The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 20, 1867, Image 1

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rxisLusar.6 EYt3Y (MOIINISCi.
• (lcs-nail racirrzo.)
- a..z-cbririetore.,
T. T. IMINTOX ”.11../4
riltors. Itudaerte
tiararrr. nVir.viNa,
it AND SC Virrll
teplEtaa Pap 4f,Tbtai Persyinsis
Oman PATES Or rpntousott ism
tad cultiLLacla.L. I'A.L . Z/I In We
!Haile ohm' : cent/.
Ihtiverea - hyCcaten. per .i.ek 75 .•
Mal Submit... 4 Va. 7ta
'',;'lj - ell,ittsbitr . gtr etartte
lag the City fluting the caramel- months
they eta tome the Gatort c malltel to their
address, by eedetirig the same at the often,
S ot fifteen eentiner week for one wPck or
Wilms the citizenship o,c blacka ji
`folly reCognized by ..S.c'.of Congress, and
while tat tight to vote at all elections In
the District or Co.dutahla is folly guaran
teed, the CP:), Charter of Washington
forbids bb . ..ek men to bold Mike. .To
ovetibie prOvision or the C,.arter,
the fie.riaie has passed a 1411-authorizing,
blactai toboill Chloe in the District, the
seam &whites. This bill passed by the
'strong vote of 25 to 5.'
This is right in point of principle.
The only fault to be' found with it
tharmany Republicans seem inclined to
pass laws for other peep's do observe
• the splrit.of which they aro net willing
to liv; up to in - their own,States, coma.
ties or cities. Thus, the Civit Rights
Act, declarlog blacks to he citizens of
thcljnited States to as full a de;ren as
whites, is forced upon the Small, .white
•'. everremslicstion of the ! doctrine here in
Pennsylvania is resisted by prominent
Republicans who went into ecstasies
when that bill Was passed over the Pres
idential veto. We have not _the pro
fonMlest FFspect . for this sort of thing.
If Itepublicans..nre not willing them
selves to accept the citizenship of the
blacks, - .they have no right, for party
zerposes, to compel the people of the
South to accept it. If they will stoutly
profess one thing, while suing their
rhetoric against their opponents, and,
with no 'attempt at . concealment, put the
very opposite into practice where'lhey
are individually concerned, they ought
.1. to expect ultunately to reap the wretch
ed ciinsequences of their Nameless
Pacitr "
TO. ..14519e. gold minus, located in
lieistings county, Cenada West,. are
ylildlng huge quantiti,gs of-the precious
mslid.. The propertv.wis used fer farm
ing purposes till 11C : beginning of
last year, when the presence of the me
tal becoming known, a party of shrewd
Chichi, gentlemen became purchasers
of the tract. The Canadians learning
the immense value of.the mines, cu.
iteavored - by an armed mob to &Ire the
Chicago "yankees" out Of their posses
. &lon, and as the claim of the lat
ter was not indliptiable, owing
to the . elistence of a lease of
the premises previous to sale, a com•
promise was' effected by. forming a joint
stocitompany tovvorkille mines, the
Chicagoans retaining a contm fling in
*crest— The gold' is the riche=t ever
discovered and exists in incredible
- ‘l= l ;t4leC :
Wilms Gus'. Palm, the Rebel Cow.
miasioner; charged .with exchanging
prisoners of war. Ives recently before
the.Oommittee of the Muse of Tiepin. '
— eeniatives, he stated . aint be offvred to
eerh'ugo twenty thousand sick Union
prisonereroind that hto offervms declined.
Gets. "Bract, in hes place on the floor of
thelleuse; denied the accuracy 'of this'.
'statement. ''Our recolleetion is that the
offer Ins made no stated by Gen. 'Wild,
and t tbil it - .s rofizied distinctly on the
ground that outside wouldbc compelled
in plate of disabled men to give up well
ones 7. . he could immediately be made to
Ail 110 lit the rebel armies. - These dis•
crepaneiesinstatements, show the ncces
'thy of &thorough mvestigstion Into this
AVDiMIAL Szatuns is credited with - the
remark that "all rebels are loved by all
nation/ except - . that against which they
are in rebellion." This only expresses
- the experience of mankind in all agre.
In large part, IL was this universal sentl• ,
meat that induced the-people of Europe
Ter, generallyto give - their synipathies
• to the Southern Confederates.
Tltii eiplains why each nation, while
dealing harshly with its own rebels, in..
elste,that Ali:Aber nations &tall deal lib
--.19t1y with, their's. Enrope .asits' - tbe
. United States to deal; with - its rebels as
no 'anon on that-continent ever dealt
wit/ its own; and this is exactly what
dm! Untied States has done.
idu,;Jnituutars Bram: has been Presi.
deit4bitneos'a favorite advisor iu Lis
• opposition to Congress. To Lis pen is
attributed the, messagb rlissenting from
thorßnpplemental Iteconstruction . Bill
which sill probably be sent to Congress
to-day. Ile was . President BucuAxaN's
Attorney General; and In that capacity
Invented . the opinion that Congress .
had un constitutional power to coerce a
State:l.ll . .the worts he bar been.doing
for President Jonas= are but varia
tions of that doctrine:
rgz Lebanon Courier pertly remarks
that "some Of our etch:ingot-are discuss
ingrtisi proper locality for the Chairman
of the Union State Committee- to have
his heath - porters. Niro consider it every
immaterial question, sus rho work of the
simaptigns is done by .quite a ditrerent
class of men than those rho figure at
the head of State Committees. The
position seems to besought as a
"stePPinis stone to emoluments and office,
and that appears .to be about all that is
IR maintairdng the correctness of the
President's view that by . denying the
legality of thigcivernments of the seced
ing Statea,Congress made the general gov
emment respansilile for the debts of those.
States, the Democratic Journals ran be
fonkthey were seat. • Not a Senator has
ventured.. to. endorse the Pres+ demist
naiddit. In the Iloe'eh "only eighteen
members could he found to dissent from
a dee-tenth:el that the President intended
to stab the nageall credit.
..PIIZSIDENT JOIINEUX at last threatens
to do a Sensible thing; which i 9 to resign,
in ease his forthoming veto shall not
be ;rested with
the reepeet he feels to
be due from Congress. IC Congressional
disrespect le tolerable under any eireum
stances,' a little might he meinl jest
Tan Waynesburg /Irraetirea comes
Week - 1n an entirely new drat/
and enlargecl atm It is Una of Cm best
concluded and most enterprbring weekly
newspapers - 1n the State, and iscmluent
ly ,wortby of eicoaragdocnt and sup•
port ,from the Republienqs of Greene
GIZI. JAjtee Loaarrazar hail been
• - named. for the Senate from Lonielatta by
. the jealrion (litre.) clarion, "feeling
tiuttthe honor of the South would be ee•
:etirelf confided in council to the keeping
of.ane :who gukrded it, co well, n the
.. if:cat:Louis Journal is authority for
I' for the dnertion that many of the lcad
ing Dee:Montt/ of the country are pulling
I, • thopolltical wires to place General Mc
), Chain once more in nomination for the
SAXES J . 074E9,. editor of tho Jer
- say Shore. rulitte is recommended as the
Repldlda gandidate for State Senator
1n the /,YCOMtlig
,4iatsict. .
~_~ -
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Garibaldi and Papal Tyranny.
66 roam roe lilt 116161F101 or law
Deported rigbtiog at Vlncenza.
Orly Telegraph t. the Pittsburgh tiasette.l
:LCIDOII. July m—Thri Empress fincertin
Intl vigil, the Queen It Snatisor Castle on
Suede , tent.
an. °Atli.. Clsl36rZtl.
Jnic lit Lioyd Garrison
arrived in ibis city, where he blut teen wet.
teemed with stsual honors. The municipal
ity of Nuinttre have received him ne a
pubito coat, and presented htlit,Wltt the
freedom of the city.
Lo,os. 3.17 Vl cfnQhf.—ln the Mouse
uwasohls evening, N. request Was made
on the part Of the seven:intent, that the
Bosse uvula retrain, ter the present, from
am expreszion of opinion, he resolution of
otherwise, In regard to the execution of
To-morrow bo obsorSed as e holMay.
The Stack Escheat° will be closed and bus.
Aries, generally erldpentiml.
J.11.1II11.(11 roomful. TO Tamarac nous.
kcononoco, July annoormed
to a great meeting at Platla that the Ume
had eornO for Ilamatitm Rome from Papal
lyramlyfod reetorlug [Smelts. to her ancient
Lonnex,.7uty 12.-7Ellstight.—& report
reached this city to-ulalit from Florence,
statmg that a aunt occurred between a
party of CarinaWiens and Italian troops
near Vicenza.
non. July 19.... The steamship Wm.
Penn, from New York, has arrived in the
Gcss.w,July stewmshli• lowa,
tram New York, mired lets-afternoon.
QC/ .4203 i". July la—The steamship Res
sla,fram New York, arrived this morritna.
Tho etearriable Danmark, trrlw, Now York,
also arrived.
LONDON, July r. —FliarTtranitca,
:It.; Commie, 111.10 Mulct. Central. mi
ciAlle. Erin. 15N; Atlantic and Great We:4-
e= enneolintated,
Iserterom, Jely 15. 5 r. v.--Cotton e.t.a
arm and active, with sales of 15.005 boles
aliddllac U Wanda at lily. Orleans 10,N. The
Manchester market Is mond ler, and holders
demand an advance Irtikb is not =seeded.
Breadsitiffe—corn, for Nam: Wheat
—43 s. el. for White California. Mules 3s.
Oms L. Pas Sus. GL Provoilons—Pork,
Tat. Gl. Steel Idle. Lard 1951 Macon sts. CA.
Cheese ries. Produce—Petrnienkpirms,
Defined, Is. .l.
Los boa, nly 11.5 C. a.—Them mi et Is un
Stehal of tads= Joareo—Sito Moots
in Tirana litoooptloo—rreoutoot
Jona,. at tow faspltst—Drelloto a
Ehettoo—Addrotto Coocerator Hoe
Eseesuloo of floottalltoo.
($7 Tele/mph to tbellttsburrti GasetA
New,lnlyl9.—The tinned State,
revenue =liter Wilde:a cis-arrived here tan
night trom Vera erns, where alte erriral an
the lith Intl.. with Madam Jeerer. A Ilene
teflon of Illsstext officials boarded the
sel, and warmly welcomed Madam Juarez
•bact to Mexico. On. the lith lost- tau dle.
embarked from the Wiblernels.. and met
with an entlinstastic collie r e.mptlon, both
civil and =Unary. The display daring the
day Rua a gala..., and at alaltstna may was
brilliantly Illuminated, and there war
magnificent. .11.. play of fireworks In her
tenor. '.t pan by a large. party of
Mexican nobilities she was to leave for the
env of Mexico on the Nth Win.
President Juane arrlredat the capital nn
the 1110, and wail corltaliy lie
emphatically decilitre a reelection. and Las
Ordered a new election. Me will relieve to
the mountains aa 1100 a at Its successor Is
It a cfnexaliy reported that If amoral
Jim e ,e
to dro.ll ' n u ir In tae
and will be shot na soon as captured.
It way report.] in Vera Crux on the lith,
that Santa Anna was still fah, hat later
ti t le daa. received in this city Trent Twnploo,
a be boa been shot.
Everything wan Qui health Vora Cr.ez, and
the city was perfectly.Y. •
The Alatarlee Sloop of war Elizabeth was
recoleinkEnstrian retugees on board. Stta
held no communication with eleximn ogle
lots. except through the United Ststes gee
host Tsconey god Consul SOolluer.
The Wilderness being. dispatches ta tLe
British. French and Austrian CoVethmenta
The Liberals eke obOut public dog eh ed.
dress to the world, in which they cannot to
thstify themselves tor the• execution ot
Maximilian. It will treat of the kitting of
mg thousand three hundred ideziate• for
defending matt native soli, 0.11.1 alts preee ,
• dents which they think will clearly prate
their acts within the range of propriety.
hey will prOduuo iincutuenth which they
nay alit throw new light np , m what they
hese done. tome of the sbloi , men in the
tiepuello run engaged on the work.
einliforolsk rollle.-Rpablieno Slate
c.nveulloss Wowlnatlumm—Proposed
POreties. of 141.11.1112 Cha.lolle Pdand
—lima& flowing Oil 'Well.
ißy Ttlerlsph to the l'in barge Gavetto.l
Sag Pea soisco,July 17.—The. llepubilean
State Convention, Which' met, at . Seer.
manta today, nominate.] Jahn ltdirell for
Governor, J. G. M I
et:allow for Sodretary of
State, William Jones for Compttoller., and I
Edward C. Jeffries for State Printer. Thu
remaindorpf the UnSet Is complied of the
heroine. of the tale Colon Convention.
Tbo Ceaveistion endorsed the rbooestroc•
thin trolley of Congrees. and favored Impar•
I Uhl 1.10 &ago, without diatlnctton of color.
, J. V, Goodman has withetrawn man Mae.
Pendent candidate for Coogrese le the
Northern District, leaving too field clear
throughout the State for the Congressional
nominee. of the Union party.
The Victoria Sternum news, of July.".4tls.
stat. MALL the principal chic. of Governor
deymoors visit to thenorthwent w. to ..-
amine Queen Charlotte Island, for which It
Is told a wealthy company have offered a .
largo lam of money, If they can Obtain a
fee simple transfer from the soverelgetl of
Creel lintel°. It states that the island..
abounds in copper and other minerals.
• The snip Othello, forblverhad,has sailed.
Floor leitteld. Wheat id 7061.7 7, florley
e1..910143. I,gal Tenders 7114
San Faanctsee, .Inly 111—Alos oil well of
the Calliorote Petrolenin Company, ist .al
Esher., Simla Barbara county, which burst
net with greet V 1010.1.10 Hay lad. threw-
Me It entomb of oil stagy feet in the air,
lrom a depth of five Winched and fifty feet,
&MOO°. WIWI" ptemdtl7. Advises to the
11:11 of July state that, tile • well I, iII2DrOT•
dng, dewing lathe rate of one hundred her.
rtle a day, the oil bel, g tWenty4ool . de,-
-- -----
(Br Tel:grape' to the Iniuturic kissotic.l
Thor Yong, July .19. ise7.
The italtlito6ll Convention which has been
in Benton In' this city, has adjourned . for
. one weekorithorit Perfecting any =riff for
through Until?: to tho wont. An es:minion
cousisting or four ',clime c.i . f. leaves on
?Sunday via the Now Jersey illintral
road• for Ciiicsio with- three hundred
me .onznia liaIASF
IL la mated Um Roberta Fenlaps are malt
log crest prnparations at the headquartem
and th ereto bac lime doubt. that, an lame ,
dilate campaign eomearhere la intended.
• Tee stustaor flanker City at 4 Mar
esillut, July Gth. The steamers Dotetdazid,
from flouthampton on the 9th. and dlleme•
Ma, from llamenrs - On the Gth. arrived Ito
- • •
The Heraldepeeist from San Frnnelaco,
intys Tne engineers of the Central Pacige
Itallrovil here reported in favor of locating
%ratline ity 'the north i125te114 of tho south
or Snit tram It. le eighty-nine sullen.
VIII coat oarstbird less. and passes through
far butter country. Tito titurnolt tunnel -
nearly throng's. and will probably be
open by Auguat, 1411.
llexicatit Annexation Project.
LEI lanutratrat to the Pittsburgh Oats tte. I
Nate Yoke, July 19.—. A. Washington dig
parch saw Mr. Abbott, a brother of the
blatorlen, hae broached a propotltlon to
leadingmembern of Convent for the an.
neration o f Neste% which he Intimate.
me ets, with the approbation of Jeeret and
the elder. Of the alerlean Unpublicen party.
TOO latter tear another foreign Intervention
on account of ktexteMlan.a execution, or a
Oontlnuatirm Of the Intestine strife, and are
eattaflen with xsalflialion, provided they
thereeelvel one be teemed In %come good
german:tent bertha, met Peace Ike
to the cde iptiy. /dr. AbbotVg otunsosttlon
was received witts UAW hOollatinu Dr
but ralt ineeil favor by
Ilesrard,Cole, C h an dl er. id mikes,
" college COIIMOINIEeIfIIfyIIs, • I
:DT Telegraph to Wm kiltrhursh dinette.)
giAMOVIIL 11.; July 19. Dartmouth
Collage GatainenoGalent wok place 1.45.41ay.
Amor.' the • degrees /X/actual Ina Jed.
Wentworth, LI.. D. •
z. Jew pavan, July 11.—Agthe Cennutenao.
meat at Yalu Zollege Minda LL. D. area
Conferred on tbeGreok ister, 1i1213
Secretary Stanton and 'rag* IMPbO.IO
eat, of Clnclungtl. _- • •
StVP., that the Court le compose or civil ' lin own oonstittitiomd p ower hi "
oakum of the Coital Mtge., and we nit , undor prat, on. of law, be mut
not bound to conform our autlo Ito any ht ollicill 11,mbonlinatiOn. It le lobo feared
Opinion or any finch authority. th o, military otileve, looking to the ics
lois bill, and the acts to o etch slit sum noone ginto by thoaa him., rather than to
plomental, are ell founded on 100 ...Imp. Ilse WO', et the Co.tltution, will rtoog
lion that they tell t °miner:dues art, nut flirt nn authority but the Commander of
mates, and th sir governments. are not the DPlrkg and (Meerut of the army. If
le,ml• Throug ont Lae legnia.lan upon them a mono other Objectione [non thin to
this "lthitwt t y ro called rube) `MMus, the propOsOd legislation, It m °old he oun
and in tide war oar'ppet are thommino- below,
ted so-totted e ne, u a ga ll o . 11l t
1 13 - Is decHer,g4 i to nn lea or ti c ,lf o c s .: Willie I brad the Chief [lye author
) ti n, I oiled Mates; abbe t the obligee
The obligation, ol clinalstaney nind a h- 1"
legislotive bode ~,, we , . e th. b n turi ii , , tent 7,81,011 ,men In 8, 1 0 that a
' .. at ittifull somutod, I can never sell
twhhe't t c l=u P‘ re% l et ' n " u ' o n l n :
r: IT a l l.. " 1 [ ' el . , r i 11. ° ° , I:a:L i ur re ti ' d o ' r ill et trria 1,.
..o . r . t . h . ozo r w . T y r o s
Meclaretttots to the contrary Mud° In those 7, s r , , nr t"
°l'ra ll 'i o ''' re sponelble
t rot the •
deiicsmcccilcibti ca t. '" cod W•Ttle. ; fa ' stt ' s4l ' l ' l ' L.)
" .. ' n ' of t lialve, end at the some
In - repeated acts Of legislation by Langes* , ti,„ .e '" d ' e ' r t. o n t treat. ungl the paivera
t f rug m t p ' e h r d is s l e ffe l llTl l o t t o ho th ttlt e g a te r were t'' i
I a During or r i stl I t",.;,L'‘'':r, it-n" o h r ."' f r :w il ,' W .
T .' : n Y y ° th i
gm r ne e ' r '' o ' f t t v e. a .
iii b l i g l i .. . lh :t r : . l ;
e W e l
.11 s p: a r . e ri 11 : . 7s: c i P . Ft e rv af c t . ll l , l;:a a n7 ,. ..:1 , 3: 0 ::: . ::: : ;: 0 ; 1 “ : 1 1.. e: '''' ;: i .:
i in ': ;;: i t a . 7 lt d r .: , ;'?,
, l o t' t, 'l o di ; g 1:1 °IYI , U g
' .. i , r 0: 1. d': o
t I t t o r, e r°llS tool
b k
11llettr hit
f i
o ig n: ;o 1:n rsie d l o l b ‘b0 1: 8 1 d o l ' t , I i Ly "to W r :i l l: - . I :
Menlo, anti Circuit Coons of Ito. be 01011 Lona - ram in MO ft
i . m i t , ° .
i ted , [1 . 1 .1.. n.....n . 5t 0 1t .. d[r . 0 .. ......1
i p , c . w . e . r . ,..a ... nd
S'nt'''tlitolo,.ioss,o,,"' bite "i , ', tin. " This inter tern cm with
001 1'
th c r li°
- I - --- •tt.s. cet , outlintity of the n t.xecntivoDepartmenthi.
.1^,.„ le ts-s "talent ar. Palmed, .filly 'iv il trot will Maud/101y
I t o am foundaumis
'as"; , by * deb even.' onn 01 lao to. or our :edema beater°, nut not Um worst
Metes wore %clanged into district. and nail of tills ngtelation. It tan great public
circulta. They nave been eolinti on by Con. wr mg to take tram the r
ile Poe ors I
great lo net through their Legislature., op. •
s conferred on him Mono by the Constitution;
. I on at lem ten nrognsa rooms to the Coons. , a os Ine oroo. 11 'hero- nazism and morn
UM TeirgraPlt 11l CM l'ittalturalt °melts 1 I tenon of Mc 1 nited State. A. mate., tit Pty , canc.•roue wtitat tne powers so taken trona ,
W. 85111.40000, July iuth, Inlet, . h tu 'r ire " ti n' t ' ll i reot ' o ' O . l . 't'ts'ert".tt}".l•Tein'arci, , 1.1 gP • I •nt conferred ca subordinate
T the llog o , o f R,,,,, 0 1 0 r 5 ,,,, or s ~,,, ['need the thirty mix 00111,1051ng the I ulna. Watts i h EV-ii i ' l ''' , : .' ‘h o h rTl i r'l o . 77 r ora "T H " th 'i i r ird w ' ,
Amiga the regulate tweray.s. on rums were give ~,,,,,,,,,i b y no fix e d h t ., ran,. tin, dtl-
I. return Loren ith Ito bill entitled, "Ass :,r wtiell; . gcs ' e r rer i 4tri ' f t7:::,::',`,..;%f .run
Act enimiamentary to An Act, wattled An Mateo. It Was proclaimed to try a pert of the t
L or , "lgn linear,.tl of the five Instrict
Act to prorlda for the more cdielent !re,people or re-potted. tO them, by es at
Constitution of the United States, mid Sin. ignielera thoneh not Mamma by too
thas hoot more executive power, military
declared no touger to er. It: tota l m tho 1 omi cmtl, thou the people have over Mum
...eta of (lbe 001101 itcles." ntaleas on the I toted Mates of any Once snoteet t their o tillna to confer upon the loaid of the Eire
-21 day ot March, P.M:, an •t rho not sample-. .Inrinlictio.. / I th...oven 'tall'. 001 v.." mi. o Oepartment, though olawen by and
mantary therm°, passed on the O.ll day of meal atone of [lot Coital, it la Meg es no r..non•ltac. to thsgruselves. The remedy
so,legnie cortecemenvo that In gonna of the govt.,. c out, tram 5110 people thern.looll.
Marti), I . ef, Mid Will ot no as briefly aspossl. sine, emver rot ellets. It atm. oat octal ro , know woe; it ts =1 how It to to M. oPE
Ida tome of the ratans a bleb prevent me In nue, se vet eta [ ... for they have men- i ,,,,,,, , a'tw 'bop .(,,,,, lion, they cannot,
from giving It My approval. - "bhd " " .^.l.^ h^ "b " " °.-^1 " 11 " . ..... " ^^l ‘ l°- at enoillis to the forma et the Cotmt ItutiOns
non% but Kentuctv. tlOt hoeing 00110 as, It g re , 1 s nit. . new Tney cannot roman oor
This 1/000 01 esprit., or mutates mused find sti ll remain to that Mato lint to 1 -oar, i i'
to ' Ili[ury di:mania/P. The 00 . -
Iby Com:re, durino the MA font month., truth, 11 title mieumption, [bat 111-10 ht., •.: C II ii tr: rros on heloes• in tocir bands. it Is
On the ouhlOft or to roortrow i tin. Tee
wee. 1 , 1 , 0 b 11 r i f o l o e i f o li o l i . o ut o teyoeernmatows b" Ones Itobe ta Ind In the hailot And is a earn one,
c ‘ cLCit-c ; b y i ltc ' tt bit ' It not I ontvollud by frand will awed by or
ange returning Ilia not of the 21 of March rid governments Mode no 000, fort:oolsre. 1 tut m., y pow er, Or teem epetay on their part
tsar, awes at length tr r 111.4., 1011 sto Mc now gleutg 4 to th... stated this pawn 010 to: ~,,,,,, 4,,,,,,,,, With yuldtng oond len.
possum, of thnt bill, They opplc eqsally abolish *las erg', „ aoso mg thorn /It [heir pattionamostatiotta and int.:gray.
well to the hill non• I,olore 111 1, und i Me me power to elect a local *g tt, I 0 ,n 1 atilt hop dal or the rotate, and tont In
content merely to inter to them, and to re , Legislature or Immo n 1,1(1.3. an lon 1, ha end 11.2 rod of dimpotban will be broken,
iterate my conviction that they err sound Mr any Legislature,'
vv . ... , r" , 5."." ^ {hr crowd heel of power lifted from nu,
and tinans wcrable. omen.. too almiltaio of a.everf As to InoLaof um Osgente. and 5.1 PriociPim or .
Therm am Rome pointy peculiar to ale he other 1.01085103110 131 an I • “ 411•1 01, 11,- s Inlaid Constitution preserved ,
bill a Mott I wall proceed ut ones to voneldt r. 1 Ina rrierunce to endear" It hag a . u . . those I is irnee I Asmaew .1 osesos.
Tito tlrst essubm purports to arclare the `tete. Intro not accepted It. fno c meto o
~,, , neorno, July 19, IMT.
true Intent nod meaning, to some portion- qinnt e is. it lies rev er noontime! %Imo,. or
tare, of lit tun Prior acts open ton aubject. undormoni even, by ConMe .l , tom , a Part .
It Is .w.elured that th., Intent Ot thtou Acts nine thMBl55llllOO Of the Coiled SOO 0.
A . :L . S, ...m . t. r t o tt , ttl: , .7 , x o l , , ,. ti , iitton n t o r t t i r . .. i n e t t e s tl
1 %0 Renato r t .f tho o l f . n o lArsil o S f tt o tts o n o ltua fo rat o e o t; I
robbrobb•bnl allll OleewlL "'M. Ot s erfus t ter 1 of 3 4i;e:Vn ' Ali n .strlct Attornet !Tor ever}•
mid gm ern s uts wen to he continued, CONGRESS
, , ...,,,,, L b.- but,
yet, If . l liey urn not I°. 1 in E i t rao tdi nan . s ess i on .
Ca CO b trtn et ansfe n ri rL, e ' t mr . . - -,'.:,,1„2,..it5-ir.,T.,', 1 :!,.',.., , ir%ri ' %.: ‘" tioir s "` <. , T,L, ' - I,zt ,71,11,,,t'i-, a
and to the 11.711,11011115 ntit i uortty ot , dims % 4Of I.ollgrr. nave p tt.eit approprar
, COnaolsB. C 01147.8 1:11 117 by decia. I lion toils to pay ail those ju lg., ottornm*, , . ~,„.., ss 5 ,„,, , e m,
i ratnry net net Illion a prior act alar 0 °Maar.. o f ten eloped dtates for b ter- ,‘ t 1 If tir,vsAbif, lißusilLu,
I a bb r=Viiir=3l, t ,Ti a l:nni' i'rt .o lriin 'l n t i 1 ZTPu . . Ik`Loit,t,‘lr.7„.lno, 5,°,70,..:„1",'L', , ____
i*„..,,,.. nnlhi centoreetion is Sand the Ituvenue laws, all these cant.* a te.. lescrib- 1
Ortginal act will be construed and mean calotOt ass territories, lot a. tqa
exactly what It Is 81110.1 tO moan. My Ma "lo much for continuOus legislative ',
SUPPlrnientillT Reconetruo tion Bill
.isclartnarlr statute there will be,l Imo, fro. reeve - ninon. Tao Inalancen cited Donator ,' Passed Geer the Veto in Both
the *lam lills, tall mu a• Mamma n law, no t Lot rar . a ,,,, rl or al „, osorra ,,a e „ .roor ,
I 4.. " h ' s l . " ^1 • " s " ^h. rst. " ^ " . " mod. Trminal:, recoil...n as Id seed ' Houses.
,‘. , th , h 1.11 ... ""ll g" . . I ' ll.°W. h^ I Imago, too,
frequent undo.... ering
I lima< lmtca, caned
th" mleni,s , 5... t I TI, some may be anal
ea to judicial rem:-
Provlsidind 07. erninonta,
.. I oltion trimuctiout tube 11ren10 I,on-1 Cl
cart " th c I.olbitti 8.11 ' 1,-W t " ^.^. 1 too tailed stated Thar p August tribuntO,
lotion they mo ll bet iro the tient oratory act. •
.. , from first to Mat, In tett a Itutoluralbso 01
Tb.. ...." a °^ .SM. * 1. " ^^ " oh°, "”" h.^.... 11-0 dutic... In bane ono upon 100 Ourult, ho.
.03 . 1JOLL to ailO,lllte LOMA-1r auteorlty In g r0,,,,,,,e,ge t i “I j f,0,(11711,1 the. inn en... I
main' IMPorla" , T1 , ..- • "I , b. °. c c.. 10 alt, ' nttow as legal Chet", of the l Mon a. ,
the lAnetlay SOE the wa Dela: L., &User to oar,. in slat Court ~,,,,,, ~1 , ,,, iww , writ wt
.Mr military authority al the I' elecalatatea ' ter „Low „b... ....„ , ~,,. „ iw , i „.
' as liaromaner nrawarthad 1 •5 1
gol "of it f t ' c '' ',
began, town no. been dl
lets go env 0104
lion of the
set, those ot uriummto , of_ressation of jurisdiction. Tney were
were madc, 11, all mantel,, aultioet. to the' c..tratilif C0nt51313.1 from tern, tO form
paramount antherls* ot the 11-o.od "tate, " o„„, tic t .,, ~,,,n wen ~,nrri.
Amv, by thladreleratarl . am. It aPiwta"lbli,t i Oiled and poems este.l.lnhed Toe
, Co , areeltlid not. In' thanti E , '" ..l.l ".. ^h^ " . oohed fur argument end conaidmattAn,
I to built the natilthry onialortty to any par- as if no Insarrociam bad twereen.-1 aan
I [gangue ano n thercol prose-Mot. but ti ...., 0t.,..,.., store t b. , ii,o. hate ,
I mean[ to make It. unt,r-si Titus aver All Cottle from tbara mates actor. , Mat Court,
1 00.0 ton States thla m•lstart got era t „ writ o r or ..„ 0 „, a .„, 0 , 111 „, ~,,, „ o „ ,
liana Ave:load to Imre untlmi tol authority.. original Celt. Tress emes are entermingo
l iana
t. ' cc iCt .g bcCccn ' tc c " C cc ‘ ci ‘ cc.cttc . ay that tribunal, in the exert isgs of no
. e. Inv publics peeve, tuff n.iminietnttiorr ot 1015011,,,twi j 0t ,,,,,,,, b , w i t i,,,, t.,,,,,,, not',
1 h^ h isl ls.'''''. the ."I cictn ‘ ttc cciCrtt • tt to Oman 11 they hal mere from an
and the soperlntensleuce a: election... b. , petal.' body other th to a Male ol 100
Mall reapeCM OP noanlaill to he paramount r oloo. Fl o . gly to am allotment of their
ito thn totaling - dell gOsernments. It M :
10 .0
ter wol,' 1;0 the an lg. so toe mem:,
I initonsible to conceive any mate tit aoriety 1 .. 0 ~,,,... i w y, oaor .„ or , o o r r ,,, , ,,, „ a ,„ i i
genre Intolerable than this, and; et It ism • ro, an too cams oass „,„ or i rew i t „ with al ,
" b " 1 " ^ " ^ " ^ " • that " ^ "" l ' ^ Unit " . br . other •Oetes. 1, iratula and North Carolina
Amor . ..nettles:us are reduced by the t.. 05. I ~t o o parr, ,,,, r00r , ,0 ‘o. , or. a„,, Si-
g rcsii Cribcrtidcd rainy, "' ' 7 iCcii * i lotted to We Chlet Justice. *ante caroling,
of thelootteurto territory occupied by Mena i t.i.writi., Florida, u.„.., and ~,,,,,,,,,,,,
Ii 49101106 n cltllollB rho CerlStltntlnn 00 the 000rrAnoo r•aokith r„ ,... 00 r, aro , oar .
United Stab,. thenretiews.y, II its lull opt- I allotted to the tato lir. Java,
I tattoo. It 1 1045 antra to ople there, end • w a yo o ,, Loui s iana, Arkans. end
1 should pro. ot :nom, le. they are dont .1 i
~„ ..„ I TuZse nro islintted to the .11.11 Jo Intel
i"''' '.^2."7l:4ll''' ' '' ''' ' ' ''' ' :'. ' "r " .%t^.."'"ln7"- I C bo ' Vo u rt. "" ' T n ita o "[. Onf th aTota l ee " . a v n ' A n e ' ..l.. oo ll 'l ts ''' .
Southern people, where ..211 by a 111.. , or his 11 . 57. b ., , a „.., ~,s o o s a ~ , ,,,o r
0! 'Cildir" .! in "ti for 1" '' s0"1" 01 , ',
Conn In Porto Carolina. If la lath Cariboo.
arrest, en tae production of the 1t. " ^ " . " . ,," ls not a etata ot Mb. tinted. too Olsiel I as-
Of stmt nlall Vs mak Inc Privlloll,fl,
to 1 . - . ' Coe ti. no antant) to bald a Coart thorn,
w e eeetalf. wnich "a... 11,0 twai every Inds - meet nod derma a, Orem l
melt' thlo 0 we Mall Of 0 bat await to dew 1 01 , im f , th „ ~,,,,, 0 . 0 ~,,,,,,, ~,,,, $ ~,,
cony a trial by part, prom.. tor 50 10110., 0 4 yo b,.
copy of ILO ton Itlluent, the briellego of I another gm ma
t o whlsds tot. roma.
erwomel, or lan/ ercatcr prit !lege, the welt 0trnr ,,...,, nro otto , noto n .o n ~,,,
of Ail,. corp.! I bt tem . That these tca metes aro moque rt II
The Veto or
no of
out -- - • terrltoryt that tlm constampooll rei soon
Marna .08 10.1 a ell 500 Manor: grounds.- 1 1 . wtir.,,, they 0100 , 1 ... ~,,,,,,0 0 00 0 ,, ~,,,
the Interference of Conarens In glutton ! ",„,„ tier
00 prior to isle roor,roo,,
strictly portals - an.; to the reserved powers ,
ha given pines „ a 000 ra , ar0 ,,... 51ia , la.
1 ..
of the/Mete+, and me establishmeat of mq• , r o o ~,,,,,,,,, Is emmintred territory, and
stint tzar:nes 100 the trial of etalecnt 1. I their Mize.. people, and in
^^^" Of b^.^.o. 7b " 1.4^r"." n "" 400 this new relation Langres., cnn mmern
or that insaaare will under . ..tend all 1
I Sham by military ram er, A tale to Loo
n contains. 11 ith to milltro ,,,,,. 01 . 04 . or , , t ..., t . &m . 0.,. It I . .
ry denponsin and V 0515141 taw, it lint 1 1 ,,, w titi,ttrott he war. It opaline only
ref,rouce - eetwelailt to the powers Ito territory, or for wants or Incrreatoe
conferred On the district commander. to Wags .„,,,,..,„.„,„,,,,, ~. ....., .„..,...,
Meet.° tba criminal em. an 1 assa me ~.4,,:t ; r 1 .. q. , 1;1:1.1 .b . 1 1 :i . i T r i . i i . . .1 . 1.; w i1 . 1 4 ,1 i . 7.
I juriediction 50 try and punish by midi...if i ,,,,,,,1 ier. wi, b ,.. 1. o r„ t . r oot o r t b o ~,,,t ~,
"crd ' liii ' d iiiii""rdii , l b ,' "‘ ii i t .'„„ tid ,`,., ” any ono 01 the. ten Mabee which the I 01•
of b..' , ... owl,. was 1 ."^ , ... ..... go ' . -L1 1. , tad States holds by commost, and only ..0
I eery despotitan ' so d as did not belong to egther of throe
The net nma before mo not war Ileol^fOs I slams Or any indlointud owner. I mean
that the Valour w. to rotifer With Military soon b l onr ... oto . 5 .. 0 to It ,. p ,,,,,,,
111thOrtly, hot to contar On United author• oovernoustit, calm] Um Confederate Scums
Icy over ell the courts go the foam, .11 i ~.,.,,, mr .,,,,, .., may ~,,,, ho , , ,„,...‘ •
over all eilitere 01 the ntwa, It„ttelative, 1 "
enc., As to all other lends or terrttorY.
o""iird "d 3 " 6°1 Sn "" u '" w " I . hetber Delottolug to the elates or individ.
am , 11 .0, "/ ;M..% O r " . ""g" . '". "'" ".". i non, the laderai Coveromenl has
"d "c"" 01 "i" bi" 4"r " 10 " 1 1, ^" now no more I.l[lo or rtant to than
omits milltwrY E.0.m....1'r Pc-".i. it tall before the reheillon. Our
btu empen 3 or retie., from onlle, . 1,,,,,,, .rwsoahl, nary yards.
01. "" 1 " ” 1 " . ""' ” h " . " br b""t" Lemont hone. and other Ynicral property,
duties and °samba at ullicill rawer., 'LT snuated In theft ntatca, sa o now bold, not
cul l or person holdogg or proteming e. by the title nt conqueror. but Or an old
road or was teem any clod or tall teary orrice
~,... • tle, acquired by porehme, or condeturin•
In melt silsrr: st. under any Pavfer• mono-, Lion for Ruble, use. 5 11.3 mentimusetioc I.
oi antMintment derived fn :o or granted by rormer osrnere W. have not conquered
I nr tialmed under any so celled :late 02 the , tor . piorro, list. empty rrproroo , 50, ,. ,
governlagent theronf, or Loy manicltne Or it too rumba mum 010401 ter form, CilsisOM
"ths r 1^1^1b1 "" ^b..^ " ... " A " c " c I '2'l , bows., or other potato ova, we meat act
hitherto all this Thlpt: tments or the 1.0,10“.. qnlre the title trs them by porches.° or ap•
(sm. rnment. tonne in e um grt or moungto
~ proprianon In moonier mode. At title nto.
I ly, Lava not Canal to °rem- I w% is hare -- MOM the Called Mut., in tip nniumitiou•
tem gird tn I, courerred Oil a 8.11107.10,115 tr or
0,100 for nouo . o 0r . 0 ..._ r00 . .
. o„
I military *Miter. To him as a militnry MO. .
bud., ...mires title In tess stance way. Teel
• mt . of toe *adored t.orermornt is
given the ~ ewer., Courts . 111 . „ rob , b..ert, owned or
I power. aupparted 1 5- o suillcient tuilita of ' learnt bythe United -Otatne, Lm in i 'nil
~.n .' i nd e ~ i ' n , „,, i , n , ‘ "e n L i.Y ,',, i ,,',,', 1 ',E., " , r 0071,04 of the Mates. The I tilted Stator.
-Thrgi'''.ll.t.'2-1“..er5.00.121.-114-n.gler - who - To . ; 1 j i .T. i . b" ... 1 2'.. 0 . r .- th . ". ...- st a gs •., . ro c i . -9- ii ,, i ,r-, ° 1' Its
then 41010..1 the 01011 oftlaare la labor- I
ri lsrs, o , trasi7 .. ....sgr i ‘ii7 ,l .,ex . c tilr e. s.:..- a s p s o %7
1.00 to flit the catemeY by Cm ea. of la 1 ~,,, ~,,,,,,,, to th,,,,, otatea, i h emoing
°Meer or a sendlnr of anomly, or by tun ups ins roduction, of t ie lauds at it b.
pointment ot same other tiers.. This iii te . territeri .„ ie...
oat w,
mainstay °Mace. wiletlistr no Sorer , O r c itcb way of 000.701251013 In the character of
dins, te to perform donee of such
In or 1 brinetterwil etwe . , e ., w tee tteciiier w ... ty
1 person b 0 capended or removed. In other ,
~ , ii 1
y t a f o a 1 . 1 1 1 u an . ° a o r th t
. h: e . a , rl laws o,
h a r o t i I l e ; h . ;L o o s :
I words, as °nicer Or 4Oldler ot this army
I transferred into a evil 01111.00. Ile may be 1 rom dret to lest, donor; the retention and
s r ors Jude..
I ma a a 1.""""^^r. heel"' """ ' , tines the title of oath of these Mates to the
iihweyer ""f" b" may drain d "i or ' landa.ehil public buildings owned by them
such civil donee, iis . mum oboe to. order/ hu never ocen dletnrood, and not a foot of
The ottlacr,
t ' t
o n o - 's.talT,:,' is
t s n On o4ll 1 s'a".oo. : e fth nlen e a v v e a r n b' n
tal a r oo4 a 1 re Of yeothnotl Unit es ecst I n ,
b"" ^" i " 01 "‘ "00^^ "..' if "WWI "^ I and not a foot has ever beau testa under
not n a court M Owl. The other, os , ,_„, ,_,_
If detallot to act a Platt. of the ....L..... " . e
~ . y .
peace., moat oil .7 onichly es If tie. I tent neinsion, I nmet re e ve Gai1 . 1 .. .' . 1 ...,.t.. 1
tend for picket tinn,. lihnt Is Mtn char.l attention at Gongtels 1.0 ho
ter of cuLlg military ci •II ofileets , ThM inil , of one more question. wising under this
declare.. thnt ha sna il rform the deal
of Mil. It 'Mete in 11.0 mllltary t marnaudors i
the civil neon to wills he 10 dateline. It Id , Robjeet Only V/ the spa= ot trio become
clear, hot, toot% that e does not loss ids Of the Army of the I m Stowe. an tun
Position In the milita at rel. Ile Is still I limited potror to rmnovis fro , m o t lbe: any
nracer, or soldier• le le still eubject to civil or military °Moor
. a , : . ...1 . 4 .. .at 0 I t ° .
tun rubes and togni di nee whintt M. th° Snare , and ammo , r s ‘ i . er e
ee wit ,
.. ,e
rmy. and must ykld. no inspect and Wand. same approval, to: e f t ift i or
of r ho
uoifoo I
lance rowartle lilt 4U 1078, The Hearin- milituy °Meer or u
`rifer tnit N e i
, t e lt . i:r l. tr i n i
.la.cthel,lli.toligic,flimee.r.otr.o.o...l. ~,ipo.rfo.r.stq.eittiouten,:,f inra.,,i,:oril.rl,sli
cute Its donee acesural.g to the laws of the 'ln 511000 paten 50 d
Stole. If log in oppatnted • a CoVernbr i calomel's- Tito Millter foo y i d a o p f t i s o gs; g o ie f e l
. 1 . 41;11 1
he .le 10 eseento Um donee , Moult . . to Perform
e. we ,
:La r : t i t . . e t r .i . e
11 14
b t .
.1,., inn 1
. 011 . 1 d ee . r00 0 rd. 1 ti r t . to e i
r tl . a i o lur ta ..;,, ;;;It
tnir,: , 1 1
1 c uir .,,,, y c .. b .. arite m i , e i. r is lf tr . E . bo i e . u . .pe .r n o d t. c Le ill d n 6 4 1 itentits
ote, I , , ,,off t , or lo clit . .tint ro e or tn ,cfor I
~w,,,,,,,v*0t ,
t s Trgointer, ne moat at onto umlaute tee ens- I 011Icer O r t i t e ll . r i , 1.1.1‘!ten,...i
I mo.
co r o. I ,
1 Maly and disbursement - or trio rand. 01 the Il i tic, o
al 11l er II Homo, or, be le lo s ,
1 h st y t . U . t y lo r. iE r ich . oti . tharier . ehle appointment
~71ir e llint171 : 1 power than the holding of tea I States to Ids •PPolotmoof nod would I
I'eMlllittn e ga UPrlliFort:o'nt:lii'elrblouqETlTurtihy.:l4r Ibe Equational a l ofilocr of Um Unite ri
°Moo of TranyUrOr and entrusted with I seem ho Indicate, Whore Solon authority for
fundo. it happen. lin la rentdred by the ins oppointmuntity too Constitot , ll% TJ . ...., ,
Sow Merano tauter into bowl won scouritYs . POwfte or nni.wletinoul. of • 11 o dd i tee l .
and (eke an oath of tifilta, yet from the be. 1 Celd litalos, Clan of ut=,
.w is
ginning of the bill to Cho mid there i pmentind for in the 7 el i 1
b o ~ I I
y Condor Oath Of °glee, ' In the Po:Widens, by and w t it a n v cepa.
I 'o'r'fgrPorgelonanilt7rnitatilticatton required 11 0- , croment Of the !senate, with thisiesettption,
der the haute PM*, such as restllonCe.fiLl. I that Cong o re . se in may by larzegot tho . apputo o ts
'".bl°'''' ...""": ulna,
m-e-4"t i
s tht Prt=Lllonli:Tn i tliti jc l t , ilrit
that, provided fortu Cm ninth section, by I proper n
the terms of which every Ono detailed or of lOW, oyn t ..,,....
......... d
1.. I
oppettnted to any Monad!. in this now to, this bill. J ,,, tp w
m.,........4. 1 ,..,.....
related totakellie oath of Olfidhprenrlini f . E t iLi e nt . i .n e n e l „ we. a
, 1 . not provide - for thelruppoint•
i s hy mir, f T " i rr ,o t a, " t r a gar w or th ilo U :rn il l ' y i mem by
b illo h l e ..r . sa . l o .l2n . t e r . l . o rt u m o,..or t b . y e cairt yl elf
Of rho United Mates, detailed to 1111101 yd law, Or I
j o i ro ,. p . O t lii . [Er ..ii te .. l u ti ... a p.u s p u alo r x l
' l . " 4 . ' z i t :l ; h:e i e n cri y ra.e .
thie ta. o r
tolEn°7l,Tinc'd l ' alr ' e r a th n " o t ii B file ' in o ffi ath Ve" lo n rlge fU r e ter l'i . '
Iform.. of his new duties, but 'Pa civil O. • - iii, of the bill lel equally opposed to
Mtg. of Me Mato only takes tho name Dom? e _ . e
... 0
oath which Ito halt already token as a mill. the tAmetautio • Take
',inform the onloo or
l i to m r4 o . o .. ea tu r 0 , 1
e, t h %Ili taitll r.
p S e t r e i t o rat uo . LI; I c sat i t i 1
.duties, mut ttin authority under sedan IM J .. .111 , t1 r
j e . a l.t. l77o:o 4 s . th e t :ce eper ti Stl e t . r4 i1 . 11 ( 11
O n h e o su ,, , Lld i t o o ,
vents CauetttattOri
time le Y•wieMi nutl.ritY °nil% unglthu Ines, 1 where li_th . e s w illt e et ee rl , t ie Y . l.O le t.: .. fo u th . od u lti or tr4
1 2
b ra y s:c o l
o t 4...T 0 n y ; as:
1 : 0 1.t: , 1 go' rit , l f
ti ti o : rf , I
dr."l"3 rho
gp"rindent °"b°
I Ix" ,au deolded by tbo aupreme Court
la"cheC".".alcielneni'uernil'airlr triejeltilehliawir Inset
A rthguldr "W"'"'Unn
" rtinitod Mat. that the acts of tan.
soporout , hate. Congress declare, 'of th
veld. have attempted to vest calico.
B"."""nr'M'nts W ' ''''''" It in the Judicial Combs, or
be Illogal governwante, and then r i rOvldee lire 1
thatr. i 4 tho u
t ' by ' " •Irtirr X toerf o . a• r i ' ci tO b e liar-''r j r.7:n tt O ra t. ti t: 3 l l:4 tl; J t rr 1 21 ' g i rl Ttic 7 M ol E. l .f7 " : l7l,: li.
form tea very dente in:MO;(4 on its own
or Martine Of tar Caned Mate.
..offi r Oo t.l rilby y
.itin.teleilbolege.4l, It , tigoilniteleo
:Ir a ;tn y tlia i r b el= e ff g , g , l , l f l f e i s o r .
gross .10,14 attempt to arty
" l a IV"'
I mot
are nnt Intim military Or naval morale. I
Mate gOvernment by the eiliormY or [ t o a wa w i t ~,..,,,,,, rey 0001000 con.
urea" attempts to anstaln. to carry 04 111
v.or .
~, .
p.r ,.. 7
g 4 Stain
'' "brubumth by " um " "4 " .°1 141 on h j igh.:/% Taw ofg r lfe layx,r.d.l..
705MM° btnin" fid"
C 05,... I rgCtr ai s cannot fop:tiro Plato officer, mecum
the tooth toot eloyebth sections Of the bat, an
r. . o . , .._ .... tr„
1 0 Cute emineetitin I must c 111 attention tO 110w..onn...tCoi.ontieregethoeinthcon.
which provide that. none of Um oflicerti or pello,
. ppoirito .,, o f thee e wilitory commander. r t i e '. 11 ,,,,, jedicial anthorlty nutter Um
shall he bound in his %Minn by _en opinion a ey air .
wwww ., new
of aoh II otlicarof the United metre, and United striae
th..ituallthilimpr..ov4M.otrtoothoef t h e
~ ..terlltie co by nttar ew al e P t hr rad ^ A e r, , ,t " "h e i th L h t r iar h i i a &l l. 2 . e .
touts thereof may bo folly and peritally °Moor or toe
tarried out.
1, w , b ,,,.. c o ,,,...ehttposeri thishlll might Torn. rheas cOnelderatiOni aro , eoneln.
require construction, and they, Warta...a, of the bill Ware Mii, and e f , tairo tIY tom
applied this rule , g lut where le the con- mend their consldarataun toll auucarate .
rive ot the lantiOnstitUtionMitY of this Part .
structiOn JO come from[ Certainly 110 ona
than &year the legs
vim:, porooro. OM Moat ImPf2fL",_ i t' . •nin 5110 Executive Department of the poyern.
'itridbnior'o'r more
'onll'orrtdoaftaTle'rr'forTe'lvTl'n'trt. I i t : W : t ri b l o t t r % ,: dr o 4 fo rc r orir.„- „,,,„.p,ed. ~,p
011th LIMO 111100 Of widen ne m nOmpaber ' 5t ,,,,,,,, of ~omo of 15s essontlal pbwera Tho
uninmillar. This bill anis he elan not be I L„.,,,,,,, t i 0a arid the oath tin:raided In It
bound in hie actual by tha oparetion 01 otaY I Juror. on the PriMillelat Um power MICI
c . i t yli b o o fil o ce w.. r or e. tls . l7Ll , duty to .0 that the isenl are faithfully ore
irttatg,o,ttlh. I:f h b:lel: 1 .w. muted. Thu lanotitutionlnOrder to oirrY
bet askofor obodliniao, ha *Mt only Wk to" 1 out thle,howover, glace hint thcr chola° of
°woo,. of 'cmbos mummy °Maar, wno, agent., and makes. them subject to his
PerhaPe. Uniform-and, as little Of Isla iltitatie co ot t . t o wbo .. wwwetee , het w the
~, h o oo tw uthiself. wed. to 010 gallon hob non of Mama laws the °Orientational Obli
mmwerabla to the oillitary - antrunirr• gallon upon the PosldwO renetous, Mut
and the Military isutherlty alone. folletlY the power to exacts° that otmstitntional
~ <Maan of any civil . Meer, other than a Oozy 5, offoomLli, un a,„ „ La .., Tao min .
adlllita. hae • binding incest, but tea. Mill• tory commander is,. to the power of oln
tanrapprdatees would not be bound oyso polntment, Marie to take the place of the
by • judicial
They ailed Very' Preoldent,lMO the bleomal On ...Mal M.
well My. even when their action tab:taxi- pl.. of the Senate, ho r i b, o t,„
diet with the !supremo Coati dr the United tempt of She Y11+114014 tel leeeft,
GK. A. M.
Tits Presioenn; Reasons far Disap . -
proting tile ouOpteraentary Re
construction Hi,
Threat Not to Execute the Law.
115 Te.lte.ree, 1 ..e llttltatrela tiatette.;
lerrlewrox, July le,
A tee,-,t,e was ereolutel teem the Ilona.
ennounelng the mile., of Witte:Nive. We
'ell of the eenat' further opened e•leul
lot. In Ito District of Columbia
Tho House rraoluticit directing the seer.
tart' 01 the Treasury to withhold payment
on yertewie notion claim. 441.iudienten in the
Coon of Claims milli further orrecred by
c.ongr.s... nes taken up.
reendln4 It 4 noiwidnrutlou the Senate want
Into ex. nett*, *newton.
tip }Se Joint remeattou for the
ezle.n.fon of wall steatilohtp *elate.,
tweet Jacob wit Clit. by the latiotlnettrm
of .Idltlsmal tey,ele wILIIOCIL lacrtworot
p: one. was
Mr. 11f N MR:ION Introduced a plat re.
wtatioe pomlng Mooned militia on art
; looting with other troobs to boob
- &c. TOIL re.I,3IYLIOO psa , ted at 1.1
o,yolon by both Minties, bakfalled to reach
Precblerst la time. Itrlerred to Military
Mr, hi:40411, from Committeecot Toro
oleo reported • GIRL M.OlllllOll
expr...,lVe of olmpo&Liy writ the
t oaufforlog
of eietc, threCtltilir the ricolocia •
eimm eerie A Copy Of the Rowlett.. to
too troveromentacf Puree
Tile &MAIO .brieltbrol cOraratiti . icatlos
from the ! , ..e.reLary of the Trwistiry, in re.
*pouf., IQ a I,seintlOP sOcther
coy locioloilim vi'At Peetsilisr, LO elpetilltu
. V.) Of Onlend on the
Tor toned ahem dm.. to the getrato bill,
' feeler even. equal rut.* lu the D.-
. trim. of Columbia, •as commit. In. with
ait unaculment authorizing the Camino.
Coon to drew grand and patitHirOra for the
term of to. court
Aster tectw lir. et' UNE it Introduotal
but to ...Ike not the ;won. "free while
perm ne liana the Natoralloationlaws of
H. United State. wherattr they occur
kir. Mkt. he raceli r ml - a letter
from Nerfolt, ntactuaJlen ease of foreign
burn teemed per... who could not be hat
; oreitts.l ureter the laws an they mend.
L3.1..N while savof t or the
prorsoettota,thoeght the bill *urea to we
xam:m.l by too Judiciary Committee,
Inil moved 11,Tetopetire to the Committee.
t was reforreil.
The Seipito went into Connotive Seaslon.
Tim door! were t.tletleil at
etnntounination Irma the Secretary of
War In lett...Mae to a resolution little MOIR
legillatloa was necessary toeipeinto the
him nem; of bounties, wt. Said before the
nenats, and orderer' to be MO upon the
table, with the report Of tile l'etyptaster
lionnrnlacuocuponthig It: al., a communt•
Cotton trots the Itroshletit. littoforetten 10 •
re...0./tow oitillita for information In re
gaol tn recent events In Alexi.. Referred
to Con n - MUM on Foreign Relations.
allEtillaN suggested too Mortal.
of ..JOuth Mont be Ma. Op end illsooaed of.
; Miler ZTO a n5.t0.171118 n11.1.1,0111t0 Or,. {T.
Ale. SCSISER thought it better to boar
I 0 tlettago read knit,
Sir JOUNION called for the readmirof
the me.eago oind it wan read..
Hr. Ts:CHI/HU. said the ertrhordlhary
pica ion ha that messag e
had as I
think loriefenalido positions, might. wall
rah tor truly. I think moot of the pool
' d e nt mooch. in, and nil of them 60 far us
aro known, tit:hying thu authority of Coo.
' gram to pais this huh ore mclefetilible. Unt
; mere it n ludispoeltlon In the Senate to
note occupied with this tilanetalon.
If it hothe yleaottre Of the lionitte to vow
mils it at dune, oh. forego toy re
mrl. that hudor other eletilltiletancra
I thould fret Mello. toato. if . It
,uo nu pleashro of th e Senate will data..
(Cries of "quentlon" !nom several Mena
i tort]
Thu Choir pot the cionattan,"Sholl the
hilt pant, the V realdecit't objectiOns holm Itio
standing 1"
foss—koesre. Anthony, Cotten. Chand
ler, Conk ling, Crag., kid t 0..., Ymitonden,
Tenter, areitogehiracct, lirlinne, Harlan.
Henderson, {lowa.. HMV. lot
Olaine,) Nye, Pattoreon, tor ' New /lamp.
l'ehlro,i Pomeroy, Itatusey, ilono. Sestina*,
I Somme . , Thayer. Tipton, Trumbull, tau
winkle, Mule. WilleY. Wilson and Yates
(ILl:=l r ottl= r ttr ' Pgl:;ggr4l
The CUAiR onnouneed that too hill, hat.
tug been Over the thin by vote of
LW...third,. or ono. 1100110, n lan%
Tne Appropriation 1,111 anti the rota wero
the hem. taken tip. The bill was pa..
without Jobe. ..or the votot-yem, thirty
two, noon, t u ne.
.1011.nntIN, who voted negative on
the lib, WA" voted to the ■otrtnativu In
MI, Iho [Legally. .ere Jlensre.iinckalelv,
Danis, flown - iota and P...tterson.
qtrarrion or • /.1. OE 6111(ENT. •
SilltalitaSt called up thy Haute roo
m rout resolution /or roljournruont, raw
utuvod sohntantlally for it, as followe: That
the Pre/odium of tbo Sonata and SPdaaor or
tan Houle ohall hall their trap/cure
/Waco% on &aunts). July :Nth, until the
and Manful In [loco/abbr.
sUSIS It moved to strike out sand
Maccloy tu, IleceirDAD - ,D ADD ..Nrst
WeIrmANIA7 lu liTtober."
04.ArDNAD AND NUN race/Purr.
• Air. eV!! SI tit said one of two things most
be done. Either the President must be re-
moved nom the chair he oecuolell,Or Con
gress midst continue maket session
In Watch Olin. When I hat instalment
1 matte it with the full Sense of my respells.
elbilay an a iiimator, - knowing well what
may comb hannamr, and what dation
may devolve upon tom but as a Senator of
the united Status.l doom it my duty to
make 10111 public declaration, that Irony do
What 1 ten to put my lisisotlates on Melt.
nuartlimitt to remind the country of what,'
lit my opinion, le the duty of the hour. It le
for another breach of the goveroMent to
late such proceedings as they may think
proper, in orderlo ,Call thu Itroshlnnt. to
ludo moot. it is for rs,should they LOW them
proecenince, to enter upon judgment. Until
Thou, it Is the duty of every Senator to ex.
pre,. Ins mind freely with • regard to the
, conduct of the President. S i , duty that
may eUVeriVe open nil In tile !Ulla° can eon
-1 arum us now •peaklag !alerted. Y odor the
respoumbility of tole hour, 1 still say that,
In my opinion,. Congress ought to ie.
I move this inanthbent from °MO, or sit
. bore constantly in their emu to watch anti
1 onnUtentet Olin. It 1s InManett he is still
iPresident that 1 insist you shall Ili here in
I order to do what you ems to neutralize the
1 mitteller Ivnlish pretends from Olin, which
1 We 01.1,0 MUGU to banned molt pniceml
teem him so lung at lie continuos In power.
Inn tlits reason, which 1 have very Mai
ply and very briefly mount, 1 hope
the rosolution of tile donator flout
Ohio will not be adopted. If I could bate
my way, Coop rem, Would_ not luovo their
boats. Toey tittoUlti stay hero as gnard to
the tionstltullon. 00 P. constatmlary loran
tor the Union men throughout the rebel
States; hut It la prom:Nat NJ go home and
uttanduit thot a Union moo ,a Prey to too
Plesident. "
The 4ensta 0111,to establish peace With
certain hostile Indian tribes, wee ordered
to bo printed. •
X sCsatir IraOtt rear. itimineXT•
The Speaker presented • MmeniteXlP 3 M l
the President. in answer to reeolula Ts of
the llousc, to the following sobjeots
In reference to um capture and execution .
of Idallnallan, and arrest and re,. ported
execution of Santa Anna in Mexico.
Deterred to the Callttnlttee on Foreign
As to what 4tates have ratified the C 0127
attiLUlSOpta Ainendment. lifsierred
Judiciary Comnintee.
The correspondence • With Ix-
Campbell of Heaton, arid his
en lia.
tarred to CoMutittee On Ferehfn aff N•
in reference to•cartelei argrownneri
M have Van entered Into beterrien
t;o11.0.3 nista, Unmoor , and Weed Virginia
Land and Wang Company, and certain re.
poled Witte of the Hermetic , of Xemico.
/Warred Ca COMM/tee
04 receipt Affilre.
The ntlftithl.l hat of prrao hn pardoned
for rebellion. Iter,rrell to Jndlclyry COLO
The copy of (no treaty between the rei
t. staten and Emperor of Emote. for the
cesslou Of Meet, Amere.. Referred to
Committee on Foreign AdOry.
Thu copy 01 We Convention between the
Eidtptelatml and nod I oneancon, tor aft.
fustment of Claim. Of gotta,. of the Eel.
ed Htface azaln 41 the lioyeehment of that
country. Ileferred to ,ocuellttcn Oh For.
ago Again..
AltV 11.X. , .3.1.1,10N HILL.
The SPEAKER thou eubniltted the Mes
sage of the ProsPlent vetoing. the Supple.
nwntury Itee tnetruction bill, w bleb wee
reed hy the Glees. ae Oro the Irdwatge
satire be author pups+
The reading of the veto having been enn•
enaled. Mr. STEVESS . , of Pennsylvania.
rose and said he wan theft:wed to heves Vete
on the ouertition nt once. Ito area not aware
that there Wt. ally,llamitaltion Mama%
and preallMed the Wales was prepared to
vote on the 1.50 moots of the President. II
there WIL, not Stlea • a„'dealre, be din tint
know but a few moments might be very well
anent In that may.
A general desire was rannifeated on the
teptibilean aide for a vote at once.
A debate ensued,. Attlee A per.
tielnal Ist Mt:nit,. Ito Ti' Li .. e 'WT.
1.E.11, 11A Si Ho Ysal, sTE frit., of
'Nt rises canto, lir (Lid AU, of .Ite moy Ira
eias l lhl ' VN and tf I L.ori. The lionise
Oren, at four rectswir. proceeded to rote on
the bill, end It se ..e Itasca by a cons titutiOns
al twodnlrste I .3
On tontine of tie. ltl IiNES the Secretary
of the Trebtery aims directed to furnish a
'momenta( the torments received In the
different colsoctlem districts from distilled
• so'slotss for the beret - AI penal years-slush
Irshli and for the impetrate quartet - a of the
iseetl.sial poses° far to reentered; al., tee
amount or expendltorer on the part of the
goyeremnnt for porestoting • offense.
against tintless; alsn the quantity of whisky
seized, and the amount net IV 11.1
eaten( bpi tits end Mr tines.
elr. rirereel a rasoltstiOn Rl Ping a
eronflnent place in too National Capitol s or
old 11011 or the Muse of lisprusenuttleer,
for a alone from the tomb or Sex - vies Tele
' lids, cent here es 3 tar ego by the 1,00910 of
llonot to riononembrato the tartness of Ahrite
ham Lincoln. Adopted.
tideAscalon of Mr. 111; rLER, the Comtrat
ace Or( Iltu A•stselnattnn Of the Ps - tablet:it
WAS alitherizeil to rendact the Invest*.
then bP sabstommittees and at smell places
tmay he bout - entrant, 'with authooty to
lndooter sotto..
315i1.11:1;01.If staid leave to (gTer a pre
anal ressOlut.a 'resitting. rumor
-04 t frauds nail speculations are beteg
Oonamlldoll in the Orrice of too Paymaster
General, and authorirdeg aup.slettneet
Of a canurnlttos eve to Investigate the
amino xs of the Paymaster Getters-Pa office
and all tranaseetloon coarser:led w ith the de
Objection Wing made the rttles were Miss
;seeded, and the resolution sleeted•
on motion of Sir. W A !ALM UNE. the Se.
lest Conlmittte on Soldiers llentity Claims
tree antherlzet to Mitotic Into the cameo of
dotay ton pertness?. of bounties, ultb
poser to ad examine et itneases and bead ford
pensions A toners.
Ear• t aat 11 YLIS interest A restantion
re Ong tbe beenctary 01 the Treasury to
tail,en:me:mon she I.ete end reasserts en :
rts an order. mad. on this Ti of 31arelt,
hy tlic tOuttnlesloner of Internal lie, •
exempt n;; Coo.W. Thomas from the
payment ol sees-sal tax or ether duty on
se hat to pretended Vs charitable enteirs
prise Ile stennuae..l Ito sebente pretend
ing to to. for the Atilt ( et the Southern poor
as a cheat and se "'Ms tt1.301171.1. Was
adopted ;
fir. offered Aptreobbln and testa
este, teem., that bee t tialttalte be I
ea ,• 4 to the crops roe: alter prnpes ty
0 0 Oat Xlirrladttlel soil Its tot pantiles, vane
ed to the stectroollibt of the levee: idiot ap- I
esi, for boyersonent old are beteg elade
by ins tonahltant. Cr Fonlo of the Straits
I.t. ly la ref union that it In the drain, or
Crearre , teat all iscraens in the eousttre
shalt rese-lec their pot sbare of teethe pre.
tesittn 3 soul fostering CAI . , and that -Cons
CI e.t tooe. e all solicitation . for'
{ball O•lizn to tbet thevernmeati
that neither Siongress nor the lot.
Al people of toe enontry desire
to althossid (rote any portion of the in hal.-
itaeta auy rights or Penedos to which all
fetal citizens Me efs ti :lee; abil.liclarra that
betours desires lannedlato restoration by
Pill and perfect return to allegiance of
all the states lately le retteillotsi and that
as Aeon as -shop sewd trite and in/del:bed
Unlott been to Congress they Asti be adnidt•
ted to tall conttne nton la lbe Government
awl no too beneets of isgislat ion. Ideferred
LW the tiononsto n int ilecoostracstoo.
31r.TIANKs.frOun the Coretnittee on itoles.
made Ati adverse. report on tee resohillon
for the skinuentoselit of A tanneett
ten en Internal lies eines, It L e s. vas laidens
the tante.
Ste. 110 th. reported back favontley tee
rernaritlon for tile sterelelMoll% Of la antel•
eu Eantql:Aba.
Ste 11.5FEC oppental Iles the ground that
there idreade ma, a haunting Committee
ors Edstentina and ...IN,
Mr.liatillaexelainest that Om Cadres max
far .11xItle this., (13
The (4. vOlittlOß Oat reject,: by re yeas
tamest tonay.
:Hy Seirartphto th. Vutitiorrti Curtto.)
It da illr 0000, July •19.
N 021121.0,10, rinIICCXI. ANTI RIIJRCTZD.
Atom, the orinkrntiti tong liy thrthottnito to.
day wore Isaac Uttar.. liovernor of litotai;
John A. Cirghoro. IZeithiter Land °Moo,
Stout City, Iowa: Prank COann.oi Pelto.3l.
cools. Private ea...entry to tho Protlitant,
tOshin patonir. •
PoottriaNtoo.-111.1. P. Irwin. Worolt.lock,
Illinols;Jas7 P. Railer, itrioyruit Ohio; Frank
P. MCI., Jouction Cll7. haniooi; Cron.. 11.
litokAtai,Jormeyrllle,llllools;Jai. l) .Wlatrh
• .
Arnong the tvieetlOns were:
Fortubtstvrs—las , M. Nlnflue, Findley.
Ohio; Wm. It. llowlerln,Jstrersonvllferloul.:
Howl, 1n.1.• T. 11. beetFlN
ItloonategtOtt, Anttruar J. ticker. :fey.
Ismer, lud.
AN...0 of Internal Illevenue—humuel.lL
0000. 04 Dtstrlct.lll.l.
eurveror of lfustatos—Jcooph Met'onnell,
meeefrers of ruble: Itoner —Edw.4 It.
McPburson, Booncelllo , MO; Thoi. Lenox,
!MILO, 110.
The ernete continued • forge number of
! annr notelnationr, fnelefltng rtelnates of
the 14111Inry .traoletne. till to o t odW to
I be Brevet lister flencr•lr Irf volunteer
orcer F. Mont.!, Chsv. W.llOl, Mar.
sltsl F. Money. 110r0thr u. nfekle. Ellshs.
Marshall. :, Maury M. liOS5, sad
1. M. reek.
l en bo n i xa.dis tTen of - e C le r l u i r u t l Mu t r a d r e ri rd
'Sway aupriven.
Nine Foal. July IY—The Berard's I.,ar•
ennerth.sprelal say.. A train wa. captur
ed Inn Sunday, urn,' Fort larne•l, by the
Indians. Milled Laney, ton priest. and eli
Sliders or Charity. erratum., .1 the train.
en route to Santa Fe. The mon Were killed,
Map. and ••hookingly mutilated. and the
females carried many captives. •
New York Convention
(Special Corr 4.ll.ftee rittentr,h ti tttt to.l
A.A., July lb —Th. C01:m00n...1
Convcomon today took up the resolution
doelarinq persons of African descent oral.
tied to the woo rights and lintatioltlee lu
persons of Nuropeon deoeent. An amend-
Mont that all tit:cottonsae to submitting this
or any part 01 tho Conalltni lon Wowed by
this • Co.c.lon OA repatate queotton to
the people. he dotocreit unlit the wholo
COnstltutlon to framed, was adopted. rho
rt901.1:311 thou amended. W. adopted
by a rots of Si atioloot 11. Thu alma out.
jest had been moonily obtratod for two or
Owes days pool.
Regatta—Walter Brawn, the Chant
peen. noes. Afloat Time.
E By Telegraph to the l'lttsba rglt ()vette.]
ommocaran, Dims" inly
Brown. champion 01 America. his
shell boat three mike annalist time. =Mm
pliihnet the illstanee In twentptitree min
ute*. The Tale error Wen the Freshman
rams of three miles In 17:10.1. The
Harvard crew coming In In UM:. The
Llarverd crow, In the unlvermilty race, Wen
the prize...nocomplishinif three mulles In
helnp the Ift.L. time on reenpl. The
Vale crew mime in In
Letter from Gen. Niceties.
(Hy Telosraph to the Pittsburgh timette.i
CIIMIL.T.. J 19.4;unural Sickles has
Written a letter t on merchant la this ci t y,
In reply to inquiries made by certain for
eigners and uorthern capitalists, In Which
he says all advances of money, subsisbums,
implements and fertilisers, fir *Map the
agricultural pursuits of the people shall be
hroteuted under the 117.111.111 R 10, 7 11. which
ave provided the most elfelont remedies
In such oases for labor' performed In the
prOrloctlon of crops.
'ase dell nt Inalepopnlin.
(By Telegiaph to the rltt•buroh tleaettc•7
laMale•retal., July m.—rho base ball
gable between the Nett lezutt Club, of Wan
told told MaLenten, ille,teru, et tell city, to
oolteu le the Jorual of th e latter—eau
tired and air to t
Mater Telemmsln.
illy TrMemel& to Vet } lueberen Gazette ,
Mements, July 19.—Itteer falling.
Lott tivi x.x.c, July 19 —Tito lifer le
with th ree to o t ton jetties in the canal.
Trial—Court in MeCret Plena - pit.
Telegraph to theYlttaburgh ansulle.)
WAsulttolOX, July
Is.—No evidence of
Importance was cileited to-day. Macre
was a occult 6016100 Of Um Court.
Hearing . Restored In Flee Minute..
When I applied to Dr. Ahern, al erroth
field street,thin morning. I baturdaY,
1111,1 15110 60 dear in my right car that I
could not bear My watch tick when I area
sod against It, and bad been sorer yeah.
live minutes time b 6 restored my hearing.
Now I can hear me watch tick at a distance
of eigut tuchoa. This I coueiolhe a remark-
aide 0000, • T. L. AA116,11 0110 ,
/0602.011.0 C0110.6t0/,
162hllosidenee, Red Dank, Clarion CO.. v.
, I:m., corner of Danearr
d Davie streets, Can %Entity tO th..boTo
Ataterutod. -
cit.& bge ul Age.... 1,
How Tani, July 0.113F7,—We hereby notify i
the public of I'lltabitrytt MO viehdlY. that
wells,. tranalerred the age.3.9.for thoaale
of dor Moos from Ilessre. Hoffman, Hoe..
f 4 Ho,. to Hy. . C. Mellor, No. al Wood
, t. Mr. hellos will furnish our pianos
' the sante price they are sold at our were.
.: Reknit 4 Baal.
loom the above the publto 101 l know
hat hereafter 11m Decker 4 llnYa., plant*
ere only to be toned at C. C. Mellora ware.
owns. Tomos dealrlng to Dunham, II Ana
see Plano ebould not tall to examine the
wend •
FOUIItIi PAGE.—Thefultrillnd mod
Ide Money, op Emil Produce Market Report', :
pion, by any paper In Lie city, wilt Gelman(
on our Aura. Puge.
I.""na , A —AIIeCTI 15""d
Conialegle.ter COOK 11.
'Whore United Staten tiommln-loner S.C.
McCanill.e, yesterday. a henries wan had
in the cane of a man newel William Joh 11-
.I.on, charged with dealing 10 counterfeit
fractional currency. JohtistOn Ii well op
In years, is represented to be very wealthy,
and la a livery stable keeper in Altoona,
Blair county. His rated. was secured by
Captain Franklin, of. Palladelobla, 0 nein
live of the Secret Division of the United
States Treasury Department. It Is repit -
seeded that Johnston has been for. a utito•
bar of yearn one of the leading counterfeit.
era In the Western Dietrich. of PentisSiva
01a, and ono of, the prinelpal circulator. of
counterteit money along tile nee of the
Penneyivania Central Dmlrmid. ihroeuh
which InstroMentality he ii said to
have acquired bin- wealth. Theta, It
teem, . his VIIIIiII3OUs career
has been brongtit to an nneSpcuted, and, It I, but Just to say, 1
through thedirectissortions of Capt. F r*ok• 1
tin, wllO, In Ili oporatlonA throughout the
Mato, 14 known en thc Invetcrule eon rnY oI
orMnterfeltem manpit 'alum' I.e has twee
anco•celtil In weeding eut of two common'.
ty. Ills efforts 'hare been bent mainly' to'
entrapping principals In Ito , tonOnesy. the
apprehenston di one et whom Is of Morn
Importance th II a score of Lilo, Sr no eye
late In small eV. .
- 'At the beetle of Johmon, Cart. F.nti•
testified th t on the 10th of April met,
at Altoona, he p rchased (rote blotter roily
dollars one bun red bell ninety-time theme
of fractional co ...Yoe, the demenin arine
of fifty cants, a (I that nt the tame of this
transaction hen team that sometime during
the rollowlng to stn of stay-he expected to
have on hand ne counterfeit...fives, The
tractional curr cy purchased from John
son was extutil , being of the bettercxe•
noted di/script' , well calculated to de.
At tits concha of the hearmit the Com.
mublioner said leoutd require fileaccus
ed to give ball I be sum or ton thousand
dollar. for ni• pnearanee at the Angtlet
'term of the V
, reil !Mates Court. Joelah
Cohen, Lert., onsel for .1 he prisoner.
thought the bat excemtve. Uttlisal States
Dietrict Ails. Carnahan said Jutign
McCandless mg red heavy ball to be taken
In cases where t '.re .so . probabln Oaten to
believe the par - arrested a dealer In
onnuterfelt money, met the Commissioner
stated It wee in accordance with Ws re
quirement that be nand Ina bell at the
amount. 'tatted. believing there was Prole.
Me cause to consider Johnidon a cheater."
Being wealthy, JOhneton produced the re
ued amount. of security for hie appear .
Idea for trial, and was released teem cus
Flre oo Wood NVtet
A lire occurred at No. ill WAS street, be
tween First and Second, abriaft four o'clocti
yesterday. Tan alarm wu'Aunded from
box N 0.7. and lea short time, he steamers
were on the ground at work. The building, ,
which is a three story brick, is °menial Ili
ne u ral. lligby, dealer to etilna, atass, and
queensware. The third story wee need no
• wareroom, and In It were stored about ,
arty crates of ware, also a consummate 1
pile of rubbish, loess straw. Ac., In which
the tiro originated, and was communiCiii ,
ed to the straw In the crater. There sad
i been no lire to the building for Mr. weeks, 1
and Nir.lllgbf informs lie that no one has ,
I been In the third story for eeverardsys , and
Ibow the ride originated remains a
myetery, unless it arore from the due Of an
1 tlj,,ollorlof...oo4l.l4o4.ifiLtlize....tborradnono!oty. i
tend beyond the erste* of dish., hot the I
honer, Is considerably IninrYd by the 11. 04
i of water poured Into It. Tee total ins. i
r‘...".1 fa tntl '' y a : ed rZ o by " = " l:Am d t i I r tie: I
Continental and kleirop - Man compant..
i trhe",l;:n t g`rn m er :I'.°`;,:f.'l°J.t7ra,:,',ll 7 . ( i i gi.
Ivel7l7lTnet`7" h a t "n"!Vl te...1.d..0V1t:11 , : , ; 1
wtodoirs. After the arrlyal of 100 Craw. ,
his Hook and, budder Company. of Alto.
1.a1m01, , t n i v a.l . !odder wes,rif t l o ;: ,, P ;11.1...t.
lade lt too wet for the Dec in lout region.
An lecident occurred during the Are welch
we feared wed! ing to terminate inn net..
. bet , fortdnate, it panned off as a foto:
, Wing. the Duipieene boye were in the win.
I dune, some one of the companies who were
operating Imm below eteldentatly turned
' ; their etream on them. and atter it hail been
repeated several times, John Liston', who
hail the pipe. turned It on the crowd below.
when all three of the streams were torerd
on the. wlmiews. musing the livitsesne
M10j• 10 clO .1111.1 whale said to Jonah, '4lO
In out Of the wet."
Friday forenoon Coroner Clawson held an
inquest on the dead body of henry C. Wit
ter, deputy collector of the drat sub-division
of the Zel District, et which the following
facts were elicitedt Deceased had arranged
to be In Bake:Mown on'gridny, for the
pummels' of receiving tams, and concluded
'to sleep In the eMce, \O. a 1 Water retort,
Allegheny city, on Thursday night. Before
retiring, about twelve o'clock, he requested
Adam Melbv, private watchman In the lo
cality, to rouse him about five o:clocli In
the morning, In order that he might be in
time to te the antler stage. At the time
appointed ak Watchmen Melhir went to the
omee, but after espying at the door fOr come
time,lesied to elicit any response rind cos.
cirollog that Mr. ef Mar Tad already gotten
up, 'tamed home.. `Shortly mince eight
o'clock the Mace boy found the deceased
s lying upon • table on his side. 11. shouebt
deceased was aleeplng. sad endeavored to
arouse him, hut on touching his body foiled
lit was cold. Me then called In a relative 01
deceased, employed in a neighboring Moro,
I sad afterward. Dr. Spear, who pro
pounced life extrema, and belle's. from
; intimations that death resulted from
-1 causes. The) zry so found.
DreessOLi WASS QL Wanly-Tone year. of
I age, was unmarried. resided with has motto.
10141 two Meter., in Ategbeay, nod had Cain
In toe collector's odlco for ores tour years
Be was regarded no a very worthy young
mon, and him sudden death in the sauces ot
deep regret.
.. The Old Original Tea Name. •
We have hitherto referred to the great
difficulty expertencml by our honsekeePent
in procuring choice article. of tea and ent
ree. The trade. has, to use a vulgar ex-
Pre sit ion, been "run in the grinurid,o and all
aorta of wicked impositions have been
praCtieed on the community. by unprinci
pled dealer.. Bowever 'change hes of late
came over the Business, and honest dealer.
It to elroOt. IL reform. among
thou, waved' be permitted to erpecialis'
ention our friend, Jacob llohlrieun, who
has taken charge of the old and wall honor
N 0.20
reputationtes Ile Weal
...of the Man of the old eland
and ha. resolved MIA ft oholl afford °atom
err opportunities for the Penh... of pure
and good Wu and coffees, which. can be
amortised by no other bona of the kind to
the conistry. The finest Young IlYsoo, Old
Ilyson. imperial, Gunpowder, Boultah
Breakfast, Congos, Bentham,. Oolong.
Illack,and other celebrated brands
will be found at the most lensonnblep r ices.
the bent of green and roasted coffees,
together with sugars, somas, de., do, will
also be moult at thin establishment. We
cheerfully commend the old house under
l the charge of Ile. Aobtation to Ihe patron.
nice of our readers. knowing that they min
purchase on where else to better advantage
or procure better quallttai of teas dr
- ---
John Morrison, one kf our tate worthy
urrnsn, makes the lottouing stain:semi
nd these/ram seinen he had nearly pm-
of MI
I cheerfully make known to the public the
speedy manner m which I have recovered
from my °melee' 'tale of heel th onuer toe
treatment of_ at No. 134 Site.
held velvet. 1 have beenDr—Ahern,
ttllcted mere)
years with catarrh of the heed. which at
last affected my throat, and soon thereafver
my lungs became involved. And also this
filthy head avitothmotown
wards, destroyed the functions 01 my Mom.
Sett nod liver. - 1 was en dyspeptic., and bay
liver so deranged, that What little food /.
end eat off.ced an little nouriehment to tho
system that 1 seen-became very much re-
Mired in flesh. I wail perteMlYrm semble.
meet non
no enjoyment. What. enjoy.
Meet one MA tb at was aMlcted as I was!
I have been under the treatment ofdlr.
Aboro but those weeks, and the remarkable
chance which has taken place In thecar
acter of my disease in so ehort a tim Is
almost Incredible. al)* appetite Is fully re
stored to Its fortner newer; have Attained
Iweighs, and am still gain
Ing, and once more on the road to health,
as the emelt s of his y ou
Jo .", m o sammt, aas Dolford street.
July 17, Val.
Eey sejused—asepoliasien.
w,,,i gee dey afternoon John Hahn, seed
twelve years. residing with his parents at
B r odook , s Ffelde, whilst retnndug home
from plotting berries, walking on the track
of the Connellsville Railroad, observed •
train approaching in trout, and stepped on
the opposite track to avoid IF but thee got
In the WIIY of another train sppreiebink
behind him. Re was meek by the iewm. , "
live and foil partially under tee train, the
wheels passing over hie right arm, crush.
inn and mangling It terribly. between the
elbow and shoulder. Ile ale° received con
-. Lesion. about the head. atter being coo
coped to his home phyebilatis were sent for
and it was concluded to amputate the mat.
rued arm, the operatlou being per
Drs. Dieleson and Hamilton. of this °Dv. a.
'lvied byGore and 15cnooley,
c of
dock". • Yields. The boy II la • cal
The rnettemeas in the oil market Tee
revived the neglected basin.. of .aulDic
end the- services of the plumber and ete►m
e r a daily to know to m o r e at
for operation We know of n worth?
or experienced mechanic to recommend to
nur readers for soon work than our Weed
T. T. Ewen.; thew. known go, ateani and
water Etter. 1i0.163 Rood street.
Allegheley Wire Alerne—There will be
a seeming of Allegheny Creme/Is he
evgiothg to witness the workings of the
Fire Alerm Telegraph of that MIT. +Wei
has Deep completed and the boxee placed,
• list ot wch, with their locatlan,we gave
s former in Moe.
61.1 Iliasted.-808 th• ivivertisement
"wailer COlulan.
The undersigned will present to the Union
geptibliCan County Convention, the name
of ItresettE etrarr, Esq., of Robinson to wn•
ship, as an eminently suitable person
(or nomination as State Senator. For
many years he has been intimately Iden
tified with the interests of the City and
County, and possesses a thorough ncgnnln•
tams wlttr their re.sonmes and their tierce-.
stiles. No mm in ibis community is his
superior in knowledge of the wealth, cape
-cities and statistics of the State; nod we
are conliderit that be Is equal to any la the
tact, energy and sequaintnnce with Paths
mentary vroceedingr, so pecessary for a
successiul Legislator. Ills integrity Is un
impeachable. lu Ills hands the honor and
dignity of the Cranny will be well sustain.
ed. In politics be has always been true to
the meet faithful exposition of Republican
We therefore urge upon Itepnbllcsne In
Gore district of the County to unito with
ns in securing his nomination.
John SMJnywn, Rim Es sell warty,
U. 11. Yergemn,Chun. It Smythe,
Stephen L. Magee, . John A. rioyd,
rho, 0 Amino, Chu, V. Peck,
J. It. Newman. J. li Pslyney, "
S. Allindey, W. J. White,
Jobe Gray, Wye. 11. 'limy,.
J. U. Rohl, JO5 , . 1. Lel.
Joseph ArmetrOng: M. J.sanibert,
11. Wein,. U. B. smitbson,
J. Sias Glenn, Est,. J. Young,
.01yr Melina°, S.So3.loyer, Jr..
' w tn. Shore, • It. W. Wilson,
11. cooper, Km.o McClurg,
w. A Herron, ' T. ff. Colltur.
J. 11. heed, Joseph Craig,
A. iiiisna, J. A. Unhinge.,
I: A. Siontotb,
. . . .
. .
11.,nert• .5 Sherratt. We,. W. Burohlleld,
U Stein:nor. David Cornelius, '
sv. Freeman, 1. mans a Cameron,
J. W. Birder, J. W. liner,
T. M. Milne, . .lamas Sit:ans.-or,.
F. M. Magee, .1. It. wool,
IL F sins the, Urn, It. Leech,
B. 11. Fife, .t, • J. W. Censor,
C. C. Markle; .1. 11. Oliver,
lien, Finley, Will at Hartsell,
Chas.?. Barr. , W. E. Harrison,
C. l..'oultor. J. 4. B. sooditram.
rho, H. Dane, Lewis antes.
Jams. Wattled, Ueorge M. Coale. .
a senses ..5 Co., JOillrl J. Bess,
S. J. K.vs,./ohn B Livingston,
S. C. Critchlow, lobe Atwell,
li 11. Tower, Samuel Riddle.
ale/. Alen, Joists Brown,
William Simpson, Canspnell II Blunts,
Clark Abraham'.l. N. Davide.,
Marshall it Bros. James IL Bet:III,
• Warman d. Bra,, Samuel E. SehOyer,
1/ L. Fleming, J. O. • alskofett,
G. S. Bailors, ttnnert White.
Andrew D. Smith, D. If. Whlte,
P. llscrerren. James Monteath.
1 a B. Francis, T. A. Smith, ••
And many callers. .
Coptuln tr. X. Geddeo, no old Pitts.
burgher.. connected with the Proiost Mar.
oholio office here during the greater part of
Colonel F'oster's administration, Vino. , on
a el% it to M. friends, having arrived from
New Orleans • few day. Mace. Mr. Geddes
was engaged In bush:ten la the Cretcbut
City at the breaking out of the rebellion.
dad tieing loyal. took the first opportnnltY
to IntSe sccessiondom. riega the over
throw of the rebels. he returned to Sew Or-
Inns, resumed beanies!, and afterwordi
ossified in brecosistractlon," earning In the
capacity of Register nailer appointment
Kum General theritian, which oPPOintmeel .
1 he resigned. Just prior to stoning North.
i Sir. B endel IC warmly greeted by his
oony friends, by whom he la held In the
1 nightie: elllttill Mr Ids probity, social nasa
toes. sad an that goes to make op the true
Copt. George M. Murphy, es we observed
1 while nettle Cnotom Hue., yesterday, now
oectiplea st pest in the tams of the linked
States littrohol. The in.esmed beano.e of
i the oMen, owing to the oporat . on sit the
I Bankrupt Law, requiring more clerical es
j aulance, Ylarshal 11.0wIty called to Ole tilt
leapt. Murohy, than whom then) are few it
any more competent In Mosey wuy,to die
charge the guts. ot the poeltlon. For saying
this the Captain map regurti uses talking
fatsonse e, ly; tot not se, and In tills rOLIIIII.
1 ztly, a n latte he to eo well and Itivorobly
now ,n 0 tech Wen ,111.betaltertainctl.
The Plasm War
emin halimltteel.
lee International JorY. refined end
cetentludges, have Mennen) . classified the
Steinway pltno first and &fore the Catcher
leg. and thereby awar.led to Memra. Steins
wait the firm gold medal or merit s and the
tnand to Chlekertne, notwithstanding the
man strenuous exertions. Sy nearly all the
adherents If the old engine la Perla, to
nave the ramps arranged alphabetically
which the huh: emtesinrY we Well ee en . I. '
p. riot Commtesion refused so do, and the
mimes remelt...l in order of merit. an the
°Metal re met Of the Jury will show.
• We repeat that the notating of a ribbon—
I the Riving grade of the Logien of Llunor— •
by Mr. Clinkering. through Ingeential
blew., Intel tee Penick Geerrnment..4 ao
ti rat y persona/ and °usable nieucr, without
stokiest Lefill<Vlo/1 ulzh the outwits at the
Exposition, hot beteg rechniuteeded by ur
it levee to the Jury; and however lt may be
used as an i•iolvertlalng dodge." to make
iwohle helloes • the contrary. It will never
make the Chicketing second mote/ In order
of then* equal to the titetsvirey hest—en illss
thinly al:willed by the In teruatioual Jury.
ho-e decision mince may be rebterifevl
/burne standard of excellence.--Yetv Pork
Weekly Retina.
Who • for the put 'three years, bas had tua
Mike for the treatment and care of chronic
'diseases at 121/ Puha street, has recently
beau performing some of the mostastOund
tng cures ever recorded. We witness that
of a 111185 Fisher of Beaver county, who was
perfectly blind and sightless, end. after a
great deal of medical treatment from otter
sources. Isas entirely mitered to the fullness
of perfect vision by the treatment of, Dr. K.
In lees than three months. We have pub.
len.tni In the GAZeTTE several time* some
extraordinary cures of Musses of the ear,
amounting to • tots Ines of bearing,' which
wero cured by him. The case of Mr. Gar.
rut, cf Allegheny City, in one worthy of
especial notice, as It w. n case to which.
by the loss at the function Of hearing, the
young man forgot the power of speech.
Both the hearing and speech were restored
to him by Dr, Keyser's treatment. it la
worthyof remark that in tbe our. publish.
ed by Dr. - K. the realdetou and number of
the fiance of the perun cured is alien,
to that no a .e need be deceived who chooses to
make the proper Inquiry.
Jovele, at Reduced libelee.
To our laily Modem and others oontem.
plating buyingiewelry, watches and
ales In that lino, the,wrollsknown establish
ment of Jame:. Scott, No. Ta Liberty street,
possesses superior attraction. A large and
elegant assortment of the latest and most
fasbionatue styles of Jewelry will be found
at the most reasonable prices, as Mr. Scott
• is desirous of on. his present stock
nf 0.18 to make room for another Invoice.
Every article sold Is warrntee to prove in
wear all that It it repres e nted ut time of
sale, and readers can depend on recolvitut
Iha full worthof their money out of all
purchases made from Mr. Scott. A large
stock- of clocks of every description, goid•
and silver watches, valuable diamond sone.
Plato Pwelly. engagement rings of sand
gold. silver Mateo ware, and otter articles
peculiar to the trade c an wil
b. 10/40 wi
be fauna on hand,
from which a selection th
ease. We bespeak for Kr. Scott an inereased
share of public patronage.
Extensive Robin...S.—H. 60, "tO in,
neUdier. lodging lo the nobs , of A.
Skllt oft.
rin. 3 31 LLLLL sneet, wee robbed yestardey
Morning of dry gonds to the amount of four
hundred dollars. 'rues.... consisting lof
silk dress °atter. eta.. were taken from
the room oeuupleti,y tioltistelo, during his
Peddle upstosd business. Another
Peddler, n ) limes n
es Boen:nano, Isho
roomed with tioinstole,dloappeered at the
smee limo with the mlasinsc Brod.. whi.b
mores • susolclon that ho tbu thief. The
pollee have beOn advised Of the Matter. and
ere lo se.. of Metes.
seriously le.loreel.—Thursdayevening
abt four o'clock, a horse, attached to a
but o cher's u wave, eau away on Beaver street,
Allegheny, and when near Esplanade street
the wagon struck o boggy occupied by tie.
IneGallick, of the hianston House, ana Mr.
John Clark. The bunny Soo
overturned, and rye horse attached thereto
w ru e n r n e i d ngs tg w PO a L y fo ra
n l eltd G e t r a alklo and Cla c rk
the former sestet:deg torero 1 , 0 ,1 .. 0. "
the bead, and the latter e•CaplOC With
few pliutit. bruises. hie. Ideti. u n de r ey
to Ills home, where be now ilea med.
teal care.
The Jahade.e etteeueft.,—The
torinn of the troupe now In Our City, styles
rlushers as the uCoolie u opy of Amen.,
that le the diny ono. flemte that. the
not makes Degrees of all, 1.11.001:110
, p tn.
nOple are v.,. .500 , 1 and handsome. Ile
prowlers US& trinslstlon of hle eketeb of
the ally. which /10 B ern 011 00g00ssfng
'mrow foot. amm of the Japaneee
laognaue, wherewith to Inform and edlty
the Tyvem of,Japee, on hie return home.
Ile does not use a letrper's Claide Pooh.
Pardoner. —Gbrintan lienheld. 'rho Ea*
. er ,d ten years in the Ohio penitentlat7.
rnr n boy on the meat aide of the
screw. near Columbus. has been released.
baying received s pardon from the Gov
' Pumps Mall the modern Myles and nom.
Meting the latent patent Improvements, am
oil red tor sale at the most reaeonabln of
prices at T.T. EVene. pa, water and steam
fitting establhatment, No.llll Wood street.*
1 0. 0, V 'lima. clty ILL-A emoting
tI this Lodge will be held. by request oflle
I) I) G. IL, ibis vrtelng et 700 o'clock, at bell, In .Alleitheey. The Grand Ledge
obloers will be le attendance.
The. Jury at tne World's ExpMallon. de•
olared tbo ••Ilowoo the best bowing Maclaine
on exhibition, awarding It tEri Gold Male
and ire work ibo Bliver Medal.. That tstbe
Mannino wo would bnv. •
The Local nt the Advocate t.
know more about water throwtng on ore
molars than he attoolci. We anapeet the
party guilty of the trtok, WM the leas the
ddroote says, the better.
Oor prlrod..7. A. Roblman.lio.lo PIMt
Orr. ban un reoetved Out Of tbe largest.
and be ; n ael J rotollstolk of Tem arcs brottgLt
to ILU iruaket. •
Ilterooaciipto Views of °Manta °Chita ,
an to all the principal chins of Zan:4.mM
hetertea, at PittOCtly opposite the Post,
tate. .
. .
. . .
i,large thee% woutstahug 11111121 , E13.. COL.
CINN6 of twtarestltur reSslluietattes, Including
leidmß ltOltortsle. lateit News by Tekitspla
and. Ital. sayable Bowel. i Nutlet for the
fuottly, •td fullest and . iaost ;fellable V.I.
du end eAnamezetal. Yasket lieperu pie, bt
st 7 owes Witte etty. 30 rare:..... Mect...4.5.
Surehant should be without It.
Slnale ...... ! .
CI abs Or Ylvo
Clans ot r
rwori nettl es
--and one cony of .f.arec to-the po
ay tbe club. AOult.loon le . dub CalL balsa.
sal Lma, at club rat.. • ,
OoPor. be a.* .04 apectfy *nit .odislon
want, as we tan* sW,lsadav Edltlon nar Ott booing bat *an Mall IL week.
Aye 11.47 14 Pratt, I:zamesa, Iloaaf arolota,
0010 au . Lane.. 9.1404rept at our ris..
Address, 11AZErrir,
Flee ter Manetee ate..
A OeAtructlve are Otleurrol on Beaver
avenue, between Washington and Cheennt,
In Slaturheoter, about balf.past oh se*
o'clock lest ntobt,by which leer hellatnill
were totally deotrorrd. The dretorigM 2 . 4
In the peon. shop of air. A. Burneo, wad was
communicated to the dwelling 00d blbß
stare of 1.. Worth, on the north. to the bar-
nuts ehnp of Fri4l. Rubel, on the south, and !
to 1 stable In the rear, occupled o= 4 &
Itayner. The goods and a part oi the fun.
ulture In Worth'i house wore eared, blit the
aellOgni;,, 0111011 was (Sancti by hatanel
Feely, WM horned to the gruned.
There were hie hornet In the &Woe wbets
tt took aro; bat they Were Laken net not, r s
they heti nustalned any 1111517. The .amass
,tied paint shoos, 01 111 111010 eJltti.itd. Were
...Udall. , The Monte and p ht., t ell as.. as _
Internee), wets Owned try unrlsto.
pher (Amber. There toss seMOll Iheere.a
no Ito barrel. shop. • Men wee owned and
occluded by. Hubei. The tam is or tens!ett
at three Lbethnuid dotter,. The Are ons
ovolently the wore of au I neend.ari. it
ntlilnated In Olin rear of des ta.ttet
choP,lt' h rro t here had been no tl tor at lewd.
three months. Toe Allegheny ettednes •
were On the OrOned, but toe Or., had Wade
eel progress when they: armed. that they
could do nothing more thou Onet , ( Tn.
gore... Beg to the ad sollllllle OnhdinO , he .
id water In their 'trembly renders
W i d e
posorle.le. aed had U. ,
net been tor the water, In aomeot the eat.
tare, to Whleh,ll2o onetdon norm Nem rue,
the tire would Wove beetle great dust 111010
- -
- The Centleveret Malone.
Among the many atoll conducted first.
elan. restaurants rod eating Woe. in the
city nom:intend higher in the estimation of
the public then the 4 .Contlontrtal, •, sl t navel,
...nit dour to the Potontlee, on Flith street.' • -
It has for 11. tong tune pass been. under the ri
oarnanetnent of Mr. Wm. Itelinnelmet, the .
t4ortlalest and moat sklllext of proprietorS.
*Mk hue ever merttod and rucelven a large •
where Or public patronage. Thu WOO. II •
well arranged for the huge. , do which
ts &dewed, D-ing ISSTO. wiry Mitt ... ratty
1111.1. 100 I [maim. Ise( Prot olds atyler f
while the otmoet cleanliness preentla.\
the conning Is done In the rear of tae ralooo
great couvenleuce In thin Warm !Norther
which O ther 0 1 0001 lee dming might moat.. I
self adopt. The tables ate /03...0.'2.i 1 7 ,
suppilet with the choicest Of 11.114114/• and
delft:cier. which the markets effort!..
served Up In the. vety beet s ale of the
culinary Tue bar Is Interally goapilect
with Mos. wines and
beverages being sold. To them deelfon• a t •
recommend first class meat W s a loon.sielg
Mr. Ilultrirtimer's
Witt Best Known tools—Csnwell. Mack
& ComblnAtton. of Iroll PllolphOrll2
and'Calbetys, known . Ferro-F . 1.0110t.
tea ElLslrof Ca 11.... Toe Iron restores
color to the blood; the Pboophorns renews
waste of the nurse tissue, and am Cells:Lys
tdres A natural, I.l.lthf al lone to the dig..
Ore organs. ' •
Una Dint coot.. the Virtue of one ounce
of Calls:we nod one teumpoonful a grain of
Iron AneP h w p . ho . r A . lso th &C u O f ...Ntu w red by .
tor. sae by Aileron... s•
Of All Ina Excellent Tonle.; (Or weakly
and 111111tote.1 Invalid., commun.! u* to
dno oldlkinglidillotLied A le. W e Lave late
ly bad 00-iulion to ow. onino nf It, prncotoll
t FLKOI LNG 'S Dal/6 stogie, blue
hot atrurt. *bob co dud to bu n prinao or•
title, *doh a* we have never so. in Ws
city. Loo.vo Stoma.' /litter& for a,
and try so*. of tblo Ale sold by FT oil..
.1 our word for It you will be the solo.. •
We Sell
as boils at wholesale , •
and retail, and are, as • coltsetl••••e. •
aoleal to keep a larger and mach better as.
gonad stool - , to Sell cheaper, and give the
roods In more arcommalatlng quantities
than exclusive jobbing houses. Retail mar- •
chants ale invited 10 examine ourit stock.
J. en
Ca Market stiamt.
On Tour Way to market OM morning,
don't fall to can at No. pFifth street, and
',Rini,n the new *stock of fragrant lama
Just opened at 50.0) Filth Street, corner of
Market alley.
No Piece Item lathe City—Can better
or cheaper
Shoes,. Da morale and
everything ales in thin line, be found intim
et. the time honored store of JP..
N 6.69 Nintket street.
Deafness. Dbmharymt from the Este,
C.aterrh,. Diseases of the Eye, and ail &Coo
tie:3SMchrOnie and °Wriest° character
succumf oily trusted by Dr. Abmn, lhi
Smithfield street.
- Ever, Man his own La,wyer sal 11.341.
net,. Form o,ok. so e ouvr at r=t
ock., oppodiw Poinonica. wnnton.
W. Wm.& what we know. when we tell
our trlenalh to. all at No. 1) F,tal street. Wl'
that tea.. entrees, Woos, and anaara
Geed. cool and refreshing holier b•or rn
Araught. at Frey , . popular bolo!, NO. 4 Die.
Mood. Allegheny. . $ 3
Cold 0parkA1.0.... , neat, nt J. T
SPUlplten Drug Wool, /119. IS rod.* etrool
The New wairesinee sod all the late
Newspaper. to is. end St lloode A Gee Milers
71 Fifth. alma t, Pittslye rap, •
lbll flp.rlkll.‘ MINIM Weller lit I. T.
Bamphsh. Drug Uwe. ti 0.123 Fed..
T.• Castling Mop:ltch atatva that Mr.
Jefferana Davta>s washilur at Bout Setttla
ham, Pa.
• .
Boas Ball., Caps, Mats, Score 'nooks,
Bata, Foal rings, da, dc., at Plttock's, Ma.
posits roatalllca.
tuna want rich and fragrant Via!, go a t? ,
the Old Original Tag atom, No. r
Vim Pars Ground Spices go to No. MFllth .
street, coxper of
Maistreet, eat
MIAN•111.1.• for Atiauet, 'hie Books 15 n
p pert, at PlttoalVs, O. P. P.O. ,
• lilemember toot at the old orlgtnerTes
Stare ao damaged te.. , e Are 5:4.1. . ;. .
IT is probable that, a plot has been
conceived for the annexation of :Nexlco
to the United Butes; though we do net
place any reliance on the specials to the
New York Herald aching this matter.
But we think such t plot ought to stand
no chance of accomplishment. Already
there aro Mexican laments enough in
this country to beget carious misappre
Tr Add Menai Local 'News Oh
Third and Fourth Phlrsh.
WI/TYR.- hlden . ). •n YrtteT. .10 . 1 11th.'
We. WITTAR. In it. lith tear of tkta
The firseest wilt tale place ;Tau arrutsoo/.
at hi o flock , rim the residence of his soothers
corner Tedcral and trresw. A Leta n).
The Plaid of the /teeny tr• I toned to attend..
rOpi , ,!AA I
- - .
No. 100 Yourth street, Plitsbirgh.
COPPINP of sllkinds; UNAPIPS. tiLtiVEn. sod "
entry description of loners' Pornishiox Dods
tornisPed. goo nsopened asy sad Witt. . /1.0. 11 , -
and Caryl area tarnintind.
nrrin/SCii—Ray. 1/0•10 KM. D. D., cOet
M. W. Jnootms. norm. Cwtsi. 1t50...N0.
n Itsn.
• . XIS AND SIILIULLII6B, successor to tee
late Sunset R. &Agars, No. 99 Uhlo Banat,
throe dour. Rom Barrer. AUcchettT L 9.7. VW".
Wlia Rosawood. atahoganr, Walnut and 9.01 , 0 a
. wood Imitation Cellos, at the lowest reduced
;nices. Roma ovens% all bouts, day Ind
Hearsa and earrlssainsrldaned on abort WOMB
and on man crasonable terms.
DEKTLIEBIL Cake. 9114 Hato 111%zit,
Allegheny. )(Willie, Rasesmod Ind other Cat
on., with* eduiniete elect at Bluets' leraisnleO
goods on bend, , sed famished al, ihaissult oeUea,
at ,OWelit prices. We end Livery 01.01.4 CST.
Oct or tinny SOD XIDDLOOMENTS. Carrtagu;
Berane►os, Buggies, noddle Banes, •e.. 44;
for hire.
It T.. WRITE tr,. co 4 . 'Nom-
TAKILRS LSiD S.XBALlatftl. , Kutch..
ter. wood•. Ran mid vicinity: .t; otri Boom..
Ittanotester Livery linable. earner Elterlleld nd
Claart.ters streets. Mum. sad Oarrtaaea
p. S. STEWART Undertaker,
•^ Undertaker, Moor of MURTON said r MN! , billion.
latb Wad. Calms of ell !dads. 'leers' sod
01mile/es furnished on the eherteot nese,.
NI Pll7ll &MOLT
G° /43
• 'A ASLETT & CO.'S.
5.. gaS BXITHFULLD 5111.115. i. TOIL Taira
1111 1 1 . 810 T .1100-1•78110.
(87corseoa to acarserrox • ecorra
3=llSLA.l.allii.. XXV
Ala ISBLBTr.Br., rrrinatratim •
4. - tr.l,lr= " """"