The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 25, 1867, Image 1

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3 ercbrorteltairos i
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NB& Si OMR U FIFTH snurr.„
leak &W ail er Tester' . Penijhua.
Aurozerr (FITT.
, e i i r . i.,,,.. r...7 .. ; ;E i .55 Mz . zrrz. 0 15 0. •
man Bub, -
tjleilittOtttnt ef,k;itte
los Tax ,hOOOinteDATION or Prothea lent
'log the city during the eatemer mouths
they cue hare the Gthrrra trailed to their
addreu, by ordering the elate at the office,
for fitteell cents par week' for one meek or
. Tug PRESIDENT,. it IS DOW announced,
has concluded. not to remove Oen..Slier-
Wan.' The refusal of General Thomas .to
take the place may have bad mach to do
in leading the Pr i esident to moderation.
- It is, alto, 'sand by the President's
friends that, instead of resignine, as be
threatened, s he has - put mild° his objec
tions tai the Reconstruction Acts, and
means to carry them into execution.
Considelring how intrinsic and funds.
metal ids objections to those acts were,
this compliance surpasses ordinary
The isma of adversity begin to be men.
'fen In - -the President. The people a
clearly against him. Instead pf treating
Ins ten veto mesinges with the respect
he claimed to be duo to them, Congress,
conscious of its power, quietly provides
for carrying Its' own will into effect.
The Generals who led the Union armies
have no confidence either in his stater
manship or in his fidelity to his honors-
Me pledges. Tile greater part cd the
American people evidently remember one
of his former speeches, in which ho de
-dared, with the . rough vehemence peed
liar to his 8414.41iter-roan prates about the
Constitution, spot him for a traitor." •
There - la an umionquerible feeling that
the people are greater than their institu
tions, and may do therewith as they will.
Constitutlems are, Indeed,' valuable, as
embodying the wind of the nation, bat
that mind changes, through uniform pro
gress or by the violence of extraordinary
events. Constitutions will certainly be
made to change as
It in probable, motiol er, that the Pres
ident and his cohort of placemen have
been forecasting what the Presidential
canvass now approaching may bring
forth. When-the Prophet found the
mountain would not go to Min, he sa
gaciously made up his mind to go to the
mountain. '
Tits action of tha Neu York Genera
Comnfittee la nominagng Ganeral Gran
fer the Preeldency; was evidently taken
after deliberation andnpon conaultation
with prominent republicans in different
parts of the country. For severalweeks
past matters have been shaping to this
end. The General felt it incumbent on
him to relinquish the neutral position he
long maintained. When approached by
'lli. B. S. Cox 'with overtures relative
tothe democratic nomieation, he gave
that gentleman to understand that his
opinions and sympathies did not run in
that direction. In some of his . official
acts he went farther, fully endorsing the
`Tteconstinction Policy of Congress. In
his late interviews with lchding Repub
licans, he has expressed himself without
reserve, and to their complete satisfac.
• don. This nomination at 'New York,
therefore, may be taken as significant of
thenovergirig lines of preference in the
Republican ranks.
sizatestratuu day or two ago that
the abundant crops of the present see
' son, came at - n'petiod to relieve many
embarressments that have been pressing
with Krell severity upon all departments
of industry in this country. A contem
porary gives a oomparison of the crops
of .the present year and those of 1860.
These statements arc not absolute, but
approximate ; yet they may be taken as
sufficiently near the exact mark to serve
the purpose for which they are intended:
(Sops is 1/190. •E'4,l3.olaird Crap. fa 1%7.
Cott s. ores. 4 (Mt 0 , 0 bate. 2.. , 0n,.10
Lue.• 04,
Corn • 07.111.1 , 0.1, I 2.4 , 0 00
Nye .... 21101 nye
Vete— ....... . 17:3•.:.1Cfp.0.s
tidy ... :3.00 no
Truct - witeli . :: octw . r.. ca
P+t ooes.,us 11 . ,144.111C•P...t0es ...f 15100 .01.0
1D5....1,1 NI 27%111ntn, 1A... I ].o rtcet
1:b.e...... ...... 112 OBO.IfO
. ......
~u•{ - • • .....
. 1 1 :::arto V.;;;l7acc!
n~. • w~:.:aa. rat er
/ 1 .7, Uns. to %1,+12.1.r. Was..
Tan business community are at a loss
to know what necessity exists for the
nes/fifteen cent fractiodal currency now s
about to be issued by the Tressurf De
partment. The ten cent notes are not
by any means scarce, while the market
Is absolutely drugged , with the nickel
five, three, two and one cent pieces. We
imagine the new issue is designed to
confer the doubtful honor on• Gen. Grant
lot having his likeness on the new notes-
After the currency becomes ragged, gm
' sy and worn out with Its engravings al
-most undistinguishable, the compliment
of having one's face appear to such
advantage fa decidedly questionable.
i Tax iesper,table number of- surviving
members of the old Deniocrstic party in
'New YOrk City am about organizing for
• .VigOrOrtS "reconstruction." It is pro-
potod to deed the South with orators of
._=that school of politics, and to hold open
air demonstrations weekly at Union
• Square. -
-. 'Thomas POOLS, an inhuman father,
has been arrested in Cincinnati, on the
charge of spiriting away his son, a lad
six years of age; and murdering him by
starvation. The man acknowledges that
the child Is dead and buried, bat refuses
to divulge whore lie made the giave.
Bistros. Donnas, of Illinois, who start
ed for Rome to participato in the great
ceremoniala was taken ' ill on his
way thither and has sines been eon.
lined to Ids room at Paris. Ile was um.
— able to be present at Rome on tire =s
alon of the annivcriary.
- CAPT. Jody CARIttI.B, 11 well , known
Western boatmen, died at Bunker Hill,
Illinois, a feW days ago. - Be was nearly
sixty years of age and bad been promi
nently engaged in building and com
manding many of the Snest boati on the
Western waters.
A CC:MOUS financial anomaly la wit-,
needed - In the New Orleans money mar
ket. Large denomination mated of the
City currency are quoted at ten per cent.
dlaeom2t, and the amaller 011C8 at Ave.
The natea are ofcourse equally aolvent
and valuable.'
Env. S.. .Bitecacaran died at
Wheeling, W. V.. on Tuesday. /10 W&B
one of the oldest citizens there, and had
been a preather Of the K. E..Chnrch fur
upwards Of fifty years. Hu was origi
nally from Penn-Sylvania.
Trot 111ehtran Conetitntional Con
vention, in Committee . of the. Whole,
passeda reset Won is favor of negro
infftege in ',het Slate: The section
passed without the leut opposition.
Tas'number•of deadhain Chicago last
week was only one - hundred and Mil
nine; igalnet two hundred . and twenty.
two the - corresponding week last year.
The health of the city la gond, - •
LAB wrix the cholera, according t o a
reliable physielan'a letter trete Memphis,
carried off on an, average twenty. ay e
persons per day in that city. It is now
on the decrease.
Tan Petrolite Oil Works or this City
use r s bens* for heating purposes with
perpccoacceisa • ' •
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VOLUME LXXXI.I.---1 . 0. 169
M=lll2l2= !1
The Milwaukee Witco' , tin has an aril
de on the prospects of that city, from
which we extract the ((glowing:
i `New the questions arise, has 3lllwau
kee, as the commercial- centre bf this
region, increased as rapidly in bustnesa
aod population tta the country' itself( Is
it probable that she will continuo so to
incretoe In the future. By ;lie results to
the peat, we are able to pretl i let for the
future. At the present and ast ratio of
increase, Milwaukee will contain in 1850
about sleety thousand pt3pUlation;
ISSO about one hundred' and eighty
thouriand. 'But Milwaukee's; increasing
niach faster even than the region upon
which she depends lor her aupp,rt.
While the population of Wisconsin,
lowa and Minnesota doubles in ten
years, the business of Milwaikre quad
ruples in the stuns time. Nothing but a
successive 'failure of crops will cheek
this rate of increase in business, and
with successive good crops it will even
exceed the past. -
• "Our railways extend to the north
west and smith of west, embracing with.
In - them nearly the whole. region of
which we have been speaking. Like
iron arms stretched out, with' hands in
terlocked In Central Minnesota, they
clasp these fertile States securely to
themselves sod as their own. Consid.
crud either fur itself or for the interest
of the cityfeherc they centre, there Is
I not in the United &mesa thousand miles
of railway SO fortunately located. To
this cos olidation and centralisation of
our railway system we look for a most
powerful auxiliary •in the development
of the Northwest by the natural means
to which we have alluded. Thus when
energy and -money are combined and
untied with natural advantages end nat.
ural laws, results are predicted with ear ,
tainty. Milwaukee is and meet continue
the metropolis of this undisputed region
and therefore must become one of the
great elites of. the Union. In ISO she
ranked ms the eighteenth city of the,
Polon; la 1570 site will unquestionably
rank OS She tenet. Is a rare so hotly
contested, oven a lower rank would be
honorable. But sitting hero as she does
at the very gateway where passes the
Commerce of a new empire and the sur.
plus population of old nations; where
the vast commerce of the lakes changea
to the landgsarriage, and the land pro.
ductions to the lake; with a location and
climate unsurpassed upon either conti
nent, with' all these we have a right to
expect and to predict a prosperous future
for the Queen City of the Lakes."
The Miut
, The Japanese mint is located at Jeddo.
Silver coin is only issued from it, the
coinage operations being performed as
follows: A silver ingot is placed in an
iron spoon and melted over a coal fire,
previous to being cast into a mould.
From this Mould the metal cornea forth
- in thin rectangular bars, which are at
once thrown into water to cool. The
workman who takes the bars ..from the
tub cuts of the sliver splintetv, which
adhere to the edges, and passes them to
another workman, who, with a pair•of
scissors, but with no system of measure
ment but that acquired by practice, cuts
them into eight pieces, each of which is
equal in value to one ichalru, or about
thirty-one pow. • The fmgmentaarathen
weighed, the heaviest pieces being re
doted to the standard weight by clip
ping, and the lighter ones being thrown
again into the melting •pol, The bars
ate then bested white-hot, .smoothed on
the sides, and carried under the die.
One of the square coins is placed upon a
stations y block and a die is put upon It.
A workman lifts a heavy hammer and
brings it down 'with great force upon the
upper die,:and the silver bar becoines a
coin. The (chits is next handed over to
children, 'who mill the edges with small
stars. This operation terminated, , the
silver squares are weighed. twain
pressed with the Imperial mark, which
is eat into_tbe metal with a chisel, and
put •up into packages of one hundred
coins. About three hundrca persons are
employed in the Mint, all of whom work
with - great regularity and amid perfect
silence. In the morning, when the
workmen enter the establishment, they
cast off their street garb, and don, gar
ments belonging to the Government.
At sunset the gong - is sounded, the em
ployees strip to the buff, loosen thelrhau
and submit to be searched by the officials
or the place. ' They ate then directed to
Wash their bands, lift up iheir arms,
drink a glass of water and about. These
proceedings having been 'gone through
with, the workmen are. allowed to re.
some their wearing apparel, and retire
for the-night.
Refurszt.tory tallade.
.111 MI 00
A nefonnatory Village, exists in the
Pula* District of Rindostan, An ae•
count of this vinare was -recently given
at a meeting of the Social Science Ass& '
elation in England by idayr Hutchin
son, Inspector General of Police the
Puojeub. The community was formed
by collecting from other village!' those
who, as thieves or beggars, had rendered
themselves a pest. Land was given to
them, they were supplied with seed%
had wells sunk for them, and were fur
nished with ploughs. These provisions
having been made, the men were inform..
ed that henceforth they must depend on
their own exertions; and thus, whether
living comfortably by their Industry or
dying with hunger froM their idleness,
they would not be allowed to, quit_ the
spot where they had been placed. At
Met there was great grumbling, turbu
lent, and many threats; _but when the
men found that these were all in vain
they. gradually took to their work, and
settled down Into a peaceful and. Indus.
triorts little community. Major Hutch.
immix added that, at a late visitof inspec
tion to tbiseurious village, Ekes' found
that the inhabitants bad begun to feel a
bride in their cottages and allotments;
that a striking alteration for. the better
had 'taken place In their general condi-
Lion and appearance, and lime so fully
reconciled had they become to the change
in their course of life thafthey, one and
all, declared tbatthey bitd,no wish to re
tina to their former career. The exper
iment was first sugrested by Mr. E.
Prinrep, lit 1660 settler:tent officer of
Sealkote, and carried out duccesafally by
, Major H. B. Urmston, who compelled a
Predatory tribe to so.thil end' cultivate
under penalty of the lash,land two years
afterwards was invited bY O his reclaimed
thieves, burglars and fortnne-tellers to a
feast on the produce of their farms.
BrEantuo - of the nomination of Mu.
aItEELET to the Austiian Mission,. the
Be . copld not accept this plain had
the alleged nominatbn been unanimous.
ly confirmed, intending not to leave his
country at least until every' State disor
ganized by revolt elmil base been res.
tared to her normal position in the - Union
—if possible, on the basis of Universal
Amnesty coupled with Impartial But.
frogs On' the eve of anew Presiden:
tint canvass, in - so momentous an ext.
geney, he would. regard any employ.
me t that required of him a sojourn of
months abroad as at best but honorable
banishment. And, while he will not
decline nominations that have not been
tendered him he purposes never again
to be a candidate for °Mee."
AT New Atasxy, Ind., a very singu
lar and fatal disease is prevailing trisome
extent among the chickeni.. The chicken
Ls suddenly smoked by this disease, and
It the moment when the attack occurs
will spring straight, up Into the air two
or• three 'feet and fall helpless to the
ground. The head and neck is cramped
and rests upon the back, and thus re
mains until the fowl tiles, which it gen
, entity does in from live to ten minutes.
The legs of the chickens attacked are also
much contracted by' cramp. , Persons
have lost as high as forty and fifty chick
ens by this disease in a single week.
Very often from half a dozen to e dozen
will be found of - a morning lying desd
under their, eosets.
•Tet: wits of Persia, to - whom nothing
Is sacred, are telling a good story about
the Shah of Persil. It appears that the
Shah rather pooh.poehed a proposal to 4
Introduce the telegraph into his realm,,!
and his consent was by no means hearty.
When the line Was completed, the Shah
was at his palace of Soultamel. Prince
Alt 'Scull Indicted the first dispatch. It
was this: "The melons are ripe at
Itsuehan." Instantly tho Possible uses
or this invention of the Infidels flashed
scrota the royal mind, and All.Saall re.
Weed this agreeable answer: "1 ap
point yOa lenlater of Sciences"
Tiieleult. Textile rAblle% of 111.
in.the inannfaentre or muslin, the
ninth:ion surnas.s ail other people, art they
de in the manufaeture of the nashmere :
shawl. There is 11 Viiinn of muslin term
ed "woven air, - the fabrie of which in so
troirvelloway tine that the Minions them-
Rely, ore hind of relating all kinds of
amnia t bowie. ',meeting it.
Mr. non, in his '4 kmsitleration of the
Affairs of Italia." speaking of the Dacca
man tic., says that invording to report, I
the - Emperor A urungschee once was
angry with Ills daughter for showing her
-skin through her clothes, whereupon the
~ -ming Prowess remonsttated In tier,jon
thication, that eke tend seven japlithN or
'soh', on; !meth, tole was to 'the effect
that, "in the Nabob Khwan's
time, a weaver was chastlsail and turncli
out of the oily of Dacca for his negleet In
not preventing Ids cote from eating up a
piece of .. .Slimy:in; which lie had spread
and left upon the grre , ;‘," the muslin, of
coarse, "Willi; SO line that the animal
could net see it upon the herbage.
So delicate is_the manufacture of the
short staple of the Dams cotton, that it
can only he woven Into yarn at certain
times or the slay. The morning is gen
erally so employed before the dew has
lett - the ginss; it spinning hi carried oti
after that time, c spinner, who Is al
ways a woman under thirty yearsof
spins the yarn river n pan of water, the
evaporation of which affords soffileient
moisture to prevent the fibres from
routing toobrittle to handle. Delicate an
the 11111nIlil La. It so It wash, which Euro-
Ivan mastitis will not. Tt,o durability
of the thizeit n tedin, notwithstanding its
aurprising, ilneness a pk-ce of “cyjming
dew," one yard wile and four yantei
long, only weighing :syst god ns—is said to
be owing to the greater numla,r or twists
given to the Dactut yarn, as enmpared
with the finest muslin yards of Engirmil
or Frani,. Tito time taken to spin and
weave the threads in n plrce 01 "Ivo
yen tur:" in, eery great; the render will
not, therefiwc. be surprised- to hear that
at sells nt the rate of a guinea n yard.
The "Aiirovatt," or "Running Worm
is considered the second elm.. of muslin ; '
"Snbantn,” or Evening Dew,' is the
third quality 7 It is en raffia! because it
is . no title that it can' searcely I.e distin
guished from dew upon the gots.. 'then'
are emeriti other very flue Dacca mus
lin, that are lino an by distinct are names,
hut the three so poetieally designated are
tho. most fainous„, The Ihighdltobecs,
who remove Intomould front this pre
rictus material, use the juke of the am
mold plant for that purpose; and to ix ,
move other spat or ,mien it composition
of Owl, lime and mineral alkali. There
are Mithometlans who :also repair this
• woven with a skill equal to that of
the I ['indecision who weaves It. For in•
stance, it is said that an capon !integer,
or darner, "can - i.;striset a thread twenty.,
vants long from a piece of the finest mus
lin of the arum slinnensions, and replace
it with one of the finest quality." It is
said that - they exeriMe their finest work
under the influence of minim.
A still more exquisite anal expenive
work of the Indian loom is the figured
muslin. A Ow of this folirie, memos
rmg t army yards . , 1113(10 lit 177 n, east as
must as Vifi. The splendid yet subdued
Wert of weaving gold end silver threads
into the different fabrics:made in India
has never ever been approriehed lay Eu•
ropeans. Some of their silks halve n
MIN.'S upon them like the -brew of n
•pigeon, ar indeed of the I mrieyan phew,.
ant. In nature,we never find that even
they most splenlittl effects offend the eye
by appearing - handl. The Indian artist
seems to have msught the very art there.
is In nature. and the uses his gold and
silver with a random-a prodigality, and
an economy titted fur the occasion. The
native never throws r.way gold where It
will not be seen. Thus on the turban
cloth mtly the end that hangs down by
the; noel: is thus nu:lmputed; in the
was toroth, the fringfid end, ate. The
geld thread Is so very pure that It never
tarnishes, and it senshes just as well an
the other threads of the garment. The
thread of the previous metals in called
ktilla bunion, and Is manufaet nrci I NVIIOI4
by hand..
7The embroidery in the woven gar
ment, in which this otwolutely pure gold
in employed, never turnikhe, , —n perlec
liou !n
n hielt European fabric:nom have
not yet attained.
. Abost Glr
Ont . , Logue has an article in the
fl'ehr.ry, for Augont, on ballet girls mid
others. The arnele is entitled ''The Leg
and 'in a oevere eacoriatiott
slime of the proleasOrs of the naked
uranta. We make a few extracts:
For Modena...Tao( the
1, who know them non elites well, have a
therongh reipcs,t. They are a hard
working, ill-rant body of women, not
unfrequently the wale support of entire
families, and their morel con natters are
not ore 'whit nefected by their line of
husineas. The sultniring publie whets'ss
the pre ty, picture. they make on the
stage, little knows the physical fatigue
which these poor girls encounter I n . ns
turn for a few dollars a week salary from .
the manager, and an illiberal Judgment
at the hands of the oudions•. Few men
work ,o,lmt d as the linnet girl—the eery
tame, who by half-past eight o'clock in
the morning In at the th....tre, clad in
gauva awl silk webbing; practicing pie
mattes, entrenchats, the tne-tortne, nod
Other inquisitorial. exorcizes. I have
Wien thosetrirla pmetieefront nineo'cl.k
-in the morning until half-rast twelve,
altanst without cessation, then take a
hurried lunch, eon - Milt:les eating Ii ,chile
standing shivering in their thin clothing
in a dranizitty place behhal the "11:1Ln,'
only to" tame their labor again at half-
past one, and so conk lane tilt live. This
Is for tile =Min, performance; nL half
past seven that or the night comment o,
finishing perhaps at eleven. Then
conies undrossing, risiresiting, fettling
and laving away their stage parapher
nalia; for, even If not natundly tidy ;and
tidiness In the rule with thn—the ex
ceptions rare; —these girls must, of econ
omy's ',aim he carernt of their clothing.
And so, long oiler midnight, the tired
.creatures, often laden With heavy bun
dles, creep- listkatily Into the street cars,
to ho stared at by rude men, or still
worse, dreg home through the deserted
streets, alone and unprousded, at the risk
of being mistaken for travlatas of the
lower grade..
-That pose into Which she now throws
-herself with suite abandon is not a vile
pandering to the tastes of those giggling
men in the orchestra malls, but Gan ef
fort wifely to her idea • is as loving
tribute to a beloved art 'as a` painter's
Tamil touch is to him. I have NM' these
women burst into term cn leaving the
stage .ligeatosi they had observed men
laughing am ongthemselves,. rolling
their t-yes Moat and evidently. making
unworthy comments oat the pretty crea
tures beforo them, whose whole sohl and
whose whole body, too, was
for the hour
lovingly given over to Terpsichore. '"lt
is they who are bad," fetid Maoleihobsello,
11.J.0 too the other night, "it is not we."
' 'Miss Logan gives a note from one who
makes 'Tads' for the "artists - who have
physical fume:trial-lona The. natG are
Made in We quote:
Such , little Inaccuracies as knock
knees and bow-legs, trilling.errata in
-Nature's Orkdrial edition, remarkable for
their frequeney_ln the human tinnily,
eopt-tally in those nitsgmiticsl members
of it who have rashly chosen the stage as
avocation, are nimbly rectified by the
pail-professor. I saw a letter from one
of.these the other day, which' may be
worth producing hereton the sake of Its
Indierunsness. That it is n genuine doc
ument, 1 pledge my word. It , ran taps;
.PIIILADEL:PIII:I—. I fnin: Them Bins is
finished; your nees wilt be all 0 A vrben
.i.onf get, them on. Bad liggcm In all plaid
out now they s ill,coast U dollars.
Walter Aro Vs Manu'crlpl•
The original mannacriptsof Sir Walter
Scott'? poems and several of his novels
and prose works are about lobe sold at
auction, by order of the executors of the
ate Mr.oßobert Cadell, of Etlintrargh.
They comprise "The Lady °file Lake,?
"Marmion," "Rokeby," "The Lord of
the Isles," "Don Roderick," "The
Field of Waterloo," and other Poems,
Dill," "Doom of Devorgoll,
Sa with an introductory Essay on Bal
led Poetry, "huchindmtre," "Anne of
Gelerstoln," "Count Robert of Paris,"
"Castle Dangerous," and two volumes
containing portions of Waverly, "Ivan
nee," -"The Bridal of Triermain," and
"Tales of a Grandfather." This portion
of Ivanhoe, says the London Publiehrre
Circular is WCVCd to be the only port
lion of that romance which Sir Walter
Scott wrote with his cram band, as tne
late Mr. John Ballanlyne aced as his
amanuensis for a considerable part of it,
owing to the author having Vat recov
ered frorcra severe illness. he manu
script of the "Lay of the Last Minstrel,"
was not preserved. All these mann
scripts are remarkable for the extra•
nary tlueoey with which they were writ
ten, and the very few corrections or al
terations occurring in them; Ulna afford•
lei; a proof of Sir Walter Seott'awonder
ful facility of composition. The mane,
scripts are stated to be all in a perfect
state of oreservation, and unllbrmly
bound in Russia, with uncut edgea
—The Greenville (B. C.) Enlerprioo
6mes to us With a ;1,000 Confederate
Bond, wrapper around it.— Meseton
(rtzai) Tekgraph.
--Rev. Pr. Chapin has gone to Ninine.
—(kmeral Hancock has iwsturne.l to st.
—An evil lusbit Is never red:ignored by
leiding to It.
—The host mpltal to begin life. with is
cold* wife.
—A - career of crime inset come to a
Ina or a halter.
—Brigimin YOung, Jr., and nano have
gone to Maaaaehusetta.
—lf a horse says neigh's:hen you o ff er
hun oats, he don't. mean t.
—The richer man mak his food, the
poorer he makes his rip tite.
—Santa Ana, not Anri t, Is the correct
spelling.of the old gentleman's name.
—Tb2 greet centre of happinevf to
fomenting to hope for and something to
—General,. Stimne! ey Slitildicr, of 11 , 12
memory, died in I ng on, llars., -re
--The Butralentansboast thathey lame
consumed - 350,0W quarts of strawberries
this 1101114011.
—Why Is the brtilegrnom better than
the bride? BOGIUSe she is given away,
and he Is said.
—A colored man In Syractive,lo7 years going to Virginia to lay hi, hones
on tho old plantation.
—A Rockland, Mo.. paper propeoco
Major Wtn. A. Richardmin,. of Maims,
as n candidato for thoPmahlency.
-fled maws are like llghthouaos to
wartivovaguna-.aialhe sea of life off tho
• -frof"Malaga, Janatcla, Santa Cruz,
and Holland. • a
—Mr. Ravrnond In the only editor of
any of the New York morning newspa
per* who htts gone to Europe this sum
mer, or proposelo go.
I.'rederick Bakeman, a Iv...Men' of the
village of Froedout, in Cattaraugus
celebrated his one tanins' and seventh
birthdayon the 4th inst.
—A cariosity seeker nt the Paris o<iii
.bition has found some I hanish artillery
of the middle 01 the eighteenth century,
end among It several breeeb-ro.d e rs,
—Among the latest arrivaLs at Sarotogn
are two young. ladies from Menton,
knowu no the "elmnns of Culny' and
wearing linntonds to the value of
—ln a London-paper is advertised for
sale "a numuscript cony of the holy
Bible. written In a neat, legible hand, he
an old gentleman between his seventieth
and eightieth year, nod now to be dire
posed of for the benetit of his family: .
—A prominent speculator in tots titles
in Chicago has been arrested upon the
instance of a colored servant, who makes
oath that the white speculator is marinas
sible for lOyoung American" wh&e color
is not yet determined, hut will be shortly.
—The helra of Solomon Ingraham are
to meet 'ln New York on July i!.ith to
stoke final 'entmgentents to get posse,
skin of the property in England, that
property benur no leas a price than the
land on which stands the thriving city
of Leeds. The pr.perty is valued at
—.t new style of steam au - tinge ap
peared In Boston a few days ago. I was
a light open buggy, carrying two mon,
and had no visible means of 'motormen
lave a slight apporntwt under the . box.
The vehicle came along a street eu the
track Just behind a horse air; but when
the car stopped the buggy was turned
aside taut passed by the cm, and was
guided . as easily as ifa horse had been
—Tile King of Prussia, it inannounced,
Intends next.month to visit the Castle at
Hohenzollern, which has been the sent
of his family for over a thousand veers.
Curiously enough, the king of Pinssits
tins never seen'ttis ancestral wet. Du
ring the early part of the century, the
castle was a romantic ruin, but about
ten yours ago it was rastored and fur
nished throughout In the style of the
middle ages.
—A Iloston clergyman. who ls , lieves
in amusements if properly condoeted,
says it is quite eurlons to unto how
many of our people have uttemird the
circus the past week, only bemuse they
wanted to "please the children;' tout stilt
mom curious •to observelhat In very
runny intna.noes It /um taken two or
three able hafted men, with as many
strong women, to look after one dart In;
little boy or girl.
—ln Team!, a few days an old holy
named Metcalf attempted to walk to a
neightmea, but took the along road, nod
while approaching the house of n num
named Stoma, for the purpose of rw,t
ing, won attacked by a pack of savage
dog., which Mt her In several plata.",
tore one arm from her hotly, and nearly
eat up her breast and . neck, canning
death In a filar minute,. She was nearly
a hundred years old-
—A San Francisco paper asserts that
the first whiutexplorers of Oregon foimd
a tradition among all the Indium of that
region dud a veistel, which from the de
scription is supposed to love beam a (hi
oese Junk, was once found embedded t•:
the mod of the Columbia river. Here is
a chant.* for Chinese antamaries. Ltd
diem put In a claim for therarlicat din
orrery of the Continent. and tight it out
on that line with the Royal Society of
—Six vessel., are now loading at Rich-
mood, Vn.. with tobacco for }:unn,to
port.; two of them are for London, two
for LirorPool, one for Bremen .nnil one
for Bortleans. A yowl is nion inadlnA
with (lota for Braid. Thin looks tw ts
the vommercial affair. of that city are
lookbeginning m
lune t
t tg . xpn
.' e
o htlri i n t : the vYar
codding with of Itleh
tnond atnnunted to 610-1,747, and the int
porta to $.11,700. Tho exports rcnsietwi
prinipally of tobacco and tour.
—A negro soldier, a private of one of
the Went India regiment., which are
composed entirely or blacks, onireCed by
has- Just received' the ....Victoria
Cross - for bravery in the field: Thbo in
the find Instance in which such is dis
tinction ban been conferred on a colored
xildler in the British service. Thu pr.
levitation of the "Cross," which took
place at Bally, wan attended within
good deal of ceremony the Governor of
the colony of British Ifentioras taking a
part In the procetdtngL
—A young gentleman, or an elderly
one, we disremember which, utter hav
ing mild Ms address.. to a young lady
for some Brno, "popped the questlon''
Melody, In a frightened manner, ex
claimed, "You scare me, sir!' The gen
tleman did not wish to frighten the lady,
and consequently remained. quiet for
some lime, when exclaimed: "Scare
me ogainr We; did not learn how
affair* turnod ant, but ibould think thet
It woo pretty floor his turn to ho poured.'
—lt is rumored that the French Gm ,
ernment, in order to disprove as nrompt.
ly na prrxrlble the charges implying that
it should be ham responsible int the ton-
gulnary I:know-mod of the Mektom
drama,-intends publishing documents
which have been suppressed np to the
present writing. Those documents, it. Is
averred, will show that every effort-was
made to induce . Maximilian to quit '
Mexico when Marshal Bassin left the
country, but that all attempts were ren
dered powerless by the Intrigues Of the
Mexican clerical party,-
—l'he war of the illuxhiunit In Central
Asia continues, • though it Is extremely
difficult to obtain trustworthy Informa
tion concerning lt. The latest dispatches
from Bukhara state that the ltusslans
stormed un encampment of the Kelm of
Bokbara and obtained a great victory.
Embansadors from Bokhara to the Brat ;
lob Government in Tritlinbuvo made the
greatest efforts to secure the support of
Great Britain against the Russians, hut,
of course, without success. The
ries of theitussians In Central Ands, end
the progress of the French In Cochin
China, only nerve to make the English
'eagor for extending their boundary In
farther Ihdla. Thera is a report. that
Great Britain will soon iihnex the Xing
dont Qr Iturrnah.
Ec ct.triet t ie. orraWlon
The London Journal - sap: The Coe,
tome of the fashionable Londoner just
now ion marvel, and It in very Mali:tilt
for those of us whom the conversion of
the Tories to .household suffrage has not
yet prepared forbny change, not to brook
forth into laughter when we see the fair
creatures who lately occupied the whole
of the pavement when wad:log singly,
now walking slx abreast in garments
suggestive of Brighton bathing machines
rather than the London streets. They
have shrunk up Almost to a line, which,
as mathentatickuut tell ns,tuis length brit
no brcadth- ,4 dwerl excepting the MP . '
Sures. It is quite possible now - for a
woman to be in one reet and her chig
non in the next, once the eccentric
ities of female d ,are being copied by
the men. 'They, to , have adopted the
swathing system; d drat Sees nether
garments now that e notottly inexpres.
site a but Ina:plies le. Row their wear
ers get into them, how by any process
except bandaging these wonderful ap
pendage. are donned is a marvel. As to
buts there is a race going on Just now
between the dandles and our fine ladies,
to see which can wear the smallest head
dreas. Next yearn.° shall be compelled
to raise all oardoowaysta order to admit
the steeples that will then be in fashion,
for It is over the custom of fools to rush
into extremes..
Evidence Not Yet Cone:uded.
(Dr Telegraph to the rlttentrah Byietia /
WlamlaTOS, July L 4.1867.
Fruncts C. Sp eight. • police captain to
New York, testified that Dr. Bissell, who
had given evidence for the defeatist, had
bad reputation for truth.
'Other witnesses It stifled to /be eame,
Col. James B. Stewart testified that on the
night Of the assaisination he followed
Booth out of the theatre; the sky was then
lightening up and had the appearance o;
tuoOnithlee; it was light etiOugh to esse per.
wen at a distance. At Ovoid/ =dd. neat
ten the moon watt rising; there were nti
upavveloude at eleven„and the moon web
9elnelent to reflect a more decided tight.
Staler A. E. litchards, Superintendent of
ponce, te•tleett that Wolehinee Watt not &t
-reated on April lath or loth, MS McDevitt
bud a coulferaatlon on the propriety of ar
resting Olin. and It one doesdanl nut to let
him kuow he was under arreit, bat at the
same time be was nut to he attained to tb-
C.llll us. Wu wanted to use him and 11 1 / 4 -
lend ed to keep our epee on blot. ---
Mlcharl Mitchel, testlned that Dr. 1114
reputation tor truth and veracity win
Allred Freckle and Al.:underUnmet,
resid led at Montreal. testified to at. Marte's
good repauWen lot Vernally.
Several witnesses testified to Cleaver's
good character for veraolty. -
A. V. Iless, a young Man five feat •seven
Inches hum. bark eouiplerlnti, and blank
moustache, was callai, and Wm prisoner was
B.lced to biand op bealde hips in order that
the Jury might sea them lattether.
&Wend attendees teatlned to the good
character of Setae Jaekaou.
buyers! tenant sea tettlflefl to the goal re.
puintion of John Coe.
Other witnesses. from Waverly, New
York, testified that Dr. Bissell's reputation
tor truth and veracity was laud.
The oefenen introduced a number of wit
, teate from Lilt Ott a itlaryleed, - who sense
io the gasp reputation 01 Sternest F. Curb
• ...
Professor Ilitrlimo, of tha National Moor
rtitory, testllletl that the moon r 0•0 011 the
night .4 April 1110, VS, before Woe Coolookl
was fall at 10:1k sky Clear from 9 to IWO.
when 1 etopeol Work, so the sky was brig
nod too mark too see. •
Additional eroleucti to Lhn good ohietacter
thanerna wan Introduced by the dean..
and the - Cuort canourned
- 'a HAVANA,
non Crthim T Elispty—cims.
Prim alpirTed WPM complicity to
Pie Ilmrut Merman Mimi
urea Ls—armlets from Moatlt AirierMa
am afire. 4.10. - •
New Tone. July 20.—The steamer Comm.u
biz brings Rarer:a edrices to the Skth.
The Cuban Treasury was In poor eondl
tlontno Warty,: for June had been paid.
It was reported thet general Prim sraa no
stranger to the recent outbreak In Porte
Itleo. The cry of the revotters, 0 Tito Oro.
Prim, riot Gr Rrpub!eo^ The Vaban
government ws teeing monworro which
indicated a fea r of some usveMeat of a
rerolutionary et:erecter.
The yellow fever at Ilavena le quite bad,
though lugs mallguant. . .
Stfgars are Orin.
Adele., front st. Thomas soy It la 'Valor
ally believed that the tieltad Staten viii
insucceed in acquiring the Leland tor a chitl
s station.
A call mine Las been discovered at Ss.
Cristobal: st. liornlogO.
licetbernsettlers in British flondurici
LRae selecoci taro places for re•ilitestras, to
be called l'ott Asstln sad Bowe Vista
Great inducements are otrenoi to ern
Fallnren In Jamaica are ineresung, sail
mercantile attars are ebeerless. • .
Adelrca from Ooloinbta to the INth of
Jane, stare tint Geo. Lroo r had railed some
tutees and taken the field aralust President
Atone who as meeting with tenth oppcut
in ' t he Interior.
rleeteratte were being taken Inammeranate
Ilratonent. who was cornett to tho obeerra
tore flralrator for safety.
The ...sett:tray of the Mate at Canes had
disowned ..ituertrOaauthorlty and rare:eaten
ed tr. wlth.lraw from the Caine. Troops
were being collected to Motored the wilt of
the people.
The bragged° of Santa Martrai.latt been
dotterel' Itlegal try the Culled •ereareat . ead
the people of Carthaatas e'er& aerate; With
.tan,tty to coultert nonce. The Foreign Coo.
sole bad Wog libC/1411,i the blockade Illegal.
Tun steamer Colorable had Captured a
ship leaded with arrant and atarearotloa for
the Government of Maglum and taken Itto
()aneral Loper, with frau . hundred men.
took the Ileum square, . guarded by only
terreoty rano. by storm. an the situ. A taw
wero blllet daring the ratht.
toltree• from Mexico to the 13111, State
Unit 51 nximiltani• late Chamberlain no
arrested; alse Satan. Andraide..-Arrleta,
father antrothera. Ut'cin,kl Vidoorrl
and Colonel Utrion• were report.' shot.
Was trend to a wooden box and
11 netted by • motk. The merobants or. Men.
me tenderest a eponinueOux loan pi half o
moll m to Geo. Thar.
Canditlatia for election are published.
em- Prindtloot. Juarez; for Judger of
Onetime Court. Trivia,
bodleo of Mia..IO3IIIDO. /1125111012 and
t• were embalmed.
Tee .Le ea - " ' lon Mexican
My Tore - non to the Mahar. Gazette./
Nate Gabeane. July 24.—The Levee Con
vention appennted a comalltley to call on
General -Sheridan end sea a , hat can be done
10 repair the levee.. The Convention then
adjourned news e •
Mexican ls ilroarnacllle to the 1011,
haa been received, but meetly antlct
lircohedo 11na been vlaced In env:m.l.lo(
the army and Juarez le annbunned ea a
candidate for raelectlon to ttio rresuleneY
/VALO. JCIly C. Peck,
chant. with comollalty In strlndllon an
anal:l,mo. ,anopany orals thousand dollars,
w+aU.N. from custody.
litany 'annum of .Klagara county bale
contract. to dellvor now crop Amber
whom. to Lockport miners at two dollars
nor bushel.
The weather 14 non.. Italri is wanted for
the grow inn tape,
Neer York Constitutional deaf
air Teiesrnoti to tee Nitteurrn tiusit...l
AMU, —lll , the Constitutions:
Copv.Lion A proposition to pre suffrage
10 8,11 tulle Mize% of eighteen yews, was
rejected,. also were 9.0%P/tines to cote.
poi vow. to ho side to read and write atter
!eV, end anothsr looting to female suffrage
reittleted negro surf mg..
Ate..., July 51.—1 n the 00netlintional
Convention thu ameoduient to the learntge
report, disfranchising deserters and per.
sons why irfttho State to avoid the draft,
wa. rrje•obud. The provision Malmo/11s-
Inc those who voluntarily engaged in the
rebellion against thn United dt.steNotetil
pardoned by the President or ti , Yernor.
wan adopted.
Ileatreetteo Flre—traeliet
LOY Vel•orrapts la the 111.4bn nth 0af...W1,
CIVCINNATI. dal) 14.—T11.1_ largo. tiortht
menurentiary of Crane; geed ~t Co., at the
lout at Eighth street...aa ransomed by OM
last night. The leas Is from en,One to 4100,
Ona. Insured Mr about two-thLrds of the
arenebt of the lots.
The cricket =UM between the . Thaoles
ChM of ChathAtn. Canada, and the .Colon
Club, of this City, bealltk yesterday, Ton
wore roaved—liotort moving fifty
(Our end the: Thames twenty-two. The
game will he resumed t 6 4143'. -
Italian. nieces'tweed. •
ihrlelrgrspe to the Pittsburgh Casette.)
ii,,,,uaUeu, July N.—General Drown hag
iequud an or dordiseontlnuing rations to the
destitute, anthrdifed by the Con eeeee tonal
Appropriation Fund, after the gOitt -of As-
Casting. Court goat their roply tb
General Scholleld to-day. its -tenor 111 not
wade public •
Brutal Marder
Tetegreyh to the Vlttebergh Duette.,
' Sr otoorinto, Mesa.. July SI —llt.Gowlolit,
a farmer reeltting at fie.cutroyrite. Var.
and hi s wile, were murdered oh Moo.
day night by • krinachman.l former en.
piny. of Mr. Gowinit'e. who beat their
bran:moot with an axe. The murder wag
committed for money, but how mut% wag
obtained Is not known.
Pie ;VIC &Sta.lnnd D 7 nowdi ec
(BlTel.,mrh to gm Plitsthath limogn.)
' N ow y ory , jgly 21'-A. shameful attack
was mall.,y00(0r(10, by • Dumber of row.
dies In Williamsburg. Mx •'German Dio.elo
patty, twenty-five lu number. Three of the
ecosullrels were al reeled. Several of the
liermans wore saheb injured.
Coo oterfolteie Arrested.
BY Telegrapa
to the ?Monne flarattoll
, New Tour, lierutds
nett imeolal/gallon eousterfetters
wore arreYted wtille lit the got of
moulding flye-oent. nickels. They hid au.
perb dies owl nmbilleryt and several elude
els of spur lons comb . •
Day c Durand...a Designated:
flanntssunta " 17 24 . — Ucv• GUM by
g e . l i m m A u August 28th for tbn exeoution
ofOwing o f
onus Wtoter, oon 4 vtated
tbn murder of EitsabstltSfeDonal. of
Gsnoral Grant laanDectea here on Frt.
day;wtar 5 5 7 to Dowila , tv Gap Springs.
Gen. Breit for PrealdiaL
for .r&lartanh set!. flimburalitlasatte.)
Now Yoloc, July 24.--it a meeting of the
Union Engnblinen General I.kiminiggee. Wag
evening. General Gramma, nominated tar
Um nest rreulden or, subject. to Um decision.
of the itepubiloari Dietitian! Convontion.
OV/1 velem= Dead..
sATA.v.Lawr 0. W7ll, <meet
the mpc respeasad citizens, A vete= at
1011, Wed WS 211,06
English Reform Bill Progress.
Fenian Prisoners Become Instme.
DIA UM JOINS G1.11'8 1 04 IN THE
The Aroh-Dnehees Carlotta.
I '(I
tEPOUX DILL ON eecesn usanuse.
Lemnos. July 21.—1 n the House of Lords
lest blight the debate on the Reform 11111
was resumed. We cOneleslock a motion
for the seeped' reading of the bill was car
The House of Commons passed the bill
for the abolition of church rhea, •c.
PIII 110 VON rani ante.
It Is said tho ii tittles of Sir Morton Pao
amount to nine millions sterling. Ills as
cots will not exceed LXO,OCn.
/lig reporLeil .the auth , irlty of 'Lora
Nam, Chief Secretary for Inslartd, that two
of the Fenton prteeners, now awaiting List
to Unbllo, nave booome Insane.
TOO .011221.6CTILEMIO othsvott.
torn If VMS, Jul,. —.Cm/Mg.—The Dan
ish government has Intimated to Prueum
willtogness to give guruhntles for the pro
test ion of the German Inhabitants of North
Sabha lg. but demands Information as to
the nature of the go.antiea required, by
the grtrhian Cabinet—.
ttazzlht•ro aalostathl.
July L.--TholthlWne hem assert
that azzial has ;Mao to Italy to Join Gari
baldi • his Intended more:neat an home.
Tal • •re, July 21.—Tho Arch-Puctumill Var.
lotus • ea lull Bilrusstort for Ils:guaus.
8011.131r105. July 21.—Tho stclimers
.5.0 Is and tram New York. tuvt
. I Ey 4i:rooters>
taltgemiren'a Itsy—Datiey a Dee* 10
1 a awe —lllamoilleent 11 ****** In
lI i(s, ilapeteasta Comsalenee
Owe Ms Death of flaglamltan. ,
Ii ca. loan. lair .l—.deices per Persia
elate that • )tang" pay, 1 um . lan. passed oil
quietly in Ireland. Thera wu a tlamoostra.
Don at Ilelfalt, at which thirty Inoue.*
Orange men marched In preeetalon through
the city: The military and constabelary
patrtal the town, tail there wax no ata
tun co.
Tim littop of Derry, Dr. Higgin, died
suddenly on the Ittn Mat., of dims.. of the
Xnuey on. no abundant In thn tenant
Market. that a million end a halt stortleg
had been offered on FcCurliV of Consols at
Ili percent. no.l tetueed. bronco esparto.
lion. for toe nrat eve monde of tollyear
amount to %Olen Ill) franc" less lam lest
year • Ire poriamon•, on the contrary, are
41.01).0 , X, (rents grinder.
Tee baryon In dermal, prorate's to be
Mairntecent• Cantina tittle onion for grain
have reached Tel ate, trout England, and
aeenta scot to Hungary bad' bought op .
;OW MO lteen's. Tee French bad also been
maims largetntroensee to Llonestry.
It Is state! on good authors Pr that a letter
orcondolenceinn the death of MoXlmlltao
addressed by Napoleon to the Emperor of
Austria, was tO the follo•Ing effect: nl
seed yon the expreaston of try condolence
on the dreadful •1.1111 of the death of tee
Emperor Math:ollla. Me grin , in the more
lively, hennas° I feel thn responstelllt/
Of the painful mart I have Dad It, the
mlefortont. But lltut, ntiO penetrates nor
hoarta, Minos / serer Art nog other object
than to extend to them dietatil places the
Influence of Mar null last lon. In along this
leave toned no nobler or mere Worthy to•
tereemer than your Ilsjestra unfortunate
.I.teseemn.. air / mu," —Mrs.,
closed Irregular; axles of 10,(1)i Osten;
uplands, I,o4,l,orleans, /Woad.
stotts eiptet. Corn. SW at. N.. Wheat,
I]lo.l. Calltornta while Gorier, ss. Oath
4s. pea, 11.. Freels:nes—pork, 73a.
Ina. Lard tit 5.1. Bacon, 411 al. Choose,
Sts. l'ltaluee—retrolema attire; spirits,
:sltrean d,ts .1!..t.L
Lonnos,Jaly 93—000601 S 91%, .5 Ws Tint
Erie 1%111140m lontral, tat
Uroat Western, IL
LOstooft, July —Verning—llarkets un
Alynrzar, .NTly :t.—/Avniny—retrolenzu
46 francs for stim.lurcl M 414 n. .
CIO Ttleersult to the rlttelutriet t>uettte.3
2lcw Tour., July 21, 11t7
WIIVILLY ronrrsar 1.1.01 T.
The weekly report of Dr. llama of the
modality tut week states that there were
one hundred and nay -three deaths less
than the average Of eorreepondlug Weeks
for the last sta. years. •
1nt,1712.1 MVt.,
uottlag mntoll for apelt. of eldi/O,
two mile -heats, over the lesbian coarse,
came oft yestordity, liallirCen General Dui.'
ler, Men and lilenenall Jaoklexi. The first.
end third news and race warn woltby !:en.
llutett tlme,llo, hale and ton.•
' aCif tO• or !vs rulaoxEn.
A prisoner named gm.z kicker, unbar
sentence of death In tioeltiaml acuity Pal.
for motilor, on Monda O y last , shot inherit!'
Thom!. Do May altos, ho lens goluit his
noeustomeit rounds. -Ile then committed
suicide by shooting himself. De ht•yelles
isstill ally,. The elie 01 the prisoner hail
71.1104 pion on Sunday and was intrusted on
of having procured the revolver
The o, Ilollona, from London or
sire s t u nphison ttio:lttn.
Chia Jostle(' Chow: le bole.
Tllll arc. $O5 or ratenasan.
A111)0014 to the Aug nays tho oz.naled
Connoteetonur tar exchnogo of prleoners
of Woo, !baldishes the letter In the Nuflonof
intellipeneer In which he..owye thot In lent
the rowel onthneltont vglonturity wooded
to_ deliver 10,00) Hen nod wounded soldiers
edthout mowing any equivalent. fie of
to prey° this by the n relchoe 011.4110 n
()Moen... _
The sumo. correspondent *aye that at a
Deinootatio :nem log In Baltimore last night,
one of the members of ton Maryland Con.
stltutlonel Convention aponated to hl.
hearers to assert Inn domino of State
Rights and carry back the (lovernment
'tin Mal intallt, ox understood ny the traumal.
of mho Constitution. Thu sovereignty of
Maryland, he said, eust not go Under on.
lose at ON point of the bayonet. .
• rroranoocn I.IIAL
Tao 71.11 , ane says the report Or tho Senate
111V.I.Ignt1111, congruts the ba
lm( that otnoonnona frauds have boon MO.
LIMA In (be management In canals, Par
ticulars are al van 111 FtlVollil cages. One,.
elan for g 21,0 0 ,/,. adjudged trfugulent by
the Manta; had boon pain without out/tort
toy of Inn. while in another a contractor re.
calve., g 31.001), at least twelve Omen os =lob
• ----.--
(HY Telegrhpli to the ritubdritg Gazette.)
Wee 4111 OTON. July 24, HUT.
THE A/41f 111:01161IVALL.
The Item Stonewall lOU leave about the
sth or August for, Jarmo. Captain Drawn . 3
now hero 'electing a crew, and has emot
e:4 shouttwenty.flve first class seamen.
- 11 , T1741rAt. usersee.
The receipt-4' of Intornnl Revenue irw49
Were 673:1,117.
-The Comte Winner of Detente wIU Lam)
two hundred Imd clot , ty-one netetos lnr the
week ending on the MU met.
• rOmulo omoT.
The statement of the public debt for tho
Premark toontlx..stalob alit be published ori
the first of August, will show a alooreaso of
the debt of trour throe millions. .
'Myer Iteme ,
[ll2, Telgraph to th Pittsburgh litsetts rts
%Isla e m Paelett . TsleSr•Ph C0. °17..7.1
OlLryTr, July SL--The weather 11 warm
seaclouoy, with me-talons' showers. The
river remains verylow, The ollmarketlo
active, beteg genteel on the Creek at OM,
and atoll City ut 0,5509,75.
tilt to the Putsbutiii tisrstta.;
• Localvtraw, July ti—The river is en.
Ztrri , with three feet aloe Inches Mitts
Ildmiovsnry of TM dire tn. at lesion.
Oh Telegraph to the Mit bomb Panto.)
Sr. Loris, Jolt M.—Unwept deposit. of
1.10 me bare been discovered in Madison
wormy, sis this Eluste. no{ for from trim,
Haab and Iron Mourn sin. One /ode IS be
tween Ave and els handreil feet wide. Pis
rend smaller anaphors already been Pm&
Porno. or. Odds nom three to fifteen per
amt. These smith° Argent depOilys known
the world, • •
YOUR= PAGE.—Thefulled and most relia-
M, Monty, Oil and Produce Market
given by any paper In the rut', n Ut b , Pbna
cm our /bunk Pape.
The Mowing Hatch.
. Necessarily hurried to making our report
of the mowing mach On Tuesday, at Me-
Keownts, owing to the lateness of the hour I
at which we returned to the city, It was not
as full us we desired, and it will am be Out
of place taiadd now what we omitted to eel.
As to the mowing qualities of the different
machines en the ground, concerning which.
'the Judges made no formal decision. we ,
have stated those present unprejudiced Ile
tided for themselves, from their obeervis
Mona and this, after is the real advert.
loge whloti accrues from contette of the
kind. Preconeertal arrangement., such as
sometimes Lie made,the formal announce
meet ,
of a conclusion or judgment previ
ously made no—with a view to en.
Dance cei tale Interests, le bet a fraud
or false protects on the public, which
may lieoceisfel to a cousiderable
extent. But en the! farmer who witnesses a
match. from an unnreJud Iced Ostend paint,
generally deckles for himself, wince de
elides cannot toeißeted .by any. formal
award of Judger se lected to decide a certern
way. We do not wish to be understood as
saying that the judges selected at the
match at McKeown's mold be thus need.
Omer them we know to be a gentleman Of
mantling and high respectability in this
and of tile others we know
nothing derottatory. But niter what moue
red, the diteculty In making the arrange I f
ments for the match, ttleirjasigmeet, hew
over honestly It might have been exert...
ed, would hare amounted to but little with
those eremnt. The match, as we nave also
stated, crew out of ad:Wiens°, which, ism
withstanding Indeflettenem, sun without
claiming toe rights accorded challenged
parties, was adapted, sod the result, so few
we it goes, while not In favor of sae Perth. -
lar machine, menet be regarded es favors
-1 bie to the ebelleesiell don, except in so far
I ex persons present new have matte up their
Of the Excelsior machine.; ofwhich we
I took the most notice, we expressed a prefer
eons, not only from the etiostantial
m e
it has from ng a mmulneci reaper
rand mower, bet no a mower. its driver
evidently an experleneed one, drove Ide
team slowly and steadily, cutting the grass
with a degree of uniformity anti ease set
, Minty surprising. As to the matter of
draught, the test as announced wannot fit.
vocable to the Excelsior, the palm of sum,
riortty in this roasted being accorded by the
Judea to the eihickeye,o "Word,. and
-ItmeMlin Moths test was so entirely con-
Picture], that while the judges 8.9 bonora-
Me men, may ham been iiblen;ett to do the
"fele thing," it cannot properly bet regard
' ed other than se no test at all. or se In no
degree satisfactory, in respect not. only to
the Excelsior machine ' but also as to the
t'Union,u"Ohemolone and .the other ma
tchines tried; A dynamometer on en fm
proved' principle might demonstrate 'the
I denneht of machine. mons cortainir, but
we think that instead of the One used an
ordinary spring_ balanee, of comparative
strength,sniget have Leeward: the purpose
with dotal salvautaga. We neuron pot it
stronger UMW say the test applied
1 Wita no test at all, and .tho wonder is that
the lostrnment dirk not break, as at Butler.
Based upon the exhibition of mowing
qualities, on equal ground, where allwere
operating simultaneously, Mote discrimi
, ation woald be necessary In order to de
ride as to twee:Melte. We made op our
Verdict In favor of the .Excelsior. and
"World. machtnes.—the Mintier for the
Yeittelre already referred to. and the latter
for lig eines. and equal capacity with ethers
of heavier build. We would accord to all,
however, due commendation for Ingennity
of construction and for the remarkable
advent.° which has been made in the laud.
able endeavor to lighten the labor of the
Thome, Oceania resides at Fort Pitt
Station, on the Panhandle Railroad, hes
family of children, and his ottildren bare a
bet goat. Peter McCaffrey Is a neighbor,
and he, too, hes been blessed with a family
of little ones. A few atty. Mace the Dren
nan children were playing with the goat,
and the McCaffrey*, hiring the ion. egged
permission to jciln In It. which was granted
by the children, but his gostaltip (he was a
"teatimee goal) had Isom" objections to the
arrangement, mud urged them to • forcible
manner,•butting one of the young IlloCef.
fraysinto the gutter, a. proceeding not
relished by the young gentleman, and h.
....tit re...e by pelting Lis honor toe
goat with sto n es. .Thls enraged the Drell.
rans, and a war amnd th e children wee Inc
esult. The paren ts godly took the-matter
in band. and it terminated in fight be.
twerp Drennan and McCaffrey, lu which
lictlearry "knocked the other out Of thee.
Drennan made tnformstion oefore Alder
man Strain against McCafferty. emerging
him with assault anal battery. A warrant
was tasted. ,
James It. Kennedy keeps a stand no Fifth
street. near Wood, wbere he deal. In
watches, Jewelry, end many other articles
of general utility.. A few days since lie sold
to one Albert builth a watch for foe sem Of
bn dollar., the full smote; of which ems
Paid in greenbacks by the a►id Albeit to
Neonate. who, it Is alleged. warrant.' the
watch to run tor one year without rtipair.
lug. and alsOwarranted tbe mums to he all.
var. Albert toot the watch on these 'arms,
and left well Weasel with his bargaln. lie
had oat proceeded far, hoverer, until he
met • !nand, wbo 'seeing his eaten chain.
Inquired the time of day, when open pull
ing out his watch be Mond that it was not
running, and his Menu barley men wsto es
before, informed him that the cases were not
Oliver. Lie at once returned to annnetly
wim the watch,•op.l he refused to Lake it
back, whereupon Smith sonde information
admen Olin before Alderman 010.10, churn.
lug biro with obtaining money under false
pretenee. A warrant erne issued for ten
' Joseph Schell. a boy about eighteen yearn
of age, who was employed se a driver of
one of Diebold's ice wagons, met with ailed.
ens if not faUd moulent yesterday morning
about seven O'clock. Ile had stopped his
wagon at the comer of Smithfield and
Fourth streets. for the purpose of deliver
leg' some ice, and was 111 the set of getting
in the wagon by stepping on the hind wheel,
when the norses started, throwing him un
der Me wheelsortileh p gust over his ab.
dome, and breast. Inn ming severe internal
Injuries. Tee unfortunate boy sum carried
Into Johnsoe drug stdre, at the corner of
Strilthd old and Fourth streets, where hts is:i
potesi were attend v Dr. Tindle, who, af
ter a slight exami nat i o n . said there were no
bones broken, bet that the injury was a
levels one, and might Prot'. MUD. Tne
Meg man was afterward, taken in a var.
clime to Duquesne bore •gh, where he re.
sides, and was at teat coconuts suit living,
hot no hope. of his recovery were eater.
tabled. •
Mr. Xenon, a resident of Tana on
Teemlay night
was knocked down and
robbed near the tionth end of the
llharpeborg • bridge. Mr. /Crest= had
been to Lawrenceville spending the even
leg, and about balkiest ten O'clock he
started borne , by way of the Sharmthurg
bridge, when he wee assaulted by two mes.
one of whom. struck him over the left eye
with knocklers ar a slonvehot, frorn which
be tell to the ground In an Insensible con4l.
tlor. When he recovered consciousness ne
fmmd that hla pockets hod been ritivd, his
rocket nook, containing about fifteen del.
ars, haying been taken with other articles.
lie made his way to the toll•bouso on the
bluirpebnrg side of the bridge, where be
washed the nlood from his face. The rob.
bees bad mule good their escape, and as
t hey are unknown no offrnis bare been
mule to seems their arrest. Mr. K.'s tulu
, ries were severe hornet dangerous.
Boat racing has become a farOrlto - eport
or pastime with the ...porting men. of
Iltteburgtri audit It contlnueswill certilnly
Make more grit class aecullers.” A repo le
announced to come off on the Allegheny
creme next Saturday. between. the Itn-
Ottesue nntl It U. froward boat plebe. Tee
race In fora puree of 1100; alai.te three
miles, and will Inert from the nennm./.a
brloge, between the hount of Ilse anti six in
the afternoon. The Driquenne crew, con
meting of John Fisher, Lewis tiebolleld. Au.
Pruett. llenl.der nett William Wortblen,
lon, will row In the O. 11. P. Irtlitatite..
William - Lang.
the ct-esteltehael Hanna
W illiam Lang. tine alter and Jobe Hays,
in the ttAngennetta.n The reputation of
both crowd le writ eetehllehed. end the rant
will be so exciting one.
Woeld'e Fair. earl., •
Flrit" premium. Weed /Moran Machine;
so perfectl adapted to all kinds or work.
Buck la t he capacity or the Weed Sewing
Machine that we claim It to be the beat In
we. Coil and examine It at No. 111 Grant
atroet. It I..oam:lply COnStrilett4 that any
nervosa can learn on at. •
• tniers,elles.—in the Dizarra of the
12th inst we published an 'trot ream , leg
on Constable Dougherty ; the Eighth ward,
which, we a Informed, yea a inlernprteue•
Latino. The HAM 711101Ttni to was the case
at L e onard asainst Dougherty, charging
hint with felonious asaaidt, ',ma, It was
looted that Dougherty had locked 1./mused
In an Alderman's ogles, and for , ed turn to
pay the awn of one dollar, by threatening
his life with • plstoL A hemline wee had
In thecaae on the 1010 LusL, and Dougherty
was discharged,the prom:atm haying Laded
to make out a came. •
.1k Knocker Cowac—W. J. Th=P.M is
tha tams of an Indis Idnel who. sbilo 1 0 00
Intoxicated slap, on Tuesday night, lodul
god his fano7 by knocking down 'ample who
Dmwist by him on Wyllo street lie was at ,
slated. by • the night polio., and yestordaY
Morning Mayor llceartlay toad him ten
dollars 10r his poglitstio ashloltion. •
The Arratusemem is being made for the
forthConting excursion and pie nic of the
Sony of Temperance, Division go. 42, are
of the meet liberal character. and the Mar
mill be of the moss pleasant character.
Every Alexia of tamparsam Is Welted.
The Weather wee etheedutgly swim
lawiteY. the thermometer mittens!,
nutety.etz In the *bade. A large number of
families ate about homing for the 00tuala7
to escape No sultry weather.
a Literary. goterealeineat will Da
given by anored total In Escalator Hall,
Allegheny Ott!, this evader. tits proceeds
to be devoted to the benefit of ii stelc man, a
stranger In the city.
Trove.. and Con rernloo —Alpo.° Wis.
gond madu Information Ware Aldermen
Thomas meaner Michael Matter, landlord
of the Wizard Hotel. Fifth weird, for tracer
and conversion. The prosecutor alleges
that h left several articles in ilefenoantia
possession, of ltin value of SM.
id s antic den legreceiving the aforesaid articles,
and holleves the pront:lW came into pee
session of them In some mysterious way.
The defendant brought sett against the
prosecutor to recover three weeks boarding
at the rate of 42. per day. •
ratite Preteens irage.—Wm. Elvert,
yesterday mule Information before Alder
man ii. J. Thomas against one Charles
li .[risen.w painter, alleging that he obtain
ed a engin and carriage from him on the
of June law, by renresenting at the
time that the money was doe to him from
one Air. Kenney, • shoemaker. Dr. Elton
made several attempts to get his money or
its-equivalent In shoes hut could get
neither. Hence the sett: Defendant was
committed for trial.
The Juvenile eeeeee at ExceleloV Mai
On Tueerlay.evertieg. gave general eatlPfa.
lion to a crowded house a Melt they kept
spell-beund until they got through watt
their programme. On Friday evening of
thle week they will glee their seeong en.
Lactation eat at the .ame place.
Arm linnlaim.—A daughter of Wm. Scul
ley, of the Etghth Ward, tell from a awing
Oe TuelelaY. • Us, slls mg gaits sev•re frac
torn or the richt tore are. Medical aid
was ournmoned, and th e little aulfur wait
placed r m a comfortable tauralltlou.
tr.roCery store, at the
earner of Robinson and Clang Ittreete, Alle
gheny. was entered by burglar? Tuesday
nigh?, and debtor ton dOlisra la cash ab
stracted tbererronl. An entrance wee effeCt
ed through the cellar.
A Reliable Medicine for the our. of
• .
. . . . . .. .. .
Dysimarry, than ra.,and Cholera arab.
Gormad's, Cordtol—Warrnoted is rove
C 414, For sale anirost 31ercer'd Drag Ito
uMo Ammo', .ollestarn, city.
The floor marKet. wu.t rwmatnly nimble
Miura many dabs. as thn new . heat Mom.
leg Into the market Mtn:fared at reasonably
low Prleth,
Cold Wpm's.Hag hada Water . J. T,
Semphes Drug BLOM, No.SO ' • . erai street,
W • Goad. bail nt aboleaale
retail... aro, as a consequence. en.
soled to keep a larger and much totter as
sorted Steer, to sell cheaper, and give the
goods le morearoommodating quantities
than exclusive Peeing ketone: Retell mer
chants are In rttod toexamine our stock.
.1. W. BAO.tla d CO.
• So ./larket
We sell dry goods atxtlejelale and retell,
and e. a .eccqeence r are enabled to keep
a larger and much better assorted stock,
to cell cheaper, and to stye the goals In
more accnasmodattng quantities than ox.
elusive Jobbing houses. Itetetlerchants .
are Invited to amanalse our-stock. m
J. W. Ilsesse 6 Co., rel Market street.
Thrown la Tone Teeth that
you do not keep your dental apparatus to
proper knowe r that our own fault, for all the
using that matehlese vegetable dentllrloo,
SOZ mwf.
Al l 2 I.2Ceut.-31ore of thaw yard-arida
Line bien,bed and unbleached Shirting Alm-
Itn rd-tritte beavy Sheeting% an thog
nams, and bnautifnl. Malt and dark Prints.
• J. SY. BaltEEn d C0.,52 Market street.
Disaroes.. Discharges from the Ears,
Catarrh, Diseases of the Eye, .d all affect.
Lions of a chronic and obstinate character
successfully treated by Dr. Aborn,
bmithileld street.
No Plano Viso to use lily—can better
or obsupur Boots, Sao., and
everytnula etas In thfs line, be found thsty
at the tune honored stare of Jsmes Robb,
Zio.ll/ MarEet street.
Pieek and White IL !Peeked Atipsese.—
We here opened this day one ones of thee.,
at:7 cent., this bring less than onedsalt
the 2 4
• J. W. & P 2 Market etreet.
Slack and t °loran Atposeae. and °the.
Dress Gnods,'wonderlally reduced for 11.
last week of nor Closlng.ont Sale.
• S. W. Bauman SS Market street.
fie to Drys . Nt01 , 14, co. SI
Market street, for a reliable Itemedy for the
Go to Tlentsogtx nring Store, No. et
llareet meet, for all Genuine Patent bled-
Wines, a , the unrest rates.
Ito to Flomlntro D. ..... No. et
Market street, fur the best Table Olt In The
1tem...12.6m this Is tbo hurt week of the
Great Cbwing•rwit .11.11 . of Dry Goods at
• BArtera d Cute, $0 Market Weil.
Cold Sparkling Sala Water at
gamplee Drug More, ho. IS rederaletrent
Allegheny. •
—lt is authortt•tttvely announced that the
statement that President Johnson intends
to remove Sheridan, Is without toundation.
President's message vetoing the
last suppletnental reconstruction bill was
not rresanted to, nor rend to Mr. Stanton
tar hit opinion, and consequently he Old
not eppreee nor disapprove the document
prior to Its presentation .to Congress. All
other members of the Cabtuel s approved the
—The President ties not. yet Loomed the
military °nicer, who are to form put of the
Corot:Weston nu locating the Indiana. Gen
orals Sherman, Hancock and Auanrare auk
rested by some, because these oniner• are
already on duty In.lhe.West, and are &mil
ler with the subject and facts upon which'
the Commlssion is toset; hot ttie Preslarnt
wilt probably select three Brigadier Gener
als, who have had no part in the conduct of
tho military movements against the Indi
a, and thus enable Generals Sherman,
Ulmer/a and derur to glue testimony be
fore the G011=16610.
—Wei monis has been added. to the Depart
mentor Yristangton Territory, and Gen-.
oral Rousseau .has been assigned to the
command. •
Extensiae Hoek Blasting.
Telegr.pb to the r Idaho rib wuette.)
Curren Hoye., OSTARIC., July °.l.—About
belt of table rook was blown off this atter
.... A hhlE , or twontY Pounds of powder
moved the whole 171 , 0., 1,01 - the meet pr.
badmg a poi nt T bheaklnogt oolffo
f i p o rtio
tn t W at il tl e b d r
removed to-morrow.
'obi. Fells Marva,.
(ley Teo:arson lo the riumerge Pantie.) -
Lonieviame,' July N.—General Weitzel
and carpe of topographical enaltasers Com
menced thu preliminary worir for murver
log too canal arOurig toe. Oblo falls 1111.
or Additional Local News on
Tnisd Page.
BOO , II—TRLIOC6.—te Tuesday. Joie mod. at
tbo residence of the bride't panel. by Be , 11 .
55 Iler, 11.11.. Me. liEUllti 6 8001,1 •Id Mae
LIZZIE J. PUMA., tooth of Plershorgh.
MlLl.git—lim/EX.—on tee le•h Instant et
'he resl&nee of the helde a tether. 31:11.
LEE, of this ett.y, indXlrs MATTIS J. .111.13Z6,
Of Washisioton, D. C. •
Y1105.,11, irenroday mornlog, tub
o clock, bar. J:liN AII.IUN, lo the slat le
The Naval tear take pine From his late rut
donee, be. T.rnato rtteet, Allegheny. Tale
d./.1.0014. at 3 o'clock. The Mende of the
md• are mut. felly requested to attend.
Jcall.—tto 7 emity. the 1 d Instant.
Maa W 111)41111.A.T. aged 11 tears.
Toe metal w II lakt plate Pool the redderae
of ha parents. No. 72 Boyle Wept. All•glteny,
To DAT, at @o'clock. 7he friend. of the leanly
are rat Pert. ull y invited tr. attend
Wl'at 'Kerte,. kikannum Ft..
on Ilnaday. Jult724, 2.131 AN Wll.llAa all, le
tho baby. ar of tai. yr.
Funeral (rota the rat Idt nce of hie
12e. fated Da haven, No. Federal date.
Allegheny City, on Tor 1.1.1 . , Joly Taal. la
...tea to The friend. of the fewAT eat at
tire, tell, Invited to attend.
No. 566 fourth Welt, ritUbraget, pa.
COVTIIN of all kinds; Cll/28a. GINVEB. sad
ern, deaarlatloa of ?Masi Tuzul.blug Good/
famished. Rooms o.laned day .0 Beam
Lad llaillage. forablle.l. '
Ilarassamme—Bee. David Hee, %D.. IN,
W. Jatobn. Tboalaa [wins, Esq., Jr
Iller. Mon.
• EMI •leD aomossor to 1)0
late liamool K. 'lltenery No. 19 Obi* Mreal.
thtte doors from BMW, LneZbtll7 1 417. lit.
tame. ltotewood. Monotony, nraloot.d noaw
wood tmiutlon Conan. at the lowest rod..
prime, Boost oven at all home, day and Mint.
Hear. and varMages N.M. on short nutlet
and on Mott resoonablik tams.
DILISTAICSS. 001 a. 11114 Oslo Simi,
Alkshenr. MatsSlN tioat.tood and whir 001 ,
cc, wilt, a madetastack at Sacral mutant.,
pad**. nand, and farniaad at shoran notice
at 'o.nat Drlau, Sala and Chap Stable*, nor.
nu at Tutirr a.. 1) Mains .rxinTe. .Carrluea,
Saranac*, Banos% Saddle Harm, an, Sa..
for atm
R T. wit:trim - 44 co, twins
- TAXIII2I AND 61111111•LIEZIIS. • Mancha.
tar, Wood , . Rua awl ',Watt,. oaths Boo= or
Illaathostar LIM.) ntabla,'oornar tftaglala apd
Chariton at eats. Idearse'saa Carslagse
E L STEWART, Vadertalner,
• caner of YORTOS and tux BUM &Th.
latalb•Ward. Paw .f at kinds. Hata and
Canlanai fazulabad on lb. 00MA SSW.
wzDsztinim AND SATURDAY,
• large sheet, containing TESEET-511 EDE.
DEED K tsuovelant median nutter. indlndlot
leading MlltortMes laws Tien by Te
bad Mail„.. valnable Reads= Matter Mr tam
reoXY. and Mien cud most =Mak= Itnas
abil ted Oommerelal Market Hatemif Wm by
any =per I. the city. No tarnier s Mechanic Or
Meseta= mould be without its
. =lns Mt THt yrillt.T GINSITS:
—And on. copy or viper to the fccnon germ
op the cub. Additions to clot. 06n ho mail at
any time, =club rates.
Songs TO Stivecammia.—ln ordering Ton=
paper, be Intl and meet= what. MOOon 70.
want, as we lane a Wednesday Edition tor min
arlibars =Tiny but one omit a =at.
sir Motel DT Drat. Express, Money Order..
or It Boesberod Lotter.. may be at ole riot.
VITISBOkuH, Psomas
IVEtilirt - N - IG KIN Ci S.
Java . °novo,
ss 11117111 ntesse
so st.3nCPV soomezes:s.
(91WCE199011 TO JOkINSTON 13COTT,)
3Z. 117.43.ta IEI EL IN
174 LIBERTY sr., TrrTaßusuli
Sir rottleutor attention 01000 to rtpainrg
I. :lucks at el Jemelry•
needy are earnestly invited to attend the
LITERSItY L. 'Stites 12,31151cT to ba Wes
Tells r.175.2:11.ti. fa IA Xbiniasittil llal.L. coi
ner or Laconic and 7rdtral ittr.era, alight ny,
[bribe tr-nent of s Met ntau, wt . . Is • Watt, er
here, butt. entioretly wortiver ea. We
a k all. particularly . our own race, to give no
V' el, presence and their ald•ln the sac ed Owe
of OFIAIIITT. *dialed= no oat-. Donn
• • • el o'clock. Iter.onn•sce .141comarance
at olciort,
B. A. ' , YALE.
Oto Ina. of Comeof
snit ilia penmen...nip her Statements leg ee
tereen-4:l.2fTlei itutllN-athi le tills deg die
ed. 'Pawns having. claims against tee seld
firm audition, Indebted to tlio to Will Pth•
salt their accounts at tie. G eletiltheold raga. _
for the thithusient or the sane. •
M. Vila...,
P.77en doty
Notice It berch7 Ittron to all 7.7.0 not In
Pcrebane any of the goodie: yea•es, combatant..
or matral. , be.englog .to the L.te Om Of
trelaa a BOBINEON. erltbnat st 7 tedlrdloal
It attached to rich ant every bill of
salt of /aid go xle. onree. enerehandlre or to
terlal. an l—reltt repudtate each and .erery ante
net mad.S_ln accordanCe Otto tole notice.
.1111/11LE1. tr dint.
Pre7cttnntah July2l. 10 7.
DEVLLY & SILL, Real Estate
ad Ineoranee Situate. 'Bader et, Law.
rentwellle. r..
Ifsantacconas t We oder for ale the best
and most desirable late ferc..Bollia Bill end
Bleat Turnsee, or for any large taantaefretal
purposes, In tla county. This property le lase
ted on • 40 foot street and the AlleKtieny dyer.
ad within 102 feet of t h e S. V.E. B. The lot..
Stl byStil ,Bersoaa deslrla rah • lot would do
wei to examine afore baying slateare,
feats made to salt perchance. Enquire ot
uvrwi A 111.1., Beal Estate and lantana
Scents. Butler meet. t.ewieneecnie.
F'o SALE—That very. value,-
ble and desirable property detain on Re
becca street and tbe Allegheny Ti..? In Alla
chem. CRT ; lkt by CI rect. on which Is emote..
very ennetanUal Brick Bundler. At. uteri.
high, 1C0:125 feet. calculated and well adipted
for tumult on amort arm branch of =mean.
curing. It Is seldom a Idiot these sltuleusinne.
within the city. can be bad, and we wooed Invite
the special a t.tion of those desire. of setae.
knit enlace Pre mane tacturtnic intent.. to cell at
the office of DiCirLLN • BILL, Bul Intate and
losaranee cont.. Resler •tenet. hasrrenerunis.
A large _assortment to select
from, at less than javaice
cos, to clam consignment; at
& CO.'S
NAmitunt E JPORIO,
SS & 57.
- rowan 013 Min
F. 11.—FtumPure and House.
bold Goods at Attetton evert.
.A.l2.ola9Ml o ore,
Nos. b 6 & 57 Filth street.
x 24:
IpAnEwr ritzniunz
AllrAltDrD xnc
Wheeler& Wilson Sewing Machine,
tq &Tel" longsee Mon:lath exonanst.on
otAlt the pfloolpal kwtttoto of the frothl—lM
Committee of Award' 1.100 eo npofed of tao
ZOOK OOMpatent affa lougorual jeldiges.
W 216 SOMBER & CO*,
No. 27 717TH HTEENT.ltaburet
Howard's Livery Stable,
71318 T STRUM ism Mosousbela Haase
' One HORWI. very untie lo drive: will not
mare at locomotive. Mae maid driving Walt.
putty amt.- (Me cheap wart Yan6. for aala
low. Hamm bwrabt and anti au coareilmiab
mum, utusit & co.,
Practical Furniture alanufacturen
Irtat slaw a /U7/SITIMIIi“..111
• la. It
Baler of WeIVO and Measures.
Novara aiitacr,
adtwded Litany sad Terri Bitad,
uMen wrzendy att•dded to. auto
Anchor Penton Mills, Pittsburgh,
wxcnce*ND kAaNOLIt ia 'az
igstasinwars Awn swirnme.
Allmoniner eyl:3l7lM - ; .gam
Pittebargh,July.S. UR. 4' -
.:roentrA BUODES, al , bar.
'canned thy Presidency o b i
;multi. of the Diryclore., held thee eisy. 4;ql.
01.1v1Wit f oj r ,ys • .Itzted Prostd,.4 i n „ . •
nd wilatede MilciLieDLIC6S. J__ .Aseistant
Cash*. MAVJLI7I.