta r iragEn. ITio:no CARPETS. OIL CLOTH NEW CARPET STORE. FEMill ARRIVAL OF JCL. rt IP" la rEw rirrzits iRi Tapestry Brussels, Body Brussels,; 3-Ply and 2-Ply, Tapestry 'signsl.lll4 A Full Lino of Straw Mattingui - PLAIN, cumc:s.r.o AND 7.. CY. Oct stock Is fuller than It %DT yrevlasis lima this seeson. These wishing gooar to our Ale will no swell to gi.V. no /1 tail. • BOVARD. ROBE & CO., Al FIATII nTILEET,