Fri:44fLeitlo)4llkt tri . 6 II 6 I i'lelli DRY GOODS! Wholesale and. Retail, at WM. SEMPLE'S, No. 180 t, 182 Federal St.• ♦LLEGHEYT cry: Black Sllki Fine Lassas Plain and Printed Pei cales: Plain and Printed Mari eines; Checks and licking's; Cottowait es & Fanners' Linen; Fine and Heavy Flannels; Mourned & Brown Skirtings; Corsets and pooptSkirts lilosquito Netting; Hosiery and Notions; AT LOWEST NET PRICES, AT WM. SEMPLE'S, IN . and 182 Federal 81., ALLEGRIEJMY CITY. WO dery promptly tilled. CST OPENED, dr. CARLISLE, Rh. 19 Filth Street, an clztanc suortosont of SUM . Shades and Parasols, NE* BUTTON 3 AND TBDIMINCH3, IdCLIES lour LIP tfJUING traINO al Agri VP ' THE BEST HID GLOVES. "1131T4X.FL" ISPE=WrIS. BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS We balls tall onened a hal =Car all elect and of the celebrated 4 119" Hid Glove, at $l.lO per Pair. We era authorised to riarantee every pair of the (WOO hhould they r soo t tear patting an, thereat , be ....hanged for her pair. MACRUM CULL No. 19 3191133. 111111treet. - t NEW AND DESMIBLE GOODS.!" 415 . 6 T RECEIVED AT JOSEPH ORR & CO'S. rotated Thalialug Ribbons: Plain Trios&is islbbans, all shade& • Jet and Crystal Gimp. and Fringes; Colored Ball Trimming& White Cotton son Roll Fringes; • A fall line of Alexandre'. Kid Wore,; Llsl..llxford, Neapolitan, bill and Kid Fla h Gloves: . • • Lble and Cotton Lacs nose; Gent's, Ladles', DilsseA , and Infants' Briery; San Thabrallas and Parasols, NhabroMeries, Elandherchlells, Lace Goods &c.; IMples Reception Skirt; Corsets. Belting and Wackier, slimy-Linan and Pub Fan.: Ganzh thiderwear, far Ladles, Gents and t hlldren; Bead Collars & Belts, sottethlng new; Awl &lame met of NOTIONS, of .11 Wad.. at low ricni: Call ud essatto. 77 and 79 Market Street. ItDural - ED THIS DAY. ILICRUM, CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. SPIkDID es arm or del Bead and Bugle Gimps and Fringes Crystal Bead Glans and Urop Tel=Wag. 14 and Crystal ornameata. Vatici , Eat and Jet Drop Bottom: Mae Ansortment of Paranoia and Buis g EnL. gliOtl Bonn et and Trizoalß4l Ribbon", all lans sad abide'. Colo* Velvet Ribbons. Slags* aamarnnent heal PoLat and Ap pl ire laces and tiandleretnefi. FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KM GLOVES • 'Stu; Jojildwg Tnullv aft tad col.Diete the Nellevaircads. m oat Wttolco We Depart ment, iotetber atttisina4 . railetT of Fancy finds & Rattans Gelll5lllllY, dT ie 48 TERM PRICER. aryZunfie DENNIBOI4 &lIE9/EnT, No, 27 -Fifth. Street, AIM SELLING ' c • LID fitovasio . ..— tuu - KID UI.UVES, 111.40. MISAW 11 &TS tot... STILLW MICE 15711;i77 TUTS for 111.4E11 STILIW HATS tor LADIES• . 110.51 L, 15c. per pair, or two par 'tor 93 aat4• • • 1./6MM. HOOP 981823.506.. 60c.. 71. 006. 906.c56 41.00. • - • DENNISON & HECKERT. - CARD, hIcCANDLESs Si CO., (Late Mira . Cur Al C 0..) WCULVILLLZ DELIA= Ch FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. N 0.94 WOOD bTILEET. Tbird be 3. ate. Diamond Sale]. r~TlNIDinq N. F.. , BREIARBS. KALIIITER/3. &e. FITTSIIIPAGH BREFVERT. CAP.SON, DABLMOTONsk CO., Dms, BIM AD sop =33 aotuvua sarons• a CO.. WItteWSE WSL W. ABISZYSIO/L LLlesises IMS Is plaMtt :entlas ited to costal:U:10 Llat Vire MU miss IT Invm: . • ' • ALES AND PORTER. wiazt. theme. tea tareta calorttoa ef Katt trOln our Ta n a Last faellltles and Hoed bp. tea Tanta Last and Wen. as ea. Intarnatn. t... pone and eatleadnere to the ti ad. Mr 0: 0 la &LIG taa %sea Mettle notdatitendrod " JeFAV i rglilltra l egatomt tell' please ba o Have tha, ord. n ar. tda odes otd lobalnrela old mewl, or az oar office, Cow of hiptun iJ u 1 bath Allty, nalltelo ' • STEM lezwr SPENCER & MCKAY, 1111,81 1 118 IND 811111118 Ale, Porter eadßrown Stout, PL eosins WAT*OII. Oltaq DRY GOODS. TWIYII TNG.. t! '":1 1E . etibetts GaIEAT SALE of eoo- Conan Mistiest Survey.. DRY GOODS „„ I nesday of next week the city mud. tor, Ms. Retry J. will Comm,..„ • the homey of the ante of the proposed coo. ,nlptutcd city, mortut unclog at the west llne Monday, July Silt. and Conan• et the torough el Tempe rancesille. yol. ning to Angint Site, ong Are the bonnolary lines u described le the censotstation act • , . oh the cordite= aide of the ' river, en the lines ~t esting tbe bor :CC ot Temperantyorilie from the tows eltip m enartlera, and by said nee t eeth. w- rely to the line of Crib= tomultip, cher, connlyt thence elute - amity by aline : tone run und Marked by a commission con c3 I rt t : es "' 4 0 0 f ' l4 t le he r truth r d a i nd g l r g g h t. a c t ly " sial the b e borough Of hlrmnatusto, by the valley et E.w Mtn in. tbe southern tines of she Maav and Knox farms. unit! reacher Rabbiwn lOwnsht m ost ilcc Run. nbn . " °.ne nolo from the mouth 01 said run; thence by to the Monongahela river; the up Atli Meer along the centre thereof, to eippoute the (twining Itne of Valklna and Peebles townships; thence northlvardly acmes aid river anot toy the dividing line between Wilkins snot Penn on the can, and •Pechlus and Collins on the west, to the north bank ot the Allegheny river; thence westwardly by o the centre of east river to the upper end of the six title Island; thence by line doe north about one half mile to a Pe road In Indiana totrushlP: thence westwardly and neurly parallel with the Allegheny .. .6:er to the intersecUon of the Buller of I. read and turnpike, to the village of Loan; thence wutwarttly to the northotostern corner of McClure Lownahlp; tent by the lino of eald township tO the I Ohio rlver, hence across bald no tO low Z ' h a „l ' o r ori:l r tt ' d Of t7nllbrltT74,lll"eYbobry , ough of Temperanceville, the place of be giTge le :‘ - %rh of surroybur will occupy ten c e o r nstife e ralZ k le!O n e e r d via "'"ded rrelmrstory szei:,, After trt.lak the bxlanee or ❑.r an ,- .1 Will ho d4posti 0 " , PUBLIC AUCTION ! 4-4 FfirrinNo . . )IFlif.lll It: CAL!' V: ! I : frP l' ;,P e Ati T tl i r ;r.l '' 7ANCY iiE MOONEY & No. s(i federal Street Itr:ne this - with You •-na priCeß THE PLACE TO HUY YOUR DRY GOODS! EIS J. IL lICRCIIPIELD & CO'S. No. SI Market Street SUMMER DRESS GOODS bELLING 017 T AT REDUCED PRICE 3! TUE STOCK IS ENTIRELY NEW, I= No. 87 Shff-isarlcot Btrctot. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ARBUTDbO t, SHANNON a, CO., No. 115 Wood Street, are justopenca a lam cew stock or seasonable DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, itillch they rifler gc E &UTZ/ . 3/c chants assorting up annum call at No. 1.3.6 1717.c.c)c1. Efts oat. c. Anut.mrsar.w.T. 81.11125,03 trr• HATS. CAPS, &c STRAW GOODS, FOR SIBBIER SALES ILL TILE ISEIV'STIbE HITS, 1011 9ALT. CHEAP. Ar McCORD & CO.'S, No. 131 N317 - c) cm!. XII tree t HATS I HATS I ItAHAM 86 BYRNE, At N 0.52 st. Cinir Street. Lia're ono of ple'VezT Mall Of HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS In the eitir. and constants . In receipt of on V. O Even attention as they can be ••cerressavt given to retelling. tzcintivelv. apl7:vsa PIANOS. ORGANS. &c. LAU0.0.11•31211..1.11.511.1[..dr... 1 5. ,80 1frrL. BAJUI. , IENEC:E & BUtalllll3, I=l N 0.12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh. I=l=3ll Pianos, Corgans, I= KrSole Agents ler tbe Colobisted BEAD 811 HY, Now York, sod BCIIOII.LCY7.II L CO. YbIlk4clPSD, YIAIIO9. Also. EBTXI' B CO.'S "COTTADY.." and D. A IL W. 801100 "AIrYILICAS•• OE, BANS. WM - MTV:VA YATENTI.II:/..11.. TO. but Itsllsa and elm. Violin sod 001. tar Sarlues alweee oo osdn. %Um:. .131AN09 AND ORGANS.—A very large stock of 13.F.L.KE 6 CO.'S r 1.2.235, JiAI.IIS PI. NOS. and PRANCVS' 41.1TOMATIC OW , ANS At BLUME'S music nroar., No. 43 Viral sTitEE.T.T, VETERINARY SURGEON , IMPORTANT NOTICE. TO OWBERS Or OMR/SVC. th Dlll. WERT be r gs to Inform hni.ftl CH enda en at:blei b gni ti ae t t r a e er a STABLE% opposite rear end of the St Cheri Motel. Third street the& and Lame rai taken In and skilinnte treated, ai muderat charge Bones of &es Mfectieus Marano nee admtted but every attention paid in tbrei the osener . s stabl. DOC snit MITS cets ted CURE ALL LI% ASIZIST. as land ill all odes! Tetedeare Colleges la Europs" care all hens, Wind osesedic 0015. Sure nhouls ler, bpealos or Cots, and wits not Ifilem t hair timer be had in bottles. at hit once. I flight en 4 P b r r '''‘ dl:Trlt e' glil .` • rifigbtriluArL"..llVotri. tit. Charles Hotel. - le. sad PROF. N. P. DITFEIf,_ VETERINARY SURGEEN AND HORSE TRAINER, TbanAtul for the patronage heretofore receive d litlrs*PfaiiL Ua hat 4 c , uPn . s . r o[ tnl r nerq ;F;alN?Alit flit4 b gT",, a! DoT •nod i/elbeecTitinis .i=rlft e rnthic.nce ab tie tonntr piss. Special amen ios 0.1r•O ••3 but Ina.friTike nod id !'s (who may be eerie at Ws recid'on.„ corner Of East La and Liberty St.. Aileen:Al - .os' give lessons In o calor Ladies pr henilent liR 7.1. ref'3"bh7V,V,";°Z.V.iri,!°=.,t t,. 'Jolt... Irk!, a. h., • beans. - J•ssisn 1117ERY 6iii.l3LEB. 'MON. YOSLLAIID........DANIZI. Z.. MITIALIU. 111111 ELAND 111111.111 ELL, Livery and Sale Staides 1125 Liumair erraEri, Oppente Pental9TanL Itallresd Depot. P.ITiCBURCH. arrartlemtar aiteralaz raid to fanakdr. Hoarse and Carr:ages for funeral , k•Pt at noon', InT2.vo. H filILLEit. Bazaar.. rn Live g H. and BALK ISTLUI.E, /, ► fuishin Utniertatair. All minas of Conitui. a gg eA s i l isL iu • iscrEVll.t.i.i.X:rtuVr:ggitilirt'i'vu.s. siren, Blnulnrissrn. Horses. Carrinfe• nod net Bop Ries for Aire. Pauses Uni Cnrrinsrs ninnys in rennin" for 71111011.. Maui kept nt lif• th l:egrgienT. b 01Irg.tri; s girgr 21.,,,r„g1 wnh &greet Ilona& sod ince/ 0100.1 Car lat litableil kepi Open iB bonzsoLAi.irr ... 26e. DYERS AND -SCOURERS H . J. LANCE, Not. 135 and 131 Third Street, DYER AND SCOIJItES, Straw Goods Cleaned or Dyed XIII GLOVES •ad LADIEA rtumes et. - C . G. FISCIIEWS TABiUr Dyeing and Scouring Establishment, 01 DIILIIIORD LI.LLET, Between Wood sad Pmlthelgt r g i ,eps t ri , .. } , digraligt:S2Vg= ',;Mt."1""m4,11:1,4 LITHO *NAPHERB 61.1.2. r• • ... Cla.ll SINGER LT & to W.. Y. nc.hcanan t 00.,) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, TOO ON. irfra..ii • I.rrtionniettiv h.r.f1:15- taIitIMENT WYST Of TlUr. MNTALtaI. ti.r=o.4:6,l.4acoLklesals,. Ro od., label.. V isws. CenlL“te. of InVlatgi Cluds, R.. irs s od . WE Thin. tt.. PKtr... caLl. A. DULIZI, • LITHOGRAPHER, • so: go FOURTH ST., Apollo Building 13 . . ` 41*. •'" aplAltrA TOBACCO, JOHN iVIEGRAW, Yalolttettorne of Dealer m all kiada d nctsu Tobacco, Banff and Cigars, 33411.1\TX 3 113T.EILIMIEVT. 4,-,g.""`""Mtt4,VME°"`c' ice -VicLazio's WORKS: R. & WI JENKINSON. Ilaaaseturas and de•lors to Tobacco, Boa, agars, •Pittes, 10. .. 4 6 riDIILLIN lltisanzzy. 14. I=}l= The Johnsto sin Democrat mire that a se- Mous accident, and almoet miraculous escape from death, took place on Saturday lasi, as the Cincinnati tierces train was going east. it occurred four miles west of Johnstown, where the P. it. JL yachts through the gorge in the Laurel /till, made by the passage of the Cot:menet rigor. Mc. Thomas N. Dale, of the firm of Thomas S. Dale otNew York, Was passing trout the sleeping car to' tinothet csand as he stooped on the platform of the r. car. the train, turning a short curve, gave a sudden Jere elite itch, which, with great forte, threw lam off the train. tie fell in the 111100 it.idit Met track. flit inft lee Was laetUred at the ancle, and Ids whole body very much bruised. Dad he been thrown a few inches further from the cars he would have struck the high rocks, Out of watch the bed of the road la made, and been doulalma instantly killed. Per. of bin ..cothine were tom into shreds, and could not' have been worse rent if a shell bull burst within them, Mr. DaMreinallsed where hu was thrown about one hour and a halt. when he managted to crawl across the railroad trucks to the river bank. On the toppoSite 01110 of the river he dleCOVered a y whom he celled. The bov crafted the river to hltn. learned bin. ondltlen, sneered some assistance, and with • hand-Car Itremitit blot to town. lie he now 01 the Petit Meese, and Is doing well. Stinnaefol Treatment of a Child. - Martha Myers made complatat before Mayor-Morrison, of Allegheny. ag.Anst a German named Mahar, who resides ho Mar. ket street. alattelmeter. She alleges that about 30V. months Luso lienar took seam of hers, aged nine years, intending to adopt it. and that he hew subjected the Child to the most brutal treatment ever since he not pomentton of She ease he whin. the Child with a rope with knots on the cud ot ft, and keeps it confined to the house to prevent it-item escaping,. 61.1(1.83Vetk tire it in the cellar when au has no work for it to do; that he washes It with a oommon scrim• bins brush for the purpose of punishing It, and at one time struck it in the face with his bands, miming Ma lip to swell act that it could not speak. and oommitting a tll2llltlelt ' of other brutal acts, which, if true, would lead lot o belle! that the man was Insane. The Mayor Issued a warrmat for the arrest of tteliar on a Margo of disorderly conduct, -end Will 1114 h t, him deliver the child to its mother, who has re•erttl Lllll. demanded It I of Liellar, but has Seta refused. I A few days diocese:neer the stone masons employed by .tr. W. J. Woodward. who IS superintending the building, of the Third Presbyterian Church, on Sixth etreot, clinch for higher wages. while other*. it appears, were content to work on at what they were receleMe. Amens the former were David teed and John Laphen, while David Coleman and Jerry J. Wren were of the Intl, niece. tired and 'ragbag attempt. 1-,1 to Convince , Coleman and Wren that they vrionir by using knock down. argu ment, on Tuesday, going to the piece where they were at work, ettacking them and bentine them Ina enamored manner. and nt the same ttMe threatening Mr. Weed ' ui . f d n ' S " t ql '4,lo'l:l2=WfOrberlosaremij ter. nod battery and sine for surety of the pease. A worrunt One honed. Death of • Wounded 8011/lee. The Greensburg Jits,tlJ say. the poet. master at Bellts =ls, in Blair county, writes to the postmaster at Greensburg, cOmutunleating the following In substance: Oa Outstay Rack, Lhe 11th instant, the eon. ductor Cl Um emigrate train Rest put OIS at that place a mar, who had, nomeans eo pay fare , further. Inc was noticed very soon tater to be slot, and was taxon to the wow] house, where he became very stet; give hie trace as Wada worth, harms: a home or relatives to Westmoreland coun ty; was a soldler in the wan ws wunded at Frederlelrshurg, reed bail me left l og am. lotuted; were a WOW. 0.1. lie aced nu an boor aster being lint elf the Irate. Ills remains were Interred at ilelda Malls church and by the B. B. company. Dean of a- Old nine. The Johnstown Deareverd says. We re gret to armour.n the death of Jame. Downey, whlchoccurred on last Thursday, ' tin resldesce lu this plade. Ile was aged I's years. Mr. Downey won a native of Ire land. Da camp 10 Vats country many years ago. and rerld“l for a long tn. In Indiana county, ra.. when he removed to Jonas town. .11r. Ud wany was a mall of genial dlsposltamr, excellent character, and raeor. erg by all Rho g new an. Ills wife died adout ten mouths ago Irons Injuries recelr. tat ut the fall of the platfortn,at the railroad station, mulch ell:tenon eenuady affected the old geutlernan, and prtsSlat upon hL I mind', may have expralited his departure. I= Wilson Myers, Esq., of raommerhill, Cam via bonnty,, was Instantly killed on last Friday ovemug, by being struclestry a loco motive on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The accident tool! oleos between Wilmer° and numencrlaill station. Esquire Slyer. was walking home Irons Vilimore, on the Tall rat% tract, rand meeting a train stepped Iron] ado track to the other, Than In front of a train coming the ebbs struck Ulm, ktillog tarn dultaddir. The Waco of the coca rococo was where tie rood posses through a deep cat. Ile was about lorty.dve years Of age, and leaves a large family to mourn his tom. I =l= . . . Thu True Dents.rot rif York, Pa., eel": Charles Weiser, one or our oldest and most respectable citizens, died at Ills residence in this boroogb; on Wodnesday morning last, after a lingering nee painful illness, which On Dore with enriettan fortitrido and resignation. Mr. Weiser was one of one 13.0., active business men, and 07 his en ergy and frulity ben succeeded 2.11- 1111111tilla a l ar ge fortune. lie was mums r of the firm of W neer. Sort st earl, bank. had rust daring hie long an useful l i fe I had courrlnoteri largely to the improve- I went of oar borough. =I The NV iteelmg frdeiligencer says that Johu Frederick tong who, It will tie remembered, Wad arrested some Ume since neon SUNpI- clog of having been concerned In the mur der of Alnislus lthlrich, and, after an or utination op-tontines Johnson and 0104 a n, coimmlttiol to' Jail for a further hearing, WWI htought before Justice Johnson, yes terday, and discharged trout custody, Mb eV illef.ollot being sufficient commit him for trial. Till Tapped.—Throe toys, named Lewis Mainnorlittl,llenry blosler, and John Win. teretoin. east accused at hayloft robbed the money drawer at the stand of J: hi. Tighe,ln the Diamond Market y.torday Inure. miff, of between nine and tandollars In frac tional currency. The robbery was boon Ms eosered, and the boy. endeavored VNISCIIipO nom the pollen. One of them, Wlntoratetn, succeeded. but the others wore captured. Vinphernlll, who is colored. coniessed his guilt, eluting he took o the money and shared Rwith Woderetri. The bone arrested ere lock6l up f ora nesting. /low to of forele, for a °mentor.- btu length of them, doinestle purposes, end win:Wally Wasiak tOorn,lB told In an elFcbmge mMake two bags of stout •oolen pthrlc, rho Inner one should be ten Inches wide by fourteen Inelwl deep. The outer big should be at least two Inches wider each way. After placing onedam In side the other, toutf feathers between the . two, and sew the two nags together at the lop. Pot block O w i l l into a bag of tett description, und Itbe preserved from melting foe neatly a week. When x posure,lL will Melt In less than an b oo r . Seriously Thursday of last week Jolut Ylseus, of (Tufty, West. moreland couniv. rust with R very 4mrlous If not taint accident. Ile.was assisting In haul Mulls grpin. and as they were return Ing from thu geld with a Wad: he was thrown eff the top.s piton fork. falling about Inn same lime, the prongs running almost tiliough tom. At last acc o unts he was In a very critical condition. ' Lebitilett i averliser says: week, In CI blest of limo stone, in Mr. David [knee., In NOrth Lebanon, a number or Knott sexed peso e l Wbet sop posed to be gold were discovered imbedded la the stones. It in similarly imbedded, and lass We appearamm Of the Califernia quarts mining gold. The specimens Were found and ate now itethe pos•ession 01 51r. boorge Loewe Fair.—There le to be a horse fair at Mead ille, Jelly Slat and August lat. The premiums offered am oun t to end compotetionts open tont/. Trotting horses and tanning borne, may be entered at any time previous to o'clock p. m., 00 the daY preceeding the raced. All entries to be un der seal, Aceidotat too led aged eight yearly, eon of. Mr, Sheffer, grocer, residing n CIIENtIIIn Street, Allegheny city, either 1 ,. or w. puithed out of it newton on Tue. day erethug, end the full hie thlUlt I ry Ile re.ived .urgicAl Miami:we° from 1 /r, Euumerllng• Itstriolp •Clitm—Oti Joly HQ, the onto or osl the wells nu Oil Creme, wits from Ilt,oo to eI,YA .d the oust of teaming from thu wells to Titusville wit, 11.10. log the wino It Titusville IPA , to $3.73. At the sumo date now cruel° ell bstrols wore worth fro& $3,C9 to 113,21 Haielde.—li fob oval:dugs Dina° &yo C ung tt nstund lisbiumin F. Pa tor, o b t am. re county. colutnitiodsuicide at Peru htution, o tavern of Keeider, by baking yOlsott.tb Th•lthlpmento of °H over the 011 Creek Itooroul from PIM.. [OM bloods,. nabbed 204 batrela. (ft thl• •amozzat 1.146 psrreL were slapped to Now York. Itonlo T fis olperattuff at (Wean , - burg. PITTSBIT:RGH 'DAILY • GAZETTE i THURSDAYL 25_1567. = .e Information ECM= darman Strain aganytt Han - 1., “. ,7 ( Or Surety of the peace. The carnal rondo in Enheband It appear. that ry had made a relit , of genii eintneat winch she was nankin.; an ex hint ton of, annoy- Ina Mary Palmer to attett an extant that. ahe threatened to tear the clothe, off the and castle divers otner threats, which apnears were not carried into exe cution, for had they been, the pr.ecutor would rot have been none to make the infor mation. A warrant woe tented. L Abandownsectit: Anna IV. cridie.od made Information before Alderman Strain, agamst her husband John Crldiantl, chant , ham tent] dgarting and abandoning her. M7,1`,,:,7,741`grr i .e d .: In the last eight months, RlllOO when he has contributed nothing to her support, not.. agent...ling ls abundantlr able to do so. A. warrant was tanned for the sanest of ' the truant husband. • Assault and Hattury.—John S. Brown, of Oakland township, appeared Oehler Al derman Morrow and mane Intormation against Frank Ilogel, of throungtiam, enazgleg him with ...nit mei batten. He allege., that the defendant came up behind him and struck him on the bac. of the Dead with kickedt, I:hocking him flown, that be him after he was down. A war. rant wits issued for the smash of Hoge'. ' flirAdditlonal Local Matters on Find Page. SERC/L3RT TAILORS JULY REDUCTION °Urn ENTIRC:rov or' BOYS', YOUTH'S IND CHILDREN'S•rzaciDa*,,,, ,AT REDUCED PRICES! GRAY A. LOGAN, lit No. 47 St. Clair Street. RY G. HALE EE CO. Piff ii➢ ff. Mt BYE NEW; 8,41NG GOODS, JUST OPENED, I=l All the Novelties Of the . 3eason, each as Is only found in 1 First-Class Merchant Tailoring Extabllshment. alta:n.77 Mail; . " $ 7 OF SUMMERGOODS, E. HOUSTON & CO.'S. FASHIONARLE • MERCHANT TAtLORS, I= Men and Boys' Clothing and Gen tiemen's Furnishing Goods, No. 107 Fifth St., COIWZIL 09 CHCIfI ILLE.Y. All the latest etTi,e and hove Itlea In CLOTHS. CL,SLIIISUILS sod V ShTI OS. Prices ell remansblo and to salt the Hairs. Great Reduction in Prices. SECOND ARRIVAL. OF Spring Goods, Fresh from the Importers, Willa will be made ny care .4 41apatc6. .4 at GREATLY REDUCFO PRICES OVilleaN BYRNE, Merchant Tailor, No. 14 WYLIE ST., 17W1)Ill I.BIILASID tTALt. spro:l9:rt, E . J. aIcGRATTY; MERCHANT TAILOR. B. F. corner UTAYUXU onn, 1 , I11011):ET ALLlAlultnit CITY. A law anscristont of Foralstiltor Cho..t al waft oo toad. A Orst cl•ca cutter will Wood to escorni wort ontivottimor* C . V2 . 7 , E , 1...L, Merchant TAILOIL Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 14L1 SMITILTILLD STREET. Three door helove 1111th. 1 . 11, 4 1:0ROTI. All the lat. et Ilprlug and BrEmmar etylca or Clothe. CuAmer. and c ..ttne. bona. And mauls alp to the mutt tAthlunaute al the /owns relne. enTIP:zI4 - CULTILILIS A\l; PLAU GTOSE LifilMi. , 'NOS. ......,-------....---,---------- I City or eiro=l".;;'lZ.7,74;rr . . ;sir oRDINARy 1.:;,..‘1.4zrv , ;:%=.-;..4...„-. 7 .7,-...; , ,"...,-. , ;-,- P. m f•.l . in•al•blar 1..1, ' , ~...:2.....,-,-' , ' , ' a.. itre .0 at Ito (..1 , .....v. place, 015 : , I,t ° ' DINING, LUSO; COFFEE In q tr.o..,liaa or r...lcr 41 •tret.tasti North vera "l t It. ay., wee and Audit artnut -leach enleer% j tone li 1 . ..1 lona. II lartt or.laali 5 .4 ~'• Wt.'. IND ICE CRE4I3I ROOMS, '7',,fr,1 7 1':,.,;-.'..!...;!,.'•:::',4„C° : ,.. 7 ..'.2,k1.4 7 2rti:;',...: ( `' FOE Loma AND GENTLED6M I 4',1-,VE.`:ll‘...r.:boitf :".i.b.FiT!'°,,f,,,':.‘VN. ~ era! .I.•tv: s , tl •..r. /Li . one. li q uorr=t r aaql No. 64 Fourth St. 1 .'".V..".".',V.;',4ag,,..t•""`." '" "‘". U. R. FIVLIMIM, 4.-0. WANING LUtiCtlEst ermet Salli ! 11'-•.Y' City (.ontr,l-r EATING, ICE CREAM, &c ILER from ato It .a. x. DthelnElt thread thorn It m PROPOSALS FOR COAL. Vila:aloe, dolly-4440 for MCI', or So cants Steel' Dinner. 00000 .1, Orem.. Partleolar attention given to the weals or CITY Ju.v LK:. ladles and pentleoen deal:len a roaltirlablc • v es ted sole St tb,,, aa../. th e e.1. , .. , DC• Or , . ea.. "f NY Y. 2I th 1”t at a any of tho luxuries of the season: also. to the o • ne. fa: ro mist: eur ••••1:0 HU:MS:LS 11.? theatehthe farolltha others. at thelr •),1!.• I. IT I . 1:1 , Malts:ll ?Ira ee ls 1. •• kt V real.onees or elsewhere , with the test or ' to eta delivered at too rallotelux Warr, WEDDING, POUND AND SPONGE OASES 'l ; ` ,lD b. 11.10 In Nur:neat DI City Hall. With the rlenest assortment r llathat and 14 . ; Wood Cala, Cream and water feet, Merlon.. " ur. l, „„a Bassets. Jellies. Cbarlotto de :these. nithe •• stn ward ad Ward. Mange, 37 'aloes, Orton:nuts: Pthstutda stun. I •t at city Weigh o de. loealls. dolled Turkey, Coffee. Chocolate. ate. osWe lleS and Mask ttinaklied 1010510 aO.l pub. .". 1 " Irith•elo. .• lle irle..• China, Silverware, Cutlery. Ulammare mai Table blue. for hire. Ire ap WILLUMMONI4 DINING ROOMS, Jib. 36 Market St., (Betwech Beyond and Third ntraetil P/ irTli(1011.1(if, P. The berme 111 newly Ihrelabed arstbevers alien that consillnte• • neat elate Baling How, The chokeat or eveJythle g ltte market affords will be eereed eh at all boar* cd'Ure day or hlabt. LADIES` DlNiraii ROOWM. .round door. J. H. WILLIAMSON, Proprietor. awn. highest arket Wien Paid rot 111 kind. or arasona‘e aam m e. • le/kw:2 NEW ICE CREAM SALOON P• H. M'CUIRE. No. 149 11/TN STRZ KT above hmlthaelo, op. Y. F ..OPIPE.OIIOB attY /tr. ...parties auet. private TIMM" solMbr 4 Wert notice and reasebabb. terms. 1.10!. NEW STORE. S. W. .1305.511.C 1 8. Confectionei, Fniit Store & Bakery, ICE CRACK ISALLM , N, Ana LNES , ORDINARY. en ROO EMITIIVIILIY !STREET. between Sev h. and Liberty. myS7l+% a. s. monatethr.-0. •DOWZIIII 1. CA.II/111 , . • JA.OOII IORRISON, 888 & CO., Manufacturers of all kinds of BOOR AND PRINT PAPER. Order. PrOMPUY IPA J 5 0 ,16 lIIILLII, = = 114•1111. but tub ',Otte bald for 17,0 JUST RECEIVED, AT BOBERTS & SHFitRATT'S WHOIJZALE RETAIL En, Copper wal Sheet Ira Ware linfestory, AIM 61 SMITII/LELD BTi, CITTVILIAOII, A neer ,s.igalzglgt Carts, lea yle , estri . 4t e eit; It r iteelsre, see , elates. Jfae?rocgrs , titer Lad ders, ana • fall linear Fte s szaviz i ne d tpr a t eziererrolarri ,„ , We. wedeln,. ke. 1 aisle,/ F 0" SALE. • ONE b PINCH 1[(01311, 20 lath mob*. E. 9Aftr:eerteVA744-06 011.1.1T11 4 0 imams, I loch. b 13 lace stroll „ ethic Spoke ho l itiot= o n Iron bed plate. 71 la heed. L.. tot( Matt LN (UN Z. 4 See; wake,. seeella• Tee above .011 be sold cheap, Err Mat. ANDREWS *IB.IIIIIITIZON6PI Owner aandaaay and Water tltracta, jastemn. ALL.SULLT.2II CITY. PA SPECLIL NOTICES rgrWM. BABNUILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS SKEET o.oli WORKERS, Nee. 20, 22, 24 aIW 26 Penn St. • Ha:l,x secnrnl a large yard and farolsned. It 'OM the most approved maentnerf. .o An ores Pared to manufacture eeeell dentin:fon or Boil rs In the beet mane and warranted eaest to an, nude Itt able eotatrf. Chlnuanrs. Breech mr• Beds. Steam pipes. Locomotive Bolls are, Condenser, CAN Pane, Tanta Ott 50111 s. nettllng BoNer Iron, Bridget, Secs, root, and sole r.atinfaele.rars of BA-FS EIILL'B PATENT BOILERS. Benalrlnn done on the shortest notice. It Meat I_,?-120601507i, REA A.: CO., Clureos on u itnprySa,:, WASHINGTON WORHS, Forts.lereAnd .ifsetstal4t..Plitstinralt4 Sinnuracitirere of Bost and statinniiry Edam, Dian Engines:SlM atublniry. Gear toe. Shafting. Castings of all dtscriptione; Oil Tani.. and Stills. Outlet and Shoat Iron Work. tither: N 0.12 ci.rner Font and Smithfield SU. fwagenta for OITYAIIIPS PATENT IN JECTOR for feeding Cohen:. to suromm COPPER MILL & SMELTINO WORKS. PITTSBURGH. PARK, IIcCUP,DY Et CO., atanntnr trued nbewilana a. masters. and Bolt t t i 0 1 , , :g. ,,, 1't Copiyer Bottoms. Rallied 01111 . elm LBrr~Hen no n St Shelter e B , T4a: ' Constalnia on band Tinnora• Machine. and Tuna. granny., No. 140 PIN VT 13 liltlfa and LBO dE.4n ;la sTunsr, Pittsbareb.. nertal orders Of Cann. , aat tc , no.lrod pattern. tn9l4.o4:thrT Mi'SOMETIJING NEW.—.CALL am, examine the th, SILVER-TIPPED SHOES. Thor will wear twice 14 long as those without tips. Kept Ohl) or . WU. IL NCIIIILEATZ, NO. 31 VIIIN RI., 1313lbUrNt1 w—quiNtle A. SCOTT, DENTIST, xo. 2 S PEArN STREET, IZEMIM ITO MARRY OR NOT TO V I WI/ Sr riots Ite. nectionn for Yonne Men. tr Itestya of the Hone eel Association. on the I'llysiolol l e`i isbose3 • f.ti 131.e•ses la•lone.3 by tenon-Lee Of Isthre, Lawn. In the fleet '10 , 04 .‘" , t In Yrtr. latter 4170:0:•LAIT.LV.".riowtA, Asnodation. nal.:/tAIIIF Mr"GISAY , 4 11;1011NASIILIM, No. 7 FOuICTII STfIKT Daily everrlses fr to o'rkr.• ' 4l ' a Itlocnilou float 10 zip 11. Mit. LE 1100, of ll.atou• nynts, OOPPER & CO., I==l MA NUN acTurancs O FURNITURE Of Every Description. 5C110441 , AND OFFICE FUIIISTIVRE. No. 45 Smithfield Street, =I 41131,1 fall auartawat of l'lllatturatt Kanaltaa- Mu+ , furniture citulai.Cy on baud at LUWa.t4T C. A. +T{AP....WC. C. puf>f....vv. F: WAtz InA~:[4l Pittsburgh Importing House. LISTA CUMULI) 1816. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, LUPORTiliti OF rour.lus WINES END LIQUORS, N0..100 Penn Strect, PITTSBITIIGH. Wou , elllsert the Lttration of the prblie to !ne r yt:rlio ' g ," Zne ' :fai ' l% ‘. or CV... " too tosaln. I,uporalaos. direct, thr.y not en.O•rd to trey Mr ',Moon rtsdes of choir, Ltquots ,Lietb•lvos 10 ILO Ea.., rates. Lavolocloo qmittl“ COCTA.IiIIOII '' A P‘ g ' . l . ll:: '"" j!gl2r WA, PA . W fit comatant , (CO aT,MaI.• STEAM BOIL Ellg, tAtesua Engitsft and IronThrriVxl.atties, AM Oat Ityn to alt.', FOR SALE line Luglr., 14 Int,b uthaff. I fret elrolm: nalbalance%al,- frj wrotghl Intl t ra I .n /.4, k. tsetse...l ;I In b•Slin. , ..ra.Ci ai.....rrll•••hr I suar— k -,. fo..‘ lid 4 wt. nm,l er.ukt tfn.. 1/orLor Kr !One. N1(r( r and .n.c.r.kete nnt• !It ery Iwo rozln• • amicam.y,tr. 0:0114 ahoy • ; viladrra it I ,- ch.. ides . I (.111 , 0 - 11,, kb d mond-hand Iron Tart.lta 1.116. rn 10 1. It. " :Wt " ,MI firs. bo"". AIM.. VII Vied rdrlnts. Stsliossry slid rortsble 11.11..1,, mud a.c..11 I hand, all 11( • Id err In. for cub. (wpm, II lb. I.l.utht It - A L 111176/1 A.Oo LI: 4* CO.. I,lnt• .1,7 sod 1/1/41(11.31M Way. ))16:A1 pitoros4ts FOR CA%T IRON UMI 'lO OIL REFINERS THOS. S. CALHOUN! N.. 1107 Street, A , legheur UHL "C"UDN 'r_ES_NIKS • AOITATI r N OM at 117 , 41gAf .IA gr. v ~ v te to t rlavflroPw e ' li..l" thl• ehtss.-Anne tot !loaners the mott eetsonsule terms and et the Bhertoet notice. mi SAMUEL M. ifICKERSWILA Iron 13roker, 124 First Street. I=l Aseut fol the Salo of Cornwell. Ilonegtnuors, JONTiIIOI6 Duets/anon. 13:anbDP , I/ Inalon, awl o th er bran'thetapllaselte, Yong's. Ingb,ey and tntp U. H. CharcoSll . l l i IROtitj Cowliowneuta and order,. niswctfally soli. •,n• P';',74TlMlLT,t,rta..rm.,t7„ PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPER CLANTON MILL, STEUBENVILLB. OIIIO . lialliLITON MILL, NEW If ILUISTUN. PA. • onyxes AND wearazouse. NO. 82 Third Street, rlttsbufgh, Pl 6 ornaluts—Autim , HAIITJIt Prim'Elent. JNO. U. LI V INticif Oti. Tr..% MAMA/MI. 6I 1101.6. Poi retary. MinkClOrtil—Accriat Hartle. John_ Apron S. H.n Ma. iriam, Jot% Merrick H. H. Lirlockton. John M. liar. U O H. tAott. Paid Cor roper Plltoett. imam. TEIE PEOPLE'S • TEA STORE, ! Wilson & Underwood CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Storer obroport AO (1 tritalrsile rod r tall Storer to trio two unit.. No. 15 South West Diamond, ALL6OIIENY 01T1r Call and examine oar stock aml peke.. to C . M. GEARING, Planing Mlllr Sash & Door Factory, Comer BUTLER sod ALLI3IHER3' ter FIXETtI, mina Wad, ad 30. 33 MI tlittaLll /32.. rlttaborgh. Tinning, Patton Braked.. meek Letters ad .tllotond ad Walt Moulding don, to enter. All Imola th work 00{11,111A10 00 and. ads,. from toe moot," orotootl3 attended to, tall? ^ OFT7EiiCILL KEEP. ON ' RAND sad Indite to ord.r Mikado of • opting and i ra w.ary n • *cm btu( r A I NA " Ru z i ki Tit r . p • HAT .13•13.17 0. ts i tk I.lo3o3anta 'WAGON WOlta, sear We Paolo {attar', *Anthony Otto. OM& MAIM% 3 . 3333333%3 {MI Cl= Id MM3I FOR PAILD—The beet Farm In p,„,.,,,,,,,, ,„,...blo, w0rn0,....0 o• nntr i . r., ceetalrong about 923 sere% created a =,,,,.. ~,,,,t h of the Penonyleatils st Beitear notion. TM Improcemente area larde hued log house. with eats room+, a &ono ee.4r: • frame ' flank lissey CATO, w ith .e bra T f BA oboe. Two apple and one peach nrchani. he whole farm is on. er & bleb vett: or cu , t ”..,,,,,,, the Noel i la al! So. 1: the soil is good. sod 1.. well watered: arena 1.03 scree eloared2 the re . `:4 , `,"t1, 0 r5:1., 7. 4 e' 7,4"pg:l b e.ri ~.11`;''..‘;.',7,.r. Der erre Posaolleforl Immediately • t l so irin ' t ' d ' h ' LIP. hVln t t 0 u7115i117.1i1 .. 41, 1 ? Dntl',....a on tee Yeughlughen• rterrJan'd neer E1i..,44 htatton. on the Ceenellsvilla 811. roller, saes, .cal oath Irons •he car: The improvements are a taro-sterf t he imu l D w ith sic room, h.! rime ing Irsougn he ha... with • " b il r ' sd:nce No Of s tt b r a nd unto. o t?re r f ° :// ' ; ' a i rl id e i t a lra. ' Churches. lennole and 311115 terT CollTeOlgOl. Pcr:ons wishing to engsgs in anel,_,_•. l ./D '''' . .l' , dh - ,11 to call and mama • 1 1.D.&•e• Alio, a gum of 540 Wes. sitnated In Well WheatDeld townshlN ihdl.aconnty, Pa.. aho a Si slice mad the Una of age reginfrleard• gall read. The Improcaments .c—F.St. 0 ,....• story [rune house...rah tre rooms. a large tunes barn. 4i..n. corn crib. eal-risna house. a good /tone sprlng house and 0000 home. Bedew! a awo.aoory log house, a lerxe frame barn. 4012 e, 14 store. frame suring bons, and ol.ber On, Oulld,ngs• The lenettig le all gooi. abundance of Ilreenollie co the inace, aud coal hut a shore distance. l a m Cnvenient to Churches, Edlionls, 31111 a. as. a militarized to nail this Peolw'rt 2 "ffg. h .lleiVefUNagrVlCO ar . re., nrwtacri Y'res :der onithation. gaunt. In ehril.. den conntg, lllleols. Improvements—a vow frame dwelling otiondrang 5 o ne; about SOD eholoe fruit trDes. good fencing, Ac, a Iles within 2.mlles of the f iances Central R. R.: will be smd on reasonable .terms. City Property t in pan If 'Melee°. Also. • germ or al acme In Peen townAhlP. ; C I C B Ce. ' lfl7ltlol, oll T. re . 1 2i rli r gtfra W r' . a l :l u te d net sod other tattier, 2 d wellillg houeo4 1 of them 2 stories. the oth.l 1 Story. with • tem.: linow. with a drst-re &cant ream:lll in &nod ...Ica &der; young oresard of gralUal fruit. The land le rolling; everr arse Is 1.1 table, with lime tone soil and inth.44•. with never falling springs, within one. notnirtn PDde of inc Penna. Central dAllinad: '2 miles east Of, 504 there miles west of Greensberg. This farm Is pleas =ay .4 chiral.) , eltnatedln a good neigh.r; every we It Underlaid with .a.l. The tale le 5... Also • two-story Bela Haase. with in room; A) feeiftunt and 58 feet beet, with two [owl tots, altuate4 in the village of ilairdstown. Der ry townstdp. Viresteloreland eOntaT. rn.• on the bank of aLe l'Olaernango Wog Immectlittelf 0 1/e. nestle the BOrotlgh at Blairsville. This prep. ./ erLy I 01 5011 fur the low Price of 111300. Asa. a arm of n) scnn. alteated In Kase Wheat *ill toggigdO. ladlaga CsAllitl. Penna. rho . roveMents art a 8.. 1 frame hen , 0, Crane aro, sun other ontouliaing.4 %bola 1.3 :leered and ander good Inset. the !due in aeu4 - .1 bee. The sell leo: •goodonalal• well watere , convenient to church.. see ° 4s, mills, etc. N la be sold At the low. price of 8 40 per acre loseessice ilintediately. Ferran:tar of 0. - 13. TOWER. Real estate agent. Ins fourth Street. SMITTIFIELD, OHIO. VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. I will sell to be Id anent bidder, on the prem tees, adjoining the Allots of nadindeld, defer son county. Unto, on Ott • roarteen kin cf f filh lath (itpsf ) Nat The old holneet. ad, fOrmer'yd and °cou- pled by tho .110 Benjamin W. a d d. contnlblne 23. t sere., more a. loss. being onu of the beat farms In VI -, comity. a tale uroportlon of erhlon II Iu good the entlf ualaueo usoept about al aeree.ll.well eet In clover, llsoothy and Woo onus. I wall clef Ann toe wool. tract. ru se-ma the pelvileee of then arylng It Welded In a! re aro e lft ", ;Efiett o rufaer:lltlfe h. reqa!f ed On day or sv. p . a tts reeaalnuer divided In loWatutlta say f.,r the notch..., r.-10 to cortone ems at tu'eloet of Laid day. rot. d.. 1012 eau K lced to molt tbo Satan on the ay of sale, the balanoo about lour weekt after. JONEOII JO/Y.83. .1y11:L91:d&T MSS= DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 51T134:21C I& MeIiEILaPOT. Two-StoCy Brick Cantulute, Blue MOMS. bsob house and obtoulloloot Irelt tii i er5 i, 4.1141 . 1b2 . 77 , . (:. : o m r; e r. r lrd.tii I mert r . t truu stir! 20 feet wjlel Terms e• ...b 2 pi, lb Capt.'ll. 8. bINCLIII2, McKee,. port. or • I= I=l = MIMI COUATDY B ESI CE FOR ES.A.M.IO, Knotted on tba Brogroratlle road, aO.l over. 1.011. tat. .111onnagabrla river. Co.' ante fro= the rite, gosistlag et ono aee of ground. a tar 1.4 filet dwelling. la good re• pale, neat. nadatail aad papared, epilog anal C.ta. na water: law. matt cot., In andY gl ‘ :. l e o L r :tlirat ' a:oliVe . 4. C Of b igl t t a ' rktPar t' anaeLVa ' l tree. and ann,ory. tl.l aorro,toded of WLL.LnhiI A. orau,ltul %aura had for cr., 1. u No. UN:unhitch , .vent. MU VOtt ust SALE.—tlott.e and Lo too Loe sre.t, 11:1 (001. House t fruve, ...Ulm Ate room.. wair ao l ,l lo g u.e za. 1. mud .1 on rota, .31' .1.4‘..1ck ivl 0, 1 001. Clty, Within lltrea 0.10114 01.10 fasse.ger 11•110 ay. 1.01.. r 131. 11001, 1.010. f01311.14* OM< room* 00 Isued atuc. 00e. Lots/1.1015de Ile Valli/L. Oa Ilesserlttetet, .11spel..1 ter. Lut,bilNttel. I,lc , 41 1.. Moo. sovcrsl *mall t10000...04 1.010 liakoo4 10C1110.• /.1. , M 07 J. RICIOII & CO., Bewver. nestCboflQt litter, Itzmellest, Jra.ll RMFAULEIYCK t Wm. roraytne. ..inseen "Ilwortb. Wm. Caldwell. PAY. DATA] Eery. Wlll4 Halredl. Henry •I.4mn , rr. lU.W. C. Hldwell. A. St. llroYn. a teat* 1.6 Laye - renmallle. And eprlnAteld, Ad- Z. U. Welton. lbw. Zyring • • l ' i ...!• P: IMPROVED PROPERTY z•coiaL loroloo. =Klux to fulcos from *l,(t. bSt W4_ KW be eold on ressonable tonne LI aoptn tar won. Szstors.thl. oLpotitahtY. I=l =I liallexArees, Lawl.ctzcs:ll. VOIR EI.6LE—A beautiful Farm., stirs trove n co Lelotor •t/411: (raw, hon. IRA bar, trek to to ter. asof Itoo.; vr.ft. in a..- . even area: pieta,. or 'awl,: coal. 1.e.- etett. awl neer., ..unoa ce. . al. ..v•tr Ltrica• • us.. elmsroom•. 'rah ot.ittuildterc I.lbl II i1;41. of prop• rse fur •••• and re.t. arine....a collected with the at m.'" 4'4' l! L. ISRAEL. tleni /Ntaln Agent, IYI , V Federal SL. Altroe. y. F°" SALE. 051 Nil DWILIIIG ;OTBS, tgratr4l within a few yard. of Amtctley r!”, rtti odetor :1 atb. Poa maloo Oren tmetedlatoly. • For term. spot, to • L. KELLY, Mart!envoi. No. 4 federal n.. Allegheny UOll SALE Oft RENT, CHEAP— . A Warta al Coq...Arlo 01.atosn. on the Cen tral Rattroad eotaa.nlast acts. Improve .sooo, lon tousles and stables. ROM E 0 . 0 . 54 : . 1, in Donarc and good fur et...Dation. Also, 11 , 1.. teal other Yantis. In good lonallDts and nail Im proved. whien n t'wlll sell [neap and 0.. res2ons, ole terms. Atm a cumber of 94.3 bonding lot* la the ei rther particulartn and suburbs. Fl. fus Inquire or WILMA at WARD, 110 Grant larval.. p9:03 opposite the Cathedral. FOR SALE, A Beautiful Building Site, Only 24, from the City. contalolnit . 34 ACIELN wsto - ed by two Ann,Pnop• .)11. r time river. Apply to JOad D. MCIILLY, Fun National Flank. FOR SALE—That DESIRABLE • House and Lot at 62 Sixth St., ihaI•PPSI Saillhdeld•O Wee, enntal, tug toOttre room, wltlz on; ..fern run• Tetil.ets, waab romy Y.l and ‘w.• "t'v,[b,vg.r.,l.V:tAtro,! o at TM: PIRKVIISIM FOR SALI7..—A wine year PO lease a. on • Lot alteate on Huller street. Ninth ward. ea by Inn fel, on which Is trentad frame awaiting. now naallnr lar . sol pa month. also. a bylok of b rooms. which rent for 10.5.ukaa- I LfaVO l iggnerl, • _l " r. "l l l.l o . ” oO l ur " Frr lam. do., apply s 1 the Vai e lbusta l aua Into. san. 0000 of 0. b. BATES. on. - Bdtler Stre”. lotarronersllle_. 1' OR NALE—In the Borougteot bhat,..iburg, entt.voltot CO tho W. P. Drool.. • TVial,ridtLY o it,,Uolf., of toot stone collat. Sills 50.01 rualr. Lot 7 0 . , by OS 1 vet. Indio: 0,10.1 e tit', 51.011. lOW be sold remnant, . the owner to lb pr 3,16:1•14:Te. • . - - - _ VALUABLE COAL PROPERTY It BALM. alluated to Unto* town•blo, or the N oblextown plank road, two m 11.5 Mom the Z o lTl:a oi a n n i NtlE;g7a T t !g o ( t ße y b r o lflVPMll t r choice quality, pa ►Or um,. 1N... triton at c0 .)14 " t°l'ttl:=.4°l. Aptly to N Eouelb it. TWO FINE LOTS .OF GROUND In 31erurland , ou Male at. price °°° °°°°. °V°4' to U Met.At9 A Co. LEGAL ----- A LLE44IIESI al lt en of Zar.ati r tfAVl)Kr, late shells toe vehlp, deed. no. 2. March Tina, OFT. 10 t•ereetla "".a".l.7nantle.. Ar•Ydesl• ''';::::. Mho bas fords Ften't.A.;."ll";%lOnn nd tNI C , h t IL, ~'wire. r., t. men tn . . retie Marls. d . ile, ;17 . 4 1171:11f:e s 3{s ' ygen. Its,: need. es hot • Par in. Jr.. •rs. d-rtunren or Tee. Haler, 4..c'd. mud Children or Atty. I I;v1 a . c . h d o ' ll4s Will lskif entice ibst lbn Coors bss g anted • tele the wiles batert.t r ed to Tn. Into . t the 1:er „ ? ..., L1; , .. , f . r k s i l:l " e t t "r iti.lnle n 7Lp ' ttieNse c o m t. te show 4.100 why tu•••sele • hu:a not oe he AllotAssembl y In such era. msde landmu etch d. I{V 91x b. COURT 11001,be Fecerd. A ttert: A 1111.AnDS. Cart, NTUE INAITEIN 41 - IE vm.uhrmty trti VENT or 'P. boom DOn, N. Et Illillts()N to WM. COYITYIt No. O. ecember roma, 18e'. Natl., Is hereby Overt that the Aastasee haa bled. by leave or Court. Ms armount. as Pastan. c In the above eye, sad that old aee..unt ,n , l tln . ..Unwed by the Ccsurt ao tbs bougy DAY JULY, U. MI. ooleas mune ba obuott Why such roootult stioatd oat Da &lame. etMgaUgi= A111 41 1:11INTILLT011 , ?VOTIVE.— Lotter. or Adcnlnlatr.tlon bare bean avant. ao to the tin ;v.1E...A nn th e ;;;Patte; r F. O ll NO c. rox. t;, late of Marla, t all.ghony county, Pa. All pardon. laden:en to a re Sept?,. ant. an thuds haying claim. pie., 64....Ltzttz t l . thout j eal . a . a , zed Adminidtrator. JAMES B. JONES, El= Scrap Iron, Light Iron, CAST A.ND WROUGHT lIION. Ptcawatcascs. Corm.r Andersen •at lUnr Allaib•ry Car. n=2;a=a 162 FEDERAL RT., Aumanzary, cro.nb door above Vlsomod.l Glass, anea , ware di Table Cutlery At et eISTNAN PRICE& Narration reitured IA •W 4 laor, 1.. 4t01 . 4 at bud. 0,8 ud examine oaf { Jellia BANKS AND BkNERRs HART, CAU6IIEI & (:(1 , Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, prrrssrnen. t 811001380 1 1.3 TO HANNA, HIST & C 0..) EIMMIEI Exchange, Coin, Coupons. P.rd pprtient.Ptienl llo . Cati to tLe P. pc.e pad tsie of GOVERNMENT BONDS airsll3llT DRATTS o:4i,LONDON..rwl:s= N. HOLM ES 8z SONS, No. 67 "Market Street, =0 Der. 3141 rtectrva In Pa: rtnds and Gerrethi. Collcthienc madr an all the othlththikl point 3 of the Putted States nral Cththas.. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD OR 00MICIBDIOIL Partlchlar attentlow rain W the purcbau and sate Of U.S. Securities, incluffint U. 0.1311.E3 OP 1891: do. do. b-dOsi 11. b. FIVEd 10-40.: O. 2. CIIIITIViCATEi uir LiOiAIITEDNVIA Order. and Voacherabocelt or col:Ix:ed. p.30:0 pEOPLES , SAVINGS BANK. OF PITTSBURCIII. Capital, - - $lOO,OOO. 01110 E. NO. 20 FOWITH STILE.Itt = =MI l'lme PrixMoot WILLIAM RILL Bureim and !rawer, SIDIM F. VOI hOSSAOPSI F. 11.—T100 Dip , Sitl =Weirs OIL. /f ask on of before latter OF JULY. 0 041:1,43:495403; 0 0**(0' 00 : 04.7 N** COAL MEN'S TRUST COMPANY, No, 65 Smithfield St,, STOCKHOLDERS DUHVIDUALLT LIABLE Capita!; 5200.000. = Depo•lts edeelved audio allow ed. special attestator. gloss to Goad.- tione• President—A. J. BAKE% Cashier—E. J. ROBERTS. =MEI A. J. Art., ie... J. YATIinCOM, W. A. /I artoos. Wu. Manisa.... TAOS. VAIMulk. JAA. H. liArAl AA. A. J. 11A0AN. 11. ratiTtAiLlt. J. IA JOAAbJN. 0.-L . PATIII.6I.IS. WESTERN SAYINGS BANIi, Xo. 49 Fourth street. 11360. Ine Paid on Tao. ',epodes. Anysum received from On• Dollar npiv•rd. Deposits satojeet to Chock. Isitboat DIACWINT DAILY'. AT 12 O'C1.006• President—Tail:Hl:SON BELL. Vice Presideia—A. M. MARSILiLL. MITISE2 ii.G:11'.1721. T110141,5PX BILL, JOILN H. DA.C.r.1..t., Elio< lb4ldere !oreFora tn-ke DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855. 1 ANS ETR $'J, 232 , 900 Oil da ot.en daily Rom to 2 o'clock, alto.. Wedm.a. aud bun., eventngs, from May lot to No-•, rembel Its, from to o'clock, and from Nos senile? !set , Ray Ist. from 6 to 6 o'clock. V' t o ' ll:r. " T. ' di r t 11, 001 V":.° clart'dtnice a year. In ' June and l/ocember. In• ttrAt. b. been declared seml-aunually In June Sodr go7nT ' t r p " e ' r ' ;:st L lr " I , " tniertst..ll nut - drawn unt._,ls pieced to the 0r... in or thetiermoitor no principal. and bears the , um,. Interest Rom the Ant day. of Jose and MiCpOttildiOK L•rirq a year without. trontyllue II positor to ealL or °sea to present p.o tsaot. At this ratan:miter will double In 101,...Lrg ON else years. it , roto c un tsnc the Chart, Erstams, ruler stegulatkma.fornitlitti gratis. 00 application at the utr.ce PiteNincstr—iltOßME wt.pnrs. inCit rumatolotifil Yortn-11. Itaeltofen. A. H. Pollock. M.M.t lien). L. Pabriestock, j linbert 11001, Junes Lierdman, IJohn H. Sboenberser, Jaes bleeds, 'James 8121le, Ja m mes 0. 11. Alea.uler d Speer, Isar. M. lennort, icert,tiw teaser. vars.:Kr., Anderson. 'Robert C. , Loonsta, elicit ♦dame 'Henry J. I..ynen. ti n Joh C. Vintner, ite lfer A. Ma, adeir I eorac Eilii Bargain, Walter C. Har.nall, rotszo A. Carrier, Jolt R. radden s (Tharit, A. Colton.,termooy rhimpg, 17,1; n °!krt i lt(,,,, 0 „ ri' H. Hu b. nker:4 Al.sander rinse. j Pet 1 WilHam Vanktrk, Richard Hay., 'lsaac Whittler. James D. Kelly. 'Wm. P. Merman. intasesisit—cmAHLE2 CULTUN. AItrARTANV—.I.,I FL It. 61165111. yiritarri 'ALLEGHEA SAVINGS BANK, •LI.EIIIIENT. PA. ClwarAzAisesecl. is 1.134.01. BTOOKHOLDEIIS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. Deporlts Tecelecil an.l pr cent. Interest time Pnelleuln , pyrn to Vol.cotion..n. roc.reds promptly [.- ..IMO. Dl.eounL Lfays—Monday wld Tbundny. InltzeTtlßA: H. Wettach, .1 T. Ntockdale. A. Ackir, Yrsal letnan. Alexander Moron, It. Ochaven. J L. GRAM/4X. ereAttlent. JOll. , W. 1t1111 , 1,E. to):1 OEM HUTcHIN3ON a. HEPBURN. 110EFIL 610 ►3Y OMIENTAL PAUTIBB, a RAINY RS AND 11 LAZ , KIM No. I'S HENNA AVE/NUE, lintteb , DreA A11r1 . 21.121.12111112tAED7 atte..degilt!._ REMOVAL. JOHN F. CLULEY. NOM! and Sign Painter, No. 134 SMITH/IEI-D ST., Pittiburgh. Pi. P1T9:51 , 7 tfh,e3Bu the nil etito.l. SIcCODAN & SNYDER, HOUBE. SIGN AND ONNANENTAIr PAINT- H 3. AND GIL ALB EaB AND Ina WAS. No. 63, north Nide of Diamond. Allegheny. • Coalman.!al and a 1324 slew made to order. Older. reweetfally molletted and pro=rdly az. edoidd. Mann Palnta, Prlndavr (Hake and Platy .p 15./. JOHN T. GRAY; HOUBE AND WWI PAINTED, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 64 Hand St., Pittsburgh. Plato one! trroforteatal Moor every doetrift.. flan Okor to ardor. All work d o nd prolsa4ll foul:ed.: met. W . .. COULTER, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, YOliliTH AND U 1 1 / 1 NT UM, PIITSIVEL All orders pr om pt Ole Shop, or tout by toall rerelve attectlon. feUttilo WILIWWI U. BROWN, (1 of the firm or llopflf & 110EIIOW.) ItttUILS AND RION PAINTERS, Norileut corner of Tiard asoi Mutat. Street.. =MI STEAMSHIPS.. BALTIMORE AND lIAVANA STEAM/3MP 00 1 ANlf• ALEX. MEM r: SONO, Genera: Agents. VOtt HAVANA AND NEW OttLIA NE OAR The THE UNITED ISTATES WAIL. The glrst-Class litealusLE. or , to. noo sal: as follows: ..I.llllolll , —l.LetnnS. for New Orleans vls Key W.f. awl Havana. Thor. A. Italn. Ootomnreler. W ESDAY. Aprll Nth. "CO ItAll I.UO tons. for New Orleans anel traysnze euronsand. on MATE/WAS pil e nr. at: olelo olt P. AL, poselasly, on l tne I WIT , nountwo. For freight or ...Wel baying anmrpasssf pppp N.H.—No Bills of LadliartZlirlfg,a7„c ro t,T, ray, In ,ma,. not tolls of ladlng Owned oziOsa STDAD TO D LILTED. 41 AN FROM 11. 4 '4 MEV SATIRIERY• • EVERY =NEMO • - carnal/is O. 5. MAXUS. • Tutee snvi w sadhoso 1.0.55. 1551555 SOO land. ttermanyalaa 7rsuam. APPIfIkt Ibtoolll7M lirostiway i r. N. t n . 4.;‘5,11. 1511,401i451. 011d4: 41.4•16 e /.3911. 11 n 10 4 InttAnalMo PROF gSSION - W . S. IinsELTON. DI. D., 11=1 No. 67 Federal St. Allegheey City. S . T.ICEDICK. M. D., =I COR, OF BtAVER &ND FAYETTE STREETS, '.L , EGITT.NLFr r Y . R . A. CAMERON, Attorne y at-Lavir, No. 39 Fifth street lIM R. m ninir.u.Ts Attorney-at-Law OfMee, No. :•1 ti IC ANT STIMET. Oreripteld ctes to Rant impwa. C . B. M. 5311T13. Attorney and CouoselleF at Law AND SOLICITOR IN BANKRUPTCY. Oakes it 93 DIAMOND STREET. my2iier:T:lll L. ItIcITLLOUGH, Attorney-at-Law, Pio. 101 FIFTH ISTILEET, Pittsburgb cur 'a:AS EIUSTACE 8. MORROW, ALDERMAN Ex-014cio,Juslice of the Peace, GIADIDTHATE.. Office, NG. 72, Penginais Mine, Pittabirgh, Ps. lltedo, Ror , s. IdartgaKe,, Actuonle4gmeats,'. 1 , t1 , 08:‘,1111n M, all A t Kl Ituriacss .secuted .1115 nromniate" •ndsuatrn • mc.l AMMON, =I = CiLESOS STREET. ea.: Rim/Ingham Collection of Runta eoLct od soJ nromptly attended to. Mr.l W 11.11,113/ R. BARKER, JUSTICE Or THE PEACE, coxyzymccßir. so. t Office. C4L'•ON WIRE LT. nearly oplthslte WC limits/sr Dt. So promptly attendedsess en trusted to S careto. my :tat DAIVILEL McME.4L, IV, D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN I=! No. lA' Gran: St., near MO nee),.7. GEO. R. COME:AN, 'Attorney and Corinseliar-at-Law, llelce—rULTON . 6 LAW nriLinse, No. CO usAbr • SrNEET, °agar of Foara. Plttablxo. AU legal tattoos earl:Loan oMs core will 'c alve prompt at:canon., J . S. FERGUSON, Attorney-at-Law, NO. SD FIFTH STII.ZET, 1500.000. ascoan 71.000. FRONT EtoOld itloUtatilllClL, AL.VtCarxneyr.,wt , .3araiay. I= Prompt *Montlnn pivot to all kllmit of low Porto.. spa: wr.l W . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT JAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, VITTEIRIIRE/R. LA. JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEFICZ: So. 133 FOVIZTII fiTHEET, tit PITTSBOW/11. PA C. .IL4.CFCRELL, Fl. ATTORNEY & 00UNSELLOR AT LAW No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSCIIIIGII, PA DR. J. A. HEKRON HAS REMOVED His Office and Residence to No. 14 SMITHFIELD ST., NeorlT bODosito tlke. MononilutkeLs House snelOor. • B . F. EEO= elks, fin. G 7 Fourth Si., second doer, pn-runumen,rA P& OP, BODATID, ASE ±EFRAES Or PAi r tly Collected Notharue made until claLms Lie wattled. and then but • tn. et to feu. tr0wt3.1,21 EMESI2 8100. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHSROES. Soldiers who hare tort torts. dleeharge earth!. eater and who are cab...ratite entitled to the 1,4111- oooal •300 bounty \ ten have their eases at tended to by ertlling on or add rearing W. J. & HILL PATTERSON, ATTOENTAS AT LAW AND MAUI AGENT% roe - T 1 1111 ANT STRICT.' 0/EN A. STIL4IISi. :491.7-e7?=d=l-11T-49.1 4 7. Ex-Officio, Justice of i Lao l'eaCe AND VOLICIC ai aIII. 4 TRAT-1.. Office, I 1 FM St. oppoelte Cathedral, =! Deed., Bonds. M0rtg..053, Anlnaowlediannts, VepOsIDIOnS and all Lox.l IStuinc. exceut.l win utoruptne.s and.liscnlxh. my131:81 W - JANCEY, NO'rAltti WILLIAM PUBLIC., JUI,TICE Orr HE PEACE, AND IDEAL ESTATE. aIIF.IVT. 011ea,enther ro d Batley mad eravor itreeD. Lawrenceville- - et ret=g r tZf•Cjn ' I ' CZ ' . Va a d ' f . l l ; pttaaritlon sad aekelealtetreentol Si] MAD of Coto' Cenvey.em Junior of the resee- '- .T.P,fotriVii , ,. torta.taD JOHN C. HCCOHHN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 87 Fifth Street. C•'""". HOTELS. • WHITE PERRYSVI Newly met LE, ALLEGHENY CO., PA and Parnlined, and ready to re" tete. &nest, p!ins so ac:975. 11 - 1.;11[13; the l'UT . nne;n: 11., I .IMT.\,ri Ali4A.,r! •aped it .o EintIVREMI iIuTEL, fl RIIHOHICAN PLAY, : or. Fenn ds Canal Ste., ON N. E. :==! JOHNSON, Proprietor, :~~ has been tnorourv♦ rented and • rd thnanahout, and la now open This !Dorm o • tornt to the pb I ST. AMES HOTEL, = ME 5 & 407 Liberty St., we 7hp Crawl hop ants reopprtfuliT Into.° pab , le that he Vslean and total. 4 ' IM X tt .l ae ° : " :e4!..r.:. "" tl " o? a7.117:1 72 ratmit e 'with u‘Opee. at t" 4 " t-.4t Sloe. Pries . s . t drotur te. , MelOr 1.141 et. .11 the dellaule , a; 5.5.01 0.1 he • torred at an Dann or ar ha ray and a ght. raW•al • la'ht, ,, ed. 1 he eh. , ertt arandsor W I het, Ltqadet, 011twea, et., will be at the bar. J.ILS. IL. LANALHANt hroprit toe. BUOADWAY Dining and Billiard Rooms 409& 411 I.IIIEIT.TY STREET, Opposite the onion . Depot. mem. mg . h. 4 q: , , , , mt t , h d a s t r tb s ., n .i d ntgbt...131% 117.' 11 V , ,,•,,traz71 LiQUolte, W'at tGe t it. AIX and Cl fitab.l at the bar. 3. P. N? DER, Prop-illetor rEIM BINGHAM ROUSE, ELEVENTH AND MARKET STS. .lEr 4 "'7ir • 0, IrrE3.I.IEF.X.II. TWA now and elegant Manic Is now apes tor Ito reception orgnesta, with all the opnotntioents of • 11111.41 , CL421 LIOTIL. OURLIS PROPEUEVIL _ TR •N 8 P ARENT 111.IrE OIL morn/. los Mare Window abaft.. L el. snide. Just received at the VU Cloth Ware crows .21 and UM. Clair My.. 3612 J. • H. igreIELECT 11481 LET SOS Or TYKPERLECE. Pittsburgh Diitsion, No. 42. ir e known WILLECT Ltd will gleam by Me AbOTe WEDNESDAY, July 81st, At Monitor Grove. A eperlol Train will leave • Ileghent Depot at ! 1•1 eveT. ' t r t?; '. .. Tgrern