The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 24, 1867, Image 1

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I. B. IT.FInViln,
.aa m nxo=
` ~Bo;i Y oeuH ` ,c cen.
ornar, VAZZrrz EuthimNu
Pmt &silicas Pagr er Weiten Pensitnais.
()mom PAPEII or pirrartmoa LVD
lAitaxaßzlr arr. , •
ILUBCI2; CUE/r" 4 EE!T r
cultaleEolll3.:FArilt. tbelMate"U"
frilly) Or TES ➢662
Was tu ,b. r• •P
Dcr.. Dee .r^eck
..... 415.00.
Aaa reins GAzzirrr.
nuou, rslrsA.
TO1TX?Il eiICOOIWODATION or P.11501(11 tea.
log the gill during the mummer menthe
they ran hove the Gete-plk mailed to their
au:dress, by ordering l ame at the emee,
her fifteen cents War week for one week or
Fltat all places of fisshlooable sum
mer resOrt In this country, are heard loud
cnmplaints of the paucity of guests. The
fact doubtless accords with the liver-
meat. Inexplanation it is alleged that
,fashion now exacts of her votaries a trip
to Europe Instead of a isessein at New
port, Saratoga, Niagara Falls, or the
White Mountains. This hardly covers
• the whobiease.• For some years past the
proprietors of hotels at our watering
placea have fUrnithed abominable fare,
and at the Most extortionate ifiteS. Vis
itors have beemne disgusted, and. out of
patience: They have resolvad to change.,
Oct!: bile._ It they must Submit to each
r.ntertaintand as they would not accept
at their homes on any. terms, and pay
double prices therefor, they do" not Ineart
to' be fleeced all the while by the 'same
estabhelotients. Hotels at watering
places mist do better,- and at less rates;,
• Tue recent declarttions by 31. r.
PAS and other influential mentberr,of
Congress to the elfact that 'the votes of
the Souttirn States would swell the Re
publican majority nest year at the presi
dential election, may well be received as
evidence that so many of the seceding
States as timely with tlw conditions
pmscrlbed in the Reconstruction Acta
re-admitted to all their former
rights daring the coming regular sea.
aloe, of ~Oongreas. .la COMO "quartets.
there has been a pertinacious misrepre
sentation on this point. The purposes
of an impracticable few have been put
in place of the avowed intentions of the
reasonable Majority. 'llls time the real
facts were understood,
Tot Genies of Liberty, the Demo.
_cntic organ or Fayette county, Las becn
purtliased bYJimes F. Campbell, for
merly foreman of the Post of this city,
and F. B.*Rock,. of Greensburg. With
Mr. Rock we have not the pleasure oral'
acquaintance,, but can safely' promise
that uuder the management of Mr.
Camptiell,. who is an energetic and
thorough 'journalist and compositor,
the paper will receive new Rre, and at.
calm even a higher position among the
journals of the State than It- now occu—
plea. We sincerely wish the new firm
Tun Philadelphia .B.alletin says that
the "Rernblicin Executive Committee
of that city have adopted a set of sup
plementary rul.'s, designed to correct
abuses and to secure good nominations;"
bat it.wisely-adds that "unless thepeo
pie bike the matter In^ their Own hands
' at the preliminary elections and secure
honest delerates to.tho•nominating con
mentions: - all the rulisin the world will
tail to foil the machinations of corrupt
wire-pulle r s.".
IN Paw • Moat censurable forgery
was perpetrated in the Figaro of July 0,
being a detailed account of the trial and
execution-0f .Ifaximilisn. It purported
to be copied from the .Threhmta, of-
Queretaro, and_ to be forwarded from
this country by the Atlantic cable. This
•fortrery appeared In the Conamereial of
lht c i ty, Yesterday morning, without an
intimation of Its real character..
• • ~ .kortsr raleirufolineUlC adductor and
spear on a meet railway • car- in New
orrork city, carried , a lady- passenger be
yond herdestinati on, and on reaching a
secluded part of the road, put out the
lighteand attempted to outrage her per
son. tier cries brought the police, and
the twin mates of infamy were arrested -,
and held for
IIZZ ' FIGHT 4 .% aupeexa to ho the pre
vailtag sport or Use season, judging from
the nuMber r of."bouts" chronicled by
our exchanges. There is one redeeming
feature shout the ring, however,-- r the
roughs. engaged u principals receive
body beatings commensurate with their
offence isgilest soci.tyi - . .
Titania would seem to be no . good Tea.
son for' ie contemplated action of the
President In assembling the military
otatimanders of the '§outhern
Washington: They understand , their
dales, and do noillinch in the perform
ance of them; whichis all that, can Well
he desired.
Or 3ln. Ennurr., the Philadelphia
Nem,' (Jolin . sonlan,) rays': "lir. En
no.iT is a' gentlemim of large expet'.
once, end w mild doubtleu snake an able
teetalater. We de not think he could be
nurchau,d, 'ind that .1a eying a gocad
deal fur a man in them 1 degenerate
'Tun New drleans Crescent remarks
that Jacob Etarkei's bank hats been turned
into a take and soda slop, and a sliver
lemmata dispenses coolocra from" the
place when 3 the silver beaded hanker
stood and coolly swept the trusting peo-,
ple'e money Into his till. •
'IT 13 clear the President has nci love
for General Sbcridon, and meani to
movehimlroni'ecitpmand at Neer Or.
leans. Perhaps, bowover, ho seeks In
this way to annoy Congress and tho
loyal part_ of the nation.
the nun,g noire. eousentell .readily. t.
. , 1 tin infer they made to lur, to pay her u
. 1 late rent or seo trance a mouth. ••:• , he said
Trt . o. Republicans of Warren county j irelw . recovered the whole amount she
.• , ,
ton rich, and riches brought.
hare nominated Juntai It Clang for I w.w . r. I , F
Li,re 1 their wale, Viola hued I
Aasembly;.those of •Vellanko COtinty, ..'e" ' iliil4s month.were ' tud ' ainntly (mou r n%
P. Driae.t.v. '. Iti,Potter county Jour: 0.. 4, , .
n iorberupon thc west to lirts,
MANN has Ikea re.nOminitted, subject to yat nice little 'muse, anti bring - - a
, ~ : 4. p to lover of the eittne of cbeekers,
conference. • ery,den nutnv hour, in p' iv n
.7---- "......" -------- - 4. ti l efllluintlira. T e li Iti IN e - " I
i i lo
Tan death of Jolla J. Spear, a prom- r
. ik,,j,/ o rd o o ter tu '' '. •'" •‘" r
!stag nod Sonrnall>t, lately attached la ' A :voval. Ef.Er_TION.
to the yew York, if '',, 7 ld , is announced I hyl I s IlaSton (Albi time gives rat ar.
'IV eflr It large ideate held in e orovo
as having occurred
_lett J I
a elyrA ri re, ill that: COttlay, W, th, i t h i
- —.- 4 ,ra y. and mils:
f Thu great- feature of the lay was an
e • lon, at ten ceipts n vote, to it:ermine
t -,rettlrot nail moat popular lady of the
d -Ict., to witont a sPleodld fruit oak" i
webit wanted, the on:wooden( the
[aAththc Tnt::o lAndOtv ;;i
i,,m.t,us.tcogtb,,, j
ation(Pletee. Tito principal cantlldrites I
were 1,11,4 Welch. )lieu Caulk and Alfas
Orenclirr. .T,,p to wltithi 4 cuisine of d I
sing e polls Alt a Caulk was several.
hur r lp I notate ahead, and ber admirers i
we j oanlldent dr Hueco,: but it friend of I
AlkirWelcit kept lily ballot tarok to . - thi.O.
lest, paid §le.o and gave tier a tbotutand I
vote, which seater:l lice the victory by
I nine Mlc hunilrell plitrality, nrobil•the
plaudits of her friends. This Iti a novel I
way kir doterullning the prettiest girt
,in I
lie tielithborhood.“ - . . . • ; I
- -
—Victor lingo"were In Barre on Jut'
having .erismal t tee thantiel• In the
Southampton simmer.:\ t.lO o'clock",
anyn th e ciaira.r, he visited .
&lie on *he.
Fine Napolson 111., in campy with
Ida enthral friend amt dlsuplc , Auguste
Yammer', The great poet appears to
enjoy excellent health; pus age, flowerer,
In quite apprinefolud his bean! is nearly
white. .I"emr.,Eittgo promeied • eti the
name thyof lets ainent to Pane; where
he witnessed the 'lnd periurnumee or
Few pet - Sons who jostled' the
Merlen attired in gray and 'wearing no
decoration wltatimer; would have,
pectral that they - were in such
nutty to the chief of the romantic 'it,. hOn
of w•nich he J o, sitU .the brilliant embodi
ment, The poet's took in bright enouidt,
though somewhat dreamy. Olin feuturen
leer very little rusesublunce to' h age
asite, the resemblance of wine!,
to the origtied is warrantial. , , • t •
' a alitwnnkee police officer
wan detailed tre take au Ineatio man Wan
abylum. I The , man went elortg quietly
until the end of the journey W.U4 read
el,-when,, Meerut of being delivered to
the Pincer* or the Asylum, he very quiet
ly. delivered the astonished oineer, who,
b o ron. hp bad 0n opportunity for an eft
planation, found. himeelf looked op in a
cell, and sans told ' that a straight ; jaeket
awaited him If he made nay demonstra
tions. /Inas sonic time before the offi
cer could get his story believed and on
change places will Ilia lunatic, who weer,'
MT boasting of his drill in ontwitting
his keeper.
—Among the rumors ;lovalent to Utah
le one that Brigham Young bun prom
ised to abolish polygatny , no boon as the
Uttion Is reconstructed. It will be cud
pug irthe burial of ono of the "Pejo
cones of "barbarism" proves the sigma
for the rollxvolibuiont of rite other. • •
, . .
, .
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NO. Ilia.
cowl. for the Lattice—Social, Fasulena
ble. Matrimonial and Olherfrise.
Ask:muss rniseussr.s.
The Bedford Citoonot gives some read.
.able gossip on this subject: "American.
Printesses are not so rare as is neuerally,
supposed. Quite a tiumbizr of the tale
dabghters of Uncle Satii west 'that sweet
iMl y wAlicahraS et l e m ri k st i rf r 7 " h t t e • i rld u e:t N.
of the grteit Murat married on thenOtri o n i
July, isZ while residing' in this tettn.
t, the lvantlful C aroline D,
kro ry tw. tt i eee 01 I 4.ol7,o3VitlSltingtoniedlei-. her
Inemultdied. 1017, but ithe Prineess '
Murat is Mill tiring. Tho - wife of the ,
living Prince Lucien, lattrat—the head or
his house—Was' CarOnne Fre
set., an American lady, who'vs born en
tha_leth of A Aril, ISIO, anti married the
Prince on the 10th of August, tOll. dur
ing his residence in this country. The.
sons 'and daughters of the Prince and
Brine.. Moon, with one exception. were
Kit boot' irl . this ntuntry. trite :NI units
pay greett attention tosuehof their Amer.
lean relative. and acquaintances Os visit
them In 'Then there Is the Prin.
oteS de •Neer, whit four years ago was
plain Inissi'Mary Esther Lee dim:Ater or
David Lee, :/t wealthy vitizen of New
York. Ott . the 1,1 of 'November. !Sarah°
serried Prima) FrAIorILL:, of Schlesovie-
IfoLnein •Sonddrintry.Aukutiteuttnotsth o
three days after the wedding wits created
Prince de Niter by tiro Emperor of Alto.
tria. Less than a year afterwards. on the
2al of July, ISSA, the Prince de 'Neer tiled,
while on u voyage of pleasure at Ityrut,-
"The.vridowed Princess resides, we be
lieve, in Vienna. By her marriage' She
bcsame the aunt of that Prince Christian
of Schleswig-IloiSteiti, who ressattly
nodded the Pollee.- Ifeleriti, (teems,
Vieturia'a third daughter, Anethor late
instant:on( an -American holy istsenning
a Primmest. le that or the I t ch:tress eititur
Satre. Iler husband, Prim. Felix - Stint
saliii,-wies a rather wild and adventurous
member or the gout AuStriall noux of
Sohn Salm...who some to this onnntry at
the outhorak of the rebellion, offered his
yerviees to . 11111 Italeml Government, and
rose to the rank of Brigadier tieuend,
lie married Agues Li:Clem,: the dough
ter of u Colonel LeCleob or-our volun•
toer service. It is. this Brit:tn.-I Salto
Sale who lately meth.. ouch Mieunclus
efforts to save the life or Maximilian,
the Prince, after am close or oar oivil
sear, havlngjoined the Mexican Imperial
urine. Tier iteitt . this eonueution
entitle her to the gouitude of Francis
risteph, end, beth she and her husband
will doubtless take a' high position upon
their arrival in:Vienna : among the titled
members of the Allen - tau court. Modes,
We say nothing of • the venetable
Madame lb - map/the, of Italttructre.who.
if she lied her would be styind
Printa.s. for Duelleases,, and Count
esses, and ..11aronetses, there um tiny
munber of Amorieun tvo• ten who here
attained through marriage the. , ininor•l
noble tilles.'t
ilow LADIES 151I0I'LD 111"VI:N1)
woman Writes ittrodth•the press to
adobe, her sex. to carry revolvers to ptv
tort thernselves• from the attack,. of' rut
films, us she ea:insiders that our laws mud
society make very Inadequate provisions
for their protection. If annum' do not
possess revolturs, and tsimint get them,
she advise• every woman to carry shout
with her n box of groom' red pepper sad
throw it handful into the tape and eyes ol
anyone who may seem disposed he make ,
on attack. We have little faith that the
tinning of vronion would make theft: any
freer nom insult imileutruge than they
are now; but of the two methods of de
fence mentioned we should say the pep. '
per would be decidedly the most etilannul.
This niethed of defence reminds us of
like one used by a Well-known police or
lioer in our - city some years Aimee. lie
scarcely ever looked to his revolver or
bludgeon for 1111 , 1.0C1i013. Ile always ca,
vied eonveniently at hand in his lorry-et a
quantity or The' free use of this
In the "race and eyes of rho prisoner al
ways effectually squelched any titiontipi
of violence on his part. And while tins
wespou achieved all neret.urypurpose.,
it did not peril the life or limb of the'
prisoner; nod than aired the eclair from',
much of Um censure that, is visited 11P011
• policemen, whether deserved or not.
sr..isint: I.3qt:urn:sr.-
Miles O'Reilly Is tat one of the Seaconst
watering places, and relates allttle of its
experience In there
This morning I Mel a bath with a
young Nereid, who swain like at dock,
and ut the luckiest of dudes in every
way—even though she Fonhl nutlet Out,
l ituals.asongothieblititr"ethillened, ma
to write:" 'Tie way of it was ilds—but
Unit let me give the
o nly two ousti n g Kann. of • 'my great protected poem,
...litchis to be entitled
"Ayr= Tuk morn." .
liar akin fs fresh, and 0014 110 , 1 Sink,
net warm And red the Ilea !wens, •
And all her beauty seat's to 3nrink .
Ceteier in her attesti aro.;
While der her alsonklers to
her Dip.::::.
O'er sweiller boat and far adewm
to tr>tlltna geld the tresses drip ." •
tildelt.form at attacher trratand aroses.
No morn her nyca In lasaruor swim,
- lint /Urn with gay, uxinettleh strife;
And a very.pnlao, and every /Lab •
' /a thrilling. hew rlant Me; . .
ller chant hata neap t a toddler etafo .
And her small tea to sand that sink,'
Ara nearale-eblte, with m 00.9 a tote
j . Down to the almond-alai/1 of pint.
"nu: I..tar OF cliaCErne.a
I AMOn&lhe kabitaes of the Paris rojes I
VPlCeria ore • some singular characters. I /" 3 A - SCIAL A.IP comMEN4I , II , .
he ahearrea.l of all ciheerc e m is a F ith er Larsaroon. lair . I.l.—Eiaming —Cotton has
1 ratty young woman, - 'who, r , a y .,,„ i bees owl blur/need Iteay; 111140,1 Iglu.
Oat, IMatipent every afternoon andeven- i sVtL i" tur to le se . t m: r LT . It? Ttr7;
tag at the Alkounlint„ whom site 'drinks must. Ilmidettar k e . cto k eed arm. with an tip.
, a. noinber 01 gia nt„
of bear, sinuken .nra tendon. , " In t Prlcea. Flour advanend.
{ l .o 1 c dgOrdi , a. and playa elteckers:•with 1. tier Neck_ Wheat advanced td,md eloied
Dorn ataadv
Ith , "gen u ine ardor of an admirer of-the , 11' It, ltd r,„,.'"'„".""rhi."'
ga aC,. The Walters and the easteimera I 1 ,- .5. - s - arlit'iti r . 4srti r l cr ' el - lc i tr W" Vii:
A.A. Ilse day , the too of tt wioltby I for
r1; - 1 Is, 15 3 , ,,;t1 for reffniel. Al ,
V. 1.1 her. Belngo %%ire, Locoruhlo young lat aa..“ 5 7a.
1 1
! D J f 1 1 j r n :g7 P v
i l' i t!
o timn . :4 : 11:1 . L 0: 1 : 7 r i L :la:
o ni v ri . t. ; :c. c ' i :B , 7, , Pft ‘ 1 :
i i /; ! i i - o:l7 4 ts: . lo: 4l 4—;: y r, ot;o t , 7:1 1 .;. i h ..;;;,.44:0„,..:: :,, ,.....,;: m. :...:.
, ~„,hg . N„,„„,.„. pier ,„,,,,,.,, t m e.. i !i .cf,, ! , lb!.
for thus American:
0 c Marquis saw her and MI Jo love '
ill ."' hTehetoUldobruL'ullsite'rar
c ‘+.l .4 . b . d ir ' ere "7 ln .
i l E' L L1' 0 : n 4e t5 67, a 44 ,.. 1.7 .1 :7 : C07 15 71 ^X.- 4calr' ; '''' reni t'intigi n n; g —C°?" . i e- s• T C'ln je ' r t: o L:l fa 'nsM4 n ed :
ton Y.. ",Whitt I A relative or the' c11.... g. wii- lu. ° .r.W the . 1.k.".
M nttnorency lonillv— the scion of one I
'of ilia oldest houses - In I'room—should I -
Mfirry - Edell it woonm! Impossible!”
' . The tether of the young Mau. to .I"fli
sum 'his - 1-Ifb, said it was it dome that
wouht gess; and, Leiden, thoyou rig tritua
Sena of yet twonty-live yearn old, and
m i t not Marry,. therefore, without
-oh iniog the consent - of his parents viol
tit _ SIM.: young actress. When the
no %timid not . ,k-.,.t from Ws purpose.
tla father told hint he .mold not flurry
t name+, with his consent; and finally
It einiled on the your;; man hi go
aeiffuti tor, u couple oiyears. But no In.
ietPpn was hlv love that he tiled in Artie..
11,i, ‘ rtelapsed. Ott "Ills tic•at h itetltiJbe.
qui lied - all his ovrn property, aruoittit
be ..4 'tin upwards of thirty thousand
i o
fro to the atteese. /its parents. bow
ev went - to Jew to contest the validity
'of still. "Though the grounds iin
- ei *they brought suit teriti-eeryV.:eak,
Mit hero tit moat aL The Mord of Health
states that no cases hero occurred in the
f ------eet.5....-------.
, , 1 t Icinity where the lilcolson pavement la
ta, pontili, lu Paris, made a HMO; boing bib
uhotit tit° origin. of rickets, end found am. from Know represent the dip.
that kilo Null is in mothers not fulfilling cafe es ,presaillou O. Plantation. to itto
tint shred obligallous of nurslut; their vialoitY or Shun . urns At neeeth sae
info at with all (Oho will: th ey can pro- Planter lost twenty-lice hands tut soak. .
duo 'thbt is the only food which ne -... The crop proppon- In lb.!. Bute M 'fry
n--;.- enCOUrasteg. *large armored whoren thot
trill tho dlueative organs of children I .... planted. 4 -ie r med rthee• Pl.'
(Mail di, OM mouths of their gala- 1 lotion Is hear /Mena, tatiniatai 01. corn
tone% laid ilto Is often intrxissible when 'MOO at two hundred thousand boahcht nil-
It to not given, or when list supply Is Itt l y too-thirds of the loads tinder cultiva...
deficient quantities; and the igno ra n,„ , ILIA Season LOS boon planted lit corona..
of thi. fact is tho ; heir wax; of the I
anOrMons mortality durinit the ilrayear Unfavorable i often PrOSPeCte.
of fAfacitilo life, It milk I. . ; ., on i n I Car Tatars:to to th. pttatarsit ohtettetl
ir re 5?„i(i., 7 , :: .) ;,...:( 03t :i i : .... „ - : . , , 0 ,r : , ..1 0 , 0 ,t . i i i . ti g I Vrt t to :C*-L t 7 ee n Tro t" r i"A eo "v ito .L :Z W :c):e h ts w vo r it m ile 7 ths , a 4l'"l
e re- ; icrr gado Or Seger aloe. -.
4:1 tO be P ram We no,
ec S e _..—...,,,t_„ The ehreveport tiopthicertnet=grg
I tergrts that the trona bad op
- 2 a fillitmatertnu .Ittoxlmn ergethls I retitle in Red Inver country, t ro t toss the
In Richmond aro wild to hovels,. ; Prospects ant good. amount. from the ht..
It CO plcto.follure. it cull for tainetalng 71,„ r4 ethth 01 L'ethethet e en° of Meetheee4
on t h C o on. sq.., bleu ht out only i rzte b : , t o attand Xortbssat TeX/4 state Mete
it few'fittraes with babies. The Virg.... w orn , „I,Z,A e r, o h i j eth "e the ecethe
peogt have had too much Ivor at home I ' roars was no nna bero
to zosterdaY Mt , .
dealronp to (rayed 'to 3 - texlco in day. This is Me first time rBM weeks we
seem of it. have had forty-eight hoon of dry weather,
s i AirTer7 Illift7; Merummeter Ott I
English Reform Debate Postponed.
Poland Absorbed into Russia.
Admiral rarrigut iti Paris
rna LUSSIAN lOU fliNft
The Remain of iffaximillfan
Car Tclegronh to tllo TittaiiEr:A Rosette.,
- •
Lennon. J ely22.—.lfidnight the ROW.
Of Lends, to-might, a motion was made on
the part of tae Government for s mooed
reading of the Reform bill. Earl Derby
teed, a lengthy and powerftd argument In
Meer of the bill and wan 101,1011103 Q b . ! Ent
...Grey and others IS , OPP.SiUOI2 to IL. Fur
ther delude on the . inbJect was poetmted.
',MAN T/LIAL aT nerdirr. • -
Lemma, July e , —Gm..Yariola or Farrel,
who was arrested In this city the 'Lib of
July, eon cilium: of complicity with tae
Fenian; la undergoing examination at
Dublin. !
oicranscar. OTSIC
Inn England to-d on Ids return to too.
atantinople. tte wilipass through Germany
and atop in Henna one week, share he will
be the gang. Or the Emperor.
i11t1,3 WAS.
Pants, July L....L-2bn French government
bea prohibited the planing' Of any portion
of the Ruican nallronil loan In the Pasla
aninnat CT IS 1,118.
Cncnanuen, July 2 4 . -4lna United States
steam trixate Vranklin, bearing the broad
pennant or Admiral Parrairui, ban sensed
at this non. The Al/ nalral end a mamba or
hls eilleern bare railroad , tel Parte.
Paws. lily 1111—Breainy —Adscaral Parra
bas arrived In Vats City , and recmlved on
411 sides LOU moat distinguished attention].
roe United .Statee “eneral Dir,
to-day guru n fete In bonor of the 4111miral.
A. largo Somber ot — iteetican lad!ev and
gentlemen ware Present to meet tam. and
iraVs I=S MOst cordial mid gratifying wet.
l'Asur., July 23.—1 n tae Corp, Leeshal ,
yentexillis, the enitttely 'NOM. pcOposi
Uatte :rem pueed.
rutreu.yrioza ro ziezeiro rue en:its.
Vicese, July =—Eeeing --Great preps.
retie., ere homemade teethe reception Of
the Sean... If all the plena are carried tint
the ceremonies nod frerivitles during the,
sultan , e etas will expand in oteitettleesee
auythloz he met trltla In either Fr►nhs or
OPPIPLIPIS OP ran n uaa .
TP.I'LPTP, July oL—The Imperial ttlgete
Nararra has .salled for Vera Grua with or
der, to Ortm; 'back the remains of Bias/.
ES OLMIXII lIC011•1[11.11, or me.
BZllLlN,Joly=—Connt oLaOsi
orsan demos that there La any truth It the
recently ;Of.ortad irtorlos Oft prObibilltr
of ear.
OotAre , teeeseismiii. - gicise r ii. •
• s+. is.viivalereo, July 3—By :toPerte-1
ukase • al,l polttleal and governmental die
ttnettoon betweei Poland and the Nmplre
of ItaJOht ire obliterated...l adonil ho vow
almorbed lei° Houle es vile of the Plot.
Inees of the Empire.
orrnarms TO ontinzu A POST.
Cowls, July 13 —Ecia:A2.—AdvIces ttons report.. the Omit Dalmlos w oppined
the ex.u.l,ng or the port of di3ks.lo
Livititroot., Jane in.—The "township Pe
rmian, from Qmaioc, arrived mat..
nun; July - Reamer Yale Do
Pane, Lrom Now York, hi. aniseed.,
MP Select - 49h to the ilttsberch Gazette./
Now YORK, .10.1 y 241,1t7
truTo ,xltolt,hratroit nontatax,
, The Mayor v:tool thy rooolattork granting
the 11,1cia fiat:iron-4 permission to run
"durlurs3. tengincli ti•etWIMI their 'Cclea
and posse:nun, delete, • oa the ground of
danger to Duman lifo and of depreciating
rac eurvene 00rfta SOD Ten ZZCISIDO/Litt.
Jude. I.anard, et the 81thretrio Court,lt,
R runted
ri it andamus compelling the Ex•
clue Ilea to m . ay Over Or the Consoilestoo•
era of the iiinhintv Pund, the balance In ex
cevt or the to:canary expenditures received
front ileen6r.B for the sago or liquor. These
nionvya amount to nearly half a railllOn dol
lars for the mouth ending:May
TOE mincers /LZIASS.
The Erprers says the statement recently
plltaltbeti 11101 theapnea! ezeqrsion of the
fighting members or the listens wing O(
the trios OrgalltilitiOn, would come °lron
the MI. of AlillUnt. is entirely devoid -of
fonrelation. No movement of notate elmr•
..icr wilt to attempted .until miter the
f.rthontolng general amerces of the Broth- .
crhu.l, to taw held at Cleveland early In
...larch,' or AUTHORITY.
i An uutortunate 'controversy h. erlice
between the Colector of the Vora and the
Quarantine .I.ionnirelotter. *thereby pea
t...hers arriettig In New York suffer lunch
litcourehlance. Vie Collector bat retuned
to grant permits lee the nticharee et Pwr
renders and teintrage until a certificate of
the lleattli tilllher ha been rent to the city,
the nt,e1.11.1 . mnaueblia lying ID eartranttne
aware. Hitherto this' permit ho. hen
granted in advance of the arrival of the
tie:tater, as thut_if the easel Lala clear
bill of health, her pettengers could be
Jeudcil Without dulay.
TOP BOLT 11100100 TOO xren maw,. .
Wltllum .KnAghton, a ac twat tonobor In
Zrootlyn, mild to havo taro Wives Isvinc
419,1 on batuntar, LI la said from Ina effeom
or pollon. zunittannon 1n acing tondo.
TheMentter9 Itmito and Helvetia arrived
tom Lump,
?Pe Cholera 'Decreasing—lt. Appear.
anee lu Ar6auerks—Crop Prrapueb
1.1 SUSS SU'S.... • •
iayTtl.grapu to We Vutstrarala.t.hiett4.l.
rxrvao, Jalra—The cholera], dec'rere•
. . . . . . , .... ..
illy Telatrepti te the Pittsburgh harsh< 1
Waa „
. . . '...- l:term:4, Jitly0;183:: -
The letter of hoot b to Dr. Stowell, enclos
ing money, woe admitted In 'evidence; by
convent of the Court. The Court ordered
attachment to :sane for two condoctoth
. .
on the No ern Ventral Railroad, whore
fused to obe aulapcutias. , '.
Ezra ri: entail'. train'.'hintster cid' the
Phlladelphl and • rile ntiltpa4, ii peed
that /tetrad t Willi tnaport On - Abr A . 13 ~,
lot; two as ern that der tea.", Bl—
anca; ...the • train. Jeering Elmira at
eight Wel arrive between 11.101 0 0 and
two o'clock, anti thetextra trato aeriKull la-
ter. Anna canto es Ito t f tra trate, anJ
wes anxious to get throng . I toot 010, 10
I be • rebel spy or gOltorto MIC 41rLdetl.,,
and 4.m0 1211 it little eatlalaction about the
IA trains, 114 I..thoUtit IV kno w cl
of lite bustniws hOsv [rel. tat". I• th/e
forirrlittl At Walllatpeporl% It • witv between
1,....ra stud twootloct whoa the man Caine
1.2 on the extra tn6lti. I had ii. conversation
with the ferritean at illx 40C141ck that bins:
'pa; it le thy 0010 100 that the prisoner is the
man woo eneatkuted me about the trains,
but/ azinta gay ee positively.: , . . . ..
Dr.llclllllan wee rtealle4 and temrtilled
that he had a quarrel • with &tea. air.
Boucher about some money weird, itanctier
owod him, and, that ho slapped Donahue',
.• tiden , Erakine, of Waterloo. Canada.
trhat MoXillatVe character tor truth
no perinet lyaood.
Emma Itauocut, reshllog Sereetsbrg.
Canada, and Levi A. Perkins. reaming . la
rettor,Otoula, .toattiled elm llerly..
JoanDh W. Guppy, evalstant anporlotetnl,
end sot the Near leerym!' Erie liattrond,"
teettnel that the tram , f from thaexpreath*
L.mtra r. x. of the Mtn, and at
Charles a. tr.ltth of .ImII,IN.Z.
es K. hhoni recalled and (ratite,'
that. itallotian was not tha man 'Rho laid
deep and dropped :he bandkerch ter e loon
he looked ap , nr s liatilextoz . ou the eight of
• C. T. liobart Was recalled
th.d. liallotutn wan not the man manwel
to pews In' bts-irattWindloribed" notable
like the man. Witness LIMO. racepi au
,r of • bribe tram Mr. dinidleir; the
Publication to th at edret was attar y
NO one °ounce:ad with the aefenae bear
mule a proximation to pay noseyOde testi
mono. • •
Lewis J. Watchman testified that Hall .
did not lie domain the "neat at linrilegian,
on the roamed at the Seth; bb aid poi tall
MB In Canada that his hanaterebbif ,was
under las,pition nt the hotel in Ilurltuntrin.
Joaeph Wells, residing at r Orton., Mars.'
i.e. testified that Stephen' F. Came a re
J• toes Et. Gra...fora. allp Ilrfop In rignin
testified tbettlatnensn's ritPtitaUan arm izot
that of a trot h. teller.
. James T.Metlullongti also testlileil kltat
CametweWrellettatton forornin was bad,.
John TorbettemPled teat Coward,' , eas
conodered ball crazy; a mutt no one volteld
bailers hie stories unless rerldedi witnel.e
would nottgairre him on Oath nowt, c.wyM.
owed; and emweral other Canon,.
similarly. • • ;
Michael MeNanaintlestined that .Teflo
pet's reputation far troth and remelt 'Was
good Several- If itllos•Pi gave erldeneo to
'bourne larva. .• • • ' • •
Court ao)auramal till tommprroar.
• .
. •
„ .
COY Teltaraph to the rioehergh 11 secttei). 1 I.
. . . ITAllyiNarpo. July :04 /..171
DErratOt 00.....1.
The President has under ohathlelol4oo
the propriety of calling the den District
Come:wade. to this city, list ybeY. , 'spas
confer with ea. e.
other and the
relat . ye to the execution of the iteconirtmic.
than nets, and determine as near as Man he
noon uniform roles of action and practice
' 1 . IN XOlattr 0h00t.1.4.
i'La report of General Illtei. it tiismn t •
- Commissioner MA. It reettandihr llurio. of
North Carolina, for 'Jute. epee.. Of 0..
white women and children, let t wide,. sal
chartmmtaa by th mid lir'.
log on y.. There. noonplenl
for them, and hundreds have goon 1000 the
fluids and endetvored to earn on to ,
l 'eultain Itre, but tbote feeble 'oOnstll.oln.
-non meek down muter the bursilog son -
I If title claim of people were fn any Of our'
manufacturing town*. New Xualand they
coned be enabled to aqslei Wei sobers.
...lanes and enjoy elf the geminate -of
Ilfe..d at the lame time gl. their, en II-
. Aran adramagea or education. II ornolot •
I meet would tin autoottol.4 o.oayarnet
Abe oWeatiTthielniresgsweeldrettreMtheis
transportation.arlthey amnia gladly ;cave
these Demme of went and sorrow.'
General Griffin, easlsteet tincindeliener 1
In Texas, titular hale Or May Stet, ea. tr. I
the freedmen areworkung wen, and thnil.. ,
Imend for labOr la (rent, with grave hub.!
Toe treatment of laborers ny their einem,. 1
ecs la moon better tn. excel. The report I
also ntarel that in many counties there I.
very Ilthie iswlemnessorvioletior. bet there
is still a laminar - tor the a.ts where tee,
dor 111 hol.l sad unchecked. la these piing
:ha Life of a Width - Man is width bat tittle,
while the Woof a 01.1113101 la worth Oath.
lag. Gonerae tlrltna rename!hs that a re.
'great number of planters, In' arelng • the'
I Millarrieas of the freedmen foe nil (magma.
hay. eltered 10 'furnishschool , beaklike..
and here applied for teutohOril:
i T.Loar 10001 ON Dealt lo ..... . .
Informatlent bas reached the Treasury Ue.
neat Jul y O J O u l
ly ea l p l a , ctahla n t a aw inagti me
prevalenee Of theyellow Inver at lodionola,
widen nee amented an epidemic farm, - all
commerce with Matron tali been Snap..
ded, and no resift bare been rosenired from .
there slnes ine nth in..
I mo tanner." in 005011..autTNA. , - •
The Wilmington hoard of negbdrat ton In
this State I. composed generally of Sitcom
Wig.. Tee Woo for the commencement
of t2to restatratlon IS um tiled.
The Whin. Itiounnlssion to try three my
tunnel ivq.eou 000017. an II Cititon 4 f .-
111021:1T(OrneOli ot Um frond . va,,, maso n,
convened th is mOrritnt. . - •
The wr.olner m warm. Acoountsconcern•
lug then.= °rope are morn entoOraglutr.
i t . ll4l=ta from too ODUOCE7rop are nut to
• •
TEE /.98AteINATICrlf re,
The COSIIMILtets of Wm./100w of UtTlet•
eentattreetotereatiaatatheaesasetnation of
Prealdent Lincoln refineet all persocia ha,
lot 64.) knowledge thereof to•forwaxt tbn
nano to tho Chairman, Otmerul Butler. 1 ,
te stated teat toiler t he previa:Mil of the
goose resolotkr. then yldenue farniebed
*hell tot be coca Agatha& the persona
olahlen it on any txlal. : •
.ThaJollomry Onntolttro, clO llhelm-
DCDChmCDt loTrsuQatlDn this morning.
lISTAIITVIIC 01/11.01121,137 gItaXILD.
SOCruta.l7 bovrArgllxll for Auburn to-day.
00, TI.JOIDLCA IX TUX ten. • .•
GoverierZwidurs, of LOultalos, hi, AZ-
A Math Ball Rising— A Sew.fersegman
Found Mead no. A Wlellntllng. LT:
pres. Agent—lodise admen..
Lite Tennison 10 toe elitabernn tinsisoe.)
Br. Lome, Joly 93.--:A bus halt match be.
tenon this broth:Mid. and ' Emigres, to. day,
dosed nt the and of the sixth. Inulnya, to
enable the Nationale to Conch n'trala for
Chimp, whore they play tt- ni etch - with the
EnCeleioril to-morrow afternoon. Then - tore
stood—biatioopl.. Euthlrea 24. -- rho No.
tionaht romplinitonthi the Empire.. vary
higlllY.Ontl pronounce two Of Ile members
the WA , Player. to the Went,
' Augustus H. Stocks-11, of itherarli, Now
Jeritry.witafonad dead on the intletralk rot
oho corner of Fourth and rine eiroote. early ;
this Month:re.. la le .Ithowed that he 101 l
from a window In hi. room.-
. John W. hiatthewn, agent Of the United
screen Lopwms CoMictor. at.Wa.ute, Mts.
noun, itlincooded Iva *Oak with from eight
to ton shoustogl Woo int; to the
Company. Mattlione woo n Olerllber of tho
gem of Matthew. a CO., Voter. which
guano all neeignment tamtit a Monthnon.
This officers of the nteamer !
Just from tan t r otter Maximo". 5.7 that
IBand of mie hundred and fifth Aloe.
ndlarm attacked part of the Mum tribe,
ageism Fort Stephenson,. killing throe and
running oil twenty-five power. on the
i f
manse otghttbo Dann. ladlnn. nampedod as
number of government borne. and wetted. ,
cdone soldier at Fort. Steph • netm.• .
Itipaistratten to Tbalnuotn—The Cotton'
( fly trolciccpb to tae rlttstra rib Oicetic. •
AtrapirrA, July ZI.-Then hoard of
itnaintratton In the Thlyt Territorial-Din
icrodden employer. to flourycmola,ce a
of r tbd presence of the focal for realetre.
Mon. In any inatanta where the order viii
bat be entered! by the employers, they alit
be ptuthboxl to the eaten. or the law by the
Military Cont.:define.. . -
LaceA TA, WV, U.—Toie weather is favor.
able Mr the Accounts front the
Cosa. are favorable to the ben leland'cotten.
' BAV/int:Ctn.- that; zi —TM) Cotton crop.
hove been SOMOlorbat datunsiC4: by. the lac
heavy rains.. canning •a.Pheddintr of Maly,
and by wormn. Tee practiced. are still fair
for 11, teathirrle crop, The lin crop). rt
ported badly damaged. •
• New Jersey letoteestrisouttort.
Cgs Tsisgrspktu the I'llietellete ttestel4x4
TheeTelt, ,July le3.—/Lt the tlstrohlletin
State Coneenttou to day ell the sollettee
were represented. Ctiurtlsotl•Pariter pre.
Wed. Addresses, tisk Uur strung grounds
In faros of impartial etarrege, and resole.
Tinos to the samoetreet a . ..rep...Lod 'Weeps.
parker, prollostioywo,Wthteni Nyekttettrll
and others addreesod the.Couvaaune, la
the eve 01115 a sous meeting was hold,
Yellow rower itaglaw.
WY Telegraph to the riusbargh Outtle.J
New Ormearoi. JnIV 23—The . Indlanela
lhalears of the In Met., rermste the yellow
leenr melba Increase, Jan d that there are
eases In every house In Sown. It makes an
aerned for awieranee of manoy and Inuelt al
..Pelten. The fever hat also.brokna ant to
80 lelq. oilapll uly .ll
. 158101(.100grett,.., •
Arnis,anu, Mono., J lornrat,
ono of tAb tco JoAnne*. Atnnents as ,lincAon
College, commit-leo au AAA n. by bongmr. on
/ender ocontnot. Altana •.4oprosslonr
ingonetleg - almost to lacoulty, .Frt. the
Close °tile Act.
rousni PAA Ind most relia
ble 3cirutr,
Or, by any paperinithe city ] trill brionnd
on our Joburth Rye: "
Tetra or Maishldea• the Month 1414,,-
; 0101ceti4 hems. Judges—A
ASS. aes sess-.17n ilataptory
BF“TitaI,PU he wir e ➢ Present, on ,Tries.,
day, ni. the mowtegl machine match in
south EarettittorrOhlis . Isathe. Smith side.
, u 7 ielhiontof a thallefige honied b3 - 11Men.
John 17411 of tits caw, etenniimUll ,
Ora 6 ithe 'Onion MO - The challenge
eras made through the neyrspayers and' yea
acimpted by Messrs .:7. gnat, represrinta.
use or several maniacs, l'eckham it Thug,
;insets for rho Bushel>, and Mato Broth.
en, agents ror thekliby Machine. Leaving,
the Oily at 'nine o'cioth,'.lre reacheo . the .
“Vfoodetile - Inn” batons . cloven, and left
there shortly alter twelve for the scene Of
. Tait cent . ersaleo oeouso '
Woe On the farina( AO: wilttum
la booth FayettO toop.tttp , about a mile
and a half ado:wee t OiriVotiartile, bat bed ,
oral miles further by file mad we traveled.
A more in.cceseltdOor lama Melting stmt.
the eliallenipev pairtyWould or* harem:lone
wt. I. b. me paodler idett[thet on each or
-realm. lire.. motor._ Will atittmlim, and
hence tearer- the-scion more losportanit
but It seemed to 1k Wet tall - tog the or.
Ler gretLexue for tlila Witch. Limo erbeld
Wee not limited. rin.s. were aerembied
not more Melt mitt hundred Pemotict the
lemma pomortioa altreatly Interested In
machine* entered for the matt:. Among
thoot. preeeit *ere, t.1an..?....ies e. egley,
mos,- r;te r e g aell ErreLL.
p YYsly rotte omit. Lo J.T . F. Wriaht, of the
Ormottertet. mil other orommird,ottimme.
uri pertekoonf e *CO maid proceeded tO
it lo llALLlolu Le, the eau La Which the chow
g was to take pleee.:
we - dare/4a *Wean.._ -
Thu : mowlow tnanlituto mtared were:
o thilgo," by Jon. [fell t Cti ti Emeitelori
.. World." by J. Coon; ° Harkey*,i.e.: ,
. ...Ctomplou,.. wed "Rusin," by Beettlaltm
Lon,(. Tim "Kith)" amebtao was entered
to Meer.. teThite Litottirre, but owing to
the ImpotaibllitY Of dretting • team, Ile
c re or preleateLtre# were *144010 to antedanted the
nett. i
mato*. •Ilinaher.ifcar.n.
I'hr...there wbrealz lauctilber, quite a ear.
' Orient oomb, r!for It turned
out..mrleff to the saran tbetey In matey'
O t.iir et o •rllatfeelMitienta. We bad boatel
then mowing raltabliWilotileme...s.9•Tranifed
heteatioule,were more Mao term*.
or it lees t eery, - annti.f.otory effeirs, mid
Ude. our arta Mmertitace, don- wittm.
WI 10e feet too oar eidoulete eat lafect too.
The releettount Ittilywe bedew rill:tired.
repreeratillimi 'tho. diffem.t
comee.ntered cudrarored to rides upon *
errata number, ot weal/moon protein Ito
decide to ton eonteet. II wit , eat; ui ene,
end fowl stud : we brazil mid, and
:;the .alueircenie we, ob.:erred, the. oormsu
.rutwie trometiblo that not: tow chariot a
omintlitee, a leurjority of bolo were
limonite/a.- to • curtain of
:Iso me...table Id certain pram.- Flnstir
ocoututtme *ea! al ooluted to select three
Judyee. formert, ttra Chat furibor look
Iplieu Ip thomnieratalonal weyetlll further
: OcsoOnaulrett:l tau ai.fidrnere wh,eo rimmed
'lO ItCOO4/Ale. lb. 4,w:quo:tont, A cutatoltboi
• ;ewer, 0 04 , b1, etld tkOtb!rtlibtut,
I;b 'run 'boa< ore tee 2e o ru that 0 140 er more
011nel:a errs edit.* tacto... or in tere.ted In
;trap° *by. 01 b.p.rtAtti machine. Sate no
-1 Ivooll bu. ro.u.tu e et,
I ,Met on of - relation-hip.
the While
I dlr. Koor, . otber. of
nitutte dui boa wish to dtrrute um.
toe Caudnittrei they saki they emu/4 not
-a :eunintl 'lt Committee they kiwi. scold
achoolue Com
mittee. welch ormai.ted of Moo parent.,
Mire tWo'Mee, were btiecd one cope r
Me mt.:. aid brato andmiloted eelect
earn ) otire al , ther .frit 511 re In adracre
would .I. cute altantife soy. Them m
',ere chose., and proceed/op were stout ut
to be mommecti. brhurt tae Wilblita.•
xl Of 100 0014 lekw ' will et World it
Vol threatened, two of the three,
heiaa Oardelloseotheemsehttre. 'never-.
wen roo.rnod to be Lott. yet ward. nat.
4.1 the question. slier ol.icot . oa w a s made
to ite Utuy Wittlittbq thole pitrllltlitb.
141113 g ul m.
the.ol,lo fr.V, wit ire Seemed
likely to fraud. m Lo matte 00001012 Off. 00
.ibbrut ptOtbuttob (rem the *mallow tom.
to:art/4 el.eLei title atfeir might. ma to •
holt., NI, our 1.1.11 la Intim 00111.
try ltd otbqr•beep I bast Atltbentle, nod
obr * tour. •bertlb 1,4000 tO [aloe tbitlub
Might facilitated. ' .
i* mitallikar
-- - - - -- • •
At Iseadv it esa aneneentid %hot Geode
V Vaulter., Oseinel Illeti-own,JE, and
Jtereeti tattle Wei prirred race patina to all
temies, end they prommotel to complete
it MN:Menlo Mr the match. All the ma.
thine• had hoed aaer.cloing Mere or Imo Tar .
• couple oi homy In a Auld, the great of
which, l ivejedlscavyr emeigt,,ve
the aronsorpa vseposicoyalitl4VGX-4el
:,Xclaireaateilehaty ciror Atilt thelrmbrita
~, • .
,-. .
Ground bowing Aria - antal Wrodid MI
metal m etals smooth eval
henaretil ,[.Loath autchtets
they Itc littottellence eparatialt 1, in thady4tencleilorMar No. I
I, Machete, len t. Unt.eill Na a..VelditntoO/
So, 4,10 mid: Ed. A, Ext..] lon Xit'A.Eoetwil, i
T 'h
im aat was as Integral-to wyei.onilist
was /aim' &stealthily/ to .1 ./Xtvevestant.l
great traprov - errieure • l e itiT. tweak 'Matti Tie
oon not; of eiaohlit - Tee Iliveltete.
t;hampion and Enloe totathe front ear,
whim the oilier+ hot. 1/vi ° roared:it,. Um
Eatmpiati on tee I dnierisfidee' , l.The nohow
.ir rattle or the anodise Of sniallelea n,4
Champion,. compared , XLlttati eatriptea
tively noiseless ruotiox ill„lin oihese,•ltrat
, attracted OUT even Ica". twit It apa r yllata
0. het orquitaraTaitallalkid limes
the driven A . roost tail:Coil:A-Wain:minty
, to emit enttleg, Tee 1.17,11 - 1/Inal Who rrial,
[ ebuiro of Um
elf et ta4litillit'
1 hriel,ly, petal, h h is Milan to, the vim.. and
ker,Vt a isa p for. 114 ile 'Oar, fix whet per
pm. del um appear, an.Mitlfuhirre,Assetere
ally hove niece repaid 2,4rste dates aP 4 ,
are vatistled with ~toleyee. , waow'.o,,,,Hr
with reaeonolde •Dvd,eelvjafAtivi
Iprevent did not ei•precifirofroiCatuaonatra•
•sion. TM Arnaud ..14mmiprna. , :thar.t.
, teseble, was Arnaud
the teat vole tk.
I foment.. At Its coreclailhill'iby itidata an] ,
Moiled that iill bed 0011e45.34(01beeebey:
would make no report! patravrant , eqhst ,
' credit to all. SteimManiTiVent lid.derit.s.l, •
they gave the palm otOatterlOrltyln-Alite
tog to the of tee utWomea, tint n.4n
weirm three, them, were efeY haveve plisltlyli
loformilion. Al:webabi , l3, that *core tic.
Bucheythilimacil atitidTtlligd a., r ..
,' ,
ton ou•rotatai,,,: ,
Ton Mack:Mee wean '.l
their • rano ot, by a gie titerilatellt. tO.
eue mind, of the in tatlonteral ehatme
(.tor. The Julia, rel C!ltAtt ywrfOrtil-tithei
rOlO5 'gent lit W. J. topo„am,4 AlklXitaaarl
Speer and 11. E. Itletionhlit„ _Touowleg lei
the record Of men( teed+ .-, . • !
nusteye...2eil peutolvl 4 NA 4 theolit/CY l i ar.
1 !I ' r on pleli:i ' Cl U ' ::•'' • I ' it r ,li: -,.. .1 .1- . - ::,,
1 WirrTil
Eseidetor. 4.1,4 O o'a,, snxi ~,!,.., ! ,,:e
hol tall' -. - ° Ir', ,
Another patieninth. hick (dr Ordinate
n Ily ler ohterving, mind nfelioning•r,
, cool: , 'ft, ~
pinkeye iii-l: 00 pelltula
Chnininetw . . -
!!, -
::. xxcei,(o, ._ -':..,
! u 0.1.01..:. .......... .....! ... 273: • 0 _ i -,
Thotl,mmoranter ova ea arratured on
the name co Melo!. 00 be vine halume, and'
the indlesteme of the dr - ei;ht, were 101,00 ,
seven time Ws die t! of 'ildeent One
1 hendred pods, Ito j0d0.4: - wwiam: alma,-
01.10 the ntchina, noo 't the lotthlation•
Of thn •Iyeatuninet ca. ell /Oat fa, tome tr
regteur sort of a laithicau liew , It IC posit.
' We [dilatant:lmb the tiverilem dreg:slit of a'
mowing inaeltim • In' OM Way,' with any
degree Or correctneta W 4 MAME itanatne.' l
There mire them premeol whoa cOlaitided
lel!U win tlieneinion tile4tlllatimt momenta I
11/310 , 111ex intlarnotory. 40 .1 'snRe.0" Terlrl
naturally diertupiel ft. , . •
onscacnise ron'Atieerges,' ' I
'We de bed prnmee to e ...v eye A . ilatc,lid ten.
And ton tidal, thodn. lebibt 01 , 000, We need I
h ee, e ly 3-, nmeteits, to dishing in the way,
or detnrinstratlne to inn th,ildte waled, lotion ,
neat. Till9no prevent iiiticed for thou:melees, '
and MO :vent lemon; In :oar penile,, in.
uottneod Ale I oddment In iepraOlical way be'
riving' ME Knox an Ord,Ter an Erlinew,
The Excelsior, Addle ii IXelainind In m be ita
gpul 144• the nevt in Ito caltter or mowing
c,,,en saranyege OVer- mho, machines
a wail will not tee disputed.' ,EL la detignuil
as a reaper and tamer, the Attachment of
the former having thPereallilit the old ets•lo
"-neer, .•whare another Mae,' beside the
itrlver, °coupled h Motion On the, Innehme
dnd 'performed' the c/a/of:, - ollinis, Tile
eep bo , reaper and harrtutine atinch•
meat et lite Eacolii, glove It preveadrienee
over other tonchin,, end leen, elt meat
eunght later,. e lll ll4llllllti two in...hints,
We Sr., Indebted lor,cohrtesiesextmoted
In no on thin ocensiOn by whim. ,h,iin (tote
him of Alowillon, /JIMA ipmxtealatt of tare
~,,,th i nments ...iii cimOdar,ibm ',Mourn) , 5,1
We tfr.k Surthnr pea.% driring tho
trial, oh Inn trulllll:trulAcnvreolnut 1110!'
5t.411.1, Limo pr0g.31.4 so rkt v11;16211....
tirrerutur” beads far . tu artlclo daticdP
tivoot Lbemowlin mated, ' Croat Pt lax Ire
aztraot. l0110 , 0ZO:, •
tree Meni op
o eny of Ito tnech
itnes( h n r e to 1,
I 00000 t bat lay In Joke lee,to the prOprio.
tore, [hot tha.t•Uhlno.flotettio bandiedby Mr. Tnnutott Halt, Votty nieet,,,btap or
tba nodes steel 1111rilvtAte0 erne formers,
for, Ulu manner in onlcal JW work was eaot
ttted. It Deemed tO Mow • to
u s e,
hot,. and dui not. Itrele thorn beyond %twit
empty Plow Welt. Itrille/lkSeente4l a eery;
welter tont to thittlntileettrettt *Rh oaten?
berm end vltbnnt eflepleYoke... thee. ere-
Jrettne it tea eta, ftexere P , the se.
rennet, of nor awardtaretta the entemittoe t
ins 4,1 ~tootte.. i) ipnleollug•of the ler
=ete,; which 'seemed:eta eie.yory Knoerelly
In till, runt as It ...tin tynere of yore, Am . ,.
dolly to Whet ttTee atot
• Wall sod tkAlturentr.
The ItOtellointltir: o CIF!? antlog One et
'the Sintrdril and IlrtYau difficulty, whleti no.
corral in AlitulmaledhOUt tin days elite;
apytarod . before 4 1 eivAen i 0train to-day
case boll for tltiVrappottriu,,,,,,,t Court.otlying a bcarltiebtroro the Alderman.
Ths Isom In the .t?.' AS ter as develsomt
are aa tollo.s; Br n attests that Stafford.
rams to Ws , iloUghter,
tnyko ao,ro'hia tinet,iumt smutted nod
his 0110 01111 a I. td btAriera 01-,
logos that ne. Ira% pLottlteri` try Brows and
ht.•lotr, an et'rine theta ttnetc
hint with a no t num arstbststalsonauta'
of both pontos. tV 40050 - boon 011100 Is
tho correct OnNtrait the whole Mot.
ter. *III ha VOA .ate. Spa Depth:pea
604111•101•141, at J.. T
lteut ISO "To. by rottanil strain,
• t
COI4 8 •
Sample , . .
The Tra h of the Mee%
la the Dahlia cothrororay that la now bo•
`mg waged by t h4r o epratentadlres of the
varlona Sewing' blue*. teary It tome
danger of a departure from strict troth oil
the part of eertaltiJoreltitai who Beare 'deter
mined to emote tbbir point. at 'any colt.
/trragard to the Matement made by the
agent of the flowe Machine to hl °card . '
of- yesterday, the .4 7preaoutettlre or the .
Wheeler A Wllacnt nip/toy, would 'merely
any that Lea puede are abundantly 'able to
discriminate between truth and fabuty.
The . Whee/ar L. WM.= . Company do not
etalt - to detract front the honor conferred'
, ..
upon gnat (loge, Jr. taro. Inventor, bet In
the but Of Mr.: Derby. ',dose latter we
glee bele ; t hey flossy that the Ifeweeent.
peep are meg to claiming the model on
machintet ' • , •
the D r s amino tram La °Reposition ama
In ten a 'beef a' AMU Mat or preanlum•
awarded i Ibla "coludry.. In releneace to
Seeing St etilnea we bra the following:
"field al to wheeler - A. Ilftlson, . Now
Tore, for Selma Machhias.e.„ „ . .
ogold Medal to Elias . flora, Jr.; 1 .. u-
of bearing Maahlees n•• •-• . • .
A Initowtng telegram read I. fellows:
wtt heeler& selLson, 'New Tort. /Liebe.
bromine% Gold Metal tor perfection In eew.
in Mathias.....alto Bowe. Jr., nwrded
Gold Medal at Jacenter—nnefor mach ine at
all. Tao statute/tit of too agent of the Howe
Machine that the Wheeler and Wtbant Gem.
Deny Were nearded a Gold Mode, for a Inm
ateOadon hole trtchltw. 1., P n i,liletiCti of
Meet la
hiea tenet Kum The ha tton.' hdle. armed°.
a 'mere; Improred att.htornt. or
toe Superior Muthl. whine harries t ta 0 amid
?Dada/ on Ice caorif.a. Below we give tile
lottotter from Mr Peril) , • • •
" aft , Derby, the Dotted States Avant for
the Pont Erpo•ltino,c.t.ed bare rAtau,nr,,.
Ina. eon tore the /lowa Cola woven% wrong
la claiming the aerial °mama/this, put one
gold ineilal 04$ %WV Hied to tiliOnaritig laa
cola% and that woe given to Wheeler at
oililoo. The gold mental Cleft. to Mr.
!lowa has tie reference' to lila ' Sewing 11u.
chine, and would have been given the ealiPu
IF. be had ant et Netted any roactine. _4 la
slmply &personal honor et an to renter, and
ha. no re enlace to the men, 'of - tat Oled -.
cola!: nlachtnee
... . . . . . .
. .
wawa he otitanceof M. Deibvs 110 ,
this matter. and just wbat
ktje to. boffore, hut It ha coullmit.lou of t.tto
troqi of our n•st taloa - mph: The only
Gold /11.181tO ‘f t... 16 1. WilsOtt for ponce:
Lion La Sewlu g iluott .
A Pew Weisel. &bowl rOUC. T .
, ,WA ariuuse.4ll6euleit with the . perlo.for
tbs Introduction Of . ;ware Rita' Europe.
ittnwolf le the first wbospeaks of coSee, la
LW. Prespero a IpUsi Ibis came; end Who
orlbed the coffee Litwin , Etliit by o.n ame
of bun, bon or bols. Ills work appeared
In 1531. Itt hilt haetln pleb/town this WI.
antal rhwarage, and lJelsitiei 'plibilske ' d •
treatise of It to loft s /t wsse Fug, /weaver,
mill toward the year 11331 that' it begs. to
`oe drank in Hal, .The Chimaera* were first
. , ,
opeced In IL.oadest la 10,S, awl In Paris la
ICCS, A tlowat wlllob • pound , of Aware vran
worwiorty nowt.. It wa•peleeteral7 se..
brow Aga, the 4wheasacior brow Turkey.
who awed coffee w become feehlonablet La
Paris. ft penetrated Into Swedes lb the
year In, where It was though D o reente in
vcorbuth, diseases. Tilo'itrOS: who
made trial efooffes volts look Sao fiteneoff,
the hatch aurhaaa.l.lor la velar, tr I salts
tins ut Um alth milk. .
?he phystcal . etects of coffee are well
kr.O.C; It a leColarahrilthMeltrinhatlon of the
bloOd. vile c.lcbraied writeirewaneb as rot.
Vanile sad radtarth.lhad• coOldatit hag. Or
it aluoutt to an aen in Theywore Auld II
Can alox polnori It a., Unread. -slow lon
00,0 reltflliatil.L..who 4104; 0.0 ate bud
dreil, rad the other elohts..fuur year: , 01
age. ilowei.r. at UM present owe,. Ode
' a beret - rem whore power over ens oqui..l
Wowsf orworst bahtts Iles, presets , . Weser !
hewn calculated la It Antra/ elnca Mawr ..e.
0011, vsweral, and alawee aunar,swil the ,
droartenues. lraltdl diranrond Out anent- I
tonal the end la their grand ...eats. Our ,
frond Joseph Le:down, No. 21) Virtu street,
al the Old orlgLaal Ana stoic. b•S on hesid • ,
seresuperior vows el We anent obalitlew of 1
coerce...rid has already acquired rpist rep.
malice for lta e.celtencei. - Lie 'Magri. ham ~
• .10,0414 wisortmant of lbe choicest of
tae, wthati be (pr we at the most
now:Mane priors . , Wis t-w eaten roman.
Mend our reedier, to spate thew pest brace
rt Ur. Liouinswe'r
Jain.+ msorrig s . 1161 4441,14 . 2i'and't414 •
tine hots, which it appease had &acacia]
ttia attmolim Opt]. 2'.'1.:44 lingtalo a horse
fancier. who not having the "stomp,. to
Invest In a horse, sal booing Quite a bank
1 ftrillSt a.t.i.r . thli mama), he haat of tIeOWSOI
ty Oil - foe some mama] to act Vet hone.
other than the oatala avatars:. Dixon na
flea. thai, be came to him to bur the 001 - 30..
1.113 - niftS.scitt....) to him that Ott coeval
property M. the oitg of AlleAlpnly. and that.
tbir.reraesegmatao• Ito re 44, Wm' tt44
heft* 04 um*. tor one /landfall...4'lMP
doliara. apd,/.4: tau:ACM, allancyrao= ,
b0,:44.1 r.4_4 0 /11altryittsa-aatatiole.
,aMfay4:solifidairty la Attaahtoyt Mitt it .
I .d..gba to mole other MM. He therefor &
OMNI Itrtattutlps* ofitt*Al46:l4ll
urs<gaityntaaNAlpiroing lam • amt
=tlrat.' /Is - .ts arrows 04
'Central D. z 4 PS I
. 4 1 10 118 1P , ± '*
. 114 . 1 4 ' , ol.:X4llPation =et
TCM.!aJ o,epissiaturAtiw, ' '
Unts . ONAltaur.:tows..
atovna;s.64i, 0 1 .4 any., samotua, tiquary
I IPpu4,lFrpt , 0011 i..
I 'lll4p Pit %hp Preikti;P:iSsipiliSleiiiiiklait
Vi* PPP SaPVI.PP , P.O%.P.P PAO -notpanid
WIPP Comm ~ea on aucl!Ple i ti "SU popir .
a[IQICYR. tiliden. 'zialibointims44 wt.
o iKno. l l,4 , nloc:osior tie Stapp * -
I.P•Apptiots st.3br. Wthlee 4
t,2414 14 . 0.
eelett+l to ten elrmoo of przetopai of the
I.,Jornatlnhool,,,ee deltiptlikiPttrolee
cifl*Spb 'Term . .." . 7,"
0,1 moan.,. ht. Wioe yea .!acted
erri. 6l 4 ! 4 t4 Site*
121 t. $.3.14 ••••iD.,
Thettie, - ektentretvt.‘ - ‘ " '
,liiimaimild:-1. ,
Jot,. MD, Was thatergid Al.lesl:2l.
P'IZIOn• Vil AlkillrlifTellrOlX }ail' /
aftto I-Inure/i t mord/nor of a Ilvery ratable .
, ' l4t h l, tlitroti ll.l l gtlallti *ham. that had
1 blval Wail 10 Walla lla ita1.....i11e., *pa
Wimp. OM int ttie 3,1 12 11 1 1 , 14.1116 eldwuar.
nws L. el. mabts ud v.soik . jsr.4 hatsomil
trepa r tursissitofprodurlalaws7l4a in
gr ,, :=¢ R . R.n. tr u gro a •14, , pmttottg .
ari t e t Z t e nte s l= l 4444 -
, tr i.. of Ito stable. Thy blitilpilz:
I 4Tieur= Cr= 11.8.61 thertably M i lts
' TVilioga4WirraPiattbn":4•47r!
,rg t gr. 492l4 " . b ' .8 11 1 1rl• Il km,'
!Lctl/Iletn_ooetlrrl4l losterlay
afternoon it ,
the AucA we 1,
which Ur. Jobt, Chniti.r.Alc name near lollop
hts Thalarpn tirlyntatameal, ettlint do
was at work. buret wit° great Jona% the
fratmenti pale(I0 ofaidteximitkro, teart
Aot tantsOf (ha bettnian A prostrating
inn alteast eatierlog at; tteadirtek,
When 111.c1IIIIIIIroal pariloin. pOdlttun, It
nr fq/Aid,thila, be was aormato lejoren.
The ox Dionne no bean. at the dletaatw of
toter., Mrluarea.nauatba the mew asnolonal
to the atm - neon itta , workshop. to mt. cut I
tp avvertalw.the.estisry..:. 10 A.,77raabreir was
Antnedlatoly lv and gave bun vhe
neee.sary,,attention. late 10-13•11ifltroad that
hN InJertas will not moon 11r.lata/.1-
.lOIL Asa • lanilly and lettitof
, .
I• • The Miotee
:loomr Intatlorvestkedii:Nro Meitetittint s
Koren Leta halri igar'tho lintnt
/Leone, Allegheor on,y, the prbperty of Mr.
Gent,te Iy. blelratyre...Alltr . .seirehlng for
hle honionl3l,ll biota hoar( 'llelatvre
bent to ftie Slimes 1111.• and gore thfor .
Mottos, of hie loss, %%lett Wan the mean. Or
reenverlng the horme. It, :6OvottrB lloht
-Jam.... Dougherty had tak.n the.tsuree with
eaL u,kings Wets of any cioo. Ahoat tkreiTo
WroOok loot bit 41- L0mit....5C.0.1 . , or the Et Leh t.
ant eight Of him Will matting In put.
Bolt poor, orermehnitn. Ate nau been rid.
Ind,el,ooz the city evening, htel
rres , ),l, intallested no.dieire to be obstr ne•
ted In his yornolt orplensure. Ito ens Luken-
In CbaroO. howerer. and Is Merle the loch.
el, needing a holtring.
Casireedies. lieguiji:S. ,
,- -
Joqoph Lttetkus, the matt who wee in.
jurea on tlia.Pcipuylrin9n, glottal Dalt
read, a few - ()aye since. ailed yesterday
morales( xt Nix Wattle!: Ilu kelT bite- rk ,
moved truta the IYosaltal co 'gag:toe:sF aeon.
tug to hi. terottoxle hoard.; lalltrininattact.
it XPPPece 'bee he teal . ; tdata earatlnx toNak
• 1000101 derttagemenkroy soma that., awl
that Ito felt me room oft ,Wecltteaday and
gillTatfilltitirgilfrz.lll: ttfg"..::.
.. wattled-of Ina death, and summoned a
Sere xtze. atter Theedertne laxly, adjourned
to mout tu the ltayor's *Wee In ills oily. on
actucicY alteceooo at three o'clock. - •
•0 4 4.1g_ifiry,
Mary Taylor will! Allitcqe Atuer,
wan Strain, with oonitnltlineatfaeiatllc and
batury.Onrotin Jahn Wrleld...-The pardia
11 . 0 a ditheulrynbont.a Inigon , ...nlah one
had purchased from the oPlor;tdol an duj. t ufty re. 111.1 'ln a pant The Pro•eau , ar
allegoletlualhe .11A:tad/WC etrnyt Oun alts
atom! on Pao ablaut tho head add knot:led
nlm 0000 , au& rune*' haw enverel 11)00
wylU a after ho.waelloan.. Avartliat
aan.l,9oyd yo,dtrday, wean Taylor awl
r..aum and bold :in rl3 hUhdred fgr i
whaurlaa on Satnrony'll
• . .. •
klifo . agispaaY. •
IrAnothn, Pnefht4,-4The - Dispatch, on ROO*
der. an notleini tho Alle.henr
Tethe r. enranh,..thr some linen.. neat k'4° ""'
, nortetanflog th• noqth th e yrionil
ship Fire Cotainho acaaag the number
thecxernnlen when the alum wee gitea.
Why tb wore um Ittetl, we pro: unlink, to
14 7, no the other Wiper. all fusee th e rrport.
• ...MIMI Clth,folv =AAR.- . •
•4 . . i l l**7,—A little dlugktor Ix(
21k. .40 4
.1 tre e i t ' : l=r4 l 4
1%7; l etZ:
/Ay lik.tgeti algrobelillity Will prove, fa
fereial:V47 =,iltelLem;Pro7ll"erlall
eee le ter ten p►rrment, ► mei ince o
Itito eeteee., 2 tnedioel
stimmenett IClteeettatekr. lier • recestry
altogether Ittlprohle,
e,,,,,; , , -----.---------,--
—;; ...Inn Depot - cotlon,. AlYeray, Nethie of onr redeut
ptiensise i bptiensiseseem In
nabed at d , tratant! t i me . think that the /newt. or their eau. de-
Serel - al rinses, Ititvii,g their: origin In the Illnehe'!rnlirt I:',:l'e'"ltijltcsbe't!!!"yjs'n tau
1 Union Depot nutting aIIraY L s lee p ing gunner- I nuement and ;luxury, ci, nrticleot teal !n
-ett on the Dia pv44 Inn sleeping chr,:p,_ Mee. morit is soon upprteinted; henc e !h a
,i non jantaatnaaer and J . ID. ja „„ aa. 1
, tt , u , ..ii r in A i r zi ,,
un,n,;,..l.aou.paraileled AULVens on
Vie Om. Int rtontion !swill:jade; !method Tills teule!ly id. eerie and ahem@ been
Johnson, eller a t hu m ndtt , nntann. and found rellatile. A.! n gentle al latulaut anl
~w ino appOns, it saute d ne eseel/ tali It 1
initlAry 441 a Intent to It 111, ; Marl he; ire Se• i 001101 11 severelan remedy Ideation, see
Sum !DM!! inf.rmattou again si. Lunges nod dia. - dent—for D!epeteet, Liver Cutuplait
4 .6 '. named Dolmen. sem-ging the. d d , and In stltualating a-10-att tiy appetite.
gegotrat.l ...ault..el battery. A hearing -
rb.l la the lat.r raise yralerday, h.
e letage matter ens mines ay !ed
hod the parties illseberded. : It pea,apear to
heirs been nothing wore' !bad c nrunkini
shores, in which oath 'malice ante toodniek
4, tie ensounotele Tor "bat Miley .lut. Joni.
MinnWOO W unable to prlicyrf, I.all. ph.
Mien In Jell for several days, nod he Ronne ,
ott so he highly dolignithi w h in ,n„, t ,,, ,dp .
Mentos that were triad, The itilfer Dieu!.
the neeesion yr. a serval/1;W oeket:stniee,
mud; not ouch ;an instrioneut a! a mein
Witold went tonal another It Itti If hs bad
Innoler in his heart- . ; ; •
' A “Wenasla So " • !
, A.fetnale, residing In du/ Sixth wend,
, •
yhong and handsome. had Ventefft, to sn i sp he s
that her sorer.. a Market atre4 Clerk. hard
",carnal to love another Sho determined
td •sittlsfy• herself on , Lids phlnt, and net
abdut to establish. a eystem of esplfunnths
not onlyDo an the movements of her elerk,,
I but boy a certain young 'girl. ....rbeild
ttm. , ' shall here benatueless, ,, whom km had
ton.' to reg , ll , l as a formldatile An
oroer he huts er to earry . ons her plans. eke
concluded I. hersetf, whin
e e sh
li e
:ha try a attpltostlen of bin lieu and sands. after written Attus tesent
bled n well regulated negro street,. 0 her
wa,l down Fifa, street yesterday. a
man , the COtiler Or Grant, and 'Fifth'
etreets,stetectest her d legatees arroited nes'
oust took her to tbe bare. ail
thr slut nud washed tin' th+l.atik-4/ Ashy:Ong
a andsome eon tenentu--und told her .141-
, 17 h ,41A1 WWI pertnitted to gn home.
Aft ANIS Of- rroigres*. .
That Um aa 'age of proartrat la It fait
bolirad'a doubt. and n ie clearly brovett by
tt1,41 4 1.1 rant° of perfedtbra tr; which the
tniaufadturluff Lutetrila or oar uturatrr
has alive od. and especially tbo'aluntfauthro
of pbpLa and oboe. These articles aro auto:
ufadthred to the Krat at tie 1 1 111021 L 'tame
to a' atria unsurpassed, add al:prima Ise
auythlog Ire bare timid:. f. To t,
nay pattsdua of Than fact 11 In only bee aa
rygotaakea VW , . to the boot ..1 ham re
rt 'Hartford. (-at-
cerobts to 6. Ala)) Prr , Market atrhet, cap our
of prth. 'There geademealotra on laand'a
aplroulld as.ortaleat of bocr• and stoma of
.varg dose...lotion. which they all: zelllaa at .
prides unproeetle otett , y low.
Thep boy )a large stock of Rll4htly data,
400.010 la which they carer areal bar
par: Call and see 1110 M. I , •
We bear that .tarough theilbtthernifti Of
forilgo beak agents an etTort lit:wing Mute!
to remove the excellent and. etcononiteril;
Lawfkisinow In nee In the pubic itlohottiu Pt ,
Alibi.llene Oily. and to anbatttute ter toed;
hook•of.aroater Coro, without :rtilerentie
Mete merit. Weber° that the Seb.l
union, ode slater city will not outline cautnie
hMh Wilt lake.tnotory (rota tilt neck.. of
the ,4101 P, mules: /lean be Shown. to fete
dieousglou. that •uch enange la called (brad
eICCIIIIIIt of tb • cl•teertia of lb• present
books, sad the atipenority of Mega •prot
0.0,d: The great ;walk., of line peoitle
nave been tati.agil with tee text boot. now. .'
In ate, and two no reason, thee...4.112,0e,
In entipthig more euetly boot. with n0...1-
01tIonal save...gel Tao wro
pence about , ' let tlexttintionCY houlonlinut
nw mote than (Ter, although It ;11000/..1 let
Ito tame, however prueperouto. be.hautonly I
taken tuna lont. I
eittantro of Agency. • • ; •
NarrYous, July C. 1A 7 7.—W0 hereby not tfy
the Public, of aullivlehllty. that
e harp tiltlC.ll.l the agency far theaters
or out Plano. from Ureters. Itottroun, Hocrii
Co., to air. ror. 'at areou
KhrL Ilr. Atelier will fdroish eur Rhino*.
tt the same price they are .1.1 ILL our frftre
house. Deceer. a Bites. •
firm the above the puolio Will truly
that hereafter the Decker kfrobLf photos
are only M. b.:trona 141 L, C. atelloiha ware
roam., • rerennearelrifig to pUnltotoe aflret
deal Plettoshould not rail to ...Minis th e
Dreher, • • ,weak
... sty s
IT. E.. 1:114 , 11C14", Name toa I...arevala
lasi , of Erie county. rLc,:trly
Kele on a Cbarga of ba!ul,r, ato In tar.,
ea "Irian: the woman was La tin hotal k•cp-r and a
o • ••clal ol•licata ttt trted
to a* {.410 boa tat of Laoavy, but thafartner
wand 4440 1,4, 14100,41, 4001 treoreY4l tla•
&mown, of Pa/ 1 000M be •• • inroad L o band
Or., at. the , 14•• Of ale airtat. Too, 1,441.40
0140 arid law:lora Etat dtvaltal Lae 12440 y.
ben ins Toraaerwss colapell.4 t••••••••
ffafaaentf e tLtat. , lap lay latser3a
I-- ,16.•4.41kirce.'3iiiiimr4s.—,Skilfra
tt.tylge ' 4l , ol lualtut - ,Trni•ys matt ult s the
et. of b alle t of , eroaruehonest o at • tun
- Opera do II , tu Ude city. Moudey veo
the ll'
'tett, They areal pr.- sent p ety.
ter( • ••• far engugeraeut ot the Netlonul
Tunetrerte. Itteetufe O. 1.7.. and ue hart.
kfery • testae to beitefe. trete lite 001 l
nit wtl witretter of thin troupo,Lust , tarry
meet rothrhaudaai Clercs" htlfe , They
Mute wits threta lon tool'. O7 . "Sap on-
Vakkuwayt WhOttfeoaltt to excel .he t•lteld Kee
hod ell. the °awe . ctirte." Wulf
. . •
11 .9401111/feels.• • . „ .
• itisAsiai a Ilona—P.i.Atetiiime4.tiinule
• •lormultua , Itentre"Attlerwan itotetrert
optima.' L.'. ttpasoler,, comising . him *oh
I teenter3 b orn tentmeltor to too CieponenL •
fo e.tivect tans the neigh dant bled/ o !omit
444 .0ne, trout blto en the unmeant.. mot
lltat /ft, Itpal.iottrJ7 ISO di .t..11,41y.
mrnt t her b0t441 to S. ll^ Ck/C 2 01.134013tri, tirtlikk•
stag the toutro . LLeA 'lop dog tun horse, all nt
w/lc4 lr <Wit:wry IA the Act of Assemote Sc
snob Call. Maths and peollaiul: 4 tot nut .
4 1111'-hot !goo het—Tho Jartatthie ;reap*
Viet lothhe toote•Joll hooter.. and hetettn•
'Nforlinde Shit ' o pm:islets beat last titeht
elety semi was occupied. The Matinee tuts
ettereacta; slot the tentattattrtnetit
will moteithle thele ettgatot Mout 10 %Woolly,
whlCh 'rectal litaely ;tt nee neon • petal,.
hie Crib to the satanetters, and we [Wok has .
roth..lY.l euttre to/du:44lioo to the pudic.
~to troth here to 11!eVelattd, *ohm,
theatttlese they W ill moot Oath their Donal
lieCompatsit iiiaaltroabinWitartn
.1211(frraoem Ctn.!" Foostater that. of
1 . 13 n - Ftrallissartnaltat.'laas taf. rt./ casruet
uswast. Zal/1, and. IlolAt
lski• tor talrlai goer, app. -wails 'put of LOCI
VC) , t 41 .1'14.1.145t. tbervia.•
istl ort brateowbltt,prolllblte I be ti.klug et ,
00r pall, Or- it* ftpp.natus o.4lriu 10. 044
Tetit'Sepmat., in lam • InfOrtned; I.
t'ow/st"Ll'oryd"ittianlh.g anibOrdr.
. ,-.
, ftndy; raion.4.-.The bOdy or A tattnafe
, club!. appataull V but Ada, or two nld, am
1 rune ol mho Ma AI orlon /railway at rartia
I wurnellta, • VosterintYr is ht.. dbnatrertif
lumina In the orator by goat. a 0rA,,,0t;,;
uoroner VlAtonsors wan • Autronnord Anu Ovid
AA writtrat ; Alai the, vartllet nt llarriurg ovar.
that Itreanntt lb Ita moth trout °Aar. un-
Attu. a tr., halo. Thu child !tad uoillentla
beet, In Ina orator raivreal daYa t Mn Itamntlr
Iloall/ou lead taltua Alava. - ot
RohnWok Al tortory.—lTllllam
who la been reprebtattlog Monet(,. the
•ttornoy for tens a Atcterireen belt. of Lug.'
110 oetntre. has been arrestoct ono etrete.e
of olmarnlng money Limier hero prerourea'
front • Mot hottnele, Moore. of Cohn:tom..
Wm, lio!rans florin ty ;IA the attorney triSlre.!
Moore, in pro.euttng her thorn to shame In!
nstabe lu Waft*, yeti by some meats Salt'
beetled to bbtelttleg °entry' or mute SISAY - .0!
Of 'her property.
Yellltskird. ra.sterr Rause or billiard., of
onekthogeaud oplutr, Int Ilva hundred col.
WV a able wa s played bast ulaht at 'tne
Ilrunsarluk llrliratcl bootee. betwrun Wll.
tram Po, kerma, of Crinago. and John N 0.
sev,ut tills coy. Tile game ass well coo.
lusted and the play lux on bet!, sides tat.,
Ibe avetnao dung, saran. won the
gen.. ems the looney by altaeny-tour points.
Peraunel.—We eealre entrn•ndlnit to
our bre tnren of the prose Col , •el Jere..
.Wthterene lar,John Wador , ..e Venni,
manly end honorable hostnes• nte of thn
,hlellulre I leper/al Jere:mere Treope. They
Ironer 'bele. beetnest .thornuahly- near m •e
eminentlyworthy the menden e of .ttle
neerepepurnal tratenoty.
„ -
Poltt tOe Pbuff Ur —A Germ', ram fat
IZlOprar, resthius uo anf I,rino, 4b goon".
1.:11p, gas arrustoll yeugnMay
burgh, chargrai, proftllng I without
Ugh. Hu was isken baton, Able, lam
fig fuhert, and alter If bearing wmi lined iZti
win 0.10, lit, half% fbusgoury waken:Alf, lila
way, a .9 , ..1*.r 11 mut buttrr grab:" '
A4bnataned.-.1.11111.1t .10t.mtnao1e term ,
mdlon bcfore ithltdthun tl[ruld. citnll.l. her
hdAhand W tlttani artlpt., sb/m . .11u 411.11.11. h.
Arr e t l a des dr t n d
t e t n .l o O te • he orend her
Ot She world for the hod led.r.
Wtts Welled Inc thn tares! of.
• :
4 , 140.1- keit tile neintaueihl lithtn•
scrips Ml.'llll lest •al ,ht lonia the Tel..
Krsipb 011101? In thu rx report... tenure heu
111C/Inell to Jelmokuo und
hie way there, wed' wale the o orating
s a plena ter 'writing proy mtuuto.
- vrtneu nre We ter wawa .• -
w e eel ty geode at w holentle at 11 retail,
and as a conyrOeynce are enable,. In kern
16mOr. Itelltalell pluck,
ec eneePen. entj awe the Amoy In
$4. 'Clettilln'et:n
ere ley Red to et am I MI Our StOCt.
AT; Baal., k (4. ti Market street.
aiaitovarea.o. h. 0 .0
of tenor ay toolatia aut e.ily ,
borne Itor locoutly tollivrad;
tan. flaot o lt, AU
Sall Maui Ualtud Ctal:a
. .
11'41 to Ittenwyw .11 tune Wweth that
yoll do not keep ) . one dental anyarataa In
Proper trim, it la Tour own fault, lor all thu
'world Imo** that You ..g" tie 6° by
flung that thatolnews regetatne ilentltelev,
8 0 2 .0110k2.. . . ...r.
Al I; .11.2 t'etats—atoro of came yard.kaig
Sun laitniabed and tainionebed atlll ting Sinn.
Eb.; I ard.p Ide Staley Sheeting., de -
kakis, and blantitod tight and k
, • ./. W. gasman k Co., t&llarkut naraet.
Dtafam.a. [Hachure°. from Ito tau",
of the Eye, and all aitee,
Dena Of it elironte and obstinate eharacti,
nnegenntelly treated by Dr. Aber% Isi
SualthEnle• street.
Piero flop sn rue clry33 batter
00 0000 r Boot., hnoes, ponnornls norl
oeuryth leg ohm do Ohio Ilan, ho found then
at the 0,100 honored Otore or Jornen Itonn,
SO. erl Mar/cot •Iteet.
, . 2,
L, 4,
III•oxocig Wares —A delightful toilet
inrilete—euperior W t.,oiegne awl et half the
price, le wee :Y:gla
We nen Or, Inomon bout at wholes!
an .I ret..ll, and acre, as a cooneypenne. en
aolnd to keen a larger and Et; Uztl getter
eort.4l stung, to well oneapar. and KIVo th
gouda In non, monoclinic/dela., quantlt/
Chau exch.. voiotrolog [amino. Retell mat
nnalltalkt, Invited to are/114a our a wok..
• J, W , ll•aaaa d ;
la Market !treat.
UR,...) I
Elk, PC CY
w Orit
[ll-lliti y J.
Porlectly .
S L.9.bil
Sottt by
dt lOU Liver Oil.-.
tml - r , v.eetert Lod Lver till It
Man Eirnectirevi Item irevb
ver, [limn the nisiv...bure. It Is
tire am/ wet,. Anil LOT - Hmtard
God Liver OIL,. limnut.turew/
wicLE., ntncbd eo.v New vink•
.laek a l 0 Whir, • necked Alparaa.
rare ul yII, 011 tICI•1 , 1...f lhee
llhn I 47 ,
former a
tali tieing leas WWI sun s J
W. ;waxen & fa Market street..
rof. P.F.
Ll:Lute. au.
nute to 4.1
to bug It out
strtut. See
NM. tour.,
Wm machinery
of a factory 14 offnicil tor
rt II) nom.. wan
goL Ina at 7,.1 Penn
cPc:lnt.moutou &wow& mm.
To Cool
elm., I
/Stook cowl
Or r
,rcr.of.a. I.l•st m ra
ilisek an
Urres (1 of
last week 41
J. W. 13
i. , 4 .,..!:::,..7;. ...P...., and otne
or .. nu.) r.dacett for to
, g;lo.o.sor ~ a g..3,16.
alltint a Co., r. 8: “ket Street..
v at
tolotro II .
131 b. urn
eeeee , Kq. St
rs•roe antsaaeortinvtit
kinds, miskl . TOlibt cuttlllf. •
Ott ALL Llv I .
• La
the, Inet Week or Lb
Cold ltplo
Saloplo Dr
001 a; erode Wrster ac J. T
AO. 1b Forlersletrix
Go pro Int
Mas •cr
al In Ulu nit
111.. Fulare, No.
furtio 000 VOtuail •6114 BMA
—at luvroal, ortpe, •
—The Iron el l
at Pb11.4,11,1j,h
i •
I 1 Ilion Loo ornith has arrived
a, (ono her Ofsoon toonitt,e
.: . Stln took enptolo ros to
cruise in Euro
Rillsl6, ILI Nn
- •
• 'CC% She bye steamed over
snored herself a flAyt elesy
I. Tau - nperor or r itusyla:
nod Pricey at
he 1 11C4eionoeich, nod the
• d Kh ti enri•mt gait VnlnatOn
many all 11l Ina inters In
it Iron 01.14 And ainsort,
no 1611 i a n d
•MO 4,4lnlnntion lonrejna
01:41.7. the ship ilarleg the
1,700 0411.0, az
Sea gOill), MA,
mvcmr nr
8 wed., and 1 . !
presents Irma
ne, Apetata, vl
- •
lend at Ai 11 , .. , C •
o,at crowd.
.—The Pre.Wont La In a goandary relative
to recant.. beat.. lln atosa of think the
colnutannere alinold remove the
civil • Inver. to the houtht bta under
enn.letallob the pro:tr.:l.Y ot calling the
Ore alatrict conorannera to lbw city that
they way confer in each
and ttrith,
tau E viteuti re. relative to the exec. tots of
the Is 00 11•1111Ctlon hots. stout altierthloys an
near tor. (11,03 unttorm roles of ac-
Ilea and practlee.
itattrian titaleter la advised that the
.Conoult...inher on lets part of the Czar, to
:natai a for tell trantifecer ttairovata to the
.Vulted .barea, C 111 be tern la about ten
tnf ►.Tho President Los not tot attatgas
pectial Uctinuti-el:autic 'to take formal
LK.N . lfell,i , nl of the territory Olt behalf of the
.olose , otnuat. Gene
rals St, talutt, Stiarlelan
Anil italtect are Leven
With too V. 1113 in.vslouer.uso.
—The 311.11111.7 I :ant ralat cat have degtdc4
that that al , l Ilt•t fie rue linorocitthant syl.
tattoo wllh the It rho House butler
the rt.solcuost or Sattirt.tty. rotioirlatii IS to
ottlunt•l4 , ll fortitnilb brain" 0511100 , A ThC,
ennatro. this to tis-att tae linuint In . opeo,
so t t , %%% ny oat remain to the j
han•ls ot the C..initnittne 'blot Of
.: II .4,1,4 th it. the .1 . ldeta
sh ottl y avatan tieneral ...lan in &noel
boteruanit. tool p...agner — ottaer• Ip
therrathil ,_i.. tallita hat 651 yot Galas
erat Sherd ates sarcesaorha., not • veer
enart.d. Itta:tiatleved that Gageral Grorii•
ft.',.74tpars: yeru,4:4'4,-,pvismkau
j ! —The brtje Wand Sort.. Captain Atm/wenn.
j.enron belled from rtotruirlytoarret tee Me
; lit aut, far Cre. war ent keit on %beats:oh
tit Drier fiend, On the went of the SI
Iberusr. Tan ontiere and ere rt. were saver!,
nod elia Port 05 I Mr corws—potroleam. Tire
.Waniteror belt - mire to mato:trt 5.5 •
—The Prettofeetle snot that the /Milan
Tree ty Cotanalystoners Ma minsetiteo
ar peace wont mertgo. try Swortenorrer
Alal of Ina tormaJwooners appolittiet
ref COhNftNlaret LIOR Onto, and will leave Our
Inn plans lit a 019. set. • ,
. • • .
' —it the orieent attune at. tbe Mexican
niteeton. 11r. Pi ore., Secretary 01 Lewation t ,
per torn , trot Ineetio o , (Jr Mtn tater • Memos
trecierinetentirerr. to test' ettect from Lire
State traleartlattut. A ' •
- - •
—lle. It.blline. a ‘,,llha Ihroter et the
Jelinof smime. nver - lltle.inkee bung
htumne/f Ttseule7, whlle In et . fli'. - or Islianity.
The deathe in EreolOya Utei Weak noha
beral te . .t)4re. - • • ' ' ,
_ •
,11111 . 1 ” Utietair th the Weer.
the t rielteriei
Lawkixoli, .6.n.„tair a:T/111,eholiira j t
l Pp, in - 11 e inh, aria 11•3, -
rare am eahartreri.porii at run furk
tiatureav anti I-4,../ 4 / 1
ease, mien Ail la age laia s il..; sit
Planaern' - 11.,extvicanicitu.
It.sdrite alt.), c :1 e-Ilurentlon Cl
pl,,,ul xev
n, rola nowt., lu Y. *wk.—
rote.l,, rile,son4ll)r sbau•bllus the
roe*. Tzto. uttlesermfaed.
t Yerviph to ttm.,ltteoitir,
' Ler [rms.; Juts 23 ,Elvvr Ia elattntsl7
wall. 3 !mit. 9 tuehtm watt. la easy br zaatke
. .
I Horrible fiutratti.' . •
. .
We leant ihat :Iwo Tthecla3r,'en or near
the line dividing I-Lchinond and Burke
4,,Uni k'N JoeL ahol:tt t!tielietat SI tattmt as
outrageous Oct we.; pert t . ir,ited by 11.bruce
Cl fiendish ireedinen tip , oillie I.ersons of
two Indies and , nit tiodritlo girl- It up.
pt , nrs from the statehot made to Uri.
Iht. the Indios wore riding urn bi.tcyk,
when the tw it
o , . hii% hicurinue bolted
them, Went dip to the vehicle, roieltily.
drageed them irion I heir mealll, and ruv
ished them holt. A tit, committing this
ItialitUrullti ntroelty, llw litinllllll.lllSodUll-,
drily unit It young t!..ttantLl girl, *hum
Thep subjected to the' ',thin rural*: er.
deal. Vie learn that ihe girl died the
next' tiny runt the rivet or the Brutal
vloleneir :cloned . upon her. Not satiated
with thlikleinnable reCoril they bed just
made, they tired at - a sauna boy whont
they !net; um their heir r.tad, lur t unately , with
out intent% hint.
• Thu alarm beim! given xcrerial gentle
. then iliioeil In hot lit . ..plait. The Otani.
bi nal
llowed •., ii ,i
tiprehenve, ileidultss of being.
lip, and Untrilit vi I.•ltig over
taken if they reinaini,l ;huger tegetber,
mil, waited. Toe prig girt no the truck
"I' one Of theta MO chased him to Briar
Creek Shaman, none the railricid bridge,
liil.iiit 't4reo iiiitr4 utlove this village,)
whet! 1, dartcd into on. Internilush,e
tlitekpi.n ' ral soon disallectred. lineing
li , st ail irliees or hllO, further pltrnillt Ut.3
ailminloned.—.lVojecs6oro (thi,y Timm
•r POW'
I! A VlrMin letter Pert thnt tt,b Cole
vech. - 1,1 trout _Miramar, 'reverting the
pEttlitros4 ICPriottn , very end. - All
The I -"very , Tetti , to have vanished.
4,0 1 7 Cn1041 Imo it communication
:whitsh en 3!:.; •
1 •
The tnePtill irmit lon I:,, ante attain
ott to atmla n Orel' thet-- Ito unhappy
Prince/hi:v:l4mm to. left Mote, for MI
UM, uuth -has avveral tizon' attempted
ter lifh Two recent - unetuput or thin
:hind ivera Ihrinnetelr prevented by the
Avitiehrul)ievi'.l4 Doctor F. 14, who !las
thontigust; tilt teat utitirr lilt care. -Ney
hriholcm; t to r Etmin,l 1,1 occnaionally,
! for it low:titoinents flit time, itt lullpoe.
I k , ' ,1 . 1 1 Ober facuttitn. • lit One of Irim e
Meld intervals -lately she t‘alt) : do
untdsine lu ti cs . any 'calor; death in
to stink an emigleace;" then,
miter e .Itha.peußP. tcllt!ltSk "Where
nt my !twill:mu Shall I never vet'.
mate? lam
N.,t, mr he im dead, and I a a
'Ma tort ;Vrt the -World." Searetiv
/4rtilr aim liner pusses that the km
prena (loci not mh• for hietys of the Empe
ror Maxiwilitut: The physical condition
dr her majesty al9o t l .9 , lre:J very eerious
alarm. .l
—A Bunk io Qui uce was VcCeziii.V , vic
timized by purehautua a iotnt Marie:gold
dus:. Tim dust WOlt to. New"fork Lai
l-ore the dmoneery of ttc worthleas char.
eater was'aiudo kthwn.
114,1 a TnitTl.- I ntaat ron n( J. H. and Its.
awls lilacktota, sate' lay my MY.
Paw,' To-nay. at `.2.3.1r. flour MAO , or
Aatakt, V.ltek liat:P l .4. Thy' r 0M" , .."
Mends ••flia fenny it It, 110 toattend.
1.11 •itra.. Pa.
1,11.,r4a..7;;13;kA!, al 1:-.51akt a 11, la
Punt.' GOA. h(3:71.1. nto oCt la
•Lrntl ,•oa.ln..a.
kir l . la,an haven. k ;I:
,fetlrral ,
el , Trt , 50,0,r, y :Ith, alb
ita% k en '7 be 11 . ,ti1.a tail lana 7 are ka•
, ottt nlif lutitra to arrikol.
•,rnCi IMIMIr%"4
LI, Kot. • tto .
Tt o Amer will tat • m ace from Al. late re !-
dote..., WM Ulm too.maff• Vrinifoilf
StOtasit•O, at DIDIS o'eloct. Tbe *feuds el the
f•paby are respactfulif lu•Iti" to .1,14.1.
TWO Iltrytimoh,
. l lards. sheet. cwatalalaenllMlT•ll Cnt
tf ANIS of later/wow readied Matter. labladlig
leadtna ILdltertals. Waist News by ysinsveps,
Sod MW. valuable Roadie. Muter no • Um
really, sod repeal and meek ieliable fu. .
clal and Cemmerelel Market Reports elves O.
any Pollee lath. city. No Farmer. Memmese ee
blembent should be without It.
Trani rt. TIM Witty OA-MTh.
(fl 21 ' 1;1 .'et rot • 1.43.
—and oh. eiipy oft spar to the hems ethane
op the Mob. Adeliliona to ninbe can to mane at
.y tine. ac eltb rate,. •
NMI= TO StrasChlatnA.—la Ordaftle port
paper, be sere mid spear, what .011101. tea
want, se we Wee a Wednesdir &Wadi for to l ,
ieflbers haring bat mm mall &Week.'
Apr by Draft, azure... Money Orders,
crib emrleteredLmtters, mop be at our rtaa.
Add,.... GAZ CITE,
No. IPS Fourth .treat, rittstadrah. n.
ClirgiNt of all kinds; CHAPIN. BLAMES. and
,rapt description of roticral Forniabint goods
Cornish...l. Nonwoven...Saar and night. •Baiwit
Candssres farnishodi.
l l arritaxcits—iter. Dhoti/ Karr.
N. W. Jacol.sts. D.D.. Thom.. Ewing. 1.0..
c h. . Niltrr IC,
I G. I tOOGERN, tnvocrtrA.
- • XER belt bbeill.lll3l% neetener to the
Oka eallentl IL baleen, Se. op Mao area%
terra door. from Data, Alleanea • It/. Me'
tracoae. latioaer, wallet and Bah
•004 imu.tfoo Coda, at tes Warta maned
/ma; Ito.ons epee at all bars, eat ad Cent
II arm and ^antaxat tartaaat a abort eating
00 oetr.uoo.bla Lams.
taIDWADD CZ 411111n8Cki tar.
UKtriatr. Oak,. 11.4 ..s.o ftraClT.
All.gbray. htatal.4 . haaa4.4l sad matl c o ,
a as, clia a .....aolete meek of faaarral 41,01.1114.11
Rood. as head , sad tarnished at shorten acalcao
ai owest prices. Ode sad. Wary 0 1510. a.,......
oar of RtaarsapM 1D41.1
tlaroachee, 134.aglea, Saddla Ban.. 44...,44.,
for Ora.
ter, Wood'. 8,..,d errata,. Carlin demos at
Ilavetaater Lher, .d 2
222 dtaribid4 aad
Chamer• atreera. Id 22222 add Carriaraa Mrs
• corner or 11111ILTUld and eget% eitlLa.lll,
N 1.13 WAN. Oadlna of al , klada. !home yid
sr , Nremb darnlowd thr Pi.orwrti un• le •
T 1
04 FINTiI bra/IT.
HASLETT 6 CO.'!. •
cal 1r...100'r e.,01.1101,
twoozsaus TU iunivarua a Ban To
• TA TA11ICali1.1:1.
f 4" ra•licalar at'ep•lna diTail 4o ropirl , l
...rt. at d JearlrY •
F. ,, LIN b. SILL, Hest' Letale
sad lasoraz. Agaraa, Biller 10..1 , 1.4m.
petwllle. PS.
'run snb.—miss UrAOTISHING , airs.-To
Illotwatecano: We offer for ale We ben
will mon derlroble nte for Bolling Mid cud
Hint Parolee, or for any large masulluffortor
norpo•es, to Shannon.. Ml* ptemne 1a
ted on • 40 foot ereet bad tbe' Anealleap nun.
nut wlthla 100 feet of tin A. V. B. if. The loon
na,by Pereoeidelanna nett ,
lot would do
well to canal.. before Minos elowner.
germ. made to lull owebalers. toquln of
beat' Lib • In. 4 Ken cloak. sad legume°
e•b2. eater wren. t •w•ever•llle,
, I 1 SALE—Thai very
,valuse •
bit sat dedable probate et tate a ft.
h.eva street and the 'illegally fair, In All..
O.ny It) t Its by CP .get. at aga' I. eaea. •
• •ery snytattal SIIoS Child.. Bee Stales I
nigh. 110:1•3 net. ealcoliptd and well adapted
n.rityrtlreOU 11111,11 Ht any branch ed epaafeee
tonne. It It seldom • late! these datawdetbk
wttbla ter City. ea be bed, lad we you'd arta
tbe'a pedal • ,teatan at those dealt°.e of seen.
ISIS lane eor wawa...we pnrpore ttP Deli
the odd tof UE•LIN d lilt.t• fuel [state ad
t••••••••• rpnet, Mor , •• ••••••, I
8 - IND 8401 S,
•sj 22D0rAt1-111113TZ0
L -
. . . •
A. largo assortintnt to tweet
from, at Ito' than Invoice Ft/.
•esi, to close consignment, St,
. f I
c .
& 003
largoni EMPORIUM,
56 & 67
Iv. in.—Furniture and Dense.
koldlads at Atlantan ereri
814112E0N, PALMER as 00.,
ICom. 114 15(.117 Fifth Ihreef.
11/ 6 nEst
' Altp.D TtlE '
Wheeler& iillson Sewing Marilee.
•tithe GR. 1 014 ^ 111114 ItirtlBlll , lK.
VA ST er • 'or IT 1 , 4 m and tboren,ts ei taint...l
antletll74T rlaA•oo4=lM
/171 Imparual twos. •
wal. SUMMER & CO4
jrt . No.lll FIFTH BTIILIT, rimbonek:
110&131ES WWI &ALE, AT -.
illowardls Livery Slable i
ciVal l ar Z. 41.7 .7 j:" to nigri
111111111. RUSH! &
Practical furniture Illatattactitara
la n teat "moo of ItIIIIRTOKt enl4taaUt
. •
13. S. I.4IeqUIN,
Sealer of Welstits ( and Hamm
nesweca Libertl
Order* r mu+ ell, attinrtnt .41, ...WM.
tiLDl!cee, mu;
sacdor COIiOU Rills, Pittsburg*,
Vanztaatarers of EITAVY. wig onyx alfunT.
...HIP --I'm Partnership hnretmerit tit lag
her wean the undt-olehra bee this b... di..
.. 4 1,C11 nr roes.% • an: twine. nt
Ur= will he ettle4l2, •
U Li% 111.
Per T. B. Hathilion 4 V 9., tt,
Jhati Pith s 1147—.1.11:674