E 3 Ctrs Eittsimit -6A:4ott 11111rB6D . J1T, .111 CLY 24, hRII. 1= Very many malts a ni istake no 10 the choracteristic of a true gentleman or lady. In determining the matter the heart, the motives. ere eutir...ly oft out of the account. I:eternal appe..ranee only is considered; mil ~,,, if this is the determining quality - many will Ise found wanting. 3lea'y seem to consider I , it necessary, to icicle special effmts t o , show others of inferide means, and 113 tbeireribaion, position. their own ,up,... ... riot wealth nod standing. Their di, daleful manner is every where s -,e, Servanis andenaployes see and ?eel it: Often their newly assumed honors .0 as - awkwardly on theca as an Itoglish dress on an African ravage. -We are remind ed by thesis of the gay peacock with rte c feathers widely spread, attractive, cap., elects; but wilt a body no larger and lees ufel than ny modest and more on es inning birds who octet y less space se make less noise to attract others. T Grect Author of all things has wire -1 ly ordered that there should be dilfer . 'aces In every specks and variety of every department of nature. l32,auty of ' form or color does not necessarily imply superiority. The mistiest grouse! in pmt of utility rival-the - tulips, she po tato th e magnolia;- the homely camels the &uglily leopard, the ill striped tur key the so-called king of birds. . One ohle t I\ may be prized for its natural ' ham y or tuliScial -atiornuaent; number for it Intrinsic worth. But the posses aor of knowledge,vbeauty, or wealth— however will not, if a .true gentleman, by his ~ manner or words, cause the ignorant, ill- ! shaped, or poor, to feel their, inferiority i and to be unhappy. i They will exhibit rib hauteur, no pail - mitring air. We like to see a child piney...lug ti to' he caenit part. with, conceal it f:uut an- • other who woeld be rendered ULII.I.]:ITY • 'by the thought that he could wet have a ilmilar one. So we like to see that ills 'position which lends 'one possessing every luxury and appliance of wealth not act- or speak of them so :Is to ren der others unhappy by the contrast. There is a spirit . of kin d ness. and love characterizing the tree eentleinan and lady. Such persona do not by their haughty manner say see use with all my means of happiness, which you, poor mortals, cannot have. . They have no secret rejoicings that others cannot have what they are enjoying; rather regret and sorrow. Their style of speaking to all in their employ and to all whom they knowissuited to inspire conutletice in them, and to .convey no Idea of felt pre-eminence, and this manper begets in the poor, toiling and unfortunate masses openness of look a feeling of self-respect and not of degradation and serenity. The plant:l4lml dove and the penitentia ry convict show this look. This lordly and overbearing acting and speaking are, perhaps, shown more plainly by the oddy Americana than by any people in e world. Often they are without in telligence, 'without culture, and without ktndnetsot heaol.. As the iowest man often makes the Best - rest master, so be raised suddenly from poverty to Wealth • Is ambitions to make others feel and know who and what he is—a rich man— and too often nothing (nom. If people possessed a true love for men, and a tie- Are to render them happyand knew how much good they might do, every day Cl life, without expense of time, or money. they would by their words and manner give assurance and comfort to the poor and unfortunate, and ctuie them to feel as little as posstble . thelr hard lot. nue it is the true gentleman sad lady show themselves They'd() not depend on el, egant dreta and grace of motion. Klutl• near of manner and love for all are theirs. He who is afraid, on • the street or in the parlor, to acknowledge s poor acquaintance, a relative or fellow-mem ber br the same church, simply became in his opinion it would atNct bib stand- ing In the estimation or others, allows great weakness of charieter, COISCI3IIE ness of want of merlt,.and a 20111 12110. rant of the relatives it sostaint3 1. 4 3 others. He is not a true, a outdo man; line one of the lower, cheaper sort. =I It may be your child, it may be the child of some one else; It is somebody's child. The fact that it is a child is enough. It is susceptible-of great jey or great sorrow; capable of doing great good or west evil. It in a child now; if spared it will be a man or a 'worsen, and • these kind or unkind words or ad. are mouldiug 'the heart, forming the counte nance and:Mating the matt or Women, what he or She is to be. besides, the presentimay be all the season of enjoy ment he may ever,. bare in this life. Let -.him have this period at ?east to enjoy in • semblance again and again In life. Let this be a sunny period. "The heart," it Is mid, "like flowers needs sunshine to bloom in." The light and heat of, the man are necessary to give life and beauty to the flower. So the human heart and - mind have the warmth and joy of kind ness and love to cheer and invigorate and to give them beauty. Dot ales, how many conntettances ao we see which tell of the absence of all love and kindness. fladoess and sorrow are even in child. hood deeply et:qr.:yea in every lines. meat of the, face: There la an efidenee 'that the 'sunshine ot kindness - hes ever beamed' n' them. Darkness and. cold ness are within. That heart might be quickened into . warmth•• and' love, and.. that countenance into beauty and sweet ness. Whose heart has not ached as be has seen the, child betten . on the strec, it may be by mother oe — lather, whose relations should force them to an °pool site course? Who hail not had his teal fired with Indignation as lie has st en the giant man driving home with a roil a lit. sobbing child? Who his not beard is evening's dusk the. blowa fall on - the infant and beard for many hams its pit eons cries when suffering nom pain and the feeling that it had no friend or come finer? And then, In this way, the child is taught to be cruel to other children ; tad hence the severities tire See on the streets which give pain to the passer-by., , We speak of progress in abolishing cor poreal prinhshmeut in - one echools, while one may name hundreds using the toil, upon those under his care. Let the evil, sore and deep, be • abolished at • home. Love and cherish your aim. Deli kind , ly With it. ;le Is not thtieluio of your hardships and your sorrnivs. Visit net on him your misfortunes and it m a y b e yerai vices. Treat him kindly and lov ingly and he will be polar greattat joy; the light, and itro of the household. Dave him not away by your severity; and CM/se him not to in all the fu ture that he, When a child, had no plate deserving the name of home. , _ • T H E Jour Iterorre of the Eitatiatical Bureau of the—irensury Depsrunent shows the declarer talus of tho Imports Into alt the'customs districts- of the trolled States for the four months ending May 81st. was $112,731,701; or winch there was entered for consumption $7O, 109,082; . entered -for warehou-w, 565,622. The Imports for the month of May were 036,331:291; April, $29,230,- 717 Mar c h; 831.930:110; Faruary, 642,246; ;January, 027,317,:m. Some of the details of Imports for the four months ending- Hay 31, arc as follows;--Gold and slyer coin and /Killion, 0=0,031; „coffee, 107,805,346; manufactures of c ot. , Joni $10,101,763; • earthen, Stone and `chinaware,; $2,011,933; msnntacturce of Aix; $8,435,518; glats, end mantfactures of, $1,406213; hemp, and manufactures of, $1,390,174; hides and skins, $3,070,- 688; Jute, cocoa pd otheigrass fibres, and manufactures or. 51,08,182; ! o ak TOW, $1,140,780; iron mad steel, and laantdaehttes of,' including hardware,. $5.776,6h7; lead and manufacture of, $1,163,043; manufactures of sill: $5,- 310,740; coda, $1,743,53.1; sugar and molasses, $23,06:1,il•I:0; tea, $7,612,0-A; tur, and manufactures of. e 2, :%70,' . :5; wince, spirits andUordials, $1,079,119; I wool, and manufartUres of, $14,007c6n I. Them values are in gold. The exports of droner-tie rmnn:ndities for the four monitor ending May 3lat were in voice as declared by the cr.poner , ror May they were April, $ 1 0,413,540; March, r 4,675,73::; February, $445.13,1:1/0; Jan uary, $45.8',,,536. The principal arti cle.; for the :our months ending May ;Ist weic. lircadltutfe, $12,713 t,Fe2;r; cotton, manufacturers of cotton, %.1,1.1:0,1.14, gold and olive, coin, $1 1 ,110,- 143; gold and tiilvcrbtilliun , $10,311,111;1; iron and maul . . tures of, Including hard wure,•sl,.23l,4ol; huliber and =mine. tures Uf wood, $4,973,r,in ; coal oils and petroleum, .1:5,311 „135; whale and other fish 011, , provraions and !al. low, •1f,i1;;6.C63; tobacco find manufac tures of, $5,90t,133. Them values are, in currency, ext.-opt exports of spiccand exports of the Pacific „cowl, which a re in gold. During the fuer months ending May Ist there werc . exported of foreign com modities once imported Into the country in value fisi,92s,iik.l, of which $47746,411 was Opp warehouse and in gold. The balance was not from warehouse and in Currency. The warehouse report shows that there remained in warehouse on May 1567, commodities to the value ef -Vhi1,120,00 , 1. Of the products of the American llaberies there AILS received into the United States for the lire months 1 ending May ties, t. 3,022,025, and ex— Toned for the iclote period of five months, ITEMS —Sir Morton Pet° is on his lust legs., socially, in London. —lnure is n laundry near furls which washes 40,000 picres n'tiny. , —A Kentuebian Las sold his peach .ciopfor fourteen thousaml dollars. —England imports :10,000 pounds of emalius Indicus annually to drug its beer. —The Free Will linplisianre to eel op a college in Eandolph, Indiana, on the ..)liscollaneous principle of Oberlin. —la view of. Cameron's success over Panel' and Stevens, the lsiew York ficrold suggests him as a Vica President. clergyman in New Lemilon is accused ol jilting a young lady. His name is 811, and he tOilibcd to rind the belle. Juarez and Estrobedo bad no apol ogists iu Congress they would be out lawed Ly . the entire civilized worlds—N. 1. Tints. —Lord'Nelsou's body was preened in a cask or whisky. He was in good spirits a whole month after his death.— I esentice. (lertuan in New Orleans has fought three duels In twelve months, and Is pre paring for his fourth. Ile is a Kornis. vuous-blade. —A New York clergyman has been hronght to answer the charge of snick ing cigars. TOil:ICCO there Is hetredox to well als narcotic. —One of the liabilities of a bankrupt bank director, in NC.R . Orleans, was if• men thousand dollars for smithies fur. mailed to a young within.. —,King William of 'Prussia is occupy ing his royal leisure in writing his own memoirs. tic may thank 13isonrch for having so much to writ, about. -3laPar Uenind lloward, through the Freedmen's ,Buratu, reports (Le eropsof Tennessod this year to be the tout anti largest over raised in that Stoll). —The Germans in Philadelphia drank enough beer to float the Donde:burg during their sining mach—about 2,2.23 .kegs, and yet male not to lager./tead6. =lt Is anted that lilac ore 50,01.3 L:ni• tarinno la . llnng,ary—thc oldest txxiy of the denomination in the work!, rrobohly. They now, 4c:6lre corrorredonou trial A tem - Senn churches. —The Atlanta Era says that "(rota ail the lights before us, we are perfectly sat. lulu! that. Bas, - gin will go thirty thou sand for reconstruction, the arUciew of Ben. IL 11111 .to the - contrary notwith i standing." ex-menihtr of Congress and an insurance 1;1:at had a lively fight of luny rounds. in EL Louis the uthevelay, Two rtMgtlei animated them from each, and from their xi - flitches and pocketbooks at the same tune. —A Boston paper administers the fill , lowing snub: "A local correSpondent ask:, when is the bust time to marry? II you most adikto the lists, good sir, the Witt time is when you ran. Arranze with It congenial leinsle zany, and go in." —ln one of the Reston turonasiums, where nearly all the members are from tho, taidentury walks of life, there are sixteen who can lift bOO pounds, forty whit lift 700, thirty-six who lift eta!, twos - who left 1110, two who lift 1,000, and one who lifts: 1,020 pounds. ,One young roan, eighteen years old, lifts 0:10 'wends. Several ladies lift 500 pounds, atriums maize. 750.- I= Oa Friday last, as our residua oil! ro• member,_ Representative :Norman 11. Judd, of I lli arils; fatroduced in ths House ttsolutiou giving "it prominent place in tho old Rail of Rerrresentativar, for the stone fro a the tomb of Stavin , ' Tut. live, sent here a year ago, by the people of Rome, eb commemorate the virmas - of Abraham Tile fact that such a stone, has been sent was not known by a dozen mem bers, and when the SeEOICLIOU had been adopted, and the day's session was over, Mr. Judd...vas overwhelmed with rogatories. It appears that the stone ar rived in Washington some ten months sgO, and woo sent by the State Depart• meat, to width it had been consigned, tm the White House. It lay in front of the Executive ..3lansion for several weeks, during which time it was relieved by servants et' hes boxing: IL was then taken inside, subsequently curried into the &lbw., and linaby placed (for safe keeping, it Is nreSOIZA:C),)in one of the coal bunkers adjoining theronm. Its inscription was seen by a prying vis itor, copied. and shown to 31x. Judd, who subseqoently -saw the stone. The resolution of Congress Concerning it was presented to the President on Saturday morning, but the latest report says that It has cot yet been feu iid(!) The warns e'st rriends of Mr. &Anson admit that the roost charitable supposition pieces him in a very awkward position. Itil.".WLI: married' couple from New York, who had been tithing town rela tives near Fentoiivllle,. Michigan, ware hying driven in-to take the cars a few -days ago. Witch within a short distance al' the railroad tanning they discovered the train rapidly apprnaching. The team wan urged forward- "at a furious rate, and the track nearly reached when the bride herante so much alarmed at the airno.it certain deatructiow awaiting them, that she sprung from the carriage. Tim momentum received from the flying team threw, her elf her feet, and she fell directly across the track, -while the pcmderona engine was:drawing fearfully near. With admirabh presence of mind, she, instead of attempting to rise, threw lter body around parallel with the -trick, and rolled off. to one side, and safely roiled out. of the way; ricking herself up, she --a sated for the dtpat, seme-thirty •• rods' distant, and arrived there in time to take the train. Mitts alludes as follows to the late General . Meagher`a wife: "Row noble a wife she has bean—with whet fidelity of warm devotion ohs has deur to the varying fortunes of her ail-- Hanel= erratic lord—only those could tcll'whoie ips must, remain silent under thelseal of social relationship. Reared is @milt, and as meth thinned and MI Ihwerl for her beauty" an Meagher bad hems to earlier days for his • groins cud gift or eloquence, she never faltered in her allegiance to the exile who reached. Ids highe,4 fortune when ho won her heart. Whither he went she followed; m his people becaeindeed her people, awl bia God the merle her Clod. We dare not write more upon Ills branch of the subject, though we write from au over flowing heart, and hues obey thoughts surging upward and demoting torte. premise." A 4 Gr err l'unu an L. ingukr trait of the Gypsies is reported by the Ihyton • Jouriatt. It seems that tome years ego a man named Stanley, the king or the tribe In this country, was boned in great slate in the Woodland. Cemetery. Since then, no matter where a - member of the tribe in' this country has died, the re mains have been conveyed to the same Place for Interment. Last fall and win ter four children of the tribe died In Texas, end the remains were sent to the vault in Woodlend, man a sufficient del. ea - talon from the tribe could be gathered to celebrate the ceremonies properly. The Dayton Journal speaks very well of the conduct of the Gypsies in that neigh. pvmsoNxi, tiiterutial ‘'Give 'em seven tn, Inorr to take it Lack, and he th ..111.1n, nff cheap." —Mr. ROCllef C, the Mcmichn al Wa!hinrt&a, wiil take, Ittill. post. of 31.inis',0. ut Stm , "l,l (:abinel. —Rev...Sucuucl 1 olzgrdio yr h a , engaged to preach month,. by The. dem Yarlier'u society. flu will begin iu Alit early autumn_ --itev..l. Eth,rd 8011, or Lthu First ilaptiat Cuurch, Nuw Loudon, Conn., Ls under ...culesriantieul trial [or plagiarism and 0 1 43.illitIZ, Itlnnr,y under iut=e prr ynce.e. —Mrs. Lander will VimirrlB,l Iv Inter 85 the Erigll,ll rival at Ithdori under the uist,ement of Mr. Pugh, of l'hilartel , phis. Mrs. Lander is now :it Lynn, MasB., and is said iii,ls• worth tilfiti,nori. -The vLit of Mr. Cave, the member of the English Puriitunent who is being lionized just now, is understood to be in COntleCLinil whir the interests of the Western railroad,. in r. hicii he is it spiel,. bolder. • —tot. T. T. liana, of Sl. Louie, Las prerttote.l to the Mercantile Library of . that city an autograph letter of General J•a:Lisin to Hon. tl. W. Catuphell (then Minister to ilessu), Written in and giving au-account or the capture et Pen sacola. • —lt Is expected that Bon. IL L. Grigs by, of Norfolk, who was a class.male at William and Mary College with .leiter zoo when Virginia NVIiS a colony under the British Crown, and who was a mem ber of the Convention of II ?if, will he i one of the speakers at the erection of the Jefferson statue ut Charlottesville, Va., October 7th. —The Princess Salm-Salim, who has become Blusirious by her courage and energy during the late days of Maximil ian, was some months With the Army of the Potomac, in winch her husband was Colonel of a New York regiment. Since the war they had been in somewhat straightened circumstances, occupying for some time a single room in East lloasion street, New 1:ork, its parlor, tltdrool/I :Mt! hitches. —Mr. Seyniur, who is about to leave the New York Times to cuter the New York publishing house of Scribner t. Co., has for a number of years been one of the most valued of the editorial coma of that journal. lie is the correspondent whose report of Blr. Wade', "agrarian" speech has rinsed such a controversy lately—the firs:, st is said, in which Mr. Seymour has ever been involved. Greene, the alleged wife poisoner, has exceptsi from confinement as Litchfield: Connecticut. The utter of for his recapture is accompanied by the fullowiug description:" Greene wears a sandy wig, thin face, front teeth falsc, :divot fifty years of age; wears a black felt stove-pipe. hat, black. frotk, coat, fashionable striped• pants and vest alike, with stripes on scam; patch on one boot with wide bottom." • . —Mr. Motley writes from Vienna, July ht, that his letter of recall had been delivered to the Emperor, sod he was to leave the nest day for Zurich. ills family v ill puss Ihu summer In Swit zerland, unit he will go to Loudon to superintend the publigation of the two enneludieg volumes of his llistory of the Netherlands. Thu health of his daugh ter will probably cause him to puss the coming winter in Italy. i i .„. enure "Of* it Eilltt• 'er. Cutlery sod Votelety , J.:U. St the those id ad. It Is their Intention Is keen nit hasieS • huh us sewn of HARDWAR s CUTLERY. 01211; mute. Reveiren POWs. Slshleg Toed, I. 21t.. 1 p 9 ? r e ' uL . 11 4.r7::% ° o C :1 g ffult ' O ' C ' /I)13 1 Vo ' 47; Toe %Oil/Till - CI, bard who recited yes. , Minute, users. Below se., Cattlen Mucus terdhy, in the Stichlonlan Theatre, his i ;' lld 7,t 1 r.TZ,11 1 j.,: . L i gt . "" l'. l C•llnellillt nrize , ioem on "Marie Antoinette," has : ~, u. li tunnr ma i . r missed the chance of a very touching Passage. An aged ecclesiastic presented himself a week ago at the Cathedral of Avighou, and idled if an old black chatable, which he described minutely, was ;till in ealstenvc. The aayristan recognized the robe ,by flee partiettlam given, and produced It from the seamy, 1 tybeinut on. his visitor, iu a tmxisport et .vencraman, quite iticomprelmutiblu to the racial, prt,scd the threadbare gar- . meets to his lips, and let fall tears upon IL Wee Ii a relic overlooked? The holynaint of Trcycs mislaid? 'The idLrls- • tan was puzzled beyond me a sure at this i devotion for a douewith garb; whlchwas too sollril awl tattered for any more ter.. vice. laying : aside the chasuble with . trorstss Pr lovirig cart as it ' It 'WC cloth of gold, the o ' l priest expiained that he had made 1 Gt . . It oat of Mc ;nat deoeS lellidi Slane A.u• lolardle hod worn at the Coucierg,ne. : Rot and Col ; In this silk that pair, brave lady.; whose . chief faith was that she was a queen, had prayed her last, prayer, and • the memory of one faithful' heart, at least, , sal outlived the strg.. 80, tiler all, ha. 'man love end devotion can eland went sad tear as well ns the thread Ton by a rworoan.--Lonrion T4clroph. A CUE IC WIT 0? Rol bbil!bbllA ?0 1 4A heat , ata, by parts WS !tear !Imre, utkcer %tie r.O cure the e• etre •bee, ?Ara •be bean.. ;trete ed every week. . the ter? prem. 1.1 ft, oh 11. t.rut,,l = =I ETIMMENCE hOl.llO. 'Ward '1 tc Ire 17 rrtsc.: I Ittx: thr tnt2 dA ) . :04 at JoBEPH FLEXTNG'S Drug end Patent Medicine Depot, I= = MEE ITCH, TETTER, ALL AIM knr.EA-E, Snit ilhevon Small tite'4. remptiont. 'SWAYAig.'S OINTMENT.' •rorCralea Swe'stie.• Ointment," "Col es Itelb In front rite 14 bear..." Plallarbrlpbra. obi). by D. blwrayno roill Ay M'CI.AP.MAN s .11•11SYNNA:r. K.l Marker. r 'TAO. A. KELLY. :37 W0..”1 TLEML`iIi. blartot su're.. A. TOa. ItkNOY... rth Sad Ylsket * 111,1.5t...rgb• MIUMS, Allerbern .. jr:rbr..!rrre ' NATIVIICAAJi FT. Nolan sip 4.t too much of tieture. The, trine whit their health and their COnstflathaliA. nail then are au rprired that they falt tick. The ,restore of eonst‘at mental or bodily !abet.' noon the animal Ig,w ere. Is tremendous. Veer •few silts tot att.! cfnl...ll,4Wort. 0511 hear rip eireln,t this protean ...stated. Add to this the ut.h,aittre In donee°. whleh lest ot.neeu in the ale we breathe, tee water we Arlaß, theta. shade. hrodueed at this seathti by the change f set the , error of *lnt, to t hew arvilh of sprier, and It would Joetti , o require almost superhuman pnur la teen In perfect health wlthatit twinkle, • log 111, ph, OICal anomie.. But how rettiforegn them? Certain', not with adulterated atime• lance. There Is to reison In the oaten alr• ur lu lb, *tweet hors Ofs,resen-hr.ted ork, i•oup, or factotio.. nu negoinutua as 11 4.• .1.. ally trizrnlng 001 , 14.. Why Oft stion liVsrEOil ISO 1.11,31M:t1 tidevryr tool PWllcat a NY. a. rare ,wham , nahie` •ooh , aor has e-or ea offered to !noble and noor lotto an Itsrta,ess tt• as ctlleTrZterd'eti.t MAtltt ' T.:lll2lfrat! 110 a. the. a•lu , an.l rtany. la new aatt.e meg., aud erurtded al Li II ohi ah 4.1 .05 015• roll sod poor. l• °zee at a rocrrzci ff: ...t Y., with, most grail.. trio, 00.101. PIN CS CANA DENSIN. A Lott arhton lc slincolaut - Gaunt. Nova ticutla, 0.1115 thomore noithcrn rarta of Inc New tools. /Mates. and In alto fiend In the elela/V1 and nunualdslocus roe°na of the !Midis platts, And abounds In roc:Dr:nal alrtuar. Dr, car., or Slocloca has Orconre / a mcdfolno from tho Anrtlet Inside .rt or the pine irrr. 0•51,9 1.. LAttlrii Wm rz riNkCOMTOUNI,. widcb Is on. Of Duo all debilltstad states or Mc h10n.91..11.•114 blot charm In all disc.. o mpenos =imbrues, tabling Ahem to 1 47 1 / 1 2 tbalr loot to. an/ enCrar. It will Ant men 1 10,11 alAptal to all Ow dlnemen, mot. 110000 hu be. tr t lrd •n 0 It le Ilternise wolf Inillad . 10 carpal< ¶OOOll/. 011155 n Intalltbla rocctllc old .4 deblilnAlAdesocs or &Alma. Ainov tor. sona ,ctoaLllretarnly took a botAl, of tot. ramll. clove. 19 DT. laltendowarda can. hack and lot • dotell. Or ball ease. whlrli•opcoiSo notch Corea of dlan.na of the Maidtz and blunt) of 'WA mtandlts. • Diaimicr. • Maud the) bee barn kinked mine' an acanna tbn torn rabic.). tmmedialcdprelli.red t. 7 It. trance lb. ccrlificale Or 'An tiatataari pit Urinal rola. lima arra. • " rbithrt the lae,en /Antra DPrpraintrarpt alaritidni Of le in Was and cnrmild luaanimation or nincrallan oi the bowini, In chronic ntruchai &foetid:la, nt , d d.crrir of rlicuinatiala.•. It la ea. cer-lincir vidnabla In aranclip afeCtinani nlor.ly attar. and whole tarn, la red pad retina ortilmcnt It C an tared without int.rrainina an nruai ave.:4olns: Itiatand prided.- lag. acid... • bmatac, bratibr power arcade. r'22'i7.,1'14 w... 41,‘, v5[4 . 1 . , '" ,t1i:1f. sat: 11 1 1091 NEW iIVEIATISEritENTI. WAY. 11INWIAM, Jr., Adam. Xrprinie pe,Cel /VIA efreet, la an auTheattert Agent to Mate Adman/manta forVxr Ortif/CTTz,cul CJ: °Aar papers throsiahata the Untied May / pee nueatne. - - ROBINSON BROTHERS, N 0.715 rOVITILI NTII6/LT.l.lltabnwsh. elpda of 17. a. MC) Ata ore weaved thaw/ eta eellltellreaa Ppede r A b L7Ol: 41:1 0 ): • 11kt...4,11 11.":„17..,'"i„N0n - WA F TY D.- be emede of tlue manta. at Bai ler, Beaver, Lawn nee Mama' Bed Wutilaataa. tete," aneeee, Iline °emelt.. . Pn°Pawalcr" _. ba.....n...., ,, Potateec • le e xes •• Peacbe.; a eels. rumen.. i le •• /Limb.; I . r' , " ei 1175... &stilted thl . • 4. 11.,.. ) r, A 1,10,71:011, j r , , . c.raa giirget 214 feet sine% PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE THURSDAY. JULY ,25, 1867 N LVJ AtIVERTISEIMUTS., PETEIni a PBOT EST. ANT EVIICOPAL CEIOR.Uti, corner or and (irant btreeta. rrld tv, rt.or...ned p . L NI AT. Jul. • n. b•rnc. 1r m. and • P.m. rirKgnmEnEws ZEnoND JIIVSFIL6 00A0ERT 711, .7T ;74.;262 itu,,Te tl ,T1,14arb.14," t.',7.t0, „ Las. L OT S FAR SALE.—FIVE c EU LDl44,l,arT, VI 4 T;4O:ntriI S P L IVEng ontorlalor one • iqllaTt In be Wan or said Iltane, and Ha ,s nnt Llt• blsiton On Use renns•lvan 1.4.11r0.1 W I t sold lOre On: ' For o•1114,Iar , enThro or ELI, TZti.riteg,` " I EN(41.1F , 11 D GERMAN JOB PRINTING, alvt ERRETT, ANDERSON & CO., No. 84 Fifth Street I'ACE'CUATAINS Wit tkulmiceg Vestibule Lace, IVorsted Damao • FOR SALE AT VERY LOW PRICES. BY WHITE, ORR.4t CO., 25 Fifth'itreet. .ELEGANT MARION_ AND anSNY outo" No. 11 litellTll AVE , IIE. Al_ 1 • TY CID eV XV s INC July MU:i. at a t e elect. erlll he sold. on secnntl th.oeol thautoceetal help* Room, emlthtleld 'lama. that contforsahle two-story o clot ...ell -150.17 !loom avenge, Le.o. School s rest. fe/ eahetre inte r c..ttletulths l ee rooms cod loth room. The house le well Ithlied sod hot tso. cotolltloot god wet.. throuehout: sell cold Water In bath rtlOyn , kllcben and Wash home: pert:hewn,. marble topothh stand Itt the root room. 't be lot Is'N (yet IS - lathes frogs by tot In thmth too •11,10ab7 untatneuthi ground. (root. and shade and fruit try.. I Thle btanttfol eftuatlon couthtapos a lingt Ylaw of tut litres and tut mastery. eelln se cure ad caul... , of pule air. The Kt hecc• cars run eel Ulla a half egg tee of the prom:... Tereus—Thee-half cash. OninnYe in Otte a+d two 7...te, wpb lotereet. rossesqouelt.-a lame thleer, Thee* wlehtne,gre !netted to slew she A. AtcIT f WAIS.E. Anetloneer. COMPRESSED BUNGS . el APAISTBONO,I BRO. & CO., Alanuteelerert and ragessle Dealer. In MACHINE CUT CORKS, Plugs, Taps, ltilsb Moss,-Pilch, RUSIN, !SING I.Ane. he.. he., ret Nem 1 7 Z hl . 125 Th. PM, Pliteborgh. IRON i CITY 'EMERY CO., N 0.3 St. Tit' Street. Melon peretmeh et ANDRICW 111[1:63 the H. M. LO G & CO., 11 \LI FAL Vfirll3 PURE WiIITE OIL, Brand--" I lICIFER." Omce; No. 3 nu nuae Way. CtM==! Mal j,pMeaieeue nu ur WITH r 199 Water, & c., Fy e•M'r:.u.+A JOHN ..<,m. ~,gym.,. . TATE , Gas 4. titer; Pturober on 227 Liberly Stree Pittsburgh; and i t, Allegheny. 59 Federal Eire CITY . COLILY. ING AGFA CY SMITH, SEIT N & SEITON, Local Colloc! 36. 6 NT. CLAIR ' 1 Agents. ; itE ri. r I=! EMCEE! 4 '" le Lalen fat rottenly; tilt ate ;sot eel itttfa• DIE AMERICA] 0., I& a - rat rr. L tl ntoch oT ICc cstle Ors. CAL 11 , .:* per at 'M. a 1 sad 0 rents. 11. , Ron. , A at PISSCUVr. ...14 . 5.c.et. by b.,- . I 10.1,71,7.4 Tuz AMERICA .. TEA C 0.., EMIT! MEI= This•seell truer:, Com slice fn.% TE I 4911 k is a ;wlll.l oad eo . n, to eh, • Yo 1)Vqa3:72 . 1 TINE AmEalcA ,ta tier tukr teiha o just n+relrrd mad try M.o. TEL CO.. =IMMO EITEIII Their 'toasted I •onrcei at 35c., 12=!M=I PROPOSALS ILL BE RE- P. 4 1111 1 511vbz4v4 •74 . 2,1; coo In Dt.4-4.1 OS I 41 , A. nuolll.allerao CAM be othadred et the ofd ,of Ilan, A Mo.Clc. AIA.ItA• I S. Ato 2 41k41 4 eller "mt. M al .k. be left Ittl soy °i11... urtrettol. au the ;lath 141.4.4441. 4A§A/ Z Rae". 1Y%:a17 A. A. A49IJA Z. NOTICE.--)1011 RT U. LEERY, • al the Caw of All el...ay. MaCtllBl3T. , twine by death dated Juba ad, 1517.'osalsaaala all la • en de mid •ff• et. tome 1 al UN A 4.114 ends flredllera ell p.m.* todeloaed to \Latta oolle ed to Ia•AP lathoellata voylaenl. one town blr lae elathle wet plea. p.thaas the thole at my taftr i e 6 Ada. Or.ot nreetaL . tb . 7 (;:m g r i. v . tts- Assts., e of U. U. iodLy• 11= cu zscr. 9ITEE V OF TUE WASH. naATT,I4II. of aaarythod. with PATENT WASHING FLUID watch, wherever latrudervel. bat met vrlth vvrral lIT.Y.CEAN, will he oz.vtirtAcotfsreq. 1,13:c13 •Wroled • A & CO.. 9% Fourth Street, rnhll•ncre Of 0511111.1):8 , D iM'a /Stlif i tig% BUILT On tiIt•MAAIII. JLNI; 447 a I.ll.4ilArliViir/..K'BOV.l.7llTAragitig: tented In all It. lorms; A I.ntle stint of cern. T10:1E/a non.tantlr on haud. $15,000 TO LOAN,N bN ROND AND 111011TO/kpli. C 3.. 2.3Ervanir, * No. ea $m1110161.1 Street. Seal .Cettie bougAl Red sold. NoTi Gr.—Parties knosving tbetntelves fodcbt•d to . DU: JOON 1 1 1.1TV111.1111110N. will tall an 4 settle their seconota Natio the rat or be al r sad wt. it costa, ap all unpaid Who srl I al.n Solt tow amnia of an •tuarnow to , Ju •Hll Mill linUni• 111110•10 erwel.try. FeuMi r He •imethda e RUNDAY • NUEIOOL Tli/hh. PION led, Lit NN44 I%l=lM. AO.. faralahr4 with the heal LCC. CELAN. CONTACTION ARIAN /141.1113, ' At the beat toil:cull au thushort , tnottea, by a-Erx.axtras ra.tcasswsztrii. No. 16 PLANONA). a . leN4soo ---•— plioPot4Ats will be received A 6 on or bonne OATUILII,Vt " toe Mink •N U ttroN VrOlitt.sod the PVT. UNDitit Ittglr or the !Mir . U. r. Ulf ultnif, olteettenr. flee nod Liner Ideation. tatty be seen at th e tool rp or d. DI. he brit corner or federal tool nl • er Jr 6 .tr. • IIiLLILIALE CENIETEIitt. • All toaslaca4 with the Coreoratl,ef eece - dHow. • Jyligon AMU ticurirm. kiirlriltAiliViiiTkil TOR 6.ILLZ—AII the 1111686.4, 3i ' llsg4l77 " a l ;lgg, !2. " lrert.:ll " " list • 7.0 toll p•rateulnra ldro•r . W LLCE WALKER, 6401:. Thlod 111. prtaLlc NOTICE IN ISEINEHT 'GIVEN mot soy wire. ILLLIC:I OULLIVAN, bseiss ‘ withooe Jost cativo or brossestlost.l4l. Oil two sso boon, l not es sespoosabis (Jr stil debts of her eontroctlog, sad I Denby Wistel . 41 Per. obe Wt to lULtbot hey ea sor seeonOts • • • Jorihr OULLIVAX,. Jereoes: . •• PrablesTfrooshlP._ • _ 0 41'8 S OATS 3 OATS I .- One reir,PrOne Oats, /or role h 7 ottani Rem Jr., _//I_ll_l2l ni Liberty at.. foot or a...atlt. a m A to DELTING.-- I te keep comantlf op hand a fell Oath et th e L .------T la er..te'lth t aanaz =Ms mite L aft , as s :J. ra . pc ethe. wamut e n 66 , J.. .. . . 4.4 1 .11. 012 , 1;1~1.. LACE LEATHER. the Wit / r.t...0f A:mtg. ". ;33 . ‘ ar" " N 1,EV../. 1 90 OVY I 4 b 2. 2 e. ATO-11103:111,41Lai1 ... 4 1. AB A FIRVE MATIOGANT DESK EcMkt& rot an-mt,c, catinlll4-room 'or Ing, nnl4 1uw.14,40.. by 46.. M. nuosvx, ~ II s Firth &rya. ME FOR SALE, LEABC . OF BOX FACTORY, .th I.l.rbitterl. l!tralres. ac. ? e V!1. 1- b Gait:kr parprulAss 4.13 Cetiraltelt.3. tte h n roans. FOR SALE—one .matt Frame /Bowls tad Lot in the MI , . Ward, /01tote: 11. Us,. lll.db..ter. I Toe lot Is :40101: 114 west, well Also. s. o, boat,. and I , dl snd vso.nt 'oll In ssoICIU• ItAXIMET r•tnia :of Lt., et Ate,. /!ilexheuy: PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED re.pect- lalle aarlounee nal (bey hare Thrilled a Co. Pa;Luteebta Joe lb. transhelloa or a e 11...! 10111 - DUBIN EhT, at No. ¶l2 MARKET mlui•.p:r. u u4er the name geq atltr of G. SCHLEITER & cO 111= I= MB= A FIRST CLANS FARM FOR SALE! Tne anion...bee oder. (or the the term en ertliell he ittisin.. in Divot., county. W. On, tercel inane ea. etenbe..eilte.. n the With Toni tent mile. from tne Uhle river. and lAA: °nide]. (tool the rathendin Rehm.. Thn term contain.. 3 . 20 ACRES or land or the drat quality. 2'o acres cleared and 9trial ad lit grab. t o retbsneor Is wen alto barn' and has coal in abundance and planar of running • a cr. and is an under fence. glie bundlags are a r large Two-Story Brick 1101116 C, A good TENAVT , 'L ochn er T LAM!: /11•11(dIlteti• and of etasole room and elicit,. load,. for KO snoop, •nd Mt.+ b i nd Malt, IS UN Y'M IMM, ot chnte Linde, and Went Of o'bor trot, Toll le one of she on , st dc,iratic Urine In tbe doubt, ...thy even Ullny Into consideration, sod a a groolny rall , tl to tsnequaeti I , le er.overinn, to bc , onle and of carious tl.non•lneon end In good oclabbr booth his mod s t allthilnuf. end I.es well for eivlslOn Into two yertlona If Ocrlral•le. I= WILLIAM PITTERSON, SOX 'VAT. WITIIBENVILLY. Omo. _ DISSOLVED,. THE, PARTNERSHIP hereto- fart CIBUZIK odor U Lt.. IIAiIILTON d Ideti era,alonolvon be moioat emulate OA the Mb !net. Tzlo boa:tou of Aral trill to se tried UT JAP..K. HAM iltt/N, Jr. It retiring tro. gold eim I oar: wily request my teo p.!. and patron to cootie.. their batronarge In favor of my late partner. . I/. W. IIeICE.F.. Pitlalmr.ph July 21. J. K. HAMILTON, Jr., House and Sign Painter, Ka. 133 TI MD WERE= rilltelmargh. Graining, Glazing and Gilding =I auxin) rimer% vArmsax.s. rum. ut.A.ss, Timrxsn.rix. ‘rHiTZ LEAD. ZINC:, A.c. THE OLD, OUIGINAL TEA STORE ! FRESH ARRIVAL OF Tonna Arson. Old Arson. IlopeN W. Gunpowder, Eng. Breakfast, Congos. Penchant, natant:. Oid Country Black, And Japan 3311 .A. f 3, ALI. or TIRE !MST 61A LII No. 20 Filth Stroot. 61713 SHEPHARD'S CRAd=ltS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH. PA DISSOLUTION NOTICE.-THE Inn of HAILI,Pr. J. CO. Is OA, Any dlsaahhrd br OnaIta11•io- and noonsl• easo!nt, !LOIN R. WATMJNollsposls; of Ws Interest Slit zttaalatag varAcat lanwiag thenagla,a laacbtad la mai arm aN alrata call and make Itatuactlalt. pattla t. Sul all parsons Lat lag alaltat alit peetant . WATSON, at ottr LONG, a 3 rtatrat strtett• =11!!=l!!!1! ♦lk{Len, City, , TIV etl BAILIFFI • BROWN & CARSON, Gas and Steam Fitters uncap riTTED ticit Walcr, Gam tt; Slearayipcx 10 Q, LiS 71.c.c!Leraa VIA Al= C. CI. .ZLI.ArMC:P. UXALItit LY Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, 111122..4351X1. 1717.A.N1LE1, AND French Clocke;&c. 81K , /.1 atteni,. Ol,c. to Uu JL1•AIR1141 0/ TINZ wazonse. 22 *'dUh Sired. eoh covens lc. a nert oft nu at the coneeince the telawaru lisp wan the Atlan tis beets. It berome• rot scrronaded by isli lessor, hence larered by centlnnal creases note tr.o ars. The wet furnishes • beaottfol vlese of the Ocran, 141avary• Ilsy. sod Pletbresque at Co. tatty. taking v ape lleolonen 4••l.netly at 0 1 ,, tatess• itcen lades. Tee brave is Ur. etl Ittsonlsed t et o surpass • ny other point upon the tlant cosst, cost)Vibe,n, compact sand artnett IL wines so eat/ that CT= 11PM can twee. with security. added • these ettrectlona lithe fact that the chest ea, neon ltd. ye Int readers the wale, vadvarsti.elyvutn—s point not to he overl.loku be mune, secalx twalut re It De,. bathing. the from Phltadv/rada to Cane lelabd ST [humorr•C d lln e t' * by t e% I..eriot: the ' raeiptree IM travel prior ' Itso a to u or aye must &le...wry ebaranter. The tritypl hat Hotel and`t..trilloa•boase a ealell2o.labbni for about ts o ew an.' pmonS. The leadllla Hotels see the Colombia Ilcuee,..lth thrl.TON Y pp:state/pry Consee4o 11011, wish .1. AKE as 7n.d:VPhoWmaol: asn'Seent al ilirenUeliaell wave vrell r•lantattnna as hotel rasa S . B. 1311ICAN, BROKER BONDS, STOOKS AND DEAL ESTATE, Apollo Building, Fourth Street. • Pone.na and rata oa cothattutois SAUK 60111111111 the EIIOPM., EOM; Rank, Railway, • Inthrance,lllning A. other Stocks, Orden Ohl% and Bo to n nook Hoards by telted at the New York, Yhtladel .:t... at z.barmilar rates at CourtuLestou current e to too.. tit 9 JOHN 'MONEY ! FOUNDRY, Carson t St., 9th Ward, near A. V. 11.WG/AOTBIZII or - Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds, Balling Ell and Hackie* Canting; generally. JOBBING WORK prtnungla attended to. Ur. der, solicitea and exclall7 and satistactorhy executed. • Jet --- IPHOLTZSALL DEALERS AND Commission Merchants in FLOUR: PEED, AND PRODUCE DENERALEY. No. 555 Penn C 34... rmantican, PA. InTM% O.C.i/.0( J. U. 1.11317.1.1.0 M'M ASTER, CAIIANI & BUTTERFIELD, Atllgneys & Counselors-at-Law, AND SOLICITORS IN BANKRUPTCY I . II7.IIIVIZUH, FA: Office, tritiltAAT STREET,. OfilTY 713111.1.LTILIVIAL. ME] WECYTICM. J.MILIERS. cor Errata, HOPPER C 0.,) Having sold hl. interost to Wit. U. WILT. on +Lett' 'let. ectitros hem the Arm. and Otr. RUT. enters as seamier Iron 'hat date. lhe mutest the licatirill reuialu a. weal, and eon. Unseen at nude old Matte, Ns.. 43 SKII/IFLELD . • lure Taxaatrosa•rt rtrerei. I PlTteecouo. Jane Ittb, rec, NOT/ICE IS. HEREBY.. GIVEN toee T. it of the City Or to urett that City Tr ann. rs note raad . E to emir, at Ms o.tate,. No. va foal Cr Tate*, co - .throb • dikeolot of PI VE pahiv II tar reAr., e up to the IST DAN OP Qurk • CITY BUIL , DINOTAS: And Itis.NTs. Inle T tga t ir. 4 =AV forrnja l "l"d", Jernalls B. AI.DIADAR, Trtomir,', NOTICES. C . ,-1.7"". TILE ViTEDInt.T., IN GOLD, w i A TED. TWO FIRST CUSS COOKS, am the YINAT Mtn:WAGE EtrN US of ate t PACIFIC NMI (OWL • Dee A1, 1, 11,T 1 , 1, 1,, valil , •t• prer,rl,l.terL-4.0 Istlon Iltr• coupon• th.tcbr, lt.••• I.laaltlca . 1 ••1' 1,17 . .,ta1 . "4:?13—( Ar!nl7Tls . 2111 • . • D LT..vt0n(1.1.1% co.. - ...... FL! In cash, If ..I.llce.etlnla.aw .c o , w in r , t °crier sto trcl.en -53 rm.:Wm:6x ri.nez, 'Now „, ,wt• liebr,•, Irea i,t0Pnt"...11,m,1, shoot•-•:, &Lid after Ow !ale. tl~tulv,l 1C1•1 1 • WTI .T. PAT.KELL tai-r, UNION REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION Thr VOlEl[3O e l,,, r;ree, , ,.,:strgt to meet a 1 11, u‘alti Saturday. Au:3,qt 31s1, Andelect Ti 1 1 ELEGATF.8 f - oen each oleo tlon Owdort n i:nontv nErtfr.lt I; elt at no:slot:: a. ro.. for the t‘nrdole or nomlnatlnz caodldc, , - I. Se., cod •moso of not.ret.,l•Me; or rettn9lvanto. and trz.notls g such all, bto-Ineas an mat Me Wo rd , El nal rr.2naections 1 10 the Towntldps Cal t . hel , ,toven mu hours of [lsm. aud 7:,9 . , 7 1 , • st • and 1a . .., 1101ovhs and Fttl.e: „, I hell 1, 110,,ar0l In tne. ton.adhlys by JL/'OR 11. MILLER, chain:Kinn s. 51.c.a.axLc, • COAL. COKki, Sze. pIITSOURGII NATIONAL COAL & COKE COMPANY. Miners. shipper/ med aczlcr3, whoterAlc and re. tall, In the BEST FAMiLy COAL, NUT COAL AND 2LACK °Lice nad Yard—Corner FU .A.NI) 2121 f STU ZiCia, innuLafiti. rni • Ali Alex, for iUltliory,trlnc hitm t il 12. ' .716W/.0 XL, • BEST FAMILY COAL A fif Rya on Land nailkdellvcronl promptly to order, AT LOWEST VAREET BATES, BY OSCAR F. LAME & CO., Saghtki Street ad P. Pt. R. t O. Ulm, ILES Y CITY. Anthracite. 0.1 lraalbh..l at Ma to wart rates Jct. Wil• X. CLAN XT.. X. X. lIIIVNICLLX WM. M. CLANEY, & CO., Gas Coal Works, AND r°ratei -11 Twma ., Attla , A ,, X 0 H7.aurge.agee tadee, B Pltteb endLOOK B VBlllltitql7filtl. Y. toeund story Pitoburg daring uank Bundler. comer Lite rty street and Virgin uller, Pittsburgh. tiitANUtl No. 5 Liberty street, ceder Penn'. It. Br. oPPee BO Beebe [Better-et, Plttuberge. aetleoruer An derson Bre tlsne P. P. W. V. It. P... Alberhegy. all orders It 11•1•11.11 el of the abate places voll reeclve prompt attentluu. bargee COALI COA.LII (*ALM DICKSON, STEWART & Hating removed tbd.r UlDea to . NO. 561 LIBERTY STREET, (Leto!)CU, Poor KM) SECOND YTAXtft. Are now pretured b formish good Yougnicotheny LOOP, Di UT COAL OIL ISLAOIi. • &title lowest market peter. hyrtatt orders left at Melt °Mee, of . addressed to Mem lttronsk the mall. mill be attended to promptly. - mysiMo COAT FITT COAL cotspjury —thlppers and dealrni in Superior Family land Stearn Cad, Not Coal od Slant, general second story l'lttaburrh Orrina• Bank Build ing.an comer LlSerty street d ' , atria alley. Branon °Mee. toner Try and Trani tn.+, Pittsburgh. Ord.., lerl at either of the alone plate. Will receive prompt Nitration. POstoe‘ce *dare. Ito= 687, Wit 1.20gh. _ . • - OLIISC1025: , L J. J. OIL *.1:51,5, • IL L. /555155055.• 5. flettni 1[5.52, 151/... 5.15.AUT. 1.1551105.. HMI, JAS. 54/553011555. W 51.555 Urrisr. Jolcm A.m. LrcarS 55C, J. J. G1LL55515.511,ayA0t. I T -. IL Ir er salaiiil, scei. S. klrA,eam. W. W. CLANS" a CO...lllaumers, • 1•1:04 . CHAIII . JEB TOOGRIOGEINI&COHALIZVILLECOAL And Ma astaccure• of =;IMM=I . . Cone , of Nutter and Consul lint stud an Lib erty and Ulmer streets, Ninth ervd, and on &mond street, near Lock No I, nuttiest Pe. latillSes wad Stseursctureis esnril.ed we test lutlole of Coal Or Coke at the lowest cast! rats. Orden left at any of theta canna will nears prompt ataaatlon. PLUDIBING. GAS FITTING. N. , 8. BIDDLII Praeliesl Plumbers, GAS AND STEAM ,FITTERS, RIVER BULL bet. Rubin and Nutt • lieNcltzsrrat, PA. /late on hand chandelles. Pendants. k - a ke a n Lead l O d r a Lesl, sGums Il ea. . LeadrPnNa. Nix..., Binh, Water Clowts. gait 1 Pout an• ale nips. klkgraalle (Wu. 14.111.1 Drala Pipet .r Sew,ra. Ali work wur,t,l to give wvastaction. C. W. nczna: —. BUERKLF. & MILLER, . PLUMBERS, GIS IND STEIN FITTERS; Beer arid Ala Com; all /lad. of Veer and Ale Cara HyOrattra. Pomp* .laka Cri..36.11. Beth rUb., Ow, Ruse, Ilartoe Warr, Sc. MCP, SOO 02tio . 101 - z•lsert, (Armor* Its; I the and Ehutort $1.4 //LUAU/LENT CITY. PA. Mouses Ittr/ up With tosa and Water at short If °Me. Jell:t0/ • 000. C. SPAN Olgrat Imunrunr. SPAIiIGLIM & 'BRADFORD, I. II..AELOTIC3.ELI A Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Mo. 41 Ohio = Haunt fittedup wi th and STrittal by experienced *metre. Pertteener attention even to ciitn try wort It •ti nod ALI YUJell . 4, LC.cst tityllate Jo= u. coon:L.-am cvng;....zrzwxy JOHN M. COOPER it CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, )tanufactarcrs of rubies AND IMAM WOHK, of ...eery deserlption•. dealers la GAU FIX ' MILS AND 7IIBIAO, of all Moos. Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURCH, PA. myla:eD PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, • GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, No. COO 'Z'oxi.xi Ilattroot, PTITISIIIIRGIE, PA. • . . Cistern and Wel rumps o I all kinds. Boum • kited up edtti Oar and Water. In the =out ay: Wowed inyte. by experienced ircrkumn. Special attention Pad to country Work. ' tuynitlii. • P. L. ATWOOD-I=IOM SOMes..3. WCISTSSiT. ITIVOOD & M'CIFFREY, BRASS FOUNDERS,. • STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, Core of 3rd and Liberty Streets. Abora Carroll A burders. Pittabirrah. Penna. Want and Item Cutiroti pramitly to order. Special attention bald to tin tit li ng out arid r ont of 4 o nerinelies. bleanaboasa..blolllna Agents for A. S.Cameron & Co.'s STEAM P UMPS Alia) BLOWER ENG There Pump. bore saperiOr adesooNre..”ro, aim., .4 GYM ups is WIIIITS24OO i 0 give marl. action. Pumps oonetantlr an Mad. foLkolO ELEuizaw & Jowl:Km, Pltunbere, Gas and SMamFitterg, /117211 STUMM LITENDION. IP.ICTWASIMECESPLt3rIEt. .1.1-• by sanll ex... Led ntlaractortly ito Yrrany:atenv i !wit. vr tic°llt . r. frt m zobilta7 pat r on by mall prompt. beltnigatolayerydeocelDtiob. TIN HOTTER AND fri!OUTDIGI. • On tkolad and int 4pto order. Ebeet Iron And Ctipper *are _ Nada to ardor, of GSA FTOIVA House Furnishing Store, arocaereaßltrocrt. the " Naar Railroad Depot. Alkitten/ Citi. Bt[ , o or Union roltea rot.t__Wa %wry"' 31 aU r. VAL z.,. 0, umlaut., MAW R= mow; LOII6HREY & FREW, Ilan moved to No. 31 Market St., "comervi ticosu.) rirrinu""' fl , dRaY are prepared to =salatae:ors all Saddles, Barnes, 'Friuda) Aid all ssr.ele• 1p tzter Mao ow:ay. kaPt taileelass cititalettmesto. • o== cl arna.t4l,oll3luz any 5,1.: car uldro•sor.poly to J. li. Jo. N-TON. Ve..trrn Com gores. colon; Penn W A NTE JULY COLD COUPONS, And Compound latOreat Notes T. BRADT 41:iCO, .421 corner Fonedt sad Wait] Sri. u - WANTED—Men In Salesmen deptrunent Cr NM...al An •1111041.1012. Appli Sl now, to - IL H. cUBR.I*. ne,l,l,ti Of A espeittlo2. DlAmood Street. PlttAtimrgh. FOR RENT p LET, TWO SMALL HOUSES, one orwlitch Is ei-tirely se, eltivee the nixth Ward. on Prospect ',teeth. between Logan and faltim Wert, oppi,lta the kowcrisrairr Lawn. Ilen.intre on the premier.. razreo•xlmc. FOR, LARGE ROOM, 4th story. ltt GA Z ETTE 0 mut.. For particular. tilqUlr• ot 11.11 All BECKER.. ar at ItAZCTTE 0.1.1 NT LING ir*:t4 CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS.i&O. NEW CARPET STOKE, F4Flin ARRIVAL of B. #0 .4EL r2m.rita ; NKW I;ATINIIN IN Tapestry Brussels, Body Brussels, 3-Ply and 2-Ply. Tapestry Ingrains, A Full Line of. Straw Mattinge, ri,Ar.t, CHEMED AND FANCY. t/Il r ega s g. " moss will do well to Alva,. ull. BOVARD. ROSE & CO., 111 MYTH NTLEET. (mond root.) m7^(:v7LhNo.T over Rate. Al WIN. HAVE REMOVED: IR'CALLU6i BROTHERS, gam r, q , ztog r aTz iiiannt ! ad non. No. 51 Fifth Street, A new line of all new an 4 de:arable patterns MEDALLION VELVETS. Velvets, Brussels, T.4I.EBTR 11:111LI8RELII. A large a n d choke assortnient . or Piano and Table Covers, WTI; COMA 111410 EINB LID IMS, Cola Mailmsoni, • THREE PLY AND TWO -PLY '•lngrains, Led every variety of law priced Carpeting BIeCALLUX BROTHERS, .3s, , vt.b.isitzein ot. CARPETS.. • OLIVER • 311'CLINTOCH & COMPANY, HAVE JOINT OPENED For the Spring Tra.de, ',Tbef tiplendld A:x.2=MS of NEW CAAPETS, Oil Cloths, Shades, &c. ♦ttaatloa Is called to oar MT stook of EIBUIDIPAD TABU AD Pall) COM Great - lieciine iss Prices. swriElimarm BARGAINS LN CARPETS, I • ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, REDUCED 25C. FAR YARD. . BRUSSELS- CAR I PET* REDUCED 25e. PAR Tamp. • 1/C.471111a and ItelClt.lrea CHINA MATTINGS, REDUCED To Wel PER. YARD. Heavy Reduction In Lace Cwialns, . And manta other good fficPARIA-TIV & COLLINS, Nos. 11 and 7 8 Fifth :Street. Next to U. B. Cnetenn Rouse mod Post Mee, !w -oad Floor, over Henry Miner' , Book dash. James:au: a&v.P. iz 3 aWf a tiCeSAlEW: lit7o Dow BEDEcikarvED 431, nomlabia; ball' cabman a4ventrooneata of /ate. " VlVl l =Oltil7_ 4 f leliv " :lVr teen Taiga Itil:oWaakbo 'lg4:l6° 2 4 .1 - o. 1013 .309fela. oltre.e.t. saylo3a3 above bralatkeld. G_BOVEII & ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK:STITCH Sewing litachi-nes An THZ BEST for I rmrill7 and Y 1 eutactortat Dumont. oao and aee them at Xo. 105 SIMS 0t14•4G GET NONE. RUT A GROVER & BAZEIt ray a Llolldar UM. It Is milable, paean..l tholafore the best.. ➢ee't raft to r.il std malls& NO. 103 11ITN wr" .bore I N E ; -- Ii&ELNESS & Mild= shoulases the ea. CEOTHI I BAUR 4 1 MIMI bath% But,. Caring elsawbore. 11 Ls the bort tort/Ha o.se. /or Welt .NO. 103 nrni Imam' exwermithileM TIIE OBOTE/1 & BAREII - Is Ma MMu a slt Thule of lidetazdan. Plain and examM as NU loss rrs—n Biarzr. • arr , :nas • saave elitltha .cIII2IIA WAREINOVSE. RICILIRD BREPID '& 121 EIZENGIOJECTEcsus. No. 100 Wood Street. dr,Tyr4Mtantfira aliaTl3l;4:: b . pravit.hr. I 21 de gat:6"BrP4 p. CHINA Vltnoictc tUtr at lll 7.(r Ns* ,,yr row; LI LAVA. wain u r" • 'P " LAVA VASES, ENGLIVATV/ilt WILL of all esztedts mut wholesale and retail trade. 21to lav and most unaideta atere.k ntten7 tagfieLL%..4llALltb4:lo. TO ROUSE. BUILDERS, AND CONIVAMTORS. The lateen use riment of GRATES,! all Sizes; I Cooking Ranges & Stoves, a Mae VERT BEST QUALITY. L6r tale et rEnr LOW` PIiICEB, Br BISSELL & CO., lerda No. 93/1 LIBERTY ST. Tim CHEAP HAT AND SHOE - .1 1L . 0153DMIXAtlf, ?match! Betel] Dealer to BOOTH led581:11eS, HAM and ' , LPN Z. SI Cato eTalre, leghne City. No weereehm Le I. two :1 Mies ff,P.11:1. ° U,1.,, 1- I,lo=ellllM2 - dnat thaws and ...moral.. Yr. tilmnaar.ax Is stab - dealer. eeateat with reasotstas proms. slut 4.tennined to after pelt baryon wen eme lavor kla with tall' Pawnee.. ;WNW