The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 26, 1867, Image 1

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rummaxo wirraritociatism.
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r.4it.pittsburly etartte
rat TOO ACCMOWDATTON qr rensone leer
km the elty during, the simmer months,
Spey nu have the Gazes-1k tusked to their
'address, hi. Ordering the same at the °Men,
tor 011003 emits per week for one week or
Tan hod carrion' of Covington, Ky.,
struck for three dollars per day on Tues.
day, and obtained tboir demand. daughter of Joseph. Mayo,
ist Cliesgo, died trod: hydrophobia on
, the Tddlnst. She had been bittenly a
1 dog several monthengo,
ITls.innnunnntiftbat On filibuster.
ing echemas agakneligexlco, which have.
cecupfed_estuelderatilo attention in the
Unit StateNbare o6n abandoned.
. A RAVlntteArk State 'Convention of
WiaconsheArihe nomination of candi
dates for Statooftleer is called to meet at
Ilailhon'on the 4tiOf Sopti,mbernext.
Tao statement of. General Gold, over
his own signature, that in August, 1864,
he offered, as Confederate Commiaion es,
to deliv& l nP, without equivalent.; ten or
fifteen thousand sick or wounded Union
prisoners, is attracting attention. Ulti
mately all the facts will come Ont.-
Teri western cities have 'limn flooded
connteribit nickel five cent pieces.
t Cincinnati a party has been arrested,
Sing isaarly a Lusakcl . of the spurious
coin in their posstssion, togethc,r with
lhanaceisary implements for its mann
: acture..
ll 0.. mrconT says the PreEldent is in
falined to send Gen. Bank's on a ndealon
ithrouzh the Southern StateS to harry up
terustructlon. The best thing the Pres
:Went can do 3n that behalf, Is to see that
i ` the laws are duly enforced. If he had
*ken that course from the start, recon- .
stractlon would now be much' farther
voiced than It is.
. .
' Ina Soldiers' - . Messenger Dispatch
1 soinpany, inmrporatcd last April by
the {Yew York Ligislature, to furnish
e Oloyment, ip• far, as practicable, to
' orthy dfsibled soldiers, and orphan
of soldiirs who lost their lives or
. me disabled 'While serving in' the
volunteer an of the United States, In
. "regirnents raised in and accredited to the
',State of New York, has 'Jost gone into
operation under roost favorable auspices.
IiraLIILY everj , day we H,d in our ex
: changes accounts of fearful accidents awl
• lois of life resulting from the . careless
handling, by females, of coal all. It is
about time that' housekeeper, should
leart,r to be more cautious with the fluid ;
las there certainly has been a sutticient
nuteber of Mmualties recorded to doigen
stride Its dangerous qualities. At Ok.
a night or two since, a Mu.
Berke wasbirned to death in aitempting
to . 1111 a Parning lamp with freshen.
;Perhaps s hundred Lava lost their lives
derlng the vaist tew years in endeavoring
.to do the same thing. .
'l`ms State a l'iew _York is owner of a
*cm of e.umbi s which lace-cost Tait
.aims of Money. - Upon these canals an
immense business has steadily been
transacted, Yet the- aggregate income
?sa barely infliced to keep all the lines in
condition for successful vie; while - some
4.ltbem bare constantly failed even to
make good the cost of superintendence
and repairs.' The current: Belief. has
been strong that gigantic frauds have .
beep practiced In the management of
these works. A Senate Investigating
- CoMmittee has been looking Into the
'matter, and find that thecemel manage.
'meat hasbeen & regular system of plan,
lief, and on ilarge scale.
. • _
.NOT'.II.A.VI" mums env the telegraph
intbruied the country that Mr. President
Johnson had renounced all intpxiading
chinks, not even Indulging la the use of
ale' or beer. We advised oar temper-
ante friends not to take too much stock
In% alleged reform in high place, and
it seam's front the follerwing deplorable
pictire, by the correspondent of the Do
trait Tribune, that we were about right
"People oßen wonder whether the
IPtesident still is in the habit of drink
. ing. I can sip pesiuvely`thst be does;
that he I. a needy, persistent brandy
and Whisky drinker; and,, worm than
that, the White House contains, for the
Bret time iduce it was built, a drinking,..
drunken family. The President Ia a
steady drinker. He is What the temper- ,
mime nice call "a moderate drinker."
.11111 son Robert. who Is one of bps Pri
vate Secretaries,- is a sot. He is beastly
. - drunk for days together. His
.law, Senator Patterson, alto lives In the
Whltellonee, is a terrible drinker. Ile
never gets drunk, but he is not far oil
from detfrium, tremens. Ile" sallies oral
fr. in the Senate every lour or two to
Whitney's restaurant to; hike a 'full tam , I
bier of raw- whisky. ..bilne men out of
ten would' dle in a yerir of his habits.
Ha swills enough raw whisky to slanght.
era regiment of men, and yet continues ,
,tcdo duty as a Sensor.
• In the New York Times recently vras
1 .Imi:dished a conversation held by a dm-
I,' je•Pondantswith ne•Vice President A.
1 ILStapisetis, of the Southern Conceder
r':'ts,4, fl the . following sig.
fniftinnitt , pliside.. T e concluding pars.
i graph gives Runkle t Insight into 31r.
i ;; S tep h ens' present litical ideas, and
, 'her fir they incline torrards the Repub.
1 lb= party:
? we were sitting _on tbo porch
daring the rifleman, the neap member
oftbeßoard Of Registration came up to
; see Mr. Stephens, No Is a bright fellow,
hinted Ned, who lives is the adjoining
Moray. and is well acquainted with Mr.
Stephens. He gave no the statistics of
the day's work 4a the registration of
Tatlaferro county, which is going on at
the COW% Muse here. The result show
. ed.thit 470 persona - had rmitstered, and
Swabs blacks bad a majority of 74.
Aleck," said - Ned, "I was ,
looking Minna to come dOwn to tbC reg. •
g iteration, and wee waiting to help you
tip the atepa
, "Wont you have let me register,
_• Ned t" •
•"I wou ld, bare done my Ivst, 3laasa
Ned," Laid- M. Stephens, "I
'have nom. ...voted 'abace I voted against
secesaityl.,7 .Tben to ilia correspondent:
2 beret !pied during the Confederacy."
_.1114. Step:hems to-day made all his De
grees go Itad register. "lty and by,"
nalelhe,.'lley will come and ask me
War to Tote. con I tell them but
to go whit their taro l"
WEDIMSDAY, at Trinity Church, New
York, Re!. Dr. Young WAS COCIACCMCd
-.DisLop of the gpiscorial (Meese of filor•
- In speaking of the Right Reverend
• 'gentleman the New, York &ening Past
`"Dr.aotlPgi Who has been connected
with this nerlah some ten or fifteen years,
I. long been-known to the world as
eery active and enthusiastic in every
thing relating to tho improvement of the
esthetic and beautiful in church music
and architecture. 'To him and Ms in.
financemay be attributed, an a very high
degree, the introduction of ecereatestical
art and artists in Trinity parish. years
Since his active mind suggested and
- Matted through all the ilaProve
mints of the chancel and additional
School-room sof .15L John's Chapel,
while his opinions and taste
.have beat
Inferred to upon almost every improve
ment that has been adopted in connec
t an with the parish.- Very' few of his
immediate friends perhaps, aware of
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VOLUME LXX.24.1.-"NO. 170
the redoing influence his cultured intel
lect and taste has had over the entire par
ish; nor fait likely to be so fully knoWn
as it deserves._ Of rescrvedand studious
habits, devoted entirely to the develop
ment of all that was intrinsically good
and useful, the outside world knew but
little of him beyond his connection with
the Russo-Greek Church movement,lin"
whih he is a faithful worker; and his
recent successful Initiation of the
dust "Festival of the. Trinity choirt,'!,
at St. John's . Chapel, at which, ;in
conjunction with 1/r. James Peck, eh
able scholar iu.the highest walk of ma-
Mad art lion , and the other organists of
the parish, he produced two of the finest
performances, within one week, bf
del's oratorio of the "Messiah," sustain
ed by a hand rind chorus of nearly :1,000
persons. 1 . 4.90 performances were
praised by the press as an effort on the
part of 'Trinity corporation . tending,
through the happy medium of music, to
secure the best and moat amicable eel ,
tug of- the public mlud to Trinity parish.
Florida requires all the resources of a
man of a good and amiable exceptive
ability. In this, then, the diocese has
made a happy selection in the person of
the Rev. Dr. Yonne.,
The Rebuild Lug or Portland
A late let ter from Portland to the Eer
log FOAL rays: _
A year and a few days ago, some three
hundred. and twenty acres of buildings
in the beautiful city of Portland were
destroyed by fire. Fifteen hundred
-buildings were burned to the ground,
and ratty-eight streets and eight miles of
thoroughfare become a vast field of cal•
clued brick and ashcs; ten thousand per
sons were left homeless; ten millions of
property dlssipited in-the flames. The
energies of a prosperous city - were, fob
the moment, prostrated and paralyzed.
Yet a little more than twelve months
afterwaids a grand resuitection has or
starred. All overthe burnt district there
have risen. miles of new and beautiful
buildings. ' The City Hall has taken on
more elegant fortes; banking institn
tlons have taken refuge in' substantial
'buildings of. granite and free-stone; and
the' thousand articles of trade are Ma
played In storehadapted to theme which abetter
than ever beforeneeds of
commerce. Along some of the streets
there are -temporary wooden buildings,
which remind one of some of the cities
on the frontier, which rise in the night
from the prairie; but there-will seen be
replaced by permanent end mole costlystructures.
What a splendid triumph
of hum=
skill, energy and perseverance is this!
There is something very grand in this
tenacity of purpose, this unconquerable
resolution, this triumph, over disaster. It
it a symbol of American enterprise. It
is more than that; it is a striking exhi
bition of Yankee pluck. Merchants of
the city tell me that in three years they
will not only make good to the taxable
property the ten millions they lost on
that night of sadness, but they will add
largely to their wealth, and in every
way they are 'Setting themselves to that
Torpedoes la Ever how
Gunpowder in the open air burns qui
etly. In order to show that it hes power
we must confine it. Except from guns,
&c., we might not have
found, out that gunpowder can make a
great noise.
There is a common sort of friction.
match composition that is a little more
explosive than guepoWder. It burns
quicker, and when confined it gives a
sharper and louder report. The matches
to which we allude ignite with a flash
and with a slight crackling sound. Most
of the matches called parlor matches are
of this sort. The readiest way of mak
ing a. motel explode la to lay It on the
floor and press - it with the heel of the
boot. The report in sharpness and loud
'mess is about the same as that of a per
cussion cap. Another" way of making
the experiment is to wrap the match
closely in stout paper and give the nom
position end a alight blow with a ham.
rner. The explOiton :will be as load as be
fore. and the paper:Will be torn to shreds.
There le without doubt enculkla explosive -
Some in a box of matches to burst the
stoutest musket. Children should never
try the expenment of exploding matches.
It is dangerous. The melancholy fate of
the Austrian :princess, betrothed to the
son of Victor Emmanuel, and burned to
death - but the other day in consequence
of treading on a Welter match, is a warn
ing In point. The greater care should
be taken of these too plentiful and peril
ous little articles—Surntitir Ahlavan.
In the Divorce. Coprt in London, last
month, the ease of Forth against Forth;
a suit by the husband for divorce on ac
count of the - wife's cruelty was tried.
• The partdes were married in and
their life since then seems to have been
'made up of violent quarrels. Mr.. Forth
was called, and stated the various acts of
• cruelty of which he complained. Among
them wan an attempt to throw one of the
children by the ties; marriage into the
fire; throwing candlesticks at the path
tloner; scratching his face; throwing the
contents of a milkier over • him, and
then pitching the jar at his head; burning
the nose of ids eldest child, and also
burning_ is own face with a lighted pe ,
per, and singing his hair; laying his
forehead open with the heel of a boot ;
throwing a baking dish with a fruit pie
in It at him; the contents going all over
him burning his sermons, papers and
books; breaking his', furniture, and
threatening to burn the house. The
judge pronounced a deoree of judicial
Thomas Fuller tells us of writers and
- speakers in Ills day, two hundred years
ago, who carefully cultifated solemnity
of mariner, and "for fear • their orations
should giggle, will not let them smile."
Dr. Thomas Brown, of oar day, lntl
matea that writers are wanting in seri
ousness. He says : "It In too muds the
way. with all of us nowadays to; be for:
ever joking." The Chridian BrpiEier
remarks: "It is said that the drawing
up of the Declaration of-Independence
-would have been committed to Boojamin
Franklin, if it had not been feared that
he would 'put a joke into it.' Nothing
less than the - martyrdom of Abraham,
Lincoln eouldhave saved hie memory an
certain quarters from the taint of levity
unbecomtog his high position.". •
—ln March, 1h63, the house of n holt
tary old man. named Abraham Blom,
living ,by hlmaelf,hs Crawford county,
- 311mouri, Was burned, and his retinues
found mong the , mouldering ruins.
Some thought the 110060 had accidentally'
caught fire, and the old man t:.crthhed In
the flames. It, now appears the man
was robbed and murdered, and the house
burned over his remains, by a ma
named J. 1). Shanks, with two sCCOM
plims,- by the name of Ryerson and
rough. They have all been arrested.
. —ln Cansda, experiments bare been
made to substitute peat for egad in the
making of cast iron. It isesserted that
the iron thus obtained Is far superior,
and can compete. in softl:is and tough.
aces, with the beat Swedish charcoal
iron. As mil contains - sulphur, silos
and tome other substances which act in.
Jurimully, by makbig the iron brittle, the
reported results are probably true.
—The Lynchburg N'n- Reptiblicaa
.13;s: "Information w•ax lodged with
the chic:ref pallor, on Saturday that two
young gentlemen of thin city had in con
templation the fighting of a duel, accord
ing to the moot approved" princi,ilee of
the code of honor. The officer at- once
had the couple arrested and bound - over
to keep the IClng.e peace and premerve
the good caller of the city.
—A travelling pethilar a Quincy, 111.,
recently put Ina arms around. a German
citizen, named Otto and arid
kissed them, bringing them uncier
magnetic intluenoe so powerful that he
sop ,1 them two table cloths for ;qr.
Otto borrowing the money or a neigh
bor. The peddler thou dr:42=mA. An
&salesman, we warrant that he has no
nyjng equal.
—A. torrlble liccident huts just occurred
at laterroncehug, Dearborn county, lnd,
Three little Bove, brothers, were playing
on the railroad Molt, and were lying
between the mile, en thin the engineer of
the etheititlial train did not see them in
time to check the train or to give Mts
alarm. The aura ran over them
killed all three outright.
Cneir"lilS.frn datia ntanTelue s
en engaged
to lecture in that city um,
` coming winter. .
Eth!rVgn, Coneetvative Candidate
for Governor, Fired At.
AMUR fOll iirESIT lISCt s.
Two :lieu Killed, Seren Mortally and
Thirty slightly Wounded,
Jttlf 3..—A dreadful Clot Is
reported to hero oicurrisl at Rogersville,
Elie Tennessee, on Tuesday. A large
crowd had assembled on the pubile square,
near the Court Home, to hcaikir. Etheridge,
bonservailveerlndiflate for Governor, speak.
hinny. both Conssrvatives' and Radicals,
were armed It h gun, and pistols.
After Mr. htheriti go had spoken an.
hour, he wt. interrupted by Tom.
ging, a. leading Esdfcal, whit prononoced a
ileteltlellt henna ag -4111 e. Ethridge
retorted bitterly, when emus OLIO shot at
him. Numerous other shots followed
quick succession. The crowd broke, the
Conservatives going la one direction and
the kanicals In the Opmintte. *bootleg at
each other. Filthily lilting thee deed
volley utter volley at reek Other
for anent twentyminutes. _A
whim tonservettlre awl also No
colored _ man were tallied, Seven mortally
wounded and about thirty slightly. The
wounded were conveyed to ft betel, .veheni
they remain. Ethridge was not hurt. Lo
o ruierslavillo after quiet had boon
A negro I, fop:pried tWlinve been nt
linoxvldu Teeterday. shunted for
DrOalli."l - at a Coneervallve meeting, when
he Fah etot. Prompt netlon Of tee pollee
prevented a clot.
Chitle Beleasee—Otheen Arrested In
• the English ellsaleter.w Hoene—V.
Dales Prorating* 11.r:smelt tioegroor
or Tnesautspos•. -
Mr Tclegrsob to the llttolfOrxhG,zotte.7
Nair YORK, July 25.—The 13eruldrx \.•w
Orleans special says that the I attat dates
from the Mexican capital state that Mar.
ones, O'lloran, and other prominent chiefs
were at largo. Generals Andrade, T'Laeng+,
Lsree, and others, were' found secreted in
tee English Ministers house, and were ar•
rested on the ground teat forehmi powers
did not con •n me the Liberal Government,
and the efore no amelderation was doe the
Minister. •
Tho northern army hen lea the capital
for the interior. Corona recently passed
through Queretaro Alta surer thoasano
mon, en route tor tho "Siena do Anon," to
oppOoo Da.e*da.
(lettere' Dina• recently obtained from
eight commercial beams two hundred thou.
wand dollar., without =toren, to pay his
army. Prominent army officers are offer
ing their resignations every day, but none
ire accepted. • • •
Otero, (..wittllo and ten more generals, ac
cordion toprivate accounts, were recently
shot at Queretaro. The publican= of the
fact was prohibited by the authot Wes.
Connie, proclaimed bimetal' Governor of
Tamaulipas, and levied contributions off
Victoria, sae Fanned mid Other ;daces.
The weenie are mime excited, and call upon
the government for propene. Assistance
hue been premiss., and three thousand
troops hare-left Queretaro to relieve toe.
gar. - Lion nt Matamoros.
Union nopobilen4 Conwention—ln
terrnpalou by Turning. (Mum lin.
:Cey Toecrsyb m the Plustedcb Gazette
Coteruess, S. C., July 21,—The Union Re
public. Uonvenuon met tesrisr. About
slot; delenates present, representing
*lyreota dlatelms.....d.Commltgen on Renders-.
tiels was aplpointed, opt several nddreasos
This evening the gas was turned oil. leav
ing ell In de rkneas, and musing much e.
ultement. A guard Ira...kitatiod for from Oen.
Porton anaotuaload r for the protection at
tea Conte:llion.
Inecoen ottravotr.]
The urocoodlnga In the Convention to
day were very narmaniont. The phathant
adopted la taseutlady the name aa that
adopted •at Cpulcaton and In many re.
tricot Amite; to tha ' t of the Rath
mit of Tennessee. • Itild• eonflscatson
wax d
propos al ot was tooted
effort to dd th enand, radical to this party,
Was tansuccestfnl. A resolution Wastto
duccd, saying that the colored rec., On ma
count of Its loyalty, la °W.W.I to the nom.
motion of ono of their color for Vice - Presl
dental this Coital states etthenext election.
Pending the dircuselon cf the • rcholutlon,
the Convention adJonrocri till tea o'clock
tO -030t1 . 0,1 innimag. W. F. Armstrong,
delegate from Washington, aditretted the
citizens to-night at eight o'clock.
Colton Crop Prospects—A - sr Slalertal
for Fillibmiters,
UT Tele renal to t h e Patten nth Gazette. 1
G.I.I.VILVTON, T as, Jely —lazillog cot
ton factors agree that the ' graze worms,
width precede the cotton dmtroylng
worm fifteen days, bare appeared. The
freer, men bate tot worked well. On some
plzunatlons there were greases, and moat
to danger from the warm. Allll.Olllllll
agroe 11142 the crop will he at lean equal to
lent year, note cr.lmated In 140,0 M to 210,000
A large AM. A n y of war utatorb,l,ll.llllllll.
lama et east Antonio:ls deallnen for the
State ol Clllhnebus. ntunbael Aldred. tie
owner, &lieu. the Hence. Government In.
tear, to Mot:Mute It ennui/ . the C 11.17.11128
Me defence nolost /odium. Iu spite or
the. statements, Ii 18 0118peCled the W.
material in Intel:Med lee the 11-111 of 0111-
I. new gnite healthy. •
General Amnevto denoted °Model,—
noulenque. Invited. to Sentra—Ono
oppinnotte• tif lb* Teller Fever
teem ILlngston.Jantateo.
paw Sox:Only 25,—.Advleas (tom Rasta
atate that a genera( amnesty hae bean
gr.ltdi to In oreadere assent
tietrard nod has w7fe.. Soulouque bad been
again invited to return, and preparations
Were being xtmla far his reeepiton.
Solitaire haring Imitated • public cond.
donor. found no dill:Unity In obtaining all
tb a money ha w.tra.
Genet.' Solomon had bean appointed Mtn.
biter to •the. Courts of London, Faris and
• Ina yelioar ferm has diaappeared Iron;
Kingston, Jamaica. _
Kmline:leo • noole—The 1111ach•
• 23,009 ae 30,000 la the easJoeity
um haste.
tiST . Tatearanktothe.rlusbaras tiasstte4
Stoirroowear . 43L=Purtliettiturna
from torts•ronr • counties sho e tarenty4lve
thousand. whiteetu round numbers reel.
Vrodv IMO torty.alne thousand blaolm. The
blacks will hte.eei the wh Ilea at least
twentptive or thirty thousand in the Mate.
Twenty odd counties, whereto the blacks
have majorities, will elect Over half the
members of the Chits Convoution.
Bat iroaaTrato Threawi l :aat w Bridge
—Romtr at $l,OOO 4/ ..10 Virerca.
CBI 'telegraph to the Pittatonyg eta..)
Nsw Oat. sesta July Il.—Yesterday morn
.leg n pAteetter [tate en the Jaekean
road no • off the bridge near Terry, Ulu..
171 e p :4 1 1 . 1 0 1. 00 . Trt ' r gig° 00 0000110 8
baggage cars wore thrown Irmo the trash,
fading tbuty feet. The telisanger ears re
maimed on Me braise. The fireman wee
killed. and the engineer and a brakemen
a nd Injured. The train wan detained se,
and hours. A reward Of 000 tilOatatel dol
lara in cold m offered for the arrest of the
miscreanta who removed the frogs. A. RM.
liar attempt was mode three weeks ago,
t Crk.tal arming., tOO eel. Mete. 000
f a. e
Mad Ceuta of - aminolag.
CET Toleiroth to-tae Pittoberott tiorette.3
Powri.strn,3la., July Y3.-ILevoroort - 11. U.
Chamt and wife, Mel /Lonnie, &Hos Taxwell
gnu S. Harmon, all of "'nitwit:4pi*,
Clark and wife, of re:1314,10,am, htesenelin•
setts, and Captain C.'ltobiason,ot Tremont.
wore capsized la a boat and drowned In tae
babor Oft MOOO L Desert. Wand yesterday.
taken, ars Vire kw ClaSelma.
Tela(r•Da to the Atualuitt (Welt.)
Caload°, July VS.—Wachter , . brewery, on
North Fronttilo atneet,nuO throe suljoinlog
frame.' bandloga were burned •last night.
Loaa$10j110; buured The tiro la imp
poseclp Man boon C.BO3CEI by an Incendiary.
Cachet. Match.
(14 Teregispb Lathe rittseetwe tiesetie.3
eurcznpie.ll,July.2s.—illfl cricket =lob
between the Them. Mod Union clubs end.
ed yestergey, the: Union scoring one tum
oral sod 'neventy-eaven, and the Thames
nezleau Filllbasterlng
(he Teirgreph to the Pittebunch
\ea• You, July Th
*meet:nom Alla atentuleumout of the Meal.
can falibusterleg eeheines which bare agi.
tateLl'the Gulf collet sleet! the death of Max.
Death os rraisimeat *aeon.
tayTalactipa Le the PlL:elLure" Liesette.)
Yny Irox , Itero Louis.
vija noel elLye George IiOpLOILISr,' a
Xamoia or blgo aceatbag. clod tittEGlOnly to.
Man Cturate4 to
Ca, 'ltlsgrapt to the Virohatch Deemed
New 'foes, Joly Otserferd,
D 1 0 .10.1 , the .Ifeobaror cotton Mtn% hoe
rootted.zo th
c dea yeelaroy, h3f Delhi ceshitit
the French Legisla,ture Adjourned,
Trial of Rodmun Guns.
T116,151 - PB6VIi 4311 r; Pin emu thnEsistigu
Fenian Prisoaerp tin ered by a Mob.
❑ly Telegraph to the rttlltatgloltazetto.l
GOEtr. LC0.1..1.11Ve An. 101711.1113.
PA els, July 25.—The Corps Lees!stiff yea•
terday passed a>d the 'provisions in the
budget for extraordinary erpeditures. By
this !MUM the only section, of the budget
which had not previously been agreed to
were disposed of, and the other general
btunness Of the sess'on having been com
pleted, the Corpategislatiff adjourned.
WAY: 531.13,
Lesmon, July 2.s.—Omar rtflpt reports
that the forces ender bin command have
succeeded to aaPerosaleg the law... Lien
In Candle, and that war In that Island tt
tow ended. •
By ordefol the British War Cisrico, n iris/
of American fifteen-Inch g.mluitin guns ass
bead today, In presence Of 'n number or
naval and military °Mears and exports. It
wu proved by this tests to which toe gun
'was submitted that no iron or stead armor
yet Is eapablii of resisting Its Oro
llr. Philimore has been tamed for Judge
of the Admiralty Court.
normirlas noigasa Ilrarth.ll9.
Sr. Pernasecno, July ll—advice& from
Central data have been. received here,
Caleb report that the Khan Of Bukhara has
obtained from the commander of the
elan forces an agreement for the temporary
surpens ton of htudilltles.
Drama, July Y.1 , -6eralow-101 Lille the pc,
Ilea Irmo condueUng • squad of Pentium
through the principal streets, the bystand
ers loudly cheered the prt-oners, and In
creasing to number to a mob, dually at
tacked the escort with stone.. :codeterm
ined attempts, however, wore made to re%
elm the prix men, and they wore safely de
posited ha the trm,. jail.
ticaterrows, July N—The Inman Steam•
ship City of London, Captain Brooks, whim
left Sow Took on the 13th inst., has arrived
at this port On boo Way to Lirespool.
larszroot, July o.—The steamship Mare
emus, Capt. William', from New York on
the 13th of July, has arrefott.
Lonnoz, July N , —Consols <dosed at 94‘4.
American Securities closed: 5-5) Bonds
Illinois Cent al, Tili; Erie. ley,. Atlantic
and 'Great Western conand dated Banda 233 i.
Banton in the East of England has in
ereased 23,00 pounds sterling during the
paid week. Bank rates mare peen reduced
to.. per cent.
Lorrocrs, July Z--Acersino—Sugar. Prs dl.
Iran, :3.. Calcutta Linrod. Ws GA /Armed
.rait, Limed Oil, Llllot. Whale
Oil, X. Open. 011. .1:111.
farlarPOL. July 25—Erodup—Cotton mar
ket closed uctoyauc at Inc following quota
tion,: puddling oplaude IOWS, pliddliug Or
leans 10. VI the bucanossol ore day exceeded
central tapeetation and nu foot up 13,0 W
Palos. Tho Breadstuff. market boa gener
ly been drill throughout the day. • Corn
3ial. Wheat Ire 110 for Califon:dm white.
Parley and Oslo unchanged. lard eine.]
drm atlas Gd. Pork 71.5. Beef Ws per bbl.
"Moon ib GLI for Cut:Oberland cut Middlings.
Chews, Me fat for American. Ashes ris for
Pots. 6.10 t common Wilmington T. d
Lino American Turpentine Gls
per eat. Petroleum:llpoint M. and redned
le 41 per gallon. Telmer 45s a nd
per cwt.
Clover Seed; Atlleritlll red 111.
' anaor or FLORIDA corneal-no.
Mahon Young, of Florida. was camorated
ha Trinity Church radar, In the presence of
elz Bishops 4.114 On Merryman. Bishop
Wilmer, of Lonletane, dellvered the err.
Doctor W. Shire, of tireenwiett street, wu
rrested, chargedwith cohsplicity in the
Royal Irmunmeo Bond robherv, 110 haring
attempted to eadrert two 01 ,tbe stolen
hood. The prisoner alleges blO innocence,
and amt he took the beads from one Jack
Vermin in payment far protesaional ser
amines yearn°, te rit • era
In some remarks by Jails Yarre In the
French Parliament, on the 11th Instant, be
said /ranee had thrown Mesh= Into the
arms of the Untte4 titates. In the tense
body, on the 12th Instant, Y. 01014 Bison
seld erery liberty was Wanting In Erenee,
and Weed that 1118 wa=ry sronld not re ,
10010 =oo2llone= In Ita present condlthm.
'Frames out .10Ing penance with a. fool% ap
on her bead.
• It Waatingtoo dispatch says M. De Berth.
tny, French MI abler. bee received adykes
from M. Daoo, French Minister at Mexico,
now virtually • drimaier. erfr that
no henna or offenalve =tunics made
for him,. he. feels (madden! that Juarez,
On Els antral at the City of Mexico, will
ft.ottis OH. Intwestnere Onset le
richollelata Itemenuenteation.
thy Teteatime to the Pttome..b. Ossetic)
1 Ittenicrie, July 21.—The reply.of the Jas•
time of Muting. Court to Gan. hebtleldts
communendlon will be made public
morrow. 'The Court justifies the decision.
made by them on the ground of justice,
and utterly deny that the parties being
bont, at the Noah or toe houth had any
thing to do with It. With reference to the
Q6logof JIM s only one cent tor assaulted
teacher of the freedmen.. .coop!, wbo bed
whipped his brother, they my the Mho
hnever. WOO Ulla a Virginia Court Ovoid
atullan • • any man for au assault
open another man, when that
man had. beaten a ebtld, even though
the child walla no hither kin, much hem
when that chll4 was the eve, daughter. bro.
therarobiter of Uteettrtcmnatitungthe
mull. With referent* to the Count having
earned a netts yrnatoul la In csae whore the
Comae Of the partie bed said the 0011114
wore brooded only to try Confederates the
magisUides disamint leshonslbtilty for
what • counsel-say, Ausd .o.lly th at their
Judgment wee at tal influenced by the re
mark in quenton. The Commonweal/hot
the city and 11 anima Courts also Seat let
ters smetalsang the lama cited by the ma
J.H. Botta and about fitly delegates to
the Conveetiou have arrived here.
. • • •
'The colored people aro holding -a, politi
cal malting to-nlght.
The SOlmi era Or Orneer—Pep.
Oably Seiworseatloest .111Ba1z.
[By Toler spit t stm Plu.barsh ti.atta.3
br. Loris, July 2.l.,Thekillhigof Captain
grow, an officer or the English army, by a
eolaler, on board the weenier Octavio, on
the Upper illbwouti River; some time since,
le likely to become an Internatlogal affair.
courtesy Terry, of the . glstwEighth
Royal /11fIns, WOO Is a [Personal friend of
thiptalu /Speer. is now hots taklng.testl•
many in the wise, under instructions of the
English Master st Waehington. but noth
ing new has been elicited so far.
CHI Telegraph to t h e Pittsburgh tiasett..
Csuchotb July 25.—1 n the base ball match
to-dry between the Nationale, of Washlug
ton,D. C., and th e Fore.; City I:lethal Hoek •
fora, Hls., the latter won In mine Inilluaa
&mu, twenty.nlue. to twenty•three.
.Bask Taz Deflates. •
las Tots:rat* to LWPlPstmora Panto.)
Boards. July 13.—T00 Supreme Joatelal
Court today dismissed a minim. of James
Least= that the municipal tax on attars.
to several Notional Basks Ott tussle larail4
sad set aslde. • •
Bova Teller Ihecompod.
Illy Telegraph to the Yittsburr,li Claset/e.l
.13:milirroUT. Co.. July . 13.—WillIazu
If mooed Barnum, taller of tbe Poroonnoot
National nook; has dooszopoO vitt esynod
thoossofldoll3lll of 00 Bank'a moooy, -
Comm Slim Costaelnflate*.
(epeeist CorraetWodeau -
ittirinnes, July 2.3.—A Royal. Catnine
sinner pinned =rough .hare today to ar
range for erecting the 'ziorthweet territory
• Wit. Margiftair
CB? Tata:mph to the Pitidargto edartta
Bnir&to, July Y&—liarzallo Baader, a
cooper, out las wales ttirost, ylltt eB am
*tree 'mate.
ter Tdesnelg the rtuseerie
LOCIIIVTLLI. July 23.-11Iyur falling with
three feet *even inches In the au*.
[RS Trlegraph co the rlttabreett UserLte.]
WAIMINOTOS, July 25, 1e 3.
Prof.. Rareness corrected his testimony
about the moon rising on the night of the
assassination. It rose about ten o'clock.
Joseph IL Dabarrr. recalled. in.tlaed
from records as to the running of trains on
the Northern Central Railroad on the loth, ' ,
of April, ISO. Never caw the prhiOner
fore the trial; have po recollecUon of hi. l
having been on a train &tag South front 1
Elmira April
S. Koontz was repelled and gave evidenco
as to the movement Of to between Mal. I
tiniore and Wimbington on April Itth.
Further testimony was given as to the.
characters of Dr. llfaeol, Nciflllan and In:
borne Mick - mph operators testified there
was telegraphic communication between
Wnidtincron and Baltimorean the 11th.
110 ti and loth of Aprll,lBo.
Evidence was given as ton the rnnning•ot
trains between New York and Washington.
The Ilatenao objected to It ai not in re
♦ lung argnmeut mined, during which
the prosecution *cited they expected to
prom,, Ly a woman, who would ho • here on
the next train, that Surat WM in Now York
Antil 15th, INXI. •
The, claieng; again offered' to eloee the
CIVIO Ichota argument, butthe prom:merle •
• • .
Too Court stated it would decide Own the
point just arcue.l to-morrow.
Some further evidence S. to the
the of June Leo was given ..1 the Coon
rowrsur etre - seri aurae nurralw AM.
So much of the new postal convention bet
tween the United Status and Omen Dritsin
as relates AO unemot ion matt er of and other Tainted of aLt
'nods, will no into effect October let, next,
bet the reactor:4 charge' on internattonol
letters end letters seat In open mall. to
Urest Itrlttan for countries beyond, will net
go Into effect until the alt Of January. -
The C. S. Consul at Davaoa has notlatal
the Department of Mate that n cargo of
B ans I n n
aliortly expeOted .Neor
Orleans In violation or the act of Congress
et Penman , 1nt1ii,1562. and immigrant set of
Ile has reason toariapeet that
an extensive scheme Is on feet forth° Intro.
ductlnn at Coolie labor In the South. in.
street lons are to pre paratlon at the attar.
tier General's Mlles for the action Of Dis
trict attorners, should grounds of the vio
lations of Wool laws appear.
41.3.81 E , severssOn to ORECOILM. SZOITIO/IN
A special says: Gen. Sienna, hen been desitt•
neust to sneeeod Gen. nherlden. when the
Presldent was ready to more ln - the matter.
numefor riehmealmamo.
Tho President . sees no present necessity
for isstun a • proclamation against Mittel.
tering. Mr. Ottertntry is to be elm hod with
limited powers toprecent the United
States at Single° lentil re a
regular Minister is
appointed. •
r.ccatax 00.[1116101112G.
Allarmit the pluutenzera by - . the Partin tram
Captain P.tchanrba. of thrr Russian Imp..
tl Navy,who comes cornmiwdoneiltly the
Czar apechal envoy to hand over the
newly acquired territory of linsalan Amer
!. to the United Stator.
.11oteralogles1 Report. •
My Telegraph tr Wa idttsbargh Osmotic.)
!lonics, Jrdy Cl.—Tha weather coutinuoa
clear and warm, and favorable to MO crepe.
Thrrscomotor 03 degree,.
Wxcaumvorr, July 25.—Weather 'Warp;
trollcationv nt rain. •
:New °lntl.., July Z.—Weather hot and
sultry; the ripOtneter IM. degree..
lllCtlynall, July —Very heavy rains
have fallen this evening.
Sew York Control Msllrood Prost-
f Or Terfraph to tbk Plltaltere•Cmatte.]
Atearte. .1 alp fs.—Al. • meeting of the
Etaarn of Director@ of tho New York Central
Hulroad o-tlar, Ilenry amp reugued the
Preeldeary: Too median wen onettimoum.
cy tendered to Wm. Of. Firm but he de
brat. LL. Ilactat wY Thou elected
Pregident orthe rood.
The Rebel General Albekl Mee -
(0r 'Wily-rape to the eittsbersti Omits.) •
New You. July 25.—The Herald'. Nub
ian., Special say.: A oommilialcatlosi from
the citizens of Memphis hos been received
by the tie... Mary of Mere, (Fletcher) milling
attention lo this inemidtery snide of too
Cobol Gent" . 93 •lbert Pike, ott the meta
of invitees on election Soy, and aaktuy • '
/me not rimmed parole teener
al brunt's /etter la (leper/11 Pillow.
Falai Staseging
By Tel. Triton to the Mutters!! UnSett.)
Lomsvitte. Joly Wel shooting
affray took Waco to-day et Frankfort. lien
teeny. between Tom Bridgeton gad Jazzes
Nlcbnto, resulting In the killing of the lat
ter. Bridgeton VILA. shot In. tne leg and
Is Iglng In a erltleal condlidon.
Murder to Norfolk, VS,.
.117 - Mermen to Vertu/barge darette.l.
Peerages Newton. 7n17 —Goores Yar
tin, an employee ea the aleamahlp Niagara.
•se - reordered la .Noriolg I►et night. by
George grolth. eherged mill, =proper eon.
duet toward., the latier's Otte. .
Telegrael w, be Phulmsrgb matt..]
Sertvorobos...C. C., July 2.5..rt1n. bctiiN
ch bus been sold to • oontosny or
northern men, and,lll be oondocted, after
August Ist, under lispubllesn Smythe.
I' )t1:!
--.t siaglo; county of tiltio yields "rOO,-
0 , ./0 bushels of wheat, valued ,nt.1,060,-
—lt Is officially announeett that filo
grasshoppers hart, loft the Stale of
—Onle.ial statistics soy there are seven
ty thousand paupers In the State of
--The to gars of Now Youk• are no
ticed 11.4• wearing a largn number of
linger rituct.
often happens whim the lambent!
fulls to b, home at dinner, that it Li •ona
of, his fiat dam •
—The net profit to thr governtnent
from the Cincinnati prat-office, last year,
was ever 1212,000.'
—Whittler's poem, llound,"
fn Is, elegantly Illustrated and brought
out for the boliday4.
. .
--Fiftyrbousand blacka aro abortly to
1,0 frend And awned by Brant 11l prose
coition of,lllo Paraguay war.
-Walt.'for ()then to advrinoo your_ in.
terwan, and you will wait until they are
nut worth advancing. •
-I,ongrollow luisurfatan In the sea
breeze at rNahstot. Stoddard'n atnmer
home to near NowbUrypprt.'
—The "row India-rubber neck and
hunt" hrprobably made of that znaterlal,
beratuse all finger/nark!!! can be erotical.
—lf a young holy wishes to oucoortige
her lover whew ho giVee her a !squeeze,
the twat thing hint can 11.0 In to 01..4
—There le on Inquiry among aubocrl
born to the Lincoln Monument Fond, In
New• York, 113 w when the money ham
—lf a man walla patiently' while a
woman Is ...putting her things On," "or
ahuptdns" Le will make a good. hoe:
—Yreitorrelt !linolem, Of. 'Freedom,
Calturaugos county, Now York, iro/o
brut.' ttoo 107th birthday on tlin ith
-pr. Robinson of Bennington, 3flehb:
gun, Merl lust week, In consequence of
sprinkling chloroform upon hie pillow to
produce eilloPp.
—A wilt hike hi the *totem part of
Atinneasota, Latta, lila
boon selocted by General Terry as the
mite for a new fort
—August Belmont le lunging oxten
xi so Improvements In Ids recently our.
clamed earose, near llnbylon, tong
Wand. - 110 proposes to ilsod a race
count* and Mireml 1194 ponds.
nune nolls n nratch for Oily dol.
lunt,.buys It took for forty dollnra, then
Nell. It foiforty•livo dollarn, how much
does ho mho by the trunonetlont • It
lentos nn Ifhe made 'fifteen dollsre,lint
he didn't.'
A worillingNnts recently ■poilal ,In
Seheneetudy try n long loot tabilud
ottoi)i nn st I n t o the entrirign with the blush
lug anti insisting dud if nny mar-.
rylpg Woo to be done ho should have tho
.. •
friw.born negro, bearing the ndh-.
er inelegant name of Aaron Sweat, liv
lug in. North Carolina, bas.cuuloutatd
himself as u candidate for Congress, and
is now hard at woricatuenghis..inothreti
inconiplexlen. • '
New York paper says: '!The mb e
ing Yale scientific fondant, Clarence If.
Upton, has at lali fiwned up sale and
eouild at his home,• in Rochester. Ile
was love eracked,", l'urtiaps the publi
eouon of bin portrait in Ledlie Ilfurtru•
fret brought him to his senses. •
__R,,,, Henry Yard Befther delivered
.rinn n in Plymouth Chnrch,'l3.rook
lyn, ou °The .:Nobility of Labor," in
which he said that more public men of
eminenoe hid 'started from the bnalnava
of type inning than probably from any
other oeaupatfon. • •
—.6 married MAXI lehFort Wayne, Ind.,
ow Sunday night last, taking with him
too wire ot some one else, but the guilty
pair were caught at Lima ' while waiting
for the train and the wire brought back,
and afierward sent to her papa far sate
—One man wagered:another that ho
had .aaen a. hone .galloping at a put
epoed and a dog sitting on his talk At
seems an Improbable feat for a dog to
ammo OA, Mit • the man was right, and
won the money, -The dog was silting on
Ate MTh toil, • •
FOURTH PAGE.—Thefultrat and cost relia-
Oa ana Produce .Vurket fteporO
yiocn 11
ba a.lwPer O. the atl4 be:foarta
ort ota. "bunk lkige.
Ten lihrelnence - Burned
expo of renstnen—Are'
hood l Ivry.
•t of the eI
Thursday morning nbeint four o'clock a
fire - hroke.out In a large wo story frame
house., located on the aide* f the Lill ahoy°
t the Spring Garden Plan 'Road. Seventh
ward, Allegheny City, ram Unit In tho total
destruction. of ten deelll st hottsel 'andra
stable. The Ste wee dinco cred In nu Way
way atoneable a largo tra a house owned
by Conrad Wagner, An a nun was given
no soon impossible from Box No. 03, corner
of Third and Chestnut a treats, bat when the
steamers reached tho ground no water
could he obtained, and no efforM mold Do
Made to check the Aimee. The entire
braiding was soon on Arc, 'and the flames
taphlly corn numleated to a two story crane
On the north aide, owned end occupied hi
halliard Kuhn. On the Routh Mein the
gaunt Micilentainettod In rapid linceshslnel
to eight frame Moldings; nil two storie.
high, Immediately adjoining each other
antrall were destroyed , including nearly ale
the household rOecLo of t h e occupants.
Till house in wham the ere motto out Was
owned by Conrail Silas:nut, Ind was noon•
to ed by form families, as follow. t Courad
Wagner John flulfnualc, John V 'Heinen
and Jo hn Burger. The [minium adjoining
Was also owned uy Wagner, ad was ra ce •
pied by the families of ' Unary Wagner
awl Philip Weigand. The
lo niaoccupa 1:I
the first house were unable e
mora any of their effects, whatever, and
Mr. Weimer Cleaned In his right cl oths.
• Some M. the- conants lost cOnahlerable
en= of Money , nie pa n they bad Irad arty
in their trunks. Tito Mcrae adjoining
on theme th woe ow tied by Ilts.Spung, and
,occupied by herself end another !amity. it
eater - blued et two thousand dollar.. and
as 'neared for bight hundred dollar. The
Maw adjoining !Ire, r a te was owned by
Daniel Kellett, and occupied by himself and
a faintly named Schnelpper. The occupants
lucceeded In telelorillg must of their eloth
n g and .rattans, but In a damaged condi.
lion. llr. Millar estimates Ida loss at about
two thourand donate, atiltea insured for
eight hundred dollars.. lie= to gem's
waste house owned by Dreamt Ludlum. • It
was occupied by Ludier non a family nom.
ed Feline/rt. Bout occupants aucceeded to
removing their goods. Mr.' Lndler's loss
will probably reach Amen braractl foliate,
on Welt h he nag on boatman of eight hon.
dreg. dollen. Adjoining this were two
booties, also Owned by Conrad Wagner.
Timeworn occupied by Philip Speller end
htichael Vberdebol, and nest to Mem WWI
a small frame home, owned and °tweeted
by* family nettled Stakoly. Oa the rear
Pratotthe lotwasa arable owned and on.'
entitled bY welch was eyed con
sumed. Wagnett'S fots Is estimated at SIX
litollsalld ftellara.On Willi% he hes InMet.
aliallepollelts to Um meant of two thous•
angora hundred dollars. buster. Rahn
catelhatee hitilues at sixteen bemired dot- ,
qt.'s. lie had an luraracco of nice hundred
d° 2l " e ' fi n hot i e n tri7l n l?ltngs, as we heyealrendy
stated, ware entirely dratrnyed, only the ;
foundation wails and chimney, obeys lining. I
Daring the progress of the ore some nar
row...cape. were Menlo. A Mind, welch 050
tweed overinoted In the confusion, was
raatched from the cradle, whicti had taken
1 111 e,... and resental without Injury. The
gentlemen s e ta r
the Multi Was I
severely burned about tan fuse and
by sa n e falling Umbers. The Colombia
Busk and Ladder Company did very terse
hr. &MO. • In tearing down fences and ,
ballillnge. and also In a dulling facilities ]
for removing clothing awl other girth:dm
pew the twoond steriee. .
The locality in entre the fire was Prot ills.
Covered showed that it had Deco Lae work
of an Ineandiary, and at ale early hunt tide
Morning Kr. WaKaer aPfetated 1 . 10 .1
IJardine Arent and muted he bad mama to
anus. toe Lloyd had nnun perpetrated by a
S A%lll '. warr an t wan " al ' I, a ° g': lb : :rl=ri
aranand, and placed in the bands of rarer
Joint Settler. Tua samurai; It operate• has
been lounging about Wagner . * ormalees
fore...mai data past, and Bleeping in the
Matra. Wagner had ordered him away
enteral times,. but. falling to Induce
bill to comply with the demand, he threat.
mail to bale him arrested. Flockenraliter
thrramned to at Mum with nun, and lolls
lusted that if he was not letalonche word
lista Use Stant,. Wolnradry nigra the ,
ceMod was Leven heaping near - thn plac as, e
where tea dre broke out. sad wra the drat i
onreurared whoa the alarm ram glyen. I
• e r Semler it , arreed him WM/ at etava tit I
, •-.. • ending of a ceder of a heels, i
ti - a eroutog some Tarawa -Ito eras f
Oaten refute .4ratlee Arent, and after n I
pat of
sexamlnateon sera committed
Halt of ball for • fanner Cumin this i
A Mutual Brottil, unleery sad WO
ton twapany.
The ettentino of our reader. Ls directal
to the advertisement to another column of
the Allegheny Grocery and Proviston Com
pany which will ripen shortly for the tr.-
enaction of pub. business. The prospect.
This Compeer Irks organists] and has for
- Its object the ebeitpeolo4 of OrOrYthing re.
lett en to (stogy Igo; ono, for dale purges.,
will open a store Ina eautral location , no d
sell goods at the rest cost of the goody and
a slight iddlyton forespooses. The stock Is
divider' Into .balsa of 1.0 each. tsnly 000
dollar a - over is to ho Todd exalt it to all
pald op. - The shareholders
tact:tact:goads at that:non doors fro oll lnt= toreceive 13
per cvnt lees Ikea they eon buy at tbes
solar sales of a. retast store. Beagles thla
they will par:Wpm/4 In lee profits 0111th
are to be realized from 001110.0 at Ilia re
gular retell rats to partka wt. aro not
holders of the meek. The Stock Is bolus
rapidly Wagging. vsad It Is %opposed ton
store can he opened up in as or its I,q y TO Ls
la the poor inan's Latinos, naho will be able
.0 save tot...couch In altar as be paps
fix hls stock. Ilestslss, 1611, It Is aspected
tall stock will rapidly. 01/11 w 100 per cent.
above par.. There Is only • limbed amount
no* for We, though many a pear men can
to• Own. to take a saws* bt,the prod..
wallas get his grocolles odd Prtsiccont
oost, arm ho bac onlr paid • coo
denier ortit. Jan thsrlk Of 11.1 yr. will go
Into a Zral.ilry store wail Opted lA. null
ot /a clear atoll; to the storekeeper.
wheroas, Invest lug oast of these dooms;
to th is Company, you con save the other.
lly purchasing even tom shard of stock. 10.
Stead of being a burners It will actually ha a
Oaring to.yott of from 111 to per weer, be.
aides palings your weekly Instalment oo
your swabs. . • .
• .
The etorAcean tw sold at any lime for. Its
full valet; that you may 110 off the money.
Only one dollar per week Is required on
oath share. This to a esslenta Bank In which
_your profits aro Inlintillate nod direct.
You get your lutesest tight In your Minds,
And la simmer the amnia halite sod of the
Yea , We Can linsulne no. Geller invest
ment. One well known unergetle suit ea.
torprbled oltixotta John A. illelltaw and 7 .
P., Israel, kayo been Chosen rerpeetively
Ornattlened 0000.10.07, and the present
ate Of ale an CntnPany Is !matte] at. 'No. It
Federal street. Ax much an enterprise will ,
iled folk. willing and aostous W Inn.> stock
we tolvlie but readers to call early If they
would naboartba.
"Sllllw Clot. %troy& Ilradge.
An Latertating little affair Conte oh on the
St. Clair street bridge,' Cout two o'clock
Yesterday, ln_ the way of a- tight between
ono of the toll•takers, at the north end .01
the bridge, nod en independent "onus" wbo
attempted to pass over wlthout, pay lug his
Lenny.' The follow hod preccedod to the
dna tier bolero be was caught by the tall
taker, add Mere the "tattle took place.' It
wee shirr the bridge tuna, who struck
the limt 10w, causing the *claret'. to fluor
profusoly, but notwithstanding be got, in a
.Coed one It did not app.. Idol to giro Id any
dreams avaithiso over antagonist, who
woe trig mailer man of the two, out who
cluck pas nnquostionablo.. They hod two
r Unto round.l, but were *operntrel before
either could claim %victory. The "mite ,
lasted stoverol Mieute*, meeting quit. an
and gotta a •crowd bad assent.
bled it. wen wouelept*l. o The etre/.
at, ert, h wee pronlojr, Cu compelled to
.atop on account of the crowd, end the pu.
sengers enjoyed the sport with A Erni high.
lac credible lost !pyrite*, eormutlolly. it le
imeed by some that there. were. Other
amends tor the affray then the refusing to
pay toll, bet out to thiglltlare unable to say,
The parties rery noxious 10 fight
forlomecanne or att.t and their IMEnedl•
ate frlends evinced nu/ disposition Ili pro.
vont that:etre= doing/to.
Awe,lt end Matteri teases.
Jobe HAM! 3 made Information betoro
derman Strain, against Jacob Deirantl,
George Durand, Lawrence liat , fnalgle, and
HenryM.• Foley, ailar,ling. theta with aa
aault and battery. IlifeJlegos that ha was
attacked br - the detenlants an the thin
wrath etJuly,to RolmmOn to nehm, where
the artite, all Inside, itntl tvattn by em
in P
atatnieful manner. A warrant grim. th
toed rat tun orrust or the deremlanta.
Mary. Miller spawl before the atom°
mutant arileer anti Ma d. n-ni
information again it
Macomb Mallon, in *bleb elle EJlewel 1110 du.
OrtiOaut struck her .01wr.ttos hood with a
stick of .10041 anti knocked her dawn, am!,
that id* putind two hand tuba of balr from
her bowl. The parties rtni.o w AlnotOOLL's
COnrhOIT Wylie stunt. A. warrant was te•
sued 100 the arrest of Mannah.
The Watch Case.
/hear Issue or placentae we pubilaboal un
Item Muller the above CniniOn. in whluh It
I *OS etatod that Mr. .1. 0. Kennedy, who
keep* a Jewelry ht.° on rirth street, near
Wood, hod sold 10 a Man named Smith a
watch, winch was not what he represented
into et. Mr. KennedY, having' Won la'
restOdOu a charge of false promote, MO a
/maned yesterday before Aldermen strain,
when ho was disehersed, the prooecutor
falling to make oat Ms case. Mr. IfennadY
Droved that the watch twee wan silver, and
that it was worth We 01050 this sLALO.
meat because it I. des to Mr. liennody,
having 101.1 the other Mee Of the Gifu,
and It otwax.o otrortle us plea-tura to make
norreetterm. when we have horn led Into
error, as wowed. , in this lestance.
LinVesty of Tools.
Jams* Cempbell gull Jahn Morphyare
stone cotters, the former residing many.
der , . Hollow, Iletnore townthth, end the
letter a **Wanted' thoToottrwartl; Boma
time mare the panes wore doing • Job of
work together, sad about the time the work
'ma Gpmpbottql, Campbell missed it number
of Igo tOohi, sa d all etitortatOtlnd them him
r.—brbi,g,atia.ta.ll7ll.l,ol:dbx.r i s,
'Alderman Lynelt. end Made an InfOrmation
against him for larceny. A 'weer.% was
hatte. /VIVO) , ' arhilth4 Uhl , hold tot e
in•ellnir or Allmneny
Jeregalar moetlm; n( Vv. Allegheny City
Councils, WOO held Thureday evening, July
liambera present: Mcii ra. grown, Donver ,
Soglleh, ]lull , 11111erloh, Ira., Mot horell,
thler. 2cOirml. , k, rat trrson. •f. C. nitEdi
ent.../..Smlth. A. Ir, Fulah, Mm. Thomor,
anctllonr, prest,len t.
Oa raotlol2' tIiO rr HO I rift of 1110 m!noteb of
coeeLing was dlrpt ?I. '
• Mr. Irwin . , premnte.l remnotraneo from
!hellenize. Of Ilia Secoml rtgainst
I e opeolna Of Rebecca taut 11 (101 Franc to
Federal, and from it, Wei:Pro Went lace to
11. aver av-nee. itcf,:rrml Lame Commit
tee nn atreott.
... - .
r. 11111, n petition from rehlentm of .Trr.
Person strod, asking that n water pip. 00
Intenn'eapt et rent. Referred to the Coin.
Wit.. on Watt,
A tl
loo.a petitio n malting for tpcorpcning and
Rrmling ors atreat (tom Federal to Faun-
Lean) atract: Referred to Otto atroit Com
kir. Thomas' iticaented a pot Mon from a
mutiber at citizens, nelaing tor Mk' gra'/Ing
and Pat - Mei or Loot Lam:. Mrturred to the
Conastlttco on Scrim..
• Me, Baylor preaamod a repert from the
Corntnit , cu on Flro Ftigtnet tool iloeo Com
panies. In reference to mei highly compli
mentary of Oho 111 . 0 Alarm Telegraph..
...kdoPted. I •
Mrl otnith precentor. the renmt of the
1. tont., Committee id rata rentu to the Fire
Alarm Telegraph, a ith iirmolnClutt attach
ed, authorimeg the Controller to draw bin
warrant on Ito. CP', Tlogemer In Ittepr or
°moor:ell. floe nerd. a tor 4 1 3100 in.
wharf Improvement b old ancl 010 eacb.
In payment for the oreogion of tho Fire
Alarm Telegropit, ligi.ort accepted one
remolution adopt.m.
Mr: hen lit Preen omerneoloct inn
from' the City Creat e g t :oler.e.ea to Pot
Pay/Meet ot , certain' iii ,, for tet vent-mg.
contracted try the Fara improvement Go.-
1111.11011 e, aocompanten ay a teooholln nu.
thOriralig the paytneut of Mei Tile
COnluntilleation. dui receita , l nal the re.rne
Su ;111. " '/Vga d aTil'a t it. ' . L . r i d a " ;. ' n ' eTar/ a V. 1, 1111 1 1;:g 1.
to Loo n laying of ihrao Metered met of wmor
pipe o Sad,/ wick
t e e bad been
refereed to Water Committee whit power
VD ant by C. Ca Soloct, (loaned, non-concur.
ring. After 'a lonechy thee...dim of the
unmet. by Meyera. Thum:, aunt other!,
0, reoeded tram 1.11-lir runner tottan nod
concurred with
-• • •
resointion proviotpav n , lop' ea In S. C
Changing the 11.41/1C or Ltaatout Strent, In
Manchester, to .Innutta Ong taken .
up and concurred in.
A resolution In ,latinti to the changing
of the mune. of, tiflOpitcl in C. C.,
In a prcelone meeting, wan raorred to the
Committee en Survey s.
A resolution :wonted t t o.C.'instrectlng
the Water Voluott-toi , to report 10 COUntelll
inn chat per halt of toying voter pipe' en'
Ohio avenue. Manchester. an Coon, gg ciaggia.
toil, was rest taken um to:darter a lengthy
dlscoselon laid on tCo •
Mr. /later, Rona the otroet Committee,
romanced tiOnanntliCattOtt Lila City
Regulator to regard to grade. and ginti.tge
m -51.clioetteramil • iellltty. .hey recom•
menu certain culla.. as uomtui My neces
sary'. A:memo:my mg ttin yonattundeatton
were dtawangs of tat, prepoecil counarsa
Mr, adothere/1 put/mitt. a tranOttszrancia
from citizen.ot atiltiehmiter lagiateut tam
proposed chatiges nt
The motion was dist-asset! nt .tereedora
ble bengal by Messfe. Halt. .31otherell, 7119.
ler and ethers. end on motion of Hr. smite,
was referred tO tee Coffee IlLUtt nn Streets,
with Instreetlous to tape:, et Inn MLR
_ -
Mr. Mylar uttered A rerStgion instructing
tbo Street l:otn6ltlt a to :tzport unit.'
nano° Lixlng the Width of ton •ido winks on.
Badge street at fatten lost.
Members preieht—H.,;tre. Brehm, Cutler,
Dynbil.l;Drilciall,l)lll, it tone, Horn. lim
per. Inehern, Helton:0o, filehell, Heed,.
smith, Siegel. Windsor. 7. tiler.
In Zhu 11;9 lir emtlen t, /dr. D. 1..
Smith nen eellinl to the chai r.
Trio rending of the rallitatc.9 of the fun
mention erne into 1.110. .
Mr. bled/noel.: fo - -.4 nein a potitiOn from
realitenis of the trat, and :mend went,
ronutiridng Viet water (maim lie but O
Teener,. Steve,.
_lletto an.l. referred to the
Intrumitteo no w ater.
- ..
The repent the Convnttteo on Gin WWI
t0 . ..U.1 by bli.dlelln:.dt, cre..nendi”fr
Lite erection GI ton , tern 1,00110 gas lamps, to
the Third Ward. The reborl, v.ibr toad And
Air. Cutler catered a reenlet:otr provldlng
for the erection of a !retere gas lamp on
Park street, betweenend St ergeee
streets. Ite!etre, tar the Lorenz. her on Gas.
The Committee of Co , ferre. ayerainted
at th e lent Ineetieg fn eJefer re regard te
the settee Of rielete Inn:4110.1g
the (Altercation on heeler, t rnt. r t.( f
(Jon In the uuko of C. C. eu tin a (h r Geer
ers-16 rant C:ro t,orree,ey. let the lee:eent
ey (lure Lend re.l C O, l . 1 acete
report In freer o.lf e cri
oucrleg etth tee
me C.:
melon of :nine: U1,...1.. T.1:2 reuere wan
arseptret old aka aa
Mr. O'Neill circlet! u Invite:et
hnic Ina Street. Vo:butt..cro:,cr to have the
olielroctloas placer en boata Canal ocrion.
by the. Westerliresin.yreacta trilliciaa Coal.
many la , removed ;ctiabc..:utely.
Me. Shiva, lo excanatina thin
[lnn, mated that t hin Its Ica..el Company tab)
Laken, pec.a.teemot: oi u ichlani Of tr:e earects
to the hyper part at thn c:ty, and placed 0
I offlre tlo:r.ou. TllO right to the e,ot,,say
TO the ',rape:4s - . 1.1. it lop • t Lv rem,-
latlOn 0021 1ut.1410 I to Kiln tto., comp, oy
Opportunity to brava their llUe , Itt neau .
they wren mblo
Mr. McNeil Auld ltmleesna borough had
taken similar- aetlen, awl the li , oltusel
Compaoy had Dot On wine tie know any
1.1110 to the property lit a te.
Mr. Monate Ohl net think It proper for
the 'city to Involve Imeif its an expezolive
ltd 011 for the 100111 01 a few individual.
Mr. DM more 1 thou the riewfutloa to rte.
homed to Mi.:Committee oireete,l:i 000.
Junction with the City soibolter, W ittl power
Mt. atcOutiattl ylTcro.l a rehol ul Ina death.
• refol u 1 lon daunt ,
Ing one of tee doe. IN I orufe , .ce lU tf.o in ten
cOnncll closest:ere to the VeleLideiap nano
00 Menne, uttjenneed.
lucre are bunalredJ of cUies of partial
deninvis and blind hcarlox ttlat could be
,preitly ameliOrsted, and Many Of thorn
eared,. May be Noon by tit ' y two estriktog
cures, published itioowilb, Gil Dr: Neyaor, Irp
Ulla city: -
• Da ye Sin:-.1 Dore pmeuurol in adding my
'testlanony to that or other. In flyer of Dr.
Keylier•A treatment at dcallowa. My du
n JOILO boon allbooul tar tiro • ,:urs with drat.
tinim• produced from h arlrt e
raF er At timer
los could not bear at lull an.l onold only tin.
OIMULIIII as 1t 0001(1 mettou to 1110. Ills
trowel" bad alba 10 , 004110 14TcO , C , i. llaving
tried other rented/di without rt.elytng nay
bandit,' appited to Dr. Itotrer, and motor
hl, treattnind ho ban entirely recovered,
and tan new Pear nw well n, be over d bt.
Jolly It, tiaanrv,
No. In umber V trooV,A.Orgot.oy.
T Da. Nevem I'M Dena Mt ent:
I lost my /mai log doling t , ic loet year.
Part Of the iliac . t Wad totally deaf. to
April at tidy year I was, a r r.
vartleCUOMT to make OptatOttLioo to Dr.
Yid '
Nestor, cu strict, Patel:Laze—utter
baying tned avl rs
aus medlellow mod iltwtorA
witboot any Worth.. 1 halm iron motor Dr.
Kayser's • new for nearly two
mouthy, • and am cutirioy reAtored to my
Leering, 10 teat I caw liatr a pin drop.
oty 0•0f.3f,
COal DI off, WaßlllLotolveroard,. Do.
1,. Kroger., Con • ullu :on .ievorn.• Jur, oil
An and Wood tflaw.ors, "mfr./el/ow ere rts 1.. a
71011 , , IM it/01 Wert, Jr,l 4, .1%. tadd A
Tho tier Clrouter Just, issued by the Iron
City College, Is deculedly ene of the finest
things of tile kind that has apneared for
many a fay. It to nlarge night Oaritt quart.;
profusuly 'mut elegantly Illuatrated with ao.
carats vlowe of the city of Pittsburgh, Out..
orate representation. of the .111e.mmt de.
partments of this Colitttge, Ito flank., Einno.
num and other odteet, and la.t but t,ot
lent, It contains Is Inatrollicant. 00 , 00 of
PrOlinteur Coateybf 11111.11.d.° Plain and
ornamental PelltOntmlin, rentmenttna vet,
ctiviefoi and tau lirimou." Tholetter peens,
°blob Is nem rumple", 000. s Lit Or.
lush iltitOrtitt tots oi tho t;ollvito Mau Ps ad.
humble °getout of pr.timfractu.ul
tnUnitit( o auctavatutlyeat rod nut hero,
sod shied how render. t ilt, college PI) fa,.
ufar among !Milo,. Ines eVt•ry Whet O. In
abort, this whole thing it iltetti great credit
upon Lilo 10000 antl'ettorgS , or tiro ontarPti.
slog managers Lhe Ccolt•to., LW) Colt 1100
fail to codeine° the nubile that 11100 Urn
rally aj, to 1110 1141111P11113 of the times.
Conlin of this Latent:lr will tat tonllrti lila, to
any af:dress on upottc..tion In 1110 1 . 01001.,
VMS, Smith it Coaluv, Po t. , ourge, Pa. •
Dew Dry Gonda (Ipontiti this Ikay
rricess I.usr.
64 Pillow ths6t, •
Extra Xleglu.s6 d 1, 1:!0. "PI 611
flttrit hoavy C.olluoro 'tweed', tuld
White, Itud and Yellow' Flannels, extra
100 pont Illenkets. extra beery, hrge
Are, ai,tx. E. Ott 4.5 IA gala MAL brzoolllot
tkno utia *ROO. Oar pOL`r9 inrY lew
111 Iw Clap Per pat -s then thu Pa.o
gocele out be this full, ?treed , luitltioetueuu
to oureltesurs.
• L'O re cta cUeaP
UN tibeetlngs cheap. quilts. extra for
nun Itanbrellatt tut I•urnsole at a bar
Summer Deere ttOucle St half prICO,
Ono emoted the ton
t tpt ra c y
heroopontel title Denson nt on UM
Wes*. oarper of N.r.kta tutu Fourin, No Ott,
ttattlner'e only pinto of to•int , rr. All 000
xunk. • ' lixauxxx t etterettn,
Val.a Protouen"
-• . •
• .Tho following -13. w of haus pretence were
wore Aldermen Btrtnis:
O. ii. Itohlnhon,of 'Allegheny city =On In
fortuntlOn against John AtmOr of the It
Ward, Plttnhurgh, • llonlen• that Ist Aurn
the defandatit Dorrowyd flLlof him elawn2
ttlat hu Wall employed et Mu railroad onnot
In Allenheny t atul Inalthere was deonsitter•
Aldo amount of money dad oda from the
Company. awl that ..SMPI an It was piff -
ha would Weed the Ll. Attn Ore was at- ,
Pelt.' tall 110111 OP w hearing.-• -
Rawl. Myers of th e nem of AnallersOn a
olotolora M.011(1014 Arcot, made .
ntOttna-lon againet Plloololl.6lotatleill,
which On tilloh•rn shut the defendant par
ohnnntl clothing . trout the drm to the Voltle
01.7 k representing to tot. that he was It.
She , mmuy of the Venneylvstula Itudr.d
Company, apd that he would tidy the 11111 ee
anon as he svcolYed Ills mewl , from them.
The dcfoodeut 1100 errchtml met held fur
bcorthat •
lloottmostat Irato.-41r. - Jo mail. Paik,
Traosarne of , tha 6421 , 1100. a 2deflU.EMI•l
ALOCiIIIIOI2. debtrous at 0101100 tha Whits
af the Association at on and ikt..anabla
. to do ho, rn.qhata that all 0006.301 hav
ing bills or .0001110211$/.11116L tha As50010010:1
.1114 tondat . Ulthit lALLI WOOO,
Stolen Waren MoeCs'llrird•
John E. Murphy bad a ellaar watZti valved
at thirty dollars stolert.from his boarding
tense In the Filth ward. The clreaM7
stances trialek Which the watch disappeared
led to the beta teat a 'female, attache of
the bless had appropriated It, matzo M
ier:M:lou was tentlei - against her. She was.
arrested nod bad a bearing, hot there betel
no evidence against her, ens was die,
chargi d. The watch war entbiennerni9
tamed at Le tier's
merit, on smitetlein street, where it bad
been "spouted'. by a man unknown to the
unities. This, In connection With tea girl's
former good character, and other fate
is:lunatic to might In the matter, entirely en.
bonerate hqr from complicity In the
Dellabeful Nensnade.
• Chit night the old daunt was honored
With a delightful serenade from that master
martial hand—the Allegheny Drum Corps.
The music was grand and fioul-stirrlett,
there being a large nomber of performeine
dim each one a rauslelad of no ordinary
merit. Tim serenaio , attracted quite , it
liege crowd and elicited the heartiest praise
Rpm the bystanders. The hand. which is
one of the bunt of the churaeter 1n Din Coun
ty, is under inn 'endurably of Mr. William
hlo era very gratetol for the
munpiluient,aud cordlualy InylW our meet
cui :auntie LO Oda ugratu. as their Tiolts Mill
alwaye he highly appreciated.
Dr. d. G. McClandlose,repOrts the following
interments from July 11111 to July nor.
10.7. •
'uphold foyer I; Coneuniptfou 2; Dram,
1; Disease of Bowels, 10.3301 era Infantaus, 3;
narollon of the Bra•a t 2;.rsetb
inn, I; rinetro Entnritle, 1; Unknow n. 2; De
t,y, I; Congestion of the Lunge, 1.
tif ten Oboes there were under 1 year. 11l
from Ire n. 2; 2102. I; 3) to 33. 3; 3/ to 10,
310 n., 3; Females, White, 21. llolOred;2;
Total. 2.2..
rho Picnic of Plttaborgh thrialon .OLo.
42 Sone of Temperance. ponaltes 1.0 be co
of the most plmeant festival. and gather.
logs of the season. The names of the ladles
and gentlemen having Ohs matter In charge
le a enfaciaut guarantee of the reapeataele
character of the affair.
The "Forty-two/stereo certainly deserve
commendation and liberal encouragement
for their philanthropic lanorairt the great
canto of Temperance, They perk bye, core
bination of social and musical influences to
draw mess away from temptation and enlist
tip m to earnest efforts pot the salvation of
others. In Ole good work they should he
encouraged by the sympathies and coppers
of the community.
Come of oor cotensporairree seem to
•ibine that the trlompti of their Cause de
pen,co,lote the late of Jericho. upon the
amount of noise male—in these days of re
deemect and leant7, an article OS real M
ull:up merit la soon appreciated: hence the
°neon:vied and . unparalleled boccie! of
T01, DAS ever 01.1 •10 , 11311 been
found reliable. Az • gentle stimulant and
tonic appeacr It cannot he excelled IL Is
no down a tovereur remedy for 10.01011,CUIC
11140niers—ror Dyspepals, Meer CumPlalet.
and in stimulating a healthy appetite. •
hteuvoci• . Wee.. —A delightful Whet
arilcle—eoperlor to Cologne and et, half :he
price. Wrailialir
MNlion of .Tesottors.—The Board of
Dirt eters of `the' Filth ward schools have
elected the following teachers to terra for
the enettlegyesr: 'Andrew Burl, Principal.
(intoner Department—Mira Jtenale 88.
too, Miss Mary McCrelabi, MIAs
Illeuroigot, alive Bean/cm /Sunni Mrs. J. J.
fee. Intermediate bepartment—Miss Ad
ele Mcctellarni: MIAs Hannah Brooke., Ulm
newer Bunn, Silas Wean hictilasry. Prim try
_Maggot Dickson. Mug
idaste Lee, Mess kinat i le don't. Ells Haut.
Mrs, 41. A 11.N.1.T, Ulm LiZZICI tilsig sod
Sites Stelltwo BUrtt.
Ceoaetlavlllnllattroad..John 11. l'alfe
Jr., liaq., beeretary and Treasurer of the
Ylttshurun and eounedsvtlie it shroud Conn
111.7, give. nu:Ruby' sulvertneuncnt etsen
Tonere, tted the Itinerant .eoupon• on the
non mos/gasp Tart:e.Oreek Iflvidon eon.
/traction bortrill. due 111 Pr0...14 will /as on and after that date, at the First
fiat/eau/Bank In this atty.
We sell Dry floods both at arho!esale
tad retail, and' aro, as a ooesequenee. ,ru•
deice to keep a larger lad mucu totter as.
na14042 BLOCK, to lien cheaper awl give the
goods to more,14aq quantities
Luau exclusive pelting [maim Retail mu
enaa.• ate Milted to examlue our stock.
• 69 Market Meet.
Woes See Valet.%ltl.—The Banat:dive
Comm. leapt the new institute to be ere.
st,.ibeo-wer, hare otellei grape...di for
V 10.090, and an Net.. leant 0 ten per bent.
b. 'nand ou stobserlptlutte to, the" bulb:nun
teen, to be osid by the let of nuotst. Tel.
woks the work. and Lest tbe , UnlVerelly le
Y fixed feet..
A Clthrett Elcareed.—Tba . relwrable old
wtima had ntood f^s: thirty year.,
two mile. /oath Of Layeav 111 e, Athland
couotv. waa bet on dre on SuadaY
morn lug. the
to{ltte last.,i at about one o'clock,
and botaed the groaad wllll a/1 Ila eon
that.. •
Doerel.... 1l charges from the Ears,
Catarrh, Mae.. of the Eye, and an affect
Don. 01 %chronic and obstinate chatector
sumo:stony tented hy. Dr. Aboro, 13,
emithrlold street. Onlce hours from
o'cloCk's. y. till 4 o'clock r. C.
The r.terprise Ana -Allegheny beee teal
clubs play • friendly match for the abate-
Month! pof Western Penuerlra'ata, at aloe
rare. AldeirOODY cuy, this afternoon.
Fey lrp Your city and county lam be
fore the drat of Lagos; and thus secure the
bannsoure Waco.; allotredion °apron:Ts
Colo Spars]lleag bods'llfsSer St I. T.
Sample's Drys titme, No. 08 i'edtcal
Alinglleny. • '
If It la Thrown to Tour Teeth that
you do not keep your dental apparatus In
prop, trim, It It your own fault, for all the
world knows that you wont- do no -by
oiling that matchless vegotaOle dentifrice,
Plasm Boot s, Snot ., , ay .4.1a0 better
or cheaper Balmoral. and
everything else le this 1100. be found than
at the time honored store of James Iluttb,
No. es Mark. itreat.
A laza, aatortnavat o'lll k Inds of Fratt
Jar. aunt Tualnlersjamt arrttlid at U. Stat'e. No. a'..3 roma atmot. ath
Ward. • . 66.
we anow.of but one place In the city
.h.• a lady ten get a good Cloak or
811.<1 ue. At Spence's, No. 73 Market stroot.•
Wo have. solondltl so•ortmeot of auk
and Cloth Socgung of Uri locust rugs o.d
New York styloo,s , N 0.73 •
Whigs Inset Lams Lnoo Pants
and eltuw/s, at Spdoco`s. NO. 7S .Xarket
Ito not 3.111 to call et Spence's, No. 73
tilnrkot atroot, and get ono of his goo
&aquas Id tilt or °lota. •
Cold Sparkling Sethi Water at 3. T
Sawnle's Drag atom ho. 3 redandatreat
WM., Rail Butt. 3lsnellles Ssogtioa; at
;poke.% 73 Karkur. istroet..
Car Additional Local Nem on
Tuild Page.
EVeN3-40eltelJN.—At the etelgenthebr the
Rev. Wth. tithe*, Rlttabarge. on Mender. •
Jt ly =t A, Imo, by the Rev. Jobe Ogees, 31e.
nt YAK .6VAve. 4e; god glue Illttlegothl
JOEINSON, bother Allegheny coo t tr. Rs.
LITTLE. -nu .bingd . ar lei. tAIE,
!lea EIIHIPTIANA souvlx Ilt• Shb3lla
Thr,fa e nd will tato pagre TILTS ♦R[
at Vit`..lOck • from the remktrace of Orr
Mr, A. ntnher. la. WlllulDh•[ hka•a of
the tamil, are rot prettlall) , 1141114.1 IM Aliso 4.
...y.....v.—thsToaronatascoolny, 4i 411 . 0101{,
vi./Z Wetly 711: TWA, la the Onialy
third ve.r.f nervy.. • ,
'The [antral will lake phew ham the realdaan
',neon Decker: Barony!. at eat,
rat...evil a. To D .Ir. a. 10 tel^pli. a. Th. Oar-
I IngeTwlll leave. Tatman • musolea. oar...rot
neva...Bind Swithlul4 ettaats, at I o'eloye. The
I rlvade or lbw family ant ln Bad to attatl.
wburwlTy creole. anAltr. infant
The otos:later of tarn Itlltabothi..nm. •
".. 101 wit Ole Ns it vont rl. l Dail
ArreTtwOole, art Woloce. from Ito trwlYeava of
bee pliant.. No. 71 Maly aired. 11,1^0b../.
'lna /dead. of the family are rerpeetfally la.
vli.d to art'l4. ,
No. Is 6 /out
CILMoot, Plustatitt, e.
COITINN of 41 kta4 ASES. OLUVICS. ow)
every deoortotloo of erol Inuntladrut Ooodt
toroliseol. goonuopooo.l.l.l.adrilibt. Hume
Curtsges Swathed.
Oxrcluoross—flay. David Kerr, D. D., 14,
M. W. Jseobv.., D.D.. Ja.
.1, It. Ulllvr. rar. •
•. SLR AND aIISALICSR, accuser to the
late Beiseel S. Rodgers, So, AS Ohio Street,
tbree door. from Deaver, Allegheue tate. eta
telUe. lußewood, leehogetty, Walnut ultra..
!rood Iteltattos Coffins, at the loensat reduced
rues, ltoßns *moat all born:day and WELL
tleerse and r'arrtasee futelsbed on short SERRA
Dud on inOtt rraeou.ble tem.
ptrivAno czsaivcnt, us.
DESTIXEII. Wane. 4t4 Onto Sm..
Allegheny. Iletilde.-HONwood nlnE:Ca.
aus, with • sambas be of ham/ Mumma
"season band, and furnlslmd 'tartest nOtIO•
0 1 Sat and Livery ninnies. soy.
net of Ilan AOD UIDI3II. 9 1./tilro. ClartUßN
Batotlach Suggles. tinadlo Bonen, ikc..
R T. 'WHITT) i5...60., ENDER.
TASZEILAND 13111iL1g.1121, *umber
ter. Wood , . Ren 1.2.1 NiEULUT•
I .l.6bcaterl4.ery !Rabb,, aoraar tibemCld sad
Chartlen .Beata. IfWis arui Cullom tor,,
'DI a. STEWAUT, Undertaker
donor at
o f aad mu+ 828M14111
alma Ward. NNW of all war. gum as
umfairo ninibami va tae pirntat 190*
- Two comm..
wroarsaaT AND ■ /17111111LY
a,lama &Nat, cicalae:au TourrTarA COI..
lIIIIHN .t t►tesy.UU nuelng matter, Inclailbee
Worm 1141torlals. large .•ewe by T.kpap► .
Mid Mall, yaluble Hemel.. Manor lm toe
ood Mien sae amyl syllable ThlA.•
elal aae Commercial Market Nerporte it... by
any payer In to. any. No Farmer, blectualo or
Marcbant ehoul4 be crltboat lt.
.111131 ran TIM WW[= CIASIMM
O ...... .;.$1.204
2:: o a r , Pa y
:: .. ........ 11Z: .
—And one copy of t.aper to the %melon gettltio.,
op the club. &Ultima to dub. Mt be nude It
Oaf time, .Sane rate.. '
OTICS TO SUM=m4B.-111 Ord atilt pur
paper, be .itto sa4 .¢entry w►at WMIOOI..
nun, ma we Woes Watetuday Iditlcat tor
but tme mail a Feet.
air Row try Draft, Zutress, Mo.) Oyesni.
or In litattstensoLettan. may b.eanitt oar .1.1.
Address, GAZCITZ,
841 nrra purszar.
-Y. 933 i SMITHFLEI.33 STILEEr, Touyou,
33r1t7.8XIMIFIL =NT
274 LIBICBTY 47.. 11T122112.211
4fir Particular attention Onto to Tao. lA.'.
atelt. a. cooks . d aaarelra.
DEILIN & 'SILL, Beal Estate
end lases:moo *seems, flatlet alt., Lew..
renew/Um Ps.
Sfmnirrscremens t We offer fur said the bees
and soon dealmble rite for Balling Mall and
mast Turning' or Par any large menuflantertnat
1144100044. in the county. This property Is lege.
tad on • 40 DI. Street mad the Allegheny
mid within 100 feet Of the A. V.E.E.Thouat an
se by SO tenons desiring tech a lot Imola do
well to manatee Were baying elsewhere.
fermi made parchments., anagalre of
DEVLINS illiL, Meal Wets and lusgrance
Agents. Butler street. Lawrennevalle.
FOR SALE—That vary valise,
bLe aid destrabla properly struts oa Sa
hel:ea street and tba Alleabeay. liver, In Allot
yhany 11171 lei by eft feet. as arbtch M eracto:.
subetanllol Rrlek• fuldnr, fee Merles
high, 1000133 feet calculated and well adapted
Cdr carrylay on atatoeL auv breach of Milettfae.
10010 g. It Is seldom a lot of these dluteuelana,
within the city. can be had, and w.11.0'1 Matto
the .pedal a teatlon of Mow desirous or iee•
tnet a place per mese metre.. petrytates so Csll.t
the ale. of DEVLIN 0 BILL, Reel Eget< and .
Insurance Agent.. Rutter meet. LAlMlllerrill4.
A to assortment to select
tram, at ices than Invoice Fri-
ces, to close consignment, at
& 003
55 & 57
mums El MIL
N. 111 ' . L.Warniture and Hoagie='.'
bold Goods - at Auction eviller
Noi. 55 /ZS, Fifth Street..
No.; lee Wood Strad.
BLlNR A griliAllll.lllVa l l
UI LESTeNicAtps t xl,6
SHilt ;',IIMON., •,
8011 /111.111 feysyy 00•1011111.11 r
titlol74rk o •
ENECIASH gnus X .1.115 ot'all .101411/1
=A .
O orno•eaale null truly.
__ •
Th. largest 4mw oessyttotla noel ofmory
01.1.1;11ils She Is the city.
Pcfat .al tar= tte witsY ta the euittsl
.111/1.11.134/1 Via
Wtitdetk - Wibea Sewing Machlne t
a 1 tM
uitlux 7
itia at • Wtrt
- 4,°•* l l.lvalrrh:
.1.49.0 at ana Inalwria pato".
Jrcil Xcr. SIT stria STILELT,
Howard's Livery Stable,
MST Naar Nan 'atOrahala Heart.
Oft• HORAN, vary natio le delve; will stai
seam at loaaatattra. Oatr k 2 r ir t r A=
ft:;. o° lionvie bliraht atr4 oalroa eiaatalnlaa.
Practical Furniture Elavaraixaraii
Latest Ml*. IPURNIVEIRZ aollsamtlf
Sealer OX Weights and Measure&
Xs. 6 sou=rs 10/11.M.
Schwa. Llbsztir nut raw momi. .
Ardenart.aele.l to attirwit
SW. Q. Icenusis....D. r. UT.
11/ON CITY Beth. WORM. .
CEO. 0. CLARK i CO.,
tga t z vjg =_
X.sonaki.or lEto visas. • .
thIt.t4IVAIN7,4":. =144-
. . •
. ,
Coktrbti o cean An. Fatale,. bum
aid .1.101/. PlaVele. attotql,
110••••11.1.011 rot)
ar.sorlytkail. "'"".
Su. 2/4 ail " •
Author Cotto .